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      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      2 # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 # found in the LICENSE file.
      7 """Parses and displays the contents of one or more autoserv result directories.
      9 This script parses the contents of one or more autoserv results folders and
     10 generates test reports.
     11 """
     13 import datetime
     14 import glob
     15 import logging
     16 import operator
     17 import optparse
     18 import os
     19 import re
     20 import sys
     22 import common
     23 try:
     24     # Ensure the chromite site-package is installed.
     25     from chromite.lib import terminal
     26 except ImportError:
     27     import subprocess
     28     build_externals_path = os.path.join(
     29             os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
     30             'utils', 'build_externals.py')
     31     subprocess.check_call([build_externals_path, 'chromiterepo'])
     32     # Restart the script so python now finds the autotest site-packages.
     33     sys.exit(os.execv(__file__, sys.argv))
     36 _STDOUT_IS_TTY = hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty()
     39 def Die(message_format, *args, **kwargs):
     40     """Log a message and kill the current process.
     42     @param message_format: string for logging.error.
     44     """
     45     logging.error(message_format, *args, **kwargs)
     46     sys.exit(1)
     49 class CrashWaiver:
     50     """Represents a crash that we want to ignore for now."""
     51     def __init__(self, signals, deadline, url, person):
     52         self.signals = signals
     53         self.deadline = datetime.datetime.strptime(deadline, '%Y-%b-%d')
     54         self.issue_url = url
     55         self.suppressor = person
     57 # List of crashes which are okay to ignore. This list should almost always be
     58 # empty. If you add an entry, include the bug URL and your name, something like
     59 #     'crashy':CrashWaiver(
     60 #       ['sig 11'], '2011-Aug-18', 'http://crosbug/123456', 'developer'),
     62 _CRASH_WHITELIST = {
     63 }
     66 class ResultCollector(object):
     67     """Collects status and performance data from an autoserv results dir."""
     69     def __init__(self, collect_perf=True, collect_attr=False,
     70                  collect_info=False, escape_error=False,
     71                  whitelist_chrome_crashes=False):
     72         """Initialize ResultsCollector class.
     74         @param collect_perf: Should perf keyvals be collected?
     75         @param collect_attr: Should attr keyvals be collected?
     76         @param collect_info: Should info keyvals be collected?
     77         @param escape_error: Escape error message text for tools.
     78         @param whitelist_chrome_crashes: Treat Chrome crashes as non-fatal.
     80         """
     81         self._collect_perf = collect_perf
     82         self._collect_attr = collect_attr
     83         self._collect_info = collect_info
     84         self._escape_error = escape_error
     85         self._whitelist_chrome_crashes = whitelist_chrome_crashes
     87     def _CollectPerf(self, testdir):
     88         """Parses keyval file under testdir and return the perf keyval pairs.
     90         @param testdir: autoserv test result directory path.
     92         @return dict of perf keyval pairs.
     94         """
     95         if not self._collect_perf:
     96             return {}
     97         return self._CollectKeyval(testdir, 'perf')
     99     def _CollectAttr(self, testdir):
    100         """Parses keyval file under testdir and return the attr keyval pairs.
    102         @param testdir: autoserv test result directory path.
    104         @return dict of attr keyval pairs.
    106         """
    107         if not self._collect_attr:
    108             return {}
    109         return self._CollectKeyval(testdir, 'attr')
    111     def _CollectKeyval(self, testdir, keyword):
    112         """Parses keyval file under testdir.
    114         If testdir contains a result folder, process the keyval file and return
    115         a dictionary of perf keyval pairs.
    117         @param testdir: The autoserv test result directory.
    118         @param keyword: The keyword of keyval, either 'perf' or 'attr'.
    120         @return If the perf option is disabled or the there's no keyval file
    121                 under testdir, returns an empty dictionary. Otherwise, returns
    122                 a dictionary of parsed keyvals. Duplicate keys are uniquified
    123                 by their instance number.
