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      2 //
      4 //
      5 //  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
      6 //  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
      7 //  copy or use the software.
      8 //
      9 //
     10 //                        Intel License Agreement
     11 //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
     12 //
     13 // Copyright (C) 2000, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
     14 // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
     15 //
     16 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
     17 // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
     18 //
     19 //   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
     20 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
     21 //
     22 //   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
     23 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
     24 //     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
     25 //
     26 //   * The name of Intel Corporation may not be used to endorse or promote products
     27 //     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
     28 //
     29 // This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
     30 // any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
     31 // warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
     32 // In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
     33 // indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
     34 // (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
     35 // loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused
     36 // and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability,
     37 // or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of
     38 // the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
     39 //
     40 //M*/
     43 #ifndef _CXCORE_H_
     44 #define _CXCORE_H_
     46 #ifdef __IPL_H__
     47 #define HAVE_IPL
     48 #endif
     50 #ifndef SKIP_INCLUDES
     51   #if defined HAVE_IPL && !defined __IPL_H__
     52     #ifndef _INC_WINDOWS
     53         #define CV_PRETEND_WINDOWS
     54         #define _INC_WINDOWS
     55         typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER BITMAPINFOHEADER;
     56         typedef int BOOL;
     57     #endif
     58     #if defined WIN32 || defined WIN64
     59       #include "ipl.h"
     60     #else
     61       #include "ipl/ipl.h"
     62     #endif
     63     #ifdef CV_PRETEND_WINDOWS
     64         #undef _INC_WINDOWS
     65     #endif
     66   #endif
     67 #endif // SKIP_INCLUDES
     69 #include "cxtypes.h"
     70 #include "cxerror.h"
     71 #include "cvver.h"
     73 #ifdef __cplusplus
     74 extern "C" {
     75 #endif
     77 /****************************************************************************************\
     78 *          Array allocation, deallocation, initialization and access to elements         *
     79 \****************************************************************************************/
     81 /* <malloc> wrapper.
     82    If there is no enough memory, the function
     83    (as well as other OpenCV functions that call cvAlloc)
     84    raises an error. */
     85 CVAPI(void*)  cvAlloc( size_t size );
     87 /* <free> wrapper.
     88    Here and further all the memory releasing functions
     89    (that all call cvFree) take double pointer in order to
     90    to clear pointer to the data after releasing it.
     91    Passing pointer to NULL pointer is Ok: nothing happens in this case
     92 */
     93 CVAPI(void)   cvFree_( void* ptr );
     94 #define cvFree(ptr) (cvFree_(*(ptr)), *(ptr)=0)
     96 /* Allocates and initializes IplImage header */
     97 CVAPI(IplImage*)  cvCreateImageHeader( CvSize size, int depth, int channels );
     99 /* Inializes IplImage header */
    100 CVAPI(IplImage*) cvInitImageHeader( IplImage* image, CvSize size, int depth,
    101                                    int channels, int origin CV_DEFAULT(0),
    102                                    int align CV_DEFAULT(4));
    104 /* Creates IPL image (header and data) */
    105 CVAPI(IplImage*)  cvCreateImage( CvSize size, int depth, int channels );
    107 /* Releases (i.e. deallocates) IPL image header */
    108 CVAPI(void)  cvReleaseImageHeader( IplImage** image );
    110 /* Releases IPL image header and data */
    111 CVAPI(void)  cvReleaseImage( IplImage** image );
    113 /* Creates a copy of IPL image (widthStep may differ) */
    114 CVAPI(IplImage*) cvCloneImage( const IplImage* image );
    116 /* Sets a Channel Of Interest (only a few functions support COI) -
    117    use cvCopy to extract the selected channel and/or put it back */
    118 CVAPI(void)  cvSetImageCOI( IplImage* image, int coi );
    120 /* Retrieves image Channel Of Interest */
    121 CVAPI(int)  cvGetImageCOI( const IplImage* image );
    123 /* Sets image ROI (region of interest) (COI is not changed) */
    124 CVAPI(void)  cvSetImageROI( IplImage* image, CvRect rect );
    126 /* Resets image ROI and COI */
    127 CVAPI(void)  cvResetImageROI( IplImage* image );
    129 /* Retrieves image ROI */
    130 CVAPI(CvRect) cvGetImageROI( const IplImage* image );
    132 /* Allocates and initalizes CvMat header */
    133 CVAPI(CvMat*)  cvCreateMatHeader( int rows, int cols, int type );
    135 #define CV_AUTOSTEP  0x7fffffff
    137 /* Initializes CvMat header */
    138 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvInitMatHeader( CvMat* mat, int rows, int cols,
    139                               int type, void* data CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    140                               int step CV_DEFAULT(CV_AUTOSTEP) );
    142 /* Allocates and initializes CvMat header and allocates data */
    143 CVAPI(CvMat*)  cvCreateMat( int rows, int cols, int type );
    145 /* Releases CvMat header and deallocates matrix data
    146    (reference counting is used for data) */
    147 CVAPI(void)  cvReleaseMat( CvMat** mat );
    149 /* Decrements CvMat data reference counter and deallocates the data if
    150    it reaches 0 */
    151 CV_INLINE  void  cvDecRefData( CvArr* arr )
    152 {
    153     if( CV_IS_MAT( arr ))
    154     {
    155         CvMat* mat = (CvMat*)arr;
    156         mat->data.ptr = NULL;
    157         if( mat->refcount != NULL && --*mat->refcount == 0 )
    158             cvFree( &mat->refcount );
    159         mat->refcount = NULL;
    160     }
    161     else if( CV_IS_MATND( arr ))
    162     {
    163         CvMatND* mat = (CvMatND*)arr;
    164         mat->data.ptr = NULL;
    165         if( mat->refcount != NULL && --*mat->refcount == 0 )
    166             cvFree( &mat->refcount );
    167         mat->refcount = NULL;
    168     }
    169 }
    171 /* Increments CvMat data reference counter */
    172 CV_INLINE  int  cvIncRefData( CvArr* arr )
    173 {
    174     int refcount = 0;
    175     if( CV_IS_MAT( arr ))
    176     {
    177         CvMat* mat = (CvMat*)arr;
    178         if( mat->refcount != NULL )
    179             refcount = ++*mat->refcount;
    180     }
    181     else if( CV_IS_MATND( arr ))
    182     {
    183         CvMatND* mat = (CvMatND*)arr;
    184         if( mat->refcount != NULL )
    185             refcount = ++*mat->refcount;
    186     }
    187     return refcount;
    188 }
    191 /* Creates an exact copy of the input matrix (except, may be, step value) */
    192 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvCloneMat( const CvMat* mat );
    195 /* Makes a new matrix from <rect> subrectangle of input array.
    196    No data is copied */
    197 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetSubRect( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat, CvRect rect );
    198 #define cvGetSubArr cvGetSubRect
    200 /* Selects row span of the input array: arr(start_row:delta_row:end_row,:)
    201     (end_row is not included into the span). */
    202 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetRows( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat,
    203                         int start_row, int end_row,
    204                         int delta_row CV_DEFAULT(1));
    206 CV_INLINE  CvMat*  cvGetRow( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat, int row )
    207 {
    208     return cvGetRows( arr, submat, row, row + 1, 1 );
    209 }
    212 /* Selects column span of the input array: arr(:,start_col:end_col)
    213    (end_col is not included into the span) */
    214 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetCols( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat,
    215                         int start_col, int end_col );
    217 CV_INLINE  CvMat*  cvGetCol( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat, int col )
    218 {
    219     return cvGetCols( arr, submat, col, col + 1 );
    220 }
    222 /* Select a diagonal of the input array.
    223    (diag = 0 means the main diagonal, >0 means a diagonal above the main one,
    224    <0 - below the main one).
    225    The diagonal will be represented as a column (nx1 matrix). */
    226 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetDiag( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat,
    227                             int diag CV_DEFAULT(0));
    229 /* low-level scalar <-> raw data conversion functions */
    230 CVAPI(void) cvScalarToRawData( const CvScalar* scalar, void* data, int type,
    231                               int extend_to_12 CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    233 CVAPI(void) cvRawDataToScalar( const void* data, int type, CvScalar* scalar );
    235 /* Allocates and initializes CvMatND header */
    236 CVAPI(CvMatND*)  cvCreateMatNDHeader( int dims, const int* sizes, int type );
    238 /* Allocates and initializes CvMatND header and allocates data */
    239 CVAPI(CvMatND*)  cvCreateMatND( int dims, const int* sizes, int type );
    241 /* Initializes preallocated CvMatND header */
    242 CVAPI(CvMatND*)  cvInitMatNDHeader( CvMatND* mat, int dims, const int* sizes,
    243                                     int type, void* data CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    245 /* Releases CvMatND */
    246 CV_INLINE  void  cvReleaseMatND( CvMatND** mat )
    247 {
    248     cvReleaseMat( (CvMat**)mat );
    249 }
    251 /* Creates a copy of CvMatND (except, may be, steps) */
    252 CVAPI(CvMatND*) cvCloneMatND( const CvMatND* mat );
    254 /* Allocates and initializes CvSparseMat header and allocates data */
    255 CVAPI(CvSparseMat*)  cvCreateSparseMat( int dims, const int* sizes, int type );
    257 /* Releases CvSparseMat */
    258 CVAPI(void)  cvReleaseSparseMat( CvSparseMat** mat );
    260 /* Creates a copy of CvSparseMat (except, may be, zero items) */
    261 CVAPI(CvSparseMat*) cvCloneSparseMat( const CvSparseMat* mat );
    263 /* Initializes sparse array iterator
    264    (returns the first node or NULL if the array is empty) */
    265 CVAPI(CvSparseNode*) cvInitSparseMatIterator( const CvSparseMat* mat,
    266                                               CvSparseMatIterator* mat_iterator );
    268 // returns next sparse array node (or NULL if there is no more nodes)
    269 CV_INLINE CvSparseNode* cvGetNextSparseNode( CvSparseMatIterator* mat_iterator )
    270 {
    271     if( mat_iterator->node->next )
    272         return mat_iterator->node = mat_iterator->node->next;
    273     else
    274     {
    275         int idx;
    276         for( idx = ++mat_iterator->curidx; idx < mat_iterator->mat->hashsize; idx++ )
    277         {
    278             CvSparseNode* node = (CvSparseNode*)mat_iterator->mat->hashtable[idx];
    279             if( node )
    280             {
    281                 mat_iterator->curidx = idx;
    282                 return mat_iterator->node = node;
    283             }
    284         }
    285         return NULL;
    286     }
    287 }
    289 /**************** matrix iterator: used for n-ary operations on dense arrays *********/
    291 #define CV_MAX_ARR 10
    293 typedef struct CvNArrayIterator
    294 {
    295     int count; /* number of arrays */
    296     int dims; /* number of dimensions to iterate */
    297     CvSize size; /* maximal common linear size: { width = size, height = 1 } */
    298     uchar* ptr[CV_MAX_ARR]; /* pointers to the array slices */
    299     int stack[CV_MAX_DIM]; /* for internal use */
    300     CvMatND* hdr[CV_MAX_ARR]; /* pointers to the headers of the
    301                                  matrices that are processed */
    302 }
    303 CvNArrayIterator;
    305 #define CV_NO_DEPTH_CHECK     1
    306 #define CV_NO_CN_CHECK        2
    307 #define CV_NO_SIZE_CHECK      4
    309 /* initializes iterator that traverses through several arrays simulteneously
    310    (the function together with cvNextArraySlice is used for
    311     N-ari element-wise operations) */
    312 CVAPI(int) cvInitNArrayIterator( int count, CvArr** arrs,
    313                                  const CvArr* mask, CvMatND* stubs,
    314                                  CvNArrayIterator* array_iterator,
    315                                  int flags CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    317 /* returns zero value if iteration is finished, non-zero (slice length) otherwise */
    318 CVAPI(int) cvNextNArraySlice( CvNArrayIterator* array_iterator );
    321 /* Returns type of array elements:
    322    CV_8UC1 ... CV_64FC4 ... */
    323 CVAPI(int) cvGetElemType( const CvArr* arr );
    325 /* Retrieves number of an array dimensions and
    326    optionally sizes of the dimensions */
    327 CVAPI(int) cvGetDims( const CvArr* arr, int* sizes CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    330 /* Retrieves size of a particular array dimension.
