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      1 // Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 package cc
     17 // This file contains the module types for compiling C/C++ for Android, and converts the properties
     18 // into the flags and filenames necessary to pass to the compiler.  The final creation of the rules
     19 // is handled in builder.go
     21 import (
     22 	"strconv"
     23 	"strings"
     25 	"github.com/google/blueprint"
     26 	"github.com/google/blueprint/proptools"
     28 	"android/soong/android"
     29 	"android/soong/cc/config"
     30 	"android/soong/genrule"
     31 )
     33 func init() {
     34 	android.RegisterModuleType("cc_defaults", defaultsFactory)
     36 	android.PreDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
     37 		ctx.BottomUp("link", linkageMutator).Parallel()
     38 		ctx.BottomUp("image", vendorMutator).Parallel()
     39 		ctx.BottomUp("ndk_api", ndkApiMutator).Parallel()
     40 		ctx.BottomUp("test_per_src", testPerSrcMutator).Parallel()
     41 		ctx.BottomUp("begin", beginMutator).Parallel()
     42 	})
     44 	android.PostDepsMutators(func(ctx android.RegisterMutatorsContext) {
     45 		ctx.TopDown("asan_deps", sanitizerDepsMutator(asan))
     46 		ctx.BottomUp("asan", sanitizerMutator(asan)).Parallel()
     48 		ctx.TopDown("tsan_deps", sanitizerDepsMutator(tsan))
     49 		ctx.BottomUp("tsan", sanitizerMutator(tsan)).Parallel()
     51 		ctx.BottomUp("coverage", coverageLinkingMutator).Parallel()
     52 		ctx.TopDown("vndk_deps", sabiDepsMutator)
     53 	})
     55 	pctx.Import("android/soong/cc/config")
     56 }
     58 type Deps struct {
     59 	SharedLibs, LateSharedLibs                  []string
     60 	StaticLibs, LateStaticLibs, WholeStaticLibs []string
     61 	HeaderLibs                                  []string
     63 	ReexportSharedLibHeaders, ReexportStaticLibHeaders, ReexportHeaderLibHeaders []string
     65 	ObjFiles []string
     67 	GeneratedSources []string
     68 	GeneratedHeaders []string
     70 	ReexportGeneratedHeaders []string
     72 	CrtBegin, CrtEnd string
     73 }
     75 type PathDeps struct {
     76 	// Paths to .so files
     77 	SharedLibs, LateSharedLibs android.Paths
     78 	// Paths to the dependencies to use for .so files (.so.toc files)
     79 	SharedLibsDeps, LateSharedLibsDeps android.Paths
     80 	// Paths to .a files
     81 	StaticLibs, LateStaticLibs, WholeStaticLibs android.Paths
     83 	// Paths to .o files
     84 	Objs               Objects
     85 	StaticLibObjs      Objects
     86 	WholeStaticLibObjs Objects
     88 	// Paths to generated source files
     89 	GeneratedSources android.Paths
     90 	GeneratedHeaders android.Paths
     92 	Flags, ReexportedFlags []string
     93 	ReexportedFlagsDeps    android.Paths
     95 	// Paths to crt*.o files
     96 	CrtBegin, CrtEnd android.OptionalPath
     97 }
     99 type Flags struct {
    100 	GlobalFlags []string // Flags that apply to C, C++, and assembly source files
    101 	ArFlags     []string // Flags that apply to ar
    102 	AsFlags     []string // Flags that apply to assembly source files
    103 	CFlags      []string // Flags that apply to C and C++ source files
    104 	ConlyFlags  []string // Flags that apply to C source files
    105 	CppFlags    []string // Flags that apply to C++ source files
    106 	YaccFlags   []string // Flags that apply to Yacc source files
    107 	protoFlags  []string // Flags that apply to proto source files
    108 	aidlFlags   []string // Flags that apply to aidl source files
    109 	LdFlags     []string // Flags that apply to linker command lines
    110 	libFlags    []string // Flags to add libraries early to the link order
    111 	TidyFlags   []string // Flags that apply to clang-tidy
    112 	SAbiFlags   []string // Flags that apply to header-abi-dumper
    113 	YasmFlags   []string // Flags that apply to yasm assembly source files
    115 	// Global include flags that apply to C, C++, and assembly source files
    116 	// These must be after any module include flags, which will be in GlobalFlags.
    117 	SystemIncludeFlags []string
    119 	Toolchain config.Toolchain
    120 	Clang     bool
    121 	Tidy      bool
    122 	Coverage  bool
    123 	SAbiDump  bool
    125 	RequiredInstructionSet string
    126 	DynamicLinker          string
    128 	CFlagsDeps android.Paths // Files depended on by compiler flags
    130 	GroupStaticLibs bool
    131 }
    133 type ObjectLinkerProperties struct {
    134 	// names of other cc_object modules to link into this module using partial linking
    135 	Objs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
    136 }
    138 // Properties used to compile all C or C++ modules
    139 type BaseProperties struct {
    140 	// compile module with clang instead of gcc
    141 	Clang *bool `android:"arch_variant"`
    143 	// Minimum sdk version supported when compiling against the ndk
    144 	Sdk_version string
    146 	// don't insert default compiler flags into asflags, cflags,
    147 	// cppflags, conlyflags, ldflags, or include_dirs
    148 	No_default_compiler_flags *bool
    150 	// whether this module should be allowed to install onto /vendor as
    151 	// well as /system. The two variants will be built separately, one
    152 	// like normal, and the other limited to the set of libraries and
    153 	// headers that are exposed to /vendor modules.
