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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define LOG_TAG "SoundTriggerHidlHalTest"
     18 #include <stdlib.h>
     19 #include <time.h>
     21 #include <condition_variable>
     22 #include <mutex>
     24 #include <android/log.h>
     25 #include <cutils/native_handle.h>
     26 #include <log/log.h>
     28 #include <android/hardware/audio/common/2.0/types.h>
     29 #include <android/hardware/soundtrigger/2.0/ISoundTriggerHw.h>
     30 #include <android/hardware/soundtrigger/2.0/types.h>
     31 #include <android/hardware/soundtrigger/2.1/ISoundTriggerHw.h>
     32 #include <android/hidl/allocator/1.0/IAllocator.h>
     33 #include <hidlmemory/mapping.h>
     35 #include <VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase.h>
     36 #include <VtsHalHidlTargetTestEnvBase.h>
     38 #define SHORT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD (1)
     40 using ::android::sp;
     41 using ::android::hardware::hidl_memory;
     42 using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
     43 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
     44 using ::android::hardware::Return;
     45 using ::android::hardware::Void;
     46 using ::android::hardware::audio::common::V2_0::AudioDevice;
     47 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::PhraseRecognitionExtra;
     48 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::RecognitionMode;
     49 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::SoundModelHandle;
     50 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::SoundModelType;
     51 using V2_0_ISoundTriggerHw = ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::ISoundTriggerHw;
     52 using V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback =
     53     ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_0::ISoundTriggerHwCallback;
     54 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_1::ISoundTriggerHw;
     55 using ::android::hardware::soundtrigger::V2_1::ISoundTriggerHwCallback;
     56 using ::android::hidl::allocator::V1_0::IAllocator;
     57 using ::android::hidl::memory::V1_0::IMemory;
     59 /**
     60  * Test code uses this class to wait for notification from callback.
     61  */
     62 class Monitor {
     63    public:
     64     Monitor() : mCount(0) {}
     66     /**
     67      * Adds 1 to the internal counter and unblocks one of the waiting threads.
     68      */
     69     void notify() {
     70         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMtx);
     71         mCount++;
     72         mCv.notify_one();
     73     }
     75     /**
     76      * Blocks until the internal counter becomes greater than 0.
     77      *
     78      * If notified, this method decreases the counter by 1 and returns true.
     79      * If timeout, returns false.
     80      */
     81     bool wait(int timeoutSeconds) {
     82         auto deadline = std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(timeoutSeconds);
     83         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMtx);
     84         if (!mCv.wait_until(lock, deadline, [& count = mCount] { return count > 0; })) {
     85             return false;
     86         }
     87         mCount--;
     88         return true;
     89     }
     91    private:
     92     std::mutex mMtx;
     93     std::condition_variable mCv;
     94     int mCount;
     95 };
     97 // Test environment for SoundTrigger HIDL HAL.
     98 class SoundTriggerHidlEnvironment : public ::testing::VtsHalHidlTargetTestEnvBase {
     99    public:
    100     // get the test environment singleton
    101     static SoundTriggerHidlEnvironment* Instance() {
    102         static SoundTriggerHidlEnvironment* instance = new SoundTriggerHidlEnvironment;
    103         return instance;
    104     }
    106     virtual void registerTestServices() override { registerTestService<ISoundTriggerHw>(); }
    108    private:
    109     SoundTriggerHidlEnvironment() {}
    110 };
    112 // The main test class for Sound Trigger HIDL HAL.