    331    For 2d arrays cvGetDimSize(arr,0) returns number of rows (image height)
    332    and cvGetDimSize(arr,1) returns number of columns (image width) */
    333 CVAPI(int) cvGetDimSize( const CvArr* arr, int index );
    336 /* ptr = &arr(idx0,idx1,...). All indexes are zero-based,
    337    the major dimensions go first (e.g. (y,x) for 2D, (z,y,x) for 3D */
    338 CVAPI(uchar*) cvPtr1D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0, int* type CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    339 CVAPI(uchar*) cvPtr2D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1, int* type CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    340 CVAPI(uchar*) cvPtr3D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2,
    341                       int* type CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    343 /* For CvMat or IplImage number of indices should be 2
    344    (row index (y) goes first, column index (x) goes next).
    345    For CvMatND or CvSparseMat number of infices should match number of <dims> and
    346    indices order should match the array dimension order. */
    347 CVAPI(uchar*) cvPtrND( const CvArr* arr, const int* idx, int* type CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    348                       int create_node CV_DEFAULT(1),
    349                       unsigned* precalc_hashval CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    351 /* value = arr(idx0,idx1,...) */
    352 CVAPI(CvScalar) cvGet1D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0 );
    353 CVAPI(CvScalar) cvGet2D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1 );
    354 CVAPI(CvScalar) cvGet3D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2 );
    355 CVAPI(CvScalar) cvGetND( const CvArr* arr, const int* idx );
    357 /* for 1-channel arrays */
    358 CVAPI(double) cvGetReal1D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0 );
    359 CVAPI(double) cvGetReal2D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1 );
    360 CVAPI(double) cvGetReal3D( const CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2 );
    361 CVAPI(double) cvGetRealND( const CvArr* arr, const int* idx );
    363 /* arr(idx0,idx1,...) = value */
    364 CVAPI(void) cvSet1D( CvArr* arr, int idx0, CvScalar value );
    365 CVAPI(void) cvSet2D( CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1, CvScalar value );
    366 CVAPI(void) cvSet3D( CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1, int idx2, CvScalar value );
    367 CVAPI(void) cvSetND( CvArr* arr, const int* idx, CvScalar value );
    369 /* for 1-channel arrays */
    370 CVAPI(void) cvSetReal1D( CvArr* arr, int idx0, double value );
    371 CVAPI(void) cvSetReal2D( CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1, double value );
    372 CVAPI(void) cvSetReal3D( CvArr* arr, int idx0,
    373                         int idx1, int idx2, double value );
    374 CVAPI(void) cvSetRealND( CvArr* arr, const int* idx, double value );
    376 /* clears element of ND dense array,
    377    in case of sparse arrays it deletes the specified node */
    378 CVAPI(void) cvClearND( CvArr* arr, const int* idx );
    380 /* Converts CvArr (IplImage or CvMat,...) to CvMat.
    381    If the last parameter is non-zero, function can
    382    convert multi(>2)-dimensional array to CvMat as long as
    383    the last array's dimension is continous. The resultant
    384    matrix will be have appropriate (a huge) number of rows */
    385 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetMat( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* header,
    386                        int* coi CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    387                        int allowND CV_DEFAULT(0));
    389 /* Converts CvArr (IplImage or CvMat) to IplImage */
    390 CVAPI(IplImage*) cvGetImage( const CvArr* arr, IplImage* image_header );
    393 /* Changes a shape of multi-dimensional array.
    394    new_cn == 0 means that number of channels remains unchanged.
    395    new_dims == 0 means that number and sizes of dimensions remain the same
    396    (unless they need to be changed to set the new number of channels)
    397    if new_dims == 1, there is no need to specify new dimension sizes
    398    The resultant configuration should be achievable w/o data copying.
    399    If the resultant array is sparse, CvSparseMat header should be passed
    400    to the function else if the result is 1 or 2 dimensional,
    401    CvMat header should be passed to the function
    402    else CvMatND header should be passed */
    403 CVAPI(CvArr*) cvReshapeMatND( const CvArr* arr,
    404                              int sizeof_header, CvArr* header,
    405                              int new_cn, int new_dims, int* new_sizes );
    407 #define cvReshapeND( arr, header, new_cn, new_dims, new_sizes )   \
    408       cvReshapeMatND( (arr), sizeof(*(header)), (header),         \
    409                       (new_cn), (new_dims), (new_sizes))
    411 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvReshape( const CvArr* arr, CvMat* header,
    412                         int new_cn, int new_rows CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    414 /* Repeats source 2d array several times in both horizontal and
    415    vertical direction to fill destination array */
    416 CVAPI(void) cvRepeat( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
    418 /* Allocates array data */
    419 CVAPI(void)  cvCreateData( CvArr* arr );
    421 /* Releases array data */
    422 CVAPI(void)  cvReleaseData( CvArr* arr );
    424 /* Attaches user data to the array header. The step is reffered to
    425    the pre-last dimension. That is, all the planes of the array
    426    must be joint (w/o gaps) */
    427 CVAPI(void)  cvSetData( CvArr* arr, void* data, int step );
    429 /* Retrieves raw data of CvMat, IplImage or CvMatND.
    430    In the latter case the function raises an error if
    431    the array can not be represented as a matrix */
    432 CVAPI(void) cvGetRawData( const CvArr* arr, uchar** data,
    433                          int* step CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    434                          CvSize* roi_size CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    436 /* Returns width and height of array in elements */
    437 CVAPI(CvSize) cvGetSize( const CvArr* arr );
    439 /* Copies source array to destination array */
    440 CVAPI(void)  cvCopy( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
    441                      const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    443 /* Sets all or "masked" elements of input array
    444    to the same value*/
    445 CVAPI(void)  cvSet( CvArr* arr, CvScalar value,
    446                     const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    448 /* Clears all the array elements (sets them to 0) */
    449 CVAPI(void)  cvSetZero( CvArr* arr );
    450 #define cvZero  cvSetZero
    453 /* Splits a multi-channel array into the set of single-channel arrays or
    454    extracts particular [color] plane */
    455 CVAPI(void)  cvSplit( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst0, CvArr* dst1,
    456                       CvArr* dst2, CvArr* dst3 );
    458 /* Merges a set of single-channel arrays into the single multi-channel array
    459    or inserts one particular [color] plane to the array */
    460 CVAPI(void)  cvMerge( const CvArr* src0, const CvArr* src1,
    461                       const CvArr* src2, const CvArr* src3,
    462                       CvArr* dst );
    464 /* Copies several channels from input arrays to
    465    certain channels of output arrays */
    466 CVAPI(void)  cvMixChannels( const CvArr** src, int src_count,
    467                             CvArr** dst, int dst_count,
    468                             const int* from_to, int pair_count );
    470 /* Performs linear transformation on every source array element:
    471    dst(x,y,c) = scale*src(x,y,c)+shift.
    472    Arbitrary combination of input and output array depths are allowed
    473    (number of channels must be the same), thus the function can be used
    474    for type conversion */
    475 CVAPI(void)  cvConvertScale( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
    476                              double scale CV_DEFAULT(1),
    477                              double shift CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    478 #define cvCvtScale cvConvertScale
    479 #define cvScale  cvConvertScale
    480 #define cvConvert( src, dst )  cvConvertScale( (src), (dst), 1, 0 )
    483 /* Performs linear transformation on every source array element,
    484    stores absolute value of the result:
    485    dst(x,y,c) = abs(scale*src(x,y,c)+shift).
    486    destination array must have 8u type.
