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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.server.wifi;
     19 import static android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.DISABLED_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE;
     20 import static android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration.NetworkSelectionStatus.DISABLED_NO_INTERNET_TEMPORARY;
     22 import static com.android.server.wifi.WifiConfigurationTestUtil.generateWifiConfig;
     23 import static com.android.server.wifi.WifiStateMachine.WIFI_WORK_SOURCE;
     25 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
     26 import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
     28 import android.app.test.MockAnswerUtil.AnswerWithArguments;
     29 import android.app.test.TestAlarmManager;
     30 import android.content.Context;
     31 import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
     32 import android.content.res.Resources;
     33 import android.net.NetworkScoreManager;
     34 import android.net.wifi.ScanResult;
     35 import android.net.wifi.ScanResult.InformationElement;
     36 import android.net.wifi.SupplicantState;
     37 import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration;
     38 import android.net.wifi.WifiInfo;
     39 import android.net.wifi.WifiNetworkScoreCache;
     40 import android.net.wifi.WifiScanner;
     41 import android.net.wifi.WifiScanner.PnoScanListener;
     42 import android.net.wifi.WifiScanner.PnoSettings;
     43 import android.net.wifi.WifiScanner.ScanData;
     44 import android.net.wifi.WifiScanner.ScanListener;
     45 import android.net.wifi.WifiScanner.ScanSettings;
     46 import android.net.wifi.WifiSsid;
     47 import android.os.Process;
     48 import android.os.SystemClock;
     49 import android.os.WorkSource;
     50 import android.os.test.TestLooper;
     51 import android.support.test.filters.SmallTest;
     52 import android.util.LocalLog;
     54 import com.android.internal.R;
     56 import org.junit.After;
     57 import org.junit.Before;
     58 import org.junit.Test;
     59 import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
     60 import org.mockito.Captor;
     61 import org.mockito.Mock;
     62 import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
     64 import java.io.FileDescriptor;
     65 import java.io.PrintWriter;
     66 import java.io.StringWriter;
     67 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
     68 import java.util.ArrayList;
     69 import java.util.HashSet;
     70 import java.util.List;
     71 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
     73 /**
     74  * Unit tests for {@link com.android.server.wifi.WifiConnectivityManager}.
     75  */
     76 @SmallTest
     77 public class WifiConnectivityManagerTest {
     78     /**
     79      * Called before each test
     80      */
     81     @Before
     82     public void setUp() throws Exception {
     83         MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
     84         mResource = mockResource();
     85         mAlarmManager = new TestAlarmManager();
     86         mContext = mockContext();
     87         mLocalLog = new LocalLog(512);
     88         mWifiStateMachine = mockWifiStateMachine();
     89         mWifiConfigManager = mockWifiConfigManager();
     90         mWifiInfo = getWifiInfo();
     91         mScanData = mockScanData();
     92         mWifiScanner = mockWifiScanner();
     93         mWifiConnectivityHelper = mockWifiConnectivityHelper();
     94         mWifiNS = mockWifiNetworkSelector();
     95         mWifiConnectivityManager = createConnectivityManager();
     96         verify(mWifiConfigManager).setOnSavedNetworkUpdateListener(anyObject());
     97         mWifiConnectivityManager.setWifiEnabled(true);
     98         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
     99         mFullScanMaxTxPacketRate = mResource.getInteger(
    100                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_max_tx_rate_for_full_scan);
    101         mFullScanMaxRxPacketRate = mResource.getInteger(
    102                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_max_rx_rate_for_full_scan);
    103         when(mCarrierNetworkConfig.isCarrierEncryptionInfoAvailable()).thenReturn(true);
    104     }
    106     /**
    107      * Called after each test
    108      */
    109     @After
    110     public void cleanup() {
    111         validateMockitoUsage();
    112     }
    114     private Resources mResource;
    116     private Context mContext;
    117     private TestAlarmManager mAlarmManager;
    118     private TestLooper mLooper = new TestLooper();
    119     private WifiConnectivityManager mWifiConnectivityManager;
    120     private WifiNetworkSelector mWifiNS;
    121     private WifiStateMachine mWifiStateMachine;
    122     private WifiScanner mWifiScanner;
    123     private WifiConnectivityHelper mWifiConnectivityHelper;
    124     private ScanData mScanData;
    125     private WifiConfigManager mWifiConfigManager;
    126     private WifiInfo mWifiInfo;
    127     private LocalLog mLocalLog;
    128     @Mock private FrameworkFacade mFrameworkFacade;
    129     @Mock private NetworkScoreManager mNetworkScoreManager;
    130     @Mock private Clock mClock;
    131     @Mock private WifiLastResortWatchdog mWifiLastResortWatchdog;
    132     @Mock private OpenNetworkNotifier mOpenNetworkNotifier;
    133     @Mock private CarrierNetworkNotifier mCarrierNetworkNotifier;
    134     @Mock private CarrierNetworkConfig mCarrierNetworkConfig;
    135     @Mock private WifiMetrics mWifiMetrics;
    136     @Mock private WifiNetworkScoreCache mScoreCache;
    137     @Captor ArgumentCaptor<ScanResult> mCandidateScanResultCaptor;
    138     @Captor ArgumentCaptor<ArrayList<String>> mBssidBlacklistCaptor;
    139     @Captor ArgumentCaptor<ArrayList<String>> mSsidWhitelistCaptor;
    140     @Captor ArgumentCaptor<WifiConfigManager.OnSavedNetworkUpdateListener>
    141             mSavedNetworkUpdateListenerCaptor;
    142     private MockResources mResources;
    143     private int mFullScanMaxTxPacketRate;
    144     private int mFullScanMaxRxPacketRate;
    146     private static final int CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID = 0;
    147     private static final String CANDIDATE_SSID = "\"AnSsid\"";
    148     private static final String CANDIDATE_BSSID = "6c:f3:7f:ae:8c:f3";
    149     private static final String INVALID_SCAN_RESULT_BSSID = "6c:f3:7f:ae:8c:f4";
    150     private static final long CURRENT_SYSTEM_TIME_MS = 1000;
    151     private static final int MAX_BSSID_BLACKLIST_SIZE = 16;
    154     Resources mockResource() {
    155         Resources resource = mock(Resources.class);
    157         when(resource.getInteger(R.integer.config_wifi_framework_SECURITY_AWARD)).thenReturn(80);
    158         when(resource.getInteger(R.integer.config_wifi_framework_SAME_BSSID_AWARD)).thenReturn(24);
    159         when(resource.getBoolean(
    160                 R.bool.config_wifi_framework_enable_associated_network_selection)).thenReturn(true);
    161         when(resource.getInteger(
    162                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_wifi_score_good_rssi_threshold_24GHz))
    163                 .thenReturn(-60);
    164         when(resource.getInteger(
    165                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_current_network_boost)).thenReturn(16);
    166         when(resource.getInteger(
    167                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_max_tx_rate_for_full_scan)).thenReturn(8);
    168         when(resource.getInteger(
    169                 R.integer.config_wifi_framework_max_rx_rate_for_full_scan)).thenReturn(16);
    170         return resource;
    171     }
    173     Context mockContext() {
    174         Context context = mock(Context.class);
    176         when(context.getResources()).thenReturn(mResource);
    177         when(context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE)).thenReturn(
    178                 mAlarmManager.getAlarmManager());
    179         when(context.getPackageManager()).thenReturn(mock(PackageManager.class));
    181         return context;
    182     }
    184     ScanData mockScanData() {
    185         ScanData scanData = mock(ScanData.class);
    187         when(scanData.isAllChannelsScanned()).thenReturn(true);
    189         return scanData;
    190     }
    192     WifiScanner mockWifiScanner() {
    193         WifiScanner scanner = mock(WifiScanner.class);
    194         ArgumentCaptor<ScanListener> allSingleScanListenerCaptor =
    195                 ArgumentCaptor.forClass(ScanListener.class);
    197         doNothing().when(scanner).registerScanListener(allSingleScanListenerCaptor.capture());
    199         ScanData[] scanDatas = new ScanData[1];
    200         scanDatas[0] = mScanData;
    202         // do a synchronous answer for the ScanListener callbacks
    203         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
    204             public void answer(ScanSettings settings, ScanListener listener,
    205                     WorkSource workSource) throws Exception {
    206                 listener.onResults(scanDatas);
    207             }}).when(scanner).startBackgroundScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
    209         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
    210             public void answer(ScanSettings settings, ScanListener listener,
    211                     WorkSource workSource) throws Exception {
    212                 listener.onResults(scanDatas);
    213                 // WCM processes scan results received via onFullResult (even though they're the
    214                 // same as onResult for single scans).
    215                 if (mScanData != null && mScanData.getResults() != null) {
    216                     for (int i = 0; i < mScanData.getResults().length; i++) {
    217                         allSingleScanListenerCaptor.getValue().onFullResult(
    218                                 mScanData.getResults()[i]);
    219                     }
    220                 }
    221                 allSingleScanListenerCaptor.getValue().onResults(scanDatas);
    222             }}).when(scanner).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
    224         // This unfortunately needs to be a somewhat valid scan result, otherwise
    225         // |ScanDetailUtil.toScanDetail| raises exceptions.