    125         """
    126         keyval = {}
    127         keyval_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'results', 'keyval')
    128         if not os.path.isfile(keyval_file):
    129             return keyval
    131         instances = {}
    133         for line in open(keyval_file):
    134             match = re.search(r'^(.+){%s}=(.+)$' % keyword, line)
    135             if match:
    136                 key = match.group(1)
    137                 val = match.group(2)
    139                 # If the same key name was generated multiple times, uniquify
    140                 # all instances other than the first one by adding the instance
    141                 # count to the key name.
    142                 key_inst = key
    143                 instance = instances.get(key, 0)
    144                 if instance:
    145                     key_inst = '%s{%d}' % (key, instance)
    146                 instances[key] = instance + 1
    148                 keyval[key_inst] = val
    150         return keyval
    152     def _CollectCrashes(self, status_raw):
    153         """Parses status_raw file for crashes.
    155         Saves crash details if crashes are discovered.  If a whitelist is
    156         present, only records whitelisted crashes.
    158         @param status_raw: The contents of the status.log or status file from
    159                 the test.
    161         @return a list of crash entries to be reported.
    163         """
    164         crashes = []
    165         regex = re.compile(
    166                 'Received crash notification for ([-\w]+).+ (sig \d+)')
    167         chrome_regex = re.compile(r'^supplied_[cC]hrome|^chrome$')
    168         for match in regex.finditer(status_raw):
    169             w = _CRASH_WHITELIST.get(match.group(1))
    170             if (self._whitelist_chrome_crashes and
    171                     chrome_regex.match(match.group(1))):
    172                 print '@@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@'
    173                 print '%s crashed with %s' % (match.group(1), match.group(2))
    174             elif (w is not None and match.group(2) in w.signals and
    175                         w.deadline > datetime.datetime.now()):
    176                 print 'Ignoring crash in %s for waiver that expires %s' % (
    177                         match.group(1), w.deadline.strftime('%Y-%b-%d'))
    178             else:
    179                 crashes.append('%s %s' % match.groups())
    180         return crashes
    182     def _CollectInfo(self, testdir, custom_info):
    183         """Parses *_info files under testdir/sysinfo/var/log.
    185         If the sysinfo/var/log/*info files exist, save information that shows
    186         hw, ec and bios version info.
    188         This collection of extra info is disabled by default (this funtion is
    189         a no-op).  It is enabled only if the --info command-line option is
    190         explicitly supplied.  Normal job parsing does not supply this option.
    192         @param testdir: The autoserv test result directory.
    193         @param custom_info: Dictionary to collect detailed ec/bios info.
    195         @return a dictionary of info that was discovered.
    197         """
    198         if not self._collect_info:
    199             return {}
    200         info = custom_info
    202         sysinfo_dir = os.path.join(testdir, 'sysinfo', 'var', 'log')
    203         for info_file, info_keys in {'ec_info.txt': ['fw_version'],
    204                                      'bios_info.txt': ['fwid',
    205                                                        'hwid']}.iteritems():
    206             info_file_path = os.path.join(sysinfo_dir, info_file)
    207             if not os.path.isfile(info_file_path):
    208                 continue
    209             # Some example raw text that might be matched include:
    210             #
    211             # fw_version           | snow_v1.1.332-cf20b3e
    212             # fwid = Google_Snow.2711.0.2012_08_06_1139 # Active firmware ID
    213             # hwid = DAISY TEST A-A 9382                # Hardware ID
    214             info_regex = re.compile(r'^(%s)\s*[|=]\s*(.*)' %
    215                                     '|'.join(info_keys))
    216             with open(info_file_path, 'r') as f:
    217                 for line in f:
    218                     line = line.strip()
    219                     line = line.split('#')[0]
    220                     match = info_regex.match(line)
    221                     if match:
    222                         info[match.group(1)] = str(match.group(2)).strip()
    223         return info
    225     def _CollectEndTimes(self, status_raw, status_re='', is_end=True):
    226         """Helper to match and collect timestamp and localtime.