    487    In other cases one may use cvConvertScale + cvAbsDiffS */
    488 CVAPI(void)  cvConvertScaleAbs( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
    489                                 double scale CV_DEFAULT(1),
    490                                 double shift CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    491 #define cvCvtScaleAbs  cvConvertScaleAbs
    494 /* checks termination criteria validity and
    495    sets eps to default_eps (if it is not set),
    496    max_iter to default_max_iters (if it is not set)
    497 */
    498 CVAPI(CvTermCriteria) cvCheckTermCriteria( CvTermCriteria criteria,
    499                                            double default_eps,
    500                                            int default_max_iters );
    502 /****************************************************************************************\
    503 *                   Arithmetic, logic and comparison operations                          *
    504 \****************************************************************************************/
    506 /* dst(mask) = src1(mask) + src2(mask) */
    507 CVAPI(void)  cvAdd( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst,
    508                     const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    510 /* dst(mask) = src(mask) + value */
    511 CVAPI(void)  cvAddS( const CvArr* src, CvScalar value, CvArr* dst,
    512                      const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    514 /* dst(mask) = src1(mask) - src2(mask) */
    515 CVAPI(void)  cvSub( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst,
    516                     const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    518 /* dst(mask) = src(mask) - value = src(mask) + (-value) */
    519 CV_INLINE  void  cvSubS( const CvArr* src, CvScalar value, CvArr* dst,
    520                          const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL))
    521 {
    522     cvAddS( src, cvScalar( -value.val[0], -value.val[1], -value.val[2], -value.val[3]),
    523             dst, mask );
    524 }
    526 /* dst(mask) = value - src(mask) */
    527 CVAPI(void)  cvSubRS( const CvArr* src, CvScalar value, CvArr* dst,
    528                       const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    530 /* dst(idx) = src1(idx) * src2(idx) * scale
    531    (scaled element-wise multiplication of 2 arrays) */
    532 CVAPI(void)  cvMul( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2,
    533                     CvArr* dst, double scale CV_DEFAULT(1) );
    535 /* element-wise division/inversion with scaling:
    536     dst(idx) = src1(idx) * scale / src2(idx)
    537     or dst(idx) = scale / src2(idx) if src1 == 0 */
    538 CVAPI(void)  cvDiv( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2,
    539                     CvArr* dst, double scale CV_DEFAULT(1));
    541 /* dst = src1 * scale + src2 */
    542 CVAPI(void)  cvScaleAdd( const CvArr* src1, CvScalar scale,
    543                          const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst );
    544 #define cvAXPY( A, real_scalar, B, C ) cvScaleAdd(A, cvRealScalar(real_scalar), B, C)
    546 /* dst = src1 * alpha + src2 * beta + gamma */
    547 CVAPI(void)  cvAddWeighted( const CvArr* src1, double alpha,
    548                             const CvArr* src2, double beta,
    549                             double gamma, CvArr* dst );
    551 /* result = sum_i(src1(i) * src2(i)) (results for all channels are accumulated together) */
    552 CVAPI(double)  cvDotProduct( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2 );
    554 /* dst(idx) = src1(idx) & src2(idx) */
    555 CVAPI(void) cvAnd( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2,
    556                   CvArr* dst, const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    558 /* dst(idx) = src(idx) & value */
    559 CVAPI(void) cvAndS( const CvArr* src, CvScalar value,
    560                    CvArr* dst, const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    562 /* dst(idx) = src1(idx) | src2(idx) */
    563 CVAPI(void) cvOr( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2,
    564                  CvArr* dst, const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    566 /* dst(idx) = src(idx) | value */
    567 CVAPI(void) cvOrS( const CvArr* src, CvScalar value,
    568                   CvArr* dst, const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    570 /* dst(idx) = src1(idx) ^ src2(idx) */
    571 CVAPI(void) cvXor( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2,
    572                   CvArr* dst, const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    574 /* dst(idx) = src(idx) ^ value */
    575 CVAPI(void) cvXorS( const CvArr* src, CvScalar value,
    576                    CvArr* dst, const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    578 /* dst(idx) = ~src(idx) */
    579 CVAPI(void) cvNot( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
    581 /* dst(idx) = lower(idx) <= src(idx) < upper(idx) */
    582 CVAPI(void) cvInRange( const CvArr* src, const CvArr* lower,
    583                       const CvArr* upper, CvArr* dst );
    585 /* dst(idx) = lower <= src(idx) < upper */
    586 CVAPI(void) cvInRangeS( const CvArr* src, CvScalar lower,
    587                        CvScalar upper, CvArr* dst );
    589 #define CV_CMP_EQ   0
    590 #define CV_CMP_GT   1
    591 #define CV_CMP_GE   2
    592 #define CV_CMP_LT   3
    593 #define CV_CMP_LE   4
    594 #define CV_CMP_NE   5
    596 /* The comparison operation support single-channel arrays only.
    597    Destination image should be 8uC1 or 8sC1 */
    599 /* dst(idx) = src1(idx) _cmp_op_ src2(idx) */
    600 CVAPI(void) cvCmp( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst, int cmp_op );
    602 /* dst(idx) = src1(idx) _cmp_op_ value */
    603 CVAPI(void) cvCmpS( const CvArr* src, double value, CvArr* dst, int cmp_op );
    605 /* dst(idx) = min(src1(idx),src2(idx)) */
    606 CVAPI(void) cvMin( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst );
    608 /* dst(idx) = max(src1(idx),src2(idx)) */
    609 CVAPI(void) cvMax( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst );
    611 /* dst(idx) = min(src(idx),value) */
    612 CVAPI(void) cvMinS( const CvArr* src, double value, CvArr* dst );
    614 /* dst(idx) = max(src(idx),value) */
    615 CVAPI(void) cvMaxS( const CvArr* src, double value, CvArr* dst );
    617 /* dst(x,y,c) = abs(src1(x,y,c) - src2(x,y,c)) */
    618 CVAPI(void) cvAbsDiff( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst );
    620 /* dst(x,y,c) = abs(src(x,y,c) - value(c)) */
    621 CVAPI(void) cvAbsDiffS( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, CvScalar value );
    622 #define cvAbs( src, dst ) cvAbsDiffS( (src), (dst), cvScalarAll(0))
    624 /****************************************************************************************\
    625 *                                Math operations                                         *
    626 \****************************************************************************************/
    628 /* Does cartesian->polar coordinates conversion.
    629    Either of output components (magnitude or angle) is optional */
    630 CVAPI(void)  cvCartToPolar( const CvArr* x, const CvArr* y,
    631                             CvArr* magnitude, CvArr* angle CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    632                             int angle_in_degrees CV_DEFAULT(0));
    634 /* Does polar->cartesian coordinates conversion.
    635    Either of output components (magnitude or angle) is optional.
    636    If magnitude is missing it is assumed to be all 1's */
    637 CVAPI(void)  cvPolarToCart( const CvArr* magnitude, const CvArr* angle,
    638                             CvArr* x, CvArr* y,
    639                             int angle_in_degrees CV_DEFAULT(0));
    641 /* Does powering: dst(idx) = src(idx)^power */
    642 CVAPI(void)  cvPow( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, double power );
    644 /* Does exponention: dst(idx) = exp(src(idx)).
    645    Overflow is not handled yet. Underflow is handled.
    646    Maximal relative error is ~7e-6 for single-precision input */
    647 CVAPI(void)  cvExp( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
    649 /* Calculates natural logarithms: dst(idx) = log(abs(src(idx))).
    650    Logarithm of 0 gives large negative number(~-700)
    651    Maximal relative error is ~3e-7 for single-precision output
    652 */
    653 CVAPI(void)  cvLog( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
    655 /* Fast arctangent calculation */
    656 CVAPI(float) cvFastArctan( float y, float x );
    658 /* Fast cubic root calculation */
    659 CVAPI(float)  cvCbrt( float value );
    661 /* Checks array values for NaNs, Infs or simply for too large numbers
    662    (if CV_CHECK_RANGE is set). If CV_CHECK_QUIET is set,
    663    no runtime errors is raised (function returns zero value in case of "bad" values).
