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      1 	.text
      2 	.globl	per_cpu_trap_init
      3 	.ent	per_cpu_trap_init
      4 	.type	per_cpu_trap_init, @function
      5 per_cpu_trap_init:
      6 $L807:
      7 	nop
      8 	nop
      9 	# Removing this .align make the code assemble correctly
     10 	.align	3
     11 	jal	cpu_cache_init
     12 	lw	$31,16($sp)
     13 	.set	noreorder
     14 	j	tlb_init
     15 	addiu	$sp,$sp,24
     16 	# Replacing this .word with a nop causes the code to be assembled corrrectly
     17 	.word	0
     18 	# Removing this nop causes the code to be compiled correctly
     19 	nop
     20 	.set	reorder
     22 	b	$L807
     23 	.end	per_cpu_trap_init
     25 	.p2align 4