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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 package com.android.tradefed.testtype;
     18 import com.android.tradefed.config.ArgsOptionParser;
     19 import com.android.tradefed.device.DeviceNotAvailableException;
     20 import com.android.tradefed.device.ITestDevice;
     21 import com.android.tradefed.metrics.proto.MetricMeasurement.Metric;
     22 import com.android.tradefed.result.ITestInvocationListener;
     24 import junit.framework.TestCase;
     26 import org.easymock.Capture;
     27 import org.easymock.EasyMock;
     28 import org.easymock.IAnswer;
     30 import java.util.ArrayList;
     31 import java.util.HashMap;
     32 import java.util.List;
     34 /** Unit tests for {@link InstalledInstrumentationsTest}. */
     35 public class InstalledInstrumentationsTestTest extends TestCase {
     37     private static final String TEST_PKG = "com.example.tests";
     38     private static final String TEST_COVERAGE_TARGET = "com.example";
     39     private static final String TEST_RUNNER = "android.support.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner";
     40     private static final String ABI = "forceMyAbiSettingPlease";
     41     private static final String INSTR_OUTPUT_FORMAT = "instrumentation:%s/%s (target=%s)\r\n";
     42     private static final String PM_LIST_ERROR_OUTPUT = "Error: Could not access the Package "
     43             + "Manager.  Is the system running?";
     44     private ITestDevice mMockTestDevice;
     45     private ITestInvocationListener mMockListener;
     46     private List<MockInstrumentationTest> mMockInstrumentationTests;
     47     private InstalledInstrumentationsTest mInstalledInstrTest;
     49     /**
     50      * {@inheritDoc}
     51      */
     52     @Override
     53     protected void setUp() throws Exception {
     54         super.setUp();
     56         mMockTestDevice = EasyMock.createMock(ITestDevice.class);
     57         EasyMock.expect(mMockTestDevice.getSerialNumber()).andStubReturn("foo");
     58         mMockListener = EasyMock.createMock(ITestInvocationListener.class);
     59         mMockInstrumentationTests = new ArrayList<MockInstrumentationTest>();
     60         mInstalledInstrTest = createInstalledInstrumentationsTest();
     61         mInstalledInstrTest.setDevice(mMockTestDevice);
     62     }
     64     /**
     65      * Test the run normal case. Simple verification that expected data is passed along, etc.
     66      */
     67     public void testRun() throws Exception {
     68         injectShellResponse(String.format(INSTR_OUTPUT_FORMAT, TEST_PKG, TEST_RUNNER,
     69                 TEST_COVERAGE_TARGET), 1);
     71         mMockListener.testRunStarted(TEST_PKG, 0);
     72         Capture<HashMap<String, Metric>> captureMetrics = new Capture<>();
     73         mMockListener.testRunEnded(EasyMock.anyLong(), EasyMock.capture(captureMetrics));
     74         ArgsOptionParser p = new ArgsOptionParser(mInstalledInstrTest);
     75         p.parse("--size", "small", "--force-abi", ABI);
     76         mInstalledInstrTest.setSendCoverage(true);
     77         EasyMock.replay(mMockTestDevice, mMockListener);
     78         mInstalledInstrTest.run(mMockListener);
     79         assertEquals(1, mMockInstrumentationTests.size());
     80         MockInstrumentationTest mockInstrumentationTest = mMockInstrumentationTests.get(0);
     81         assertEquals(mMockListener, mockInstrumentationTest.getListener());
     82         assertEquals(TEST_PKG, mockInstrumentationTest.getPackageName());
     83         assertEquals(TEST_RUNNER, mockInstrumentationTest.getRunnerName());
     84         assertEquals(
     85                 TEST_COVERAGE_TARGET,
     86                 captureMetrics
     87                         .getValue()
     88                         .get(InstalledInstrumentationsTest.COVERAGE_TARGET_KEY)
     89                         .getMeasurements()
     90                         .getSingleString());
     91         assertEquals("small", mockInstrumentationTest.getTestSize());
     92         assertEquals(ABI, mockInstrumentationTest.getForceAbi());
     94         EasyMock.verify(mMockListener, mMockTestDevice);
     95     }
     97     /**
     98      * Tests the run of sharded InstalledInstrumentationsTests.