    664    Otherwise cvError is called */
    665 #define  CV_CHECK_RANGE    1
    666 #define  CV_CHECK_QUIET    2
    667 CVAPI(int)  cvCheckArr( const CvArr* arr, int flags CV_DEFAULT(0),
    668                         double min_val CV_DEFAULT(0), double max_val CV_DEFAULT(0));
    669 #define cvCheckArray cvCheckArr
    671 #define CV_RAND_UNI      0
    672 #define CV_RAND_NORMAL   1
    673 CVAPI(void) cvRandArr( CvRNG* rng, CvArr* arr, int dist_type,
    674                       CvScalar param1, CvScalar param2 );
    676 CVAPI(void) cvRandShuffle( CvArr* mat, CvRNG* rng,
    677                            double iter_factor CV_DEFAULT(1.));
    679 #define CV_SORT_EVERY_ROW 0
    680 #define CV_SORT_EVERY_COLUMN 1
    681 #define CV_SORT_ASCENDING 0
    682 #define CV_SORT_DESCENDING 16
    684 CVAPI(void) cvSort( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    685                     CvArr* idxmat CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    686                     int flags CV_DEFAULT(0));
    688 /* Finds real roots of a cubic equation */
    689 CVAPI(int) cvSolveCubic( const CvMat* coeffs, CvMat* roots );
    691 /* Finds all real and complex roots of a polynomial equation */
    692 CVAPI(void) cvSolvePoly(const CvMat* coeffs, CvMat *roots,
    693 			int maxiter CV_DEFAULT(0), int fig CV_DEFAULT(0));
    695 /****************************************************************************************\
    696 *                                Matrix operations                                       *
    697 \****************************************************************************************/
    699 /* Calculates cross product of two 3d vectors */
    700 CVAPI(void)  cvCrossProduct( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst );
    702 /* Matrix transform: dst = A*B + C, C is optional */
    703 #define cvMatMulAdd( src1, src2, src3, dst ) cvGEMM( (src1), (src2), 1., (src3), 1., (dst), 0 )
    704 #define cvMatMul( src1, src2, dst )  cvMatMulAdd( (src1), (src2), NULL, (dst))
    706 #define CV_GEMM_A_T 1
    707 #define CV_GEMM_B_T 2
    708 #define CV_GEMM_C_T 4
    709 /* Extended matrix transform:
    710    dst = alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*op(C), where op(X) is X or X^T */
    711 CVAPI(void)  cvGEMM( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, double alpha,
    712                      const CvArr* src3, double beta, CvArr* dst,
    713                      int tABC CV_DEFAULT(0));
    714 #define cvMatMulAddEx cvGEMM
    716 /* Transforms each element of source array and stores
    717    resultant vectors in destination array */
    718 CVAPI(void)  cvTransform( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
    719                           const CvMat* transmat,
    720                           const CvMat* shiftvec CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    721 #define cvMatMulAddS cvTransform
    723 /* Does perspective transform on every element of input array */
    724 CVAPI(void)  cvPerspectiveTransform( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
    725                                      const CvMat* mat );
    727 /* Calculates (A-delta)*(A-delta)^T (order=0) or (A-delta)^T*(A-delta) (order=1) */
    728 CVAPI(void) cvMulTransposed( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int order,
    729                              const CvArr* delta CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    730                              double scale CV_DEFAULT(1.) );
    732 /* Tranposes matrix. Square matrices can be transposed in-place */
    733 CVAPI(void)  cvTranspose( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
    734 #define cvT cvTranspose
    736 /* Completes the symmetric matrix from the lower (LtoR=0) or from the upper (LtoR!=0) part */
    737 CVAPI(void)  cvCompleteSymm( CvMat* matrix, int LtoR CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    739 /* Mirror array data around horizontal (flip=0),
    740    vertical (flip=1) or both(flip=-1) axises:
    741    cvFlip(src) flips images vertically and sequences horizontally (inplace) */
    742 CVAPI(void)  cvFlip( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    743                      int flip_mode CV_DEFAULT(0));
    744 #define cvMirror cvFlip
    747 #define CV_SVD_MODIFY_A   1
    748 #define CV_SVD_U_T        2
    749 #define CV_SVD_V_T        4
    751 /* Performs Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix */
    752 CVAPI(void)   cvSVD( CvArr* A, CvArr* W, CvArr* U CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    753                      CvArr* V CV_DEFAULT(NULL), int flags CV_DEFAULT(0));
    755 /* Performs Singular Value Back Substitution (solves A*X = B):
    756    flags must be the same as in cvSVD */
    757 CVAPI(void)   cvSVBkSb( const CvArr* W, const CvArr* U,
    758                         const CvArr* V, const CvArr* B,
    759                         CvArr* X, int flags );
    761 #define CV_LU  0
    762 #define CV_SVD 1
    763 #define CV_SVD_SYM 2
    764 #define CV_LSQ 8
    766 /* Inverts matrix */
    767 CVAPI(double)  cvInvert( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
    768                          int method CV_DEFAULT(CV_LU));
    769 #define cvInv cvInvert
    771 /* Solves linear system (src1)*(dst) = (src2)
    772    (returns 0 if src1 is a singular and CV_LU method is used) */
    773 CVAPI(int)  cvSolve( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2, CvArr* dst,
    774                      int method CV_DEFAULT(CV_LU));
    776 /* Calculates determinant of input matrix */
    777 CVAPI(double) cvDet( const CvArr* mat );
    779 /* Calculates trace of the matrix (sum of elements on the main diagonal) */
    780 CVAPI(CvScalar) cvTrace( const CvArr* mat );
    782 /* Finds eigen values and vectors of a symmetric matrix */
    783 CVAPI(void)  cvEigenVV( CvArr* mat, CvArr* evects,
    784                         CvArr* evals, double eps CV_DEFAULT(0));
    786 /* Makes an identity matrix (mat_ij = i == j) */
    787 CVAPI(void)  cvSetIdentity( CvArr* mat, CvScalar value CV_DEFAULT(cvRealScalar(1)) );
    789 /* Fills matrix with given range of numbers */
    790 CVAPI(CvArr*)  cvRange( CvArr* mat, double start, double end );
    792 /* Calculates covariation matrix for a set of vectors */
    793 /* transpose([v1-avg, v2-avg,...]) * [v1-avg,v2-avg,...] */
    794 #define CV_COVAR_SCRAMBLED 0
    796 /* [v1-avg, v2-avg,...] * transpose([v1-avg,v2-avg,...]) */
    797 #define CV_COVAR_NORMAL    1
    799 /* do not calc average (i.e. mean vector) - use the input vector instead
    800    (useful for calculating covariance matrix by parts) */
    801 #define CV_COVAR_USE_AVG   2
    803 /* scale the covariance matrix coefficients by number of the vectors */
    804 #define CV_COVAR_SCALE     4
    806 /* all the input vectors are stored in a single matrix, as its rows */
    807 #define CV_COVAR_ROWS      8
    809 /* all the input vectors are stored in a single matrix, as its columns */
    810 #define CV_COVAR_COLS     16
    812 CVAPI(void)  cvCalcCovarMatrix( const CvArr** vects, int count,
    813                                 CvArr* cov_mat, CvArr* avg, int flags );
    815 #define CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW 0
    816 #define CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL 1
    817 #define CV_PCA_USE_AVG 2
    818 CVAPI(void)  cvCalcPCA( const CvArr* data, CvArr* mean,
    819                         CvArr* eigenvals, CvArr* eigenvects, int flags );
    821 CVAPI(void)  cvProjectPCA( const CvArr* data, const CvArr* mean,
    822                            const CvArr* eigenvects, CvArr* result );
    824 CVAPI(void)  cvBackProjectPCA( const CvArr* proj, const CvArr* mean,
    825                                const CvArr* eigenvects, CvArr* result );
    827 /* Calculates Mahalanobis(weighted) distance */
    828 CVAPI(double)  cvMahalanobis( const CvArr* vec1, const CvArr* vec2, CvArr* mat );
    829 #define cvMahalonobis  cvMahalanobis
    831 /****************************************************************************************\
    832 *                                    Array Statistics                                    *
    833 \****************************************************************************************/
    835 /* Finds sum of array elements */
    836 CVAPI(CvScalar)  cvSum( const CvArr* arr );
    838 /* Calculates number of non-zero pixels */
    839 CVAPI(int)  cvCountNonZero( const CvArr* arr );
    841 /* Calculates mean value of array elements */
    842 CVAPI(CvScalar)  cvAvg( const CvArr* arr, const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    844 /* Calculates mean and standard deviation of pixel values */
    845 CVAPI(void)  cvAvgSdv( const CvArr* arr, CvScalar* mean, CvScalar* std_dev,
    846                        const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    848 /* Finds global minimum, maximum and their positions */
    849 CVAPI(void)  cvMinMaxLoc( const CvArr* arr, double* min_val, double* max_val,
    850                           CvPoint* min_loc CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    851                           CvPoint* max_loc CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    852                           const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    854 /* types of array norm */
    855 #define CV_C            1
    856 #define CV_L1           2
    857 #define CV_L2           4
    858 #define CV_NORM_MASK    7
    859 #define CV_RELATIVE     8
    860 #define CV_DIFF         16
    861 #define CV_MINMAX       32
    863 #define CV_DIFF_C       (CV_DIFF | CV_C)
    864 #define CV_DIFF_L1      (CV_DIFF | CV_L1)
    865 #define CV_DIFF_L2      (CV_DIFF | CV_L2)
    866 #define CV_RELATIVE_C   (CV_RELATIVE | CV_C)
    867 #define CV_RELATIVE_L1  (CV_RELATIVE | CV_L1)
    868 #define CV_RELATIVE_L2  (CV_RELATIVE | CV_L2)
    870 /* Finds norm, difference norm or relative difference norm for an array (or two arrays) */
    871 CVAPI(double)  cvNorm( const CvArr* arr1, const CvArr* arr2 CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
    872                        int norm_type CV_DEFAULT(CV_L2),
    873                        const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    875 CVAPI(void)  cvNormalize( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
    876                           double a CV_DEFAULT(1.), double b CV_DEFAULT(0.),
    877                           int norm_type CV_DEFAULT(CV_L2),
    878                           const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
    881 #define CV_REDUCE_SUM 0
    882 #define CV_REDUCE_AVG 1
    883 #define CV_REDUCE_MAX 2
    884 #define CV_REDUCE_MIN 3
    886 CVAPI(void)  cvReduce( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int dim CV_DEFAULT(-1),
    887                        int op CV_DEFAULT(CV_REDUCE_SUM) );
    889 /****************************************************************************************\
    890 *                      Discrete Linear Transforms and Related Functions                  *
    891 \****************************************************************************************/
    893 #define CV_DXT_FORWARD  0
    894 #define CV_DXT_INVERSE  1
    895 #define CV_DXT_SCALE    2 /* divide result by size of array */
    898 #define CV_DXT_ROWS     4 /* transform each row individually */
    899 #define CV_DXT_MUL_CONJ 8 /* conjugate the second argument of cvMulSpectrums */
    901 /* Discrete Fourier Transform:
    902     complex->complex,
    903     real->ccs (forward),
    904     ccs->real (inverse) */
    905 CVAPI(void)  cvDFT( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int flags,
    906                     int nonzero_rows CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    907 #define cvFFT cvDFT
    909 /* Multiply results of DFTs: DFT(X)*DFT(Y) or DFT(X)*conj(DFT(Y)) */
    910 CVAPI(void)  cvMulSpectrums( const CvArr* src1, const CvArr* src2,
    911                              CvArr* dst, int flags );
    913 /* Finds optimal DFT vector size >= size0 */
    914 CVAPI(int)  cvGetOptimalDFTSize( int size0 );
    916 /* Discrete Cosine Transform */
    917 CVAPI(void)  cvDCT( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int flags );
    919 /****************************************************************************************\
    920 *                              Dynamic data structures                                   *
    921 \****************************************************************************************/
    923 /* Calculates length of sequence slice (with support of negative indices). */
    924 CVAPI(int) cvSliceLength( CvSlice slice, const CvSeq* seq );
    927 /* Creates new memory storage.
    928    block_size == 0 means that default,
    929    somewhat optimal size, is used (currently, it is 64K) */
    930 CVAPI(CvMemStorage*)  cvCreateMemStorage( int block_size CV_DEFAULT(0));
    933 /* Creates a memory storage that will borrow memory blocks from parent storage */
    934 CVAPI(CvMemStorage*)  cvCreateChildMemStorage( CvMemStorage* parent );
    937 /* Releases memory storage. All the children of a parent must be released before
    938    the parent. A child storage returns all the blocks to parent when it is released */
    939 CVAPI(void)  cvReleaseMemStorage( CvMemStorage** storage );
    942 /* Clears memory storage. This is the only way(!!!) (besides cvRestoreMemStoragePos)
    943    to reuse memory allocated for the storage - cvClearSeq,cvClearSet ...
