1 //===-- aeabi_ldivmod.S - EABI ldivmod implementation ---------------------===// 2 // 3 // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure 4 // 5 // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open 6 // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details. 7 // 8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// 9 10 // struct { int64_t quot, int64_t rem} 11 // __aeabi_ldivmod(int64_t numerator, int64_t denominator) { 12 // int64_t rem, quot; 13 // quot = __divmoddi4(numerator, denominator, &rem); 14 // return {quot, rem}; 15 // } 16 17 .syntax unified 18 .text 19 .align 2 20 .global __aeabi_ldivmod 21 .thumb 22 .thumb_func 23 .type __aeabi_ldivmod, %function 24 __aeabi_ldivmod: 25 push {lr} 26 sub sp, sp, #16 27 add r12, sp, #8 28 str r12, [sp] 29 bl __divmoddi4 30 ldr r2, [sp, #8] 31 ldr r3, [sp, #12] 32 add sp, sp, #16 33 pop {pc} 34 .size __aeabi_ldivmod, .-__aeabi_ldivmod 35