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      1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_manager.h"
      7 #include <inttypes.h>
      8 #include <stdio.h>
     10 #include <algorithm>
     11 #include <utility>
     13 #include "base/allocator/features.h"
     14 #include "base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
     15 #include "base/base_switches.h"
     16 #include "base/command_line.h"
     17 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     18 #include "base/debug/alias.h"
     19 #include "base/debug/debugging_flags.h"
     20 #include "base/debug/stack_trace.h"
     21 #include "base/debug/thread_heap_usage_tracker.h"
     22 #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
     23 #include "base/strings/pattern.h"
     24 #include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
     25 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
     26 #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
     27 #include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler.h"
     28 #include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_context_tracker.h"
     29 #include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_event_filter.h"
     30 #include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_stack_frame_deduplicator.h"
     31 #include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_type_name_deduplicator.h"
     32 #include "base/trace_event/malloc_dump_provider.h"
     33 #include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_provider.h"
     34 #include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_scheduler.h"
     35 #include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_session_state.h"
     36 #include "base/trace_event/memory_infra_background_whitelist.h"
     37 #include "base/trace_event/process_memory_dump.h"
     38 #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
     39 #include "base/trace_event/trace_event_argument.h"
     40 #include "build/build_config.h"
     42 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
     43 #include "base/trace_event/java_heap_dump_provider_android.h"
     44 #endif
     46 namespace base {
     47 namespace trace_event {
     49 namespace {
     51 const int kTraceEventNumArgs = 1;
     52 const char* kTraceEventArgNames[] = {"dumps"};
     53 const unsigned char kTraceEventArgTypes[] = {TRACE_VALUE_TYPE_CONVERTABLE};
     55 StaticAtomicSequenceNumber g_next_guid;
     56 MemoryDumpManager* g_instance_for_testing = nullptr;
     58 // The list of names of dump providers that are blacklisted from strict thread
     59 // affinity check on unregistration. These providers could potentially cause
     60 // crashes on build bots if they do not unregister on right thread.
     61 // TODO(ssid): Fix all the dump providers to unregister if needed and clear the
     62 // blacklist, crbug.com/643438.
     63 const char* const kStrictThreadCheckBlacklist[] = {
     64     "ClientDiscardableSharedMemoryManager",
     65     "ContextProviderCommandBuffer",
     66     "DiscardableSharedMemoryManager",
     67     "FontCaches",
     68     "GpuMemoryBufferVideoFramePool",
     69     "IndexedDBBackingStore",
     70     "Sql",
     71     "ThreadLocalEventBuffer",
     72     "TraceLog",
     73     "URLRequestContext",
     74     "VpxVideoDecoder",
     75     "cc::SoftwareImageDecodeCache",
     76     "cc::StagingBufferPool",
     77     "gpu::BufferManager",
     78     "gpu::MappedMemoryManager",
     79     "gpu::RenderbufferManager",
     80     "BlacklistTestDumpProvider"  // for testing
     81 };
     83 // Callback wrapper to hook upon the completion of RequestGlobalDump() and
     84 // inject trace markers.
     85 void OnGlobalDumpDone(MemoryDumpCallback wrapped_callback,
     86                       uint64_t dump_guid,
     87                       bool success) {
     88   char guid_str[20];
     89   sprintf(guid_str, "0x%" PRIx64, dump_guid);
     90   TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END2(MemoryDumpManager::kTraceCategory,
     91                                   "GlobalMemoryDump", TRACE_ID_LOCAL(dump_guid),
     92                                   "dump_guid", TRACE_STR_COPY(guid_str),
     93                                   "success", success);
     95   if (!wrapped_callback.is_null()) {
     96     wrapped_callback.Run(dump_guid, success);
     97     wrapped_callback.Reset();
     98   }
     99 }
    101 // Proxy class which wraps a ConvertableToTraceFormat owned by the
    102 // |session_state| into a proxy object that can be added to the trace event log.
    103 // This is to solve the problem that the MemoryDumpSessionState is refcounted
    104 // but the tracing subsystem wants a std::unique_ptr<ConvertableToTraceFormat>.
    105 template <typename T>
    106 struct SessionStateConvertableProxy : public ConvertableToTraceFormat {
    107   using GetterFunctPtr = T* (MemoryDumpSessionState::*)() const;
    109   SessionStateConvertableProxy(
    110       scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpSessionState> session_state,
    111       GetterFunctPtr getter_function)
    112       : session_state(session_state), getter_function(getter_function) {}
    114   void AppendAsTraceFormat(std::string* out) const override {
    115     return (session_state.get()->*getter_function)()->AppendAsTraceFormat(out);
    116   }
    118   void EstimateTraceMemoryOverhead(
    119       TraceEventMemoryOverhead* overhead) override {
    120     return (session_state.get()->*getter_function)()
    121         ->EstimateTraceMemoryOverhead(overhead);
    122   }
    124   scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpSessionState> session_state;
    125   GetterFunctPtr const getter_function;
    126 };
    128 }  // namespace
    130 // static
    131 const char* const MemoryDumpManager::kTraceCategory =
    132     TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("memory-infra");
    134 // static
    135 const char* const MemoryDumpManager::kLogPrefix = "Memory-infra dump";
    137 // static
    138 const int MemoryDumpManager::kMaxConsecutiveFailuresCount = 3;
    140 // static
    141 const uint64_t MemoryDumpManager::kInvalidTracingProcessId = 0;
    143 // static
    144 const char* const MemoryDumpManager::kSystemAllocatorPoolName =
    146     MallocDumpProvider::kAllocatedObjects;
    147 #else
    148     nullptr;
    149 #endif
    151 // static
    152 MemoryDumpManager* MemoryDumpManager::GetInstance() {
    153   if (g_instance_for_testing)
    154     return g_instance_for_testing;
    156   return Singleton<MemoryDumpManager,
    157                    LeakySingletonTraits<MemoryDumpManager>>::get();
    158 }
    160 // static
    161 void MemoryDumpManager::SetInstanceForTesting(MemoryDumpManager* instance) {
    162   g_instance_for_testing = instance;
    163 }
    165 MemoryDumpManager::MemoryDumpManager()
    166     : memory_tracing_enabled_(0),
    167       tracing_process_id_(kInvalidTracingProcessId),
    168       dumper_registrations_ignored_for_testing_(false),
    169       heap_profiling_enabled_(false) {
    170   g_next_guid.GetNext();  // Make sure that first guid is not zero.
