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      1 # Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 #
     15 # pylint: disable-msg=W0612,W0613,C6409
     17 """A fake filesystem implementation for unit testing.
     19 Includes:
     20   FakeFile:  Provides the appearance of a real file.
     21   FakeDirectory: Provides the appearance of a real dir.
     22   FakeFilesystem:  Provides the appearance of a real directory hierarchy.
     23   FakeOsModule:  Uses FakeFilesystem to provide a fake os module replacement.
     24   FakePathModule:  Faked os.path module replacement.
     25   FakeFileOpen:  Faked file() and open() function replacements.
     27 Usage:
     28 >>> import fake_filesystem
     29 >>> filesystem = fake_filesystem.FakeFilesystem()
     30 >>> os_module = fake_filesystem.FakeOsModule(filesystem)
     31 >>> pathname = '/a/new/dir/new-file'
     33 Create a new file object, creating parent directory objects as needed:
     34 >>> os_module.path.exists(pathname)
     35 False
     36 >>> new_file = filesystem.CreateFile(pathname)
     38 File objects can't be overwritten:
     39 >>> os_module.path.exists(pathname)
     40 True
     41 >>> try:
     42 ...   filesystem.CreateFile(pathname)
     43 ... except IOError as e:
     44 ...   assert e.errno == errno.EEXIST, 'unexpected errno: %d' % e.errno
     45 ...   assert e.strerror == 'File already exists in fake filesystem'
     47 Remove a file object:
     48 >>> filesystem.RemoveObject(pathname)
     49 >>> os_module.path.exists(pathname)
     50 False
     52 Create a new file object at the previous path:
     53 >>> beatles_file = filesystem.CreateFile(pathname,
     54 ...     contents='Dear Prudence\\nWon\\'t you come out to play?\\n')
     55 >>> os_module.path.exists(pathname)
     56 True
     58 Use the FakeFileOpen class to read fake file objects:
     59 >>> file_module = fake_filesystem.FakeFileOpen(filesystem)
     60 >>> for line in file_module(pathname):
     61 ...     print line.rstrip()
     62 ...
     63 Dear Prudence
     64 Won't you come out to play?
     66 File objects cannot be treated like directory objects:
     67 >>> os_module.listdir(pathname)  #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
     68 Traceback (most recent call last):
     69   File "fake_filesystem.py", line 291, in listdir
     70     raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR,
     71 OSError: [Errno 20] Fake os module: not a directory: '/a/new/dir/new-file'
     73 The FakeOsModule can list fake directory objects:
     74 >>> os_module.listdir(os_module.path.dirname(pathname))
     75 ['new-file']
     77 The FakeOsModule also supports stat operations:
     78 >>> import stat
     79 >>> stat.S_ISREG(os_module.stat(pathname).st_mode)
     80 True
     81 >>> stat.S_ISDIR(os_module.stat(os_module.path.dirname(pathname)).st_mode)
     82 True
     83 """
     85 import errno
     86 import heapq
     87 import os
     88 import stat
     89 import sys
     90 import time
     91 import warnings
     92 try:
     93   import cStringIO as io  # pylint: disable-msg=C6204
     94 except ImportError:
     95   import io  # pylint: disable-msg=C6204
     97 __pychecker__ = 'no-reimportself'
     99 __version__ = '2.5'
    101 PERM_READ = 0o400      # Read permission bit.
    102 PERM_WRITE = 0o200     # Write permission bit.
    103 PERM_EXE = 0o100       # Write permission bit.
    104 PERM_DEF = 0o777       # Default permission bits.
    105 PERM_DEF_FILE = 0o666  # Default permission bits (regular file)
    106 PERM_ALL = 0o7777      # All permission bits.
    108 _OPEN_MODE_MAP = {
    109     # mode name:(file must exist, need read, need write,
    110     #            truncate [implies need write], append)
    111     'r': (True, True, False, False, False),
    112     'w': (False, False, True, True, False),
    113     'a': (False, False, True, False, True),
    114     'r+': (True, True, True, False, False),
    115     'w+': (False, True, True, True, False),
    116     'a+': (False, True, True, False, True),
    117     }
    119 _MAX_LINK_DEPTH = 20
    121 FAKE_PATH_MODULE_DEPRECATION = ('Do not instantiate a FakePathModule directly; '
    122                                 'let FakeOsModule instantiate it.  See the '
    123                                 'FakeOsModule docstring for details.')
    126 class Error(Exception):
    127   pass
    129 _is_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win')
    130 _is_cygwin = sys.platform == 'cygwin'
    132 if _is_windows:
    133   # On Windows, raise WindowsError instead of OSError if available
    134   OSError = WindowsError  # pylint: disable-msg=E0602,W0622
    137 class FakeLargeFileIoException(Error):
    138   def __init__(self, file_path):
    139     Error.__init__(self,
    140                    'Read and write operations not supported for '
    141                    'fake large file: %s' % file_path)
    144 def CopyModule(old):
    145   """Recompiles and creates new module object."""
    146   saved = sys.modules.pop(old.__name__, None)
    147   new = __import__(old.__name__)
    148   sys.modules[old.__name__] = saved
    149   return new
    152 class FakeFile(object):
    153   """Provides the appearance of a real file.
    155      Attributes currently faked out:
    156        st_mode: user-specified, otherwise S_IFREG
    157        st_ctime: the time.time() timestamp when the file is created.
    158        st_size: the size of the file
    160      Other attributes needed by os.stat are assigned default value of None
    161       these include: st_ino, st_dev, st_nlink, st_uid, st_gid, st_atime,
    162       st_mtime
    163   """
    165   def __init__(self, name, st_mode=stat.S_IFREG | PERM_DEF_FILE,
    166                contents=None):
    167     """init.
    169     Args:
    170       name:  name of the file/directory, without parent path information
    171       st_mode:  the stat.S_IF* constant representing the file type (i.e.
    172         stat.S_IFREG, stat.SIFDIR)
    173       contents:  the contents of the filesystem object; should be a string for
    174         regular files, and a list of other FakeFile or FakeDirectory objects
    175         for FakeDirectory objects
    176     """
    177     self.name = name
    178     self.st_mode = st_mode
    179     self.contents = contents
    180     self.epoch = 0
    181     self.st_ctime = int(time.time())
    182     self.st_atime = self.st_ctime
    183     self.st_mtime = self.st_ctime
    184     if contents:
    185       self.st_size = len(contents)
    186     else:
    187       self.st_size = 0
    188     # Non faked features, write setter methods for fakeing them
    189     self.st_ino = None
    190     self.st_dev = None
    191     self.st_nlink = None
    192     self.st_uid = None
    193     self.st_gid = None
    195   def SetLargeFileSize(self, st_size):
    196     """Sets the self.st_size attribute and replaces self.content with None.
    198     Provided specifically to simulate very large files without regards
    199     to their content (which wouldn't fit in memory)
    201     Args:
    202       st_size: The desired file size
    204     Raises:
    205       IOError: if the st_size is not a non-negative integer
    206     """
    207     # the st_size should be an positive integer value
    208     if not isinstance(st_size, int) or st_size < 0:
    209       raise IOError(errno.ENOSPC,
    210                     'Fake file object: can not create non negative integer '
    211                     'size=%r fake file' % st_size,
    212                     self.name)
    214     self.st_size = st_size
    215     self.contents = None
    217   def IsLargeFile(self):
    218     """Return True if this file was initialized with size but no contents."""
    219     return self.contents is None
    221   def SetContents(self, contents):
    222     """Sets the file contents and size.
    224     Args:
    225       contents: string, new content of file.
    226     """
    227     # convert a byte array to a string
    228     if sys.version_info >= (3, 0) and isinstance(contents, bytes):
    229       contents = ''.join(chr(i) for i in contents)
    230     self.contents = contents
    231     self.st_size = len(contents)
    232     self.epoch += 1
    234   def SetSize(self, st_size):
    235     """Resizes file content, padding with nulls if new size exceeds the old.
    237     Args:
    238       st_size: The desired size for the file.
    240     Raises:
    241       IOError: if the st_size arg is not a non-negative integer
    242     """
    244     if not isinstance(st_size, int) or st_size < 0:
    245       raise IOError(errno.ENOSPC,
    246                     'Fake file object: can not create non negative integer '
    247                     'size=%r fake file' % st_size,
    248                     self.name)
    250     current_size = len(self.contents)
    251     if st_size < current_size:
    252       self.contents = self.contents[:st_size]
    253     else:
    254       self.contents = '%s%s' % (self.contents, '\0' * (st_size - current_size))
    255     self.st_size = len(self.contents)
    256     self.epoch += 1
    258   def SetATime(self, st_atime):
    259     """Set the self.st_atime attribute.
    261     Args:
    262       st_atime: The desired atime.
    263     """
    264     self.st_atime = st_atime
    266   def SetMTime(self, st_mtime):
    267     """Set the self.st_mtime attribute.
    269     Args:
    270       st_mtime: The desired mtime.
    271     """
    272     self.st_mtime = st_mtime
    274   def __str__(self):
    275     return '%s(%o)' % (self.name, self.st_mode)
    277   def SetIno(self, st_ino):
    278     """Set the self.st_ino attribute.
    280     Args:
    281       st_ino: The desired inode.
    282     """
    283     self.st_ino = st_ino
    286 class FakeDirectory(FakeFile):
    287   """Provides the appearance of a real dir."""
    289   def __init__(self, name, perm_bits=PERM_DEF):
    290     """init.
