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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     18 #pragma once
     20 #include <math.h>
     21 #include <stdint.h>
     22 #include <sys/types.h>
     24 #include <iostream>
     26 #include <math/vec3.h>
     28 #define PURE __attribute__((pure))
     30 namespace android {
     31 namespace details {
     32 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     34 /*
     35  * No user serviceable parts here.
     36  *
     37  * Don't use this file directly, instead include ui/quat.h
     38  */
     41 /*
     42  * TQuatProductOperators implements basic arithmetic and basic compound assignment
     43  * operators on a quaternion of type BASE<T>.
     44  *
     45  * BASE only needs to implement operator[] and size().
     46  * By simply inheriting from TQuatProductOperators<BASE, T> BASE will automatically
     47  * get all the functionality here.
     48  */
     50 template <template<typename T> class QUATERNION, typename T>
     51 class TQuatProductOperators {
     52 public:
     53     /* compound assignment from a another quaternion of the same size but different
     54      * element type.
     55      */
     56     template <typename OTHER>
     57     QUATERNION<T>& operator *= (const QUATERNION<OTHER>& r) {
     58         QUATERNION<T>& q = static_cast<QUATERNION<T>&>(*this);
     59         q = q * r;
     60         return q;
     61     }
     63     /* compound assignment products by a scalar
     64      */
     65     QUATERNION<T>& operator *= (T v) {
     66         QUATERNION<T>& lhs = static_cast<QUATERNION<T>&>(*this);
     67         for (size_t i = 0; i < QUATERNION<T>::size(); i++) {
     68             lhs[i] *= v;
     69         }
     70         return lhs;
     71     }
     72     QUATERNION<T>& operator /= (T v) {
     73         QUATERNION<T>& lhs = static_cast<QUATERNION<T>&>(*this);
     74         for (size_t i = 0; i < QUATERNION<T>::size(); i++) {
     75             lhs[i] /= v;
     76         }
     77         return lhs;
     78     }
     80     /*
     81      * NOTE: the functions below ARE NOT member methods. They are friend functions
     82      * with they definition inlined with their declaration. This makes these
     83      * template functions available to the compiler when (and only when) this class
     84      * is instantiated, at which point they're only templated on the 2nd parameter
     85      * (the first one, BASE<T> being known).
     86      */
     88     /* The operators below handle operation between quaternion of the same size
     89      * but of a different element type.
     90      */
     91     template<typename RT>
     92     friend inline
     93     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE operator *(const QUATERNION<T>& q, const QUATERNION<RT>& r) {
     94         // could be written as:
     95         //  return QUATERNION<T>(
     96         //            q.w*r.w - dot(q.xyz, r.xyz),
     97         //            q.w*r.xyz + r.w*q.xyz + cross(q.xyz, r.xyz));
     99         return QUATERNION<T>(
    100                 q.w*r.w - q.x*r.x - q.y*r.y - q.z*r.z,
    101                 q.w*r.x + q.x*r.w + q.y*r.z - q.z*r.y,
    102                 q.w*r.y - q.x*r.z + q.y*r.w + q.z*r.x,
    103                 q.w*r.z + q.x*r.y - q.y*r.x + q.z*r.w);
    104     }
    106     template<typename RT>
    107     friend inline
    108     constexpr TVec3<T> PURE operator *(const QUATERNION<T>& q, const TVec3<RT>& v) {
    109         // note: if q is known to be a unit quaternion, then this simplifies to:
    110         //  TVec3<T> t = 2 * cross(q.xyz, v)
    111         //  return v + (q.w * t) + cross(q.xyz, t)
    112         return imaginary(q * QUATERNION<T>(v, 0) * inverse(q));
    113     }
    116     /* For quaternions, we use explicit "by a scalar" products because it's much faster
    117      * than going (implicitly) through the quaternion multiplication.
    118      * For reference: we could use the code below instead, but it would be a lot slower.
    119      *  friend inline
    120      *  constexpr BASE<T> PURE operator *(const BASE<T>& q, const BASE<T>& r) {
    121      *      return BASE<T>(
    122      *              q.w*r.w - q.x*r.x - q.y*r.y - q.z*r.z,
    123      *              q.w*r.x + q.x*r.w + q.y*r.z - q.z*r.y,
    124      *              q.w*r.y - q.x*r.z + q.y*r.w + q.z*r.x,
    125      *              q.w*r.z + q.x*r.y - q.y*r.x + q.z*r.w);
    126      *
    127      */
    128     friend inline
    129     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE operator *(QUATERNION<T> q, T scalar) {
    130         // don't pass q by reference because we need a copy anyways
    131         return q *= scalar;
    132     }
    133     friend inline
    134     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE operator *(T scalar, QUATERNION<T> q) {
    135         // don't pass q by reference because we need a copy anyways
    136         return q *= scalar;
    137     }
    139     friend inline
    140     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE operator /(QUATERNION<T> q, T scalar) {
    141         // don't pass q by reference because we need a copy anyways
    142         return q /= scalar;
    143     }
    144 };
    147 /*
    148  * TQuatFunctions implements functions on a quaternion of type BASE<T>.
    149  *
    150  * BASE only needs to implement operator[] and size().
