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      1 //===- IndirectionUtils.h - Utilities for adding indirections ---*- C++ -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // Contains utilities for adding indirections and breaking up modules.
     11 //
     12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     17 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
     18 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
     19 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
     20 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITSymbol.h"
     21 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/Memory.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/ValueMapper.h"
     25 #include <algorithm>
     26 #include <cassert>
     27 #include <cstdint>
     28 #include <functional>
     29 #include <map>
     30 #include <memory>
     31 #include <system_error>
     32 #include <utility>
     33 #include <vector>
     35 namespace llvm {
     37 class Constant;
     38 class Function;
     39 class FunctionType;
     40 class GlobalAlias;
     41 class GlobalVariable;
     42 class Module;
     43 class PointerType;
     44 class Triple;
     45 class Value;
     47 namespace orc {
     49 /// @brief Target-independent base class for compile callback management.
     50 class JITCompileCallbackManager {
     51 public:
     52   using CompileFtor = std::function<JITTargetAddress()>;
     54   /// @brief Handle to a newly created compile callback. Can be used to get an
     55   ///        IR constant representing the address of the trampoline, and to set
     56   ///        the compile action for the callback.
     57   class CompileCallbackInfo {
     58   public:
     59     CompileCallbackInfo(JITTargetAddress Addr, CompileFtor &Compile)
     60         : Addr(Addr), Compile(Compile) {}
     62     JITTargetAddress getAddress() const { return Addr; }
     63     void setCompileAction(CompileFtor Compile) {
     64       this->Compile = std::move(Compile);
     65     }
     67   private:
     68     JITTargetAddress Addr;
     69     CompileFtor &Compile;
     70   };
     72   /// @brief Construct a JITCompileCallbackManager.
     73   /// @param ErrorHandlerAddress The address of an error handler in the target
     74   ///                            process to be used if a compile callback fails.
     75   JITCompileCallbackManager(JITTargetAddress ErrorHandlerAddress)
     76       : ErrorHandlerAddress(ErrorHandlerAddress) {}
     78   virtual ~JITCompileCallbackManager() = default;
     80   /// @brief Execute the callback for the given trampoline id. Called by the JIT
     81   ///        to compile functions on demand.
     82   JITTargetAddress executeCompileCallback(JITTargetAddress TrampolineAddr) {
     83     auto I = ActiveTrampolines.find(TrampolineAddr);
     84     // FIXME: Also raise an error in the Orc error-handler when we finally have
     85     //        one.
     86     if (I == ActiveTrampolines.end())
     87       return ErrorHandlerAddress;
     89     // Found a callback handler. Yank this trampoline out of the active list and
     90     // put it back in the available trampolines list, then try to run the
     91     // handler's compile and update actions.
     92     // Moving the trampoline ID back to the available list first means there's
     93     // at
     94     // least one available trampoline if the compile action triggers a request
     95     // for
     96     // a new one.
     97     auto Compile = std::move(I->second);
     98     ActiveTrampolines.erase(I);
     99     AvailableTrampolines.push_back(TrampolineAddr);
    101     if (auto Addr = Compile())
    102       return Addr;
    104     return ErrorHandlerAddress;
    105   }
    107   /// @brief Reserve a compile callback.
    108   Expected<CompileCallbackInfo> getCompileCallback() {
    109     if (auto TrampolineAddrOrErr = getAvailableTrampolineAddr()) {
    110       const auto &TrampolineAddr = *TrampolineAddrOrErr;
    111       auto &Compile = this->ActiveTrampolines[TrampolineAddr];
    112       return CompileCallbackInfo(TrampolineAddr, Compile);
    113     } else
    114       return TrampolineAddrOrErr.takeError();
    115   }
    117   /// @brief Get a CompileCallbackInfo for an existing callback.
    118   CompileCallbackInfo getCompileCallbackInfo(JITTargetAddress TrampolineAddr) {
    119     auto I = ActiveTrampolines.find(TrampolineAddr);
    120     assert(I != ActiveTrampolines.end() && "Not an active trampoline.");
    121     return CompileCallbackInfo(I->first, I->second);
    122   }
    124   /// @brief Release a compile callback.
    125   ///
    126   ///   Note: Callbacks are auto-released after they execute. This method should
    127   /// only be called to manually release a callback that is not going to
    128   /// execute.
