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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "assembler_mips.h"
     19 #include "base/bit_utils.h"
     20 #include "base/casts.h"
     21 #include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints.h"
     22 #include "entrypoints/quick/quick_entrypoints_enum.h"
     23 #include "memory_region.h"
     24 #include "thread.h"
     26 namespace art {
     27 namespace mips {
     29 static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(kMipsPointerSize) == kMipsWordSize,
     30               "Unexpected Mips pointer size.");
     31 static_assert(kMipsPointerSize == PointerSize::k32, "Unexpected Mips pointer size.");
     34 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DRegister& rhs) {
     35   if (rhs >= D0 && rhs < kNumberOfDRegisters) {
     36     os << "d" << static_cast<int>(rhs);
     37   } else {
     38     os << "DRegister[" << static_cast<int>(rhs) << "]";
     39   }
     40   return os;
     41 }
     43 MipsAssembler::DelaySlot::DelaySlot()
     44     : instruction_(0),
     45       patcher_label_(nullptr) {}
     47 InOutRegMasks& MipsAssembler::DsFsmInstr(uint32_t instruction, MipsLabel* patcher_label) {
     48   if (!reordering_) {
     49     CHECK_EQ(ds_fsm_state_, kExpectingLabel);
     50     CHECK_EQ(delay_slot_.instruction_, 0u);
     51     return delay_slot_.masks_;
     52   }
     53   switch (ds_fsm_state_) {
     54     case kExpectingLabel:
     55       break;
     56     case kExpectingInstruction:
     57       CHECK_EQ(ds_fsm_target_pc_ + sizeof(uint32_t), buffer_.Size());
     58       // If the last instruction is not suitable for delay slots, drop
     59       // the PC of the label preceding it so that no unconditional branch
     60       // uses this instruction to fill its delay slot.
     61       if (instruction == 0) {
     62         DsFsmDropLabel();  // Sets ds_fsm_state_ = kExpectingLabel.
     63       } else {
     64         // Otherwise wait for another instruction or label before we can
     65         // commit the label PC. The label PC will be dropped if instead
     66         // of another instruction or label there's a call from the code
     67         // generator to CodePosition() to record the buffer size.
     68         // Instructions after which the buffer size is recorded cannot
     69         // be moved into delay slots or anywhere else because they may
     70         // trigger signals and the signal handlers expect these signals
     71         // to be coming from the instructions immediately preceding the
     72         // recorded buffer locations.
     73         ds_fsm_state_ = kExpectingCommit;
     74       }
     75       break;
     76     case kExpectingCommit:
     77       CHECK_EQ(ds_fsm_target_pc_ + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), buffer_.Size());
     78       DsFsmCommitLabel();  // Sets ds_fsm_state_ = kExpectingLabel.
     79       break;
     80   }
     81   delay_slot_.instruction_ = instruction;
     82   delay_slot_.masks_ = InOutRegMasks();
     83   delay_slot_.patcher_label_ = patcher_label;
     84   return delay_slot_.masks_;
     85 }
     87 void MipsAssembler::DsFsmLabel() {
     88   if (!reordering_) {
     89     CHECK_EQ(ds_fsm_state_, kExpectingLabel);
     90     CHECK_EQ(delay_slot_.instruction_, 0u);
     91     return;
     92   }
     93   switch (ds_fsm_state_) {
     94     case kExpectingLabel:
     95       ds_fsm_target_pc_ = buffer_.Size();
     96       ds_fsm_state_ = kExpectingInstruction;
     97       break;
     98     case kExpectingInstruction:
     99       // Allow consecutive labels.
    100       CHECK_EQ(ds_fsm_target_pc_, buffer_.Size());
    101       break;
    102     case kExpectingCommit:
    103       CHECK_EQ(ds_fsm_target_pc_ + sizeof(uint32_t), buffer_.Size());
    104       DsFsmCommitLabel();
    105       ds_fsm_target_pc_ = buffer_.Size();
    106       ds_fsm_state_ = kExpectingInstruction;
    107       break;
    108   }
    109   // We cannot move instructions into delay slots across labels.
    110   delay_slot_.instruction_ = 0;
    111 }
    113 void MipsAssembler::DsFsmCommitLabel() {
    114   if (ds_fsm_state_ == kExpectingCommit) {
    115     ds_fsm_target_pcs_.emplace_back(ds_fsm_target_pc_);
    116   }
    117   ds_fsm_state_ = kExpectingLabel;
    118 }
    120 void MipsAssembler::DsFsmDropLabel() {
    121   ds_fsm_state_ = kExpectingLabel;
    122 }
    124 bool MipsAssembler::SetReorder(bool enable) {
    125   bool last_state = reordering_;
    126   if (last_state != enable) {
    127     DsFsmCommitLabel();
    128     DsFsmInstrNop(0);
    129   }
    130   reordering_ = enable;
    131   return last_state;
    132 }
    134 size_t MipsAssembler::CodePosition() {
    135   // The last instruction cannot be used in a delay slot, do not commit
    136   // the label before it (if any) and clear the delay slot.
    137   DsFsmDropLabel();
    138   DsFsmInstrNop(0);
    139   size_t size = buffer_.Size();
    140   // In theory we can get the following sequence:
    141   //   label1:
    142   //     instr
    143   //   label2: # label1 gets committed when label2 is seen
    144   //     CodePosition() call
    145   // and we need to uncommit label1.
    146   if (ds_fsm_target_pcs_.size() != 0 && ds_fsm_target_pcs_.back() + sizeof(uint32_t) == size) {
    147     ds_fsm_target_pcs_.pop_back();
    148   }
    149   return size;
    150 }
    152 void MipsAssembler::DsFsmInstrNop(uint32_t instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
    153   DsFsmInstr(0);
    154 }
    156 void MipsAssembler::FinalizeCode() {
    157   for (auto& exception_block : exception_blocks_) {
    158     EmitExceptionPoll(&exception_block);
    159   }
    160   // Commit the last branch target label (if any) and disable instruction reordering.
    161   DsFsmCommitLabel();
    162   SetReorder(false);
    163   EmitLiterals();
    164   ReserveJumpTableSpace();
    165   PromoteBranches();
    166 }
    168 void MipsAssembler::FinalizeInstructions(const MemoryRegion& region) {
    169   size_t number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs = cfi().NumberOfDelayedAdvancePCs();
    170   EmitBranches();
    171   EmitJumpTables();
    172   Assembler::FinalizeInstructions(region);
    173   PatchCFI(number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs);
    174 }
    176 void MipsAssembler::PatchCFI(size_t number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs) {
    177   if (cfi().NumberOfDelayedAdvancePCs() == 0u) {
    178     DCHECK_EQ(number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs, 0u);
    179     return;
    180   }
    182   typedef DebugFrameOpCodeWriterForAssembler::DelayedAdvancePC DelayedAdvancePC;
    183   const auto data = cfi().ReleaseStreamAndPrepareForDelayedAdvancePC();
    184   const std::vector<uint8_t>& old_stream = data.first;
    185   const std::vector<DelayedAdvancePC>& advances = data.second;
    187   // PCs recorded before EmitBranches() need to be adjusted.
    188   // PCs recorded during EmitBranches() are already adjusted.
    189   // Both ranges are separately sorted but they may overlap.
    190   if (kIsDebugBuild) {
    191     auto cmp = [](const DelayedAdvancePC& lhs, const DelayedAdvancePC& rhs) {
    192       return lhs.pc < rhs.pc;
    193     };
    194     CHECK(std::is_sorted(advances.begin(), advances.begin() + number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs, cmp));
    195     CHECK(std::is_sorted(advances.begin() + number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs, advances.end(), cmp));
    196   }
    198   // Append initial CFI data if any.
    199   size_t size = advances.size();
    200   DCHECK_NE(size, 0u);
    201   cfi().AppendRawData(old_stream, 0u, advances[0].stream_pos);
    202   // Emit PC adjustments interleaved with the old CFI stream.
    203   size_t adjust_pos = 0u;
    204   size_t late_emit_pos = number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs;
    205   while (adjust_pos != number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs || late_emit_pos != size) {
    206     size_t adjusted_pc = (adjust_pos != number_of_delayed_adjust_pcs)
    207         ? GetAdjustedPosition(advances[adjust_pos].pc)
    208         : static_cast<size_t>(-1);
    209     size_t late_emit_pc = (late_emit_pos != size)
    210         ? advances[late_emit_pos].pc
    211         : static_cast<size_t>(-1);
    212     size_t advance_pc = std::min(adjusted_pc, late_emit_pc);
    213     DCHECK_NE(advance_pc, static_cast<size_t>(-1));
    214     size_t entry = (adjusted_pc <= late_emit_pc) ? adjust_pos : late_emit_pos;
    215     if (adjusted_pc <= late_emit_pc) {
    216       ++adjust_pos;
    217     } else {
    218       ++late_emit_pos;
    219     }
    220     cfi().AdvancePC(advance_pc);
    221     size_t end_pos = (entry + 1u == size) ? old_stream.size() : advances[entry + 1u].stream_pos;
    222     cfi().AppendRawData(old_stream, advances[entry].stream_pos, end_pos);
    223   }
    224 }
    226 void MipsAssembler::EmitBranches() {
    227   CHECK(!overwriting_);
    228   CHECK(!reordering_);
    229   // Now that everything has its final position in the buffer (the branches have
    230   // been promoted), adjust the target label PCs.
    231   for (size_t cnt = ds_fsm_target_pcs_.size(), i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
    232     ds_fsm_target_pcs_[i] = GetAdjustedPosition(ds_fsm_target_pcs_[i]);
    233   }
    234   // Switch from appending instructions at the end of the buffer to overwriting
    235   // existing instructions (branch placeholders) in the buffer.
    236   overwriting_ = true;
    237   for (size_t id = 0; id < branches_.size(); id++) {
    238     EmitBranch(id);
    239   }
    240   overwriting_ = false;
    241 }
    243 void MipsAssembler::Emit(uint32_t value) {
    244   if (overwriting_) {
    245     // Branches to labels are emitted into their placeholders here.
    246     buffer_.Store<uint32_t>(overwrite_location_, value);
    247     overwrite_location_ += sizeof(uint32_t);
    248   } else {
    249     // Other instructions are simply appended at the end here.
    250     AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
    251     buffer_.Emit<uint32_t>(value);
    252   }
    253 }
    255 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitR(int opcode,
    256                               Register rs,
    257                               Register rt,
    258                               Register rd,
    259                               int shamt,
    260                               int funct) {
    261   CHECK_NE(rs, kNoRegister);
    262   CHECK_NE(rt, kNoRegister);
    263   CHECK_NE(rd, kNoRegister);
    264   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(opcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    265                       static_cast<uint32_t>(rs) << kRsShift |
    266                       static_cast<uint32_t>(rt) << kRtShift |
    267                       static_cast<uint32_t>(rd) << kRdShift |
    268                       shamt << kShamtShift |
    269                       funct;
    270   Emit(encoding);
    271   return encoding;
    272 }
    274 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitI(int opcode, Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm) {
    275   CHECK_NE(rs, kNoRegister);
    276   CHECK_NE(rt, kNoRegister);
    277   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(opcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    278                       static_cast<uint32_t>(rs) << kRsShift |
    279                       static_cast<uint32_t>(rt) << kRtShift |
    280                       imm;
    281   Emit(encoding);
    282   return encoding;
    283 }
    285 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitI21(int opcode, Register rs, uint32_t imm21) {
    286   CHECK_NE(rs, kNoRegister);
    287   CHECK(IsUint<21>(imm21)) << imm21;
    288   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(opcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    289                       static_cast<uint32_t>(rs) << kRsShift |
    290                       imm21;
    291   Emit(encoding);
    292   return encoding;
    293 }
    295 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitI26(int opcode, uint32_t imm26) {
    296   CHECK(IsUint<26>(imm26)) << imm26;
    297   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(opcode) << kOpcodeShift | imm26;
    298   Emit(encoding);
    299   return encoding;
    300 }
    302 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitFR(int opcode,
    303                                int fmt,
    304                                FRegister ft,
    305                                FRegister fs,
    306                                FRegister fd,
    307                                int funct) {
    308   CHECK_NE(ft, kNoFRegister);
    309   CHECK_NE(fs, kNoFRegister);
    310   CHECK_NE(fd, kNoFRegister);
    311   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(opcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    312                       fmt << kFmtShift |
    313                       static_cast<uint32_t>(ft) << kFtShift |
    314                       static_cast<uint32_t>(fs) << kFsShift |
    315                       static_cast<uint32_t>(fd) << kFdShift |
    316                       funct;
    317   Emit(encoding);
    318   return encoding;
    319 }
    321 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitFI(int opcode, int fmt, FRegister ft, uint16_t imm) {
    322   CHECK_NE(ft, kNoFRegister);
    323   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(opcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    324                       fmt << kFmtShift |
    325                       static_cast<uint32_t>(ft) << kFtShift |
    326                       imm;
    327   Emit(encoding);
    328   return encoding;
    329 }
    331 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitMsa3R(int operation,
    332                                   int df,
    333                                   VectorRegister wt,
    334                                   VectorRegister ws,
    335                                   VectorRegister wd,
    336                                   int minor_opcode) {
    337   CHECK_NE(wt, kNoVectorRegister);
    338   CHECK_NE(ws, kNoVectorRegister);
    339   CHECK_NE(wd, kNoVectorRegister);
    340   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(kMsaMajorOpcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    341                       operation << kMsaOperationShift |
    342                       df << kDfShift |
    343                       static_cast<uint32_t>(wt) << kWtShift |
    344                       static_cast<uint32_t>(ws) << kWsShift |
    345                       static_cast<uint32_t>(wd) << kWdShift |
    346                       minor_opcode;
    347   Emit(encoding);
    348   return encoding;
    349 }
    351 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitMsaBIT(int operation,
    352                                    int df_m,
    353                                    VectorRegister ws,
    354                                    VectorRegister wd,
    355                                    int minor_opcode) {
    356   CHECK_NE(ws, kNoVectorRegister);
    357   CHECK_NE(wd, kNoVectorRegister);
    358   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(kMsaMajorOpcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    359                       operation << kMsaOperationShift |
    360                       df_m << kDfMShift |
    361                       static_cast<uint32_t>(ws) << kWsShift |
    362                       static_cast<uint32_t>(wd) << kWdShift |
    363                       minor_opcode;
    364   Emit(encoding);
    365   return encoding;
    366 }
    368 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitMsaELM(int operation,
    369                                    int df_n,
    370                                    VectorRegister ws,
    371                                    VectorRegister wd,
    372                                    int minor_opcode) {
    373   CHECK_NE(ws, kNoVectorRegister);
    374   CHECK_NE(wd, kNoVectorRegister);
    375   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(kMsaMajorOpcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    376                       operation << kMsaELMOperationShift |
    377                       df_n << kDfNShift |
    378                       static_cast<uint32_t>(ws) << kWsShift |
    379                       static_cast<uint32_t>(wd) << kWdShift |
    380                       minor_opcode;
    381   Emit(encoding);
    382   return encoding;
    383 }
    385 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitMsaMI10(int s10,
    386                                     Register rs,
    387                                     VectorRegister wd,
    388                                     int minor_opcode,
    389                                     int df) {
    390   CHECK_NE(rs, kNoRegister);
    391   CHECK_NE(wd, kNoVectorRegister);
    392   CHECK(IsUint<10>(s10)) << s10;
    393   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(kMsaMajorOpcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    394                       s10 << kS10Shift |
    395                       static_cast<uint32_t>(rs) << kWsShift |
    396                       static_cast<uint32_t>(wd) << kWdShift |
    397                       minor_opcode << kS10MinorShift |
    398                       df;
    399   Emit(encoding);
    400   return encoding;
    401 }
    403 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitMsaI10(int operation,
    404                                    int df,
    405                                    int i10,
    406                                    VectorRegister wd,
    407                                    int minor_opcode) {
    408   CHECK_NE(wd, kNoVectorRegister);
    409   CHECK(IsUint<10>(i10)) << i10;
    410   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(kMsaMajorOpcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    411                       operation << kMsaOperationShift |
    412                       df << kDfShift |
    413                       i10 << kI10Shift |
    414                       static_cast<uint32_t>(wd) << kWdShift |
    415                       minor_opcode;
    416   Emit(encoding);
    417   return encoding;
    418 }
    420 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitMsa2R(int operation,
    421                                   int df,
    422                                   VectorRegister ws,
    423                                   VectorRegister wd,
    424                                   int minor_opcode) {
    425   CHECK_NE(ws, kNoVectorRegister);
    426   CHECK_NE(wd, kNoVectorRegister);
    427   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(kMsaMajorOpcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    428                       operation << kMsa2ROperationShift |
    429                       df << kDf2RShift |
    430                       static_cast<uint32_t>(ws) << kWsShift |
    431                       static_cast<uint32_t>(wd) << kWdShift |
    432                       minor_opcode;
    433   Emit(encoding);
    434   return encoding;
    435 }
    437 uint32_t MipsAssembler::EmitMsa2RF(int operation,
    438                                    int df,
    439                                    VectorRegister ws,
    440                                    VectorRegister wd,
    441                                    int minor_opcode) {
    442   CHECK_NE(ws, kNoVectorRegister);
    443   CHECK_NE(wd, kNoVectorRegister);
    444   uint32_t encoding = static_cast<uint32_t>(kMsaMajorOpcode) << kOpcodeShift |
    445                       operation << kMsa2RFOperationShift |
    446                       df << kDf2RShift |
    447                       static_cast<uint32_t>(ws) << kWsShift |
    448                       static_cast<uint32_t>(wd) << kWdShift |
    449                       minor_opcode;
    450   Emit(encoding);
    451   return encoding;
    452 }
    454 void MipsAssembler::Addu(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    455   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x21)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    456 }
    458 void MipsAssembler::Addiu(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16, MipsLabel* patcher_label) {
    459   if (patcher_label != nullptr) {
    460     Bind(patcher_label);
    461   }
    462   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x9, rs, rt, imm16), patcher_label).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    463 }
    465 void MipsAssembler::Addiu(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    466   Addiu(rt, rs, imm16, /* patcher_label */ nullptr);
    467 }
    469 void MipsAssembler::Subu(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    470   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x23)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    471 }
    473 void MipsAssembler::MultR2(Register rs, Register rt) {
    474   CHECK(!IsR6());
    475   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, static_cast<Register>(0), 0, 0x18)).GprIns(rs, rt);
    476 }
    478 void MipsAssembler::MultuR2(Register rs, Register rt) {
    479   CHECK(!IsR6());
    480   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, static_cast<Register>(0), 0, 0x19)).GprIns(rs, rt);
    481 }
    483 void MipsAssembler::DivR2(Register rs, Register rt) {
    484   CHECK(!IsR6());
    485   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, static_cast<Register>(0), 0, 0x1a)).GprIns(rs, rt);
    486 }
    488 void MipsAssembler::DivuR2(Register rs, Register rt) {
    489   CHECK(!IsR6());
    490   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, static_cast<Register>(0), 0, 0x1b)).GprIns(rs, rt);
    491 }
    493 void MipsAssembler::MulR2(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    494   CHECK(!IsR6());
    495   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1c, rs, rt, rd, 0, 2)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    496 }
    498 void MipsAssembler::DivR2(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    499   CHECK(!IsR6());
    500   DivR2(rs, rt);
    501   Mflo(rd);
    502 }
    504 void MipsAssembler::ModR2(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    505   CHECK(!IsR6());
    506   DivR2(rs, rt);
    507   Mfhi(rd);
    508 }
    510 void MipsAssembler::DivuR2(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    511   CHECK(!IsR6());
    512   DivuR2(rs, rt);
    513   Mflo(rd);
    514 }
    516 void MipsAssembler::ModuR2(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    517   CHECK(!IsR6());
    518   DivuR2(rs, rt);
    519   Mfhi(rd);
    520 }
    522 void MipsAssembler::MulR6(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    523   CHECK(IsR6());
    524   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 2, 0x18)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    525 }
    527 void MipsAssembler::MuhR6(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    528   CHECK(IsR6());
    529   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 3, 0x18)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    530 }
    532 void MipsAssembler::MuhuR6(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    533   CHECK(IsR6());
    534   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 3, 0x19)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    535 }
    537 void MipsAssembler::DivR6(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    538   CHECK(IsR6());
    539   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 2, 0x1a)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    540 }
    542 void MipsAssembler::ModR6(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    543   CHECK(IsR6());
    544   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 3, 0x1a)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    545 }
    547 void MipsAssembler::DivuR6(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    548   CHECK(IsR6());
    549   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 2, 0x1b)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    550 }
    552 void MipsAssembler::ModuR6(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    553   CHECK(IsR6());
    554   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 3, 0x1b)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    555 }
    557 void MipsAssembler::And(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    558   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x24)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    559 }
    561 void MipsAssembler::Andi(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    562   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0xc, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    563 }
    565 void MipsAssembler::Or(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    566   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x25)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    567 }
    569 void MipsAssembler::Ori(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    570   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0xd, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    571 }
    573 void MipsAssembler::Xor(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    574   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x26)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    575 }
    577 void MipsAssembler::Xori(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    578   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0xe, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    579 }
    581 void MipsAssembler::Nor(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    582   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x27)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    583 }
    585 void MipsAssembler::Movz(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    586   CHECK(!IsR6());
    587   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x0A)).GprInOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    588 }
    590 void MipsAssembler::Movn(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    591   CHECK(!IsR6());
    592   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x0B)).GprInOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    593 }
    595 void MipsAssembler::Seleqz(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    596   CHECK(IsR6());
    597   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x35)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    598 }
    600 void MipsAssembler::Selnez(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    601   CHECK(IsR6());
    602   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x37)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    603 }
    605 void MipsAssembler::ClzR6(Register rd, Register rs) {
    606   CHECK(IsR6());
    607   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, static_cast<Register>(0), rd, 0x01, 0x10)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs);
    608 }
    610 void MipsAssembler::ClzR2(Register rd, Register rs) {
    611   CHECK(!IsR6());
    612   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1C, rs, rd, rd, 0, 0x20)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs);
    613 }
    615 void MipsAssembler::CloR6(Register rd, Register rs) {
    616   CHECK(IsR6());
    617   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, static_cast<Register>(0), rd, 0x01, 0x11)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs);
    618 }
    620 void MipsAssembler::CloR2(Register rd, Register rs) {
    621   CHECK(!IsR6());
    622   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1C, rs, rd, rd, 0, 0x21)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs);
    623 }
    625 void MipsAssembler::Seb(Register rd, Register rt) {
    626   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1f, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, rd, 0x10, 0x20)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    627 }
    629 void MipsAssembler::Seh(Register rd, Register rt) {
    630   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1f, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, rd, 0x18, 0x20)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    631 }
    633 void MipsAssembler::Wsbh(Register rd, Register rt) {
    634   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1f, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, rd, 2, 0x20)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    635 }
    637 void MipsAssembler::Bitswap(Register rd, Register rt) {
    638   CHECK(IsR6());
    639   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1f, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, rd, 0x0, 0x20)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    640 }
    642 void MipsAssembler::Sll(Register rd, Register rt, int shamt) {
    643   CHECK(IsUint<5>(shamt)) << shamt;
    644   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, rd, shamt, 0x00)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    645 }
    647 void MipsAssembler::Srl(Register rd, Register rt, int shamt) {
    648   CHECK(IsUint<5>(shamt)) << shamt;
    649   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, rd, shamt, 0x02)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    650 }
    652 void MipsAssembler::Rotr(Register rd, Register rt, int shamt) {
    653   CHECK(IsUint<5>(shamt)) << shamt;
    654   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, static_cast<Register>(1), rt, rd, shamt, 0x02)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    655 }
    657 void MipsAssembler::Sra(Register rd, Register rt, int shamt) {
    658   CHECK(IsUint<5>(shamt)) << shamt;
    659   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, rd, shamt, 0x03)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    660 }
    662 void MipsAssembler::Sllv(Register rd, Register rt, Register rs) {
    663   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x04)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    664 }
    666 void MipsAssembler::Srlv(Register rd, Register rt, Register rs) {
    667   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x06)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    668 }
    670 void MipsAssembler::Rotrv(Register rd, Register rt, Register rs) {
    671   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 1, 0x06)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    672 }
    674 void MipsAssembler::Srav(Register rd, Register rt, Register rs) {
    675   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x07)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    676 }
    678 void MipsAssembler::Ext(Register rd, Register rt, int pos, int size) {
    679   CHECK(IsUint<5>(pos)) << pos;
    680   CHECK(0 < size && size <= 32) << size;
    681   CHECK(0 < pos + size && pos + size <= 32) << pos << " + " << size;
    682   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1f, rt, rd, static_cast<Register>(size - 1), pos, 0x00))
    683       .GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    684 }
    686 void MipsAssembler::Ins(Register rd, Register rt, int pos, int size) {
    687   CHECK(IsUint<5>(pos)) << pos;
    688   CHECK(0 < size && size <= 32) << size;
    689   CHECK(0 < pos + size && pos + size <= 32) << pos << " + " << size;
    690   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x1f, rt, rd, static_cast<Register>(pos + size - 1), pos, 0x04))
    691       .GprInOuts(rd).GprIns(rt);
    692 }
    694 void MipsAssembler::Lsa(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt, int saPlusOne) {
    695   CHECK(IsR6() || HasMsa());
    696   CHECK(1 <= saPlusOne && saPlusOne <= 4) << saPlusOne;
    697   int sa = saPlusOne - 1;
    698   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0x0, rs, rt, rd, sa, 0x05)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    699 }
    701 void MipsAssembler::ShiftAndAdd(Register dst,
    702                                 Register src_idx,
    703                                 Register src_base,
    704                                 int shamt,
    705                                 Register tmp) {
    706   CHECK(0 <= shamt && shamt <= 4) << shamt;
    707   CHECK_NE(src_base, tmp);
    708   if (shamt == TIMES_1) {
    709     // Catch the special case where the shift amount is zero (0).
