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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "GrTextureOp.h"
      9 #include <new>
     10 #include "GrAppliedClip.h"
     11 #include "GrCaps.h"
     12 #include "GrContext.h"
     13 #include "GrContextPriv.h"
     14 #include "GrDrawOpTest.h"
     15 #include "GrGeometryProcessor.h"
     16 #include "GrGpu.h"
     17 #include "GrMemoryPool.h"
     18 #include "GrMeshDrawOp.h"
     19 #include "GrOpFlushState.h"
     20 #include "GrQuad.h"
     21 #include "GrQuadPerEdgeAA.h"
     22 #include "GrResourceProvider.h"
     23 #include "GrResourceProviderPriv.h"
     24 #include "GrShaderCaps.h"
     25 #include "GrTexture.h"
     26 #include "GrTexturePriv.h"
     27 #include "GrTextureProxy.h"
     28 #include "SkGr.h"
     29 #include "SkMathPriv.h"
     30 #include "SkMatrixPriv.h"
     31 #include "SkPoint.h"
     32 #include "SkPoint3.h"
     33 #include "SkRectPriv.h"
     34 #include "SkTo.h"
     35 #include "glsl/GrGLSLVarying.h"
     37 namespace {
     39 using Domain = GrQuadPerEdgeAA::Domain;
     40 using VertexSpec = GrQuadPerEdgeAA::VertexSpec;
     41 using ColorType = GrQuadPerEdgeAA::ColorType;
     43 // if normalizing the domain then pass 1/width, 1/height, 1 for iw, ih, h. Otherwise pass
     44 // 1, 1, and height.
     45 static SkRect compute_domain(Domain domain, GrSamplerState::Filter filter, GrSurfaceOrigin origin,
     46                              const SkRect& srcRect, float iw, float ih, float h) {
     47     static constexpr SkRect kLargeRect = {-100000, -100000, 1000000, 1000000};
     48     if (domain == Domain::kNo) {
     49         // Either the quad has no domain constraint and is batched with a domain constrained op
     50         // (in which case we want a domain that doesn't restrict normalized tex coords), or the
     51         // entire op doesn't use the domain, in which case the returned value is ignored.
     52         return kLargeRect;
     53     }
     55     auto ltrb = Sk4f::Load(&srcRect);
     56     if (filter == GrSamplerState::Filter::kBilerp) {
     57         auto rblt = SkNx_shuffle<2, 3, 0, 1>(ltrb);
     58         auto whwh = (rblt - ltrb).abs();
     59         auto c = (rblt + ltrb) * 0.5f;
     60         static const Sk4f kOffsets = {0.5f, 0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f};
     61         ltrb = (whwh < 1.f).thenElse(c, ltrb + kOffsets);
     62     }
     63     ltrb *= Sk4f(iw, ih, iw, ih);
     64     if (origin == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin) {
     65         static const Sk4f kMul = {1.f, -1.f, 1.f, -1.f};
     66         const Sk4f kAdd = {0.f, h, 0.f, h};
     67         ltrb = SkNx_shuffle<0, 3, 2, 1>(kMul * ltrb + kAdd);
     68     }
     70     SkRect domainRect;
     71     ltrb.store(&domainRect);
     72     return domainRect;
     73 }
     75 // If normalizing the src quad then pass 1/width, 1/height, 1 for iw, ih, h. Otherwise pass
     76 // 1, 1, and height.
     77 static GrPerspQuad compute_src_quad(GrSurfaceOrigin origin, const SkRect& srcRect, float iw,
     78                                     float ih, float h) {
     79     // Convert the pixel-space src rectangle into normalized texture coordinates
     80     SkRect texRect = {
     81         iw * srcRect.fLeft,
     82         ih * srcRect.fTop,
     83         iw * srcRect.fRight,
     84         ih * srcRect.fBottom
     85     };
     86     if (origin == kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin) {
     87         texRect.fTop = h - texRect.fTop;
     88         texRect.fBottom = h - texRect.fBottom;
     89     }
     90     return GrPerspQuad(texRect, SkMatrix::I());
     91 }
     93 /**
     94  * Op that implements GrTextureOp::Make. It draws textured quads. Each quad can modulate against a
     95  * the texture by color. The blend with the destination is always src-over. The edges are non-AA.
