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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "calibration/over_temp/over_temp_cal.h"
     19 #include <float.h>
     20 #include <inttypes.h>
     21 #include <math.h>
     22 #include <string.h>
     24 #include "calibration/util/cal_log.h"
     25 #include "util/nano_assert.h"
     27 /////// DEFINITIONS AND MACROS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
     29 // Value used to check whether OTC model data is near zero.
     30 #define OTC_MODELDATA_NEAR_ZERO_TOL (1e-7f)
     32 // Defines the default weighting function for the linear model fit routine.
     33 // Weighting = 10.0; for offsets newer than 5 minutes.
     34 static const struct OverTempCalWeight kOtcDefaultWeight0 = {
     35     .offset_age_nanos = MIN_TO_NANOS(5),
     36     .weight = 10.0f,
     37 };
     39 // Weighting = 0.1; for offsets newer than 15 minutes.
     40 static const struct OverTempCalWeight kOtcDefaultWeight1 = {
     41     .offset_age_nanos = MIN_TO_NANOS(15),
     42     .weight = 0.1f,
     43 };
     45 // The default weighting used for all older offsets.
     46 #define OTC_MIN_WEIGHT_VALUE (0.04f)
     49 // A debug version label to help with tracking results.
     50 #define OTC_DEBUG_VERSION_STRING "[Jan 10, 2018]"
     52 // The time interval used to throttle debug messaging (100msec).
     53 #define OTC_WAIT_TIME_NANOS (SEC_TO_NANOS(0.1))
     55 // The time interval used to throttle temperature print messaging (1 second).
     56 #define OTC_PRINT_TEMP_NANOS (SEC_TO_NANOS(1))
     58 // Sensor axis label definition with index correspondence: 0=X, 1=Y, 2=Z.
     59 static const char kDebugAxisLabel[3] = "XYZ";
     60 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
     62 /////// FORWARD DECLARATIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
     64 // Updates the latest received model estimate data.
     65 static void setLatestEstimate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
     66                               const float *offset, float offset_temp_celsius);
     68 /*
     69  * Determines if a new over-temperature model fit should be performed, and then
     70  * updates the model as needed.
     71  *
     72  * INPUTS:
     73  *   over_temp_cal:    Over-temp data structure.
     74  *   timestamp_nanos:  Current timestamp for the model update.
     75  */
     76 static void computeModelUpdate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
     77                                uint64_t timestamp_nanos);
     79 /*
     80  * Searches 'model_data' for the sensor offset estimate closest to the specified
     81  * temperature. Sets the 'nearest_offset' pointer to the result.
     82  */
     83 static void findNearestEstimate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
     84                                 float temperature_celsius);
     86 /*
     87  * Removes the "old" offset estimates from 'model_data' (i.e., eliminates the
     88  * drift-compromised data).
     89  */
     90 static void removeStaleModelData(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
     91                                  uint64_t timestamp_nanos);
     93 /*
     94  * Removes the offset estimates from 'model_data' at index, 'model_index'.
     95  * Returns 'true' if data was removed.
     96  */
     97 static bool removeModelDataByIndex(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
     98                                    size_t model_index);
    100 /*
    101  * Since it may take a while for an empty model to build up enough data to start
    102  * producing new model parameter updates, the model collection can be
    103  * jump-started by using the new model parameters to insert "fake" data in place
    104  * of actual sensor offset data. The new model data 'offset_age_nanos' is set to
    105  * zero.
    106  */
    107 static bool jumpStartModelData(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal);
    109 /*
    110  * Computes a new model fit and provides updated model parameters for the
    111  * over-temperature model data. Uses a simple weighting function determined from
    112  * the age of the model data.
    113  *
    114  * INPUTS:
    115  *   over_temp_cal:    Over-temp data structure.
    116  * OUTPUTS:
    117  *   temp_sensitivity: Updated modeled temperature sensitivity (array).
    118  *   sensor_intercept: Updated model intercept (array).
    119  *
    120  * NOTE: Arrays are all 3-dimensional with indices: 0=x, 1=y, 2=z.
    121  *
    122  * Reference: Press, William H. "15.2 Fitting Data to a Straight Line."
    123  * Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge, 1992.
    124  */
    125 static void updateModel(const struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    126                         float *temp_sensitivity, float *sensor_intercept);
    128 /*
    129  * Computes a new over-temperature compensated offset estimate based on the
    130  * temperature specified by, 'temperature_celsius'.
    131  *
    132  * INPUTS:
    133  *   over_temp_cal:        Over-temp data structure.
    134  *   timestamp_nanos:      The current system timestamp.
    135  *   temperature_celsius:  The sensor temperature to compensate the offset for.
    136  */
    137 static void updateCalOffset(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    138                             uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    139                             float temperature_celsius);
    141 /*
    142  * Sets the new over-temperature compensated offset estimate vector and
    143  * timestamp.
    144  *
    145  * INPUTS:
    146  *   over_temp_cal:        Over-temp data structure.
    147  *   compensated_offset:   The new temperature compensated offset array.
    148  *   timestamp_nanos:      The current system timestamp.
    149  *   temperature_celsius:  The sensor temperature to compensate the offset for.
    150  */
    151 static void setCompensatedOffset(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    152                                  const float *compensated_offset,
    153                                  uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    154                                  float temperature_celsius);
    156 /*
    157  * Checks new offset estimates to determine if they could be an outlier that
    158  * should be rejected. Operates on a per-axis basis determined by 'axis_index'.
    159  *
    160  * INPUTS:
    161  *   over_temp_cal:    Over-temp data structure.
    162  *   offset:           Offset array.
    163  *   axis_index:       Index of the axis to check (0=x, 1=y, 2=z).
    164  *
    165  * Returns 'true' if the deviation of the offset value from the linear model
    166  * exceeds 'outlier_limit'.
    167  */
    168 static bool outlierCheck(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal, const float *offset,
    169                          size_t axis_index, float temperature_celsius);
    171 // Sets the OTC model parameters to an "initialized" state.
    172 static void resetOtcLinearModel(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal);
    174 // Checks that the input temperature value is within the valid range. If outside
    175 // of range, then 'temperature_celsius' is coerced to within the limits.
    176 static bool checkAndEnforceTemperatureRange(float *temperature_celsius);
    178 // Returns "true" if the candidate linear model parameters are within the valid
    179 // range, and not all zeros.
    180 static bool isValidOtcLinearModel(const struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    181                                   float temp_sensitivity,
    182                                   float sensor_intercept);
    184 // Returns "true" if 'offset' and 'offset_temp_celsius' is valid.
    185 static bool isValidOtcOffset(const float *offset, float offset_temp_celsius);
    187 // Returns the least-squares weight based on the age of a particular offset
    188 // estimate.
    189 static float evaluateWeightingFunction(const struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    190                                        uint64_t offset_age_nanos);
    192 // Computes the age increment, adds it to the age of each OTC model data point,
    193 // and resets the age update counter.
    194 static void modelDataSetAgeUpdate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    195                                   uint64_t timestamp_nanos);
    197 // Updates 'compensated_offset' using the linear OTC model.
    198 static void compensateWithLinearModel(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    199                                       uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    200                                       float temperature_celsius);
    202 // Adds a linear extrapolated term to 'compensated_offset' (3-element array)
    203 // based on the linear OTC model and 'delta_temp_celsius' (the difference
    204 // between the current sensor temperature and the offset temperature associated
    205 // with 'compensated_offset').
    206 static void addLinearTemperatureExtrapolation(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    207                                               float *compensated_offset,
    208                                               float delta_temp_celsius);
    210 // Provides an over-temperature compensated offset based on the 'estimate'.
    211 static void compensateWithEstimate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    212                                    uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    213                                    struct OverTempModelThreeAxis *estimate,
    214                                    float temperature_celsius);
    216 // Evaluates the nearest-temperature compensation (with linear extrapolation
    217 // term due to temperature), and compares it with the compensation due to
    218 // just the linear model when 'compare_with_linear_model' is true, otherwise
    219 // the comparison will be made with an extrapolated version of the current
    220 // compensation value. The comparison tests whether the nearest-temperature
    221 // estimate deviates from the linear-model (or current-compensated) value by
    222 // more than 'jump_tolerance'. If a "jump" is detected, then it keeps the
    223 // linear-model (or current-compensated) value.
    224 static void compareAndCompensateWithNearest(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    225                                             uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    226                                             float temperature_celsius,
    227                                             bool compare_to_linear_model);
    229 // Refreshes the OTC model to ensure that the most relevant model weighting is
    230 // being used.
    231 static void refreshOtcModel(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    232                             uint64_t timestamp_nanos);
    235 // This helper function stores all of the debug tracking information necessary
    236 // for printing log messages.
