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      1 /*!****************************************************************************
      3  @file         PVRTPFXParser.h
      4  @copyright    Copyright (c) Imagination Technologies Limited.
      5  @brief        Declaration of PFX file parser
      7 ******************************************************************************/
      9 #ifndef _PVRTPFXPARSER_H_
     10 #define _PVRTPFXPARSER_H_
     13 /*****************************************************************************
     14 ** Includes
     15 ******************************************************************************/
     17 #include "PVRTArray.h"
     18 #include "PVRTString.h"
     19 #include "PVRTError.h"
     20 #include "PVRTTexture.h"
     21 #include "PVRTVector.h"
     22 #include "PVRTSkipGraph.h"
     23 #include "PVRTStringHash.h"
     25 /****************************************************************************
     26 ** Helper Funcions
     27 ****************************************************************************/
     28 void PVRTPFXCreateStringCopy(char** ppDst, const char* pSrc);
     30 /****************************************************************************
     31 ** Enumeration
     32 ****************************************************************************/
     33 /*!**************************************************************************
     34 @enum	ESemanticDefaultDataType
     35 @brief  Enum values for the various variable types supported
     36 ****************************************************************************/
     37 enum ESemanticDefaultDataType
     38 {
     39 	eDataTypeMat2,
     40 	eDataTypeMat3,
     41 	eDataTypeMat4,
     42 	eDataTypeVec2,
     43 	eDataTypeVec3,
     44 	eDataTypeVec4,
     45 	eDataTypeIvec2,
     46 	eDataTypeIvec3,
     47 	eDataTypeIvec4,
     48 	eDataTypeBvec2,
     49 	eDataTypeBvec3,
     50 	eDataTypeBvec4,
     51 	eDataTypeFloat,
     52 	eDataTypeInt,
     53 	eDataTypeBool,
     55 	eNumDefaultDataTypes,
     56 	eDataTypeNone,
     58 	// Conceptual data types
     59 	eDataTypeRGB,
     60 	eDataTypeRGBA
     61 };
     63 /*!**************************************************************************
     64 @enum   EDefaultDataInternalType
     65 @brief  Enum values for defining whether a variable is float, interger or bool
     66 ****************************************************************************/
     67 enum EDefaultDataInternalType
     68 {
     69 	eFloating,
     70 	eInteger,
     71 	eBoolean
     72 };
     74 /*!**************************************************************************
     75 @enum	EPVRTPFXPassType
     76 @brief  Decribes the type of render required
     77 ****************************************************************************/
     78 enum EPVRTPFXPassType
     79 {
     80 	eNULL_PASS,
     81 	eCAMERA_PASS,
     85 };
     87 /*!**************************************************************************
     88 @enum	EPVRTPFXPassType
     89 @brief  Decribes the type of render required
     90 ****************************************************************************/
     91 enum EPVRTPFXPassView
     92 {
     93 	eVIEW_CURRENT,			// The scene's active camera is used
     94 	eVIEW_POD_CAMERA,		// The specified camera is used
     95 	eVIEW_NONE				// No specified view
     96 };
     98 /****************************************************************************
     99 ** Structures
    100 ****************************************************************************/
    101 /*!**************************************************************************
    102 @struct SPVRTPFXParserHeader
    103 @brief  Struct for storing PFX file header data
    104 ****************************************************************************/
    105 struct SPVRTPFXParserHeader
    106 {
    107 	CPVRTString			Version;
    108 	CPVRTString			Description;
    109 	CPVRTString			Copyright;
    110 };
    112 /*!**************************************************************************
    113 @struct SPVRTPFXParserTexture
    114 @brief  Struct for storing PFX data from the texture block
    115 ****************************************************************************/
    116 struct SPVRTPFXParserTexture
    117 {
    118 	CPVRTStringHash		Name;
    119 	CPVRTStringHash		FileName;
    120 	bool				bRenderToTexture;
    121 	unsigned int		nMin, nMag, nMIP;
    122 	unsigned int		nWrapS, nWrapT, nWrapR;	// either GL_CLAMP or GL_REPEAT
    123 	unsigned int		uiWidth, uiHeight;
    124 	unsigned int		uiFlags;
    125 };
    127 /*!**************************************************************************
    128 @struct SPVRTPFXParserEffectTexture
    129 @brief  Stores effect texture information
    130 ****************************************************************************/