    172   // At this point the command line may not be initialized but we try to
    173   // enable the heap profiler to capture allocations as soon as possible.
    174   EnableHeapProfilingIfNeeded();
    176   strict_thread_check_blacklist_.insert(std::begin(kStrictThreadCheckBlacklist),
    177                                         std::end(kStrictThreadCheckBlacklist));
    178 }
    180 MemoryDumpManager::~MemoryDumpManager() {
    181   TraceLog::GetInstance()->RemoveEnabledStateObserver(this);
    182 }
    184 void MemoryDumpManager::EnableHeapProfilingIfNeeded() {
    185   if (heap_profiling_enabled_)
    186     return;
    188   if (!CommandLine::InitializedForCurrentProcess() ||
    189       !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
    190           switches::kEnableHeapProfiling))
    191     return;
    193   std::string profiling_mode = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()
    194       ->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kEnableHeapProfiling);
    195   if (profiling_mode == "") {
    196     AllocationContextTracker::SetCaptureMode(
    197         AllocationContextTracker::CaptureMode::PSEUDO_STACK);
    199     (BUILDFLAG(ENABLE_PROFILING) || !defined(NDEBUG))
    200   } else if (profiling_mode == switches::kEnableHeapProfilingModeNative) {
    201     // We need frame pointers for native tracing to work, and they are
    202     // enabled in profiling and debug builds.
    203     AllocationContextTracker::SetCaptureMode(
    204         AllocationContextTracker::CaptureMode::NATIVE_STACK);
    205 #endif
    207   } else if (profiling_mode == switches::kEnableHeapProfilingTaskProfiler) {
    208     // Enable heap tracking, which in turn enables capture of heap usage
    209     // tracking in tracked_objects.cc.
    210     if (!base::debug::ThreadHeapUsageTracker::IsHeapTrackingEnabled())
    211       base::debug::ThreadHeapUsageTracker::EnableHeapTracking();
    212 #endif
    213   } else {
    214     CHECK(false) << "Invalid mode '" << profiling_mode << "' for "
    215                << switches::kEnableHeapProfiling << " flag.";
    216   }
    218   for (auto mdp : dump_providers_)
    219     mdp->dump_provider->OnHeapProfilingEnabled(true);
    220   heap_profiling_enabled_ = true;
    221 }
    223 void MemoryDumpManager::Initialize(
    224     std::unique_ptr<MemoryDumpManagerDelegate> delegate) {
    225   {
    226     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    227     DCHECK(delegate);
    228     DCHECK(!delegate_);
    229     delegate_ = std::move(delegate);
    230     EnableHeapProfilingIfNeeded();
    231   }
    233 // Enable the core dump providers.
    235   RegisterDumpProvider(MallocDumpProvider::GetInstance(), "Malloc", nullptr);
    236 #endif
    238 #if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    239   RegisterDumpProvider(JavaHeapDumpProvider::GetInstance(), "JavaHeap",
    240                        nullptr);
    241 #endif
    243   TRACE_EVENT_WARMUP_CATEGORY(kTraceCategory);
    245   // TODO(ssid): This should be done in EnableHeapProfiling so that we capture
    246   // more allocations (crbug.com/625170).
    247   if (AllocationContextTracker::capture_mode() ==
    248           AllocationContextTracker::CaptureMode::PSEUDO_STACK &&
    249       !(TraceLog::GetInstance()->enabled_modes() & TraceLog::FILTERING_MODE)) {
    250     // Create trace config with heap profiling filter.
    251     std::string filter_string = "*";
    252     const char* const kFilteredCategories[] = {
    254         MemoryDumpManager::kTraceCategory};
    255     for (const char* cat : kFilteredCategories)
    256       filter_string = filter_string + "," + cat;
    257     TraceConfigCategoryFilter category_filter;
    258     category_filter.InitializeFromString(filter_string);
    260     TraceConfig::EventFilterConfig heap_profiler_filter_config(
    261         HeapProfilerEventFilter::kName);
    262     heap_profiler_filter_config.SetCategoryFilter(category_filter);
    264     TraceConfig::EventFilters filters;
    265     filters.push_back(heap_profiler_filter_config);
    266     TraceConfig filtering_trace_config;
    267     filtering_trace_config.SetEventFilters(filters);
    269     TraceLog::GetInstance()->SetEnabled(filtering_trace_config,
    270                                         TraceLog::FILTERING_MODE);
    271   }
    273   // If tracing was enabled before initializing MemoryDumpManager, we missed the
    274   // OnTraceLogEnabled() event. Synthetize it so we can late-join the party.
    275   // IsEnabled is called before adding observer to avoid calling
    276   // OnTraceLogEnabled twice.