    226         final ScanResult[] scanResults = new ScanResult[1];
    227         scanResults[0] = new ScanResult(WifiSsid.createFromAsciiEncoded(CANDIDATE_SSID),
    228                 CANDIDATE_SSID, CANDIDATE_BSSID, 1245, 0, "some caps",
    229                 -78, 2450, 1025, 22, 33, 20, 0, 0, true);
    230         scanResults[0].informationElements = new InformationElement[1];
    231         scanResults[0].informationElements[0] = new InformationElement();
    232         scanResults[0].informationElements[0].id = InformationElement.EID_SSID;
    233         scanResults[0].informationElements[0].bytes =
    234             CANDIDATE_SSID.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    236         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
    237             public void answer(ScanSettings settings, PnoSettings pnoSettings,
    238                     PnoScanListener listener) throws Exception {
    239                 listener.onPnoNetworkFound(scanResults);
    240             }}).when(scanner).startDisconnectedPnoScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
    242         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
    243             public void answer(ScanSettings settings, PnoSettings pnoSettings,
    244                     PnoScanListener listener) throws Exception {
    245                 listener.onPnoNetworkFound(scanResults);
    246             }}).when(scanner).startConnectedPnoScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
    248         return scanner;
    249     }
    251     WifiConnectivityHelper mockWifiConnectivityHelper() {
    252         WifiConnectivityHelper connectivityHelper = mock(WifiConnectivityHelper.class);
    254         when(connectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(false);
    255         when(connectivityHelper.getMaxNumBlacklistBssid()).thenReturn(MAX_BSSID_BLACKLIST_SIZE);
    257         return connectivityHelper;
    258     }
    260     WifiStateMachine mockWifiStateMachine() {
    261         WifiStateMachine stateMachine = mock(WifiStateMachine.class);
    263         when(stateMachine.isConnected()).thenReturn(false);
    264         when(stateMachine.isDisconnected()).thenReturn(true);
    265         when(stateMachine.isSupplicantTransientState()).thenReturn(false);
    267         return stateMachine;
    268     }
    270     WifiNetworkSelector mockWifiNetworkSelector() {
    271         WifiNetworkSelector ns = mock(WifiNetworkSelector.class);
    273         WifiConfiguration candidate = generateWifiConfig(
    274                 0, CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, CANDIDATE_SSID, false, true, null, null);
    275         candidate.BSSID = WifiStateMachine.SUPPLICANT_BSSID_ANY;
    276         ScanResult candidateScanResult = new ScanResult();
    277         candidateScanResult.SSID = CANDIDATE_SSID;
    278         candidateScanResult.BSSID = CANDIDATE_BSSID;
    279         candidate.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setCandidate(candidateScanResult);
    281         when(ns.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
    282                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(candidate);
    283         return ns;
    284     }
    286     WifiInfo getWifiInfo() {
    287         WifiInfo wifiInfo = new WifiInfo();
    289         wifiInfo.setNetworkId(WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID);
    290         wifiInfo.setBSSID(null);
    291         wifiInfo.setSupplicantState(SupplicantState.DISCONNECTED);
    293         return wifiInfo;
    294     }
    296     WifiConfigManager mockWifiConfigManager() {
    297         WifiConfigManager wifiConfigManager = mock(WifiConfigManager.class);
    299         when(wifiConfigManager.getConfiguredNetwork(anyInt())).thenReturn(null);
    301         // Pass dummy pno network list, otherwise Pno scan requests will not be triggered.
    302         PnoSettings.PnoNetwork pnoNetwork = new PnoSettings.PnoNetwork(CANDIDATE_SSID);
    303         ArrayList<PnoSettings.PnoNetwork> pnoNetworkList = new ArrayList<>();
    304         pnoNetworkList.add(pnoNetwork);
    305         when(wifiConfigManager.retrievePnoNetworkList()).thenReturn(pnoNetworkList);
    306         when(wifiConfigManager.retrievePnoNetworkList()).thenReturn(pnoNetworkList);
    307         doNothing().when(wifiConfigManager).setOnSavedNetworkUpdateListener(
    308                 mSavedNetworkUpdateListenerCaptor.capture());
    310         return wifiConfigManager;
    311     }
    313     WifiConnectivityManager createConnectivityManager() {
    314         return new WifiConnectivityManager(mContext,
    315                 new ScoringParams(mContext),
    316                 mWifiStateMachine, mWifiScanner,
    317                 mWifiConfigManager, mWifiInfo, mWifiNS, mWifiConnectivityHelper,
    318                 mWifiLastResortWatchdog, mOpenNetworkNotifier, mCarrierNetworkNotifier,
    319                 mCarrierNetworkConfig, mWifiMetrics, mLooper.getLooper(), mClock, mLocalLog, true,
    320                 mFrameworkFacade, null, null, null);
    321     }
    323     /**
    324      *  Wifi enters disconnected state while screen is on.
    325      *
    326      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
    327      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the
    328      * expected candidate network ID and BSSID.
    329      */
    330     @Test
    331     public void enterWifiDisconnectedStateWhenScreenOn() {
    332         // Set screen to on
    333         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    335         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
    336         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    337                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    339         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startConnectToNetwork(
    340                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
    341     }
    343     /**
    344      *  Wifi enters connected state while screen is on.
    345      *
    346      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
    347      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the
    348      * expected candidate network ID and BSSID.
    349      */
    350     @Test
    351     public void enterWifiConnectedStateWhenScreenOn() {
    352         // Set screen to on
    353         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    355         // Set WiFi to connected state
    356         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    357                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
    359         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startConnectToNetwork(
    360                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
    361     }
    363     /**
    364      *  Screen turned on while WiFi in disconnected state.
    365      *
    366      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
    367      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the
    368      * expected candidate network ID and BSSID.
    369      */
    370     @Test
    371     public void turnScreenOnWhenWifiInDisconnectedState() {
    372         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
    373         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    374                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    376         // Set screen to on
    377         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    379         verify(mWifiStateMachine, atLeastOnce()).startConnectToNetwork(
    380                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
    381     }
    383     /**
    384      *  Screen turned on while WiFi in connected state.
    385      *
    386      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
    387      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the
    388      * expected candidate network ID and BSSID.
    389      */
    390     @Test
    391     public void turnScreenOnWhenWifiInConnectedState() {
    392         // Set WiFi to connected state
    393         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    394                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
    396         // Set screen to on
    397         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    399         verify(mWifiStateMachine, atLeastOnce()).startConnectToNetwork(
    400                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
    401     }
    403     /**
    404      *  Screen turned on while WiFi in connected state but
    405      *  auto roaming is disabled.
    406      *
    407      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager doesn't invoke
    408      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() because roaming
    409      * is turned off.
    410      */
    411     @Test
    412     public void turnScreenOnWhenWifiInConnectedStateRoamingDisabled() {
    413         // Turn off auto roaming
    414         when(mResource.getBoolean(
    415                 R.bool.config_wifi_framework_enable_associated_network_selection))
    416                 .thenReturn(false);
    417         mWifiConnectivityManager = createConnectivityManager();
    419         // Set WiFi to connected state
    420         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    421                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
    423         // Set screen to on
    424         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    426         verify(mWifiStateMachine, times(0)).startConnectToNetwork(
    427                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
    428     }
    430     /**
    431      * Multiple back to back connection attempts within the rate interval should be rate limited.
    432      *
    433      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork()
    434      * with the expected candidate network ID and BSSID for only the expected number of times within
    435      * the given interval.
    436      */
    437     @Test
    438     public void connectionAttemptRateLimitedWhenScreenOff() {
    439         int maxAttemptRate = WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_RATE;
    440         int timeInterval = WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_TIME_INTERVAL_MS;
    441         int numAttempts = 0;
    442         int connectionAttemptIntervals = timeInterval / maxAttemptRate;
    444         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    446         // First attempt the max rate number of connections within the rate interval.
    447         long currentTimeStamp = 0;
    448         for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttemptRate; attempt++) {
    449             currentTimeStamp += connectionAttemptIntervals;
    450             when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    451             // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    452             mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    453                     WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    454             numAttempts++;
    455         }
    456         // Now trigger another connection attempt before the rate interval, this should be
    457         // skipped because we've crossed rate limit.
    458         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    459         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    460         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    461                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    463         // Verify that we attempt to connect upto the rate.
    464         verify(mWifiStateMachine, times(numAttempts)).startConnectToNetwork(
    465                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
    466     }
    468     /**
    469      * Multiple back to back connection attempts outside the rate interval should not be rate
    470      * limited.
    471      *
    472      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork()
    473      * with the expected candidate network ID and BSSID for only the expected number of times within
    474      * the given interval.
    475      */
    476     @Test
    477     public void connectionAttemptNotRateLimitedWhenScreenOff() {
    478         int maxAttemptRate = WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_RATE;
    479         int timeInterval = WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_TIME_INTERVAL_MS;
    480         int numAttempts = 0;
    481         int connectionAttemptIntervals = timeInterval / maxAttemptRate;
    483         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    485         // First attempt the max rate number of connections within the rate interval.
    486         long currentTimeStamp = 0;
    487         for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttemptRate; attempt++) {
    488             currentTimeStamp += connectionAttemptIntervals;
    489             when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    490             // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    491             mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    492                     WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    493             numAttempts++;
    494         }
    495         // Now trigger another connection attempt after the rate interval, this should not be
    496         // skipped because we should've evicted the older attempt.
    497         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(
    498                 currentTimeStamp + connectionAttemptIntervals * 2);
    499         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    500         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    501                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    502         numAttempts++;
    504         // Verify that all the connection attempts went through
    505         verify(mWifiStateMachine, times(numAttempts)).startConnectToNetwork(
    506                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
    507     }
    509     /**
    510      * Multiple back to back connection attempts after a user selection should not be rate limited.
    511      *
    512      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork()
    513      * with the expected candidate network ID and BSSID for only the expected number of times within
    514      * the given interval.
    515      */
    516     @Test
    517     public void connectionAttemptNotRateLimitedWhenScreenOffAfterUserSelection() {
    518         int maxAttemptRate = WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_RATE;
    519         int timeInterval = WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_TIME_INTERVAL_MS;
    520         int numAttempts = 0;
    521         int connectionAttemptIntervals = timeInterval / maxAttemptRate;
    523         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    525         // First attempt the max rate number of connections within the rate interval.
