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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <algorithm>
     18 #include <list>
     19 #include <iostream>
     21 #include <math.h>
     23 #include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
     24 #include "flatbuffers/util.h"
     26 namespace flatbuffers {
     28 const double kPi = 3.14159265358979323846;
     30 const char *const kTypeNames[] = {
     31   #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, \
     33     IDLTYPE,
     35   #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
     36   nullptr
     37 };
     39 const char kTypeSizes[] = {
     40   #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, \
     41       CTYPE, JTYPE, GTYPE, NTYPE, PTYPE) \
     42       sizeof(CTYPE),
     44   #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
     45 };
     47 // The enums in the reflection schema should match the ones we use internally.
     48 // Compare the last element to check if these go out of sync.
     49 static_assert(BASE_TYPE_UNION ==
     50               static_cast<BaseType>(reflection::Union),
     51               "enums don't match");
     53 // Any parsing calls have to be wrapped in this macro, which automates
     54 // handling of recursive error checking a bit. It will check the received
     55 // CheckedError object, and return straight away on error.
     56 #define ECHECK(call) { auto ce = (call); if (ce.Check()) return ce; }
     58 // These two functions are called hundreds of times below, so define a short
     59 // form:
     60 #define NEXT() ECHECK(Next())
     61 #define EXPECT(tok) ECHECK(Expect(tok))
     63 static bool ValidateUTF8(const std::string &str) {
     64   const char *s = &str[0];
     65   const char * const sEnd = s + str.length();
     66   while (s < sEnd) {
     67     if (FromUTF8(&s) < 0) {
     68       return false;
     69     }
     70   }
     71   return true;
     72 }
     74 void Parser::Message(const std::string &msg) {
     75   error_ = file_being_parsed_.length() ? AbsolutePath(file_being_parsed_) : "";
     76   #ifdef _WIN32
     77     error_ += "(" + NumToString(line_) + ")";  // MSVC alike
     78   #else
     79     if (file_being_parsed_.length()) error_ += ":";
     80     error_ += NumToString(line_) + ":0";  // gcc alike
     81   #endif
     82   error_ += ": " + msg;
     83 }
     85 void Parser::Warning(const std::string &msg) {
     86   Message("warning: " + msg);
     87 }
     89 CheckedError Parser::Error(const std::string &msg) {
     90   Message("error: " + msg);
     91   return CheckedError(true);
     92 }
     94 inline CheckedError NoError() { return CheckedError(false); }
     96 inline std::string OutOfRangeErrorMsg(int64_t val, const std::string &op,
     97                                       int64_t limit) {
     98   const std::string cause = NumToString(val) + op + NumToString(limit);
     99   return "constant does not fit (" + cause + ")";
    100 }
    102 // Ensure that integer values we parse fit inside the declared integer type.
    103 CheckedError Parser::CheckInRange(int64_t val, int64_t min, int64_t max) {
    104   if (val < min)
    105     return Error(OutOfRangeErrorMsg(val, " < ", min));
    106   else if (val > max)
    107     return Error(OutOfRangeErrorMsg(val, " > ", max));
    108   else
    109     return NoError();
    110 }
    112 // atot: templated version of atoi/atof: convert a string to an instance of T.
    113 template<typename T> inline CheckedError atot(const char *s, Parser &parser,
    114                                               T *val) {
    115   int64_t i = StringToInt(s);
    116   const int64_t min = flatbuffers::numeric_limits<T>::min();
    117   const int64_t max = flatbuffers::numeric_limits<T>::max();
    118   ECHECK(parser.CheckInRange(i, min, max));
    119   *val = (T)i;
    120   return NoError();
    121 }
    122 template<> inline CheckedError atot<uint64_t>(const char *s, Parser &parser,
    123                                               uint64_t *val) {
    124   (void)parser;
    125   *val = StringToUInt(s);
    126   return NoError();
    127 }
    128 template<> inline CheckedError atot<bool>(const char *s, Parser &parser,
    129                                           bool *val) {
    130   (void)parser;
    131   *val = 0 != atoi(s);
    132   return NoError();
    133 }
    134 template<> inline CheckedError atot<float>(const char *s, Parser &parser,
    135                                            float *val) {
    136   (void)parser;
    137   *val = static_cast<float>(strtod(s, nullptr));
    138   return NoError();
    139 }
    140 template<> inline CheckedError atot<double>(const char *s, Parser &parser,
    141                                             double *val) {
    142   (void)parser;
    143   *val = strtod(s, nullptr);
    144   return NoError();
    145 }
    147 template<> inline CheckedError atot<Offset<void>>(const char *s, Parser &parser,
    148                                                   Offset<void> *val) {
    149   (void)parser;
    150   *val = Offset<void>(atoi(s));
    151   return NoError();
    152 }
    154 std::string Namespace::GetFullyQualifiedName(const std::string &name,
    155                                              size_t max_components) const {
    156   // Early exit if we don't have a defined namespace.