    277   bool is_tracing_already_enabled = TraceLog::GetInstance()->IsEnabled();
    278   TraceLog::GetInstance()->AddEnabledStateObserver(this);
    279   if (is_tracing_already_enabled)
    280     OnTraceLogEnabled();
    281 }
    283 void MemoryDumpManager::RegisterDumpProvider(
    284     MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
    285     const char* name,
    286     scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner,
    287     MemoryDumpProvider::Options options) {
    288   options.dumps_on_single_thread_task_runner = true;
    289   RegisterDumpProviderInternal(mdp, name, std::move(task_runner), options);
    290 }
    292 void MemoryDumpManager::RegisterDumpProvider(
    293     MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
    294     const char* name,
    295     scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner) {
    296   // Set |dumps_on_single_thread_task_runner| to true because all providers
    297   // without task runner are run on dump thread.
    298   MemoryDumpProvider::Options options;
    299   options.dumps_on_single_thread_task_runner = true;
    300   RegisterDumpProviderInternal(mdp, name, std::move(task_runner), options);
    301 }
    303 void MemoryDumpManager::RegisterDumpProviderWithSequencedTaskRunner(
    304     MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
    305     const char* name,
    306     scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
    307     MemoryDumpProvider::Options options) {
    308   DCHECK(task_runner);
    309   options.dumps_on_single_thread_task_runner = false;
    310   RegisterDumpProviderInternal(mdp, name, std::move(task_runner), options);
    311 }
    313 void MemoryDumpManager::RegisterDumpProviderInternal(
    314     MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
    315     const char* name,
    316     scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
    317     const MemoryDumpProvider::Options& options) {
    318   if (dumper_registrations_ignored_for_testing_)
    319     return;
    321   bool whitelisted_for_background_mode = IsMemoryDumpProviderWhitelisted(name);
    322   scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpProviderInfo> mdpinfo =
    323       new MemoryDumpProviderInfo(mdp, name, std::move(task_runner), options,
    324                                  whitelisted_for_background_mode);
    326   if (options.is_fast_polling_supported) {
    327     DCHECK(!mdpinfo->task_runner) << "MemoryDumpProviders capable of fast "
    328                                      "polling must NOT be thread bound.";
    329   }
    331   {
    332     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    333     bool already_registered = !dump_providers_.insert(mdpinfo).second;
    334     // This actually happens in some tests which don't have a clean tear-down
    335     // path for RenderThreadImpl::Init().
    336     if (already_registered)
    337       return;
    339     // The list of polling MDPs is populated OnTraceLogEnabled(). This code
    340     // deals with the case of a MDP capable of fast polling that is registered
    341     // after the OnTraceLogEnabled()
    342     if (options.is_fast_polling_supported && dump_thread_) {
    343       dump_thread_->task_runner()->PostTask(
    344           FROM_HERE, Bind(&MemoryDumpManager::RegisterPollingMDPOnDumpThread,
    345                           Unretained(this), mdpinfo));
    346     }
    347   }
    349   if (heap_profiling_enabled_)
    350     mdp->OnHeapProfilingEnabled(true);
    351 }
    353 void MemoryDumpManager::UnregisterDumpProvider(MemoryDumpProvider* mdp) {
    354   UnregisterDumpProviderInternal(mdp, false /* delete_async */);
    355 }
    357 void MemoryDumpManager::UnregisterAndDeleteDumpProviderSoon(
    358     std::unique_ptr<MemoryDumpProvider> mdp) {
    359   UnregisterDumpProviderInternal(mdp.release(), true /* delete_async */);
    360 }
    362 void MemoryDumpManager::UnregisterDumpProviderInternal(
    363     MemoryDumpProvider* mdp,
    364     bool take_mdp_ownership_and_delete_async) {
    365   std::unique_ptr<MemoryDumpProvider> owned_mdp;
    366   if (take_mdp_ownership_and_delete_async)
    367     owned_mdp.reset(mdp);
    369   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    371   auto mdp_iter = dump_providers_.begin();
    372   for (; mdp_iter != dump_providers_.end(); ++mdp_iter) {
    373     if ((*mdp_iter)->dump_provider == mdp)
    374       break;
    375   }
    377   if (mdp_iter == dump_providers_.end())
    378     return;  // Not registered / already unregistered.
    380   if (take_mdp_ownership_and_delete_async) {
    381     // The MDP will be deleted whenever the MDPInfo struct will, that is either:
    382     // - At the end of this function, if no dump is in progress.
    383     // - Either in SetupNextMemoryDump() or InvokeOnMemoryDump() when MDPInfo is
    384     //   removed from |pending_dump_providers|.
    385     // - When the provider is removed from |dump_providers_for_polling_|.
    386     DCHECK(!(*mdp_iter)->owned_dump_provider);
    387     (*mdp_iter)->owned_dump_provider = std::move(owned_mdp);
    388   } else if (strict_thread_check_blacklist_.count((*mdp_iter)->name) == 0 ||
    389              subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&memory_tracing_enabled_)) {
    390     // If dump provider's name is on |strict_thread_check_blacklist_|, then the
    391     // DCHECK is fired only when tracing is enabled. Otherwise the DCHECK is
    392     // fired even when tracing is not enabled (stricter).
    393     // TODO(ssid): Remove this condition after removing all the dump providers
    394     // in the blacklist and the buildbots are no longer flakily hitting the
    395     // DCHECK, crbug.com/643438.
    397     // If you hit this DCHECK, your dump provider has a bug.
