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      1 /*
      2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3 *
      4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 *
      8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 *
     10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 * limitations under the License.
     15 */
     16 #ifndef _GL_SHARED_GROUP_H_
     17 #define _GL_SHARED_GROUP_H_
     19 #define GL_API
     20 #ifndef ANDROID
     21 #define GL_APIENTRY
     22 #define GL_APIENTRYP
     23 #endif
     25 #include "TextureSharedData.h"
     27 #include <GLES/gl.h>
     28 #include <GLES/glext.h>
     29 #include <GLES2/gl2.h>
     30 #include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
     32 #include <map>
     33 #include <string>
     34 #include <vector>
     36 #include <stdio.h>
     37 #include <stdlib.h>
     38 #include "ErrorLog.h"
     39 #include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
     40 #include <utils/List.h>
     41 #include <utils/String8.h>
     42 #include <utils/threads.h>
     43 #include "FixedBuffer.h"
     44 #include "IndexRangeCache.h"
     45 #include "SmartPtr.h"
     47 struct BufferData {
     48     BufferData();
     49     BufferData(GLsizeiptr size, void * data);
     51     // General buffer state
     52     GLsizeiptr m_size;
     53     GLenum m_usage;
     55     // Mapped buffer state
     56     bool m_mapped;
     57     GLbitfield m_mappedAccess;
     58     GLintptr m_mappedOffset;
     59     GLsizeiptr m_mappedLength;
     61     // Internal bookkeeping
     62     FixedBuffer m_fixedBuffer; // actual buffer is shadowed here
     63     IndexRangeCache m_indexRangeCache;
     64 };
     66 class ProgramData {
     67 private:
     68     typedef struct _IndexInfo {
     69         GLint base;
     70         GLint size;
     71         GLenum type;
     72         GLint appBase;
     73         GLint hostLocsPerElement;
     74         GLuint flags;
     75         GLint samplerValue; // only set for sampler uniforms
     76     } IndexInfo;
     78     GLuint m_numIndexes;
     79     IndexInfo* m_Indexes;
     80     bool m_initialized;
     81     bool m_locShiftWAR;
     83     android::Vector<GLuint> m_shaders;
     85 public:
     86     enum {
     87         INDEX_FLAG_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL = 0x00000001,
     88     };
     90     ProgramData();
     91     void initProgramData(GLuint numIndexes);
     92     bool isInitialized();
     93     virtual ~ProgramData();
     94     void setIndexInfo(GLuint index, GLint base, GLint size, GLenum type);
     95     void setIndexFlags(GLuint index, GLuint flags);
     96     GLuint getIndexForLocation(GLint location);
     97     GLenum getTypeForLocation(GLint location);
     99     bool needUniformLocationWAR() const { return m_locShiftWAR; }
    100     void setupLocationShiftWAR();
    101     GLint locationWARHostToApp(GLint hostLoc, GLint arrIndex);
    102     GLint locationWARAppToHost(GLint appLoc);
    104     GLint getNextSamplerUniform(GLint index, GLint* val, GLenum* target);
    105     bool setSamplerUniform(GLint appLoc, GLint val, GLenum* target);
    107     bool attachShader(GLuint shader);
    108     bool detachShader(GLuint shader);
    109     size_t getNumShaders() const { return m_shaders.size(); }
    110     GLuint getShader(size_t i) const { return m_shaders[i]; }
    111 };
    113 struct ShaderData {
    114     typedef android::List<android::String8> StringList;
    115     StringList samplerExternalNames;
    116     int refcount;
    117     std::vector<std::string> sources;
    118 };
    120 class ShaderProgramData {
    121 public:
    122     ShaderProgramData() {
    123         shaderData = new ShaderData();
    124         programData = new ProgramData();
    125     }
    126     ~ShaderProgramData() {
