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      1 //===-- SelectionDAGBuilder.h - Selection-DAG building --------*- C++ -*---===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This implements routines for translating from LLVM IR into SelectionDAG IR.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     17 #include "StatepointLowering.h"
     18 #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
     19 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
     20 #include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
     21 #include "llvm/CodeGen/SelectionDAG.h"
     22 #include "llvm/CodeGen/SelectionDAGNodes.h"
     23 #include "llvm/IR/CallSite.h"
     24 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
     25 #include "llvm/IR/Statepoint.h"
     26 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
     27 #include "llvm/Target/TargetLowering.h"
     28 #include <utility>
     29 #include <vector>
     31 namespace llvm {
     33 class AddrSpaceCastInst;
     34 class AllocaInst;
     35 class BasicBlock;
     36 class BitCastInst;
     37 class BranchInst;
     38 class CallInst;
     39 class DbgValueInst;
     40 class ExtractElementInst;
     41 class ExtractValueInst;
     42 class FCmpInst;
     43 class FPExtInst;
     44 class FPToSIInst;
     45 class FPToUIInst;
     46 class FPTruncInst;
     47 class Function;
     48 class FunctionLoweringInfo;
     49 class GetElementPtrInst;
     50 class GCFunctionInfo;
     51 class ICmpInst;
     52 class IntToPtrInst;
     53 class IndirectBrInst;
     54 class InvokeInst;
     55 class InsertElementInst;
     56 class InsertValueInst;
     57 class Instruction;
     58 class LoadInst;
     59 class MachineBasicBlock;
     60 class MachineInstr;
     61 class MachineRegisterInfo;
     62 class MDNode;
     63 class MVT;
     64 class PHINode;
     65 class PtrToIntInst;
     66 class ReturnInst;
     67 class SDDbgValue;
     68 class SExtInst;
     69 class SelectInst;
     70 class ShuffleVectorInst;
     71 class SIToFPInst;
     72 class StoreInst;
     73 class SwitchInst;
     74 class DataLayout;
     75 class TargetLibraryInfo;
     76 class TargetLowering;
     77 class TruncInst;
     78 class UIToFPInst;
     79 class UnreachableInst;
     80 class VAArgInst;
     81 class ZExtInst;
     83 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     84 /// SelectionDAGBuilder - This is the common target-independent lowering
     85 /// implementation that is parameterized by a TargetLowering object.
     86 ///
     87 class SelectionDAGBuilder {
     88   /// CurInst - The current instruction being visited
     89   const Instruction *CurInst;
     91   DenseMap<const Value*, SDValue> NodeMap;
     93   /// UnusedArgNodeMap - Maps argument value for unused arguments. This is used
     94   /// to preserve debug information for incoming arguments.
     95   DenseMap<const Value*, SDValue> UnusedArgNodeMap;
     97   /// DanglingDebugInfo - Helper type for DanglingDebugInfoMap.
     98   class DanglingDebugInfo {
     99     const DbgValueInst* DI;
    100     DebugLoc dl;
    101     unsigned SDNodeOrder;
    102   public:
    103     DanglingDebugInfo() : DI(nullptr), dl(DebugLoc()), SDNodeOrder(0) { }
    104     DanglingDebugInfo(const DbgValueInst *di, DebugLoc DL, unsigned SDNO)
    105         : DI(di), dl(std::move(DL)), SDNodeOrder(SDNO) {}
    106     const DbgValueInst* getDI() { return DI; }
    107     DebugLoc getdl() { return dl; }
    108     unsigned getSDNodeOrder() { return SDNodeOrder; }
    109   };
    111   /// DanglingDebugInfoMap - Keeps track of dbg_values for which we have not
    112   /// yet seen the referent.  We defer handling these until we do see it.
    113   DenseMap<const Value*, DanglingDebugInfo> DanglingDebugInfoMap;
    115 public:
    116   /// PendingLoads - Loads are not emitted to the program immediately.  We bunch
    117   /// them up and then emit token factor nodes when possible.  This allows us to
    118   /// get simple disambiguation between loads without worrying about alias
    119   /// analysis.
    120   SmallVector<SDValue, 8> PendingLoads;
    122   /// State used while lowering a statepoint sequence (gc_statepoint,
    123   /// gc_relocate, and gc_result).  See StatepointLowering.hpp/cpp for details.
    124   StatepointLoweringState StatepointLowering;
    125 private:
    127   /// PendingExports - CopyToReg nodes that copy values to virtual registers
    128   /// for export to other blocks need to be emitted before any terminator
    129   /// instruction, but they have no other ordering requirements. We bunch them
    130   /// up and the emit a single tokenfactor for them just before terminator
    131   /// instructions.
    132   SmallVector<SDValue, 8> PendingExports;
    134   /// SDNodeOrder - A unique monotonically increasing number used to order the
    135   /// SDNodes we create.
    136   unsigned SDNodeOrder;
    138   enum CaseClusterKind {
    139     /// A cluster of adjacent case labels with the same destination, or just one
    140     /// case.
    141     CC_Range,
    142     /// A cluster of cases suitable for jump table lowering.
    143     CC_JumpTable,
    144     /// A cluster of cases suitable for bit test lowering.
    145     CC_BitTests
    146   };
    148   /// A cluster of case labels.