    228         Preferred to locate timestamp and localtime with an
    229         'END GOOD test_name...' line.  However, aborted tests occasionally fail
    230         to produce this line and then need to scrape timestamps from the 'START
    231         test_name...' line.
    233         @param status_raw: multi-line text to search.
    234         @param status_re: status regex to seek (e.g. GOOD|FAIL)
    235         @param is_end: if True, search for 'END' otherwise 'START'.
    237         @return Tuple of timestamp, localtime retrieved from the test status
    238                 log.
    240         """
    241         timestamp = ''
    242         localtime = ''
    244         localtime_re = r'\w+\s+\w+\s+[:\w]+'
    245         match_filter = (
    246                 r'^\s*%s\s+(?:%s).*timestamp=(\d*).*localtime=(%s).*$' % (
    247                 'END' if is_end else 'START', status_re, localtime_re))
    248         matches = re.findall(match_filter, status_raw, re.MULTILINE)
    249         if matches:
    250             # There may be multiple lines with timestamp/localtime info.
    251             # The last one found is selected because it will reflect the end
    252             # time.
    253             for i in xrange(len(matches)):
    254                 timestamp_, localtime_ = matches[-(i+1)]
    255                 if not timestamp or timestamp_ > timestamp:
    256                     timestamp = timestamp_
    257                     localtime = localtime_
    258         return timestamp, localtime
    260     def _CheckExperimental(self, testdir):
    261         """Parses keyval file and return the value of `experimental`.
    263         @param testdir: The result directory that has the keyval file.
    265         @return The value of 'experimental', which is a boolean value indicating
    266                 whether it is an experimental test or not.
    268         """
    269         keyval_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'keyval')
    270         if not os.path.isfile(keyval_file):
    271             return False
    273         with open(keyval_file) as f:
    274             for line in f:
    275                 match = re.match(r'experimental=(.+)', line)
    276                 if match:
    277                     return match.group(1) == 'True'
    278             else:
    279                 return False
    282     def _CollectResult(self, testdir, results, is_experimental=False):
    283         """Collects results stored under testdir into a dictionary.
    285         The presence/location of status files (status.log, status and
    286         job_report.html) varies depending on whether the job is a simple
    287         client test, simple server test, old-style suite or new-style
    288         suite.  For example:
    289         -In some cases a single job_report.html may exist but many times
    290          multiple instances are produced in a result tree.
    291         -Most tests will produce a status.log but client tests invoked
    292          by a server test will only emit a status file.
    294         The two common criteria that seem to define the presence of a
    295         valid test result are:
    296         1. Existence of a 'status.log' or 'status' file. Note that if both a
    297              'status.log' and 'status' file exist for a test, the 'status' file
    298              is always a subset of the 'status.log' fle contents.
    299         2. Presence of a 'debug' directory.
    301         In some cases multiple 'status.log' files will exist where the parent
    302         'status.log' contains the contents of multiple subdirectory 'status.log'
    303         files.  Parent and subdirectory 'status.log' files are always expected
    304         to agree on the outcome of a given test.
    306         The test results discovered from the 'status*' files are included
    307         in the result dictionary.  The test directory name and a test directory
    308         timestamp/localtime are saved to be used as sort keys for the results.
    310         The value of 'is_experimental' is included in the result dictionary.
    312         @param testdir: The autoserv test result directory.
    313         @param results: A list to which a populated test-result-dictionary will
    314                 be appended if a status file is found.
    315         @param is_experimental: A boolean value indicating whether the result
    316                 directory is for an experimental test.
    318         """
    319         status_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'status.log')
    320         if not os.path.isfile(status_file):
    321             status_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'status')
    322             if not os.path.isfile(status_file):
    323                 return
    325         # Status is True if GOOD, else False for all others.
