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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.media.cts;
     19 import android.app.ActivityManager;
     20 import android.content.Context;
     21 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
     22 import android.media.AudioFormat;
     23 import android.media.AudioRecord;
     24 import android.media.AudioRecord.OnRecordPositionUpdateListener;
     25 import android.media.AudioTimestamp;
     26 import android.media.AudioTrack;
     27 import android.media.MediaRecorder;
     28 import android.media.MediaSyncEvent;
     29 import android.media.MicrophoneInfo;
     30 import android.os.Handler;
     31 import android.os.Looper;
     32 import android.os.Message;
     33 import android.os.SystemClock;
     34 import android.platform.test.annotations.Presubmit;
     35 import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
     36 import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
     37 import android.util.Log;
     39 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
     40 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
     41 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
     42 import static org.testng.Assert.assertThrows;
     43 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
     44 import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
     46 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.DeviceReportLog;
     47 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ResultType;
     48 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.ResultUnit;
     49 import com.android.compatibility.common.util.SystemUtil;
     50 import org.junit.After;
     51 import org.junit.Before;
     52 import org.junit.Test;
     53 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
     55 import java.io.IOException;
     56 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
     57 import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
     58 import java.util.ArrayList;
     59 import java.util.List;
     61 @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class)
     62 public class AudioRecordTest {
     63     private final static String TAG = "AudioRecordTest";
     64     private static final String REPORT_LOG_NAME = "CtsMediaTestCases";
     65     private AudioRecord mAudioRecord;
     66     private int mHz = 44100;
     67     private boolean mIsOnMarkerReachedCalled;
     68     private boolean mIsOnPeriodicNotificationCalled;
     69     private boolean mIsHandleMessageCalled;
     70     private Looper mLooper;
     71     // For doTest
     72     private int mMarkerPeriodInFrames;
     73     private int mMarkerPosition;
     74     private Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
     75         @Override
     76         public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
     77             mIsHandleMessageCalled = true;
     78             super.handleMessage(msg);
     79         }
     80     };
     82     @Before
     83     public void setUp() throws Exception {
     84         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
     85             return;
     86         }
     88         /*
     89          * InstrumentationTestRunner.onStart() calls Looper.prepare(), which creates a looper
     90          * for the current thread. However, since we don't actually call loop() in the test,
     91          * any messages queued with that looper will never be consumed. Therefore, we must
     92          * create the instance in another thread, either without a looper, so the main looper is
     93          * used, or with an active looper.
     94          */
     95         Thread t = new Thread() {
     96             @Override
     97             public void run() {
     98                 Looper.prepare();
     99                 mLooper = Looper.myLooper();
    100                 synchronized(this) {
    101                     mAudioRecord = new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT, mHz,
    102                             AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO,
    103                             AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT,
    104                             AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(mHz,
    105                                     AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO,
    106                                     AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) * 10);
    107                     this.notify();
    108                 }
    109                 Looper.loop();
    110             }
    111         };
    112         synchronized(t) {
    113             t.start(); // will block until we wait
    114             t.wait();
    115         }
    116         assertNotNull(mAudioRecord);
    117     }
    119     @After
    120     public void tearDown() throws Exception {
    121         if (hasMicrophone()) {
    122             mAudioRecord.release();
    123             mLooper.quit();
    124         }
    125     }
    127     private void reset() {
    128         mIsOnMarkerReachedCalled = false;
    129         mIsOnPeriodicNotificationCalled = false;
    130         mIsHandleMessageCalled = false;
    131     }
    133     @Test
    134     public void testAudioRecordProperties() throws Exception {
    135         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    136             return;
    137         }
    138         assertEquals(AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, mAudioRecord.getAudioFormat());
    139         assertEquals(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT, mAudioRecord.getAudioSource());
    140         assertEquals(1, mAudioRecord.getChannelCount());
    141         assertEquals(AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO,
    142                 mAudioRecord.getChannelConfiguration());
    143         assertEquals(AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED, mAudioRecord.getState());
    144         assertEquals(mHz, mAudioRecord.getSampleRate());
    145         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_STOPPED, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    147         int bufferSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(mHz,
    148                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT);
    149         assertTrue(bufferSize > 0);
    150     }
    152     @Test
    153     public void testAudioRecordOP() throws Exception {
    154         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    155             return;
    156         }
    157         final int SLEEP_TIME = 10;
    158         final int RECORD_TIME = 10000;
    159         assertEquals(AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED, mAudioRecord.getState());
    161         int markerInFrames = mAudioRecord.getSampleRate() / 2;
    162         assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
    163                 mAudioRecord.setNotificationMarkerPosition(markerInFrames));
    164         assertEquals(markerInFrames, mAudioRecord.getNotificationMarkerPosition());
    165         int periodInFrames = mAudioRecord.getSampleRate();
    166         assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
    167                 mAudioRecord.setPositionNotificationPeriod(periodInFrames));
    168         assertEquals(periodInFrames, mAudioRecord.getPositionNotificationPeriod());
    169         OnRecordPositionUpdateListener listener = new OnRecordPositionUpdateListener() {
    171             public void onMarkerReached(AudioRecord recorder) {
    172                 mIsOnMarkerReachedCalled = true;
    173             }
    175             public void onPeriodicNotification(AudioRecord recorder) {
    176                 mIsOnPeriodicNotificationCalled = true;
    177             }
    178         };
    179         mAudioRecord.setRecordPositionUpdateListener(listener);
    181         // use byte array as buffer
    182         final int BUFFER_SIZE = 102400;
    183         byte[] byteData = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
    184         long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    185         mAudioRecord.startRecording();
    186         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    187         while (System.currentTimeMillis() - time < RECORD_TIME) {
    188             Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME);
    189             mAudioRecord.read(byteData, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
    190         }
    191         mAudioRecord.stop();
    192         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_STOPPED, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    193         assertTrue(mIsOnMarkerReachedCalled);
    194         assertTrue(mIsOnPeriodicNotificationCalled);
    195         reset();
    197         // use short array as buffer
    198         short[] shortData = new short[BUFFER_SIZE];
    199         time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    200         mAudioRecord.startRecording();
    201         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    202         while (System.currentTimeMillis() - time < RECORD_TIME) {
    203             Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME);
    204             mAudioRecord.read(shortData, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
    205         }
    206         mAudioRecord.stop();
    207         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_STOPPED, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    208         assertTrue(mIsOnMarkerReachedCalled);
    209         assertTrue(mIsOnPeriodicNotificationCalled);
    210         reset();
    212         // use ByteBuffer as buffer
    213         ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(BUFFER_SIZE);
    214         time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    215         mAudioRecord.startRecording();
    216         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    217         while (System.currentTimeMillis() - time < RECORD_TIME) {
    218             Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME);
    219             mAudioRecord.read(byteBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
    220         }
    221         mAudioRecord.stop();
    222         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_STOPPED, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    223         assertTrue(mIsOnMarkerReachedCalled);
    224         assertTrue(mIsOnPeriodicNotificationCalled);
    225         reset();
    227         // use handler
    228         final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
    229             @Override
    230             public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
    231                 mIsHandleMessageCalled = true;
    232                 super.handleMessage(msg);
    233             }
    234         };
    236         mAudioRecord.setRecordPositionUpdateListener(listener, handler);
    237         time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    238         mAudioRecord.startRecording();
    239         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    240         while (System.currentTimeMillis() - time < RECORD_TIME) {
    241             Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME);
    242             mAudioRecord.read(byteData, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
    243         }
    244         mAudioRecord.stop();
    245         assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_STOPPED, mAudioRecord.getRecordingState());
    246         assertTrue(mIsOnMarkerReachedCalled);
    247         assertTrue(mIsOnPeriodicNotificationCalled);
    248         // The handler argument is only ever used for getting the associated Looper
    249         assertFalse(mIsHandleMessageCalled);
    251         mAudioRecord.release();
    252         assertEquals(AudioRecord.STATE_UNINITIALIZED, mAudioRecord.getState());
    253     }
    255     @Test
    256     public void testAudioRecordResamplerMono8Bit() throws Exception {
    257         doTest("resampler_mono_8bit", true /*localRecord*/, false /*customHandler*/,
    258                 1 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 1 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    259                 false /*useByteBuffer*/,  false /*blocking*/,
    260                 false /*auditRecording*/, false /*isChannelIndex*/, 88200 /*TEST_SR*/,
    261                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT);
    262     }
    264     @Test
    265     public void testAudioRecordResamplerStereo8Bit() throws Exception {
    266         doTest("resampler_stereo_8bit", true /*localRecord*/, false /*customHandler*/,
    267                 0 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 3 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    268                 true /*useByteBuffer*/,  true /*blocking*/,
    269                 false /*auditRecording*/, false /*isChannelIndex*/, 45000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    270                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT);
    271     }
    273     @Presubmit
    274     @Test
    275     public void testAudioRecordLocalMono16BitShort() throws Exception {