    237 static void updateDebugData(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal);
    239 // Helper function that creates tag strings useful for identifying specific
    240 // debug output data (embedded system friendly; not all systems have 'sprintf').
    241 // 'new_debug_tag' is any null-terminated string. Respect the total allowed
    242 // length of the 'otc_debug_tag' string.
    243 //   Constructs: "[" + <otc_debug_tag> + <new_debug_tag>
    244 //   Example,
    245 //     otc_debug_tag = "OVER_TEMP_CAL"
    246 //     new_debug_tag = "INIT]"
    247 //   Output: "[OVER_TEMP_CAL:INIT]"
    248 static void createDebugTag(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    249                            const char *new_debug_tag);
    250 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    252 /////// FUNCTION DEFINITIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////
    254 void overTempCalInit(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    255                      const struct OverTempCalParameters *parameters) {
    256   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    258   // Clears OverTempCal memory.
    259   memset(over_temp_cal, 0, sizeof(struct OverTempCal));
    261   // Initializes the pointers to important sensor offset estimates.
    262   over_temp_cal->nearest_offset = &over_temp_cal->model_data[0];
    263   over_temp_cal->latest_offset = NULL;
    265   // Initializes the OTC linear model parameters.
    266   resetOtcLinearModel(over_temp_cal);
    268   // Initializes the model identification parameters.
    269   over_temp_cal->new_overtemp_model_available = false;
    270   over_temp_cal->new_overtemp_offset_available = false;
    271   over_temp_cal->min_num_model_pts = parameters->min_num_model_pts;
    272   over_temp_cal->min_temp_update_period_nanos =
    273       parameters->min_temp_update_period_nanos;
    274   over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin = parameters->delta_temp_per_bin;
    275   over_temp_cal->jump_tolerance = parameters->jump_tolerance;
    276   over_temp_cal->outlier_limit = parameters->outlier_limit;
    277   over_temp_cal->age_limit_nanos = parameters->age_limit_nanos;
    278   over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity_limit = parameters->temp_sensitivity_limit;
    279   over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept_limit = parameters->sensor_intercept_limit;
    280   over_temp_cal->significant_offset_change =
    281       parameters->significant_offset_change;
    282   over_temp_cal->over_temp_enable = parameters->over_temp_enable;
    284   // Initializes the over-temperature compensated offset temperature.
    285   over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius =
    289   // Sets the default sensor descriptors for debugging.
    290   overTempCalDebugDescriptors(over_temp_cal, "OVER_TEMP_CAL", "mDPS",
    291                               RAD_TO_MDEG);
    293   createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":INIT]");
    294   if (over_temp_cal->over_temp_enable) {
    295     CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
    296                   "Over-temperature compensation ENABLED.");
    297   } else {
    298     CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
    299                   "Over-temperature compensation DISABLED.");
    300   }
    301 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    303   // Defines the default weighting function for the linear model fit routine.
    304   overTempValidateAndSetWeight(over_temp_cal, 0, &kOtcDefaultWeight0);
    305   overTempValidateAndSetWeight(over_temp_cal, 1, &kOtcDefaultWeight1);
    306 }
    308 void overTempCalSetModel(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal, const float *offset,
    309                          float offset_temp_celsius, uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    310                          const float *temp_sensitivity,
    311                          const float *sensor_intercept, bool jump_start_model) {
    312   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    313   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(offset);
    314   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(temp_sensitivity);
    315   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(sensor_intercept);
    317   // Initializes the OTC linear model parameters.
    318   resetOtcLinearModel(over_temp_cal);
    320   // Sets the model parameters if they are within the acceptable limits.
    321   // Includes a check to reject input model parameters that may have been passed
    322   // in as all zeros.
    323   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    324     if (isValidOtcLinearModel(over_temp_cal, temp_sensitivity[i],
    325                               sensor_intercept[i])) {
    326       over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[i] = temp_sensitivity[i];
    327       over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[i] = sensor_intercept[i];
    328     }
    329   }
    331   // Model "Jump-Start".
    332   const bool model_jump_started =
    333       jump_start_model ? jumpStartModelData(over_temp_cal) : false;
    335   if (!model_jump_started) {
    336     // Checks that the new offset data is valid.
    337     if (isValidOtcOffset(offset, offset_temp_celsius)) {
    338       // Sets the initial over-temp calibration estimate.
    339       memcpy(over_temp_cal->model_data[0].offset, offset,
    340              sizeof(over_temp_cal->model_data[0].offset));
    341       over_temp_cal->model_data[0].offset_temp_celsius = offset_temp_celsius;
    342       over_temp_cal->model_data[0].offset_age_nanos = 0;
    343       over_temp_cal->num_model_pts = 1;
    344     } else {
    345       // No valid offset data to load.
    346       over_temp_cal->num_model_pts = 0;
    348       createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":RECALL]");
    349       CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
    350                     "No valid sensor offset vector to load.");
    351 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    352     }
    353   }
    355   // If the new offset is valid, then it will be used as the current compensated
    356   // offset, otherwise the current value will be kept.
    357   if (isValidOtcOffset(offset, offset_temp_celsius)) {
    358     memcpy(over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset, offset,
    359            sizeof(over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset));
    360     over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius = offset_temp_celsius;
    361     over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_age_nanos = 0;
    362   }
    364   // Resets the latest offset pointer. There are no new offset estimates to
    365   // track yet.
    366   over_temp_cal->latest_offset = NULL;
    368   // Sets the model and offset update times to the current timestamp.
    369   over_temp_cal->last_offset_update_nanos = timestamp_nanos;
    370   over_temp_cal->last_model_update_nanos = timestamp_nanos;
    373   // Prints the recalled model data.
    374   createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":SET MODEL]");
    375   CAL_DEBUG_LOG(
    376       over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
    377       "Offset|Temp [%s|C]: " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET
    378       " | " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS,
    379       over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
    380       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(offset[0] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion, 3),
    381       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(offset[1] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion, 3),
    382       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(offset[2] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion, 3),
    383       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(offset_temp_celsius, 3));
    385   CAL_DEBUG_LOG(
    386       over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
    387       "Sensitivity|Intercept [%s/C|%s]: " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET
    388       " | " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET,
    389       over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag, over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
    390       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(temp_sensitivity[0] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
    391                        3),
    392       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(temp_sensitivity[1] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
    393                        3),
    394       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(temp_sensitivity[2] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
    395                        3),
    396       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(sensor_intercept[0] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
    397                        3),
    398       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(sensor_intercept[1] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
    399                        3),
    400       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(sensor_intercept[2] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
    401                        3));
    403   // Resets the debug print machine to ensure that updateDebugData() can
    404   // produce a debug report and interupt any ongoing report.
    405   over_temp_cal->debug_state = OTC_IDLE;
    407   // Triggers a debug print out to view the new model parameters.
    408   updateDebugData(over_temp_cal);
    409 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    410 }
    412 void overTempCalGetModel(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal, float *offset,
    413                          float *offset_temp_celsius, uint64_t *timestamp_nanos,
    414                          float *temp_sensitivity, float *sensor_intercept) {
    415   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    416   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(offset);
    417   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(offset_temp_celsius);
    418   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(timestamp_nanos);
    419   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(temp_sensitivity);
    420   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(sensor_intercept);
    422   // Gets the latest over-temp calibration model data.
    423   memcpy(temp_sensitivity, over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity,
    424          sizeof(over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity));
    425   memcpy(sensor_intercept, over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept,
    426          sizeof(over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept));
    427   *timestamp_nanos = over_temp_cal->last_model_update_nanos;
    429   // Gets the latest temperature compensated offset estimate.
    430   overTempCalGetOffset(over_temp_cal, offset_temp_celsius, offset);
    431 }
    433 void overTempCalSetModelData(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    434                              size_t data_length, uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    435                              const struct OverTempModelThreeAxis *model_data) {
    436   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    437   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(model_data);
    439   // Load only "good" data from the input 'model_data'.
    440   over_temp_cal->num_model_pts = NANO_MIN(data_length, OTC_MODEL_SIZE);
    441   size_t valid_data_count = 0;
    442   for (size_t i = 0; i < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts; i++) {
    443     if (isValidOtcOffset(model_data[i].offset,
    444                          model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius)) {
    445       memcpy(&over_temp_cal->model_data[i], &model_data[i],
    446              sizeof(struct OverTempModelThreeAxis));
    447       valid_data_count++;
    448     }
    449   }
    450   over_temp_cal->num_model_pts = valid_data_count;
    452   // Initializes the OTC linear model parameters.
    453   resetOtcLinearModel(over_temp_cal);
    455   // Computes and replaces the model fit parameters.
    456   computeModelUpdate(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
    458   // Resets the latest offset pointer. There are no new offset estimates to
    459   // track yet.