    154 	//
    155 	// The vendor variant may be used with a different (newer) /system,
    156 	// so it shouldn't have any unversioned runtime dependencies, or
    157 	// make assumptions about the system that may not be true in the
    158 	// future.
    159 	//
    160 	// Nothing happens if BOARD_VNDK_VERSION isn't set in the BoardConfig.mk
    161 	Vendor_available *bool
    163 	AndroidMkSharedLibs []string `blueprint:"mutated"`
    164 	HideFromMake        bool     `blueprint:"mutated"`
    165 	PreventInstall      bool     `blueprint:"mutated"`
    167 	UseVndk bool `blueprint:"mutated"`
    168 }
    170 type UnusedProperties struct {
    171 	Tags []string
    172 }
    174 type ModuleContextIntf interface {
    175 	static() bool
    176 	staticBinary() bool
    177 	clang() bool
    178 	toolchain() config.Toolchain
    179 	noDefaultCompilerFlags() bool
    180 	sdk() bool
    181 	sdkVersion() string
    182 	vndk() bool
    183 	createVndkSourceAbiDump() bool
    184 	selectedStl() string
    185 	baseModuleName() string
    186 }
    188 type ModuleContext interface {
    189 	android.ModuleContext
    190 	ModuleContextIntf
    191 }
    193 type BaseModuleContext interface {
    194 	android.BaseContext
    195 	ModuleContextIntf
    196 }
    198 type DepsContext interface {
    199 	android.BottomUpMutatorContext
    200 	ModuleContextIntf
    201 }
    203 type feature interface {
    204 	begin(ctx BaseModuleContext)
    205 	deps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps
    206 	flags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
    207 	props() []interface{}
    208 }
    210 type compiler interface {
    211 	compilerInit(ctx BaseModuleContext)
    212 	compilerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps
    213 	compilerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
    214 	compilerProps() []interface{}
    216 	appendCflags([]string)
    217 	appendAsflags([]string)
    218 	compile(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) Objects
    219 }
    221 type linker interface {
    222 	linkerInit(ctx BaseModuleContext)
    223 	linkerDeps(ctx DepsContext, deps Deps) Deps
    224 	linkerFlags(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags) Flags
    225 	linkerProps() []interface{}
    227 	link(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps, objs Objects) android.Path
    228 	appendLdflags([]string)
    229 }
    231 type installer interface {
    232 	installerProps() []interface{}
    233 	install(ctx ModuleContext, path android.Path)
    234 	inData() bool
    235 	inSanitizerDir() bool
    236 	hostToolPath() android.OptionalPath
    237 }
    239 type dependencyTag struct {
    240 	blueprint.BaseDependencyTag
    241 	name    string
    242 	library bool
    244 	reexportFlags bool
    245 }
    247 var (
    248 	sharedDepTag          = dependencyTag{name: "shared", library: true}
    249 	sharedExportDepTag    = dependencyTag{name: "shared", library: true, reexportFlags: true}
    250 	lateSharedDepTag      = dependencyTag{name: "late shared", library: true}
    251 	staticDepTag          = dependencyTag{name: "static", library: true}
    252 	staticExportDepTag    = dependencyTag{name: "static", library: true, reexportFlags: true}
    253 	lateStaticDepTag      = dependencyTag{name: "late static", library: true}
    254 	wholeStaticDepTag     = dependencyTag{name: "whole static", library: true, reexportFlags: true}
    255 	headerDepTag          = dependencyTag{name: "header", library: true}
    256 	headerExportDepTag    = dependencyTag{name: "header", library: true, reexportFlags: true}
    257 	genSourceDepTag       = dependencyTag{name: "gen source"}
    258 	genHeaderDepTag       = dependencyTag{name: "gen header"}
    259 	genHeaderExportDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "gen header", reexportFlags: true}
    260 	objDepTag             = dependencyTag{name: "obj"}
    261 	crtBeginDepTag        = dependencyTag{name: "crtbegin"}
    262 	crtEndDepTag          = dependencyTag{name: "crtend"}
    263 	reuseObjTag           = dependencyTag{name: "reuse objects"}
    264 	ndkStubDepTag         = dependencyTag{name: "ndk stub", library: true}
    265 	ndkLateStubDepTag     = dependencyTag{name: "ndk late stub", library: true}
    266 )
    268 // Module contains the properties and members used by all C/C++ module types, and implements
    269 // the blueprint.Module interface.  It delegates to compiler, linker, and installer interfaces
    270 // to construct the output file.  Behavior can be customized with a Customizer interface
    271 type Module struct {
    272 	android.ModuleBase
    273 	android.DefaultableModule
    275 	Properties BaseProperties
    276 	unused     UnusedProperties
    278 	// initialize before calling Init
    279 	hod      android.HostOrDeviceSupported
    280 	multilib android.Multilib
    282 	// delegates, initialize before calling Init
    283 	features  []feature
    284 	compiler  compiler
    285 	linker    linker
    286 	installer installer
    287 	stl       *stl
    288 	sanitize  *sanitize
    289 	coverage  *coverage
    290 	sabi      *sabi
    292 	androidMkSharedLibDeps []string
    294 	outputFile android.OptionalPath
    296 	cachedToolchain config.Toolchain
    298 	subAndroidMkOnce map[subAndroidMkProvider]bool
    300 	// Flags used to compile this module
    301 	flags Flags
    302 }
    304 func (c *Module) Init() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
    305 	props := []interface{}{&c.Properties, &c.unused}
    306 	if c.compiler != nil {
    307 		props = append(props, c.compiler.compilerProps()...)
