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      1 	.text
      2 	.type foo, %function
      3 foo:
      4 	.align 2
      5 	.fill 0, 0, 0
      6 	nop
      7 	.ascii "abcd"
      8 	nop
      9 	.asciz "abc"
     10 	nop
     11 	.string "efg"
     12 	nop
     13 	.string8 "hij"
     14 	nop
     15 	.string16 "k"
     16 	nop
     17 	.string32 "l"
     18 	nop
     19 	.string64 "m"
     20 	nop
     21 	.float 0e1.5
     22 	nop
     23 	.single 0e2.5
     24 	nop
     25 	.double 0e3.5
     26 	nop
     27 	.dcb.d 1, 4.5
     28 	nop
     29 	.fill 4, 4, 4
     30 	nop
     31 	.space 4
     32 	nop
     33 	.skip 4
     34 	nop
     35 	.zero 4
     36 	nop
     37 	.incbin "mapmisc.dat"
     38 	nop
     39 	.fill 0, 0, 0
     40 	nop
     41 # This test should always be at the end.  Check that a trailing align does
     42 # not cause the literal pool to be emitted with a code mapping symbol.
     43 	ldr r0,=string
     44 string:
     45 	.ascii "abc"
     46 	.align 2