    113 class SoundTriggerHidlTest : public ::testing::VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase {
    114    public:
    115     virtual void SetUp() override {
    116         mSoundTriggerHal = ::testing::VtsHalHidlTargetTestBase::getService<ISoundTriggerHw>(
    117             SoundTriggerHidlEnvironment::Instance()->getServiceName<ISoundTriggerHw>());
    118         ASSERT_NE(nullptr, mSoundTriggerHal.get());
    119         mCallback = new SoundTriggerHwCallback(*this);
    120         ASSERT_NE(nullptr, mCallback.get());
    121     }
    123     static void SetUpTestCase() { srand(1234); }
    125     class SoundTriggerHwCallback : public ISoundTriggerHwCallback {
    126        private:
    127         SoundTriggerHidlTest& mParent;
    129        public:
    130         SoundTriggerHwCallback(SoundTriggerHidlTest& parent) : mParent(parent) {}
    132         Return<void> recognitionCallback(const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::RecognitionEvent& event
    133                                              __unused,
    134                                          int32_t cookie __unused) override {
    135             ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    136             return Void();
    137         };
    139         Return<void> phraseRecognitionCallback(
    140             const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::PhraseRecognitionEvent& event __unused,
    141             int32_t cookie __unused) override {
    142             ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    143             return Void();
    144         };
    146         Return<void> soundModelCallback(const V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::ModelEvent& event,
    147                                         int32_t cookie __unused) override {
    148             ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    149             mParent.lastModelEvent_2_0 = event;
    150             mParent.monitor.notify();
    151             return Void();
    152         }
    154         Return<void> recognitionCallback_2_1(const ISoundTriggerHwCallback::RecognitionEvent& event
    155                                                  __unused,
    156                                              int32_t cookie __unused) override {
    157             ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    158             return Void();
    159         }
    161         Return<void> phraseRecognitionCallback_2_1(
    162             const ISoundTriggerHwCallback::PhraseRecognitionEvent& event __unused,
    163             int32_t cookie __unused) override {
    164             ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    165             return Void();
    166         }
    168         Return<void> soundModelCallback_2_1(const ISoundTriggerHwCallback::ModelEvent& event,
    169                                             int32_t cookie __unused) {
    170             ALOGI("%s", __FUNCTION__);
    171             mParent.lastModelEvent = event;
    172             mParent.monitor.notify();
    173             return Void();
    174         }
    175     };
    177     virtual void TearDown() override {}
    179     Monitor monitor;
    180     // updated by soundModelCallback()
    181     V2_0_ISoundTriggerHwCallback::ModelEvent lastModelEvent_2_0;
    182     // updated by soundModelCallback_2_1()
    183     ISoundTriggerHwCallback::ModelEvent lastModelEvent;
    185    protected:
    186     sp<ISoundTriggerHw> mSoundTriggerHal;
    187     sp<SoundTriggerHwCallback> mCallback;
    188 };
    190 /**
    191  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::getProperties() method
    192  *
    193  * Verifies that:
    194  *  - the implementation implements the method
    195  *  - the method returns 0 (no error)
    196  *  - the implementation supports at least one sound model and one key phrase
    197  *  - the implementation supports at least VOICE_TRIGGER recognition mode
    198  */
    199 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, GetProperties) {
    200     ISoundTriggerHw::Properties halProperties;
    201     Return<void> hidlReturn;
    202     int ret = -ENODEV;
    204     hidlReturn = mSoundTriggerHal->getProperties([&](int rc, auto res) {
    205         ret = rc;
    206         halProperties = res;
    207     });
    209     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn.isOk());
    210     EXPECT_EQ(0, ret);
    211     EXPECT_GT(halProperties.maxSoundModels, 0u);
    212     EXPECT_GT(halProperties.maxKeyPhrases, 0u);
    213     EXPECT_NE(0u, (halProperties.recognitionModes & (uint32_t)RecognitionMode::VOICE_TRIGGER));
    214 }
    216 /**
    217  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::loadPhraseSoundModel() method
    218  *
    219  * Verifies that:
    220  *  - the implementation implements the method
    221  *  - the implementation returns an error when passed a malformed sound model
    222  *
    223  * There is no way to verify that implementation actually can load a sound model because each
    224  * sound model is vendor specific.
    225  */
    226 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, LoadInvalidModelFail) {
    227     Return<void> hidlReturn;
    228     int ret = -ENODEV;
    229     V2_0_ISoundTriggerHw::PhraseSoundModel model;
    230     SoundModelHandle handle;
    232     model.common.type = SoundModelType::UNKNOWN;
    234     hidlReturn =
    235         mSoundTriggerHal->loadPhraseSoundModel(model, mCallback, 0, [&](int32_t retval, auto res) {
    236             ret = retval;
    237             handle = res;
    238         });
    240     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn.isOk());
    241     EXPECT_NE(0, ret);
    242     EXPECT_FALSE(monitor.wait(SHORT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD));
    243 }
    245 /**
    246  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::loadPhraseSoundModel_2_1() method
    247  *
    248  * Verifies that:
    249  *  - the implementation implements the method
    250  *  - the implementation returns an error when passed a malformed sound model
    251  *
    252  * There is no way to verify that implementation actually can load a sound model because each
    253  * sound model is vendor specific.