    276         doTest("local_mono_16bit_short", true /*localRecord*/, false /*customHandler*/,
    277                 30 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 2 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    278                 false /*useByteBuffer*/, true /*blocking*/,
    279                 false /*auditRecording*/, false /*isChannelIndex*/, 8000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    280                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, 500 /*TEST_TIME_MS*/);
    281     }
    283     @Test
    284     public void testAudioRecordLocalMono16Bit() throws Exception {
    285         doTest("local_mono_16bit", true /*localRecord*/, false /*customHandler*/,
    286                 30 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 2 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    287                 false /*useByteBuffer*/, true /*blocking*/,
    288                 false /*auditRecording*/, false /*isChannelIndex*/, 8000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    289                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT);
    290     }
    292     @Test
    293     public void testAudioRecordStereo16Bit() throws Exception {
    294         doTest("stereo_16bit", false /*localRecord*/, false /*customHandler*/,
    295                 2 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 2 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    296                 false /*useByteBuffer*/, false /*blocking*/,
    297                 false /*auditRecording*/, false /*isChannelIndex*/, 17000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    298                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT);
    299     }
    301     @Test
    302     public void testAudioRecordMonoFloat() throws Exception {
    303         doTest("mono_float", false /*localRecord*/, true /*customHandler*/,
    304                 30 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 2 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    305                 false /*useByteBuffer*/, true /*blocking*/,
    306                 false /*auditRecording*/, false /*isChannelIndex*/, 32000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    307                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT);
    308     }
    310     @Test
    311     public void testAudioRecordLocalNonblockingStereoFloat() throws Exception {
    312         doTest("local_nonblocking_stereo_float", true /*localRecord*/, true /*customHandler*/,
    313                 2 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 0 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    314                 false /*useByteBuffer*/, false /*blocking*/,
    315                 false /*auditRecording*/, false /*isChannelIndex*/, 48000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    316                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT);
    317     }
    319     // Audit modes work best with non-blocking mode
    320     @Test
    321     public void testAudioRecordAuditByteBufferResamplerStereoFloat() throws Exception {
    322         if (isLowRamDevice()) {
    323             return; // skip. FIXME: reenable when AF memory allocation is updated.
    324         }
    325         doTest("audit_byte_buffer_resampler_stereo_float",
    326                 false /*localRecord*/, true /*customHandler*/,
    327                 2 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 0 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    328                 true /*useByteBuffer*/, false /*blocking*/,
    329                 true /*auditRecording*/, false /*isChannelIndex*/, 96000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    330                 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT);
    331     }
    333     @Test
    334     public void testAudioRecordAuditChannelIndexMonoFloat() throws Exception {
    335         doTest("audit_channel_index_mono_float", true /*localRecord*/, true /*customHandler*/,
    336                 2 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 0 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    337                 false /*useByteBuffer*/, false /*blocking*/,
    338                 true /*auditRecording*/, true /*isChannelIndex*/, 47000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    339                 (1 << 0) /* 1 channel */, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT);
    340     }
    342     // Audit buffers can run out of space with high sample rate,
    343     // so keep the channels and pcm encoding low
    344     @Test
    345     public void testAudioRecordAuditChannelIndex2() throws Exception {
    346         if (isLowRamDevice()) {
    347             return; // skip. FIXME: reenable when AF memory allocation is updated.
    348         }
    349         doTest("audit_channel_index_2", true /*localRecord*/, true /*customHandler*/,
    350                 2 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 0 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    351                 false /*useByteBuffer*/, false /*blocking*/,
    352                 true /*auditRecording*/, true /*isChannelIndex*/, 192000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    353                 (1 << 0) | (1 << 2) /* 2 channels, gap in middle */,
    354                 AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT);
    355     }
    357     // Audit buffers can run out of space with high numbers of channels,
    358     // so keep the sample rate low.
    359     @Test
    360     public void testAudioRecordAuditChannelIndex5() throws Exception {
    361         doTest("audit_channel_index_5", true /*localRecord*/, true /*customHandler*/,
    362                 2 /*periodsPerSecond*/, 0 /*markerPeriodsPerSecond*/,
    363                 false /*useByteBuffer*/, false /*blocking*/,
    364                 true /*auditRecording*/, true /*isChannelIndex*/, 16000 /*TEST_SR*/,
    365                 (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 4)  /* 5 channels */,
    366                 AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT);
    367     }
    369     // Test AudioRecord.Builder to verify the observed configuration of an AudioRecord built with
    370     // an empty Builder matches the documentation / expected values
    371     @Test
    372     public void testAudioRecordBuilderDefault() throws Exception {
    373         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    374             return;
    375         }
    376         // constants for test
    377         final String TEST_NAME = "testAudioRecordBuilderDefault";
    378         // expected values below match the AudioRecord.Builder documentation
    379         final int expectedCapturePreset = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT;
    380         final int expectedChannel = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO;
    381         final int expectedEncoding = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
    382         final int expectedState = AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED;
    383         // use builder with default values
    384         final AudioRecord rec = new AudioRecord.Builder().build();
    385         // save results
    386         final int observedSource = rec.getAudioSource();
    387         final int observedChannel = rec.getChannelConfiguration();
    388         final int observedEncoding = rec.getAudioFormat();
    389         final int observedState = rec.getState();
    390         // release recorder before the test exits (either successfully or with an exception)
    391         rec.release();
    392         // compare results
    393         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": default capture preset", expectedCapturePreset, observedSource);
    394         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": default channel config", expectedChannel, observedChannel);
    395         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": default encoding", expectedEncoding, observedEncoding);
    396         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": state", expectedState, observedState);
    397     }
    399     // Test AudioRecord.Builder to verify the observed configuration of an AudioRecord built with
    400     // an incomplete AudioFormat matches the documentation / expected values
    401     @Test
    402     public void testAudioRecordBuilderPartialFormat() throws Exception {
    403         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    404             return;
    405         }
    406         // constants for test
    407         final String TEST_NAME = "testAudioRecordBuilderPartialFormat";
    408         final int expectedRate = 16000;
    409         final int expectedState = AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED;
    410         // expected values below match the AudioRecord.Builder documentation
    411         final int expectedChannel = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO;
    412         final int expectedEncoding = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
    413         // use builder with a partial audio format
    414         final AudioRecord rec = new AudioRecord.Builder()
    415                 .setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder().setSampleRate(expectedRate).build())
    416                 .build();
    417         // save results
    418         final int observedRate = rec.getSampleRate();
    419         final int observedChannel = rec.getChannelConfiguration();
    420         final int observedEncoding = rec.getAudioFormat();
    421         final int observedState = rec.getState();
    422         // release recorder before the test exits (either successfully or with an exception)
    423         rec.release();
    424         // compare results
    425         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": configured rate", expectedRate, observedRate);
    426         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": default channel config", expectedChannel, observedChannel);
    427         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": default encoding", expectedEncoding, observedEncoding);
    428         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": state", expectedState, observedState);
    429     }
    431     // Test AudioRecord.Builder to verify the observed configuration of an AudioRecord matches
    432     // the parameters used in the builder
    433     @Test
    434     public void testAudioRecordBuilderParams() throws Exception {
    435         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    436             return;
    437         }
    438         // constants for test
    439         final String TEST_NAME = "testAudioRecordBuilderParams";
    440         final int expectedRate = 8000;
    441         final int expectedChannel = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO;
    442         final int expectedChannelCount = 1;
    443         final int expectedEncoding = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
    444         final int expectedSource = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_COMMUNICATION;
    445         final int expectedState = AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED;
    446         // use builder with expected parameters
    447         final AudioRecord rec = new AudioRecord.Builder()
    448                 .setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder()
    449                         .setSampleRate(expectedRate)
    450                         .setChannelMask(expectedChannel)
    451                         .setEncoding(expectedEncoding)
    452                         .build())
    453                 .setAudioSource(expectedSource)
    454                 .build();
    455         // save results
    456         final int observedRate = rec.getSampleRate();
    457         final int observedChannel = rec.getChannelConfiguration();
    458         final int observedChannelCount = rec.getChannelCount();
    459         final int observedEncoding = rec.getAudioFormat();
    460         final int observedSource = rec.getAudioSource();
    461         final int observedState = rec.getState();
    462         // release recorder before the test exits (either successfully or with an exception)
    463         rec.release();
    464         // compare results
    465         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": configured rate", expectedRate, observedRate);
    466         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": configured channel config", expectedChannel, observedChannel);
    467         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": configured encoding", expectedEncoding, observedEncoding);
    468         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": implicit channel count", expectedChannelCount,
    469                 observedChannelCount);
    470         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": configured source", expectedSource, observedSource);
    471         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": state", expectedState, observedState);
    472     }
    474     // Test AudioRecord to ensure we can build after a failure.
