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      1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 // StatisticsRecorder holds all Histograms and BucketRanges that are used by
      6 // Histograms in the system. It provides a general place for
      7 // Histograms/BucketRanges to register, and supports a global API for accessing
      8 // (i.e., dumping, or graphing) the data.
     13 #include <stdint.h>
     15 #include <list>
     16 #include <map>
     17 #include <memory>
     18 #include <string>
     19 #include <vector>
     21 #include "base/base_export.h"
     22 #include "base/callback.h"
     23 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
     24 #include "base/lazy_instance.h"
     25 #include "base/macros.h"
     26 #include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
     27 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
     29 class SubprocessMetricsProviderTest;
     31 namespace base {
     33 class BucketRanges;
     34 class Lock;
     36 class BASE_EXPORT StatisticsRecorder {
     37  public:
     38   // A class used as a key for the histogram map below. It always references
     39   // a string owned outside of this class, likely in the value of the map.
     40   class StringKey : public StringPiece {
     41    public:
     42     // Constructs the StringKey using various sources. The source must live
     43     // at least as long as the created object.
     44     StringKey(const std::string& str) : StringPiece(str) {}
     45     StringKey(StringPiece str) : StringPiece(str) {}
     47     // Though StringPiece is better passed by value than by reference, in
     48     // this case it's being passed many times and likely already been stored
     49     // in memory (not just registers) so the benefit of pass-by-value is
     50     // negated.
     51     bool operator<(const StringKey& rhs) const {
     52       // Since order is unimportant in the map and string comparisons can be
     53       // slow, use the length as the primary sort value.
     54       if (length() < rhs.length())
     55         return true;
     56       if (length() > rhs.length())
     57         return false;
     59       // Fall back to an actual string comparison. The lengths are the same
     60       // so a simple memory-compare is sufficient. This is slightly more
     61       // efficient than calling operator<() for StringPiece which would
     62       // again have to check lengths before calling wordmemcmp().
     63       return wordmemcmp(data(), rhs.data(), length()) < 0;
     64     }
     65   };
     67   typedef std::map<StringKey, HistogramBase*> HistogramMap;
     68   typedef std::vector<HistogramBase*> Histograms;
     70   // A class for iterating over the histograms held within this global resource.
     71   class BASE_EXPORT HistogramIterator {
     72    public:
     73     HistogramIterator(const HistogramMap::iterator& iter,
     74                       bool include_persistent);
     75     HistogramIterator(const HistogramIterator& rhs);  // Must be copyable.
     76     ~HistogramIterator();
     78     HistogramIterator& operator++();
     79     HistogramIterator operator++(int) {
     80       HistogramIterator tmp(*this);
     81       operator++();
     82       return tmp;
     83     }
     85     bool operator==(const HistogramIterator& rhs) const {
     86       return iter_ == rhs.iter_;
     87     }
     88     bool operator!=(const HistogramIterator& rhs) const {
     89       return iter_ != rhs.iter_;
     90     }
     91     HistogramBase* operator*() { return iter_->second; }
     93    private:
     94     HistogramMap::iterator iter_;
     95     const bool include_persistent_;
     96   };
     98   ~StatisticsRecorder();
    100   // Initializes the StatisticsRecorder system. Safe to call multiple times.
    101   static void Initialize();
    103   // Find out if histograms can now be registered into our list.
    104   static bool IsActive();
    106   // Register, or add a new histogram to the collection of statistics. If an
    107   // identically named histogram is already registered, then the argument
    108   // |histogram| will deleted.  The returned value is always the registered
    109   // histogram (either the argument, or the pre-existing registered histogram).
    110   static HistogramBase* RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(HistogramBase* histogram);
    112   // Register, or add a new BucketRanges. If an identically BucketRanges is
    113   // already registered, then the argument |ranges| will deleted. The returned
    114   // value is always the registered BucketRanges (either the argument, or the
    115   // pre-existing one).
    116   static const BucketRanges* RegisterOrDeleteDuplicateRanges(
    117       const BucketRanges* ranges);
    119   // Methods for appending histogram data to a string.  Only histograms which
    120   // have |query| as a substring are written to |output| (an empty string will
    121   // process all registered histograms).
    122   static void WriteHTMLGraph(const std::string& query, std::string* output);
    123   static void WriteGraph(const std::string& query, std::string* output);
    125   // Returns the histograms with |query| as a substring as JSON text (an empty
    126   // |query| will process all registered histograms).
    127   static std::string ToJSON(const std::string& query);
    129   // Method for extracting histograms which were marked for use by UMA.
    130   static void GetHistograms(Histograms* output);
    132   // Method for extracting BucketRanges used by all histograms registered.
