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      1 //===- llvm/Function.h - Class to represent a single function ---*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file contains the declaration of the Function class, which represents a
     11 // single function/procedure in LLVM.
     12 //
     13 // A function basically consists of a list of basic blocks, a list of arguments,
     14 // and a symbol table.
     15 //
     16 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     18 #ifndef LLVM_IR_FUNCTION_H
     19 #define LLVM_IR_FUNCTION_H
     21 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
     22 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
     23 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
     24 #include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
     25 #include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
     26 #include "llvm/IR/Argument.h"
     27 #include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
     28 #include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
     29 #include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
     30 #include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
     31 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalObject.h"
     32 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
     33 #include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
     34 #include "llvm/IR/OperandTraits.h"
     35 #include "llvm/IR/SymbolTableListTraits.h"
     36 #include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
     37 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
     38 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
     39 #include <cassert>
     40 #include <cstddef>
     41 #include <cstdint>
     42 #include <memory>
     43 #include <string>
     45 namespace llvm {
     47 class AssemblyAnnotationWriter;
     48 class Constant;
     49 class DISubprogram;
     50 class LLVMContext;
     51 class Module;
     52 template <typename T> class Optional;
     53 class raw_ostream;
     54 class Type;
     55 class User;
     57 class Function : public GlobalObject, public ilist_node<Function> {
     58 public:
     59   using BasicBlockListType = SymbolTableList<BasicBlock>;
     61   // BasicBlock iterators...
     62   using iterator = BasicBlockListType::iterator;
     63   using const_iterator = BasicBlockListType::const_iterator;
     65   using arg_iterator = Argument *;
     66   using const_arg_iterator = const Argument *;
     68 private:
     69   // Important things that make up a function!
     70   BasicBlockListType BasicBlocks;         ///< The basic blocks
     71   mutable Argument *Arguments = nullptr;  ///< The formal arguments
     72   size_t NumArgs;
     73   std::unique_ptr<ValueSymbolTable>
     74       SymTab;                             ///< Symbol table of args/instructions
     75   AttributeList AttributeSets;            ///< Parameter attributes
     77   /*
     78    * Value::SubclassData
     79    *
     80    * bit 0      : HasLazyArguments
     81    * bit 1      : HasPrefixData
     82    * bit 2      : HasPrologueData
     83    * bit 3      : HasPersonalityFn
     84    * bits 4-13  : CallingConvention
     85    * bits 14    : HasGC
     86    * bits 15 : [reserved]
     87    */
     89   /// Bits from GlobalObject::GlobalObjectSubclassData.
     90   enum {
     91     /// Whether this function is materializable.
     92     IsMaterializableBit = 0,
     93   };
     95   friend class SymbolTableListTraits<Function>;
     97   /// hasLazyArguments/CheckLazyArguments - The argument list of a function is
     98   /// built on demand, so that the list isn't allocated until the first client
     99   /// needs it.  The hasLazyArguments predicate returns true if the arg list
    100   /// hasn't been set up yet.
    101 public:
    102   bool hasLazyArguments() const {
    103     return getSubclassDataFromValue() & (1<<0);
    104   }
    106 private:
    107   void CheckLazyArguments() const {
    108     if (hasLazyArguments())
    109       BuildLazyArguments();
    110   }
    112   void BuildLazyArguments() const;
    114   void clearArguments();
    116   /// Function ctor - If the (optional) Module argument is specified, the
    117   /// function is automatically inserted into the end of the function list for
    118   /// the module.
    119   ///
    120   Function(FunctionType *Ty, LinkageTypes Linkage,
    121            const Twine &N = "", Module *M = nullptr);
    123 public:
    124   Function(const Function&) = delete;
    125   void operator=(const Function&) = delete;
    126   ~Function();
    128   static Function *Create(FunctionType *Ty, LinkageTypes Linkage,
    129                           const Twine &N = "", Module *M = nullptr) {
    130     return new Function(Ty, Linkage, N, M);
    131   }
    133   // Provide fast operand accessors.
    136   /// Returns the FunctionType for me.
