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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.messaging.ui.animation;
     19 import android.animation.TypeEvaluator;
     20 import android.app.Activity;
     21 import android.graphics.Canvas;
     22 import android.graphics.Color;
     23 import android.graphics.Rect;
     24 import android.view.Gravity;
     25 import android.view.View;
     26 import android.view.ViewGroup;
     27 import android.view.animation.Animation;
     28 import android.view.animation.Transformation;
     29 import android.widget.PopupWindow;
     31 import com.android.messaging.util.LogUtil;
     32 import com.android.messaging.util.ThreadUtil;
     33 import com.android.messaging.util.UiUtils;
     35 /**
     36  * Animates viewToAnimate from startRect to the place where it is in the layout,  viewToAnimate
     37  * should be in its final destination location before startAfterLayoutComplete is called.
     38  * viewToAnimate will be drawn scaled and offset in a popupWindow.
     39  * This class handles the case where the viewToAnimate moves during the animation
     40  */
     41 public class PopupTransitionAnimation extends Animation {
     42     /** The view we're animating */
     43     private final View mViewToAnimate;
     45     /** The rect to start the slide in animation from */
     46     private final Rect mStartRect;
     48     /** The rect of the currently animated view */
     49     private Rect mCurrentRect;
     51     /** The rect that we're animating to.  This can change during the animation */
     52     private final Rect mDestRect;
     54     /** The bounds of the popup in window coordinates.  Does not include notification bar */
     55     private final Rect mPopupRect;
     57     /** The bounds of the action bar in window coordinates.  We clip the popup to below this */
     58     private final Rect mActionBarRect;
     60     /** Interpolates between the start and end rect for every animation tick */
     61     private final TypeEvaluator<Rect> mRectEvaluator;
     63     /** The popup window that holds contains the animating view */
     64     private PopupWindow mPopupWindow;
     66     /** The layout root for the popup which is where the animated view is rendered */
     67     private View mPopupRoot;
     69     /** The action bar's view */
     70     private final View mActionBarView;
     72     private Runnable mOnStartCallback;
     73     private Runnable mOnStopCallback;
     75     public PopupTransitionAnimation(final Rect startRect, final View viewToAnimate) {
     76         mViewToAnimate = viewToAnimate;
     77         mStartRect = startRect;
     78         mCurrentRect = new Rect(mStartRect);
     79         mDestRect = new Rect();
     80         mPopupRect = new Rect();
     81         mActionBarRect = new Rect();
     82         mActionBarView = viewToAnimate.getRootView().findViewById(
     83                 android.support.v7.appcompat.R.id.action_bar);
     84         mRectEvaluator = RectEvaluatorCompat.create();
     85         setDuration(UiUtils.MEDIAPICKER_TRANSITION_DURATION);
     86         setInterpolator(UiUtils.DEFAULT_INTERPOLATOR);
     87         setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {
     88             @Override
     89             public void onAnimationStart(final Animation animation) {
     90                 if (mOnStartCallback != null) {
     91                     mOnStartCallback.run();
     92                 }
     93                 mEvents.append("oAS,");
     94             }
     96             @Override
     97             public void onAnimationEnd(final Animation animation) {
     98                 if (mOnStopCallback != null) {
     99                     mOnStopCallback.run();
    100                 }
    101                 dismiss();
    102                 mEvents.append("oAE,");
    103             }
    105             @Override
    106             public void onAnimationRepeat(final Animation animation) {
    107             }
    108         });
    109     }
    111     private final StringBuilder mEvents = new StringBuilder();
    112     private final Runnable mCleanupRunnable = new Runnable() {
    113         @Override
    114         public void run() {
    115             LogUtil.w(LogUtil.BUGLE_TAG, "PopupTransitionAnimation: " + mEvents);
    116         }
    117     };
    119     /**
    120      * Ensures the animation is ready before starting the animation.
