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      1 //===- subzero/src/IceTargetLoweringX8664Traits.h - x86-64 traits -*- C++ -*-=//
      2 //
      3 //                        The Subzero Code Generator
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 ///
     10 /// \file
     11 /// \brief Declares the X8664 Target Lowering Traits.
     12 ///
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     18 #include "IceAssembler.h"
     19 #include "IceConditionCodesX8664.h"
     20 #include "IceDefs.h"
     21 #include "IceInst.h"
     22 #include "IceInstX8664.def"
     23 #include "IceOperand.h"
     24 #include "IceRegistersX8664.h"
     25 #include "IceTargetLowering.h"
     26 #include "IceTargetLoweringX8664.def"
     27 #include "IceTargetLoweringX86RegClass.h"
     29 #include <array>
     30 #include <initializer_list>
     32 namespace Ice {
     34 namespace X8664 {
     35 using namespace ::Ice::X86;
     37 template <class TraitsType> class AssemblerX86Base;
     38 template <class TraitsType> struct Insts;
     39 template <class TraitsType> class TargetX86Base;
     41 class TargetX8664;
     43 struct TargetX8664Traits {
     44   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     45   //     ______  ______  __    __
     46   //    /\  __ \/\  ___\/\ "-./  \
     47   //    \ \  __ \ \___  \ \ \-./\ \
     48   //     \ \_\ \_\/\_____\ \_\ \ \_\
     49   //      \/_/\/_/\/_____/\/_/  \/_/
     50   //
     51   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     52   static constexpr ::Ice::Assembler::AssemblerKind AsmKind =
     53       ::Ice::Assembler::Asm_X8664;
     55   static constexpr bool Is64Bit = true;
     56   static constexpr bool HasPopa = false;
     57   static constexpr bool HasPusha = false;
     58   static constexpr bool UsesX87 = false;
     59   static constexpr ::Ice::RegX8664::GPRRegister Last8BitGPR =
     60       ::Ice::RegX8664::GPRRegister::Encoded_Reg_r15d;
     62   enum ScaleFactor { TIMES_1 = 0, TIMES_2 = 1, TIMES_4 = 2, TIMES_8 = 3 };
     64   using GPRRegister = ::Ice::RegX8664::GPRRegister;
     65   using ByteRegister = ::Ice::RegX8664::ByteRegister;
     66   using XmmRegister = ::Ice::RegX8664::XmmRegister;
     68   using Cond = ::Ice::CondX8664;
     70   using RegisterSet = ::Ice::RegX8664;
     71   static constexpr RegisterSet::AllRegisters StackPtr = RegX8664::Reg_rsp;
     72   static constexpr RegisterSet::AllRegisters FramePtr = RegX8664::Reg_rbp;
     73   static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_Reg_Accumulator =
     74       RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_eax;
     75   static constexpr GPRRegister Encoded_Reg_Counter = RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_ecx;
     76   static constexpr FixupKind FK_PcRel = llvm::ELF::R_X86_64_PC32;
     77   static constexpr FixupKind FK_Abs = llvm::ELF::R_X86_64_32S;
     78   static constexpr FixupKind FK_Gotoff = llvm::ELF::R_X86_64_GOTOFF64;
     79   static constexpr FixupKind FK_GotPC = llvm::ELF::R_X86_64_GOTPC32;
     81   class Operand {
     82   public:
     83     enum RexBits {
     84       RexNone = 0x00,
     85       RexBase = 0x40,
     86       RexW = RexBase | (1 << 3),
     87       RexR = RexBase | (1 << 2),
     88       RexX = RexBase | (1 << 1),
     89       RexB = RexBase | (1 << 0),
     90     };
     92   protected:
     93     // Needed by subclass Address.
     94     Operand() = default;
     96   public:
     97     Operand(const Operand &) = default;
     98     Operand(Operand &&) = default;
     99     Operand &operator=(const Operand &) = default;
    100     Operand &operator=(Operand &&) = default;
    102     uint8_t mod() const { return (encoding_at(0) >> 6) & 3; }
    104     uint8_t rexX() const { return (rex_ & RexX) != RexX ? RexNone : RexX; }
    105     uint8_t rexB() const { return (rex_ & RexB) != RexB ? RexNone : RexB; }
    107     GPRRegister rm() const {
    108       return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexB() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
    109                                       (encoding_at(0) & 7));
    110     }
    112     ScaleFactor scale() const {
    113       return static_cast<ScaleFactor>((encoding_at(1) >> 6) & 3);
    114     }
    116     GPRRegister index() const {
    117       return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexX() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
    118                                       ((encoding_at(1) >> 3) & 7));
    119     }
    121     GPRRegister base() const {
    122       return static_cast<GPRRegister>((rexB() != 0 ? 0x08 : 0) |
    123                                       (encoding_at(1) & 7));
    124     }
    126     int8_t disp8() const {
    127       assert(length_ >= 2);
    128       return static_cast<int8_t>(encoding_[length_ - 1]);
    129     }
    131     AssemblerFixup *fixup() const { return fixup_; }
    133   protected:
    134     void SetModRM(int mod, GPRRegister rm) {
    135       assert((mod & ~3) == 0);
    136       encoding_[0] = (mod << 6) | (rm & 0x07);
    137       rex_ = (rm & 0x08) ? RexB : RexNone;
    138       length_ = 1;
    139     }
    141     void SetSIB(ScaleFactor scale, GPRRegister index, GPRRegister base) {
    142       assert(length_ == 1);
    143       assert((scale & ~3) == 0);
    144       encoding_[1] = (scale << 6) | ((index & 0x07) << 3) | (base & 0x07);
    145       rex_ =
    146           ((base & 0x08) ? RexB : RexNone) | ((index & 0x08) ? RexX : RexNone);
    147       length_ = 2;
    148     }
    150     void SetDisp8(int8_t disp) {
    151       assert(length_ == 1 || length_ == 2);
    152       encoding_[length_++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(disp);
    153     }
    155     void SetDisp32(int32_t disp) {
    156       assert(length_ == 1 || length_ == 2);
    157       intptr_t disp_size = sizeof(disp);
    158       memmove(&encoding_[length_], &disp, disp_size);
    159       length_ += disp_size;
    160     }
    162     void SetFixup(AssemblerFixup *fixup) { fixup_ = fixup; }
    164   private:
    165     AssemblerFixup *fixup_ = nullptr;
    166     uint8_t rex_ = 0;
    167     uint8_t encoding_[6];
    168     uint8_t length_ = 0;
    170     explicit Operand(GPRRegister reg) : fixup_(nullptr) { SetModRM(3, reg); }
    172     /// Get the operand encoding byte at the given index.