     96  */
     97 class TextureOp final : public GrMeshDrawOp {
     98 public:
     99     static std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> Make(GrContext* context,
    100                                           sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy,
    101                                           GrSamplerState::Filter filter,
    102                                           const SkPMColor4f& color,
    103                                           const SkRect& srcRect,
    104                                           const SkRect& dstRect,
    105                                           GrAAType aaType,
    106                                           GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags,
    107                                           SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint,
    108                                           const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
    109                                           sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> textureColorSpaceXform) {
    110         GrOpMemoryPool* pool = context->contextPriv().opMemoryPool();
    112         return pool->allocate<TextureOp>(
    113                 std::move(proxy), filter, color, srcRect, dstRect, aaType, aaFlags, constraint,
    114                 viewMatrix, std::move(textureColorSpaceXform));
    115     }
    116     static std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> Make(GrContext* context,
    117                                           const GrRenderTargetContext::TextureSetEntry set[],
    118                                           int cnt, GrSamplerState::Filter filter, GrAAType aaType,
    119                                           const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
    120                                           sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> textureColorSpaceXform) {
    121         size_t size = sizeof(TextureOp) + sizeof(Proxy) * (cnt - 1);
    122         GrOpMemoryPool* pool = context->contextPriv().opMemoryPool();
    123         void* mem = pool->allocate(size);
    124         return std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp>(new (mem) TextureOp(set, cnt, filter, aaType, viewMatrix,
    125                                                              std::move(textureColorSpaceXform)));
    126     }
    128     ~TextureOp() override {
    129         for (unsigned p = 0; p < fProxyCnt; ++p) {
    130             if (fFinalized) {
    131                 fProxies[p].fProxy->completedRead();
    132             } else {
    133                 fProxies[p].fProxy->unref();
    134             }
    135         }
    136     }
    138     const char* name() const override { return "TextureOp"; }
    140     void visitProxies(const VisitProxyFunc& func, VisitorType visitor) const override {
    141         if (visitor == VisitorType::kAllocatorGather && fCanSkipAllocatorGather) {
    142             return;
    143         }
    144         for (unsigned p = 0; p < fProxyCnt; ++p) {
    145             func(fProxies[p].fProxy);
    146         }
    147     }
    149 #ifdef SK_DEBUG
    150     SkString dumpInfo() const override {
    151         SkString str;
    152         str.appendf("# draws: %d\n", fQuads.count());
    153         int q = 0;
    154         for (unsigned p = 0; p < fProxyCnt; ++p) {
    155             str.appendf("Proxy ID: %d, Filter: %d\n", fProxies[p].fProxy->uniqueID().asUInt(),
    156                         static_cast<int>(fFilter));
    157             for (int i = 0; i < fProxies[p].fQuadCnt; ++i, ++q) {
    158                 GrPerspQuad quad = fQuads[q];
    159                 const ColorDomainAndAA& info = fQuads.metadata(i);
    160                 str.appendf(
    161                         "%d: Color: 0x%08x, TexRect [L: %.2f, T: %.2f, R: %.2f, B: %.2f] "
    162                         "Quad [(%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f)]\n",
    163                         i, info.fColor.toBytes_RGBA(), info.fSrcRect.fLeft, info.fSrcRect.fTop,
    164                         info.fSrcRect.fRight, info.fSrcRect.fBottom, quad.point(0).fX,
    165                         quad.point(0).fY, quad.point(1).fX, quad.point(1).fY,
    166                         quad.point(2).fX, quad.point(2).fY, quad.point(3).fX,
    167                         quad.point(3).fY);
    168             }
    169         }
    170         str += INHERITED::dumpInfo();