    292     Args:
    293       name:  name of the file/directory, without parent path information
    294       perm_bits: permission bits. defaults to 0o777.
    295     """
    296     FakeFile.__init__(self, name, stat.S_IFDIR | perm_bits, {})
    298   def AddEntry(self, pathname):
    299     """Adds a child FakeFile to this directory.
    301     Args:
    302       pathname:  FakeFile instance to add as a child of this directory
    303     """
    304     self.contents[pathname.name] = pathname
    306   def GetEntry(self, pathname_name):
    307     """Retrieves the specified child file or directory.
    309     Args:
    310       pathname_name: basename of the child object to retrieve
    311     Returns:
    312       string, file contents
    313     Raises:
    314       KeyError: if no child exists by the specified name
    315     """
    316     return self.contents[pathname_name]
    318   def RemoveEntry(self, pathname_name):
    319     """Removes the specified child file or directory.
    321     Args:
    322       pathname_name: basename of the child object to remove
    324     Raises:
    325       KeyError: if no child exists by the specified name
    326     """
    327     del self.contents[pathname_name]
    329   def __str__(self):
    330     rc = super(FakeDirectory, self).__str__() + ':\n'
    331     for item in self.contents:
    332       item_desc = self.contents[item].__str__()
    333       for line in item_desc.split('\n'):
    334         if line:
    335           rc = rc + '  ' + line + '\n'
    336     return rc
    339 class FakeFilesystem(object):
    340   """Provides the appearance of a real directory tree for unit testing."""
    342   def __init__(self, path_separator=os.path.sep):
    343     """init.
    345     Args:
    346       path_separator:  optional substitute for os.path.sep
    347     """
    348     self.path_separator = path_separator
    349     self.root = FakeDirectory(self.path_separator)
    350     self.cwd = self.root.name
    351     # We can't query the current value without changing it:
    352     self.umask = os.umask(0o22)
    353     os.umask(self.umask)
    354     # A list of open file objects. Their position in the list is their
    355     # file descriptor number
    356     self.open_files = []
    357     # A heap containing all free positions in self.open_files list
    358     self.free_fd_heap = []
    360   def SetIno(self, path, st_ino):
    361     """Set the self.st_ino attribute of file at 'path'.
    363     Args:
    364       path: Path to file.
    365       st_ino: The desired inode.
    366     """
    367     self.GetObject(path).SetIno(st_ino)
    369   def AddOpenFile(self, file_obj):
    370     """Adds file_obj to the list of open files on the filesystem.
    372     The position in the self.open_files array is the file descriptor number
    374     Args:
    375       file_obj:  file object to be added to open files list.
    377     Returns:
    378       File descriptor number for the file object.
    379     """
    380     if self.free_fd_heap:
    381       open_fd = heapq.heappop(self.free_fd_heap)
    382       self.open_files[open_fd] = file_obj
    383       return open_fd
    385     self.open_files.append(file_obj)
    386     return len(self.open_files) - 1
    388   def CloseOpenFile(self, file_obj):
    389     """Removes file_obj from the list of open files on the filesystem.
    391     Sets the entry in open_files to None.
    393     Args:
    394       file_obj:  file object to be removed to open files list.
    395     """
    396     self.open_files[file_obj.filedes] = None
    397     heapq.heappush(self.free_fd_heap, file_obj.filedes)
    399   def GetOpenFile(self, file_des):
    400     """Returns an open file.
    402     Args:
    403       file_des:  file descriptor of the open file.
    405     Raises:
    406       OSError: an invalid file descriptor.
    407       TypeError: filedes is not an integer.
    409     Returns:
    410       Open file object.
    411     """
    412     if not isinstance(file_des, int):
    413       raise TypeError('an integer is required')
    414     if (file_des >= len(self.open_files) or
    415         self.open_files[file_des] is None):
    416       raise OSError(errno.EBADF, 'Bad file descriptor', file_des)
    417     return self.open_files[file_des]
    419   def CollapsePath(self, path):
    420     """Mimics os.path.normpath using the specified path_separator.
    422     Mimics os.path.normpath using the path_separator that was specified
    423     for this FakeFilesystem.  Normalizes the path, but unlike the method
    424     NormalizePath, does not make it absolute.  Eliminates dot components
    425     (. and ..) and combines repeated path separators (//).  Initial ..
    426     components are left in place for relative paths.  If the result is an empty
    427     path, '.' is returned instead.  Unlike the real os.path.normpath, this does
    428     not replace '/' with '\\' on Windows.
    430     Args:
    431       path:  (str) The path to normalize.
    433     Returns:
    434       (str) A copy of path with empty components and dot components removed.
    435     """
    436     is_absolute_path = path.startswith(self.path_separator)
    437     path_components = path.split(self.path_separator)
    438     collapsed_path_components = []
    439     for component in path_components:
    440       if (not component) or (component == '.'):
    441         continue
    442       if component == '..':
    443         if collapsed_path_components and (
    444             collapsed_path_components[-1] != '..'):
    445           # Remove an up-reference: directory/..
    446           collapsed_path_components.pop()
    447           continue
    448         elif is_absolute_path:
    449           # Ignore leading .. components if starting from the root directory.
    450           continue
    451       collapsed_path_components.append(component)
    452     collapsed_path = self.path_separator.join(collapsed_path_components)
    453     if is_absolute_path:
    454       collapsed_path = self.path_separator + collapsed_path
    455     return collapsed_path or '.'
    457   def NormalizePath(self, path):
    458     """Absolutize and minimalize the given path.
    460     Forces all relative paths to be absolute, and normalizes the path to
    461     eliminate dot and empty components.
    463     Args:
    464       path:  path to normalize
    466     Returns:
    467       The normalized path relative to the current working directory, or the root
    468         directory if path is empty.
    469     """
    470     if not path:
    471       path = self.path_separator
    472     elif not path.startswith(self.path_separator):
    473       # Prefix relative paths with cwd, if cwd is not root.
    474       path = self.path_separator.join(
    475           (self.cwd != self.root.name and self.cwd or '',
    476            path))
    477     if path == '.':
    478       path = self.cwd
    479     return self.CollapsePath(path)
    481   def SplitPath(self, path):
    482     """Mimics os.path.split using the specified path_separator.
    484     Mimics os.path.split using the path_separator that was specified
    485     for this FakeFilesystem.
    487     Args:
    488       path:  (str) The path to split.
    490     Returns:
    491       (str) A duple (pathname, basename) for which pathname does not
    492           end with a slash, and basename does not contain a slash.
    493     """
    494     path_components = path.split(self.path_separator)
    495     if not path_components:
    496       return ('', '')
    497     basename = path_components.pop()
    498     if not path_components:
    499       return ('', basename)
    500     for component in path_components:
    501       if component:
    502         # The path is not the root; it contains a non-separator component.
    503         # Strip all trailing separators.
    504         while not path_components[-1]:
    505           path_components.pop()
    506         return (self.path_separator.join(path_components), basename)
    507     # Root path.  Collapse all leading separators.
    508     return (self.path_separator, basename)
    510   def JoinPaths(self, *paths):
    511     """Mimics os.path.join using the specified path_separator.
    513     Mimics os.path.join using the path_separator that was specified
    514     for this FakeFilesystem.
    516     Args:
    517       *paths:  (str) Zero or more paths to join.
    519     Returns:
    520       (str) The paths joined by the path separator, starting with the last
    521           absolute path in paths.
    522     """
    523     if len(paths) == 1:
    524       return paths[0]
    525     joined_path_segments = []
    526     for path_segment in paths:
    527       if path_segment.startswith(self.path_separator):
    528         # An absolute path
    529         joined_path_segments = [path_segment]
    530       else:
    531         if (joined_path_segments and
    532             not joined_path_segments[-1].endswith(self.path_separator)):
    533           joined_path_segments.append(self.path_separator)
    534         if path_segment:
    535           joined_path_segments.append(path_segment)
    536     return ''.join(joined_path_segments)
    538   def GetPathComponents(self, path):
    539     """Breaks the path into a list of component names.
    541     Does not include the root directory as a component, as all paths
    542     are considered relative to the root directory for the FakeFilesystem.
    543     Callers should basically follow this pattern:
    545       file_path = self.NormalizePath(file_path)
    546       path_components = self.GetPathComponents(file_path)
    547       current_dir = self.root
    548       for component in path_components:
    549         if component not in current_dir.contents:
    550           raise IOError
    551         DoStuffWithComponent(curent_dir, component)
    552         current_dir = current_dir.GetEntry(component)
    554     Args:
    555       path:  path to tokenize
    557     Returns:
    558       The list of names split from path
    559     """
    560     if not path or path == self.root.name:
    561       return []
    562     path_components = path.split(self.path_separator)
    563     assert path_components
    564     if not path_components[0]:
    565       # This is an absolute path.
    566       path_components = path_components[1:]
    567     return path_components
    569   def Exists(self, file_path):
    570     """True if a path points to an existing file system object.
    572     Args:
    573       file_path:  path to examine
    575     Returns:
    576       bool(if object exists)
    578     Raises:
    579       TypeError: if file_path is None
    580     """
    581     if file_path is None:
    582       raise TypeError
    583     if not file_path:
    584       return False
    585     try:
    586       file_path = self.ResolvePath(file_path)
    587     except IOError:
    588       return False
    589     if file_path == self.root.name:
    590       return True
    591     path_components = self.GetPathComponents(file_path)
    592     current_dir = self.root
    593     for component in path_components:
    594       if component not in current_dir.contents:
    595         return False
    596       current_dir = current_dir.contents[component]
    597     return True
    599   def ResolvePath(self, file_path):
    600     """Follow a path, resolving symlinks.