    526         long currentTimeStamp = 0;
    527         for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttemptRate; attempt++) {
    528             currentTimeStamp += connectionAttemptIntervals;
    529             when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    530             // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    531             mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    532                     WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    533             numAttempts++;
    534         }
    536         mWifiConnectivityManager.setUserConnectChoice(CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID);
    537         mWifiConnectivityManager.prepareForForcedConnection(CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID);
    539         for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxAttemptRate; attempt++) {
    540             currentTimeStamp += connectionAttemptIntervals;
    541             when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    542             // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    543             mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    544                     WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    545             numAttempts++;
    546         }
    548         // Verify that all the connection attempts went through
    549         verify(mWifiStateMachine, times(numAttempts)).startConnectToNetwork(
    550                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
    551     }
    553     /**
    554      *  PNO retry for low RSSI networks.
    555      *
    556      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager doubles the low RSSI
    557      * network retry delay value after QNS skips the PNO scan results
    558      * because of their low RSSI values.
    559      */
    560     @Test
    561     public void pnoRetryForLowRssiNetwork() {
    562         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
    563                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(null);
    565         // Set screen to off
    566         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    568         // Get the current retry delay value
    569         int lowRssiNetworkRetryDelayStartValue = mWifiConnectivityManager
    570                 .getLowRssiNetworkRetryDelay();
    572         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    573         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    574                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    576         // Get the retry delay value after QNS didn't select a
    577         // network candicate from the PNO scan results.
    578         int lowRssiNetworkRetryDelayAfterPnoValue = mWifiConnectivityManager
    579                 .getLowRssiNetworkRetryDelay();
    581         assertEquals(lowRssiNetworkRetryDelayStartValue * 2,
    582                 lowRssiNetworkRetryDelayAfterPnoValue);
    583     }
    585     /**
    586      * Ensure that the watchdog bite increments the "Pno bad" metric.
    587      *
    588      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager detects that the PNO scan failed to find
    589      * a candidate while watchdog single scan did.
    590      */
    591     @Test
    592     public void watchdogBitePnoBadIncrementsMetrics() {
    593         // Set screen to off
    594         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    596         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    597         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    598                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    600         // Now fire the watchdog alarm and verify the metrics were incremented.
    601         mAlarmManager.dispatch(WifiConnectivityManager.WATCHDOG_TIMER_TAG);
    602         mLooper.dispatchAll();
    604         verify(mWifiMetrics).incrementNumConnectivityWatchdogPnoBad();
    605         verify(mWifiMetrics, never()).incrementNumConnectivityWatchdogPnoGood();
    606     }
    608     /**
    609      * Ensure that the watchdog bite increments the "Pno good" metric.
    610      *
    611      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager detects that the PNO scan failed to find
    612      * a candidate which was the same with watchdog single scan.
    613      */
    614     @Test
    615     public void watchdogBitePnoGoodIncrementsMetrics() {
    616         // Qns returns no candidate after watchdog single scan.
    617         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
    618                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(null);
    620         // Set screen to off
    621         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    623         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    624         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    625                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    627         // Now fire the watchdog alarm and verify the metrics were incremented.
    628         mAlarmManager.dispatch(WifiConnectivityManager.WATCHDOG_TIMER_TAG);
    629         mLooper.dispatchAll();
    631         verify(mWifiMetrics).incrementNumConnectivityWatchdogPnoGood();
    632         verify(mWifiMetrics, never()).incrementNumConnectivityWatchdogPnoBad();
    633     }
    635     /**
    636      * {@link OpenNetworkNotifier} handles scan results on network selection.
    637      *
    638      * Expected behavior: ONA handles scan results
    639      */
    640     @Test
    641     public void wifiDisconnected_noConnectionCandidate_openNetworkNotifierScanResultsHandled() {
    642         // no connection candidate selected
    643         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
    644                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(null);
    646         List<ScanDetail> expectedOpenNetworks = new ArrayList<>();
    647         expectedOpenNetworks.add(
    648                 new ScanDetail(
    649                         new ScanResult(WifiSsid.createFromAsciiEncoded(CANDIDATE_SSID),
    650                                 CANDIDATE_SSID, CANDIDATE_BSSID, 1245, 0, "some caps", -78, 2450,
    651                                 1025, 22, 33, 20, 0, 0, true), null));
    653         when(mWifiNS.getFilteredScanDetailsForOpenUnsavedNetworks())
    654                 .thenReturn(expectedOpenNetworks);
    656         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    657         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    658                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    660         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier).handleScanResults(expectedOpenNetworks);
    661     }
    663     /**
    664      * When wifi is connected, {@link OpenNetworkNotifier} handles the Wi-Fi connected behavior.
    665      *
    666      * Expected behavior: ONA handles connected behavior
    667      */
    668     @Test
    669     public void wifiConnected_openNetworkNotifierHandlesConnection() {
    670         // Set WiFi to connected state
    671         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    672                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
    674         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier).handleWifiConnected();
    675     }
    677     /**
    678      * When wifi is connected, {@link OpenNetworkNotifier} handles connection state
    679      * change.
    680      *
    681      * Expected behavior: ONA does not clear pending notification.
    682      */
    683     @Test
    684     public void wifiDisconnected_openNetworkNotifierDoesNotClearPendingNotification() {
    685         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
    686         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    687                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    689         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier, never()).clearPendingNotification(anyBoolean());
    690     }
    692     /**
    693      * When a Wi-Fi connection attempt ends, {@link OpenNetworkNotifier} handles the connection
    694      * failure. A failure code that is not {@link WifiMetrics.ConnectionEvent#FAILURE_NONE}
    695      * represents a connection failure.
    696      *
    697      * Expected behavior: ONA handles connection failure.
    698      */
    699     @Test
    700     public void wifiConnectionEndsWithFailure_openNetworkNotifierHandlesConnectionFailure() {
    701         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionAttemptEnded(
    702                 WifiMetrics.ConnectionEvent.FAILURE_CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED);
    704         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier).handleConnectionFailure();
    705     }
    707     /**
    708      * When a Wi-Fi connection attempt ends, {@link OpenNetworkNotifier} does not handle connection
    709      * failure after a successful connection. {@link WifiMetrics.ConnectionEvent#FAILURE_NONE}
    710      * represents a successful connection.
    711      *
    712      * Expected behavior: ONA does nothing.
    713      */
    714     @Test
    715     public void wifiConnectionEndsWithSuccess_openNetworkNotifierDoesNotHandleConnectionFailure() {
    716         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionAttemptEnded(
    717                 WifiMetrics.ConnectionEvent.FAILURE_NONE);
    719         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier, never()).handleConnectionFailure();
    720     }
    722     /**
    723      * When Wi-Fi is disabled, clear the pending notification and reset notification repeat delay.
    724      *
    725      * Expected behavior: clear pending notification and reset notification repeat delay
    726      * */
    727     @Test
    728     public void openNetworkNotifierClearsPendingNotificationOnWifiDisabled() {
    729         mWifiConnectivityManager.setWifiEnabled(false);
    731         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier).clearPendingNotification(true /* resetRepeatDelay */);
    732     }
    734     /**
    735      * Verify that the ONA controller tracks screen state changes.
    736      */
    737     @Test
    738     public void openNetworkNotifierTracksScreenStateChanges() {
    739         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    741         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier).handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    743         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    745         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier).handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    746     }
    748     /**
    749      * {@link CarrierNetworkNotifier} handles scan results on network selection.
    750      *
    751      * Expected behavior: CarrierNetworkNotifier handles scan results
    752      */
    753     @Test
    754     public void wifiDisconnected_noConnectionCandidate_CarrierNetworkNotifierScanResultsHandled() {
    755         // no connection candidate selected
    756         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
    757                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(null);
    759         List<ScanDetail> expectedCarrierNetworks = new ArrayList<>();
    760         expectedCarrierNetworks.add(
    761                 new ScanDetail(
    762                         new ScanResult(WifiSsid.createFromAsciiEncoded(CANDIDATE_SSID),
    763                                 CANDIDATE_SSID, CANDIDATE_BSSID, 1245, 0, "[EAP][ESS]", -78, 2450,
    764                                 1025, 22, 33, 20, 0, 0, true), null));
    766         when(mWifiNS.getFilteredScanDetailsForCarrierUnsavedNetworks(any()))
    767                 .thenReturn(expectedCarrierNetworks);
    769         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    770         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    771                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    773         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier).handleScanResults(expectedCarrierNetworks);
    774     }
    776     /**
    777      * {@link CarrierNetworkNotifier} does not handle scan results on network selection if carrier
    778      * encryption info is not available.
    779      *
    780      * Expected behavior: CarrierNetworkNotifier does not handle scan results
    781      */
    782     @Test
    783     public void whenNoEncryptionInfoAvailable_CarrierNetworkNotifierDoesNotHandleScanResults() {
    784         // no connection candidate selected
    785         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
    786                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(null);
    788         List<ScanDetail> expectedCarrierNetworks = new ArrayList<>();
    789         expectedCarrierNetworks.add(
    790                 new ScanDetail(
    791                         new ScanResult(WifiSsid.createFromAsciiEncoded(CANDIDATE_SSID),
    792                                 CANDIDATE_SSID, CANDIDATE_BSSID, 1245, 0, "[EAP][ESS]", -78, 2450,
    793                                 1025, 22, 33, 20, 0, 0, true), null));
    795         when(mWifiNS.getFilteredScanDetailsForCarrierUnsavedNetworks(any()))
    796                 .thenReturn(expectedCarrierNetworks);
    797         when(mCarrierNetworkConfig.isCarrierEncryptionInfoAvailable()).thenReturn(false);
    799         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger PNO scan
    800         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    801                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    803         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier, never()).handleScanResults(expectedCarrierNetworks);
    804     }
    806     /**
    807      * When wifi is connected, {@link CarrierNetworkNotifier} handles the Wi-Fi connected behavior.