    308 	}
    309 	if c.linker != nil {
    310 		props = append(props, c.linker.linkerProps()...)
    311 	}
    312 	if c.installer != nil {
    313 		props = append(props, c.installer.installerProps()...)
    314 	}
    315 	if c.stl != nil {
    316 		props = append(props, c.stl.props()...)
    317 	}
    318 	if c.sanitize != nil {
    319 		props = append(props, c.sanitize.props()...)
    320 	}
    321 	if c.coverage != nil {
    322 		props = append(props, c.coverage.props()...)
    323 	}
    324 	if c.sabi != nil {
    325 		props = append(props, c.sabi.props()...)
    326 	}
    327 	for _, feature := range c.features {
    328 		props = append(props, feature.props()...)
    329 	}
    331 	_, props = android.InitAndroidArchModule(c, c.hod, c.multilib, props...)
    333 	return android.InitDefaultableModule(c, c, props...)
    334 }
    336 // Returns true for dependency roots (binaries)
    337 // TODO(ccross): also handle dlopenable libraries
    338 func (c *Module) isDependencyRoot() bool {
    339 	if root, ok := c.linker.(interface {
    340 		isDependencyRoot() bool
    341 	}); ok {
    342 		return root.isDependencyRoot()
    343 	}
    344 	return false
    345 }
    347 func (c *Module) vndk() bool {
    348 	return c.Properties.UseVndk
    349 }
    351 type baseModuleContext struct {
    352 	android.BaseContext
    353 	moduleContextImpl
    354 }
    356 type depsContext struct {
    357 	android.BottomUpMutatorContext
    358 	moduleContextImpl
    359 }
    361 type moduleContext struct {
    362 	android.ModuleContext
    363 	moduleContextImpl
    364 }
    366 // Vendor returns true for vendor modules so that they get installed onto the
    367 // correct partition
    368 func (ctx *moduleContext) Vendor() bool {
    369 	return ctx.ModuleContext.Vendor() || ctx.moduleContextImpl.mod.Properties.UseVndk
    370 }
    372 type moduleContextImpl struct {
    373 	mod *Module
    374 	ctx BaseModuleContext
    375 }
    377 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) clang() bool {
    378 	return ctx.mod.clang(ctx.ctx)
    379 }
    381 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) toolchain() config.Toolchain {
    382 	return ctx.mod.toolchain(ctx.ctx)
    383 }
    385 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) static() bool {
    386 	if static, ok := ctx.mod.linker.(interface {
    387 		static() bool
    388 	}); ok {
    389 		return static.static()
    390 	}
    391 	return false
    392 }
    394 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) staticBinary() bool {
    395 	if static, ok := ctx.mod.linker.(interface {
    396 		staticBinary() bool
    397 	}); ok {
    398 		return static.staticBinary()
    399 	}
    400 	return false
    401 }
    403 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) noDefaultCompilerFlags() bool {
    404 	return Bool(ctx.mod.Properties.No_default_compiler_flags)
    405 }
    407 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) sdk() bool {
    408 	if ctx.ctx.Device() && !ctx.vndk() {
    409 		return ctx.mod.Properties.Sdk_version != ""
    410 	}
    411 	return false
    412 }
    414 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) sdkVersion() string {
    415 	if ctx.ctx.Device() {
    416 		if ctx.vndk() {
    417 			return "current"
    418 		} else {
    419 			return ctx.mod.Properties.Sdk_version
    420 		}
    421 	}
    422 	return ""
    423 }
    425 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) vndk() bool {
    426 	return ctx.mod.vndk()
    427 }
    429 // Create source abi dumps if the module belongs to the list of VndkLibraries.
    430 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) createVndkSourceAbiDump() bool {
    431 	return ctx.ctx.Device() && ((Bool(ctx.mod.Properties.Vendor_available)) || (inList(ctx.baseModuleName(), config.LLndkLibraries())))
    432 }
    434 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) selectedStl() string {
    435 	if stl := ctx.mod.stl; stl != nil {
    436 		return stl.Properties.SelectedStl
    437 	}
    438 	return ""
    439 }
    441 func (ctx *moduleContextImpl) baseModuleName() string {
    442 	return ctx.mod.ModuleBase.BaseModuleName()
    443 }
    445 func newBaseModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
    446 	return &Module{
    447 		hod:      hod,
    448 		multilib: multilib,
    449 	}
    450 }
    452 func newModule(hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported, multilib android.Multilib) *Module {
    453 	module := newBaseModule(hod, multilib)
    454 	module.features = []feature{
    455 		&tidyFeature{},
    456 	}
    457 	module.stl = &stl{}
    458 	module.sanitize = &sanitize{}
    459 	module.coverage = &coverage{}
    460 	module.sabi = &sabi{}
    461 	return module
    462 }
    464 func (c *Module) Prebuilt() *android.Prebuilt {
    465 	if p, ok := c.linker.(prebuiltLinkerInterface); ok {
    466 		return p.prebuilt()
    467 	}
    468 	return nil
    469 }
    471 func (c *Module) Name() string {
    472 	name := c.ModuleBase.Name()
    473 	if p, ok := c.linker.(interface {
    474 		Name(string) string
    475 	}); ok {
    476 		name = p.Name(name)
    477 	}
    478 	return name
    479 }
    481 func (c *Module) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(actx android.ModuleContext) {
    482 	ctx := &moduleContext{
    483 		ModuleContext: actx,
    484 		moduleContextImpl: moduleContextImpl{
    485 			mod: c,
    486 		},
    487 	}
    488 	ctx.ctx = ctx
    490 	flags := Flags{
    491 		Toolchain: c.toolchain(ctx),
    492 		Clang:     c.clang(ctx),
    493 	}
    494 	if c.compiler != nil {
    495 		flags = c.compiler.compilerFlags(ctx, flags)
    496 	}
    497 	if c.linker != nil {
    498 		flags = c.linker.linkerFlags(ctx, flags)
    499 	}
    500 	if c.stl != nil {
    501 		flags = c.stl.flags(ctx, flags)
    502 	}
    503 	if c.sanitize != nil {
    504 		flags = c.sanitize.flags(ctx, flags)
    505 	}
    506 	if c.coverage != nil {
    507 		flags = c.coverage.flags(ctx, flags)
    508 	}
    509 	if c.sabi != nil {
    510 		flags = c.sabi.flags(ctx, flags)
    511 	}
    512 	for _, feature := range c.features {
    513 		flags = feature.flags(ctx, flags)
    514 	}
    515 	if ctx.Failed() {
    516 		return
    517 	}
    519 	flags.CFlags, _ = filterList(flags.CFlags, config.IllegalFlags)
    520 	flags.CppFlags, _ = filterList(flags.CppFlags, config.IllegalFlags)
    521 	flags.ConlyFlags, _ = filterList(flags.ConlyFlags, config.IllegalFlags)
    523 	deps := c.depsToPaths(ctx)
    524 	if ctx.Failed() {
    525 		return
    526 	}
    527 	flags.GlobalFlags = append(flags.GlobalFlags, deps.Flags...)
