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      1 //=-- InstrProf.cpp - Instrumented profiling format support -----------------=//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file contains support for clang's instrumentation based PGO and
     11 // coverage.
     12 //
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     15 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h"
     16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
     17 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
     18 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
     19 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
     20 #include "llvm/IR/MDBuilder.h"
     21 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/Compression.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
     25 #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
     26 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
     28 using namespace llvm;
     30 static cl::opt<bool> StaticFuncFullModulePrefix(
     31     "static-func-full-module-prefix", cl::init(false),
     32     cl::desc("Use full module build paths in the profile counter names for "
     33              "static functions."));
     35 namespace {
     36 std::string getInstrProfErrString(instrprof_error Err) {
     37   switch (Err) {
     38   case instrprof_error::success:
     39     return "Success";
     40   case instrprof_error::eof:
     41     return "End of File";
     42   case instrprof_error::unrecognized_format:
     43     return "Unrecognized instrumentation profile encoding format";
     44   case instrprof_error::bad_magic:
     45     return "Invalid instrumentation profile data (bad magic)";
     46   case instrprof_error::bad_header:
     47     return "Invalid instrumentation profile data (file header is corrupt)";
     48   case instrprof_error::unsupported_version:
     49     return "Unsupported instrumentation profile format version";
     50   case instrprof_error::unsupported_hash_type:
     51     return "Unsupported instrumentation profile hash type";
     52   case instrprof_error::too_large:
     53     return "Too much profile data";
     54   case instrprof_error::truncated:
     55     return "Truncated profile data";
     56   case instrprof_error::malformed:
     57     return "Malformed instrumentation profile data";
     58   case instrprof_error::unknown_function:
     59     return "No profile data available for function";
     60   case instrprof_error::hash_mismatch:
     61     return "Function control flow change detected (hash mismatch)";
     62   case instrprof_error::count_mismatch:
     63     return "Function basic block count change detected (counter mismatch)";
     64   case instrprof_error::counter_overflow:
     65     return "Counter overflow";
     66   case instrprof_error::value_site_count_mismatch:
     67     return "Function value site count change detected (counter mismatch)";
     68   case instrprof_error::compress_failed:
     69     return "Failed to compress data (zlib)";
     70   case instrprof_error::uncompress_failed:
     71     return "Failed to uncompress data (zlib)";
     72   }
     73   llvm_unreachable("A value of instrprof_error has no message.");
     74 }
     76 // FIXME: This class is only here to support the transition to llvm::Error. It
     77 // will be removed once this transition is complete. Clients should prefer to
     78 // deal with the Error value directly, rather than converting to error_code.
     79 class InstrProfErrorCategoryType : public std::error_category {
     80   const char *name() const LLVM_NOEXCEPT override { return "llvm.instrprof"; }
     81   std::string message(int IE) const override {
     82     return getInstrProfErrString(static_cast<instrprof_error>(IE));
     83   }
     84 };
     85 } // end anonymous namespace
     87 static ManagedStatic<InstrProfErrorCategoryType> ErrorCategory;
     89 const std::error_category &llvm::instrprof_category() {
     90   return *ErrorCategory;
     91 }
     93 namespace llvm {
     95 void SoftInstrProfErrors::addError(instrprof_error IE) {
     96   if (IE == instrprof_error::success)
     97     return;
     99   if (FirstError == instrprof_error::success)
    100     FirstError = IE;
    102   switch (IE) {
    103   case instrprof_error::hash_mismatch:
    104     ++NumHashMismatches;
    105     break;
    106   case instrprof_error::count_mismatch:
    107     ++NumCountMismatches;
    108     break;
    109   case instrprof_error::counter_overflow:
    110     ++NumCounterOverflows;
    111     break;
    112   case instrprof_error::value_site_count_mismatch:
    113     ++NumValueSiteCountMismatches;
    114     break;
    115   default:
    116     llvm_unreachable("Not a soft error");
    117   }
    118 }
    120 std::string InstrProfError::message() const {
    121   return getInstrProfErrString(Err);
    122 }
    124 char InstrProfError::ID = 0;
    126 std::string getPGOFuncName(StringRef RawFuncName,
    127                            GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage,
    128                            StringRef FileName,
    129                            uint64_t Version LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
    130   return GlobalValue::getGlobalIdentifier(RawFuncName, Linkage, FileName);
    131 }
    133 // Return the PGOFuncName. This function has some special handling when called
    134 // in LTO optimization. The following only applies when calling in LTO passes
    135 // (when \c InLTO is true): LTO's internalization privatizes many global linkage
    136 // symbols. This happens after value profile annotation, but those internal
    137 // linkage functions should not have a source prefix.