    326         status = False
    327         error_msg = None
    328         status_raw = open(status_file, 'r').read()
    329         failure_tags = 'ABORT|ERROR|FAIL'
    330         warning_tag = 'WARN|TEST_NA'
    331         failure = re.search(r'%s' % failure_tags, status_raw)
    332         warning = re.search(r'%s' % warning_tag, status_raw) and not failure
    333         good = (re.search(r'GOOD.+completed successfully', status_raw) and
    334                              not (failure or warning))
    336         # We'd like warnings to allow the tests to pass, but still gather info.
    337         if good or warning:
    338             status = True
    340         if not good:
    341             match = re.search(r'^\t+(%s|%s)\t(.+)' % (failure_tags,
    342                                                       warning_tag),
    343                               status_raw, re.MULTILINE)
    344             if match:
    345                 failure_type = match.group(1)
    346                 reason = match.group(2).split('\t')[4]
    347                 if self._escape_error:
    348                     reason = re.escape(reason)
    349                 error_msg = ': '.join([failure_type, reason])
    351         # Grab the timestamp - can be used for sorting the test runs.
    352         # Grab the localtime - may be printed to enable line filtering by date.
    353         # Designed to match a line like this:
    354         #   END GOOD testname ... timestamp=1347324321 localtime=Sep 10 17:45:21
    355         status_re = r'GOOD|%s|%s' % (failure_tags, warning_tag)
    356         timestamp, localtime = self._CollectEndTimes(status_raw, status_re)
    357         # Hung tests will occasionally skip printing the END line so grab
    358         # a default timestamp from the START line in those cases.
    359         if not timestamp:
    360             timestamp, localtime = self._CollectEndTimes(status_raw,
    361                                                          is_end=False)
    363         results.append({
    364                 'testdir': testdir,
    365                 'crashes': self._CollectCrashes(status_raw),
    366                 'status': status,
    367                 'error_msg': error_msg,
    368                 'localtime': localtime,
    369                 'timestamp': timestamp,
    370                 'perf': self._CollectPerf(testdir),
    371                 'attr': self._CollectAttr(testdir),
    372                 'info': self._CollectInfo(testdir, {'localtime': localtime,
    373                                                     'timestamp': timestamp}),
    374                 'experimental': is_experimental})
    376     def RecursivelyCollectResults(self, resdir, parent_experimental_tag=False):
    377         """Recursively collect results into a list of dictionaries.
    379         Only recurses into directories that possess a 'debug' subdirectory
    380         because anything else is not considered a 'test' directory.
    382         The value of 'experimental' in keyval file is used to determine whether
    383         the result is for an experimental test. If it is, all its sub
    384         directories are considered to be experimental tests too.
    386         @param resdir: results/test directory to parse results from and recurse
    387                 into.
    388         @param parent_experimental_tag: A boolean value, used to keep track of
    389                 whether its parent directory is for an experimental test.
    391         @return List of dictionaries of results.
    393         """
    394         results = []
    395         is_experimental = (parent_experimental_tag or
    396                            self._CheckExperimental(resdir))
    397         self._CollectResult(resdir, results, is_experimental)
    398         for testdir in glob.glob(os.path.join(resdir, '*')):
    399             # Remove false positives that are missing a debug dir.
    400             if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(testdir, 'debug')):
    401                 continue
    403             results.extend(self.RecursivelyCollectResults(
    404                     testdir, is_experimental))
    405         return results
    408 class ReportGenerator(object):
    409     """Collects and displays data from autoserv results directories.
    411     This class collects status and performance data from one or more autoserv
    412     result directories and generates test reports.
    413     """
    415     _KEYVAL_INDENT = 2
    416     _STATUS_STRINGS = {'hr': {'pass': '[  PASSED  ]', 'fail': '[  FAILED  ]'},
    417                        'csv': {'pass': 'PASS', 'fail': 'FAIL'}}
    419     def __init__(self, options, args):
    420         self._options = options
    421         self._args = args
    422         self._color = terminal.Color(options.color)
    423         self._results = []
    425     def _CollectAllResults(self):
    426         """Parses results into the self._results list.