    528 	c.flags = flags
    530 	// Optimization to reduce size of build.ninja
    531 	// Replace the long list of flags for each file with a module-local variable
    532 	ctx.Variable(pctx, "cflags", strings.Join(flags.CFlags, " "))
    533 	ctx.Variable(pctx, "cppflags", strings.Join(flags.CppFlags, " "))
    534 	ctx.Variable(pctx, "asflags", strings.Join(flags.AsFlags, " "))
    535 	flags.CFlags = []string{"$cflags"}
    536 	flags.CppFlags = []string{"$cppflags"}
    537 	flags.AsFlags = []string{"$asflags"}
    539 	var objs Objects
    540 	if c.compiler != nil {
    541 		objs = c.compiler.compile(ctx, flags, deps)
    542 		if ctx.Failed() {
    543 			return
    544 		}
    545 	}
    547 	if c.linker != nil {
    548 		outputFile := c.linker.link(ctx, flags, deps, objs)
    549 		if ctx.Failed() {
    550 			return
    551 		}
    552 		c.outputFile = android.OptionalPathForPath(outputFile)
    553 	}
    555 	if c.installer != nil && !c.Properties.PreventInstall && c.outputFile.Valid() {
    556 		c.installer.install(ctx, c.outputFile.Path())
    557 		if ctx.Failed() {
    558 			return
    559 		}
    560 	}
    561 }
    563 func (c *Module) toolchain(ctx BaseModuleContext) config.Toolchain {
    564 	if c.cachedToolchain == nil {
    565 		c.cachedToolchain = config.FindToolchain(ctx.Os(), ctx.Arch())
    566 	}
    567 	return c.cachedToolchain
    568 }
    570 func (c *Module) begin(ctx BaseModuleContext) {
    571 	if c.compiler != nil {
    572 		c.compiler.compilerInit(ctx)
    573 	}
    574 	if c.linker != nil {
    575 		c.linker.linkerInit(ctx)
    576 	}
    577 	if c.stl != nil {
    578 		c.stl.begin(ctx)
    579 	}
    580 	if c.sanitize != nil {
    581 		c.sanitize.begin(ctx)
    582 	}
    583 	if c.coverage != nil {
    584 		c.coverage.begin(ctx)
    585 	}
    586 	if c.sabi != nil {
    587 		c.sabi.begin(ctx)
    588 	}
    589 	for _, feature := range c.features {
    590 		feature.begin(ctx)
    591 	}
    592 	if ctx.sdk() {
    593 		version, err := normalizeNdkApiLevel(ctx.sdkVersion(), ctx.Arch())
    594 		if err != nil {
    595 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version", err.Error())
    596 		}
    597 		c.Properties.Sdk_version = version
    598 	}
    599 }
    601 func (c *Module) deps(ctx DepsContext) Deps {
    602 	deps := Deps{}
    604 	if c.compiler != nil {
    605 		deps = c.compiler.compilerDeps(ctx, deps)
    606 	}
    607 	if c.linker != nil {
    608 		deps = c.linker.linkerDeps(ctx, deps)
    609 	}
    610 	if c.stl != nil {
    611 		deps = c.stl.deps(ctx, deps)
    612 	}
    613 	if c.sanitize != nil {
    614 		deps = c.sanitize.deps(ctx, deps)
    615 	}
    616 	if c.coverage != nil {
    617 		deps = c.coverage.deps(ctx, deps)
    618 	}
    619 	if c.sabi != nil {
    620 		deps = c.sabi.deps(ctx, deps)
    621 	}
    622 	for _, feature := range c.features {
    623 		deps = feature.deps(ctx, deps)
    624 	}
    626 	deps.WholeStaticLibs = lastUniqueElements(deps.WholeStaticLibs)
    627 	deps.StaticLibs = lastUniqueElements(deps.StaticLibs)
    628 	deps.LateStaticLibs = lastUniqueElements(deps.LateStaticLibs)
    629 	deps.SharedLibs = lastUniqueElements(deps.SharedLibs)
    630 	deps.LateSharedLibs = lastUniqueElements(deps.LateSharedLibs)
    631 	deps.HeaderLibs = lastUniqueElements(deps.HeaderLibs)
    633 	for _, lib := range deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders {
    634 		if !inList(lib, deps.SharedLibs) {
    635 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_shared_lib_headers", "Shared library not in shared_libs: '%s'", lib)
    636 		}
    637 	}
    639 	for _, lib := range deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders {
    640 		if !inList(lib, deps.StaticLibs) {
    641 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_static_lib_headers", "Static library not in static_libs: '%s'", lib)
    642 		}
    643 	}
    645 	for _, lib := range deps.ReexportHeaderLibHeaders {
    646 		if !inList(lib, deps.HeaderLibs) {
    647 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_header_lib_headers", "Header library not in header_libs: '%s'", lib)
    648 		}
    649 	}
    651 	for _, gen := range deps.ReexportGeneratedHeaders {
    652 		if !inList(gen, deps.GeneratedHeaders) {
    653 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("export_generated_headers", "Generated header module not in generated_headers: '%s'", gen)