    710     Addu(dst, src_base, src_idx);
    711   } else if (IsR6() || HasMsa()) {
    712     Lsa(dst, src_idx, src_base, shamt);
    713   } else {
    714     Sll(tmp, src_idx, shamt);
    715     Addu(dst, src_base, tmp);
    716   }
    717 }
    719 void MipsAssembler::Lb(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    720   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x20, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    721 }
    723 void MipsAssembler::Lh(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    724   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x21, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    725 }
    727 void MipsAssembler::Lw(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16, MipsLabel* patcher_label) {
    728   if (patcher_label != nullptr) {
    729     Bind(patcher_label);
    730   }
    731   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x23, rs, rt, imm16), patcher_label).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    732 }
    734 void MipsAssembler::Lw(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    735   Lw(rt, rs, imm16, /* patcher_label */ nullptr);
    736 }
    738 void MipsAssembler::Lwl(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    739   CHECK(!IsR6());
    740   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x22, rs, rt, imm16)).GprInOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    741 }
    743 void MipsAssembler::Lwr(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    744   CHECK(!IsR6());
    745   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x26, rs, rt, imm16)).GprInOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    746 }
    748 void MipsAssembler::Lbu(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    749   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x24, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    750 }
    752 void MipsAssembler::Lhu(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    753   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x25, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    754 }
    756 void MipsAssembler::Lwpc(Register rs, uint32_t imm19) {
    757   CHECK(IsR6());
    758   CHECK(IsUint<19>(imm19)) << imm19;
    759   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI21(0x3B, rs, (0x01 << 19) | imm19));
    760 }
    762 void MipsAssembler::Lui(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    763   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0xf, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt);
    764 }
    766 void MipsAssembler::Aui(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    767   CHECK(IsR6());
    768   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0xf, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    769 }
    771 void MipsAssembler::AddUpper(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16, Register tmp) {
    772   bool increment = (rs == rt);
    773   if (increment) {
    774     CHECK_NE(rs, tmp);
    775   }
    776   if (IsR6()) {
    777     Aui(rt, rs, imm16);
    778   } else if (increment) {
    779     Lui(tmp, imm16);
    780     Addu(rt, rs, tmp);
    781   } else {
    782     Lui(rt, imm16);
    783     Addu(rt, rs, rt);
    784   }
    785 }
    787 void MipsAssembler::Sync(uint32_t stype) {
    788   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitR(0, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, stype & 0x1f, 0xf));
    789 }
    791 void MipsAssembler::Mfhi(Register rd) {
    792   CHECK(!IsR6());
    793   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, ZERO, ZERO, rd, 0, 0x10)).GprOuts(rd);
    794 }
    796 void MipsAssembler::Mflo(Register rd) {
    797   CHECK(!IsR6());
    798   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, ZERO, ZERO, rd, 0, 0x12)).GprOuts(rd);
    799 }
    801 void MipsAssembler::Sb(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    802   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x28, rs, rt, imm16)).GprIns(rt, rs);
    803 }
    805 void MipsAssembler::Sh(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    806   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x29, rs, rt, imm16)).GprIns(rt, rs);
    807 }
    809 void MipsAssembler::Sw(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16, MipsLabel* patcher_label) {
    810   if (patcher_label != nullptr) {
    811     Bind(patcher_label);
    812   }
    813   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x2b, rs, rt, imm16), patcher_label).GprIns(rt, rs);
    814 }
    816 void MipsAssembler::Sw(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    817   Sw(rt, rs, imm16, /* patcher_label */ nullptr);
    818 }
    820 void MipsAssembler::Swl(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    821   CHECK(!IsR6());
    822   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x2a, rs, rt, imm16)).GprIns(rt, rs);
    823 }
    825 void MipsAssembler::Swr(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    826   CHECK(!IsR6());
    827   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x2e, rs, rt, imm16)).GprIns(rt, rs);
    828 }
    830 void MipsAssembler::LlR2(Register rt, Register base, int16_t imm16) {
    831   CHECK(!IsR6());
    832   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x30, base, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(base);
    833 }
    835 void MipsAssembler::ScR2(Register rt, Register base, int16_t imm16) {
    836   CHECK(!IsR6());
    837   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x38, base, rt, imm16)).GprInOuts(rt).GprIns(base);
    838 }
    840 void MipsAssembler::LlR6(Register rt, Register base, int16_t imm9) {
    841   CHECK(IsR6());
    842   CHECK(IsInt<9>(imm9));
    843   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x1f, base, rt, ((imm9 & 0x1ff) << 7) | 0x36)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(base);
    844 }
    846 void MipsAssembler::ScR6(Register rt, Register base, int16_t imm9) {
    847   CHECK(IsR6());
    848   CHECK(IsInt<9>(imm9));
    849   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x1f, base, rt, ((imm9 & 0x1ff) << 7) | 0x26)).GprInOuts(rt).GprIns(base);
    850 }
    852 void MipsAssembler::Slt(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    853   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x2a)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    854 }
    856 void MipsAssembler::Sltu(Register rd, Register rs, Register rt) {
    857   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, rt, rd, 0, 0x2b)).GprOuts(rd).GprIns(rs, rt);
    858 }
    860 void MipsAssembler::Slti(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    861   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0xa, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    862 }
    864 void MipsAssembler::Sltiu(Register rt, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    865   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0xb, rs, rt, imm16)).GprOuts(rt).GprIns(rs);
    866 }
    868 void MipsAssembler::B(uint16_t imm16) {
    869   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x4, static_cast<Register>(0), static_cast<Register>(0), imm16));
    870 }
    872 void MipsAssembler::Bal(uint16_t imm16) {
    873   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x1, static_cast<Register>(0), static_cast<Register>(0x11), imm16));
    874 }
    876 void MipsAssembler::Beq(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    877   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x4, rs, rt, imm16));
    878 }
    880 void MipsAssembler::Bne(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    881   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x5, rs, rt, imm16));
    882 }
    884 void MipsAssembler::Beqz(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    885   Beq(rt, ZERO, imm16);
    886 }
    888 void MipsAssembler::Bnez(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    889   Bne(rt, ZERO, imm16);
    890 }
    892 void MipsAssembler::Bltz(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    893   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x1, rt, static_cast<Register>(0), imm16));
    894 }
    896 void MipsAssembler::Bgez(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    897   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x1, rt, static_cast<Register>(0x1), imm16));
    898 }
    900 void MipsAssembler::Blez(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    901   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x6, rt, static_cast<Register>(0), imm16));
    902 }
    904 void MipsAssembler::Bgtz(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
    905   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x7, rt, static_cast<Register>(0), imm16));
    906 }
    908 void MipsAssembler::Bc1f(uint16_t imm16) {
    909   Bc1f(0, imm16);
    910 }
    912 void MipsAssembler::Bc1f(int cc, uint16_t imm16) {
    913   CHECK(!IsR6());
    914   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
    915   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x11, static_cast<Register>(0x8), static_cast<Register>(cc << 2), imm16));
    916 }
    918 void MipsAssembler::Bc1t(uint16_t imm16) {
    919   Bc1t(0, imm16);
    920 }
    922 void MipsAssembler::Bc1t(int cc, uint16_t imm16) {
    923   CHECK(!IsR6());
    924   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
    925   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x11,
    926                       static_cast<Register>(0x8),
    927                       static_cast<Register>((cc << 2) | 1),
    928                       imm16));
    929 }
    931 void MipsAssembler::J(uint32_t addr26) {
    932   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI26(0x2, addr26));
    933 }
    935 void MipsAssembler::Jal(uint32_t addr26) {
    936   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI26(0x3, addr26));
    937 }
    939 void MipsAssembler::Jalr(Register rd, Register rs) {
    940   uint32_t last_instruction = delay_slot_.instruction_;
    941   MipsLabel* patcher_label = delay_slot_.patcher_label_;
    942   bool exchange = (last_instruction != 0 &&
    943       (delay_slot_.masks_.gpr_outs_ & (1u << rs)) == 0 &&
    944       ((delay_slot_.masks_.gpr_ins_ | delay_slot_.masks_.gpr_outs_) & (1u << rd)) == 0);
    945   if (exchange) {
    946     // The last instruction cannot be used in a different delay slot,
    947     // do not commit the label before it (if any).
    948     DsFsmDropLabel();
    949   }
    950   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitR(0, rs, static_cast<Register>(0), rd, 0, 0x09));
    951   if (exchange) {
    952     // Exchange the last two instructions in the assembler buffer.
    953     size_t size = buffer_.Size();
    954     CHECK_GE(size, 2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
    955     size_t pos1 = size - 2 * sizeof(uint32_t);
    956     size_t pos2 = size - sizeof(uint32_t);
    957     uint32_t instr1 = buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(pos1);
    958     uint32_t instr2 = buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(pos2);
    959     CHECK_EQ(instr1, last_instruction);
    960     buffer_.Store<uint32_t>(pos1, instr2);
    961     buffer_.Store<uint32_t>(pos2, instr1);
    962     // Move the patcher label along with the patched instruction.
    963     if (patcher_label != nullptr) {
    964       patcher_label->AdjustBoundPosition(sizeof(uint32_t));
    965     }
    966   } else if (reordering_) {
    967     Nop();
    968   }
    969 }
    971 void MipsAssembler::Jalr(Register rs) {
    972   Jalr(RA, rs);
    973 }
    975 void MipsAssembler::Jr(Register rs) {
    976   Jalr(ZERO, rs);
    977 }
    979 void MipsAssembler::Nal() {
    980   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x1, static_cast<Register>(0), static_cast<Register>(0x10), 0));
    981 }
    983 void MipsAssembler::Auipc(Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
    984   CHECK(IsR6());
    985   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x3B, rs, static_cast<Register>(0x1E), imm16));
    986 }
    988 void MipsAssembler::Addiupc(Register rs, uint32_t imm19) {
    989   CHECK(IsR6());
    990   CHECK(IsUint<19>(imm19)) << imm19;
    991   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI21(0x3B, rs, imm19));
    992 }
    994 void MipsAssembler::Bc(uint32_t imm26) {
    995   CHECK(IsR6());
    996   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI26(0x32, imm26));
    997 }
    999 void MipsAssembler::Balc(uint32_t imm26) {
   1000   CHECK(IsR6());
   1001   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI26(0x3A, imm26));
   1002 }
   1004 void MipsAssembler::Jic(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1005   CHECK(IsR6());
   1006   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x36, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, imm16));
   1007 }
   1009 void MipsAssembler::Jialc(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1010   CHECK(IsR6());
   1011   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x3E, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, imm16));
   1012 }
   1014 void MipsAssembler::Bltc(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1015   CHECK(IsR6());
   1016   CHECK_NE(rs, ZERO);
   1017   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1018   CHECK_NE(rs, rt);
   1019   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x17, rs, rt, imm16));
   1020 }
   1022 void MipsAssembler::Bltzc(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1023   CHECK(IsR6());
   1024   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1025   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x17, rt, rt, imm16));
   1026 }
   1028 void MipsAssembler::Bgtzc(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1029   CHECK(IsR6());
   1030   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1031   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x17, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, imm16));
   1032 }
   1034 void MipsAssembler::Bgec(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1035   CHECK(IsR6());
   1036   CHECK_NE(rs, ZERO);
   1037   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1038   CHECK_NE(rs, rt);
   1039   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x16, rs, rt, imm16));
   1040 }
   1042 void MipsAssembler::Bgezc(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1043   CHECK(IsR6());
   1044   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1045   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x16, rt, rt, imm16));
   1046 }
   1048 void MipsAssembler::Blezc(Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1049   CHECK(IsR6());
   1050   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1051   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x16, static_cast<Register>(0), rt, imm16));
   1052 }
   1054 void MipsAssembler::Bltuc(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1055   CHECK(IsR6());
   1056   CHECK_NE(rs, ZERO);
   1057   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1058   CHECK_NE(rs, rt);
   1059   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x7, rs, rt, imm16));
   1060 }
   1062 void MipsAssembler::Bgeuc(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1063   CHECK(IsR6());
   1064   CHECK_NE(rs, ZERO);
   1065   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1066   CHECK_NE(rs, rt);
   1067   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x6, rs, rt, imm16));
   1068 }
   1070 void MipsAssembler::Beqc(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1071   CHECK(IsR6());
   1072   CHECK_NE(rs, ZERO);
   1073   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1074   CHECK_NE(rs, rt);
   1075   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x8, std::min(rs, rt), std::max(rs, rt), imm16));
   1076 }
   1078 void MipsAssembler::Bnec(Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1079   CHECK(IsR6());
   1080   CHECK_NE(rs, ZERO);
   1081   CHECK_NE(rt, ZERO);
   1082   CHECK_NE(rs, rt);
   1083   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI(0x18, std::min(rs, rt), std::max(rs, rt), imm16));
   1084 }
   1086 void MipsAssembler::Beqzc(Register rs, uint32_t imm21) {
   1087   CHECK(IsR6());
   1088   CHECK_NE(rs, ZERO);
   1089   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI21(0x36, rs, imm21));
   1090 }
   1092 void MipsAssembler::Bnezc(Register rs, uint32_t imm21) {
   1093   CHECK(IsR6());
   1094   CHECK_NE(rs, ZERO);
   1095   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitI21(0x3E, rs, imm21));
   1096 }
   1098 void MipsAssembler::Bc1eqz(FRegister ft, uint16_t imm16) {
   1099   CHECK(IsR6());
   1100   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitFI(0x11, 0x9, ft, imm16));
   1101 }
   1103 void MipsAssembler::Bc1nez(FRegister ft, uint16_t imm16) {
   1104   CHECK(IsR6());
   1105   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitFI(0x11, 0xD, ft, imm16));
   1106 }
   1108 void MipsAssembler::EmitBcondR2(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint16_t imm16) {
   1109   switch (cond) {
   1110     case kCondLTZ:
   1111       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1112       Bltz(rs, imm16);
   1113       break;
   1114     case kCondGEZ:
   1115       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1116       Bgez(rs, imm16);
   1117       break;
   1118     case kCondLEZ:
   1119       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1120       Blez(rs, imm16);
   1121       break;
   1122     case kCondGTZ:
   1123       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1124       Bgtz(rs, imm16);
   1125       break;
   1126     case kCondEQ:
   1127       Beq(rs, rt, imm16);
   1128       break;
   1129     case kCondNE:
   1130       Bne(rs, rt, imm16);
   1131       break;
   1132     case kCondEQZ:
   1133       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1134       Beqz(rs, imm16);
   1135       break;
   1136     case kCondNEZ:
   1137       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1138       Bnez(rs, imm16);
   1139       break;
   1140     case kCondF:
   1141       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1142       Bc1f(static_cast<int>(rs), imm16);
   1143       break;
   1144     case kCondT:
   1145       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1146       Bc1t(static_cast<int>(rs), imm16);
   1147       break;
   1148     case kCondLT:
   1149     case kCondGE:
   1150     case kCondLE:
   1151     case kCondGT:
   1152     case kCondLTU:
   1153     case kCondGEU:
   1154     case kUncond:
   1155       // We don't support synthetic R2 branches (preceded with slt[u]) at this level
   1156       // (R2 doesn't have branches to compare 2 registers using <, <=, >=, >).
