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      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      2 #
      3 # This tool is used to compare headers between Bionic and NDK
      4 # script should be in development/ndk/tools for correct roots autodetection
      5 #
      7 import sys, os, os.path
      8 import subprocess
      9 import argparse, textwrap
     11 class FileCollector:
     12     """Collect headers from Bionic and sysroot
     14     sysincludes data format:
     15     sysincludes                     -- dict with arch as key
     16     sysincludes[arch]               -- dict with includes root as key
     17     sysincludes[arch][root]         -- dict with header name as key
     18     sysincludes[arch][root][header] -- list [last_platform, ..., first_platform]
     19     """
     21     def __init__(self, platforms_root, archs):
     22         """Init platform roots and structures before collecting"""
     23         self.platforms = []
     24         self.archs = archs
     25         self.sysincludes = {}
     26         for arch in self.archs:
     27             self.sysincludes[arch] = {}
     29         ## scaning available platforms ##
     30         for dirname in os.listdir(platforms_root):
     31             path = os.path.join(platforms_root, dirname)
     32             if os.path.isdir(path) and ('android' in dirname):
     33                 self.platforms.append(dirname)
     34         try:
     35             self.platforms.sort(key = lambda s: int(s.split('-')[1]))
     36             self.root = platforms_root
     37         except Exception:
     38             print 'Wrong platforms list \n{0}'.format(str(self.platforms))
     40     def scan_dir(self, root):
     41         """Non-recursive file scan in directory"""
     42         files = []
     43         for filename in os.listdir(root):
     44             if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(root, filename)):
     45                 files.append(filename)
     46         return files
     48     def scan_includes(self, root):
     49         """Recursive includes scan in given root"""
     50         includes = []
     51         includes_root = os.path.join(root, 'include')
     52         if not os.path.isdir(includes_root):
     53             return includes
     55         ## recursive scanning ##
     56         includes.append(('', self.scan_dir(includes_root)))
     57         for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(includes_root):
     58             for subdirname in dirnames:
     59                 path = os.path.join(dirname, subdirname)
     60                 relpath = os.path.relpath(path, includes_root)
     61                 includes.append((relpath, self.scan_dir(path)))
     63         return includes
     65     def scan_archs_includes(self, root):
     66         """Scan includes for all defined archs in given root"""
     67         includes = {}
     68         includes['common'] = self.scan_includes(root)
     70         for arch in [a for a in self.archs if a != 'common']:
     71             arch_root = os.path.join(root, arch)
     72             includes[arch] = self.scan_includes(arch_root)
     74         return includes
     76     def scan_platform_includes(self, platform):
     77         """Scan all platform includes of one layer"""
     78         platform_root = os.path.join(self.root, platform)
     79         return self.scan_archs_includes(platform_root)
     81     def scan_bionic_includes(self, bionic_root):
     82         """Scan Bionic's libc includes"""
     83         self.bionic_root = bionic_root
     84         self.bionic_includes = self.scan_archs_includes(bionic_root)
     86     def append_sysincludes(self, arch, root, headers, platform):
     87         """Merge new platform includes layer with current sysincludes"""
     88         if not (root in self.sysincludes[arch]):
     89             self.sysincludes[arch][root] = {}
     91         for include in headers:
     92             if include in self.sysincludes[arch][root]:
     93                 last_platform = self.sysincludes[arch][root][include][0]
     94                 if platform != last_platform:
     95                     self.sysincludes[arch][root][include].insert(0, platform)
     96             else:
     97                 self.sysincludes[arch][root][include] = [platform]
     99     def update_to_platform(self, platform):
    100         """Update sysincludes state by applying new platform layer"""
    101         new_includes = self.scan_platform_includes(platform)
    102         for arch in self.archs:
    103             for pack in new_includes[arch]:
    104                 self.append_sysincludes(arch, pack[0], pack[1], platform)
    106     def scan_sysincludes(self, target_platform):
    107         """Fully automated sysincludes collector upto specified platform"""
    108         version = int(target_platform.split('-')[1])
    109         layers = filter(lambda s: int(s.split('-')[1]) <= version, self.platforms)
    110         for platform in layers:
    111             self.update_to_platform(platform)
    114 class BionicSysincludes:
    115     def set_roots(self):
    116         """Automated roots initialization (AOSP oriented)"""
    117         script_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    118         self.aosp_root      = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(script_root, '../../..'))