    173     uint8_t encoding_at(intptr_t index) const {
    174       assert(index >= 0 && index < length_);
    175       return encoding_[index];
    176     }
    178     /// Returns whether or not this operand is really the given register in
    179     /// disguise. Used from the assembler to generate better encodings.
    180     bool IsRegister(GPRRegister reg) const {
    181       return ((encoding_[0] & 0xF8) ==
    182               0xC0) // Addressing mode is register only.
    183              &&
    184              (rm() == reg); // Register codes match.
    185     }
    187     friend class AssemblerX86Base<TargetX8664Traits>;
    188   };
    190   class Address : public Operand {
    191     Address() = default;
    193   public:
    194     Address(const Address &) = default;
    195     Address(Address &&) = default;
    196     Address &operator=(const Address &) = default;
    197     Address &operator=(Address &&) = default;
    199     Address(GPRRegister Base, int32_t Disp, AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
    200       if (Fixup == nullptr && Disp == 0 &&
    201           (Base & 7) != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp) {
    202         SetModRM(0, Base);
    203         if ((Base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp)
    204           SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp, Base);
    205       } else if (Fixup == nullptr && Utils::IsInt(8, Disp)) {
    206         SetModRM(1, Base);
    207         if ((Base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp)
    208           SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp, Base);
    209         SetDisp8(Disp);
    210       } else {
    211         SetModRM(2, Base);
    212         if ((Base & 7) == RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp)
    213           SetSIB(TIMES_1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp, Base);
    214         SetDisp32(Disp);
    215         if (Fixup)
    216           SetFixup(Fixup);
    217       }
    218     }
    220     Address(GPRRegister Index, ScaleFactor Scale, int32_t Disp,
    221             AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
    222       assert(Index != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp); // Illegal addressing mode.
    223       SetModRM(0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
    224       SetSIB(Scale, Index, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp);
    225       SetDisp32(Disp);
    226       if (Fixup)
    227         SetFixup(Fixup);
    228     }
    230     Address(GPRRegister Base, GPRRegister Index, ScaleFactor Scale,
    231             int32_t Disp, AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
    232       assert(Index != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp); // Illegal addressing mode.
    233       if (Fixup == nullptr && Disp == 0 &&
    234           (Base & 7) != RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp) {
    235         SetModRM(0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
    236         SetSIB(Scale, Index, Base);
    237       } else if (Fixup == nullptr && Utils::IsInt(8, Disp)) {
    238         SetModRM(1, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
    239         SetSIB(Scale, Index, Base);
    240         SetDisp8(Disp);
    241       } else {
    242         SetModRM(2, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
    243         SetSIB(Scale, Index, Base);
    244         SetDisp32(Disp);
    245         if (Fixup)
    246           SetFixup(Fixup);
    247       }
    248     }
    250     /// Generate a RIP-relative address expression on x86-64.
    251     static Address RipRelative(RelocOffsetT Offset, AssemblerFixup *Fixup) {
    252       assert(Fixup != nullptr);
    253       assert(Fixup->kind() == FK_PcRel);
    254       Address NewAddress;
    255       NewAddress.SetModRM(0x0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp);
    257       // Use the Offset in the displacement for now. If we decide to process
    258       // fixups later, we'll need to patch up the emitted displacement.
    259       NewAddress.SetDisp32(Offset);
    260       if (Fixup)
    261         NewAddress.SetFixup(Fixup);
    263       return NewAddress;
    264     }
    266     /// Generate an absolute address.
    267     static Address Absolute(RelocOffsetT Addr) {
    268       Address NewAddress;
    269       NewAddress.SetModRM(0x0, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp);
    270       static constexpr ScaleFactor NoScale = TIMES_1;
    271       NewAddress.SetSIB(NoScale, RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rsp,
    272                         RegX8664::Encoded_Reg_rbp);
    273       NewAddress.SetDisp32(Addr);
    274       return NewAddress;
    275     }
    277     static Address ofConstPool(Assembler *Asm, const Constant *Imm) {
    278       // TODO(jpp): ???
    279       AssemblerFixup *Fixup = Asm->createFixup(FK_Abs, Imm);
    280       const RelocOffsetT Offset = 4;
    281       return Address::RipRelative(Offset, Fixup);
    282     }
    283   };
    285   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    286   //     __      ______  __     __  ______  ______  __  __   __  ______
    287   //    /\ \    /\  __ \/\ \  _ \ \/\  ___\/\  == \/\ \/\ "-.\ \/\  ___\
    288   //    \ \ \___\ \ \/\ \ \ \/ ".\ \ \  __\\ \  __<\ \ \ \ \-.  \ \ \__ \
    289   //     \ \_____\ \_____\ \__/".~\_\ \_____\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\\"\_\ \_____\
    290   //      \/_____/\/_____/\/_/   \/_/\/_____/\/_/ /_/\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_____/
    291   //
    292   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    293   enum InstructionSet {
    294     Begin,
    295     // SSE2 is the PNaCl baseline instruction set.