    944    do not free any memory.
    945    A child storage returns all the blocks to the parent when it is cleared */
    946 CVAPI(void)  cvClearMemStorage( CvMemStorage* storage );
    948 /* Remember a storage "free memory" position */
    949 CVAPI(void)  cvSaveMemStoragePos( const CvMemStorage* storage, CvMemStoragePos* pos );
    951 /* Restore a storage "free memory" position */
    952 CVAPI(void)  cvRestoreMemStoragePos( CvMemStorage* storage, CvMemStoragePos* pos );
    954 /* Allocates continuous buffer of the specified size in the storage */
    955 CVAPI(void*) cvMemStorageAlloc( CvMemStorage* storage, size_t size );
    957 /* Allocates string in memory storage */
    958 CVAPI(CvString) cvMemStorageAllocString( CvMemStorage* storage, const char* ptr,
    959                                         int len CV_DEFAULT(-1) );
    961 /* Creates new empty sequence that will reside in the specified storage */
    962 CVAPI(CvSeq*)  cvCreateSeq( int seq_flags, int header_size,
    963                             int elem_size, CvMemStorage* storage );
    965 /* Changes default size (granularity) of sequence blocks.
    966    The default size is ~1Kbyte */
    967 CVAPI(void)  cvSetSeqBlockSize( CvSeq* seq, int delta_elems );
    970 /* Adds new element to the end of sequence. Returns pointer to the element */
    971 CVAPI(schar*)  cvSeqPush( CvSeq* seq, void* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    974 /* Adds new element to the beginning of sequence. Returns pointer to it */
    975 CVAPI(schar*)  cvSeqPushFront( CvSeq* seq, void* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    978 /* Removes the last element from sequence and optionally saves it */
    979 CVAPI(void)  cvSeqPop( CvSeq* seq, void* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    982 /* Removes the first element from sequence and optioanally saves it */
    983 CVAPI(void)  cvSeqPopFront( CvSeq* seq, void* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
    986 #define CV_FRONT 1
    987 #define CV_BACK 0
    988 /* Adds several new elements to the end of sequence */
    989 CVAPI(void)  cvSeqPushMulti( CvSeq* seq, void* elements,
    990                              int count, int in_front CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    992 /* Removes several elements from the end of sequence and optionally saves them */
    993 CVAPI(void)  cvSeqPopMulti( CvSeq* seq, void* elements,
    994                             int count, int in_front CV_DEFAULT(0) );
    996 /* Inserts a new element in the middle of sequence.
    997    cvSeqInsert(seq,0,elem) == cvSeqPushFront(seq,elem) */
    998 CVAPI(schar*)  cvSeqInsert( CvSeq* seq, int before_index,
    999                             void* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
   1001 /* Removes specified sequence element */
   1002 CVAPI(void)  cvSeqRemove( CvSeq* seq, int index );
   1005 /* Removes all the elements from the sequence. The freed memory
   1006    can be reused later only by the same sequence unless cvClearMemStorage
   1007    or cvRestoreMemStoragePos is called */
   1008 CVAPI(void)  cvClearSeq( CvSeq* seq );
   1011 /* Retrieves pointer to specified sequence element.
   1012    Negative indices are supported and mean counting from the end
   1013    (e.g -1 means the last sequence element) */
   1014 CVAPI(schar*)  cvGetSeqElem( const CvSeq* seq, int index );
   1016 /* Calculates index of the specified sequence element.
   1017    Returns -1 if element does not belong to the sequence */
   1018 CVAPI(int)  cvSeqElemIdx( const CvSeq* seq, const void* element,
   1019                          CvSeqBlock** block CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1021 /* Initializes sequence writer. The new elements will be added to the end of sequence */
   1022 CVAPI(void)  cvStartAppendToSeq( CvSeq* seq, CvSeqWriter* writer );
   1025 /* Combination of cvCreateSeq and cvStartAppendToSeq */
   1026 CVAPI(void)  cvStartWriteSeq( int seq_flags, int header_size,
   1027                               int elem_size, CvMemStorage* storage,
   1028                               CvSeqWriter* writer );
   1030 /* Closes sequence writer, updates sequence header and returns pointer
   1031    to the resultant sequence
   1032    (which may be useful if the sequence was created using cvStartWriteSeq))
   1033 */
   1034 CVAPI(CvSeq*)  cvEndWriteSeq( CvSeqWriter* writer );
   1037 /* Updates sequence header. May be useful to get access to some of previously
   1038    written elements via cvGetSeqElem or sequence reader */
   1039 CVAPI(void)   cvFlushSeqWriter( CvSeqWriter* writer );
   1042 /* Initializes sequence reader.
   1043    The sequence can be read in forward or backward direction */
   1044 CVAPI(void) cvStartReadSeq( const CvSeq* seq, CvSeqReader* reader,
   1045                            int reverse CV_DEFAULT(0) );
   1048 /* Returns current sequence reader position (currently observed sequence element) */
   1049 CVAPI(int)  cvGetSeqReaderPos( CvSeqReader* reader );
   1052 /* Changes sequence reader position. It may seek to an absolute or
   1053    to relative to the current position */
   1054 CVAPI(void)   cvSetSeqReaderPos( CvSeqReader* reader, int index,
   1055                                  int is_relative CV_DEFAULT(0));
   1057 /* Copies sequence content to a continuous piece of memory */
   1058 CVAPI(void*)  cvCvtSeqToArray( const CvSeq* seq, void* elements,
   1059                                CvSlice slice CV_DEFAULT(CV_WHOLE_SEQ) );
   1061 /* Creates sequence header for array.
   1062    After that all the operations on sequences that do not alter the content
   1063    can be applied to the resultant sequence */
   1064 CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray( int seq_type, int header_size,
   1065                                        int elem_size, void* elements, int total,
   1066                                        CvSeq* seq, CvSeqBlock* block );
   1068 /* Extracts sequence slice (with or without copying sequence elements) */
   1069 CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvSeqSlice( const CvSeq* seq, CvSlice slice,
   1070                          CvMemStorage* storage CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1071                          int copy_data CV_DEFAULT(0));
   1073 CV_INLINE CvSeq* cvCloneSeq( const CvSeq* seq, CvMemStorage* storage CV_DEFAULT(NULL))
   1074 {
   1075     return cvSeqSlice( seq, CV_WHOLE_SEQ, storage, 1 );
   1076 }
   1078 /* Removes sequence slice */
   1079 CVAPI(void)  cvSeqRemoveSlice( CvSeq* seq, CvSlice slice );
   1081 /* Inserts a sequence or array into another sequence */
   1082 CVAPI(void)  cvSeqInsertSlice( CvSeq* seq, int before_index, const CvArr* from_arr );
   1084 /* a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0 */
   1085 typedef int (CV_CDECL* CvCmpFunc)(const void* a, const void* b, void* userdata );
   1087 /* Sorts sequence in-place given element comparison function */
   1088 CVAPI(void) cvSeqSort( CvSeq* seq, CvCmpFunc func, void* userdata CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1090 /* Finds element in a [sorted] sequence */
   1091 CVAPI(schar*) cvSeqSearch( CvSeq* seq, const void* elem, CvCmpFunc func,
   1092                            int is_sorted, int* elem_idx,
   1093                            void* userdata CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1095 /* Reverses order of sequence elements in-place */
   1096 CVAPI(void) cvSeqInvert( CvSeq* seq );
   1098 /* Splits sequence into one or more equivalence classes using the specified criteria */
   1099 CVAPI(int)  cvSeqPartition( const CvSeq* seq, CvMemStorage* storage,
   1100                             CvSeq** labels, CvCmpFunc is_equal, void* userdata );
   1102 /************ Internal sequence functions ************/
   1103 CVAPI(void)  cvChangeSeqBlock( void* reader, int direction );
   1104 CVAPI(void)  cvCreateSeqBlock( CvSeqWriter* writer );
   1107 /* Creates a new set */
   1108 CVAPI(CvSet*)  cvCreateSet( int set_flags, int header_size,
   1109                             int elem_size, CvMemStorage* storage );
   1111 /* Adds new element to the set and returns pointer to it */
   1112 CVAPI(int)  cvSetAdd( CvSet* set_header, CvSetElem* elem CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1113                       CvSetElem** inserted_elem CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1115 /* Fast variant of cvSetAdd */
   1116 CV_INLINE  CvSetElem* cvSetNew( CvSet* set_header )
   1117 {
   1118     CvSetElem* elem = set_header->free_elems;
   1119     if( elem )
   1120     {
   1121         set_header->free_elems = elem->next_free;
   1122         elem->flags = elem->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK;
   1123         set_header->active_count++;
   1124     }
   1125     else
   1126         cvSetAdd( set_header, NULL, (CvSetElem**)&elem );
   1127     return elem;
   1128 }
   1130 /* Removes set element given its pointer */
   1131 CV_INLINE  void cvSetRemoveByPtr( CvSet* set_header, void* elem )
   1132 {
   1133     CvSetElem* _elem = (CvSetElem*)elem;
   1134     assert( _elem->flags >= 0 /*&& (elem->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK) < set_header->total*/ );
   1135     _elem->next_free = set_header->free_elems;
   1136     _elem->flags = (_elem->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK) | CV_SET_ELEM_FREE_FLAG;
   1137     set_header->free_elems = _elem;
   1138     set_header->active_count--;
   1139 }
   1141 /* Removes element from the set by its index  */
   1142 CVAPI(void)   cvSetRemove( CvSet* set_header, int index );
   1144 /* Returns a set element by index. If the element doesn't belong to the set,
   1145    NULL is returned */
   1146 CV_INLINE CvSetElem* cvGetSetElem( const CvSet* set_header, int index )
   1147 {
   1148     CvSetElem* elem = (CvSetElem*)cvGetSeqElem( (CvSeq*)set_header, index );
   1149     return elem && CV_IS_SET_ELEM( elem ) ? elem : 0;
   1150 }
   1152 /* Removes all the elements from the set */
   1153 CVAPI(void)  cvClearSet( CvSet* set_header );
   1155 /* Creates new graph */
   1156 CVAPI(CvGraph*)  cvCreateGraph( int graph_flags, int header_size,
   1157                                 int vtx_size, int edge_size,
   1158                                 CvMemStorage* storage );
   1160 /* Adds new vertex to the graph */
   1161 CVAPI(int)  cvGraphAddVtx( CvGraph* graph, const CvGraphVtx* vtx CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1162                            CvGraphVtx** inserted_vtx CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1165 /* Removes vertex from the graph together with all incident edges */
   1166 CVAPI(int)  cvGraphRemoveVtx( CvGraph* graph, int index );
   1167 CVAPI(int)  cvGraphRemoveVtxByPtr( CvGraph* graph, CvGraphVtx* vtx );
   1170 /* Link two vertices specifed by indices or pointers if they
   1171    are not connected or return pointer to already existing edge
   1172    connecting the vertices.