    149   struct CaseCluster {
    150     CaseClusterKind Kind;
    151     const ConstantInt *Low, *High;
    152     union {
    153       MachineBasicBlock *MBB;
    154       unsigned JTCasesIndex;
    155       unsigned BTCasesIndex;
    156     };
    157     BranchProbability Prob;
    159     static CaseCluster range(const ConstantInt *Low, const ConstantInt *High,
    160                              MachineBasicBlock *MBB, BranchProbability Prob) {
    161       CaseCluster C;
    162       C.Kind = CC_Range;
    163       C.Low = Low;
    164       C.High = High;
    165       C.MBB = MBB;
    166       C.Prob = Prob;
    167       return C;
    168     }
    170     static CaseCluster jumpTable(const ConstantInt *Low,
    171                                  const ConstantInt *High, unsigned JTCasesIndex,
    172                                  BranchProbability Prob) {
    173       CaseCluster C;
    174       C.Kind = CC_JumpTable;
    175       C.Low = Low;
    176       C.High = High;
    177       C.JTCasesIndex = JTCasesIndex;
    178       C.Prob = Prob;
    179       return C;
    180     }
    182     static CaseCluster bitTests(const ConstantInt *Low, const ConstantInt *High,
    183                                 unsigned BTCasesIndex, BranchProbability Prob) {
    184       CaseCluster C;
    185       C.Kind = CC_BitTests;
    186       C.Low = Low;
    187       C.High = High;
    188       C.BTCasesIndex = BTCasesIndex;
    189       C.Prob = Prob;
    190       return C;
    191     }
    192   };
    194   typedef std::vector<CaseCluster> CaseClusterVector;
    195   typedef CaseClusterVector::iterator CaseClusterIt;
    197   struct CaseBits {
    198     uint64_t Mask;
    199     MachineBasicBlock* BB;
    200     unsigned Bits;
    201     BranchProbability ExtraProb;
    203     CaseBits(uint64_t mask, MachineBasicBlock* bb, unsigned bits,
    204              BranchProbability Prob):
    205       Mask(mask), BB(bb), Bits(bits), ExtraProb(Prob) { }
    207     CaseBits() : Mask(0), BB(nullptr), Bits(0) {}
    208   };
    210   typedef std::vector<CaseBits> CaseBitsVector;
    212   /// Sort Clusters and merge adjacent cases.
    213   void sortAndRangeify(CaseClusterVector &Clusters);
    215   /// CaseBlock - This structure is used to communicate between
    216   /// SelectionDAGBuilder and SDISel for the code generation of additional basic
    217   /// blocks needed by multi-case switch statements.
    218   struct CaseBlock {
    219     CaseBlock(ISD::CondCode cc, const Value *cmplhs, const Value *cmprhs,
    220               const Value *cmpmiddle, MachineBasicBlock *truebb,
    221               MachineBasicBlock *falsebb, MachineBasicBlock *me,
    222               BranchProbability trueprob = BranchProbability::getUnknown(),
    223               BranchProbability falseprob = BranchProbability::getUnknown())
    224         : CC(cc), CmpLHS(cmplhs), CmpMHS(cmpmiddle), CmpRHS(cmprhs),
    225           TrueBB(truebb), FalseBB(falsebb), ThisBB(me), TrueProb(trueprob),
    226           FalseProb(falseprob) {}
    228     // CC - the condition code to use for the case block's setcc node
    229     ISD::CondCode CC;
    231     // CmpLHS/CmpRHS/CmpMHS - The LHS/MHS/RHS of the comparison to emit.
    232     // Emit by default LHS op RHS. MHS is used for range comparisons:
    233     // If MHS is not null: (LHS <= MHS) and (MHS <= RHS).
    234     const Value *CmpLHS, *CmpMHS, *CmpRHS;
    236     // TrueBB/FalseBB - the block to branch to if the setcc is true/false.
    237     MachineBasicBlock *TrueBB, *FalseBB;
    239     // ThisBB - the block into which to emit the code for the setcc and branches
    240     MachineBasicBlock *ThisBB;
    242     // TrueProb/FalseProb - branch weights.
    243     BranchProbability TrueProb, FalseProb;
    244   };
    246   struct JumpTable {
    247     JumpTable(unsigned R, unsigned J, MachineBasicBlock *M,
    248               MachineBasicBlock *D): Reg(R), JTI(J), MBB(M), Default(D) {}
    250     /// Reg - the virtual register containing the index of the jump table entry
    251     //. to jump to.
    252     unsigned Reg;
    253     /// JTI - the JumpTableIndex for this jump table in the function.
    254     unsigned JTI;
    255     /// MBB - the MBB into which to emit the code for the indirect jump.
    256     MachineBasicBlock *MBB;
    257     /// Default - the MBB of the default bb, which is a successor of the range
    258     /// check MBB.  This is when updating PHI nodes in successors.
    259     MachineBasicBlock *Default;
    260   };
    261   struct JumpTableHeader {
    262     JumpTableHeader(APInt F, APInt L, const Value *SV, MachineBasicBlock *H,
    263                     bool E = false)
    264         : First(std::move(F)), Last(std::move(L)), SValue(SV), HeaderBB(H),
    265           Emitted(E) {}
    266     APInt First;
    267     APInt Last;
    268     const Value *SValue;
    269     MachineBasicBlock *HeaderBB;
    270     bool Emitted;
    271   };
    272   typedef std::pair<JumpTableHeader, JumpTable> JumpTableBlock;
    274   struct BitTestCase {
    275     BitTestCase(uint64_t M, MachineBasicBlock* T, MachineBasicBlock* Tr,
    276                 BranchProbability Prob):
    277       Mask(M), ThisBB(T), TargetBB(Tr), ExtraProb(Prob) { }
    278     uint64_t Mask;
    279     MachineBasicBlock *ThisBB;
    280     MachineBasicBlock *TargetBB;
    281     BranchProbability ExtraProb;
    282   };
    284   typedef SmallVector<BitTestCase, 3> BitTestInfo;
    286   struct BitTestBlock {
    287     BitTestBlock(APInt F, APInt R, const Value *SV, unsigned Rg, MVT RgVT,
    288                  bool E, bool CR, MachineBasicBlock *P, MachineBasicBlock *D,
    289                  BitTestInfo C, BranchProbability Pr)
    290         : First(std::move(F)), Range(std::move(R)), SValue(SV), Reg(Rg),
    291           RegVT(RgVT), Emitted(E), ContiguousRange(CR), Parent(P), Default(D),
    292           Cases(std::move(C)), Prob(Pr) {}
    293     APInt First;
    294     APInt Range;
    295     const Value *SValue;
    296     unsigned Reg;
    297     MVT RegVT;
    298     bool Emitted;
    299     bool ContiguousRange;
    300     MachineBasicBlock *Parent;
    301     MachineBasicBlock *Default;
    302     BitTestInfo Cases;
    303     BranchProbability Prob;
    304     BranchProbability DefaultProb;
    305   };
    307   /// Check whether a range of clusters is dense enough for a jump table.
