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      1 /* Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 // See docs in ../ops/random_ops.cc.
     18 #define EIGEN_USE_THREADS
     20 #include "tensorflow/core/kernels/random_op.h"
     22 #include <algorithm>
     23 #include <cmath>
     24 #include <memory>
     26 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.h"
     27 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/register_types.h"
     28 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
     29 #include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.h"
     30 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/hash/crc32c.h"
     31 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/random/random_distributions.h"
     32 #include "tensorflow/core/lib/random/simple_philox.h"
     33 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
     34 #include "tensorflow/core/util/guarded_philox_random.h"
     35 #include "tensorflow/core/util/work_sharder.h"
     37 #if EIGEN_COMP_GNUC && __cplusplus > 199711L
     39   _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")       \
     40       _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wfloat-equal\"")
     41 #define ENABLE_FLOAT_EQUALITY_WARNING _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
     42 #else
     45 #endif
     47 namespace tensorflow {
     49 typedef Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice CPUDevice;
     50 typedef Eigen::GpuDevice GPUDevice;
     51 #ifdef TENSORFLOW_USE_SYCL
     52 typedef Eigen::SyclDevice SYCLDevice;
     53 #endif  // TENSORFLOW_USE_SYCL
     55 namespace functor {
     56 using random::PhiloxRandom;
     57 using random::SingleSampleAdapter;
     59 // The default implementation of the functor, which should never be invoked
     60 // But we still need to provide implementation for now for the linker to work,
     61 // since we do not support all the distributions yet.
     62 template <typename Device, class Distribution>
     63 struct FillPhiloxRandom {
     64   typedef typename Distribution::ResultElementType T;
     65   void operator()(OpKernelContext*, const Device&, random::PhiloxRandom gen,
     66                   T* data, int64 size, Distribution dist) {
     67     LOG(FATAL) << "Default FillPhiloxRandom should not be executed.";
     68   }
     69 };
     71 // A class to fill a specified range of random groups
     72 template <class Distribution, bool VariableSamplesPerOutput>
     73 struct FillPhiloxRandomTask;
     75 // Specialization for distribution that takes a fixed number of samples for
     76 // each output.
     77 template <class Distribution>
     78 struct FillPhiloxRandomTask<Distribution, false> {
     79   typedef typename Distribution::ResultElementType T;
     80   static void Run(random::PhiloxRandom gen, T* data, int64 size,
     81                   int64 start_group, int64 limit_group, Distribution dist) {
     82     const int kGroupSize = Distribution::kResultElementCount;
     84     gen.Skip(start_group);
     85     int64 offset = start_group * kGroupSize;
     87     // First fill all the full-size groups
     88     int64 limit_group_full = std::min(limit_group, size / kGroupSize);
     89     for (int64 index = start_group; index < limit_group_full; ++index) {
     90       auto samples = dist(&gen);
     91       std::copy(&samples[0], &samples[0] + kGroupSize, data + offset);
     92       offset += kGroupSize;
     93     }
     95     // If there are any remaining elements that need to be filled, process them
     96     if (limit_group_full < limit_group) {
     97       int64 remaining_size = size - limit_group_full * kGroupSize;
     98       auto samples = dist(&gen);
     99       std::copy(&samples[0], &samples[0] + remaining_size, data + offset);
    100     }
    101   }
    102 };
    104 // Specialization for distribution that takes a variable number of samples for
    105 // each output. This will be slower due to the generality.