    602     ResolvePath traverses the filesystem along the specified file path,
    603     resolving file names and symbolic links until all elements of the path are
    604     exhausted, or we reach a file which does not exist.  If all the elements
    605     are not consumed, they just get appended to the path resolved so far.
    606     This gives us the path which is as resolved as it can be, even if the file
    607     does not exist.
    609     This behavior mimics Unix semantics, and is best shown by example.  Given a
    610     file system that looks like this:
    612           /a/b/
    613           /a/b/c -> /a/b2          c is a symlink to /a/b2
    614           /a/b2/x
    615           /a/c   -> ../d
    616           /a/x   -> y
    617      Then:
    618           /a/b/x      =>  /a/b/x
    619           /a/c        =>  /a/d
    620           /a/x        =>  /a/y
    621           /a/b/c/d/e  =>  /a/b2/d/e
    623     Args:
    624       file_path:  path to examine
    626     Returns:
    627       resolved_path (string) or None
    629     Raises:
    630       TypeError: if file_path is None
    631       IOError: if file_path is '' or a part of the path doesn't exist
    632     """
    634     def _ComponentsToPath(component_folders):
    635       return '%s%s' % (self.path_separator,
    636                        self.path_separator.join(component_folders))
    638     def _ValidRelativePath(file_path):
    639       while file_path and '/..' in file_path:
    640         file_path = file_path[:file_path.rfind('/..')]
    641         if not self.Exists(self.NormalizePath(file_path)):
    642           return False
    643       return True
    645     def _FollowLink(link_path_components, link):
    646       """Follow a link w.r.t. a path resolved so far.
    648       The component is either a real file, which is a no-op, or a symlink.
    649       In the case of a symlink, we have to modify the path as built up so far
    650         /a/b => ../c   should yield /a/../c (which will normalize to /a/c)
    651         /a/b => x      should yield /a/x
    652         /a/b => /x/y/z should yield /x/y/z
    653       The modified path may land us in a new spot which is itself a
    654       link, so we may repeat the process.
    656       Args:
    657         link_path_components: The resolved path built up to the link so far.
    658         link: The link object itself.
    660       Returns:
    661         (string) the updated path resolved after following the link.
    663       Raises:
    664         IOError: if there are too many levels of symbolic link
    665       """
    666       link_path = link.contents
    667       # For links to absolute paths, we want to throw out everything in the
    668       # path built so far and replace with the link.  For relative links, we
    669       # have to append the link to what we have so far,
    670       if not link_path.startswith(self.path_separator):
    671         # Relative path.  Append remainder of path to what we have processed
    672         # so far, excluding the name of the link itself.
    673         # /a/b => ../c   should yield /a/../c (which will normalize to /c)
    674         # /a/b => d should yield a/d
    675         components = link_path_components[:-1]
    676         components.append(link_path)
    677         link_path = self.path_separator.join(components)
    678       # Don't call self.NormalizePath(), as we don't want to prepend self.cwd.
    679       return self.CollapsePath(link_path)
    681     if file_path is None:
    682       # file.open(None) raises TypeError, so mimic that.
    683       raise TypeError('Expected file system path string, received None')
    684     if not file_path or not _ValidRelativePath(file_path):
    685       # file.open('') raises IOError, so mimic that, and validate that all
    686       # parts of a relative path exist.
    687       raise IOError(errno.ENOENT,
    688                     'No such file or directory: \'%s\'' % file_path)
    689     file_path = self.NormalizePath(file_path)
    690     if file_path == self.root.name:
    691       return file_path
    693     current_dir = self.root
    694     path_components = self.GetPathComponents(file_path)
    696     resolved_components = []
    697     link_depth = 0
    698     while path_components:
    699       component = path_components.pop(0)
    700       resolved_components.append(component)
    701       if component not in current_dir.contents:
    702         # The component of the path at this point does not actually exist in
    703         # the folder.   We can't resolve the path any more.  It is legal to link
    704         # to a file that does not yet exist, so rather than raise an error, we
    705         # just append the remaining components to what return path we have built
    706         # so far and return that.
    707         resolved_components.extend(path_components)
    708         break
    709       current_dir = current_dir.contents[component]
    711       # Resolve any possible symlinks in the current path component.
    712       if stat.S_ISLNK(current_dir.st_mode):
    713         # This link_depth check is not really meant to be an accurate check.
    714         # It is just a quick hack to prevent us from looping forever on
    715         # cycles.
    716         link_depth += 1
    717         if link_depth > _MAX_LINK_DEPTH:
    718           raise IOError(errno.EMLINK,
    719                         'Too many levels of symbolic links: \'%s\'' %
    720                         _ComponentsToPath(resolved_components))
    721         link_path = _FollowLink(resolved_components, current_dir)
    723         # Following the link might result in the complete replacement of the
    724         # current_dir, so we evaluate the entire resulting path.
    725         target_components = self.GetPathComponents(link_path)
    726         path_components = target_components + path_components
    727         resolved_components = []
    728         current_dir = self.root
    729     return _ComponentsToPath(resolved_components)
    731   def GetObjectFromNormalizedPath(self, file_path):
    732     """Searches for the specified filesystem object within the fake filesystem.
    734     Args:
    735       file_path: specifies target FakeFile object to retrieve, with a
    736           path that has already been normalized/resolved
    738     Returns:
    739       the FakeFile object corresponding to file_path
    741     Raises:
    742       IOError: if the object is not found
    743     """
    744     if file_path == self.root.name:
    745       return self.root
    746     path_components = self.GetPathComponents(file_path)
    747     target_object = self.root
    748     try:
    749       for component in path_components:
    750         if not isinstance(target_object, FakeDirectory):
    751           raise IOError(errno.ENOENT,
    752                         'No such file or directory in fake filesystem',
    753                         file_path)
    754         target_object = target_object.GetEntry(component)
    755     except KeyError:
    756       raise IOError(errno.ENOENT,
    757                     'No such file or directory in fake filesystem',
    758                     file_path)
    759     return target_object
    761   def GetObject(self, file_path):
    762     """Searches for the specified filesystem object within the fake filesystem.
    764     Args:
    765       file_path: specifies target FakeFile object to retrieve
    767     Returns:
    768       the FakeFile object corresponding to file_path
    770     Raises:
    771       IOError: if the object is not found
    772     """
    773     file_path = self.NormalizePath(file_path)
    774     return self.GetObjectFromNormalizedPath(file_path)
    776   def ResolveObject(self, file_path):
    777     """Searches for the specified filesystem object, resolving all links.
    779     Args:
    780       file_path: specifies target FakeFile object to retrieve
    782     Returns:
    783       the FakeFile object corresponding to file_path
    785     Raises:
    786       IOError: if the object is not found
    787     """
    788     return self.GetObjectFromNormalizedPath(self.ResolvePath(file_path))
    790   def LResolveObject(self, path):
    791     """Searches for the specified object, resolving only parent links.
    793     This is analogous to the stat/lstat difference.  This resolves links *to*
    794     the object but not of the final object itself.
    796     Args:
    797       path: specifies target FakeFile object to retrieve
    799     Returns:
    800       the FakeFile object corresponding to path
    802     Raises:
    803       IOError: if the object is not found
    804     """
    805     if path == self.root.name:
    806       # The root directory will never be a link
    807       return self.root
    808     parent_directory, child_name = self.SplitPath(path)
    809     if not parent_directory:
    810       parent_directory = self.cwd
    811     try:
    812       parent_obj = self.ResolveObject(parent_directory)
    813       assert parent_obj
    814       if not isinstance(parent_obj, FakeDirectory):
    815         raise IOError(errno.ENOENT,
    816                       'No such file or directory in fake filesystem',
    817                       path)
    818       return parent_obj.GetEntry(child_name)
    819     except KeyError:
    820       raise IOError(errno.ENOENT,
    821                     'No such file or directory in the fake filesystem',
    822                     path)
    824   def AddObject(self, file_path, file_object):
    825     """Add a fake file or directory into the filesystem at file_path.
    827     Args:
    828       file_path: the path to the file to be added relative to self
    829       file_object: file or directory to add
    831     Raises:
    832       IOError: if file_path does not correspond to a directory
    833     """
    834     try:
    835       target_directory = self.GetObject(file_path)
    836       target_directory.AddEntry(file_object)
    837     except AttributeError:
    838       raise IOError(errno.ENOTDIR,
    839                     'Not a directory in the fake filesystem',
    840                     file_path)
    842   def RemoveObject(self, file_path):
    843     """Remove an existing file or directory.
    845     Args:
    846       file_path: the path to the file relative to self
    848     Raises:
    849       IOError: if file_path does not correspond to an existing file, or if part
    850         of the path refers to something other than a directory
    851       OSError: if the directory is in use (eg, if it is '/')
    852     """
    853     if file_path == self.root.name:
    854       raise OSError(errno.EBUSY, 'Fake device or resource busy',
    855                     file_path)
    856     try:
    857       dirname, basename = self.SplitPath(file_path)
    858       target_directory = self.GetObject(dirname)
    859       target_directory.RemoveEntry(basename)
    860     except KeyError:
    861       raise IOError(errno.ENOENT,
    862                     'No such file or directory in the fake filesystem',
    863                     file_path)
    864     except AttributeError:
    865       raise IOError(errno.ENOTDIR,
    866                     'Not a directory in the fake filesystem',
    867                     file_path)
    869   def CreateDirectory(self, directory_path, perm_bits=PERM_DEF, inode=None):
    870     """Creates directory_path, and all the parent directories.