    398     // Unregistration of a MemoryDumpProvider is safe only if:
    399     // - The MDP has specified a sequenced task runner affinity AND the
    400     //   unregistration happens on the same task runner. So that the MDP cannot
    401     //   unregister and be in the middle of a OnMemoryDump() at the same time.
    402     // - The MDP has NOT specified a task runner affinity and its ownership is
    403     //   transferred via UnregisterAndDeleteDumpProviderSoon().
    404     // In all the other cases, it is not possible to guarantee that the
    405     // unregistration will not race with OnMemoryDump() calls.
    406     DCHECK((*mdp_iter)->task_runner &&
    407            (*mdp_iter)->task_runner->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread())
    408         << "MemoryDumpProvider \"" << (*mdp_iter)->name << "\" attempted to "
    409         << "unregister itself in a racy way. Please file a crbug.";
    410   }
    412   if ((*mdp_iter)->options.is_fast_polling_supported && dump_thread_) {
    413     DCHECK(take_mdp_ownership_and_delete_async);
    414     dump_thread_->task_runner()->PostTask(
    415         FROM_HERE, Bind(&MemoryDumpManager::UnregisterPollingMDPOnDumpThread,
    416                         Unretained(this), *mdp_iter));
    417   }
    419   // The MDPInfo instance can still be referenced by the
    420   // |ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState.pending_dump_providers|. For this reason
    421   // the MDPInfo is flagged as disabled. It will cause InvokeOnMemoryDump()
    422   // to just skip it, without actually invoking the |mdp|, which might be
    423   // destroyed by the caller soon after this method returns.
    424   (*mdp_iter)->disabled = true;
    425   dump_providers_.erase(mdp_iter);
    426 }
    428 void MemoryDumpManager::RegisterPollingMDPOnDumpThread(
    429     scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpProviderInfo> mdpinfo) {
    430   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    431   dump_providers_for_polling_.insert(mdpinfo);
    433   // Notify ready for polling when first polling supported provider is
    434   // registered. This handles the case where OnTraceLogEnabled() did not notify
    435   // ready since no polling supported mdp has yet been registered.
    436   if (dump_providers_for_polling_.size() == 1)
    437     MemoryDumpScheduler::GetInstance()->EnablePollingIfNeeded();
    438 }
    440 void MemoryDumpManager::UnregisterPollingMDPOnDumpThread(
    441     scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpProviderInfo> mdpinfo) {
    442   mdpinfo->dump_provider->SuspendFastMemoryPolling();
    444   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    445   dump_providers_for_polling_.erase(mdpinfo);
    446   DCHECK(!dump_providers_for_polling_.empty())
    447       << "All polling MDPs cannot be unregistered.";
    448 }
    450 void MemoryDumpManager::RequestGlobalDump(
    451     MemoryDumpType dump_type,
    452     MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail level_of_detail,
    453     const MemoryDumpCallback& callback) {
    454   // Bail out immediately if tracing is not enabled at all or if the dump mode
    455   // is not allowed.
    456   if (!UNLIKELY(subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&memory_tracing_enabled_)) ||
    457       !IsDumpModeAllowed(level_of_detail)) {
    458     VLOG(1) << kLogPrefix << " failed because " << kTraceCategory
    459             << " tracing category is not enabled or the requested dump mode is "
    460                "not allowed by trace config.";
    461     if (!callback.is_null())
    462       callback.Run(0u /* guid */, false /* success */);
    463     return;
    464   }
    466   const uint64_t guid =
    467       TraceLog::GetInstance()->MangleEventId(g_next_guid.GetNext());
    469   // Creates an async event to keep track of the global dump evolution.
    470   // The |wrapped_callback| will generate the ASYNC_END event and then invoke
    471   // the real |callback| provided by the caller.
    473       kTraceCategory, "GlobalMemoryDump", TRACE_ID_LOCAL(guid), "dump_type",
    474       MemoryDumpTypeToString(dump_type), "level_of_detail",
    475       MemoryDumpLevelOfDetailToString(level_of_detail));
    476   MemoryDumpCallback wrapped_callback = Bind(&OnGlobalDumpDone, callback);
    478   // The delegate will coordinate the IPC broadcast and at some point invoke
    479   // CreateProcessDump() to get a dump for the current process.
    480   MemoryDumpRequestArgs args = {guid, dump_type, level_of_detail};
    481   delegate_->RequestGlobalMemoryDump(args, wrapped_callback);
    482 }
    484 void MemoryDumpManager::RequestGlobalDump(
    485     MemoryDumpType dump_type,
    486     MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail level_of_detail) {
    487   RequestGlobalDump(dump_type, level_of_detail, MemoryDumpCallback());
    488 }
    490 bool MemoryDumpManager::IsDumpProviderRegisteredForTesting(
    491     MemoryDumpProvider* provider) {
    492   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    494   for (const auto& info : dump_providers_) {
    495     if (info->dump_provider == provider)
    496       return true;
    497   }
    498   return false;
    499 }
    501 void MemoryDumpManager::CreateProcessDump(const MemoryDumpRequestArgs& args,
    502                                           const MemoryDumpCallback& callback) {
    503   char guid_str[20];
    504   sprintf(guid_str, "0x%" PRIx64, args.dump_guid);
    505   TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_BEGIN1(kTraceCategory, "ProcessMemoryDump",
    506                                     TRACE_ID_LOCAL(args.dump_guid), "dump_guid",
    507                                     TRACE_STR_COPY(guid_str));
    509   // If argument filter is enabled then only background mode dumps should be
    510   // allowed. In case the trace config passed for background tracing session
    511   // missed the allowed modes argument, it crashes here instead of creating
    512   // unexpected dumps.