    171         return str;
    172     }
    173 #endif
    175     GrProcessorSet::Analysis finalize(const GrCaps& caps, const GrAppliedClip* clip) override {
    176         SkASSERT(!fFinalized);
    177         fFinalized = true;
    178         for (unsigned p = 0; p < fProxyCnt; ++p) {
    179             fProxies[p].fProxy->addPendingRead();
    180             fProxies[p].fProxy->unref();
    181         }
    182         return GrProcessorSet::EmptySetAnalysis();
    183     }
    185     FixedFunctionFlags fixedFunctionFlags() const override {
    186         return this->aaType() == GrAAType::kMSAA ? FixedFunctionFlags::kUsesHWAA
    187                                                  : FixedFunctionFlags::kNone;
    188     }
    190     DEFINE_OP_CLASS_ID
    192 private:
    193     friend class ::GrOpMemoryPool;
    195     TextureOp(sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy, GrSamplerState::Filter filter, const SkPMColor4f& color,
    196               const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& dstRect, GrAAType aaType, GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags,
    197               SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
    198               sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> textureColorSpaceXform)
    199             : INHERITED(ClassID())
    200             , fTextureColorSpaceXform(std::move(textureColorSpaceXform))
    201             , fFilter(static_cast<unsigned>(filter))
    202             , fFinalized(0) {
    203         GrQuadType quadType = GrQuadTypeForTransformedRect(viewMatrix);
    204         auto quad = GrPerspQuad(dstRect, viewMatrix);
    206         // Clean up disparities between the overall aa type and edge configuration and apply
    207         // optimizations based on the rect and matrix when appropriate
    208         GrResolveAATypeForQuad(aaType, aaFlags, quad, quadType, &aaType, &aaFlags);
    209         fAAType = static_cast<unsigned>(aaType);
    211         // We expect our caller to have already caught this optimization.
    212         SkASSERT(!srcRect.contains(proxy->getWorstCaseBoundsRect()) ||
    213                  constraint == SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint);
    214         if (quadType == GrQuadType::kRect) {
    215             // Disable filtering if possible (note AA optimizations for rects are automatically
    216             // handled above in GrResolveAATypeForQuad).
    217             if (this->filter() != GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest &&
    218                 !GrTextureOp::GetFilterHasEffect(viewMatrix, srcRect, dstRect)) {
    219                 fFilter = static_cast<unsigned>(GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest);
    220             }
    221         }
    222         // We may have had a strict constraint with nearest filter solely due to possible AA bloat.
    223         // If we don't have (or determined we don't need) coverage AA then we can skip using a
    224         // domain.
    225         if (constraint == SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint &&
    226             this->filter() == GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest &&
    227             aaType != GrAAType::kCoverage) {
    228             constraint = SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint;
    229         }
    231         Domain domain = constraint == SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint ? Domain::kYes
    232                                                                           : Domain::kNo;
    233         fQuads.push_back(quad, quadType, {color, srcRect, domain, aaFlags});
    234         fProxyCnt = 1;
    235         fProxies[0] = {proxy.release(), 1};
    236         auto bounds = quad.bounds(quadType);
    237         this->setBounds(bounds, HasAABloat(aaType == GrAAType::kCoverage), IsZeroArea::kNo);
    238         fDomain = static_cast<unsigned>(domain);
    239         fWideColor = !SkPMColor4fFitsInBytes(color);
    240         fCanSkipAllocatorGather =
    241                 static_cast<unsigned>(fProxies[0].fProxy->canSkipResourceAllocator());
    242     }
    243     TextureOp(const GrRenderTargetContext::TextureSetEntry set[], int cnt,
    244               GrSamplerState::Filter filter, GrAAType aaType, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
    245               sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> textureColorSpaceXform)
    246             : INHERITED(ClassID())