    654 		}
    655 	}
    657 	return deps
    658 }
    660 func (c *Module) beginMutator(actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
    661 	ctx := &baseModuleContext{
    662 		BaseContext: actx,
    663 		moduleContextImpl: moduleContextImpl{
    664 			mod: c,
    665 		},
    666 	}
    667 	ctx.ctx = ctx
    669 	c.begin(ctx)
    670 }
    672 func (c *Module) DepsMutator(actx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
    673 	if !c.Enabled() {
    674 		return
    675 	}
    677 	ctx := &depsContext{
    678 		BottomUpMutatorContext: actx,
    679 		moduleContextImpl: moduleContextImpl{
    680 			mod: c,
    681 		},
    682 	}
    683 	ctx.ctx = ctx
    685 	deps := c.deps(ctx)
    687 	c.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs = append(c.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs, deps.SharedLibs...)
    688 	c.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs = append(c.Properties.AndroidMkSharedLibs, deps.LateSharedLibs...)
    690 	variantNdkLibs := []string{}
    691 	variantLateNdkLibs := []string{}
    692 	if ctx.Os() == android.Android {
    693 		version := ctx.sdkVersion()
    695 		// Rewrites the names of shared libraries into the names of the NDK
    696 		// libraries where appropriate. This returns two slices.
    697 		//
    698 		// The first is a list of non-variant shared libraries (either rewritten
    699 		// NDK libraries to the modules in prebuilts/ndk, or not rewritten
    700 		// because they are not NDK libraries).
    701 		//
    702 		// The second is a list of ndk_library modules. These need to be
    703 		// separated because they are a variation dependency and must be added
    704 		// in a different manner.
    705 		rewriteNdkLibs := func(list []string) ([]string, []string) {
    706 			variantLibs := []string{}
    707 			nonvariantLibs := []string{}
    708 			for _, entry := range list {
    709 				if ctx.sdk() && inList(entry, ndkPrebuiltSharedLibraries) {
    710 					if !inList(entry, ndkMigratedLibs) {
    711 						nonvariantLibs = append(nonvariantLibs, entry+".ndk."+version)
    712 					} else {
    713 						variantLibs = append(variantLibs, entry+ndkLibrarySuffix)
    714 					}
    715 				} else if ctx.vndk() && inList(entry, config.LLndkLibraries()) {
    716 					nonvariantLibs = append(nonvariantLibs, entry+llndkLibrarySuffix)
    717 				} else {
    718 					nonvariantLibs = append(nonvariantLibs, entry)
    719 				}
    720 			}
    721 			return nonvariantLibs, variantLibs
    722 		}
    724 		deps.SharedLibs, variantNdkLibs = rewriteNdkLibs(deps.SharedLibs)
    725 		deps.LateSharedLibs, variantLateNdkLibs = rewriteNdkLibs(deps.LateSharedLibs)
    726 	}
    728 	for _, lib := range deps.HeaderLibs {
    729 		depTag := headerDepTag
    730 		if inList(lib, deps.ReexportHeaderLibHeaders) {
    731 			depTag = headerExportDepTag
    732 		}
    733 		actx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, depTag, lib)
    734 	}
    736 	actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "static"}}, wholeStaticDepTag,
    737 		deps.WholeStaticLibs...)
    739 	for _, lib := range deps.StaticLibs {
    740 		depTag := staticDepTag
    741 		if inList(lib, deps.ReexportStaticLibHeaders) {
    742 			depTag = staticExportDepTag
    743 		}
    744 		actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "static"}}, depTag, lib)
    745 	}
    747 	actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "static"}}, lateStaticDepTag,
    748 		deps.LateStaticLibs...)
    750 	for _, lib := range deps.SharedLibs {
    751 		depTag := sharedDepTag
    752 		if inList(lib, deps.ReexportSharedLibHeaders) {
    753 			depTag = sharedExportDepTag
    754 		}
    755 		actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "shared"}}, depTag, lib)
    756 	}
    758 	actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{{"link", "shared"}}, lateSharedDepTag,
    759 		deps.LateSharedLibs...)
    761 	actx.AddDependency(c, genSourceDepTag, deps.GeneratedSources...)
    763 	for _, gen := range deps.GeneratedHeaders {
    764 		depTag := genHeaderDepTag
    765 		if inList(gen, deps.ReexportGeneratedHeaders) {
    766 			depTag = genHeaderExportDepTag
    767 		}
    768 		actx.AddDependency(c, depTag, gen)
    769 	}
    771 	actx.AddDependency(c, objDepTag, deps.ObjFiles...)