    428         Builds a list (self._results) where each entry is a dictionary of
    429         result data from one test (which may contain other tests). Each
    430         dictionary will contain values such as: test folder, status, localtime,
    431         crashes, error_msg, perf keyvals [optional], info [optional].
    433         """
    434         collector = ResultCollector(
    435                 collect_perf=self._options.perf,
    436                 collect_attr=self._options.attr,
    437                 collect_info=self._options.info,
    438                 escape_error=self._options.escape_error,
    439                 whitelist_chrome_crashes=self._options.whitelist_chrome_crashes)
    441         for resdir in self._args:
    442             if not os.path.isdir(resdir):
    443                 Die('%r does not exist', resdir)
    444             self._results.extend(collector.RecursivelyCollectResults(resdir))
    446         if not self._results:
    447             Die('no test directories found')
    449     def _GenStatusString(self, status):
    450         """Given a bool indicating success or failure, return the right string.
    452         Also takes --csv into account, returns old-style strings if it is set.
    454         @param status: True or False, indicating success or failure.
    456         @return The appropriate string for printing..
    458         """
    459         success = 'pass' if status else 'fail'
    460         if self._options.csv:
    461             return self._STATUS_STRINGS['csv'][success]
    462         return self._STATUS_STRINGS['hr'][success]
    464     def _Indent(self, msg):
    465         """Given a message, indents it appropriately.
    467         @param msg: string to indent.
    468         @return indented version of msg.
    470         """
    471         return ' ' * self._KEYVAL_INDENT + msg
    473     def _GetTestColumnWidth(self):
    474         """Returns the test column width based on the test data.
    476         The test results are aligned by discovering the longest width test
    477         directory name or perf key stored in the list of result dictionaries.
    479         @return The width for the test column.
    481         """
    482         width = 0
    483         for result in self._results:
    484             width = max(width, len(result['testdir']))
    485             perf = result.get('perf')
    486             if perf:
    487                 perf_key_width = len(max(perf, key=len))
    488                 width = max(width, perf_key_width + self._KEYVAL_INDENT)
    489         return width
    491     def _PrintDashLine(self, width):
    492         """Prints a line of dashes as a separator in output.
    494         @param width: an integer.
    495         """
    496         if not self._options.csv:
    497             print ''.ljust(width + len(self._STATUS_STRINGS['hr']['pass']), '-')
    499     def _PrintEntries(self, entries):
    500         """Prints a list of strings, delimited based on --csv flag.
    502         @param entries: a list of strings, entities to output.
    504         """
    505         delimiter = ',' if self._options.csv else ' '
    506         print delimiter.join(entries)
    508     def _PrintErrors(self, test, error_msg):
    509         """Prints an indented error message, unless the --csv flag is set.
    511         @param test: the name of a test with which to prefix the line.
    512         @param error_msg: a message to print.  None is allowed, but ignored.
    514         """
    515         if not self._options.csv and error_msg:
    516             self._PrintEntries([test, self._Indent(error_msg)])
    518     def _PrintErrorLogs(self, test, test_string):
    519         """Prints the error log for |test| if --debug is set.
    521         @param test: the name of a test suitable for embedding in a path
    522         @param test_string: the name of a test with which to prefix the line.
    524         """
    525         if self._options.print_debug:
    526             debug_file_regex = os.path.join(
    527                     'results.', test, 'debug',
    528                     '%s*.ERROR' % os.path.basename(test))
    529             for path in glob.glob(debug_file_regex):
    530                 try:
    531                     with open(path) as fh:
    532                         for line in fh:
    533                             # Ensure line is not just WS.
    534                             if len(line.lstrip()) <=  0:
    535                                 continue
    536                             self._PrintEntries(
    537                                     [test_string, self._Indent(line.rstrip())])
    538                 except IOError:
    539                     print 'Could not open %s' % path
    541     def _PrintResultDictKeyVals(self, test_entry, result_dict):
    542         """Formatted print a dict of keyvals like 'perf' or 'info'.
    544         This function emits each keyval on a single line for uncompressed
    545         review.  The 'perf' dictionary contains performance keyvals while the
    546         'info' dictionary contains ec info, bios info and some test timestamps.