    247             , fTextureColorSpaceXform(std::move(textureColorSpaceXform))
    248             , fFilter(static_cast<unsigned>(filter))
    249             , fFinalized(0) {
    250         fProxyCnt = SkToUInt(cnt);
    251         SkRect bounds = SkRectPriv::MakeLargestInverted();
    252         GrAAType overallAAType = GrAAType::kNone; // aa type maximally compatible with all dst rects
    253         bool mustFilter = false;
    254         fCanSkipAllocatorGather = static_cast<unsigned>(true);
    255         // All dst rects are transformed by the same view matrix, so their quad types are identical
    256         GrQuadType quadType = GrQuadTypeForTransformedRect(viewMatrix);
    257         fQuads.reserve(cnt, quadType);
    259         for (unsigned p = 0; p < fProxyCnt; ++p) {
    260             fProxies[p].fProxy = SkRef(set[p].fProxy.get());
    261             fProxies[p].fQuadCnt = 1;
    262             SkASSERT(fProxies[p].fProxy->textureType() == fProxies[0].fProxy->textureType());
    263             SkASSERT(fProxies[p].fProxy->config() == fProxies[0].fProxy->config());
    264             if (!fProxies[p].fProxy->canSkipResourceAllocator()) {
    265                 fCanSkipAllocatorGather = static_cast<unsigned>(false);
    266             }
    267             auto quad = GrPerspQuad(set[p].fDstRect, viewMatrix);
    268             bounds.joinPossiblyEmptyRect(quad.bounds(quadType));
    269             GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags;
    270             // Don't update the overall aaType, might be inappropriate for some of the quads
    271             GrAAType aaForQuad;
    272             GrResolveAATypeForQuad(aaType, set[p].fAAFlags, quad, quadType, &aaForQuad, &aaFlags);
    273             // Resolve sets aaForQuad to aaType or None, there is never a change between aa methods
    274             SkASSERT(aaForQuad == GrAAType::kNone || aaForQuad == aaType);
    275             if (overallAAType == GrAAType::kNone && aaForQuad != GrAAType::kNone) {
    276                 overallAAType = aaType;
    277             }
    278             if (!mustFilter && this->filter() != GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest) {
    279                 mustFilter = quadType != GrQuadType::kRect ||
    280                              GrTextureOp::GetFilterHasEffect(viewMatrix, set[p].fSrcRect,
    281                                                              set[p].fDstRect);
    282             }
    283             float alpha = SkTPin(set[p].fAlpha, 0.f, 1.f);
    284             SkPMColor4f color{alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha};
    285             fQuads.push_back(quad, quadType, {color, set[p].fSrcRect, Domain::kNo, aaFlags});
    286         }
    287         fAAType = static_cast<unsigned>(overallAAType);
    288         if (!mustFilter) {
    289             fFilter = static_cast<unsigned>(GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest);
    290         }
    291         this->setBounds(bounds, HasAABloat(this->aaType() == GrAAType::kCoverage), IsZeroArea::kNo);
    292         fDomain = static_cast<unsigned>(false);
    293         fWideColor = static_cast<unsigned>(false);
    294     }
    296     void tess(void* v, const VertexSpec& spec, const GrTextureProxy* proxy, int start,
    297               int cnt) const {
    298         TRACE_EVENT0("skia", TRACE_FUNC);
    299         auto origin = proxy->origin();
    300         const auto* texture = proxy->peekTexture();
    301         float iw, ih, h;
    302         if (proxy->textureType() == GrTextureType::kRectangle) {
    303             iw = ih = 1.f;
    304             h = texture->height();
    305         } else {
    306             iw = 1.f / texture->width();
    307             ih = 1.f / texture->height();
    308             h = 1.f;
    309         }
    311         for (int i = start; i < start + cnt; ++i) {
    312             const GrPerspQuad& device = fQuads[i];
    313             const ColorDomainAndAA& info = fQuads.metadata(i);
    315             GrPerspQuad srcQuad = compute_src_quad(origin, info.fSrcRect, iw, ih, h);
    316             SkRect domain =
    317                     compute_domain(info.domain(), this->filter(), origin, info.fSrcRect, iw, ih, h);
    318             v = GrQuadPerEdgeAA::Tessellate(v, spec, device, info.fColor, srcQuad, domain,
    319                                             info.aaFlags());
    320         }
    321     }
    323     void onPrepareDraws(Target* target) override {