    475     @Test
    476     public void testAudioRecordBufferSize() throws Exception {
    477         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    478             return;
    479         }
    480         // constants for test
    481         final String TEST_NAME = "testAudioRecordBufferSize";
    483         // use builder with parameters that should fail
    484         final int superBigBufferSize = 1 << 28;
    485         try {
    486             final AudioRecord record = new AudioRecord.Builder()
    487                 .setBufferSizeInBytes(superBigBufferSize)
    488                 .build();
    489             record.release();
    490             fail(TEST_NAME + ": should throw exception on failure");
    491         } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
    492             ;
    493         }
    495         // we should be able to create again with minimum buffer size
    496         final int verySmallBufferSize = 2 * 3 * 4; // frame size multiples
    497         final AudioRecord record2 = new AudioRecord.Builder()
    498                 .setBufferSizeInBytes(verySmallBufferSize)
    499                 .build();
    501         final int observedState2 = record2.getState();
    502         final int observedBufferSize2 = record2.getBufferSizeInFrames();
    503         record2.release();
    505         // succeeds for minimum buffer size
    506         assertEquals(TEST_NAME + ": state", AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED, observedState2);
    507         // should force the minimum size buffer which is > 0
    508         assertTrue(TEST_NAME + ": buffer frame count", observedBufferSize2 > 0);
    509     }
    511     @Test
    512     public void testTimestamp() throws Exception {
    513         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    514             return;
    515         }
    516         final String TEST_NAME = "testTimestamp";
    517         AudioRecord record = null;
    519         try {
    520             final int NANOS_PER_MILLIS = 1000000;
    521             final long RECORD_TIME_IN_MS = 2000;
    522             final long RECORD_TIME_IN_NANOS = RECORD_TIME_IN_MS * NANOS_PER_MILLIS;
    523             final int RECORD_ENCODING = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT; // fixed at this time.
    524             final int RECORD_CHANNEL_MASK = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO;
    525             final int RECORD_SAMPLE_RATE = 23456;  // requires resampling
    526             record = new AudioRecord.Builder()
    527                     .setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder()
    528                             .setSampleRate(RECORD_SAMPLE_RATE)
    529                             .setChannelMask(RECORD_CHANNEL_MASK)
    530                             .setEncoding(RECORD_ENCODING)
    531                             .build())
    532                     .build();
    534             // For our tests, we could set test duration by timed sleep or by # frames received.
    535             // Since we don't know *exactly* when AudioRecord actually begins recording,
    536             // we end the test by # frames read.
    537             final int numChannels =
    538                     AudioFormat.channelCountFromInChannelMask(RECORD_CHANNEL_MASK);
    539             final int bytesPerSample = AudioFormat.getBytesPerSample(RECORD_ENCODING);
    540             final int bytesPerFrame = numChannels * bytesPerSample;
    541             // careful about integer overflow in the formula below:
    542             final int targetFrames =
    543                     (int)((long)RECORD_TIME_IN_MS * RECORD_SAMPLE_RATE / 1000);
    544             final int targetSamples = targetFrames * numChannels;
    545             final int BUFFER_FRAMES = 512;
    546             final int BUFFER_SAMPLES = BUFFER_FRAMES * numChannels;
    548             final int tries = 2;
    549             for (int i = 0; i < tries; ++i) {
    550                 long startTime = System.nanoTime();
    551                 long startTimeBoot = android.os.SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
    553                 record.startRecording();
    555                 AudioTimestamp startTs = new AudioTimestamp();
    556                 int samplesRead = 0;
    557                 boolean timestampRead = false;
    558                 // For 16 bit data, use shorts
    559                 short[] shortData = new short[BUFFER_SAMPLES];
    560                 while (samplesRead < targetSamples) {
    561                     int amount = samplesRead == 0 ? numChannels :
    562                         Math.min(BUFFER_SAMPLES, targetSamples - samplesRead);
    563                     int ret = record.read(shortData, 0, amount);
    564                     assertEquals(TEST_NAME, amount, ret);
    565                     // timestamps follow a different path than data, so it is conceivable
    566                     // that first data arrives before the first timestamp is ready.
    567                     if (!timestampRead) {
    568                         timestampRead =
    569                                 record.getTimestamp(startTs, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC)
    570                                     == AudioRecord.SUCCESS;
    571                     }
    572                     samplesRead += ret;
    573                 }
    574                 record.stop();
    576                 // stop is synchronous, but need not be in the future.
    577                 final long SLEEP_AFTER_STOP_FOR_INACTIVITY_MS = 1000;
    578                 Thread.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_STOP_FOR_INACTIVITY_MS);
    580                 AudioTimestamp stopTs = new AudioTimestamp();
    581                 AudioTimestamp stopTsBoot = new AudioTimestamp();
    583                 assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
    584                         record.getTimestamp(stopTs, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC));
    585                 assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
    586                         record.getTimestamp(stopTsBoot, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_BOOTTIME));
    588                 // printTimestamp("timestamp Monotonic", ts);
    589                 // printTimestamp("timestamp Boottime", tsBoot);
    590                 // Log.d(TEST_NAME, "startTime Monotonic " + startTime);
    591                 // Log.d(TEST_NAME, "startTime Boottime " + startTimeBoot);
    593                 assertEquals(stopTs.framePosition, stopTsBoot.framePosition);
    594                 assertTrue(stopTs.framePosition >= targetFrames);
    595                 assertTrue(stopTs.nanoTime - startTime > RECORD_TIME_IN_NANOS);
    596                 assertTrue(stopTsBoot.nanoTime - startTimeBoot > RECORD_TIME_IN_NANOS);
    597                 verifyContinuousTimestamps(startTs, stopTs, RECORD_SAMPLE_RATE);
    598             }
    599         } finally {
    600             if (record != null) {
    601                 record.release();
    602                 record = null;
    603             }
    604         }
    605     }
    607     @Test
    608     public void testRecordNoDataForIdleUids() throws Exception {
    609         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    610             return;
    611         }
    613         AudioRecord recorder = null;
    615         // We will record audio for 20 sec from active and idle state expecting
    616         // the recording from active state to have data while from idle silence.
    617         try {
    618             // Ensure no race and UID active
    619             makeMyUidStateActive();
    621             // Setup a recorder
    622             final AudioRecord candidateRecorder = new AudioRecord.Builder()
    623                     .setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC)
    624                     .setBufferSizeInBytes(1024)
    625                     .setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder()
    626                             .setSampleRate(8000)
    627                             .setChannelMask(AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO)
    628                             .setEncoding(AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT)
    629                             .build())
    630                     .build();
    632             // Unleash it :P
    633             candidateRecorder.startRecording();
    634             recorder = candidateRecorder;
    636             final int sampleCount = AudioHelper.frameCountFromMsec(6000,
    637                     candidateRecorder.getFormat()) * candidateRecorder.getFormat()
    638                     .getChannelCount();
    639             final ShortBuffer buffer = ShortBuffer.allocate(sampleCount);
    641             // Read five seconds of data
    642             readDataTimed(recorder, 5000, buffer);
    643             // Ensure we read non-empty bytes. Some systems only
    644             // emulate audio devices and do not provide any actual audio data.