     99      */
    100     public void testShardedRun() throws Exception {
    101         final String shardableRunner = "android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner";
    102         final String nonshardableRunner = "android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner";
    104         final String shardableTestPkg = "com.example.shardabletest";
    105         final String nonshardableTestPkg1 = "com.example.nonshardabletest1";
    106         final String nonshardableTestPkg2 = "com.example.nonshardabletest2";
    109         String shardableInstr = String.format(INSTR_OUTPUT_FORMAT, shardableTestPkg,
    110                 shardableRunner, TEST_COVERAGE_TARGET);
    111         String nonshardableInstr1 = String.format(INSTR_OUTPUT_FORMAT, nonshardableTestPkg1,
    112                 nonshardableRunner, TEST_COVERAGE_TARGET);
    113         String nonshardableInstr2 = String.format(INSTR_OUTPUT_FORMAT, nonshardableTestPkg2,
    114                 nonshardableRunner, TEST_COVERAGE_TARGET);
    116         injectShellResponse(String.format("%s%s%s", shardableInstr,
    117                 nonshardableInstr1, nonshardableInstr2), 2);
    119         // Instantiate InstalledInstrumentationTest shards
    120         EasyMock.replay(mMockTestDevice, mMockListener);
    121         InstalledInstrumentationsTest shard0 = createInstalledInstrumentationsTest();
    122         shard0.setDevice(mMockTestDevice);
    123         shard0.setShardIndex(0);
    124         shard0.setTotalShards(2);
    125         InstalledInstrumentationsTest shard1 = createInstalledInstrumentationsTest();
    126         shard1.setDevice(mMockTestDevice);
    127         shard1.setShardIndex(1);
    128         shard1.setTotalShards(2);
    130         // Run tests in first shard. There should be only two tests run: a test shard, and a
    131         // nonshardable test.
    133         shard0.run(mMockListener);
    134         assertEquals(2, mMockInstrumentationTests.size());
    135         assertEquals(nonshardableTestPkg1, mMockInstrumentationTests.get(0).getPackageName());
    136         assertEquals(shardableTestPkg, mMockInstrumentationTests.get(1).getPackageName());
    137         assertEquals("0", mMockInstrumentationTests.get(1).getInstrumentationArg("shardIndex"));
    138         assertEquals("2", mMockInstrumentationTests.get(1).getInstrumentationArg("numShards"));
    139         mMockInstrumentationTests.clear();
    141         // Run tests in second shard. All tests should be accounted for.
    142         shard1.run(mMockListener);
    143         assertEquals(2, mMockInstrumentationTests.size());
    144         assertEquals(nonshardableTestPkg2, mMockInstrumentationTests.get(0).getPackageName());
    145         assertEquals(shardableTestPkg, mMockInstrumentationTests.get(1).getPackageName());
    146         assertEquals("1", mMockInstrumentationTests.get(1).getInstrumentationArg("shardIndex"));
    147         assertEquals("2", mMockInstrumentationTests.get(1).getInstrumentationArg("numShards"));
    149         EasyMock.verify(mMockListener, mMockTestDevice);
    150     }
    152     /**
    153      * Method to mock the executeShellCommand response
    154      *
    155      * @param shellResponse value to be returned by executeShellCommand
    156      * @param numExpectedCalls number of invocation expected
    157      * @throws DeviceNotAvailableException
    158      */
    159     private void injectShellResponse(final String shellResponse, int numExpectedCalls)
    160             throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
    161         IAnswer<Object> shellAnswer = new IAnswer<Object>() {
    162             @Override
    163             public String answer() throws Throwable {
    164                 return shellResponse;
    165             }
    166         };
    167         mMockTestDevice.executeShellCommand(EasyMock.<String> anyObject());
    168         EasyMock.expectLastCall().andAnswer(shellAnswer).times(numExpectedCalls);
    169     }
    171     /**
    172      * Utility method for creating an InstalledInstrumentationsTest for testing.
    173      *
    174      * InstalledInstrumentationsTests need to create a MockInstrumentationTest, and we need to be
    175      * able to keep track of all mocks created in this manner.
    176      */
    177     private InstalledInstrumentationsTest createInstalledInstrumentationsTest() {
    178         InstalledInstrumentationsTest test = new InstalledInstrumentationsTest() {
    179             @Override
    180             InstrumentationTest createInstrumentationTest() {
    181                 MockInstrumentationTest test = new MockInstrumentationTest();
    182                 mMockInstrumentationTests.add(test);
    183                 return test;
    184             }
    185         };
    186         return test;
    187     }
    189     /**
    190      * Test that IllegalArgumentException is thrown when attempting run without setting device.
    191      */
    192     public void testRun_noDevice() throws Exception {
    193         mInstalledInstrTest.setDevice(null);
    194         try {
    195             mInstalledInstrTest.run(mMockListener);
    196             fail("IllegalArgumentException not thrown");
    197         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    198             // expected
    199         }
    200     }
    202     /**
    203      * Test that IllegalArgumentException is thrown when attempting run when no instrumentations
    204      * are present.
    205      */
    206     public void testRun_noInstr() throws Exception {
    207         injectShellResponse(PM_LIST_ERROR_OUTPUT, 1);
    208         EasyMock.replay(mMockTestDevice, mMockListener);
    209         try {
    210             mInstalledInstrTest.run(mMockListener);
    211             fail("IllegalArgumentException not thrown");
    212         } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    213             // expected
    214         }
    215     }
    216 }