    324         TRACE_EVENT0("skia", TRACE_FUNC);
    325         GrQuadType quadType = GrQuadType::kRect;
    326         Domain domain = Domain::kNo;
    327         bool wideColor = false;
    328         int numProxies = 0;
    329         int numTotalQuads = 0;
    330         auto textureType = fProxies[0].fProxy->textureType();
    331         auto config = fProxies[0].fProxy->config();
    332         GrAAType aaType = this->aaType();
    333         for (const auto& op : ChainRange<TextureOp>(this)) {
    334             if (op.fQuads.quadType() > quadType) {
    335                 quadType = op.fQuads.quadType();
    336             }
    337             if (op.fDomain) {
    338                 domain = Domain::kYes;
    339             }
    340             wideColor |= op.fWideColor;
    341             numProxies += op.fProxyCnt;
    342             for (unsigned p = 0; p < op.fProxyCnt; ++p) {
    343                 numTotalQuads += op.fProxies[p].fQuadCnt;
    344                 auto* proxy = op.fProxies[p].fProxy;
    345                 if (!proxy->instantiate(target->resourceProvider())) {
    346                     return;
    347                 }
    348                 SkASSERT(proxy->config() == config);
    349                 SkASSERT(proxy->textureType() == textureType);
    350             }
    351             if (op.aaType() == GrAAType::kCoverage) {
    352                 SkASSERT(aaType == GrAAType::kCoverage || aaType == GrAAType::kNone);
    353                 aaType = GrAAType::kCoverage;
    354             }
    355         }
    357         VertexSpec vertexSpec(quadType, wideColor ? ColorType::kHalf : ColorType::kByte,
    358                               GrQuadType::kRect, /* hasLocal */ true, domain, aaType,
    359                               /* alpha as coverage */ true);
    361         GrSamplerState samplerState = GrSamplerState(GrSamplerState::WrapMode::kClamp,
    362                                                      this->filter());
    363         GrGpu* gpu = target->resourceProvider()->priv().gpu();
    364         uint32_t extraSamplerKey = gpu->getExtraSamplerKeyForProgram(
    365                 samplerState, fProxies[0].fProxy->backendFormat());
    367         sk_sp<GrGeometryProcessor> gp = GrQuadPerEdgeAA::MakeTexturedProcessor(
    368                 vertexSpec, *target->caps().shaderCaps(),
    369                 textureType, config, samplerState, extraSamplerKey,
    370                 std::move(fTextureColorSpaceXform));
    372         GrPipeline::InitArgs args;
    373         args.fCaps = &target->caps();
    374         args.fResourceProvider = target->resourceProvider();
    375         args.fFlags = 0;
    376         if (aaType == GrAAType::kMSAA) {
    377             args.fFlags |= GrPipeline::kHWAntialias_Flag;
    378         }
    380         auto clip = target->detachAppliedClip();
    381         // We'll use a dynamic state array for the GP textures when there are multiple ops.
    382         // Otherwise, we use fixed dynamic state to specify the single op's proxy.
    383         GrPipeline::DynamicStateArrays* dynamicStateArrays = nullptr;
    384         GrPipeline::FixedDynamicState* fixedDynamicState;
    385         if (numProxies > 1) {
    386             dynamicStateArrays = target->allocDynamicStateArrays(numProxies, 1, false);
    387             fixedDynamicState = target->allocFixedDynamicState(clip.scissorState().rect(), 0);
    388         } else {
    389             fixedDynamicState = target->allocFixedDynamicState(clip.scissorState().rect(), 1);
    390             fixedDynamicState->fPrimitiveProcessorTextures[0] = fProxies[0].fProxy;
    391         }
    392         const auto* pipeline =
    393                 target->allocPipeline(args, GrProcessorSet::MakeEmptySet(), std::move(clip));
    395         size_t vertexSize = gp->vertexStride();
    397         GrMesh* meshes = target->allocMeshes(numProxies);
    398         sk_sp<const GrBuffer> vbuffer;
    399         int vertexOffsetInBuffer = 0;
    400         int numQuadVerticesLeft = numTotalQuads * vertexSpec.verticesPerQuad();
    401         int numAllocatedVertices = 0;
    402         void* vdata = nullptr;
    404         int m = 0;
    405         for (const auto& op : ChainRange<TextureOp>(this)) {
    406             int q = 0;
    407             for (unsigned p = 0; p < op.fProxyCnt; ++p) {
    408                 int quadCnt = op.fProxies[p].fQuadCnt;
    409                 auto* proxy = op.fProxies[p].fProxy;