    157   if (components.size() == 0 || !max_components) {
    158     return name;
    159   }
    160   std::stringstream stream;
    161   for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(components.size(), max_components);
    162        i++) {
    163     if (i) {
    164       stream << ".";
    165     }
    166     stream << components[i];
    167   }
    168   if (name.length()) stream << "." << name;
    169   return stream.str();
    170 }
    172 // Declare tokens we'll use. Single character tokens are represented by their
    173 // ascii character code (e.g. '{'), others above 256.
    174 #define FLATBUFFERS_GEN_TOKENS(TD) \
    175   TD(Eof, 256, "end of file") \
    176   TD(StringConstant, 257, "string constant") \
    177   TD(IntegerConstant, 258, "integer constant") \
    178   TD(FloatConstant, 259, "float constant") \
    179   TD(Identifier, 260, "identifier")
    180 #ifdef __GNUC__
    181 __extension__  // Stop GCC complaining about trailing comma with -Wpendantic.
    182 #endif
    183 enum {
    186   #undef FLATBUFFERS_TOKEN
    187 };
    189 static std::string TokenToString(int t) {
    190   static const char *tokens[] = {
    193     #undef FLATBUFFERS_TOKEN
    194     #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, \
    195       CTYPE, JTYPE, GTYPE, NTYPE, PTYPE) \
    196       IDLTYPE,
    198     #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
    199   };
    200   if (t < 256) {  // A single ascii char token.
    201     std::string s;
    202     s.append(1, static_cast<char>(t));
    203     return s;
    204   } else {       // Other tokens.
    205     return tokens[t - 256];
    206   }
    207 }
    209 std::string Parser::TokenToStringId(int t) {
    210   return t == kTokenIdentifier ? attribute_ : TokenToString(t);
    211 }
    213 // Parses exactly nibbles worth of hex digits into a number, or error.
    214 CheckedError Parser::ParseHexNum(int nibbles, uint64_t *val) {
    215   for (int i = 0; i < nibbles; i++)
    216     if (!isxdigit(static_cast<const unsigned char>(cursor_[i])))
    217       return Error("escape code must be followed by " + NumToString(nibbles) +
    218                    " hex digits");
    219   std::string target(cursor_, cursor_ + nibbles);
    220   *val = StringToUInt(target.c_str(), nullptr, 16);
    221   cursor_ += nibbles;
    222   return NoError();
    223 }
    225 CheckedError Parser::SkipByteOrderMark() {
    226   if (static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_) != 0xef)
    227     return NoError();
    228   cursor_++;
    229   if (static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_) != 0xbb)
    230     return Error("invalid utf-8 byte order mark");
    231   cursor_++;
    232   if (static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_) != 0xbf)
    233     return Error("invalid utf-8 byte order mark");
    234   cursor_++;
    235   return NoError();
    236 }
    238 bool IsIdentifierStart(char c) {
    239   return isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) || c == '_';
    240 }
    242 CheckedError Parser::Next() {
    243   doc_comment_.clear();
    244   bool seen_newline = false;
    245   attribute_.clear();
    246   for (;;) {
    247     char c = *cursor_++;
    248     token_ = c;
    249     switch (c) {
    250       case '\0': cursor_--; token_ = kTokenEof; return NoError();
    251       case ' ': case '\r': case '\t': break;
    252       case '\n': line_++; seen_newline = true; break;
    253       case '{': case '}': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']':
    254       case ',': case ':': case ';': case '=': return NoError();
    255       case '.':
    256         if(!isdigit(static_cast<const unsigned char>(*cursor_))) return NoError();
    257         return Error("floating point constant can\'t start with \".\"");
    258       case '\"':
    259       case '\'': {
    260         int unicode_high_surrogate = -1;
    262         while (*cursor_ != c) {
    263           if (*cursor_ < ' ' && *cursor_ >= 0)
    264             return Error("illegal character in string constant");
    265           if (*cursor_ == '\\') {
    266             cursor_++;
    267             if (unicode_high_surrogate != -1 &&
    268                 *cursor_ != 'u') {
    269               return Error(
    270                 "illegal Unicode sequence (unpaired high surrogate)");
    271             }
    272             switch (*cursor_) {
    273               case 'n':  attribute_ += '\n'; cursor_++; break;
    274               case 't':  attribute_ += '\t'; cursor_++; break;
    275               case 'r':  attribute_ += '\r'; cursor_++; break;
    276               case 'b':  attribute_ += '\b'; cursor_++; break;
    277               case 'f':  attribute_ += '\f'; cursor_++; break;
    278               case '\"': attribute_ += '\"'; cursor_++; break;
    279               case '\'': attribute_ += '\''; cursor_++; break;
    280               case '\\': attribute_ += '\\'; cursor_++; break;
    281               case '/':  attribute_ += '/';  cursor_++; break;
    282               case 'x': {  // Not in the JSON standard
    283                 cursor_++;
    284                 uint64_t val;
    285                 ECHECK(ParseHexNum(2, &val));
    286                 attribute_ += static_cast<char>(val);
    287                 break;
    288               }
    289               case 'u': {
    290                 cursor_++;
    291                 uint64_t val;
    292                 ECHECK(ParseHexNum(4, &val));
    293                 if (val >= 0xD800 && val <= 0xDBFF) {
    294                   if (unicode_high_surrogate != -1) {
    295                     return Error(
    296                       "illegal Unicode sequence (multiple high surrogates)");
