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      1 //===- llvm-profdata.cpp - LLVM profile data tool -------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // llvm-profdata merges .profdata files.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     14 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
     15 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
     16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
     17 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
     18 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfReader.h"
     19 #include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProfWriter.h"
     20 #include "llvm/ProfileData/ProfileCommon.h"
     21 #include "llvm/ProfileData/SampleProfReader.h"
     22 #include "llvm/ProfileData/SampleProfWriter.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
     25 #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
     26 #include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
     27 #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
     28 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
     29 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
     30 #include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
     31 #include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
     32 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     33 #include <algorithm>
     35 using namespace llvm;
     37 enum ProfileFormat { PF_None = 0, PF_Text, PF_Binary, PF_GCC };
     39 static void exitWithError(const Twine &Message, StringRef Whence = "",
     40                           StringRef Hint = "") {
     41   errs() << "error: ";
     42   if (!Whence.empty())
     43     errs() << Whence << ": ";
     44   errs() << Message << "\n";
     45   if (!Hint.empty())
     46     errs() << Hint << "\n";
     47   ::exit(1);
     48 }
     50 static void exitWithError(Error E, StringRef Whence = "") {
     51   if (E.isA<InstrProfError>()) {
     52     handleAllErrors(std::move(E), [&](const InstrProfError &IPE) {
     53       instrprof_error instrError = IPE.get();
     54       StringRef Hint = "";
     55       if (instrError == instrprof_error::unrecognized_format) {
     56         // Hint for common error of forgetting -sample for sample profiles.
     57         Hint = "Perhaps you forgot to use the -sample option?";
     58       }
     59       exitWithError(IPE.message(), Whence, Hint);
     60     });
     61   }
     63   exitWithError(toString(std::move(E)), Whence);
     64 }
     66 static void exitWithErrorCode(std::error_code EC, StringRef Whence = "") {
     67   exitWithError(EC.message(), Whence);
     68 }
     70 namespace {
     71 enum ProfileKinds { instr, sample };
     72 }
     74 static void handleMergeWriterError(Error E, StringRef WhenceFile = "",
     75                                    StringRef WhenceFunction = "",
     76                                    bool ShowHint = true) {
     77   if (!WhenceFile.empty())
     78     errs() << WhenceFile << ": ";
     79   if (!WhenceFunction.empty())
     80     errs() << WhenceFunction << ": ";
     82   auto IPE = instrprof_error::success;
     83   E = handleErrors(std::move(E),
     84                    [&IPE](std::unique_ptr<InstrProfError> E) -> Error {
     85                      IPE = E->get();
     86                      return Error(std::move(E));
     87                    });
     88   errs() << toString(std::move(E)) << "\n";
     90   if (ShowHint) {
     91     StringRef Hint = "";
     92     if (IPE != instrprof_error::success) {
     93       switch (IPE) {
     94       case instrprof_error::hash_mismatch:
     95       case instrprof_error::count_mismatch:
     96       case instrprof_error::value_site_count_mismatch:
     97         Hint = "Make sure that all profile data to be merged is generated "
     98                "from the same binary.";
     99         break;
    100       default:
    101         break;
    102       }
    103     }
    105     if (!Hint.empty())
    106       errs() << Hint << "\n";
    107   }
    108 }
    110 struct WeightedFile {
    111   StringRef Filename;
    112   uint64_t Weight;
    114   WeightedFile() {}
    116   WeightedFile(StringRef F, uint64_t W) : Filename{F}, Weight{W} {}
    117 };
    118 typedef SmallVector<WeightedFile, 5> WeightedFileVector;
    120 static void mergeInstrProfile(const WeightedFileVector &Inputs,
    121                               StringRef OutputFilename,
    122                               ProfileFormat OutputFormat, bool OutputSparse) {
    123   if (OutputFilename.compare("-") == 0)
    124     exitWithError("Cannot write indexed profdata format to stdout.");
    126   if (OutputFormat != PF_Binary && OutputFormat != PF_Text)
    127     exitWithError("Unknown format is specified.");
    129   std::error_code EC;
    130   raw_fd_ostream Output(OutputFilename.data(), EC, sys::fs::F_None);
    131   if (EC)
    132     exitWithErrorCode(EC, OutputFilename);
    134   InstrProfWriter Writer(OutputSparse);
    135   SmallSet<instrprof_error, 4> WriterErrorCodes;
    136   for (const auto &Input : Inputs) {
    137     auto ReaderOrErr = InstrProfReader::create(Input.Filename);
    138     if (Error E = ReaderOrErr.takeError())
    139       exitWithError(std::move(E), Input.Filename);
    141     auto Reader = std::move(ReaderOrErr.get());
    142     bool IsIRProfile = Reader->isIRLevelProfile();
    143     if (Writer.setIsIRLevelProfile(IsIRProfile))
    144       exitWithError("Merge IR generated profile with Clang generated profile.");
    146     for (auto &I : *Reader) {
    147       if (Error E = Writer.addRecord(std::move(I), Input.Weight)) {
    148         // Only show hint the first time an error occurs.