    872     Helper method to set up your test faster
    874     Args:
    875       directory_path:  directory to create
    876       perm_bits: permission bits
    877       inode: inode of directory
    879     Returns:
    880       the newly created FakeDirectory object
    882     Raises:
    883       OSError:  if the directory already exists
    884     """
    885     directory_path = self.NormalizePath(directory_path)
    886     if self.Exists(directory_path):
    887       raise OSError(errno.EEXIST,
    888                     'Directory exists in fake filesystem',
    889                     directory_path)
    890     path_components = self.GetPathComponents(directory_path)
    891     current_dir = self.root
    893     for component in path_components:
    894       if component not in current_dir.contents:
    895         new_dir = FakeDirectory(component, perm_bits)
    896         current_dir.AddEntry(new_dir)
    897         current_dir = new_dir
    898       else:
    899         current_dir = current_dir.contents[component]
    901     current_dir.SetIno(inode)
    902     return current_dir
    904   def CreateFile(self, file_path, st_mode=stat.S_IFREG | PERM_DEF_FILE,
    905                  contents='', st_size=None, create_missing_dirs=True,
    906                  apply_umask=False, inode=None):
    907     """Creates file_path, including all the parent directories along the way.
    909     Helper method to set up your test faster.
    911     Args:
    912       file_path: path to the file to create
    913       st_mode: the stat.S_IF constant representing the file type
    914       contents: the contents of the file
    915       st_size: file size; only valid if contents=None
    916       create_missing_dirs: if True, auto create missing directories
    917       apply_umask: whether or not the current umask must be applied on st_mode
    918       inode: inode of the file
    920     Returns:
    921       the newly created FakeFile object
    923     Raises:
    924       IOError: if the file already exists
    925       IOError: if the containing directory is required and missing
    926     """
    927     file_path = self.NormalizePath(file_path)
    928     if self.Exists(file_path):
    929       raise IOError(errno.EEXIST,
    930                     'File already exists in fake filesystem',
    931                     file_path)
    932     parent_directory, new_file = self.SplitPath(file_path)
    933     if not parent_directory:
    934       parent_directory = self.cwd
    935     if not self.Exists(parent_directory):
    936       if not create_missing_dirs:
    937         raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'No such fake directory', parent_directory)
    938       self.CreateDirectory(parent_directory)
    939     if apply_umask:
    940       st_mode &= ~self.umask
    941     file_object = FakeFile(new_file, st_mode, contents)
    942     file_object.SetIno(inode)
    943     self.AddObject(parent_directory, file_object)
    945     # set the size if st_size is given
    946     if not contents and st_size is not None:
    947       try:
    948         file_object.SetLargeFileSize(st_size)
    949       except IOError:
    950         self.RemoveObject(file_path)
    951         raise
    953     return file_object
    955   def CreateLink(self, file_path, link_target):
    956     """Creates the specified symlink, pointed at the specified link target.
    958     Args:
    959       file_path:  path to the symlink to create
    960       link_target:  the target of the symlink
    962     Returns:
    963       the newly created FakeFile object
    965     Raises:
    966       IOError:  if the file already exists
    967     """
    968     resolved_file_path = self.ResolvePath(file_path)
    969     return self.CreateFile(resolved_file_path, st_mode=stat.S_IFLNK | PERM_DEF,
    970                            contents=link_target)
    972   def __str__(self):
    973     return str(self.root)
    976 class FakePathModule(object):
    977   """Faked os.path module replacement.
    979   FakePathModule should *only* be instantiated by FakeOsModule.  See the
    980   FakeOsModule docstring for details.
    981   """
    982   _OS_PATH_COPY = CopyModule(os.path)
    984   def __init__(self, filesystem, os_module=None):
    985     """Init.
    987     Args:
    988       filesystem:  FakeFilesystem used to provide file system information
    989       os_module: (deprecated) FakeOsModule to assign to self.os
    990     """
    991     self.filesystem = filesystem
    992     self._os_path = self._OS_PATH_COPY
    993     if os_module is None:
    994       warnings.warn(FAKE_PATH_MODULE_DEPRECATION, DeprecationWarning,
    995                     stacklevel=2)
    996     self._os_path.os = self.os = os_module
    997     self.sep = self.filesystem.path_separator
    999   def exists(self, path):
   1000     """Determines whether the file object exists within the fake filesystem.
   1002     Args:
   1003       path:  path to the file object
   1005     Returns:
   1006       bool (if file exists)
   1007     """
   1008     return self.filesystem.Exists(path)
   1010   def lexists(self, path):
   1011     """Test whether a path exists.  Returns True for broken symbolic links.
   1013     Args:
   1014       path:  path to the symlnk object
   1016     Returns:
   1017       bool (if file exists)
   1018     """
   1019     return self.exists(path) or self.islink(path)
   1021   def getsize(self, path):
   1022     """Return the file object size in bytes.
   1024     Args:
   1025       path:  path to the file object
   1027     Returns:
   1028       file size in bytes
   1029     """
   1030     file_obj = self.filesystem.GetObject(path)
   1031     return file_obj.st_size
   1033   def _istype(self, path, st_flag):
   1034     """Helper function to implement isdir(), islink(), etc.
   1036     See the stat(2) man page for valid stat.S_I* flag values
   1038     Args:
   1039       path:  path to file to stat and test
   1040       st_flag:  the stat.S_I* flag checked for the file's st_mode
   1042     Returns:
   1043       boolean (the st_flag is set in path's st_mode)
   1045     Raises:
   1046       TypeError: if path is None
   1047     """
   1048     if path is None:
   1049       raise TypeError
   1050     try:
   1051       obj = self.filesystem.ResolveObject(path)
   1052       if obj:
   1053         return stat.S_IFMT(obj.st_mode) == st_flag
   1054     except IOError:
   1055       return False
   1056     return False
   1058   def isabs(self, path):
   1059     if self.filesystem.path_separator == os.path.sep:
   1060       # Pass through to os.path.isabs, which on Windows has special
   1061       # handling for a leading drive letter.
   1062       return self._os_path.isabs(path)
   1063     else:
   1064       return path.startswith(self.filesystem.path_separator)
   1066   def isdir(self, path):
   1067     """Determines if path identifies a directory."""
   1068     return self._istype(path, stat.S_IFDIR)
   1070   def isfile(self, path):
   1071     """Determines if path identifies a regular file."""
   1072     return self._istype(path, stat.S_IFREG)
   1074   def islink(self, path):
   1075     """Determines if path identifies a symbolic link.
   1077     Args:
   1078       path: path to filesystem object.
   1080     Returns:
   1081       boolean (the st_flag is set in path's st_mode)
   1083     Raises:
   1084       TypeError: if path is None
   1085     """
   1086     if path is None:
   1087       raise TypeError
   1088     try:
   1089       link_obj = self.filesystem.LResolveObject(path)
   1090       return stat.S_IFMT(link_obj.st_mode) == stat.S_IFLNK
   1091     except IOError:
   1092       return False
   1093     except KeyError:
   1094       return False
   1095     return False
   1097   def getmtime(self, path):
   1098     """Returns the mtime of the file."""
   1099     try:
   1100       file_obj = self.filesystem.GetObject(path)
   1101     except IOError as e:
   1102       raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, str(e))
   1103     return file_obj.st_mtime
   1105   def abspath(self, path):
   1106     """Return the absolute version of a path."""
   1107     if not self.isabs(path):
   1108       if sys.version_info < (3, 0) and isinstance(path, unicode):
   1109         cwd = self.os.getcwdu()
   1110       else:
   1111         cwd = self.os.getcwd()
   1112       path = self.join(cwd, path)
   1113     return self.normpath(path)
   1115   def join(self, *p):
   1116     """Returns the completed path with a separator of the parts."""
   1117     return self.filesystem.JoinPaths(*p)
   1119   def normpath(self, path):
   1120     """Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc."""
   1121     return self.filesystem.CollapsePath(path)
   1123   if _is_windows:
   1125     def relpath(self, path, start=None):
   1126       """ntpath.relpath() needs the cwd passed in the start argument."""
   1127       if start is None:
   1128         start = self.filesystem.cwd
   1129       path = self._os_path.relpath(path, start)
   1130       return path.replace(self._os_path.sep, self.filesystem.path_separator)
   1132     realpath = abspath
   1134   def __getattr__(self, name):
   1135     """Forwards any non-faked calls to os.path."""
   1136     return self._os_path.__dict__[name]
   1139 class FakeOsModule(object):
   1140   """Uses FakeFilesystem to provide a fake os module replacement.
   1142   Do not create os.path separately from os, as there is a necessary circular
   1143   dependency between os and os.path to replicate the behavior of the standard
   1144   Python modules.  What you want to do is to just let FakeOsModule take care of
   1145   os.path setup itself.
   1147   # You always want to do this.
   1148   filesystem = fake_filesystem.FakeFilesystem()
   1149   my_os_module = fake_filesystem.FakeOsModule(filesystem)
   1150   """
   1152   def __init__(self, filesystem, os_path_module=None):
   1153     """Also exposes self.path (to fake os.path).