    808      *
    809      * Expected behavior: CarrierNetworkNotifier handles connected behavior
    810      */
    811     @Test
    812     public void wifiConnected_carrierNetworkNotifierHandlesConnection() {
    813         // Set WiFi to connected state
    814         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    815                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
    817         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier).handleWifiConnected();
    818     }
    820     /**
    821      * When wifi is connected, {@link CarrierNetworkNotifier} handles connection state
    822      * change.
    823      *
    824      * Expected behavior: CarrierNetworkNotifer does not clear pending notification.
    825      */
    826     @Test
    827     public void wifiDisconnected_carrierNetworkNotifierDoesNotClearPendingNotification() {
    828         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
    829         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    830                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    832         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier, never()).clearPendingNotification(anyBoolean());
    833     }
    835     /**
    836      * When a Wi-Fi connection attempt ends, {@link CarrierNetworkNotifier} handles the connection
    837      * failure. A failure code that is not {@link WifiMetrics.ConnectionEvent#FAILURE_NONE}
    838      * represents a connection failure.
    839      *
    840      * Expected behavior: CarrierNetworkNotifier handles connection failure.
    841      */
    842     @Test
    843     public void wifiConnectionEndsWithFailure_carrierNetworkNotifierHandlesConnectionFailure() {
    844         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionAttemptEnded(
    845                 WifiMetrics.ConnectionEvent.FAILURE_CONNECT_NETWORK_FAILED);
    847         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier).handleConnectionFailure();
    848     }
    850     /**
    851      * When a Wi-Fi connection attempt ends, {@link CarrierNetworkNotifier} does not handle
    852      * connection failure after a successful connection.
    853      * {@link WifiMetrics.ConnectionEvent#FAILURE_NONE} represents a successful connection.
    854      *
    855      * Expected behavior: CarrierNetworkNotifier does nothing.
    856      */
    857     @Test
    858     public void
    859             wifiConnectionEndsWithSuccess_carrierNetworkNotifierDoesNotHandleConnectionFailure() {
    860         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionAttemptEnded(
    861                 WifiMetrics.ConnectionEvent.FAILURE_NONE);
    863         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier, never()).handleConnectionFailure();
    864     }
    866     /**
    867      * When Wi-Fi is disabled, clear the pending notification and reset notification repeat delay.
    868      *
    869      * Expected behavior: clear pending notification and reset notification repeat delay
    870      * */
    871     @Test
    872     public void carrierNetworkNotifierClearsPendingNotificationOnWifiDisabled() {
    873         mWifiConnectivityManager.setWifiEnabled(false);
    875         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier).clearPendingNotification(true /* resetRepeatDelay */);
    876     }
    878     /**
    879      * Verify that the CarrierNetworkNotifier tracks screen state changes.
    880      */
    881     @Test
    882     public void carrierNetworkNotifierTracksScreenStateChanges() {
    883         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    885         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier).handleScreenStateChanged(false);
    887         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    889         verify(mCarrierNetworkNotifier).handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    890     }
    892     /**
    893      *  Verify that scan interval for screen on and wifi disconnected scenario
    894      *  is in the exponential backoff fashion.
    895      *
    896      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager doubles periodic
    897      * scan interval.
    898      */
    899     @Test
    900     public void checkPeriodicScanIntervalWhenDisconnected() {
    901         long currentTimeStamp = CURRENT_SYSTEM_TIME_MS;
    902         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    904         // Set screen to ON
    905         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    907         // Wait for MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS so that any impact triggered
    908         // by screen state change can settle
    909         currentTimeStamp += WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS;
    910         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    912         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger periodic scan
    913         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    914                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
    916         // Get the first periodic scan interval
    917         long firstIntervalMs = mAlarmManager
    918                 .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG)
    919                 - currentTimeStamp;
    920         assertEquals(firstIntervalMs, WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
    922         currentTimeStamp += firstIntervalMs;
    923         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    925         // Now fire the first periodic scan alarm timer
    926         mAlarmManager.dispatch(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG);
    927         mLooper.dispatchAll();
    929         // Get the second periodic scan interval
    930         long secondIntervalMs = mAlarmManager
    931                 .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG)
    932                 - currentTimeStamp;
    934         // Verify the intervals are exponential back off
    935         assertEquals(firstIntervalMs * 2, secondIntervalMs);
    937         currentTimeStamp += secondIntervalMs;
    938         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    940         // Make sure we eventually stay at the maximum scan interval.
    941         long intervalMs = 0;
    942         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    943             mAlarmManager.dispatch(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG);
    944             mLooper.dispatchAll();
    945             intervalMs = mAlarmManager
    946                     .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG)
    947                     - currentTimeStamp;
    948             currentTimeStamp += intervalMs;
    949             when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    950         }
    952         assertEquals(intervalMs, WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
    953     }
    955     /**
    956      *  Verify that scan interval for screen on and wifi connected scenario
    957      *  is in the exponential backoff fashion.
    958      *
    959      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager doubles periodic
    960      * scan interval.
    961      */
    962     @Test
    963     public void checkPeriodicScanIntervalWhenConnected() {
    964         long currentTimeStamp = CURRENT_SYSTEM_TIME_MS;
    965         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    967         // Set screen to ON
    968         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
    970         // Wait for MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS so that any impact triggered
    971         // by screen state change can settle
    972         currentTimeStamp += WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS;
    973         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    975         // Set WiFi to connected state to trigger periodic scan
    976         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
    977                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
    979         // Get the first periodic scan interval
    980         long firstIntervalMs = mAlarmManager
    981                 .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG)
    982                 - currentTimeStamp;
    983         assertEquals(firstIntervalMs, WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
    985         currentTimeStamp += firstIntervalMs;
    986         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
    988         // Now fire the first periodic scan alarm timer
    989         mAlarmManager.dispatch(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG);
    990         mLooper.dispatchAll();
    992         // Get the second periodic scan interval
    993         long secondIntervalMs = mAlarmManager
    994                 .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG)
    995                 - currentTimeStamp;
    997         // Verify the intervals are exponential back off
    998         assertEquals(firstIntervalMs * 2, secondIntervalMs);
   1000         currentTimeStamp += secondIntervalMs;
   1001         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1003         // Make sure we eventually stay at the maximum scan interval.
   1004         long intervalMs = 0;
   1005         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
   1006             mAlarmManager.dispatch(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG);
   1007             mLooper.dispatchAll();
   1008             intervalMs = mAlarmManager
   1009                     .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG)
   1010                     - currentTimeStamp;
   1011             currentTimeStamp += intervalMs;
   1012             when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1013         }
   1015         assertEquals(intervalMs, WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
   1016     }
   1018     /**
   1019      *  When screen on trigger a disconnected state change event then a connected state
   1020      *  change event back to back to verify that the minium scan interval is enforced.
   1021      *
   1022      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager start the second periodic single
   1023      * scan PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS after the first one.
   1024      */
   1025     @Test
   1026     public void checkMinimumPeriodicScanIntervalWhenScreenOnAndConnected() {
   1027         long currentTimeStamp = CURRENT_SYSTEM_TIME_MS;
   1028         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1030         // Set screen to ON
   1031         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1033         // Wait for MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS so that any impact triggered
   1034         // by screen state change can settle
   1035         currentTimeStamp += WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS;
   1036         long scanForDisconnectedTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp;
   1037         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1039         // Set WiFi to disconnected state which triggers a scan immediately
   1040         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1041                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1042         verify(mWifiScanner, times(1)).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1044         // Set up time stamp for when entering CONNECTED state
   1045         currentTimeStamp += 2000;
   1046         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1048         // Set WiFi to connected state to trigger its periodic scan
   1049         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1050                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1052         // The very first scan triggered for connected state is actually via the alarm timer
   1053         // and it obeys the minimum scan interval
   1054         long firstScanForConnectedTimeStamp = mAlarmManager
   1055                 .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG);
   1057         // Verify that the first scan for connected state is scheduled PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS
   1058         // after the scan for disconnected state
   1059         assertEquals(firstScanForConnectedTimeStamp, scanForDisconnectedTimeStamp
   1060                 + WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
   1061     }
   1063     /**
   1064      *  When screen on trigger a connected state change event then a disconnected state
   1065      *  change event back to back to verify that a scan is fired immediately for the
   1066      *  disconnected state change event.
   1067      *
   1068      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager directly starts the periodic immediately
   1069      * for the disconnected state change event. The second scan for disconnected state is
   1070      * via alarm timer.
   1071      */
   1072     @Test
   1073     public void scanImmediatelyWhenScreenOnAndDisconnected() {
   1074         long currentTimeStamp = CURRENT_SYSTEM_TIME_MS;
   1075         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1077         // Set screen to ON
   1078         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1080         // Wait for MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS so that any impact triggered
   1081         // by screen state change can settle
   1082         currentTimeStamp += WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS;
   1083         long scanForConnectedTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp;
   1084         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1086         // Set WiFi to connected state to trigger the periodic scan
   1087         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1088                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1089         verify(mWifiScanner, times(1)).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1091         // Set up the time stamp for when entering DISCONNECTED state
   1092         currentTimeStamp += 2000;
   1093         long enteringDisconnectedStateTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp;
   1094         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1096         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger its periodic scan
   1097         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1098                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1100         // Verify the very first scan for DISCONNECTED state is fired immediately
   1101         verify(mWifiScanner, times(2)).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1102         long secondScanForDisconnectedTimeStamp = mAlarmManager
   1103                 .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG);
   1105         // Verify that the second scan is scheduled PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS after
   1106         // entering DISCONNECTED state.
   1107         assertEquals(secondScanForDisconnectedTimeStamp, enteringDisconnectedStateTimeStamp
   1108                 + WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
   1109     }
   1111     /**
   1112      *  When screen on trigger a connection state change event and a forced connectivity
   1113      *  scan event back to back to verify that the minimum scan interval is not applied
   1114      *  in this scenario.
