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      1 /*
      2 	If the current vertex is affected by bones then the vertex position and
      3 	normal will be transformed by the bone matrices. Each vertex wil have up
      4 	to 4 bone indices (inBoneIndex) and bone weights (inBoneWeights).
      6 	The indices are used to index into the array of bone matrices
      7 	(BoneMatrixArray) to get the required bone matrix for transformation. The
      8 	amount of influence a particular bone has on a vertex is determined by the
      9 	weights which should always total 1. So if a vertex is affected by 2 bones
     10 	the vertex position in world space is given by the following equation:
     12 	position = (BoneMatrixArray[Index0] * inVertex) * Weight0 +
     13 	           (BoneMatrixArray[Index1] * inVertex) * Weight1
     15 	The same proceedure is applied to the normals but the translation part of
     16 	the transformation is ignored.
     18 	After this the position is multiplied by the view and projection matrices
     19 	only as the bone matrices already contain the model transform for this
     20 	particular mesh. The two-step transformation is required because lighting
     21 	will not work properly in clip space.
     22 */
     24 attribute highp   vec3 inVertex;
     25 attribute mediump vec3 inNormal;
     26 attribute mediump vec3 inTangent;
     27 attribute mediump vec3 inBiNormal;
     28 attribute mediump vec2 inTexCoord;
     29 attribute mediump vec4 inBoneIndex;
     30 attribute mediump vec4 inBoneWeights;
     32 uniform highp   mat4 ViewProjMatrix;
     33 uniform mediump vec3 LightPos;
     34 uniform mediump	int	 BoneCount;
     35 uniform highp   mat4 BoneMatrixArray[8];
     36 uniform highp   mat3 BoneMatrixArrayIT[8];
     37 uniform bool	bUseDot3;
     39 varying mediump vec3 Light;
     40 varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;
     42 void main()
     43 {
     44 	if(BoneCount > 0)
     45 	{
     46 		// On PowerVR SGX it is possible to index the components of a vector
     47 		// with the [] operator. However this can cause trouble with PC
     48 		// emulation on some hardware so we "rotate" the vectors instead.
     49 		mediump ivec4 boneIndex = ivec4(inBoneIndex);
     50 		mediump vec4 boneWeights = inBoneWeights;
     52 		highp mat4 boneMatrix = BoneMatrixArray[boneIndex.x];
     53 		mediump mat3 normalMatrix = BoneMatrixArrayIT[boneIndex.x];
     55 		highp vec4 position = boneMatrix * vec4(inVertex, 1.0) * boneWeights.x;
     56 		mediump vec3 worldNormal = normalMatrix * inNormal * boneWeights.x;
     58 		mediump vec3 worldTangent;
     59 		mediump vec3 worldBiNormal;
     61 		if(bUseDot3)
     62 		{
     63 			worldTangent = normalMatrix * inTangent * boneWeights.x;
     64 			worldBiNormal = normalMatrix * inBiNormal * boneWeights.x;
     65 		}
     67 		for (lowp int i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
     68 		{
     69 			if(i < BoneCount)
     70 			{
     71 				// "rotate" the vector components
     72 				boneIndex = boneIndex.yzwx;
     73 				boneWeights = boneWeights.yzwx;
     75 				boneMatrix = BoneMatrixArray[boneIndex.x];
     76 				normalMatrix = BoneMatrixArrayIT[boneIndex.x];
     78 				position += boneMatrix * vec4(inVertex, 1.0) * boneWeights.x;
     79 				worldNormal += normalMatrix * inNormal * boneWeights.x;
     81 				if(bUseDot3)
     82 				{
     83 					worldTangent += normalMatrix * inTangent * boneWeights.x;
     84 					worldBiNormal += normalMatrix * inBiNormal * boneWeights.x;
     85 				}
     86 			}
     87 		}
     88 		gl_Position = ViewProjMatrix * position;
     90 		// lighting
     91 		mediump vec3 TmpLightDir = normalize(LightPos - position.xyz);
     93 		if(bUseDot3)
     94 		{
     95 			Light.x = dot(normalize(worldTangent), TmpLightDir);
     96 			Light.y = dot(normalize(worldBiNormal), TmpLightDir);
     97 			Light.z = dot(normalize(worldNormal), TmpLightDir);
     98 		}
     99 		else
    100 		{
    101 			Light.x = dot(normalize(worldNormal), TmpLightDir);
    102 		}
    103 	}
    106 	// Pass through texcoords
    107 	TexCoord = inTexCoord;
    108 }