    308   bool isDense(const CaseClusterVector &Clusters, unsigned *TotalCases,
    309                unsigned First, unsigned Last, unsigned MinDensity);
    311   /// Build a jump table cluster from Clusters[First..Last]. Returns false if it
    312   /// decides it's not a good idea.
    313   bool buildJumpTable(CaseClusterVector &Clusters, unsigned First,
    314                       unsigned Last, const SwitchInst *SI,
    315                       MachineBasicBlock *DefaultMBB, CaseCluster &JTCluster);
    317   /// Find clusters of cases suitable for jump table lowering.
    318   void findJumpTables(CaseClusterVector &Clusters, const SwitchInst *SI,
    319                       MachineBasicBlock *DefaultMBB);
    321   /// Check whether the range [Low,High] fits in a machine word.
    322   bool rangeFitsInWord(const APInt &Low, const APInt &High);
    324   /// Check whether these clusters are suitable for lowering with bit tests based
    325   /// on the number of destinations, comparison metric, and range.
    326   bool isSuitableForBitTests(unsigned NumDests, unsigned NumCmps,
    327                              const APInt &Low, const APInt &High);
    329   /// Build a bit test cluster from Clusters[First..Last]. Returns false if it
    330   /// decides it's not a good idea.
    331   bool buildBitTests(CaseClusterVector &Clusters, unsigned First, unsigned Last,
    332                      const SwitchInst *SI, CaseCluster &BTCluster);
    334   /// Find clusters of cases suitable for bit test lowering.
    335   void findBitTestClusters(CaseClusterVector &Clusters, const SwitchInst *SI);
    337   struct SwitchWorkListItem {
    338     MachineBasicBlock *MBB;
    339     CaseClusterIt FirstCluster;
    340     CaseClusterIt LastCluster;
    341     const ConstantInt *GE;
    342     const ConstantInt *LT;
    343     BranchProbability DefaultProb;
    344   };
    345   typedef SmallVector<SwitchWorkListItem, 4> SwitchWorkList;
    347   /// Determine the rank by weight of CC in [First,Last]. If CC has more weight
    348   /// than each cluster in the range, its rank is 0.
    349   static unsigned caseClusterRank(const CaseCluster &CC, CaseClusterIt First,
    350                                   CaseClusterIt Last);
    352   /// Emit comparison and split W into two subtrees.
    353   void splitWorkItem(SwitchWorkList &WorkList, const SwitchWorkListItem &W,
    354                      Value *Cond, MachineBasicBlock *SwitchMBB);
    356   /// Lower W.
    357   void lowerWorkItem(SwitchWorkListItem W, Value *Cond,
    358                      MachineBasicBlock *SwitchMBB,
    359                      MachineBasicBlock *DefaultMBB);
    362   /// A class which encapsulates all of the information needed to generate a
    363   /// stack protector check and signals to isel via its state being initialized
    364   /// that a stack protector needs to be generated.
    365   ///
    366   /// *NOTE* The following is a high level documentation of SelectionDAG Stack
    367   /// Protector Generation. The reason that it is placed here is for a lack of
    368   /// other good places to stick it.
    369   ///
    370   /// High Level Overview of SelectionDAG Stack Protector Generation:
    371   ///
    372   /// Previously, generation of stack protectors was done exclusively in the
    373   /// pre-SelectionDAG Codegen LLVM IR Pass "Stack Protector". This necessitated
    374   /// splitting basic blocks at the IR level to create the success/failure basic
    375   /// blocks in the tail of the basic block in question. As a result of this,
    376   /// calls that would have qualified for the sibling call optimization were no
    377   /// longer eligible for optimization since said calls were no longer right in
    378   /// the "tail position" (i.e. the immediate predecessor of a ReturnInst
    379   /// instruction).
    380   ///
    381   /// Then it was noticed that since the sibling call optimization causes the
    382   /// callee to reuse the caller's stack, if we could delay the generation of
    383   /// the stack protector check until later in CodeGen after the sibling call
    384   /// decision was made, we get both the tail call optimization and the stack
    385   /// protector check!
    386   ///
    387   /// A few goals in solving this problem were:
    388   ///
    389   ///   1. Preserve the architecture independence of stack protector generation.
    390   ///
    391   ///   2. Preserve the normal IR level stack protector check for platforms like
    392   ///      OpenBSD for which we support platform-specific stack protector
    393   ///      generation.
    394   ///
    395   /// The main problem that guided the present solution is that one can not
    396   /// solve this problem in an architecture independent manner at the IR level
    397   /// only. This is because:
    398   ///
    399   ///   1. The decision on whether or not to perform a sibling call on certain
    400   ///      platforms (for instance i386) requires lower level information
    401   ///      related to available registers that can not be known at the IR level.
    402   ///
    403   ///   2. Even if the previous point were not true, the decision on whether to
    404   ///      perform a tail call is done in LowerCallTo in SelectionDAG which
    405   ///      occurs after the Stack Protector Pass. As a result, one would need to
    406   ///      put the relevant callinst into the stack protector check success
    407   ///      basic block (where the return inst is placed) and then move it back
    408   ///      later at SelectionDAG/MI time before the stack protector check if the
    409   ///      tail call optimization failed. The MI level option was nixed
    410   ///      immediately since it would require platform-specific pattern
    411   ///      matching. The SelectionDAG level option was nixed because
    412   ///      SelectionDAG only processes one IR level basic block at a time
    413   ///      implying one could not create a DAG Combine to move the callinst.
