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      1 #pylint: disable=C0111
      3 """
      4 Prejob tasks.
      6 Prejob tasks _usually_ run before a job and verify the state of a machine.
      7 Cleanup and repair are exceptions, cleanup can run after a job too, while
      8 repair will run anytime the host needs a repair, which could be pre or post
      9 job. Most of the work specific to this module is achieved through the prolog
     10 and epilog of each task.
     12 All prejob tasks must have a host, though they may not have an HQE. If a
     13 prejob task has a hqe, it will activate the hqe through its on_pending
     14 method on successful completion. A row in afe_special_tasks with values:
     15     host=C1, unlocked, is_active=0, is_complete=0, type=Verify
     16 will indicate to the scheduler that it needs to schedule a new special task
     17 of type=Verify, against the C1 host. While the special task is running
     18 the scheduler only monitors it through the Agent, and its is_active bit=1.
     19 Once a special task finishes, we set its is_active=0, is_complete=1 and
     20 success bits, so the scheduler ignores it.
     21 HQE.on_pending:
     22     Host, HQE -> Pending, Starting
     23     This status is acted upon in the scheduler, to assign an AgentTask.
     24 PreJobTask:
     25     epilog:
     26         failure:
     27             requeue hqe
     28             repair the host
     29 Children PreJobTasks:
     30     prolog:
     31         set Host, HQE status
     32     epilog:
     33         success:
     34             on_pending
     35         failure:
     36             repair throgh PreJobTask
     37             set Host, HQE status
     39 Failing a prejob task effects both the Host and the HQE, as follows:
     41 - Host: PreJob failure will result in a Repair job getting queued against
     42 the host, is we haven't already tried repairing it more than the
     43 max_repair_limit. When this happens, the host will remain in whatever status
     44 the prejob task left it in, till the Repair job puts it into 'Repairing'. This
     45 way the host_scheduler won't pick bad hosts and assign them to jobs.
     47 If we have already tried repairing the host too many times, the PreJobTask
     48 will flip the host to 'RepairFailed' in its epilog, and it will remain in this
     49 state till it is recovered and reverified.
     51 - HQE: Is either requeued or failed. Requeuing the HQE involves putting it
     52 in the Queued state and setting its host_id to None, so it gets a new host
     53 in the next scheduler tick. Failing the HQE results in either a Parsing
     54 or Archiving postjob task, and an eventual Failed status for the HQE.
     55 """
     57 import logging
     58 import re
     60 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import host_protections
     61 from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models
     62 from autotest_lib.scheduler import agent_task, scheduler_config
     63 from autotest_lib.server import autoserv_utils
     64 from autotest_lib.server.cros import provision
     67 class PreJobTask(agent_task.SpecialAgentTask):
     68     def epilog(self):
     69         super(PreJobTask, self).epilog()
     71         if self.host.protection == host_protections.Protection.DO_NOT_VERIFY:
     72             # effectively ignore failure for these hosts
     73             self.success = True
     75         if self.success:
     76             self.host.record_working_state(True,
     77                                            self.task.time_finished)
     78             return
     80         if self.queue_entry:
     81             # If we requeue a HQE, we should cancel any remaining pre-job
     82             # tasks against this host, otherwise we'll be left in a state
     83             # where a queued HQE has special tasks to run against a host.
     84             models.SpecialTask.objects.filter(
     85                     queue_entry__id=self.queue_entry.id,
     86                     host__id=self.host.id,
     87                     is_complete=0).update(is_complete=1, success=0)
     89             previous_provisions = models.SpecialTask.objects.filter(
     90                     task=models.SpecialTask.Task.PROVISION,
     91                     queue_entry_id=self.queue_entry.id).count()
     92             if (previous_provisions >
     93                 scheduler_config.config.max_provision_retries):
     94                 self._actually_fail_queue_entry()
     95                 # This abort will mark the aborted bit on the HQE itself, to
     96                 # signify that we're killing it.  Technically it also will do
     97                 # the recursive aborting of all child jobs, but that shouldn't
     98                 # matter here, as only suites have children, and those are
     99                 # hostless and thus don't have provisioning.
    100                 # TODO(milleral) http://crbug.com/188217
    101                 # However, we can't actually do this yet, as if we set the
    102                 # abort bit the FinalReparseTask will set the status of the HQE
    103                 # to ABORTED, which then means that we don't show the status in
    104                 # run_suite.  So in the meantime, don't mark the HQE as
    105                 # aborted.