    645             if (isAudioSilent(buffer)) {
    646                 Log.w(TAG, "Recording does not produce audio data");
    647                 return;
    648             }
    650             // Start clean
    651             buffer.clear();
    652             // Force idle the package
    653             makeMyUidStateIdle();
    654             // Read five seconds of data
    655             readDataTimed(recorder, 5000, buffer);
    656             // Ensure we read empty bytes
    657             assertTrue("Recording was not silenced while UID idle", isAudioSilent(buffer));
    659             // Start clean
    660             buffer.clear();
    661             // Reset to active
    662             makeMyUidStateActive();
    663             // Read five seconds of data
    664             readDataTimed(recorder, 5000, buffer);
    665             // Ensure we read non-empty bytes
    666             assertFalse("Recording was silenced while UID active", isAudioSilent(buffer));
    667         } finally {
    668             if (recorder != null) {
    669                 recorder.stop();
    670                 recorder.release();
    671             }
    672             resetMyUidState();
    673         }
    674     }
    676     @Test
    677     public void testSynchronizedRecord() throws Exception {
    678         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    679             return;
    680         }
    681         final String TEST_NAME = "testSynchronizedRecord";
    682         AudioTrack track = null;
    683         AudioRecord record = null;
    685         try {
    686             // 1. create a static AudioTrack.
    687             final int PLAYBACK_TIME_IN_MS = 2000; /* ms duration. */
    688             final int PLAYBACK_SAMPLE_RATE = 8000; /* in hz */
    689             AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat.Builder()
    690                     .setChannelMask(AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO)
    691                     .setEncoding(AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT)
    692                     .setSampleRate(PLAYBACK_SAMPLE_RATE)
    693                     .build();
    694             final int frameCount = AudioHelper.frameCountFromMsec(PLAYBACK_TIME_IN_MS, format);
    695             final int frameSize = AudioHelper.frameSizeFromFormat(format);
    696             track = new AudioTrack.Builder()
    697                     .setAudioFormat(format)
    698                     .setBufferSizeInBytes(frameCount * frameSize)
    699                     .setTransferMode(AudioTrack.MODE_STATIC)
    700                     .build();
    701             // create float array and write it
    702             final int sampleCount = frameCount * format.getChannelCount();
    703             byte[] vab = AudioHelper.createSoundDataInByteArray(
    704                     sampleCount, PLAYBACK_SAMPLE_RATE, 600 /* frequency */, 0 /* sweep */);
    705             assertEquals(TEST_NAME, vab.length,
    706                     track.write(vab, 0 /* offsetInBytes */, vab.length,
    707                             AudioTrack.WRITE_NON_BLOCKING));
    708             final int trackSessionId = track.getAudioSessionId();
    710             // 2. create an AudioRecord to sync off of AudioTrack completion.
    711             final int RECORD_TIME_IN_MS = 2000;
    712             final int RECORD_ENCODING = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
    713             final int RECORD_CHANNEL_MASK = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO;
    714             final int RECORD_SAMPLE_RATE = 44100;
    715             record = new AudioRecord.Builder()
    716                     .setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder()
    717                             .setSampleRate(RECORD_SAMPLE_RATE)
    718                             .setChannelMask(RECORD_CHANNEL_MASK)
    719                             .setEncoding(RECORD_ENCODING)
    720                             .build())
    721                     .build();
    722             // AudioRecord creation may have silently failed, check state now
    723             assertEquals(TEST_NAME, AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED, record.getState());
    725             // 3. create a MediaSyncEvent
    726             // This MediaSyncEvent checks playback completion of an AudioTrack
    727             // (or MediaPlayer, or ToneGenerator) based on its audio session id.
    728             //
    729             // Note: when synchronizing record from a MediaSyncEvent
    730             // (1) You need to be "close" to the end of the associated AudioTrack.
    731             // If the track does not complete in 30 seconds, recording begins regardless.
    732             // (actual delay limit may vary).
    733             //
    734             // (2) Track completion may be triggered by pause() as well as stop()
    735             // or when a static AudioTrack completes playback.
    736             //
    737             final int eventType = MediaSyncEvent.SYNC_EVENT_PRESENTATION_COMPLETE;
    738             MediaSyncEvent event = MediaSyncEvent.createEvent(eventType)
    739                     .setAudioSessionId(trackSessionId);
    740             assertEquals(TEST_NAME, trackSessionId, event.getAudioSessionId());
    741             assertEquals(TEST_NAME, eventType, event.getType());
    743             // 4. now set the AudioTrack playing and start the recording synchronized
    744             track.play();
    745             // start recording.  Recording state turns to RECORDSTATE_RECORDING immediately
    746             // but the data read() only occurs after the AudioTrack completes.
    747             record.startRecording(event);
    748             assertEquals(TEST_NAME,
    749                     AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING, record.getRecordingState());
    750             long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    752             // 5. get record data.
    753             // For our tests, we could set test duration by timed sleep or by # frames received.
    754             // Since we don't know *exactly* when AudioRecord actually begins recording,
    755             // we end the test by # frames read.
    756             final int numChannels =
    757                     AudioFormat.channelCountFromInChannelMask(RECORD_CHANNEL_MASK);
    758             final int bytesPerSample = AudioFormat.getBytesPerSample(RECORD_ENCODING);
    759             final int bytesPerFrame = numChannels * bytesPerSample;
    760             // careful about integer overflow in the formula below:
    761             final int targetSamples =
    762                     (int)((long)RECORD_TIME_IN_MS * RECORD_SAMPLE_RATE * numChannels / 1000);
    763             final int BUFFER_FRAMES = 512;
    764             final int BUFFER_SAMPLES = BUFFER_FRAMES * numChannels;
    766             // After starting, there is no guarantee when the first frame of data is read.
    767             long firstSampleTime = 0;
    768             int samplesRead = 0;
    770             // For 16 bit data, use shorts
    771             short[] shortData = new short[BUFFER_SAMPLES];
    772             while (samplesRead < targetSamples) {
    773                 // the first time through, we read a single frame.
    774                 // this sets the recording anchor position.
    775                 int amount = samplesRead == 0 ? numChannels :
    776                     Math.min(BUFFER_SAMPLES, targetSamples - samplesRead);
    777                 int ret = record.read(shortData, 0, amount);
    778                 assertEquals(TEST_NAME, amount, ret);
    779                 if (samplesRead == 0 && ret > 0) {
    780                     firstSampleTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    781                 }
    782                 samplesRead += ret;
    783                 // sanity check: elapsed time cannot be more than a second
    784                 // than what we expect.
    785                 assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime <=
    786                         PLAYBACK_TIME_IN_MS + RECORD_TIME_IN_MS + 1000);
    787             }
    789             // 6. We've read all the frames, now check the timing.
    790             final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    791             //Log.d(TEST_NAME, "first sample time " + (firstSampleTime - startTime)
    792             //        + " test time " + (endTime - firstSampleTime));
    793             //
    794             // Verify recording starts within 400 ms of AudioTrack completion (typical 180ms)
    795             // Verify recording completes within 50 ms of expected test time (typical 20ms)
    796             assertEquals(TEST_NAME, PLAYBACK_TIME_IN_MS, firstSampleTime - startTime,
    797                 isLowLatencyDevice() ? 200 : 800);
    798             assertEquals(TEST_NAME, RECORD_TIME_IN_MS, endTime - firstSampleTime,
    799                 isLowLatencyDevice()? 50 : 400);
    801             record.stop();
    802             assertEquals(TEST_NAME, AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_STOPPED, record.getRecordingState());
    803         } finally {
    804             if (record != null) {
    805                 record.release();
    806                 record = null;
    807             }
    808             if (track != null) {
    809                 track.release();
    810                 track = null;
    811             }
    812         }
    813     }
    815     @Test
    816     public void testVoiceCallAudioSourcePermissions() throws Exception {
    817         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    818             return;
    819         }
    821         // Make sure that VOICE_CALL, VOICE_DOWNLINK and VOICE_UPLINK audio sources cannot
    822         // be used by apps that don't have the CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT permissions
    823         final int[] voiceCallAudioSources = new int [] {MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_CALL,
    824             MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_DOWNLINK,
    825             MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_UPLINK};
    827         for (int source : voiceCallAudioSources) {
    828             // AudioRecord.Builder should fail when trying to use
    829             // one of the voice call audio sources.