    414   ///
    415   /// To get around this problem a few things were realized:
    416   ///
    417   ///   1. While one can not handle multiple IR level basic blocks at the
    418   ///      SelectionDAG Level, one can generate multiple machine basic blocks
    419   ///      for one IR level basic block. This is how we handle bit tests and
    420   ///      switches.
    421   ///
    422   ///   2. At the MI level, tail calls are represented via a special return
    423   ///      MIInst called "tcreturn". Thus if we know the basic block in which we
    424   ///      wish to insert the stack protector check, we get the correct behavior
    425   ///      by always inserting the stack protector check right before the return
    426   ///      statement. This is a "magical transformation" since no matter where
    427   ///      the stack protector check intrinsic is, we always insert the stack
    428   ///      protector check code at the end of the BB.
    429   ///
    430   /// Given the aforementioned constraints, the following solution was devised:
    431   ///
    432   ///   1. On platforms that do not support SelectionDAG stack protector check
    433   ///      generation, allow for the normal IR level stack protector check
    434   ///      generation to continue.
    435   ///
    436   ///   2. On platforms that do support SelectionDAG stack protector check
    437   ///      generation:
    438   ///
    439   ///     a. Use the IR level stack protector pass to decide if a stack
    440   ///        protector is required/which BB we insert the stack protector check
    441   ///        in by reusing the logic already therein. If we wish to generate a
    442   ///        stack protector check in a basic block, we place a special IR
    443   ///        intrinsic called llvm.stackprotectorcheck right before the BB's
    444   ///        returninst or if there is a callinst that could potentially be
    445   ///        sibling call optimized, before the call inst.
    446   ///
    447   ///     b. Then when a BB with said intrinsic is processed, we codegen the BB
    448   ///        normally via SelectBasicBlock. In said process, when we visit the
    449   ///        stack protector check, we do not actually emit anything into the
    450   ///        BB. Instead, we just initialize the stack protector descriptor
    451   ///        class (which involves stashing information/creating the success
    452   ///        mbbb and the failure mbb if we have not created one for this
    453   ///        function yet) and export the guard variable that we are going to
    454   ///        compare.
    455   ///
    456   ///     c. After we finish selecting the basic block, in FinishBasicBlock if
    457   ///        the StackProtectorDescriptor attached to the SelectionDAGBuilder is
    458   ///        initialized, we produce the validation code with one of these
    459   ///        techniques:
    460   ///          1) with a call to a guard check function
    461   ///          2) with inlined instrumentation
    462   ///
    463   ///        1) We insert a call to the check function before the terminator.
    464   ///
    465   ///        2) We first find a splice point in the parent basic block
    466   ///        before the terminator and then splice the terminator of said basic
    467   ///        block into the success basic block. Then we code-gen a new tail for
    468   ///        the parent basic block consisting of the two loads, the comparison,
    469   ///        and finally two branches to the success/failure basic blocks. We
    470   ///        conclude by code-gening the failure basic block if we have not
    471   ///        code-gened it already (all stack protector checks we generate in
    472   ///        the same function, use the same failure basic block).
    473   class StackProtectorDescriptor {
    474   public:
    475     StackProtectorDescriptor()
    476         : ParentMBB(nullptr), SuccessMBB(nullptr), FailureMBB(nullptr) {}
    478     /// Returns true if all fields of the stack protector descriptor are
    479     /// initialized implying that we should/are ready to emit a stack protector.
    480     bool shouldEmitStackProtector() const {
    481       return ParentMBB && SuccessMBB && FailureMBB;
    482     }
    484     bool shouldEmitFunctionBasedCheckStackProtector() const {
    485       return ParentMBB && !SuccessMBB && !FailureMBB;
    486     }
    488     /// Initialize the stack protector descriptor structure for a new basic
    489     /// block.
    490     void initialize(const BasicBlock *BB, MachineBasicBlock *MBB,
    491                     bool FunctionBasedInstrumentation) {
    492       // Make sure we are not initialized yet.
    493       assert(!shouldEmitStackProtector() && "Stack Protector Descriptor is "
    494              "already initialized!");
    495       ParentMBB = MBB;
    496       if (!FunctionBasedInstrumentation) {
    497         SuccessMBB = AddSuccessorMBB(BB, MBB, /* IsLikely */ true);
    498         FailureMBB = AddSuccessorMBB(BB, MBB, /* IsLikely */ false, FailureMBB);
    499       }
    500     }
    502     /// Reset state that changes when we handle different basic blocks.
    503     ///
    504     /// This currently includes:
    505     ///
    506     /// 1. The specific basic block we are generating a
    507     /// stack protector for (ParentMBB).
    508     ///
    509     /// 2. The successor machine basic block that will contain the tail of
    510     /// parent mbb after we create the stack protector check (SuccessMBB). This
    511     /// BB is visited only on stack protector check success.
    512     void resetPerBBState() {
    513       ParentMBB = nullptr;
    514       SuccessMBB = nullptr;
    515     }
    517     /// Reset state that only changes when we switch functions.
    518     ///
    519     /// This currently includes:
    520     ///
    521     /// 1. FailureMBB since we reuse the failure code path for all stack
    522     /// protector checks created in an individual function.
    523     ///
    524     /// 2.The guard variable since the guard variable we are checking against is
    525     /// always the same.
    526     void resetPerFunctionState() {
    527       FailureMBB = nullptr;
    528     }
    530     MachineBasicBlock *getParentMBB() { return ParentMBB; }
    531     MachineBasicBlock *getSuccessMBB() { return SuccessMBB; }
    532     MachineBasicBlock *getFailureMBB() { return FailureMBB; }
    534   private:
    535     /// The basic block for which we are generating the stack protector.