    548         @param test_entry: The unique name of the test (dir) - matches other
    549                 test output.
    550         @param result_dict: A dict of keyvals to be presented.
    552         """
    553         if not result_dict:
    554             return
    555         dict_keys = result_dict.keys()
    556         dict_keys.sort()
    557         width = self._GetTestColumnWidth()
    558         for dict_key in dict_keys:
    559             if self._options.csv:
    560                 key_entry = dict_key
    561             else:
    562                 key_entry = dict_key.ljust(width - self._KEYVAL_INDENT)
    563                 key_entry = key_entry.rjust(width)
    564             value_entry = self._color.Color(
    565                     self._color.BOLD, result_dict[dict_key])
    566             self._PrintEntries([test_entry, key_entry, value_entry])
    568     def _GetSortedTests(self):
    569         """Sort the test result dicts in preparation for results printing.
    571         By default sorts the results directionaries by their test names.
    572         However, when running long suites, it is useful to see if an early test
    573         has wedged the system and caused the remaining tests to abort/fail. The
    574         datetime-based chronological sorting allows this view.
    576         Uses the --sort-chron command line option to control.
    578         """
    579         if self._options.sort_chron:
    580             # Need to reverse sort the test dirs to ensure the suite folder
    581             # shows at the bottom. Because the suite folder shares its datetime
    582             # with the last test it shows second-to-last without the reverse
    583             # sort first.
    584             tests = sorted(self._results, key=operator.itemgetter('testdir'),
    585                            reverse=True)
    586             tests = sorted(tests, key=operator.itemgetter('timestamp'))
    587         else:
    588             tests = sorted(self._results, key=operator.itemgetter('testdir'))
    589         return tests
    591     def _GenerateReportText(self):
    592         """Prints a result report to stdout.
    594         Prints a result table to stdout. Each row of the table contains the
    595         test result directory and the test result (PASS, FAIL). If the perf
    596         option is enabled, each test entry is followed by perf keyval entries
    597         from the test results.
    599         """
    600         tests = self._GetSortedTests()
    601         width = self._GetTestColumnWidth()
    603         crashes = {}
    604         tests_pass = 0
    605         self._PrintDashLine(width)
    607         for result in tests:
    608             testdir = result['testdir']
    609             test_entry = testdir if self._options.csv else testdir.ljust(width)
    611             status_entry = self._GenStatusString(result['status'])
    612             if result['status']:
    613                 color = self._color.GREEN
    614                 tests_pass += 1
    615             else:
    616                 color = self._color.RED
    618             test_entries = [test_entry, self._color.Color(color, status_entry)]
    620             info = result.get('info', {})
    621             info.update(result.get('attr', {}))
    622             if self._options.csv and (self._options.info or self._options.attr):
    623                 if info:
    624                     test_entries.extend(['%s=%s' % (k, info[k])
    625                                         for k in sorted(info.keys())])
    626                 if not result['status'] and result['error_msg']:
    627                     test_entries.append('reason="%s"' % result['error_msg'])
    629             self._PrintEntries(test_entries)
    630             self._PrintErrors(test_entry, result['error_msg'])
    632             # Print out error log for failed tests.
    633             if not result['status']:
    634                 self._PrintErrorLogs(testdir, test_entry)
    636             # Emit the perf keyvals entries. There will be no entries if the
    637             # --no-perf option is specified.
    638             self._PrintResultDictKeyVals(test_entry, result['perf'])
    640             # Determine that there was a crash during this test.
    641             if result['crashes']:
    642                 for crash in result['crashes']:
    643                     if not crash in crashes:
    644                         crashes[crash] = set([])
    645                     crashes[crash].add(testdir)
    647             # Emit extra test metadata info on separate lines if not --csv.
