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      1 //===-- MipsTargetMachine.cpp - Define TargetMachine for Mips -------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // Implements the info about Mips target spec.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "MipsTargetMachine.h"
     15 #include "Mips.h"
     16 #include "Mips16FrameLowering.h"
     17 #include "Mips16ISelDAGToDAG.h"
     18 #include "Mips16ISelLowering.h"
     19 #include "Mips16InstrInfo.h"
     20 #include "MipsFrameLowering.h"
     21 #include "MipsInstrInfo.h"
     22 #include "MipsSEFrameLowering.h"
     23 #include "MipsSEISelDAGToDAG.h"
     24 #include "MipsSEISelLowering.h"
     25 #include "MipsSEInstrInfo.h"
     26 #include "MipsTargetObjectFile.h"
     27 #include "llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h"
     28 #include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
     29 #include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.h"
     30 #include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
     31 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
     32 #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
     33 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     34 #include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
     36 using namespace llvm;
     38 #define DEBUG_TYPE "mips"
     40 extern "C" void LLVMInitializeMipsTarget() {
     41   // Register the target.
     42   RegisterTargetMachine<MipsebTargetMachine> X(TheMipsTarget);
     43   RegisterTargetMachine<MipselTargetMachine> Y(TheMipselTarget);
     44   RegisterTargetMachine<MipsebTargetMachine> A(TheMips64Target);
     45   RegisterTargetMachine<MipselTargetMachine> B(TheMips64elTarget);
     46 }
     48 static std::string computeDataLayout(const Triple &TT, StringRef CPU,
     49                                      const TargetOptions &Options,
     50                                      bool isLittle) {
     51   std::string Ret = "";
     52   MipsABIInfo ABI = MipsABIInfo::computeTargetABI(TT, CPU, Options.MCOptions);
     54   // There are both little and big endian mips.
     55   if (isLittle)
     56     Ret += "e";
     57   else
     58     Ret += "E";
     60   Ret += "-m:m";
     62   // Pointers are 32 bit on some ABIs.
     63   if (!ABI.IsN64())
     64     Ret += "-p:32:32";
     66   // 8 and 16 bit integers only need to have natural alignment, but try to
     67   // align them to 32 bits. 64 bit integers have natural alignment.
     68   Ret += "-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i64:64";
     70   // 32 bit registers are always available and the stack is at least 64 bit
     71   // aligned. On N64 64 bit registers are also available and the stack is
     72   // 128 bit aligned.
     73   if (ABI.IsN64() || ABI.IsN32())
     74     Ret += "-n32:64-S128";
     75   else
     76     Ret += "-n32-S64";
     78   return Ret;
     79 }
     81 static Reloc::Model getEffectiveRelocModel(CodeModel::Model CM,
     82                                            Optional<Reloc::Model> RM) {
     83   if (!RM.hasValue() || CM == CodeModel::JITDefault)
     84     return Reloc::Static;
     85   return *RM;
     86 }
     88 // On function prologue, the stack is created by decrementing
     89 // its pointer. Once decremented, all references are done with positive
     90 // offset from the stack/frame pointer, using StackGrowsUp enables
     91 // an easier handling.
     92 // Using CodeModel::Large enables different CALL behavior.