    106 template <class Distribution>
    107 struct FillPhiloxRandomTask<Distribution, true> {
    108   typedef typename Distribution::ResultElementType T;
    109   static const int64 kReservedSamplesPerOutput = 256;
    111   static void Run(random::PhiloxRandom base_gen, T* data, int64 size,
    112                   int64 start_group, int64 limit_group, Distribution dist) {
    113     const int kGroupSize = Distribution::kResultElementCount;
    115     static const int kGeneratorSkipPerOutputGroup =
    116         kGroupSize * kReservedSamplesPerOutput /
    117         PhiloxRandom::kResultElementCount;
    119     int64 offset = start_group * kGroupSize;
    121     // First fill all the full-size groups
    122     int64 limit_group_full = std::min(limit_group, size / kGroupSize);
    123     int64 group_index;
    124     for (group_index = start_group; group_index < limit_group_full;
    125          ++group_index) {
    126       // Reset the generator to the beginning of the output group region
    127       // This is necessary if we want the results to be independent of order
    128       // of work
    129       PhiloxRandom gen = base_gen;
    130       gen.Skip(group_index * kGeneratorSkipPerOutputGroup);
    131       SingleSampleAdapter<PhiloxRandom> single_samples(&gen);
    133       auto samples = dist(&single_samples);
    134       std::copy(&samples[0], &samples[0] + kGroupSize, data + offset);
    135       offset += kGroupSize;
    136     }
    138     // If there are any remaining elements that need to be filled, process them
    139     if (limit_group_full < limit_group) {
    140       PhiloxRandom gen = base_gen;
    141       gen.Skip(group_index * kGeneratorSkipPerOutputGroup);
    142       SingleSampleAdapter<PhiloxRandom> single_samples(&gen);
    144       int64 remaining_size = size - limit_group_full * kGroupSize;
    145       auto samples = dist(&single_samples);
    146       std::copy(&samples[0], &samples[0] + remaining_size, data + offset);
    147     }
    148   }
    149 };
    151 // Partial specialization for CPU to fill the entire region with randoms
    152 // It splits the work into several tasks and run them in parallel
    153 template <class Distribution>
    154 void FillPhiloxRandom<CPUDevice, Distribution>::operator()(
    155     OpKernelContext* context, const CPUDevice&, random::PhiloxRandom gen,
    156     typename Distribution::ResultElementType* data, int64 size,
    157     Distribution dist) {
    158   const int kGroupSize = Distribution::kResultElementCount;
    160   auto worker_threads = *(context->device()->tensorflow_cpu_worker_threads());
    162   int64 total_group_count = (size + kGroupSize - 1) / kGroupSize;
    164   const int kGroupCost =
    165       random::PhiloxRandom::kResultElementCount *
    166       (random::PhiloxRandom::kElementCost + Distribution::kElementCost);
    167   Shard(worker_threads.num_threads, worker_threads.workers, total_group_count,
    168         kGroupCost,
    169         [&gen, data, size, dist](int64 start_group, int64 limit_group) {
    170           FillPhiloxRandomTask<
    171               Distribution,
    172               Distribution::kVariableSamplesPerOutput>::Run(gen, data, size,
    173                                                             start_group,
    174                                                             limit_group, dist);
    175         });
    176 }
    178 }  // namespace functor
    180 namespace {
    182 static Status AllocateOutputWithShape(OpKernelContext* ctx, const Tensor& shape,
    183                                       int index, Tensor** output) {
    184   TensorShape tensor_shape;
    185   TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ctx->op_kernel().MakeShape(shape, &tensor_shape));
    186   return ctx->allocate_output(index, tensor_shape, output);
    187 }
    189 // For now, use the same interface as RandomOp, so we can choose either one
    190 // at the run-time.
    191 template <typename Device, class Distribution>
    192 class PhiloxRandomOp : public OpKernel {
    193  public:
    194   typedef typename Distribution::ResultElementType T;
    195   explicit PhiloxRandomOp(OpKernelConstruction* ctx) : OpKernel(ctx) {
    196     OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, generator_.Init(ctx));
    197   }
    199   void Compute(OpKernelContext* ctx) override {
    200     const Tensor& shape = ctx->input(0);
    201     Tensor* output;
    202     OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, AllocateOutputWithShape(ctx, shape, 0, &output));
    203     auto output_flat = output->flat<T>();
    204     functor::FillPhiloxRandom<Device, Distribution>()(
    205         ctx, ctx->eigen_device<Device>(),
    206         // Multiplier 256 is the same as in FillPhiloxRandomTask; do not change
    207         // it just here.
