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      1 /*
      2  * libaio engine
      3  *
      4  * IO engine using the Linux native aio interface.
      5  *
      6  */
      7 #include <stdio.h>
      8 #include <stdlib.h>
      9 #include <unistd.h>
     10 #include <errno.h>
     11 #include <assert.h>
     12 #include <libaio.h>
     14 #include "../fio.h"
     15 #include "../lib/pow2.h"
     16 #include "../optgroup.h"
     18 static int fio_libaio_commit(struct thread_data *td);
     20 struct libaio_data {
     21 	io_context_t aio_ctx;
     22 	struct io_event *aio_events;
     23 	struct iocb **iocbs;
     24 	struct io_u **io_us;
     26 	/*
     27 	 * Basic ring buffer. 'head' is incremented in _queue(), and
     28 	 * 'tail' is incremented in _commit(). We keep 'queued' so
     29 	 * that we know if the ring is full or empty, when
     30 	 * 'head' == 'tail'. 'entries' is the ring size, and
     31 	 * 'is_pow2' is just an optimization to use AND instead of
     32 	 * modulus to get the remainder on ring increment.
     33 	 */
     34 	int is_pow2;
     35 	unsigned int entries;
     36 	unsigned int queued;
     37 	unsigned int head;
     38 	unsigned int tail;
     39 };
     41 struct libaio_options {
     42 	void *pad;
     43 	unsigned int userspace_reap;
     44 };
     46 static struct fio_option options[] = {
     47 	{
     48 		.name	= "userspace_reap",
     49 		.lname	= "Libaio userspace reaping",
     50 		.type	= FIO_OPT_STR_SET,
     51 		.off1	= offsetof(struct libaio_options, userspace_reap),
     52 		.help	= "Use alternative user-space reap implementation",
     53 		.category = FIO_OPT_C_ENGINE,
     54 		.group	= FIO_OPT_G_LIBAIO,
     55 	},
     56 	{
     57 		.name	= NULL,
     58 	},
     59 };
     61 static inline void ring_inc(struct libaio_data *ld, unsigned int *val,
     62 			    unsigned int add)
     63 {
     64 	if (ld->is_pow2)
     65 		*val = (*val + add) & (ld->entries - 1);
     66 	else
     67 		*val = (*val + add) % ld->entries;
     68 }
     70 static int fio_libaio_prep(struct thread_data fio_unused *td, struct io_u *io_u)
     71 {
     72 	struct fio_file *f = io_u->file;
     74 	if (io_u->ddir == DDIR_READ)
     75 		io_prep_pread(&io_u->iocb, f->fd, io_u->xfer_buf, io_u->xfer_buflen, io_u->offset);
     76 	else if (io_u->ddir == DDIR_WRITE)
     77 		io_prep_pwrite(&io_u->iocb, f->fd, io_u->xfer_buf, io_u->xfer_buflen, io_u->offset);
     78 	else if (ddir_sync(io_u->ddir))
     79 		io_prep_fsync(&io_u->iocb, f->fd);
     81 	return 0;
     82 }
     84 static struct io_u *fio_libaio_event(struct thread_data *td, int event)
     85 {
     86 	struct libaio_data *ld = td->io_ops_data;
     87 	struct io_event *ev;
     88 	struct io_u *io_u;
     90 	ev = ld->aio_events + event;
     91 	io_u = container_of(ev->obj, struct io_u, iocb);
     93 	if (ev->res != io_u->xfer_buflen) {
     94 		if (ev->res > io_u->xfer_buflen)
     95 			io_u->error = -ev->res;
     96 		else
     97 			io_u->resid = io_u->xfer_buflen - ev->res;
     98 	} else
     99 		io_u->error = 0;
    101 	return io_u;
    102 }
    104 struct aio_ring {
    105 	unsigned id;		 /** kernel internal index number */
    106 	unsigned nr;		 /** number of io_events */
    107 	unsigned head;
    108 	unsigned tail;
    110 	unsigned magic;
    111 	unsigned compat_features;
    112 	unsigned incompat_features;
    113 	unsigned header_length;	/** size of aio_ring */
    115 	struct io_event events[0];
    116 };
    118 #define AIO_RING_MAGIC	0xa10a10a1
    120 static int user_io_getevents(io_context_t aio_ctx, unsigned int max,
    121 			     struct io_event *events)
    122 {
    123 	long i = 0;
    124 	unsigned head;
    125 	struct aio_ring *ring = (struct aio_ring*) aio_ctx;
    127 	while (i < max) {
    128 		head = ring->head;
    130 		if (head == ring->tail) {
    131 			/* There are no more completions */
    132 			break;
    133 		} else {
    134 			/* There is another completion to reap */
    135 			events[i] = ring->events[head];
    136 			read_barrier();
