1 Content: 2 ======== 3 . Remaining Instructions (Total 56 Instructions, include 2 unknow instructions) 4 . Done (Total 155 Instructions: 101 VSX, 54 Altivec) 5 6 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 //. Remaining Instructions 8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 GCC reference: https://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2015-11/msg00071.html 10 11 // Add PC Immediate Shifted DX-form p69 12 [PO RT d1 d0 XO d2] addpcis RT,D 13 subpcis Rx,value = addpcis Rx,-value 14 15 // 6.17.2 Decimal Integer Format Conversion Instructions 16 17 // Decimal Convert From National VX-form p352 18 [PO VRT EO VRB 1 PS XO] bcdcfn. VRT,VRB,PS 19 20 // Decimal Convert From Zoned VX-form p353 21 [PO VRT EO VRB 1 PS XO] bcdcfz. VRT,VRB,PS 22 23 // Decimal Convert To National VX-form p354 24 [PO VRT EO VRB 1 / XO] bcdctn. VRT,VRB 25 26 // Decimal Convert To Zoned VX-form p355 27 [PO VRT EO VRB 1 PS XO] bcdctz. VRT,VRB,PS 28 29 // Decimal Convert From Signed Quadword VX-form p356 30 [PO VRT EO VRB 1 PS XO] bcdcfsq. VRT,VRB,PS 31 32 // Decimal Convert To Signed Quadword VX-form p356 33 [PO VRT EO VRB 1 / XO] bcdctsq. VRT,VRB 34 35 // 6.17.3 Decimal Integer Sign Manipulation Instructions 36 37 // Decimal Copy Sign VX-form p358 38 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO] bcdcpsgn. VRT,VRA,VRB 39 40 // Decimal Set Sign VX-form p358 41 [PO VRT EO VRB 1 PS XO] bcdsetsgn. VRT,VRB,PS 42 43 // Decimal Shift VX-form p359 44 [PO VRT VRA VRB 1 PS XO] bcds. VRT,VRA,VRB,PS 45 46 // Decimal Unsigned Shift VX-form p360 47 [PO VRT VRA VRB 1 / XO] bcdus. VRT,VRA,VRB 48 49 // Decimal Shift and Round VX-form p361 50 [PO VRT VRA VRB 1 PS XO] bcdsr. VRT,VRA,VRB,PS 51 52 // 6.17.5 Decimal Integer Truncate Instructions 53 54 // Decimal Truncate VX-form p362 55 [PO VRT VRA VRB 1 PS XO] bcdtrunc. VRT,VRA,VRB,PS 56 57 // Decimal Unsigned Truncate VX-form p363 58 [PO VRT VRA VRB 1 / XO] bcdutrunc. VRT,VRA,VRB 59 60 // Character-Type Compare Instructions 61 62 // Compare Ranged Byte X-form p87 63 [PO BF / L RA RB XO /] cmprb BF,L,RA,RB 64 65 // Compare Equal Byte X-form p88 66 [PO BF // RA RB XO /] cmpeqb BF,RA,RB 67 68 // 3.3.13 Fixed-Point Logical Instructions 69 70 // Count Trailing Zeros Word X-form p95 71 [PO RS RA /// XO Rc] cnttzw(.) RA,RS 72 73 // 64-bit Fixed-Point Logical Instructions 74 75 // Count Trailing Zeros Doubleword X-form p98 76 [PO RS RA /// XO Rc] cnttzd(.) RA,RS 77 78 // 4.4 Copy-Paste Facility 79 80 // Copy X-form p858 81 [PO /// L RA RB XO /] copy RA,RB,L 82 copy_first = copy RA, RB, 1 83 // CP_Abort p860 84 [PO /// /// /// XO /] cp_abort 85 86 // Paste p859 87 [PO /// L RA RB XO Rc] paste(.) RA,RB,L 88 paste_last = paste RA,RB,1 89 90 // 3.3.9 Fixed-Point Arithmetic Instructions 91 92 // Deliver A Random Number X-form p79 93 [PO RT /// L /// XO /] darn RT,L 94 95 // Multiply-Add High Doubleword VA-form p81 96 [PO RT RA RB RC XO] maddhd RT,RA.RB,RC 97 98 // Multiply-Add High Doubleword Unsigned VA-form p81 99 [PO RT RA RB RC XO] maddhdu RT,RA.RB,RC 100 101 // Multiply-Add Low Doubleword VA-form p81 102 [PO RT RA RB RC XO] maddld