    121      * viewToAnimate must first be layed out so we know where we will animate to
    122      */
    123     public void startAfterLayoutComplete() {
    124         // We want layout to occur, and then we immediately animate it in, so hide it initially to
    125         // reduce jank on the first frame
    126         mViewToAnimate.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);
    127         mViewToAnimate.setAlpha(0);
    129         final Runnable startAnimation = new Runnable() {
    130             boolean mRunComplete = false;
    131             boolean mFirstTry = true;
    133             @Override
    134             public void run() {
    135                 if (mRunComplete) {
    136                     return;
    137                 }
    139                 mViewToAnimate.getGlobalVisibleRect(mDestRect);
    140                 // In Android views which are visible but haven't computed their size yet have a
    141                 // size of 1x1 because anything with a size of 0x0 is considered hidden.  We can't
    142                 // start the animation until after the size is greater than 1x1
    143                 if (mDestRect.width() <= 1 || mDestRect.height() <= 1) {
    144                     // Layout hasn't occurred yet
    145                     if (!mFirstTry) {
    146                         // Give up if this is not the first try, since layout change still doesn't
    147                         // yield a size for the view. This is likely because the media picker is
    148                         // full screen so there's no space left for the animated view. We give up
    149                         // on animation, but need to make sure the view that was initially
    150                         // hidden is re-shown.
    151                         mViewToAnimate.setAlpha(1);
    152                         mViewToAnimate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    153                     } else {
    154                         mFirstTry = false;
    155                         UiUtils.doOnceAfterLayoutChange(mViewToAnimate, this);
    156                     }
    157                     return;
    158                 }
    160                 mRunComplete = true;
    161                 mViewToAnimate.startAnimation(PopupTransitionAnimation.this);
    162                 mViewToAnimate.invalidate();
    163                 // http://b/20856505: The PopupWindow sometimes does not get dismissed.
    164                 ThreadUtil.getMainThreadHandler().postDelayed(mCleanupRunnable, getDuration() * 2);
    165             }
    166         };
    168         startAnimation.run();
    169     }
    171     public PopupTransitionAnimation setOnStartCallback(final Runnable onStart) {
    172         mOnStartCallback = onStart;
    173         return this;
    174     }
    176     public PopupTransitionAnimation setOnStopCallback(final Runnable onStop) {
    177         mOnStopCallback = onStop;
    178         return this;
    179     }
    181     @Override
    182     protected void applyTransformation(final float interpolatedTime, final Transformation t) {
    183         if (mPopupWindow == null) {
    184             initPopupWindow();
    185         }
    186         // Update mDestRect as it may have moved during the animation
    187         mPopupRect.set(UiUtils.getMeasuredBoundsOnScreen(mPopupRoot));
    188         mActionBarRect.set(UiUtils.getMeasuredBoundsOnScreen(mActionBarView));
    189         computeDestRect();
    191         // Update currentRect to the new animated coordinates, and request mPopupRoot to redraw
    192         // itself at the new coordinates
    193         mCurrentRect = mRectEvaluator.evaluate(interpolatedTime, mStartRect, mDestRect);
    194         mPopupRoot.invalidate();
    196         if (interpolatedTime >= 0.98) {
    197             mEvents.append("aT").append(interpolatedTime).append(',');
    198         }
    199         if (interpolatedTime == 1) {
    200             dismiss();
    201         }
    202     }
    204     private void dismiss() {
    205         mEvents.append("d,");
    206         mViewToAnimate.setAlpha(1);
    207         mViewToAnimate.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
    208         // Delay dismissing the popup window to let mViewToAnimate draw under it and reduce the
    209         // flash
    210         ThreadUtil.getMainThreadHandler().post(new Runnable() {
    211             @Override
    212             public void run() {
    213                 try {
    214                     mPopupWindow.dismiss();