   1157       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch condition " << cond;
   1158       UNREACHABLE();
   1159   }
   1160 }
   1162 void MipsAssembler::EmitBcondR6(BranchCondition cond, Register rs, Register rt, uint32_t imm16_21) {
   1163   switch (cond) {
   1164     case kCondLT:
   1165       Bltc(rs, rt, imm16_21);
   1166       break;
   1167     case kCondGE:
   1168       Bgec(rs, rt, imm16_21);
   1169       break;
   1170     case kCondLE:
   1171       Bgec(rt, rs, imm16_21);
   1172       break;
   1173     case kCondGT:
   1174       Bltc(rt, rs, imm16_21);
   1175       break;
   1176     case kCondLTZ:
   1177       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1178       Bltzc(rs, imm16_21);
   1179       break;
   1180     case kCondGEZ:
   1181       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1182       Bgezc(rs, imm16_21);
   1183       break;
   1184     case kCondLEZ:
   1185       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1186       Blezc(rs, imm16_21);
   1187       break;
   1188     case kCondGTZ:
   1189       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1190       Bgtzc(rs, imm16_21);
   1191       break;
   1192     case kCondEQ:
   1193       Beqc(rs, rt, imm16_21);
   1194       break;
   1195     case kCondNE:
   1196       Bnec(rs, rt, imm16_21);
   1197       break;
   1198     case kCondEQZ:
   1199       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1200       Beqzc(rs, imm16_21);
   1201       break;
   1202     case kCondNEZ:
   1203       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1204       Bnezc(rs, imm16_21);
   1205       break;
   1206     case kCondLTU:
   1207       Bltuc(rs, rt, imm16_21);
   1208       break;
   1209     case kCondGEU:
   1210       Bgeuc(rs, rt, imm16_21);
   1211       break;
   1212     case kCondF:
   1213       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1214       Bc1eqz(static_cast<FRegister>(rs), imm16_21);
   1215       break;
   1216     case kCondT:
   1217       CHECK_EQ(rt, ZERO);
   1218       Bc1nez(static_cast<FRegister>(rs), imm16_21);
   1219       break;
   1220     case kUncond:
   1221       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch condition " << cond;
   1222       UNREACHABLE();
   1223   }
   1224 }
   1226 void MipsAssembler::AddS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1227   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x0)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1228 }
   1230 void MipsAssembler::SubS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1231   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x1)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1232 }
   1234 void MipsAssembler::MulS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1235   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x2)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1236 }
   1238 void MipsAssembler::DivS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1239   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x3)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1240 }
   1242 void MipsAssembler::AddD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1243   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x0)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1244 }
   1246 void MipsAssembler::SubD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1247   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x1)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1248 }
   1250 void MipsAssembler::MulD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1251   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x2)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1252 }
   1254 void MipsAssembler::DivD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1255   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x3)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1256 }
   1258 void MipsAssembler::SqrtS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1259   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x4)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1260 }
   1262 void MipsAssembler::SqrtD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1263   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x4)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1264 }
   1266 void MipsAssembler::AbsS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1267   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x5)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1268 }
   1270 void MipsAssembler::AbsD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1271   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x5)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1272 }
   1274 void MipsAssembler::MovS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1275   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x6)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1276 }
   1278 void MipsAssembler::MovD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1279   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x6)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1280 }
   1282 void MipsAssembler::NegS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1283   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x7)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1284 }
   1286 void MipsAssembler::NegD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1287   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x7)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1288 }
   1290 void MipsAssembler::CunS(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1291   CunS(0, fs, ft);
   1292 }
   1294 void MipsAssembler::CunS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1295   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1296   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1297   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x31))
   1298       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1299 }
   1301 void MipsAssembler::CeqS(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1302   CeqS(0, fs, ft);
   1303 }
   1305 void MipsAssembler::CeqS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1306   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1307   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1308   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x32))
   1309       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1310 }
   1312 void MipsAssembler::CueqS(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1313   CueqS(0, fs, ft);
   1314 }
   1316 void MipsAssembler::CueqS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1317   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1318   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1319   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x33))
   1320       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1321 }
   1323 void MipsAssembler::ColtS(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1324   ColtS(0, fs, ft);
   1325 }
   1327 void MipsAssembler::ColtS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1328   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1329   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1330   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x34))
   1331       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1332 }
   1334 void MipsAssembler::CultS(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1335   CultS(0, fs, ft);
   1336 }
   1338 void MipsAssembler::CultS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1339   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1340   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1341   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x35))
   1342       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1343 }
   1345 void MipsAssembler::ColeS(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1346   ColeS(0, fs, ft);
   1347 }
   1349 void MipsAssembler::ColeS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1350   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1351   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1352   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x36))
   1353       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1354 }
   1356 void MipsAssembler::CuleS(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1357   CuleS(0, fs, ft);
   1358 }
   1360 void MipsAssembler::CuleS(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1361   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1362   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1363   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x37))
   1364       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1365 }
   1367 void MipsAssembler::CunD(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1368   CunD(0, fs, ft);
   1369 }
   1371 void MipsAssembler::CunD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1372   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1373   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1374   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x31))
   1375       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1376 }
   1378 void MipsAssembler::CeqD(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1379   CeqD(0, fs, ft);
   1380 }
   1382 void MipsAssembler::CeqD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1383   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1384   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1385   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x32))
   1386       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1387 }
   1389 void MipsAssembler::CueqD(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1390   CueqD(0, fs, ft);
   1391 }
   1393 void MipsAssembler::CueqD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1394   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1395   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1396   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x33))
   1397       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1398 }
   1400 void MipsAssembler::ColtD(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1401   ColtD(0, fs, ft);
   1402 }
   1404 void MipsAssembler::ColtD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1405   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1406   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1407   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x34))
   1408       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1409 }
   1411 void MipsAssembler::CultD(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1412   CultD(0, fs, ft);
   1413 }
   1415 void MipsAssembler::CultD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1416   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1417   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1418   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x35))
   1419       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1420 }
   1422 void MipsAssembler::ColeD(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1423   ColeD(0, fs, ft);
   1424 }
   1426 void MipsAssembler::ColeD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1427   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1428   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1429   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x36))
   1430       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1431 }
   1433 void MipsAssembler::CuleD(FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1434   CuleD(0, fs, ft);
   1435 }
   1437 void MipsAssembler::CuleD(int cc, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1438   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1439   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1440   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), 0x37))
   1441       .CcOuts(cc).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1442 }
   1444 void MipsAssembler::CmpUnS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1445   CHECK(IsR6());
   1446   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x01)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1447 }
   1449 void MipsAssembler::CmpEqS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1450   CHECK(IsR6());
   1451   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x02)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1452 }
   1454 void MipsAssembler::CmpUeqS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1455   CHECK(IsR6());
   1456   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x03)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1457 }
   1459 void MipsAssembler::CmpLtS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1460   CHECK(IsR6());
   1461   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x04)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1462 }
   1464 void MipsAssembler::CmpUltS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1465   CHECK(IsR6());
   1466   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x05)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1467 }
   1469 void MipsAssembler::CmpLeS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1470   CHECK(IsR6());
   1471   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x06)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1472 }
   1474 void MipsAssembler::CmpUleS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1475   CHECK(IsR6());
   1476   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x07)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1477 }
   1479 void MipsAssembler::CmpOrS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1480   CHECK(IsR6());
   1481   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x11)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1482 }
   1484 void MipsAssembler::CmpUneS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1485   CHECK(IsR6());
   1486   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x12)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1487 }
   1489 void MipsAssembler::CmpNeS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1490   CHECK(IsR6());
   1491   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, ft, fs, fd, 0x13)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1492 }
   1494 void MipsAssembler::CmpUnD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1495   CHECK(IsR6());
   1496   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x01)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1497 }
   1499 void MipsAssembler::CmpEqD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1500   CHECK(IsR6());
   1501   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x02)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1502 }
   1504 void MipsAssembler::CmpUeqD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1505   CHECK(IsR6());
   1506   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x03)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1507 }
   1509 void MipsAssembler::CmpLtD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1510   CHECK(IsR6());
   1511   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x04)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1512 }
   1514 void MipsAssembler::CmpUltD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1515   CHECK(IsR6());
   1516   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x05)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1517 }
   1519 void MipsAssembler::CmpLeD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1520   CHECK(IsR6());
   1521   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x06)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1522 }
   1524 void MipsAssembler::CmpUleD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1525   CHECK(IsR6());
   1526   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x07)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1527 }
   1529 void MipsAssembler::CmpOrD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1530   CHECK(IsR6());
   1531   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x11)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1532 }
   1534 void MipsAssembler::CmpUneD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1535   CHECK(IsR6());
   1536   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x12)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1537 }
   1539 void MipsAssembler::CmpNeD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1540   CHECK(IsR6());
   1541   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, ft, fs, fd, 0x13)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1542 }
   1544 void MipsAssembler::Movf(Register rd, Register rs, int cc) {
   1545   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1546   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1547   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, static_cast<Register>(cc << 2), rd, 0, 0x01))
   1548       .GprInOuts(rd).GprIns(rs).CcIns(cc);
   1549 }
   1551 void MipsAssembler::Movt(Register rd, Register rs, int cc) {
   1552   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1553   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1554   DsFsmInstr(EmitR(0, rs, static_cast<Register>((cc << 2) | 1), rd, 0, 0x01))
   1555       .GprInOuts(rd).GprIns(rs).CcIns(cc);
   1556 }
   1558 void MipsAssembler::MovfS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, int cc) {
   1559   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1560   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1561   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), fs, fd, 0x11))
   1562       .FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs).CcIns(cc);
   1563 }
   1565 void MipsAssembler::MovfD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, int cc) {
   1566   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1567   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1568   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(cc << 2), fs, fd, 0x11))
   1569       .FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs).CcIns(cc);
   1570 }
   1572 void MipsAssembler::MovtS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, int cc) {
   1573   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1574   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1575   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>((cc << 2) | 1), fs, fd, 0x11))
   1576       .FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs).CcIns(cc);
   1577 }
   1579 void MipsAssembler::MovtD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, int cc) {
   1580   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1581   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   1582   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>((cc << 2) | 1), fs, fd, 0x11))
   1583       .FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs).CcIns(cc);
   1584 }
   1586 void MipsAssembler::MovzS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, Register rt) {
   1587   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1588   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(rt), fs, fd, 0x12))
   1589       .FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs).GprIns(rt);
   1590 }
   1592 void MipsAssembler::MovzD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, Register rt) {
   1593   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1594   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(rt), fs, fd, 0x12))
   1595       .FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs).GprIns(rt);
   1596 }
   1598 void MipsAssembler::MovnS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, Register rt) {
   1599   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1600   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(rt), fs, fd, 0x13))
   1601       .FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs).GprIns(rt);
   1602 }
   1604 void MipsAssembler::MovnD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, Register rt) {
   1605   CHECK(!IsR6());
   1606   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(rt), fs, fd, 0x13))
   1607       .FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs).GprIns(rt);
   1608 }
   1610 void MipsAssembler::SelS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1611   CHECK(IsR6());
   1612   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x10)).FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1613 }
   1615 void MipsAssembler::SelD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1616   CHECK(IsR6());
   1617   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x10)).FprInOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1618 }
   1620 void MipsAssembler::SeleqzS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1621   CHECK(IsR6());
   1622   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x14)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1623 }
   1625 void MipsAssembler::SeleqzD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1626   CHECK(IsR6());
   1627   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x14)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1628 }
   1630 void MipsAssembler::SelnezS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1631   CHECK(IsR6());
   1632   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x17)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1633 }
   1635 void MipsAssembler::SelnezD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1636   CHECK(IsR6());
   1637   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x17)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1638 }
   1640 void MipsAssembler::ClassS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1641   CHECK(IsR6());
   1642   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1643 }
   1645 void MipsAssembler::ClassD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1646   CHECK(IsR6());
   1647   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1648 }
   1650 void MipsAssembler::MinS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1651   CHECK(IsR6());
   1652   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x1c)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1653 }
   1655 void MipsAssembler::MinD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1656   CHECK(IsR6());
   1657   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x1c)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1658 }
   1660 void MipsAssembler::MaxS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1661   CHECK(IsR6());
   1662   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, ft, fs, fd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1663 }
   1665 void MipsAssembler::MaxD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs, FRegister ft) {
   1666   CHECK(IsR6());
   1667   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, ft, fs, fd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs, ft);
   1668 }
   1670 void MipsAssembler::TruncLS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1671   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x09)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1672 }
   1674 void MipsAssembler::TruncLD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1675   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x09)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1676 }
   1678 void MipsAssembler::TruncWS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1679   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x0D)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1680 }
   1682 void MipsAssembler::TruncWD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1683   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x0D)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1684 }
   1686 void MipsAssembler::Cvtsw(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1687   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x20)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1688 }
   1690 void MipsAssembler::Cvtdw(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1691   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x14, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x21)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1692 }
   1694 void MipsAssembler::Cvtsd(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1695   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x20)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1696 }
   1698 void MipsAssembler::Cvtds(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1699   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x21)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1700 }
   1702 void MipsAssembler::Cvtsl(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1703   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x20)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1704 }
   1706 void MipsAssembler::Cvtdl(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1707   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x15, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0x21)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1708 }
   1710 void MipsAssembler::FloorWS(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1711   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x10, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0xf)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1712 }
   1714 void MipsAssembler::FloorWD(FRegister fd, FRegister fs) {
   1715   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x11, static_cast<FRegister>(0), fs, fd, 0xf)).FprOuts(fd).FprIns(fs);
   1716 }
   1718 FRegister MipsAssembler::GetFpuRegLow(FRegister reg) {
   1719   // If FPRs are 32-bit (and get paired to hold 64-bit values), accesses to
   1720   // odd-numbered FPRs are reattributed to even-numbered FPRs. This lets us
   1721   // use only even-numbered FPRs irrespective of whether we're doing single-
   1722   // or double-precision arithmetic. (We don't use odd-numbered 32-bit FPRs
   1723   // to hold single-precision values).
   1724   return Is32BitFPU() ? static_cast<FRegister>(reg & ~1u) : reg;
   1725 }
   1727 void MipsAssembler::Mfc1(Register rt, FRegister fs) {
   1728   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x00, static_cast<FRegister>(rt), fs, static_cast<FRegister>(0), 0x0))
   1729       .GprOuts(rt).FprIns(GetFpuRegLow(fs));
   1730 }
   1732 // Note, the 32 LSBs of a 64-bit value must be loaded into an FPR before the 32 MSBs
   1733 // when loading the value as 32-bit halves.
   1734 void MipsAssembler::Mtc1(Register rt, FRegister fs) {
   1735   uint32_t encoding =
   1736       EmitFR(0x11, 0x04, static_cast<FRegister>(rt), fs, static_cast<FRegister>(0), 0x0);
   1737   if (Is32BitFPU() && (fs % 2 != 0)) {
   1738     // If mtc1 is used to simulate mthc1 by writing to the odd-numbered FPR in
   1739     // a pair of 32-bit FPRs, the associated even-numbered FPR is an in/out.
   1740     DsFsmInstr(encoding).FprInOuts(GetFpuRegLow(fs)).GprIns(rt);
   1741   } else {
   1742     // Otherwise (the FPR is 64-bit or even-numbered), the FPR is an out.
   1743     DsFsmInstr(encoding).FprOuts(fs).GprIns(rt);
   1744   }
   1745 }
   1747 void MipsAssembler::Mfhc1(Register rt, FRegister fs) {
   1748   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x03, static_cast<FRegister>(rt), fs, static_cast<FRegister>(0), 0x0))
   1749       .GprOuts(rt).FprIns(fs);
   1750 }
   1752 // Note, the 32 LSBs of a 64-bit value must be loaded into an FPR before the 32 MSBs
   1753 // when loading the value as 32-bit halves.
   1754 void MipsAssembler::Mthc1(Register rt, FRegister fs) {
   1755   DsFsmInstr(EmitFR(0x11, 0x07, static_cast<FRegister>(rt), fs, static_cast<FRegister>(0), 0x0))
   1756       .FprInOuts(fs).GprIns(rt);
   1757 }
   1759 void MipsAssembler::MoveFromFpuHigh(Register rt, FRegister fs) {
   1760   if (Is32BitFPU()) {
   1761     CHECK_EQ(fs % 2, 0) << fs;
   1762     Mfc1(rt, static_cast<FRegister>(fs + 1));
   1763   } else {
   1764     Mfhc1(rt, fs);
   1765   }
   1766 }
   1768 void MipsAssembler::MoveToFpuHigh(Register rt, FRegister fs) {
   1769   if (Is32BitFPU()) {
   1770     CHECK_EQ(fs % 2, 0) << fs;
   1771     Mtc1(rt, static_cast<FRegister>(fs + 1));
   1772   } else {
   1773     Mthc1(rt, fs);
   1774   }
   1775 }
   1777 // Note, the 32 LSBs of a 64-bit value must be loaded into an FPR before the 32 MSBs
   1778 // when loading the value as 32-bit halves.
   1779 void MipsAssembler::Lwc1(FRegister ft, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
   1780   uint32_t encoding = EmitI(0x31, rs, static_cast<Register>(ft), imm16);
   1781   if (Is32BitFPU() && (ft % 2 != 0)) {
   1782     // If lwc1 is used to load the odd-numbered FPR in a pair of 32-bit FPRs,
   1783     // the associated even-numbered FPR is an in/out.
   1784     DsFsmInstr(encoding).FprInOuts(GetFpuRegLow(ft)).GprIns(rs);
   1785   } else {
   1786     // Otherwise (the FPR is 64-bit or even-numbered), the FPR is an out.
   1787     DsFsmInstr(encoding).FprOuts(ft).GprIns(rs);
   1788   }
   1789 }
   1791 void MipsAssembler::Ldc1(FRegister ft, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
   1792   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x35, rs, static_cast<Register>(ft), imm16)).FprOuts(ft).GprIns(rs);
   1793 }
   1795 void MipsAssembler::Swc1(FRegister ft, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
   1796   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x39, rs, static_cast<Register>(ft), imm16)).FprIns(GetFpuRegLow(ft)).GprIns(rs);
   1797 }
   1799 void MipsAssembler::Sdc1(FRegister ft, Register rs, uint16_t imm16) {
   1800   DsFsmInstr(EmitI(0x3d, rs, static_cast<Register>(ft), imm16)).FprIns(ft).GprIns(rs);
   1801 }
   1803 void MipsAssembler::Break() {
   1804   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitR(0, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, 0, 0xD));
   1805 }
   1807 void MipsAssembler::Nop() {
   1808   DsFsmInstrNop(EmitR(0x0, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, 0, 0x0));
   1809 }
   1811 void MipsAssembler::NopIfNoReordering() {
   1812   if (!reordering_) {
   1813     Nop();
   1814   }
   1815 }
   1817 void MipsAssembler::Move(Register rd, Register rs) {
   1818   Or(rd, rs, ZERO);
   1819 }
   1821 void MipsAssembler::Clear(Register rd) {
   1822   Move(rd, ZERO);
   1823 }
   1825 void MipsAssembler::Not(Register rd, Register rs) {
   1826   Nor(rd, rs, ZERO);
   1827 }
   1829 void MipsAssembler::Push(Register rs) {
   1830   IncreaseFrameSize(kStackAlignment);
   1831   Sw(rs, SP, 0);
   1832 }
   1834 void MipsAssembler::Pop(Register rd) {
   1835   Lw(rd, SP, 0);
   1836   DecreaseFrameSize(kStackAlignment);
   1837 }
   1839 void MipsAssembler::PopAndReturn(Register rd, Register rt) {
   1840   bool reordering = SetReorder(false);
   1841   Lw(rd, SP, 0);
   1842   Jr(rt);
   1843   DecreaseFrameSize(kStackAlignment);  // Single instruction in delay slot.
   1844   SetReorder(reordering);
   1845 }
   1847 void MipsAssembler::AndV(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1848   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1849   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1850 }
   1852 void MipsAssembler::OrV(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1853   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1854   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1855 }
   1857 void MipsAssembler::NorV(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1858   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1859   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1860 }
   1862 void MipsAssembler::XorV(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1863   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1864   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1865 }
   1867 void MipsAssembler::AddvB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1868   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1869   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1870 }
   1872 void MipsAssembler::AddvH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1873   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1874   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1875 }
   1877 void MipsAssembler::AddvW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1878   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1879   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1880 }
   1882 void MipsAssembler::AddvD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1883   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1884   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1885 }
   1887 void MipsAssembler::SubvB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1888   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1889   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1890 }
   1892 void MipsAssembler::SubvH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1893   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1894   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1895 }
   1897 void MipsAssembler::SubvW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1898   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1899   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1900 }
   1902 void MipsAssembler::SubvD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1903   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1904   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1905 }
   1907 void MipsAssembler::MulvB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1908   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1909   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1910 }
   1912 void MipsAssembler::MulvH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1913   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1914   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1915 }
   1917 void MipsAssembler::MulvW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1918   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1919   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1920 }
   1922 void MipsAssembler::MulvD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1923   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1924   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1925 }
   1927 void MipsAssembler::Div_sB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1928   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1929   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1930 }
   1932 void MipsAssembler::Div_sH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1933   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1934   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1935 }
   1937 void MipsAssembler::Div_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1938   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1939   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1940 }
   1942 void MipsAssembler::Div_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1943   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1944   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1945 }
   1947 void MipsAssembler::Div_uB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1948   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1949   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1950 }
   1952 void MipsAssembler::Div_uH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1953   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1954   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1955 }
   1957 void MipsAssembler::Div_uW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1958   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1959   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1960 }
   1962 void MipsAssembler::Div_uD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1963   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1964   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1965 }
   1967 void MipsAssembler::Mod_sB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1968   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1969   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1970 }
   1972 void MipsAssembler::Mod_sH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1973   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1974   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1975 }
   1977 void MipsAssembler::Mod_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1978   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1979   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1980 }
   1982 void MipsAssembler::Mod_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1983   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1984   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1985 }
   1987 void MipsAssembler::Mod_uB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1988   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1989   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1990 }
   1992 void MipsAssembler::Mod_uH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1993   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1994   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   1995 }
   1997 void MipsAssembler::Mod_uW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   1998   CHECK(HasMsa());
   1999   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2000 }
   2002 void MipsAssembler::Mod_uD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2003   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2004   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2005 }
   2007 void MipsAssembler::Add_aB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2008   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2009   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2010 }
   2012 void MipsAssembler::Add_aH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2013   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2014   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2015 }
   2017 void MipsAssembler::Add_aW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2018   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2019   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2020 }
   2022 void MipsAssembler::Add_aD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2023   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2024   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2025 }
   2027 void MipsAssembler::Ave_sB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2028   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2029   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2030 }
   2032 void MipsAssembler::Ave_sH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2033   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2034   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2035 }
   2037 void MipsAssembler::Ave_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2038   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2039   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2040 }
   2042 void MipsAssembler::Ave_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2043   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2044   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2045 }
   2047 void MipsAssembler::Ave_uB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2048   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2049   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2050 }
   2052 void MipsAssembler::Ave_uH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2053   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2054   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2055 }
   2057 void MipsAssembler::Ave_uW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2058   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2059   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2060 }
   2062 void MipsAssembler::Ave_uD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2063   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2064   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2065 }
   2067 void MipsAssembler::Aver_sB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2068   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2069   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2070 }
   2072 void MipsAssembler::Aver_sH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2073   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2074   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2075 }
   2077 void MipsAssembler::Aver_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2078   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2079   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2080 }
   2082 void MipsAssembler::Aver_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2083   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2084   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2085 }
   2087 void MipsAssembler::Aver_uB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2088   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2089   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2090 }
   2092 void MipsAssembler::Aver_uH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2093   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2094   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2095 }
   2097 void MipsAssembler::Aver_uW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2098   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2099   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2100 }
   2102 void MipsAssembler::Aver_uD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2103   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2104   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x10)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2105 }
   2107 void MipsAssembler::Max_sB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2108   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2109   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2110 }
   2112 void MipsAssembler::Max_sH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2113   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2114   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2115 }
   2117 void MipsAssembler::Max_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2118   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2119   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2120 }
   2122 void MipsAssembler::Max_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2123   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2124   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2125 }
   2127 void MipsAssembler::Max_uB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2128   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2129   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x3, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2130 }
   2132 void MipsAssembler::Max_uH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2133   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2134   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x3, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2135 }
   2137 void MipsAssembler::Max_uW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2138   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2139   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x3, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2140 }