    297                   } else {
    298                     unicode_high_surrogate = static_cast<int>(val);
    299                   }
    300                 } else if (val >= 0xDC00 && val <= 0xDFFF) {
    301                   if (unicode_high_surrogate == -1) {
    302                     return Error(
    303                       "illegal Unicode sequence (unpaired low surrogate)");
    304                   } else {
    305                     int code_point = 0x10000 +
    306                       ((unicode_high_surrogate & 0x03FF) << 10) +
    307                       (val & 0x03FF);
    308                     ToUTF8(code_point, &attribute_);
    309                     unicode_high_surrogate = -1;
    310                   }
    311                 } else {
    312                   if (unicode_high_surrogate != -1) {
    313                     return Error(
    314                       "illegal Unicode sequence (unpaired high surrogate)");
    315                   }
    316                   ToUTF8(static_cast<int>(val), &attribute_);
    317                 }
    318                 break;
    319               }
    320               default: return Error("unknown escape code in string constant");
    321             }
    322           } else { // printable chars + UTF-8 bytes
    323             if (unicode_high_surrogate != -1) {
    324               return Error(
    325                 "illegal Unicode sequence (unpaired high surrogate)");
    326             }
    327             attribute_ += *cursor_++;
    328           }
    329         }
    330         if (unicode_high_surrogate != -1) {
    331           return Error(
    332             "illegal Unicode sequence (unpaired high surrogate)");
    333         }
    334         cursor_++;
    335         if (!opts.allow_non_utf8 && !ValidateUTF8(attribute_)) {
    336           return Error("illegal UTF-8 sequence");
    337         }
    338         token_ = kTokenStringConstant;
    339         return NoError();
    340       }
    341       case '/':
    342         if (*cursor_ == '/') {
    343           const char *start = ++cursor_;
    344           while (*cursor_ && *cursor_ != '\n' && *cursor_ != '\r') cursor_++;
    345           if (*start == '/') {  // documentation comment
    346             if (cursor_ != source_ && !seen_newline)
    347               return Error(
    348                     "a documentation comment should be on a line on its own");
    349             doc_comment_.push_back(std::string(start + 1, cursor_));
    350           }
    351           break;
    352         } else if (*cursor_ == '*') {
    353           cursor_++;
    354           // TODO: make nested.
    355           while (*cursor_ != '*' || cursor_[1] != '/') {
    356             if (*cursor_ == '\n') line_++;
    357             if (!*cursor_) return Error("end of file in comment");
    358             cursor_++;
    359           }
    360           cursor_ += 2;
    361           break;
    362         }
    363         // fall thru
    364       default:
    365         if (IsIdentifierStart(c)) {
    366           // Collect all chars of an identifier:
    367           const char *start = cursor_ - 1;
    368           while (isalnum(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_)) ||
    369                  *cursor_ == '_')
    370             cursor_++;
    371           attribute_.append(start, cursor_);
    372           token_ = kTokenIdentifier;
    373           return NoError();
    374         } else if (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)) || c == '-') {
    375           const char *start = cursor_ - 1;
    376           if (c == '-' && *cursor_ == '0' &&
    377               (cursor_[1] == 'x' || cursor_[1] == 'X')) {
    378             ++start;
    379             ++cursor_;
    380             attribute_.append(&c, &c + 1);
    381             c = '0';
    382           }
    383           if (c == '0' && (*cursor_ == 'x' || *cursor_ == 'X')) {
    384               cursor_++;
    385               while (isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_))) cursor_++;
    386               attribute_.append(start + 2, cursor_);
    387               attribute_ = NumToString(static_cast<int64_t>(
    388                              StringToUInt(attribute_.c_str(), nullptr, 16)));
    389               token_ = kTokenIntegerConstant;
    390               return NoError();
    391           }
    392           while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_))) cursor_++;
    393           if (*cursor_ == '.' || *cursor_ == 'e' || *cursor_ == 'E') {
    394             if (*cursor_ == '.') {
    395               cursor_++;
    396               while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_))) cursor_++;
    397             }
    398             // See if this float has a scientific notation suffix. Both JSON
    399             // and C++ (through strtod() we use) have the same format:
    400             if (*cursor_ == 'e' || *cursor_ == 'E') {
    401               cursor_++;
    402               if (*cursor_ == '+' || *cursor_ == '-') cursor_++;
    403               while (isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(*cursor_))) cursor_++;
    404             }
    405             token_ = kTokenFloatConstant;
    406           } else {
    407             token_ = kTokenIntegerConstant;
    408           }
    409           attribute_.append(start, cursor_);
    410           return NoError();
    411         }
    412         std::string ch;
    413         ch = c;
    414         if (c < ' ' || c > '~') ch = "code: " + NumToString(c);
    415         return Error("illegal character: " + ch);
    416     }
    417   }
    418 }
    420 // Check if a given token is next.