    536     ///
    537     /// As a result of stack protector generation, we will splice the
    538     /// terminators of this basic block into the successor mbb SuccessMBB and
    539     /// replace it with a compare/branch to the successor mbbs
    540     /// SuccessMBB/FailureMBB depending on whether or not the stack protector
    541     /// was violated.
    542     MachineBasicBlock *ParentMBB;
    544     /// A basic block visited on stack protector check success that contains the
    545     /// terminators of ParentMBB.
    546     MachineBasicBlock *SuccessMBB;
    548     /// This basic block visited on stack protector check failure that will
    549     /// contain a call to __stack_chk_fail().
    550     MachineBasicBlock *FailureMBB;
    552     /// Add a successor machine basic block to ParentMBB. If the successor mbb
    553     /// has not been created yet (i.e. if SuccMBB = 0), then the machine basic
    554     /// block will be created. Assign a large weight if IsLikely is true.
    555     MachineBasicBlock *AddSuccessorMBB(const BasicBlock *BB,
    556                                        MachineBasicBlock *ParentMBB,
    557                                        bool IsLikely,
    558                                        MachineBasicBlock *SuccMBB = nullptr);
    559   };
    561 private:
    562   const TargetMachine &TM;
    563 public:
    564   /// Lowest valid SDNodeOrder. The special case 0 is reserved for scheduling
    565   /// nodes without a corresponding SDNode.
    566   static const unsigned LowestSDNodeOrder = 1;
    568   SelectionDAG &DAG;
    569   const DataLayout *DL;
    570   AliasAnalysis *AA;
    571   const TargetLibraryInfo *LibInfo;
    573   /// SwitchCases - Vector of CaseBlock structures used to communicate
    574   /// SwitchInst code generation information.
    575   std::vector<CaseBlock> SwitchCases;
    576   /// JTCases - Vector of JumpTable structures used to communicate
    577   /// SwitchInst code generation information.
    578   std::vector<JumpTableBlock> JTCases;
    579   /// BitTestCases - Vector of BitTestBlock structures used to communicate
    580   /// SwitchInst code generation information.
    581   std::vector<BitTestBlock> BitTestCases;
    582   /// A StackProtectorDescriptor structure used to communicate stack protector
    583   /// information in between SelectBasicBlock and FinishBasicBlock.
    584   StackProtectorDescriptor SPDescriptor;
    586   // Emit PHI-node-operand constants only once even if used by multiple
    587   // PHI nodes.
    588   DenseMap<const Constant *, unsigned> ConstantsOut;
    590   /// FuncInfo - Information about the function as a whole.
    591   ///
    592   FunctionLoweringInfo &FuncInfo;
    594   /// GFI - Garbage collection metadata for the function.
    595   GCFunctionInfo *GFI;
    597   /// LPadToCallSiteMap - Map a landing pad to the call site indexes.
    598   DenseMap<MachineBasicBlock*, SmallVector<unsigned, 4> > LPadToCallSiteMap;
    600   /// HasTailCall - This is set to true if a call in the current
    601   /// block has been translated as a tail call. In this case,
    602   /// no subsequent DAG nodes should be created.
    603   ///
    604   bool HasTailCall;
    606   LLVMContext *Context;
    608   SelectionDAGBuilder(SelectionDAG &dag, FunctionLoweringInfo &funcinfo,
    609                       CodeGenOpt::Level ol)
    610     : CurInst(nullptr), SDNodeOrder(LowestSDNodeOrder), TM(dag.getTarget()),
    611       DAG(dag), FuncInfo(funcinfo),
    612       HasTailCall(false) {
    613   }
    615   void init(GCFunctionInfo *gfi, AliasAnalysis &aa,
    616             const TargetLibraryInfo *li);
    618   /// clear - Clear out the current SelectionDAG and the associated
    619   /// state and prepare this SelectionDAGBuilder object to be used
    620   /// for a new block. This doesn't clear out information about
    621   /// additional blocks that are needed to complete switch lowering
    622   /// or PHI node updating; that information is cleared out as it is
    623   /// consumed.
    624   void clear();
    626   /// clearDanglingDebugInfo - Clear the dangling debug information
    627   /// map. This function is separated from the clear so that debug
    628   /// information that is dangling in a basic block can be properly
    629   /// resolved in a different basic block. This allows the
    630   /// SelectionDAG to resolve dangling debug information attached
    631   /// to PHI nodes.
    632   void clearDanglingDebugInfo();
    634   /// getRoot - Return the current virtual root of the Selection DAG,
    635   /// flushing any PendingLoad items. This must be done before emitting
    636   /// a store or any other node that may need to be ordered after any
    637   /// prior load instructions.
    638   ///
    639   SDValue getRoot();
    641   /// getControlRoot - Similar to getRoot, but instead of flushing all the
    642   /// PendingLoad items, flush all the PendingExports items. It is necessary
    643   /// to do this before emitting a terminator instruction.
    644   ///
    645   SDValue getControlRoot();
    647   SDLoc getCurSDLoc() const {
    648     return SDLoc(CurInst, SDNodeOrder);
    649   }
    651   DebugLoc getCurDebugLoc() const {
    652     return CurInst ? CurInst->getDebugLoc() : DebugLoc();
    653   }
    655   unsigned getSDNodeOrder() const { return SDNodeOrder; }
    657   void CopyValueToVirtualRegister(const Value *V, unsigned Reg);
    659   void visit(const Instruction &I);
    661   void visit(unsigned Opcode, const User &I);
    663   /// getCopyFromRegs - If there was virtual register allocated for the value V
    664   /// emit CopyFromReg of the specified type Ty. Return empty SDValue() otherwise.
    665   SDValue getCopyFromRegs(const Value *V, Type *Ty);
    667   // resolveDanglingDebugInfo - if we saw an earlier dbg_value referring to V,
    668   // generate the debug data structures now that we've seen its definition.