   2142 void MipsAssembler::Max_uD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2143   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2144   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x3, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2145 }
   2147 void MipsAssembler::Min_sB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2148   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2149   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2150 }
   2152 void MipsAssembler::Min_sH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2153   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2154   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2155 }
   2157 void MipsAssembler::Min_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2158   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2159   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2160 }
   2162 void MipsAssembler::Min_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2163   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2164   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2165 }
   2167 void MipsAssembler::Min_uB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2168   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2169   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2170 }
   2172 void MipsAssembler::Min_uH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2173   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2174   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2175 }
   2177 void MipsAssembler::Min_uW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2178   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2179   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2180 }
   2182 void MipsAssembler::Min_uD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2183   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2184   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xe)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2185 }
   2187 void MipsAssembler::FaddW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2188   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2189   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2190 }
   2192 void MipsAssembler::FaddD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2193   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2194   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2195 }
   2197 void MipsAssembler::FsubW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2198   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2199   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2200 }
   2202 void MipsAssembler::FsubD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2203   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2204   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2205 }
   2207 void MipsAssembler::FmulW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2208   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2209   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2210 }
   2212 void MipsAssembler::FmulD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2213   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2214   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2215 }
   2217 void MipsAssembler::FdivW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2218   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2219   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2220 }
   2222 void MipsAssembler::FdivD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2223   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2224   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2225 }
   2227 void MipsAssembler::FmaxW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2228   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2229   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2230 }
   2232 void MipsAssembler::FmaxD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2233   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2234   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2235 }
   2237 void MipsAssembler::FminW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2238   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2239   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2240 }
   2242 void MipsAssembler::FminD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2243   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2244   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2245 }
   2247 void MipsAssembler::Ffint_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws) {
   2248   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2249   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa2RF(0x19e, 0x0, ws, wd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2250 }
   2252 void MipsAssembler::Ffint_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws) {
   2253   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2254   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa2RF(0x19e, 0x1, ws, wd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2255 }
   2257 void MipsAssembler::Ftint_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws) {
   2258   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2259   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa2RF(0x19c, 0x0, ws, wd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2260 }
   2262 void MipsAssembler::Ftint_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws) {
   2263   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2264   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa2RF(0x19c, 0x1, ws, wd, 0x1e)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2265 }
   2267 void MipsAssembler::SllB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2268   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2269   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2270 }
   2272 void MipsAssembler::SllH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2273   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2274   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2275 }
   2277 void MipsAssembler::SllW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2278   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2279   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2280 }
   2282 void MipsAssembler::SllD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2283   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2284   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x0, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2285 }
   2287 void MipsAssembler::SraB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2288   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2289   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2290 }
   2292 void MipsAssembler::SraH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2293   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2294   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2295 }
   2297 void MipsAssembler::SraW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2298   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2299   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2300 }
   2302 void MipsAssembler::SraD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2303   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2304   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2305 }
   2307 void MipsAssembler::SrlB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2308   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2309   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2310 }
   2312 void MipsAssembler::SrlH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2313   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2314   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2315 }
   2317 void MipsAssembler::SrlW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2318   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2319   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2320 }
   2322 void MipsAssembler::SrlD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2323   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2324   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0xd)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2325 }
   2327 void MipsAssembler::SlliB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt3) {
   2328   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2329   CHECK(IsUint<3>(shamt3)) << shamt3;
   2330   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x0, shamt3 | kMsaDfMByteMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2331 }
   2333 void MipsAssembler::SlliH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt4) {
   2334   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2335   CHECK(IsUint<4>(shamt4)) << shamt4;
   2336   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x0, shamt4 | kMsaDfMHalfwordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2337 }
   2339 void MipsAssembler::SlliW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt5) {
   2340   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2341   CHECK(IsUint<5>(shamt5)) << shamt5;
   2342   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x0, shamt5 | kMsaDfMWordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2343 }
   2345 void MipsAssembler::SlliD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt6) {
   2346   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2347   CHECK(IsUint<6>(shamt6)) << shamt6;
   2348   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x0, shamt6 | kMsaDfMDoublewordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2349 }
   2351 void MipsAssembler::SraiB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt3) {
   2352   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2353   CHECK(IsUint<3>(shamt3)) << shamt3;
   2354   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x1, shamt3 | kMsaDfMByteMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2355 }
   2357 void MipsAssembler::SraiH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt4) {
   2358   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2359   CHECK(IsUint<4>(shamt4)) << shamt4;
   2360   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x1, shamt4 | kMsaDfMHalfwordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2361 }
   2363 void MipsAssembler::SraiW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt5) {
   2364   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2365   CHECK(IsUint<5>(shamt5)) << shamt5;
   2366   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x1, shamt5 | kMsaDfMWordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2367 }
   2369 void MipsAssembler::SraiD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt6) {
   2370   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2371   CHECK(IsUint<6>(shamt6)) << shamt6;
   2372   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x1, shamt6 | kMsaDfMDoublewordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2373 }
   2375 void MipsAssembler::SrliB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt3) {
   2376   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2377   CHECK(IsUint<3>(shamt3)) << shamt3;
   2378   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x2, shamt3 | kMsaDfMByteMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2379 }
   2381 void MipsAssembler::SrliH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt4) {
   2382   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2383   CHECK(IsUint<4>(shamt4)) << shamt4;
   2384   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x2, shamt4 | kMsaDfMHalfwordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2385 }
   2387 void MipsAssembler::SrliW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt5) {
   2388   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2389   CHECK(IsUint<5>(shamt5)) << shamt5;
   2390   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x2, shamt5 | kMsaDfMWordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2391 }
   2393 void MipsAssembler::SrliD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int shamt6) {
   2394   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2395   CHECK(IsUint<6>(shamt6)) << shamt6;
   2396   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x2, shamt6 | kMsaDfMDoublewordMask, ws, wd, 0x9)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2397 }
   2399 void MipsAssembler::MoveV(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws) {
   2400   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2401   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaBIT(0x1, 0x3e, ws, wd, 0x19)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2402 }
   2404 void MipsAssembler::SplatiB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int n4) {
   2405   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2406   CHECK(IsUint<4>(n4)) << n4;
   2407   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x1, n4 | kMsaDfNByteMask, ws, wd, 0x19)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2408 }
   2410 void MipsAssembler::SplatiH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int n3) {
   2411   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2412   CHECK(IsUint<3>(n3)) << n3;
   2413   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x1, n3 | kMsaDfNHalfwordMask, ws, wd, 0x19)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2414 }
   2416 void MipsAssembler::SplatiW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int n2) {
   2417   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2418   CHECK(IsUint<2>(n2)) << n2;
   2419   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x1, n2 | kMsaDfNWordMask, ws, wd, 0x19)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2420 }
   2422 void MipsAssembler::SplatiD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, int n1) {
   2423   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2424   CHECK(IsUint<1>(n1)) << n1;
   2425   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x1, n1 | kMsaDfNDoublewordMask, ws, wd, 0x19)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws);
   2426 }
   2428 void MipsAssembler::Copy_sB(Register rd, VectorRegister ws, int n4) {
   2429   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2430   CHECK(IsUint<4>(n4)) << n4;
   2431   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x2, n4 | kMsaDfNByteMask, ws, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rd), 0x19))
   2432       .GprOuts(rd).FprIns(ws);
   2433 }
   2435 void MipsAssembler::Copy_sH(Register rd, VectorRegister ws, int n3) {
   2436   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2437   CHECK(IsUint<3>(n3)) << n3;
   2438   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x2, n3 | kMsaDfNHalfwordMask, ws, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rd), 0x19))
   2439       .GprOuts(rd).FprIns(ws);
   2440 }
   2442 void MipsAssembler::Copy_sW(Register rd, VectorRegister ws, int n2) {
   2443   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2444   CHECK(IsUint<2>(n2)) << n2;
   2445   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x2, n2 | kMsaDfNWordMask, ws, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rd), 0x19))
   2446       .GprOuts(rd).FprIns(ws);
   2447 }
   2449 void MipsAssembler::Copy_uB(Register rd, VectorRegister ws, int n4) {
   2450   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2451   CHECK(IsUint<4>(n4)) << n4;
   2452   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x3, n4 | kMsaDfNByteMask, ws, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rd), 0x19))
   2453       .GprOuts(rd).FprIns(ws);
   2454 }
   2456 void MipsAssembler::Copy_uH(Register rd, VectorRegister ws, int n3) {
   2457   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2458   CHECK(IsUint<3>(n3)) << n3;
   2459   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x3, n3 | kMsaDfNHalfwordMask, ws, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rd), 0x19))
   2460       .GprOuts(rd).FprIns(ws);
   2461 }
   2463 void MipsAssembler::InsertB(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int n4) {
   2464   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2465   CHECK(IsUint<4>(n4)) << n4;
   2466   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x4, n4 | kMsaDfNByteMask, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rs), wd, 0x19))
   2467       .FprInOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2468 }
   2470 void MipsAssembler::InsertH(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int n3) {
   2471   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2472   CHECK(IsUint<3>(n3)) << n3;
   2473   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x4, n3 | kMsaDfNHalfwordMask, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rs), wd, 0x19))
   2474       .FprInOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2475 }
   2477 void MipsAssembler::InsertW(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int n2) {
   2478   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2479   CHECK(IsUint<2>(n2)) << n2;
   2480   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaELM(0x4, n2 | kMsaDfNWordMask, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rs), wd, 0x19))
   2481       .FprInOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2482 }
   2484 void MipsAssembler::FillB(VectorRegister wd, Register rs) {
   2485   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2486   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa2R(0xc0, 0x0, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rs), wd, 0x1e))
   2487       .FprOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2488 }
   2490 void MipsAssembler::FillH(VectorRegister wd, Register rs) {
   2491   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2492   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa2R(0xc0, 0x1, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rs), wd, 0x1e))
   2493       .FprOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2494 }
   2496 void MipsAssembler::FillW(VectorRegister wd, Register rs) {
   2497   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2498   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa2R(0xc0, 0x2, static_cast<VectorRegister>(rs), wd, 0x1e))
   2499       .FprOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2500 }
   2502 void MipsAssembler::LdiB(VectorRegister wd, int imm8) {
   2503   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2504   CHECK(IsInt<8>(imm8)) << imm8;
   2505   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaI10(0x6, 0x0, imm8 & kMsaS10Mask, wd, 0x7)).FprOuts(wd);
   2506 }
   2508 void MipsAssembler::LdiH(VectorRegister wd, int imm10) {
   2509   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2510   CHECK(IsInt<10>(imm10)) << imm10;
   2511   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaI10(0x6, 0x1, imm10 & kMsaS10Mask, wd, 0x7)).FprOuts(wd);
   2512 }
   2514 void MipsAssembler::LdiW(VectorRegister wd, int imm10) {
   2515   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2516   CHECK(IsInt<10>(imm10)) << imm10;
   2517   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaI10(0x6, 0x2, imm10 & kMsaS10Mask, wd, 0x7)).FprOuts(wd);
   2518 }
   2520 void MipsAssembler::LdiD(VectorRegister wd, int imm10) {
   2521   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2522   CHECK(IsInt<10>(imm10)) << imm10;
   2523   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaI10(0x6, 0x3, imm10 & kMsaS10Mask, wd, 0x7)).FprOuts(wd);
   2524 }
   2526 void MipsAssembler::LdB(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int offset) {
   2527   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2528   CHECK(IsInt<10>(offset)) << offset;
   2529   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaMI10(offset & kMsaS10Mask, rs, wd, 0x8, 0x0)).FprOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2530 }
   2532 void MipsAssembler::LdH(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int offset) {
   2533   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2534   CHECK(IsInt<11>(offset)) << offset;
   2535   CHECK_ALIGNED(offset, kMipsHalfwordSize);
   2536   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaMI10((offset >> TIMES_2) & kMsaS10Mask, rs, wd, 0x8, 0x1))
   2537       .FprOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2538 }
   2540 void MipsAssembler::LdW(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int offset) {
   2541   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2542   CHECK(IsInt<12>(offset)) << offset;
   2543   CHECK_ALIGNED(offset, kMipsWordSize);
   2544   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaMI10((offset >> TIMES_4) & kMsaS10Mask, rs, wd, 0x8, 0x2))
   2545       .FprOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2546 }
   2548 void MipsAssembler::LdD(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int offset) {
   2549   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2550   CHECK(IsInt<13>(offset)) << offset;
   2551   CHECK_ALIGNED(offset, kMipsDoublewordSize);
   2552   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaMI10((offset >> TIMES_8) & kMsaS10Mask, rs, wd, 0x8, 0x3))
   2553       .FprOuts(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2554 }
   2556 void MipsAssembler::StB(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int offset) {
   2557   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2558   CHECK(IsInt<10>(offset)) << offset;
   2559   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaMI10(offset & kMsaS10Mask, rs, wd, 0x9, 0x0)).FprIns(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2560 }
   2562 void MipsAssembler::StH(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int offset) {
   2563   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2564   CHECK(IsInt<11>(offset)) << offset;
   2565   CHECK_ALIGNED(offset, kMipsHalfwordSize);
   2566   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaMI10((offset >> TIMES_2) & kMsaS10Mask, rs, wd, 0x9, 0x1))
   2567       .FprIns(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2568 }
   2570 void MipsAssembler::StW(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int offset) {
   2571   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2572   CHECK(IsInt<12>(offset)) << offset;
   2573   CHECK_ALIGNED(offset, kMipsWordSize);
   2574   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaMI10((offset >> TIMES_4) & kMsaS10Mask, rs, wd, 0x9, 0x2))
   2575       .FprIns(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2576 }
   2578 void MipsAssembler::StD(VectorRegister wd, Register rs, int offset) {
   2579   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2580   CHECK(IsInt<13>(offset)) << offset;
   2581   CHECK_ALIGNED(offset, kMipsDoublewordSize);
   2582   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsaMI10((offset >> TIMES_8) & kMsaS10Mask, rs, wd, 0x9, 0x3))
   2583       .FprIns(wd).GprIns(rs);
   2584 }
   2586 void MipsAssembler::IlvlB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2587   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2588   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2589 }
   2591 void MipsAssembler::IlvlH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2592   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2593   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2594 }
   2596 void MipsAssembler::IlvlW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2597   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2598   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2599 }
   2601 void MipsAssembler::IlvlD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2602   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2603   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2604 }
   2606 void MipsAssembler::IlvrB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2607   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2608   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2609 }
   2611 void MipsAssembler::IlvrH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2612   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2613   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2614 }
   2616 void MipsAssembler::IlvrW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2617   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2618   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2619 }
   2621 void MipsAssembler::IlvrD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2622   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2623   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2624 }
   2626 void MipsAssembler::IlvevB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2627   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2628   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2629 }
   2631 void MipsAssembler::IlvevH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2632   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2633   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2634 }
   2636 void MipsAssembler::IlvevW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2637   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2638   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2639 }
   2641 void MipsAssembler::IlvevD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2642   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2643   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x6, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2644 }
   2646 void MipsAssembler::IlvodB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2647   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2648   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2649 }
   2651 void MipsAssembler::IlvodH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2652   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2653   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2654 }
   2656 void MipsAssembler::IlvodW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2657   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2658   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2659 }
   2661 void MipsAssembler::IlvodD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2662   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2663   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x7, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x14)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2664 }
   2666 void MipsAssembler::MaddvB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2667   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2668   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2669 }
   2671 void MipsAssembler::MaddvH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2672   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2673   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2674 }
   2676 void MipsAssembler::MaddvW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2677   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2678   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2679 }
   2681 void MipsAssembler::MaddvD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2682   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2683   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x1, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2684 }
   2686 void MipsAssembler::MsubvB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2687   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2688   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2689 }
   2691 void MipsAssembler::MsubvH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2692   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2693   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2694 }
   2696 void MipsAssembler::MsubvW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2697   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2698   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2699 }
   2701 void MipsAssembler::MsubvD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2702   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2703   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x12)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2704 }
   2706 void MipsAssembler::Asub_sB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2707   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2708   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x11)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2709 }
   2711 void MipsAssembler::Asub_sH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2712   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2713   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x11)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2714 }
   2716 void MipsAssembler::Asub_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2717   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2718   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x11)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2719 }
   2721 void MipsAssembler::Asub_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2722   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2723   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x11)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2724 }
   2726 void MipsAssembler::Asub_uB(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2727   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2728   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x11)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2729 }
   2731 void MipsAssembler::Asub_uH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2732   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2733   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x11)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2734 }
   2736 void MipsAssembler::Asub_uW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2737   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2738   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x11)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2739 }
   2741 void MipsAssembler::Asub_uD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2742   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2743   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x11)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2744 }
   2746 void MipsAssembler::FmaddW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2747   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2748   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x0, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2749 }
   2751 void MipsAssembler::FmaddD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2752   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2753   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2754 }
   2756 void MipsAssembler::FmsubW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2757   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2758   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2759 }
   2761 void MipsAssembler::FmsubD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2762   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2763   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x2, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x1b)).FprInOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2764 }
   2766 void MipsAssembler::Hadd_sH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2767   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2768   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x15)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2769 }
   2771 void MipsAssembler::Hadd_sW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2772   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2773   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x15)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2774 }
   2776 void MipsAssembler::Hadd_sD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2777   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2778   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x4, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x15)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2779 }
   2781 void MipsAssembler::Hadd_uH(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2782   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2783   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x1, wt, ws, wd, 0x15)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2784 }
   2786 void MipsAssembler::Hadd_uW(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2787   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2788   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x2, wt, ws, wd, 0x15)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2789 }
   2791 void MipsAssembler::Hadd_uD(VectorRegister wd, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wt) {
   2792   CHECK(HasMsa());
   2793   DsFsmInstr(EmitMsa3R(0x5, 0x3, wt, ws, wd, 0x15)).FprOuts(wd).FprIns(ws, wt);
   2794 }
   2796 void MipsAssembler::ReplicateFPToVectorRegister(VectorRegister dst,
   2797                                                 FRegister src,
   2798                                                 bool is_double) {
   2799   // Float or double in FPU register Fx can be considered as 0th element in vector register Wx.
   2800   if (is_double) {
   2801     SplatiD(dst, static_cast<VectorRegister>(src), 0);
   2802   } else {
   2803     SplatiW(dst, static_cast<VectorRegister>(src), 0);
   2804   }
   2805 }
   2807 void MipsAssembler::LoadConst32(Register rd, int32_t value) {
   2808   if (IsUint<16>(value)) {
   2809     // Use OR with (unsigned) immediate to encode 16b unsigned int.
   2810     Ori(rd, ZERO, value);
   2811   } else if (IsInt<16>(value)) {
   2812     // Use ADD with (signed) immediate to encode 16b signed int.
   2813     Addiu(rd, ZERO, value);
   2814   } else {
   2815     Lui(rd, High16Bits(value));
   2816     if (value & 0xFFFF)
   2817       Ori(rd, rd, Low16Bits(value));
   2818   }
   2819 }
   2821 void MipsAssembler::LoadConst64(Register reg_hi, Register reg_lo, int64_t value) {
   2822   uint32_t low = Low32Bits(value);
   2823   uint32_t high = High32Bits(value);
   2824   LoadConst32(reg_lo, low);
   2825   if (high != low) {
   2826     LoadConst32(reg_hi, high);
   2827   } else {
   2828     Move(reg_hi, reg_lo);
   2829   }
   2830 }
   2832 void MipsAssembler::LoadSConst32(FRegister r, int32_t value, Register temp) {
   2833   if (value == 0) {
   2834     temp = ZERO;
   2835   } else {
   2836     LoadConst32(temp, value);
   2837   }
   2838   Mtc1(temp, r);
   2839 }
   2841 void MipsAssembler::LoadDConst64(FRegister rd, int64_t value, Register temp) {
   2842   uint32_t low = Low32Bits(value);
   2843   uint32_t high = High32Bits(value);
   2844   if (low == 0) {
   2845     Mtc1(ZERO, rd);
   2846   } else {
   2847     LoadConst32(temp, low);
   2848     Mtc1(temp, rd);
   2849   }
   2850   if (high == 0) {
   2851     MoveToFpuHigh(ZERO, rd);
   2852   } else {
   2853     LoadConst32(temp, high);
   2854     MoveToFpuHigh(temp, rd);
   2855   }
   2856 }
   2858 void MipsAssembler::Addiu32(Register rt, Register rs, int32_t value, Register temp) {
   2859   CHECK_NE(rs, temp);  // Must not overwrite the register `rs` while loading `value`.
   2860   if (IsInt<16>(value)) {
   2861     Addiu(rt, rs, value);
   2862   } else if (IsR6()) {
   2863     int16_t high = High16Bits(value);
   2864     int16_t low = Low16Bits(value);
   2865     high += (low < 0) ? 1 : 0;  // Account for sign extension in addiu.
   2866     if (low != 0) {
   2867       Aui(temp, rs, high);
   2868       Addiu(rt, temp, low);
   2869     } else {
   2870       Aui(rt, rs, high);
   2871     }
   2872   } else {
   2873     // Do not load the whole 32-bit `value` if it can be represented as
   2874     // a sum of two 16-bit signed values. This can save an instruction.
   2875     constexpr int32_t kMinValueForSimpleAdjustment = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() * 2;
   2876     constexpr int32_t kMaxValueForSimpleAdjustment = std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() * 2;
   2877     if (0 <= value && value <= kMaxValueForSimpleAdjustment) {
   2878       Addiu(temp, rs, kMaxValueForSimpleAdjustment / 2);
   2879       Addiu(rt, temp, value - kMaxValueForSimpleAdjustment / 2);
   2880     } else if (kMinValueForSimpleAdjustment <= value && value < 0) {
   2881       Addiu(temp, rs, kMinValueForSimpleAdjustment / 2);
   2882       Addiu(rt, temp, value - kMinValueForSimpleAdjustment / 2);
   2883     } else {
   2884       // Now that all shorter options have been exhausted, load the full 32-bit value.
   2885       LoadConst32(temp, value);
   2886       Addu(rt, rs, temp);
   2887     }
   2888   }
   2889 }
   2891 void MipsAssembler::Branch::InitShortOrLong(MipsAssembler::Branch::OffsetBits offset_size,
   2892                                             MipsAssembler::Branch::Type short_type,
   2893                                             MipsAssembler::Branch::Type long_type) {
   2894   type_ = (offset_size <= branch_info_[short_type].offset_size) ? short_type : long_type;
   2895 }
   2897 void MipsAssembler::Branch::InitializeType(Type initial_type, bool is_r6) {
   2898   OffsetBits offset_size_needed = GetOffsetSizeNeeded(location_, target_);
   2899   if (is_r6) {
   2900     // R6
   2901     switch (initial_type) {
   2902       case kLabel:
   2903         CHECK(!IsResolved());
   2904         type_ = kR6Label;
   2905         break;
   2906       case kLiteral:
   2907         CHECK(!IsResolved());
   2908         type_ = kR6Literal;
   2909         break;
   2910       case kCall:
   2911         InitShortOrLong(offset_size_needed, kR6Call, kR6LongCall);
   2912         break;
   2913       case kCondBranch:
   2914         switch (condition_) {
   2915           case kUncond:
   2916             InitShortOrLong(offset_size_needed, kR6UncondBranch, kR6LongUncondBranch);
   2917             break;
   2918           case kCondEQZ:
   2919           case kCondNEZ:
   2920             // Special case for beqzc/bnezc with longer offset than in other b<cond>c instructions.
   2921             type_ = (offset_size_needed <= kOffset23) ? kR6CondBranch : kR6LongCondBranch;
   2922             break;
   2923           default:
   2924             InitShortOrLong(offset_size_needed, kR6CondBranch, kR6LongCondBranch);
   2925             break;
   2926         }
   2927         break;
   2928       case kBareCall:
   2929         type_ = kR6BareCall;
   2930         CHECK_LE(offset_size_needed, GetOffsetSize());
   2931         break;
   2932       case kBareCondBranch:
   2933         type_ = (condition_ == kUncond) ? kR6BareUncondBranch : kR6BareCondBranch;
   2934         CHECK_LE(offset_size_needed, GetOffsetSize());
   2935         break;
   2936       default:
   2937         LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch type " << initial_type;
   2938         UNREACHABLE();
   2939     }
   2940   } else {
   2941     // R2
   2942     switch (initial_type) {
   2943       case kLabel:
   2944         CHECK(!IsResolved());
   2945         type_ = kLabel;
   2946         break;
   2947       case kLiteral:
   2948         CHECK(!IsResolved());
   2949         type_ = kLiteral;
   2950         break;
   2951       case kCall:
   2952         InitShortOrLong(offset_size_needed, kCall, kLongCall);
   2953         break;
   2954       case kCondBranch:
   2955         switch (condition_) {
   2956           case kUncond:
   2957             InitShortOrLong(offset_size_needed, kUncondBranch, kLongUncondBranch);
   2958             break;
   2959           default:
   2960             InitShortOrLong(offset_size_needed, kCondBranch, kLongCondBranch);
   2961             break;
   2962         }
   2963         break;
   2964       case kBareCall:
   2965         type_ = kBareCall;
   2966         CHECK_LE(offset_size_needed, GetOffsetSize());
   2967         break;
   2968       case kBareCondBranch:
   2969         type_ = (condition_ == kUncond) ? kBareUncondBranch : kBareCondBranch;
   2970         CHECK_LE(offset_size_needed, GetOffsetSize());
   2971         break;
   2972       default:
   2973         LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch type " << initial_type;
   2974         UNREACHABLE();
   2975     }
   2976   }
   2977   old_type_ = type_;
   2978 }
   2980 bool MipsAssembler::Branch::IsNop(BranchCondition condition, Register lhs, Register rhs) {
   2981   switch (condition) {
   2982     case kCondLT:
   2983     case kCondGT:
   2984     case kCondNE:
   2985     case kCondLTU:
   2986       return lhs == rhs;
   2987     default:
   2988       return false;
   2989   }
   2990 }
   2992 bool MipsAssembler::Branch::IsUncond(BranchCondition condition, Register lhs, Register rhs) {
   2993   switch (condition) {
   2994     case kUncond:
   2995       return true;
   2996     case kCondGE:
   2997     case kCondLE:
   2998     case kCondEQ:
   2999     case kCondGEU:
   3000       return lhs == rhs;
   3001     default:
   3002       return false;
   3003   }
   3004 }
   3006 MipsAssembler::Branch::Branch(bool is_r6,
   3007                               uint32_t location,
   3008                               uint32_t target,
   3009                               bool is_call,
   3010                               bool is_bare)
   3011     : old_location_(location),
   3012       location_(location),
   3013       target_(target),
   3014       lhs_reg_(0),
   3015       rhs_reg_(0),
   3016       condition_(kUncond),
   3017       delayed_instruction_(kUnfilledDelaySlot),
   3018       patcher_label_(nullptr) {
   3019   InitializeType(
   3020       (is_call ? (is_bare ? kBareCall : kCall) : (is_bare ? kBareCondBranch : kCondBranch)),
   3021       is_r6);
   3022 }
   3024 MipsAssembler::Branch::Branch(bool is_r6,
   3025                               uint32_t location,
   3026                               uint32_t target,
   3027                               MipsAssembler::BranchCondition condition,
   3028                               Register lhs_reg,
   3029                               Register rhs_reg,
   3030                               bool is_bare)
   3031     : old_location_(location),
   3032       location_(location),
   3033       target_(target),
   3034       lhs_reg_(lhs_reg),
   3035       rhs_reg_(rhs_reg),
   3036       condition_(condition),
   3037       delayed_instruction_(kUnfilledDelaySlot),
   3038       patcher_label_(nullptr) {
   3039   CHECK_NE(condition, kUncond);
   3040   switch (condition) {
   3041     case kCondLT:
   3042     case kCondGE:
   3043     case kCondLE:
   3044     case kCondGT:
   3045     case kCondLTU:
   3046     case kCondGEU:
   3047       // We don't support synthetic R2 branches (preceded with slt[u]) at this level
   3048       // (R2 doesn't have branches to compare 2 registers using <, <=, >=, >).
   3049       // We leave this up to the caller.
   3050       CHECK(is_r6);
   3052     case kCondEQ:
   3053     case kCondNE:
   3054       // Require registers other than 0 not only for R6, but also for R2 to catch errors.
   3055       // To compare with 0, use dedicated kCond*Z conditions.
   3056       CHECK_NE(lhs_reg, ZERO);
   3057       CHECK_NE(rhs_reg, ZERO);
   3058       break;
   3059     case kCondLTZ:
   3060     case kCondGEZ:
   3061     case kCondLEZ:
   3062     case kCondGTZ:
   3063     case kCondEQZ:
   3064     case kCondNEZ:
   3065       // Require registers other than 0 not only for R6, but also for R2 to catch errors.