    208         generator_.ReserveRandomOutputs(output_flat.size(), 256),
    209         output_flat.data(), output_flat.size(), Distribution());
    210   }
    212  private:
    213   GuardedPhiloxRandom generator_;
    214 };
    216 template <typename Device, class IntType>
    217 class RandomUniformIntOp : public OpKernel {
    218  public:
    219   explicit RandomUniformIntOp(OpKernelConstruction* ctx) : OpKernel(ctx) {
    220     OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, generator_.Init(ctx));
    221   }
    223   void Compute(OpKernelContext* ctx) override {
    224     const Tensor& shape = ctx->input(0);
    225     const Tensor& minval = ctx->input(1);
    226     const Tensor& maxval = ctx->input(2);
    227     OP_REQUIRES(ctx, TensorShapeUtils::IsScalar(minval.shape()),
    228                 errors::InvalidArgument("minval must be 0-D, got shape ",
    229                                         minval.shape().DebugString()));
    230     OP_REQUIRES(ctx, TensorShapeUtils::IsScalar(maxval.shape()),
    231                 errors::InvalidArgument("maxval must be 0-D, got shape ",
    232                                         maxval.shape().DebugString()));
    234     // Verify that minval < maxval
    235     IntType lo = minval.scalar<IntType>()();
    236     IntType hi = maxval.scalar<IntType>()();
    237     OP_REQUIRES(
    238         ctx, lo < hi,
    239         errors::InvalidArgument("Need minval < maxval, got ", lo, " >= ", hi));
    241     // Build distribution
    242     typedef random::UniformDistribution<random::PhiloxRandom, IntType>
    243         Distribution;
    244     Distribution dist(lo, hi);
    246     Tensor* output;
    247     OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, AllocateOutputWithShape(ctx, shape, 0, &output));
    248     auto output_flat = output->flat<IntType>();
    249     functor::FillPhiloxRandom<Device, Distribution>()(
    250         ctx, ctx->eigen_device<Device>(),
    251         // Multiplier 256 is the same as in FillPhiloxRandomTask; do not change
    252         // it just here.
    253         generator_.ReserveRandomOutputs(output_flat.size(), 256),
    254         output_flat.data(), output_flat.size(), dist);
    255   }
    257  private:
    258   GuardedPhiloxRandom generator_;
    259 };
    261 // Samples from one or more gamma distributions. All internal computations are
    262 // done with double precision for numerical stability.
    263 template <typename T>
    264 class RandomGammaOp : public OpKernel {
    265  public:
    266   explicit RandomGammaOp(OpKernelConstruction* context) : OpKernel(context) {
    267     OP_REQUIRES_OK(context, generator_.Init(context));
    268   }
    270   void Compute(OpKernelContext* ctx) override {
    271     const Tensor& shape_t = ctx->input(0);
    272     const Tensor& alpha_t = ctx->input(1);
    274     OP_REQUIRES(ctx,
    275                 TensorShapeUtils::IsVector(shape_t.shape()) &&
    276                     (shape_t.dtype() == DataType::DT_INT32 ||
    277                      shape_t.dtype() == DataType::DT_INT64),
    278                 errors::InvalidArgument(
    279                     "shape must be a vector of {int32,int64}, got shape: ",
    280                     shape_t.DebugString()));
    281     TensorShape samples_shape;
    282     if (shape_t.dtype() == DataType::DT_INT32) {
    283       auto vec = shape_t.flat<int32>();
    284       OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, TensorShapeUtils::MakeShape(vec.data(), vec.size(),
    285                                                       &samples_shape));
    286     } else if (shape_t.dtype() == DataType::DT_INT64) {
    287       auto vec = shape_t.flat<int64>();
    288       OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, TensorShapeUtils::MakeShape(vec.data(), vec.size(),
    289                                                       &samples_shape));
    290     }
    291     const int64 num_samples = samples_shape.num_elements();
    293     samples_shape.AppendShape(alpha_t.shape());
    294     // Allocate output samples.
