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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #ifndef ART_RUNTIME_THREAD_INL_H_
     18 #define ART_RUNTIME_THREAD_INL_H_
     20 #include "thread.h"
     22 #include "base/aborting.h"
     23 #include "base/casts.h"
     24 #include "base/mutex-inl.h"
     25 #include "base/time_utils.h"
     26 #include "jni_env_ext.h"
     27 #include "managed_stack-inl.h"
     28 #include "obj_ptr.h"
     29 #include "thread-current-inl.h"
     30 #include "thread_pool.h"
     32 namespace art {
     34 // Quickly access the current thread from a JNIEnv.
     35 static inline Thread* ThreadForEnv(JNIEnv* env) {
     36   JNIEnvExt* full_env(down_cast<JNIEnvExt*>(env));
     37   return full_env->GetSelf();
     38 }
     40 inline void Thread::AllowThreadSuspension() {
     41   DCHECK_EQ(Thread::Current(), this);
     42   if (UNLIKELY(TestAllFlags())) {
     43     CheckSuspend();
     44   }
     45   // Invalidate the current thread's object pointers (ObjPtr) to catch possible moving GC bugs due
     46   // to missing handles.
     47   PoisonObjectPointers();
     48 }
     50 inline void Thread::CheckSuspend() {
     51   DCHECK_EQ(Thread::Current(), this);
     52   for (;;) {
     53     if (ReadFlag(kCheckpointRequest)) {
     54       RunCheckpointFunction();
     55     } else if (ReadFlag(kSuspendRequest)) {
     56       FullSuspendCheck();
     57     } else if (ReadFlag(kEmptyCheckpointRequest)) {
     58       RunEmptyCheckpoint();
     59     } else {
     60       break;
     61     }
     62   }
     63 }
     65 inline void Thread::CheckEmptyCheckpointFromWeakRefAccess(BaseMutex* cond_var_mutex) {
     66   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
     67   DCHECK_EQ(self, this);
     68   for (;;) {
     69     if (ReadFlag(kEmptyCheckpointRequest)) {
     70       RunEmptyCheckpoint();
     71       // Check we hold only an expected mutex when accessing weak ref.
     72       if (kIsDebugBuild) {
     73         for (int i = kLockLevelCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
     74           BaseMutex* held_mutex = self->GetHeldMutex(static_cast<LockLevel>(i));
     75           if (held_mutex != nullptr &&
     76               held_mutex != Locks::mutator_lock_ &&
     77               held_mutex != cond_var_mutex) {
     78             CHECK(Locks::IsExpectedOnWeakRefAccess(held_mutex))
     79                 << "Holding unexpected mutex " << held_mutex->GetName()
     80                 << " when accessing weak ref";
     81           }
     82         }
     83       }
     84     } else {
     85       break;
     86     }
     87   }
     88 }
     90 inline void Thread::CheckEmptyCheckpointFromMutex() {
     91   DCHECK_EQ(Thread::Current(), this);
     92   for (;;) {
     93     if (ReadFlag(kEmptyCheckpointRequest)) {
     94       RunEmptyCheckpoint();
     95     } else {
     96       break;
     97     }
     98   }
     99 }
    101 inline ThreadState Thread::SetState(ThreadState new_state) {
    102   // Should only be used to change between suspended states.
    103   // Cannot use this code to change into or from Runnable as changing to Runnable should
    104   // fail if old_state_and_flags.suspend_request is true and changing from Runnable might
    105   // miss passing an active suspend barrier.
    106   DCHECK_NE(new_state, kRunnable);
    107   if (kIsDebugBuild && this != Thread::Current()) {
    108     std::string name;
    109     GetThreadName(name);
    110     LOG(FATAL) << "Thread \"" << name << "\"(" << this << " != Thread::Current()="
    111                << Thread::Current() << ") changing state to " << new_state;
    112   }
    113   union StateAndFlags old_state_and_flags;
    114   old_state_and_flags.as_int = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_int;
    115   CHECK_NE(old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state, kRunnable);
    116   tls32_.state_and_flags.as_struct.state = new_state;
    117   return static_cast<ThreadState>(old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state);
    118 }
    120 inline bool Thread::IsThreadSuspensionAllowable() const {
    121   if (tls32_.no_thread_suspension != 0) {
    122     return false;
    123   }
    124   for (int i = kLockLevelCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    125     if (i != kMutatorLock &&
    126         i != kUserCodeSuspensionLock &&
    127         GetHeldMutex(static_cast<LockLevel>(i)) != nullptr) {
    128       return false;
    129     }
    130   }
    131   // Thread autoanalysis isn't able to understand that the GetHeldMutex(...) or AssertHeld means we
    132   // have the mutex meaning we need to do this hack.