    421 bool Parser::Is(int t) {
    422   return t == token_;
    423 }
    425 bool Parser::IsIdent(const char *id) {
    426   return token_ == kTokenIdentifier && attribute_ == id;
    427 }
    429 // Expect a given token to be next, consume it, or error if not present.
    430 CheckedError Parser::Expect(int t) {
    431   if (t != token_) {
    432     return Error("expecting: " + TokenToString(t) + " instead got: " +
    433                  TokenToStringId(token_));
    434   }
    435   NEXT();
    436   return NoError();
    437 }
    439 CheckedError Parser::ParseNamespacing(std::string *id, std::string *last) {
    440   while (Is('.')) {
    441     NEXT();
    442     *id += ".";
    443     *id += attribute_;
    444     if (last) *last = attribute_;
    445     EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
    446   }
    447   return NoError();
    448 }
    450 EnumDef *Parser::LookupEnum(const std::string &id) {
    451   // Search thru parent namespaces.
    452   for (int components = static_cast<int>(current_namespace_->components.size());
    453        components >= 0; components--) {
    454     auto ed = enums_.Lookup(
    455                 current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(id, components));
    456     if (ed) return ed;
    457   }
    458   return nullptr;
    459 }
    461 StructDef *Parser::LookupStruct(const std::string &id) const {
    462   auto sd = structs_.Lookup(id);
    463   if (sd) sd->refcount++;
    464   return sd;
    465 }
    467 CheckedError Parser::ParseTypeIdent(Type &type) {
    468   std::string id = attribute_;
    469   EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
    470   ECHECK(ParseNamespacing(&id, nullptr));
    471   auto enum_def = LookupEnum(id);
    472   if (enum_def) {
    473     type = enum_def->underlying_type;
    474     if (enum_def->is_union) type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_UNION;
    475   } else {
    476     type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_STRUCT;
    477     type.struct_def = LookupCreateStruct(id);
    478   }
    479   return NoError();
    480 }
    482 // Parse any IDL type.
    483 CheckedError Parser::ParseType(Type &type) {
    484   if (token_ == kTokenIdentifier) {
    485     if (IsIdent("bool")) {
    486       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_BOOL;
    487       NEXT();
    488     } else if (IsIdent("byte") || IsIdent("int8")) {
    489       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_CHAR;
    490       NEXT();
    491     } else if (IsIdent("ubyte") || IsIdent("uint8")) {
    492       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_UCHAR;
    493       NEXT();
    494     } else if (IsIdent("short") || IsIdent("int16")) {
    495       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_SHORT;
    496       NEXT();
    497     } else if (IsIdent("ushort") || IsIdent("uint16")) {
    498       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_USHORT;
    499       NEXT();
    500     } else if (IsIdent("int") || IsIdent("int32")) {
    501       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_INT;
    502       NEXT();
    503     } else if (IsIdent("uint") || IsIdent("uint32")) {
    504       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_UINT;
    505       NEXT();
    506     } else if (IsIdent("long") || IsIdent("int64")) {
    507       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_LONG;
    508       NEXT();
    509     } else if (IsIdent("ulong") || IsIdent("uint64")) {
    510       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_ULONG;
    511       NEXT();
    512     } else if (IsIdent("float") || IsIdent("float32")) {
    513       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_FLOAT;
    514       NEXT();
    515     } else if (IsIdent("double") || IsIdent("float64")) {
    516       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_DOUBLE;
    517       NEXT();
    518     } else if (IsIdent("string")) {
    519       type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_STRING;
    520       NEXT();
    521     } else {
    522       ECHECK(ParseTypeIdent(type));
    523     }
    524   } else if (token_ == '[') {
    525     NEXT();
    526     Type subtype;
    527     ECHECK(ParseType(subtype));
    528     if (subtype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR) {
    529       // We could support this, but it will complicate things, and it's
    530       // easier to work around with a struct around the inner vector.
    531       return Error(
    532             "nested vector types not supported (wrap in table first).");
    533     }
    534     type = Type(BASE_TYPE_VECTOR, subtype.struct_def, subtype.enum_def);
    535     type.element = subtype.base_type;
    536     EXPECT(']');
    537   } else {
    538     return Error("illegal type syntax");
    539   }
    540   return NoError();
    541 }
    543 CheckedError Parser::AddField(StructDef &struct_def, const std::string &name,
    544                               const Type &type, FieldDef **dest) {
    545   auto &field = *new FieldDef();
    546   field.value.offset =
    547     FieldIndexToOffset(static_cast<voffset_t>(struct_def.fields.vec.size()));
    548   field.name = name;
    549   field.file = struct_def.file;
    550   field.value.type = type;
    551   if (struct_def.fixed) {  // statically compute the field offset
    552     auto size = InlineSize(type);
    553     auto alignment = InlineAlignment(type);
    554     // structs_ need to have a predictable format, so we need to align to
    555     // the largest scalar
    556     struct_def.minalign = std::max(struct_def.minalign, alignment);
    557     struct_def.PadLastField(alignment);
    558     field.value.offset = static_cast<voffset_t>(struct_def.bytesize);
    559     struct_def.bytesize += size;
    560   }
    561   if (struct_def.fields.Add(name, &field))
    562     return Error("field already exists: " + name);
    563   *dest = &field;
    564   return NoError();
    565 }
    567 CheckedError Parser::ParseField(StructDef &struct_def) {
    568   std::string name = attribute_;
    570   if (LookupStruct(name))
    571     return Error("field name can not be the same as table/struct name");
    573   std::vector<std::string> dc = doc_comment_;
    574   EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
    575   EXPECT(':');
    576   Type type;
    577   ECHECK(ParseType(type));
    579   if (struct_def.fixed && !IsScalar(type.base_type) && !IsStruct(type))
    580     return Error("structs_ may contain only scalar or struct fields");
    582   FieldDef *typefield = nullptr;
    583   if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
    584     // For union fields, add a second auto-generated field to hold the type,
    585     // with a special suffix.