   1173    Functions return 1 if a new edge was created, 0 otherwise */
   1174 CVAPI(int)  cvGraphAddEdge( CvGraph* graph,
   1175                             int start_idx, int end_idx,
   1176                             const CvGraphEdge* edge CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1177                             CvGraphEdge** inserted_edge CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1179 CVAPI(int)  cvGraphAddEdgeByPtr( CvGraph* graph,
   1180                                CvGraphVtx* start_vtx, CvGraphVtx* end_vtx,
   1181                                const CvGraphEdge* edge CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1182                                CvGraphEdge** inserted_edge CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1184 /* Remove edge connecting two vertices */
   1185 CVAPI(void)  cvGraphRemoveEdge( CvGraph* graph, int start_idx, int end_idx );
   1186 CVAPI(void)  cvGraphRemoveEdgeByPtr( CvGraph* graph, CvGraphVtx* start_vtx,
   1187                                      CvGraphVtx* end_vtx );
   1189 /* Find edge connecting two vertices */
   1190 CVAPI(CvGraphEdge*)  cvFindGraphEdge( const CvGraph* graph, int start_idx, int end_idx );
   1191 CVAPI(CvGraphEdge*)  cvFindGraphEdgeByPtr( const CvGraph* graph,
   1192                                            const CvGraphVtx* start_vtx,
   1193                                            const CvGraphVtx* end_vtx );
   1194 #define cvGraphFindEdge cvFindGraphEdge
   1195 #define cvGraphFindEdgeByPtr cvFindGraphEdgeByPtr
   1197 /* Remove all vertices and edges from the graph */
   1198 CVAPI(void)  cvClearGraph( CvGraph* graph );
   1201 /* Count number of edges incident to the vertex */
   1202 CVAPI(int)  cvGraphVtxDegree( const CvGraph* graph, int vtx_idx );
   1203 CVAPI(int)  cvGraphVtxDegreeByPtr( const CvGraph* graph, const CvGraphVtx* vtx );
   1206 /* Retrieves graph vertex by given index */
   1207 #define cvGetGraphVtx( graph, idx ) (CvGraphVtx*)cvGetSetElem((CvSet*)(graph), (idx))
   1209 /* Retrieves index of a graph vertex given its pointer */
   1210 #define cvGraphVtxIdx( graph, vtx ) ((vtx)->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK)
   1212 /* Retrieves index of a graph edge given its pointer */
   1213 #define cvGraphEdgeIdx( graph, edge ) ((edge)->flags & CV_SET_ELEM_IDX_MASK)
   1215 #define cvGraphGetVtxCount( graph ) ((graph)->active_count)
   1216 #define cvGraphGetEdgeCount( graph ) ((graph)->edges->active_count)
   1218 #define  CV_GRAPH_VERTEX        1
   1219 #define  CV_GRAPH_TREE_EDGE     2
   1220 #define  CV_GRAPH_BACK_EDGE     4
   1221 #define  CV_GRAPH_FORWARD_EDGE  8
   1222 #define  CV_GRAPH_CROSS_EDGE    16
   1223 #define  CV_GRAPH_ANY_EDGE      30
   1224 #define  CV_GRAPH_NEW_TREE      32
   1225 #define  CV_GRAPH_BACKTRACKING  64
   1226 #define  CV_GRAPH_OVER          -1
   1228 #define  CV_GRAPH_ALL_ITEMS    -1
   1230 /* flags for graph vertices and edges */
   1231 #define  CV_GRAPH_ITEM_VISITED_FLAG  (1 << 30)
   1232 #define  CV_IS_GRAPH_VERTEX_VISITED(vtx) \
   1233     (((CvGraphVtx*)(vtx))->flags & CV_GRAPH_ITEM_VISITED_FLAG)
   1234 #define  CV_IS_GRAPH_EDGE_VISITED(edge) \
   1235     (((CvGraphEdge*)(edge))->flags & CV_GRAPH_ITEM_VISITED_FLAG)
   1236 #define  CV_GRAPH_SEARCH_TREE_NODE_FLAG   (1 << 29)
   1237 #define  CV_GRAPH_FORWARD_EDGE_FLAG       (1 << 28)
   1239 typedef struct CvGraphScanner
   1240 {
   1241     CvGraphVtx* vtx;       /* current graph vertex (or current edge origin) */
   1242     CvGraphVtx* dst;       /* current graph edge destination vertex */
   1243     CvGraphEdge* edge;     /* current edge */
   1245     CvGraph* graph;        /* the graph */
   1246     CvSeq*   stack;        /* the graph vertex stack */
   1247     int      index;        /* the lower bound of certainly visited vertices */
   1248     int      mask;         /* event mask */
   1249 }
   1250 CvGraphScanner;
   1252 /* Creates new graph scanner. */
   1253 CVAPI(CvGraphScanner*)  cvCreateGraphScanner( CvGraph* graph,
   1254                                              CvGraphVtx* vtx CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1255                                              int mask CV_DEFAULT(CV_GRAPH_ALL_ITEMS));
   1257 /* Releases graph scanner. */
   1258 CVAPI(void) cvReleaseGraphScanner( CvGraphScanner** scanner );
   1260 /* Get next graph element */
   1261 CVAPI(int)  cvNextGraphItem( CvGraphScanner* scanner );
   1263 /* Creates a copy of graph */
   1264 CVAPI(CvGraph*) cvCloneGraph( const CvGraph* graph, CvMemStorage* storage );
   1266 /****************************************************************************************\
   1267 *                                     Drawing                                            *
   1268 \****************************************************************************************/
   1270 /****************************************************************************************\
   1271 *       Drawing functions work with images/matrices of arbitrary type.                   *
   1272 *       For color images the channel order is BGR[A]                                     *
   1273 *       Antialiasing is supported only for 8-bit image now.                              *
   1274 *       All the functions include parameter color that means rgb value (that may be      *
   1275 *       constructed with CV_RGB macro) for color images and brightness                   *
   1276 *       for grayscale images.                                                            *
   1277 *       If a drawn figure is partially or completely outside of the image, it is clipped.*
   1278 \****************************************************************************************/
   1280 #define CV_RGB( r, g, b )  cvScalar( (b), (g), (r), 0 )
   1281 #define CV_FILLED -1
   1283 #define CV_AA 16
   1285 /* Draws 4-connected, 8-connected or antialiased line segment connecting two points */
   1286 CVAPI(void)  cvLine( CvArr* img, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2,
   1287                      CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
   1288                      int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0) );
   1290 /* Draws a rectangle given two opposite corners of the rectangle (pt1 & pt2),
   1291    if thickness<0 (e.g. thickness == CV_FILLED), the filled box is drawn */
   1292 CVAPI(void)  cvRectangle( CvArr* img, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2,
   1293                           CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
   1294                           int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8),
   1295                           int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
   1297 /* Draws a circle with specified center and radius.
   1298    Thickness works in the same way as with cvRectangle */
   1299 CVAPI(void)  cvCircle( CvArr* img, CvPoint center, int radius,
   1300                        CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
   1301                        int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
   1303 /* Draws ellipse outline, filled ellipse, elliptic arc or filled elliptic sector,
   1304    depending on <thickness>, <start_angle> and <end_angle> parameters. The resultant figure
   1305    is rotated by <angle>. All the angles are in degrees */
   1306 CVAPI(void)  cvEllipse( CvArr* img, CvPoint center, CvSize axes,
   1307                         double angle, double start_angle, double end_angle,
   1308                         CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
   1309                         int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
   1311 CV_INLINE  void  cvEllipseBox( CvArr* img, CvBox2D box, CvScalar color,
   1312                                int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
   1313                                int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0) )
   1314 {
   1315     CvSize axes;
   1316     axes.width = cvRound(box.size.height*0.5);
   1317     axes.height = cvRound(box.size.width*0.5);
   1319     cvEllipse( img, cvPointFrom32f( box.center ), axes, box.angle,
   1320                0, 360, color, thickness, line_type, shift );
   1321 }
   1323 /* Fills convex or monotonous polygon. */
   1324 CVAPI(void)  cvFillConvexPoly( CvArr* img, CvPoint* pts, int npts, CvScalar color,
   1325                                int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
   1327 /* Fills an area bounded by one or more arbitrary polygons */
   1328 CVAPI(void)  cvFillPoly( CvArr* img, CvPoint** pts, int* npts, int contours, CvScalar color,
   1329                          int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0) );
   1331 /* Draws one or more polygonal curves */
   1332 CVAPI(void)  cvPolyLine( CvArr* img, CvPoint** pts, int* npts, int contours,
   1333                          int is_closed, CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
   1334                          int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0) );
   1336 #define cvDrawRect cvRectangle
   1337 #define cvDrawLine cvLine
   1338 #define cvDrawCircle cvCircle
   1339 #define cvDrawEllipse cvEllipse
   1340 #define cvDrawPolyLine cvPolyLine
   1342 /* Clips the line segment connecting *pt1 and *pt2
   1343    by the rectangular window
   1344    (0<=x<img_size.width, 0<=y<img_size.height). */
   1345 CVAPI(int) cvClipLine( CvSize img_size, CvPoint* pt1, CvPoint* pt2 );
   1347 /* Initializes line iterator. Initially, line_iterator->ptr will point
   1348    to pt1 (or pt2, see left_to_right description) location in the image.