   1115      *
   1116      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager starts the second periodic single
   1117      * scan immediately.
   1118      */
   1119     @Test
   1120     public void checkMinimumPeriodicScanIntervalNotEnforced() {
   1121         long currentTimeStamp = CURRENT_SYSTEM_TIME_MS;
   1122         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1124         // Set screen to ON
   1125         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1127         // Wait for MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS so that any impact triggered
   1128         // by screen state change can settle
   1129         currentTimeStamp += WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS;
   1130         long firstScanTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp;
   1131         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1133         // Set WiFi to connected state to trigger the periodic scan
   1134         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1135                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1137         // Set the second scan attempt time stamp
   1138         currentTimeStamp += 2000;
   1139         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1141         // Allow untrusted networks so WifiConnectivityManager starts a periodic scan
   1142         // immediately.
   1143         mWifiConnectivityManager.setUntrustedConnectionAllowed(true);
   1145         // Get the second periodic scan actual time stamp. Note, this scan is not
   1146         // started from the AlarmManager.
   1147         long secondScanTimeStamp = mWifiConnectivityManager.getLastPeriodicSingleScanTimeStamp();
   1149         // Verify that the second scan is fired immediately
   1150         assertEquals(secondScanTimeStamp, currentTimeStamp);
   1151     }
   1153     /**
   1154      * Verify that we perform full band scan when the currently connected network's tx/rx success
   1155      * rate is low.
   1156      *
   1157      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager does full band scan.
   1158      */
   1159     @Test
   1160     public void checkSingleScanSettingsWhenConnectedWithLowDataRate() {
   1161         mWifiInfo.txSuccessRate = 0;
   1162         mWifiInfo.rxSuccessRate = 0;
   1164         final HashSet<Integer> channelList = new HashSet<>();
   1165         channelList.add(1);
   1166         channelList.add(2);
   1167         channelList.add(3);
   1169         when(mWifiStateMachine.getCurrentWifiConfiguration())
   1170                 .thenReturn(new WifiConfiguration());
   1171         when(mWifiConfigManager.fetchChannelSetForNetworkForPartialScan(anyInt(), anyLong(),
   1172                 anyInt())).thenReturn(channelList);
   1174         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
   1175             public void answer(ScanSettings settings, ScanListener listener,
   1176                     WorkSource workSource) throws Exception {
   1177                 assertEquals(settings.band, WifiScanner.WIFI_BAND_BOTH_WITH_DFS);
   1178                 assertNull(settings.channels);
   1179             }}).when(mWifiScanner).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1181         // Set screen to ON
   1182         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1184         // Set WiFi to connected state to trigger periodic scan
   1185         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1186                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1188         verify(mWifiScanner).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1189     }
   1191     /**
   1192      * Verify that we perform partial scan when the currently connected network's tx/rx success
   1193      * rate is high and when the currently connected network is present in scan
   1194      * cache in WifiConfigManager.
   1195      * WifiConnectivityManager does partial scan only when firmware roaming is not supported.
   1196      *
   1197      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager does partial scan.
   1198      */
   1199     @Test
   1200     public void checkPartialScanRequestedWithHighDataRateWithoutFwRoaming() {
   1201         mWifiInfo.txSuccessRate = mFullScanMaxTxPacketRate * 2;
   1202         mWifiInfo.rxSuccessRate = mFullScanMaxRxPacketRate * 2;
   1204         final HashSet<Integer> channelList = new HashSet<>();
   1205         channelList.add(1);
   1206         channelList.add(2);
   1207         channelList.add(3);
   1209         when(mWifiStateMachine.getCurrentWifiConfiguration())
   1210                 .thenReturn(new WifiConfiguration());
   1211         when(mWifiConfigManager.fetchChannelSetForNetworkForPartialScan(anyInt(), anyLong(),
   1212                 anyInt())).thenReturn(channelList);
   1213         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(false);
   1215         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
   1216             public void answer(ScanSettings settings, ScanListener listener,
   1217                     WorkSource workSource) throws Exception {
   1218                 assertEquals(settings.band, WifiScanner.WIFI_BAND_UNSPECIFIED);
   1219                 assertEquals(settings.channels.length, channelList.size());
   1220                 for (int chanIdx = 0; chanIdx < settings.channels.length; chanIdx++) {
   1221                     assertTrue(channelList.contains(settings.channels[chanIdx].frequency));
   1222                 }
   1223             }}).when(mWifiScanner).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1225         // Set screen to ON
   1226         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1228         // Set WiFi to connected state to trigger periodic scan
   1229         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1230                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1232         verify(mWifiScanner).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1233     }
   1235     /**
   1236      * Verify that we skip the partial scan when:
   1237      * 1. The currently connected network's tx/rx success rate is high.
   1238      * 2. When the currently connected network is present in scan
   1239      * cache in WifiConfigManager.
   1240      * 3. When firmware roaming is supported.
   1241      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager does no scan, but periodic scans
   1242      * are still scheduled.
   1243      */
   1244     @Test
   1245     public void checkPartialScanSkippedWithHighDataRateWithFwRoaming() {
   1246         mWifiInfo.txSuccessRate = mFullScanMaxTxPacketRate * 2;
   1247         mWifiInfo.rxSuccessRate = mFullScanMaxRxPacketRate * 2;
   1249         long currentTimeStamp = CURRENT_SYSTEM_TIME_MS;
   1250         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(currentTimeStamp);
   1252         final HashSet<Integer> channelList = new HashSet<>();
   1253         channelList.add(1);
   1254         channelList.add(2);
   1255         channelList.add(3);
   1257         when(mWifiStateMachine.getCurrentWifiConfiguration())
   1258                 .thenReturn(new WifiConfiguration());
   1259         when(mWifiConfigManager.fetchChannelSetForNetworkForPartialScan(anyInt(), anyLong(),
   1260                 anyInt())).thenReturn(channelList);
   1261         // No scan will be requested when firmware roaming control is not supported.
   1262         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1264         // Set screen to ON
   1265         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1267         // Set WiFi to connected state to trigger periodic scan
   1268         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1269                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1271         verify(mWifiScanner, never()).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1273         // Get the first periodic scan interval to check that we are still scheduling
   1274         // periodic scans.
   1275         long firstIntervalMs = mAlarmManager
   1276                 .getTriggerTimeMillis(WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_TIMER_TAG)
   1277                 - currentTimeStamp;
   1278         assertEquals(firstIntervalMs, WifiConnectivityManager.PERIODIC_SCAN_INTERVAL_MS);
   1279     }
   1281     /**
   1282      * Verify that we fall back to full band scan when the currently connected network's tx/rx
   1283      * success rate is high and the currently connected network is not present in scan cache in
   1284      * WifiConfigManager. This is simulated by returning an empty hashset in |makeChannelList|.
   1285      *
   1286      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager does full band scan.
   1287      */
   1288     @Test
   1289     public void checkSingleScanSettingsWhenConnectedWithHighDataRateNotInCache() {
   1290         mWifiInfo.txSuccessRate = mFullScanMaxTxPacketRate * 2;
   1291         mWifiInfo.rxSuccessRate = mFullScanMaxRxPacketRate * 2;
   1293         final HashSet<Integer> channelList = new HashSet<>();
   1295         when(mWifiStateMachine.getCurrentWifiConfiguration())
   1296                 .thenReturn(new WifiConfiguration());
   1297         when(mWifiConfigManager.fetchChannelSetForNetworkForPartialScan(anyInt(), anyLong(),
   1298                 anyInt())).thenReturn(channelList);
   1300         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
   1301             public void answer(ScanSettings settings, ScanListener listener,
   1302                     WorkSource workSource) throws Exception {
   1303                 assertEquals(settings.band, WifiScanner.WIFI_BAND_BOTH_WITH_DFS);
   1304                 assertNull(settings.channels);
   1305             }}).when(mWifiScanner).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1307         // Set screen to ON
   1308         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1310         // Set WiFi to connected state to trigger periodic scan
   1311         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1312                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1314         verify(mWifiScanner).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1315     }
   1317     /**
   1318      *  Verify that we retry connectivity scan up to MAX_SCAN_RESTART_ALLOWED times
   1319      *  when Wifi somehow gets into a bad state and fails to scan.
   1320      *
   1321      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager schedules connectivity scan
   1322      * MAX_SCAN_RESTART_ALLOWED times.
   1323      */
   1324     @Test
   1325     public void checkMaximumScanRetry() {
   1326         // Set screen to ON
   1327         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1329         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
   1330             public void answer(ScanSettings settings, ScanListener listener,
   1331                     WorkSource workSource) throws Exception {
   1332                 listener.onFailure(-1, "ScanFailure");
   1333             }}).when(mWifiScanner).startScan(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1335         // Set WiFi to disconnected state to trigger the single scan based periodic scan
   1336         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1337                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1339         // Fire the alarm timer 2x timers
   1340         for (int i = 0; i < (WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_SCAN_RESTART_ALLOWED * 2); i++) {
   1341             mAlarmManager.dispatch(WifiConnectivityManager.RESTART_SINGLE_SCAN_TIMER_TAG);
   1342             mLooper.dispatchAll();
   1343         }
   1345         // Verify that the connectivity scan has been retried for MAX_SCAN_RESTART_ALLOWED
   1346         // times. Note, WifiScanner.startScan() is invoked MAX_SCAN_RESTART_ALLOWED + 1 times.
   1347         // The very first scan is the initial one, and the other MAX_SCAN_RESTART_ALLOWED
   1348         // are the retrial ones.
   1349         verify(mWifiScanner, times(WifiConnectivityManager.MAX_SCAN_RESTART_ALLOWED + 1)).startScan(
   1350                 anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject());
   1351     }
   1353     /**
   1354      * Listen to scan results not requested by WifiConnectivityManager and
   1355      * act on them.
   1356      *
   1357      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
   1358      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the
   1359      * expected candidate network ID and BSSID.
