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      1 # Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      6 from recipe_engine import recipe_api
      7 import shlex
     10 DEFAULT_TASK_EXPIRATION = 20*60*60
     11 DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT = 4*60*60
     12 DEFAULT_IO_TIMEOUT = 40*60
     14 MILO_LOG_LINK = 'https://luci-milo.appspot.com/swarming/task/%s'
     17 class SkiaSwarmingApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
     18   """Provides steps to run Skia tasks on swarming bots."""
     20   @property
     21   def swarming_temp_dir(self):
     22     """Path where artifacts like isolate file and json output will be stored."""
     23     return self.m.path['start_dir'].join('swarming_temp_dir')
     25   @property
     26   def tasks_output_dir(self):
     27     """Directory where the outputs of the swarming tasks will be stored."""
     28     return self.swarming_temp_dir.join('outputs')
     30   def isolated_file_path(self, task_name):
     31     """Get the path to the given task's .isolated file."""
     32     return self.swarming_temp_dir.join('skia-task-%s.isolated' % task_name)
     34   def setup(self, luci_go_dir, swarming_rev=None):
     35     """Performs setup steps for swarming."""
     36     self.m.swarming_client.checkout(revision=swarming_rev)
     37     self.m.swarming.check_client_version(step_test_data=(0, 8, 6))
     38     self.setup_go_isolate(luci_go_dir)
     39     self.m.swarming.add_default_tag('allow_milo:1')
     41   # TODO(rmistry): Remove once the Go binaries are moved to recipes or buildbot.
     42   def setup_go_isolate(self, luci_go_dir):
     43     """Generates and puts in place the isolate Go binary."""
     44     depot_tools_path = self.m.depot_tools.package_repo_resource()
     45     env = {'PATH': self.m.path.pathsep.join([
     46                        str(depot_tools_path), '%(PATH)s'])}
     47     with self.m.context(env=env):
     48       self.m.step('download luci-go linux',
     49                   ['download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume',
     50                    '--platform=linux*', '--no_auth',
     51                    '--bucket', 'chromium-luci',
     52                    '-d', luci_go_dir.join('linux64')])
     53       self.m.step('download luci-go mac',
     54                   ['download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume',
     55                    '--platform=darwin', '--no_auth',
     56                    '--bucket', 'chromium-luci',
     57                    '-d', luci_go_dir.join('mac64')])
     58       self.m.step('download luci-go win',
     59                   ['download_from_google_storage', '--no_resume',
     60                    '--platform=win32', '--no_auth', '--bucket',
     61                    'chromium-luci',
     62                    '-d', luci_go_dir.join('win64')])
     63     # Copy binaries to the expected location.
     64     dest = self.m.path['start_dir'].join('luci-go')
     65     self.m.run.rmtree(dest)
     66     self.m.file.copytree('Copy Go binary',
     67                          source=luci_go_dir,
     68                          dest=dest)
     70   def create_isolated_gen_json(self, isolate_path, base_dir, os_type,
     71                                task_name, extra_variables, blacklist=None):
     72     """Creates an isolated.gen.json file (used by the isolate recipe module).
     74     Args:
     75       isolate_path: path obj. Path to the isolate file.
     76       base_dir: path obj. Dir that is the base of all paths in the isolate file.
     77       os_type: str. The OS type to use when archiving the isolate file.
     78           Eg: linux.
     79       task_name: str. The isolated.gen.json file will be suffixed by this str.
     80       extra_variables: dict of str to str. The extra vars to pass to isolate.
     81           Eg: {'SLAVE_NUM': '1', 'MASTER': 'ChromiumPerfFYI'}
     82       blacklist: list of regular expressions indicating which files/directories
     83           not to archive.
     84     """
     85     self.m.file.ensure_directory(
     86         'makedirs swarming tmp dir',
     87         self.swarming_temp_dir)
     88     isolated_path = self.isolated_file_path(task_name)
     89     isolate_args = [
     90       '--isolate', isolate_path,
     91       '--isolated', isolated_path,
     92       '--config-variable', 'OS', os_type,
     93     ]
     94     if blacklist:
     95       for b in blacklist:
     96         isolate_args.extend(['--blacklist', b])
     97     for k, v in extra_variables.iteritems():
     98       isolate_args.extend(['--extra-variable', k, v])
     99     isolated_gen_dict = {
    100       'version': 1,
    101       'dir': base_dir,
    102       'args': isolate_args,
    103     }
    104     isolated_gen_json = self.swarming_temp_dir.join(
    105         '%s.isolated.gen.json' % task_name)
    106     self.m.file.write_text(
    107         'Write %s.isolated.gen.json' % task_name,
    108         isolated_gen_json,
    109         self.m.json.dumps(isolated_gen_dict, indent=4),
    110     )
    112   def batcharchive(self, targets):
    113     """Calls batcharchive on the skia.isolated.gen.json file.