    460   over_temp_cal->latest_offset = NULL;
    462   // Searches for the sensor offset estimate closest to the current temperature.
    463   findNearestEstimate(over_temp_cal,
    464                       over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius);
    466   // Updates the current over-temperature compensated offset estimate.
    467   updateCalOffset(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos,
    468                   over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius);
    471   // Prints the updated model data.
    472   createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":SET MODEL DATA SET]");
    473   CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
    474                 "Over-temperature full model data set recalled.");
    476   // Resets the debug print machine to ensure that a new debug report will
    477   // interupt any ongoing report.
    478   over_temp_cal->debug_state = OTC_IDLE;
    480   // Triggers a log printout to show the updated sensor offset estimate.
    481   updateDebugData(over_temp_cal);
    482 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    483 }
    485 void overTempCalGetModelData(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    486                              size_t *data_length,
    487                              struct OverTempModelThreeAxis *model_data) {
    488   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    489   *data_length = over_temp_cal->num_model_pts;
    490   memcpy(model_data, over_temp_cal->model_data,
    491          over_temp_cal->num_model_pts * sizeof(struct OverTempModelThreeAxis));
    492 }
    494 void overTempCalGetOffset(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    495                           float *compensated_offset_temperature_celsius,
    496                           float *compensated_offset) {
    497   memcpy(compensated_offset, over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset,
    498          sizeof(over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset));
    499   *compensated_offset_temperature_celsius =
    500       over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius;
    501 }
    503 void overTempCalRemoveOffset(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    504                              uint64_t timestamp_nanos, float xi, float yi,
    505                              float zi, float *xo, float *yo, float *zo) {
    506   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    507   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(xo);
    508   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(yo);
    509   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(zo);
    511   // Determines whether over-temp compensation will be applied.
    512   if (over_temp_cal->over_temp_enable) {
    513     // Removes the over-temperature compensated offset from the input sensor
    514     // data.
    515     *xo = xi - over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset[0];
    516     *yo = yi - over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset[1];
    517     *zo = zi - over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset[2];
    518   } else {
    519     *xo = xi;
    520     *yo = yi;
    521     *zo = zi;
    522   }
    523 }
    525 bool overTempCalNewModelUpdateAvailable(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal) {
    526   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    527   const bool update_available = over_temp_cal->new_overtemp_model_available &&
    528                                 over_temp_cal->over_temp_enable;
    530   // The 'new_overtemp_model_available' flag is reset when it is read here.
    531   over_temp_cal->new_overtemp_model_available = false;
    533   return update_available;
    534 }
    536 bool overTempCalNewOffsetAvailable(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal) {
    537   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    538   const bool update_available = over_temp_cal->new_overtemp_offset_available &&
    539                                 over_temp_cal->over_temp_enable;
    541   // The 'new_overtemp_offset_available' flag is reset when it is read here.
    542   over_temp_cal->new_overtemp_offset_available = false;
    544   return update_available;
    545 }
    547 void overTempCalUpdateSensorEstimate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    548                                      uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    549                                      const float *offset,
    550                                      float temperature_celsius) {
    551   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    552   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(offset);
    553   ASSERT(over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin > 0);
    555   // Updates the age of each OTC model data point.
    556   modelDataSetAgeUpdate(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
    558   // Checks that the new offset data is valid, returns if bad.
    559   if (!isValidOtcOffset(offset, temperature_celsius)) {
    560     return;
    561   }
    563   // Prevent a divide by zero below.
    564   if (over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin <= 0) {
    565     return;
    566   }
    568   // Ensures that the most relevant model weighting is being used.
    569   refreshOtcModel(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
    571   // Checks whether this offset estimate is a likely outlier. A limit is placed
    572   // on 'num_outliers', the previous number of successive rejects, to prevent
    573   // too many back-to-back rejections.
    574   if (over_temp_cal->num_outliers < OTC_MAX_OUTLIER_COUNT) {
    575     if (outlierCheck(over_temp_cal, offset, 0, temperature_celsius) ||
    576         outlierCheck(over_temp_cal, offset, 1, temperature_celsius) ||
    577         outlierCheck(over_temp_cal, offset, 2, temperature_celsius)) {
    578       // Increments the count of rejected outliers.
    579       over_temp_cal->num_outliers++;
    582       createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":OUTLIER]");
    583       CAL_DEBUG_LOG(
    584           over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
    585           "Offset|Temperature|Time [%s|C|nsec]: " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET
    586           ", " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS ", %" PRIu64,
    587           over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
    588           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(offset[0] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion, 3),
    589           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(offset[1] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion, 3),
    590           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(offset[2] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion, 3),
    591           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(temperature_celsius, 3), timestamp_nanos);
    592 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    594       return;  // Outlier detected: skips adding this offset to the model.
    595     } else {
    596       // Resets the count of rejected outliers.
    597       over_temp_cal->num_outliers = 0;
    598     }
    599   } else {
    600     // Resets the count of rejected outliers.
    601     over_temp_cal->num_outliers = 0;
    602   }
    604   // Computes the temperature bin range data.
    605   const int32_t bin_num =
    606       CAL_FLOOR(temperature_celsius / over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin);
    607   const float temp_lo_check = bin_num * over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin;
    608   const float temp_hi_check = (bin_num + 1) * over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin;
    610   // The rules for accepting new offset estimates into the 'model_data'
    611   // collection:
    612   //    1) The temperature domain is divided into bins each spanning
    613   //       'delta_temp_per_bin'.
    614   //    2) Find and replace the i'th 'model_data' estimate data if:
    615   //          Let, bin_num = floor(temperature_celsius / delta_temp_per_bin)
    616   //          temp_lo_check = bin_num * delta_temp_per_bin
    617   //          temp_hi_check = (bin_num + 1) * delta_temp_per_bin
    618   //          Check condition:
    619   //          temp_lo_check <= model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius < temp_hi_check
    620   bool replaced_one = false;
    621   for (size_t i = 0; i < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts; i++) {
    622     if (over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius < temp_hi_check &&
    623         over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius >= temp_lo_check) {
    624       // NOTE - The pointer to the new model data point is set here; the offset
    625       // data is set below in the call to 'setLatestEstimate'.
    626       over_temp_cal->latest_offset = &over_temp_cal->model_data[i];
    627       replaced_one = true;
    628       break;
    629     }
    630   }
    632   // NOTE - The pointer to the new model data point is set here; the offset
    633   // data is set below in the call to 'setLatestEstimate'.
    634   if (!replaced_one) {
    635     if (over_temp_cal->num_model_pts < OTC_MODEL_SIZE) {
    636       // 3) If nothing was replaced, and the 'model_data' buffer is not full
    637       //    then add the estimate data to the array.
    638       over_temp_cal->latest_offset =
    639           &over_temp_cal->model_data[over_temp_cal->num_model_pts];
    640       over_temp_cal->num_model_pts++;
    641     } else {
    642       // 4) Otherwise (nothing was replaced and buffer is full), replace the
    643       //    oldest data with the incoming one.
    644       over_temp_cal->latest_offset = &over_temp_cal->model_data[0];
    645       for (size_t i = 1; i < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts; i++) {
    646         if (over_temp_cal->latest_offset->offset_age_nanos <
    647             over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_age_nanos) {
    648           over_temp_cal->latest_offset = &over_temp_cal->model_data[i];
    649         }
    650       }
    651     }
    652   }
    654   // Updates the latest model estimate data.
    655   setLatestEstimate(over_temp_cal, offset, temperature_celsius);
    657   // The latest offset estimate is the nearest temperature offset.
    658   over_temp_cal->nearest_offset = over_temp_cal->latest_offset;
    660   // The rules for determining whether a new model fit is computed are:
    661   //    1) A minimum number of data points must have been collected:
    662   //          num_model_pts >= min_num_model_pts
    663   //       NOTE: Collecting 'num_model_pts' and given that only one point is
    664   //       kept per temperature bin (spanning a thermal range specified by
    665   //       'delta_temp_per_bin') implies that model data covers at least,
    666   //          model_temperature_span >= 'num_model_pts' * delta_temp_per_bin
    667   //    2) ...shown in 'computeModelUpdate'.
    668   if (over_temp_cal->num_model_pts >= over_temp_cal->min_num_model_pts) {
    669     computeModelUpdate(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
    670   }
    672   // Updates the current over-temperature compensated offset estimate.
    673   updateCalOffset(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos, temperature_celsius);
    676   // Updates the total number of received sensor offset estimates.
    677   over_temp_cal->debug_num_estimates++;
    679   // Triggers a log printout to show the updated sensor offset estimate.