   1360      */
   1361     @Test
   1362     public void listenToAllSingleScanResults() {
   1363         ScanSettings settings = new ScanSettings();
   1364         ScanListener scanListener = mock(ScanListener.class);
   1366         // Request a single scan outside of WifiConnectivityManager.
   1367         mWifiScanner.startScan(settings, scanListener, WIFI_WORK_SOURCE);
   1369         // Verify that WCM receives the scan results and initiates a connection
   1370         // to the network.
   1371         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startConnectToNetwork(
   1372                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
   1373     }
   1375     /**
   1376      *  Verify that a forced connectivity scan waits for full band scan
   1377      *  results.
   1378      *
   1379      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager doesn't invoke
   1380      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() when full band scan
   1381      * results are not available.
   1382      */
   1383     @Test
   1384     public void waitForFullBandScanResults() {
   1385         // Set WiFi to connected state.
   1386         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1387                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1389         // Set up as partial scan results.
   1390         when(mScanData.isAllChannelsScanned()).thenReturn(false);
   1392         // Force a connectivity scan which enables WifiConnectivityManager
   1393         // to wait for full band scan results.
   1394         mWifiConnectivityManager.forceConnectivityScan(WIFI_WORK_SOURCE);
   1396         // No roaming because no full band scan results.
   1397         verify(mWifiStateMachine, times(0)).startConnectToNetwork(
   1398                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
   1400         // Set up as full band scan results.
   1401         when(mScanData.isAllChannelsScanned()).thenReturn(true);
   1403         // Force a connectivity scan which enables WifiConnectivityManager
   1404         // to wait for full band scan results.
   1405         mWifiConnectivityManager.forceConnectivityScan(WIFI_WORK_SOURCE);
   1407         // Roaming attempt because full band scan results are available.
   1408         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startConnectToNetwork(
   1409                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
   1410     }
   1412     /**
   1413      *  Verify the BSSID blacklist implementation.
   1414      *
   1415      * Expected behavior: A BSSID gets blacklisted after being disabled
   1416      * for 3 times, and becomes available after being re-enabled. Firmware
   1417      * controlled roaming is supported, its roaming configuration needs to be
   1418      * updated as well.
   1419      */
   1420     @Test
   1421     public void blacklistAndReenableBssid() {
   1422         String bssid = "6c:f3:7f:ae:8c:f3";
   1424         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1425         // Verify that a BSSID gets blacklisted only after being disabled
   1426         // for BSSID_BLACKLIST_THRESHOLD times for reasons other than
   1428         for (int i = 0; i < WifiConnectivityManager.BSSID_BLACKLIST_THRESHOLD; i++) {
   1429             assertFalse(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1430             mWifiConnectivityManager.trackBssid(bssid, false, 1);
   1431         }
   1433         // Verify the BSSID is now blacklisted.
   1434         assertTrue(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1435         // Verify the BSSID gets sent to firmware.
   1436         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1437                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1438         assertTrue(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().contains(bssid));
   1439         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1441         // Re-enable the bssid.
   1442         mWifiConnectivityManager.trackBssid(bssid, true, 1);
   1444         // Verify the bssid is no longer blacklisted.
   1445         assertFalse(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1446         // Verify the BSSID gets cleared from firmware.
   1447         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper, times(2)).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1448                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1449         assertFalse(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().contains(bssid));
   1450         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1451     }
   1453     /**
   1454      *  Verify that a network gets blacklisted immediately if it is unable
   1455      *  to handle new stations.
   1456      */
   1457     @Test
   1458     public void blacklistNetworkImmediatelyIfApHasNoCapacityForNewStation() {
   1459         String bssid = "6c:f3:7f:ae:8c:f3";
   1461         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1462         // Blacklist the BSSID
   1463         mWifiConnectivityManager.trackBssid(bssid, false,
   1464                 WifiConnectivityManager.REASON_CODE_AP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_NEW_STA);
   1466         // Verify the BSSID is now blacklisted.
   1467         assertTrue(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1468         // Verify the BSSID gets sent to firmware.
   1469         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1470                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1471         assertTrue(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().contains(bssid));
   1472         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1473     }
   1475     /**
   1476      *  Verify that a blacklisted BSSID becomes available only after
   1478      */
   1479     @Test
   1480     public void verifyBlacklistRefreshedAfterScanResults() {
   1481         String bssid = "6c:f3:7f:ae:8c:f3";
   1483         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1484         // Blacklist the BSSID.
   1485         mWifiConnectivityManager.trackBssid(bssid, false,
   1486                 WifiConnectivityManager.REASON_CODE_AP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_NEW_STA);
   1488         // Verify the BSSID is now blacklisted.
   1489         assertTrue(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1490         // Verify the BSSID gets sent to firmware.
   1491         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1492                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1493         assertTrue(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().contains(bssid));
   1494         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1496         // Force a connectivity scan in less than BSSID_BLACKLIST_EXPIRE_TIME_MS.
   1497         // Arrival of scan results will trigger WifiConnectivityManager to refresh its
   1498         // BSSID blacklist. Verify that the blacklisted BSSId is not freed because
   1499         // its blacklist expiration time hasn't reached yet.
   1500         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
   1501                 + WifiConnectivityManager.BSSID_BLACKLIST_EXPIRE_TIME_MS / 2);
   1502         mWifiConnectivityManager.forceConnectivityScan(WIFI_WORK_SOURCE);
   1503         assertTrue(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1505         // Force another connectivity scan at BSSID_BLACKLIST_EXPIRE_TIME_MS from when the
   1506         // BSSID was blacklisted. Verify that the blacklisted BSSId is freed.
   1507         when(mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis()).thenReturn(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
   1508                 + WifiConnectivityManager.BSSID_BLACKLIST_EXPIRE_TIME_MS);
   1509         mWifiConnectivityManager.forceConnectivityScan(WIFI_WORK_SOURCE);
   1511         // Verify the BSSID is no longer blacklisted.
   1512         assertFalse(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1513         // Verify the BSSID gets cleared from firmware.
   1514         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper, times(2)).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1515                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1516         assertFalse(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().contains(bssid));
   1517         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1518     }
   1520     /**
   1521      *  Verify that BSSID blacklist gets cleared when exiting Wifi client mode.
   1522      */
   1523     @Test
   1524     public void clearBssidBlacklistWhenExitingWifiClientMode() {
   1525         String bssid = "6c:f3:7f:ae:8c:f3";
   1527         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1529         // Blacklist the BSSID.
   1530         mWifiConnectivityManager.trackBssid(bssid, false,
   1531                 WifiConnectivityManager.REASON_CODE_AP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_NEW_STA);
   1533         // Verify the BSSID is now blacklisted.
   1534         assertTrue(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1535         // Verify the BSSID gets sent to firmware.
   1536         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1537                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1538         assertTrue(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().contains(bssid));
   1539         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1541         // Exit Wifi client mode.
   1542         mWifiConnectivityManager.setWifiEnabled(false);
   1544         // Verify the BSSID blacklist is empty.
   1545         assertFalse(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1546         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper, times(2)).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1547                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1548         assertTrue(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1549         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1550     }
   1552     /**
   1553      *  Verify that BSSID blacklist gets cleared when preparing for a forced connection
   1554      *  initiated by user/app.
   1555      */
   1556     @Test
   1557     public void clearBssidBlacklistWhenPreparingForForcedConnection() {
   1558         String bssid = "6c:f3:7f:ae:8c:f3";
   1560         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1562         // Blacklist the BSSID.
   1563         mWifiConnectivityManager.trackBssid(bssid, false,
   1564                 WifiConnectivityManager.REASON_CODE_AP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_NEW_STA);
   1566         // Verify the BSSID is now blacklisted.
   1567         assertTrue(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1568         // Verify the BSSID gets sent to firmware.
   1569         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1570                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1571         assertTrue(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().contains(bssid));
   1572         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1574         // Prepare for a forced connection attempt.
   1575         mWifiConnectivityManager.prepareForForcedConnection(1);
   1577         // Verify the BSSID blacklist is empty.
   1578         assertFalse(mWifiConnectivityManager.isBssidDisabled(bssid));
   1579         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper, times(2)).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1580                 mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1581         assertTrue(mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1582         assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1583     }
   1585     /**
   1586     /**
   1587      *  Verify that BSSID blacklist gets trimmed down to fit firmware capability.
   1588      */
   1589     @Test
   1590     public void trimDownBssidBlacklistForFirmware() {
   1591         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1593         // Blacklist more than MAX_BSSID_BLACKLIST_SIZE BSSIDs.
   1594         for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BSSID_BLACKLIST_SIZE + 6; i++) {
   1595             StringBuilder bssid = new StringBuilder("55:44:33:22:11:00");
   1596             bssid.setCharAt(16, (char) ('0' + i));
   1597             mWifiConnectivityManager.trackBssid(bssid.toString(), false,
   1598                     WifiConnectivityManager.REASON_CODE_AP_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_NEW_STA);
   1599             // Verify that up to MAX_BSSID_BLACKLIST_SIZE BSSIDs gets sent to firmware.
   1600             verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper, times(i + 1)).setFirmwareRoamingConfiguration(
   1601                     mBssidBlacklistCaptor.capture(), mSsidWhitelistCaptor.capture());
   1602             assertEquals((i + 1) <  MAX_BSSID_BLACKLIST_SIZE ? (i + 1) : MAX_BSSID_BLACKLIST_SIZE,
   1603                     mBssidBlacklistCaptor.getValue().size());
   1604             assertTrue(mSsidWhitelistCaptor.getValue().isEmpty());
   1605         }
   1606     }
   1608     /**
   1609      * When WifiConnectivityManager is on and Wifi client mode is enabled, framework
   1610      * queries firmware via WifiConnectivityHelper to check if firmware roaming is
   1611      * supported and its capability.