    513   if (TraceLog::GetInstance()
    514           ->GetCurrentTraceConfig()
    515           .IsArgumentFilterEnabled()) {
    516     CHECK_EQ(MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::BACKGROUND, args.level_of_detail);
    517   }
    519   std::unique_ptr<ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState> pmd_async_state;
    520   {
    521     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    523     // |dump_thread_| can be nullptr is tracing was disabled before reaching
    524     // here. SetupNextMemoryDump() is robust enough to tolerate it and will
    525     // NACK the dump.
    526     pmd_async_state.reset(new ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState(
    527         args, dump_providers_, session_state_, callback,
    528         dump_thread_ ? dump_thread_->task_runner() : nullptr));
    530     // Safety check to prevent reaching here without calling RequestGlobalDump,
    531     // with disallowed modes. If |session_state_| is null then tracing is
    532     // disabled.
    533     CHECK(!session_state_ ||
    534           session_state_->IsDumpModeAllowed(args.level_of_detail));
    536     MemoryDumpScheduler::GetInstance()->NotifyDumpTriggered();
    537   }
    539   // Start the process dump. This involves task runner hops as specified by the
    540   // MemoryDumpProvider(s) in RegisterDumpProvider()).
    541   SetupNextMemoryDump(std::move(pmd_async_state));
    542 }
    544 // PostTask InvokeOnMemoryDump() to the dump provider's sequenced task runner. A
    545 // PostTask is always required for a generic SequencedTaskRunner to ensure that
    546 // no other task is running on it concurrently. SetupNextMemoryDump() and
    547 // InvokeOnMemoryDump() are called alternatively which linearizes the dump
    548 // provider's OnMemoryDump invocations.
    549 // At most one of either SetupNextMemoryDump() or InvokeOnMemoryDump() can be
    550 // active at any time for a given PMD, regardless of status of the |lock_|.
    551 // |lock_| is used in these functions purely to ensure consistency w.r.t.
    552 // (un)registrations of |dump_providers_|.
    553 void MemoryDumpManager::SetupNextMemoryDump(
    554     std::unique_ptr<ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState> pmd_async_state) {
    556   // Initalizes the ThreadLocalEventBuffer to guarantee that the TRACE_EVENTs
    557   // in the PostTask below don't end up registering their own dump providers
    558   // (for discounting trace memory overhead) while holding the |lock_|.
    559   TraceLog::GetInstance()->InitializeThreadLocalEventBufferIfSupported();
    561   // |dump_thread_| might be destroyed before getting this point.
    562   // It means that tracing was disabled right before starting this dump.
    563   // Anyway either tracing is stopped or this was the last hop, create a trace
    564   // event, add it to the trace and finalize process dump invoking the callback.
    565   if (!pmd_async_state->dump_thread_task_runner.get()) {
    566     if (pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.empty()) {
    567       VLOG(1) << kLogPrefix << " failed because dump thread was destroyed"
    568               << " before finalizing the dump";
    569     } else {
    570       VLOG(1) << kLogPrefix << " failed because dump thread was destroyed"
    571               << " before dumping "
    572               << pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.back().get()->name;
    573     }
    574     pmd_async_state->dump_successful = false;
    575     pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.clear();
    576   }
    577   if (pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.empty())
    578     return FinalizeDumpAndAddToTrace(std::move(pmd_async_state));
    580   // Read MemoryDumpProviderInfo thread safety considerations in
    581   // memory_dump_manager.h when accessing |mdpinfo| fields.
    582   MemoryDumpProviderInfo* mdpinfo =
    583       pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.back().get();
    585   // If we are in background tracing, we should invoke only the whitelisted
    586   // providers. Ignore other providers and continue.
    587   if (pmd_async_state->req_args.level_of_detail ==
    588           MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::BACKGROUND &&
    589       !mdpinfo->whitelisted_for_background_mode) {
    590     pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.pop_back();
    591     return SetupNextMemoryDump(std::move(pmd_async_state));
    592   }
    594   // If the dump provider did not specify a task runner affinity, dump on
    595   // |dump_thread_| which is already checked above for presence.
    596   SequencedTaskRunner* task_runner = mdpinfo->task_runner.get();
    597   if (!task_runner) {
    598     DCHECK(mdpinfo->options.dumps_on_single_thread_task_runner);
    599     task_runner = pmd_async_state->dump_thread_task_runner.get();
    600     DCHECK(task_runner);
    601   }
    603   if (mdpinfo->options.dumps_on_single_thread_task_runner &&
    604       task_runner->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()) {
    605     // If |dumps_on_single_thread_task_runner| is true then no PostTask is
    606     // required if we are on the right thread.
    607     return InvokeOnMemoryDump(pmd_async_state.release());
    608   }
    610   bool did_post_task = task_runner->PostTask(
    611       FROM_HERE, Bind(&MemoryDumpManager::InvokeOnMemoryDump, Unretained(this),
    612                       Unretained(pmd_async_state.get())));
    614   if (did_post_task) {
    615     // Ownership is tranferred to InvokeOnMemoryDump().
    616     ignore_result(pmd_async_state.release());
    617     return;
    618   }
    620   // PostTask usually fails only if the process or thread is shut down. So, the
    621   // dump provider is disabled here. But, don't disable unbound dump providers.
    622   // The utility thread is normally shutdown when disabling the trace and
    623   // getting here in this case is expected.
    624   if (mdpinfo->task_runner) {
    625     LOG(ERROR) << "Disabling MemoryDumpProvider \"" << mdpinfo->name
    626                << "\". Failed to post task on the task runner provided.";
    628     // A locked access is required to R/W |disabled| (for the
    629     // UnregisterAndDeleteDumpProviderSoon() case).