    137   FunctionType *getFunctionType() const {
    138     return cast<FunctionType>(getValueType());
    139   }
    141   /// Returns the type of the ret val.
    142   Type *getReturnType() const { return getFunctionType()->getReturnType(); }
    144   /// getContext - Return a reference to the LLVMContext associated with this
    145   /// function.
    146   LLVMContext &getContext() const;
    148   /// isVarArg - Return true if this function takes a variable number of
    149   /// arguments.
    150   bool isVarArg() const { return getFunctionType()->isVarArg(); }
    152   bool isMaterializable() const {
    153     return getGlobalObjectSubClassData() & (1 << IsMaterializableBit);
    154   }
    155   void setIsMaterializable(bool V) {
    156     unsigned Mask = 1 << IsMaterializableBit;
    157     setGlobalObjectSubClassData((~Mask & getGlobalObjectSubClassData()) |
    158                                 (V ? Mask : 0u));
    159   }
    161   /// getIntrinsicID - This method returns the ID number of the specified
    162   /// function, or Intrinsic::not_intrinsic if the function is not an
    163   /// intrinsic, or if the pointer is null.  This value is always defined to be
    164   /// zero to allow easy checking for whether a function is intrinsic or not.
    165   /// The particular intrinsic functions which correspond to this value are
    166   /// defined in llvm/Intrinsics.h.
    167   Intrinsic::ID getIntrinsicID() const LLVM_READONLY { return IntID; }
    169   /// isIntrinsic - Returns true if the function's name starts with "llvm.".
    170   /// It's possible for this function to return true while getIntrinsicID()
    171   /// returns Intrinsic::not_intrinsic!
    172   bool isIntrinsic() const { return HasLLVMReservedName; }
    174   static Intrinsic::ID lookupIntrinsicID(StringRef Name);
    176   /// \brief Recalculate the ID for this function if it is an Intrinsic defined
    177   /// in llvm/Intrinsics.h.  Sets the intrinsic ID to Intrinsic::not_intrinsic
    178   /// if the name of this function does not match an intrinsic in that header.
    179   /// Note, this method does not need to be called directly, as it is called
    180   /// from Value::setName() whenever the name of this function changes.
    181   void recalculateIntrinsicID();
    183   /// getCallingConv()/setCallingConv(CC) - These method get and set the
    184   /// calling convention of this function.  The enum values for the known
    185   /// calling conventions are defined in CallingConv.h.
    186   CallingConv::ID getCallingConv() const {
    187     return static_cast<CallingConv::ID>((getSubclassDataFromValue() >> 4) &
    188                                         CallingConv::MaxID);
    189   }
    190   void setCallingConv(CallingConv::ID CC) {
    191     auto ID = static_cast<unsigned>(CC);
    192     assert(!(ID & ~CallingConv::MaxID) && "Unsupported calling convention");
    193     setValueSubclassData((getSubclassDataFromValue() & 0xc00f) | (ID << 4));
    194   }
    196   /// @brief Return the attribute list for this Function.
    197   AttributeList getAttributes() const { return AttributeSets; }
    199   /// @brief Set the attribute list for this Function.
    200   void setAttributes(AttributeList Attrs) { AttributeSets = Attrs; }
    202   /// @brief Add function attributes to this function.
    203   void addFnAttr(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) {
    204     addAttribute(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, Kind);
    205   }
    207   /// @brief Add function attributes to this function.
    208   void addFnAttr(StringRef Kind, StringRef Val = StringRef()) {
    209     addAttribute(AttributeList::FunctionIndex,
    210                  Attribute::get(getContext(), Kind, Val));
    211   }
    213   void addFnAttr(Attribute Attr) {
    214     addAttribute(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, Attr);
    215   }
    217   /// @brief Remove function attributes from this function.
    218   void removeFnAttr(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) {
    219     removeAttribute(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, Kind);
    220   }
    222   /// @brief Remove function attribute from this function.
    223   void removeFnAttr(StringRef Kind) {
    224     setAttributes(getAttributes().removeAttribute(
    225         getContext(), AttributeList::FunctionIndex, Kind));
    226   }
    228   /// \brief Set the entry count for this function.