    773 	if deps.CrtBegin != "" {
    774 		actx.AddDependency(c, crtBeginDepTag, deps.CrtBegin)
    775 	}
    776 	if deps.CrtEnd != "" {
    777 		actx.AddDependency(c, crtEndDepTag, deps.CrtEnd)
    778 	}
    780 	version := ctx.sdkVersion()
    781 	actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{
    782 		{"ndk_api", version}, {"link", "shared"}}, ndkStubDepTag, variantNdkLibs...)
    783 	actx.AddVariationDependencies([]blueprint.Variation{
    784 		{"ndk_api", version}, {"link", "shared"}}, ndkLateStubDepTag, variantLateNdkLibs...)
    785 }
    787 func beginMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
    788 	if c, ok := ctx.Module().(*Module); ok && c.Enabled() {
    789 		c.beginMutator(ctx)
    790 	}
    791 }
    793 func (c *Module) clang(ctx BaseModuleContext) bool {
    794 	clang := Bool(c.Properties.Clang)
    796 	if c.Properties.Clang == nil {
    797 		if ctx.Host() {
    798 			clang = true
    799 		}
    801 		if ctx.Device() && ctx.AConfig().DeviceUsesClang() {
    802 			clang = true
    803 		}
    804 	}
    806 	if !c.toolchain(ctx).ClangSupported() {
    807 		clang = false
    808 	}
    810 	return clang
    811 }
    813 // Convert dependencies to paths.  Returns a PathDeps containing paths
    814 func (c *Module) depsToPaths(ctx android.ModuleContext) PathDeps {
    815 	var depPaths PathDeps
    817 	// Whether a module can link to another module, taking into
    818 	// account NDK linking.
    819 	checkLinkType := func(from, to *Module) {
    820 		if from.Target().Os != android.Android {
    821 			// Host code is not restricted
    822 			return
    823 		}
    824 		if from.Properties.UseVndk {
    825 			// Vendor code is already limited by the vendor mutator
    826 			return
    827 		}
    828 		if from.Properties.Sdk_version == "" {
    829 			// Platform code can link to anything
    830 			return
    831 		}
    832 		if _, ok := to.linker.(*toolchainLibraryDecorator); ok {
    833 			// These are always allowed
    834 			return
    835 		}
    836 		if _, ok := to.linker.(*ndkPrebuiltLibraryLinker); ok {
    837 			// These are allowed, but don't set sdk_version
    838 			return
    839 		}
    840 		if _, ok := to.linker.(*ndkPrebuiltStlLinker); ok {
    841 			// These are allowed, but don't set sdk_version
    842 			return
    843 		}
    844 		if _, ok := to.linker.(*stubDecorator); ok {
    845 			// These aren't real libraries, but are the stub shared libraries that are included in
    846 			// the NDK.
    847 			return
    848 		}
    849 		if to.Properties.Sdk_version == "" {
    850 			// NDK code linking to platform code is never okay.
    851 			ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on non-NDK-built library %q",
    852 				ctx.OtherModuleName(to))
    853 		}
    855 		// All this point we know we have two NDK libraries, but we need to
    856 		// check that we're not linking against anything built against a higher
    857 		// API level, as it is only valid to link against older or equivalent
    858 		// APIs.
    860 		if from.Properties.Sdk_version == "current" {
    861 			// Current can link against anything.
    862 			return
    863 		} else if to.Properties.Sdk_version == "current" {
    864 			// Current can't be linked against by anything else.
    865 			ctx.ModuleErrorf("links %q built against newer API version %q",
    866 				ctx.OtherModuleName(to), "current")
    867 		}
    869 		fromApi, err := strconv.Atoi(from.Properties.Sdk_version)
    870 		if err != nil {
    871 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version",
    872 				"Invalid sdk_version value (must be int): %q",
    873 				from.Properties.Sdk_version)
    874 		}
    875 		toApi, err := strconv.Atoi(to.Properties.Sdk_version)
    876 		if err != nil {
    877 			ctx.PropertyErrorf("sdk_version",
    878 				"Invalid sdk_version value (must be int): %q",
    879 				to.Properties.Sdk_version)
    880 		}
    882 		if toApi > fromApi {
    883 			ctx.ModuleErrorf("links %q built against newer API version %q",
    884 				ctx.OtherModuleName(to), to.Properties.Sdk_version)
    885 		}
    886 	}
    888 	ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(m blueprint.Module) {
    889 		name := ctx.OtherModuleName(m)
    890 		tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(m)
    892 		a, _ := m.(android.Module)
    893 		if a == nil {
    894 			ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q not an android module", name)
    895 			return
    896 		}
    898 		cc, _ := m.(*Module)
    899 		if cc == nil {
    900 			switch tag {
    901 			case android.DefaultsDepTag, android.SourceDepTag:
    902 			case genSourceDepTag:
    903 				if genRule, ok := m.(genrule.SourceFileGenerator); ok {
    904 					depPaths.GeneratedSources = append(depPaths.GeneratedSources,
    905 						genRule.GeneratedSourceFiles()...)
    906 				} else {
    907 					ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q is not a gensrcs or genrule", name)
    908 				}
    909 			case genHeaderDepTag, genHeaderExportDepTag:
    910 				if genRule, ok := m.(genrule.SourceFileGenerator); ok {
    911 					depPaths.GeneratedHeaders = append(depPaths.GeneratedHeaders,
    912 						genRule.GeneratedSourceFiles()...)