    669   void resolveDanglingDebugInfo(const Value *V, SDValue Val);
    670   SDValue getValue(const Value *V);
    671   bool findValue(const Value *V) const;
    673   SDValue getNonRegisterValue(const Value *V);
    674   SDValue getValueImpl(const Value *V);
    676   void setValue(const Value *V, SDValue NewN) {
    677     SDValue &N = NodeMap[V];
    678     assert(!N.getNode() && "Already set a value for this node!");
    679     N = NewN;
    680   }
    682   void setUnusedArgValue(const Value *V, SDValue NewN) {
    683     SDValue &N = UnusedArgNodeMap[V];
    684     assert(!N.getNode() && "Already set a value for this node!");
    685     N = NewN;
    686   }
    688   void FindMergedConditions(const Value *Cond, MachineBasicBlock *TBB,
    689                             MachineBasicBlock *FBB, MachineBasicBlock *CurBB,
    690                             MachineBasicBlock *SwitchBB,
    691                             Instruction::BinaryOps Opc, BranchProbability TW,
    692                             BranchProbability FW);
    693   void EmitBranchForMergedCondition(const Value *Cond, MachineBasicBlock *TBB,
    694                                     MachineBasicBlock *FBB,
    695                                     MachineBasicBlock *CurBB,
    696                                     MachineBasicBlock *SwitchBB,
    697                                     BranchProbability TW, BranchProbability FW);
    698   bool ShouldEmitAsBranches(const std::vector<CaseBlock> &Cases);
    699   bool isExportableFromCurrentBlock(const Value *V, const BasicBlock *FromBB);
    700   void CopyToExportRegsIfNeeded(const Value *V);
    701   void ExportFromCurrentBlock(const Value *V);
    702   void LowerCallTo(ImmutableCallSite CS, SDValue Callee, bool IsTailCall,
    703                    const BasicBlock *EHPadBB = nullptr);
    705   // Lower range metadata from 0 to N to assert zext to an integer of nearest
    706   // floor power of two.
    707   SDValue lowerRangeToAssertZExt(SelectionDAG &DAG, const Instruction &I,
    708                                  SDValue Op);
    710   void populateCallLoweringInfo(TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo &CLI,
    711                                 ImmutableCallSite CS, unsigned ArgIdx,
    712                                 unsigned NumArgs, SDValue Callee,
    713                                 Type *ReturnTy, bool IsPatchPoint);
    715   std::pair<SDValue, SDValue>
    716   lowerInvokable(TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo &CLI,
    717                  const BasicBlock *EHPadBB = nullptr);
    719   /// UpdateSplitBlock - When an MBB was split during scheduling, update the
    720   /// references that need to refer to the last resulting block.
    721   void UpdateSplitBlock(MachineBasicBlock *First, MachineBasicBlock *Last);
    723   /// Describes a gc.statepoint or a gc.statepoint like thing for the purposes
    724   /// of lowering into a STATEPOINT node.
    725   struct StatepointLoweringInfo {
    726     /// Bases[i] is the base pointer for Ptrs[i].  Together they denote the set
    727     /// of gc pointers this STATEPOINT has to relocate.
    728     SmallVector<const Value *, 16> Bases;
    729     SmallVector<const Value *, 16> Ptrs;
    731     /// The set of gc.relocate calls associated with this gc.statepoint.
    732     SmallVector<const GCRelocateInst *, 16> GCRelocates;
    734     /// The full list of gc arguments to the gc.statepoint being lowered.
    735     ArrayRef<const Use> GCArgs;
    737     /// The gc.statepoint instruction.
    738     const Instruction *StatepointInstr = nullptr;
    740     /// The list of gc transition arguments present in the gc.statepoint being
    741     /// lowered.
    742     ArrayRef<const Use> GCTransitionArgs;
    744     /// The ID that the resulting STATEPOINT instruction has to report.
    745     unsigned ID = -1;
    747     /// Information regarding the underlying call instruction.
    748     TargetLowering::CallLoweringInfo CLI;
    750     /// The deoptimization state associated with this gc.statepoint call, if
    751     /// any.
    752     ArrayRef<const Use> DeoptState;
    754     /// Flags associated with the meta arguments being lowered.
    755     uint64_t StatepointFlags = -1;
    757     /// The number of patchable bytes the call needs to get lowered into.
    758     unsigned NumPatchBytes = -1;
    760     /// The exception handling unwind destination, in case this represents an
    761     /// invoke of gc.statepoint.
    762     const BasicBlock *EHPadBB = nullptr;
    764     explicit StatepointLoweringInfo(SelectionDAG &DAG) : CLI(DAG) {}
    765   };
    767   /// Lower \p SLI into a STATEPOINT instruction.
    768   SDValue LowerAsSTATEPOINT(StatepointLoweringInfo &SLI);
    770   // This function is responsible for the whole statepoint lowering process.
    771   // It uniformly handles invoke and call statepoints.
    772   void LowerStatepoint(ImmutableStatepoint Statepoint,
    773                        const BasicBlock *EHPadBB = nullptr);
    775   void LowerCallSiteWithDeoptBundle(ImmutableCallSite CS, SDValue Callee,
    776                                     const BasicBlock *EHPadBB);
    778   void LowerDeoptimizeCall(const CallInst *CI);
    779   void LowerDeoptimizingReturn();
    781   void LowerCallSiteWithDeoptBundleImpl(ImmutableCallSite CS, SDValue Callee,
    782                                         const BasicBlock *EHPadBB,
    783                                         bool VarArgDisallowed,
    784                                         bool ForceVoidReturnTy);
    786 private:
    787   // Terminator instructions.