    229   ///
    230   /// Entry count is the number of times this function was executed based on
    231   /// pgo data. \p Imports points to a set of GUIDs that needs to be imported
    232   /// by the function for sample PGO, to enable the same inlines as the
    233   /// profiled optimized binary.
    234   void setEntryCount(uint64_t Count,
    235                      const DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> *Imports = nullptr);
    237   /// \brief Get the entry count for this function.
    238   ///
    239   /// Entry count is the number of times the function was executed based on
    240   /// pgo data.
    241   Optional<uint64_t> getEntryCount() const;
    243   /// Returns the set of GUIDs that needs to be imported to the function for
    244   /// sample PGO, to enable the same inlines as the profiled optimized binary.
    245   DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> getImportGUIDs() const;
    247   /// Set the section prefix for this function.
    248   void setSectionPrefix(StringRef Prefix);
    250   /// Get the section prefix for this function.
    251   Optional<StringRef> getSectionPrefix() const;
    253   /// @brief Return true if the function has the attribute.
    254   bool hasFnAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
    255     return AttributeSets.hasFnAttribute(Kind);
    256   }
    257   bool hasFnAttribute(StringRef Kind) const {
    258     return AttributeSets.hasFnAttribute(Kind);
    259   }
    261   /// @brief Return the attribute for the given attribute kind.
    262   Attribute getFnAttribute(Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
    263     return getAttribute(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, Kind);
    264   }
    265   Attribute getFnAttribute(StringRef Kind) const {
    266     return getAttribute(AttributeList::FunctionIndex, Kind);
    267   }
    269   /// \brief Return the stack alignment for the function.
    270   unsigned getFnStackAlignment() const {
    271     if (!hasFnAttribute(Attribute::StackAlignment))
    272       return 0;
    273     return AttributeSets.getStackAlignment(AttributeList::FunctionIndex);
    274   }
    276   /// hasGC/getGC/setGC/clearGC - The name of the garbage collection algorithm
    277   ///                             to use during code generation.
    278   bool hasGC() const {
    279     return getSubclassDataFromValue() & (1<<14);
    280   }
    281   const std::string &getGC() const;
    282   void setGC(std::string Str);
    283   void clearGC();
    285   /// @brief adds the attribute to the list of attributes.
    286   void addAttribute(unsigned i, Attribute::AttrKind Kind);
    288   /// @brief adds the attribute to the list of attributes.
    289   void addAttribute(unsigned i, Attribute Attr);
    291   /// @brief adds the attributes to the list of attributes.
    292   void addAttributes(unsigned i, const AttrBuilder &Attrs);
    294   /// @brief adds the attribute to the list of attributes for the given arg.
    295   void addParamAttr(unsigned ArgNo, Attribute::AttrKind Kind);
    297   /// @brief adds the attribute to the list of attributes for the given arg.
    298   void addParamAttr(unsigned ArgNo, Attribute Attr);
    300   /// @brief adds the attributes to the list of attributes for the given arg.
    301   void addParamAttrs(unsigned ArgNo, const AttrBuilder &Attrs);
    303   /// @brief removes the attribute from the list of attributes.
    304   void removeAttribute(unsigned i, Attribute::AttrKind Kind);
    306   /// @brief removes the attribute from the list of attributes.
    307   void removeAttribute(unsigned i, StringRef Kind);
    309   /// @brief removes the attributes from the list of attributes.
    310   void removeAttributes(unsigned i, const AttrBuilder &Attrs);
    312   /// @brief removes the attribute from the list of attributes.
    313   void removeParamAttr(unsigned ArgNo, Attribute::AttrKind Kind);
    315   /// @brief removes the attribute from the list of attributes.
    316   void removeParamAttr(unsigned ArgNo, StringRef Kind);
    318   /// @brief removes the attribute from the list of attributes.
    319   void removeParamAttrs(unsigned ArgNo, const AttrBuilder &Attrs);
    321   /// @brief check if an attributes is in the list of attributes.
    322   bool hasAttribute(unsigned i, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
    323     return getAttributes().hasAttribute(i, Kind);
    324   }
    326   /// @brief check if an attributes is in the list of attributes.