    133   auto is_suspending_for_user_code = [this]() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
    134     return tls32_.user_code_suspend_count != 0;
    135   };
    136   if (GetHeldMutex(kUserCodeSuspensionLock) != nullptr && is_suspending_for_user_code()) {
    137     return false;
    138   }
    139   return true;
    140 }
    142 inline void Thread::AssertThreadSuspensionIsAllowable(bool check_locks) const {
    143   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    144     if (gAborting == 0) {
    145       CHECK_EQ(0u, tls32_.no_thread_suspension) << tlsPtr_.last_no_thread_suspension_cause;
    146     }
    147     if (check_locks) {
    148       bool bad_mutexes_held = false;
    149       for (int i = kLockLevelCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    150         // We expect no locks except the mutator_lock_. User code suspension lock is OK as long as
    151         // we aren't going to be held suspended due to SuspendReason::kForUserCode.
    152         if (i != kMutatorLock && i != kUserCodeSuspensionLock) {
    153           BaseMutex* held_mutex = GetHeldMutex(static_cast<LockLevel>(i));
    154           if (held_mutex != nullptr) {
    155             LOG(ERROR) << "holding \"" << held_mutex->GetName()
    156                       << "\" at point where thread suspension is expected";
    157             bad_mutexes_held = true;
    158           }
    159         }
    160       }
    161       // Make sure that if we hold the user_code_suspension_lock_ we aren't suspending due to
    162       // user_code_suspend_count which would prevent the thread from ever waking up.  Thread
    163       // autoanalysis isn't able to understand that the GetHeldMutex(...) or AssertHeld means we
    164       // have the mutex meaning we need to do this hack.
    165       auto is_suspending_for_user_code = [this]() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
    166         return tls32_.user_code_suspend_count != 0;
    167       };
    168       if (GetHeldMutex(kUserCodeSuspensionLock) != nullptr && is_suspending_for_user_code()) {
    169         LOG(ERROR) << "suspending due to user-code while holding \""
    170                    << Locks::user_code_suspension_lock_->GetName() << "\"! Thread would never "
    171                    << "wake up.";
    172         bad_mutexes_held = true;
    173       }
    174       if (gAborting == 0) {
    175         CHECK(!bad_mutexes_held);
    176       }
    177     }
    178   }
    179 }
    181 inline void Thread::TransitionToSuspendedAndRunCheckpoints(ThreadState new_state) {
    182   DCHECK_NE(new_state, kRunnable);
    183   DCHECK_EQ(GetState(), kRunnable);
    184   union StateAndFlags old_state_and_flags;
    185   union StateAndFlags new_state_and_flags;
    186   while (true) {
    187     old_state_and_flags.as_int = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_int;
    188     if (UNLIKELY((old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags & kCheckpointRequest) != 0)) {
    189       RunCheckpointFunction();
    190       continue;
    191     }
    192     if (UNLIKELY((old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags & kEmptyCheckpointRequest) != 0)) {
    193       RunEmptyCheckpoint();
    194       continue;
    195     }
    196     // Change the state but keep the current flags (kCheckpointRequest is clear).
    197     DCHECK_EQ((old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags & kCheckpointRequest), 0);
    198     DCHECK_EQ((old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags & kEmptyCheckpointRequest), 0);
    199     new_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags = old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags;
    200     new_state_and_flags.as_struct.state = new_state;
    202     // CAS the value with a memory ordering.