    788   void visitRet(const ReturnInst &I);
    789   void visitBr(const BranchInst &I);
    790   void visitSwitch(const SwitchInst &I);
    791   void visitIndirectBr(const IndirectBrInst &I);
    792   void visitUnreachable(const UnreachableInst &I);
    793   void visitCleanupRet(const CleanupReturnInst &I);
    794   void visitCatchSwitch(const CatchSwitchInst &I);
    795   void visitCatchRet(const CatchReturnInst &I);
    796   void visitCatchPad(const CatchPadInst &I);
    797   void visitCleanupPad(const CleanupPadInst &CPI);
    799   BranchProbability getEdgeProbability(const MachineBasicBlock *Src,
    800                                        const MachineBasicBlock *Dst) const;
    801   void addSuccessorWithProb(
    802       MachineBasicBlock *Src, MachineBasicBlock *Dst,
    803       BranchProbability Prob = BranchProbability::getUnknown());
    805 public:
    806   void visitSwitchCase(CaseBlock &CB,
    807                        MachineBasicBlock *SwitchBB);
    808   void visitSPDescriptorParent(StackProtectorDescriptor &SPD,
    809                                MachineBasicBlock *ParentBB);
    810   void visitSPDescriptorFailure(StackProtectorDescriptor &SPD);
    811   void visitBitTestHeader(BitTestBlock &B, MachineBasicBlock *SwitchBB);
    812   void visitBitTestCase(BitTestBlock &BB,
    813                         MachineBasicBlock* NextMBB,
    814                         BranchProbability BranchProbToNext,
    815                         unsigned Reg,
    816                         BitTestCase &B,
    817                         MachineBasicBlock *SwitchBB);
    818   void visitJumpTable(JumpTable &JT);
    819   void visitJumpTableHeader(JumpTable &JT, JumpTableHeader &JTH,
    820                             MachineBasicBlock *SwitchBB);
    822 private:
    823   // These all get lowered before this pass.
    824   void visitInvoke(const InvokeInst &I);
    825   void visitResume(const ResumeInst &I);
    827   void visitBinary(const User &I, unsigned OpCode);
    828   void visitShift(const User &I, unsigned Opcode);
    829   void visitAdd(const User &I)  { visitBinary(I, ISD::ADD); }
    830   void visitFAdd(const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::FADD); }
    831   void visitSub(const User &I)  { visitBinary(I, ISD::SUB); }
    832   void visitFSub(const User &I);
    833   void visitMul(const User &I)  { visitBinary(I, ISD::MUL); }
    834   void visitFMul(const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::FMUL); }
    835   void visitURem(const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::UREM); }
    836   void visitSRem(const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::SREM); }
    837   void visitFRem(const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::FREM); }
    838   void visitUDiv(const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::UDIV); }
    839   void visitSDiv(const User &I);
    840   void visitFDiv(const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::FDIV); }
    841   void visitAnd (const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::AND); }
    842   void visitOr  (const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::OR); }
    843   void visitXor (const User &I) { visitBinary(I, ISD::XOR); }
    844   void visitShl (const User &I) { visitShift(I, ISD::SHL); }
    845   void visitLShr(const User &I) { visitShift(I, ISD::SRL); }
    846   void visitAShr(const User &I) { visitShift(I, ISD::SRA); }
    847   void visitICmp(const User &I);
    848   void visitFCmp(const User &I);
    849   // Visit the conversion instructions
    850   void visitTrunc(const User &I);
    851   void visitZExt(const User &I);
    852   void visitSExt(const User &I);
    853   void visitFPTrunc(const User &I);
    854   void visitFPExt(const User &I);
    855   void visitFPToUI(const User &I);
    856   void visitFPToSI(const User &I);
    857   void visitUIToFP(const User &I);
    858   void visitSIToFP(const User &I);
    859   void visitPtrToInt(const User &I);
    860   void visitIntToPtr(const User &I);
    861   void visitBitCast(const User &I);
    862   void visitAddrSpaceCast(const User &I);
    864   void visitExtractElement(const User &I);
    865   void visitInsertElement(const User &I);
    866   void visitShuffleVector(const User &I);
    868   void visitExtractValue(const ExtractValueInst &I);
    869   void visitInsertValue(const InsertValueInst &I);
    870   void visitLandingPad(const LandingPadInst &I);
    872   void visitGetElementPtr(const User &I);
    873   void visitSelect(const User &I);
    875   void visitAlloca(const AllocaInst &I);
    876   void visitLoad(const LoadInst &I);
    877   void visitStore(const StoreInst &I);
    878   void visitMaskedLoad(const CallInst &I);
    879   void visitMaskedStore(const CallInst &I);
    880   void visitMaskedGather(const CallInst &I);
    881   void visitMaskedScatter(const CallInst &I);
    882   void visitAtomicCmpXchg(const AtomicCmpXchgInst &I);
    883   void visitAtomicRMW(const AtomicRMWInst &I);
    884   void visitFence(const FenceInst &I);
    885   void visitPHI(const PHINode &I);
    886   void visitCall(const CallInst &I);
    887   bool visitMemCmpCall(const CallInst &I);
    888   bool visitMemChrCall(const CallInst &I);
    889   bool visitStrCpyCall(const CallInst &I, bool isStpcpy);
    890   bool visitStrCmpCall(const CallInst &I);
    891   bool visitStrLenCall(const CallInst &I);
    892   bool visitStrNLenCall(const CallInst &I);
    893   bool visitUnaryFloatCall(const CallInst &I, unsigned Opcode);
    894   bool visitBinaryFloatCall(const CallInst &I, unsigned Opcode);
    895   void visitAtomicLoad(const LoadInst &I);
    896   void visitAtomicStore(const StoreInst &I);
    897   void visitLoadFromSwiftError(const LoadInst &I);
    898   void visitStoreToSwiftError(const StoreInst &I);
    900   void visitInlineAsm(ImmutableCallSite CS);
    901   const char *visitIntrinsicCall(const CallInst &I, unsigned Intrinsic);
    902   void visitTargetIntrinsic(const CallInst &I, unsigned Intrinsic);
    904   void visitVAStart(const CallInst &I);
    905   void visitVAArg(const VAArgInst &I);
    906   void visitVAEnd(const CallInst &I);
    907   void visitVACopy(const CallInst &I);
    908   void visitStackmap(const CallInst &I);
    909   void visitPatchpoint(ImmutableCallSite CS,
    910                        const BasicBlock *EHPadBB = nullptr);
    912   // These two are implemented in StatepointLowering.cpp
    913   void visitGCRelocate(const GCRelocateInst &I);
    914   void visitGCResult(const GCResultInst &I);
    916   void visitUserOp1(const Instruction &I) {
    917     llvm_unreachable("UserOp1 should not exist at instruction selection time!");
    918   }
    919   void visitUserOp2(const Instruction &I) {
    920     llvm_unreachable("UserOp2 should not exist at instruction selection time!");
    921   }
    923   void processIntegerCallValue(const Instruction &I,
    924                                SDValue Value, bool IsSigned);
    926   void HandlePHINodesInSuccessorBlocks(const BasicBlock *LLVMBB);
    928   void emitInlineAsmError(ImmutableCallSite CS, const Twine &Message);
    930   /// EmitFuncArgumentDbgValue - If V is an function argument then create
    931   /// corresponding DBG_VALUE machine instruction for it now. At the end of
    932   /// instruction selection, they will be inserted to the entry BB.
