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      1 # Copyright 2016 - The Android Open Source Project
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     15 import collections
     16 import os
     17 import re
     18 import shutil
     19 import tempfile
     20 import threading
     21 import time
     22 import uuid
     24 from acts import logger
     25 from acts.controllers.utils_lib import host_utils
     26 from acts.controllers.utils_lib.ssh import formatter
     27 from acts.libs.proc import job
     30 class Error(Exception):
     31     """An error occurred during an ssh operation."""
     34 class CommandError(Exception):
     35     """An error occurred with the command.
     37     Attributes:
     38         result: The results of the ssh command that had the error.
     39     """
     41     def __init__(self, result):
     42         """
     43         Args:
     44             result: The result of the ssh command that created the problem.
     45         """
     46         self.result = result
     48     def __str__(self):
     49         return 'cmd: %s\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s' % (self.result.command,
     50                                                     self.result.stdout,
     51                                                     self.result.stderr)
     54 _Tunnel = collections.namedtuple('_Tunnel',
     55                                  ['local_port', 'remote_port', 'proc'])
     58 class SshConnection(object):
     59     """Provides a connection to a remote machine through ssh.
     61     Provides the ability to connect to a remote machine and execute a command
     62     on it. The connection will try to establish a persistent connection When
     63     a command is run. If the persistent connection fails it will attempt
     64     to connect normally.
     65     """
     67     @property
     68     def socket_path(self):
     69         """Returns: The os path to the master socket file."""
     70         return os.path.join(self._master_ssh_tempdir, 'socket')
     72     def __init__(self, settings):
     73         """
     74         Args:
     75             settings: The ssh settings to use for this connection.
     76             formatter: The object that will handle formatting ssh command
     77                        for use with the background job.
     78         """
     79         self._settings = settings
     80         self._formatter = formatter.SshFormatter()
     81         self._lock = threading.Lock()
     82         self._master_ssh_proc = None
     83         self._master_ssh_tempdir = None
     84         self._tunnels = list()
     86         def log_line(msg):
     87             return '[SshConnection | %s] %s' % (self._settings.hostname, msg)
     89         self.log = logger.create_logger(log_line)
     91     def __del__(self):
     92         self.close()
     94     def setup_master_ssh(self, timeout_seconds=5):
     95         """Sets up the master ssh connection.
     97         Sets up the initial master ssh connection if it has not already been
     98         started.
    100         Args:
    101             timeout_seconds: The time to wait for the master ssh connection to
    102             be made.
    104         Raises:
    105             Error: When setting up the master ssh connection fails.
    106         """
    107         with self._lock:
    108             if self._master_ssh_proc is not None:
    109                 socket_path = self.socket_path
    110                 if (not os.path.exists(socket_path) or
    111                         self._master_ssh_proc.poll() is not None):
    112                     self.log.debug('Master ssh connection to %s is down.',
    113                                    self._settings.hostname)
    114                     self._cleanup_master_ssh()
    116             if self._master_ssh_proc is None:
    117                 # Create a shared socket in a temp location.
    118                 self._master_ssh_tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
    119                     prefix='ssh-master')
    121                 # Setup flags and options for running the master ssh
    122                 # -N: Do not execute a remote command.
    123                 # ControlMaster: Spawn a master connection.
    124                 # ControlPath: The master connection socket path.
    125                 extra_flags = {'-N': None}
    126                 extra_options = {
    127                     'ControlMaster': True,
    128                     'ControlPath': self.socket_path,
    129                     'BatchMode': True
    130                 }
    132                 # Construct the command and start it.
    133                 master_cmd = self._formatter.format_ssh_local_command(
    134                     self._settings,
    135                     extra_flags=extra_flags,
    136                     extra_options=extra_options)
    137                 self.log.info('Starting master ssh connection.')
    138                 self._master_ssh_proc = job.run_async(master_cmd)
    140                 end_time = time.time() + timeout_seconds
    142                 while time.time() < end_time:
    143                     if os.path.exists(self.socket_path):
    144                         break
    145                     time.sleep(.2)
    146                 else:
    147                     self._cleanup_master_ssh()
    148                     raise Error('Master ssh connection timed out.')
    150     def run(self,
    151             command,
    152             timeout=3600,
    153             ignore_status=False,
    154             env=None,
    155             io_encoding='utf-8',
    156             attempts=2):
    157         """Runs a remote command over ssh.
    159         Will ssh to a remote host and run a command. This method will
    160         block until the remote command is finished.
    162         Args:
    163             command: The command to execute over ssh. Can be either a string
    164                      or a list.
    165             timeout: number seconds to wait for command to finish.