    410                 int meshVertexCnt = quadCnt * vertexSpec.verticesPerQuad();
    411                 if (numAllocatedVertices < meshVertexCnt) {
    412                     vdata = target->makeVertexSpaceAtLeast(
    413                             vertexSize, meshVertexCnt, numQuadVerticesLeft, &vbuffer,
    414                             &vertexOffsetInBuffer, &numAllocatedVertices);
    415                     SkASSERT(numAllocatedVertices <= numQuadVerticesLeft);
    416                     if (!vdata) {
    417                         SkDebugf("Could not allocate vertices\n");
    418                         return;
    419                     }
    420                 }
    421                 SkASSERT(numAllocatedVertices >= meshVertexCnt);
    423                 op.tess(vdata, vertexSpec, proxy, q, quadCnt);
    425                 if (!GrQuadPerEdgeAA::ConfigureMeshIndices(target, &(meshes[m]), vertexSpec,
    426                                                            quadCnt)) {
    427                     SkDebugf("Could not allocate indices");
    428                     return;
    429                 }
    430                 meshes[m].setVertexData(vbuffer, vertexOffsetInBuffer);
    431                 if (dynamicStateArrays) {
    432                     dynamicStateArrays->fPrimitiveProcessorTextures[m] = proxy;
    433                 }
    434                 ++m;
    435                 numAllocatedVertices -= meshVertexCnt;
    436                 numQuadVerticesLeft -= meshVertexCnt;
    437                 vertexOffsetInBuffer += meshVertexCnt;
    438                 vdata = reinterpret_cast<char*>(vdata) + vertexSize * meshVertexCnt;
    439                 q += quadCnt;
    440             }
    441         }
    442         SkASSERT(!numQuadVerticesLeft);
    443         SkASSERT(!numAllocatedVertices);
    444         target->draw(std::move(gp), pipeline, fixedDynamicState, dynamicStateArrays, meshes,
    445                      numProxies);
    446     }
    448     CombineResult onCombineIfPossible(GrOp* t, const GrCaps& caps) override {
    449         TRACE_EVENT0("skia", TRACE_FUNC);
    450         const auto* that = t->cast<TextureOp>();
    451         if (!GrColorSpaceXform::Equals(fTextureColorSpaceXform.get(),
    452                                        that->fTextureColorSpaceXform.get())) {
    453             return CombineResult::kCannotCombine;
    454         }
    455         bool upgradeToCoverageAAOnMerge = false;
    456         if (this->aaType() != that->aaType()) {
    457             if (!((this->aaType() == GrAAType::kCoverage && that->aaType() == GrAAType::kNone) ||
    458                   (that->aaType() == GrAAType::kCoverage && this->aaType() == GrAAType::kNone))) {
    459                 return CombineResult::kCannotCombine;
    460             }
    461             upgradeToCoverageAAOnMerge = true;
    462         }
    463         if (fFilter != that->fFilter) {
    464             return CombineResult::kCannotCombine;
    465         }
    466         auto thisProxy = fProxies[0].fProxy;
    467         auto thatProxy = that->fProxies[0].fProxy;
    468         if (fProxyCnt > 1 || that->fProxyCnt > 1 ||
    469             thisProxy->uniqueID() != thatProxy->uniqueID()) {
    470             // We can't merge across different proxies. Check if 'this' can be chained with 'that'.
    471             if (GrTextureProxy::ProxiesAreCompatibleAsDynamicState(thisProxy, thatProxy) &&
    472                 caps.dynamicStateArrayGeometryProcessorTextureSupport()) {
    473                 return CombineResult::kMayChain;
    474             }
    475             return CombineResult::kCannotCombine;
    476         }
    477         fProxies[0].fQuadCnt += that->fQuads.count();
    478         fQuads.concat(that->fQuads);
    479         fDomain |= that->fDomain;
    480         fWideColor |= that->fWideColor;
    481         if (upgradeToCoverageAAOnMerge) {
    482             fAAType = static_cast<unsigned>(GrAAType::kCoverage);
    483         }
    484         return CombineResult::kMerged;
    485     }
    487     GrAAType aaType() const { return static_cast<GrAAType>(fAAType); }
    488     GrSamplerState::Filter filter() const { return static_cast<GrSamplerState::Filter>(fFilter); }
    490     struct ColorDomainAndAA {
    491         // Special constructor to convert enums into the packed bits, which should not delete
    492         // the implicit move constructor (but it does require us to declare an empty ctor for
    493         // use with the GrTQuadList).