    295     Tensor* samples_t = nullptr;
    296     OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->allocate_output(0, samples_shape, &samples_t));
    298     if (num_samples == 0) return;
    300     using random::PhiloxRandom;
    302     typedef random::NormalDistribution<PhiloxRandom, double> Normal;
    303     typedef random::UniformDistribution<PhiloxRandom, double> Uniform;
    304 #define UNIFORM(X)                                    \
    305   if (uniform_remaining == 0) {                       \
    306     uniform_remaining = Uniform::kResultElementCount; \
    307     uniform_result = uniform(&gen);                   \
    308   }                                                   \
    309   uniform_remaining--;                                \
    310   double X = uniform_result[uniform_remaining]
    312     // Each attempt is 95+% successful, and requires 1-2 normal + 1 uniform
    313     static constexpr int kReservedSamplesPerOutput = 256;
    315     const auto alpha_flat = alpha_t.flat<T>().data();
    316     const int64 num_alphas = alpha_t.NumElements();
    317     OP_REQUIRES(ctx, num_alphas > 0,
    318                 errors::InvalidArgument(
    319                     "Input alpha should have non-zero element count, got: ",
    320                     num_alphas));
    321     auto samples_flat = samples_t->flat<T>().data();
    322     PhiloxRandom rng = generator_.ReserveRandomOutputs(
    323         num_samples * num_alphas, kReservedSamplesPerOutput);
    325     // We partition work first across alphas then across samples-per-alpha to
    326     // avoid a couple flops which can be done on a per-alpha basis.
    328     auto DoWork = [num_samples, num_alphas, &rng, samples_flat, alpha_flat](
    329                       int start_output, int limit_output) {
    330       using Eigen::numext::exp;
    331       using Eigen::numext::log;
    332       using Eigen::numext::pow;
    334       // Capturing "rng" by-value would only make a copy for the _shared_
    335       // lambda.  Since we want to let each worker have its own copy, we pass
    336       // "rng" by reference and explicitly do a copy assignment.
    338       Normal normal;
    339       Uniform uniform;
    340       typename Normal::ResultType norm_result;
    341       typename Uniform::ResultType uniform_result;
    342       for (int64 output_idx = start_output; output_idx < limit_output;
    343            /* output_idx incremented within inner loop below */) {
    344         int64 alpha_idx = output_idx / num_samples;
    346         // Instead of +alpha_idx for each sample, we offset the pointer once.
    347         T* const samples_alpha_offset = samples_flat + alpha_idx;
    349         // Several calculations can be done on a per-alpha basis.
    350         const double alpha = static_cast<double>(alpha_flat[alpha_idx]);
    353         if (alpha == double(1.0)) {
    355           // Sample from an exponential distribution.
    356           for (int64 sample_idx = output_idx % num_samples;
    357                sample_idx < num_samples && output_idx < limit_output;
    358                sample_idx++, output_idx++) {
    359             // As we want data stable regardless of sharding
    360             // (including eventually on GPU), we skip on a per-sample basis.
    361             PhiloxRandom gen = rng;
    362             gen.Skip(kReservedSamplesPerOutput * output_idx);
    363             short uniform_remaining = 0;
    364             UNIFORM(u);
    365             const double res = -log(1.0 - u);
    366             samples_alpha_offset[sample_idx * num_alphas] = static_cast<T>(res);
    367           }       // for (sample_idx)
    368         } else {  // if alpha != 1.0
    369           // Transformation-rejection from pairs of uniform and normal random
    370           // variables. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=358414
    371           //
    372           // The algorithm has an acceptance rate of ~95% for small alpha (~1),
    373           // and higher accept rates for higher alpha, so runtime is
    374           // O(NumAlphas * NumSamples * k) with k ~ 1 / 0.95.