   1155     Args:
   1156       filesystem:  FakeFilesystem used to provide file system information
   1157       os_path_module: (deprecated) optional FakePathModule instance
   1158     """
   1159     self.filesystem = filesystem
   1160     self.sep = filesystem.path_separator
   1161     self._os_module = os
   1162     if os_path_module is None:
   1163       self.path = FakePathModule(self.filesystem, self)
   1164     else:
   1165       warnings.warn(FAKE_PATH_MODULE_DEPRECATION, DeprecationWarning,
   1166                     stacklevel=2)
   1167       self.path = os_path_module
   1168     if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
   1169       self.fdopen = self._fdopen_ver2
   1170     else:
   1171       self.fdopen = self._fdopen
   1173   def _fdopen(self, *args, **kwargs):
   1174     """Redirector to open() builtin function.
   1176     Args:
   1177       *args: pass through args
   1178       **kwargs: pass through kwargs
   1180     Returns:
   1181       File object corresponding to file_des.
   1183     Raises:
   1184       TypeError: if file descriptor is not an integer.
   1185     """
   1186     if not isinstance(args[0], int):
   1187       raise TypeError('an integer is required')
   1188     return FakeFileOpen(self.filesystem)(*args, **kwargs)
   1190   def _fdopen_ver2(self, file_des, mode='r', bufsize=None):
   1191     """Returns an open file object connected to the file descriptor file_des.
   1193     Args:
   1194       file_des: An integer file descriptor for the file object requested.
   1195       mode: additional file flags. Currently checks to see if the mode matches
   1196         the mode of the requested file object.
   1197       bufsize: ignored. (Used for signature compliance with __builtin__.fdopen)
   1199     Returns:
   1200       File object corresponding to file_des.
   1202     Raises:
   1203       OSError: if bad file descriptor or incompatible mode is given.
   1204       TypeError: if file descriptor is not an integer.
   1205     """
   1206     if not isinstance(file_des, int):
   1207       raise TypeError('an integer is required')
   1209     try:
   1210       return FakeFileOpen(self.filesystem).Call(file_des, mode=mode)
   1211     except IOError as e:
   1212       raise OSError(e)
   1214   def open(self, file_path, flags, mode=None):
   1215     """Returns the file descriptor for a FakeFile.
   1217     WARNING: This implementation only implements creating a file. Please fill
   1218     out the remainder for your needs.
   1220     Args:
   1221       file_path: the path to the file
   1222       flags: low-level bits to indicate io operation
   1223       mode: bits to define default permissions
   1225     Returns:
   1226       A file descriptor.
   1228     Raises:
   1229       OSError: if the path cannot be found
   1230       ValueError: if invalid mode is given
   1231       NotImplementedError: if an unsupported flag is passed in
   1232     """
   1233     if flags & os.O_CREAT:
   1234       fake_file = FakeFileOpen(self.filesystem)(file_path, 'w')
   1235       if mode:
   1236         self.chmod(file_path, mode)
   1237       return fake_file.fileno()
   1238     else:
   1239       raise NotImplementedError('FakeOsModule.open')
   1241   def close(self, file_des):
   1242     """Closes a file descriptor.
   1244     Args:
   1245       file_des: An integer file descriptor for the file object requested.
   1247     Raises:
   1248       OSError: bad file descriptor.
   1249       TypeError: if file descriptor is not an integer.
   1250     """
   1251     fh = self.filesystem.GetOpenFile(file_des)
   1252     fh.close()
   1254   def read(self, file_des, num_bytes):
   1255     """Reads number of bytes from a file descriptor, returns bytes read.
   1257     Args:
   1258       file_des: An integer file descriptor for the file object requested.
   1259       num_bytes: Number of bytes to read from file.
   1261     Returns:
   1262       Bytes read from file.
   1264     Raises:
   1265       OSError: bad file descriptor.
   1266       TypeError: if file descriptor is not an integer.
   1267     """
   1268     fh = self.filesystem.GetOpenFile(file_des)
   1269     return fh.read(num_bytes)
   1271   def write(self, file_des, contents):
   1272     """Writes string to file descriptor, returns number of bytes written.
   1274     Args:
   1275       file_des: An integer file descriptor for the file object requested.
   1276       contents: String of bytes to write to file.
   1278     Returns:
   1279       Number of bytes written.
   1281     Raises:
   1282       OSError: bad file descriptor.
   1283       TypeError: if file descriptor is not an integer.
   1284     """
   1285     fh = self.filesystem.GetOpenFile(file_des)
   1286     fh.write(contents)
   1287     fh.flush()
   1288     return len(contents)
   1290   def fstat(self, file_des):
   1291     """Returns the os.stat-like tuple for the FakeFile object of file_des.
   1293     Args:
   1294       file_des:  file descriptor of filesystem object to retrieve
   1296     Returns:
   1297       the os.stat_result object corresponding to entry_path
   1299     Raises:
   1300       OSError: if the filesystem object doesn't exist.
   1301     """
   1302     # stat should return the tuple representing return value of os.stat
   1303     stats = self.filesystem.GetOpenFile(file_des).GetObject()
   1304     st_obj = os.stat_result((stats.st_mode, stats.st_ino, stats.st_dev,
   1305                              stats.st_nlink, stats.st_uid, stats.st_gid,
   1306                              stats.st_size, stats.st_atime,
   1307                              stats.st_mtime, stats.st_ctime))
   1308     return st_obj
   1310   def _ConfirmDir(self, target_directory):
   1311     """Tests that the target is actually a directory, raising OSError if not.
   1313     Args:
   1314       target_directory:  path to the target directory within the fake
   1315         filesystem
   1317     Returns:
   1318       the FakeFile object corresponding to target_directory
   1320     Raises:
   1321       OSError:  if the target is not a directory
   1322     """
   1323     try:
   1324       directory = self.filesystem.GetObject(target_directory)
   1325     except IOError as e:
   1326       raise OSError(e.errno, e.strerror, target_directory)
   1327     if not directory.st_mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
   1328       raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR,
   1329                     'Fake os module: not a directory',
   1330                     target_directory)
   1331     return directory
   1333   def umask(self, new_mask):
   1334     """Change the current umask.
   1336     Args:
   1337       new_mask: An integer.
   1339     Returns:
   1340       The old mask.
   1342     Raises:
   1343       TypeError: new_mask is of an invalid type.
   1344     """
   1345     if not isinstance(new_mask, int):
   1346       raise TypeError('an integer is required')
   1347     old_umask = self.filesystem.umask
   1348     self.filesystem.umask = new_mask
   1349     return old_umask
   1351   def chdir(self, target_directory):
   1352     """Change current working directory to target directory.
   1354     Args:
   1355       target_directory:  path to new current working directory
   1357     Raises:
   1358       OSError: if user lacks permission to enter the argument directory or if
   1359                the target is not a directory
   1360     """
   1361     target_directory = self.filesystem.ResolvePath(target_directory)
   1362     self._ConfirmDir(target_directory)
   1363     directory = self.filesystem.GetObject(target_directory)
   1364     # A full implementation would check permissions all the way up the tree.
   1365     if not directory.st_mode | PERM_EXE:
   1366       raise OSError(errno.EACCES, 'Fake os module: permission denied',
   1367                     directory)
   1368     self.filesystem.cwd = target_directory
   1370   def getcwd(self):
   1371     """Return current working directory."""
   1372     return self.filesystem.cwd
   1374   def getcwdu(self):
   1375     """Return current working directory. Deprecated in Python 3."""
   1376     if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
   1377       raise AttributeError('no attribute getcwdu')
   1378     return unicode(self.filesystem.cwd)
   1380   def listdir(self, target_directory):
   1381     """Returns a sorted list of filenames in target_directory.
   1383     Args:
   1384       target_directory:  path to the target directory within the fake
   1385         filesystem
   1387     Returns:
   1388       a sorted list of file names within the target directory
   1390     Raises:
   1391       OSError:  if the target is not a directory
   1392     """
   1393     target_directory = self.filesystem.ResolvePath(target_directory)
   1394     directory = self._ConfirmDir(target_directory)
   1395     return sorted(directory.contents)
   1397   def _ClassifyDirectoryContents(self, root):
   1398     """Classify contents of a directory as files/directories.
   1400     Args:
   1401       root: (str) Directory to examine.
   1403     Returns:
   1404       (tuple) A tuple consisting of three values: the directory examined, a
   1405       list containing all of the directory entries, and a list containing all
   1406       of the non-directory entries.  (This is the same format as returned by
   1407       the os.walk generator.)
   1409     Raises:
   1410       Nothing on its own, but be ready to catch exceptions generated by
   1411       underlying mechanisms like os.listdir.
   1412     """
   1413     dirs = []
   1414     files = []
   1415     for entry in self.listdir(root):
   1416       if self.path.isdir(self.path.join(root, entry)):
   1417         dirs.append(entry)
   1418       else:
   1419         files.append(entry)
   1420     return (root, dirs, files)
   1422   def walk(self, top, topdown=True, onerror=None):
   1423     """Performs an os.walk operation over the fake filesystem.
   1425     Args:
   1426       top:  root directory from which to begin walk
   1427       topdown:  determines whether to return the tuples with the root as the
   1428         first entry (True) or as the last, after all the child directory
   1429         tuples (False)
   1430       onerror:  if not None, function which will be called to handle the
   1431         os.error instance provided when os.listdir() fails
   1433     Yields:
   1434       (path, directories, nondirectories) for top and each of its
   1435       subdirectories.  See the documentation for the builtin os module for
   1436       further details.
   1437     """
   1438     top = self.path.normpath(top)
   1439     try:
   1440       top_contents = self._ClassifyDirectoryContents(top)
   1441     except OSError as e:
   1442       top_contents = None
   1443       if onerror is not None:
   1444         onerror(e)
   1446     if top_contents is not None:
   1447       if topdown:
   1448         yield top_contents
   1450       for directory in top_contents[1]:
   1451         for contents in self.walk(self.path.join(top, directory),
   1452                                   topdown=topdown, onerror=onerror):
   1453           yield contents
   1455       if not topdown:
   1456         yield top_contents
   1458   def readlink(self, path):
   1459     """Reads the target of a symlink.