    296     SSE2 = Begin,
    297     SSE4_1,
    298     End
    299   };
    301   static const char *TargetName;
    302   static constexpr Type WordType = IceType_i64;
    304   static const char *getRegName(RegNumT RegNum) {
    305     static const char *const RegNames[RegisterSet::Reg_NUM] = {
    306 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    307           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    308           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    309   name,
    310         REGX8664_TABLE
    311 #undef X
    312     };
    313     RegNum.assertIsValid();
    314     return RegNames[RegNum];
    315   }
    317   static GPRRegister getEncodedGPR(RegNumT RegNum) {
    318     static const GPRRegister GPRRegs[RegisterSet::Reg_NUM] = {
    319 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    320           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    321           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    322   GPRRegister(isGPR ? encode : GPRRegister::Encoded_Not_GPR),
    323         REGX8664_TABLE
    324 #undef X
    325     };
    326     RegNum.assertIsValid();
    327     assert(GPRRegs[RegNum] != GPRRegister::Encoded_Not_GPR);
    328     return GPRRegs[RegNum];
    329   }
    331   static ByteRegister getEncodedByteReg(RegNumT RegNum) {
    332     static const ByteRegister ByteRegs[RegisterSet::Reg_NUM] = {
    333 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    334           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    335           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    336   ByteRegister(is8 ? encode : ByteRegister::Encoded_Not_ByteReg),
    337         REGX8664_TABLE
    338 #undef X
    339     };
    340     RegNum.assertIsValid();
    341     assert(ByteRegs[RegNum] != ByteRegister::Encoded_Not_ByteReg);
    342     return ByteRegs[RegNum];
    343   }
    345   static XmmRegister getEncodedXmm(RegNumT RegNum) {
    346     static const XmmRegister XmmRegs[RegisterSet::Reg_NUM] = {
    347 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    348           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    349           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    350   XmmRegister(isXmm ? encode : XmmRegister::Encoded_Not_Xmm),
    351         REGX8664_TABLE
    352 #undef X
    353     };
    354     RegNum.assertIsValid();
    355     assert(XmmRegs[RegNum] != XmmRegister::Encoded_Not_Xmm);
    356     return XmmRegs[RegNum];
    357   }
    359   static uint32_t getEncoding(RegNumT RegNum) {
    360     static const uint32_t Encoding[RegisterSet::Reg_NUM] = {
    361 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    362           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    363           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    364   encode,
    365         REGX8664_TABLE
    366 #undef X
    367     };
    368     RegNum.assertIsValid();
    369     return Encoding[RegNum];
    370   }
    372   static inline RegNumT getBaseReg(RegNumT RegNum) {
    373     static const RegNumT BaseRegs[RegisterSet::Reg_NUM] = {
    374 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    375           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    376           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    377   RegisterSet::base,
    378         REGX8664_TABLE
    379 #undef X
    380     };
    381     RegNum.assertIsValid();
    382     return BaseRegs[RegNum];
    383   }
    385 private:
    386   static RegNumT getFirstGprForType(Type Ty) {
    387     switch (Ty) {
    388     default:
    389       llvm_unreachable("Invalid type for GPR.");
    390     case IceType_i1:
    391     case IceType_i8:
    392       return RegisterSet::Reg_al;
    393     case IceType_i16:
    394       return RegisterSet::Reg_ax;
    395     case IceType_i32:
    396       return RegisterSet::Reg_eax;
    397     case IceType_i64:
    398       return RegisterSet::Reg_rax;
    399     }
    400   }
    402 public:
    403   static RegNumT getGprForType(Type Ty, RegNumT RegNum) {
    404     assert(RegNum.hasValue());
    406     if (!isScalarIntegerType(Ty)) {
    407       return RegNum;
    408     }
    410     assert(Ty == IceType_i1 || Ty == IceType_i8 || Ty == IceType_i16 ||
    411            Ty == IceType_i32 || Ty == IceType_i64);
    413     if (RegNum == RegisterSet::Reg_ah) {
    414       assert(Ty == IceType_i8);
    415       return RegNum;
    416     }
    418     assert(RegNum != RegisterSet::Reg_bh);
    419     assert(RegNum != RegisterSet::Reg_ch);
    420     assert(RegNum != RegisterSet::Reg_dh);
    422     const RegNumT FirstGprForType = getFirstGprForType(Ty);
    424     switch (RegNum) {
    425     default:
    426       llvm::report_fatal_error("Unknown register.");
    427 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    428           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    429           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    430   case RegisterSet::val: {                                                     \
    431     if (!isGPR)                                                                \
    432       return RegisterSet::val;                                                 \
    433     assert((is64) || (is32) || (is16) || (is8) ||                              \
    434            getBaseReg(RegisterSet::val) == RegisterSet::Reg_rsp);              \
    435     constexpr RegisterSet::AllRegisters FirstGprWithRegNumSize =               \
    436         ((is64) || RegisterSet::val == RegisterSet::Reg_rsp)                   \
    437             ? RegisterSet::Reg_rax                                             \
    438             : (((is32) || RegisterSet::val == RegisterSet::Reg_esp)            \
    439                    ? RegisterSet::Reg_eax                                      \
    440                    : (((is16) || RegisterSet::val == RegisterSet::Reg_sp)      \
    441                           ? RegisterSet::Reg_ax                                \
    442                           : RegisterSet::Reg_al));                             \
    443     const auto NewRegNum =                                                     \
    444         RegNumT::fixme(RegNum - FirstGprWithRegNumSize + FirstGprForType);     \
    445     assert(getBaseReg(RegNum) == getBaseReg(NewRegNum) &&                      \
    446            "Error involving " #val);                                           \
    447     return NewRegNum;                                                          \
    448   }
    449       REGX8664_TABLE
    450 #undef X
    451     }
    452   }
    454 private:
    455   /// SizeOf is used to obtain the size of an initializer list as a constexpr
    456   /// expression. This is only needed until our C++ library is updated to
    457   /// C++ 14 -- which defines constexpr members to std::initializer_list.