    830             assertThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class,
    831                             () -> {
    832                                 new AudioRecord.Builder()
    833                                  .setAudioSource(source)
    834                                  .setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder()
    835                                          .setEncoding(AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT)
    836                                          .setSampleRate(8000)
    837                                          .setChannelMask(AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO)
    838                                          .build())
    839                                  .build(); });
    840         }
    841     }
    843     private void printMicrophoneInfo(MicrophoneInfo microphone) {
    844         Log.i(TAG, "deviceId:" + microphone.getDescription());
    845         Log.i(TAG, "portId:" + microphone.getId());
    846         Log.i(TAG, "type:" + microphone.getType());
    847         Log.i(TAG, "address:" + microphone.getAddress());
    848         Log.i(TAG, "deviceLocation:" + microphone.getLocation());
    849         Log.i(TAG, "deviceGroup:" + microphone.getGroup()
    850             + " index:" + microphone.getIndexInTheGroup());
    851         MicrophoneInfo.Coordinate3F position = microphone.getPosition();
    852         Log.i(TAG, "position:" + position.x + "," + position.y + "," + position.z);
    853         MicrophoneInfo.Coordinate3F orientation = microphone.getOrientation();
    854         Log.i(TAG, "orientation:" + orientation.x + "," + orientation.y + "," + orientation.z);
    855         Log.i(TAG, "frequencyResponse:" + microphone.getFrequencyResponse());
    856         Log.i(TAG, "channelMapping:" + microphone.getChannelMapping());
    857         Log.i(TAG, "sensitivity:" + microphone.getSensitivity());
    858         Log.i(TAG, "max spl:" + microphone.getMaxSpl());
    859         Log.i(TAG, "min spl:" + microphone.getMinSpl());
    860         Log.i(TAG, "directionality:" + microphone.getDirectionality());
    861         Log.i(TAG, "******");
    862     }
    864     @Test
    865     public void testGetActiveMicrophones() throws Exception {
    866         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    867             return;
    868         }
    869         mAudioRecord.startRecording();
    870         try {
    871             Thread.sleep(1000);
    872         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    873         }
    874         List<MicrophoneInfo> activeMicrophones = mAudioRecord.getActiveMicrophones();
    875         assertTrue(activeMicrophones.size() > 0);
    876         for (MicrophoneInfo activeMicrophone : activeMicrophones) {
    877             printMicrophoneInfo(activeMicrophone);
    878         }
    879     }
    881     private AudioRecord createAudioRecord(
    882             int audioSource, int sampleRateInHz,
    883             int channelConfig, int audioFormat, int bufferSizeInBytes,
    884             boolean auditRecording, boolean isChannelIndex) {
    885         final AudioRecord record;
    886         if (auditRecording) {
    887             record = new AudioHelper.AudioRecordAudit(
    888                     audioSource, sampleRateInHz, channelConfig,
    889                     audioFormat, bufferSizeInBytes, isChannelIndex);
    890         } else if (isChannelIndex) {
    891             record = new AudioRecord.Builder()
    892                     .setAudioFormat(new AudioFormat.Builder()
    893                             .setChannelIndexMask(channelConfig)
    894                             .setEncoding(audioFormat)
    895                             .setSampleRate(sampleRateInHz)
    896                             .build())
    897                     .setBufferSizeInBytes(bufferSizeInBytes)
    898                     .build();
    899         } else {
    900             record = new AudioRecord(audioSource, sampleRateInHz, channelConfig,
    901                     audioFormat, bufferSizeInBytes);
    902         }
    904         // did we get the AudioRecord we expected?
    905         final AudioFormat format = record.getFormat();
    906         assertEquals(isChannelIndex ? channelConfig : AudioFormat.CHANNEL_INVALID,
    907                 format.getChannelIndexMask());
    908         assertEquals(isChannelIndex ? AudioFormat.CHANNEL_INVALID : channelConfig,
    909                 format.getChannelMask());
    910         assertEquals(audioFormat, format.getEncoding());
    911         assertEquals(sampleRateInHz, format.getSampleRate());
    912         final int frameSize =
    913                 format.getChannelCount() * AudioFormat.getBytesPerSample(audioFormat);
    914         // our native frame count cannot be smaller than our minimum buffer size request.
    915         assertTrue(record.getBufferSizeInFrames() * frameSize >= bufferSizeInBytes);
    916         return record;
    917     }
    919     private void doTest(String reportName, boolean localRecord, boolean customHandler,
    920             int periodsPerSecond, int markerPeriodsPerSecond,
    921             boolean useByteBuffer, boolean blocking,
    922             final boolean auditRecording, final boolean isChannelIndex,
    923             final int TEST_SR, final int TEST_CONF, final int TEST_FORMAT) throws Exception {
    924         final int TEST_TIME_MS = auditRecording ? 60000 : 2000;
    925         doTest(reportName, localRecord, customHandler, periodsPerSecond, markerPeriodsPerSecond,
    926                 useByteBuffer, blocking, auditRecording, isChannelIndex,
    927                 TEST_SR, TEST_CONF, TEST_FORMAT, TEST_TIME_MS);
    928     }
    929     private void doTest(String reportName, boolean localRecord, boolean customHandler,
    930             int periodsPerSecond, int markerPeriodsPerSecond,
    931             boolean useByteBuffer, boolean blocking,
    932             final boolean auditRecording, final boolean isChannelIndex,
    933             final int TEST_SR, final int TEST_CONF, final int TEST_FORMAT, final int TEST_TIME_MS)
    934             throws Exception {
    935         if (!hasMicrophone()) {
    936             return;
    937         }
    938         // audit recording plays back recorded audio, so use longer test timing
    939         final int TEST_SOURCE = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT;
    940         mIsHandleMessageCalled = false;
    942         // For channelIndex use one frame in bytes for buffer size.
    943         // This is adjusted to the minimum buffer size by native code.
    944         final int bufferSizeInBytes = isChannelIndex ?
    945                 (AudioFormat.getBytesPerSample(TEST_FORMAT)
    946                         * AudioFormat.channelCountFromInChannelMask(TEST_CONF)) :
    947                 AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(TEST_SR, TEST_CONF, TEST_FORMAT);
    948         assertTrue(bufferSizeInBytes > 0);
    950         final AudioRecord record;
    951         final AudioHelper
    952                 .MakeSomethingAsynchronouslyAndLoop<AudioRecord> makeSomething;
    954         if (localRecord) {
    955             makeSomething = null;
    956             record = createAudioRecord(TEST_SOURCE, TEST_SR, TEST_CONF,
    957                     TEST_FORMAT, bufferSizeInBytes, auditRecording, isChannelIndex);
    958         } else {
    959             makeSomething =
    960                     new AudioHelper.MakeSomethingAsynchronouslyAndLoop<AudioRecord>(
    961                             new AudioHelper.MakesSomething<AudioRecord>() {
    962                                 @Override
    963                                 public AudioRecord makeSomething() {
    964                                     return createAudioRecord(TEST_SOURCE, TEST_SR, TEST_CONF,
    965                                             TEST_FORMAT, bufferSizeInBytes, auditRecording,
    966                                             isChannelIndex);
    967                                 }
    968                             }
    969                             );
    970            // create AudioRecord on different thread's looper.
    971            record = makeSomething.make();
    972         }
    974         // AudioRecord creation may have silently failed, check state now
    975         assertEquals(AudioRecord.STATE_INITIALIZED, record.getState());
    977         final MockOnRecordPositionUpdateListener listener;
    978         if (customHandler) {
    979             listener = new MockOnRecordPositionUpdateListener(record, mHandler);
    980         } else {
    981             listener = new MockOnRecordPositionUpdateListener(record);
    982         }
    984         final int updatePeriodInFrames = (periodsPerSecond == 0)
    985                 ? 0 : TEST_SR / periodsPerSecond;
    986         // After starting, there is no guarantee when the first frame of data is read.
    987         long firstSampleTime = 0;
    989         // blank final variables: all successful paths will initialize the times.
    990         // this must be declared here for visibility as they are set within the try block.