    149         instrprof_error IPE = InstrProfError::take(std::move(E));
    150         bool firstTime = WriterErrorCodes.insert(IPE).second;
    151         handleMergeWriterError(make_error<InstrProfError>(IPE), Input.Filename,
    152                                I.Name, firstTime);
    153       }
    154     }
    155     if (Reader->hasError())
    156       exitWithError(Reader->getError(), Input.Filename);
    157   }
    158   if (OutputFormat == PF_Text)
    159     Writer.writeText(Output);
    160   else
    161     Writer.write(Output);
    162 }
    164 static sampleprof::SampleProfileFormat FormatMap[] = {
    165     sampleprof::SPF_None, sampleprof::SPF_Text, sampleprof::SPF_Binary,
    166     sampleprof::SPF_GCC};
    168 static void mergeSampleProfile(const WeightedFileVector &Inputs,
    169                                StringRef OutputFilename,
    170                                ProfileFormat OutputFormat) {
    171   using namespace sampleprof;
    172   auto WriterOrErr =
    173       SampleProfileWriter::create(OutputFilename, FormatMap[OutputFormat]);
    174   if (std::error_code EC = WriterOrErr.getError())
    175     exitWithErrorCode(EC, OutputFilename);
    177   auto Writer = std::move(WriterOrErr.get());
    178   StringMap<FunctionSamples> ProfileMap;
    179   SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<sampleprof::SampleProfileReader>, 5> Readers;
    180   LLVMContext Context;
    181   for (const auto &Input : Inputs) {
    182     auto ReaderOrErr = SampleProfileReader::create(Input.Filename, Context);
    183     if (std::error_code EC = ReaderOrErr.getError())
    184       exitWithErrorCode(EC, Input.Filename);
    186     // We need to keep the readers around until after all the files are
    187     // read so that we do not lose the function names stored in each
    188     // reader's memory. The function names are needed to write out the
    189     // merged profile map.