    106                 # queue_entry.abort()
    107             else:
    108                 # requeue() must come after handling provision retries, since
    109                 # _actually_fail_queue_entry needs an execution subdir.
    110                 # We also don't want to requeue if we hit the provision retry
    111                 # limit, since then we overwrite the PARSING state of the HQE.
    112                 self.queue_entry.requeue()
    114             # Limit the repair on a host when a prejob task fails, e.g., reset,
    115             # verify etc. The number of repair jobs is limited to the specific
    116             # HQE and host.
    117             previous_repairs = models.SpecialTask.objects.filter(
    118                     task=models.SpecialTask.Task.REPAIR,
    119                     queue_entry_id=self.queue_entry.id,
    120                     host_id=self.queue_entry.host_id).count()
    121             if previous_repairs >= scheduler_config.config.max_repair_limit:
    122                 self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.REPAIR_FAILED)
    123                 self._fail_queue_entry()
    124                 return
    126             queue_entry = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.get(
    127                     id=self.queue_entry.id)
    128         else:
    129             queue_entry = None
    131         models.SpecialTask.objects.create(
    132                 host=models.Host.objects.get(id=self.host.id),
    133                 task=models.SpecialTask.Task.REPAIR,
    134                 queue_entry=queue_entry,
    135                 requested_by=self.task.requested_by)
    138     def _should_pending(self):
    139         """
    140         Decide if we should call the host queue entry's on_pending method.
    141         We should if:
    142         1) There exists an associated host queue entry.
    143         2) The current special task completed successfully.
    144         3) There do not exist any more special tasks to be run before the
    145            host queue entry starts.
    147         @returns: True if we should call pending, false if not.
    149         """
    150         if not self.queue_entry or not self.success:
    151             return False
    153         # We know if this is the last one when we create it, so we could add
    154         # another column to the database to keep track of this information, but
    155         # I expect the overhead of querying here to be minimal.
    156         queue_entry = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.get(id=self.queue_entry.id)
    157         queued = models.SpecialTask.objects.filter(
    158                 host__id=self.host.id, is_active=False,
    159                 is_complete=False, queue_entry=queue_entry)
    160         queued = queued.exclude(id=self.task.id)
    161         return queued.count() == 0
    164 class VerifyTask(PreJobTask):
    165     TASK_TYPE = models.SpecialTask.Task.VERIFY
    168     def __init__(self, task):
    169         args = ['-v']
    170         if task.queue_entry:
    171             args.extend(self._generate_autoserv_label_args(task))
    172         super(VerifyTask, self).__init__(task, args)
    173         self._set_ids(host=self.host, queue_entries=[self.queue_entry])
    176     def prolog(self):
    177         super(VerifyTask, self).prolog()
    179         logging.info("starting verify on %s", self.host.hostname)
    180         if self.queue_entry:
    181             self.queue_entry.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.VERIFYING)
    182         self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.VERIFYING)
    184         # Delete any queued manual reverifies for this host.  One verify will do
    185         # and there's no need to keep records of other requests.
    186         self.remove_special_tasks(models.SpecialTask.Task.VERIFY,
    187                                   keep_last_one=True)
    190     def epilog(self):
    191         super(VerifyTask, self).epilog()
    192         if self.success:
    193             if self._should_pending():
    194                 self.queue_entry.on_pending()
    195             else:
    196                 self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.READY)
    199 class CleanupTask(PreJobTask):
    200     # note this can also run post-job, but when it does, it's running standalone
    201     # against the host (not related to the job), so it's not considered a
    202     # PostJobTask
    204     TASK_TYPE = models.SpecialTask.Task.CLEANUP
    207     def __init__(self, task, recover_run_monitor=None):
    208         args = ['--cleanup']
    209         if task.queue_entry:
    210             args.extend(self._generate_autoserv_label_args(task))
    211         super(CleanupTask, self).__init__(task, args)
    212         self._set_ids(host=self.host, queue_entries=[self.queue_entry])
    215     def prolog(self):
    216         super(CleanupTask, self).prolog()
    217         logging.info("starting cleanup task for host: %s", self.host.hostname)
    218         self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.CLEANING)
    219         if self.queue_entry:
    220             self.queue_entry.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.CLEANING)
    223     def _finish_epilog(self):
    224         if not self.queue_entry or not self.success:
    225             return
    227         do_not_verify_protection = host_protections.Protection.DO_NOT_VERIFY
    228         should_run_verify = (
    229                 self.queue_entry.job.run_verify
    230                 and self.host.protection != do_not_verify_protection)
    231         if should_run_verify:
    232             entry = models.HostQueueEntry.objects.get(id=self.queue_entry.id)
    233             models.SpecialTask.objects.create(
    234                     host=models.Host.objects.get(id=self.host.id),
    235                     queue_entry=entry,
    236                     task=models.SpecialTask.Task.VERIFY)
    237         else:
    238             if self._should_pending():
    239                 self.queue_entry.on_pending()
    242     def epilog(self):
    243         super(CleanupTask, self).epilog()
    245         if self.success:
    246             self.host.update_field('dirty', 0)
    247             self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.READY)
    249         self._finish_epilog()
    252 class ResetTask(PreJobTask):
    253     """Task to reset a DUT, including cleanup and verify."""
    254     # note this can also run post-job, but when it does, it's running standalone
    255     # against the host (not related to the job), so it's not considered a
    256     # PostJobTask
    258     TASK_TYPE = models.SpecialTask.Task.RESET
    261     def __init__(self, task, recover_run_monitor=None):
    262         args = ['--reset']
    263         if task.queue_entry:
    264             args.extend(self._generate_autoserv_label_args(task))
    265         super(ResetTask, self).__init__(task, args)
    266         self._set_ids(host=self.host, queue_entries=[self.queue_entry])
    269     def prolog(self):
    270         super(ResetTask, self).prolog()
    271         logging.info('starting reset task for host: %s',
    272                      self.host.hostname)
    273         self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.RESETTING)
    274         if self.queue_entry:
    275             self.queue_entry.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.RESETTING)
    277         # Delete any queued cleanups for this host.
    278         self.remove_special_tasks(models.SpecialTask.Task.CLEANUP,
    279                                   keep_last_one=False)
    281         # Delete any queued reverifies for this host.
    282         self.remove_special_tasks(models.SpecialTask.Task.VERIFY,
    283                                   keep_last_one=False)
    285         # Only one reset is needed.
    286         self.remove_special_tasks(models.SpecialTask.Task.RESET,
    287                                   keep_last_one=True)
    290     def epilog(self):
    291         super(ResetTask, self).epilog()
    293         if self.success:
    294             self.host.update_field('dirty', 0)
    296             if self._should_pending():
    297                 self.queue_entry.on_pending()
    298             else:
    299                 self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.READY)
    302 # TODO (ayatane): Refactor using server/cros/provision
    303 def _is_cros_version(label):
    304     """Return whether the label is a cros-version: label."""
    305     return label.startswith('cros-version:')
    308 # TODO (ayatane): Refactor using server/cros/provision
    309 def _get_cros_version(label):
    310     """Return cros-version from cros-version label."""
    311     return label[len('cros-version:'):]
    314 # TODO (ayatane): Refactor into server/cros/provision
    315 class _CrosImage(object):
    316     """The name of a CrOS image."""
    318     _name_pattern = re.compile(
    319         r'^'
    320         r'(?P<group>[a-z0-9-]+)'
    321         r'/'
    322         r'(?P<milestone>LATEST|R[0-9]+)'
    323         r'-'
    324         r'(?P<version>[0-9.]+)'
    325         r'(-(?P<rc>rc[0-9]+))?'
    326         r'$'
    327     )
    329     def __init__(self, name):
    330         """Initialize instance.
    332         @param name: Image name string (lumpy-release/R27-3773.0.0)
    333         """
    334         self._name = name
    335         match = self._name_pattern.search(name)
    336         if match is None:
    337             raise ValueError('Invalid CrOS image name: %r' % name)
    338         self.group = match.group('group')
    339         self.milestone = match.group('milestone')
    340         self.version = match.group('version')
    341         self.rc = match.group('rc')
    343     def __repr__(self):
    344         return '{cls}({name!r})'.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
    345                                         name=self._name)
    347     def __str__(self):
    348         return self._name
    351 class ProvisionTask(PreJobTask):
    352     TASK_TYPE = models.SpecialTask.Task.PROVISION
    354     def __init__(self, task):
    355         # Provisioning requires that we be associated with a job/queue entry
    356         assert task.queue_entry, "No HQE associated with provision task!"
    357         # task.queue_entry is an afe model HostQueueEntry object.