    131 struct SPVRTPFXParserEffectTexture
    132 {
    133 	CPVRTStringHash				Name;				// Name of texture.
    134 	unsigned int				nNumber;			// Texture number to set
    135 };
    137 /*!**************************************************************************
    138 @struct SPVRTPFXParserShader
    139 @brief  Struct for storing PFX data from the shader block
    140 ****************************************************************************/
    141 struct SPVRTPFXParserShader
    142 {
    143 	CPVRTStringHash			Name;
    144 	bool					bUseFileName;
    145 	char*					pszGLSLfile;
    146 	char*					pszGLSLBinaryFile;
    147 	char*					pszGLSLcode;
    148 	char*					pbGLSLBinary;
    149 	unsigned int			nGLSLBinarySize;
    150 	unsigned int			nFirstLineNumber;	// Line number in the text file where this code began; use to correct line-numbers in compiler errors
    151 	unsigned int			nLastLineNumber;	// The final line number of the GLSL block.
    153 	SPVRTPFXParserShader();
    154 	~SPVRTPFXParserShader();
    155 	SPVRTPFXParserShader(const SPVRTPFXParserShader& rhs);
    156 	SPVRTPFXParserShader& operator=(const SPVRTPFXParserShader& rhs);
    158 	void Copy(const SPVRTPFXParserShader& rhs);
    159 };
    161 /*!**************************************************************************
    162 @struct SPVRTSemanticDefaultDataTypeInfo
    163 @brief  Struct for storing default data types
    164 ****************************************************************************/
    165 struct SPVRTSemanticDefaultDataTypeInfo
    166 {
    167 	ESemanticDefaultDataType	eType;
    168 	const char					*pszName;
    169 	unsigned int				nNumberDataItems;
    170 	EDefaultDataInternalType	eInternalType;
    171 };
    173 /*!**************************************************************************
    174 @struct SPVRTSemanticDefaultData
    175 @brief  Stores a default value
    176 ****************************************************************************/
    177 struct SPVRTSemanticDefaultData
    178 {
    179 	float						pfData[16];
    180 	int							pnData[4];
    181 	bool						pbData[4];
    182 	ESemanticDefaultDataType	eType;
    184 	SPVRTSemanticDefaultData();
    185 	SPVRTSemanticDefaultData(const SPVRTSemanticDefaultData& rhs);
    186 	SPVRTSemanticDefaultData& operator=(const SPVRTSemanticDefaultData& rhs);
    188 	void Copy(const SPVRTSemanticDefaultData& rhs);
    189 };
    191 /*!**************************************************************************
    192 @struct SPVRTPFXParserSemantic
    193 @brief  Stores semantic information
    194 ****************************************************************************/
    195 struct SPVRTPFXParserSemantic
    196 {
    197 	char						*pszName;				/*!< The variable name as used in the shader-language code */
    198 	char						*pszValue;				/*!< For example: LIGHTPOSITION */
    199 	unsigned int				nIdx;					/*!< Index; for example two semantics might be LIGHTPOSITION0 and LIGHTPOSITION1 */
    200 	SPVRTSemanticDefaultData	sDefaultValue;			/*!< Default value */
    202 	SPVRTPFXParserSemantic();
    203 	~SPVRTPFXParserSemantic();
    204 	SPVRTPFXParserSemantic(const SPVRTPFXParserSemantic& rhs);
    205 	SPVRTPFXParserSemantic& operator=(const SPVRTPFXParserSemantic& rhs);
    207 	void Copy(const SPVRTPFXParserSemantic& rhs);
    208 };
    211 struct SPVRTPFXParserEffect;	// Forward declaration
    212 /*!**************************************************************************
    213 @struct SPVRTPFXRenderPass
    214 @brief  Stores render pass information
    215 ****************************************************************************/
    216 struct SPVRTPFXRenderPass
    217 {
    218 	EPVRTPFXPassType		eRenderPassType;			// Type of pass.
    219 	EPVRTPFXPassView		eViewType;					// View type.
    220 	PVRTuint32				uiFormatFlags;				// Surface Type.
    221 	SPVRTPFXParserEffect*	pEffect;					// Matched pass. Needed but determined from effect block.
    222 	SPVRTPFXParserTexture*	pTexture;					// The RTT target for this pass.
    223 	CPVRTString				NodeName;					// POD Camera name.
    224 	CPVRTString				SemanticName;				// Name of this pass.
    226 	SPVRTPFXRenderPass();
    227 };
    229 /*!**************************************************************************
    230 @struct SPVRTTargetPair
    231 @brief  Stores a buffer type and name for a render target.