   3066       CHECK_NE(lhs_reg, ZERO);
   3067       CHECK_EQ(rhs_reg, ZERO);
   3068       break;
   3069     case kCondF:
   3070     case kCondT:
   3071       CHECK_EQ(rhs_reg, ZERO);
   3072       break;
   3073     case kUncond:
   3074       UNREACHABLE();
   3075   }
   3076   CHECK(!IsNop(condition, lhs_reg, rhs_reg));
   3077   if (IsUncond(condition, lhs_reg, rhs_reg)) {
   3078     // Branch condition is always true, make the branch unconditional.
   3079     condition_ = kUncond;
   3080   }
   3081   InitializeType((is_bare ? kBareCondBranch : kCondBranch), is_r6);
   3082 }
   3084 MipsAssembler::Branch::Branch(bool is_r6,
   3085                               uint32_t location,
   3086                               Register dest_reg,
   3087                               Register base_reg,
   3088                               Type label_or_literal_type)
   3089     : old_location_(location),
   3090       location_(location),
   3091       target_(kUnresolved),
   3092       lhs_reg_(dest_reg),
   3093       rhs_reg_(base_reg),
   3094       condition_(kUncond),
   3095       delayed_instruction_(kUnfilledDelaySlot),
   3096       patcher_label_(nullptr) {
   3097   CHECK_NE(dest_reg, ZERO);
   3098   if (is_r6) {
   3099     CHECK_EQ(base_reg, ZERO);
   3100   }
   3101   InitializeType(label_or_literal_type, is_r6);
   3102 }
   3104 MipsAssembler::BranchCondition MipsAssembler::Branch::OppositeCondition(
   3105     MipsAssembler::BranchCondition cond) {
   3106   switch (cond) {
   3107     case kCondLT:
   3108       return kCondGE;
   3109     case kCondGE:
   3110       return kCondLT;
   3111     case kCondLE:
   3112       return kCondGT;
   3113     case kCondGT:
   3114       return kCondLE;
   3115     case kCondLTZ:
   3116       return kCondGEZ;
   3117     case kCondGEZ:
   3118       return kCondLTZ;
   3119     case kCondLEZ:
   3120       return kCondGTZ;
   3121     case kCondGTZ:
   3122       return kCondLEZ;
   3123     case kCondEQ:
   3124       return kCondNE;
   3125     case kCondNE:
   3126       return kCondEQ;
   3127     case kCondEQZ:
   3128       return kCondNEZ;
   3129     case kCondNEZ:
   3130       return kCondEQZ;
   3131     case kCondLTU:
   3132       return kCondGEU;
   3133     case kCondGEU:
   3134       return kCondLTU;
   3135     case kCondF:
   3136       return kCondT;
   3137     case kCondT:
   3138       return kCondF;
   3139     case kUncond:
   3140       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch condition " << cond;
   3141   }
   3142   UNREACHABLE();
   3143 }
   3145 MipsAssembler::Branch::Type MipsAssembler::Branch::GetType() const {
   3146   return type_;
   3147 }
   3149 MipsAssembler::BranchCondition MipsAssembler::Branch::GetCondition() const {
   3150   return condition_;
   3151 }
   3153 Register MipsAssembler::Branch::GetLeftRegister() const {
   3154   return static_cast<Register>(lhs_reg_);
   3155 }
   3157 Register MipsAssembler::Branch::GetRightRegister() const {
   3158   return static_cast<Register>(rhs_reg_);
   3159 }
   3161 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetTarget() const {
   3162   return target_;
   3163 }
   3165 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetLocation() const {
   3166   return location_;
   3167 }
   3169 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetOldLocation() const {
   3170   return old_location_;
   3171 }
   3173 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetPrecedingInstructionLength(Type type) const {
   3174   // Short branches with delay slots always consist of two instructions, the branch
   3175   // and the delay slot, irrespective of whether the delay slot is filled with a
   3176   // useful instruction or not.
   3177   // Long composite branches may have a length longer by one instruction than
   3178   // specified in branch_info_[].length. This happens when an instruction is taken
   3179   // to fill the short branch delay slot, but the branch eventually becomes long
   3180   // and formally has no delay slot to fill. This instruction is placed at the
   3181   // beginning of the long composite branch and this needs to be accounted for in
   3182   // the branch length and the location of the offset encoded in the branch.
   3183   switch (type) {
   3184     case kLongUncondBranch:
   3185     case kLongCondBranch:
   3186     case kLongCall:
   3187     case kR6LongCondBranch:
   3188       return (delayed_instruction_ != kUnfilledDelaySlot &&
   3189           delayed_instruction_ != kUnfillableDelaySlot) ? 1 : 0;
   3190     default:
   3191       return 0;
   3192   }
   3193 }
   3195 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetPrecedingInstructionSize(Type type) const {
   3196   return GetPrecedingInstructionLength(type) * sizeof(uint32_t);
   3197 }
   3199 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetLength() const {
   3200   return GetPrecedingInstructionLength(type_) + branch_info_[type_].length;
   3201 }
   3203 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetOldLength() const {
   3204   return GetPrecedingInstructionLength(old_type_) + branch_info_[old_type_].length;
   3205 }
   3207 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetSize() const {
   3208   return GetLength() * sizeof(uint32_t);
   3209 }
   3211 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetOldSize() const {
   3212   return GetOldLength() * sizeof(uint32_t);
   3213 }
   3215 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetEndLocation() const {
   3216   return GetLocation() + GetSize();
   3217 }
   3219 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetOldEndLocation() const {
   3220   return GetOldLocation() + GetOldSize();
   3221 }
   3223 bool MipsAssembler::Branch::IsBare() const {
   3224   switch (type_) {
   3225     // R2 short branches (can't be promoted to long), delay slots filled manually.
   3226     case kBareUncondBranch:
   3227     case kBareCondBranch:
   3228     case kBareCall:
   3229     // R6 short branches (can't be promoted to long), forbidden/delay slots filled manually.
   3230     case kR6BareUncondBranch:
   3231     case kR6BareCondBranch:
   3232     case kR6BareCall:
   3233       return true;
   3234     default:
   3235       return false;
   3236   }
   3237 }
   3239 bool MipsAssembler::Branch::IsLong() const {
   3240   switch (type_) {
   3241     // R2 short branches (can be promoted to long).
   3242     case kUncondBranch:
   3243     case kCondBranch:
   3244     case kCall:
   3245     // R2 short branches (can't be promoted to long), delay slots filled manually.
   3246     case kBareUncondBranch:
   3247     case kBareCondBranch:
   3248     case kBareCall:
   3249     // R2 near label.
   3250     case kLabel:
   3251     // R2 near literal.
   3252     case kLiteral:
   3253     // R6 short branches (can be promoted to long).
   3254     case kR6UncondBranch:
   3255     case kR6CondBranch:
   3256     case kR6Call:
   3257     // R6 short branches (can't be promoted to long), forbidden/delay slots filled manually.
   3258     case kR6BareUncondBranch:
   3259     case kR6BareCondBranch:
   3260     case kR6BareCall:
   3261     // R6 near label.
   3262     case kR6Label:
   3263     // R6 near literal.
   3264     case kR6Literal:
   3265       return false;
   3266     // R2 long branches.
   3267     case kLongUncondBranch:
   3268     case kLongCondBranch:
   3269     case kLongCall:
   3270     // R2 far label.
   3271     case kFarLabel:
   3272     // R2 far literal.
   3273     case kFarLiteral:
   3274     // R6 long branches.
   3275     case kR6LongUncondBranch:
   3276     case kR6LongCondBranch:
   3277     case kR6LongCall:
   3278     // R6 far label.
   3279     case kR6FarLabel:
   3280     // R6 far literal.
   3281     case kR6FarLiteral:
   3282       return true;
   3283   }
   3284   UNREACHABLE();
   3285 }
   3287 bool MipsAssembler::Branch::IsResolved() const {
   3288   return target_ != kUnresolved;
   3289 }
   3291 MipsAssembler::Branch::OffsetBits MipsAssembler::Branch::GetOffsetSize() const {
   3292   bool r6_cond_branch = (type_ == kR6CondBranch || type_ == kR6BareCondBranch);
   3293   OffsetBits offset_size =
   3294       (r6_cond_branch && (condition_ == kCondEQZ || condition_ == kCondNEZ))
   3295           ? kOffset23
   3296           : branch_info_[type_].offset_size;
   3297   return offset_size;
   3298 }
   3300 MipsAssembler::Branch::OffsetBits MipsAssembler::Branch::GetOffsetSizeNeeded(uint32_t location,
   3301                                                                              uint32_t target) {
   3302   // For unresolved targets assume the shortest encoding
   3303   // (later it will be made longer if needed).
   3304   if (target == kUnresolved)
   3305     return kOffset16;
   3306   int64_t distance = static_cast<int64_t>(target) - location;
   3307   // To simplify calculations in composite branches consisting of multiple instructions
   3308   // bump up the distance by a value larger than the max byte size of a composite branch.
   3309   distance += (distance >= 0) ? kMaxBranchSize : -kMaxBranchSize;
   3310   if (IsInt<kOffset16>(distance))
   3311     return kOffset16;
   3312   else if (IsInt<kOffset18>(distance))
   3313     return kOffset18;
   3314   else if (IsInt<kOffset21>(distance))
   3315     return kOffset21;
   3316   else if (IsInt<kOffset23>(distance))
   3317     return kOffset23;
   3318   else if (IsInt<kOffset28>(distance))
   3319     return kOffset28;
   3320   return kOffset32;
   3321 }
   3323 void MipsAssembler::Branch::Resolve(uint32_t target) {
   3324   target_ = target;
   3325 }
   3327 void MipsAssembler::Branch::Relocate(uint32_t expand_location, uint32_t delta) {
   3328   if (location_ > expand_location) {
   3329     location_ += delta;
   3330   }
   3331   if (!IsResolved()) {
   3332     return;  // Don't know the target yet.
   3333   }
   3334   if (target_ > expand_location) {
   3335     target_ += delta;
   3336   }
   3337 }
   3339 void MipsAssembler::Branch::PromoteToLong() {
   3340   CHECK(!IsBare());  // Bare branches do not promote.
   3341   switch (type_) {
   3342     // R2 short branches (can be promoted to long).
   3343     case kUncondBranch:
   3344       type_ = kLongUncondBranch;
   3345       break;
   3346     case kCondBranch:
   3347       type_ = kLongCondBranch;
   3348       break;
   3349     case kCall:
   3350       type_ = kLongCall;
   3351       break;
   3352     // R2 near label.
   3353     case kLabel:
   3354       type_ = kFarLabel;
   3355       break;
   3356     // R2 near literal.
   3357     case kLiteral:
   3358       type_ = kFarLiteral;
   3359       break;
   3360     // R6 short branches (can be promoted to long).
   3361     case kR6UncondBranch:
   3362       type_ = kR6LongUncondBranch;
   3363       break;
   3364     case kR6CondBranch:
   3365       type_ = kR6LongCondBranch;
   3366       break;
   3367     case kR6Call:
   3368       type_ = kR6LongCall;
   3369       break;
   3370     // R6 near label.
   3371     case kR6Label:
   3372       type_ = kR6FarLabel;
   3373       break;
   3374     // R6 near literal.
   3375     case kR6Literal:
   3376       type_ = kR6FarLiteral;
   3377       break;
   3378     default:
   3379       // Note: 'type_' is already long.
   3380       break;
   3381   }
   3382   CHECK(IsLong());
   3383 }
   3385 uint32_t MipsAssembler::GetBranchLocationOrPcRelBase(const MipsAssembler::Branch* branch) const {
   3386   switch (branch->GetType()) {
   3387     case Branch::kLabel:
   3388     case Branch::kFarLabel:
   3389     case Branch::kLiteral:
   3390     case Branch::kFarLiteral:
   3391       if (branch->GetRightRegister() != ZERO) {
   3392         return GetLabelLocation(&pc_rel_base_label_);
   3393       }
   3394       // For those label/literal loads which come with their own NAL instruction
   3395       // and don't depend on `pc_rel_base_label_` we can simply use the location
   3396       // of the "branch" (the NAL precedes the "branch" immediately). The location
   3397       // is close enough for the user of the returned location, PromoteIfNeeded(),
   3398       // to not miss needed promotion to a far load.
   3399       // (GetOffsetSizeNeeded() provides a little leeway by means of kMaxBranchSize,
   3400       // which is larger than all composite branches and label/literal loads: it's
   3401       // OK to promote a bit earlier than strictly necessary, it makes things
   3402       // simpler.)
   3404     default:
   3405       return branch->GetLocation();
   3406   }
   3407 }
   3409 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::PromoteIfNeeded(uint32_t location, uint32_t max_short_distance) {
   3410   // `location` comes from GetBranchLocationOrPcRelBase() and is either the location
   3411   // of the PC-relative branch or (for some R2 label and literal loads) the location
   3412   // of `pc_rel_base_label_`. The PC-relative offset of the branch/load is relative
   3413   // to this location.
   3414   // If the branch is still unresolved or already long, nothing to do.
   3415   if (IsLong() || !IsResolved()) {
   3416     return 0;
   3417   }
   3418   // Promote the short branch to long if the offset size is too small
   3419   // to hold the distance between location and target_.
   3420   if (GetOffsetSizeNeeded(location, target_) > GetOffsetSize()) {
   3421     PromoteToLong();
   3422     uint32_t old_size = GetOldSize();
   3423     uint32_t new_size = GetSize();
   3424     CHECK_GT(new_size, old_size);
   3425     return new_size - old_size;
   3426   }
   3427   // The following logic is for debugging/testing purposes.
   3428   // Promote some short branches to long when it's not really required.
   3429   if (UNLIKELY(max_short_distance != std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() && !IsBare())) {
   3430     int64_t distance = static_cast<int64_t>(target_) - location;
   3431     distance = (distance >= 0) ? distance : -distance;
   3432     if (distance >= max_short_distance) {
   3433       PromoteToLong();
   3434       uint32_t old_size = GetOldSize();
   3435       uint32_t new_size = GetSize();
   3436       CHECK_GT(new_size, old_size);
   3437       return new_size - old_size;
   3438     }
   3439   }
   3440   return 0;
   3441 }
   3443 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetOffsetLocation() const {
   3444   return location_ + GetPrecedingInstructionSize(type_) +
   3445       branch_info_[type_].instr_offset * sizeof(uint32_t);
   3446 }
   3448 uint32_t MipsAssembler::GetBranchOrPcRelBaseForEncoding(const MipsAssembler::Branch* branch) const {
   3449   switch (branch->GetType()) {
   3450     case Branch::kLabel:
   3451     case Branch::kFarLabel:
   3452     case Branch::kLiteral:
   3453     case Branch::kFarLiteral:
   3454       if (branch->GetRightRegister() == ZERO) {
   3455         // These loads don't use `pc_rel_base_label_` and instead rely on their own
   3456         // NAL instruction (it immediately precedes the "branch"). Therefore the
   3457         // effective PC-relative base register is RA and it corresponds to the 2nd
   3458         // instruction after the NAL.
   3459         return branch->GetLocation() + sizeof(uint32_t);
   3460       } else {
   3461         return GetLabelLocation(&pc_rel_base_label_);
   3462       }
   3463     default:
   3464       return branch->GetOffsetLocation() +
   3465           Branch::branch_info_[branch->GetType()].pc_org * sizeof(uint32_t);
   3466   }
   3467 }
   3469 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetOffset(uint32_t location) const {
   3470   // `location` comes from GetBranchOrPcRelBaseForEncoding() and is either a location
   3471   // within/near the PC-relative branch or (for some R2 label and literal loads) the
   3472   // location of `pc_rel_base_label_`. The PC-relative offset of the branch/load is
   3473   // relative to this location.
   3474   CHECK(IsResolved());
   3475   uint32_t ofs_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - GetOffsetSize());
   3476   // Calculate the byte distance between instructions and also account for
   3477   // different PC-relative origins.
   3478   uint32_t offset = target_ - location;
   3479   // Prepare the offset for encoding into the instruction(s).
   3480   offset = (offset & ofs_mask) >> branch_info_[type_].offset_shift;
   3481   return offset;
   3482 }
   3484 MipsAssembler::Branch* MipsAssembler::GetBranch(uint32_t branch_id) {
   3485   CHECK_LT(branch_id, branches_.size());
   3486   return &branches_[branch_id];
   3487 }
   3489 const MipsAssembler::Branch* MipsAssembler::GetBranch(uint32_t branch_id) const {
   3490   CHECK_LT(branch_id, branches_.size());
   3491   return &branches_[branch_id];
   3492 }
   3494 void MipsAssembler::BindRelativeToPrecedingBranch(MipsLabel* label,
   3495                                                   uint32_t prev_branch_id_plus_one,
   3496                                                   uint32_t position) {
   3497   if (prev_branch_id_plus_one != 0) {
   3498     const Branch* branch = GetBranch(prev_branch_id_plus_one - 1);
   3499     position -= branch->GetEndLocation();
   3500   }
   3501   label->prev_branch_id_plus_one_ = prev_branch_id_plus_one;
   3502   label->BindTo(position);
   3503 }
   3505 void MipsAssembler::Bind(MipsLabel* label) {
   3506   CHECK(!label->IsBound());
   3507   uint32_t bound_pc = buffer_.Size();
   3509   // Make the delay slot FSM aware of the new label.
   3510   DsFsmLabel();
   3512   // Walk the list of branches referring to and preceding this label.
   3513   // Store the previously unknown target addresses in them.
   3514   while (label->IsLinked()) {
   3515     uint32_t branch_id = label->Position();
   3516     Branch* branch = GetBranch(branch_id);
   3517     branch->Resolve(bound_pc);
   3519     uint32_t branch_location = branch->GetLocation();
   3520     // Extract the location of the previous branch in the list (walking the list backwards;
   3521     // the previous branch ID was stored in the space reserved for this branch).
   3522     uint32_t prev = buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(branch_location);
   3524     // On to the previous branch in the list...
   3525     label->position_ = prev;
   3526   }
   3528   // Now make the label object contain its own location (relative to the end of the preceding
   3529   // branch, if any; it will be used by the branches referring to and following this label).
   3530   BindRelativeToPrecedingBranch(label, branches_.size(), bound_pc);
   3531 }
   3533 uint32_t MipsAssembler::GetLabelLocation(const MipsLabel* label) const {
   3534   CHECK(label->IsBound());
   3535   uint32_t target = label->Position();
   3536   if (label->prev_branch_id_plus_one_ != 0) {
   3537     // Get label location based on the branch preceding it.
   3538     const Branch* branch = GetBranch(label->prev_branch_id_plus_one_ - 1);
   3539     target += branch->GetEndLocation();
   3540   }
   3541   return target;
   3542 }
   3544 uint32_t MipsAssembler::GetAdjustedPosition(uint32_t old_position) {
   3545   // We can reconstruct the adjustment by going through all the branches from the beginning
   3546   // up to the old_position. Since we expect AdjustedPosition() to be called in a loop
   3547   // with increasing old_position, we can use the data from last AdjustedPosition() to
   3548   // continue where we left off and the whole loop should be O(m+n) where m is the number
   3549   // of positions to adjust and n is the number of branches.
   3550   if (old_position < last_old_position_) {
   3551     last_position_adjustment_ = 0;
   3552     last_old_position_ = 0;
   3553     last_branch_id_ = 0;
   3554   }
   3555   while (last_branch_id_ != branches_.size()) {
   3556     const Branch* branch = GetBranch(last_branch_id_);
   3557     if (branch->GetLocation() >= old_position + last_position_adjustment_) {
   3558       break;
   3559     }
   3560     last_position_adjustment_ += branch->GetSize() - branch->GetOldSize();
   3561     ++last_branch_id_;
   3562   }
   3563   last_old_position_ = old_position;
   3564   return old_position + last_position_adjustment_;
   3565 }
   3567 void MipsAssembler::BindPcRelBaseLabel() {
   3568   Bind(&pc_rel_base_label_);
   3569 }
   3571 uint32_t MipsAssembler::GetPcRelBaseLabelLocation() const {
   3572   return GetLabelLocation(&pc_rel_base_label_);
   3573 }
   3575 void MipsAssembler::FinalizeLabeledBranch(MipsLabel* label) {
   3576   uint32_t length = branches_.back().GetLength();
   3577   // Commit the last branch target label (if any).
   3578   DsFsmCommitLabel();
   3579   if (!label->IsBound()) {
   3580     // Branch forward (to a following label), distance is unknown.
   3581     // The first branch forward will contain 0, serving as the terminator of
   3582     // the list of forward-reaching branches.
   3583     Emit(label->position_);
   3584     // Nothing for the delay slot (yet).
   3585     DsFsmInstrNop(0);
   3586     length--;
   3587     // Now make the label object point to this branch
   3588     // (this forms a linked list of branches preceding this label).
   3589     uint32_t branch_id = branches_.size() - 1;
   3590     label->LinkTo(branch_id);
   3591   }
   3592   // Reserve space for the branch.
   3593   while (length--) {
   3594     Nop();
   3595   }
   3596 }
   3598 bool MipsAssembler::Branch::CanHaveDelayedInstruction(const DelaySlot& delay_slot) const {
   3599   if (delay_slot.instruction_ == 0) {
   3600     // NOP or no instruction for the delay slot.
   3601     return false;
   3602   }
   3603   switch (type_) {
   3604     // R2 unconditional branches.
   3605     case kUncondBranch:
   3606     case kLongUncondBranch:
   3607       // There are no register interdependencies.
   3608       return true;
   3610     // R2 calls.
   3611     case kCall:
   3612     case kLongCall:
   3613       // Instructions depending on or modifying RA should not be moved into delay slots
   3614       // of branches modifying RA.
   3615       return ((delay_slot.masks_.gpr_ins_ | delay_slot.masks_.gpr_outs_) & (1u << RA)) == 0;
   3617     // R2 conditional branches.
   3618     case kCondBranch:
   3619     case kLongCondBranch:
   3620       switch (condition_) {
   3621         // Branches with one GPR source.
   3622         case kCondLTZ:
   3623         case kCondGEZ:
   3624         case kCondLEZ:
   3625         case kCondGTZ:
   3626         case kCondEQZ:
   3627         case kCondNEZ:
   3628           return (delay_slot.masks_.gpr_outs_ & (1u << lhs_reg_)) == 0;
   3630         // Branches with two GPR sources.
   3631         case kCondEQ:
   3632         case kCondNE:
   3633           return (delay_slot.masks_.gpr_outs_ & ((1u << lhs_reg_) | (1u << rhs_reg_))) == 0;
   3635         // Branches with one FPU condition code source.
   3636         case kCondF:
   3637         case kCondT:
   3638           return (delay_slot.masks_.cc_outs_ & (1u << lhs_reg_)) == 0;
   3640         default:
   3641           // We don't support synthetic R2 branches (preceded with slt[u]) at this level
   3642           // (R2 doesn't have branches to compare 2 registers using <, <=, >=, >).
   3643           LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch condition " << condition_;
   3644           UNREACHABLE();
   3645       }
   3647     // R6 unconditional branches.
   3648     case kR6UncondBranch:
   3649     case kR6LongUncondBranch:
   3650     // R6 calls.
   3651     case kR6Call:
   3652     case kR6LongCall:
   3653       // There are no delay slots.
   3654       return false;
   3656     // R6 conditional branches.