    190     Readers.push_back(std::move(ReaderOrErr.get()));
    191     const auto Reader = Readers.back().get();
    192     if (std::error_code EC = Reader->read())
    193       exitWithErrorCode(EC, Input.Filename);
    195     StringMap<FunctionSamples> &Profiles = Reader->getProfiles();
    196     for (StringMap<FunctionSamples>::iterator I = Profiles.begin(),
    197                                               E = Profiles.end();
    198          I != E; ++I) {
    199       StringRef FName = I->first();
    200       FunctionSamples &Samples = I->second;
    201       sampleprof_error Result = ProfileMap[FName].merge(Samples, Input.Weight);
    202       if (Result != sampleprof_error::success) {
    203         std::error_code EC = make_error_code(Result);
    204         handleMergeWriterError(errorCodeToError(EC), Input.Filename, FName);
    205       }
    206     }
    207   }
    208   Writer->write(ProfileMap);
    209 }
    211 static WeightedFile parseWeightedFile(const StringRef &WeightedFilename) {
    212   StringRef WeightStr, FileName;
    213   std::tie(WeightStr, FileName) = WeightedFilename.split(',');
    215   uint64_t Weight;
    216   if (WeightStr.getAsInteger(10, Weight) || Weight < 1)
    217     exitWithError("Input weight must be a positive integer.");
    219   if (!sys::fs::exists(FileName))
    220     exitWithErrorCode(make_error_code(errc::no_such_file_or_directory),
    221                       FileName);
    223   return WeightedFile(FileName, Weight);
    224 }
    226 static std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>
    227 getInputFilenamesFileBuf(const StringRef &InputFilenamesFile) {
    228   if (InputFilenamesFile == "")
    229     return {};
    231   auto BufOrError = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(InputFilenamesFile);
    232   if (!BufOrError)
    233     exitWithErrorCode(BufOrError.getError(), InputFilenamesFile);
    235   return std::move(*BufOrError);
    236 }
    238 static void parseInputFilenamesFile(MemoryBuffer *Buffer,
    239                                     WeightedFileVector &WFV) {
    240   if (!Buffer)
    241     return;
    243   SmallVector<StringRef, 8> Entries;
    244   StringRef Data = Buffer->getBuffer();
    245   Data.split(Entries, '\n', /*MaxSplit=*/-1, /*KeepEmpty=*/false);
    246   for (const StringRef &FileWeightEntry : Entries) {
    247     StringRef SanitizedEntry = FileWeightEntry.trim(" \t\v\f\r");
    248     // Skip comments.
    249     if (SanitizedEntry.startswith("#"))
    250       continue;
    251     // If there's no comma, it's an unweighted profile.
    252     else if (SanitizedEntry.find(',') == StringRef::npos)
    253       WFV.emplace_back(SanitizedEntry, 1);
    254     else
    255       WFV.emplace_back(parseWeightedFile(SanitizedEntry));
    256   }
    257 }
    259 static int merge_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    260   cl::list<std::string> InputFilenames(cl::Positional,
    261                                        cl::desc("<filename...>"));
    262   cl::list<std::string> WeightedInputFilenames("weighted-input",
    263                                                cl::desc("<weight>,<filename>"));
    264   cl::opt<std::string> InputFilenamesFile(
    265       "input-files", cl::init(""),
    266       cl::desc("Path to file containing newline-separated "
    267                "[<weight>,]<filename> entries"));
    268   cl::alias InputFilenamesFileA("f", cl::desc("Alias for --input-files"),
    269                                 cl::aliasopt(InputFilenamesFile));
    270   cl::opt<bool> DumpInputFileList(
    271       "dump-input-file-list", cl::init(false), cl::Hidden,
    272       cl::desc("Dump the list of input files and their weights, then exit"));
    273   cl::opt<std::string> OutputFilename("output", cl::value_desc("output"),
    274                                       cl::init("-"), cl::Required,
    275                                       cl::desc("Output file"));
    276   cl::alias OutputFilenameA("o", cl::desc("Alias for --output"),
    277                             cl::aliasopt(OutputFilename));
    278   cl::opt<ProfileKinds> ProfileKind(
    279       cl::desc("Profile kind:"), cl::init(instr),
    280       cl::values(clEnumVal(instr, "Instrumentation profile (default)"),
    281                  clEnumVal(sample, "Sample profile"), clEnumValEnd));
    282   cl::opt<ProfileFormat> OutputFormat(
    283       cl::desc("Format of output profile"), cl::init(PF_Binary),
    284       cl::values(clEnumValN(PF_Binary, "binary", "Binary encoding (default)"),
    285                  clEnumValN(PF_Text, "text", "Text encoding"),
    286                  clEnumValN(PF_GCC, "gcc",
    287                             "GCC encoding (only meaningful for -sample)"),
    288                  clEnumValEnd));
    289   cl::opt<bool> OutputSparse("sparse", cl::init(false),
    290       cl::desc("Generate a sparse profile (only meaningful for -instr)"));
    292   cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "LLVM profile data merger\n");
    294   WeightedFileVector WeightedInputs;
    295   for (StringRef Filename : InputFilenames)
    296     WeightedInputs.emplace_back(Filename, 1);
    297   for (StringRef WeightedFilename : WeightedInputFilenames)
    298     WeightedInputs.emplace_back(parseWeightedFile(WeightedFilename));
    300   // Make sure that the file buffer stays alive for the duration of the
    301   // weighted input vector's lifetime.