    232 ****************************************************************************/
    233 struct SPVRTTargetPair
    234 {
    235 	CPVRTString				BufferType;
    236 	CPVRTString				TargetName;
    237 };
    239 /*!**************************************************************************
    240 @struct SPVRTPFXParserEffect
    241 @brief  Stores effect information
    242 ****************************************************************************/
    243 struct SPVRTPFXParserEffect
    244 {
    245 	CPVRTStringHash							Name;
    246 	CPVRTString								Annotation;
    248 	CPVRTStringHash							VertexShaderName;
    249 	CPVRTStringHash							FragmentShaderName;
    251 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserSemantic>		Uniforms;
    252 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserSemantic>		Attributes;
    253 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserEffectTexture>	Textures;
    254 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTTargetPair>				Targets;
    256 	SPVRTPFXParserEffect();
    257 };
    259 /****************************************************************************
    260 ** Constants
    261 ****************************************************************************/
    262 const PVRTuint32 PVRPFXTEX_COLOUR = PVRTuint32(1<<30);
    263 const PVRTuint32 PVRPFXTEX_DEPTH  = PVRTuint32(1<<31);
    265 const static SPVRTSemanticDefaultDataTypeInfo c_psSemanticDefaultDataTypeInfo[] =
    266 {
    267 	{ eDataTypeMat2,		"mat2",			4,		eFloating },
    268 	{ eDataTypeMat3,		"mat3",			9,		eFloating },
    269 	{ eDataTypeMat4,		"mat4",			16,		eFloating },
    270 	{ eDataTypeVec2,		"vec2",			2,		eFloating },
    271 	{ eDataTypeVec3,		"vec3",			3,		eFloating },
    272 	{ eDataTypeVec4,		"vec4",			4,		eFloating },
    273 	{ eDataTypeIvec2,		"ivec2",		2,		eInteger },
    274 	{ eDataTypeIvec3,		"ivec3",		3,		eInteger },
    275 	{ eDataTypeIvec4,		"ivec4",		4,		eInteger },
    276 	{ eDataTypeBvec2,		"bvec2",		2,		eBoolean },
    277 	{ eDataTypeBvec3,		"bvec3",		3,		eBoolean },
    278 	{ eDataTypeBvec4,		"bvec4",		4,		eBoolean },
    279 	{ eDataTypeFloat,		"float",		1,		eFloating },
    280 	{ eDataTypeInt,			"int",			1,		eInteger },
    281 	{ eDataTypeBool,		"bool",			1,		eBoolean },
    282 };
    285 class CPVRTPFXParserReadContext;
    287 /*!**************************************************************************
    288 @class CPVRTPFXParser
    289 @brief PFX parser
    290 ****************************************************************************/
    291 class CPVRTPFXParser
    292 {
    293 public:
    294 	/*!***************************************************************************
    295 	@fn      			CPVRTPFXParser
    296 	@brief     		Sets initial values.
    297 	*****************************************************************************/
    298 	CPVRTPFXParser();
    300 	/*!***************************************************************************
    301 	@fn      			~CPVRTPFXParser
    302 	@brief     		Frees memory used.
    303 	*****************************************************************************/
    304 	~CPVRTPFXParser();
    306 	/*!***************************************************************************
    307 	@fn      			ParseFromMemory
    308 	@param[in]				pszScript		PFX script
    309 	@param[out]				pReturnError	error string
    310 	@return				PVR_SUCCESS for success parsing file
    311 						PVR_FAIL if file doesn't exist or is invalid
    312 	@brief     		Parses a PFX script from memory.