    680   updateDebugData(over_temp_cal);
    681 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    682 }
    684 void overTempCalSetTemperature(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    685                                uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    686                                float temperature_celsius) {
    687   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    691   // Prints the sensor temperature trajectory for debugging purposes. This
    692   // throttles the print statements (1Hz).
    694           timestamp_nanos, over_temp_cal->temperature_print_timer,
    695           OTC_PRINT_TEMP_NANOS)) {
    696     over_temp_cal->temperature_print_timer =
    697         timestamp_nanos;  // Starts the wait timer.
    699     // Prints out temperature and the current timestamp.
    700     createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":TEMP]");
    701     CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
    702                   "Temperature|Time [C|nsec] = " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS
    703                   ", %" PRIu64,
    704                   CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(temperature_celsius, 3), timestamp_nanos);
    705   }
    706 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_LOG_TEMP
    707 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    709   // Updates the age of each OTC model data point.
    711           timestamp_nanos, over_temp_cal->last_age_update_nanos,
    712           OTC_MODEL_AGE_UPDATE_NANOS)) {
    713     modelDataSetAgeUpdate(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
    714   }
    716   // This check throttles new OTC offset compensation updates so that high data
    717   // rate temperature samples do not cause excessive computational burden. Note,
    718   // temperature sensor updates are expected to potentially increase the data
    719   // processing load, however, computational load from new offset estimates is
    720   // not a concern as they are a typically provided at a very low rate (< 1 Hz).
    722           timestamp_nanos, over_temp_cal->last_offset_update_nanos,
    723           over_temp_cal->min_temp_update_period_nanos)) {
    724     return;  // Time interval too short, skip further data processing.
    725   }
    727   // Checks that the offset temperature is within a valid range, saturates if
    728   // outside.
    729   checkAndEnforceTemperatureRange(&temperature_celsius);
    731   // Searches for the sensor offset estimate closest to the current temperature
    732   // when the temperature has changed by more than +/-10% of the
    733   // 'delta_temp_per_bin'.
    734   if (over_temp_cal->num_model_pts > 0) {
    735     if (NANO_ABS(over_temp_cal->last_temp_check_celsius - temperature_celsius) >
    736         0.1f * over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin) {
    737       findNearestEstimate(over_temp_cal, temperature_celsius);
    738       over_temp_cal->last_temp_check_celsius = temperature_celsius;
    739     }
    740   }
    742   // Updates the current over-temperature compensated offset estimate.
    743   updateCalOffset(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos, temperature_celsius);
    745   // Sets the OTC offset compensation time check.
    746   over_temp_cal->last_offset_update_nanos = timestamp_nanos;
    747 }
    749 void overTempGetModelError(const struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    750                            const float *temp_sensitivity,
    751                            const float *sensor_intercept, float *max_error) {
    752   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    753   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(temp_sensitivity);
    754   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(sensor_intercept);
    755   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(max_error);
    757   float max_error_test;
    758   memset(max_error, 0, 3 * sizeof(float));
    760   for (size_t i = 0; i < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts; i++) {
    761     for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
    762       max_error_test =
    763           NANO_ABS(over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset[j] -
    764                    (temp_sensitivity[j] *
    765                         over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius +
    766                     sensor_intercept[j]));
    767       if (max_error_test > max_error[j]) {
    768         max_error[j] = max_error_test;
    769       }
    770     }
    771   }
    772 }
    774 bool overTempValidateAndSetWeight(
    775     struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal, size_t index,
    776     const struct OverTempCalWeight *new_otc_weight) {
    777   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    778   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(new_otc_weight);
    780   // The input weighting coefficient must be positive.
    781   if (new_otc_weight->weight <= 0.0f) {
    783     createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":WEIGHT_FUNCTION]");
    784     CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag, "Invalid weight: Must > 0.");
    785 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    786     return false;
    787   }
    789   // Ensures that the 'index-1' weight's age is younger.
    790   if (index == 0 ||
    791       over_temp_cal->weighting_function[index - 1].offset_age_nanos <
    792           new_otc_weight->offset_age_nanos) {
    793     over_temp_cal->weighting_function[index] = *new_otc_weight;
    794     return true;
    795   }
    798   createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":WEIGHT_FUNCTION]");
    799   CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag, "Non monotonic weight age.");
    800 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
    801   return false;
    802 }
    804 /////// LOCAL HELPER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /////////////////////////////////////
    806 void compensateWithLinearModel(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    807                                uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    808                                float temperature_celsius) {
    809   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    811   // Defaults to using the current compensated offset value.
    812   float compensated_offset[3];
    813   memcpy(compensated_offset, over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset,
    814          sizeof(over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset));
    816   for (size_t index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
    817     if (over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[index] < OTC_INITIAL_SENSITIVITY) {
    818       // If a valid axis model is defined then the default compensation will
    819       // use the linear model:
    820       //   compensated_offset = (temp_sensitivity * temperature +
    821       //   sensor_intercept)
    822       compensated_offset[index] =
    823           over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[index] * temperature_celsius +
    824           over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[index];
    825     }
    826   }
    828   // Sets the offset compensation vector, temperature, and timestamp.
    829   setCompensatedOffset(over_temp_cal, compensated_offset, timestamp_nanos,
    830                        temperature_celsius);
    831 }
    833 void addLinearTemperatureExtrapolation(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    834                                        float *compensated_offset,
    835                                        float delta_temp_celsius) {
    836   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    837   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(compensated_offset);
    839   // Adds a delta term to the 'compensated_offset' using the temperature
    840   // difference defined by 'delta_temp_celsius'.
    841   for (size_t index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
    842     if (over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[index] < OTC_INITIAL_SENSITIVITY) {
    843       // If a valid axis model is defined, then use the linear model to assist
    844       // with computing an extrapolated compensation term.
    845       compensated_offset[index] +=
    846           over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[index] * delta_temp_celsius;
    847     }
    848   }
    849 }
    851 void compensateWithEstimate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    852                             uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    853                             struct OverTempModelThreeAxis *estimate,
    854                             float temperature_celsius) {
    855   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    856   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(estimate);
    858   // Uses the most recent offset estimate for offset compensation.
    859   float compensated_offset[3];
    860   memcpy(compensated_offset, estimate->offset, sizeof(compensated_offset));
    862   // Checks that the offset temperature is valid.
    863   if (estimate->offset_temp_celsius > INVALID_TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS) {
    864     const float delta_temp_celsius =
    865         temperature_celsius - estimate->offset_temp_celsius;
    867     // Adds a delta term to the compensated offset using the temperature
    868     // difference defined by 'delta_temp_celsius'.
    869     addLinearTemperatureExtrapolation(over_temp_cal, compensated_offset,
    870                                       delta_temp_celsius);
    871   }
    873   // Sets the offset compensation vector, temperature, and timestamp.
    874   setCompensatedOffset(over_temp_cal, compensated_offset, timestamp_nanos,
    875                        temperature_celsius);
    876 }
    878 void compareAndCompensateWithNearest(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    879                                      uint64_t timestamp_nanos,
    880                                      float temperature_celsius,
    881                                      bool compare_to_linear_model) {
    882   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    883   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal->nearest_offset);
    885   // The default compensated offset is the nearest-temperature offset vector.
    886   float compensated_offset[3];
    887   memcpy(compensated_offset, over_temp_cal->nearest_offset->offset,
    888          sizeof(compensated_offset));
    889   const float compensated_offset_temperature_celsius =
    890       over_temp_cal->nearest_offset->offset_temp_celsius;
    892   for (size_t index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
    893     if (over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[index] < OTC_INITIAL_SENSITIVITY) {
    894       // If a valid axis model is defined, then use the linear model to assist
    895       // with computing an extrapolated compensation term.
    896       float delta_temp_celsius =
    897           temperature_celsius - compensated_offset_temperature_celsius;
    898       compensated_offset[index] +=
    899           over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[index] * delta_temp_celsius;
    901       // Computes the test offset (based on the linear model or current offset).
    902       float test_offset;
    903       if (compare_to_linear_model) {
    904         test_offset =
    905             over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[index] * temperature_celsius +
    906             over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[index];
    907       } else {
    908         // Adds a delta term to the compensated offset using the temperature
    909         // difference defined by 'delta_temp_celsius'.
    910         if (over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius <=
    911             INVALID_TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS) {
    912           // If temperature is invalid, then skip further processing.
    913           break;
    914         }
    915         delta_temp_celsius =
    916             temperature_celsius -
    917             over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius;
    918         test_offset =
    919             over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset[index] +
    920             over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[index] * delta_temp_celsius;
    921       }
    923       // Checks for "jumps" in the candidate compensated offset. If detected,
    924       // then 'test_offset' is used for the offset update.