    166             ignore_status: bool True to ignore the exit code of the remote
    167                            subprocess.  Note that if you do ignore status codes,
    168                            you should handle non-zero exit codes explicitly.
    169             env: dict environment variables to setup on the remote host.
    170             io_encoding: str unicode encoding of command output.
    171             attempts: Number of attempts before giving up on command failures.
    173         Returns:
    174             A job.Result containing the results of the ssh command.
    176         Raises:
    177             job.TimeoutError: When the remote command took to long to execute.
    178             Error: When the ssh connection failed to be created.
    179             CommandError: Ssh worked, but the command had an error executing.
    180         """
    181         if attempts == 0:
    182             return None
    183         if env is None:
    184             env = {}
    186         try:
    187             self.setup_master_ssh(self._settings.connect_timeout)
    188         except Error:
    189             self.log.warning('Failed to create master ssh connection, using '
    190                              'normal ssh connection.')
    192         extra_options = {'BatchMode': True}
    193         if self._master_ssh_proc:
    194             extra_options['ControlPath'] = self.socket_path
    196         identifier = str(uuid.uuid4())
    197         full_command = 'echo "CONNECTED: %s"; %s' % (identifier, command)
    199         terminal_command = self._formatter.format_command(
    200             full_command, env, self._settings, extra_options=extra_options)
    202         dns_retry_count = 2
    203         while True:
    204             result = job.run(
    205                 terminal_command, ignore_status=True, timeout=timeout)
    206             output = result.stdout
    208             # Check for a connected message to prevent false negatives.
    209             valid_connection = re.search(
    210                 '^CONNECTED: %s' % identifier, output, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    211             if valid_connection:
    212                 # Remove the first line that contains the connect message.
    213                 line_index = output.find('\n')
    214                 real_output = output[line_index + 1:].encode(result._encoding)
    216                 result = job.Result(
    217                     command=result.command,
    218                     stdout=real_output,
    219                     stderr=result._raw_stderr,
    220                     exit_status=result.exit_status,
    221                     duration=result.duration,
    222                     did_timeout=result.did_timeout,
    223                     encoding=result._encoding)
    224                 if result.exit_status and not ignore_status:
    225                     raise job.Error(result)
    226                 return result
    228             error_string = result.stderr
    230             had_dns_failure = (result.exit_status == 255 and re.search(
    231                 r'^ssh: .*: Name or service not known',
    232                 error_string,
    233                 flags=re.MULTILINE))
    234             if had_dns_failure:
    235                 dns_retry_count -= 1
    236                 if not dns_retry_count:
    237                     raise Error('DNS failed to find host.', result)
    238                 self.log.debug('Failed to connect to host, retrying...')
    239             else:
    240                 break
    242         had_timeout = re.search(
    243             r'^ssh: connect to host .* port .*: '
    244             r'Connection timed out\r$',
    245             error_string,
    246             flags=re.MULTILINE)
    247         if had_timeout:
    248             raise Error('Ssh timed out.', result)
    250         permission_denied = 'Permission denied' in error_string
    251         if permission_denied:
    252             raise Error('Permission denied.', result)
    254         unknown_host = re.search(
    255             r'ssh: Could not resolve hostname .*: '
    256             r'Name or service not known',
    257             error_string,
    258             flags=re.MULTILINE)
    259         if unknown_host:
    260             raise Error('Unknown host.', result)
    262         self.log.error('An unknown error has occurred. Job result: %s' % result)
    263         ping_output = job.run(
    264             'ping %s -c 3 -w 1' % self._settings.hostname, ignore_status=True)
    265         self.log.error('Ping result: %s' % ping_output)
    266         if attempts > 1:
    267             self._cleanup_master_ssh()
    268             self.run(command, timeout, ignore_status, env, io_encoding,
    269                      attempts - 1)
    270         raise Error('The job failed for unknown reasons.', result)
    272     def run_async(self, command, env=None):
    273         """Starts up a background command over ssh.
    275         Will ssh to a remote host and startup a command. This method will
    276         block until there is confirmation that the remote command has started.
    278         Args:
    279             command: The command to execute over ssh. Can be either a string
    280                      or a list.
    281             env: A dictonary of environment variables to setup on the remote
    282                  host.
    284         Returns:
    285             The result of the command to launch the background job.
    287         Raises:
    288             CmdTimeoutError: When the remote command took to long to execute.
    289             SshTimeoutError: When the connection took to long to established.
    290             SshPermissionDeniedError: When permission is not allowed on the
    291                                       remote host.
    292         """
    293         command = '(%s) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n $!' % command
    294         result = self.run(command, env=env)
    295         return result
    297     def close(self):
    298         """Clean up open connections to remote host."""