    913 					flags := includeDirsToFlags(genRule.GeneratedHeaderDirs())
    914 					depPaths.Flags = append(depPaths.Flags, flags)
    915 					if tag == genHeaderExportDepTag {
    916 						depPaths.ReexportedFlags = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlags, flags)
    917 						depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps,
    918 							genRule.GeneratedSourceFiles()...)
    919 						// Add these re-exported flags to help header-abi-dumper to infer the abi exported by a library.
    920 						c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags = append(c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags, flags)
    922 					}
    923 				} else {
    924 					ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q is not a genrule", name)
    925 				}
    926 			default:
    927 				ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on non-cc module %q", name)
    928 			}
    929 			return
    930 		}
    932 		if !a.Enabled() {
    933 			if ctx.AConfig().AllowMissingDependencies() {
    934 				ctx.AddMissingDependencies([]string{name})
    935 			} else {
    936 				ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on disabled module %q", name)
    937 			}
    938 			return
    939 		}
    941 		if a.Target().Os != ctx.Os() {
    942 			ctx.ModuleErrorf("OS mismatch between %q and %q", ctx.ModuleName(), name)
    943 			return
    944 		}
    946 		if a.Target().Arch.ArchType != ctx.Arch().ArchType {
    947 			ctx.ModuleErrorf("Arch mismatch between %q and %q", ctx.ModuleName(), name)
    948 			return
    949 		}
    951 		if tag == reuseObjTag {
    952 			if l, ok := cc.compiler.(libraryInterface); ok {
    953 				depPaths.Objs = depPaths.Objs.Append(l.reuseObjs())
    954 				return
    955 			}
    956 		}
    958 		if t, ok := tag.(dependencyTag); ok && t.library {
    959 			if i, ok := cc.linker.(exportedFlagsProducer); ok {
    960 				flags := i.exportedFlags()
    961 				deps := i.exportedFlagsDeps()
    962 				depPaths.Flags = append(depPaths.Flags, flags...)
    963 				depPaths.GeneratedHeaders = append(depPaths.GeneratedHeaders, deps...)
    965 				if t.reexportFlags {
    966 					depPaths.ReexportedFlags = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlags, flags...)
    967 					depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps = append(depPaths.ReexportedFlagsDeps, deps...)
    968 					// Add these re-exported flags to help header-abi-dumper to infer the abi exported by a library.
    969 					// Re-exported flags from shared library dependencies are not included as those shared libraries
    970 					// will be included in the vndk set.
    971 					if tag == staticExportDepTag || tag == headerExportDepTag {
    972 						c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags = append(c.sabi.Properties.ReexportedIncludeFlags, flags...)
    973 					}
    974 				}
    975 			}
    977 			checkLinkType(c, cc)
    978 		}
    980 		var ptr *android.Paths
    981 		var depPtr *android.Paths
    983 		linkFile := cc.outputFile
    984 		depFile := android.OptionalPath{}
    986 		switch tag {
    987 		case ndkStubDepTag, sharedDepTag, sharedExportDepTag:
    988 			ptr = &depPaths.SharedLibs
    989 			depPtr = &depPaths.SharedLibsDeps
    990 			depFile = cc.linker.(libraryInterface).toc()
    991 		case lateSharedDepTag, ndkLateStubDepTag:
    992 			ptr = &depPaths.LateSharedLibs
    993 			depPtr = &depPaths.LateSharedLibsDeps
    994 			depFile = cc.linker.(libraryInterface).toc()
    995 		case staticDepTag, staticExportDepTag:
    996 			ptr = &depPaths.StaticLibs
    997 		case lateStaticDepTag:
    998 			ptr = &depPaths.LateStaticLibs
    999 		case wholeStaticDepTag:
   1000 			ptr = &depPaths.WholeStaticLibs
   1001 			staticLib, ok := cc.linker.(libraryInterface)
   1002 			if !ok || !staticLib.static() {
   1003 				ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q not a static library", name)
   1004 				return
   1005 			}
   1007 			if missingDeps := staticLib.getWholeStaticMissingDeps(); missingDeps != nil {
   1008 				postfix := " (required by " + ctx.OtherModuleName(m) + ")"
   1009 				for i := range missingDeps {
   1010 					missingDeps[i] += postfix
   1011 				}
   1012 				ctx.AddMissingDependencies(missingDeps)
   1013 			}
   1014 			depPaths.WholeStaticLibObjs = depPaths.WholeStaticLibObjs.Append(staticLib.objs())
   1015 		case headerDepTag:
   1016 			// Nothing
   1017 		case objDepTag:
   1018 			depPaths.Objs.objFiles = append(depPaths.Objs.objFiles, linkFile.Path())
   1019 		case crtBeginDepTag:
   1020 			depPaths.CrtBegin = linkFile
   1021 		case crtEndDepTag:
   1022 			depPaths.CrtEnd = linkFile
   1023 		}
   1025 		switch tag {
   1026 		case staticDepTag, staticExportDepTag, lateStaticDepTag:
   1027 			staticLib, ok := cc.linker.(libraryInterface)
   1028 			if !ok || !staticLib.static() {
   1029 				ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q not a static library", name)
   1030 				return
   1031 			}
   1033 			// When combining coverage files for shared libraries and executables, coverage files
   1034 			// in static libraries act as if they were whole static libraries. The same goes for
   1035 			// source based Abi dump files.
   1036 			depPaths.StaticLibObjs.coverageFiles = append(depPaths.StaticLibObjs.coverageFiles,
   1037 				staticLib.objs().coverageFiles...)
   1038 			depPaths.StaticLibObjs.sAbiDumpFiles = append(depPaths.StaticLibObjs.sAbiDumpFiles,
   1039 				staticLib.objs().sAbiDumpFiles...)