    137 			ring->head = (head + 1) % ring->nr;
    138 			i++;
    139 		}
    140 	}
    142 	return i;
    143 }
    145 static int fio_libaio_getevents(struct thread_data *td, unsigned int min,
    146 				unsigned int max, const struct timespec *t)
    147 {
    148 	struct libaio_data *ld = td->io_ops_data;
    149 	struct libaio_options *o = td->eo;
    150 	unsigned actual_min = td->o.iodepth_batch_complete_min == 0 ? 0 : min;
    151 	struct timespec __lt, *lt = NULL;
    152 	int r, events = 0;
    154 	if (t) {
    155 		__lt = *t;
    156 		lt = &__lt;
    157 	}
    159 	do {
    160 		if (o->userspace_reap == 1
    161 		    && actual_min == 0
    162 		    && ((struct aio_ring *)(ld->aio_ctx))->magic
    163 				== AIO_RING_MAGIC) {
    164 			r = user_io_getevents(ld->aio_ctx, max,
    165 				ld->aio_events + events);
    166 		} else {
    167 			r = io_getevents(ld->aio_ctx, actual_min,
    168 				max, ld->aio_events + events, lt);
    169 		}
    170 		if (r > 0)
    171 			events += r;
    172 		else if ((min && r == 0) || r == -EAGAIN) {
    173 			fio_libaio_commit(td);
    174 			usleep(100);
    175 		} else if (r != -EINTR)
    176 			break;
    177 	} while (events < min);
    179 	return r < 0 ? r : events;
    180 }
    182 static int fio_libaio_queue(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io_u)
    183 {
    184 	struct libaio_data *ld = td->io_ops_data;
    186 	fio_ro_check(td, io_u);
    188 	if (ld->queued == td->o.iodepth)
    189 		return FIO_Q_BUSY;
    191 	/*
    192 	 * fsync is tricky, since it can fail and we need to do it
    193 	 * serialized with other io. the reason is that linux doesn't
    194 	 * support aio fsync yet. So return busy for the case where we
    195 	 * have pending io, to let fio complete those first.
    196 	 */
    197 	if (ddir_sync(io_u->ddir)) {
    198 		if (ld->queued)
    199 			return FIO_Q_BUSY;
    201 		do_io_u_sync(td, io_u);
    202 		return FIO_Q_COMPLETED;
    203 	}
    205 	if (io_u->ddir == DDIR_TRIM) {
    206 		if (ld->queued)
    207 			return FIO_Q_BUSY;
    209 		do_io_u_trim(td, io_u);
    210 		return FIO_Q_COMPLETED;
    211 	}
    213 	ld->iocbs[ld->head] = &io_u->iocb;
    214 	ld->io_us[ld->head] = io_u;
    215 	ring_inc(ld, &ld->head, 1);
    216 	ld->queued++;
    217 	return FIO_Q_QUEUED;
    218 }
    220 static void fio_libaio_queued(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u **io_us,
    221 			      unsigned int nr)
    222 {
    223 	struct timeval now;
    224 	unsigned int i;
    226 	if (!fio_fill_issue_time(td))
    227 		return;
    229 	fio_gettime(&now, NULL);
    231 	for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
    232 		struct io_u *io_u = io_us[i];
    234 		memcpy(&io_u->issue_time, &now, sizeof(now));
    235 		io_u_queued(td, io_u);
    236 	}
    237 }
    239 static int fio_libaio_commit(struct thread_data *td)
    240 {
    241 	struct libaio_data *ld = td->io_ops_data;
    242 	struct iocb **iocbs;
    243 	struct io_u **io_us;
    244 	struct timeval tv;
    245 	int ret, wait_start = 0;
    247 	if (!ld->queued)
    248 		return 0;
    250 	do {
    251 		long nr = ld->queued;
    253 		nr = min((unsigned int) nr, ld->entries - ld->tail);
    254 		io_us = ld->io_us + ld->tail;
    255 		iocbs = ld->iocbs + ld->tail;
    257 		ret = io_submit(ld->aio_ctx, nr, iocbs);
    258 		if (ret > 0) {
    259 			fio_libaio_queued(td, io_us, ret);
    260 			io_u_mark_submit(td, ret);
    262 			ld->queued -= ret;
    263 			ring_inc(ld, &ld->tail, ret);
    264 			ret = 0;
    265 			wait_start = 0;
    266 		} else if (ret == -EINTR || !ret) {
    267 			if (!ret)
    268 				io_u_mark_submit(td, ret);
    269 			wait_start = 0;
    270 			continue;
    271 		} else if (ret == -EAGAIN) {
    272 			/*
    273 			 * If we get EAGAIN, we should break out without
    274 			 * error and let the upper layer reap some
    275 			 * events for us. If we have no queued IO, we
    276 			 * must loop here. If we loop for more than 30s,
    277 			 * just error out, something must be buggy in the
    278 			 * IO path.