   1612      *
   1613      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager#setWifiEnabled calls into
   1614      * WifiConnectivityHelper#getFirmwareRoamingInfo
   1615      */
   1616     @Test
   1617     public void verifyGetFirmwareRoamingInfoIsCalledWhenEnableWiFiAndWcmOn() {
   1618         reset(mWifiConnectivityHelper);
   1619         // WifiConnectivityManager is on by default
   1620         mWifiConnectivityManager.setWifiEnabled(true);
   1621         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper).getFirmwareRoamingInfo();
   1622     }
   1624     /**
   1625      * When WifiConnectivityManager is off,  verify that framework does not
   1626      * query firmware via WifiConnectivityHelper to check if firmware roaming is
   1627      * supported and its capability when enabling Wifi client mode.
   1628      *
   1629      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager#setWifiEnabled does not call into
   1630      * WifiConnectivityHelper#getFirmwareRoamingInfo
   1631      */
   1632     @Test
   1633     public void verifyGetFirmwareRoamingInfoIsNotCalledWhenEnableWiFiAndWcmOff() {
   1634         reset(mWifiConnectivityHelper);
   1635         mWifiConnectivityManager.enable(false);
   1636         mWifiConnectivityManager.setWifiEnabled(true);
   1637         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper, times(0)).getFirmwareRoamingInfo();
   1638     }
   1640     /*
   1641      * Firmware supports controlled roaming.
   1642      * Connect to a network which doesn't have a config specified BSSID.
   1643      *
   1644      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
   1645      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the
   1646      * expected candidate network ID, and the BSSID value should be
   1647      * 'any' since firmware controls the roaming.
   1648      */
   1649     @Test
   1650     public void useAnyBssidToConnectWhenFirmwareRoamingOnAndConfigHasNoBssidSpecified() {
   1651         // Firmware controls roaming
   1652         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1654         // Set screen to on
   1655         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1657         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
   1658         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1659                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1661         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startConnectToNetwork(
   1662                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, WifiStateMachine.SUPPLICANT_BSSID_ANY);
   1663     }
   1665     /*
   1666      * Firmware supports controlled roaming.
   1667      * Connect to a network which has a config specified BSSID.
   1668      *
   1669      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
   1670      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the
   1671      * expected candidate network ID, and the BSSID value should be
   1672      * the config specified one.
   1673      */
   1674     @Test
   1675     public void useConfigSpecifiedBssidToConnectWhenFirmwareRoamingOn() {
   1676         // Firmware controls roaming
   1677         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1679         // Set up the candidate configuration such that it has a BSSID specified.
   1680         WifiConfiguration candidate = generateWifiConfig(
   1681                 0, CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, CANDIDATE_SSID, false, true, null, null);
   1682         candidate.BSSID = CANDIDATE_BSSID; // config specified
   1683         ScanResult candidateScanResult = new ScanResult();
   1684         candidateScanResult.SSID = CANDIDATE_SSID;
   1685         candidateScanResult.BSSID = CANDIDATE_BSSID;
   1686         candidate.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setCandidate(candidateScanResult);
   1688         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
   1689                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(candidate);
   1691         // Set screen to on
   1692         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1694         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
   1695         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1696                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1698         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startConnectToNetwork(
   1699                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
   1700     }
   1702     /*
   1703      * Firmware does not support controlled roaming.
   1704      * Connect to a network which doesn't have a config specified BSSID.
   1705      *
   1706      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
   1707      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the expected candidate network ID,
   1708      * and the BSSID value should be the candidate scan result specified.
   1709      */
   1710     @Test
   1711     public void useScanResultBssidToConnectWhenFirmwareRoamingOffAndConfigHasNoBssidSpecified() {
   1712         // Set screen to on
   1713         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1715         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
   1716         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1717                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1719         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startConnectToNetwork(
   1720                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
   1721     }
   1723     /*
   1724      * Firmware does not support controlled roaming.
   1725      * Connect to a network which has a config specified BSSID.
   1726      *
   1727      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager calls
   1728      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork() with the expected candidate network ID,
   1729      * and the BSSID value should be the config specified one.
   1730      */
   1731     @Test
   1732     public void useConfigSpecifiedBssidToConnectionWhenFirmwareRoamingOff() {
   1733         // Set up the candidate configuration such that it has a BSSID specified.
   1734         WifiConfiguration candidate = generateWifiConfig(
   1735                 0, CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, CANDIDATE_SSID, false, true, null, null);
   1736         candidate.BSSID = CANDIDATE_BSSID; // config specified
   1737         ScanResult candidateScanResult = new ScanResult();
   1738         candidateScanResult.SSID = CANDIDATE_SSID;
   1739         candidateScanResult.BSSID = CANDIDATE_BSSID;
   1740         candidate.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setCandidate(candidateScanResult);
   1742         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
   1743                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(candidate);
   1745         // Set screen to on
   1746         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1748         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
   1749         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1750                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1752         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startConnectToNetwork(
   1753                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
   1754     }
   1756     /**
   1757      * Firmware does not support controlled roaming.
   1758      * WiFi in connected state, framework triggers roaming.
   1759      *
   1760      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager invokes
   1761      * WifiStateMachine.startRoamToNetwork().
   1762      */
   1763     @Test
   1764     public void frameworkInitiatedRoaming() {
   1765         // Mock the currently connected network which has the same networkID and
   1766         // SSID as the one to be selected.
   1767         WifiConfiguration currentNetwork = generateWifiConfig(
   1768                 0, CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, CANDIDATE_SSID, false, true, null, null);
   1769         when(mWifiConfigManager.getConfiguredNetwork(anyInt())).thenReturn(currentNetwork);
   1771         // Set WiFi to connected state
   1772         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1773                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1775         // Set screen to on
   1776         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1778         verify(mWifiStateMachine).startRoamToNetwork(eq(CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID),
   1779                 mCandidateScanResultCaptor.capture());
   1780         assertEquals(mCandidateScanResultCaptor.getValue().BSSID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
   1781     }
   1783     /**
   1784      * Firmware supports controlled roaming.
   1785      * WiFi in connected state, framework does not trigger roaming
   1786      * as it's handed off to the firmware.
   1787      *
   1788      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager doesn't invoke
   1789      * WifiStateMachine.startRoamToNetwork().
   1790      */
   1791     @Test
   1792     public void noFrameworkRoamingIfConnectedAndFirmwareRoamingSupported() {
   1793         // Mock the currently connected network which has the same networkID and
   1794         // SSID as the one to be selected.
   1795         WifiConfiguration currentNetwork = generateWifiConfig(
   1796                 0, CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, CANDIDATE_SSID, false, true, null, null);
   1797         when(mWifiConfigManager.getConfiguredNetwork(anyInt())).thenReturn(currentNetwork);
   1799         // Firmware controls roaming
   1800         when(mWifiConnectivityHelper.isFirmwareRoamingSupported()).thenReturn(true);
   1802         // Set WiFi to connected state
   1803         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1804                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1806         // Set screen to on
   1807         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1809         verify(mWifiStateMachine, times(0)).startRoamToNetwork(anyInt(), anyObject());
   1810     }
   1812     /*
   1813      * Wifi in disconnected state. Drop the connection attempt if the recommended
   1814      * network configuration has a BSSID specified but the scan result BSSID doesn't
   1815      * match it.
   1816      *
   1817      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager doesn't invoke
   1818      * WifiStateMachine.startConnectToNetwork().
   1819      */
   1820     @Test
   1821     public void dropConnectAttemptIfConfigSpecifiedBssidDifferentFromScanResultBssid() {
   1822         // Set up the candidate configuration such that it has a BSSID specified.
   1823         WifiConfiguration candidate = generateWifiConfig(
   1824                 0, CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, CANDIDATE_SSID, false, true, null, null);
   1825         candidate.BSSID = CANDIDATE_BSSID; // config specified
   1826         ScanResult candidateScanResult = new ScanResult();
   1827         candidateScanResult.SSID = CANDIDATE_SSID;
   1828         // Set up the scan result BSSID to be different from the config specified one.
   1829         candidateScanResult.BSSID = INVALID_SCAN_RESULT_BSSID;
   1830         candidate.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setCandidate(candidateScanResult);
   1832         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
   1833                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(candidate);
   1835         // Set screen to on
   1836         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1838         // Set WiFi to disconnected state
   1839         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1840                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1842         verify(mWifiStateMachine, times(0)).startConnectToNetwork(
   1843                 CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, Process.WIFI_UID, CANDIDATE_BSSID);
   1844     }
   1846     /*
   1847      * Wifi in connected state. Drop the roaming attempt if the recommended
   1848      * network configuration has a BSSID specified but the scan result BSSID doesn't
   1849      * match it.
   1850      *
   1851      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager doesn't invoke
   1852      * WifiStateMachine.startRoamToNetwork().
   1853      */
   1854     @Test
   1855     public void dropRoamingAttemptIfConfigSpecifiedBssidDifferentFromScanResultBssid() {
   1856         // Mock the currently connected network which has the same networkID and
   1857         // SSID as the one to be selected.
   1858         WifiConfiguration currentNetwork = generateWifiConfig(
   1859                 0, CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, CANDIDATE_SSID, false, true, null, null);
   1860         when(mWifiConfigManager.getConfiguredNetwork(anyInt())).thenReturn(currentNetwork);
   1862         // Set up the candidate configuration such that it has a BSSID specified.
   1863         WifiConfiguration candidate = generateWifiConfig(
   1864                 0, CANDIDATE_NETWORK_ID, CANDIDATE_SSID, false, true, null, null);
   1865         candidate.BSSID = CANDIDATE_BSSID; // config specified
   1866         ScanResult candidateScanResult = new ScanResult();
   1867         candidateScanResult.SSID = CANDIDATE_SSID;
   1868         // Set up the scan result BSSID to be different from the config specified one.