RT,RA.RB,RC 103 104 // Modulo Signed Word X-form p76 105 [PO RT RA RB XO /] modsw RT,RA,RB 106 107 // Modulo Unsigned Word X-form p76 108 [PO RT RA RB XO /] moduw RT,RA,RB 109 110 // Modulo Signed Doubleword X-form p84 111 [PO RT RA RB XO /] modsd RT,RA,RB 112 113 // Modulo Unsigned Doubleword X-form p84 114 [PO RT RA RB XO /] modud RT,RA,RB 115 116 117 // DFP Test Significance Immediate [Quad] X-form p204 118 [PO BF / UIM FRB XO /] dtstsfi BF,UIM,FRB 119 [PO BF / UIM FRBp XO /] dtstsfiq BF,UIM,FRBp 120 121 // 64-bit Fixed-Point Shift Instructions 122 123 // Extend-Sign Word and Shift Left Immediate XS-form p109 124 [PO RS RA sh XO sh Rc] extswsli(.) RA,RS,SH 125 126 // 4.5.1 Load Atomic 127 128 // Load Word Atomic X-form p864 129 [PO RT RA FC XO /] lwat RT,RA,FC 130 131 // Load Doubleword Atomic X-form p864 132 [PO RT RA FC XO /] ldat RT,RA,FC 133 134 // 4.5.2 Store Atomic 135 136 // Store Word Atomic X-form p866 137 [PO RS RA FC XO /] stwat RS,RA,FC 138 139 // Store Doubleword Atomic X-form p866 140 [PO RS RA FC XO /] stdat RS,RA,FC 141 142 // 64-bit Fixed-Point Load Instructions 143 144 // Load Doubleword Monitored Indexed X-form p54 145 [PO RT RA RB XO /] ldmx RT,RA,RB 146 147 // 3.3.16 Move To/From Vector-Scalar Register Instructions 148 149 // Move From VSR Lower Doubleword XX1-form p111 150 [PO S RA /// XO SX] mfvsrld RA,XS 151 152 // Move To VSR Double Doubleword XX1-form p114 153 [PO T RA RB XO TX] mtvsrdd XT,RA,RB 154 155 // Move To VSR Word & Splat XX1-form p115 156 [PO T RA /// XO TX] mtvsrws XT,RA 157 158 // Move to CR from XER Extended X-form p119 159 [PO BF // /// /// XO /] mcrxrx BF 160 161 // Set Boolean X-form p121 162 [PO RT BFA // /// XO /] setb RT,BFA 163 164 // Message Synchronize X-form p1126 165 [PO /// /// /// XO /] msgsync 166 167 // SLB Invalidate Entry Global X-form p1026 168 [PO RS /// RB XO /] slbieg RS,RB 169 170 // SLB Synchronize X-form p1031 171 [PO /// /// /// XO /] slbsync 172 173 // Power-Saving Mode Instruction 174 175 // stop XL-form p957 176 [PO /// /// /// XO /] stop 177 178 // 4.6.4 Wait Instruction 179 // Wait X-form p880 180 [PO /// WC /// /// XO /] wait 181 182 // Unknow Instructions: 183 urfid 184 - gcc's implementation: 185 {"urfid", XL(19,306), 0xffffffff, POWER9, PPCNONE, {0}}, 186 (4c 00 02 64|64 02 00 4c) urfid 187 188 rmieg 189 - gcc's implementation: 190 {"rmieg", X(31,882), XRTRA_MASK, POWER9, PPCNONE, {RB}}, 191 (7c 00 f6 e4|e4 f6 00 7c) rmieg r30 192 193 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 194 //. Done: 195 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196 197 //====================================== 198 "vsx instructions" 199 200 //-------------------------------------- 201 " VSX Scalar Move Instructions" 202 // VSX Scalar Quad-Precision Move Instructions 203 204 // VSX Scalar Copy Sign Quad-Precision X-form p.553 205 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO /] xscpsgnqp 206 207 // VSX Scalar Absolute Quad-Precision X-form 531 208 // VSX Scalar Negate Quad-Precision X-form 627 209 // VSX Scalar Negative Absolute Quad-Precision X-form 626 210 [PO VRT XO VRB XO /] xsabsqp xsnegqp xsnabsqp 211 212 //-------------------------------------- 213 " VSX Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions" 214 215 // VSX Scalar Quad-Precision Elementary Arithmetic 216 217 // VSX Scalar Add Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] X-form 539 218 // VSX Scalar Divide Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] X-form 584 219 // VSX Scalar Multiply Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] X-form 622 220 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO RO] xsaddqp xsaddqpo xsdivqp xsdivqpo xsmulqp xsmulqpo 221 222 // VSX Scalar Square Root Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] X-form 662 223 // VSX Scalar Subtract Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] X-form 667 224 xssubqp xssubqpo 225 226 [PO VRT XO VRB XO RO] xssqrtqp xssqrtqpo 227 228 // VSX Scalar Quad-Precision Multiply-Add Arithmetic Instructions 229 230 // VSX Scalar Multiply-Add Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] X-form 596 231 // VSX Scalar Multiply-Subtract Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] X-form 617 232 // VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Add Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] X-form 636 233 // VSX Scalar Negative Multiply-Subtract Quad-Precision [using round to Odd] 234 // X-form 645 235 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO RO] xsmaddqp xsmaddqpo xsmsubqp xsmsubqpo 236 xsnmaddqp xsnmaddqpo xsnmsubqp xsnmsubqpo 237 238 22 239 //-------------------------------------- 240 " VSX Floating-Point Compare Instructions" 241 242 // VSX Scalar Quad-Precision Compare Instructions 243 244 // VSX Scalar Compare Ordered Quad-Precision X-form 549 245 // VSX Scalar Compare Unordered Quad-Precision X-form 552 246 [PO BF // VRA VRB XO /] xscmpoqp xscmpuqp 247 248 " VSX Scalar Floating-Point Support Instructions" 249 // VSX Scalar Compare Exponents Quad-Precision X-form p. 541 542 250 [PO BF // A B XO AX BX /] xscmpexpdp 251 [PO BF // VRA VRB XO /] xscmpexpqp 252 253 // VSX Scalar Compare DP, XX3-form, p.543 544 545 254 // VSX Scalar Compare Equal Double-Precision, 255 [PO T A B XO AX BX TX] xscmpeqdp xscmpgedp xscmpgtdp xscmpnedp 256 257 // VSX Vector Compare Not Equal Double-Precision XX3-form 691 258 [PO T A B Rc XO AX BX TX] xvcmpnedp xvcmpnedp. xvcmpnesp xvcmpnesp. 259 260 //-------------------------------------- 261 " VSX FP-FP Conversion Instructions" 262 // VSX Scalar Quad-Precision Floating-Point Conversion Instructions 263 264 // VSX Scalar round & Convert Quad-Precision format to Double-Precision format 265 // [using round to Odd] X-form 567 266 [PO VRT XO VRB XO /] xscvqpdp xscvqpdpo (actually [PO VRT XO VRB XO RO]) 267 [PO VRT XO VRB XO /] xscvdpqp 268 269 // VSX Scalar Quad-Precision Convert to Integer Instructions 270 271 // VSX Scalar truncate & Convert Quad-Precision format to Signed Doubleword format 272 // 568 570 572 574 273 [PO VRT XO VRB XO /] xscvqpsdz xscvqpswz xscvqpudz xscvqpuwz 274 576 = 580 xscvsdqp xscvudqp 275 276 " VSX Round to Floating-Point Integer Instructions" 277 // VSX Scalar