    313 	*****************************************************************************/
    314 	EPVRTError ParseFromMemory(const char * const pszScript, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    316 	/*!***************************************************************************
    317 	@fn      			ParseFromFile
    318 	@param[in]				pszFileName		PFX file name
    319 	@param[out]				pReturnError	error string
    320 	@return				PVR_SUCCESS for success parsing file
    321 						PVR_FAIL if file doesn't exist or is invalid
    322 	@brief     		Reads the PFX file and calls the parser.
    323 	*****************************************************************************/
    324 	EPVRTError ParseFromFile(const char * const pszFileName, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    326 	/*!***************************************************************************
    327 	 @fn      			SetViewportSize
    328 	 @param[in]				uiWidth				New viewport width
    329 	 @param[in]				uiHeight			New viewport height
    330 	 @return			bool				True on success
    331 	 @brief     		Allows the current viewport size to be set. This value
    332 						is used for calculating relative texture resolutions
    333 	*****************************************************************************/
    334 	bool SetViewportSize(unsigned int uiWidth, unsigned int uiHeight);
    336 	/*!***************************************************************************
    337 	@fn      		FindTextureIndex
    338 	@param[in]			TextureName		The name of the texture to find
    339 	@param[in]			uiEffect		The effect block to look for the texture in
    340 	@return			Index in to the effect.Texture array.
    341 	@brief     	Returns the index in to the texture array within the effect
    342 					block where the given texture resides.
    343 	*****************************************************************************/
    344 	unsigned int FindTextureIndex(const CPVRTStringHash& TextureName, unsigned int uiEffect) const;
    346 	/*!***************************************************************************
    347 	@fn      			RetrieveRenderPassDependencies
    348 	@param[out]			aRequiredRenderPasses	Dynamic array of required render passes
    349 	@param[in]			aszActiveEffectStrings	Dynamic array containing names of active
    350 												effects in the application
    351 	@return				success of failure
    352 	@brief     		    Takes an array of strings containing the names of active
    353 						effects for this PFX in a given application and then outputs
    354 						an array of the render passes the application needs to perform that is sorted
    355 						into the order they need to be executed (where [0] is the first to be executed,
    356 						and [n] is the last).
    357 						In addition to determining the order of dependent passes
    358 						(such as POSTPROCESS render passes), this function should check if
    359 						CAMERA passes are referenced by active EFFECT blocks and use this information
    360 						to strip redundant passes.
    361 	*****************************************************************************/
    362 	bool RetrieveRenderPassDependencies(CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXRenderPass*> &aRequiredRenderPasses,
    363 										CPVRTArray<CPVRTStringHash> &aszActiveEffectStrings);
    365 	/*!***************************************************************************
    366 	@brief     	    Returns the number of render passes within this PFX.
    367 	@return			The number of render passes required
    368 	*****************************************************************************/
    369 	unsigned int GetNumberRenderPasses() const;
    371 	/*!***************************************************************************
    372 	@brief     	    Returns the given render pass.
    373 	@param[in]		uiIndex				The render pass index.
    374 	@return			A given render pass.
    375 	*****************************************************************************/
    376 	const SPVRTPFXRenderPass& GetRenderPass(unsigned int uiIndex) const;
    378 	/*!***************************************************************************
    379 	@fn      		GetNumberFragmentShaders
    380 	@return			Number of fragment shaders.
    381 	@brief     	    Returns the number of fragment shaders referenced in the PFX.
    382 	*****************************************************************************/
    383 	unsigned int GetNumberFragmentShaders() const;
    385 	/*!***************************************************************************
    386 	@fn      		GetFragmentShader
    387 	@param[in]		uiIndex		The index of this shader.
    388 	@return			The PFX fragment shader.
    389 	@brief     	    Returns a given fragment shader.
    390 	*****************************************************************************/
    391 	SPVRTPFXParserShader& GetFragmentShader(unsigned int uiIndex);
    393 	/*!***************************************************************************
    394 	@fn      		GetNumberVertexShaders
    395 	@return			Number of vertex shaders.
    396 	@brief     	    Returns the number of vertex shaders referenced in the PFX.
    397 	*****************************************************************************/
    398 	unsigned int GetNumberVertexShaders() const;
    400 	/*!***************************************************************************
    401 	@fn      		GetVertexShader
    402 	@param[in]		uiIndex		The index of this shader.
    403 	@return			The PFX vertex shader.