    375           //
    376           // For alpha<1, we add one to d=alpha-1/3, and multiply the final
    377           // result by uniform()^(1/alpha)
    378           const bool alpha_less_than_one = alpha < 1;
    379           const double d = alpha + (alpha_less_than_one ? 2.0 / 3 : -1.0 / 3);
    380           const double c = 1.0 / 3 / sqrt(d);
    382           // Compute the rest of the samples for the current alpha value.
    383           for (int64 sample_idx = output_idx % num_samples;
    384                sample_idx < num_samples && output_idx < limit_output;
    385                sample_idx++, output_idx++) {
    386             // Since each sample may use a variable number of normal/uniform
    387             // samples, and we want data stable regardless of sharding
    388             // (including eventually on GPU), we skip on a per-sample basis.
    389             PhiloxRandom gen = rng;
    390             gen.Skip(kReservedSamplesPerOutput * output_idx);
    391             short norm_remaining = 0;
    392             short uniform_remaining = 0;
    394             // Keep trying until we don't reject a sample. In practice, we will
    395             // only reject ~5% at worst, for low alpha near 1.
    396             while (true) {
    397               if (norm_remaining == 0) {
    398                 norm_remaining = Normal::kResultElementCount;
    399                 norm_result = normal(&gen);
    400               }
    401               norm_remaining--;
    402               const double x = norm_result[norm_remaining];
    403               double v = 1 + c * x;
    404               if (v <= 0) {
    405                 continue;
    406               }
    407               v = v * v * v;
    408               UNIFORM(u);
    409               // The first option in the if is a "squeeze" short-circuit to
    410               // dodge the two logs. Magic constant sourced from the paper
    411               // linked above. Upward of .91 of the area covered by the log
    412               // inequality is covered by the squeeze as well (larger coverage
    413               // for smaller values of alpha).
    414               if ((u < 1 - 0.0331 * (x * x) * (x * x)) ||
    415                   (log(u) < 0.5 * x * x + d * (1 - v + log(v)))) {
    416                 double res = d * v;
    417                 if (alpha_less_than_one) {
    418                   UNIFORM(b);
    419                   res *= pow(b, 1 / alpha);
    420                 }
    421                 samples_alpha_offset[sample_idx * num_alphas] =
    422                     static_cast<T>(res);
    423                 break;
    424               }
    425             }  // while: true
    426           }    // for: sample_idx
    427         }      // if (alpha == 1.0)
    428       }        // for: output_idx
    429     };         // DoWork
    430 #undef UNIFORM
    431     // Two calls to log only occur for ~10% of samples reaching the log line.
    432     //   2 x 100 (64-bit cycles per log) x 0.10 = ~20.
    433     // Other ops: sqrt, +, *, /, %... something like 15 of these, at 3-6 cycles
    434     // each = ~60.
    435     // All of this /0.95 due to the rejection possibility = ~85.