   3657     case kR6CondBranch:
   3658     case kR6LongCondBranch:
   3659       switch (condition_) {
   3660         // Branches with one FPU register source.
   3661         case kCondF:
   3662         case kCondT:
   3663           return (delay_slot.masks_.fpr_outs_ & (1u << lhs_reg_)) == 0;
   3664         // Others have a forbidden slot instead of a delay slot.
   3665         default:
   3666           return false;
   3667       }
   3669     // Literals.
   3670     default:
   3671       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected branch type " << type_;
   3672       UNREACHABLE();
   3673   }
   3674 }
   3676 uint32_t MipsAssembler::Branch::GetDelayedInstruction() const {
   3677   return delayed_instruction_;
   3678 }
   3680 MipsLabel* MipsAssembler::Branch::GetPatcherLabel() const {
   3681   return patcher_label_;
   3682 }
   3684 void MipsAssembler::Branch::SetDelayedInstruction(uint32_t instruction, MipsLabel* patcher_label) {
   3685   CHECK_NE(instruction, kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   3686   CHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction_, kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   3687   delayed_instruction_ = instruction;
   3688   patcher_label_ = patcher_label;
   3689 }
   3691 void MipsAssembler::Branch::DecrementLocations() {
   3692   // We first create a branch object, which gets its type and locations initialized,
   3693   // and then we check if the branch can actually have the preceding instruction moved
   3694   // into its delay slot. If it can, the branch locations need to be decremented.
   3695   //
   3696   // We could make the check before creating the branch object and avoid the location
   3697   // adjustment, but the check is cleaner when performed on an initialized branch
   3698   // object.
   3699   //
   3700   // If the branch is backwards (to a previously bound label), reducing the locations
   3701   // cannot cause a short branch to exceed its offset range because the offset reduces.
   3702   // And this is not at all a problem for a long branch backwards.
   3703   //
   3704   // If the branch is forward (not linked to any label yet), reducing the locations
   3705   // is harmless. The branch will be promoted to long if needed when the target is known.
   3706   CHECK_EQ(location_, old_location_);
   3707   CHECK_GE(old_location_, sizeof(uint32_t));
   3708   old_location_ -= sizeof(uint32_t);
   3709   location_ = old_location_;
   3710 }
   3712 void MipsAssembler::MoveInstructionToDelaySlot(Branch& branch) {
   3713   if (branch.IsBare()) {
   3714     // Delay slots are filled manually in bare branches.
   3715     return;
   3716   }
   3717   if (branch.CanHaveDelayedInstruction(delay_slot_)) {
   3718     // The last instruction cannot be used in a different delay slot,
   3719     // do not commit the label before it (if any).
   3720     DsFsmDropLabel();
   3721     // Remove the last emitted instruction.
   3722     size_t size = buffer_.Size();
   3723     CHECK_GE(size, sizeof(uint32_t));
   3724     size -= sizeof(uint32_t);
   3725     CHECK_EQ(buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(size), delay_slot_.instruction_);
   3726     buffer_.Resize(size);
   3727     // Attach it to the branch and adjust the branch locations.
   3728     branch.DecrementLocations();
   3729     branch.SetDelayedInstruction(delay_slot_.instruction_, delay_slot_.patcher_label_);
   3730   } else if (!reordering_ && branch.GetType() == Branch::kUncondBranch) {
   3731     // If reordefing is disabled, prevent absorption of the target instruction.
   3732     branch.SetDelayedInstruction(Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot);
   3733   }
   3734 }
   3736 void MipsAssembler::Buncond(MipsLabel* label, bool is_r6, bool is_bare) {
   3737   uint32_t target = label->IsBound() ? GetLabelLocation(label) : Branch::kUnresolved;
   3738   branches_.emplace_back(is_r6, buffer_.Size(), target, /* is_call */ false, is_bare);
   3739   MoveInstructionToDelaySlot(branches_.back());
   3740   FinalizeLabeledBranch(label);
   3741 }
   3743 void MipsAssembler::Bcond(MipsLabel* label,
   3744                           bool is_r6,
   3745                           bool is_bare,
   3746                           BranchCondition condition,
   3747                           Register lhs,
   3748                           Register rhs) {
   3749   // If lhs = rhs, this can be a NOP.
   3750   if (Branch::IsNop(condition, lhs, rhs)) {
   3751     return;
   3752   }
   3753   uint32_t target = label->IsBound() ? GetLabelLocation(label) : Branch::kUnresolved;
   3754   branches_.emplace_back(is_r6, buffer_.Size(), target, condition, lhs, rhs, is_bare);
   3755   MoveInstructionToDelaySlot(branches_.back());
   3756   FinalizeLabeledBranch(label);
   3757 }
   3759 void MipsAssembler::Call(MipsLabel* label, bool is_r6, bool is_bare) {
   3760   uint32_t target = label->IsBound() ? GetLabelLocation(label) : Branch::kUnresolved;
   3761   branches_.emplace_back(is_r6, buffer_.Size(), target, /* is_call */ true, is_bare);
   3762   MoveInstructionToDelaySlot(branches_.back());
   3763   FinalizeLabeledBranch(label);
   3764 }
   3766 void MipsAssembler::LoadLabelAddress(Register dest_reg, Register base_reg, MipsLabel* label) {
   3767   // Label address loads are treated as pseudo branches since they require very similar handling.
   3768   DCHECK(!label->IsBound());
   3769   // If `pc_rel_base_label_` isn't bound or none of registers contains its address, we
   3770   // may generate an individual NAL instruction to simulate PC-relative addressing on R2
   3771   // by specifying `base_reg` of `ZERO`. Check for it.
   3772   if (base_reg == ZERO && !IsR6()) {
   3773     Nal();
   3774   }
   3775   branches_.emplace_back(IsR6(), buffer_.Size(), dest_reg, base_reg, Branch::kLabel);
   3776   FinalizeLabeledBranch(label);
   3777 }
   3779 Literal* MipsAssembler::NewLiteral(size_t size, const uint8_t* data) {
   3780   DCHECK(size == 4u || size == 8u) << size;
   3781   literals_.emplace_back(size, data);
   3782   return &literals_.back();
   3783 }
   3785 void MipsAssembler::LoadLiteral(Register dest_reg, Register base_reg, Literal* literal) {
   3786   // Literal loads are treated as pseudo branches since they require very similar handling.
   3787   DCHECK_EQ(literal->GetSize(), 4u);
   3788   MipsLabel* label = literal->GetLabel();
   3789   DCHECK(!label->IsBound());
   3790   // If `pc_rel_base_label_` isn't bound or none of registers contains its address, we
   3791   // may generate an individual NAL instruction to simulate PC-relative addressing on R2
   3792   // by specifying `base_reg` of `ZERO`. Check for it.
   3793   if (base_reg == ZERO && !IsR6()) {
   3794     Nal();
   3795   }
   3796   branches_.emplace_back(IsR6(), buffer_.Size(), dest_reg, base_reg, Branch::kLiteral);
   3797   FinalizeLabeledBranch(label);
   3798 }
   3800 JumpTable* MipsAssembler::CreateJumpTable(std::vector<MipsLabel*>&& labels) {
   3801   jump_tables_.emplace_back(std::move(labels));
   3802   JumpTable* table = &jump_tables_.back();
   3803   DCHECK(!table->GetLabel()->IsBound());
   3804   return table;
   3805 }
   3807 void MipsAssembler::EmitLiterals() {
   3808   if (!literals_.empty()) {
   3809     // We don't support byte and half-word literals.
   3810     // TODO: proper alignment for 64-bit literals when they're implemented.
   3811     for (Literal& literal : literals_) {
   3812       MipsLabel* label = literal.GetLabel();
   3813       Bind(label);
   3814       AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer_);
   3815       DCHECK(literal.GetSize() == 4u || literal.GetSize() == 8u);
   3816       for (size_t i = 0, size = literal.GetSize(); i != size; ++i) {
   3817         buffer_.Emit<uint8_t>(literal.GetData()[i]);
   3818       }
   3819     }
   3820   }
   3821 }
   3823 void MipsAssembler::ReserveJumpTableSpace() {
   3824   if (!jump_tables_.empty()) {
   3825     for (JumpTable& table : jump_tables_) {
   3826       MipsLabel* label = table.GetLabel();
   3827       Bind(label);
   3829       // Bulk ensure capacity, as this may be large.
   3830       size_t orig_size = buffer_.Size();
   3831       size_t required_capacity = orig_size + table.GetSize();
   3832       if (required_capacity > buffer_.Capacity()) {
   3833         buffer_.ExtendCapacity(required_capacity);
   3834       }
   3835 #ifndef NDEBUG
   3836       buffer_.has_ensured_capacity_ = true;
   3837 #endif
   3839       // Fill the space with dummy data as the data is not final
   3840       // until the branches have been promoted. And we shouldn't
   3841       // be moving uninitialized data during branch promotion.
   3842       for (size_t cnt = table.GetData().size(), i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
   3843         buffer_.Emit<uint32_t>(0x1abe1234u);
   3844       }
   3846 #ifndef NDEBUG
   3847       buffer_.has_ensured_capacity_ = false;
   3848 #endif
   3849     }
   3850   }
   3851 }
   3853 void MipsAssembler::EmitJumpTables() {
   3854   if (!jump_tables_.empty()) {
   3855     CHECK(!overwriting_);
   3856     // Switch from appending instructions at the end of the buffer to overwriting
   3857     // existing instructions (here, jump tables) in the buffer.
   3858     overwriting_ = true;
   3860     for (JumpTable& table : jump_tables_) {
   3861       MipsLabel* table_label = table.GetLabel();
   3862       uint32_t start = GetLabelLocation(table_label);
   3863       overwrite_location_ = start;
   3865       for (MipsLabel* target : table.GetData()) {
   3866         CHECK_EQ(buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(overwrite_location_), 0x1abe1234u);
   3867         // The table will contain target addresses relative to the table start.
   3868         uint32_t offset = GetLabelLocation(target) - start;
   3869         Emit(offset);
   3870       }
   3871     }
   3873     overwriting_ = false;
   3874   }
   3875 }
   3877 void MipsAssembler::PromoteBranches() {
   3878   // Promote short branches to long as necessary.
   3879   bool changed;
   3880   do {
   3881     changed = false;
   3882     for (auto& branch : branches_) {
   3883       CHECK(branch.IsResolved());
   3884       uint32_t base = GetBranchLocationOrPcRelBase(&branch);
   3885       uint32_t delta = branch.PromoteIfNeeded(base);
   3886       // If this branch has been promoted and needs to expand in size,
   3887       // relocate all branches by the expansion size.
   3888       if (delta) {
   3889         changed = true;
   3890         uint32_t expand_location = branch.GetLocation();
   3891         for (auto& branch2 : branches_) {
   3892           branch2.Relocate(expand_location, delta);
   3893         }
   3894       }
   3895     }
   3896   } while (changed);
   3898   // Account for branch expansion by resizing the code buffer
   3899   // and moving the code in it to its final location.
   3900   size_t branch_count = branches_.size();
   3901   if (branch_count > 0) {
   3902     // Resize.
   3903     Branch& last_branch = branches_[branch_count - 1];
   3904     uint32_t size_delta = last_branch.GetEndLocation() - last_branch.GetOldEndLocation();
   3905     uint32_t old_size = buffer_.Size();
   3906     buffer_.Resize(old_size + size_delta);
   3907     // Move the code residing between branch placeholders.
   3908     uint32_t end = old_size;
   3909     for (size_t i = branch_count; i > 0; ) {
   3910       Branch& branch = branches_[--i];
   3911       CHECK_GE(end, branch.GetOldEndLocation());
   3912       uint32_t size = end - branch.GetOldEndLocation();
   3913       buffer_.Move(branch.GetEndLocation(), branch.GetOldEndLocation(), size);
   3914       end = branch.GetOldLocation();
   3915     }
   3916   }
   3917 }
   3919 // Note: make sure branch_info_[] and EmitBranch() are kept synchronized.
   3920 const MipsAssembler::Branch::BranchInfo MipsAssembler::Branch::branch_info_[] = {
   3921   // R2 short branches (can be promoted to long).
   3922   {  2, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset18, 2 },  // kUncondBranch
   3923   {  2, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset18, 2 },  // kCondBranch
   3924   {  2, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset18, 2 },  // kCall
   3925   // R2 short branches (can't be promoted to long), delay slots filled manually.
   3926   {  1, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset18, 2 },  // kBareUncondBranch
   3927   {  1, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset18, 2 },  // kBareCondBranch
   3928   {  1, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset18, 2 },  // kBareCall
   3929   // R2 near label.
   3930   {  1, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset16, 0 },  // kLabel
   3931   // R2 near literal.
   3932   {  1, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset16, 0 },  // kLiteral
   3933   // R2 long branches.
   3934   {  9, 3, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kLongUncondBranch
   3935   { 10, 4, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kLongCondBranch
   3936   {  6, 1, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kLongCall
   3937   // R2 far label.
   3938   {  3, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kFarLabel
   3939   // R2 far literal.
   3940   {  3, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kFarLiteral
   3941   // R6 short branches (can be promoted to long).
   3942   {  1, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset28, 2 },  // kR6UncondBranch
   3943   {  2, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset18, 2 },  // kR6CondBranch
   3944                                                       // Exception: kOffset23 for beqzc/bnezc.
   3945   {  1, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset28, 2 },  // kR6Call
   3946   // R6 short branches (can't be promoted to long), forbidden/delay slots filled manually.
   3947   {  1, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset28, 2 },  // kR6BareUncondBranch
   3948   {  1, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset18, 2 },  // kR6BareCondBranch
   3949                                                       // Exception: kOffset23 for beqzc/bnezc.
   3950   {  1, 0, 1, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset28, 2 },  // kR6BareCall
   3951   // R6 near label.
   3952   {  1, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset21, 2 },  // kR6Label
   3953   // R6 near literal.
   3954   {  1, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset21, 2 },  // kR6Literal
   3955   // R6 long branches.
   3956   {  2, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kR6LongUncondBranch
   3957   {  3, 1, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kR6LongCondBranch
   3958   {  2, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kR6LongCall
   3959   // R6 far label.
   3960   {  2, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kR6FarLabel
   3961   // R6 far literal.
   3962   {  2, 0, 0, MipsAssembler::Branch::kOffset32, 0 },  // kR6FarLiteral
   3963 };
   3965 static inline bool IsAbsorbableInstruction(uint32_t instruction) {
   3966   // The relative patcher patches addiu, lw and sw with an immediate operand of 0x5678.
   3967   // We want to make sure that these instructions do not get absorbed into delay slots
   3968   // of unconditional branches on R2. Absorption would otherwise make copies of
   3969   // unpatched instructions.
   3970   if ((instruction & 0xFFFF) != 0x5678) {
   3971     return true;
   3972   }
   3973   switch (instruction >> kOpcodeShift) {
   3974     case 0x09:  // Addiu.
   3975     case 0x23:  // Lw.
   3976     case 0x2B:  // Sw.
   3977       return false;
   3978     default:
   3979       return true;
   3980   }
   3981 }
   3983 static inline Register GetR2PcRelBaseRegister(Register reg) {
   3984   // LoadLabelAddress() and LoadLiteral() generate individual NAL
   3985   // instructions on R2 when the specified base register is ZERO
   3986   // and so the effective PC-relative base register is RA, not ZERO.
   3987   return (reg == ZERO) ? RA : reg;
   3988 }
   3990 // Note: make sure branch_info_[] and EmitBranch() are kept synchronized.
   3991 void MipsAssembler::EmitBranch(uint32_t branch_id) {
   3992   CHECK_EQ(overwriting_, true);
   3993   Branch* branch = GetBranch(branch_id);
   3994   overwrite_location_ = branch->GetLocation();
   3995   uint32_t offset = branch->GetOffset(GetBranchOrPcRelBaseForEncoding(branch));
   3996   BranchCondition condition = branch->GetCondition();
   3997   Register lhs = branch->GetLeftRegister();
   3998   Register rhs = branch->GetRightRegister();
   3999   uint32_t delayed_instruction = branch->GetDelayedInstruction();
   4000   MipsLabel* patcher_label = branch->GetPatcherLabel();
   4001   if (patcher_label != nullptr) {
   4002     // Update the patcher label location to account for branch promotion and
   4003     // delay slot filling.
   4004     CHECK(patcher_label->IsBound());
   4005     uint32_t bound_pc = branch->GetLocation();
   4006     if (!branch->IsLong()) {
   4007       // Short branches precede delay slots.
   4008       // Long branches follow "delay slots".
   4009       bound_pc += sizeof(uint32_t);
   4010     }
   4011     // Rebind the label.
   4012     patcher_label->Reinitialize();
   4013     BindRelativeToPrecedingBranch(patcher_label, branch_id, bound_pc);
   4014   }
   4015   switch (branch->GetType()) {
   4016     // R2 short branches.
   4017     case Branch::kUncondBranch:
   4018       if (delayed_instruction == Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot) {
   4019         // The branch was created when reordering was disabled, do not absorb the target
   4020         // instruction.
   4021         delayed_instruction = 0;  // NOP.
   4022       } else if (delayed_instruction == Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot) {
   4023         // Try to absorb the target instruction into the delay slot.
   4024         delayed_instruction = 0;  // NOP.
   4025         // Incrementing the signed 16-bit offset past the target instruction must not
   4026         // cause overflow into the negative subrange, check for the max offset.
   4027         if (offset != 0x7FFF) {
   4028           uint32_t target = branch->GetTarget();
   4029           if (std::binary_search(ds_fsm_target_pcs_.begin(), ds_fsm_target_pcs_.end(), target)) {
   4030             uint32_t target_instruction = buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(target);
   4031             if (IsAbsorbableInstruction(target_instruction)) {
   4032               delayed_instruction = target_instruction;
   4033               offset++;
   4034             }
   4035           }
   4036         }
   4037       }
   4038       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4039       B(offset);
   4040       Emit(delayed_instruction);
   4041       break;
   4042     case Branch::kCondBranch:
   4043       DCHECK_NE(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot);
   4044       if (delayed_instruction == Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot) {
   4045         delayed_instruction = 0;  // NOP.
   4046       }
   4047       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4048       EmitBcondR2(condition, lhs, rhs, offset);
   4049       Emit(delayed_instruction);
   4050       break;
   4051     case Branch::kCall:
   4052       DCHECK_NE(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot);
   4053       if (delayed_instruction == Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot) {
   4054         delayed_instruction = 0;  // NOP.
   4055       }
   4056       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4057       Bal(offset);
   4058       Emit(delayed_instruction);
   4059       break;
   4060     case Branch::kBareUncondBranch:
   4061       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4062       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4063       B(offset);
   4064       break;
   4065     case Branch::kBareCondBranch:
   4066       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4067       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4068       EmitBcondR2(condition, lhs, rhs, offset);
   4069       break;
   4070     case Branch::kBareCall:
   4071       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4072       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4073       Bal(offset);
   4074       break;
   4076     // R2 near label.
   4077     case Branch::kLabel:
   4078       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4079       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4080       Addiu(lhs, GetR2PcRelBaseRegister(rhs), offset);
   4081       break;
   4082     // R2 near literal.
   4083     case Branch::kLiteral:
   4084       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4085       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4086       Lw(lhs, GetR2PcRelBaseRegister(rhs), offset);
   4087       break;
   4089     // R2 long branches.
   4090     case Branch::kLongUncondBranch:
   4091       // To get the value of the PC register we need to use the NAL instruction.
   4092       // NAL clobbers the RA register. However, RA must be preserved if the
   4093       // method is compiled without the entry/exit sequences that would take care
   4094       // of preserving RA (typically, leaf methods don't preserve RA explicitly).
   4095       // So, we need to preserve RA in some temporary storage ourselves. The AT
   4096       // register can't be used for this because we need it to load a constant
   4097       // which will be added to the value that NAL stores in RA. And we can't
   4098       // use T9 for this in the context of the JNI compiler, which uses it
   4099       // as a scratch register (see InterproceduralScratchRegister()).
   4100       // If we were to add a 32-bit constant to RA using two ADDIU instructions,
   4101       // we'd also need to use the ROTR instruction, which requires no less than
   4102       // MIPSR2.
   4103       // Perhaps, we could use T8 or one of R2's multiplier/divider registers
   4104       // (LO or HI) or even a floating-point register, but that doesn't seem
   4105       // like a nice solution. We may want this to work on both R6 and pre-R6.
   4106       // For now simply use the stack for RA. This should be OK since for the
   4107       // vast majority of code a short PC-relative branch is sufficient.
   4108       // TODO: can this be improved?
   4109       // TODO: consider generation of a shorter sequence when we know that RA
   4110       // is explicitly preserved by the method entry/exit code.
   4111       if (delayed_instruction != Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot &&
   4112           delayed_instruction != Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot) {
   4113         Emit(delayed_instruction);
   4114       }
   4115       Push(RA);
   4116       Nal();
   4117       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4118       Lui(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4119       Ori(AT, AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4120       Addu(AT, AT, RA);
   4121       Lw(RA, SP, 0);
   4122       Jr(AT);
   4123       DecreaseFrameSize(kStackAlignment);
   4124       break;
   4125     case Branch::kLongCondBranch:
   4126       // The comment on case 'Branch::kLongUncondBranch' applies here as well.
   4127       DCHECK_NE(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot);
   4128       if (delayed_instruction != Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot) {
   4129         Emit(delayed_instruction);
   4130       }
   4131       // Note: the opposite condition branch encodes 8 as the distance, which is equal to the
   4132       // number of instructions skipped:
   4133       // (PUSH(IncreaseFrameSize(ADDIU) + SW) + NAL + LUI + ORI + ADDU + LW + JR).
   4134       EmitBcondR2(Branch::OppositeCondition(condition), lhs, rhs, 8);
   4135       Push(RA);
   4136       Nal();
   4137       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4138       Lui(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4139       Ori(AT, AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4140       Addu(AT, AT, RA);
   4141       Lw(RA, SP, 0);
   4142       Jr(AT);
   4143       DecreaseFrameSize(kStackAlignment);
   4144       break;
   4145     case Branch::kLongCall:
   4146       DCHECK_NE(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot);
   4147       if (delayed_instruction != Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot) {
   4148         Emit(delayed_instruction);
   4149       }
   4150       Nal();
   4151       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4152       Lui(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4153       Ori(AT, AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4154       Addu(AT, AT, RA);
   4155       Jalr(AT);
   4156       Nop();
   4157       break;
   4159     // R2 far label.
   4160     case Branch::kFarLabel:
   4161       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4162       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4163       Lui(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4164       Ori(AT, AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4165       Addu(lhs, AT, GetR2PcRelBaseRegister(rhs));
   4166       break;
   4167     // R2 far literal.
   4168     case Branch::kFarLiteral:
   4169       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4170       offset += (offset & 0x8000) << 1;  // Account for sign extension in lw.
   4171       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4172       Lui(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4173       Addu(AT, AT, GetR2PcRelBaseRegister(rhs));
   4174       Lw(lhs, AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4175       break;
   4177     // R6 short branches.
   4178     case Branch::kR6UncondBranch:
   4179       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4180       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4181       Bc(offset);
   4182       break;
   4183     case Branch::kR6CondBranch:
   4184       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4185       EmitBcondR6(condition, lhs, rhs, offset);
   4186       DCHECK_NE(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot);
   4187       if (delayed_instruction != Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot) {
   4188         Emit(delayed_instruction);
   4189       } else {
   4190         // TODO: improve by filling the forbidden slot (IFF this is
   4191         // a forbidden and not a delay slot).