    279 			 */
    280 			if (ld->queued) {
    281 				ret = 0;
    282 				break;
    283 			}
    284 			if (!wait_start) {
    285 				fio_gettime(&tv, NULL);
    286 				wait_start = 1;
    287 			} else if (mtime_since_now(&tv) > 30000) {
    288 				log_err("fio: aio appears to be stalled, giving up\n");
    289 				break;
    290 			}
    291 			usleep(1);
    292 			continue;
    293 		} else if (ret == -ENOMEM) {
    294 			/*
    295 			 * If we get -ENOMEM, reap events if we can. If
    296 			 * we cannot, treat it as a fatal event since there's
    297 			 * nothing we can do about it.
    298 			 */
    299 			if (ld->queued)
    300 				ret = 0;
    301 			break;
    302 		} else
    303 			break;
    304 	} while (ld->queued);
    306 	return ret;
    307 }
    309 static int fio_libaio_cancel(struct thread_data *td, struct io_u *io_u)
    310 {
    311 	struct libaio_data *ld = td->io_ops_data;
    313 	return io_cancel(ld->aio_ctx, &io_u->iocb, ld->aio_events);
    314 }
    316 static void fio_libaio_cleanup(struct thread_data *td)
    317 {
    318 	struct libaio_data *ld = td->io_ops_data;
    320 	if (ld) {
    321 		/*
    322 		 * Work-around to avoid huge RCU stalls at exit time. If we
    323 		 * don't do this here, then it'll be torn down by exit_aio().
    324 		 * But for that case we can parallellize the freeing, thus
    325 		 * speeding it up a lot.
    326 		 */
    327 		if (!(td->flags & TD_F_CHILD))
    328 			io_destroy(ld->aio_ctx);
    329 		free(ld->aio_events);
    330 		free(ld->iocbs);
    331 		free(ld->io_us);
    332 		free(ld);
    333 	}
    334 }
    336 static int fio_libaio_init(struct thread_data *td)
    337 {
    338 	struct libaio_options *o = td->eo;
    339 	struct libaio_data *ld;
    340 	int err = 0;
    342 	ld = calloc(1, sizeof(*ld));
    344 	/*
    345 	 * First try passing in 0 for queue depth, since we don't
    346 	 * care about the user ring. If that fails, the kernel is too old
    347 	 * and we need the right depth.
    348 	 */
    349 	if (!o->userspace_reap)
    350 		err = io_queue_init(INT_MAX, &ld->aio_ctx);
    351 	if (o->userspace_reap || err == -EINVAL)
    352 		err = io_queue_init(td->o.iodepth, &ld->aio_ctx);
    353 	if (err) {
    354 		td_verror(td, -err, "io_queue_init");
    355 		log_err("fio: check /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr\n");
    356 		free(ld);
    357 		return 1;
    358 	}
    360 	ld->entries = td->o.iodepth;
    361 	ld->is_pow2 = is_power_of_2(ld->entries);
    362 	ld->aio_events = calloc(ld->entries, sizeof(struct io_event));
    363 	ld->iocbs = calloc(ld->entries, sizeof(struct iocb *));
    364 	ld->io_us = calloc(ld->entries, sizeof(struct io_u *));
    366 	td->io_ops_data = ld;
    367 	return 0;
    368 }
    370 static struct ioengine_ops ioengine = {
    371 	.name			= "libaio",
    372 	.version		= FIO_IOOPS_VERSION,
    373 	.init			= fio_libaio_init,
    374 	.prep			= fio_libaio_prep,
    375 	.queue			= fio_libaio_queue,
    376 	.commit			= fio_libaio_commit,
    377 	.cancel			= fio_libaio_cancel,
    378 	.getevents		= fio_libaio_getevents,
    379 	.event			= fio_libaio_event,
    380 	.cleanup		= fio_libaio_cleanup,
    381 	.open_file		= generic_open_file,
    382 	.close_file		= generic_close_file,
    383 	.get_file_size		= generic_get_file_size,
    384 	.options		= options,
    385 	.option_struct_size	= sizeof(struct libaio_options),
    386 };
    388 static void fio_init fio_libaio_register(void)
    389 {
    390 	register_ioengine(&ioengine);
    391 }
    393 static void fio_exit fio_libaio_unregister(void)
    394 {
    395 	unregister_ioengine(&ioengine);
    396 }