    138 // To differentiate compiler generated internal symbols from original ones,
    139 // PGOFuncName meta data are created and attached to the original internal
    140 // symbols in the value profile annotation step
    141 // (PGOUseFunc::annotateIndirectCallSites). If a symbol does not have the meta
    142 // data, its original linkage must be non-internal.
    143 std::string getPGOFuncName(const Function &F, bool InLTO, uint64_t Version) {
    144   if (!InLTO) {
    145     StringRef FileName = (StaticFuncFullModulePrefix
    146                               ? F.getParent()->getName()
    147                               : sys::path::filename(F.getParent()->getName()));
    148     return getPGOFuncName(F.getName(), F.getLinkage(), FileName, Version);
    149   }
    151   // In LTO mode (when InLTO is true), first check if there is a meta data.
    152   if (MDNode *MD = getPGOFuncNameMetadata(F)) {
    153     StringRef S = cast<MDString>(MD->getOperand(0))->getString();
    154     return S.str();
    155   }
    157   // If there is no meta data, the function must be a global before the value
    158   // profile annotation pass. Its current linkage may be internal if it is
    159   // internalized in LTO mode.
    160   return getPGOFuncName(F.getName(), GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, "");
    161 }
    163 StringRef getFuncNameWithoutPrefix(StringRef PGOFuncName, StringRef FileName) {
    164   if (FileName.empty())
    165     return PGOFuncName;
    166   // Drop the file name including ':'. See also getPGOFuncName.
    167   if (PGOFuncName.startswith(FileName))
    168     PGOFuncName = PGOFuncName.drop_front(FileName.size() + 1);
    169   return PGOFuncName;
    170 }
    172 // \p FuncName is the string used as profile lookup key for the function. A
    173 // symbol is created to hold the name. Return the legalized symbol name.
    174 std::string getPGOFuncNameVarName(StringRef FuncName,
    175                                   GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage) {
    176   std::string VarName = getInstrProfNameVarPrefix();
    177   VarName += FuncName;
    179   if (!GlobalValue::isLocalLinkage(Linkage))
    180     return VarName;
    182   // Now fix up illegal chars in local VarName that may upset the assembler.
    183   const char *InvalidChars = "-:<>/\"'";
    184   size_t found = VarName.find_first_of(InvalidChars);
    185   while (found != std::string::npos) {
    186     VarName[found] = '_';
    187     found = VarName.find_first_of(InvalidChars, found + 1);
    188   }
    189   return VarName;
    190 }
    192 GlobalVariable *createPGOFuncNameVar(Module &M,
    193                                      GlobalValue::LinkageTypes Linkage,
    194                                      StringRef PGOFuncName) {
    196   // We generally want to match the function's linkage, but available_externally
    197   // and extern_weak both have the wrong semantics, and anything that doesn't
    198   // need to link across compilation units doesn't need to be visible at all.
    199   if (Linkage == GlobalValue::ExternalWeakLinkage)
    200     Linkage = GlobalValue::LinkOnceAnyLinkage;
    201   else if (Linkage == GlobalValue::AvailableExternallyLinkage)
    202     Linkage = GlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage;
    203   else if (Linkage == GlobalValue::InternalLinkage ||
    204            Linkage == GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage)
    205     Linkage = GlobalValue::PrivateLinkage;
    207   auto *Value =
    208       ConstantDataArray::getString(M.getContext(), PGOFuncName, false);
    209   auto FuncNameVar =
    210       new GlobalVariable(M, Value->getType(), true, Linkage, Value,
    211                          getPGOFuncNameVarName(PGOFuncName, Linkage));
    213   // Hide the symbol so that we correctly get a copy for each executable.