    327   bool hasParamAttribute(unsigned ArgNo, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
    328     return getAttributes().hasParamAttribute(ArgNo, Kind);
    329   }
    331   Attribute getAttribute(unsigned i, Attribute::AttrKind Kind) const {
    332     return AttributeSets.getAttribute(i, Kind);
    333   }
    335   Attribute getAttribute(unsigned i, StringRef Kind) const {
    336     return AttributeSets.getAttribute(i, Kind);
    337   }
    339   /// @brief adds the dereferenceable attribute to the list of attributes.
    340   void addDereferenceableAttr(unsigned i, uint64_t Bytes);
    342   /// @brief adds the dereferenceable attribute to the list of attributes for
    343   /// the given arg.
    344   void addDereferenceableParamAttr(unsigned ArgNo, uint64_t Bytes);
    346   /// @brief adds the dereferenceable_or_null attribute to the list of
    347   /// attributes.
    348   void addDereferenceableOrNullAttr(unsigned i, uint64_t Bytes);
    350   /// @brief adds the dereferenceable_or_null attribute to the list of
    351   /// attributes for the given arg.
    352   void addDereferenceableOrNullParamAttr(unsigned ArgNo, uint64_t Bytes);
    354   /// @brief Extract the alignment for a call or parameter (0=unknown).
    355   unsigned getParamAlignment(unsigned ArgNo) const {
    356     return AttributeSets.getParamAlignment(ArgNo);
    357   }
    359   /// @brief Extract the number of dereferenceable bytes for a call or
    360   /// parameter (0=unknown).
    361   /// @param i AttributeList index, referring to a return value or argument.
    362   uint64_t getDereferenceableBytes(unsigned i) const {
    363     return AttributeSets.getDereferenceableBytes(i);
    364   }
    366   /// @brief Extract the number of dereferenceable bytes for a parameter.
    367   /// @param ArgNo Index of an argument, with 0 being the first function arg.
    368   uint64_t getParamDereferenceableBytes(unsigned ArgNo) const {
    369     return AttributeSets.getParamDereferenceableBytes(ArgNo);
    370   }
    372   /// @brief Extract the number of dereferenceable_or_null bytes for a call or
    373   /// parameter (0=unknown).
    374   /// @param i AttributeList index, referring to a return value or argument.
    375   uint64_t getDereferenceableOrNullBytes(unsigned i) const {
    376     return AttributeSets.getDereferenceableOrNullBytes(i);
    377   }
    379   /// @brief Extract the number of dereferenceable_or_null bytes for a
    380   /// parameter.
    381   /// @param ArgNo AttributeList ArgNo, referring to an argument.
    382   uint64_t getParamDereferenceableOrNullBytes(unsigned ArgNo) const {
    383     return AttributeSets.getParamDereferenceableOrNullBytes(ArgNo);
    384   }
    386   /// @brief Determine if the function does not access memory.
    387   bool doesNotAccessMemory() const {
    388     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::ReadNone);
    389   }
    390   void setDoesNotAccessMemory() {
    391     addFnAttr(Attribute::ReadNone);
    392   }
    394   /// @brief Determine if the function does not access or only reads memory.
    395   bool onlyReadsMemory() const {
    396     return doesNotAccessMemory() || hasFnAttribute(Attribute::ReadOnly);
    397   }
    398   void setOnlyReadsMemory() {
    399     addFnAttr(Attribute::ReadOnly);
    400   }
    402   /// @brief Determine if the function does not access or only writes memory.
    403   bool doesNotReadMemory() const {
    404     return doesNotAccessMemory() || hasFnAttribute(Attribute::WriteOnly);
    405   }
    406   void setDoesNotReadMemory() {
    407     addFnAttr(Attribute::WriteOnly);
    408   }
    410   /// @brief Determine if the call can access memmory only using pointers based
    411   /// on its arguments.
    412   bool onlyAccessesArgMemory() const {
    413     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::ArgMemOnly);
    414   }
    415   void setOnlyAccessesArgMemory() { addFnAttr(Attribute::ArgMemOnly); }
    417   /// @brief Determine if the function may only access memory that is
    418   ///  inaccessible from the IR.