   4192         Nop();
   4193       }
   4194       break;
   4195     case Branch::kR6Call:
   4196       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4197       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4198       Balc(offset);
   4199       break;
   4200     case Branch::kR6BareUncondBranch:
   4201       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4202       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4203       Bc(offset);
   4204       break;
   4205     case Branch::kR6BareCondBranch:
   4206       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4207       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4208       EmitBcondR6(condition, lhs, rhs, offset);
   4209       break;
   4210     case Branch::kR6BareCall:
   4211       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4212       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4213       Balc(offset);
   4214       break;
   4216     // R6 near label.
   4217     case Branch::kR6Label:
   4218       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4219       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4220       Addiupc(lhs, offset);
   4221       break;
   4222     // R6 near literal.
   4223     case Branch::kR6Literal:
   4224       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4225       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4226       Lwpc(lhs, offset);
   4227       break;
   4229     // R6 long branches.
   4230     case Branch::kR6LongUncondBranch:
   4231       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4232       offset += (offset & 0x8000) << 1;  // Account for sign extension in jic.
   4233       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4234       Auipc(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4235       Jic(AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4236       break;
   4237     case Branch::kR6LongCondBranch:
   4238       DCHECK_NE(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfillableDelaySlot);
   4239       if (delayed_instruction != Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot) {
   4240         Emit(delayed_instruction);
   4241       }
   4242       EmitBcondR6(Branch::OppositeCondition(condition), lhs, rhs, 2);
   4243       offset += (offset & 0x8000) << 1;  // Account for sign extension in jic.
   4244       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4245       Auipc(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4246       Jic(AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4247       break;
   4248     case Branch::kR6LongCall:
   4249       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4250       offset += (offset & 0x8000) << 1;  // Account for sign extension in jialc.
   4251       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4252       Auipc(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4253       Jialc(AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4254       break;
   4256     // R6 far label.
   4257     case Branch::kR6FarLabel:
   4258       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4259       offset += (offset & 0x8000) << 1;  // Account for sign extension in addiu.
   4260       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4261       Auipc(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4262       Addiu(lhs, AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4263       break;
   4264     // R6 far literal.
   4265     case Branch::kR6FarLiteral:
   4266       DCHECK_EQ(delayed_instruction, Branch::kUnfilledDelaySlot);
   4267       offset += (offset & 0x8000) << 1;  // Account for sign extension in lw.
   4268       CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetOffsetLocation());
   4269       Auipc(AT, High16Bits(offset));
   4270       Lw(lhs, AT, Low16Bits(offset));
   4271       break;
   4272   }
   4273   CHECK_EQ(overwrite_location_, branch->GetEndLocation());
   4274   CHECK_LT(branch->GetSize(), static_cast<uint32_t>(Branch::kMaxBranchSize));
   4275   if (patcher_label != nullptr) {
   4276     // The patched instruction should look like one.
   4277     uint32_t patched_instruction = buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(GetLabelLocation(patcher_label));
   4278     CHECK(!IsAbsorbableInstruction(patched_instruction));
   4279   }
   4280 }
   4282 void MipsAssembler::B(MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4283   Buncond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare);
   4284 }
   4286 void MipsAssembler::Bal(MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4287   Call(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare);
   4288 }
   4290 void MipsAssembler::Beq(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4291   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare, kCondEQ, rs, rt);
   4292 }
   4294 void MipsAssembler::Bne(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4295   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare, kCondNE, rs, rt);
   4296 }
   4298 void MipsAssembler::Beqz(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4299   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare, kCondEQZ, rt);
   4300 }
   4302 void MipsAssembler::Bnez(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4303   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare, kCondNEZ, rt);
   4304 }
   4306 void MipsAssembler::Bltz(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4307   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare, kCondLTZ, rt);
   4308 }
   4310 void MipsAssembler::Bgez(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4311   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare, kCondGEZ, rt);
   4312 }
   4314 void MipsAssembler::Blez(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4315   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare, kCondLEZ, rt);
   4316 }
   4318 void MipsAssembler::Bgtz(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4319   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ (IsR6() && !is_bare), is_bare, kCondGTZ, rt);
   4320 }
   4322 bool MipsAssembler::CanExchangeWithSlt(Register rs, Register rt) const {
   4323   // If the instruction modifies AT, `rs` or `rt`, it can't be exchanged with the slt[u]
   4324   // instruction because either slt[u] depends on `rs` or `rt` or the following
   4325   // conditional branch depends on AT set by slt[u].
   4326   // Likewise, if the instruction depends on AT, it can't be exchanged with slt[u]
   4327   // because slt[u] changes AT.
   4328   return (delay_slot_.instruction_ != 0 &&
   4329       (delay_slot_.masks_.gpr_outs_ & ((1u << AT) | (1u << rs) | (1u << rt))) == 0 &&
   4330       (delay_slot_.masks_.gpr_ins_ & (1u << AT)) == 0);
   4331 }
   4333 void MipsAssembler::ExchangeWithSlt(const DelaySlot& forwarded_slot) {
   4334   // Exchange the last two instructions in the assembler buffer.
   4335   size_t size = buffer_.Size();
   4336   CHECK_GE(size, 2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
   4337   size_t pos1 = size - 2 * sizeof(uint32_t);
   4338   size_t pos2 = size - sizeof(uint32_t);
   4339   uint32_t instr1 = buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(pos1);
   4340   uint32_t instr2 = buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(pos2);
   4341   CHECK_EQ(instr1, forwarded_slot.instruction_);
   4342   CHECK_EQ(instr2, delay_slot_.instruction_);
   4343   buffer_.Store<uint32_t>(pos1, instr2);
   4344   buffer_.Store<uint32_t>(pos2, instr1);
   4345   // Set the current delay slot information to that of the last instruction
   4346   // in the buffer.
   4347   delay_slot_ = forwarded_slot;
   4348 }
   4350 void MipsAssembler::GenerateSltForCondBranch(bool unsigned_slt, Register rs, Register rt) {
   4351   // If possible, exchange the slt[u] instruction with the preceding instruction,
   4352   // so it can fill the delay slot.
   4353   DelaySlot forwarded_slot = delay_slot_;
   4354   bool exchange = CanExchangeWithSlt(rs, rt);
   4355   if (exchange) {
   4356     // The last instruction cannot be used in a different delay slot,
   4357     // do not commit the label before it (if any).
   4358     DsFsmDropLabel();
   4359   }
   4360   if (unsigned_slt) {
   4361     Sltu(AT, rs, rt);
   4362   } else {
   4363     Slt(AT, rs, rt);
   4364   }
   4365   if (exchange) {
   4366     ExchangeWithSlt(forwarded_slot);
   4367   }
   4368 }
   4370 void MipsAssembler::Blt(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4371   if (IsR6() && !is_bare) {
   4372     Bcond(label, IsR6(), is_bare, kCondLT, rs, rt);
   4373   } else if (!Branch::IsNop(kCondLT, rs, rt)) {
   4374     // Synthesize the instruction (not available on R2).
   4375     GenerateSltForCondBranch(/* unsigned_slt */ false, rs, rt);
   4376     Bnez(AT, label, is_bare);
   4377   }
   4378 }
   4380 void MipsAssembler::Bge(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4381   if (IsR6() && !is_bare) {
   4382     Bcond(label, IsR6(), is_bare, kCondGE, rs, rt);
   4383   } else if (Branch::IsUncond(kCondGE, rs, rt)) {
   4384     B(label, is_bare);
   4385   } else {
   4386     // Synthesize the instruction (not available on R2).
   4387     GenerateSltForCondBranch(/* unsigned_slt */ false, rs, rt);
   4388     Beqz(AT, label, is_bare);
   4389   }
   4390 }
   4392 void MipsAssembler::Bltu(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4393   if (IsR6() && !is_bare) {
   4394     Bcond(label, IsR6(), is_bare, kCondLTU, rs, rt);
   4395   } else if (!Branch::IsNop(kCondLTU, rs, rt)) {
   4396     // Synthesize the instruction (not available on R2).
   4397     GenerateSltForCondBranch(/* unsigned_slt */ true, rs, rt);
   4398     Bnez(AT, label, is_bare);
   4399   }
   4400 }
   4402 void MipsAssembler::Bgeu(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4403   if (IsR6() && !is_bare) {
   4404     Bcond(label, IsR6(), is_bare, kCondGEU, rs, rt);
   4405   } else if (Branch::IsUncond(kCondGEU, rs, rt)) {
   4406     B(label, is_bare);
   4407   } else {
   4408     // Synthesize the instruction (not available on R2).
   4409     GenerateSltForCondBranch(/* unsigned_slt */ true, rs, rt);
   4410     Beqz(AT, label, is_bare);
   4411   }
   4412 }
   4414 void MipsAssembler::Bc1f(MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4415   Bc1f(0, label, is_bare);
   4416 }
   4418 void MipsAssembler::Bc1f(int cc, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4419   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   4420   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ false, is_bare, kCondF, static_cast<Register>(cc), ZERO);
   4421 }
   4423 void MipsAssembler::Bc1t(MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4424   Bc1t(0, label, is_bare);
   4425 }
   4427 void MipsAssembler::Bc1t(int cc, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4428   CHECK(IsUint<3>(cc)) << cc;
   4429   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ false, is_bare, kCondT, static_cast<Register>(cc), ZERO);
   4430 }
   4432 void MipsAssembler::Bc(MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4433   Buncond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare);
   4434 }
   4436 void MipsAssembler::Balc(MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4437   Call(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare);
   4438 }
   4440 void MipsAssembler::Beqc(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4441   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondEQ, rs, rt);
   4442 }
   4444 void MipsAssembler::Bnec(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4445   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondNE, rs, rt);
   4446 }
   4448 void MipsAssembler::Beqzc(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4449   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondEQZ, rt);
   4450 }
   4452 void MipsAssembler::Bnezc(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4453   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondNEZ, rt);
   4454 }
   4456 void MipsAssembler::Bltzc(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4457   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondLTZ, rt);
   4458 }
   4460 void MipsAssembler::Bgezc(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4461   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondGEZ, rt);
   4462 }
   4464 void MipsAssembler::Blezc(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4465   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondLEZ, rt);
   4466 }
   4468 void MipsAssembler::Bgtzc(Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4469   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondGTZ, rt);
   4470 }
   4472 void MipsAssembler::Bltc(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4473   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondLT, rs, rt);
   4474 }
   4476 void MipsAssembler::Bgec(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4477   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondGE, rs, rt);
   4478 }
   4480 void MipsAssembler::Bltuc(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4481   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondLTU, rs, rt);
   4482 }
   4484 void MipsAssembler::Bgeuc(Register rs, Register rt, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4485   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondGEU, rs, rt);
   4486 }
   4488 void MipsAssembler::Bc1eqz(FRegister ft, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4489   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondF, static_cast<Register>(ft), ZERO);
   4490 }
   4492 void MipsAssembler::Bc1nez(FRegister ft, MipsLabel* label, bool is_bare) {
   4493   Bcond(label, /* is_r6 */ true, is_bare, kCondT, static_cast<Register>(ft), ZERO);
   4494 }
   4496 void MipsAssembler::AdjustBaseAndOffset(Register& base,
   4497                                         int32_t& offset,
   4498                                         bool is_doubleword,
   4499                                         bool is_float) {
   4500   // This method is used to adjust the base register and offset pair
   4501   // for a load/store when the offset doesn't fit into int16_t.
   4502   // It is assumed that `base + offset` is sufficiently aligned for memory
   4503   // operands that are machine word in size or smaller. For doubleword-sized
   4504   // operands it's assumed that `base` is a multiple of 8, while `offset`
   4505   // may be a multiple of 4 (e.g. 4-byte-aligned long and double arguments
   4506   // and spilled variables on the stack accessed relative to the stack
   4507   // pointer register).
   4508   // We preserve the "alignment" of `offset` by adjusting it by a multiple of 8.
   4509   CHECK_NE(base, AT);  // Must not overwrite the register `base` while loading `offset`.
   4511   bool doubleword_aligned = IsAligned<kMipsDoublewordSize>(offset);
   4512   bool two_accesses = is_doubleword && (!is_float || !doubleword_aligned);
   4514   // IsInt<16> must be passed a signed value, hence the static cast below.
   4515   if (IsInt<16>(offset) &&
   4516       (!two_accesses || IsInt<16>(static_cast<int32_t>(offset + kMipsWordSize)))) {
   4517     // Nothing to do: `offset` (and, if needed, `offset + 4`) fits into int16_t.
   4518     return;
   4519   }
   4521   // Remember the "(mis)alignment" of `offset`, it will be checked at the end.
   4522   uint32_t misalignment = offset & (kMipsDoublewordSize - 1);
   4524   // Do not load the whole 32-bit `offset` if it can be represented as
   4525   // a sum of two 16-bit signed offsets. This can save an instruction or two.
   4526   // To simplify matters, only do this for a symmetric range of offsets from
   4527   // about -64KB to about +64KB, allowing further addition of 4 when accessing
   4528   // 64-bit variables with two 32-bit accesses.
   4529   constexpr int32_t kMinOffsetForSimpleAdjustment = 0x7ff8;  // Max int16_t that's a multiple of 8.
   4530   constexpr int32_t kMaxOffsetForSimpleAdjustment = 2 * kMinOffsetForSimpleAdjustment;
   4531   if (0 <= offset && offset <= kMaxOffsetForSimpleAdjustment) {
   4532     Addiu(AT, base, kMinOffsetForSimpleAdjustment);
   4533     offset -= kMinOffsetForSimpleAdjustment;
   4534   } else if (-kMaxOffsetForSimpleAdjustment <= offset && offset < 0) {
   4535     Addiu(AT, base, -kMinOffsetForSimpleAdjustment);
   4536     offset += kMinOffsetForSimpleAdjustment;
   4537   } else if (IsR6()) {
   4538     // On R6 take advantage of the aui instruction, e.g.:
   4539     //   aui   AT, base, offset_high
   4540     //   lw    reg_lo, offset_low(AT)
   4541     //   lw    reg_hi, (offset_low+4)(AT)
   4542     // or when offset_low+4 overflows int16_t:
   4543     //   aui   AT, base, offset_high
   4544     //   addiu AT, AT, 8
   4545     //   lw    reg_lo, (offset_low-8)(AT)
   4546     //   lw    reg_hi, (offset_low-4)(AT)
   4547     int16_t offset_high = High16Bits(offset);
   4548     int16_t offset_low = Low16Bits(offset);
   4549     offset_high += (offset_low < 0) ? 1 : 0;  // Account for offset sign extension in load/store.
   4550     Aui(AT, base, offset_high);
   4551     if (two_accesses && !IsInt<16>(static_cast<int32_t>(offset_low + kMipsWordSize))) {
   4552       // Avoid overflow in the 16-bit offset of the load/store instruction when adding 4.
   4553       Addiu(AT, AT, kMipsDoublewordSize);
   4554       offset_low -= kMipsDoublewordSize;
   4555     }
   4556     offset = offset_low;
   4557   } else {
   4558     // Do not load the whole 32-bit `offset` if it can be represented as
   4559     // a sum of three 16-bit signed offsets. This can save an instruction.
   4560     // To simplify matters, only do this for a symmetric range of offsets from
   4561     // about -96KB to about +96KB, allowing further addition of 4 when accessing
   4562     // 64-bit variables with two 32-bit accesses.
   4563     constexpr int32_t kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment = 2 * kMinOffsetForSimpleAdjustment;
   4564     constexpr int32_t kMaxOffsetForMediumAdjustment = 3 * kMinOffsetForSimpleAdjustment;
   4565     if (0 <= offset && offset <= kMaxOffsetForMediumAdjustment) {
   4566       Addiu(AT, base, kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment / 2);
   4567       Addiu(AT, AT, kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment / 2);
   4568       offset -= kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment;
   4569     } else if (-kMaxOffsetForMediumAdjustment <= offset && offset < 0) {
   4570       Addiu(AT, base, -kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment / 2);
   4571       Addiu(AT, AT, -kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment / 2);
   4572       offset += kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment;
   4573     } else {
   4574       // Now that all shorter options have been exhausted, load the full 32-bit offset.
   4575       int32_t loaded_offset = RoundDown(offset, kMipsDoublewordSize);
   4576       LoadConst32(AT, loaded_offset);
   4577       Addu(AT, AT, base);
   4578       offset -= loaded_offset;
   4579     }
   4580   }
   4581   base = AT;
   4583   CHECK(IsInt<16>(offset));
   4584   if (two_accesses) {
   4585     CHECK(IsInt<16>(static_cast<int32_t>(offset + kMipsWordSize)));
   4586   }
   4587   CHECK_EQ(misalignment, offset & (kMipsDoublewordSize - 1));
   4588 }
   4590 void MipsAssembler::AdjustBaseOffsetAndElementSizeShift(Register& base,
   4591                                                         int32_t& offset,
   4592                                                         int& element_size_shift) {
   4593   // This method is used to adjust the base register, offset and element_size_shift
   4594   // for a vector load/store when the offset doesn't fit into allowed number of bits.
   4595   // MSA ld.df and st.df instructions take signed offsets as arguments, but maximum
   4596   // offset is dependant on the size of the data format df (10-bit offsets for ld.b,
   4597   // 11-bit for ld.h, 12-bit for ld.w and 13-bit for ld.d).
   4598   // If element_size_shift is non-negative at entry, it won't be changed, but offset
   4599   // will be checked for appropriate alignment. If negative at entry, it will be
   4600   // adjusted based on offset for maximum fit.
   4601   // It's assumed that `base` is a multiple of 8.
   4602   CHECK_NE(base, AT);  // Must not overwrite the register `base` while loading `offset`.
   4604   if (element_size_shift >= 0) {
   4605     CHECK_LE(element_size_shift, TIMES_8);
   4606     CHECK_GE(JAVASTYLE_CTZ(offset), element_size_shift);
   4607   } else if (IsAligned<kMipsDoublewordSize>(offset)) {
   4608     element_size_shift = TIMES_8;
   4609   } else if (IsAligned<kMipsWordSize>(offset)) {
   4610     element_size_shift = TIMES_4;
   4611   } else if (IsAligned<kMipsHalfwordSize>(offset)) {
   4612     element_size_shift = TIMES_2;
   4613   } else {
   4614     element_size_shift = TIMES_1;
   4615   }
   4617   const int low_len = 10 + element_size_shift;  // How many low bits of `offset` ld.df/st.df
   4618                                                 // will take.
   4619   int16_t low = offset & ((1 << low_len) - 1);  // Isolate these bits.
   4620   low -= (low & (1 << (low_len - 1))) << 1;     // Sign-extend these bits.
   4621   if (low == offset) {
   4622     return;  // `offset` fits into ld.df/st.df.
   4623   }
   4625   // First, see if `offset` can be represented as a sum of two or three signed offsets.
   4626   // This can save an instruction or two.
   4628   // Max int16_t that's a multiple of element size.
   4629   const int32_t kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment = 0x8000 - (1 << element_size_shift);
   4630   // Max ld.df/st.df offset that's a multiple of element size.
   4631   const int32_t kMaxLoadStoreOffset = 0x1ff << element_size_shift;
   4632   const int32_t kMaxOffsetForSimpleAdjustment = kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment + kMaxLoadStoreOffset;
   4633   const int32_t kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment = 2 * kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment;
   4634   const int32_t kMaxOffsetForMediumAdjustment = kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment + kMaxLoadStoreOffset;
   4636   if (IsInt<16>(offset)) {
   4637     Addiu(AT, base, offset);
   4638     offset = 0;
   4639   } else if (0 <= offset && offset <= kMaxOffsetForSimpleAdjustment) {
   4640     Addiu(AT, base, kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment);
   4641     offset -= kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment;
   4642   } else if (-kMaxOffsetForSimpleAdjustment <= offset && offset < 0) {
   4643     Addiu(AT, base, -kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment);
   4644     offset += kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment;
   4645   } else if (!IsR6() && 0 <= offset && offset <= kMaxOffsetForMediumAdjustment) {
   4646     Addiu(AT, base, kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment);
   4647     if (offset <= kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment) {
   4648       Addiu(AT, AT, offset - kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment);
   4649       offset = 0;
   4650     } else {
   4651       Addiu(AT, AT, kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment);
   4652       offset -= kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment;
   4653     }
   4654   } else if (!IsR6() && -kMaxOffsetForMediumAdjustment <= offset && offset < 0) {
   4655     Addiu(AT, base, -kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment);
   4656     if (-kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment <= offset) {
   4657       Addiu(AT, AT, offset + kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment);
   4658       offset = 0;
   4659     } else {
   4660       Addiu(AT, AT, -kMaxDeltaForSimpleAdjustment);
   4661       offset += kMinOffsetForMediumAdjustment;
   4662     }
   4663   } else {
   4664     // 16-bit or smaller parts of `offset`:
   4665     // |31  hi  16|15  mid  13-10|12-9  low  0|
   4666     //
   4667     // Instructions that supply each part as a signed integer addend:
   4668     // |aui       |addiu         |ld.df/st.df |
   4669     uint32_t tmp = static_cast<uint32_t>(offset) - low;  // Exclude `low` from the rest of `offset`
   4670                                                          // (accounts for sign of `low`).
   4671     tmp += (tmp & (UINT32_C(1) << 15)) << 1;  // Account for sign extension in addiu.
   4672     int16_t mid = Low16Bits(tmp);
   4673     int16_t hi = High16Bits(tmp);
   4674     if (IsR6()) {
   4675       Aui(AT, base, hi);
   4676     } else {
   4677       Lui(AT, hi);
   4678       Addu(AT, AT, base);
   4679     }
   4680     if (mid != 0) {
   4681       Addiu(AT, AT, mid);
   4682     }
   4683     offset = low;
   4684   }
   4685   base = AT;
   4686   CHECK_GE(JAVASTYLE_CTZ(offset), element_size_shift);
   4687   CHECK(IsInt<10>(offset >> element_size_shift));
   4688 }
   4690 void MipsAssembler::LoadFromOffset(LoadOperandType type,
   4691                                    Register reg,
   4692                                    Register base,
   4693                                    int32_t offset) {
   4694   LoadFromOffset<>(type, reg, base, offset);
   4695 }
   4697 void MipsAssembler::LoadSFromOffset(FRegister reg, Register base, int32_t offset) {
   4698   LoadSFromOffset<>(reg, base, offset);
   4699 }
   4701 void MipsAssembler::LoadDFromOffset(FRegister reg, Register base, int32_t offset) {
   4702   LoadDFromOffset<>(reg, base, offset);
   4703 }
   4705 void MipsAssembler::LoadQFromOffset(FRegister reg, Register base, int32_t offset) {
   4706   LoadQFromOffset<>(reg, base, offset);
   4707 }
   4709 void MipsAssembler::EmitLoad(ManagedRegister m_dst, Register src_register, int32_t src_offset,
   4710                              size_t size) {
   4711   MipsManagedRegister dst = m_dst.AsMips();
   4712   if (dst.IsNoRegister()) {
   4713     CHECK_EQ(0u, size) << dst;
   4714   } else if (dst.IsCoreRegister()) {
   4715     CHECK_EQ(kMipsWordSize, size) << dst;
   4716     LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, dst.AsCoreRegister(), src_register, src_offset);
   4717   } else if (dst.IsRegisterPair()) {
   4718     CHECK_EQ(kMipsDoublewordSize, size) << dst;
   4719     LoadFromOffset(kLoadDoubleword, dst.AsRegisterPairLow(), src_register, src_offset);
   4720   } else if (dst.IsFRegister()) {
   4721     if (size == kMipsWordSize) {
   4722       LoadSFromOffset(dst.AsFRegister(), src_register, src_offset);
   4723     } else {
   4724       CHECK_EQ(kMipsDoublewordSize, size) << dst;
   4725       LoadDFromOffset(dst.AsFRegister(), src_register, src_offset);
   4726     }
   4727   } else if (dst.IsDRegister()) {
   4728     CHECK_EQ(kMipsDoublewordSize, size) << dst;
   4729     LoadDFromOffset(dst.AsOverlappingDRegisterLow(), src_register, src_offset);
   4730   }
   4731 }
   4733 void MipsAssembler::StoreToOffset(StoreOperandType type,
   4734                                   Register reg,
   4735                                   Register base,
   4736                                   int32_t offset) {
   4737   StoreToOffset<>(type, reg, base, offset);
   4738 }
   4740 void MipsAssembler::StoreSToOffset(FRegister reg, Register base, int32_t offset) {
   4741   StoreSToOffset<>(reg, base, offset);
   4742 }
   4744 void MipsAssembler::StoreDToOffset(FRegister reg, Register base, int32_t offset) {
   4745   StoreDToOffset<>(reg, base, offset);
   4746 }
   4748 void MipsAssembler::StoreQToOffset(FRegister reg, Register base, int32_t offset) {
   4749   StoreQToOffset<>(reg, base, offset);
   4750 }
   4752 static dwarf::Reg DWARFReg(Register reg) {
   4753   return dwarf::Reg::MipsCore(static_cast<int>(reg));
   4754 }
   4756 constexpr size_t kFramePointerSize = 4;
   4758 void MipsAssembler::BuildFrame(size_t frame_size,
   4759                                ManagedRegister method_reg,
   4760                                ArrayRef<const ManagedRegister> callee_save_regs,
   4761                                const ManagedRegisterEntrySpills& entry_spills) {
   4762   CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
   4763   DCHECK(!overwriting_);
   4765   // Increase frame to required size.