   1040 		}
   1042 		if ptr != nil {
   1043 			if !linkFile.Valid() {
   1044 				ctx.ModuleErrorf("module %q missing output file", name)
   1045 				return
   1046 			}
   1047 			*ptr = append(*ptr, linkFile.Path())
   1048 		}
   1050 		if depPtr != nil {
   1051 			dep := depFile
   1052 			if !dep.Valid() {
   1053 				dep = linkFile
   1054 			}
   1055 			*depPtr = append(*depPtr, dep.Path())
   1056 		}
   1057 	})
   1059 	return depPaths
   1060 }
   1062 func (c *Module) InstallInData() bool {
   1063 	if c.installer == nil {
   1064 		return false
   1065 	}
   1066 	return c.installer.inData()
   1067 }
   1069 func (c *Module) InstallInSanitizerDir() bool {
   1070 	if c.installer == nil {
   1071 		return false
   1072 	}
   1073 	if c.sanitize != nil && c.sanitize.inSanitizerDir() {
   1074 		return true
   1075 	}
   1076 	return c.installer.inSanitizerDir()
   1077 }
   1079 func (c *Module) HostToolPath() android.OptionalPath {
   1080 	if c.installer == nil {
   1081 		return android.OptionalPath{}
   1082 	}
   1083 	return c.installer.hostToolPath()
   1084 }
   1086 //
   1087 // Defaults
   1088 //
   1089 type Defaults struct {
   1090 	android.ModuleBase
   1091 	android.DefaultsModule
   1092 }
   1094 func (*Defaults) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
   1095 }
   1097 func (d *Defaults) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
   1098 }
   1100 func defaultsFactory() (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
   1101 	return DefaultsFactory()
   1102 }
   1104 func DefaultsFactory(props ...interface{}) (blueprint.Module, []interface{}) {
   1105 	module := &Defaults{}
   1107 	props = append(props,
   1108 		&BaseProperties{},
   1109 		&BaseCompilerProperties{},
   1110 		&BaseLinkerProperties{},
   1111 		&LibraryProperties{},
   1112 		&FlagExporterProperties{},
   1113 		&BinaryLinkerProperties{},
   1114 		&TestProperties{},
   1115 		&TestBinaryProperties{},
   1116 		&UnusedProperties{},
   1117 		&StlProperties{},
   1118 		&SanitizeProperties{},
   1119 		&StripProperties{},
   1120 		&InstallerProperties{},
   1121 		&TidyProperties{},
   1122 		&CoverageProperties{},
   1123 		&SAbiProperties{},
   1124 	)
   1126 	return android.InitDefaultsModule(module, module, props...)
   1127 }
   1129 const (
   1130 	// coreMode is the variant used for framework-private libraries, or
   1131 	// SDK libraries. (which framework-private libraries can use)
   1132 	coreMode = "core"
   1134 	// vendorMode is the variant used for /vendor code that compiles
   1135 	// against the VNDK.
   1136 	vendorMode = "vendor"
   1137 )
   1139 func vendorMutator(mctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
   1140 	if mctx.Os() != android.Android {
   1141 		return
   1142 	}
   1144 	m, ok := mctx.Module().(*Module)
   1145 	if !ok {
   1146 		return
   1147 	}
   1149 	// Sanity check
   1150 	if Bool(m.Properties.Vendor_available) && mctx.Vendor() {
   1151 		mctx.PropertyErrorf("vendor_available",
   1152 			"doesn't make sense at the same time as `vendor: true` or `proprietary: true`")
   1153 		return
   1154 	}
   1156 	if !mctx.DeviceConfig().CompileVndk() {
   1157 		// If the device isn't compiling against the VNDK, we always
   1158 		// use the core mode.
   1159 		mctx.CreateVariations(coreMode)
   1160 	} else if _, ok := m.linker.(*llndkStubDecorator); ok {
   1161 		// LL-NDK stubs only exist in the vendor variant, since the
   1162 		// real libraries will be used in the core variant.
   1163 		mctx.CreateVariations(vendorMode)
   1164 	} else if Bool(m.Properties.Vendor_available) {
   1165 		// This will be available in both /system and /vendor
   1166 		mod := mctx.CreateVariations(coreMode, vendorMode)
   1167 		mod[1].(*Module).Properties.UseVndk = true
   1168 	} else if mctx.Vendor() && m.Properties.Sdk_version == "" {
   1169 		// This will be available in /vendor only
   1170 		mod := mctx.CreateVariations(vendorMode)
   1171 		mod[0].(*Module).Properties.UseVndk = true
   1172 	} else {
   1173 		// This is either in /system (or similar: /data), or is a
   1174 		// modules built with the NDK. Modules built with the NDK
   1175 		// will be restricted using the existing link type checks.
   1176 		mctx.CreateVariations(coreMode)
   1177 	}
   1178 }
   1180 // lastUniqueElements returns all unique elements of a slice, keeping the last copy of each
   1181 // modifies the slice contents in place, and returns a subslice of the original slice
   1182 func lastUniqueElements(list []string) []string {
   1183 	totalSkip := 0
   1184 	for i := len(list) - 1; i >= totalSkip; i-- {
   1185 		skip := 0
   1186 		for j := i - 1; j >= totalSkip; j-- {
   1187 			if list[i] == list[j] {
   1188 				skip++
   1189 			} else {
   1190 				list[j+skip] = list[j]
   1191 			}
   1192 		}
   1193 		totalSkip += skip
   1194 	}
   1195 	return list[totalSkip:]
   1196 }
   1198 var Bool = proptools.Bool