    129   void releaseCompileCallback(JITTargetAddress TrampolineAddr) {
    130     auto I = ActiveTrampolines.find(TrampolineAddr);
    131     assert(I != ActiveTrampolines.end() && "Not an active trampoline.");
    132     ActiveTrampolines.erase(I);
    133     AvailableTrampolines.push_back(TrampolineAddr);
    134   }
    136 protected:
    137   JITTargetAddress ErrorHandlerAddress;
    139   using TrampolineMapT = std::map<JITTargetAddress, CompileFtor>;
    140   TrampolineMapT ActiveTrampolines;
    141   std::vector<JITTargetAddress> AvailableTrampolines;
    143 private:
    144   Expected<JITTargetAddress> getAvailableTrampolineAddr() {
    145     if (this->AvailableTrampolines.empty())
    146       if (auto Err = grow())
    147         return std::move(Err);
    148     assert(!this->AvailableTrampolines.empty() &&
    149            "Failed to grow available trampolines.");
    150     JITTargetAddress TrampolineAddr = this->AvailableTrampolines.back();
    151     this->AvailableTrampolines.pop_back();
    152     return TrampolineAddr;
    153   }
    155   // Create new trampolines - to be implemented in subclasses.
    156   virtual Error grow() = 0;
    158   virtual void anchor();
    159 };
    161 /// @brief Manage compile callbacks for in-process JITs.
    162 template <typename TargetT>
    163 class LocalJITCompileCallbackManager : public JITCompileCallbackManager {
    164 public:
    165   /// @brief Construct a InProcessJITCompileCallbackManager.
    166   /// @param ErrorHandlerAddress The address of an error handler in the target
    167   ///                            process to be used if a compile callback fails.
    168   LocalJITCompileCallbackManager(JITTargetAddress ErrorHandlerAddress)
    169       : JITCompileCallbackManager(ErrorHandlerAddress) {
    170     /// Set up the resolver block.
    171     std::error_code EC;
    172     ResolverBlock = sys::OwningMemoryBlock(sys::Memory::allocateMappedMemory(
    173         TargetT::ResolverCodeSize, nullptr,
    174         sys::Memory::MF_READ | sys::Memory::MF_WRITE, EC));
    175     assert(!EC && "Failed to allocate resolver block");
    177     TargetT::writeResolverCode(static_cast<uint8_t *>(ResolverBlock.base()),
    178                                &reenter, this);
    180     EC = sys::Memory::protectMappedMemory(ResolverBlock.getMemoryBlock(),
    181                                           sys::Memory::MF_READ |
    182                                               sys::Memory::MF_EXEC);
    183     assert(!EC && "Failed to mprotect resolver block");
    184   }
    186 private:
    187   static JITTargetAddress reenter(void *CCMgr, void *TrampolineId) {
    188     JITCompileCallbackManager *Mgr =
    189         static_cast<JITCompileCallbackManager *>(CCMgr);
    190     return Mgr->executeCompileCallback(
    191         static_cast<JITTargetAddress>(
    192             reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(TrampolineId)));
    193   }
    195   Error grow() override {
    196     assert(this->AvailableTrampolines.empty() && "Growing prematurely?");
    198     std::error_code EC;
    199     auto TrampolineBlock =
    200         sys::OwningMemoryBlock(sys::Memory::allocateMappedMemory(
    201             sys::Process::getPageSize(), nullptr,
    202             sys::Memory::MF_READ | sys::Memory::MF_WRITE, EC));
    203     if (EC)
    204       return errorCodeToError(EC);
    206     unsigned NumTrampolines =
    207         (sys::Process::getPageSize() - TargetT::PointerSize) /
    208         TargetT::TrampolineSize;
    210     uint8_t *TrampolineMem = static_cast<uint8_t *>(TrampolineBlock.base());
    211     TargetT::writeTrampolines(TrampolineMem, ResolverBlock.base(),
    212                               NumTrampolines);
    214     for (unsigned I = 0; I < NumTrampolines; ++I)
    215       this->AvailableTrampolines.push_back(
    216           static_cast<JITTargetAddress>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(
    217               TrampolineMem + (I * TargetT::TrampolineSize))));
    219     if (auto EC = sys::Memory::protectMappedMemory(
    220                     TrampolineBlock.getMemoryBlock(),
    221                     sys::Memory::MF_READ | sys::Memory::MF_EXEC))
    222       return errorCodeToError(EC);
    224     TrampolineBlocks.push_back(std::move(TrampolineBlock));
    225     return Error::success();
    226   }
    228   sys::OwningMemoryBlock ResolverBlock;
    229   std::vector<sys::OwningMemoryBlock> TrampolineBlocks;
    230 };
    232 /// @brief Base class for managing collections of named indirect stubs.
    233 class IndirectStubsManager {
    234 public:
    235   /// @brief Map type for initializing the manager. See init.
    236   using StubInitsMap = StringMap<std::pair<JITTargetAddress, JITSymbolFlags>>;
    238   virtual ~IndirectStubsManager() = default;
    240   /// @brief Create a single stub with the given name, target address and flags.