   1461     Args:
   1462       path:  symlink to read the target of
   1464     Returns:
   1465       the string representing the path to which the symbolic link points.
   1467     Raises:
   1468       TypeError: if path is None
   1469       OSError: (with errno=ENOENT) if path is not a valid path, or
   1470                (with errno=EINVAL) if path is valid, but is not a symlink
   1471     """
   1472     if path is None:
   1473       raise TypeError
   1474     try:
   1475       link_obj = self.filesystem.LResolveObject(path)
   1476     except IOError:
   1477       raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'Fake os module: path does not exist', path)
   1478     if stat.S_IFMT(link_obj.st_mode) != stat.S_IFLNK:
   1479       raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, 'Fake os module: not a symlink', path)
   1480     return link_obj.contents
   1482   def stat(self, entry_path):
   1483     """Returns the os.stat-like tuple for the FakeFile object of entry_path.
   1485     Args:
   1486       entry_path:  path to filesystem object to retrieve
   1488     Returns:
   1489       the os.stat_result object corresponding to entry_path
   1491     Raises:
   1492       OSError: if the filesystem object doesn't exist.
   1493     """
   1494     # stat should return the tuple representing return value of os.stat
   1495     try:
   1496       stats = self.filesystem.ResolveObject(entry_path)
   1497       st_obj = os.stat_result((stats.st_mode, stats.st_ino, stats.st_dev,
   1498                                stats.st_nlink, stats.st_uid, stats.st_gid,
   1499                                stats.st_size, stats.st_atime,
   1500                                stats.st_mtime, stats.st_ctime))
   1501       return st_obj
   1502     except IOError as io_error:
   1503       raise OSError(io_error.errno, io_error.strerror, entry_path)
   1505   def lstat(self, entry_path):
   1506     """Returns the os.stat-like tuple for entry_path, not following symlinks.
   1508     Args:
   1509       entry_path:  path to filesystem object to retrieve
   1511     Returns:
   1512       the os.stat_result object corresponding to entry_path
   1514     Raises:
   1515       OSError: if the filesystem object doesn't exist.
   1516     """
   1517     # stat should return the tuple representing return value of os.stat
   1518     try:
   1519       stats = self.filesystem.LResolveObject(entry_path)
   1520       st_obj = os.stat_result((stats.st_mode, stats.st_ino, stats.st_dev,
   1521                                stats.st_nlink, stats.st_uid, stats.st_gid,
   1522                                stats.st_size, stats.st_atime,
   1523                                stats.st_mtime, stats.st_ctime))
   1524       return st_obj
   1525     except IOError as io_error:
   1526       raise OSError(io_error.errno, io_error.strerror, entry_path)
   1528   def remove(self, path):
   1529     """Removes the FakeFile object representing the specified file."""
   1530     path = self.filesystem.NormalizePath(path)
   1531     if self.path.isdir(path) and not self.path.islink(path):
   1532       raise OSError(errno.EISDIR, "Is a directory: '%s'" % path)
   1533     try:
   1534       self.filesystem.RemoveObject(path)
   1535     except IOError as e:
   1536       raise OSError(e.errno, e.strerror, e.filename)
   1538   # As per the documentation unlink = remove.
   1539   unlink = remove
   1541   def rename(self, old_file, new_file):
   1542     """Adds a FakeFile object at new_file containing contents of old_file.
   1544     Also removes the FakeFile object for old_file, and replaces existing
   1545     new_file object, if one existed.
   1547     Args:
   1548       old_file:  path to filesystem object to rename
   1549       new_file:  path to where the filesystem object will live after this call
   1551     Raises:
   1552       OSError:  if old_file does not exist.
   1553       IOError:  if dirname(new_file) does not exist
   1554     """
   1555     old_file = self.filesystem.NormalizePath(old_file)
   1556     new_file = self.filesystem.NormalizePath(new_file)
   1557     if not self.filesystem.Exists(old_file):
   1558       raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,
   1559                     'Fake os object: can not rename nonexistent file '
   1560                     'with name',
   1561                     old_file)
   1562     if self.filesystem.Exists(new_file):
   1563       if old_file == new_file:
   1564         return None  # Nothing to do here.
   1565       else:
   1566         self.remove(new_file)
   1567     old_dir, old_name = self.path.split(old_file)
   1568     new_dir, new_name = self.path.split(new_file)
   1569     if not self.filesystem.Exists(new_dir):
   1570       raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'No such fake directory', new_dir)
   1571     old_dir_object = self.filesystem.ResolveObject(old_dir)
   1572     old_object = old_dir_object.GetEntry(old_name)
   1573     old_object_mtime = old_object.st_mtime
   1574     new_dir_object = self.filesystem.ResolveObject(new_dir)
   1575     if old_object.st_mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
   1576       old_object.name = new_name
   1577       new_dir_object.AddEntry(old_object)
   1578       old_dir_object.RemoveEntry(old_name)
   1579     else:
   1580       self.filesystem.CreateFile(new_file,
   1581                                  st_mode=old_object.st_mode,
   1582                                  contents=old_object.contents,
   1583                                  create_missing_dirs=False)
   1584       self.remove(old_file)
   1585     new_object = self.filesystem.GetObject(new_file)
   1586     new_object.SetMTime(old_object_mtime)
   1587     self.chown(new_file, old_object.st_uid, old_object.st_gid)
   1589   def rmdir(self, target_directory):
   1590     """Remove a leaf Fake directory.
   1592     Args:
   1593       target_directory: (str) Name of directory to remove.
   1595     Raises:
   1596       OSError: if target_directory does not exist or is not a directory,
   1597       or as per FakeFilesystem.RemoveObject. Cannot remove '.'.
   1598     """
   1599     if target_directory == '.':
   1600       raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, 'Invalid argument: \'.\'')
   1601     target_directory = self.filesystem.NormalizePath(target_directory)
   1602     if self._ConfirmDir(target_directory):
   1603       if self.listdir(target_directory):
   1604         raise OSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY, 'Fake Directory not empty',
   1605                       target_directory)
   1606       try:
   1607         self.filesystem.RemoveObject(target_directory)
   1608       except IOError as e:
   1609         raise OSError(e.errno, e.strerror, e.filename)
   1611   def removedirs(self, target_directory):
   1612     """Remove a leaf Fake directory and all empty intermediate ones."""
   1613     target_directory = self.filesystem.NormalizePath(target_directory)
   1614     directory = self._ConfirmDir(target_directory)
   1615     if directory.contents:
   1616       raise OSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY, 'Fake Directory not empty',
   1617                     self.path.basename(target_directory))
   1618     else:
   1619       self.rmdir(target_directory)
   1620     head, tail = self.path.split(target_directory)
   1621     if not tail:
   1622       head, tail = self.path.split(head)
   1623     while head and tail:
   1624       head_dir = self._ConfirmDir(head)
   1625       if head_dir.contents:
   1626         break
   1627       self.rmdir(head)
   1628       head, tail = self.path.split(head)
   1630   def mkdir(self, dir_name, mode=PERM_DEF):
   1631     """Create a leaf Fake directory.
   1633     Args:
   1634       dir_name: (str) Name of directory to create.  Relative paths are assumed
   1635         to be relative to '/'.
   1636       mode: (int) Mode to create directory with.  This argument defaults to
   1637         0o777.  The umask is applied to this mode.
   1639     Raises:
   1640       OSError: if the directory name is invalid or parent directory is read only
   1641       or as per FakeFilesystem.AddObject.
   1642     """
   1643     if dir_name.endswith(self.sep):
   1644       dir_name = dir_name[:-1]
   1646     parent_dir, _ = self.path.split(dir_name)
   1647     if parent_dir:
   1648       base_dir = self.path.normpath(parent_dir)
   1649       if parent_dir.endswith(self.sep + '..'):
   1650         base_dir, unused_dotdot, _ = parent_dir.partition(self.sep + '..')
   1651       if not self.filesystem.Exists(base_dir):
   1652         raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'No such fake directory', base_dir)
   1654     dir_name = self.filesystem.NormalizePath(dir_name)
   1655     if self.filesystem.Exists(dir_name):
   1656       raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, 'Fake object already exists', dir_name)
   1657     head, tail = self.path.split(dir_name)
   1658     directory_object = self.filesystem.GetObject(head)
   1659     if not directory_object.st_mode & PERM_WRITE:
   1660       raise OSError(errno.EACCES, 'Permission Denied', dir_name)
   1662     self.filesystem.AddObject(
   1663         head, FakeDirectory(tail, mode & ~self.filesystem.umask))
   1665   def makedirs(self, dir_name, mode=PERM_DEF):
   1666     """Create a leaf Fake directory + create any non-existent parent dirs.
   1668     Args:
   1669       dir_name: (str) Name of directory to create.
   1670       mode: (int) Mode to create directory (and any necessary parent
   1671         directories) with. This argument defaults to 0o777.  The umask is
   1672         applied to this mode.
   1674     Raises:
   1675       OSError: if the directory already exists or as per
   1676       FakeFilesystem.CreateDirectory
   1677     """
   1678     dir_name = self.filesystem.NormalizePath(dir_name)
   1679     path_components = self.filesystem.GetPathComponents(dir_name)
   1681     # Raise a permission denied error if the first existing directory is not
   1682     # writeable.