    404 	@brief     	    Returns a given vertex shader.
    405 	*****************************************************************************/
    406 	SPVRTPFXParserShader& GetVertexShader(unsigned int uiIndex);
    408 	/*!***************************************************************************
    409 	@fn      		GetNumberEffects
    410 	@return			Number of effects.
    411 	@brief     	    Returns the number of effects referenced in the PFX.
    412 	*****************************************************************************/
    413 	unsigned int GetNumberEffects() const;
    415 	/*!***************************************************************************
    416 	@fn      		GetEffect
    417 	@param[in]		uiIndex		The index of this effect.
    418 	@return			The PFX effect.
    419 	@brief     	    Returns a given effect.
    420 	*****************************************************************************/
    421 	const SPVRTPFXParserEffect& GetEffect(unsigned int uiIndex) const;
    423 	/*!***************************************************************************
    424 	@fn      		FindEffectByName
    425 	@param[in]		Name		Name of the effect.
    426 	@return			int
    427 	@brief     	    Returns the index of the given string. Returns -1 on failure.
    428 	*****************************************************************************/
    429 	int FindEffectByName(const CPVRTStringHash& Name) const;
    431 	/*!***************************************************************************
    432 	@fn      		FindTextureByName
    433 	@param[in]		Name		Name of the texture.
    434 	@return			int
    435 	@brief     	    Returns the index of the given texture. Returns -1 on failure.
    436 	*****************************************************************************/
    437 	int FindTextureByName(const CPVRTStringHash& Name) const;
    439 	/*!***************************************************************************
    440 	@fn      		GetNumberTextures
    441 	@return			Number of effects.
    442 	@brief     	    Returns the number of textures referenced in the PFX.
    443 	*****************************************************************************/
    444 	unsigned int GetNumberTextures() const;
    446 	/*!***************************************************************************
    447 	@fn      		GetTexture
    448 	@param[in]		uiIndex		The index of this texture
    449 	@return			The PFX texture.
    450 	@brief     	    Returns a given texture.
    451 	*****************************************************************************/
    452 	const SPVRTPFXParserTexture* GetTexture(unsigned int uiIndex) const;
    454 	/*!***************************************************************************
    455 	@fn      		GetPFXFileName
    456 	@return			The filename for this PFX file
    457 	@brief     	    eturns the PFX file name associated with this object.
    458 	*****************************************************************************/
    459 	const CPVRTString& GetPFXFileName() const;
    461 	/*!***************************************************************************
    462 	@fn      		GetPostProcessNames
    463 	@return			An array of post process names
    464 	@brief     	    Returns a list of prost process effect names.
    465 	*****************************************************************************/
    466 	const CPVRTArray<CPVRTString>& GetPostProcessNames() const;
    468 public:
    469 	static const unsigned int							VIEWPORT_SIZE;
    471 private:
    472     SPVRTPFXParserHeader								m_sHeader;
    474 	CPVRTArrayManagedPointers<SPVRTPFXParserTexture>	m_psTexture;
    475 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserShader>					m_psFragmentShader;
    476 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserShader>					m_psVertexShader;
    477 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXParserEffect>					m_psEffect;
    478 	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXRenderPass>						m_RenderPasses;
    480 	CPVRTString											m_szFileName;
    481 	CPVRTPFXParserReadContext*							m_psContext;
    482 	CPVRTArray<CPVRTString>								m_aszPostProcessNames;
    484 	unsigned int										m_uiViewportWidth;
    485 	unsigned int										m_uiViewportHeight;
    486 	CPVRTSkipGraphRoot<SPVRTPFXRenderPass*>				m_renderPassSkipGraph;
    488 	/*!***************************************************************************
    489 	@fn      			Parse
    490 	@param[out]			pReturnError	error string
    491 	@return				true for success parsing file
    492 	@brief     		    Parses a loaded PFX file.
    493 	*****************************************************************************/
    494 	bool Parse(	CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    496 	/*!***************************************************************************
    497 	@fn      			ReduceWhitespace
    498 	@param[out]			line		output text
    499 	@brief     		    Reduces all white space characters in the string to one
    500 						blank space.