    494         ColorDomainAndAA(const SkPMColor4f& color, const SkRect& srcRect,
    495                          Domain hasDomain, GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags)
    496                 : fColor(color)
    497                 , fSrcRect(srcRect)
    498                 , fHasDomain(static_cast<unsigned>(hasDomain))
    499                 , fAAFlags(static_cast<unsigned>(aaFlags)) {
    500             SkASSERT(fHasDomain == static_cast<unsigned>(hasDomain));
    501             SkASSERT(fAAFlags == static_cast<unsigned>(aaFlags));
    502         }
    503         ColorDomainAndAA() = default;
    505         SkPMColor4f fColor;
    506         SkRect fSrcRect;
    507         unsigned fHasDomain : 1;
    508         unsigned fAAFlags : 4;
    510         Domain domain() const { return Domain(fHasDomain); }
    511         GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags() const { return static_cast<GrQuadAAFlags>(fAAFlags); }
    512     };
    513     struct Proxy {
    514         GrTextureProxy* fProxy;
    515         int fQuadCnt;
    516     };
    517     GrTQuadList<ColorDomainAndAA> fQuads;
    518     sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> fTextureColorSpaceXform;
    519     unsigned fFilter : 2;
    520     unsigned fAAType : 2;
    521     unsigned fDomain : 1;
    522     unsigned fWideColor : 1;
    523     // Used to track whether fProxy is ref'ed or has a pending IO after finalize() is called.
    524     unsigned fFinalized : 1;
    525     unsigned fCanSkipAllocatorGather : 1;
    526     unsigned fProxyCnt : 32 - 8;
    527     Proxy fProxies[1];
    529     static_assert(kGrQuadTypeCount <= 4, "GrQuadType does not fit in 2 bits");
    531     typedef GrMeshDrawOp INHERITED;
    532 };
    534 }  // anonymous namespace
    536 namespace GrTextureOp {
    538 std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> Make(GrContext* context,
    539                                sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy,
    540                                GrSamplerState::Filter filter,
    541                                const SkPMColor4f& color,
    542                                const SkRect& srcRect,
    543                                const SkRect& dstRect,
    544                                GrAAType aaType,
    545                                GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags,
    546                                SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint,
    547                                const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
    548                                sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> textureColorSpaceXform) {
    549     return TextureOp::Make(context, std::move(proxy), filter, color, srcRect, dstRect, aaType,
    550                            aaFlags, constraint, viewMatrix, std::move(textureColorSpaceXform));
    551 }
    553 std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp> Make(GrContext* context,
    554                                const GrRenderTargetContext::TextureSetEntry set[],
    555                                int cnt,
    556                                GrSamplerState::Filter filter,
    557                                GrAAType aaType,
    558                                const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
    559                                sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> textureColorSpaceXform) {
    560     return TextureOp::Make(context, set, cnt, filter, aaType, viewMatrix,
    561                            std::move(textureColorSpaceXform));
    562 }
    564 bool GetFilterHasEffect(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& dstRect) {
    565     // Hypothetically we could disable bilerp filtering when flipping or rotating 90 degrees, but
    566     // that makes the math harder and we don't want to increase the overhead of the checks
    567     if (!viewMatrix.isScaleTranslate() ||
    568         viewMatrix.getScaleX() < 0.0f || viewMatrix.getScaleY() < 0.0f) {
    569         return true;
    570     }
    572     // Given the matrix conditions ensured above, this computes the device space coordinates for
    573     // the top left corner of dstRect and its size.
    574     SkScalar dw = viewMatrix.getScaleX() * dstRect.width();
    575     SkScalar dh = viewMatrix.getScaleY() * dstRect.height();
    576     SkScalar dl = viewMatrix.getScaleX() * dstRect.fLeft + viewMatrix.getTranslateX();
    577     SkScalar dt = viewMatrix.getScaleY() * dstRect.fTop + viewMatrix.getTranslateY();
    579     // Disable filtering when there is no scaling of the src rect and the src rect and dst rect
    580     // align fractionally. If we allow inverted src rects this logic needs to consider that.