    991         final long endTime;
    992         final long startTime;
    993         final long stopRequestTime;
    994         final long stopTime;
    995         final long coldInputStartTime;
    997         try {
    998             if (markerPeriodsPerSecond != 0) {
    999                 mMarkerPeriodInFrames = TEST_SR / markerPeriodsPerSecond;
   1000                 mMarkerPosition = mMarkerPeriodInFrames;
   1001                 assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
   1002                         record.setNotificationMarkerPosition(mMarkerPosition));
   1003             } else {
   1004                 mMarkerPeriodInFrames = 0;
   1005             }
   1007             assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
   1008                     record.setPositionNotificationPeriod(updatePeriodInFrames));
   1010             // at the start, there is no timestamp.
   1011             AudioTimestamp startTs = new AudioTimestamp();
   1012             assertEquals(AudioRecord.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,
   1013                     record.getTimestamp(startTs, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC));
   1015             listener.start(TEST_SR);
   1016             record.startRecording();
   1017             assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_RECORDING, record.getRecordingState());
   1018             startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1020             // For our tests, we could set test duration by timed sleep or by # frames received.
   1021             // Since we don't know *exactly* when AudioRecord actually begins recording,
   1022             // we end the test by # frames read.
   1023             final int numChannels =  AudioFormat.channelCountFromInChannelMask(TEST_CONF);
   1024             final int bytesPerSample = AudioFormat.getBytesPerSample(TEST_FORMAT);
   1025             final int bytesPerFrame = numChannels * bytesPerSample;
   1026             // careful about integer overflow in the formula below:
   1027             final int targetFrames = (int)((long)TEST_TIME_MS * TEST_SR / 1000);
   1028             final int targetSamples = targetFrames * numChannels;
   1029             final int BUFFER_FRAMES = 512;
   1030             final int BUFFER_SAMPLES = BUFFER_FRAMES * numChannels;
   1031             // TODO: verify behavior when buffer size is not a multiple of frame size.
   1033             int startTimeAtFrame = 0;
   1034             int samplesRead = 0;
   1035             if (useByteBuffer) {
   1036                 ByteBuffer byteBuffer =
   1037                         ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(BUFFER_SAMPLES * bytesPerSample);
   1038                 while (samplesRead < targetSamples) {
   1039                     // the first time through, we read a single frame.
   1040                     // this sets the recording anchor position.
   1041                     int amount = samplesRead == 0 ? numChannels :
   1042                         Math.min(BUFFER_SAMPLES, targetSamples - samplesRead);
   1043                     amount *= bytesPerSample;    // in bytes
   1044                     // read always places data at the start of the byte buffer with
   1045                     // position and limit are ignored.  test this by setting
   1046                     // position and limit to arbitrary values here.
   1047                     final int lastPosition = 7;
   1048                     final int lastLimit = 13;
   1049                     byteBuffer.position(lastPosition);
   1050                     byteBuffer.limit(lastLimit);
   1051                     int ret = blocking ? record.read(byteBuffer, amount) :
   1052                         record.read(byteBuffer, amount, AudioRecord.READ_NON_BLOCKING);
   1053                     // so long as amount requested in bytes is a multiple of the frame size
   1054                     // we expect the byte buffer request to be filled.  Caution: the
   1055                     // byte buffer data will be in native endian order, not Java order.
   1056                     if (blocking) {
   1057                         assertEquals(amount, ret);
   1058                     } else {
   1059                         assertTrue("0 <= " + ret + " <= " + amount,
   1060                                 0 <= ret && ret <= amount);
   1061                     }
   1062                     // position, limit are not changed by read().
   1063                     assertEquals(lastPosition, byteBuffer.position());
   1064                     assertEquals(lastLimit, byteBuffer.limit());
   1065                     if (samplesRead == 0 && ret > 0) {
   1066                         firstSampleTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1067                     }
   1068                     samplesRead += ret / bytesPerSample;
   1069                     if (startTimeAtFrame == 0 && ret > 0 &&
   1070                             record.getTimestamp(startTs, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC) ==
   1071                             AudioRecord.SUCCESS) {
   1072                         startTimeAtFrame = samplesRead / numChannels;
   1073                     }
   1074                 }
   1075             } else {
   1076                 switch (TEST_FORMAT) {
   1077                 case AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT: {
   1078                     // For 8 bit data, use bytes
   1079                     byte[] byteData = new byte[BUFFER_SAMPLES];
   1080                     while (samplesRead < targetSamples) {
   1081                         // the first time through, we read a single frame.
   1082                         // this sets the recording anchor position.
   1083                         int amount = samplesRead == 0 ? numChannels :
   1084                             Math.min(BUFFER_SAMPLES, targetSamples - samplesRead);
   1085                         int ret = blocking ? record.read(byteData, 0, amount) :
   1086                             record.read(byteData, 0, amount, AudioRecord.READ_NON_BLOCKING);
   1087                         if (blocking) {
   1088                             assertEquals(amount, ret);
   1089                         } else {
   1090                             assertTrue("0 <= " + ret + " <= " + amount,
   1091                                     0 <= ret && ret <= amount);
   1092                         }
   1093                         if (samplesRead == 0 && ret > 0) {
   1094                             firstSampleTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1095                         }
   1096                         samplesRead += ret;
   1097                         if (startTimeAtFrame == 0 && ret > 0 &&
   1098                                 record.getTimestamp(startTs, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC) ==
   1099                                 AudioRecord.SUCCESS) {
   1100                             startTimeAtFrame = samplesRead / numChannels;
   1101                         }
   1102                     }
   1103                 } break;
   1104                 case AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT: {
   1105                     // For 16 bit data, use shorts
   1106                     short[] shortData = new short[BUFFER_SAMPLES];
   1107                     while (samplesRead < targetSamples) {
   1108                         // the first time through, we read a single frame.
   1109                         // this sets the recording anchor position.
   1110                         int amount = samplesRead == 0 ? numChannels :
   1111                             Math.min(BUFFER_SAMPLES, targetSamples - samplesRead);
   1112                         int ret = blocking ? record.read(shortData, 0, amount) :
   1113                             record.read(shortData, 0, amount, AudioRecord.READ_NON_BLOCKING);
   1114                         if (blocking) {
   1115                             assertEquals(amount, ret);
   1116                         } else {
   1117                             assertTrue("0 <= " + ret + " <= " + amount,
   1118                                     0 <= ret && ret <= amount);
   1119                         }
   1120                         if (samplesRead == 0 && ret > 0) {
   1121                             firstSampleTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1122                         }
   1123                         samplesRead += ret;
   1124                         if (startTimeAtFrame == 0 && ret > 0 &&
   1125                                 record.getTimestamp(startTs, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC) ==
   1126                                 AudioRecord.SUCCESS) {
   1127                             startTimeAtFrame = samplesRead / numChannels;
   1128                         }
   1129                     }
   1130                 } break;
   1131                 case AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT: {
   1132                     float[] floatData = new float[BUFFER_SAMPLES];
   1133                     while (samplesRead < targetSamples) {
   1134                         // the first time through, we read a single frame.
   1135                         // this sets the recording anchor position.
   1136                         int amount = samplesRead == 0 ? numChannels :
   1137                             Math.min(BUFFER_SAMPLES, targetSamples - samplesRead);
   1138                         int ret = record.read(floatData, 0, amount, blocking ?
   1139                                 AudioRecord.READ_BLOCKING : AudioRecord.READ_NON_BLOCKING);
   1140                         if (blocking) {
   1141                             assertEquals(amount, ret);
   1142                         } else {
   1143                             assertTrue("0 <= " + ret + " <= " + amount,
   1144                                     0 <= ret && ret <= amount);
   1145                         }
   1146                         if (samplesRead == 0 && ret > 0) {
   1147                             firstSampleTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1148                         }
   1149                         samplesRead += ret;
   1150                         if (startTimeAtFrame == 0 && ret > 0 &&
   1151                                 record.getTimestamp(startTs, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC) ==
   1152                                 AudioRecord.SUCCESS) {
   1153                             startTimeAtFrame = samplesRead / numChannels;
   1154                         }
   1155                     }
   1156                 } break;
   1157                 }
   1158             }
   1160             // We've read all the frames, now check the record timing.