    925       if (NANO_ABS(test_offset - compensated_offset[index]) >=
    926           over_temp_cal->jump_tolerance) {
    927         compensated_offset[index] = test_offset;
    928       }
    929     }
    930   }
    932   // Sets the offset compensation vector, temperature, and timestamp.
    933   setCompensatedOffset(over_temp_cal, compensated_offset, timestamp_nanos,
    934                        temperature_celsius);
    935 }
    937 void updateCalOffset(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
    938                      uint64_t timestamp_nanos, float temperature_celsius) {
    939   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
    941   // If 'temperature_celsius' is invalid, then no changes to the compensated
    942   // offset are computed.
    943   if (temperature_celsius <= INVALID_TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS) {
    944     return;
    945   }
    947   // Removes very old data from the collected model estimates (i.e.,
    948   // eliminates drift-compromised data). Only does this when there is more
    949   // than one estimate in the model (i.e., don't want to remove all data, even
    950   // if it is very old [something is likely better than nothing]).
    951   if ((timestamp_nanos >=
    952        OTC_STALE_CHECK_TIME_NANOS + over_temp_cal->stale_data_timer_nanos) &&
    953       over_temp_cal->num_model_pts > 1) {
    954     over_temp_cal->stale_data_timer_nanos = timestamp_nanos;  // Resets timer.
    955     removeStaleModelData(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
    956   }
    958   // Ensures that the most relevant model weighting is being used.
    959   refreshOtcModel(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
    961   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    962   // The following boolean expressions help determine how OTC offset updates
    963   // are computed below.
    965   // The nearest-temperature offset estimate is valid if the model data set is
    966   // not empty.
    967   const bool model_points_available = (over_temp_cal->num_model_pts > 0);
    969   // To properly evaluate the logic paths that use the latest and nearest offset
    970   // data below, the current age of the nearest and latest offset estimates are
    971   // computed.
    972   uint64_t latest_offset_age_nanos = 0;
    973   if (over_temp_cal->latest_offset != NULL) {
    974     latest_offset_age_nanos =
    975         (over_temp_cal->last_age_update_nanos < timestamp_nanos)
    976             ? over_temp_cal->latest_offset->offset_age_nanos +
    977                   timestamp_nanos - over_temp_cal->last_age_update_nanos
    978             : over_temp_cal->latest_offset->offset_age_nanos;
    979   }
    981   uint64_t nearest_offset_age_nanos = 0;
    982   if (over_temp_cal->nearest_offset != NULL) {
    983     nearest_offset_age_nanos =
    984         (over_temp_cal->last_age_update_nanos < timestamp_nanos)
    985             ? over_temp_cal->nearest_offset->offset_age_nanos +
    986                   timestamp_nanos - over_temp_cal->last_age_update_nanos
    987             : over_temp_cal->nearest_offset->offset_age_nanos;
    988   }
    990   // True when the latest offset estimate will be used to compute a sensor
    991   // offset calibration estimate.
    992   const bool use_latest_offset_compensation =
    993       over_temp_cal->latest_offset != NULL && model_points_available &&
    994       latest_offset_age_nanos <= OTC_USE_RECENT_OFFSET_TIME_NANOS;
    996   // True when the conditions are met to use the nearest-temperature offset to
    997   // compute a sensor offset calibration estimate.
    998   //  The nearest-temperature offset:
    999   //    i.  Must be defined.
   1000   //    ii. Offset temperature must be within a small neighborhood of the
   1001   //        current measured temperature (+/- 'delta_temp_per_bin').
   1002   const bool can_compensate_with_nearest =
   1003       model_points_available && over_temp_cal->nearest_offset != NULL &&
   1004       NANO_ABS(temperature_celsius -
   1005                over_temp_cal->nearest_offset->offset_temp_celsius) <
   1006           over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin;
   1008   // True if the last received sensor offset estimate is old or non-existent.
   1009   const bool latest_model_point_not_relevant =
   1010       (over_temp_cal->latest_offset == NULL) ||
   1011       (over_temp_cal->latest_offset != NULL &&
   1012        latest_offset_age_nanos >= OTC_OFFSET_IS_STALE_NANOS);
   1014   // True if the nearest-temperature offset estimate is old or non-existent.
   1015   const bool nearest_model_point_not_relevant =
   1016       (over_temp_cal->nearest_offset == NULL) ||
   1017       (over_temp_cal->nearest_offset != NULL &&
   1018        nearest_offset_age_nanos >= OTC_OFFSET_IS_STALE_NANOS);
   1020   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1021   // The following conditional expressions govern new OTC offset updates.
   1023   if (!model_points_available) {
   1024     // Computes the compensation using just the linear model if available,
   1025     // otherwise the current compensated offset vector will be kept.
   1026     compensateWithLinearModel(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos,
   1027                               temperature_celsius);
   1028     return;  // no further calculations, exit early.
   1029   }
   1031   if (use_latest_offset_compensation) {
   1032     // Computes the compensation using the latest received offset estimate plus
   1033     // a term based on linear extrapolation from the offset temperature to the
   1034     // current measured temperature (if a linear model is defined).
   1035     compensateWithEstimate(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos,
   1036                            over_temp_cal->latest_offset, temperature_celsius);
   1037     return;  // no further calculations, exit early.
   1038   }
   1040   if (can_compensate_with_nearest) {
   1041     // Evaluates the nearest-temperature compensation (with a linear
   1042     // extrapolation term), and compares it with the compensation due to just
   1043     // the linear model, when 'compare_with_linear_model' is true. Otherwise,
   1044     // the comparison will be made with an extrapolated version of the current
   1045     // compensation value. The comparison determines whether the
   1046     // nearest-temperature estimate deviates from the linear-model (or
   1047     // current-compensated) value by more than 'jump_tolerance'. If a "jump" is
   1048     // detected, then it keeps the linear-model (or current-compensated) value.
   1049     const bool compare_with_linear_model = nearest_model_point_not_relevant;
   1050     compareAndCompensateWithNearest(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos,
   1051                                     temperature_celsius,
   1052                                     compare_with_linear_model);
   1053   } else {
   1054     if (latest_model_point_not_relevant) {
   1055       // If the nearest-temperature offset can't be used for compensation and
   1056       // the latest offset is stale (in this case, the overall model trend may
   1057       // be more useful for compensation than extending the most recent vector),
   1058       // then this resorts to using only the linear model (if defined).
   1059       compensateWithLinearModel(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos,
   1060                                 temperature_celsius);
   1061     } else {
   1062       // If the nearest-temperature offset can't be used for compensation and
   1063       // the latest offset is fairly recent, then the compensated offset is
   1064       // based on the linear extrapolation of the current compensation vector.
   1065       compensateWithEstimate(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos,
   1066                              &over_temp_cal->compensated_offset,
   1067                              temperature_celsius);
   1068     }
   1069   }
   1070 }
   1072 void setCompensatedOffset(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1073                           const float *compensated_offset,
   1074                           uint64_t timestamp_nanos, float temperature_celsius) {
   1075   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1076   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(compensated_offset);
   1078   // If the 'compensated_offset' value has changed significantly, then set
   1079   // 'new_overtemp_offset_available' true.
   1080   bool new_overtemp_offset_available = false;
   1081   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
   1082     if (NANO_ABS(over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset[i] -
   1083                  compensated_offset[i]) >=
   1084         over_temp_cal->significant_offset_change) {
   1085       new_overtemp_offset_available |= true;
   1086       break;
   1087     }
   1088   }
   1089   over_temp_cal->new_overtemp_offset_available |= new_overtemp_offset_available;
   1091   // If the offset has changed significantly, then the offset compensation
   1092   // vector is updated.
   1093   if (new_overtemp_offset_available) {
   1094     memcpy(over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset, compensated_offset,
   1095            sizeof(over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset));
   1096     over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius = temperature_celsius;
   1097   }
   1098 }
   1100 void setLatestEstimate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal, const float *offset,
   1101                        float offset_temp_celsius) {
   1102   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1103   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(offset);
   1105   if (over_temp_cal->latest_offset != NULL) {
   1106     // Sets the latest over-temp calibration estimate.
   1107     memcpy(over_temp_cal->latest_offset->offset, offset,
   1108            sizeof(over_temp_cal->latest_offset->offset));
   1109     over_temp_cal->latest_offset->offset_temp_celsius = offset_temp_celsius;
   1110     over_temp_cal->latest_offset->offset_age_nanos = 0;
   1111   }
   1112 }
   1114 void refreshOtcModel(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1115                      uint64_t timestamp_nanos) {
   1116   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1118           timestamp_nanos, over_temp_cal->last_model_update_nanos,
   1119           OTC_REFRESH_MODEL_NANOS)) {
   1120     // Checks the time since the last computed model and recalculates the model
   1121     // if necessary. This ensures that waking up after a long period of time
   1122     // allows the properly weighted OTC model to be used. As the estimates age,
   1123     // the weighting will become more uniform and the model will fit the whole
   1124     // set uniformly as a better approximation to the expected temperature
   1125     // sensitivity; Younger estimates will fit tighter to emphasize a more
   1126     // localized fit of the temp sensitivity function.