    586     ECHECK(AddField(struct_def, name + UnionTypeFieldSuffix(),
    587                     type.enum_def->underlying_type, &typefield));
    588   } else if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR &&
    589              type.element == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
    590     // Only cpp, js and ts supports the union vector feature so far.
    591     if (!SupportsVectorOfUnions()) {
    592       return Error("Vectors of unions are not yet supported in all "
    593                    "the specified programming languages.");
    594     }
    595     // For vector of union fields, add a second auto-generated vector field to
    596     // hold the types, with a special suffix.
    597     Type union_vector(BASE_TYPE_VECTOR, nullptr, type.enum_def);
    598     union_vector.element = BASE_TYPE_UTYPE;
    599     ECHECK(AddField(struct_def, name + UnionTypeFieldSuffix(),
    600                     union_vector, &typefield));
    601   }
    603   FieldDef *field;
    604   ECHECK(AddField(struct_def, name, type, &field));
    606   if (token_ == '=') {
    607     NEXT();
    608     if (!IsScalar(type.base_type))
    609       return Error("default values currently only supported for scalars");
    610     ECHECK(ParseSingleValue(field->value));
    611   }
    612   if (IsFloat(field->value.type.base_type)) {
    613     if (!strpbrk(field->value.constant.c_str(), ".eE"))
    614       field->value.constant += ".0";
    615   }
    617   if (type.enum_def &&
    618       IsScalar(type.base_type) &&
    619       !struct_def.fixed &&
    620       !type.enum_def->attributes.Lookup("bit_flags") &&
    621       !type.enum_def->ReverseLookup(static_cast<int>(
    622                          StringToInt(field->value.constant.c_str()))))
    623     Warning("enum " + type.enum_def->name +
    624           " does not have a declaration for this field\'s default of " +
    625           field->value.constant);
    627   field->doc_comment = dc;
    628   ECHECK(ParseMetaData(&field->attributes));
    629   field->deprecated = field->attributes.Lookup("deprecated") != nullptr;
    630   auto hash_name = field->attributes.Lookup("hash");
    631   if (hash_name) {
    632     switch (type.base_type) {
    633       case BASE_TYPE_INT:
    634       case BASE_TYPE_UINT: {
    635         if (FindHashFunction32(hash_name->constant.c_str()) == nullptr)
    636           return Error("Unknown hashing algorithm for 32 bit types: " +
    637                 hash_name->constant);
    638         break;
    639       }
    640       case BASE_TYPE_LONG:
    641       case BASE_TYPE_ULONG: {
    642         if (FindHashFunction64(hash_name->constant.c_str()) == nullptr)
    643           return Error("Unknown hashing algorithm for 64 bit types: " +
    644                 hash_name->constant);
    645         break;
    646       }
    647       default:
    648         return Error(
    649               "only int, uint, long and ulong data types support hashing.");
    650     }
    651   }
    652   auto cpp_type = field->attributes.Lookup("cpp_type");
    653   if (cpp_type) {
    654     if (!hash_name)
    655       return Error("cpp_type can only be used with a hashed field");
    656   }
    657   if (field->deprecated && struct_def.fixed)
    658     return Error("can't deprecate fields in a struct");
    659   field->required = field->attributes.Lookup("required") != nullptr;
    660   if (field->required && (struct_def.fixed ||
    661                          IsScalar(field->value.type.base_type)))
    662     return Error("only non-scalar fields in tables may be 'required'");
    663   field->key = field->attributes.Lookup("key") != nullptr;
    664   if (field->key) {
    665     if (struct_def.has_key)
    666       return Error("only one field may be set as 'key'");
    667     struct_def.has_key = true;
    668     if (!IsScalar(field->value.type.base_type)) {
    669       field->required = true;
    670       if (field->value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRING)
    671         return Error("'key' field must be string or scalar type");
    672     }
    673   }
    675   auto field_native_custom_alloc = field->attributes.Lookup("native_custom_alloc");
    676   if (field_native_custom_alloc)
    677     return Error("native_custom_alloc can only be used with a table or struct definition");
    679   field->native_inline = field->attributes.Lookup("native_inline") != nullptr;
    680   if (field->native_inline && !IsStruct(field->value.type))
    681     return Error("native_inline can only be defined on structs'");
    683   auto nested = field->attributes.Lookup("nested_flatbuffer");
    684   if (nested) {
    685     if (nested->type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRING)
    686       return Error(
    687             "nested_flatbuffer attribute must be a string (the root type)");
    688     if (field->value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_VECTOR ||
    689         field->value.type.element != BASE_TYPE_UCHAR)
    690       return Error(
    691             "nested_flatbuffer attribute may only apply to a vector of ubyte");
    692     // This will cause an error if the root type of the nested flatbuffer
    693     // wasn't defined elsewhere.