   1161             endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1163             coldInputStartTime = firstSampleTime - startTime;
   1164             //Log.d(TAG, "first sample time " + coldInputStartTime
   1165             //        + " test time " + (endTime - firstSampleTime));
   1167             if (coldInputStartTime > 200) {
   1168                 Log.w(TAG, "cold input start time way too long "
   1169                         + coldInputStartTime + " > 200ms");
   1170             } else if (coldInputStartTime > 100) {
   1171                 Log.w(TAG, "cold input start time too long "
   1172                         + coldInputStartTime + " > 100ms");
   1173             }
   1174             assertTrue(coldInputStartTime < 5000); // must start within 5 seconds.
   1176             // Verify recording completes within 50 ms of expected test time (typical 20ms)
   1177             assertEquals(TEST_TIME_MS, endTime - firstSampleTime, auditRecording ?
   1178                 (isLowLatencyDevice() ? 1000 : 2000) : (isLowLatencyDevice() ? 50 : 400));
   1180             // Even though we've read all the frames we want, the events may not be sent to
   1181             // the listeners (events are handled through a separate internal callback thread).
   1182             // One must sleep to make sure the last event(s) come in.
   1183             Thread.sleep(30);
   1185             stopRequestTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1186             record.stop();
   1187             assertEquals(AudioRecord.RECORDSTATE_STOPPED, record.getRecordingState());
   1189             stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1191             // stop listening - we should be done.
   1192             // Caution M behavior and likely much earlier:
   1193             // we assume no events can happen after stop(), but this may not
   1194             // always be true as stop can take 100ms to complete (as it may disable
   1195             // input recording on the hal); thus the event handler may be block with
   1196             // valid events, issuing right after stop completes. Except for those events,
   1197             // no other events should show up after stop.
   1198             // This behavior may change in the future but we account for it here in testing.
   1199             final long SLEEP_AFTER_STOP_FOR_EVENTS_MS = 30;
   1200             Thread.sleep(SLEEP_AFTER_STOP_FOR_EVENTS_MS);
   1201             listener.stop();
   1203             // get stop timestamp
   1204             AudioTimestamp stopTs = new AudioTimestamp();
   1205             assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
   1206                     record.getTimestamp(stopTs, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC));
   1207             AudioTimestamp stopTsBoot = new AudioTimestamp();
   1208             assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
   1209                     record.getTimestamp(stopTsBoot, AudioTimestamp.TIMEBASE_BOOTTIME));
   1211             // printTimestamp("startTs", startTs);
   1212             // printTimestamp("stopTs", stopTs);
   1213             // printTimestamp("stopTsBoot", stopTsBoot);
   1214             // Log.d(TAG, "time Monotonic " + System.nanoTime());
   1215             // Log.d(TAG, "time Boottime " + SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos());
   1217             // stop should not reset timestamps
   1218             assertTrue(stopTs.framePosition >= targetFrames);
   1219             assertEquals(stopTs.framePosition, stopTsBoot.framePosition);
   1220             assertTrue(stopTs.nanoTime > 0);
   1222             // timestamps follow a different path than data, so it is conceivable
   1223             // that first data arrives before the first timestamp is ready.
   1224             assertTrue(startTimeAtFrame > 0); // we read a start timestamp
   1226             verifyContinuousTimestamps(startTs, stopTs, TEST_SR);
   1228             // clean up
   1229             if (makeSomething != null) {
   1230                 makeSomething.join();
   1231             }
   1233         } finally {
   1234             listener.release();
   1235             // we must release the record immediately as it is a system-wide
   1236             // resource needed for other tests.
   1237             record.release();
   1238         }
   1239         if (auditRecording) { // don't check timing if auditing (messes up timing)
   1240             return;
   1241         }
   1242         final int markerPeriods = markerPeriodsPerSecond * TEST_TIME_MS / 1000;
   1243         final int updatePeriods = periodsPerSecond * TEST_TIME_MS / 1000;
   1244         final int markerPeriodsMax =
   1245                 markerPeriodsPerSecond * (int)(stopTime - firstSampleTime) / 1000 + 1;
   1246         final int updatePeriodsMax =
   1247                 periodsPerSecond * (int)(stopTime - firstSampleTime) / 1000 + 1;
   1249         // collect statistics
   1250         final ArrayList<Integer> markerList = listener.getMarkerList();
   1251         final ArrayList<Integer> periodicList = listener.getPeriodicList();
   1252         // verify count of markers and periodic notifications.
   1253         // there could be an extra notification since we don't stop() immediately
   1254         // rather wait for potential events to come in.
   1255         //Log.d(TAG, "markerPeriods " + markerPeriods +
   1256         //        " markerPeriodsReceived " + markerList.size());
   1257         //Log.d(TAG, "updatePeriods " + updatePeriods +
   1258         //        " updatePeriodsReceived " + periodicList.size());
   1259         if (isLowLatencyDevice()) {
   1260             assertTrue(TAG + ": markerPeriods " + markerPeriods +
   1261                     " <= markerPeriodsReceived " + markerList.size() +
   1262                     " <= markerPeriodsMax " + markerPeriodsMax,
   1263                     markerPeriods <= markerList.size()
   1264                     && markerList.size() <= markerPeriodsMax);
   1265             assertTrue(TAG + ": updatePeriods " + updatePeriods +
   1266                    " <= updatePeriodsReceived " + periodicList.size() +
   1267                    " <= updatePeriodsMax " + updatePeriodsMax,
   1268                     updatePeriods <= periodicList.size()
   1269                     && periodicList.size() <= updatePeriodsMax);
   1270         }
   1272         // Since we don't have accurate positioning of the start time of the recorder,
   1273         // and there is no record.getPosition(), we consider only differential timing
   1274         // from the first marker or periodic event.
   1275         final int toleranceInFrames = TEST_SR * 80 / 1000; // 80 ms
   1276         final int testTimeInFrames = (int)((long)TEST_TIME_MS * TEST_SR / 1000);
   1278         AudioHelper.Statistics markerStat = new AudioHelper.Statistics();
   1279         for (int i = 1; i < markerList.size(); ++i) {
   1280             final int expected = mMarkerPeriodInFrames * i;
   1281             if (markerList.get(i) > testTimeInFrames) {
   1282                 break; // don't consider any notifications when we might be stopping.
   1283             }
   1284             final int actual = markerList.get(i) - markerList.get(0);
   1285             //Log.d(TAG, "Marker: " + i + " expected(" + expected + ")  actual(" + actual
   1286             //        + ")  diff(" + (actual - expected) + ")"
   1287             //        + " tolerance " + toleranceInFrames);
   1288             if (isLowLatencyDevice()) {
   1289                 assertEquals(expected, actual, toleranceInFrames);
   1290             }
   1291             markerStat.add((double)(actual - expected) * 1000 / TEST_SR);
   1292         }
   1294         AudioHelper.Statistics periodicStat = new AudioHelper.Statistics();
   1295         for (int i = 1; i < periodicList.size(); ++i) {
   1296             final int expected = updatePeriodInFrames * i;
   1297             if (periodicList.get(i) > testTimeInFrames) {
   1298                 break; // don't consider any notifications when we might be stopping.