    419   bool onlyAccessesInaccessibleMemory() const {
    420     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::InaccessibleMemOnly);
    421   }
    422   void setOnlyAccessesInaccessibleMemory() {
    423     addFnAttr(Attribute::InaccessibleMemOnly);
    424   }
    426   /// @brief Determine if the function may only access memory that is
    427   ///  either inaccessible from the IR or pointed to by its arguments.
    428   bool onlyAccessesInaccessibleMemOrArgMem() const {
    429     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::InaccessibleMemOrArgMemOnly);
    430   }
    431   void setOnlyAccessesInaccessibleMemOrArgMem() {
    432     addFnAttr(Attribute::InaccessibleMemOrArgMemOnly);
    433   }
    435   /// @brief Determine if the function cannot return.
    436   bool doesNotReturn() const {
    437     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoReturn);
    438   }
    439   void setDoesNotReturn() {
    440     addFnAttr(Attribute::NoReturn);
    441   }
    443   /// @brief Determine if the function cannot unwind.
    444   bool doesNotThrow() const {
    445     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoUnwind);
    446   }
    447   void setDoesNotThrow() {
    448     addFnAttr(Attribute::NoUnwind);
    449   }
    451   /// @brief Determine if the call cannot be duplicated.
    452   bool cannotDuplicate() const {
    453     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoDuplicate);
    454   }
    455   void setCannotDuplicate() {
    456     addFnAttr(Attribute::NoDuplicate);
    457   }
    459   /// @brief Determine if the call is convergent.
    460   bool isConvergent() const {
    461     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::Convergent);
    462   }
    463   void setConvergent() {
    464     addFnAttr(Attribute::Convergent);
    465   }
    466   void setNotConvergent() {
    467     removeFnAttr(Attribute::Convergent);
    468   }
    470   /// @brief Determine if the call has sideeffects.
    471   bool isSpeculatable() const {
    472     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::Speculatable);
    473   }
    474   void setSpeculatable() {
    475     addFnAttr(Attribute::Speculatable);
    476   }
    478   /// Determine if the function is known not to recurse, directly or
    479   /// indirectly.
    480   bool doesNotRecurse() const {
    481     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoRecurse);
    482   }
    483   void setDoesNotRecurse() {
    484     addFnAttr(Attribute::NoRecurse);
    485   }
    487   /// @brief True if the ABI mandates (or the user requested) that this
    488   /// function be in a unwind table.
    489   bool hasUWTable() const {
    490     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::UWTable);
    491   }
    492   void setHasUWTable() {
    493     addFnAttr(Attribute::UWTable);
    494   }
    496   /// @brief True if this function needs an unwind table.
    497   bool needsUnwindTableEntry() const {
    498     return hasUWTable() || !doesNotThrow();
    499   }
    501   /// @brief Determine if the function returns a structure through first
    502   /// or second pointer argument.
    503   bool hasStructRetAttr() const {
    504     return AttributeSets.hasParamAttribute(0, Attribute::StructRet) ||
    505            AttributeSets.hasParamAttribute(1, Attribute::StructRet);
    506   }
    508   /// @brief Determine if the parameter or return value is marked with NoAlias
    509   /// attribute.
    510   bool returnDoesNotAlias() const {
    511     return AttributeSets.hasAttribute(AttributeList::ReturnIndex,
    512                                       Attribute::NoAlias);
    513   }
    514   void setReturnDoesNotAlias() {
    515     addAttribute(AttributeList::ReturnIndex, Attribute::NoAlias);
    516   }
    518   /// Optimize this function for minimum size (-Oz).
    519   bool optForMinSize() const { return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::MinSize); }
    521   /// Optimize this function for size (-Os) or minimum size (-Oz).
    522   bool optForSize() const {
    523     return hasFnAttribute(Attribute::OptimizeForSize) || optForMinSize();
    524   }
    526   /// copyAttributesFrom - copy all additional attributes (those not needed to
    527   /// create a Function) from the Function Src to this one.