    133   static void GetBucketRanges(std::vector<const BucketRanges*>* output);
    135   // Find a histogram by name. It matches the exact name. This method is thread
    136   // safe.  It returns NULL if a matching histogram is not found.
    137   static HistogramBase* FindHistogram(base::StringPiece name);
    139   // Support for iterating over known histograms.
    140   static HistogramIterator begin(bool include_persistent);
    141   static HistogramIterator end();
    143   // GetSnapshot copies some of the pointers to registered histograms into the
    144   // caller supplied vector (Histograms). Only histograms which have |query| as
    145   // a substring are copied (an empty string will process all registered
    146   // histograms).
    147   static void GetSnapshot(const std::string& query, Histograms* snapshot);
    149   typedef base::Callback<void(HistogramBase::Sample)> OnSampleCallback;
    151   // SetCallback sets the callback to notify when a new sample is recorded on
    152   // the histogram referred to by |histogram_name|. The call to this method can
    153   // be be done before or after the histogram is created. This method is thread
    154   // safe. The return value is whether or not the callback was successfully set.
    155   static bool SetCallback(const std::string& histogram_name,
    156                           const OnSampleCallback& callback);
    158   // ClearCallback clears any callback set on the histogram referred to by
    159   // |histogram_name|. This method is thread safe.
    160   static void ClearCallback(const std::string& histogram_name);
    162   // FindCallback retrieves the callback for the histogram referred to by
    163   // |histogram_name|, or a null callback if no callback exists for this
    164   // histogram. This method is thread safe.
    165   static OnSampleCallback FindCallback(const std::string& histogram_name);
    167   // Returns the number of known histograms.
    168   static size_t GetHistogramCount();
    170   // Initializes logging histograms with --v=1. Safe to call multiple times.
    171   // Is called from ctor but for browser it seems that it is more useful to
    172   // start logging after statistics recorder, so we need to init log-on-shutdown
    173   // later.
    174   static void InitLogOnShutdown();
    176   // Removes a histogram from the internal set of known ones. This can be
    177   // necessary during testing persistent histograms where the underlying
    178   // memory is being released.
    179   static void ForgetHistogramForTesting(base::StringPiece name);
    181   // Creates a local StatisticsRecorder object for testing purposes. All new
    182   // histograms will be registered in it until it is destructed or pushed
    183   // aside for the lifetime of yet another SR object. The destruction of the
    184   // returned object will re-activate the previous one. Always release SR
    185   // objects in the opposite order to which they're created.
    186   static std::unique_ptr<StatisticsRecorder> CreateTemporaryForTesting()
    187       WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
    189   // Resets any global instance of the statistics-recorder that was created
    190   // by a call to Initialize().
    191   static void UninitializeForTesting();
    193  private:
    194   // We keep a map of callbacks to histograms, so that as histograms are
    195   // created, we can set the callback properly.
    196   typedef std::map<std::string, OnSampleCallback> CallbackMap;
    198   // We keep all |bucket_ranges_| in a map, from checksum to a list of
    199   // |bucket_ranges_|.  Checksum is calculated from the |ranges_| in
    200   // |bucket_ranges_|.
    201   typedef std::map<uint32_t, std::list<const BucketRanges*>*> RangesMap;
    203   friend struct DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<StatisticsRecorder>;
    204   friend class StatisticsRecorderTest;
    206   // Imports histograms from global persistent memory. The global lock must
    207   // not be held during this call.
    208   static void ImportGlobalPersistentHistograms();
    210   // The constructor just initializes static members. Usually client code should
    211   // use Initialize to do this. But in test code, you can friend this class and
    212   // call the constructor to get a clean StatisticsRecorder.
    213   StatisticsRecorder();
    215   // Initialize implementation but without lock. Caller should guard
    216   // StatisticsRecorder by itself if needed (it isn't in unit tests).
    217   void InitLogOnShutdownWithoutLock();
    219   // These are copies of everything that existed when the (test) Statistics-
    220   // Recorder was created. The global ones have to be moved aside to create a
    221   // clean environment.
    222   std::unique_ptr<HistogramMap> existing_histograms_;
    223   std::unique_ptr<CallbackMap> existing_callbacks_;
    224   std::unique_ptr<RangesMap> existing_ranges_;
    226   bool vlog_initialized_ = false;
    228   static void Reset();
    229   static void DumpHistogramsToVlog(void* instance);
    231   static HistogramMap* histograms_;
    232   static CallbackMap* callbacks_;
    233   static RangesMap* ranges_;
    235   // Lock protects access to above maps.
    236   static base::Lock* lock_;
    238   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StatisticsRecorder);
    239 };
    241 }  // namespace base