    694     LookupCreateStruct(nested->constant);
    696     // Keep a pointer to StructDef in FieldDef to simplify re-use later
    697     auto nested_qualified_name =
    698         current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(nested->constant);
    699     field->nested_flatbuffer = LookupStruct(nested_qualified_name);
    700   }
    702   if (field->attributes.Lookup("flexbuffer")) {
    703     field->flexbuffer = true;
    704     uses_flexbuffers_ = true;
    705     if (field->value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_VECTOR ||
    706         field->value.type.element != BASE_TYPE_UCHAR)
    707       return Error(
    708             "flexbuffer attribute may only apply to a vector of ubyte");
    709   }
    711   if (typefield) {
    712     if (!IsScalar(typefield->value.type.base_type)) {
    713       // this is a union vector field
    714       typefield->required = field->required;
    715     }
    716     // If this field is a union, and it has a manually assigned id,
    717     // the automatically added type field should have an id as well (of N - 1).
    718     auto attr = field->attributes.Lookup("id");
    719     if (attr) {
    720       auto id = atoi(attr->constant.c_str());
    721       auto val = new Value();
    722       val->type = attr->type;
    723       val->constant = NumToString(id - 1);
    724       typefield->attributes.Add("id", val);
    725     }
    726   }
    728   EXPECT(';');
    729   return NoError();
    730 }
    732 CheckedError Parser::ParseString(Value &val) {
    733   auto s = attribute_;
    734   EXPECT(kTokenStringConstant);
    735   val.constant = NumToString(builder_.CreateString(s).o);
    736   return NoError();
    737 }
    739 CheckedError Parser::ParseComma() {
    740   if (!opts.protobuf_ascii_alike) EXPECT(',');
    741   return NoError();
    742 }
    744 CheckedError Parser::ParseAnyValue(Value &val, FieldDef *field,
    745                                    size_t parent_fieldn,
    746                                    const StructDef *parent_struct_def) {
    747   switch (val.type.base_type) {
    748     case BASE_TYPE_UNION: {
    749       assert(field);
    750       std::string constant;
    751       // Find corresponding type field we may have already parsed.
    752       for (auto elem = field_stack_.rbegin();
    753            elem != field_stack_.rbegin() + parent_fieldn; ++elem) {
    754         auto &type = elem->second->value.type;
    755         if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE &&
    756             type.enum_def == val.type.enum_def) {
    757           constant = elem->first.constant;
    758           break;
    759         }
    760       }
    761       if (constant.empty()) {
    762         // We haven't seen the type field yet. Sadly a lot of JSON writers
    763         // output these in alphabetical order, meaning it comes after this
    764         // value. So we scan past the value to find it, then come back here.
    765         auto type_name = field->name + UnionTypeFieldSuffix();
    766         assert(parent_struct_def);
    767         auto type_field = parent_struct_def->fields.Lookup(type_name);
    768         assert(type_field);  // Guaranteed by ParseField().
    769         // Remember where we are in the source file, so we can come back here.
    770         auto backup = *static_cast<ParserState *>(this);
    771         ECHECK(SkipAnyJsonValue());  // The table.
    772         ECHECK(ParseComma());
    773         auto next_name = attribute_;
    774         if (Is(kTokenStringConstant)) {
    775           NEXT();
    776         } else {
    777           EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
    778         }
    779         if (next_name != type_name)
    780           return Error("missing type field after this union value: " +
    781                        type_name);
    782         EXPECT(':');
    783         Value type_val = type_field->value;
    784         ECHECK(ParseAnyValue(type_val, type_field, 0, nullptr));
    785         constant = type_val.constant;
    786         // Got the information we needed, now rewind:
    787         *static_cast<ParserState *>(this) = backup;
    788       }
    789       uint8_t enum_idx;
    790       ECHECK(atot(constant.c_str(), *this, &enum_idx));
    791       auto enum_val = val.type.enum_def->ReverseLookup(enum_idx);
    792       if (!enum_val) return Error("illegal type id for: " + field->name);
    793       if (enum_val->union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
    794         ECHECK(ParseTable(*enum_val->union_type.struct_def, &val.constant,
    795                           nullptr));
    796         if (enum_val->union_type.struct_def->fixed) {
    797           // All BASE_TYPE_UNION values are offsets, so turn this into one.