    302   auto Buffer = getInputFilenamesFileBuf(InputFilenamesFile);
    303   parseInputFilenamesFile(Buffer.get(), WeightedInputs);
    305   if (WeightedInputs.empty())
    306     exitWithError("No input files specified. See " +
    307                   sys::path::filename(argv[0]) + " -help");
    309   if (DumpInputFileList) {
    310     for (auto &WF : WeightedInputs)
    311       outs() << WF.Weight << "," << WF.Filename << "\n";
    312     return 0;
    313   }
    315   if (ProfileKind == instr)
    316     mergeInstrProfile(WeightedInputs, OutputFilename, OutputFormat,
    317                       OutputSparse);
    318   else
    319     mergeSampleProfile(WeightedInputs, OutputFilename, OutputFormat);
    321   return 0;
    322 }
    324 static int showInstrProfile(const std::string &Filename, bool ShowCounts,
    325                             bool ShowIndirectCallTargets,
    326                             bool ShowDetailedSummary,
    327                             std::vector<uint32_t> DetailedSummaryCutoffs,
    328                             bool ShowAllFunctions,
    329                             const std::string &ShowFunction, bool TextFormat,
    330                             raw_fd_ostream &OS) {
    331   auto ReaderOrErr = InstrProfReader::create(Filename);
    332   std::vector<uint32_t> Cutoffs = std::move(DetailedSummaryCutoffs);
    333   if (ShowDetailedSummary && Cutoffs.empty()) {
    334     Cutoffs = {800000, 900000, 950000, 990000, 999000, 999900, 999990};
    335   }
    336   InstrProfSummaryBuilder Builder(std::move(Cutoffs));
    337   if (Error E = ReaderOrErr.takeError())
    338     exitWithError(std::move(E), Filename);
    340   auto Reader = std::move(ReaderOrErr.get());
    341   bool IsIRInstr = Reader->isIRLevelProfile();
    342   size_t ShownFunctions = 0;
    343   uint64_t TotalNumValueSites = 0;
    344   uint64_t TotalNumValueSitesWithValueProfile = 0;
    345   uint64_t TotalNumValues = 0;
    346   for (const auto &Func : *Reader) {
    347     bool Show =
    348         ShowAllFunctions || (!ShowFunction.empty() &&
    349                              Func.Name.find(ShowFunction) != Func.Name.npos);
    351     bool doTextFormatDump = (Show && ShowCounts && TextFormat);
    353     if (doTextFormatDump) {
    354       InstrProfSymtab &Symtab = Reader->getSymtab();
    355       InstrProfWriter::writeRecordInText(Func, Symtab, OS);
    356       continue;
    357     }
    359     assert(Func.Counts.size() > 0 && "function missing entry counter");
    360     Builder.addRecord(Func);
    362     if (Show) {
    364       if (!ShownFunctions)
    365         OS << "Counters:\n";
    367       ++ShownFunctions;
    369       OS << "  " << Func.Name << ":\n"
    370          << "    Hash: " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, Func.Hash) << "\n"
    371          << "    Counters: " << Func.Counts.size() << "\n";
    372       if (!IsIRInstr)
    373         OS << "    Function count: " << Func.Counts[0] << "\n";
    375       if (ShowIndirectCallTargets)
    376         OS << "    Indirect Call Site Count: "
    377            << Func.getNumValueSites(IPVK_IndirectCallTarget) << "\n";
    379       if (ShowCounts) {
    380         OS << "    Block counts: [";
    381         size_t Start = (IsIRInstr ? 0 : 1);
    382         for (size_t I = Start, E = Func.Counts.size(); I < E; ++I) {
    383           OS << (I == Start ? "" : ", ") << Func.Counts[I];
    384         }
    385         OS << "]\n";
    386       }
    388       if (ShowIndirectCallTargets) {
    389         InstrProfSymtab &Symtab = Reader->getSymtab();
    390         uint32_t NS = Func.getNumValueSites(IPVK_IndirectCallTarget);
    391         OS << "    Indirect Target Results: \n";
    392         TotalNumValueSites += NS;