    436     static const int kElementCost = 85 + 2 * Normal::kElementCost +
    437                                     Uniform::kElementCost +
    438                                     3 * PhiloxRandom::kElementCost;
    439     auto worker_threads = *(ctx->device()->tensorflow_cpu_worker_threads());
    440     Shard(worker_threads.num_threads, worker_threads.workers,
    441           num_alphas * num_samples, kElementCost, DoWork);
    442   }
    444  private:
    445   GuardedPhiloxRandom generator_;
    447   TF_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RandomGammaOp);
    448 };
    450 }  // namespace
    452 #define REGISTER(TYPE)                                                         \
    453   template struct functor::FillPhiloxRandom<                                   \
    454       CPUDevice, random::UniformDistribution<random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>;     \
    455   template struct functor::FillPhiloxRandom<                                   \
    456       CPUDevice, random::NormalDistribution<random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>;      \
    457   template struct functor::FillPhiloxRandom<                                   \
    458       CPUDevice,                                                               \
    459       random::TruncatedNormalDistribution<                                     \
    460           random::SingleSampleAdapter<random::PhiloxRandom>, TYPE>>;           \
    461   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    462       Name("RandomUniform")                                                    \
    463           .Device(DEVICE_CPU)                                                  \
    464           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    465           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    466       PhiloxRandomOp<CPUDevice, random::UniformDistribution<                   \
    467                                     random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>);             \
    468   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    469       Name("RandomStandardNormal")                                             \
    470           .Device(DEVICE_CPU)                                                  \
    471           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    472           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    473       PhiloxRandomOp<CPUDevice,                                                \
    474                      random::NormalDistribution<random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>); \
    475   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    476       Name("TruncatedNormal")                                                  \
    477           .Device(DEVICE_CPU)                                                  \
    478           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    479           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    480       PhiloxRandomOp<                                                          \
    481           CPUDevice,                                                           \
    482           random::TruncatedNormalDistribution<                                 \
    483               random::SingleSampleAdapter<random::PhiloxRandom>, TYPE>>);      \
    484   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    485       Name("RandomGamma").Device(DEVICE_CPU).TypeConstraint<TYPE>("T"),        \
    486       RandomGammaOp<TYPE>)
    488 #define REGISTER_INT(IntType)                                   \
    489   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(Name("RandomUniformInt")              \
    490                               .Device(DEVICE_CPU)               \
    491                               .HostMemory("shape")              \
    492                               .HostMemory("minval")             \
    493                               .HostMemory("maxval")             \
    494                               .TypeConstraint<IntType>("Tout"), \
    495                           RandomUniformIntOp<CPUDevice, IntType>);
    497 TF_CALL_half(REGISTER);
    498 TF_CALL_float(REGISTER);
    499 TF_CALL_double(REGISTER);
    500 TF_CALL_int32(REGISTER_INT);
    501 TF_CALL_int64(REGISTER_INT);
    503 #undef REGISTER
    504 #undef REGISTER_INT
    506 #if GOOGLE_CUDA
    508 #define REGISTER(TYPE)                                                         \
    509   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    510       Name("RandomUniform")                                                    \
    511           .Device(DEVICE_GPU)                                                  \
    512           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    513           .TypeConstraint<int32>("T")                                          \
    514           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    515       PhiloxRandomOp<GPUDevice, random::UniformDistribution<                   \
    516                                     random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>);             \
    517   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    518       Name("RandomStandardNormal")                                             \
    519           .Device(DEVICE_GPU)                                                  \