     93 MipsTargetMachine::MipsTargetMachine(const Target &T, const Triple &TT,
     94                                      StringRef CPU, StringRef FS,
     95                                      const TargetOptions &Options,
     96                                      Optional<Reloc::Model> RM,
     97                                      CodeModel::Model CM, CodeGenOpt::Level OL,
     98                                      bool isLittle)
     99     : LLVMTargetMachine(T, computeDataLayout(TT, CPU, Options, isLittle), TT,
    100                         CPU, FS, Options, getEffectiveRelocModel(CM, RM), CM,
    101                         OL),
    102       isLittle(isLittle), TLOF(make_unique<MipsTargetObjectFile>()),
    103       ABI(MipsABIInfo::computeTargetABI(TT, CPU, Options.MCOptions)),
    104       Subtarget(nullptr), DefaultSubtarget(TT, CPU, FS, isLittle, *this),
    105       NoMips16Subtarget(TT, CPU, FS.empty() ? "-mips16" : FS.str() + ",-mips16",
    106                         isLittle, *this),
    107       Mips16Subtarget(TT, CPU, FS.empty() ? "+mips16" : FS.str() + ",+mips16",
    108                       isLittle, *this) {
    109   Subtarget = &DefaultSubtarget;
    110   initAsmInfo();
    111 }
    113 MipsTargetMachine::~MipsTargetMachine() {}
    115 void MipsebTargetMachine::anchor() { }
    117 MipsebTargetMachine::MipsebTargetMachine(const Target &T, const Triple &TT,
    118                                          StringRef CPU, StringRef FS,
    119                                          const TargetOptions &Options,
    120                                          Optional<Reloc::Model> RM,
    121                                          CodeModel::Model CM,
    122                                          CodeGenOpt::Level OL)
    123     : MipsTargetMachine(T, TT, CPU, FS, Options, RM, CM, OL, false) {}
    125 void MipselTargetMachine::anchor() { }
    127 MipselTargetMachine::MipselTargetMachine(const Target &T, const Triple &TT,
    128                                          StringRef CPU, StringRef FS,
    129                                          const TargetOptions &Options,
    130                                          Optional<Reloc::Model> RM,
    131                                          CodeModel::Model CM,
    132                                          CodeGenOpt::Level OL)
    133     : MipsTargetMachine(T, TT, CPU, FS, Options, RM, CM, OL, true) {}
    135 const MipsSubtarget *
    136 MipsTargetMachine::getSubtargetImpl(const Function &F) const {
    137   Attribute CPUAttr = F.getFnAttribute("target-cpu");
    138   Attribute FSAttr = F.getFnAttribute("target-features");
    140   std::string CPU = !CPUAttr.hasAttribute(Attribute::None)
    141                         ? CPUAttr.getValueAsString().str()
    142                         : TargetCPU;
    143   std::string FS = !FSAttr.hasAttribute(Attribute::None)
    144                        ? FSAttr.getValueAsString().str()
    145                        : TargetFS;
    146   bool hasMips16Attr =
    147       !F.getFnAttribute("mips16").hasAttribute(Attribute::None);
    148   bool hasNoMips16Attr =
    149       !F.getFnAttribute("nomips16").hasAttribute(Attribute::None);
    151   // FIXME: This is related to the code below to reset the target options,
    152   // we need to know whether or not the soft float flag is set on the
    153   // function, so we can enable it as a subtarget feature.
    154   bool softFloat =
    155       F.hasFnAttribute("use-soft-float") &&
    156       F.getFnAttribute("use-soft-float").getValueAsString() == "true";
    158   if (hasMips16Attr)
    159     FS += FS.empty() ? "+mips16" : ",+mips16";
    160   else if (hasNoMips16Attr)
    161     FS += FS.empty() ? "-mips16" : ",-mips16";
    162   if (softFloat)
    163     FS += FS.empty() ? "+soft-float" : ",+soft-float";
    165   auto &I = SubtargetMap[CPU + FS];
    166   if (!I) {
    167     // This needs to be done before we create a new subtarget since any
    168     // creation will depend on the TM and the code generation flags on the
    169     // function that reside in TargetOptions.
    170     resetTargetOptions(F);
    171     I = llvm::make_unique<MipsSubtarget>(TargetTriple, CPU, FS, isLittle,
    172                                          *this);
    173   }
    174   return I.get();
    175 }
    177 void MipsTargetMachine::resetSubtarget(MachineFunction *MF) {
    178   DEBUG(dbgs() << "resetSubtarget\n");
    180   Subtarget = const_cast<MipsSubtarget *>(getSubtargetImpl(*MF->getFunction()));
    181   MF->setSubtarget(Subtarget);
    182   return;
    183 }
    185 namespace {
    186 /// Mips Code Generator Pass Configuration Options.