    630     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    631     mdpinfo->disabled = true;
    632   }
    634   // PostTask failed. Ignore the dump provider and continue.
    635   pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.pop_back();
    636   SetupNextMemoryDump(std::move(pmd_async_state));
    637 }
    639 // This function is called on the right task runner for current MDP. It is
    640 // either the task runner specified by MDP or |dump_thread_task_runner| if the
    641 // MDP did not specify task runner. Invokes the dump provider's OnMemoryDump()
    642 // (unless disabled).
    643 void MemoryDumpManager::InvokeOnMemoryDump(
    644     ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState* owned_pmd_async_state) {
    646   // In theory |owned_pmd_async_state| should be a scoped_ptr. The only reason
    647   // why it isn't is because of the corner case logic of |did_post_task|
    648   // above, which needs to take back the ownership of the |pmd_async_state| when
    649   // the PostTask() fails.
    650   // Unfortunately, PostTask() destroys the scoped_ptr arguments upon failure
    651   // to prevent accidental leaks. Using a scoped_ptr would prevent us to to
    652   // skip the hop and move on. Hence the manual naked -> scoped ptr juggling.
    653   auto pmd_async_state = WrapUnique(owned_pmd_async_state);
    654   owned_pmd_async_state = nullptr;
    656   // Read MemoryDumpProviderInfo thread safety considerations in
    657   // memory_dump_manager.h when accessing |mdpinfo| fields.
    658   MemoryDumpProviderInfo* mdpinfo =
    659       pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.back().get();
    661   DCHECK(!mdpinfo->task_runner ||
    662          mdpinfo->task_runner->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread());
    664   bool should_dump;
    665   {
    666     // A locked access is required to R/W |disabled| (for the
    667     // UnregisterAndDeleteDumpProviderSoon() case).
    668     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    670     // Unregister the dump provider if it failed too many times consecutively.
    671     if (!mdpinfo->disabled &&
    672         mdpinfo->consecutive_failures >= kMaxConsecutiveFailuresCount) {
    673       mdpinfo->disabled = true;
    674       LOG(ERROR) << "Disabling MemoryDumpProvider \"" << mdpinfo->name
    675                  << "\". Dump failed multiple times consecutively.";
    676     }
    677     should_dump = !mdpinfo->disabled;
    678   }  // AutoLock lock(lock_);
    680   if (should_dump) {
    681     // Invoke the dump provider.
    682     TRACE_EVENT1(kTraceCategory, "MemoryDumpManager::InvokeOnMemoryDump",
    683                  "dump_provider.name", mdpinfo->name);
    685     // A stack allocated string with dump provider name is useful to debug
    686     // crashes while invoking dump after a |dump_provider| is not unregistered
    687     // in safe way.
    688     // TODO(ssid): Remove this after fixing crbug.com/643438.
    689     char provider_name_for_debugging[16];
    690     strncpy(provider_name_for_debugging, mdpinfo->name,
    691             sizeof(provider_name_for_debugging) - 1);
    692     provider_name_for_debugging[sizeof(provider_name_for_debugging) - 1] = '\0';
    693     base::debug::Alias(provider_name_for_debugging);
    695     // Pid of the target process being dumped. Often kNullProcessId (= current
    696     // process), non-zero when the coordinator process creates dumps on behalf
    697     // of child processes (see crbug.com/461788).
    698     ProcessId target_pid = mdpinfo->options.target_pid;
    699     MemoryDumpArgs args = {pmd_async_state->req_args.level_of_detail};
    700     ProcessMemoryDump* pmd =
    701         pmd_async_state->GetOrCreateMemoryDumpContainerForProcess(target_pid,
    702                                                                   args);
    703     bool dump_successful = mdpinfo->dump_provider->OnMemoryDump(args, pmd);
    704     mdpinfo->consecutive_failures =
    705         dump_successful ? 0 : mdpinfo->consecutive_failures + 1;
    706   }
    708   pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.pop_back();
    709   SetupNextMemoryDump(std::move(pmd_async_state));
    710 }
    712 bool MemoryDumpManager::PollFastMemoryTotal(uint64_t* memory_total) {
    713 #if DCHECK_IS_ON()
    714   {
    715     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    716     if (dump_thread_)
    717       DCHECK(dump_thread_->task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread());
    718   }
    719 #endif
    720   if (dump_providers_for_polling_.empty())
    721     return false;
    723   *memory_total = 0;
    724   // Note that we call PollFastMemoryTotal() even if the dump provider is
    725   // disabled (unregistered). This is to avoid taking lock while polling.
    726   for (const auto& mdpinfo : dump_providers_for_polling_) {
    727     uint64_t value = 0;
    728     mdpinfo->dump_provider->PollFastMemoryTotal(&value);
    729     *memory_total += value;
    730   }
    731   return true;
    732 }
    734 // static
    735 uint32_t MemoryDumpManager::GetDumpsSumKb(const std::string& pattern,
    736                                           const ProcessMemoryDump* pmd) {
    737   uint64_t sum = 0;
    738   for (const auto& kv : pmd->allocator_dumps()) {
    739     auto name = StringPiece(kv.first);
    740     if (MatchPattern(name, pattern))
    741       sum += kv.second->GetSize();
    742   }
    743   return sum / 1024;
    744 }
    746 // static
    747 void MemoryDumpManager::FinalizeDumpAndAddToTrace(
    748     std::unique_ptr<ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState> pmd_async_state) {
    750   DCHECK(pmd_async_state->pending_dump_providers.empty());
    751   const uint64_t dump_guid = pmd_async_state->req_args.dump_guid;
    752   if (!pmd_async_state->callback_task_runner->BelongsToCurrentThread()) {
    753     scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> callback_task_runner =
    754         pmd_async_state->callback_task_runner;
    755     callback_task_runner->PostTask(
    756         FROM_HERE, Bind(&MemoryDumpManager::FinalizeDumpAndAddToTrace,
    757                         Passed(&pmd_async_state)));
    758     return;
    759   }
    761   TRACE_EVENT0(kTraceCategory, "MemoryDumpManager::FinalizeDumpAndAddToTrace");
    763   // The results struct to fill.