    581     SkASSERT(srcRect.isSorted());
    582     return dw != srcRect.width() || dh != srcRect.height() ||
    583            SkScalarFraction(dl) != SkScalarFraction(srcRect.fLeft) ||
    584            SkScalarFraction(dt) != SkScalarFraction(srcRect.fTop);
    585 }
    587 }  // namespace GrTextureOp
    589 #if GR_TEST_UTILS
    590 #include "GrContext.h"
    591 #include "GrContextPriv.h"
    592 #include "GrProxyProvider.h"
    594 GR_DRAW_OP_TEST_DEFINE(TextureOp) {
    595     GrSurfaceDesc desc;
    596     desc.fConfig = kRGBA_8888_GrPixelConfig;
    597     desc.fHeight = random->nextULessThan(90) + 10;
    598     desc.fWidth = random->nextULessThan(90) + 10;
    599     auto origin = random->nextBool() ? kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin : kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin;
    600     GrMipMapped mipMapped = random->nextBool() ? GrMipMapped::kYes : GrMipMapped::kNo;
    601     SkBackingFit fit = SkBackingFit::kExact;
    602     if (mipMapped == GrMipMapped::kNo) {
    603         fit = random->nextBool() ? SkBackingFit::kApprox : SkBackingFit::kExact;
    604     }
    606     const GrBackendFormat format =
    607             context->contextPriv().caps()->getBackendFormatFromColorType(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType);
    609     GrProxyProvider* proxyProvider = context->contextPriv().proxyProvider();
    610     sk_sp<GrTextureProxy> proxy = proxyProvider->createProxy(format, desc, origin, mipMapped, fit,
    611                                                              SkBudgeted::kNo,
    612                                                              GrInternalSurfaceFlags::kNone);
    614     SkRect rect = GrTest::TestRect(random);
    615     SkRect srcRect;
    616     srcRect.fLeft = random->nextRangeScalar(0.f, proxy->width() / 2.f);
    617     srcRect.fRight = random->nextRangeScalar(0.f, proxy->width()) + proxy->width() / 2.f;
    618     srcRect.fTop = random->nextRangeScalar(0.f, proxy->height() / 2.f);
    619     srcRect.fBottom = random->nextRangeScalar(0.f, proxy->height()) + proxy->height() / 2.f;
    620     SkMatrix viewMatrix = GrTest::TestMatrixPreservesRightAngles(random);
    621     SkPMColor4f color = SkPMColor4f::FromBytes_RGBA(SkColorToPremulGrColor(random->nextU()));
    622     GrSamplerState::Filter filter = (GrSamplerState::Filter)random->nextULessThan(
    623             static_cast<uint32_t>(GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap) + 1);
    624     while (mipMapped == GrMipMapped::kNo && filter == GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap) {
    625         filter = (GrSamplerState::Filter)random->nextULessThan(
    626                 static_cast<uint32_t>(GrSamplerState::Filter::kMipMap) + 1);
    627     }
    628     auto texXform = GrTest::TestColorXform(random);
    629     GrAAType aaType = GrAAType::kNone;
    630     if (random->nextBool()) {
    631         aaType = (fsaaType == GrFSAAType::kUnifiedMSAA) ? GrAAType::kMSAA : GrAAType::kCoverage;
    632     }
    633     GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags = GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    634     aaFlags |= random->nextBool() ? GrQuadAAFlags::kLeft : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    635     aaFlags |= random->nextBool() ? GrQuadAAFlags::kTop : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    636     aaFlags |= random->nextBool() ? GrQuadAAFlags::kRight : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    637     aaFlags |= random->nextBool() ? GrQuadAAFlags::kBottom : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone;
    638     auto constraint = random->nextBool() ? SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint
    639                                          : SkCanvas::kFast_SrcRectConstraint;
    640     return GrTextureOp::Make(context, std::move(proxy), filter, color, srcRect, rect, aaType,
    641                              aaFlags, constraint, viewMatrix, std::move(texXform));
    642 }
    644 #endif