    648             if not self._options.csv:
    649                 self._PrintResultDictKeyVals(test_entry, info)
    651         self._PrintDashLine(width)
    653         if not self._options.csv:
    654             total_tests = len(tests)
    655             percent_pass = 100 * tests_pass / total_tests
    656             pass_str = '%d/%d (%d%%)' % (tests_pass, total_tests, percent_pass)
    657             print 'Total PASS: ' + self._color.Color(self._color.BOLD, pass_str)
    659         if self._options.crash_detection:
    660             print ''
    661             if crashes:
    662                 print self._color.Color(self._color.RED,
    663                                         'Crashes detected during testing:')
    664                 self._PrintDashLine(width)
    666                 for crash_name, crashed_tests in sorted(crashes.iteritems()):
    667                     print self._color.Color(self._color.RED, crash_name)
    668                     for crashed_test in crashed_tests:
    669                         print self._Indent(crashed_test)
    671                 self._PrintDashLine(width)
    672                 print ('Total unique crashes: ' +
    673                        self._color.Color(self._color.BOLD, str(len(crashes))))
    675             # Sometimes the builders exit before these buffers are flushed.
    676             sys.stderr.flush()
    677             sys.stdout.flush()
    679     def Run(self):
    680         """Runs report generation."""
    681         self._CollectAllResults()
    682         self._GenerateReportText()
    683         for d in self._results:
    684             if d['experimental'] and self._options.ignore_experimental_tests:
    685                 continue
    686             if not d['status'] or (
    687                     self._options.crash_detection and d['crashes']):
    688                 sys.exit(1)
    691 def main():
    692     usage = 'Usage: %prog [options] result-directories...'
    693     parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
    694     parser.add_option('--color', dest='color', action='store_true',
    695                       default=_STDOUT_IS_TTY,
    696                       help='Use color for text reports [default if TTY stdout]')
    697     parser.add_option('--no-color', dest='color', action='store_false',
    698                       help='Don\'t use color for text reports')
    699     parser.add_option('--no-crash-detection', dest='crash_detection',
    700                       action='store_false', default=True,
    701                       help='Don\'t report crashes or error out when detected')
    702     parser.add_option('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true',
    703                       help='Output test result in CSV format.  '
    704                       'Implies --no-debug --no-crash-detection.')
    705     parser.add_option('--info', dest='info', action='store_true',
    706                       default=False,
    707                       help='Include info keyvals in the report')
    708     parser.add_option('--escape-error', dest='escape_error',
    709                       action='store_true', default=False,
    710                       help='Escape error message text for tools.')
    711     parser.add_option('--perf', dest='perf', action='store_true',
    712                       default=True,
    713                       help='Include perf keyvals in the report [default]')
    714     parser.add_option('--attr', dest='attr', action='store_true',
    715                       default=False,
    716                       help='Include attr keyvals in the report')
    717     parser.add_option('--no-perf', dest='perf', action='store_false',
    718                       help='Don\'t include perf keyvals in the report')
    719     parser.add_option('--sort-chron', dest='sort_chron', action='store_true',
    720                       default=False,
    721                       help='Sort results by datetime instead of by test name.')
    722     parser.add_option('--no-debug', dest='print_debug', action='store_false',
    723                       default=True,
    724                       help='Don\'t print out logs when tests fail.')
    725     parser.add_option('--whitelist_chrome_crashes',
    726                       dest='whitelist_chrome_crashes',
    727                       action='store_true', default=False,
    728                       help='Treat Chrome crashes as non-fatal.')
    729     parser.add_option('--ignore_experimental_tests',
    730                       dest='ignore_experimental_tests',
    731                       action='store_true', default=False,
    732                       help='If set, experimental test results will not '
    733                            'influence the exit code.')
    735     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    737     if not args:
    738         parser.print_help()
    739         Die('no result directories provided')
    741     if options.csv and (options.print_debug or options.crash_detection):
    742         Warning('Forcing --no-debug --no-crash-detection')
    743         options.print_debug = False
    744         options.crash_detection = False
    746     generator = ReportGenerator(options, args)
    747     generator.Run()
    750 if __name__ == '__main__':
    751     main()