   1349    Returns the number of pixels on the line between the ending points. */
   1350 CVAPI(int)  cvInitLineIterator( const CvArr* image, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2,
   1351                                 CvLineIterator* line_iterator,
   1352                                 int connectivity CV_DEFAULT(8),
   1353                                 int left_to_right CV_DEFAULT(0));
   1355 /* Moves iterator to the next line point */
   1356 #define CV_NEXT_LINE_POINT( line_iterator )                     \
   1357 {                                                               \
   1358     int _line_iterator_mask = (line_iterator).err < 0 ? -1 : 0; \
   1359     (line_iterator).err += (line_iterator).minus_delta +        \
   1360         ((line_iterator).plus_delta & _line_iterator_mask);     \
   1361     (line_iterator).ptr += (line_iterator).minus_step +         \
   1362         ((line_iterator).plus_step & _line_iterator_mask);      \
   1363 }
   1366 /* basic font types */
   1367 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX         0
   1368 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN           1
   1369 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX          2
   1370 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX         3
   1371 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX         4
   1376 /* font flags */
   1377 #define CV_FONT_ITALIC                 16
   1381 /* Font structure */
   1382 typedef struct CvFont
   1383 {
   1384     int         font_face; /* =CV_FONT_* */
   1385     const int*  ascii; /* font data and metrics */
   1386     const int*  greek;
   1387     const int*  cyrillic;
   1388     float       hscale, vscale;
   1389     float       shear; /* slope coefficient: 0 - normal, >0 - italic */
   1390     int         thickness; /* letters thickness */
   1391     float       dx; /* horizontal interval between letters */
   1392     int         line_type;
   1393 }
   1394 CvFont;
   1396 /* Initializes font structure used further in cvPutText */
   1397 CVAPI(void)  cvInitFont( CvFont* font, int font_face,
   1398                          double hscale, double vscale,
   1399                          double shear CV_DEFAULT(0),
   1400                          int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
   1401                          int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8));
   1403 CV_INLINE CvFont cvFont( double scale, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1) )
   1404 {
   1405     CvFont font;
   1406     cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, scale, scale, 0, thickness, CV_AA );
   1407     return font;
   1408 }
   1410 /* Renders text stroke with specified font and color at specified location.
   1411    CvFont should be initialized with cvInitFont */
   1412 CVAPI(void)  cvPutText( CvArr* img, const char* text, CvPoint org,
   1413                         const CvFont* font, CvScalar color );
   1415 /* Calculates bounding box of text stroke (useful for alignment) */
   1416 CVAPI(void)  cvGetTextSize( const char* text_string, const CvFont* font,
   1417                             CvSize* text_size, int* baseline );
   1419 /* Unpacks color value, if arrtype is CV_8UC?, <color> is treated as
   1420    packed color value, otherwise the first channels (depending on arrtype)
   1421    of destination scalar are set to the same value = <color> */
   1422 CVAPI(CvScalar)  cvColorToScalar( double packed_color, int arrtype );
   1424 /* Returns the polygon points which make up the given ellipse.  The ellipse is define by
   1425    the box of size 'axes' rotated 'angle' around the 'center'.  A partial sweep
   1426    of the ellipse arc can be done by spcifying arc_start and arc_end to be something
   1427    other than 0 and 360, respectively.  The input array 'pts' must be large enough to
   1428    hold the result.  The total number of points stored into 'pts' is returned by this
   1429    function. */
   1430 CVAPI(int) cvEllipse2Poly( CvPoint center, CvSize axes,
   1431                  int angle, int arc_start, int arc_end, CvPoint * pts, int delta );
   1433 /* Draws contour outlines or filled interiors on the image */
   1434 CVAPI(void)  cvDrawContours( CvArr *img, CvSeq* contour,
   1435                             CvScalar external_color, CvScalar hole_color,
   1436                             int max_level, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
   1437                             int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8),
   1438                             CvPoint offset CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(0,0)));
   1440 /* Does look-up transformation. Elements of the source array
   1441    (that should be 8uC1 or 8sC1) are used as indexes in lutarr 256-element table */
   1442 CVAPI(void) cvLUT( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, const CvArr* lut );
   1445 /******************* Iteration through the sequence tree *****************/
   1446 typedef struct CvTreeNodeIterator
   1447 {
   1448     const void* node;
   1449     int level;
   1450     int max_level;
   1451 }
   1452 CvTreeNodeIterator;
   1454 CVAPI(void) cvInitTreeNodeIterator( CvTreeNodeIterator* tree_iterator,
   1455                                    const void* first, int max_level );
   1456 CVAPI(void*) cvNextTreeNode( CvTreeNodeIterator* tree_iterator );
   1457 CVAPI(void*) cvPrevTreeNode( CvTreeNodeIterator* tree_iterator );
   1459 /* Inserts sequence into tree with specified "parent" sequence.
   1460    If parent is equal to frame (e.g. the most external contour),
   1461    then added contour will have null pointer to parent. */
   1462 CVAPI(void) cvInsertNodeIntoTree( void* node, void* parent, void* frame );
   1464 /* Removes contour from tree (together with the contour children). */
   1465 CVAPI(void) cvRemoveNodeFromTree( void* node, void* frame );
   1467 /* Gathers pointers to all the sequences,
   1468    accessible from the <first>, to the single sequence */
   1469 CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvTreeToNodeSeq( const void* first, int header_size,
   1470                               CvMemStorage* storage );
   1472 /* The function implements the K-means algorithm for clustering an array of sample
   1473    vectors in a specified number of classes */
   1474 CVAPI(void)  cvKMeans2( const CvArr* samples, int cluster_count,
   1475                         CvArr* labels, CvTermCriteria termcrit );
   1477 /****************************************************************************************\
   1478 *                                    System functions                                    *
   1479 \****************************************************************************************/
   1481 /* Add the function pointers table with associated information to the IPP primitives list */
   1482 CVAPI(int)  cvRegisterModule( const CvModuleInfo* module_info );
   1484 /* Loads optimized functions from IPP, MKL etc. or switches back to pure C code */
   1485 CVAPI(int)  cvUseOptimized( int on_off );
   1487 /* Retrieves information about the registered modules and loaded optimized plugins */
   1488 CVAPI(void)  cvGetModuleInfo( const char* module_name,
   1489                               const char** version,
   1490                               const char** loaded_addon_plugins );
   1492 /* Get current OpenCV error status */
   1493 CVAPI(int) cvGetErrStatus( void );
   1495 /* Sets error status silently */
   1496 CVAPI(void) cvSetErrStatus( int status );
   1498 #define CV_ErrModeLeaf     0   /* Print error and exit program */
   1499 #define CV_ErrModeParent   1   /* Print error and continue */
   1500 #define CV_ErrModeSilent   2   /* Don't print and continue */
   1502 /* Retrives current error processing mode */
   1503 CVAPI(int)  cvGetErrMode( void );
   1505 /* Sets error processing mode, returns previously used mode */
   1506 CVAPI(int) cvSetErrMode( int mode );
   1508 /* Sets error status and performs some additonal actions (displaying message box,
   1509    writing message to stderr, terminating application etc.)
   1510    depending on the current error mode */
   1511 CVAPI(void) cvError( int status, const char* func_name,
   1512                     const char* err_msg, const char* file_name, int line );
   1514 /* Retrieves textual description of the error given its code */
   1515 CVAPI(const char*) cvErrorStr( int status );
   1517 /* Retrieves detailed information about the last error occured */
   1518 CVAPI(int) cvGetErrInfo( const char** errcode_desc, const char** description,
   1519                         const char** filename, int* line );
   1521 /* Maps IPP error codes to the counterparts from OpenCV */
   1522 CVAPI(int) cvErrorFromIppStatus( int ipp_status );
   1524 typedef int (CV_CDECL *CvErrorCallback)( int status, const char* func_name,
   1525                     const char* err_msg, const char* file_name, int line, void* userdata );
   1527 /* Assigns a new error-handling function */
   1528 CVAPI(CvErrorCallback) cvRedirectError( CvErrorCallback error_handler,
   1529                                        void* userdata CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1530                                        void** prev_userdata CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1532 /*
   1533     Output to:
   1534         cvNulDevReport - nothing
   1535         cvStdErrReport - console(fprintf(stderr,...))