    458   class SizeOf {
    459     SizeOf(const SizeOf &) = delete;
    460     SizeOf &operator=(const SizeOf &) = delete;
    462   public:
    463     constexpr SizeOf() : Size(0) {}
    464     template <typename... T>
    465     explicit constexpr SizeOf(T...)
    466         : Size(length<T...>::value) {}
    467     constexpr SizeT size() const { return Size; }
    469   private:
    470     template <typename T, typename... U> struct length {
    471       static constexpr std::size_t value = 1 + length<U...>::value;
    472     };
    474     template <typename T> struct length<T> {
    475       static constexpr std::size_t value = 1;
    476     };
    478     const std::size_t Size;
    479   };
    481 public:
    482   static void initRegisterSet(
    483       const ::Ice::ClFlags &Flags,
    484       std::array<SmallBitVector, RCX86_NUM> *TypeToRegisterSet,
    485       std::array<SmallBitVector, RegisterSet::Reg_NUM> *RegisterAliases) {
    486     SmallBitVector IntegerRegistersI64(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    487     SmallBitVector IntegerRegistersI32(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    488     SmallBitVector IntegerRegistersI16(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    489     SmallBitVector IntegerRegistersI8(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    490     SmallBitVector FloatRegisters(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    491     SmallBitVector VectorRegisters(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    492     SmallBitVector Trunc64To8Registers(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    493     SmallBitVector Trunc32To8Registers(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    494     SmallBitVector Trunc16To8Registers(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    495     SmallBitVector Trunc8RcvrRegisters(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    496     SmallBitVector AhRcvrRegisters(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    497     SmallBitVector InvalidRegisters(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    499     static constexpr struct {
    500       uint16_t Val;
    501       unsigned IsReservedWhenSandboxing : 1;
    502       unsigned Is64 : 1;
    503       unsigned Is32 : 1;
    504       unsigned Is16 : 1;
    505       unsigned Is8 : 1;
    506       unsigned IsXmm : 1;
    507       unsigned Is64To8 : 1;
    508       unsigned Is32To8 : 1;
    509       unsigned Is16To8 : 1;
    510       unsigned IsTrunc8Rcvr : 1;
    511       unsigned IsAhRcvr : 1;
    512 #define NUM_ALIASES_BITS 2
    513       SizeT NumAliases : (NUM_ALIASES_BITS + 1);
    514       uint16_t Aliases[1 << NUM_ALIASES_BITS];
    515 #undef NUM_ALIASES_BITS
    516     } X8664RegTable[RegisterSet::Reg_NUM] = {
    517 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    518           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    519           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    520   {                                                                            \
    521     RegisterSet::val, sboxres, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8, \
    522         is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, (SizeOf aliases).size(), aliases,     \
    523   }                                                                            \
    524   ,
    525         REGX8664_TABLE
    526 #undef X
    527     };
    529     const bool NeedSandboxing = Flags.getUseSandboxing();
    530     for (SizeT ii = 0; ii < llvm::array_lengthof(X8664RegTable); ++ii) {
    531       const auto &Entry = X8664RegTable[ii];
    532       // Even though the register is disabled for register allocation, it might
    533       // still be used by the Target Lowering (e.g., base pointer), so the
    534       // register alias table still needs to be defined.
    535       (*RegisterAliases)[Entry.Val].resize(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    536       for (int J = 0; J < Entry.NumAliases; ++J) {
    537         SizeT Alias = Entry.Aliases[J];
    538         assert(!(*RegisterAliases)[Entry.Val][Alias] && "Duplicate alias");
    539         (*RegisterAliases)[Entry.Val].set(Alias);
    540       }
    542       (*RegisterAliases)[Entry.Val].set(Entry.Val);
    543       const bool DisabledRegister =
    544           NeedSandboxing && Entry.IsReservedWhenSandboxing;
    545       if (DisabledRegister) {
    546         continue;
    547       }
    548       (IntegerRegistersI64)[Entry.Val] = Entry.Is64;
    549       (IntegerRegistersI32)[Entry.Val] = Entry.Is32;
    550       (IntegerRegistersI16)[Entry.Val] = Entry.Is16;
    551       (IntegerRegistersI8)[Entry.Val] = Entry.Is8;
    552       (FloatRegisters)[Entry.Val] = Entry.IsXmm;
    553       (VectorRegisters)[Entry.Val] = Entry.IsXmm;
    554       (Trunc64To8Registers)[Entry.Val] = Entry.Is64To8;
    555       (Trunc32To8Registers)[Entry.Val] = Entry.Is32To8;
    556       (Trunc16To8Registers)[Entry.Val] = Entry.Is16To8;
    557       (Trunc8RcvrRegisters)[Entry.Val] = Entry.IsTrunc8Rcvr;
    558       (AhRcvrRegisters)[Entry.Val] = Entry.IsAhRcvr;
    559     }
    561     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_void] = InvalidRegisters;
    562     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_i1] = IntegerRegistersI8;
    563     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_i8] = IntegerRegistersI8;
    564     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_i16] = IntegerRegistersI16;
    565     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_i32] = IntegerRegistersI32;
    566     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_i64] = IntegerRegistersI64;
    567     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_f32] = FloatRegisters;
    568     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_f64] = FloatRegisters;
    569     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_v4i1] = VectorRegisters;
    570     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_v8i1] = VectorRegisters;
    571     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_v16i1] = VectorRegisters;
    572     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_v16i8] = VectorRegisters;
    573     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_v8i16] = VectorRegisters;
    574     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_v4i32] = VectorRegisters;