    214   if (!GlobalValue::isLocalLinkage(FuncNameVar->getLinkage()))
    215     FuncNameVar->setVisibility(GlobalValue::HiddenVisibility);
    217   return FuncNameVar;
    218 }
    220 GlobalVariable *createPGOFuncNameVar(Function &F, StringRef PGOFuncName) {
    221   return createPGOFuncNameVar(*F.getParent(), F.getLinkage(), PGOFuncName);
    222 }
    224 void InstrProfSymtab::create(Module &M, bool InLTO) {
    225   for (Function &F : M) {
    226     // Function may not have a name: like using asm("") to overwrite the name.
    227     // Ignore in this case.
    228     if (!F.hasName())
    229       continue;
    230     const std::string &PGOFuncName = getPGOFuncName(F, InLTO);
    231     addFuncName(PGOFuncName);
    232     MD5FuncMap.emplace_back(Function::getGUID(PGOFuncName), &F);
    233   }
    235   finalizeSymtab();
    236 }
    238 Error collectPGOFuncNameStrings(const std::vector<std::string> &NameStrs,
    239                                 bool doCompression, std::string &Result) {
    240   assert(NameStrs.size() && "No name data to emit");
    242   uint8_t Header[16], *P = Header;
    243   std::string UncompressedNameStrings =
    244       join(NameStrs.begin(), NameStrs.end(), getInstrProfNameSeparator());
    246   assert(StringRef(UncompressedNameStrings)
    247                  .count(getInstrProfNameSeparator()) == (NameStrs.size() - 1) &&
    248          "PGO name is invalid (contains separator token)");
    250   unsigned EncLen = encodeULEB128(UncompressedNameStrings.length(), P);
    251   P += EncLen;
    253   auto WriteStringToResult = [&](size_t CompressedLen, StringRef InputStr) {
    254     EncLen = encodeULEB128(CompressedLen, P);
    255     P += EncLen;
    256     char *HeaderStr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(&Header[0]);
    257     unsigned HeaderLen = P - &Header[0];
    258     Result.append(HeaderStr, HeaderLen);
    259     Result += InputStr;
    260     return Error::success();
    261   };
    263   if (!doCompression) {
    264     return WriteStringToResult(0, UncompressedNameStrings);
    265   }
    267   SmallString<128> CompressedNameStrings;
    268   zlib::Status Success =
    269       zlib::compress(StringRef(UncompressedNameStrings), CompressedNameStrings,
    270                      zlib::BestSizeCompression);
    272   if (Success != zlib::StatusOK)
    273     return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::compress_failed);
    275   return WriteStringToResult(CompressedNameStrings.size(),
    276                              CompressedNameStrings);
    277 }
    279 StringRef getPGOFuncNameVarInitializer(GlobalVariable *NameVar) {
    280   auto *Arr = cast<ConstantDataArray>(NameVar->getInitializer());
    281   StringRef NameStr =
    282       Arr->isCString() ? Arr->getAsCString() : Arr->getAsString();
    283   return NameStr;
    284 }
    286 Error collectPGOFuncNameStrings(const std::vector<GlobalVariable *> &NameVars,
    287                                 std::string &Result, bool doCompression) {
    288   std::vector<std::string> NameStrs;
    289   for (auto *NameVar : NameVars) {
    290     NameStrs.push_back(getPGOFuncNameVarInitializer(NameVar));
    291   }
    292   return collectPGOFuncNameStrings(
    293       NameStrs, zlib::isAvailable() && doCompression, Result);
    294 }
    296 Error readPGOFuncNameStrings(StringRef NameStrings, InstrProfSymtab &Symtab) {
    297   const uint8_t *P = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(NameStrings.data());
    298   const uint8_t *EndP = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(NameStrings.data() +
    299                                                           NameStrings.size());
    300   while (P < EndP) {
    301     uint32_t N;
    302     uint64_t UncompressedSize = decodeULEB128(P, &N);
    303     P += N;
    304     uint64_t CompressedSize = decodeULEB128(P, &N);
    305     P += N;
    306     bool isCompressed = (CompressedSize != 0);
    307     SmallString<128> UncompressedNameStrings;
    308     StringRef NameStrings;
    309     if (isCompressed) {
    310       StringRef CompressedNameStrings(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(P),
    311                                       CompressedSize);
    312       if (zlib::uncompress(CompressedNameStrings, UncompressedNameStrings,
    313                            UncompressedSize) != zlib::StatusOK)
    314         return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::uncompress_failed);
    315       P += CompressedSize;
    316       NameStrings = StringRef(UncompressedNameStrings.data(),
    317                               UncompressedNameStrings.size());
    318     } else {
    319       NameStrings =
    320           StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(P), UncompressedSize);
    321       P += UncompressedSize;
    322     }
    323     // Now parse the name strings.