    203     bool done =
    204         tls32_.state_and_flags.as_atomic_int.CompareAndSetWeakRelease(old_state_and_flags.as_int,
    205                                                                         new_state_and_flags.as_int);
    206     if (LIKELY(done)) {
    207       break;
    208     }
    209   }
    210 }
    212 inline void Thread::PassActiveSuspendBarriers() {
    213   while (true) {
    214     uint16_t current_flags = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_struct.flags;
    215     if (LIKELY((current_flags &
    216                 (kCheckpointRequest | kEmptyCheckpointRequest | kActiveSuspendBarrier)) == 0)) {
    217       break;
    218     } else if ((current_flags & kActiveSuspendBarrier) != 0) {
    219       PassActiveSuspendBarriers(this);
    220     } else {
    221       // Impossible
    222       LOG(FATAL) << "Fatal, thread transitioned into suspended without running the checkpoint";
    223     }
    224   }
    225 }
    227 inline void Thread::TransitionFromRunnableToSuspended(ThreadState new_state) {
    228   AssertThreadSuspensionIsAllowable();
    229   PoisonObjectPointersIfDebug();
    230   DCHECK_EQ(this, Thread::Current());
    231   // Change to non-runnable state, thereby appearing suspended to the system.
    232   TransitionToSuspendedAndRunCheckpoints(new_state);
    233   // Mark the release of the share of the mutator_lock_.
    234   Locks::mutator_lock_->TransitionFromRunnableToSuspended(this);
    235   // Once suspended - check the active suspend barrier flag
    236   PassActiveSuspendBarriers();
    237 }
    239 inline ThreadState Thread::TransitionFromSuspendedToRunnable() {
    240   union StateAndFlags old_state_and_flags;
    241   old_state_and_flags.as_int = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_int;
    242   int16_t old_state = old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state;
    243   DCHECK_NE(static_cast<ThreadState>(old_state), kRunnable);
    244   do {
    245     Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertNotHeld(this);  // Otherwise we starve GC..
    246     old_state_and_flags.as_int = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_int;
    247     DCHECK_EQ(old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state, old_state);
    248     if (LIKELY(old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags == 0)) {
    249       // Optimize for the return from native code case - this is the fast path.
    250       // Atomically change from suspended to runnable if no suspend request pending.
    251       union StateAndFlags new_state_and_flags;
    252       new_state_and_flags.as_int = old_state_and_flags.as_int;
    253       new_state_and_flags.as_struct.state = kRunnable;
    254       // CAS the value with a memory barrier.
    255       if (LIKELY(tls32_.state_and_flags.as_atomic_int.CompareAndSetWeakAcquire(
    256                                                  old_state_and_flags.as_int,
    257                                                  new_state_and_flags.as_int))) {
    258         // Mark the acquisition of a share of the mutator_lock_.
    259         Locks::mutator_lock_->TransitionFromSuspendedToRunnable(this);
    260         break;
    261       }
    262     } else if ((old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags & kActiveSuspendBarrier) != 0) {
    263       PassActiveSuspendBarriers(this);
    264     } else if ((old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags &
    265                 (kCheckpointRequest | kEmptyCheckpointRequest)) != 0) {
    266       // Impossible
    267       LOG(FATAL) << "Transitioning to runnable with checkpoint flag, "
    268                  << " flags=" << old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags
    269                  << " state=" << old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state;
    270     } else if ((old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags & kSuspendRequest) != 0) {
    271       // Wait while our suspend count is non-zero.
    273       // We pass null to the MutexLock as we may be in a situation where the
    274       // runtime is shutting down. Guarding ourselves from that situation
    275       // requires to take the shutdown lock, which is undesirable here.
    276       Thread* thread_to_pass = nullptr;
    277       if (kIsDebugBuild && !IsDaemon()) {
    278         // We know we can make our debug locking checks on non-daemon threads,
    279         // so re-enable them on debug builds.
    280         thread_to_pass = this;
    281       }
    282       MutexLock mu(thread_to_pass, *Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_);
    283       ScopedTransitioningToRunnable scoped_transitioning_to_runnable(this);
    284       old_state_and_flags.as_int = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_int;
    285       DCHECK_EQ(old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state, old_state);
    286       while ((old_state_and_flags.as_struct.flags & kSuspendRequest) != 0) {
    287         // Re-check when Thread::resume_cond_ is notified.
    288         Thread::resume_cond_->Wait(thread_to_pass);
    289         old_state_and_flags.as_int = tls32_.state_and_flags.as_int;
    290         DCHECK_EQ(old_state_and_flags.as_struct.state, old_state);
    291       }
    292       DCHECK_EQ(GetSuspendCount(), 0);
    293     }
    294   } while (true);
    295   // Run the flip function, if set.