    575     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RC_v4f32] = VectorRegisters;
    576     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RCX86_Is64To8] = Trunc64To8Registers;
    577     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RCX86_Is32To8] = Trunc32To8Registers;
    578     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RCX86_Is16To8] = Trunc16To8Registers;
    579     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RCX86_IsTrunc8Rcvr] = Trunc8RcvrRegisters;
    580     (*TypeToRegisterSet)[RCX86_IsAhRcvr] = AhRcvrRegisters;
    581   }
    583   static SmallBitVector getRegisterSet(const ::Ice::ClFlags &Flags,
    584                                        TargetLowering::RegSetMask Include,
    585                                        TargetLowering::RegSetMask Exclude) {
    586     SmallBitVector Registers(RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    588     const bool NeedSandboxing = Flags.getUseSandboxing();
    589 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    590           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    591           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    592   if (!NeedSandboxing || !(sboxres)) {                                         \
    593     if (scratch && (Include & ::Ice::TargetLowering::RegSet_CallerSave))       \
    594       Registers[RegisterSet::val] = true;                                      \
    595     if (preserved && (Include & ::Ice::TargetLowering::RegSet_CalleeSave))     \
    596       Registers[RegisterSet::val] = true;                                      \
    597     if (stackptr && (Include & ::Ice::TargetLowering::RegSet_StackPointer))    \
    598       Registers[RegisterSet::val] = true;                                      \
    599     if (frameptr && (Include & ::Ice::TargetLowering::RegSet_FramePointer))    \
    600       Registers[RegisterSet::val] = true;                                      \
    601     if (scratch && (Exclude & ::Ice::TargetLowering::RegSet_CallerSave))       \
    602       Registers[RegisterSet::val] = false;                                     \
    603     if (preserved && (Exclude & ::Ice::TargetLowering::RegSet_CalleeSave))     \
    604       Registers[RegisterSet::val] = false;                                     \
    605     if (stackptr && (Exclude & ::Ice::TargetLowering::RegSet_StackPointer))    \
    606       Registers[RegisterSet::val] = false;                                     \
    607     if (frameptr && (Exclude & ::Ice::TargetLowering::RegSet_FramePointer))    \
    608       Registers[RegisterSet::val] = false;                                     \
    609   }
    611     REGX8664_TABLE
    613 #undef X
    615     return Registers;
    616   }
    618   static void makeRandomRegisterPermutation(
    619       Cfg *Func, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<RegNumT> &Permutation,
    620       const SmallBitVector &ExcludeRegisters, uint64_t Salt) {
    621     // TODO(stichnot): Declaring Permutation this way loses type/size
    622     // information. Fix this in conjunction with the caller-side TODO.
    623     assert(Permutation.size() >= RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    624     // Expected upper bound on the number of registers in a single equivalence
    625     // class.  For x86-64, this would comprise the 16 XMM registers. This is
    626     // for performance, not correctness.
    627     static const unsigned MaxEquivalenceClassSize = 8;
    628     using RegisterList = llvm::SmallVector<RegNumT, MaxEquivalenceClassSize>;
    629     using EquivalenceClassMap = std::map<uint32_t, RegisterList>;
    630     EquivalenceClassMap EquivalenceClasses;
    631     SizeT NumShuffled = 0, NumPreserved = 0;
    633 // Build up the equivalence classes of registers by looking at the register
    634 // properties as well as whether the registers should be explicitly excluded
    635 // from shuffling.
    636 #define X(val, encode, name, base, scratch, preserved, stackptr, frameptr,     \
    637           sboxres, isGPR, is64, is32, is16, is8, isXmm, is64To8, is32To8,      \
    638           is16To8, isTrunc8Rcvr, isAhRcvr, aliases)                            \
    639   if (ExcludeRegisters[RegisterSet::val]) {                                    \
    640     /* val stays the same in the resulting permutation. */                     \
    641     Permutation[RegisterSet::val] = RegisterSet::val;                          \
    642     ++NumPreserved;                                                            \
    643   } else {                                                                     \
    644     uint32_t AttrKey = 0;                                                      \
    645     uint32_t Index = 0;                                                        \
    646     /* Combine relevant attributes into an equivalence class key. */           \
    647     Index |= (scratch << (AttrKey++));                                         \
    648     Index |= (preserved << (AttrKey++));                                       \
    649     Index |= (is8 << (AttrKey++));                                             \
    650     Index |= (is16 << (AttrKey++));                                            \
    651     Index |= (is32 << (AttrKey++));                                            \
    652     Index |= (is64 << (AttrKey++));                                            \
    653     Index |= (isXmm << (AttrKey++));                                           \
    654     Index |= (is16To8 << (AttrKey++));                                         \
    655     Index |= (is32To8 << (AttrKey++));                                         \
    656     Index |= (is64To8 << (AttrKey++));                                         \
    657     Index |= (isTrunc8Rcvr << (AttrKey++));                                    \
    658     /* val is assigned to an equivalence class based on its properties. */     \
    659     EquivalenceClasses[Index].push_back(RegisterSet::val);                     \
    660   }
    661     REGX8664_TABLE
    662 #undef X
    664     // Create a random number generator for regalloc randomization.
    665     RandomNumberGenerator RNG(getFlags().getRandomSeed(),
    666                               RPE_RegAllocRandomization, Salt);
    667     RandomNumberGeneratorWrapper RNGW(RNG);
    669     // Shuffle the resulting equivalence classes.