   1127     computeModelUpdate(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
   1128     over_temp_cal->last_model_update_nanos = timestamp_nanos;
   1129   }
   1130 }
   1132 void computeModelUpdate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1133                         uint64_t timestamp_nanos) {
   1134   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1136   // Ensures that the minimum number of points required for a model fit has been
   1137   // satisfied.
   1138   if (over_temp_cal->num_model_pts < over_temp_cal->min_num_model_pts) return;
   1140   // Updates the linear model fit.
   1141   float temp_sensitivity[3];
   1142   float sensor_intercept[3];
   1143   updateModel(over_temp_cal, temp_sensitivity, sensor_intercept);
   1145   //    2) A new set of model parameters are accepted if:
   1146   //         i. The model fit parameters must be within certain absolute bounds:
   1147   //              a. |temp_sensitivity| < temp_sensitivity_limit
   1148   //              b. |sensor_intercept| < sensor_intercept_limit
   1149   // NOTE: Model parameter updates are not qualified against model fit error
   1150   // here to protect against the case where there is large change in the
   1151   // temperature characteristic either during runtime (e.g., temperature
   1152   // conditioning due to hysteresis) or as a result of loading a poor model data
   1153   // set. Otherwise, a lockout condition could occur where the entire model
   1154   // data set would need to be replaced in order to bring the model fit error
   1155   // below the error limit and allow a successful model update.
   1156   bool updated_one = false;
   1157   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
   1158     if (isValidOtcLinearModel(over_temp_cal, temp_sensitivity[i],
   1159                               sensor_intercept[i])) {
   1160       over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[i] = temp_sensitivity[i];
   1161       over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[i] = sensor_intercept[i];
   1162       updated_one = true;
   1163     } else {
   1165       createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":REJECT]");
   1166       CAL_DEBUG_LOG(
   1167           over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
   1168           "%c-Axis Parameters|Time [%s/C|%s|nsec]: " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS
   1169           ", " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS ", %" PRIu64,
   1170           kDebugAxisLabel[i], over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
   1171           over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
   1172           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1173               temp_sensitivity[i] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion, 3),
   1174           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1175               sensor_intercept[i] * over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion, 3),
   1176           timestamp_nanos);
   1177 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
   1178     }
   1179   }
   1181   // If at least one axis updated, then consider this a valid model update.
   1182   if (updated_one) {
   1183     // Resets the OTC model compensation update time and sets the update flag.
   1184     over_temp_cal->last_model_update_nanos = timestamp_nanos;
   1185     over_temp_cal->new_overtemp_model_available = true;
   1188     // Updates the total number of model updates.
   1189     over_temp_cal->debug_num_model_updates++;
   1190 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
   1191   }
   1192 }
   1194 void findNearestEstimate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1195                          float temperature_celsius) {
   1196   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1198   // If 'temperature_celsius' is invalid, then do not search.
   1199   if (temperature_celsius <= INVALID_TEMPERATURE_CELSIUS) {
   1200     return;
   1201   }
   1203   // Performs a brute force search for the estimate nearest
   1204   // 'temperature_celsius'.
   1205   float dtemp_new = 0.0f;
   1206   float dtemp_old = FLT_MAX;
   1207   over_temp_cal->nearest_offset = &over_temp_cal->model_data[0];
   1208   for (size_t i = 0; i < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts; i++) {
   1209     dtemp_new = NANO_ABS(over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius -
   1210                          temperature_celsius);
   1211     if (dtemp_new < dtemp_old) {
   1212       over_temp_cal->nearest_offset = &over_temp_cal->model_data[i];
   1213       dtemp_old = dtemp_new;
   1214     }
   1215   }
   1216 }
   1218 void removeStaleModelData(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1219                           uint64_t timestamp_nanos) {
   1220   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1222   bool removed_one = false;
   1223   for (size_t i = 0; i < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts; i++) {
   1224     if (over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_age_nanos >=
   1225         over_temp_cal->age_limit_nanos) {
   1226       // If the latest offset was removed, then indicate this by setting it to
   1227       // NULL.
   1228       if (over_temp_cal->latest_offset == &over_temp_cal->model_data[i]) {
   1229         over_temp_cal->latest_offset = NULL;
   1230       }
   1231       removed_one |= removeModelDataByIndex(over_temp_cal, i);
   1232     }
   1233   }
   1235   if (removed_one) {
   1236     // If anything was removed, then this attempts to recompute the model.
   1237     computeModelUpdate(over_temp_cal, timestamp_nanos);
   1239     // Searches for the sensor offset estimate closest to the current
   1240     // temperature.
   1241     findNearestEstimate(over_temp_cal,
   1242                         over_temp_cal->compensated_offset.offset_temp_celsius);
   1243   }
   1244 }
   1246 bool removeModelDataByIndex(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1247                             size_t model_index) {
   1248   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1250   // This function will not remove all of the model data. At least one model
   1251   // sample will be left.
   1252   if (over_temp_cal->num_model_pts <= 1) {
   1253     return false;
   1254   }
   1257   createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":REMOVE]");
   1258   CAL_DEBUG_LOG(
   1259       over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
   1260       "Offset|Temp|Age [%s|C|nsec]: " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET
   1261       ", " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS ", %" PRIu64,
   1262       over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
   1263       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(over_temp_cal->model_data[model_index].offset[0] *
   1264                            over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1265                        3),
   1266       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(over_temp_cal->model_data[model_index].offset[1] *
   1267                            over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1268                        3),
   1269       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(over_temp_cal->model_data[model_index].offset[1] *
   1270                            over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1271                        3),
   1272       CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1273           over_temp_cal->model_data[model_index].offset_temp_celsius, 3),
   1274       over_temp_cal->model_data[model_index].offset_age_nanos);
   1275 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
   1277   // Remove the model data at 'model_index'.
   1278   for (size_t i = model_index; i < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts - 1; i++) {
   1279     memcpy(&over_temp_cal->model_data[i], &over_temp_cal->model_data[i + 1],
   1280            sizeof(struct OverTempModelThreeAxis));
   1281   }
   1282   over_temp_cal->num_model_pts--;
   1284   return true;
   1285 }
   1287 bool jumpStartModelData(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal) {
   1288   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1289   ASSERT(over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin > 0);
   1291   // Prevent a divide by zero below.
   1292   if (over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin <= 0) {
   1293     return false;
   1294   }
   1296   // In normal operation the offset estimates enter into the 'model_data' array
   1297   // complete (i.e., x, y, z values are all provided). Therefore, the jumpstart
   1298   // data produced here requires that the model parameters have all been fully
   1299   // defined and are all within the valid range.
   1300   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
   1301     if (!isValidOtcLinearModel(over_temp_cal,
   1302                                over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[i],
   1303                                over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[i])) {
   1304       return false;
   1305     }
   1306   }
   1308   // Any pre-existing model data points will be overwritten.
   1309   over_temp_cal->num_model_pts = 0;
   1311   // This defines the minimum contiguous set of points to allow a model update
   1312   // when the next offset estimate is received. They are placed at a common
   1313   // temperature range that is likely to get replaced with actual data soon.
   1314   const int32_t start_bin_num = CAL_FLOOR(JUMPSTART_START_TEMP_CELSIUS /
   1315                                           over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin);
   1316   float offset_temp_celsius =
   1317       (start_bin_num + 0.5f) * over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin;
   1319   for (size_t i = 0; i < over_temp_cal->min_num_model_pts; i++) {
   1320     for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
   1321       over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset[j] =
   1322           over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[j] * offset_temp_celsius +
   1323           over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[j];
   1324     }
   1325     over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius = offset_temp_celsius;
   1326     over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_age_nanos = 0;
   1328     offset_temp_celsius += over_temp_cal->delta_temp_per_bin;
   1329     over_temp_cal->num_model_pts++;
   1330   }
   1333   createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":INIT]");
   1334   if (over_temp_cal->num_model_pts > 0) {
   1335     CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
   1336                   "Model Jump-Start:  #Points = %zu.",
   1337                   over_temp_cal->num_model_pts);
   1338   }
   1339 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED
   1341   return (over_temp_cal->num_model_pts > 0);
   1342 }
   1344 void updateModel(const struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1345                  float *temp_sensitivity, float *sensor_intercept) {
   1346   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1347   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(temp_sensitivity);
   1348   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(sensor_intercept);
   1349   ASSERT(over_temp_cal->num_model_pts > 0);
   1351   float sw = 0.0f;
   1352   float st = 0.0f, stt = 0.0f;
   1353   float sx = 0.0f, stsx = 0.0f;
   1354   float sy = 0.0f, stsy = 0.0f;
   1355   float sz = 0.0f, stsz = 0.0f;
   1356   float weight = 1.0f;
   1358   // First pass computes the weighted mean values.