   1299             }
   1300             final int actual = periodicList.get(i) - periodicList.get(0);
   1301             //Log.d(TAG, "Update: " + i + " expected(" + expected + ")  actual(" + actual
   1302             //        + ")  diff(" + (actual - expected) + ")"
   1303             //        + " tolerance " + toleranceInFrames);
   1304             if (isLowLatencyDevice()) {
   1305                 assertEquals(expected, actual, toleranceInFrames);
   1306             }
   1307             periodicStat.add((double)(actual - expected) * 1000 / TEST_SR);
   1308         }
   1310         // report this
   1311         DeviceReportLog log = new DeviceReportLog(REPORT_LOG_NAME, reportName);
   1312         log.addValue("start_recording_lag", coldInputStartTime, ResultType.LOWER_BETTER,
   1313                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1314         log.addValue("stop_execution_time", stopTime - stopRequestTime, ResultType.LOWER_BETTER,
   1315                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1316         log.addValue("total_record_time_expected", TEST_TIME_MS, ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.MS);
   1317         log.addValue("total_record_time_actual", endTime - firstSampleTime, ResultType.NEUTRAL,
   1318                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1319         log.addValue("total_markers_expected", markerPeriods, ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.COUNT);
   1320         log.addValue("total_markers_actual", markerList.size(), ResultType.NEUTRAL,
   1321                 ResultUnit.COUNT);
   1322         log.addValue("total_periods_expected", updatePeriods, ResultType.NEUTRAL, ResultUnit.COUNT);
   1323         log.addValue("total_periods_actual", periodicList.size(), ResultType.NEUTRAL,
   1324                 ResultUnit.COUNT);
   1325         log.addValue("average_marker_diff", markerStat.getAvg(), ResultType.LOWER_BETTER,
   1326                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1327         log.addValue("maximum_marker_abs_diff", markerStat.getMaxAbs(), ResultType.LOWER_BETTER,
   1328                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1329         log.addValue("average_marker_abs_diff", markerStat.getAvgAbs(), ResultType.LOWER_BETTER,
   1330                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1331         log.addValue("average_periodic_diff", periodicStat.getAvg(), ResultType.LOWER_BETTER,
   1332                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1333         log.addValue("maximum_periodic_abs_diff", periodicStat.getMaxAbs(), ResultType.LOWER_BETTER,
   1334                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1335         log.addValue("average_periodic_abs_diff", periodicStat.getAvgAbs(), ResultType.LOWER_BETTER,
   1336                 ResultUnit.MS);
   1337         log.setSummary("unified_abs_diff", (periodicStat.getAvgAbs() + markerStat.getAvgAbs()) / 2,
   1338                 ResultType.LOWER_BETTER, ResultUnit.MS);
   1339         log.submit(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());
   1340     }
   1342     private class MockOnRecordPositionUpdateListener
   1343                                         implements OnRecordPositionUpdateListener {
   1344         public MockOnRecordPositionUpdateListener(AudioRecord record) {
   1345             mAudioRecord = record;
   1346             record.setRecordPositionUpdateListener(this);
   1347         }
   1349         public MockOnRecordPositionUpdateListener(AudioRecord record, Handler handler) {
   1350             mAudioRecord = record;
   1351             record.setRecordPositionUpdateListener(this, handler);
   1352         }
   1354         public synchronized void onMarkerReached(AudioRecord record) {
   1355             if (mIsTestActive) {
   1356                 int position = getPosition();
   1357                 mOnMarkerReachedCalled.add(position);
   1358                 mMarkerPosition += mMarkerPeriodInFrames;
   1359                 assertEquals(AudioRecord.SUCCESS,
   1360                         mAudioRecord.setNotificationMarkerPosition(mMarkerPosition));
   1361             } else {
   1362                 // see comment on stop()
   1363                 final long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - mStopTime;
   1364                 Log.d(TAG, "onMarkerReached called " + delta + " ms after stop");
   1365                 fail("onMarkerReached called when not active");
   1366             }
   1367         }
   1369         public synchronized void onPeriodicNotification(AudioRecord record) {
   1370             if (mIsTestActive) {
   1371                 int position = getPosition();
   1372                 mOnPeriodicNotificationCalled.add(position);
   1373             } else {
   1374                 // see comment on stop()
   1375                 final long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - mStopTime;
   1376                 Log.d(TAG, "onPeriodicNotification called " + delta + " ms after stop");
   1377                 fail("onPeriodicNotification called when not active");
   1378             }
   1379         }
   1381         public synchronized void start(int sampleRate) {
   1382             mIsTestActive = true;
   1383             mSampleRate = sampleRate;
   1384             mStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1385         }
   1387         public synchronized void stop() {
   1388             // the listener should be stopped some time after AudioRecord is stopped
   1389             // as some messages may not yet be posted.
   1390             mIsTestActive = false;
   1391             mStopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1392         }
   1394         public ArrayList<Integer> getMarkerList() {
   1395             return mOnMarkerReachedCalled;
   1396         }
   1398         public ArrayList<Integer> getPeriodicList() {
   1399             return mOnPeriodicNotificationCalled;
   1400         }
   1402         public synchronized void release() {
   1403             stop();
   1404             mAudioRecord.setRecordPositionUpdateListener(null);
   1405             mAudioRecord = null;
   1406         }
   1408         private int getPosition() {
   1409             // we don't have mAudioRecord.getRecordPosition();
   1410             // so we fake this by timing.
   1411             long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() - mStartTime;
   1412             return (int)(delta * mSampleRate / 1000);
   1413         }
   1415         private long mStartTime;
   1416         private long mStopTime;
   1417         private int mSampleRate;
   1418         private boolean mIsTestActive = true;
   1419         private AudioRecord mAudioRecord;
   1420         private ArrayList<Integer> mOnMarkerReachedCalled = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   1421         private ArrayList<Integer> mOnPeriodicNotificationCalled = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   1422     }
   1424     private boolean hasMicrophone() {
   1425         return getContext().getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(
   1426                 PackageManager.FEATURE_MICROPHONE);
   1427     }
   1429     private boolean isLowRamDevice() {
   1430         return ((ActivityManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE))
   1431                 .isLowRamDevice();
   1432     }
   1434     private boolean isLowLatencyDevice() {
   1435         return getContext().getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(
   1436                 PackageManager.FEATURE_AUDIO_LOW_LATENCY);
   1437     }
   1439     private void verifyContinuousTimestamps(
   1440             AudioTimestamp startTs, AudioTimestamp stopTs, int sampleRate)
   1441             throws Exception {
   1442         final long timeDiff = stopTs.nanoTime - startTs.nanoTime;
   1443         final long frameDiff = stopTs.framePosition - startTs.framePosition;
   1444         final long NANOS_PER_SECOND = 1000000000;
   1445         final long timeByFrames = frameDiff * NANOS_PER_SECOND / sampleRate;
   1446         final double ratio = (double)timeDiff / timeByFrames;
   1448         // Usually the ratio is accurate to one part per thousand or better.
   1449         // Log.d(TAG, "ratio=" + ratio + ", timeDiff=" + timeDiff + ", frameDiff=" + frameDiff +
   1450         //        ", timeByFrames=" + timeByFrames + ", sampleRate=" + sampleRate);
   1451         assertEquals(1.0 /* expected */, ratio, isLowLatencyDevice() ? 0.01 : 0.5 /* delta */);
   1452     }
   1454     // remove if AudioTimestamp has a better toString().
   1455     private void printTimestamp(String s, AudioTimestamp ats) {
   1456         Log.d(TAG, s + ":  pos: " + ats.framePosition + "  time: " + ats.nanoTime);
   1457     }
   1459     private static void readDataTimed(AudioRecord recorder, long durationMillis,
   1460             ShortBuffer out) throws IOException {
   1461         final short[] buffer = new short[1024];
   1462         final long startTimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
   1463         final long stopTimeMillis = startTimeMillis + durationMillis;
   1464         while (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() < stopTimeMillis) {
   1465             final int readCount = recorder.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
   1466             if (readCount <= 0) {
   1467                 return;
   1468             }
   1469             out.put(buffer, 0, readCount);
   1470         }
   1471     }
   1473     private static boolean isAudioSilent(ShortBuffer buffer) {
   1474         // Always need some bytes read
   1475         assertTrue("Buffer should have some data", buffer.position() > 0);
   1477         // It is possible that the transition from empty to non empty bytes
   1478         // happened in the middle of the read data due to the async nature of
   1479         // the system. Therefore, we look for the transitions from non-empty
   1480         // to empty and from empty to non-empty values for robustness.
   1481         int totalSilenceCount = 0;
   1482         final int valueCount = buffer.position();
   1483         for (int i = valueCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   1484             final short value = buffer.get(i);
   1485             if (value == 0) {
   1486                 totalSilenceCount++;
   1487             }
   1488         }
   1489         return totalSilenceCount > valueCount / 2;
   1490     }
   1492     private static void makeMyUidStateActive() throws IOException {
   1493         final String command = "cmd media.audio_policy set-uid-state "
   1494                 + InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().getPackageName() + " active";
   1495         SystemUtil.runShellCommand(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation(), command);
   1496     }
   1498     private static void makeMyUidStateIdle() throws IOException {
   1499         final String command = "cmd media.audio_policy set-uid-state "
   1500                 + InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().getPackageName() + " idle";
   1501         SystemUtil.runShellCommand(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation(), command);
   1502     }
   1504     private static void resetMyUidState() throws IOException {
   1505         final String command = "cmd media.audio_policy reset-uid-state "
   1506                 +  InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().getPackageName();
   1507         SystemUtil.runShellCommand(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation(), command);
   1508     }
   1510     private static Context getContext() {
   1511         return InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext();
   1512     }
   1513 }