    299         self._cleanup_master_ssh()
    300         while self._tunnels:
    301             self.close_ssh_tunnel(self._tunnels[0].local_port)
    303     def _cleanup_master_ssh(self):
    304         """
    305         Release all resources (process, temporary directory) used by an active
    306         master SSH connection.
    307         """
    308         # If a master SSH connection is running, kill it.
    309         if self._master_ssh_proc is not None:
    310             self.log.debug('Nuking master_ssh_job.')
    311             self._master_ssh_proc.kill()
    312             self._master_ssh_proc.wait()
    313             self._master_ssh_proc = None
    315         # Remove the temporary directory for the master SSH socket.
    316         if self._master_ssh_tempdir is not None:
    317             self.log.debug('Cleaning master_ssh_tempdir.')
    318             shutil.rmtree(self._master_ssh_tempdir)
    319             self._master_ssh_tempdir = None
    321     def create_ssh_tunnel(self, port, local_port=None):
    322         """Create an ssh tunnel from local_port to port.
    324         This securely forwards traffic from local_port on this machine to the
    325         remote SSH host at port.
    327         Args:
    328             port: remote port on the host.
    329             local_port: local forwarding port, or None to pick an available
    330                         port.
    332         Returns:
    333             the created tunnel process.
    334         """
    335         if local_port is None:
    336             local_port = host_utils.get_available_host_port()
    337         else:
    338             for tunnel in self._tunnels:
    339                 if tunnel.remote_port == port:
    340                     return tunnel.local_port
    342         extra_flags = {
    343             '-n': None,  # Read from /dev/null for stdin
    344             '-N': None,  # Do not execute a remote command
    345             '-q': None,  # Suppress warnings and diagnostic commands
    346             '-L': '%d:localhost:%d' % (local_port, port),
    347         }
    348         extra_options = dict()
    349         if self._master_ssh_proc:
    350             extra_options['ControlPath'] = self.socket_path
    351         tunnel_cmd = self._formatter.format_ssh_local_command(
    352             self._settings,
    353             extra_flags=extra_flags,
    354             extra_options=extra_options)
    355         self.log.debug('Full tunnel command: %s', tunnel_cmd)
    356         # Exec the ssh process directly so that when we deliver signals, we
    357         # deliver them straight to the child process.
    358         tunnel_proc = job.run_async(tunnel_cmd)
    359         self.log.debug('Started ssh tunnel, local = %d'
    360                        ' remote = %d, pid = %d', local_port, port,
    361                        tunnel_proc.pid)
    362         self._tunnels.append(_Tunnel(local_port, port, tunnel_proc))
    363         return local_port
    365     def close_ssh_tunnel(self, local_port):
    366         """Close a previously created ssh tunnel of a TCP port.
    368         Args:
    369             local_port: int port on localhost previously forwarded to the remote
    370                         host.
    372         Returns:
    373             integer port number this port was forwarded to on the remote host or
    374             None if no tunnel was found.
    375         """
    376         idx = None
    377         for i, tunnel in enumerate(self._tunnels):
    378             if tunnel.local_port == local_port:
    379                 idx = i
    380                 break
    381         if idx is not None:
    382             tunnel = self._tunnels.pop(idx)
    383             tunnel.proc.kill()
    384             tunnel.proc.wait()
    385             return tunnel.remote_port
    386         return None
    388     def send_file(self, local_path, remote_path):
    389         """Send a file from the local host to the remote host.
    391         Args:
    392             local_path: string path of file to send on local host.
    393             remote_path: string path to copy file to on remote host.
    394         """
    395         # TODO: This may belong somewhere else: b/32572515
    396         user_host = self._formatter.format_host_name(self._settings)
    397         job.run('scp %s %s:%s' % (local_path, user_host, remote_path))
    399     def find_free_port(self, interface_name='localhost'):
    400         """Find a unused port on the remote host.
    402         Note that this method is inherently racy, since it is impossible
    403         to promise that the remote port will remain free.
    405         Args:
    406             interface_name: string name of interface to check whether a
    407                             port is used against.
    409         Returns:
    410             integer port number on remote interface that was free.
    411         """
    412         # TODO: This may belong somewhere else: b/3257251
    413         free_port_cmd = (
    414                             'python -c "import socket; s=socket.socket(); '
    415                             's.bind((\'%s\', 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()"'
    416                         ) % interface_name
    417         port = int(self.run(free_port_cmd).stdout)
    418         # Yield to the os to ensure the port gets cleaned up.
    419         time.sleep(0.001)
    420         return port