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      1 # Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 """Services relating to generating a suite timeline and report."""
      7 from __future__ import print_function
      9 import common
     10 import json
     12 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils
     13 from autotest_lib.server import frontend
     14 from autotest_lib.server.lib import status_history
     15 from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
     18 HostJobHistory = status_history.HostJobHistory
     20 # TODO: Handle other statuses like infra failures.
     21 TKO_STATUS_MAP = {
     22     'ERROR': 'fail',
     23     'FAIL': 'fail',
     24     'GOOD': 'pass',
     25     'PASS': 'pass',
     26     'Failed': 'fail',
     27     'Completed': 'pass',
     28 }
     31 def parse_tko_status_string(status_string):
     32     """Parse a status string from TKO or the HQE databases.
     34     @param status_string: A status string from TKO or HQE databases.
     36     @return A status string suitable for inclusion within Cloud Datastore.
     37     """
     38     return TKO_STATUS_MAP.get(status_string, 'unknown:' + status_string)
     41 def make_entry(entry_id, name, status, start_time,
     42                finish_time=None, parent=None):
     43     """Generate an event log entry to be stored in Cloud Datastore.
     45     @param entry_id: A (Kind, id) tuple representing the key.
     46     @param name: A string identifying the event
     47     @param status: A string identifying the status of the event.
     48     @param start_time: A unix timestamp of the start of the event.
     49     @param finish_time: A unix timestamp of the finish of the event.
     50     @param parent: A (Kind, id) tuple representing the parent key.
     52     @return A dictionary representing the entry suitable for dumping via JSON.
     53     """
     54     entry = {
     55         'id': entry_id,
     56         'name': name,
     57         'status': status,
     58         'start_time': start_time,
     59     }
     60     if finish_time is not None:
     61         entry['finish_time'] = finish_time
     62     if parent is not None:
     63         entry['parent'] = parent
     64     return entry
     67 def find_start_finish_times(statuses):
     68     """Determines the start and finish times for a list of statuses.
     70     @param statuses: A list of job test statuses.
     72     @return (start_tme, finish_time) tuple of seconds past epoch.  If either
     73             cannot be determined, None for that time.
     74     """
     75     starts = {int(time_utils.to_epoch_time(s.test_started_time))
     76               for s in statuses if s.test_started_time != 'None'}
     77     finishes = {int(time_utils.to_epoch_time(s.test_finished_time))
     78                 for s in statuses if s.test_finished_time != 'None'}
     79     start_time = min(starts) if starts else None
     80     finish_time = max(finishes) if finishes else None
     81     return start_time, finish_time
     84 def make_job_entry(tko, job, parent=None, suite_job=False, job_entries=None):
     85     """Generate a Suite or HWTest event log entry.
     87     @param tko: TKO database handle.
     88     @param job: A frontend.Job to generate an entry for.
     89     @param parent: A (Kind, id) tuple representing the parent key.
     90     @param suite_job: A boolean indicating wheret this represents a suite job.
     91     @param job_entries: A dictionary mapping job id to earlier job entries.
     93     @return A dictionary representing the entry suitable for dumping via JSON.
     94     """
     95     statuses = tko.get_job_test_statuses_from_db(job.id)
     96     status = 'pass'
     97     dut = None
     98     for s in statuses:
     99         parsed_status = parse_tko_status_string(s.status)
    100         # TODO: Improve this generation of status.
    101         if parsed_status != 'pass':
    102             status = parsed_status
    103         if s.hostname:
    104             dut = s.hostname
    105         if s.test_started_time == 'None' or s.test_finished_time == 'None':
    106             logging.warn('TKO entry for %d missing time: %s' % (job.id, str(s)))
    107     start_time, finish_time = find_start_finish_times(statuses)
    108     entry = make_entry(('Suite' if suite_job else 'HWTest', int(job.id)),
    109                        job.name.split('/')[-1], status, start_time,
    110                        finish_time=finish_time, parent=parent)
    112     if dut:
    113         entry['dut'] = dut
    114     if job.shard:
    115         entry['shard'] = job.shard
    116     # Determine the try of this job by looking back through what the
    117     # original job id is.