    254  */
    255 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, LoadInvalidModelFail_2_1) {
    256     Return<void> hidlReturn;
    257     int ret = -ENODEV;
    258     ISoundTriggerHw::PhraseSoundModel model;
    259     SoundModelHandle handle;
    261     model.common.header.type = SoundModelType::UNKNOWN;
    263     hidlReturn = mSoundTriggerHal->loadPhraseSoundModel_2_1(model, mCallback, 0,
    264                                                             [&](int32_t retval, auto res) {
    265                                                                 ret = retval;
    266                                                                 handle = res;
    267                                                             });
    269     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn.isOk());
    270     EXPECT_NE(0, ret);
    271     EXPECT_FALSE(monitor.wait(SHORT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD));
    272 }
    274 /**
    275  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::loadSoundModel() method
    276  *
    277  * Verifies that:
    278  *  - the implementation returns an error when passed an empty sound model
    279  */
    280 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, LoadEmptyGenericSoundModelFail) {
    281     int ret = -ENODEV;
    282     V2_0_ISoundTriggerHw::SoundModel model;
    283     SoundModelHandle handle = 0;
    285     model.type = SoundModelType::GENERIC;
    287     Return<void> loadReturn =
    288         mSoundTriggerHal->loadSoundModel(model, mCallback, 0, [&](int32_t retval, auto res) {
    289             ret = retval;
    290             handle = res;
    291         });
    293     EXPECT_TRUE(loadReturn.isOk());
    294     EXPECT_NE(0, ret);
    295     EXPECT_FALSE(monitor.wait(SHORT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD));
    296 }
    298 /**
    299  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::loadSoundModel() method
    300  *
    301  * Verifies that:
    302  *  - the implementation returns error when passed a sound model with random data.
    303  */
    304 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, LoadGenericSoundModelFail) {
    305     int ret = -ENODEV;
    306     V2_0_ISoundTriggerHw::SoundModel model;
    307     SoundModelHandle handle = 0;
    309     model.type = SoundModelType::GENERIC;
    310     model.data.resize(100);
    311     for (auto& d : model.data) {
    312         d = rand();
    313     }
    315     Return<void> loadReturn =
    316         mSoundTriggerHal->loadSoundModel(model, mCallback, 0, [&](int32_t retval, auto res) {
    317             ret = retval;
    318             handle = res;
    319         });
    321     EXPECT_TRUE(loadReturn.isOk());
    322     EXPECT_NE(0, ret);
    323     EXPECT_FALSE(monitor.wait(SHORT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD));
    324 }
    326 /**
    327  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::loadSoundModel_2_1() method
    328  *
    329  * Verifies that:
    330  *  - the implementation returns error when passed a sound model with random data.
    331  */
    332 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, LoadEmptyGenericSoundModelFail_2_1) {
    333     int ret = -ENODEV;
    334     ISoundTriggerHw::SoundModel model;
    335     SoundModelHandle handle = 0;
    337     model.header.type = SoundModelType::GENERIC;
    339     Return<void> loadReturn =
    340         mSoundTriggerHal->loadSoundModel_2_1(model, mCallback, 0, [&](int32_t retval, auto res) {
    341             ret = retval;
    342             handle = res;
    343         });
    345     EXPECT_TRUE(loadReturn.isOk());
    346     EXPECT_NE(0, ret);
    347     EXPECT_FALSE(monitor.wait(SHORT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD));
    348 }
    350 /**
    351  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::loadSoundModel_2_1() method
    352  *
    353  * Verifies that:
    354  *  - the implementation returns error when passed a sound model with random data.
    355  */
    356 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, LoadGenericSoundModelFail_2_1) {
    357     int ret = -ENODEV;
    358     ISoundTriggerHw::SoundModel model;
    359     SoundModelHandle handle = 0;
    361     model.header.type = SoundModelType::GENERIC;
    362     sp<IAllocator> ashmem = IAllocator::getService("ashmem");
    363     ASSERT_NE(nullptr, ashmem.get());
    364     hidl_memory hmemory;
    365     int size = 100;
    366     Return<void> allocReturn = ashmem->allocate(size, [&](bool success, const hidl_memory& m) {
    367         ASSERT_TRUE(success);
    368         hmemory = m;
    369     });
    370     sp<IMemory> memory = ::android::hardware::mapMemory(hmemory);
    371     ASSERT_NE(nullptr, memory.get());
    372     memory->update();
    373     for (uint8_t *p = static_cast<uint8_t*>(static_cast<void*>(memory->getPointer())); size >= 0;
    374          p++, size--) {
    375         *p = rand();
    376     }
    378     Return<void> loadReturn =
    379         mSoundTriggerHal->loadSoundModel_2_1(model, mCallback, 0, [&](int32_t retval, auto res) {
    380             ret = retval;
    381             handle = res;
    382         });
    384     EXPECT_TRUE(loadReturn.isOk());
    385     EXPECT_NE(0, ret);
    386     EXPECT_FALSE(monitor.wait(SHORT_TIMEOUT_PERIOD));
    387 }
    389 /**
    390  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::unloadSoundModel() method
    391  *
    392  * Verifies that:
    393  *  - the implementation implements the method
    394  *  - the implementation returns an error when called without a valid loaded sound model
    395  *
    396  */
    397 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, UnloadModelNoModelFail) {
    398     Return<int32_t> hidlReturn(0);
    399     SoundModelHandle halHandle = 0;
    401     hidlReturn = mSoundTriggerHal->unloadSoundModel(halHandle);
    403     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn.isOk());
    404     EXPECT_NE(0, hidlReturn);
    405 }
    407 /**
    408  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::startRecognition() method
    409  *
    410  * Verifies that:
    411  *  - the implementation implements the method
    412  *  - the implementation returns an error when called without a valid loaded sound model
    413  *
    414  * There is no way to verify that implementation actually starts recognition because no model can
    415  * be loaded.