    670     for (auto I : EquivalenceClasses) {
    671       const RegisterList &List = I.second;
    672       RegisterList Shuffled(List);
    673       RandomShuffle(Shuffled.begin(), Shuffled.end(), RNGW);
    674       for (size_t SI = 0, SE = Shuffled.size(); SI < SE; ++SI) {
    675         Permutation[List[SI]] = Shuffled[SI];
    676         ++NumShuffled;
    677       }
    678     }
    680     assert(NumShuffled + NumPreserved == RegisterSet::Reg_NUM);
    682     if (Func->isVerbose(IceV_Random)) {
    683       OstreamLocker L(Func->getContext());
    684       Ostream &Str = Func->getContext()->getStrDump();
    685       Str << "Register equivalence classes:\n";
    686       for (auto I : EquivalenceClasses) {
    687         Str << "{";
    688         const RegisterList &List = I.second;
    689         bool First = true;
    690         for (RegNumT Register : List) {
    691           if (!First)
    692             Str << " ";
    693           First = false;
    694           Str << getRegName(Register);
    695         }
    696         Str << "}\n";
    697       }
    698     }
    699   }
    701   static RegNumT getRaxOrDie() { return RegisterSet::Reg_rax; }
    703   static RegNumT getRdxOrDie() { return RegisterSet::Reg_rdx; }
    705 #if defined(SUBZERO_USE_MICROSOFT_ABI)
    706   // Microsoft x86-64 calling convention:
    707   //
    708   // * The first four arguments of vector/fp type, regardless of their
    709   // position relative to the other arguments in the argument list, are placed
    710   // in registers %xmm0 - %xmm3.
    711   //
    712   // * The first four arguments of integer types, regardless of their position
    713   // relative to the other arguments in the argument list, are placed in
    714   // registers %rcx, %rdx, %r8, and %r9.
    716   /// The maximum number of arguments to pass in XMM registers
    717   static constexpr uint32_t X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS = 4;
    718   /// The maximum number of arguments to pass in GPR registers
    719   static constexpr uint32_t X86_MAX_GPR_ARGS = 4;
    720   static RegNumT getRegisterForGprArgNum(Type Ty, uint32_t ArgNum) {
    721     if (ArgNum >= X86_MAX_GPR_ARGS) {
    722       return RegNumT();
    723     }
    724     static const RegisterSet::AllRegisters GprForArgNum[] = {
    725         RegisterSet::Reg_rcx, RegisterSet::Reg_rdx, RegisterSet::Reg_r8,
    726         RegisterSet::Reg_r9,
    727     };
    728     static_assert(llvm::array_lengthof(GprForArgNum) == X86_MAX_GPR_ARGS,
    729                   "Mismatch between MAX_GPR_ARGS and GprForArgNum.");
    730     assert(Ty == IceType_i64 || Ty == IceType_i32);
    731     return getGprForType(Ty, GprForArgNum[ArgNum]);
    732   }
    733 #else
    734   // System V x86-64 calling convention:
    735   //
    736   // * The first eight arguments of vector/fp type, regardless of their
    737   // position relative to the other arguments in the argument list, are placed
    738   // in registers %xmm0 - %xmm7.
    739   //
    740   // * The first six arguments of integer types, regardless of their position
    741   // relative to the other arguments in the argument list, are placed in
    742   // registers %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, and %r9.
    743   //
    744   // This intends to match the section "Function Calling Sequence" of the
    745   // document "System V Application Binary Interface."
    747   /// The maximum number of arguments to pass in XMM registers
    748   static constexpr uint32_t X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS = 8;
    749   /// The maximum number of arguments to pass in GPR registers
    750   static constexpr uint32_t X86_MAX_GPR_ARGS = 6;
    751   /// Get the register for a given argument slot in the GPRs.
    752   static RegNumT getRegisterForGprArgNum(Type Ty, uint32_t ArgNum) {
    753     if (ArgNum >= X86_MAX_GPR_ARGS) {
    754       return RegNumT();
    755     }
    756     static const RegisterSet::AllRegisters GprForArgNum[] = {
    757         RegisterSet::Reg_rdi, RegisterSet::Reg_rsi, RegisterSet::Reg_rdx,
    758         RegisterSet::Reg_rcx, RegisterSet::Reg_r8,  RegisterSet::Reg_r9,
    759     };
    760     static_assert(llvm::array_lengthof(GprForArgNum) == X86_MAX_GPR_ARGS,
    761                   "Mismatch between MAX_GPR_ARGS and GprForArgNum.");
    762     assert(Ty == IceType_i64 || Ty == IceType_i32);
    763     return getGprForType(Ty, GprForArgNum[ArgNum]);
    764   }
    765 #endif
    767   /// Whether scalar floating point arguments are passed in XMM registers
    768   static constexpr bool X86_PASS_SCALAR_FP_IN_XMM = true;
    769   /// Get the register for a given argument slot in the XMM registers.
    770   static RegNumT getRegisterForXmmArgNum(uint32_t ArgNum) {
    771     // TODO(sehr): Change to use the CCArg technique used in ARM32.
    772     static_assert(RegisterSet::Reg_xmm0 + 1 == RegisterSet::Reg_xmm1,
    773                   "Inconsistency between XMM register numbers and ordinals");
    774     if (ArgNum >= X86_MAX_XMM_ARGS) {
    775       return RegNumT();
    776     }
    777     return RegNumT::fixme(RegisterSet::Reg_xmm0 + ArgNum);
    778   }
    780   /// The number of bits in a byte
    781   static constexpr uint32_t X86_CHAR_BIT = 8;
    782   /// Stack alignment. This is defined in IceTargetLoweringX8664.cpp because it
    783   /// is used as an argument to std::max(), and the default std::less<T> has an
    784   /// operator(T const&, T const&) which requires this member to have an
    785   /// address.