   1359   const size_t n = over_temp_cal->num_model_pts;
   1360   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
   1361     weight = evaluateWeightingFunction(
   1362         over_temp_cal, over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_age_nanos);
   1364     sw += weight;
   1365     st += over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius * weight;
   1366     sx += over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset[0] * weight;
   1367     sy += over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset[1] * weight;
   1368     sz += over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset[2] * weight;
   1369   }
   1371   // Second pass computes the mean corrected second moment values.
   1372   ASSERT(sw > 0.0f);
   1373   const float inv_sw = 1.0f / sw;
   1374   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
   1375     weight = evaluateWeightingFunction(
   1376         over_temp_cal, over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_age_nanos);
   1378     const float t =
   1379         over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_temp_celsius - st * inv_sw;
   1380     stt += weight * t * t;
   1381     stsx += t * over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset[0] * weight;
   1382     stsy += t * over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset[1] * weight;
   1383     stsz += t * over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset[2] * weight;
   1384   }
   1386   // Calculates the linear model fit parameters.
   1387   ASSERT(stt > 0.0f);
   1388   const float inv_stt = 1.0f / stt;
   1389   temp_sensitivity[0] = stsx * inv_stt;
   1390   sensor_intercept[0] = (sx - st * temp_sensitivity[0]) * inv_sw;
   1391   temp_sensitivity[1] = stsy * inv_stt;
   1392   sensor_intercept[1] = (sy - st * temp_sensitivity[1]) * inv_sw;
   1393   temp_sensitivity[2] = stsz * inv_stt;
   1394   sensor_intercept[2] = (sz - st * temp_sensitivity[2]) * inv_sw;
   1395 }
   1397 bool outlierCheck(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal, const float *offset,
   1398                   size_t axis_index, float temperature_celsius) {
   1399   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1400   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(offset);
   1402   // If a model has been defined, then check to see if this offset could be a
   1403   // potential outlier:
   1404   if (over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[axis_index] < OTC_INITIAL_SENSITIVITY) {
   1405     const float outlier_test = NANO_ABS(
   1406         offset[axis_index] -
   1407         (over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[axis_index] * temperature_celsius +
   1408          over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[axis_index]));
   1410     if (outlier_test > over_temp_cal->outlier_limit) {
   1411       return true;
   1412     }
   1413   }
   1415   return false;
   1416 }
   1418 void resetOtcLinearModel(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal) {
   1419   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1421   // Sets the temperature sensitivity model parameters to
   1422   // OTC_INITIAL_SENSITIVITY to indicate that the model is in an "initial"
   1423   // state.
   1424   over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[0] = OTC_INITIAL_SENSITIVITY;
   1425   over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[1] = OTC_INITIAL_SENSITIVITY;
   1426   over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[2] = OTC_INITIAL_SENSITIVITY;
   1427   memset(over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept, 0,
   1428          sizeof(over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept));
   1429 }
   1431 bool checkAndEnforceTemperatureRange(float *temperature_celsius) {
   1432   if (*temperature_celsius > OTC_TEMP_MAX_CELSIUS) {
   1433     *temperature_celsius = OTC_TEMP_MAX_CELSIUS;
   1434     return false;
   1435   }
   1436   if (*temperature_celsius < OTC_TEMP_MIN_CELSIUS) {
   1437     *temperature_celsius = OTC_TEMP_MIN_CELSIUS;
   1438     return false;
   1439   }
   1440   return true;
   1441 }
   1443 bool isValidOtcLinearModel(const struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1444                            float temp_sensitivity, float sensor_intercept) {
   1445   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1447   return NANO_ABS(temp_sensitivity) < over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity_limit &&
   1448          NANO_ABS(sensor_intercept) < over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept_limit &&
   1449          NANO_ABS(temp_sensitivity) > OTC_MODELDATA_NEAR_ZERO_TOL &&
   1450          NANO_ABS(sensor_intercept) > OTC_MODELDATA_NEAR_ZERO_TOL;
   1451 }
   1453 bool isValidOtcOffset(const float *offset, float offset_temp_celsius) {
   1454   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(offset);
   1456   // Simple check to ensure that:
   1457   //   1. All of the input data is non "zero".
   1458   //   2. The offset temperature is within the valid range.
   1459   if (NANO_ABS(offset[0]) < OTC_MODELDATA_NEAR_ZERO_TOL &&
   1460       NANO_ABS(offset[1]) < OTC_MODELDATA_NEAR_ZERO_TOL &&
   1461       NANO_ABS(offset[2]) < OTC_MODELDATA_NEAR_ZERO_TOL &&
   1462       NANO_ABS(offset_temp_celsius) < OTC_MODELDATA_NEAR_ZERO_TOL) {
   1463     return false;
   1464   }
   1466   // Only returns the "check" result. Don't care about coercion.
   1467   return checkAndEnforceTemperatureRange(&offset_temp_celsius);
   1468 }
   1470 float evaluateWeightingFunction(const struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1471                                 uint64_t offset_age_nanos) {
   1472   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1473   for (size_t i = 0; i < OTC_NUM_WEIGHT_LEVELS; i++) {
   1474     if (offset_age_nanos <=
   1475         over_temp_cal->weighting_function[i].offset_age_nanos) {
   1476       return over_temp_cal->weighting_function[i].weight;
   1477     }
   1478   }
   1480   // Returning the default weight for all older offsets.
   1481   return OTC_MIN_WEIGHT_VALUE;
   1482 }
   1484 void modelDataSetAgeUpdate(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1485                            uint64_t timestamp_nanos) {
   1486   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1487   if (over_temp_cal->last_age_update_nanos >= timestamp_nanos) {
   1488     // Age updates must be monotonic.
   1489     return;
   1490   }
   1492   uint64_t age_increment_nanos =
   1493       timestamp_nanos - over_temp_cal->last_age_update_nanos;
   1495   // Resets the age update counter.
   1496   over_temp_cal->last_age_update_nanos = timestamp_nanos;
   1498   // Updates the model dataset ages.
   1499   for (size_t i = 0; i < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts; i++) {
   1500     over_temp_cal->model_data[i].offset_age_nanos += age_increment_nanos;
   1501   }
   1502 }
   1504 /////// DEBUG FUNCTION DEFINITIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////
   1507 void createDebugTag(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1508                     const char *new_debug_tag) {
   1509   over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag[0] = '[';
   1510   memcpy(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag + 1, over_temp_cal->otc_sensor_tag,
   1511          strlen(over_temp_cal->otc_sensor_tag));
   1512   memcpy(
   1513       over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag + strlen(over_temp_cal->otc_sensor_tag) + 1,
   1514       new_debug_tag, strlen(new_debug_tag) + 1);
   1515 }
   1517 void updateDebugData(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal) {
   1518   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1520   // Only update this data if debug printing is not currently in progress
   1521   // (i.e., don't want to risk overwriting debug information that is actively
   1522   // being reported).
   1523   if (over_temp_cal->debug_state != OTC_IDLE) {
   1524     return;
   1525   }
   1527   // Triggers a debug log printout.
   1528   over_temp_cal->debug_print_trigger = true;
   1530   // Initializes the debug data structure.
   1531   memset(&over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal, 0, sizeof(struct DebugOverTempCal));
   1533   // Copies over the relevant data.
   1534   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
   1535     if (isValidOtcLinearModel(over_temp_cal, over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[i],
   1536                               over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[i])) {
   1537       over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.temp_sensitivity[i] =
   1538           over_temp_cal->temp_sensitivity[i];
   1539       over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.sensor_intercept[i] =
   1540           over_temp_cal->sensor_intercept[i];
   1541     } else {
   1542       // If the model is not valid then just set the debug information so that
   1543       // zeros are printed.
   1544       over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.temp_sensitivity[i] = 0.0f;
   1545       over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.sensor_intercept[i] = 0.0f;
   1546     }
   1547   }
   1549   // If 'latest_offset' is defined the copy the data for debug printing.
   1550   // Otherwise, the current compensated offset will be printed.
   1551   if (over_temp_cal->latest_offset != NULL) {
   1552     memcpy(&over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.latest_offset,
   1553            over_temp_cal->latest_offset, sizeof(struct OverTempModelThreeAxis));
   1554   } else {
   1555     memcpy(&over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.latest_offset,
   1556            &over_temp_cal->compensated_offset,
   1557            sizeof(struct OverTempModelThreeAxis));
   1558   }
   1560   // Total number of OTC model data points.