   1536         cvGuiBoxReport - MessageBox(WIN32)
   1537 */
   1538 CVAPI(int) cvNulDevReport( int status, const char* func_name, const char* err_msg,
   1539                           const char* file_name, int line, void* userdata );
   1541 CVAPI(int) cvStdErrReport( int status, const char* func_name, const char* err_msg,
   1542                           const char* file_name, int line, void* userdata );
   1544 CVAPI(int) cvGuiBoxReport( int status, const char* func_name, const char* err_msg,
   1545                           const char* file_name, int line, void* userdata );
   1547 typedef void* (CV_CDECL *CvAllocFunc)(size_t size, void* userdata);
   1548 typedef int (CV_CDECL *CvFreeFunc)(void* pptr, void* userdata);
   1550 /* Set user-defined memory managment functions (substitutors for malloc and free) that
   1551    will be called by cvAlloc, cvFree and higher-level functions (e.g. cvCreateImage) */
   1552 CVAPI(void) cvSetMemoryManager( CvAllocFunc alloc_func CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1553                                CvFreeFunc free_func CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1554                                void* userdata CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
   1557 typedef IplImage* (CV_STDCALL* Cv_iplCreateImageHeader)
   1558                             (int,int,int,char*,char*,int,int,int,int,int,
   1559                             IplROI*,IplImage*,void*,IplTileInfo*);
   1560 typedef void (CV_STDCALL* Cv_iplAllocateImageData)(IplImage*,int,int);
   1561 typedef void (CV_STDCALL* Cv_iplDeallocate)(IplImage*,int);
   1562 typedef IplROI* (CV_STDCALL* Cv_iplCreateROI)(int,int,int,int,int);
   1563 typedef IplImage* (CV_STDCALL* Cv_iplCloneImage)(const IplImage*);
   1565 /* Makes OpenCV use IPL functions for IplImage allocation/deallocation */
   1566 CVAPI(void) cvSetIPLAllocators( Cv_iplCreateImageHeader create_header,
   1567                                Cv_iplAllocateImageData allocate_data,
   1568                                Cv_iplDeallocate deallocate,
   1569                                Cv_iplCreateROI create_roi,
   1570                                Cv_iplCloneImage clone_image );
   1572 #define CV_TURN_ON_IPL_COMPATIBILITY()                                  \
   1573     cvSetIPLAllocators( iplCreateImageHeader, iplAllocateImage,         \
   1574                         iplDeallocate, iplCreateROI, iplCloneImage )
   1576 /****************************************************************************************\
   1577 *                                    Data Persistence                                    *
   1578 \****************************************************************************************/
   1580 /********************************** High-level functions ********************************/
   1582 /* opens existing or creates new file storage */
   1583 CVAPI(CvFileStorage*)  cvOpenFileStorage( const char* filename,
   1584                                           CvMemStorage* memstorage,
   1585                                           int flags );
   1587 /* closes file storage and deallocates buffers */
   1588 CVAPI(void) cvReleaseFileStorage( CvFileStorage** fs );
   1590 /* returns attribute value or 0 (NULL) if there is no such attribute */
   1591 CVAPI(const char*) cvAttrValue( const CvAttrList* attr, const char* attr_name );
   1593 /* starts writing compound structure (map or sequence) */
   1594 CVAPI(void) cvStartWriteStruct( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* name,
   1595                                 int struct_flags, const char* type_name CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1596                                 CvAttrList attributes CV_DEFAULT(cvAttrList()));
   1598 /* finishes writing compound structure */
   1599 CVAPI(void) cvEndWriteStruct( CvFileStorage* fs );
   1601 /* writes an integer */
   1602 CVAPI(void) cvWriteInt( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* name, int value );
   1604 /* writes a floating-point number */
   1605 CVAPI(void) cvWriteReal( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* name, double value );
   1607 /* writes a string */
   1608 CVAPI(void) cvWriteString( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* name,
   1609                            const char* str, int quote CV_DEFAULT(0) );
   1611 /* writes a comment */
   1612 CVAPI(void) cvWriteComment( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* comment,
   1613                             int eol_comment );
   1615 /* writes instance of a standard type (matrix, image, sequence, graph etc.)
   1616    or user-defined type */
   1617 CVAPI(void) cvWrite( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* name, const void* ptr,
   1618                          CvAttrList attributes CV_DEFAULT(cvAttrList()));
   1620 /* starts the next stream */
   1621 CVAPI(void) cvStartNextStream( CvFileStorage* fs );
   1623 /* helper function: writes multiple integer or floating-point numbers */
   1624 CVAPI(void) cvWriteRawData( CvFileStorage* fs, const void* src,
   1625                                 int len, const char* dt );
   1627 /* returns the hash entry corresponding to the specified literal key string or 0
   1628    if there is no such a key in the storage */
   1629 CVAPI(CvStringHashNode*) cvGetHashedKey( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* name,
   1630                                         int len CV_DEFAULT(-1),
   1631                                         int create_missing CV_DEFAULT(0));
   1633 /* returns file node with the specified key within the specified map
   1634    (collection of named nodes) */
   1635 CVAPI(CvFileNode*) cvGetRootFileNode( const CvFileStorage* fs,
   1636                                      int stream_index CV_DEFAULT(0) );
   1638 /* returns file node with the specified key within the specified map
   1639    (collection of named nodes) */
   1640 CVAPI(CvFileNode*) cvGetFileNode( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* map,
   1641                                  const CvStringHashNode* key,
   1642                                  int create_missing CV_DEFAULT(0) );
   1644 /* this is a slower version of cvGetFileNode that takes the key as a literal string */
   1645 CVAPI(CvFileNode*) cvGetFileNodeByName( const CvFileStorage* fs,
   1646                                        const CvFileNode* map,
   1647                                        const char* name );
   1649 CV_INLINE int cvReadInt( const CvFileNode* node, int default_value CV_DEFAULT(0) )
   1650 {
   1651     return !node ? default_value :
   1652         CV_NODE_IS_INT(node->tag) ? node->data.i :
   1653         CV_NODE_IS_REAL(node->tag) ? cvRound(node->data.f) : 0x7fffffff;
   1654 }
   1657 CV_INLINE int cvReadIntByName( const CvFileStorage* fs, const CvFileNode* map,
   1658                          const char* name, int default_value CV_DEFAULT(0) )
   1659 {
   1660     return cvReadInt( cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, map, name ), default_value );
   1661 }
   1664 CV_INLINE double cvReadReal( const CvFileNode* node, double default_value CV_DEFAULT(0.) )
   1665 {
   1666     return !node ? default_value :
   1667         CV_NODE_IS_INT(node->tag) ? (double)node->data.i :
   1668         CV_NODE_IS_REAL(node->tag) ? node->data.f : 1e300;
   1669 }
   1672 CV_INLINE double cvReadRealByName( const CvFileStorage* fs, const CvFileNode* map,
   1673                         const char* name, double default_value CV_DEFAULT(0.) )
   1674 {
   1675     return cvReadReal( cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, map, name ), default_value );
   1676 }
   1679 CV_INLINE const char* cvReadString( const CvFileNode* node,
   1680                         const char* default_value CV_DEFAULT(NULL) )
   1681 {
   1682     return !node ? default_value : CV_NODE_IS_STRING(node->tag) ? node->data.str.ptr : 0;
   1683 }
   1686 CV_INLINE const char* cvReadStringByName( const CvFileStorage* fs, const CvFileNode* map,
   1687                         const char* name, const char* default_value CV_DEFAULT(NULL) )
   1688 {
   1689     return cvReadString( cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, map, name ), default_value );
   1690 }
   1693 /* decodes standard or user-defined object and returns it */
   1694 CVAPI(void*) cvRead( CvFileStorage* fs, CvFileNode* node,
   1695                         CvAttrList* attributes CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
   1697 /* decodes standard or user-defined object and returns it */
   1698 CV_INLINE void* cvReadByName( CvFileStorage* fs, const CvFileNode* map,
   1699                               const char* name, CvAttrList* attributes CV_DEFAULT(NULL) )
   1700 {
   1701     return cvRead( fs, cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, map, name ), attributes );
   1702 }
   1705 /* starts reading data from sequence or scalar numeric node */
   1706 CVAPI(void) cvStartReadRawData( const CvFileStorage* fs, const CvFileNode* src,
   1707                                CvSeqReader* reader );
   1709 /* reads multiple numbers and stores them to array */
   1710 CVAPI(void) cvReadRawDataSlice( const CvFileStorage* fs, CvSeqReader* reader,
   1711                                int count, void* dst, const char* dt );
   1713 /* combination of two previous functions for easier reading of whole sequences */
   1714 CVAPI(void) cvReadRawData( const CvFileStorage* fs, const CvFileNode* src,
   1715                           void* dst, const char* dt );
   1717 /* writes a copy of file node to file storage */
   1718 CVAPI(void) cvWriteFileNode( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* new_node_name,
   1719                             const CvFileNode* node, int embed );
   1721 /* returns name of file node */
   1722 CVAPI(const char*) cvGetFileNodeName( const CvFileNode* node );
   1724 /*********************************** Adding own types ***********************************/
   1726 CVAPI(void) cvRegisterType( const CvTypeInfo* info );
   1727 CVAPI(void) cvUnregisterType( const char* type_name );
   1728 CVAPI(CvTypeInfo*) cvFirstType(void);
   1729 CVAPI(CvTypeInfo*) cvFindType( const char* type_name );
   1730 CVAPI(CvTypeInfo*) cvTypeOf( const void* struct_ptr );
   1732 /* universal functions */
   1733 CVAPI(void) cvRelease( void** struct_ptr );
   1734 CVAPI(void*) cvClone( const void* struct_ptr );
   1736 /* simple API for reading/writing data */
   1737 CVAPI(void) cvSave( const char* filename, const void* struct_ptr,
   1738                     const char* name CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1739                     const char* comment CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1740                     CvAttrList attributes CV_DEFAULT(cvAttrList()));
   1741 CVAPI(void*) cvLoad( const char* filename,
   1742                      CvMemStorage* memstorage CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1743                      const char* name CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
   1744                      const char** real_name CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
   1746 /*********************************** Measuring Execution Time ***************************/
   1748 /* helper functions for RNG initialization and accurate time measurement:
   1749    uses internal clock counter on x86 */
   1750 CVAPI(int64)  cvGetTickCount( void );
   1751 CVAPI(double) cvGetTickFrequency( void );
   1753 /*********************************** Multi-Threading ************************************/
   1755 /* retrieve/set the number of threads used in OpenMP implementations */
   1756 CVAPI(int)  cvGetNumThreads( void );
   1757 CVAPI(void) cvSetNumThreads( int threads CV_DEFAULT(0) );
   1758 /* get index of the thread being executed */
   1759 CVAPI(int)  cvGetThreadNum( void );
   1761 /*************** Convenience functions for better interaction with HighGUI **************/
   1763 typedef IplImage* (CV_CDECL * CvLoadImageFunc)( const char* filename, int colorness );
   1764 typedef CvMat* (CV_CDECL * CvLoadImageMFunc)( const char* filename, int colorness );
   1765 typedef int (CV_CDECL * CvSaveImageFunc)( const char* filename, const CvArr* image );
   1766 typedef void (CV_CDECL * CvShowImageFunc)( const char* windowname, const CvArr* image );
   1768 CVAPI(int) cvSetImageIOFunctions( CvLoadImageFunc _load_image, CvLoadImageMFunc _load_image_m,
   1769                             CvSaveImageFunc _save_image, CvShowImageFunc _show_image );
   1771 #define CV_SET_IMAGE_IO_FUNCTIONS() \
   1772     cvSetImageIOFunctions( cvLoadImage, cvLoadImageM, cvSaveImage, cvShowImage )
   1774 #ifdef __cplusplus
   1775 }
   1777 #include "cxcore.hpp"
   1778 #endif
   1780 #endif /*_CXCORE_H_*/