    520           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    521           .TypeConstraint<int32>("T")                                          \
    522           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    523       PhiloxRandomOp<GPUDevice,                                                \
    524                      random::NormalDistribution<random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>); \
    525   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    526       Name("TruncatedNormal")                                                  \
    527           .Device(DEVICE_GPU)                                                  \
    528           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    529           .TypeConstraint<int32>("T")                                          \
    530           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    531       PhiloxRandomOp<                                                          \
    532           GPUDevice,                                                           \
    533           random::TruncatedNormalDistribution<                                 \
    534               random::SingleSampleAdapter<random::PhiloxRandom>, TYPE>>);
    536 #define REGISTER_INT(IntType)                                   \
    537   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(Name("RandomUniformInt")              \
    538                               .Device(DEVICE_GPU)               \
    539                               .HostMemory("shape")              \
    540                               .HostMemory("minval")             \
    541                               .HostMemory("maxval")             \
    542                               .TypeConstraint<int32>("T")       \
    543                               .TypeConstraint<IntType>("Tout"), \
    544                           RandomUniformIntOp<GPUDevice, IntType>);
    546 TF_CALL_half(REGISTER);
    547 TF_CALL_float(REGISTER);
    548 TF_CALL_double(REGISTER);
    549 TF_CALL_int32(REGISTER_INT);
    550 TF_CALL_int64(REGISTER_INT);
    552 #undef REGISTER
    553 #undef REGISTER_INT
    555 #endif  // GOOGLE_CUDA
    557 #ifdef TENSORFLOW_USE_SYCL
    559 namespace functor {
    561 using namespace cl;
    563 template <class Distribution, bool VariableSamplesPerOutput>
    564 struct FillPhiloxRandomKernel;
    566 template <class Distribution>
    567 struct FillPhiloxRandomKernel<Distribution, false> {
    568   typedef typename Distribution::ResultElementType T;
    569   using write_accessor = sycl::accessor<uint8_t, 1, sycl::access::mode::write,
    570                                         sycl::access::target::global_buffer>;
    572   FillPhiloxRandomKernel(write_accessor& data, random::PhiloxRandom& gen,
    573                          Distribution& dist)
    574       : data_(data), gen_(gen), dist_(dist) {}
    576   void operator()(sycl::nd_item<1> item) {
    577     const size_t kGroupSize = Distribution::kResultElementCount;
    579     const size_t item_id = item.get_global(0);
    580     const size_t total_item_count = item.get_global_range();
    581     size_t offset = item_id * kGroupSize;
    582     gen_.Skip(item_id);
    584     const size_t size = data_.get_size() / sizeof(T);
    585     T* data = ConvertToActualTypeSycl(T, data_);
    587     while (offset + kGroupSize <= size) {
    588       const typename Distribution::ResultType samples = dist_(&gen_);
    589       for (size_t i = 0; i < kGroupSize; ++i) {
    590         data[offset + i] = samples[i];
    591       }
    593       offset += (total_item_count - 1) * kGroupSize;
    594       gen_.Skip(total_item_count - 1);
    595     }
    597     const typename Distribution::ResultType samples = dist_(&gen_);
    598     for (size_t i = 0; i < kGroupSize; ++i) {
    599       if (offset >= size) {
    600         return;
    601       }
    602       data[offset] = samples[i];
    603       ++offset;
    604     }
    605   }
    607  private:
    608   write_accessor data_;
    609   random::PhiloxRandom gen_;
    610   Distribution dist_;
    611 };
    613 template <class Distribution>
    614 struct FillPhiloxRandomKernel<Distribution, true> {
    615   typedef typename Distribution::ResultElementType T;
    616   using write_accessor = sycl::accessor<uint8_t, 1, sycl::access::mode::write,
    617                                         sycl::access::target::global_buffer>;
    619   FillPhiloxRandomKernel(write_accessor& data, random::PhiloxRandom& gen,
    620                          Distribution& dist)
    621       : data_(data), gen_(gen), dist_(dist) {}
    623   void operator()(sycl::nd_item<1> item) {
    624     using random::PhiloxRandom;
    625     using random::SingleSampleAdapter;
    627     const size_t kReservedSamplesPerOutput = 256;
    628     const size_t kGroupSize = Distribution::kResultElementCount;
    629     const size_t kGeneratorSkipPerOutputGroup =
    630         kGroupSize * kReservedSamplesPerOutput /
    631         PhiloxRandom::kResultElementCount;
    633     const size_t item_id = item.get_global(0);
    634     const size_t total_item_count = item.get_global_range();
    635     size_t group_index = item_id;
    636     size_t offset = group_index * kGroupSize;
    638     T* data = ConvertToActualTypeSycl(T, data_);
    639     const size_t size = data_.get_size() / sizeof(T);