    501 	*****************************************************************************/
    502 	void ReduceWhitespace(char *line);
    504 	/*!***************************************************************************
    505 	@fn      			GetEndTag
    506 	@param[in]			pszTagName		tag name
    507 	@param[in]			nStartLine		start line
    508 	@param[out]			pnEndLine		line end tag found
    509 	@return				true if tag found
    510 	@brief     		    Searches for end tag pszTagName from line nStartLine.
    511 						Returns true and outputs the line number of the end tag if
    512 						found, otherwise returning false.
    513 	*****************************************************************************/
    514 	bool GetEndTag(const char *pszTagName, int nStartLine, int *pnEndLine);
    516 	/*!***************************************************************************
    517 	 @brief     		Finds the parameter after the specified delimiting character and
    518 						returns the parameter as a string. An empty string is returned
    519 						if a parameter cannot be found
    520 	 @param[out]		aszSourceString		The string to search
    521 	 @param[in]			parameterTag		The tag to find
    522 	 @param[in]			delimiter			Delimiters
    523 	 @return			Found parameter or empty string
    524 	*****************************************************************************/
    525 	CPVRTString FindParameter(char *aszSourceString, const CPVRTString &parameterTag, const CPVRTString &delimiter);
    527 	/*!***************************************************************************
    528 	 @fn      			ReadStringToken
    529 	 @param[in]			pszSource			Parameter string to process
    530 	 @param[out]		output				Processed string
    531 	 @param[out]		ErrorStr			String containing errors
    532 	 @param[in]			iLine				The line to read
    533 	 @param[in]			pCaller				The caller's name or identifier
    534 	 @return			Returns true on success
    535 	 @brief     		Processes the null terminated char array as if it's a
    536 						formatted string array. Quote marks are determined to be
    537 						start and end of strings. If no quote marks are found the
    538 						string is delimited by whitespace.
    539 	*****************************************************************************/
    540 	bool ReadStringToken(char* pszSource, CPVRTString& output, CPVRTString &ErrorStr, int iLine, const char* pCaller);
    542 	/*!***************************************************************************
    543 	@fn      			ParseHeader
    544 	@param[in]			nStartLine		start line number
    545 	@param[in]			nEndLine		end line number
    546 	@param[out]			pReturnError	error string
    547 	@return				true if parse is successful
    548 	@brief     		    Parses the HEADER section of the PFX file.
    549 	*****************************************************************************/
    550 	bool ParseHeader(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    552 	/*!***************************************************************************
    553 	@brief     		    Parses the TEXTURES section of the PFX file.
    554 						This style is deprecated but remains for backwards
    555 						compatibility. ** DEPRECATED **
    556 	@param[in]			nStartLine		Start line number
    557 	@param[in]			nEndLine		End line number
    558 	@param[out]			pReturnError	Error string
    559 	@return				true if parse is successful
    560 	*****************************************************************************/
    561 	bool ParseTextures(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    563 	/*!***************************************************************************
    564 	@fn      			ParseTexture
    565 	@param[in]			nStartLine		start line number
    566 	@param[in]			nEndLine		end line number
    567 	@param[out]			pReturnError	error string
    568 	@return				true if parse is successful
    569 	@brief     		    Parses the TEXTURE section of the PFX file.
    570 	*****************************************************************************/
    571 	bool ParseTexture(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    573 	/*!***************************************************************************
    574 	@fn      			ParseTarget
    575 	@param[in]			nStartLine		start line number
    576 	@param[in]			nEndLine		end line number
    577 	@param[out]			pReturnError	error string
    578 	@return				true if parse is successful
    579 	@brief     		    Parses the TARGET section of the PFX file.
    580 	*****************************************************************************/
    581 	bool ParseTarget(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    583 	/*!***************************************************************************
    584 	@fn      			ParseGenericSurface
    585 	@param[in]			nStartLine		start line number
    586 	@param[in]			nEndLine		end line number
    587 	@param[out]			Params			Structure containing PFXTexture parameters
    588 	@param[out]			KnownCmds		An array of unknown commands for the caller
    589 										to check.
    590 	@param[in]			pCaller			The caller's description for error messages.
    591 	@param[out]			pReturnError	error string
    592 	@return				true if parse is successful
    593 	@brief     		    Parses generic data from TARGET and TEXTURE blocks. Namely
    594 						wrapping and filter commands.