    528   void copyAttributesFrom(const Function *Src);
    530   /// deleteBody - This method deletes the body of the function, and converts
    531   /// the linkage to external.
    532   ///
    533   void deleteBody() {
    534     dropAllReferences();
    535     setLinkage(ExternalLinkage);
    536   }
    538   /// removeFromParent - This method unlinks 'this' from the containing module,
    539   /// but does not delete it.
    540   ///
    541   void removeFromParent();
    543   /// eraseFromParent - This method unlinks 'this' from the containing module
    544   /// and deletes it.
    545   ///
    546   void eraseFromParent();
    548   /// Steal arguments from another function.
    549   ///
    550   /// Drop this function's arguments and splice in the ones from \c Src.
    551   /// Requires that this has no function body.
    552   void stealArgumentListFrom(Function &Src);
    554   /// Get the underlying elements of the Function... the basic block list is
    555   /// empty for external functions.
    556   ///
    557   const BasicBlockListType &getBasicBlockList() const { return BasicBlocks; }
    558         BasicBlockListType &getBasicBlockList()       { return BasicBlocks; }
    560   static BasicBlockListType Function::*getSublistAccess(BasicBlock*) {
    561     return &Function::BasicBlocks;
    562   }
    564   const BasicBlock       &getEntryBlock() const   { return front(); }
    565         BasicBlock       &getEntryBlock()         { return front(); }
    567   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    568   // Symbol Table Accessing functions...
    570   /// getSymbolTable() - Return the symbol table if any, otherwise nullptr.
    571   ///
    572   inline ValueSymbolTable *getValueSymbolTable() { return SymTab.get(); }
    573   inline const ValueSymbolTable *getValueSymbolTable() const {
    574     return SymTab.get();
    575   }
    577   //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    578   // BasicBlock iterator forwarding functions
    579   //
    580   iterator                begin()       { return BasicBlocks.begin(); }
    581   const_iterator          begin() const { return BasicBlocks.begin(); }
    582   iterator                end  ()       { return BasicBlocks.end();   }
    583   const_iterator          end  () const { return BasicBlocks.end();   }
    585   size_t                   size() const { return BasicBlocks.size();  }
    586   bool                    empty() const { return BasicBlocks.empty(); }
    587   const BasicBlock       &front() const { return BasicBlocks.front(); }
    588         BasicBlock       &front()       { return BasicBlocks.front(); }
    589   const BasicBlock        &back() const { return BasicBlocks.back();  }
    590         BasicBlock        &back()       { return BasicBlocks.back();  }
    592 /// @name Function Argument Iteration
    593 /// @{
    595   arg_iterator arg_begin() {
    596     CheckLazyArguments();
    597     return Arguments;
    598   }
    599   const_arg_iterator arg_begin() const {
    600     CheckLazyArguments();
    601     return Arguments;
    602   }
    604   arg_iterator arg_end() {
    605     CheckLazyArguments();
    606     return Arguments + NumArgs;
    607   }
    608   const_arg_iterator arg_end() const {
    609     CheckLazyArguments();
    610     return Arguments + NumArgs;
    611   }
    613   iterator_range<arg_iterator> args() {
    614     return make_range(arg_begin(), arg_end());
    615   }
    616   iterator_range<const_arg_iterator> args() const {
    617     return make_range(arg_begin(), arg_end());
    618   }
    620 /// @}
    622   size_t arg_size() const { return NumArgs; }
    623   bool arg_empty() const { return arg_size() == 0; }
    625   /// \brief Check whether this function has a personality function.
    626   bool hasPersonalityFn() const {
    627     return getSubclassDataFromValue() & (1<<3);
    628   }
    630   /// \brief Get the personality function associated with this function.
    631   Constant *getPersonalityFn() const;
    632   void setPersonalityFn(Constant *Fn);
    634   /// \brief Check whether this function has prefix data.
    635   bool hasPrefixData() const {
    636     return getSubclassDataFromValue() & (1<<1);
    637   }
    639   /// \brief Get the prefix data associated with this function.
    640   Constant *getPrefixData() const;
    641   void setPrefixData(Constant *PrefixData);
    643   /// \brief Check whether this function has prologue data.