    241   virtual Error createStub(StringRef StubName, JITTargetAddress StubAddr,
    242                            JITSymbolFlags StubFlags) = 0;
    244   /// @brief Create StubInits.size() stubs with the given names, target
    245   ///        addresses, and flags.
    246   virtual Error createStubs(const StubInitsMap &StubInits) = 0;
    248   /// @brief Find the stub with the given name. If ExportedStubsOnly is true,
    249   ///        this will only return a result if the stub's flags indicate that it
    250   ///        is exported.
    251   virtual JITSymbol findStub(StringRef Name, bool ExportedStubsOnly) = 0;
    253   /// @brief Find the implementation-pointer for the stub.
    254   virtual JITSymbol findPointer(StringRef Name) = 0;
    256   /// @brief Change the value of the implementation pointer for the stub.
    257   virtual Error updatePointer(StringRef Name, JITTargetAddress NewAddr) = 0;
    259 private:
    260   virtual void anchor();
    261 };
    263 /// @brief IndirectStubsManager implementation for the host architecture, e.g.
    264 ///        OrcX86_64. (See OrcArchitectureSupport.h).
    265 template <typename TargetT>
    266 class LocalIndirectStubsManager : public IndirectStubsManager {
    267 public:
    268   Error createStub(StringRef StubName, JITTargetAddress StubAddr,
    269                    JITSymbolFlags StubFlags) override {
    270     if (auto Err = reserveStubs(1))
    271       return Err;
    273     createStubInternal(StubName, StubAddr, StubFlags);
    275     return Error::success();
    276   }
    278   Error createStubs(const StubInitsMap &StubInits) override {
    279     if (auto Err = reserveStubs(StubInits.size()))
    280       return Err;
    282     for (auto &Entry : StubInits)
    283       createStubInternal(Entry.first(), Entry.second.first,
    284                          Entry.second.second);
    286     return Error::success();
    287   }
    289   JITSymbol findStub(StringRef Name, bool ExportedStubsOnly) override {
    290     auto I = StubIndexes.find(Name);
    291     if (I == StubIndexes.end())
    292       return nullptr;
    293     auto Key = I->second.first;
    294     void *StubAddr = IndirectStubsInfos[Key.first].getStub(Key.second);
    295     assert(StubAddr && "Missing stub address");
    296     auto StubTargetAddr =
    297         static_cast<JITTargetAddress>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(StubAddr));
    298     auto StubSymbol = JITSymbol(StubTargetAddr, I->second.second);
    299     if (ExportedStubsOnly && !StubSymbol.getFlags().isExported())
    300       return nullptr;
    301     return StubSymbol;
    302   }
    304   JITSymbol findPointer(StringRef Name) override {
    305     auto I = StubIndexes.find(Name);
    306     if (I == StubIndexes.end())
    307       return nullptr;
    308     auto Key = I->second.first;
    309     void *PtrAddr = IndirectStubsInfos[Key.first].getPtr(Key.second);
    310     assert(PtrAddr && "Missing pointer address");
    311     auto PtrTargetAddr =
    312         static_cast<JITTargetAddress>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(PtrAddr));
    313     return JITSymbol(PtrTargetAddr, I->second.second);
    314   }
    316   Error updatePointer(StringRef Name, JITTargetAddress NewAddr) override {
    317     auto I = StubIndexes.find(Name);
    318     assert(I != StubIndexes.end() && "No stub pointer for symbol");
    319     auto Key = I->second.first;
    320     *IndirectStubsInfos[Key.first].getPtr(Key.second) =
    321         reinterpret_cast<void *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(NewAddr));
    322     return Error::success();
    323   }
    325 private:
    326   Error reserveStubs(unsigned NumStubs) {
    327     if (NumStubs <= FreeStubs.size())
    328       return Error::success();
    330     unsigned NewStubsRequired = NumStubs - FreeStubs.size();
    331     unsigned NewBlockId = IndirectStubsInfos.size();
    332     typename TargetT::IndirectStubsInfo ISI;
    333     if (auto Err =
    334             TargetT::emitIndirectStubsBlock(ISI, NewStubsRequired, nullptr))
    335       return Err;
    336     for (unsigned I = 0; I < ISI.getNumStubs(); ++I)
    337       FreeStubs.push_back(std::make_pair(NewBlockId, I));
    338     IndirectStubsInfos.push_back(std::move(ISI));
    339     return Error::success();
    340   }
    342   void createStubInternal(StringRef StubName, JITTargetAddress InitAddr,
    343                           JITSymbolFlags StubFlags) {
    344     auto Key = FreeStubs.back();
    345     FreeStubs.pop_back();
    346     *IndirectStubsInfos[Key.first].getPtr(Key.second) =
    347         reinterpret_cast<void *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(InitAddr));
    348     StubIndexes[StubName] = std::make_pair(Key, StubFlags);
    349   }
    351   std::vector<typename TargetT::IndirectStubsInfo> IndirectStubsInfos;
    352   using StubKey = std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t>;
    353   std::vector<StubKey> FreeStubs;
    354   StringMap<std::pair<StubKey, JITSymbolFlags>> StubIndexes;
    355 };
    357 /// @brief Create a local compile callback manager.