    786   static const uint32_t X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES;
    787   /// Size of the return address on the stack
    788   static constexpr uint32_t X86_RET_IP_SIZE_BYTES = 8;
    789   /// The number of different NOP instructions
    790   static constexpr uint32_t X86_NUM_NOP_VARIANTS = 5;
    792   /// \name Limits for unrolling memory intrinsics.
    793   /// @{
    794   static constexpr uint32_t MEMCPY_UNROLL_LIMIT = 8;
    795   static constexpr uint32_t MEMMOVE_UNROLL_LIMIT = 8;
    796   static constexpr uint32_t MEMSET_UNROLL_LIMIT = 8;
    797   /// @}
    799   /// Value is in bytes. Return Value adjusted to the next highest multiple of
    800   /// the stack alignment.
    801   static uint32_t applyStackAlignment(uint32_t Value) {
    802     return Utils::applyAlignment(Value, X86_STACK_ALIGNMENT_BYTES);
    803   }
    805   /// Return the type which the elements of the vector have in the X86
    806   /// representation of the vector.
    807   static Type getInVectorElementType(Type Ty) {
    808     assert(isVectorType(Ty));
    809     assert(Ty < TableTypeX8664AttributesSize);
    810     return TableTypeX8664Attributes[Ty].InVectorElementType;
    811   }
    813   // Note: The following data structures are defined in
    814   // IceTargetLoweringX8664.cpp.
    816   /// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the fcmp
    817   /// instruction. There is one table entry for each of the 16 conditions.
    818   ///
    819   /// The first four columns describe the case when the operands are floating
    820   /// point scalar values. A comment in lowerFcmp() describes the lowering
    821   /// template. In the most general case, there is a compare followed by two
    822   /// conditional branches, because some fcmp conditions don't map to a single
    823   /// x86 conditional branch. However, in many cases it is possible to swap the
    824   /// operands in the comparison and have a single conditional branch. Since
    825   /// it's quite tedious to validate the table by hand, good execution tests are
    826   /// helpful.
    827   ///
    828   /// The last two columns describe the case when the operands are vectors of
    829   /// floating point values. For most fcmp conditions, there is a clear mapping
    830   /// to a single x86 cmpps instruction variant. Some fcmp conditions require
    831   /// special code to handle and these are marked in the table with a
    832   /// Cmpps_Invalid predicate.
    833   /// {@
    834   static const struct TableFcmpType {
    835     uint32_t Default;
    836     bool SwapScalarOperands;
    837     Cond::BrCond C1, C2;
    838     bool SwapVectorOperands;
    839     Cond::CmppsCond Predicate;
    840   } TableFcmp[];
    841   static const size_t TableFcmpSize;
    842   /// @}
    844   /// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the icmp instruction
    845   /// for i32 and narrower types. Each icmp condition has a clear mapping to an
    846   /// x86 conditional branch instruction.
    847   /// {@
    848   static const struct TableIcmp32Type { Cond::BrCond Mapping; } TableIcmp32[];
    849   static const size_t TableIcmp32Size;
    850   /// @}
    852   /// The following table summarizes the logic for lowering the icmp instruction
    853   /// for the i64 type. For Eq and Ne, two separate 32-bit comparisons and
    854   /// conditional branches are needed. For the other conditions, three separate
    855   /// conditional branches are needed.
    856   /// {@
    857   static const struct TableIcmp64Type {
    858     Cond::BrCond C1, C2, C3;
    859   } TableIcmp64[];
    860   static const size_t TableIcmp64Size;
    861   /// @}
    863   static Cond::BrCond getIcmp32Mapping(InstIcmp::ICond Cond) {
    864     assert(Cond < TableIcmp32Size);
    865     return TableIcmp32[Cond].Mapping;
    866   }
    868   static const struct TableTypeX8664AttributesType {
    869     Type InVectorElementType;
    870   } TableTypeX8664Attributes[];
    871   static const size_t TableTypeX8664AttributesSize;
    873   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    874   //      __  __   __  ______  ______
    875   //    /\ \/\ "-.\ \/\  ___\/\__  _\
    876   //    \ \ \ \ \-.  \ \___  \/_/\ \/
    877   //     \ \_\ \_\\"\_\/\_____\ \ \_\
    878   //      \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_____/  \/_/
    879   //
    880   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    881   using Traits = TargetX8664Traits;
    882   using Insts = ::Ice::X8664::Insts<Traits>;
    884   using TargetLowering = ::Ice::X8664::TargetX86Base<Traits>;
    885   using ConcreteTarget = ::Ice::X8664::TargetX8664;
    886   using Assembler = ::Ice::X8664::AssemblerX86Base<Traits>;
    888   /// X86Operand extends the Operand hierarchy. Its subclasses are X86OperandMem
    889   /// and VariableSplit.
    890   class X86Operand : public ::Ice::Operand {
    891     X86Operand() = delete;
    892     X86Operand(const X86Operand &) = delete;
    893     X86Operand &operator=(const X86Operand &) = delete;
    895   public:
    896     enum OperandKindX8664 { k__Start = ::Ice::Operand::kTarget, kMem, kSplit };
    897     using ::Ice::Operand::dump;
    899     void dump(const Cfg *, Ostream &Str) const override;
    901   protected:
    902     X86Operand(OperandKindX8664 Kind, Type Ty)
    903         : Operand(static_cast<::Ice::Operand::OperandKind>(Kind), Ty) {}
    904   };
    906   /// X86OperandMem represents the m64 addressing mode, with optional base and
    907   /// index registers, a constant offset, and a fixed shift value for the index
    908   /// register.