    644   bool hasPrologueData() const {
    645     return getSubclassDataFromValue() & (1<<2);
    646   }
    648   /// \brief Get the prologue data associated with this function.
    649   Constant *getPrologueData() const;
    650   void setPrologueData(Constant *PrologueData);
    652   /// Print the function to an output stream with an optional
    653   /// AssemblyAnnotationWriter.
    654   void print(raw_ostream &OS, AssemblyAnnotationWriter *AAW = nullptr,
    655              bool ShouldPreserveUseListOrder = false,
    656              bool IsForDebug = false) const;
    658   /// viewCFG - This function is meant for use from the debugger.  You can just
    659   /// say 'call F->viewCFG()' and a ghostview window should pop up from the
    660   /// program, displaying the CFG of the current function with the code for each
    661   /// basic block inside.  This depends on there being a 'dot' and 'gv' program
    662   /// in your path.
    663   ///
    664   void viewCFG() const;
    666   /// viewCFGOnly - This function is meant for use from the debugger.  It works
    667   /// just like viewCFG, but it does not include the contents of basic blocks
    668   /// into the nodes, just the label.  If you are only interested in the CFG
    669   /// this can make the graph smaller.
    670   ///
    671   void viewCFGOnly() const;
    673   /// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast:
    674   static inline bool classof(const Value *V) {
    675     return V->getValueID() == Value::FunctionVal;
    676   }
    678   /// dropAllReferences() - This method causes all the subinstructions to "let
    679   /// go" of all references that they are maintaining.  This allows one to
    680   /// 'delete' a whole module at a time, even though there may be circular
    681   /// references... first all references are dropped, and all use counts go to
    682   /// zero.  Then everything is deleted for real.  Note that no operations are
    683   /// valid on an object that has "dropped all references", except operator
    684   /// delete.
    685   ///
    686   /// Since no other object in the module can have references into the body of a
    687   /// function, dropping all references deletes the entire body of the function,
    688   /// including any contained basic blocks.
    689   ///
    690   void dropAllReferences();
    692   /// hasAddressTaken - returns true if there are any uses of this function
    693   /// other than direct calls or invokes to it, or blockaddress expressions.
    694   /// Optionally passes back an offending user for diagnostic purposes.
    695   ///
    696   bool hasAddressTaken(const User** = nullptr) const;
    698   /// isDefTriviallyDead - Return true if it is trivially safe to remove
    699   /// this function definition from the module (because it isn't externally
    700   /// visible, does not have its address taken, and has no callers).  To make
    701   /// this more accurate, call removeDeadConstantUsers first.
    702   bool isDefTriviallyDead() const;
    704   /// callsFunctionThatReturnsTwice - Return true if the function has a call to
    705   /// setjmp or other function that gcc recognizes as "returning twice".
    706   bool callsFunctionThatReturnsTwice() const;
    708   /// \brief Set the attached subprogram.
    709   ///
    710   /// Calls \a setMetadata() with \a LLVMContext::MD_dbg.
    711   void setSubprogram(DISubprogram *SP);
    713   /// \brief Get the attached subprogram.
    714   ///
    715   /// Calls \a getMetadata() with \a LLVMContext::MD_dbg and casts the result
    716   /// to \a DISubprogram.
    717   DISubprogram *getSubprogram() const;
    719   /// Returns true if we should emit debug info for profiling.
    720   bool isDebugInfoForProfiling() const;
    722 private:
    723   void allocHungoffUselist();
    724   template<int Idx> void setHungoffOperand(Constant *C);
    726   /// Shadow Value::setValueSubclassData with a private forwarding method so
    727   /// that subclasses cannot accidentally use it.
    728   void setValueSubclassData(unsigned short D) {
    729     Value::setValueSubclassData(D);
    730   }
    731   void setValueSubclassDataBit(unsigned Bit, bool On);
    732 };
    734 template <>
    735 struct OperandTraits<Function> : public HungoffOperandTraits<3> {};
    739 } // end namespace llvm
    741 #endif // LLVM_IR_FUNCTION_H