    324     SmallVector<StringRef, 0> Names;
    325     NameStrings.split(Names, getInstrProfNameSeparator());
    326     for (StringRef &Name : Names)
    327       Symtab.addFuncName(Name);
    329     while (P < EndP && *P == 0)
    330       P++;
    331   }
    332   Symtab.finalizeSymtab();
    333   return Error::success();
    334 }
    336 void InstrProfValueSiteRecord::merge(SoftInstrProfErrors &SIPE,
    337                                      InstrProfValueSiteRecord &Input,
    338                                      uint64_t Weight) {
    339   this->sortByTargetValues();
    340   Input.sortByTargetValues();
    341   auto I = ValueData.begin();
    342   auto IE = ValueData.end();
    343   for (auto J = Input.ValueData.begin(), JE = Input.ValueData.end(); J != JE;
    344        ++J) {
    345     while (I != IE && I->Value < J->Value)
    346       ++I;
    347     if (I != IE && I->Value == J->Value) {
    348       bool Overflowed;
    349       I->Count = SaturatingMultiplyAdd(J->Count, Weight, I->Count, &Overflowed);
    350       if (Overflowed)
    351         SIPE.addError(instrprof_error::counter_overflow);
    352       ++I;
    353       continue;
    354     }
    355     ValueData.insert(I, *J);
    356   }
    357 }
    359 void InstrProfValueSiteRecord::scale(SoftInstrProfErrors &SIPE,
    360                                      uint64_t Weight) {
    361   for (auto I = ValueData.begin(), IE = ValueData.end(); I != IE; ++I) {
    362     bool Overflowed;
    363     I->Count = SaturatingMultiply(I->Count, Weight, &Overflowed);
    364     if (Overflowed)
    365       SIPE.addError(instrprof_error::counter_overflow);
    366   }
    367 }
    369 // Merge Value Profile data from Src record to this record for ValueKind.
    370 // Scale merged value counts by \p Weight.
    371 void InstrProfRecord::mergeValueProfData(uint32_t ValueKind,
    372                                          InstrProfRecord &Src,
    373                                          uint64_t Weight) {
    374   uint32_t ThisNumValueSites = getNumValueSites(ValueKind);
    375   uint32_t OtherNumValueSites = Src.getNumValueSites(ValueKind);
    376   if (ThisNumValueSites != OtherNumValueSites) {
    377     SIPE.addError(instrprof_error::value_site_count_mismatch);
    378     return;
    379   }
    380   std::vector<InstrProfValueSiteRecord> &ThisSiteRecords =
    381       getValueSitesForKind(ValueKind);
    382   std::vector<InstrProfValueSiteRecord> &OtherSiteRecords =
    383       Src.getValueSitesForKind(ValueKind);
    384   for (uint32_t I = 0; I < ThisNumValueSites; I++)
    385     ThisSiteRecords[I].merge(SIPE, OtherSiteRecords[I], Weight);
    386 }
    388 void InstrProfRecord::merge(InstrProfRecord &Other, uint64_t Weight) {
    389   // If the number of counters doesn't match we either have bad data
    390   // or a hash collision.