    798           SerializeStruct(*enum_val->union_type.struct_def, val);
    799           builder_.ClearOffsets();
    800           val.constant = NumToString(builder_.GetSize());
    801         }
    802       } else if (enum_val->union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRING) {
    803         ECHECK(ParseString(val));
    804       } else {
    805         assert(false);
    806       }
    807       break;
    808     }
    809     case BASE_TYPE_STRUCT:
    810       ECHECK(ParseTable(*val.type.struct_def, &val.constant, nullptr));
    811       break;
    812     case BASE_TYPE_STRING: {
    813       ECHECK(ParseString(val));
    814       break;
    815     }
    816     case BASE_TYPE_VECTOR: {
    817       uoffset_t off;
    818       ECHECK(ParseVector(val.type.VectorType(), &off));
    819       val.constant = NumToString(off);
    820       break;
    821     }
    822     case BASE_TYPE_INT:
    823     case BASE_TYPE_UINT:
    824     case BASE_TYPE_LONG:
    825     case BASE_TYPE_ULONG: {
    826       if (field && field->attributes.Lookup("hash") &&
    827           (token_ == kTokenIdentifier || token_ == kTokenStringConstant)) {
    828         ECHECK(ParseHash(val, field));
    829       } else {
    830         ECHECK(ParseSingleValue(val));
    831       }
    832       break;
    833     }
    834     default:
    835       ECHECK(ParseSingleValue(val));
    836       break;
    837   }
    838   return NoError();
    839 }
    841 void Parser::SerializeStruct(const StructDef &struct_def, const Value &val) {
    842   assert(val.constant.length() == struct_def.bytesize);
    843   builder_.Align(struct_def.minalign);
    844   builder_.PushBytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(val.constant.c_str()),
    845                      struct_def.bytesize);
    846   builder_.AddStructOffset(val.offset, builder_.GetSize());
    847 }
    849 CheckedError Parser::ParseTableDelimiters(size_t &fieldn,
    850                                           const StructDef *struct_def,
    851                                           ParseTableDelimitersBody body,
    852                                           void *state) {
    853   // We allow tables both as JSON object{ .. } with field names
    854   // or vector[..] with all fields in order
    855   char terminator = '}';
    856   bool is_nested_vector = struct_def && Is('[');
    857   if (is_nested_vector) {
    858     NEXT();
    859     terminator = ']';
    860   } else {
    861     EXPECT('{');
    862   }
    863   for (;;) {
    864     if ((!opts.strict_json || !fieldn) && Is(terminator)) break;
    865     std::string name;
    866     if (is_nested_vector) {
    867       if (fieldn > struct_def->fields.vec.size()) {
    868         return Error("too many unnamed fields in nested array");
    869       }
    870       name = struct_def->fields.vec[fieldn]->name;
    871     } else {
    872       name = attribute_;
    873       if (Is(kTokenStringConstant)) {
    874         NEXT();
    875       } else {
    876         EXPECT(opts.strict_json ? kTokenStringConstant : kTokenIdentifier);
    877       }
    878       if (!opts.protobuf_ascii_alike || !(Is('{') || Is('['))) EXPECT(':');
    879     }
    880     ECHECK(body(name, fieldn, struct_def, state));
    881     if (Is(terminator)) break;
    882     ECHECK(ParseComma());
    883   }
    884   NEXT();
    885   if (is_nested_vector && fieldn != struct_def->fields.vec.size()) {
    886     return Error("wrong number of unnamed fields in table vector");
    887   }
    888   return NoError();
    889 }
    891 CheckedError Parser::ParseTable(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *value,
    892                                 uoffset_t *ovalue) {
    893   size_t fieldn_outer = 0;
    894   auto err = ParseTableDelimiters(fieldn_outer, &struct_def,
    895                                   [](const std::string &name, size_t &fieldn,
    896                                              const StructDef *struct_def_inner,
    897                                              void *state) -> CheckedError {
    898     Parser *parser = static_cast<Parser *>(state);
    899     if (name == "$schema") {
    900       ECHECK(parser->Expect(kTokenStringConstant));
    901       return NoError();
    902     }
    903     auto field = struct_def_inner->fields.Lookup(name);
    904     if (!field) {
    905       if (!parser->opts.skip_unexpected_fields_in_json) {
    906         return parser->Error("unknown field: " + name);
    907       } else {
    908         ECHECK(parser->SkipAnyJsonValue());
    909       }
    910     } else {
    911       if (parser->IsIdent("null")) {
    912         ECHECK(parser->Next());  // Ignore this field.
    913       } else {
    914         Value val = field->value;
    915         if (field->flexbuffer) {
    916           flexbuffers::Builder builder(1024,
    917                                        flexbuffers::BUILDER_FLAG_SHARE_ALL);
    918           ECHECK(parser->ParseFlexBufferValue(&builder));
    919           builder.Finish();
    920           auto off = parser->builder_.CreateVector(builder.GetBuffer());
    921           val.constant = NumToString(off.o);
    922         } else if (field->nested_flatbuffer) {
    923           ECHECK(parser->ParseNestedFlatbuffer(val, field, fieldn, struct_def_inner));
    924         } else {
    925           ECHECK(parser->ParseAnyValue(val, field, fieldn, struct_def_inner));
    926         }
    927         // Hardcoded insertion-sort with error-check.