    909   class X86OperandMem : public X86Operand {
    910     X86OperandMem() = delete;
    911     X86OperandMem(const X86OperandMem &) = delete;
    912     X86OperandMem &operator=(const X86OperandMem &) = delete;
    914   public:
    915     enum SegmentRegisters { DefaultSegment = -1, SegReg_NUM };
    916     static X86OperandMem *
    917     create(Cfg *Func, Type Ty, Variable *Base, Constant *Offset,
    918            Variable *Index = nullptr, uint16_t Shift = 0,
    919            SegmentRegisters SegmentRegister = DefaultSegment,
    920            bool IsRebased = false) {
    921       assert(SegmentRegister == DefaultSegment);
    922       (void)SegmentRegister;
    923       return new (Func->allocate<X86OperandMem>())
    924           X86OperandMem(Func, Ty, Base, Offset, Index, Shift, IsRebased);
    925     }
    926     static X86OperandMem *create(Cfg *Func, Type Ty, Variable *Base,
    927                                  Constant *Offset, bool IsRebased) {
    928       constexpr Variable *NoIndex = nullptr;
    929       constexpr uint16_t NoShift = 0;
    930       return new (Func->allocate<X86OperandMem>())
    931           X86OperandMem(Func, Ty, Base, Offset, NoIndex, NoShift, IsRebased);
    932     }
    933     Variable *getBase() const { return Base; }
    934     Constant *getOffset() const { return Offset; }
    935     Variable *getIndex() const { return Index; }
    936     uint16_t getShift() const { return Shift; }
    937     SegmentRegisters getSegmentRegister() const { return DefaultSegment; }
    938     void emitSegmentOverride(Assembler *) const {}
    939     bool getIsRebased() const { return IsRebased; }
    940     Address toAsmAddress(Assembler *Asm, const Ice::TargetLowering *Target,
    941                          bool IsLeaAddr = false) const;
    943     void emit(const Cfg *Func) const override;
    944     using X86Operand::dump;
    945     void dump(const Cfg *Func, Ostream &Str) const override;
    947     static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
    948       return Operand->getKind() == static_cast<OperandKind>(kMem);
    949     }
    951     void setRandomized(bool R) { Randomized = R; }
    953     bool getRandomized() const { return Randomized; }
    955   private:
    956     X86OperandMem(Cfg *Func, Type Ty, Variable *Base, Constant *Offset,
    957                   Variable *Index, uint16_t Shift, bool IsRebased);
    959     Variable *const Base;
    960     Constant *const Offset;
    961     Variable *const Index;
    962     const uint16_t Shift;
    963     const bool IsRebased;
    964     /// A flag to show if this memory operand is a randomized one. Randomized
    965     /// memory operands are generated in
    966     /// TargetX86Base::randomizeOrPoolImmediate()
    967     bool Randomized = false;
    968   };
    970   /// VariableSplit is a way to treat an f64 memory location as a pair of i32
    971   /// locations (Low and High). This is needed for some cases of the Bitcast
    972   /// instruction. Since it's not possible for integer registers to access the
    973   /// XMM registers and vice versa, the lowering forces the f64 to be spilled to
    974   /// the stack and then accesses through the VariableSplit.
    975   // TODO(jpp): remove references to VariableSplit from IceInstX86Base as 64bit
    976   // targets can natively handle these.
    977   class VariableSplit : public X86Operand {
    978     VariableSplit() = delete;
    979     VariableSplit(const VariableSplit &) = delete;
    980     VariableSplit &operator=(const VariableSplit &) = delete;
    982   public:
    983     enum Portion { Low, High };
    984     static VariableSplit *create(Cfg *Func, Variable *Var, Portion Part) {
    985       return new (Func->allocate<VariableSplit>())
    986           VariableSplit(Func, Var, Part);
    987     }
    988     int32_t getOffset() const { return Part == High ? 4 : 0; }
    990     Address toAsmAddress(const Cfg *Func) const;
    991     void emit(const Cfg *Func) const override;
    992     using X86Operand::dump;
    993     void dump(const Cfg *Func, Ostream &Str) const override;
    995     static bool classof(const Operand *Operand) {
    996       return Operand->getKind() == static_cast<OperandKind>(kSplit);
    997     }
    999   private:
   1000     VariableSplit(Cfg *Func, Variable *Var, Portion Part)
   1001         : X86Operand(kSplit, IceType_i32), Var(Var), Part(Part) {
   1002       assert(Var->getType() == IceType_f64);
   1003       Vars = Func->allocateArrayOf<Variable *>(1);
   1004       Vars[0] = Var;
   1005       NumVars = 1;
   1006     }
   1008     Variable *Var;
   1009     Portion Part;
   1010   };
   1012   // Note: The following data structures are defined in IceInstX8664.cpp.
   1014   static const struct InstBrAttributesType {
   1015     Cond::BrCond Opposite;
   1016     const char *DisplayString;
   1017     const char *EmitString;
   1018   } InstBrAttributes[];
   1020   static const struct InstCmppsAttributesType {
   1021     const char *EmitString;
   1022   } InstCmppsAttributes[];
   1024   static const struct TypeAttributesType {
   1025     const char *CvtString;      // i (integer), s (single FP), d (double FP)
   1026     const char *SdSsString;     // ss, sd, or <blank>
   1027     const char *PdPsString;     // ps, pd, or <blank>
   1028     const char *SpSdString;     // ss, sd, ps, pd, or <blank>
   1029     const char *IntegralString; // b, w, d, or <blank>
   1030     const char *UnpackString;   // bw, wd, dq, or <blank>
   1031     const char *PackString;     // wb, dw, or <blank>
   1032     const char *WidthString;    // b, w, l, q, or <blank>
   1033     const char *FldString;      // s, l, or <blank>
   1034   } TypeAttributes[];
   1035 };
   1037 using Traits = ::Ice::X8664::TargetX8664Traits;
   1038 } // end of namespace X8664
   1040 } // end of namespace Ice