    391   if (Counts.size() != Other.Counts.size()) {
    392     SIPE.addError(instrprof_error::count_mismatch);
    393     return;
    394   }
    396   for (size_t I = 0, E = Other.Counts.size(); I < E; ++I) {
    397     bool Overflowed;
    398     Counts[I] =
    399         SaturatingMultiplyAdd(Other.Counts[I], Weight, Counts[I], &Overflowed);
    400     if (Overflowed)
    401       SIPE.addError(instrprof_error::counter_overflow);
    402   }
    404   for (uint32_t Kind = IPVK_First; Kind <= IPVK_Last; ++Kind)
    405     mergeValueProfData(Kind, Other, Weight);
    406 }
    408 void InstrProfRecord::scaleValueProfData(uint32_t ValueKind, uint64_t Weight) {
    409   uint32_t ThisNumValueSites = getNumValueSites(ValueKind);
    410   std::vector<InstrProfValueSiteRecord> &ThisSiteRecords =
    411       getValueSitesForKind(ValueKind);
    412   for (uint32_t I = 0; I < ThisNumValueSites; I++)
    413     ThisSiteRecords[I].scale(SIPE, Weight);
    414 }
    416 void InstrProfRecord::scale(uint64_t Weight) {
    417   for (auto &Count : this->Counts) {
    418     bool Overflowed;
    419     Count = SaturatingMultiply(Count, Weight, &Overflowed);
    420     if (Overflowed)
    421       SIPE.addError(instrprof_error::counter_overflow);
    422   }
    423   for (uint32_t Kind = IPVK_First; Kind <= IPVK_Last; ++Kind)
    424     scaleValueProfData(Kind, Weight);
    425 }
    427 // Map indirect call target name hash to name string.
    428 uint64_t InstrProfRecord::remapValue(uint64_t Value, uint32_t ValueKind,
    429                                      ValueMapType *ValueMap) {
    430   if (!ValueMap)
    431     return Value;
    432   switch (ValueKind) {
    433   case IPVK_IndirectCallTarget: {
    434     auto Result =
    435         std::lower_bound(ValueMap->begin(), ValueMap->end(), Value,
    436                          [](const std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> &LHS,
    437                             uint64_t RHS) { return LHS.first < RHS; });
    438    // Raw function pointer collected by value profiler may be from
    439    // external functions that are not instrumented. They won't have
    440    // mapping data to be used by the deserializer. Force the value to
    441    // be 0 in this case.
    442     if (Result != ValueMap->end() && Result->first == Value)
    443       Value = (uint64_t)Result->second;
    444     else
    445       Value = 0;
    446     break;
    447   }
    448   }
    449   return Value;
    450 }
    452 void InstrProfRecord::addValueData(uint32_t ValueKind, uint32_t Site,
    453                                    InstrProfValueData *VData, uint32_t N,
    454                                    ValueMapType *ValueMap) {
    455   for (uint32_t I = 0; I < N; I++) {
    456     VData[I].Value = remapValue(VData[I].Value, ValueKind, ValueMap);
    457   }
    458   std::vector<InstrProfValueSiteRecord> &ValueSites =
    459       getValueSitesForKind(ValueKind);
    460   if (N == 0)
    461     ValueSites.emplace_back();
    462   else
    463     ValueSites.emplace_back(VData, VData + N);
    464 }
    467 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfData.inc"
    469 /*!
    470  * \brief ValueProfRecordClosure Interface implementation for  InstrProfRecord
    471  *  class. These C wrappers are used as adaptors so that C++ code can be
    472  *  invoked as callbacks.