    358         # self.queue_entry is a scheduler models HostQueueEntry object, but
    359         # it gets constructed and assigned in __init__, so it's not available
    360         # yet.  Therefore, we're stuck pulling labels off of the afe model
    361         # so that we can pass the --provision args into the __init__ call.
    362         labels = {x.name for x in task.queue_entry.job.labels}
    363         _, provisionable = provision.Provision.partition(labels)
    364         extra_command_args = ['--provision',
    365                               '--job-labels', ','.join(provisionable)]
    366         super(ProvisionTask, self).__init__(task, extra_command_args)
    367         self._set_milestone(labels)
    368         self._set_ids(host=self.host, queue_entries=[self.queue_entry])
    371     def _set_milestone(self, labels):
    372         """Set build milestone from the labels.
    374         @param labels: iterable of labels.
    375         """
    376         labels = (label
    377                   for label in labels
    378                   if _is_cros_version(label))
    379         for label in labels:
    380             try:
    381                 cros_image = _CrosImage(_get_cros_version(label))
    382             except ValueError as e:
    383                 logging.warning('Could not parse cros-version. Error msg: %s', e)
    384                 self._milestone = 'N/A'
    385             else:
    386                 self._milestone = cros_image.milestone
    387             break
    390     def _command_line(self):
    391         # If we give queue_entry to _autoserv_command_line, then it will append
    392         # -c for this invocation if the queue_entry is a client side test. We
    393         # don't want that, as it messes with provisioning, so we just drop it
    394         # from the arguments here.
    395         # Note that we also don't verify job_repo_url as provisioining tasks are
    396         # required to stage whatever content we need, and the job itself will
    397         # force autotest to be staged if it isn't already.
    398         return autoserv_utils._autoserv_command_line(self.host.hostname,
    399                                                      self._extra_command_args,
    400                                                      in_lab=True)
    403     def prolog(self):
    404         super(ProvisionTask, self).prolog()
    405         # add check for previous provision task and abort if exist.
    406         logging.info("starting provision task for host: %s", self.host.hostname)
    407         self.queue_entry.set_status(
    408                 models.HostQueueEntry.Status.PROVISIONING)
    409         self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.PROVISIONING)
    412     def epilog(self):
    413         super(ProvisionTask, self).epilog()
    415         # If we were not successful in provisioning the machine
    416         # leave the DUT in whatever status was set in the PreJobTask's
    417         # epilog. If this task was successful the host status will get
    418         # set appropriately as a fallout of the hqe's on_pending. If
    419         # we don't call on_pending, it can only be because:
    420         #   1. This task was not successful:
    421         #       a. Another repair is queued: this repair job will set the host
    422         #       status, and it will remain in 'Provisioning' till then.
    423         #       b. We have hit the max_repair_limit: in which case the host
    424         #       status is set to 'RepairFailed' in the epilog of PreJobTask.
    425         #   2. The task was successful, but there are other special tasks:
    426         #      Those special tasks will set the host status appropriately.
    427         if self._should_pending():
    428             self.queue_entry.on_pending()
    431 class RepairTask(agent_task.SpecialAgentTask):
    432     TASK_TYPE = models.SpecialTask.Task.REPAIR
    435     def __init__(self, task):
    436         """\
    437         queue_entry: queue entry to mark failed if this repair fails.
    438         """
    439         protection = host_protections.Protection.get_string(
    440                 task.host.protection)
    441         # normalize the protection name
    442         protection = host_protections.Protection.get_attr_name(protection)
    444         args = ['-R', '--host-protection', protection]
    445         if task.queue_entry:
    446             args.extend(self._generate_autoserv_label_args(task))
    448         super(RepairTask, self).__init__(task, args)
    450         # *don't* include the queue entry in IDs -- if the queue entry is
    451         # aborted, we want to leave the repair task running
    452         self._set_ids(host=self.host)
    455     def prolog(self):
    456         super(RepairTask, self).prolog()
    457         logging.info("repair_task starting")
    458         self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.REPAIRING)
    461     def epilog(self):
    462         super(RepairTask, self).epilog()
    464         if self.success:
    465             self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.READY)
    466         else:
    467             self.host.set_status(models.Host.Status.REPAIR_FAILED)
    468             if self.queue_entry:
    469                 self._fail_queue_entry()
    470         self.host.record_working_state(bool(self.success),
    471                                        self.task.time_finished)