    393         for (size_t I = 0; I < NS; ++I) {
    394           uint32_t NV = Func.getNumValueDataForSite(IPVK_IndirectCallTarget, I);
    395           std::unique_ptr<InstrProfValueData[]> VD =
    396               Func.getValueForSite(IPVK_IndirectCallTarget, I);
    397           TotalNumValues += NV;
    398           if (NV)
    399             TotalNumValueSitesWithValueProfile++;
    400           for (uint32_t V = 0; V < NV; V++) {
    401             OS << "\t[ " << I << ", ";
    402             OS << Symtab.getFuncName(VD[V].Value) << ", " << VD[V].Count
    403                << " ]\n";
    404           }
    405         }
    406       }
    407     }
    408   }
    409   if (Reader->hasError())
    410     exitWithError(Reader->getError(), Filename);
    412   if (ShowCounts && TextFormat)
    413     return 0;
    414   std::unique_ptr<ProfileSummary> PS(Builder.getSummary());
    415   if (ShowAllFunctions || !ShowFunction.empty())
    416     OS << "Functions shown: " << ShownFunctions << "\n";
    417   OS << "Total functions: " << PS->getNumFunctions() << "\n";
    418   OS << "Maximum function count: " << PS->getMaxFunctionCount() << "\n";
    419   OS << "Maximum internal block count: " << PS->getMaxInternalCount() << "\n";
    420   if (ShownFunctions && ShowIndirectCallTargets) {
    421     OS << "Total Number of Indirect Call Sites : " << TotalNumValueSites
    422        << "\n";
    423     OS << "Total Number of Sites With Values : "
    424        << TotalNumValueSitesWithValueProfile << "\n";
    425     OS << "Total Number of Profiled Values : " << TotalNumValues << "\n";
    426   }
    428   if (ShowDetailedSummary) {
    429     OS << "Detailed summary:\n";
    430     OS << "Total number of blocks: " << PS->getNumCounts() << "\n";
    431     OS << "Total count: " << PS->getTotalCount() << "\n";
    432     for (auto Entry : PS->getDetailedSummary()) {
    433       OS << Entry.NumCounts << " blocks with count >= " << Entry.MinCount
    434          << " account for "
    435          << format("%0.6g", (float)Entry.Cutoff / ProfileSummary::Scale * 100)
    436          << " percentage of the total counts.\n";
    437     }
    438   }
    439   return 0;
    440 }
    442 static int showSampleProfile(const std::string &Filename, bool ShowCounts,
    443                              bool ShowAllFunctions,
    444                              const std::string &ShowFunction,
    445                              raw_fd_ostream &OS) {
    446   using namespace sampleprof;
    447   LLVMContext Context;
    448   auto ReaderOrErr = SampleProfileReader::create(Filename, Context);
    449   if (std::error_code EC = ReaderOrErr.getError())
    450     exitWithErrorCode(EC, Filename);
    452   auto Reader = std::move(ReaderOrErr.get());
    453   if (std::error_code EC = Reader->read())
    454     exitWithErrorCode(EC, Filename);
    456   if (ShowAllFunctions || ShowFunction.empty())
    457     Reader->dump(OS);
    458   else
    459     Reader->dumpFunctionProfile(ShowFunction, OS);
    461   return 0;
    462 }
    464 static int show_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    465   cl::opt<std::string> Filename(cl::Positional, cl::Required,
    466                                 cl::desc("<profdata-file>"));
    468   cl::opt<bool> ShowCounts("counts", cl::init(false),
    469                            cl::desc("Show counter values for shown functions"));
    470   cl::opt<bool> TextFormat(
    471       "text", cl::init(false),
    472       cl::desc("Show instr profile data in text dump format"));
    473   cl::opt<bool> ShowIndirectCallTargets(
    474       "ic-targets", cl::init(false),
    475       cl::desc("Show indirect call site target values for shown functions"));
    476   cl::opt<bool> ShowDetailedSummary("detailed-summary", cl::init(false),