    296   Closure* flip_func = GetFlipFunction();
    297   if (flip_func != nullptr) {
    298     flip_func->Run(this);
    299   }
    300   return static_cast<ThreadState>(old_state);
    301 }
    303 inline mirror::Object* Thread::AllocTlab(size_t bytes) {
    304   DCHECK_GE(TlabSize(), bytes);
    305   ++tlsPtr_.thread_local_objects;
    306   mirror::Object* ret = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(tlsPtr_.thread_local_pos);
    307   tlsPtr_.thread_local_pos += bytes;
    308   return ret;
    309 }
    311 inline bool Thread::PushOnThreadLocalAllocationStack(mirror::Object* obj) {
    312   DCHECK_LE(tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_top, tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_end);
    313   if (tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_top < tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_end) {
    314     // There's room.
    315     DCHECK_LE(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_top) +
    316               sizeof(StackReference<mirror::Object>),
    317               reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_end));
    318     DCHECK(tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_top->AsMirrorPtr() == nullptr);
    319     tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_top->Assign(obj);
    320     ++tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_top;
    321     return true;
    322   }
    323   return false;
    324 }
    326 inline void Thread::SetThreadLocalAllocationStack(StackReference<mirror::Object>* start,
    327                                                   StackReference<mirror::Object>* end) {
    328   DCHECK(Thread::Current() == this) << "Should be called by self";
    329   DCHECK(start != nullptr);
    330   DCHECK(end != nullptr);
    331   DCHECK_ALIGNED(start, sizeof(StackReference<mirror::Object>));
    332   DCHECK_ALIGNED(end, sizeof(StackReference<mirror::Object>));
    333   DCHECK_LT(start, end);
    334   tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_end = end;
    335   tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_top = start;
    336 }
    338 inline void Thread::RevokeThreadLocalAllocationStack() {
    339   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    340     // Note: self is not necessarily equal to this thread since thread may be suspended.
    341     Thread* self = Thread::Current();
    342     DCHECK(this == self || IsSuspended() || GetState() == kWaitingPerformingGc)
    343         << GetState() << " thread " << this << " self " << self;
    344   }
    345   tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_end = nullptr;
    346   tlsPtr_.thread_local_alloc_stack_top = nullptr;
    347 }
    349 inline void Thread::PoisonObjectPointersIfDebug() {
    350   if (kObjPtrPoisoning) {
    351     Thread::Current()->PoisonObjectPointers();
    352   }
    353 }
    355 inline bool Thread::ModifySuspendCount(Thread* self,
    356                                        int delta,
    357                                        AtomicInteger* suspend_barrier,
    358                                        SuspendReason reason) {
    359   if (delta > 0 && ((kUseReadBarrier && this != self) || suspend_barrier != nullptr)) {
    360     // When delta > 0 (requesting a suspend), ModifySuspendCountInternal() may fail either if
    361     // active_suspend_barriers is full or we are in the middle of a thread flip. Retry in a loop.
    362     while (true) {
    363       if (LIKELY(ModifySuspendCountInternal(self, delta, suspend_barrier, reason))) {
    364         return true;
    365       } else {
    366         // Failure means the list of active_suspend_barriers is full or we are in the middle of a
    367         // thread flip, we should release the thread_suspend_count_lock_ (to avoid deadlock) and
    368         // wait till the target thread has executed or Thread::PassActiveSuspendBarriers() or the
    369         // flip function. Note that we could not simply wait for the thread to change to a suspended
    370         // state, because it might need to run checkpoint function before the state change or
    371         // resumes from the resume_cond_, which also needs thread_suspend_count_lock_.
    372         //
    373         // The list of active_suspend_barriers is very unlikely to be full since more than
    374         // kMaxSuspendBarriers threads need to execute SuspendAllInternal() simultaneously, and
    375         // target thread stays in kRunnable in the mean time.
    376         Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_->ExclusiveUnlock(self);
    377         NanoSleep(100000);
    378         Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_->ExclusiveLock(self);
    379       }
    380     }
    381   } else {
    382     return ModifySuspendCountInternal(self, delta, suspend_barrier, reason);
    383   }
    384 }
    386 inline ShadowFrame* Thread::PushShadowFrame(ShadowFrame* new_top_frame) {
    387   return tlsPtr_.managed_stack.PushShadowFrame(new_top_frame);
    388 }
    390 inline ShadowFrame* Thread::PopShadowFrame() {
    391   return tlsPtr_.managed_stack.PopShadowFrame();
    392 }
    394 }  // namespace art
    396 #endif  // ART_RUNTIME_THREAD_INL_H_