   1869         candidateScanResult.BSSID = INVALID_SCAN_RESULT_BSSID;
   1870         candidate.getNetworkSelectionStatus().setCandidate(candidateScanResult);
   1872         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(anyObject(), anyObject(), anyObject(), anyBoolean(),
   1873                 anyBoolean(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(candidate);
   1875         // Set WiFi to connected state
   1876         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1877                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_CONNECTED);
   1879         // Set screen to on
   1880         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1882         verify(mWifiStateMachine, times(0)).startRoamToNetwork(anyInt(), anyObject());
   1883     }
   1885     /**
   1886      *  Dump local log buffer.
   1887      *
   1888      * Expected behavior: Logs dumped from WifiConnectivityManager.dump()
   1889      * contain the message we put in mLocalLog.
   1890      */
   1891     @Test
   1892     public void dumpLocalLog() {
   1893         final String localLogMessage = "This is a message from the test";
   1894         mLocalLog.log(localLogMessage);
   1896         StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
   1897         PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
   1898         mWifiConnectivityManager.dump(new FileDescriptor(), pw, new String[]{});
   1899         assertTrue(sw.toString().contains(localLogMessage));
   1900     }
   1902     /**
   1903      *  Dump ONA controller.
   1904      *
   1905      * Expected behavior: {@link OpenNetworkNotifier#dump(FileDescriptor, PrintWriter,
   1906      * String[])} is invoked.
   1907      */
   1908     @Test
   1909     public void dumpNotificationController() {
   1910         StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
   1911         PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
   1912         mWifiConnectivityManager.dump(new FileDescriptor(), pw, new String[]{});
   1914         verify(mOpenNetworkNotifier).dump(any(), any(), any());
   1915     }
   1917     /**
   1918      * Create scan data with different radio chain infos:
   1919      * First scan result has null radio chain info (No DBS support).
   1920      * Second scan result has empty radio chain info (No DBS support).
   1921      * Third scan result has 1 radio chain info (DBS scan).
   1922      * Fourth scan result has 2 radio chain info (non-DBS scan).
   1923      */
   1924     private ScanData createScanDataWithDifferentRadioChainInfos() {
   1925         // Create 4 scan results.
   1926         ScanData[] scanDatas =
   1927                 ScanTestUtil.createScanDatas(new int[][]{{5150, 5175, 2412, 2400}}, new int[]{0});
   1928         // WCM barfs if the scan result does not have an IE.
   1929         scanDatas[0].getResults()[0].informationElements = new InformationElement[0];
   1930         scanDatas[0].getResults()[1].informationElements = new InformationElement[0];
   1931         scanDatas[0].getResults()[2].informationElements = new InformationElement[0];
   1932         scanDatas[0].getResults()[3].informationElements = new InformationElement[0];
   1933         scanDatas[0].getResults()[0].radioChainInfos = null;
   1934         scanDatas[0].getResults()[1].radioChainInfos = new ScanResult.RadioChainInfo[0];
   1935         scanDatas[0].getResults()[2].radioChainInfos = new ScanResult.RadioChainInfo[1];
   1936         scanDatas[0].getResults()[3].radioChainInfos = new ScanResult.RadioChainInfo[2];
   1938         return scanDatas[0];
   1939     }
   1941     /**
   1942      * If |config_wifi_framework_use_single_radio_chain_scan_results_network_selection| flag is
   1943      * false, WifiConnectivityManager should filter scan results which contain scans from a single
   1944      * radio chain (i.e DBS scan).
   1945      * Note:
   1946      * a) ScanResult with no radio chain indicates a lack of DBS support on the device.
   1947      * b) ScanResult with 2 radio chain info indicates a scan done using both the radio chains
   1948      * on a DBS supported device.
   1949      *
   1950      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager invokes
   1951      * {@link WifiNetworkSelector#selectNetwork(List, HashSet, WifiInfo, boolean, boolean, boolean)}
   1952      * after filtering out the scan results obtained via DBS scan.
   1953      */
   1954     @Test
   1955     public void filterScanResultsWithOneRadioChainInfoForNetworkSelectionIfConfigDisabled() {
   1956         when(mResource.getBoolean(
   1957                 R.bool.config_wifi_framework_use_single_radio_chain_scan_results_network_selection))
   1958                 .thenReturn(false);
   1959         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(any(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean()))
   1960                 .thenReturn(null);
   1961         mWifiConnectivityManager = createConnectivityManager();
   1963         mScanData = createScanDataWithDifferentRadioChainInfos();
   1965         // Capture scan details which were sent to network selector.
   1966         final List<ScanDetail> capturedScanDetails = new ArrayList<>();
   1967         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
   1968             public WifiConfiguration answer(
   1969                     List<ScanDetail> scanDetails, HashSet<String> bssidBlacklist, WifiInfo wifiInfo,
   1970                     boolean connected, boolean disconnected, boolean untrustedNetworkAllowed)
   1971                     throws Exception {
   1972                 capturedScanDetails.addAll(scanDetails);
   1973                 return null;
   1974             }}).when(mWifiNS).selectNetwork(
   1975                     any(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean());
   1977         // Set WiFi to disconnected state with screen on which triggers a scan immediately.
   1978         mWifiConnectivityManager.setWifiEnabled(true);
   1979         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   1980         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   1981                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   1983         // We should have filtered out the 3rd scan result.
   1984         assertEquals(3, capturedScanDetails.size());
   1985         List<ScanResult> capturedScanResults =
   1986                 capturedScanDetails.stream().map(ScanDetail::getScanResult)
   1987                         .collect(Collectors.toList());
   1989         assertEquals(3, capturedScanResults.size());
   1990         assertTrue(capturedScanResults.contains(mScanData.getResults()[0]));
   1991         assertTrue(capturedScanResults.contains(mScanData.getResults()[1]));
   1992         assertFalse(capturedScanResults.contains(mScanData.getResults()[2]));
   1993         assertTrue(capturedScanResults.contains(mScanData.getResults()[3]));
   1994     }
   1996     /**
   1997      * If |config_wifi_framework_use_single_radio_chain_scan_results_network_selection| flag is
   1998      * true, WifiConnectivityManager should not filter scan results which contain scans from a
   1999      * single radio chain (i.e DBS scan).
   2000      * Note:
   2001      * a) ScanResult with no radio chain indicates a lack of DBS support on the device.
   2002      * b) ScanResult with 2 radio chain info indicates a scan done using both the radio chains
   2003      * on a DBS supported device.
   2004      *
   2005      * Expected behavior: WifiConnectivityManager invokes
   2006      * {@link WifiNetworkSelector#selectNetwork(List, HashSet, WifiInfo, boolean, boolean, boolean)}
   2007      * after filtering out the scan results obtained via DBS scan.
   2008      */
   2009     @Test
   2010     public void dontFilterScanResultsWithOneRadioChainInfoForNetworkSelectionIfConfigEnabled() {
   2011         when(mResource.getBoolean(
   2012                 R.bool.config_wifi_framework_use_single_radio_chain_scan_results_network_selection))
   2013                 .thenReturn(true);
   2014         when(mWifiNS.selectNetwork(any(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean()))
   2015                 .thenReturn(null);
   2016         mWifiConnectivityManager = createConnectivityManager();
   2018         mScanData = createScanDataWithDifferentRadioChainInfos();
   2020         // Capture scan details which were sent to network selector.
   2021         final List<ScanDetail> capturedScanDetails = new ArrayList<>();
   2022         doAnswer(new AnswerWithArguments() {
   2023             public WifiConfiguration answer(
   2024                     List<ScanDetail> scanDetails, HashSet<String> bssidBlacklist, WifiInfo wifiInfo,
   2025                     boolean connected, boolean disconnected, boolean untrustedNetworkAllowed)
   2026                     throws Exception {
   2027                 capturedScanDetails.addAll(scanDetails);
   2028                 return null;
   2029             }}).when(mWifiNS).selectNetwork(
   2030                 any(), any(), any(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean(), anyBoolean());
   2032         // Set WiFi to disconnected state with screen on which triggers a scan immediately.
   2033         mWifiConnectivityManager.setWifiEnabled(true);
   2034         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleScreenStateChanged(true);
   2035         mWifiConnectivityManager.handleConnectionStateChanged(
   2036                 WifiConnectivityManager.WIFI_STATE_DISCONNECTED);
   2038         // We should not filter any of the scan results.
   2039         assertEquals(4, capturedScanDetails.size());
   2040         List<ScanResult> capturedScanResults =
   2041                 capturedScanDetails.stream().map(ScanDetail::getScanResult)
   2042                         .collect(Collectors.toList());
   2044         assertEquals(4, capturedScanResults.size());
   2045         assertTrue(capturedScanResults.contains(mScanData.getResults()[0]));
   2046         assertTrue(capturedScanResults.contains(mScanData.getResults()[1]));
   2047         assertTrue(capturedScanResults.contains(mScanData.getResults()[2]));
   2048         assertTrue(capturedScanResults.contains(mScanData.getResults()[3]));
   2049     }
   2051     /**
   2052      * Disabling the network temporarily due to lack of internet is a special reason for which we
   2053      * don't want WCM to trigger a disconnect (by removing the network from supplicant).
   2054      */
   2055     @Test
   2056     public void dontDisconnectIfNetworkTemporarilyDisabledDueToNoInternet() {
   2057         assertNotNull(mSavedNetworkUpdateListenerCaptor.getValue());
   2059         mSavedNetworkUpdateListenerCaptor.getValue()
   2060                 .onSavedNetworkPermanentlyDisabled(0, DISABLED_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE);
   2061         verify(mWifiConnectivityHelper).removeNetworkIfCurrent(0);
   2063         mSavedNetworkUpdateListenerCaptor.getValue()
   2064                 .onSavedNetworkPermanentlyDisabled(0, DISABLED_NO_INTERNET_TEMPORARY);
   2065         // Don't remove network.
   2066     }
   2067 }