   1683     current_dir = self.filesystem.root
   1684     for component in path_components:
   1685       if component not in current_dir.contents:
   1686         if not current_dir.st_mode & PERM_WRITE:
   1687           raise OSError(errno.EACCES, 'Permission Denied', dir_name)
   1688         else:
   1689           break
   1690       else:
   1691         current_dir = current_dir.contents[component]
   1693     self.filesystem.CreateDirectory(dir_name, mode & ~self.filesystem.umask)
   1695   def access(self, path, mode):
   1696     """Check if a file exists and has the specified permissions.
   1698     Args:
   1699       path: (str) Path to the file.
   1700       mode: (int) Permissions represented as a bitwise-OR combination of
   1701           os.F_OK, os.R_OK, os.W_OK, and os.X_OK.
   1702     Returns:
   1703       boolean, True if file is accessible, False otherwise
   1704     """
   1705     try:
   1706       st = self.stat(path)
   1707     except OSError as os_error:
   1708       if os_error.errno == errno.ENOENT:
   1709         return False
   1710       raise
   1711     return (mode & ((st.st_mode >> 6) & 7)) == mode
   1713   def chmod(self, path, mode):
   1714     """Change the permissions of a file as encoded in integer mode.
   1716     Args:
   1717       path: (str) Path to the file.
   1718       mode: (int) Permissions
   1719     """
   1720     try:
   1721       file_object = self.filesystem.GetObject(path)
   1722     except IOError as io_error:
   1723       if io_error.errno == errno.ENOENT:
   1724         raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,
   1725                       'No such file or directory in fake filesystem',
   1726                       path)
   1727       raise
   1728     file_object.st_mode = ((file_object.st_mode & ~PERM_ALL) |
   1729                            (mode & PERM_ALL))
   1730     file_object.st_ctime = int(time.time())
   1732   def utime(self, path, times):
   1733     """Change the access and modified times of a file.
   1735     Args:
   1736       path: (str) Path to the file.
   1737       times: 2-tuple of numbers, of the form (atime, mtime) which is used to set
   1738           the access and modified times, respectively. If None, file's access
   1739           and modified times are set to the current time.
   1741     Raises:
   1742       TypeError: If anything other than integers is specified in passed tuple or
   1743           number of elements in the tuple is not equal to 2.
   1744     """
   1745     try:
   1746       file_object = self.filesystem.GetObject(path)
   1747     except IOError as io_error:
   1748       if io_error.errno == errno.ENOENT:
   1749         raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,
   1750                       'No such file or directory in fake filesystem',
   1751                       path)
   1752       raise
   1753     if times is None:
   1754       file_object.st_atime = int(time.time())
   1755       file_object.st_mtime = int(time.time())
   1756     else:
   1757       if len(times) != 2:
   1758         raise TypeError('utime() arg 2 must be a tuple (atime, mtime)')
   1759       for t in times:
   1760         if not isinstance(t, (int, float)):
   1761           raise TypeError('an integer is required')
   1763       file_object.st_atime = times[0]
   1764       file_object.st_mtime = times[1]
   1766   def chown(self, path, uid, gid):
   1767     """Set ownership of a faked file.
   1769     Args:
   1770       path: (str) Path to the file or directory.
   1771       uid: (int) Numeric uid to set the file or directory to.
   1772       gid: (int) Numeric gid to set the file or directory to.
   1773     """
   1774     try:
   1775       file_object = self.filesystem.GetObject(path)
   1776     except IOError as io_error:
   1777       if io_error.errno == errno.ENOENT:
   1778         raise OSError(errno.ENOENT,
   1779                       'No such file or directory in fake filesystem',
   1780                       path)
   1781       raise
   1782     if uid != -1:
   1783       file_object.st_uid = uid
   1784     if gid != -1:
   1785       file_object.st_gid = gid
   1787   def mknod(self, filename, mode=None, device=None):
   1788     """Create a filesystem node named 'filename'.
   1790     Does not support device special files or named pipes as the real os
   1791     module does.
   1793     Args:
   1794       filename: (str) Name of the file to create
   1795       mode: (int) permissions to use and type of file to be created.
   1796         Default permissions are 0o666.  Only the stat.S_IFREG file type
   1797         is supported by the fake implementation.  The umask is applied
   1798         to this mode.
   1799       device: not supported in fake implementation
   1801     Raises:
   1802       OSError: if called with unsupported options or the file can not be
   1803       created.
   1804     """
   1805     if mode is None:
   1806       mode = stat.S_IFREG | PERM_DEF_FILE
   1807     if device or not mode & stat.S_IFREG:
   1808       raise OSError(errno.EINVAL,
   1809                     'Fake os mknod implementation only supports '
   1810                     'regular files.')
   1812     head, tail = self.path.split(filename)
   1813     if not tail:
   1814       if self.filesystem.Exists(head):
   1815         raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, 'Fake filesystem: %s: %s' % (
   1816             os.strerror(errno.EEXIST), filename))
   1817       raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'Fake filesystem: %s: %s' % (
   1818           os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), filename))
   1819     if tail == '.' or tail == '..' or self.filesystem.Exists(filename):
   1820       raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, 'Fake fileystem: %s: %s' % (
   1821           os.strerror(errno.EEXIST), filename))
   1822     try:
   1823       self.filesystem.AddObject(head, FakeFile(tail,
   1824                                                mode & ~self.filesystem.umask))
   1825     except IOError:
   1826       raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, 'Fake filesystem: %s: %s' % (
   1827           os.strerror(errno.ENOTDIR), filename))
   1829   def symlink(self, link_target, path):
   1830     """Creates the specified symlink, pointed at the specified link target.
   1832     Args:
   1833       link_target:  the target of the symlink
   1834       path:  path to the symlink to create
   1836     Returns:
   1837       None
   1839     Raises:
   1840       IOError:  if the file already exists
   1841     """
   1842     self.filesystem.CreateLink(path, link_target)
   1844   # pylint: disable-msg=C6002
   1845   # TODO: Link doesn't behave like os.link, this needs to be fixed properly.
   1846   link = symlink
   1848   def __getattr__(self, name):
   1849     """Forwards any unfaked calls to the standard os module."""
   1850     return getattr(self._os_module, name)
   1853 class FakeFileOpen(object):
   1854   """Faked file() and open() function replacements.
   1856   Returns FakeFile objects in a FakeFilesystem in place of the file()
   1857   or open() function.
   1858   """
   1860   def __init__(self, filesystem, delete_on_close=False):
   1861     """init.
   1863     Args:
   1864       filesystem:  FakeFilesystem used to provide file system information
   1865       delete_on_close:  optional boolean, deletes file on close()
   1866     """
   1867     self.filesystem = filesystem
   1868     self._delete_on_close = delete_on_close
   1870   def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
   1871     """Redirects calls to file() or open() to appropriate method."""
   1872     if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
   1873       return self._call_ver2(*args, **kwargs)
   1874     else:
   1875       return self.Call(*args, **kwargs)
   1877   def _call_ver2(self, file_path, mode='r', buffering=-1, flags=None):
   1878     """Limits args of open() or file() for Python 2.x versions."""
   1879     # Backwards compatibility, mode arg used to be named flags
   1880     mode = flags or mode
   1881     return self.Call(file_path, mode, buffering)
   1883   def Call(self, file_, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None,
   1884            errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None):
   1885     """Returns a StringIO object with the contents of the target file object.
   1887     Args:
   1888       file_: path to target file or a file descriptor
   1889       mode: additional file modes. All r/w/a r+/w+/a+ modes are supported.
   1890         't', and 'U' are ignored, e.g., 'wU' is treated as 'w'. 'b' sets
   1891         binary mode, no end of line translations in StringIO.
   1892       buffering: ignored. (Used for signature compliance with __builtin__.open)
   1893       encoding: ignored, strings have no encoding
   1894       errors: ignored, this relates to encoding
   1895       newline: controls universal newlines, passed to StringIO object
   1896       closefd: if a file descriptor rather than file name is passed, and set
   1897         to false, then the file descriptor is kept open when file is closed
   1898       opener: not supported
   1900     Returns:
   1901       a StringIO object containing the contents of the target file
   1903     Raises:
   1904       IOError: if the target object is a directory, the path is invalid or
   1905         permission is denied.
   1906     """
   1907     orig_modes = mode  # Save original mdoes for error messages.
   1908     # Binary mode for non 3.x or set by mode
   1909     binary = sys.version_info < (3, 0) or 'b' in mode
   1910     # Normalize modes. Ignore 't' and 'U'.
   1911     mode = mode.replace('t', '').replace('b', '')
   1912     mode = mode.replace('rU', 'r').replace('U', 'r')
   1914     if mode not in _OPEN_MODE_MAP:
   1915       raise IOError('Invalid mode: %r' % orig_modes)
   1917     must_exist, need_read, need_write, truncate, append = _OPEN_MODE_MAP[mode]
   1919     file_object = None
   1920     filedes = None
   1921     # opening a file descriptor
   1922     if isinstance(file_, int):
   1923       filedes = file_
   1924       file_object = self.filesystem.GetOpenFile(filedes).GetObject()
   1925       file_path = file_object.name
   1926     else:
   1927       file_path = file_
   1928       real_path = self.filesystem.ResolvePath(file_path)
   1929       if self.filesystem.Exists(file_path):
   1930         file_object = self.filesystem.GetObjectFromNormalizedPath(real_path)
   1931       closefd = True
   1933     if file_object:
   1934       if ((need_read and not file_object.st_mode & PERM_READ) or
   1935           (need_write and not file_object.st_mode & PERM_WRITE)):
   1936         raise IOError(errno.EACCES, 'Permission denied', file_path)
   1937       if need_write:
   1938         file_object.st_ctime = int(time.time())
   1939         if truncate:
   1940           file_object.SetContents('')
   1941     else:
   1942       if must_exist:
   1943         raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'No such file or directory', file_path)
   1944       file_object = self.filesystem.CreateFile(
   1945           real_path, create_missing_dirs=False, apply_umask=True)
   1947     if file_object.st_mode & stat.S_IFDIR:
   1948       raise IOError(errno.EISDIR, 'Fake file object: is a directory', file_path)
   1950     class FakeFileWrapper(object):
   1951       """Wrapper for a StringIO object for use by a FakeFile object.