   1561   over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.num_model_pts = over_temp_cal->num_model_pts;
   1563   // Computes the maximum error over all of the model data.
   1564   overTempGetModelError(over_temp_cal,
   1565                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.temp_sensitivity,
   1566                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.sensor_intercept,
   1567                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.max_error);
   1568 }
   1570 void overTempCalDebugPrint(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1571                            uint64_t timestamp_nanos) {
   1572   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1574   // This is a state machine that controls the reporting out of debug data.
   1575   createDebugTag(over_temp_cal, ":REPORT]");
   1576   switch (over_temp_cal->debug_state) {
   1577     case OTC_IDLE:
   1578       // Wait for a trigger and start the debug printout sequence.
   1579       if (over_temp_cal->debug_print_trigger) {
   1580         CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag, "");
   1581         CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag, "Debug Version: %s",
   1582                       OTC_DEBUG_VERSION_STRING);
   1583         over_temp_cal->debug_print_trigger = false;  // Resets trigger.
   1584         over_temp_cal->debug_state = OTC_PRINT_OFFSET;
   1585       } else {
   1586         over_temp_cal->debug_state = OTC_IDLE;
   1587       }
   1588       break;
   1590     case OTC_WAIT_STATE:
   1591       // This helps throttle the print statements.
   1593               timestamp_nanos, over_temp_cal->wait_timer_nanos,
   1594               OTC_WAIT_TIME_NANOS)) {
   1595         over_temp_cal->debug_state = over_temp_cal->next_state;
   1596       }
   1597       break;
   1599     case OTC_PRINT_OFFSET:
   1600       // Prints out the latest offset estimate (input data).
   1601       CAL_DEBUG_LOG(
   1602           over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
   1603           "Cal#|Offset|Temp|Age [%s|C|nsec]: %zu, " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET
   1604           ", " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS ", %" PRIu64,
   1605           over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag, over_temp_cal->debug_num_estimates,
   1606           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1607               over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.latest_offset.offset[0] *
   1608                   over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1609               3),
   1610           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1611               over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.latest_offset.offset[1] *
   1612                   over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1613               3),
   1614           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1615               over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.latest_offset.offset[2] *
   1616                   over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1617               3),
   1618           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.latest_offset
   1619                                .offset_temp_celsius,
   1620                            3),
   1621           over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.latest_offset.offset_age_nanos);
   1623       // clang-format off
   1624       over_temp_cal->wait_timer_nanos =
   1625           timestamp_nanos;                          // Starts the wait timer.
   1626       over_temp_cal->next_state =
   1627           OTC_PRINT_MODEL_PARAMETERS;               // Sets the next state.
   1628       over_temp_cal->debug_state = OTC_WAIT_STATE;  // First, go to wait state.
   1629       // clang-format on
   1630       break;
   1633       // Prints out the model parameters.
   1634       CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
   1635                     "Cal#|Sensitivity [%s/C]: %zu, " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET,
   1636                     over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
   1637                     over_temp_cal->debug_num_estimates,
   1638                     CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1639                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.temp_sensitivity[0] *
   1640                             over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1641                         3),
   1642                     CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1643                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.temp_sensitivity[1] *
   1644                             over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1645                         3),
   1646                     CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1647                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.temp_sensitivity[2] *
   1648                             over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1649                         3));
   1651       CAL_DEBUG_LOG(over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
   1652                     "Cal#|Intercept [%s]: %zu, " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET,
   1653                     over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
   1654                     over_temp_cal->debug_num_estimates,
   1655                     CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1656                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.sensor_intercept[0] *
   1657                             over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1658                         3),
   1659                     CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1660                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.sensor_intercept[1] *
   1661                             over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1662                         3),
   1663                     CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1664                         over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.sensor_intercept[2] *
   1665                             over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1666                         3));
   1668       over_temp_cal->wait_timer_nanos =
   1669           timestamp_nanos;  // Starts the wait timer.
   1670       over_temp_cal->next_state =
   1671           OTC_PRINT_MODEL_ERROR;                    // Sets the next state.
   1672       over_temp_cal->debug_state = OTC_WAIT_STATE;  // First, go to wait state.
   1673       break;
   1675     case OTC_PRINT_MODEL_ERROR:
   1676       // Computes the maximum error over all of the model data.
   1677       CAL_DEBUG_LOG(
   1678           over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
   1679           "Cal#|#Updates|#ModelPts|Model Error [%s]: %zu, "
   1680           "%zu, %zu, " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET,
   1681           over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag, over_temp_cal->debug_num_estimates,
   1682           over_temp_cal->debug_num_model_updates,
   1683           over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.num_model_pts,
   1684           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.max_error[0] *
   1685                                over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1686                            3),
   1687           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.max_error[1] *
   1688                                over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1689                            3),
   1690           CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(over_temp_cal->debug_overtempcal.max_error[2] *
   1691                                over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1692                            3));
   1694       over_temp_cal->model_counter = 0;  // Resets the model data print counter.
   1695       over_temp_cal->wait_timer_nanos =
   1696           timestamp_nanos;  // Starts the wait timer.
   1697       over_temp_cal->next_state = OTC_PRINT_MODEL_DATA;  // Sets the next state.
   1698       over_temp_cal->debug_state = OTC_WAIT_STATE;  // First, go to wait state.
   1699       break;
   1701     case OTC_PRINT_MODEL_DATA:
   1702       // Prints out all of the model data.
   1703       if (over_temp_cal->model_counter < over_temp_cal->num_model_pts) {
   1704         CAL_DEBUG_LOG(
   1705             over_temp_cal->otc_debug_tag,
   1706             "  Model[%zu] [%s|C|nsec] = " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS_TRIPLET
   1707             ", " CAL_FORMAT_3DIGITS ", %" PRIu64,
   1708             over_temp_cal->model_counter, over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag,
   1709             CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1710                 over_temp_cal->model_data[over_temp_cal->model_counter]
   1711                         .offset[0] *
   1712                     over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1713                 3),
   1714             CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1715                 over_temp_cal->model_data[over_temp_cal->model_counter]
   1716                         .offset[1] *
   1717                     over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1718                 3),
   1719             CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1720                 over_temp_cal->model_data[over_temp_cal->model_counter]
   1721                         .offset[2] *
   1722                     over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion,
   1723                 3),
   1724             CAL_ENCODE_FLOAT(
   1725                 over_temp_cal->model_data[over_temp_cal->model_counter]
   1726                     .offset_temp_celsius,
   1727                 3),
   1728             over_temp_cal->model_data[over_temp_cal->model_counter]
   1729                 .offset_age_nanos);
   1731         over_temp_cal->model_counter++;
   1732         over_temp_cal->wait_timer_nanos =
   1733             timestamp_nanos;  // Starts the wait timer.
   1734         over_temp_cal->next_state =
   1735             OTC_PRINT_MODEL_DATA;  // Sets the next state.
   1736         over_temp_cal->debug_state =
   1737             OTC_WAIT_STATE;  // First, go to wait state.
   1738       } else {
   1739         // Sends this state machine to its idle state.
   1740         over_temp_cal->wait_timer_nanos =
   1741             timestamp_nanos;                   // Starts the wait timer.
   1742         over_temp_cal->next_state = OTC_IDLE;  // Sets the next state.
   1743         over_temp_cal->debug_state =
   1744             OTC_WAIT_STATE;  // First, go to wait state.
   1745       }
   1746       break;
   1748     default:
   1749       // Sends this state machine to its idle state.
   1750       over_temp_cal->wait_timer_nanos =
   1751           timestamp_nanos;                          // Starts the wait timer.
   1752       over_temp_cal->next_state = OTC_IDLE;         // Sets the next state.
   1753       over_temp_cal->debug_state = OTC_WAIT_STATE;  // First, go to wait state.
   1754   }
   1755 }
   1757 void overTempCalDebugDescriptors(struct OverTempCal *over_temp_cal,
   1758                                  const char *otc_sensor_tag,
   1759                                  const char *otc_unit_tag,
   1760                                  float otc_unit_conversion) {
   1761   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(over_temp_cal);
   1762   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(otc_sensor_tag);
   1763   ASSERT_NOT_NULL(otc_unit_tag);
   1765   // Sets the sensor descriptor, displayed units, and unit conversion factor.
   1766   strcpy(over_temp_cal->otc_sensor_tag, otc_sensor_tag);
   1767   strcpy(over_temp_cal->otc_unit_tag, otc_unit_tag);
   1768   over_temp_cal->otc_unit_conversion = otc_unit_conversion;
   1769 }
   1771 #endif  // OVERTEMPCAL_DBG_ENABLED