    118     if 'retry_original_job_id' in job.keyvals:
    119         original_job_id = int(job.keyvals['retry_original_job_id'])
    120         original_job = job_entries.get(original_job_id, None)
    121         if original_job:
    122             entry['try'] = original_job['try'] + 1
    123         else:
    124             entry['try'] = 0
    125     else:
    126         entry['try'] = 1
    127     entry['gs_url'] = status_history.get_job_gs_url(job)
    128     return entry
    131 def make_hqe_entry(hostname, hqe, hqe_statuses, parent=None):
    132     """Generate a HQE event log entry.
    134     @param hostname: A string of the hostname.
    135     @param hqe: A host history to generate an event for.
    136     @param hqe_statuses: A dictionary mapping HQE ids to job status.
    137     @param parent: A (Kind, id) tuple representing the parent key.
    139     @return A dictionary representing the entry suitable for dumping via JSON.
    140     """
    141     entry = make_entry(
    142         ('HQE', int(hqe.id)), hostname,
    143         hqe_statuses.get(hqe.id, parse_tko_status_string(hqe.job_status)),
    144         hqe.start_time, finish_time=hqe.end_time, parent=parent)
    146     entry['task_name'] = hqe.name.split('/')[-1]
    147     entry['in_suite'] = hqe.id in hqe_statuses
    148     entry['job_url'] = hqe.job_url
    149     entry['gs_url'] = hqe.gs_url
    150     if hqe.job_id is not None:
    151         entry['job_id'] = hqe.job_id
    152     entry['is_special'] = hqe.is_special
    153     return entry
    156 def generate_suite_report(suite_job_id, afe=None, tko=None):
    157     """Generate a list of events corresonding to a single suite job.
    159     @param suite_job_id: The AFE id of the suite job.
    160     @param afe: AFE database handle.
    161     @param tko: TKO database handle.
    163     @return A list of entries suitable for dumping via JSON.
    164     """
    165     if afe is None:
    166         afe = frontend.AFE()
    167     if tko is None:
    168         tko = frontend.TKO()
    170     # Retrieve the main suite job.
    171     suite_job = afe.get_jobs(id=suite_job_id)[0]
    173     suite_entry = make_job_entry(tko, suite_job, suite_job=True)
    174     entries = [suite_entry]
    176     # Retrieve the child jobs and cache all their statuses
    177     logging.debug('Fetching child jobs...')
    178     child_jobs = afe.get_jobs(parent_job_id=suite_job_id)
    179     logging.debug('... fetched %s child jobs.' % len(child_jobs))
    180     job_statuses = {}
    181     job_entries = {}
    182     for j in child_jobs:
    183         job_entry = make_job_entry(tko, j, suite_entry['id'],
    184                                    job_entries=job_entries)
    185         entries.append(job_entry)
    186         job_statuses[j.id] = job_entry['status']
    187         job_entries[j.id] = job_entry
    189     # Retrieve the HQEs from all the child jobs, record statuses from
    190     # job statuses.
    191     child_job_ids = {j.id for j in child_jobs}
    192     logging.debug('Fetching HQEs...')
    193     hqes = afe.get_host_queue_entries(job_id__in=list(child_job_ids))
    194     logging.debug('... fetched %s HQEs.' % len(hqes))
    195     hqe_statuses = {h.id: job_statuses.get(h.job.id, None) for h in hqes}
    197     # Generate list of hosts.
    198     hostnames = {h.host.hostname for h in hqes if h.host}
    199     logging.debug('%s distinct hosts participated in the suite.' %
    200                   len(hostnames))
    202     # Retrieve histories for the time of the suite for all associated hosts.
    203     # TODO: Include all hosts in the pool.
    204     if suite_entry['start_time'] and suite_entry['finish_time']:
    205         histories = [HostJobHistory.get_host_history(afe, hostname,
    206                                                      suite_entry['start_time'],
    207                                                      suite_entry['finish_time'])
    208                      for hostname in sorted(hostnames)]
    210         for history in histories:
    211             entries.extend(make_hqe_entry(history.hostname, h, hqe_statuses,
    212                                           suite_entry['id']) for h in history)
    214     return entries
    216 def dump_entries_as_json(entries, output_file):
    217     """Dump event log entries as json to a file.
    219     @param entries: A list of event log entries to dump.
    220     @param output_file: The file to write to.
    221     """
    222     # Write the entries out as JSON.
    223     logging.debug('Dumping %d entries' % len(entries))
    224     for e in entries:
    225         json.dump(e, output_file, sort_keys=True)
    226         output_file.write('\n')