    473  */
    474 uint32_t getNumValueKindsInstrProf(const void *Record) {
    475   return reinterpret_cast<const InstrProfRecord *>(Record)->getNumValueKinds();
    476 }
    478 uint32_t getNumValueSitesInstrProf(const void *Record, uint32_t VKind) {
    479   return reinterpret_cast<const InstrProfRecord *>(Record)
    480       ->getNumValueSites(VKind);
    481 }
    483 uint32_t getNumValueDataInstrProf(const void *Record, uint32_t VKind) {
    484   return reinterpret_cast<const InstrProfRecord *>(Record)
    485       ->getNumValueData(VKind);
    486 }
    488 uint32_t getNumValueDataForSiteInstrProf(const void *R, uint32_t VK,
    489                                          uint32_t S) {
    490   return reinterpret_cast<const InstrProfRecord *>(R)
    491       ->getNumValueDataForSite(VK, S);
    492 }
    494 void getValueForSiteInstrProf(const void *R, InstrProfValueData *Dst,
    495                               uint32_t K, uint32_t S) {
    496   reinterpret_cast<const InstrProfRecord *>(R)->getValueForSite(Dst, K, S);
    497 }
    499 ValueProfData *allocValueProfDataInstrProf(size_t TotalSizeInBytes) {
    500   ValueProfData *VD =
    501       (ValueProfData *)(new (::operator new(TotalSizeInBytes)) ValueProfData());
    502   memset(VD, 0, TotalSizeInBytes);
    503   return VD;
    504 }
    506 static ValueProfRecordClosure InstrProfRecordClosure = {
    507     nullptr,
    508     getNumValueKindsInstrProf,
    509     getNumValueSitesInstrProf,
    510     getNumValueDataInstrProf,
    511     getNumValueDataForSiteInstrProf,
    512     nullptr,
    513     getValueForSiteInstrProf,
    514     allocValueProfDataInstrProf};
    516 // Wrapper implementation using the closure mechanism.
    517 uint32_t ValueProfData::getSize(const InstrProfRecord &Record) {
    518   InstrProfRecordClosure.Record = &Record;
    519   return getValueProfDataSize(&InstrProfRecordClosure);
    520 }
    522 // Wrapper implementation using the closure mechanism.
    523 std::unique_ptr<ValueProfData>
    524 ValueProfData::serializeFrom(const InstrProfRecord &Record) {
    525   InstrProfRecordClosure.Record = &Record;
    527   std::unique_ptr<ValueProfData> VPD(
    528       serializeValueProfDataFrom(&InstrProfRecordClosure, nullptr));
    529   return VPD;
    530 }
    532 void ValueProfRecord::deserializeTo(InstrProfRecord &Record,
    533                                     InstrProfRecord::ValueMapType *VMap) {
    534   Record.reserveSites(Kind, NumValueSites);
    536   InstrProfValueData *ValueData = getValueProfRecordValueData(this);
    537   for (uint64_t VSite = 0; VSite < NumValueSites; ++VSite) {
    538     uint8_t ValueDataCount = this->SiteCountArray[VSite];
    539     Record.addValueData(Kind, VSite, ValueData, ValueDataCount, VMap);
    540     ValueData += ValueDataCount;
    541   }
    542 }
    544 // For writing/serializing,  Old is the host endianness, and  New is
    545 // byte order intended on disk. For Reading/deserialization, Old
    546 // is the on-disk source endianness, and New is the host endianness.
    547 void ValueProfRecord::swapBytes(support::endianness Old,
    548                                 support::endianness New) {
    549   using namespace support;
    550   if (Old == New)
    551     return;
    553   if (getHostEndianness() != Old) {
    554     sys::swapByteOrder<uint32_t>(NumValueSites);
    555     sys::swapByteOrder<uint32_t>(Kind);
    556   }
    557   uint32_t ND = getValueProfRecordNumValueData(this);
    558   InstrProfValueData *VD = getValueProfRecordValueData(this);
    560   // No need to swap byte array: SiteCountArrray.
    561   for (uint32_t I = 0; I < ND; I++) {
    562     sys::swapByteOrder<uint64_t>(VD[I].Value);
    563     sys::swapByteOrder<uint64_t>(VD[I].Count);
    564   }
    565   if (getHostEndianness() == Old) {
    566     sys::swapByteOrder<uint32_t>(NumValueSites);
    567     sys::swapByteOrder<uint32_t>(Kind);
    568   }
    569 }
    571 void ValueProfData::deserializeTo(InstrProfRecord &Record,
    572                                   InstrProfRecord::ValueMapType *VMap) {
    573   if (NumValueKinds == 0)
    574     return;
    576   ValueProfRecord *VR = getFirstValueProfRecord(this);
    577   for (uint32_t K = 0; K < NumValueKinds; K++) {
    578     VR->deserializeTo(Record, VMap);
    579     VR = getValueProfRecordNext(VR);
    580   }
    581 }
    583 template <class T>
    584 static T swapToHostOrder(const unsigned char *&D, support::endianness Orig) {
    585   using namespace support;
    586   if (Orig == little)
    587     return endian::readNext<T, little, unaligned>(D);
    588   else
    589     return endian::readNext<T, big, unaligned>(D);
    590 }
    592 static std::unique_ptr<ValueProfData> allocValueProfData(uint32_t TotalSize) {
    593   return std::unique_ptr<ValueProfData>(new (::operator new(TotalSize))
    594                                             ValueProfData());
    595 }
    597 Error ValueProfData::checkIntegrity() {
    598   if (NumValueKinds > IPVK_Last + 1)
    599     return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed);
    600   // Total size needs to be mulltiple of quadword size.