    187 class MipsPassConfig : public TargetPassConfig {
    188 public:
    189   MipsPassConfig(MipsTargetMachine *TM, PassManagerBase &PM)
    190     : TargetPassConfig(TM, PM) {
    191     // The current implementation of long branch pass requires a scratch
    192     // register ($at) to be available before branch instructions. Tail merging
    193     // can break this requirement, so disable it when long branch pass is
    194     // enabled.
    195     EnableTailMerge = !getMipsSubtarget().enableLongBranchPass();
    196   }
    198   MipsTargetMachine &getMipsTargetMachine() const {
    199     return getTM<MipsTargetMachine>();
    200   }
    202   const MipsSubtarget &getMipsSubtarget() const {
    203     return *getMipsTargetMachine().getSubtargetImpl();
    204   }
    206   void addIRPasses() override;
    207   bool addInstSelector() override;
    208   void addMachineSSAOptimization() override;
    209   void addPreEmitPass() override;
    211   void addPreRegAlloc() override;
    213 };
    214 } // namespace
    216 TargetPassConfig *MipsTargetMachine::createPassConfig(PassManagerBase &PM) {
    217   return new MipsPassConfig(this, PM);
    218 }
    220 void MipsPassConfig::addIRPasses() {
    221   TargetPassConfig::addIRPasses();
    222   addPass(createAtomicExpandPass(&getMipsTargetMachine()));
    223   if (getMipsSubtarget().os16())
    224     addPass(createMipsOs16Pass(getMipsTargetMachine()));
    225   if (getMipsSubtarget().inMips16HardFloat())
    226     addPass(createMips16HardFloatPass(getMipsTargetMachine()));
    227 }
    228 // Install an instruction selector pass using
    229 // the ISelDag to gen Mips code.
    230 bool MipsPassConfig::addInstSelector() {
    231   addPass(createMipsModuleISelDagPass(getMipsTargetMachine()));
    232   addPass(createMips16ISelDag(getMipsTargetMachine(), getOptLevel()));
    233   addPass(createMipsSEISelDag(getMipsTargetMachine(), getOptLevel()));
    234   return false;
    235 }
    237 void MipsPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization() {
    238   addPass(createMipsOptimizePICCallPass(getMipsTargetMachine()));
    239   TargetPassConfig::addMachineSSAOptimization();
    240 }
    242 void MipsPassConfig::addPreRegAlloc() {
    243   if (getOptLevel() == CodeGenOpt::None)
    244     addPass(createMipsOptimizePICCallPass(getMipsTargetMachine()));
    245 }
    247 TargetIRAnalysis MipsTargetMachine::getTargetIRAnalysis() {
    248   return TargetIRAnalysis([this](const Function &F) {
    249     if (Subtarget->allowMixed16_32()) {
    250       DEBUG(errs() << "No Target Transform Info Pass Added\n");
    251       // FIXME: This is no longer necessary as the TTI returned is per-function.
    252       return TargetTransformInfo(F.getParent()->getDataLayout());
    253     }
    255     DEBUG(errs() << "Target Transform Info Pass Added\n");
    256     return TargetTransformInfo(BasicTTIImpl(this, F));
    257   });
    258 }
    260 // Implemented by targets that want to run passes immediately before
    261 // machine code is emitted. return true if -print-machineinstrs should
    262 // print out the code after the passes.
    263 void MipsPassConfig::addPreEmitPass() {
    264   MipsTargetMachine &TM = getMipsTargetMachine();
    266   // The delay slot filler pass can potientially create forbidden slot (FS)
    267   // hazards for MIPSR6 which the hazard schedule pass (HSP) will fix. Any
    268   // (new) pass that creates compact branches after the HSP must handle FS
    269   // hazards itself or be pipelined before the HSP.
    270   addPass(createMipsDelaySlotFillerPass(TM));
    271   addPass(createMipsHazardSchedule());
    272   addPass(createMipsLongBranchPass(TM));
    273   addPass(createMipsConstantIslandPass());
    274 }