    764   // TODO(hjd): Transitional until we send the full PMD. See crbug.com/704203
    765   MemoryDumpCallbackResult result;
    767   for (const auto& kv : pmd_async_state->process_dumps) {
    768     ProcessId pid = kv.first;  // kNullProcessId for the current process.
    769     ProcessMemoryDump* process_memory_dump = kv.second.get();
    770     std::unique_ptr<TracedValue> traced_value(new TracedValue);
    771     process_memory_dump->AsValueInto(traced_value.get());
    772     traced_value->SetString("level_of_detail",
    773                             MemoryDumpLevelOfDetailToString(
    774                                 pmd_async_state->req_args.level_of_detail));
    775     const char* const event_name =
    776         MemoryDumpTypeToString(pmd_async_state->req_args.dump_type);
    778     std::unique_ptr<ConvertableToTraceFormat> event_value(
    779         std::move(traced_value));
    782         TraceLog::GetCategoryGroupEnabled(kTraceCategory), event_name,
    783         trace_event_internal::kGlobalScope, dump_guid, pid,
    784         kTraceEventNumArgs, kTraceEventArgNames,
    785         kTraceEventArgTypes, nullptr /* arg_values */, &event_value,
    786         TRACE_EVENT_FLAG_HAS_ID);
    788     // TODO(hjd): Transitional until we send the full PMD. See crbug.com/704203
    789     // Don't try to fill the struct in detailed mode since it is hard to avoid
    790     // double counting.
    791     if (pmd_async_state->req_args.level_of_detail ==
    792         MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail::DETAILED)
    793       continue;
    795     // TODO(hjd): Transitional until we send the full PMD. See crbug.com/704203
    796     if (pid == kNullProcessId) {
    797       result.chrome_dump.malloc_total_kb =
    798           GetDumpsSumKb("malloc", process_memory_dump);
    799       result.chrome_dump.v8_total_kb =
    800           GetDumpsSumKb("v8/*", process_memory_dump);
    802       // partition_alloc reports sizes for both allocated_objects and
    803       // partitions. The memory allocated_objects uses is a subset of
    804       // the partitions memory so to avoid double counting we only
    805       // count partitions memory.
    806       result.chrome_dump.partition_alloc_total_kb =
    807           GetDumpsSumKb("partition_alloc/partitions/*", process_memory_dump);
    808       result.chrome_dump.blink_gc_total_kb =
    809           GetDumpsSumKb("blink_gc", process_memory_dump);
    810     }
    811   }
    813   bool tracing_still_enabled;
    814   TRACE_EVENT_CATEGORY_GROUP_ENABLED(kTraceCategory, &tracing_still_enabled);
    815   if (!tracing_still_enabled) {
    816     pmd_async_state->dump_successful = false;
    817     VLOG(1) << kLogPrefix << " failed because tracing was disabled before"
    818             << " the dump was completed";
    819   }
    821   if (!pmd_async_state->callback.is_null()) {
    822     pmd_async_state->callback.Run(dump_guid, pmd_async_state->dump_successful);
    823     pmd_async_state->callback.Reset();
    824   }
    826   TRACE_EVENT_NESTABLE_ASYNC_END0(kTraceCategory, "ProcessMemoryDump",
    827                                   TRACE_ID_LOCAL(dump_guid));
    828 }
    830 void MemoryDumpManager::OnTraceLogEnabled() {
    831   bool enabled;
    832   TRACE_EVENT_CATEGORY_GROUP_ENABLED(kTraceCategory, &enabled);
    833   if (!enabled)
    834     return;
    836   // Initialize the TraceLog for the current thread. This is to avoid that the
    837   // TraceLog memory dump provider is registered lazily in the PostTask() below
    838   // while the |lock_| is taken;
    839   TraceLog::GetInstance()->InitializeThreadLocalEventBufferIfSupported();
    841   // Spin-up the thread used to invoke unbound dump providers.
    842   std::unique_ptr<Thread> dump_thread(new Thread("MemoryInfra"));
    843   if (!dump_thread->Start()) {
    844     LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start the memory-infra thread for tracing";
    845     return;
    846   }
    848   const TraceConfig& trace_config =
    849       TraceLog::GetInstance()->GetCurrentTraceConfig();
    850   const TraceConfig::MemoryDumpConfig& memory_dump_config =
    851       trace_config.memory_dump_config();
    852   scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpSessionState> session_state =
    853       new MemoryDumpSessionState;
    854   session_state->SetAllowedDumpModes(memory_dump_config.allowed_dump_modes);
    855   session_state->set_heap_profiler_breakdown_threshold_bytes(
    856       memory_dump_config.heap_profiler_options.breakdown_threshold_bytes);
    857   if (heap_profiling_enabled_) {
    858     // If heap profiling is enabled, the stack frame deduplicator and type name
    859     // deduplicator will be in use. Add a metadata events to write the frames
    860     // and type IDs.