    601   if (TotalSize % sizeof(uint64_t))
    602     return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed);
    604   ValueProfRecord *VR = getFirstValueProfRecord(this);
    605   for (uint32_t K = 0; K < this->NumValueKinds; K++) {
    606     if (VR->Kind > IPVK_Last)
    607       return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed);
    608     VR = getValueProfRecordNext(VR);
    609     if ((char *)VR - (char *)this > (ptrdiff_t)TotalSize)
    610       return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::malformed);
    611   }
    612   return Error::success();
    613 }
    615 Expected<std::unique_ptr<ValueProfData>>
    616 ValueProfData::getValueProfData(const unsigned char *D,
    617                                 const unsigned char *const BufferEnd,
    618                                 support::endianness Endianness) {
    619   using namespace support;
    620   if (D + sizeof(ValueProfData) > BufferEnd)
    621     return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::truncated);
    623   const unsigned char *Header = D;
    624   uint32_t TotalSize = swapToHostOrder<uint32_t>(Header, Endianness);
    625   if (D + TotalSize > BufferEnd)
    626     return make_error<InstrProfError>(instrprof_error::too_large);
    628   std::unique_ptr<ValueProfData> VPD = allocValueProfData(TotalSize);
    629   memcpy(VPD.get(), D, TotalSize);
    630   // Byte swap.
    631   VPD->swapBytesToHost(Endianness);
    633   Error E = VPD->checkIntegrity();
    634   if (E)
    635     return std::move(E);
    637   return std::move(VPD);
    638 }
    640 void ValueProfData::swapBytesToHost(support::endianness Endianness) {
    641   using namespace support;
    642   if (Endianness == getHostEndianness())
    643     return;
    645   sys::swapByteOrder<uint32_t>(TotalSize);
    646   sys::swapByteOrder<uint32_t>(NumValueKinds);
    648   ValueProfRecord *VR = getFirstValueProfRecord(this);
    649   for (uint32_t K = 0; K < NumValueKinds; K++) {
    650     VR->swapBytes(Endianness, getHostEndianness());
    651     VR = getValueProfRecordNext(VR);
    652   }
    653 }
    655 void ValueProfData::swapBytesFromHost(support::endianness Endianness) {
    656   using namespace support;
    657   if (Endianness == getHostEndianness())
    658     return;
    660   ValueProfRecord *VR = getFirstValueProfRecord(this);
    661   for (uint32_t K = 0; K < NumValueKinds; K++) {
    662     ValueProfRecord *NVR = getValueProfRecordNext(VR);
    663     VR->swapBytes(getHostEndianness(), Endianness);
    664     VR = NVR;
    665   }
    666   sys::swapByteOrder<uint32_t>(TotalSize);
    667   sys::swapByteOrder<uint32_t>(NumValueKinds);
    668 }
    670 void annotateValueSite(Module &M, Instruction &Inst,
    671                        const InstrProfRecord &InstrProfR,
    672                        InstrProfValueKind ValueKind, uint32_t SiteIdx,
    673                        uint32_t MaxMDCount) {
    674   uint32_t NV = InstrProfR.getNumValueDataForSite(ValueKind, SiteIdx);
    675   if (!NV)
    676     return;
    678   uint64_t Sum = 0;
    679   std::unique_ptr<InstrProfValueData[]> VD =
    680       InstrProfR.getValueForSite(ValueKind, SiteIdx, &Sum);
    682   ArrayRef<InstrProfValueData> VDs(VD.get(), NV);
    683   annotateValueSite(M, Inst, VDs, Sum, ValueKind, MaxMDCount);
    684 }
    686 void annotateValueSite(Module &M, Instruction &Inst,
    687                        ArrayRef<InstrProfValueData> VDs,
    688                        uint64_t Sum, InstrProfValueKind ValueKind,
    689                        uint32_t MaxMDCount) {