    127         delete shaderData;
    128         delete programData;
    129     }
    130     ShaderData* shaderData;
    131     ProgramData* programData;
    132 };
    134 class GLSharedGroup {
    135 private:
    136     SharedTextureDataMap m_textureRecs;
    137     android::DefaultKeyedVector<GLuint, BufferData*> m_buffers;
    138     android::DefaultKeyedVector<GLuint, ProgramData*> m_programs;
    139     android::DefaultKeyedVector<GLuint, ShaderData*> m_shaders;
    140     android::DefaultKeyedVector<uint32_t, ShaderProgramData*> m_shaderPrograms;
    141     std::map<GLuint, uint32_t> m_shaderProgramIdMap;
    143     mutable android::Mutex m_lock;
    145     void refShaderDataLocked(ssize_t shaderIdx);
    146     void unrefShaderDataLocked(ssize_t shaderIdx);
    148     uint32_t m_shaderProgramId;
    150 public:
    151     GLSharedGroup();
    152     ~GLSharedGroup();
    153     bool isShaderOrProgramObject(GLuint obj);
    154     BufferData * getBufferData(GLuint bufferId);
    155     SharedTextureDataMap* getTextureData();
    156     void    addBufferData(GLuint bufferId, GLsizeiptr size, void * data);
    157     void    updateBufferData(GLuint bufferId, GLsizeiptr size, void * data);
    158     void    setBufferUsage(GLuint bufferId, GLenum usage);
    159     void    setBufferMapped(GLuint bufferId, bool mapped);
    160     GLenum    getBufferUsage(GLuint bufferId);
    161     bool    isBufferMapped(GLuint bufferId);
    162     GLenum  subUpdateBufferData(GLuint bufferId, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, void * data);
    163     void    deleteBufferData(GLuint);
    165     bool    isProgram(GLuint program);
    166     bool    isProgramInitialized(GLuint program);
    167     void    addProgramData(GLuint program);
    168     void    initProgramData(GLuint program, GLuint numIndexes);
    169     void    attachShader(GLuint program, GLuint shader);
    170     void    detachShader(GLuint program, GLuint shader);
    171     void    deleteProgramData(GLuint program);
    172     void    setProgramIndexInfo(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLint base, GLint size, GLenum type, const char* name);
    173     GLenum  getProgramUniformType(GLuint program, GLint location);
    174     void    setupLocationShiftWAR(GLuint program);
    175     GLint   locationWARHostToApp(GLuint program, GLint hostLoc, GLint arrIndex);
    176     GLint   locationWARAppToHost(GLuint program, GLint appLoc);
    177     bool    needUniformLocationWAR(GLuint program);
    178     GLint   getNextSamplerUniform(GLuint program, GLint index, GLint* val, GLenum* target) const;
    179     bool    setSamplerUniform(GLuint program, GLint appLoc, GLint val, GLenum* target);
    181     bool    isShader(GLuint shader);
    182     bool    addShaderData(GLuint shader);
    183     // caller must hold a reference to the shader as long as it holds the pointer
    184     ShaderData* getShaderData(GLuint shader);
    185     void    unrefShaderData(GLuint shader);
    187     // For separable shader programs.
    188     uint32_t addNewShaderProgramData();
    189     void associateGLShaderProgram(GLuint shaderProgramName, uint32_t shaderProgramId);
    190     ShaderProgramData* getShaderProgramDataById(uint32_t id);
    191     ShaderProgramData* getShaderProgramData(GLuint shaderProgramName);
    192     void deleteShaderProgramDataById(uint32_t id);
    193     void deleteShaderProgramData(GLuint shaderProgramName);
    194     void initShaderProgramData(GLuint shaderProgram, GLuint numIndices);
    195     void setShaderProgramIndexInfo(GLuint shaderProgram, GLuint index, GLint base, GLint size, GLenum type, const char* name);
    196     void setupShaderProgramLocationShiftWAR(GLuint shaderProgram);
    197 };
    199 typedef SmartPtr<GLSharedGroup> GLSharedGroupPtr;
    201 #endif //_GL_SHARED_GROUP_H_