    861     session_state->SetStackFrameDeduplicator(
    862         WrapUnique(new StackFrameDeduplicator));
    864     session_state->SetTypeNameDeduplicator(
    865         WrapUnique(new TypeNameDeduplicator));
    868         TraceLog::GetCategoryGroupEnabled("__metadata"), "stackFrames",
    869         "stackFrames",
    870         MakeUnique<SessionStateConvertableProxy<StackFrameDeduplicator>>(
    871             session_state, &MemoryDumpSessionState::stack_frame_deduplicator));
    874         TraceLog::GetCategoryGroupEnabled("__metadata"), "typeNames",
    875         "typeNames",
    876         MakeUnique<SessionStateConvertableProxy<TypeNameDeduplicator>>(
    877             session_state, &MemoryDumpSessionState::type_name_deduplicator));
    878   }
    880   {
    881     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    883     DCHECK(delegate_);  // At this point we must have a delegate.
    884     session_state_ = session_state;
    886     DCHECK(!dump_thread_);
    887     dump_thread_ = std::move(dump_thread);
    889     subtle::NoBarrier_Store(&memory_tracing_enabled_, 1);
    891     dump_providers_for_polling_.clear();
    892     for (const auto& mdpinfo : dump_providers_) {
    893       if (mdpinfo->options.is_fast_polling_supported)
    894         dump_providers_for_polling_.insert(mdpinfo);
    895     }
    897     MemoryDumpScheduler* dump_scheduler = MemoryDumpScheduler::GetInstance();
    898     dump_scheduler->Setup(this, dump_thread_->task_runner());
    899     DCHECK_LE(memory_dump_config.triggers.size(), 3u);
    900     for (const auto& trigger : memory_dump_config.triggers) {
    901       if (!session_state_->IsDumpModeAllowed(trigger.level_of_detail)) {
    902         NOTREACHED();
    903         continue;
    904       }
    905       dump_scheduler->AddTrigger(trigger.trigger_type, trigger.level_of_detail,
    906                                  trigger.min_time_between_dumps_ms);
    907     }
    909     // Notify polling supported only if some polling supported provider was
    910     // registered, else RegisterPollingMDPOnDumpThread() will notify when first
    911     // polling MDP registers.
    912     if (!dump_providers_for_polling_.empty())
    913       dump_scheduler->EnablePollingIfNeeded();
    915     // Only coordinator process triggers periodic global memory dumps.
    916     if (delegate_->IsCoordinator())
    917       dump_scheduler->EnablePeriodicTriggerIfNeeded();
    918   }
    920 }
    922 void MemoryDumpManager::OnTraceLogDisabled() {
    923   // There might be a memory dump in progress while this happens. Therefore,
    924   // ensure that the MDM state which depends on the tracing enabled / disabled
    925   // state is always accessed by the dumping methods holding the |lock_|.
    926   if (!subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&memory_tracing_enabled_))
    927     return;
    928   subtle::NoBarrier_Store(&memory_tracing_enabled_, 0);
    929   std::unique_ptr<Thread> dump_thread;
    930   {
    931     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    932     dump_thread = std::move(dump_thread_);
    933     session_state_ = nullptr;
    934     MemoryDumpScheduler::GetInstance()->DisableAllTriggers();
    935   }
    937   // Thread stops are blocking and must be performed outside of the |lock_|
    938   // or will deadlock (e.g., if SetupNextMemoryDump() tries to acquire it).
    939   if (dump_thread)
    940     dump_thread->Stop();
    942   // |dump_providers_for_polling_| must be cleared only after the dump thread is
    943   // stopped (polling tasks are done).
    944   {
    945     AutoLock lock(lock_);
    946     for (const auto& mdpinfo : dump_providers_for_polling_)
    947       mdpinfo->dump_provider->SuspendFastMemoryPolling();
    948     dump_providers_for_polling_.clear();
    949   }
    950 }
    952 bool MemoryDumpManager::IsDumpModeAllowed(MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail dump_mode) {
    953   AutoLock lock(lock_);
    954   if (!session_state_)
    955     return false;
    956   return session_state_->IsDumpModeAllowed(dump_mode);
    957 }
    959 MemoryDumpManager::ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState::ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState(
    960     MemoryDumpRequestArgs req_args,
    961     const MemoryDumpProviderInfo::OrderedSet& dump_providers,
    962     scoped_refptr<MemoryDumpSessionState> session_state,
    963     MemoryDumpCallback callback,
    964     scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> dump_thread_task_runner)
    965     : req_args(req_args),
    966       session_state(std::move(session_state)),
    967       callback(callback),
    968       dump_successful(true),
    969       callback_task_runner(ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()),
    970       dump_thread_task_runner(std::move(dump_thread_task_runner)) {
    971   pending_dump_providers.reserve(dump_providers.size());
    972   pending_dump_providers.assign(dump_providers.rbegin(), dump_providers.rend());
    973 }
    975 MemoryDumpManager::ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState::~ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState() {
    976 }
    978 ProcessMemoryDump* MemoryDumpManager::ProcessMemoryDumpAsyncState::
    979     GetOrCreateMemoryDumpContainerForProcess(ProcessId pid,
    980                                              const MemoryDumpArgs& dump_args) {
    981   auto iter = process_dumps.find(pid);
    982   if (iter == process_dumps.end()) {
    983     std::unique_ptr<ProcessMemoryDump> new_pmd(
    984         new ProcessMemoryDump(session_state, dump_args));
    985     iter = process_dumps.insert(std::make_pair(pid, std::move(new_pmd))).first;
    986   }
    987   return iter->second.get();
    988 }
    990 }  // namespace trace_event
    991 }  // namespace base