    119         self.platforms_root = os.path.join(self.aosp_root, 'development/ndk/platforms')
    120         self.bionic_root    = os.path.join(self.aosp_root, 'bionic/libc')
    122     def scan_includes(self):
    123         """Scan all required includes"""
    124         self.collector = FileCollector(self.platforms_root, self.archs)
    125         ## detecting latest platform ##
    126         self.platforms = self.collector.platforms
    127         latest_platform = self.platforms[-1:][0]
    128         ## scanning both includes repositories ##
    129         self.collector.scan_sysincludes(latest_platform)
    130         self.collector.scan_bionic_includes(self.bionic_root)
    131         ## scan results ##
    132         self.sysincludes     = self.collector.sysincludes
    133         self.bionic_includes = self.collector.bionic_includes
    135     def git_diff(self, file_origin, file_probe):
    136         """Difference routine based on git diff"""
    137         try:
    138             subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff', '--no-index', file_origin, file_probe])
    139         except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
    140             return error.output
    141         return None
    143     def match_with_bionic_includes(self):
    144         """Compare headers between Bionic and sysroot"""
    145         self.diffs = {}
    146         ## for every arch ##
    147         for arch in self.archs:
    148             arch_root = (lambda s: s if s != 'common' else '')(arch)
    149             ## for every includes directory ##
    150             for pack in self.bionic_includes[arch]:
    151                 root = pack[0]
    152                 path_bionic = os.path.join(self.bionic_root, arch_root, 'include', root)
    153                 ## for every header that both in Bionic and sysroot ##
    154                 for include in pack[1]:
    155                     if (root in self.sysincludes[arch]) and \
    156                     (include in self.sysincludes[arch][root]):
    157                         ## completing paths ##
    158                         platform = self.sysincludes[arch][root][include][0]
    159                         file_origin = os.path.join(path_bionic, include)
    160                         file_probe  = os.path.join(self.platforms_root, platform, arch_root, 'include', root, include)
    161                         ## comparison by git diff ##
    162                         output = self.git_diff(file_origin, file_probe)
    163                         if output is not None:
    164                             if arch not in self.diffs:
    165                                 self.diffs[arch] = {}
    166                             if root not in self.diffs[arch]:
    167                                 self.diffs[arch][root] = {}
    168                             ## storing git diff ##
    169                             self.diffs[arch][root][include] = output
    171     def print_history(self, arch, root, header):
    172         """Print human-readable list header updates across platforms"""
    173         history = self.sysincludes[arch][root][header]
    174         for platform in self.platforms:
    175             entry = (lambda s: s.split('-')[1] if s in history else '-')(platform)
    176             print '{0:3}'.format(entry),
    177         print ''
    179     def show_and_store_results(self):
    180         """Print summary list of headers and write diff-report to file"""
    181         try:
    182             diff_fd = open(self.diff_file, 'w')
    183             for arch in self.archs:
    184                 if arch not in self.diffs:
    185                     continue
    186                 print '{0}/'.format(arch)
    187                 roots = self.diffs[arch].keys()
    188                 roots.sort()
    189                 for root in roots:
    190                     print '    {0}/'.format((lambda s: s if s != '' else '../include')(root))
    191                     includes = self.diffs[arch][root].keys()
    192                     includes.sort()
    193                     for include in includes:
    194                         print '        {0:32}'.format(include),
    195                         self.print_history(arch, root, include)
    196                         diff = self.diffs[arch][root][include]
    197                         diff_fd.write(diff)
    198                         diff_fd.write('\n\n')
    199                     print ''
    200                 print ''
    202         finally:
    203             diff_fd.close()
    205     def main(self):
    206         self.set_roots()
    207         self.scan_includes()
    208         self.match_with_bionic_includes()
    209         self.show_and_store_results()
    211 if __name__ == '__main__':
    212     ## configuring command line parser ##
    213     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
    214                                      description = 'Headers comparison tool between bionic and NDK platforms')
    215     parser.epilog = textwrap.dedent('''
    216     output format:
    217     {architecture}/
    218         {directory}/
    219             {header name}.h  {platforms history}
    221     platforms history format:
    222         number X means header has been changed in android-X
    223         `-\' means it is the same
    225     diff-report format:
    226         git diff output for all headers
    227         use --diff option to specify filename
    228     ''')
    230     parser.add_argument('--archs', metavar = 'A', nargs = '+',
    231                         default = ['common', 'arm', 'x86', 'mips'],
    232                         help = 'list of architectures\n(default: common arm x86 mips)')
    233     parser.add_argument('--diff', metavar = 'FILE', nargs = 1,
    234                         default = ['headers-diff-bionic-vs-ndk.diff'],
    235                         help = 'diff-report filename\n(default: `bionic-vs-sysincludes_report.diff\')')
    237     ## parsing arguments ##
    238     args = parser.parse_args()
    240     ## doing work ##
    241     app = BionicSysincludes()
    242     app.archs = map((lambda s: 'arch-{0}'.format(s) if s != 'common' else s), args.archs)
    243     app.diff_file = args.diff[0]
    244     app.main()
    246     print 'Headers listed above are DIFFERENT in Bionic and NDK platforms'
    247     print 'See `{0}\' for details'.format(app.diff_file)
    248     print 'See --help for format description.'
    249     print ''