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      1 /*
      2   Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Sam Lantinga <slouken (at) libsdl.org>
      4   This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
      5   warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
      6   arising from the use of this software.
      8   Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
      9   including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
     10   freely.
     11 */
     12 /* Simple program:  Create a native window and attach an SDL renderer */
     14 #include <stdio.h>
     15 #include <stdlib.h> /* for srand() */
     16 #include <time.h> /* for time() */
     18 #include "testnative.h"
     20 #define WINDOW_W    640
     21 #define WINDOW_H    480
     22 #define NUM_SPRITES 100
     23 #define MAX_SPEED   1
     25 static NativeWindowFactory *factories[] = {
     26 #ifdef TEST_NATIVE_WINDOWS
     27     &WindowsWindowFactory,
     28 #endif
     29 #ifdef TEST_NATIVE_X11
     30     &X11WindowFactory,
     31 #endif
     32 #ifdef TEST_NATIVE_COCOA
     33     &CocoaWindowFactory,
     34 #endif
     35     NULL
     36 };
     37 static NativeWindowFactory *factory = NULL;
     38 static void *native_window;
     39 static SDL_Rect *positions, *velocities;
     41 /* Call this instead of exit(), so we can clean up SDL: atexit() is evil. */
     42 static void
     43 quit(int rc)
     44 {
     45     SDL_VideoQuit();
     46     if (native_window) {
     47         factory->DestroyNativeWindow(native_window);
     48     }
     49     exit(rc);
     50 }
     52 SDL_Texture *
     53 LoadSprite(SDL_Renderer *renderer, char *file)
     54 {
     55     SDL_Surface *temp;
     56     SDL_Texture *sprite;
     58     /* Load the sprite image */
     59     temp = SDL_LoadBMP(file);
     60     if (temp == NULL) {
     61         SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Couldn't load %s: %s", file, SDL_GetError());
     62         return 0;
     63     }
     65     /* Set transparent pixel as the pixel at (0,0) */
     66     if (temp->format->palette) {
     67         SDL_SetColorKey(temp, 1, *(Uint8 *) temp->pixels);
     68     }
     70     /* Create textures from the image */
     71     sprite = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, temp);
     72     if (!sprite) {
     73         SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Couldn't create texture: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
     74         SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
     75         return 0;
     76     }
     77     SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
     79     /* We're ready to roll. :) */
     80     return sprite;
     81 }
     83 void
     84 MoveSprites(SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * sprite)
     85 {
     86     int sprite_w, sprite_h;
     87     int i;
     88     SDL_Rect viewport;
     89     SDL_Rect *position, *velocity;
     91     /* Query the sizes */
     92     SDL_RenderGetViewport(renderer, &viewport);
     93     SDL_QueryTexture(sprite, NULL, NULL, &sprite_w, &sprite_h);
     95     /* Draw a gray background */
     96     SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF);
     97     SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
     99     /* Move the sprite, bounce at the wall, and draw */
    100     for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPRITES; ++i) {
    101         position = &positions[i];
    102         velocity = &velocities[i];
    103         position->x += velocity->x;
    104         if ((position->x < 0) || (position->x >= (viewport.w - sprite_w))) {
    105             velocity->x = -velocity->x;
    106             position->x += velocity->x;
    107         }
    108         position->y += velocity->y;
    109         if ((position->y < 0) || (position->y >= (viewport.h - sprite_h))) {
    110             velocity->y = -velocity->y;
    111             position->y += velocity->y;
    112         }
    114         /* Blit the sprite onto the screen */
    115         SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, sprite, NULL, position);
    116     }
    118     /* Update the screen! */
    119     SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);
    120 }
    122 int
    123 main(int argc, char *argv[])
    124 {
    125     int i, done;
    126     const char *driver;
    127     SDL_Window *window;
    128     SDL_Renderer *renderer;
    129     SDL_Texture *sprite;
    130     int window_w, window_h;
    131     int sprite_w, sprite_h;
    132     SDL_Event event;
    134 	/* Enable standard application logging */
    137     if (SDL_VideoInit(NULL) < 0) {
    138         SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Couldn't initialize SDL video: %s\n",
    139                 SDL_GetError());
    140         exit(1);
    141     }
    142     driver = SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver();
    144     /* Find a native window driver and create a native window */
    145     for (i = 0; factories[i]; ++i) {
    146         if (SDL_strcmp(driver, factories[i]->tag) == 0) {
    147             factory = factories[i];
    148             break;
    149         }
    150     }
    151     if (!factory) {
    152         SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Couldn't find native window code for %s driver\n",
    153                 driver);
    154         quit(2);
    155     }
    156     SDL_Log("Creating native window for %s driver\n", driver);
    157     native_window = factory->CreateNativeWindow(WINDOW_W, WINDOW_H);
    158     if (!native_window) {
    159         SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Couldn't create native window\n");
    160         quit(3);
    161     }
    162     window = SDL_CreateWindowFrom(native_window);
    163     if (!window) {
    164         SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Couldn't create SDL window: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    165         quit(4);
    166     }
    167     SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, "SDL Native Window Test");
    169     /* Create the renderer */
    170     renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
    171     if (!renderer) {
    172         SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Couldn't create renderer: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    173         quit(5);
    174     }
    176     /* Clear the window, load the sprite and go! */
    177     SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF);
    178     SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
    180     sprite = LoadSprite(renderer, "icon.bmp");
    181     if (!sprite) {
    182         quit(6);
    183     }
    185     /* Allocate memory for the sprite info */
    186     SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &window_w, &window_h);
    187     SDL_QueryTexture(sprite, NULL, NULL, &sprite_w, &sprite_h);
    188     positions = (SDL_Rect *) SDL_malloc(NUM_SPRITES * sizeof(SDL_Rect));
    189     velocities = (SDL_Rect *) SDL_malloc(NUM_SPRITES * sizeof(SDL_Rect));
    190     if (!positions || !velocities) {
    191         SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Out of memory!\n");
    192         quit(2);
    193     }
    194     srand(time(NULL));
    195     for (i = 0; i < NUM_SPRITES; ++i) {
    196         positions[i].x = rand() % (window_w - sprite_w);
    197         positions[i].y = rand() % (window_h - sprite_h);
    198         positions[i].w = sprite_w;
    199         positions[i].h = sprite_h;
    200         velocities[i].x = 0;
    201         velocities[i].y = 0;
    202         while (!velocities[i].x && !velocities[i].y) {
    203             velocities[i].x = (rand() % (MAX_SPEED * 2 + 1)) - MAX_SPEED;
    204             velocities[i].y = (rand() % (MAX_SPEED * 2 + 1)) - MAX_SPEED;
    205         }
    206     }
    208     /* Main render loop */
    209     done = 0;
    210     while (!done) {
    211         /* Check for events */
    212         while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
    213             switch (event.type) {
    214             case SDL_WINDOWEVENT:
    215                 switch (event.window.event) {
    216                 case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED:
    217                     SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xFF);
    218                     SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
    219                     break;
    220                 }
    221                 break;
    222             case SDL_QUIT:
    223                 done = 1;
    224                 break;
    225             default:
    226                 break;
    227             }
    228         }
    229         MoveSprites(renderer, sprite);
    230     }
    232     quit(0);
    234     return 0; /* to prevent compiler warning */
    235 }
    237 /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */