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      1 //===-- RegAllocBase.h - basic regalloc interface and driver --*- C++ -*---===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This file defines the RegAllocBase class, which is the skeleton of a basic
     11 // register allocation algorithm and interface for extending it. It provides the
     12 // building blocks on which to construct other experimental allocators and test
     13 // the validity of two principles:
     14 //
     15 // - If virtual and physical register liveness is modeled using intervals, then
     16 // on-the-fly interference checking is cheap. Furthermore, interferences can be
     17 // lazily cached and reused.
     18 //
     19 // - Register allocation complexity, and generated code performance is
     20 // determined by the effectiveness of live range splitting rather than optimal
     21 // coloring.
     22 //
     23 // Following the first principle, interfering checking revolves around the
     24 // LiveIntervalUnion data structure.
     25 //
     26 // To fulfill the second principle, the basic allocator provides a driver for
     27 // incremental splitting. It essentially punts on the problem of register
     28 // coloring, instead driving the assignment of virtual to physical registers by
     29 // the cost of splitting. The basic allocator allows for heuristic reassignment
     30 // of registers, if a more sophisticated allocator chooses to do that.
     31 //
     32 // This framework provides a way to engineer the compile time vs. code
     33 // quality trade-off without relying on a particular theoretical solver.
     34 //
     35 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     40 #include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
     41 #include "LiveIntervalUnion.h"
     42 #include "RegisterClassInfo.h"
     44 namespace llvm {
     46 template<typename T> class SmallVectorImpl;
     47 class TargetRegisterInfo;
     48 class VirtRegMap;
     49 class LiveIntervals;
     50 class Spiller;
     52 // Forward declare a priority queue of live virtual registers. If an
     53 // implementation needs to prioritize by anything other than spill weight, then
     54 // this will become an abstract base class with virtual calls to push/get.
     55 class LiveVirtRegQueue;
     57 /// RegAllocBase provides the register allocation driver and interface that can
     58 /// be extended to add interesting heuristics.
     59 ///
     60 /// Register allocators must override the selectOrSplit() method to implement
     61 /// live range splitting. They must also override enqueue/dequeue to provide an
     62 /// assignment order.
     63 class RegAllocBase {
     64   LiveIntervalUnion::Allocator UnionAllocator;
     66   // Cache tag for PhysReg2LiveUnion entries. Increment whenever virtual
     67   // registers may have changed.
     68   unsigned UserTag;
     70 protected:
     71   // Array of LiveIntervalUnions indexed by physical register.
     72   class LiveUnionArray {
     73     unsigned NumRegs;
     74     LiveIntervalUnion *Array;
     75   public:
     76     LiveUnionArray(): NumRegs(0), Array(0) {}
     77     ~LiveUnionArray() { clear(); }
     79     unsigned numRegs() const { return NumRegs; }
     81     void init(LiveIntervalUnion::Allocator &, unsigned NRegs);
     83     void clear();
     85     LiveIntervalUnion& operator[](unsigned PhysReg) {
     86       assert(PhysReg <  NumRegs && "physReg out of bounds");
     87       return Array[PhysReg];
     88     }
     89   };
     91   const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI;
     92   MachineRegisterInfo *MRI;
     93   VirtRegMap *VRM;
     94   LiveIntervals *LIS;
     95   RegisterClassInfo RegClassInfo;
     96   LiveUnionArray PhysReg2LiveUnion;
     98   // Current queries, one per physreg. They must be reinitialized each time we
     99   // query on a new live virtual register.
    100   OwningArrayPtr<LiveIntervalUnion::Query> Queries;
    102   RegAllocBase(): UserTag(0), TRI(0), MRI(0), VRM(0), LIS(0) {}
    104   virtual ~RegAllocBase() {}
    106   // A RegAlloc pass should call this before allocatePhysRegs.
    107   void init(VirtRegMap &vrm, LiveIntervals &lis);
    109   // Get an initialized query to check interferences between lvr and preg.  Note
    110   // that Query::init must be called at least once for each physical register
    111   // before querying a new live virtual register. This ties Queries and
    112   // PhysReg2LiveUnion together.
    113   LiveIntervalUnion::Query &query(LiveInterval &VirtReg, unsigned PhysReg) {
    114     Queries[PhysReg].init(UserTag, &VirtReg, &PhysReg2LiveUnion[PhysReg]);
    115     return Queries[PhysReg];
    116   }
    118   // Invalidate all cached information about virtual registers - live ranges may
    119   // have changed.
    120   void invalidateVirtRegs() { ++UserTag; }
    122   // The top-level driver. The output is a VirtRegMap that us updated with
    123   // physical register assignments.
    124   //
    125   // If an implementation wants to override the LiveInterval comparator, we
    126   // should modify this interface to allow passing in an instance derived from
    127   // LiveVirtRegQueue.
    128   void allocatePhysRegs();
    130   // Get a temporary reference to a Spiller instance.
    131   virtual Spiller &spiller() = 0;
    133   /// enqueue - Add VirtReg to the priority queue of unassigned registers.
    134   virtual void enqueue(LiveInterval *LI) = 0;
    136   /// dequeue - Return the next unassigned register, or NULL.
    137   virtual LiveInterval *dequeue() = 0;
    139   // A RegAlloc pass should override this to provide the allocation heuristics.
    140   // Each call must guarantee forward progess by returning an available PhysReg
    141   // or new set of split live virtual registers. It is up to the splitter to
    142   // converge quickly toward fully spilled live ranges.
    143   virtual unsigned selectOrSplit(LiveInterval &VirtReg,
    144                                  SmallVectorImpl<LiveInterval*> &splitLVRs) = 0;
    146   // A RegAlloc pass should call this when PassManager releases its memory.
    147   virtual void releaseMemory();
    149   // Helper for checking interference between a live virtual register and a
    150   // physical register, including all its register aliases. If an interference
    151   // exists, return the interfering register, which may be preg or an alias.
    152   unsigned checkPhysRegInterference(LiveInterval& VirtReg, unsigned PhysReg);
    154   /// assign - Assign VirtReg to PhysReg.
    155   /// This should not be called from selectOrSplit for the current register.
    156   void assign(LiveInterval &VirtReg, unsigned PhysReg);
    158   /// unassign - Undo a previous assignment of VirtReg to PhysReg.
    159   /// This can be invoked from selectOrSplit, but be careful to guarantee that
    160   /// allocation is making progress.
    161   void unassign(LiveInterval &VirtReg, unsigned PhysReg);
    163   // Helper for spilling all live virtual registers currently unified under preg
    164   // that interfere with the most recently queried lvr.  Return true if spilling
    165   // was successful, and append any new spilled/split intervals to splitLVRs.
    166   bool spillInterferences(LiveInterval &VirtReg, unsigned PhysReg,
    167                           SmallVectorImpl<LiveInterval*> &SplitVRegs);
    169   /// addMBBLiveIns - Add physreg liveins to basic blocks.
    170   void addMBBLiveIns(MachineFunction *);
    172 #ifndef NDEBUG
    173   // Verify each LiveIntervalUnion.
    174   void verify();
    175 #endif
    177   // Use this group name for NamedRegionTimer.
    178   static const char *TimerGroupName;
    180 public:
    181   /// VerifyEnabled - True when -verify-regalloc is given.
    182   static bool VerifyEnabled;
    184 private:
    185   void seedLiveRegs();
    187   void spillReg(LiveInterval &VirtReg, unsigned PhysReg,
    188                 SmallVectorImpl<LiveInterval*> &SplitVRegs);
    189 };
    191 } // end namespace llvm
    193 #endif // !defined(LLVM_CODEGEN_REGALLOCBASE)