    477                                     cl::desc("Show detailed profile summary"));
    478   cl::list<uint32_t> DetailedSummaryCutoffs(
    479       cl::CommaSeparated, "detailed-summary-cutoffs",
    480       cl::desc(
    481           "Cutoff percentages (times 10000) for generating detailed summary"),
    482       cl::value_desc("800000,901000,999999"));
    483   cl::opt<bool> ShowAllFunctions("all-functions", cl::init(false),
    484                                  cl::desc("Details for every function"));
    485   cl::opt<std::string> ShowFunction("function",
    486                                     cl::desc("Details for matching functions"));
    488   cl::opt<std::string> OutputFilename("output", cl::value_desc("output"),
    489                                       cl::init("-"), cl::desc("Output file"));
    490   cl::alias OutputFilenameA("o", cl::desc("Alias for --output"),
    491                             cl::aliasopt(OutputFilename));
    492   cl::opt<ProfileKinds> ProfileKind(
    493       cl::desc("Profile kind:"), cl::init(instr),
    494       cl::values(clEnumVal(instr, "Instrumentation profile (default)"),
    495                  clEnumVal(sample, "Sample profile"), clEnumValEnd));
    497   cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "LLVM profile data summary\n");
    499   if (OutputFilename.empty())
    500     OutputFilename = "-";
    502   std::error_code EC;
    503   raw_fd_ostream OS(OutputFilename.data(), EC, sys::fs::F_Text);
    504   if (EC)
    505     exitWithErrorCode(EC, OutputFilename);
    507   if (ShowAllFunctions && !ShowFunction.empty())
    508     errs() << "warning: -function argument ignored: showing all functions\n";
    510   std::vector<uint32_t> Cutoffs(DetailedSummaryCutoffs.begin(),
    511                                 DetailedSummaryCutoffs.end());
    512   if (ProfileKind == instr)
    513     return showInstrProfile(Filename, ShowCounts, ShowIndirectCallTargets,
    514                             ShowDetailedSummary, DetailedSummaryCutoffs,
    515                             ShowAllFunctions, ShowFunction, TextFormat, OS);
    516   else
    517     return showSampleProfile(Filename, ShowCounts, ShowAllFunctions,
    518                              ShowFunction, OS);
    519 }
    521 int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    522   // Print a stack trace if we signal out.
    523   sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal(argv[0]);
    524   PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv);
    525   llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.
    527   StringRef ProgName(sys::path::filename(argv[0]));
    528   if (argc > 1) {
    529     int (*func)(int, const char *[]) = nullptr;
    531     if (strcmp(argv[1], "merge") == 0)
    532       func = merge_main;
    533     else if (strcmp(argv[1], "show") == 0)
    534       func = show_main;
    536     if (func) {
    537       std::string Invocation(ProgName.str() + " " + argv[1]);
    538       argv[1] = Invocation.c_str();
    539       return func(argc - 1, argv + 1);
    540     }
    542     if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0 ||
    543         strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
    545       errs() << "OVERVIEW: LLVM profile data tools\n\n"
    546              << "USAGE: " << ProgName << " <command> [args...]\n"
    547              << "USAGE: " << ProgName << " <command> -help\n\n"
    548              << "Available commands: merge, show\n";
    549       return 0;
    550     }
    551   }
    553   if (argc < 2)
    554     errs() << ProgName << ": No command specified!\n";
    555   else
    556     errs() << ProgName << ": Unknown command!\n";
    558   errs() << "USAGE: " << ProgName << " <merge|show> [args...]\n";
    559   return 1;
    560 }