    690   LLVMContext &Ctx = M.getContext();
    691   MDBuilder MDHelper(Ctx);
    692   SmallVector<Metadata *, 3> Vals;
    693   // Tag
    694   Vals.push_back(MDHelper.createString("VP"));
    695   // Value Kind
    696   Vals.push_back(MDHelper.createConstant(
    697       ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx), ValueKind)));
    698   // Total Count
    699   Vals.push_back(
    700       MDHelper.createConstant(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), Sum)));
    702   // Value Profile Data
    703   uint32_t MDCount = MaxMDCount;
    704   for (auto &VD : VDs) {
    705     Vals.push_back(MDHelper.createConstant(
    706         ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), VD.Value)));
    707     Vals.push_back(MDHelper.createConstant(
    708         ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx), VD.Count)));
    709     if (--MDCount == 0)
    710       break;
    711   }
    712   Inst.setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_prof, MDNode::get(Ctx, Vals));
    713 }
    715 bool getValueProfDataFromInst(const Instruction &Inst,
    716                               InstrProfValueKind ValueKind,
    717                               uint32_t MaxNumValueData,
    718                               InstrProfValueData ValueData[],
    719                               uint32_t &ActualNumValueData, uint64_t &TotalC) {
    720   MDNode *MD = Inst.getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_prof);
    721   if (!MD)
    722     return false;
    724   unsigned NOps = MD->getNumOperands();
    726   if (NOps < 5)
    727     return false;
    729   // Operand 0 is a string tag "VP":
    730   MDString *Tag = cast<MDString>(MD->getOperand(0));
    731   if (!Tag)
    732     return false;
    734   if (!Tag->getString().equals("VP"))
    735     return false;
    737   // Now check kind:
    738   ConstantInt *KindInt = mdconst::dyn_extract<ConstantInt>(MD->getOperand(1));
    739   if (!KindInt)
    740     return false;
    741   if (KindInt->getZExtValue() != ValueKind)
    742     return false;
    744   // Get total count
    745   ConstantInt *TotalCInt = mdconst::dyn_extract<ConstantInt>(MD->getOperand(2));
    746   if (!TotalCInt)
    747     return false;
    748   TotalC = TotalCInt->getZExtValue();
    750   ActualNumValueData = 0;
    752   for (unsigned I = 3; I < NOps; I += 2) {
    753     if (ActualNumValueData >= MaxNumValueData)
    754       break;
    755     ConstantInt *Value = mdconst::dyn_extract<ConstantInt>(MD->getOperand(I));
    756     ConstantInt *Count =
    757         mdconst::dyn_extract<ConstantInt>(MD->getOperand(I + 1));
    758     if (!Value || !Count)
    759       return false;
    760     ValueData[ActualNumValueData].Value = Value->getZExtValue();
    761     ValueData[ActualNumValueData].Count = Count->getZExtValue();
    762     ActualNumValueData++;
    763   }
    764   return true;
    765 }
    767 MDNode *getPGOFuncNameMetadata(const Function &F) {
    768   return F.getMetadata(getPGOFuncNameMetadataName());
    769 }
    771 void createPGOFuncNameMetadata(Function &F, StringRef PGOFuncName) {
    772   // Only for internal linkage functions.
    773   if (PGOFuncName == F.getName())
    774       return;
    775   // Don't create duplicated meta-data.
    776   if (getPGOFuncNameMetadata(F))
    777     return;
    778   LLVMContext &C = F.getContext();
    779   MDNode *N = MDNode::get(C, MDString::get(C, PGOFuncName));
    780   F.setMetadata(getPGOFuncNameMetadataName(), N);
    781 }
    783 } // end namespace llvm