    151  * By simply inheriting from TQuatFunctions<BASE, T> BASE will automatically
    152  * get all the functionality here.
    153  */
    154 template <template<typename T> class QUATERNION, typename T>
    155 class TQuatFunctions {
    156 public:
    157     /*
    158      * NOTE: the functions below ARE NOT member methods. They are friend functions
    159      * with they definition inlined with their declaration. This makes these
    160      * template functions available to the compiler when (and only when) this class
    161      * is instantiated, at which point they're only templated on the 2nd parameter
    162      * (the first one, BASE<T> being known).
    163      */
    165     template<typename RT>
    166     friend inline
    167     constexpr T PURE dot(const QUATERNION<T>& p, const QUATERNION<RT>& q) {
    168         return p.x * q.x +
    169                p.y * q.y +
    170                p.z * q.z +
    171                p.w * q.w;
    172     }
    174     friend inline
    175     constexpr T PURE norm(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    176         return std::sqrt( dot(q, q) );
    177     }
    179     friend inline
    180     constexpr T PURE length(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    181         return norm(q);
    182     }
    184     friend inline
    185     constexpr T PURE length2(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    186         return dot(q, q);
    187     }
    189     friend inline
    190     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE normalize(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    191         return length(q) ? q / length(q) : QUATERNION<T>(1);
    192     }
    194     friend inline
    195     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE conj(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    196         return QUATERNION<T>(q.w, -q.x, -q.y, -q.z);
    197     }
    199     friend inline
    200     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE inverse(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    201         return conj(q) * (1 / dot(q, q));
    202     }
    204     friend inline
    205     constexpr T PURE real(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    206         return q.w;
    207     }
    209     friend inline
    210     constexpr TVec3<T> PURE imaginary(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    211         return q.xyz;
    212     }
    214     friend inline
    215     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE unreal(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    216         return QUATERNION<T>(q.xyz, 0);
    217     }
    219     friend inline
    220     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE cross(const QUATERNION<T>& p, const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    221         return unreal(p*q);
    222     }
    224     friend inline
    225     QUATERNION<T> PURE exp(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    226         const T nq(norm(q.xyz));
    227         return std::exp(q.w)*QUATERNION<T>((sin(nq)/nq)*q.xyz, cos(nq));
    228     }
    230     friend inline
    231     QUATERNION<T> PURE log(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    232         const T nq(norm(q));
    233         return QUATERNION<T>((std::acos(q.w/nq)/norm(q.xyz))*q.xyz, log(nq));
    234     }
    236     friend inline
    237     QUATERNION<T> PURE pow(const QUATERNION<T>& q, T a) {
    238         // could also be computed as: exp(a*log(q));
    239         const T nq(norm(q));
    240         const T theta(a*std::acos(q.w / nq));
    241         return std::pow(nq, a) * QUATERNION<T>(normalize(q.xyz) * std::sin(theta), std::cos(theta));
    242     }
    244     friend inline
    245     QUATERNION<T> PURE slerp(const QUATERNION<T>& p, const QUATERNION<T>& q, T t) {
    246         // could also be computed as: pow(q * inverse(p), t) * p;
    247         const T d = dot(p, q);
    248         const T npq = sqrt(dot(p, p) * dot(q, q));  // ||p|| * ||q||
    249         const T a = std::acos(std::abs(d) / npq);
    250         const T a0 = a * (1 - t);
    251         const T a1 = a * t;
    252         const T isina = 1 / sin(a);
    253         const T s0 = std::sin(a0) * isina;
    254         const T s1 = std::sin(a1) * isina;
    255         // ensure we're taking the "short" side
    256         return normalize(s0 * p + ((d < 0) ? (-s1) : (s1)) * q);
    257     }
    259     friend inline
    260     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE lerp(const QUATERNION<T>& p, const QUATERNION<T>& q, T t) {
    261         return ((1 - t) * p) + (t * q);
    262     }
    264     friend inline
    265     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE nlerp(const QUATERNION<T>& p, const QUATERNION<T>& q, T t) {
    266         return normalize(lerp(p, q, t));
    267     }
    269     friend inline
    270     constexpr QUATERNION<T> PURE positive(const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    271         return q.w < 0 ? -q : q;
    272     }
    273 };
    275 /*
    276  * TQuatDebug implements functions on a vector of type BASE<T>.
    277  *
    278  * BASE only needs to implement operator[] and size().
    279  * By simply inheriting from TQuatDebug<BASE, T> BASE will automatically
    280  * get all the functionality here.
    281  */
    282 template <template<typename T> class QUATERNION, typename T>
    283 class TQuatDebug {
    284 public:
    285     /*
    286      * NOTE: the functions below ARE NOT member methods. They are friend functions
    287      * with they definition inlined with their declaration. This makes these
    288      * template functions available to the compiler when (and only when) this class
    289      * is instantiated, at which point they're only templated on the 2nd parameter
    290      * (the first one, BASE<T> being known).
    291      */
    292     friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const QUATERNION<T>& q) {
    293         return stream << "< " << q.w << " + " << q.x << "i + " << q.y << "j + " << q.z << "k >";
    294     }
    295 };
    296 #undef PURE
    298 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    299 }  // namespace details
    300 }  // namespace android