round & Convert Double-Precision format to Half-Precision format 278 // XX2-form 554 566 279 [PO T XO B XO BX TX] xscvdphp xscvhpdp 280 281 // VSX Vector Convert Half-Precision format to Single-Precision format 282 // XX2-form 703 705 283 [PO T XO B XO BX TX] xvcvhpsp xvcvsphp 284 285 // VSX Scalar Round to Quad-Precision Integer [with Inexact] Z23-form 654 286 [PO VRT /// R VRB RMC XO EX] xsrqpi xsrqpix 287 288 // VSX Scalar Round Quad-Precision to Double-Extended Precision Z23-form 656 289 [PO VRT /// R VRB RMC XO /] xsrqpxp 290 def XSRQPXP : Z23Form_1<63, 37, 291 (outs vrrc:$vT), (ins u5imm:$R, vrrc:$vB, u2imm:$RMC), 292 "xsrqpxp $vT, $R, $vB, $RMC"), IIC_VecFP, []>; 293 294 27~28 295 //-------------------------------------- 296 // VSX Scalar Insert Exponent Double-Precision X-form 588 297 // VSX Scalar Insert Exponent Quad-Precision X-form 589 298 [PO VT rA rB XO /] xsiexpdp 299 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO /] xsiexpqp 300 301 // VSX Vector Insert Exponent Double-Precision XX3-form 722 302 [PO T A B XO AX BX TX] xviexpdp xviexpsp 303 304 // VSX Vector Extract Unsigned Word XX2-form 788 305 // VSX Vector Insert Word XX2-form 306 [PO T / UIM B XO BX TX] xxextractuw xxinsertw 307 308 // VSX Scalar Extract Exponent Double-Precision XX2-form 676 309 [PO BF DCMX B XO BX /] 310 [PO T XO B XO BX /] xsxexpdp xsxsigdp 311 // X-form 312 [PO VRT XO VRB XO /] xsxexpqp xsxsigqp 313 314 // VSX Vector Extract Exponent Double-Precision XX2-form 784 315 [PO T XO B XO BX TX] xvxexpdp xvxexpsp 316 317 // VSX Vector Extract Significand Double-Precision XX2-form 785 318 [PO T XO B XO BX TX] xvxsigdp xvxsigsp 319 320 //-------------------------------------- 321 // VSX Scalar Test Data Class Double-Precision XX2-form p673 322 // VSX Scalar Test Data Class Quad-Precision X-form 674 323 // VSX Scalar Test Data Class Single-Precision XX2-form 675 324 [PO BF DCMX B XO BX /] xststdcdp xststdcsp 325 [PO BF DCMX VRB XO /] xststdcqp 326 327 // VSX Vector Test Data Class Double-Precision XX2-form 782 783 328 [PO T dx B XO dc XO dm BX TX] xvtstdcdp xvtstdcsp 329 330 //-------------------------------------- 331 // VSX Scalar Maximum Type-C Double-Precision XX3-form 601 ~ 609 332 [PO T A B XO AX BX TX] xsmaxcdp xsmaxjdp xsmincdp xsminjdp 333 334 //-------------------------------------- 335 // VSX Vector Byte-Reverse Doubleword XX2-form 786 787 336 [PO T XO B XO BX TX] xxbrd xxbrh xxbrq xxbrw 337 338 // VSX Vector Permute XX3-form 794 339 [PO T A B XO AX BX TX] xxperm xxpermr 340 341 // VSX Vector Splat Immediate Byte 796 x-form 342 [PO T EO IMM8 XO TX] xxspltib <= sign or unsigned? 343 344 30 345 //-------------------------------------- 346 // Load VSX Vector DQ-form 511 347 [PO T RA DQ TX XO] lxv 348 349 // Store VSX Vector DQ-form 526 350 [PO S RA DQ SX XO] stxv 351 352 // Load VSX Scalar Doubleword DS-form 499 353 // Load VSX Scalar Single DS-form 504 354 [PO VRT RA DS XO] lxsd lxssp 355 356 // Store VSX Scalar Doubleword DS-form 517 357 // Store VSX Scalar Single DS-form 520 358 [PO VRT RA DS XO] stxsd stxssp 359 360 361 // Load VSX Vector Indexed X-form 511 362 // Load VSX Scalar as Integer Byte & Zero Indexed X-form 501 363 // Load VSX Vector Byte*16 Indexed X-form 506 364 // Load VSX Vector with Length X-form 508 365 // Load VSX Vector Left-justified with Length X-form 510 366 // Load VSX Vector Halfword*8 Indexed X-form 514 367 // Load VSX Vector Word & Splat Indexed X-form 516 368 [PO T RA RB XO TX] lxvx lxsibzx lxsihzx lxvb16x lxvl lxvll lxvh8x lxvwsx 369 370 // Store VSX Scalar as Integer Byte Indexed X-form 518 371 // Store VSX Scalar as Integer Halfword Indexed X-form 518 372 // Store VSX Vector Byte*16 Indexed X-form 522 373 // Store VSX Vector Halfword*8 Indexed X-form 524 374 // Store VSX Vector with Length X-form 526 375 // Store VSX Vector Left-justified with Length X-form 528 376 // Store VSX Vector Indexed X-form 529 377 [PO S RA RB XO SX] stxsibx stxsihx stxvb16x stxvh8x stxvl stxvll stxvx 378 379 21 380 381 //-------------------------------------- 382 ". vector instructions" 383 384 [1] PowerISA-v3.0 p.933 - Table 1, and Chapter 6. Vector Facility (altivec) 385 [2] https://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2015-11/msg00071.html 386 387 //-------------------------------------- 388 New patch: 389 // vector bit, p.367, 6.16 Vector Bit Permute Instruction 390 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO] vbpermd, (existing: vbpermq) 391 392 // vector permute, p.280 393 [PO VRT VRA VRB VRC XO] vpermr 394 395 // vector rotate left, p.341 396 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO] vrlwnm vrlwmi vrldnm vrldmi 397 398 // vector shift, p.285 399 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO] vslv vsrv 400 401 // vector multiply-by-10, p.375 402 [PO VRT VRA /// XO] vmul10cuq vmul10uq 403 [PO VRT VRA VRB XO] vmul10ecuq vmul10euq 404 405 12 406 //-------------------------------------- 407 http://reviews.llvm.org/D15887 + ext + neg + prty - vbpermd 408 // vector count leading/trailing zero 409 . new vx-form: p.31, 1.6.14 VX-FORM 410 [PO RT EO VRB XO] vclzlsbb vctzlsbb (p.363) 411 412 // Vector Count Trailing Zeros Instructions, 362 413 [PO VRT EO VRB XO] vctzb vctzh vctzw vctzd (v16i8 v8i16 v4i32 v2i64) 414 415 // vector extend sign (p.314) 416 [PO VRT EO VRB XO] vextsb2w vextsh2w vextsb2d vextsh2d vextsw2d 417 418 // vector negate, p.313 419 [PO VRT EO VRB XO] vnegd vnegw 420 421 // vector parity, p.335 422 [PO VRT EO VRB XO] vprtybd vprtybq vprtybw 423 424 16 425 //-------------------------------------- 426 // vector compare, p.330 427 [PO VRT VRA VRB RC XO] vcmpneb vcmpneb. vcmpneh vcmpneh. vcmpnew vcmpnew. 428 vcmpnezb vcmpnezb. vcmpnezh vcmpnezh. vcmpnezw vcmpnezw. 429 12 430 //-------------------------------------- 431 http://reviews.llvm.org/D15917 + insert 432 // vector extract (p.287) ref: vspltb (v2.07, p.227) 433 // vector insert, p.288 434 [PO VRT / UIM VRB XO] vinsertb vinsertd vinserth vinsertw 435 436 // Vector Extract Unsigned 437 [PO VRT / UIM VRB XO] vextractub vextractuh vextractuw vextractd 438 439 // p.364: Vector Extract Unsigned Left/Right-Indexed 440 [PO RT RA VRB XO] vextublx vextubrx vextuhlx vextuhrx vextuwlx vextuwrx 441 442 14 443