    641     while (offset < size) {
    642       // Since each output takes a variable number of samples, we need to
    643       // realign the generator to the beginning for the current output group
    644       PhiloxRandom gen = gen_;
    645       gen.Skip(group_index * kGeneratorSkipPerOutputGroup);
    646       SingleSampleAdapter<PhiloxRandom> single_samples(&gen);
    648       const typename Distribution::ResultType samples = dist_(&single_samples);
    650       for (size_t i = 0; i < kGroupSize; ++i) {
    651         if (offset >= size) {
    652           return;
    653         }
    654         data[offset] = samples[i];
    655         ++offset;
    656       }
    658       offset += (total_item_count - 1) * kGroupSize;
    659       group_index += total_item_count;
    660     }
    661   }
    663  private:
    664   write_accessor data_;
    665   random::PhiloxRandom gen_;
    666   Distribution dist_;
    667 };
    669 template <typename T>
    670 class FillRandomKernel;
    671 // Partial specialization for SYCL to fill the entire region with randoms
    672 // It splits the work into several tasks and run them in parallel
    673 template <class Distribution>
    674 void FillPhiloxRandom<SYCLDevice, Distribution>::operator()(
    675     OpKernelContext* context, const SYCLDevice& device,
    676     random::PhiloxRandom gen, typename Distribution::ResultElementType* data,
    677     int64 size, Distribution dist) {
    678   const size_t group_size = device.maxSyclThreadsPerBlock();
    679   const size_t group_count = (size + group_size - 1) / group_size;
    681   auto buffer = device.get_sycl_buffer(data);
    683   device.sycl_queue().submit([&](sycl::handler& cgh) {
    684     auto access = buffer.template get_access<sycl::access::mode::write>(cgh);
    686     FillPhiloxRandomKernel<Distribution,
    687                            Distribution::kVariableSamplesPerOutput>
    688         task(access, gen, dist);
    689     cgh.parallel_for<class FillRandomKernel<Distribution>>(
    690         sycl::nd_range<1>(sycl::range<1>(group_count * group_size),
    691                           sycl::range<1>(group_size)),
    692         task);
    693   });
    694 }
    696 }  // namespace functor
    698 #define REGISTER(TYPE)                                                         \
    699   template struct functor::FillPhiloxRandom<                                   \
    700       SYCLDevice, random::UniformDistribution<random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>;    \
    701   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    702       Name("RandomUniform")                                                    \
    703           .Device(DEVICE_SYCL)                                                 \
    704           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    705           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    706       PhiloxRandomOp<SYCLDevice, random::UniformDistribution<                  \
    707                                      random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>);            \
    708   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    709       Name("RandomStandardNormal")                                             \
    710           .Device(DEVICE_SYCL)                                                 \
    711           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    712           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    713       PhiloxRandomOp<SYCLDevice,                                               \
    714                      random::NormalDistribution<random::PhiloxRandom, TYPE>>); \
    715   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(                                                     \
    716       Name("TruncatedNormal")                                                  \
    717           .Device(DEVICE_SYCL)                                                 \
    718           .HostMemory("shape")                                                 \
    719           .TypeConstraint<TYPE>("dtype"),                                      \
    720       PhiloxRandomOp<                                                          \
    721           SYCLDevice,                                                          \
    722           random::TruncatedNormalDistribution<                                 \
    723               random::SingleSampleAdapter<random::PhiloxRandom>, TYPE>>);
    725 #define REGISTER_INT(IntType)                                   \
    726   REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(Name("RandomUniformInt")              \
    727                               .Device(DEVICE_SYCL)              \
    728                               .HostMemory("shape")              \
    729                               .HostMemory("minval")             \
    730                               .HostMemory("maxval")             \
    731                               .TypeConstraint<IntType>("Tout"), \
    732                           RandomUniformIntOp<SYCLDevice, IntType>);
    734 TF_CALL_float(REGISTER);
    735 TF_CALL_double(REGISTER);
    736 TF_CALL_int32(REGISTER_INT);
    737 TF_CALL_int64(REGISTER_INT);
    739 #undef REGISTER
    740 #undef REGISTER_INT
    742 #endif  // TENSORFLOW_USE_SYCL
    744 }  // end namespace tensorflow