    933   bool EmitFuncArgumentDbgValue(const Value *V, DILocalVariable *Variable,
    934                                 DIExpression *Expr, DILocation *DL,
    935                                 int64_t Offset, bool IsIndirect,
    936                                 const SDValue &N);
    938   /// Return the next block after MBB, or nullptr if there is none.
    939   MachineBasicBlock *NextBlock(MachineBasicBlock *MBB);
    941   /// Update the DAG and DAG builder with the relevant information after
    942   /// a new root node has been created which could be a tail call.
    943   void updateDAGForMaybeTailCall(SDValue MaybeTC);
    944 };
    946 /// RegsForValue - This struct represents the registers (physical or virtual)
    947 /// that a particular set of values is assigned, and the type information about
    948 /// the value. The most common situation is to represent one value at a time,
    949 /// but struct or array values are handled element-wise as multiple values.  The
    950 /// splitting of aggregates is performed recursively, so that we never have
    951 /// aggregate-typed registers. The values at this point do not necessarily have
    952 /// legal types, so each value may require one or more registers of some legal
    953 /// type.
    954 ///
    955 struct RegsForValue {
    956   /// ValueVTs - The value types of the values, which may not be legal, and
    957   /// may need be promoted or synthesized from one or more registers.
    958   ///
    959   SmallVector<EVT, 4> ValueVTs;
    961   /// RegVTs - The value types of the registers. This is the same size as
    962   /// ValueVTs and it records, for each value, what the type of the assigned
    963   /// register or registers are. (Individual values are never synthesized
    964   /// from more than one type of register.)
    965   ///
    966   /// With virtual registers, the contents of RegVTs is redundant with TLI's
    967   /// getRegisterType member function, however when with physical registers
    968   /// it is necessary to have a separate record of the types.
    969   ///
    970   SmallVector<MVT, 4> RegVTs;
    972   /// Regs - This list holds the registers assigned to the values.
    973   /// Each legal or promoted value requires one register, and each
    974   /// expanded value requires multiple registers.
    975   ///
    976   SmallVector<unsigned, 4> Regs;
    978   RegsForValue();
    980   RegsForValue(const SmallVector<unsigned, 4> &regs, MVT regvt, EVT valuevt);
    982   RegsForValue(LLVMContext &Context, const TargetLowering &TLI,
    983                const DataLayout &DL, unsigned Reg, Type *Ty);
    985   /// append - Add the specified values to this one.
    986   void append(const RegsForValue &RHS) {
    987     ValueVTs.append(RHS.ValueVTs.begin(), RHS.ValueVTs.end());
    988     RegVTs.append(RHS.RegVTs.begin(), RHS.RegVTs.end());
    989     Regs.append(RHS.Regs.begin(), RHS.Regs.end());
    990   }
    992   /// getCopyFromRegs - Emit a series of CopyFromReg nodes that copies from
    993   /// this value and returns the result as a ValueVTs value.  This uses
    994   /// Chain/Flag as the input and updates them for the output Chain/Flag.
    995   /// If the Flag pointer is NULL, no flag is used.
    996   SDValue getCopyFromRegs(SelectionDAG &DAG, FunctionLoweringInfo &FuncInfo,
    997                           const SDLoc &dl, SDValue &Chain, SDValue *Flag,
    998                           const Value *V = nullptr) const;
   1000   /// getCopyToRegs - Emit a series of CopyToReg nodes that copies the specified
   1001   /// value into the registers specified by this object.  This uses Chain/Flag
   1002   /// as the input and updates them for the output Chain/Flag.  If the Flag
   1003   /// pointer is nullptr, no flag is used.  If V is not nullptr, then it is used
   1004   /// in printing better diagnostic messages on error.
   1005   void getCopyToRegs(SDValue Val, SelectionDAG &DAG, const SDLoc &dl,
   1006                      SDValue &Chain, SDValue *Flag, const Value *V = nullptr,
   1007                      ISD::NodeType PreferredExtendType = ISD::ANY_EXTEND) const;
   1009   /// AddInlineAsmOperands - Add this value to the specified inlineasm node
   1010   /// operand list.  This adds the code marker, matching input operand index
   1011   /// (if applicable), and includes the number of values added into it.
   1012   void AddInlineAsmOperands(unsigned Kind, bool HasMatching,
   1013                             unsigned MatchingIdx, const SDLoc &dl,
   1014                             SelectionDAG &DAG, std::vector<SDValue> &Ops) const;
   1015 };
   1017 } // end namespace llvm
   1019 #endif