    215                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    216                     // PopupWindow.dismiss() will fire an IllegalArgumentException if the activity
    217                     // has already ended while we were animating
    218                 }
    219                 ThreadUtil.getMainThreadHandler().removeCallbacks(mCleanupRunnable);
    220             }
    221         });
    222     }
    224     @Override
    225     public boolean willChangeBounds() {
    226         return false;
    227     }
    229     /**
    230      * Computes mDestRect (the position in window space of the placeholder view that we should
    231      * animate to).  Some frames during the animation fail to compute getGlobalVisibleRect, so use
    232      * the last known values in that case
    233      */
    234     private void computeDestRect() {
    235         final int prevTop = mDestRect.top;
    236         final int prevLeft = mDestRect.left;
    237         final int prevRight = mDestRect.right;
    238         final int prevBottom = mDestRect.bottom;
    240         if (!getViewScreenMeasureRect(mViewToAnimate, mDestRect)) {
    241             mDestRect.top = prevTop;
    242             mDestRect.left = prevLeft;
    243             mDestRect.bottom = prevBottom;
    244             mDestRect.right = prevRight;
    245         }
    246     }
    248     /**
    249      * Sets up the PopupWindow that the view will animate in.  Animating the size and position of a
    250      * popup can be choppy, so instead we make the popup fill the entire space of the screen, and
    251      * animate the position of viewToAnimate within the popup using a Transformation
    252      */
    253     private void initPopupWindow() {
    254         mPopupRoot = new View(mViewToAnimate.getContext()) {
    255             @Override
    256             protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) {
    257                 canvas.save();
    258                 canvas.clipRect(getLeft(), mActionBarRect.bottom - mPopupRect.top, getRight(),
    259                         getBottom());
    260                 canvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT);
    261                 final float previousAlpha = mViewToAnimate.getAlpha();
    262                 mViewToAnimate.setAlpha(1);
    263                 // The view's global position includes the notification bar height, but
    264                 // the popup window may or may not cover the notification bar (depending on screen
    265                 // rotation, IME status etc.), so we need to compensate for this difference by
    266                 // offseting vertically.
    267                 canvas.translate(mCurrentRect.left, mCurrentRect.top - mPopupRect.top);
    269                 final float viewWidth = mViewToAnimate.getWidth();
    270                 final float viewHeight = mViewToAnimate.getHeight();
    271                 if (viewWidth > 0 && viewHeight > 0) {
    272                     canvas.scale(mCurrentRect.width() / viewWidth,
    273                             mCurrentRect.height() / viewHeight);
    274                 }
    275                 canvas.clipRect(0, 0, mCurrentRect.width(), mCurrentRect.height());
    276                 if (!mPopupRect.isEmpty()) {
    277                     // HACK: Layout is unstable until mPopupRect is non-empty.
    278                     mViewToAnimate.draw(canvas);
    279                 }
    280                 mViewToAnimate.setAlpha(previousAlpha);
    281                 canvas.restore();
    282             }
    283         };
    284         mPopupWindow = new PopupWindow(mViewToAnimate.getContext());
    285         mPopupWindow.setBackgroundDrawable(null);
    286         mPopupWindow.setContentView(mPopupRoot);
    287         mPopupWindow.setWidth(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
    288         mPopupWindow.setHeight(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
    289         mPopupWindow.setTouchable(false);
    290         // We must pass a non-zero value for the y offset, or else the system resets the status bar
    291         // color to black (M only) during the animation. The actual position of the window (and
    292         // the animated view inside it) are still correct, regardless of what we pass for the y
    293         // parameter (e.g. 1 and 100 both work). Not entirely sure why this works.
    294         mPopupWindow.showAtLocation(mViewToAnimate, Gravity.TOP, 0, 1);
    295     }
    297     private static boolean getViewScreenMeasureRect(final View view, final Rect outRect) {
    298         outRect.set(UiUtils.getMeasuredBoundsOnScreen(view));
    299         return !outRect.isEmpty();
    300     }
    301 }