    416  */
    417 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, StartRecognitionNoModelFail) {
    418     Return<int32_t> hidlReturn(0);
    419     SoundModelHandle handle = 0;
    420     PhraseRecognitionExtra phrase;
    421     V2_0_ISoundTriggerHw::RecognitionConfig config;
    423     config.captureHandle = 0;
    424     config.captureDevice = AudioDevice::IN_BUILTIN_MIC;
    425     phrase.id = 0;
    426     phrase.recognitionModes = (uint32_t)RecognitionMode::VOICE_TRIGGER;
    427     phrase.confidenceLevel = 0;
    429     config.phrases.setToExternal(&phrase, 1);
    431     hidlReturn = mSoundTriggerHal->startRecognition(handle, config, mCallback, 0);
    433     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn.isOk());
    434     EXPECT_NE(0, hidlReturn);
    435 }
    437 /**
    438  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::startRecognition_2_1() method
    439  *
    440  * Verifies that:
    441  *  - the implementation implements the method
    442  *  - the implementation returns an error when called without a valid loaded sound model
    443  *
    444  * There is no way to verify that implementation actually starts recognition because no model can
    445  * be loaded.
    446  */
    447 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, StartRecognitionNoModelFail_2_1) {
    448     Return<int32_t> hidlReturn(0);
    449     SoundModelHandle handle = 0;
    450     PhraseRecognitionExtra phrase;
    451     ISoundTriggerHw::RecognitionConfig config;
    453     config.header.captureHandle = 0;
    454     config.header.captureDevice = AudioDevice::IN_BUILTIN_MIC;
    455     phrase.id = 0;
    456     phrase.recognitionModes = (uint32_t)RecognitionMode::VOICE_TRIGGER;
    457     phrase.confidenceLevel = 0;
    459     config.header.phrases.setToExternal(&phrase, 1);
    461     hidlReturn = mSoundTriggerHal->startRecognition_2_1(handle, config, mCallback, 0);
    463     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn.isOk());
    464     EXPECT_NE(0, hidlReturn);
    465 }
    467 /**
    468  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::stopRecognition() method
    469  *
    470  * Verifies that:
    471  *  - the implementation implements the method
    472  *  - the implementation returns an error when called without an active recognition running
    473  *
    474  */
    475 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, StopRecognitionNoAStartFail) {
    476     Return<int32_t> hidlReturn(0);
    477     SoundModelHandle handle = 0;
    479     hidlReturn = mSoundTriggerHal->stopRecognition(handle);
    481     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn.isOk());
    482     EXPECT_NE(0, hidlReturn);
    483 }
    485 /**
    486  * Test ISoundTriggerHw::stopAllRecognitions() method
    487  *
    488  * Verifies that:
    489  *  - the implementation implements this optional method or indicates it is not supported by
    490  *  returning -ENOSYS
    491  */
    492 TEST_F(SoundTriggerHidlTest, stopAllRecognitions) {
    493     Return<int32_t> hidlReturn(0);
    495     hidlReturn = mSoundTriggerHal->stopAllRecognitions();
    497     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn.isOk());
    498     EXPECT_TRUE(hidlReturn == 0 || hidlReturn == -ENOSYS);
    499 }
    501 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    502     ::testing::AddGlobalTestEnvironment(SoundTriggerHidlEnvironment::Instance());
    503     ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
    504     SoundTriggerHidlEnvironment::Instance()->init(&argc, argv);
    505     int status = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
    506     ALOGI("Test result = %d", status);
    507     return status;
    508 }