    595 	*****************************************************************************/
    596 	bool ParseGenericSurface(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, SPVRTPFXParserTexture& Params, CPVRTArray<CPVRTHash>& KnownCmds,
    597 							 const char* pCaller, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    599 	/*!***************************************************************************
    600 	@fn      			ParseShader
    601 	@param[in]			nStartLine		start line number
    602 	@param[in]			nEndLine		end line number
    603 	@param[out]			pReturnError	error string
    604 	@param[out]			shader			shader data object
    605 	@param[in]			pszBlockName	name of block in PFX file
    606 	@return				true if parse is successful
    607 	@brief     		    Parses the VERTEXSHADER or FRAGMENTSHADER section of the
    608 						PFX file.
    609 	*****************************************************************************/
    610 	bool ParseShader(int nStartLine, int nEndLine, CPVRTString *pReturnError, SPVRTPFXParserShader &shader, const char * const pszBlockName);
    612 	/*!***************************************************************************
    613 	@fn      			ParseSemantic
    614 	@param[out]			semantic		semantic data object
    615 	@param[in]			nStartLine		start line number
    616 	@param[out]			pReturnError	error string
    617 	@return				true if parse is successful
    618 	@brief     		    Parses a semantic.
    619 	*****************************************************************************/
    620 	bool ParseSemantic(SPVRTPFXParserSemantic &semantic, const int nStartLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    622 	/*!***************************************************************************
    623 	@fn      			ParseEffect
    624 	@param[out]			effect			effect data object
    625 	@param[in]			nStartLine		start line number
    626 	@param[in]			nEndLine		end line number
    627 	@param[out]			pReturnError	error string
    628 	@return				true if parse is successful
    629 	@brief     		    Parses the EFFECT section of the PFX file.
    630 	*****************************************************************************/
    631 	bool ParseEffect(SPVRTPFXParserEffect &effect, const int nStartLine, const int nEndLine, CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    633 	/*!***************************************************************************
    634 	@fn      		    ParseTextureFlags
    635 	@param[in]			c_pszRemainingLine		Pointer to the remaining string
    636 	@param[out]			ppFlagsOut				Resultant flags set
    637 	@param[in]			uiNumFlags				Number of flags to set
    638 	@param[in]			c_ppszFlagNames			Flag names
    639 	@param[in]			uiNumFlagNames			Number of flag names
    640 	@param[in]			pReturnError			Return error to set
    641 	@param[in]			iLineNum				The line number for error reporting
    642 	@return			    true if successful
    643 	@brief     	        Parses the texture flag sections.
    644 	*****************************************************************************/
    645 	bool ParseTextureFlags(	const char* c_pszRemainingLine, unsigned int** ppFlagsOut, unsigned int uiNumFlags, const char** c_ppszFlagNames, unsigned int uiNumFlagNames,
    646 							CPVRTString * const pReturnError, int iLineNum);
    647 	/*!***************************************************************************
    648 	 @brief     	Looks through all of the effects in the .pfx and determines
    649 					the order of render passes that have been declared with
    650 					the RENDER tag (found in [TEXTURES].
    651 	 @param[out]	pReturnError
    652 	 @return		True if dependency tree is valid. False if there are errors
    653 					in the dependency tree (e.g. recursion)
    654 	*****************************************************************************/
    655 	bool DetermineRenderPassDependencies(CPVRTString * const pReturnError);
    657 	/*!***************************************************************************
    658 	 @brief     	Recursively look through dependencies until leaf nodes are
    659 					encountered. At this point, add a given leaf node to the
    660 					aRequiredRenderPasses array and return. Repeat this process
    661 					until all dependencies are added to the array.
    662 	 @param[in]		aRequiredRenderPasses
    663 	 @param[in]		renderPassNode
    664 	*****************************************************************************/
    665 	void AddRenderPassNodeDependencies(	CPVRTArray<SPVRTPFXRenderPass*> &aRequiredRenderPasses,
    666 										CPVRTSkipGraphNode<SPVRTPFXRenderPass*> &renderPassNode);
    667 };
    670 #endif /* _PVRTPFXPARSER_H_ */
    672 /*****************************************************************************
    673  End of file (PVRTPFXParser.h)
    674 *****************************************************************************/