   1953       If the wrapper has any data written to it, it will propagate to
   1954       the FakeFile object on close() or flush().
   1955       """
   1956       if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
   1957         _OPERATION_ERROR = IOError
   1958       else:
   1959         _OPERATION_ERROR = io.UnsupportedOperation
   1961       def __init__(self, file_object, update=False, read=False, append=False,
   1962                    delete_on_close=False, filesystem=None, newline=None,
   1963                    binary=True, closefd=True):
   1964         self._file_object = file_object
   1965         self._append = append
   1966         self._read = read
   1967         self._update = update
   1968         self._closefd = closefd
   1969         self._file_epoch = file_object.epoch
   1970         contents = file_object.contents
   1971         newline_arg = {} if binary else {'newline': newline}
   1972         io_class = io.StringIO
   1973         # For Python 3, files opened as binary only read/write byte contents.
   1974         if sys.version_info >= (3, 0) and binary:
   1975           io_class = io.BytesIO
   1976           if contents and isinstance(contents, str):
   1977             contents = bytes(contents, 'ascii')
   1978         if contents:
   1979           if update:
   1980             self._io = io_class(**newline_arg)
   1981             self._io.write(contents)
   1982             if not append:
   1983               self._io.seek(0)
   1984             else:
   1985               self._read_whence = 0
   1986               if read:
   1987                 self._read_seek = 0
   1988               else:
   1989                 self._read_seek = self._io.tell()
   1990           else:
   1991             self._io = io_class(contents, **newline_arg)
   1992         else:
   1993           self._io = io_class(**newline_arg)
   1994           self._read_whence = 0
   1995           self._read_seek = 0
   1996         if delete_on_close:
   1997           assert filesystem, 'delete_on_close=True requires filesystem='
   1998         self._filesystem = filesystem
   1999         self._delete_on_close = delete_on_close
   2000         # override, don't modify FakeFile.name, as FakeFilesystem expects
   2001         # it to be the file name only, no directories.
   2002         self.name = file_object.opened_as
   2004       def __enter__(self):
   2005         """To support usage of this fake file with the 'with' statement."""
   2006         return self
   2008       def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):  # pylint: disable-msg=W0622
   2009         """To support usage of this fake file with the 'with' statement."""
   2010         self.close()
   2012       def GetObject(self):
   2013         """Returns FakeFile object that is wrapped by current class."""
   2014         return self._file_object
   2016       def fileno(self):
   2017         """Returns file descriptor of file object."""
   2018         return self.filedes
   2020       def close(self):
   2021         """File close."""
   2022         if self._update:
   2023           self._file_object.SetContents(self._io.getvalue())
   2024         if self._closefd:
   2025           self._filesystem.CloseOpenFile(self)
   2026         if self._delete_on_close:
   2027           self._filesystem.RemoveObject(self.name)
   2029       def flush(self):
   2030         """Flush file contents to 'disk'."""
   2031         if self._update:
   2032           self._file_object.SetContents(self._io.getvalue())
   2033           self._file_epoch = self._file_object.epoch
   2035       def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
   2036         """Move read/write pointer in 'file'."""
   2037         if not self._append:
   2038           self._io.seek(offset, whence)
   2039         else:
   2040           self._read_seek = offset
   2041           self._read_whence = whence
   2043       def tell(self):
   2044         """Return the file's current position.
   2046         Returns:
   2047           int, file's current position in bytes.
   2048         """
   2049         if not self._append:
   2050           return self._io.tell()
   2051         if self._read_whence:
   2052           write_seek = self._io.tell()
   2053           self._io.seek(self._read_seek, self._read_whence)
   2054           self._read_seek = self._io.tell()
   2055           self._read_whence = 0
   2056           self._io.seek(write_seek)
   2057         return self._read_seek
   2059       def _UpdateStringIO(self):
   2060         """Updates the StringIO with changes to the file object contents."""
   2061         if self._file_epoch == self._file_object.epoch:
   2062           return
   2063         whence = self._io.tell()
   2064         self._io.seek(0)
   2065         self._io.truncate()
   2066         self._io.write(self._file_object.contents)
   2067         self._io.seek(whence)
   2068         self._file_epoch = self._file_object.epoch
   2070       def _ReadWrappers(self, name):
   2071         """Wrap a StringIO attribute in a read wrapper.
   2073         Returns a read_wrapper which tracks our own read pointer since the
   2074         StringIO object has no concept of a different read and write pointer.
   2076         Args:
   2077           name: the name StringIO attribute to wrap.  Should be a read call.
   2079         Returns:
   2080           either a read_error or read_wrapper function.
   2081         """
   2082         io_attr = getattr(self._io, name)
   2084         def read_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   2085           """Wrap all read calls to the StringIO Object.
   2087           We do this to track the read pointer separate from the write
   2088           pointer.  Anything that wants to read from the StringIO object
   2089           while we're in append mode goes through this.
   2091           Args:
   2092             *args: pass through args
   2093             **kwargs: pass through kwargs
   2094           Returns:
   2095             Wrapped StringIO object method
   2096           """
   2097           self._io.seek(self._read_seek, self._read_whence)
   2098           ret_value = io_attr(*args, **kwargs)
   2099           self._read_seek = self._io.tell()
   2100           self._read_whence = 0
   2101           self._io.seek(0, 2)
   2102           return ret_value
   2103         return read_wrapper
   2105       def _OtherWrapper(self, name):
   2106         """Wrap a StringIO attribute in an other_wrapper.
   2108         Args:
   2109           name: the name of the StringIO attribute to wrap.
   2111         Returns:
   2112           other_wrapper which is described below.
   2113         """
   2114         io_attr = getattr(self._io, name)
   2116         def other_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
   2117           """Wrap all other calls to the StringIO Object.
   2119           We do this to track changes to the write pointer.  Anything that
   2120           moves the write pointer in a file open for appending should move
   2121           the read pointer as well.
   2123           Args:
   2124             *args: pass through args
   2125             **kwargs: pass through kwargs
   2126           Returns:
   2127             Wrapped StringIO object method
   2128           """
   2129           write_seek = self._io.tell()
   2130           ret_value = io_attr(*args, **kwargs)
   2131           if write_seek != self._io.tell():
   2132             self._read_seek = self._io.tell()
   2133             self._read_whence = 0
   2134             self._file_object.st_size += (self._read_seek - write_seek)
   2135           return ret_value
   2136         return other_wrapper
   2138       def Size(self):
   2139         return self._file_object.st_size
   2141       def __getattr__(self, name):
   2142         if self._file_object.IsLargeFile():
   2143           raise FakeLargeFileIoException(file_path)
   2145         # errors on called method vs. open mode
   2146         if not self._read and name.startswith('read'):
   2147           def read_error(*args, **kwargs):
   2148             """Throw an error unless the argument is zero."""
   2149             if args and args[0] == 0:
   2150               return ''
   2151             raise self._OPERATION_ERROR('File is not open for reading.')
   2152           return read_error
   2153         if not self._update and (name.startswith('write')
   2154                                  or name == 'truncate'):
   2155           def write_error(*args, **kwargs):
   2156             """Throw an error."""
   2157             raise self._OPERATION_ERROR('File is not open for writing.')
   2158           return write_error
   2160         if name.startswith('read'):
   2161           self._UpdateStringIO()
   2162         if self._append:
   2163           if name.startswith('read'):
   2164             return self._ReadWrappers(name)
   2165           else:
   2166             return self._OtherWrapper(name)
   2167         return getattr(self._io, name)
   2169       def __iter__(self):
   2170         if not self._read:
   2171           raise self._OPERATION_ERROR('File is not open for reading')
   2172         return self._io.__iter__()
   2174     # if you print obj.name, the argument to open() must be printed. Not the
   2175     # abspath, not the filename, but the actual argument.
   2176     file_object.opened_as = file_path
   2178     fakefile = FakeFileWrapper(file_object,
   2179                                update=need_write,
   2180                                read=need_read,
   2181                                append=append,
   2182                                delete_on_close=self._delete_on_close,
   2183                                filesystem=self.filesystem,
   2184                                newline=newline,
   2185                                binary=binary,
   2186                                closefd=closefd)
   2187     if filedes is not None:
   2188       fakefile.filedes = filedes
   2189     else:
   2190       fakefile.filedes = self.filesystem.AddOpenFile(fakefile)
   2191     return fakefile
   2194 def _RunDoctest():
   2195   # pylint: disable-msg=C6204
   2196   import doctest
   2197   import fake_filesystem  # pylint: disable-msg=W0406
   2198   return doctest.testmod(fake_filesystem)
   2201 if __name__ == '__main__':
   2202   _RunDoctest()