    115     Args:
    116       targets: list of str. The suffixes of the isolated.gen.json files to
    117                archive.
    119     Returns:
    120       list of tuples containing (task_name, swarming_hash).
    121     """
    122     return self.m.isolate.isolate_tests(
    123         verbose=True,  # To avoid no output timeouts.
    124         build_dir=self.swarming_temp_dir,
    125         targets=targets).presentation.properties['swarm_hashes'].items()
    127   def trigger_swarming_tasks(
    128       self, swarm_hashes, dimensions, idempotent=False, store_output=True,
    129       extra_args=None, expiration=None, hard_timeout=None, io_timeout=None,
    130       cipd_packages=None):
    131     """Triggers swarming tasks using swarm hashes.
    133     Args:
    134       swarm_hashes: list of str. List of swarm hashes from the isolate server.
    135       dimensions: dict of str to str. The dimensions to run the task on.
    136                   Eg: {'os': 'Ubuntu', 'gpu': '10de', 'pool': 'Skia'}
    137       idempotent: bool. Whether or not to de-duplicate tasks.
    138       store_output: bool. Whether task output should be stored.
    139       extra_args: list of str. Extra arguments to pass to the task.
    140       expiration: int. Task will expire if not picked up within this time.
    141                   DEFAULT_TASK_EXPIRATION is used if this argument is None.
    142       hard_timeout: int. Task will timeout if not completed within this time.
    143                     DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT is used if this argument is None.
    144       io_timeout: int. Task will timeout if there is no output within this time.
    145                   DEFAULT_IO_TIMEOUT is used if this argument is None.
    146       cipd_packages: CIPD packages which these tasks depend on.
    148     Returns:
    149       List of swarming.SwarmingTask instances.
    150     """
    151     swarming_tasks = []
    152     for task_name, swarm_hash in swarm_hashes:
    153       swarming_task = self.m.swarming.task(
    154           title=task_name,
    155           cipd_packages=cipd_packages,
    156           isolated_hash=swarm_hash)
    157       if store_output:
    158         swarming_task.task_output_dir = self.tasks_output_dir.join(task_name)
    159       swarming_task.dimensions = dimensions
    160       swarming_task.idempotent = idempotent
    161       swarming_task.priority = 90
    162       swarming_task.expiration = (
    163           expiration if expiration else DEFAULT_TASK_EXPIRATION)
    164       swarming_task.hard_timeout = (
    165           hard_timeout if hard_timeout else DEFAULT_TASK_TIMEOUT)
    166       swarming_task.io_timeout = (
    167           io_timeout if io_timeout else DEFAULT_IO_TIMEOUT)
    168       if extra_args:
    169         swarming_task.extra_args = extra_args
    170       revision = self.m.properties.get('revision')
    171       if revision:
    172         swarming_task.tags.add('revision:%s' % revision)
    173       swarming_tasks.append(swarming_task)
    174     step_results = self.m.swarming.trigger(swarming_tasks)
    175     for step_result in step_results:
    176       self._add_log_links(step_result, step_result.json.output)
    177     return swarming_tasks
    179   def collect_swarming_task(self, swarming_task):
    180     """Collects the specified swarming task.
    182     Args:
    183       swarming_task: An instance of swarming.SwarmingTask.
    184     """
    185     try:
    186       rv = self.m.swarming.collect_task(swarming_task)
    187     except self.m.step.StepFailure as e:  # pragma: no cover
    188       step_result = self.m.step.active_result
    189       # Change step result to Infra failure if the swarming task failed due to
    190       # expiration, time outs, bot crashes or task cancelations.
    191       # Infra failures have step.EXCEPTION.
    192       states_infra_failure = (
    193           self.m.swarming.State.EXPIRED, self.m.swarming.State.TIMED_OUT,
    194           self.m.swarming.State.BOT_DIED, self.m.swarming.State.CANCELED)
    195       summary = step_result.swarming.summary
    196       if summary['shards'][0]['state'] in states_infra_failure:
    197         step_result.presentation.status = self.m.step.EXCEPTION
    198         raise self.m.step.InfraFailure(e.name, step_result)
    199       raise
    200     finally:
    201       step_result = self.m.step.active_result
    202       # Add log link.
    203       self._add_log_links(step_result, step_result.swarming.summary)
    204     return rv
    206   def _add_log_links(self, step_result, summary):
    207     """Add Milo log links to all shards in the step."""
    208     ids = []
    209     shards = summary.get('shards')
    210     if shards:
    211       for shard in shards:
    212         ids.append(shard['id'])
    213     else:
    214       for _, task in summary.get('tasks', {}).iteritems():
    215         ids.append(task['task_id'])
    216     for idx, task_id in enumerate(ids):
    217       link = MILO_LOG_LINK % task_id
    218       k = 'view steps on Milo'
    219       if len(ids) > 1:  # pragma: nocover
    220         k += ' (shard index %d, %d total)' % (idx, len(ids))
    221       step_result.presentation.links[k] = link