   4766   IncreaseFrameSize(frame_size);
   4768   // Push callee saves and return address.
   4769   int stack_offset = frame_size - kFramePointerSize;
   4770   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, RA, SP, stack_offset);
   4771   cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(RA), stack_offset);
   4772   for (int i = callee_save_regs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
   4773     stack_offset -= kFramePointerSize;
   4774     Register reg = callee_save_regs[i].AsMips().AsCoreRegister();
   4775     StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, reg, SP, stack_offset);
   4776     cfi_.RelOffset(DWARFReg(reg), stack_offset);
   4777   }
   4779   // Write out Method*.
   4780   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, method_reg.AsMips().AsCoreRegister(), SP, 0);
   4782   // Write out entry spills.
   4783   int32_t offset = frame_size + kFramePointerSize;
   4784   for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_spills.size(); ++i) {
   4785     MipsManagedRegister reg = entry_spills.at(i).AsMips();
   4786     if (reg.IsNoRegister()) {
   4787       ManagedRegisterSpill spill = entry_spills.at(i);
   4788       offset += spill.getSize();
   4789     } else if (reg.IsCoreRegister()) {
   4790       StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, reg.AsCoreRegister(), SP, offset);
   4791       offset += kMipsWordSize;
   4792     } else if (reg.IsFRegister()) {
   4793       StoreSToOffset(reg.AsFRegister(), SP, offset);
   4794       offset += kMipsWordSize;
   4795     } else if (reg.IsDRegister()) {
   4796       StoreDToOffset(reg.AsOverlappingDRegisterLow(), SP, offset);
   4797       offset += kMipsDoublewordSize;
   4798     }
   4799   }
   4800 }
   4802 void MipsAssembler::RemoveFrame(size_t frame_size,
   4803                                 ArrayRef<const ManagedRegister> callee_save_regs,
   4804                                 bool may_suspend ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   4805   CHECK_ALIGNED(frame_size, kStackAlignment);
   4806   DCHECK(!overwriting_);
   4807   cfi_.RememberState();
   4809   // Pop callee saves and return address.
   4810   int stack_offset = frame_size - (callee_save_regs.size() * kFramePointerSize) - kFramePointerSize;
   4811   for (size_t i = 0; i < callee_save_regs.size(); ++i) {
   4812     Register reg = callee_save_regs[i].AsMips().AsCoreRegister();
   4813     LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, reg, SP, stack_offset);
   4814     cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(reg));
   4815     stack_offset += kFramePointerSize;
   4816   }
   4817   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, RA, SP, stack_offset);
   4818   cfi_.Restore(DWARFReg(RA));
   4820   // Adjust the stack pointer in the delay slot if doing so doesn't break CFI.
   4821   bool exchange = IsInt<16>(static_cast<int32_t>(frame_size));
   4822   bool reordering = SetReorder(false);
   4823   if (exchange) {
   4824     // Jump to the return address.
   4825     Jr(RA);
   4826     // Decrease frame to required size.
   4827     DecreaseFrameSize(frame_size);  // Single instruction in delay slot.
   4828   } else {
   4829     // Decrease frame to required size.
   4830     DecreaseFrameSize(frame_size);
   4831     // Jump to the return address.
   4832     Jr(RA);
   4833     Nop();  // In delay slot.
   4834   }
   4835   SetReorder(reordering);
   4837   // The CFI should be restored for any code that follows the exit block.
   4838   cfi_.RestoreState();
   4839   cfi_.DefCFAOffset(frame_size);
   4840 }
   4842 void MipsAssembler::IncreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
   4843   CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kFramePointerSize);
   4844   Addiu32(SP, SP, -adjust);
   4845   cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(adjust);
   4846   if (overwriting_) {
   4847     cfi_.OverrideDelayedPC(overwrite_location_);
   4848   }
   4849 }
   4851 void MipsAssembler::DecreaseFrameSize(size_t adjust) {
   4852   CHECK_ALIGNED(adjust, kFramePointerSize);
   4853   Addiu32(SP, SP, adjust);
   4854   cfi_.AdjustCFAOffset(-adjust);
   4855   if (overwriting_) {
   4856     cfi_.OverrideDelayedPC(overwrite_location_);
   4857   }
   4858 }
   4860 void MipsAssembler::Store(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister msrc, size_t size) {
   4861   MipsManagedRegister src = msrc.AsMips();
   4862   if (src.IsNoRegister()) {
   4863     CHECK_EQ(0u, size);
   4864   } else if (src.IsCoreRegister()) {
   4865     CHECK_EQ(kMipsWordSize, size);
   4866     StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, src.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4867   } else if (src.IsRegisterPair()) {
   4868     CHECK_EQ(kMipsDoublewordSize, size);
   4869     StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, src.AsRegisterPairLow(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4870     StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, src.AsRegisterPairHigh(),
   4871                   SP, dest.Int32Value() + kMipsWordSize);
   4872   } else if (src.IsFRegister()) {
   4873     if (size == kMipsWordSize) {
   4874       StoreSToOffset(src.AsFRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4875     } else {
   4876       CHECK_EQ(kMipsDoublewordSize, size);
   4877       StoreDToOffset(src.AsFRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4878     }
   4879   } else if (src.IsDRegister()) {
   4880     CHECK_EQ(kMipsDoublewordSize, size);
   4881     StoreDToOffset(src.AsOverlappingDRegisterLow(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4882   }
   4883 }
   4885 void MipsAssembler::StoreRef(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister msrc) {
   4886   MipsManagedRegister src = msrc.AsMips();
   4887   CHECK(src.IsCoreRegister());
   4888   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, src.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4889 }
   4891 void MipsAssembler::StoreRawPtr(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister msrc) {
   4892   MipsManagedRegister src = msrc.AsMips();
   4893   CHECK(src.IsCoreRegister());
   4894   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, src.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4895 }
   4897 void MipsAssembler::StoreImmediateToFrame(FrameOffset dest, uint32_t imm,
   4898                                           ManagedRegister mscratch) {
   4899   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   4900   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   4901   LoadConst32(scratch.AsCoreRegister(), imm);
   4902   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4903 }
   4905 void MipsAssembler::StoreStackOffsetToThread(ThreadOffset32 thr_offs,
   4906                                              FrameOffset fr_offs,
   4907                                              ManagedRegister mscratch) {
   4908   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   4909   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   4910   Addiu32(scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, fr_offs.Int32Value());
   4911   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(),
   4912                 S1, thr_offs.Int32Value());
   4913 }
   4915 void MipsAssembler::StoreStackPointerToThread(ThreadOffset32 thr_offs) {
   4916   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, SP, S1, thr_offs.Int32Value());
   4917 }
   4919 void MipsAssembler::StoreSpanning(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister msrc,
   4920                                   FrameOffset in_off, ManagedRegister mscratch) {
   4921   MipsManagedRegister src = msrc.AsMips();
   4922   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   4923   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, src.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   4924   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, in_off.Int32Value());
   4925   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value() + kMipsWordSize);
   4926 }
   4928 void MipsAssembler::Load(ManagedRegister mdest, FrameOffset src, size_t size) {
   4929   return EmitLoad(mdest, SP, src.Int32Value(), size);
   4930 }
   4932 void MipsAssembler::LoadFromThread(ManagedRegister mdest, ThreadOffset32 src, size_t size) {
   4933   return EmitLoad(mdest, S1, src.Int32Value(), size);
   4934 }
   4936 void MipsAssembler::LoadRef(ManagedRegister mdest, FrameOffset src) {
   4937   MipsManagedRegister dest = mdest.AsMips();
   4938   CHECK(dest.IsCoreRegister());
   4939   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, dest.AsCoreRegister(), SP, src.Int32Value());
   4940 }
   4942 void MipsAssembler::LoadRef(ManagedRegister mdest, ManagedRegister base, MemberOffset offs,
   4943                             bool unpoison_reference) {
   4944   MipsManagedRegister dest = mdest.AsMips();
   4945   CHECK(dest.IsCoreRegister() && base.AsMips().IsCoreRegister());
   4946   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, dest.AsCoreRegister(),
   4947                  base.AsMips().AsCoreRegister(), offs.Int32Value());
   4948   if (unpoison_reference) {
   4949     MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(dest.AsCoreRegister());
   4950   }
   4951 }
   4953 void MipsAssembler::LoadRawPtr(ManagedRegister mdest, ManagedRegister base, Offset offs) {
   4954   MipsManagedRegister dest = mdest.AsMips();
   4955   CHECK(dest.IsCoreRegister() && base.AsMips().IsCoreRegister());
   4956   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, dest.AsCoreRegister(),
   4957                  base.AsMips().AsCoreRegister(), offs.Int32Value());
   4958 }
   4960 void MipsAssembler::LoadRawPtrFromThread(ManagedRegister mdest, ThreadOffset32 offs) {
   4961   MipsManagedRegister dest = mdest.AsMips();
   4962   CHECK(dest.IsCoreRegister());
   4963   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, dest.AsCoreRegister(), S1, offs.Int32Value());
   4964 }
   4966 void MipsAssembler::SignExtend(ManagedRegister /*mreg*/, size_t /*size*/) {
   4967   UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "no sign extension necessary for mips";
   4968 }
   4970 void MipsAssembler::ZeroExtend(ManagedRegister /*mreg*/, size_t /*size*/) {
   4971   UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "no zero extension necessary for mips";
   4972 }
   4974 void MipsAssembler::Move(ManagedRegister mdest, ManagedRegister msrc, size_t size) {
   4975   MipsManagedRegister dest = mdest.AsMips();
   4976   MipsManagedRegister src = msrc.AsMips();
   4977   if (!dest.Equals(src)) {
   4978     if (dest.IsCoreRegister()) {
   4979       CHECK(src.IsCoreRegister()) << src;
   4980       Move(dest.AsCoreRegister(), src.AsCoreRegister());
   4981     } else if (dest.IsFRegister()) {
   4982       CHECK(src.IsFRegister()) << src;
   4983       if (size == kMipsWordSize) {
   4984         MovS(dest.AsFRegister(), src.AsFRegister());
   4985       } else {
   4986         CHECK_EQ(kMipsDoublewordSize, size);
   4987         MovD(dest.AsFRegister(), src.AsFRegister());
   4988       }
   4989     } else if (dest.IsDRegister()) {
   4990       CHECK(src.IsDRegister()) << src;
   4991       MovD(dest.AsOverlappingDRegisterLow(), src.AsOverlappingDRegisterLow());
   4992     } else {
   4993       CHECK(dest.IsRegisterPair()) << dest;
   4994       CHECK(src.IsRegisterPair()) << src;
   4995       // Ensure that the first move doesn't clobber the input of the second.
   4996       if (src.AsRegisterPairHigh() != dest.AsRegisterPairLow()) {
   4997         Move(dest.AsRegisterPairLow(), src.AsRegisterPairLow());
   4998         Move(dest.AsRegisterPairHigh(), src.AsRegisterPairHigh());
   4999       } else {
   5000         Move(dest.AsRegisterPairHigh(), src.AsRegisterPairHigh());
   5001         Move(dest.AsRegisterPairLow(), src.AsRegisterPairLow());
   5002       }
   5003     }
   5004   }
   5005 }
   5007 void MipsAssembler::CopyRef(FrameOffset dest, FrameOffset src, ManagedRegister mscratch) {
   5008   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   5009   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   5010   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, src.Int32Value());
   5011   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   5012 }
   5014 void MipsAssembler::CopyRawPtrFromThread(FrameOffset fr_offs,
   5015                                          ThreadOffset32 thr_offs,
   5016                                          ManagedRegister mscratch) {
   5017   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   5018   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   5019   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(),
   5020                  S1, thr_offs.Int32Value());
   5021   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(),
   5022                 SP, fr_offs.Int32Value());
   5023 }
   5025 void MipsAssembler::CopyRawPtrToThread(ThreadOffset32 thr_offs,
   5026                                        FrameOffset fr_offs,
   5027                                        ManagedRegister mscratch) {
   5028   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   5029   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   5030   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(),
   5031                  SP, fr_offs.Int32Value());
   5032   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(),
   5033                 S1, thr_offs.Int32Value());
   5034 }
   5036 void MipsAssembler::Copy(FrameOffset dest, FrameOffset src, ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t size) {
   5037   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   5038   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   5039   CHECK(size == kMipsWordSize || size == kMipsDoublewordSize) << size;
   5040   if (size == kMipsWordSize) {
   5041     LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, src.Int32Value());
   5042     StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   5043   } else if (size == kMipsDoublewordSize) {
   5044     LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, src.Int32Value());
   5045     StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value());
   5046     LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, src.Int32Value() + kMipsWordSize);
   5047     StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, dest.Int32Value() + kMipsWordSize);
   5048   }
   5049 }
   5051 void MipsAssembler::Copy(FrameOffset dest, ManagedRegister src_base, Offset src_offset,
   5052                          ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t size) {
   5053   Register scratch = mscratch.AsMips().AsCoreRegister();
   5054   CHECK_EQ(size, kMipsWordSize);
   5055   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch, src_base.AsMips().AsCoreRegister(), src_offset.Int32Value());
   5056   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch, SP, dest.Int32Value());
   5057 }
   5059 void MipsAssembler::Copy(ManagedRegister dest_base, Offset dest_offset, FrameOffset src,
   5060                          ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t size) {
   5061   Register scratch = mscratch.AsMips().AsCoreRegister();
   5062   CHECK_EQ(size, kMipsWordSize);
   5063   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch, SP, src.Int32Value());
   5064   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch, dest_base.AsMips().AsCoreRegister(), dest_offset.Int32Value());
   5065 }
   5067 void MipsAssembler::Copy(FrameOffset dest ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5068                          FrameOffset src_base ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5069                          Offset src_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5070                          ManagedRegister mscratch ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5071                          size_t size ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   5072   UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "no MIPS implementation";
   5073 }
   5075 void MipsAssembler::Copy(ManagedRegister dest, Offset dest_offset,
   5076                          ManagedRegister src, Offset src_offset,
   5077                          ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t size) {
   5078   CHECK_EQ(size, kMipsWordSize);
   5079   Register scratch = mscratch.AsMips().AsCoreRegister();
   5080   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch, src.AsMips().AsCoreRegister(), src_offset.Int32Value());
   5081   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch, dest.AsMips().AsCoreRegister(), dest_offset.Int32Value());
   5082 }
   5084 void MipsAssembler::Copy(FrameOffset dest ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5085                          Offset dest_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5086                          FrameOffset src ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5087                          Offset src_offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5088                          ManagedRegister mscratch ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5089                          size_t size ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   5090   UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "no MIPS implementation";
   5091 }
   5093 void MipsAssembler::MemoryBarrier(ManagedRegister) {
   5094   // TODO: sync?
   5095   UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "no MIPS implementation";
   5096 }
   5098 void MipsAssembler::CreateHandleScopeEntry(ManagedRegister mout_reg,
   5099                                            FrameOffset handle_scope_offset,
   5100                                            ManagedRegister min_reg,
   5101                                            bool null_allowed) {
   5102   MipsManagedRegister out_reg = mout_reg.AsMips();
   5103   MipsManagedRegister in_reg = min_reg.AsMips();
   5104   CHECK(in_reg.IsNoRegister() || in_reg.IsCoreRegister()) << in_reg;
   5105   CHECK(out_reg.IsCoreRegister()) << out_reg;
   5106   if (null_allowed) {
   5107     MipsLabel null_arg;
   5108     // Null values get a handle scope entry value of 0.  Otherwise, the handle scope entry is
   5109     // the address in the handle scope holding the reference.
   5110     // E.g. out_reg = (handle == 0) ? 0 : (SP+handle_offset).
   5111     if (in_reg.IsNoRegister()) {
   5112       LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, out_reg.AsCoreRegister(),
   5113                      SP, handle_scope_offset.Int32Value());
   5114       in_reg = out_reg;
   5115     }
   5116     if (!out_reg.Equals(in_reg)) {
   5117       LoadConst32(out_reg.AsCoreRegister(), 0);
   5118     }
   5119     Beqz(in_reg.AsCoreRegister(), &null_arg);
   5120     Addiu32(out_reg.AsCoreRegister(), SP, handle_scope_offset.Int32Value());
   5121     Bind(&null_arg);
   5122   } else {
   5123     Addiu32(out_reg.AsCoreRegister(), SP, handle_scope_offset.Int32Value());
   5124   }
   5125 }
   5127 void MipsAssembler::CreateHandleScopeEntry(FrameOffset out_off,
   5128                                            FrameOffset handle_scope_offset,
   5129                                            ManagedRegister mscratch,
   5130                                            bool null_allowed) {
   5131   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   5132   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   5133   if (null_allowed) {
   5134     MipsLabel null_arg;
   5135     LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, handle_scope_offset.Int32Value());
   5136     // Null values get a handle scope entry value of 0.  Otherwise, the handle scope entry is
   5137     // the address in the handle scope holding the reference.
   5138     // E.g. scratch = (scratch == 0) ? 0 : (SP+handle_scope_offset).
   5139     Beqz(scratch.AsCoreRegister(), &null_arg);
   5140     Addiu32(scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, handle_scope_offset.Int32Value());
   5141     Bind(&null_arg);
   5142   } else {
   5143     Addiu32(scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, handle_scope_offset.Int32Value());
   5144   }
   5145   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, out_off.Int32Value());
   5146 }
   5148 // Given a handle scope entry, load the associated reference.
   5149 void MipsAssembler::LoadReferenceFromHandleScope(ManagedRegister mout_reg,
   5150                                                  ManagedRegister min_reg) {
   5151   MipsManagedRegister out_reg = mout_reg.AsMips();
   5152   MipsManagedRegister in_reg = min_reg.AsMips();
   5153   CHECK(out_reg.IsCoreRegister()) << out_reg;
   5154   CHECK(in_reg.IsCoreRegister()) << in_reg;
   5155   MipsLabel null_arg;
   5156   if (!out_reg.Equals(in_reg)) {
   5157     LoadConst32(out_reg.AsCoreRegister(), 0);
   5158   }
   5159   Beqz(in_reg.AsCoreRegister(), &null_arg);
   5160   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, out_reg.AsCoreRegister(),
   5161                  in_reg.AsCoreRegister(), 0);
   5162   Bind(&null_arg);
   5163 }
   5165 void MipsAssembler::VerifyObject(ManagedRegister src ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5166                                  bool could_be_null ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   5167   // TODO: not validating references.
   5168 }
   5170 void MipsAssembler::VerifyObject(FrameOffset src ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5171                                  bool could_be_null ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   5172   // TODO: not validating references.
   5173 }
   5175 void MipsAssembler::Call(ManagedRegister mbase, Offset offset, ManagedRegister mscratch) {
   5176   MipsManagedRegister base = mbase.AsMips();
   5177   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   5178   CHECK(base.IsCoreRegister()) << base;
   5179   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   5180   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(),
   5181                  base.AsCoreRegister(), offset.Int32Value());
   5182   Jalr(scratch.AsCoreRegister());
   5183   NopIfNoReordering();
   5184   // TODO: place reference map on call.
   5185 }
   5187 void MipsAssembler::Call(FrameOffset base, Offset offset, ManagedRegister mscratch) {
   5188   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   5189   CHECK(scratch.IsCoreRegister()) << scratch;
   5190   // Call *(*(SP + base) + offset)
   5191   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(), SP, base.Int32Value());
   5192   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(),
   5193                  scratch.AsCoreRegister(), offset.Int32Value());
   5194   Jalr(scratch.AsCoreRegister());
   5195   NopIfNoReordering();
   5196   // TODO: place reference map on call.
   5197 }
   5199 void MipsAssembler::CallFromThread(ThreadOffset32 offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
   5200                                    ManagedRegister mscratch ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   5201   UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "no mips implementation";
   5202 }
   5204 void MipsAssembler::GetCurrentThread(ManagedRegister tr) {
   5205   Move(tr.AsMips().AsCoreRegister(), S1);
   5206 }
   5208 void MipsAssembler::GetCurrentThread(FrameOffset offset,
   5209                                      ManagedRegister mscratch ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   5210   StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, S1, SP, offset.Int32Value());
   5211 }
   5213 void MipsAssembler::ExceptionPoll(ManagedRegister mscratch, size_t stack_adjust) {
   5214   MipsManagedRegister scratch = mscratch.AsMips();
   5215   exception_blocks_.emplace_back(scratch, stack_adjust);
   5216   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, scratch.AsCoreRegister(),
   5217                  S1, Thread::ExceptionOffset<kMipsPointerSize>().Int32Value());
   5218   Bnez(scratch.AsCoreRegister(), exception_blocks_.back().Entry());
   5219 }
   5221 void MipsAssembler::EmitExceptionPoll(MipsExceptionSlowPath* exception) {
   5222   Bind(exception->Entry());
   5223   if (exception->stack_adjust_ != 0) {  // Fix up the frame.
   5224     DecreaseFrameSize(exception->stack_adjust_);
   5225   }
   5226   // Pass exception object as argument.
   5227   // Don't care about preserving A0 as this call won't return.
   5228   CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickDeliverException, void, mirror::Object*>();
   5229   Move(A0, exception->scratch_.AsCoreRegister());
   5230   // Set up call to Thread::Current()->pDeliverException.
   5231   LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, T9, S1,
   5232     QUICK_ENTRYPOINT_OFFSET(kMipsPointerSize, pDeliverException).Int32Value());
   5233   Jr(T9);
   5234   NopIfNoReordering();
   5236   // Call never returns.
   5237   Break();
   5238 }
   5240 }  // namespace mips
   5241 }  // namespace art