    358 ///
    359 /// The given target triple will determine the ABI, and the given
    360 /// ErrorHandlerAddress will be used by the resulting compile callback
    361 /// manager if a compile callback fails.
    362 std::unique_ptr<JITCompileCallbackManager>
    363 createLocalCompileCallbackManager(const Triple &T,
    364                                   JITTargetAddress ErrorHandlerAddress);
    366 /// @brief Create a local indriect stubs manager builder.
    367 ///
    368 /// The given target triple will determine the ABI.
    369 std::function<std::unique_ptr<IndirectStubsManager>()>
    370 createLocalIndirectStubsManagerBuilder(const Triple &T);
    372 /// @brief Build a function pointer of FunctionType with the given constant
    373 ///        address.
    374 ///
    375 ///   Usage example: Turn a trampoline address into a function pointer constant
    376 /// for use in a stub.
    377 Constant *createIRTypedAddress(FunctionType &FT, JITTargetAddress Addr);
    379 /// @brief Create a function pointer with the given type, name, and initializer
    380 ///        in the given Module.
    381 GlobalVariable *createImplPointer(PointerType &PT, Module &M, const Twine &Name,
    382                                   Constant *Initializer);
    384 /// @brief Turn a function declaration into a stub function that makes an
    385 ///        indirect call using the given function pointer.
    386 void makeStub(Function &F, Value &ImplPointer);
    388 /// @brief Raise linkage types and rename as necessary to ensure that all
    389 ///        symbols are accessible for other modules.
    390 ///
    391 ///   This should be called before partitioning a module to ensure that the
    392 /// partitions retain access to each other's symbols.
    393 void makeAllSymbolsExternallyAccessible(Module &M);
    395 /// @brief Clone a function declaration into a new module.
    396 ///
    397 ///   This function can be used as the first step towards creating a callback
    398 /// stub (see makeStub), or moving a function body (see moveFunctionBody).
    399 ///
    400 ///   If the VMap argument is non-null, a mapping will be added between F and
    401 /// the new declaration, and between each of F's arguments and the new
    402 /// declaration's arguments. This map can then be passed in to moveFunction to
    403 /// move the function body if required. Note: When moving functions between
    404 /// modules with these utilities, all decls should be cloned (and added to a
    405 /// single VMap) before any bodies are moved. This will ensure that references
    406 /// between functions all refer to the versions in the new module.
    407 Function *cloneFunctionDecl(Module &Dst, const Function &F,
    408                             ValueToValueMapTy *VMap = nullptr);
    410 /// @brief Move the body of function 'F' to a cloned function declaration in a
    411 ///        different module (See related cloneFunctionDecl).
    412 ///
    413 ///   If the target function declaration is not supplied via the NewF parameter
    414 /// then it will be looked up via the VMap.
    415 ///
    416 ///   This will delete the body of function 'F' from its original parent module,
    417 /// but leave its declaration.
    418 void moveFunctionBody(Function &OrigF, ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
    419                       ValueMaterializer *Materializer = nullptr,
    420                       Function *NewF = nullptr);
    422 /// @brief Clone a global variable declaration into a new module.
    423 GlobalVariable *cloneGlobalVariableDecl(Module &Dst, const GlobalVariable &GV,
    424                                         ValueToValueMapTy *VMap = nullptr);
    426 /// @brief Move global variable GV from its parent module to cloned global
    427 ///        declaration in a different module.
    428 ///
    429 ///   If the target global declaration is not supplied via the NewGV parameter
    430 /// then it will be looked up via the VMap.
    431 ///
    432 ///   This will delete the initializer of GV from its original parent module,
    433 /// but leave its declaration.
    434 void moveGlobalVariableInitializer(GlobalVariable &OrigGV,
    435                                    ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
    436                                    ValueMaterializer *Materializer = nullptr,
    437                                    GlobalVariable *NewGV = nullptr);
    439 /// @brief Clone a global alias declaration into a new module.
    440 GlobalAlias *cloneGlobalAliasDecl(Module &Dst, const GlobalAlias &OrigA,
    441                                   ValueToValueMapTy &VMap);
    443 /// @brief Clone module flags metadata into the destination module.
    444 void cloneModuleFlagsMetadata(Module &Dst, const Module &Src,
    445                               ValueToValueMapTy &VMap);
    447 } // end namespace orc
    449 } // end namespace llvm