    928         // If fields are specified in order, then this loop exits immediately.
    929         auto elem = parser->field_stack_.rbegin();
    930         for (; elem != parser->field_stack_.rbegin() + fieldn; ++elem) {
    931           auto existing_field = elem->second;
    932           if (existing_field == field)
    933             return parser->Error("field set more than once: " + field->name);
    934           if (existing_field->value.offset < field->value.offset) break;
    935         }
    936         // Note: elem points to before the insertion point, thus .base() points
    937         // to the correct spot.
    938         parser->field_stack_.insert(elem.base(),
    939                                     std::make_pair(val, field));
    940         fieldn++;
    941       }
    942     }
    943     return NoError();
    944   }, this);
    945   ECHECK(err);
    947   // Check if all required fields are parsed.
    948   for (auto field_it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
    949             field_it != struct_def.fields.vec.end();
    950             ++field_it) {
    951     auto required_field = *field_it;
    952     if (!required_field->required) {
    953       continue;
    954     }
    955     bool found = false;
    956     for (auto pf_it = field_stack_.end() - fieldn_outer;
    957          pf_it != field_stack_.end();
    958          ++pf_it) {
    959       auto parsed_field = pf_it->second;
    960       if (parsed_field == required_field) {
    961         found = true;
    962         break;
    963       }
    964     }
    965     if (!found) {
    966       return Error("required field is missing: " + required_field->name + " in " + struct_def.name);
    967     }
    968   }
    970   if (struct_def.fixed && fieldn_outer != struct_def.fields.vec.size())
    971     return Error("struct: wrong number of initializers: " + struct_def.name);
    973   auto start = struct_def.fixed
    974                  ? builder_.StartStruct(struct_def.minalign)
    975                  : builder_.StartTable();
    977   for (size_t size = struct_def.sortbysize ? sizeof(largest_scalar_t) : 1;
    978        size;
    979        size /= 2) {
    980     // Go through elements in reverse, since we're building the data backwards.
    981     for (auto it = field_stack_.rbegin(); it != field_stack_.rbegin() +
    982              fieldn_outer;
    983          ++it) {
    984       auto &field_value = it->first;
    985       auto field = it->second;
    986       if (!struct_def.sortbysize ||
    987           size == SizeOf(field_value.type.base_type)) {
    988         switch (field_value.type.base_type) {
    989           #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, \
    990             CTYPE, JTYPE, GTYPE, NTYPE, PTYPE) \
    991             case BASE_TYPE_ ## ENUM: \
    992               builder_.Pad(field->padding); \
    993               if (struct_def.fixed) { \
    994                 CTYPE val; \
    995                 ECHECK(atot(field_value.constant.c_str(), *this, &val)); \
    996                 builder_.PushElement(val); \
    997               } else { \
    998                 CTYPE val, valdef; \
    999                 ECHECK(atot(field_value.constant.c_str(), *this, &val)); \
   1000                 ECHECK(atot(field->value.constant.c_str(), *this, &valdef)); \
   1001                 builder_.AddElement(field_value.offset, val, valdef); \
   1002               } \
   1003               break;
   1005           #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
   1006           #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, \
   1007             CTYPE, JTYPE, GTYPE, NTYPE, PTYPE) \
   1008             case BASE_TYPE_ ## ENUM: \
   1009               builder_.Pad(field->padding); \
   1010               if (IsStruct(field->value.type)) { \
   1011                 SerializeStruct(*field->value.type.struct_def, field_value); \
   1012               } else { \
   1013                 CTYPE val; \
   1014                 ECHECK(atot(field_value.constant.c_str(), *this, &val)); \
   1015                 builder_.AddOffset(field_value.offset, val); \
   1016               } \
   1017               break;
   1019           #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
   1020         }
   1021       }
   1022     }
   1023   }
   1024   for (size_t i = 0; i < fieldn_outer; i++) field_stack_.pop_back();
   1026   if (struct_def.fixed) {
   1027     builder_.ClearOffsets();
   1028     builder_.EndStruct();
   1029     assert(value);
   1030     // Temporarily store this struct in the value string, since it is to
   1031     // be serialized in-place elsewhere.
   1032     value->assign(
   1033           reinterpret_cast<const char *>(builder_.GetCurrentBufferPointer()),
   1034           struct_def.bytesize);
   1035     builder_.PopBytes(struct_def.bytesize);
   1036     assert(!ovalue);
   1037   } else {
   1038     auto val = builder_.EndTable(start);
   1039     if (ovalue) *ovalue = val;
   1040     if (value) *value = NumToString(val);
   1041   }
   1042   return NoError();
   1043 }
   1045 CheckedError Parser::ParseVectorDelimiters(size_t &count,
   1046                                            ParseVectorDelimitersBody body,
   1047                                            void *state) {
   1048   EXPECT('[');
   1049   for (;;) {
   1050     if ((!opts.strict_json || !count) && Is(']')) break;
   1051     ECHECK(body(count, state));
   1052     count++;
   1053     if (Is(']')) break;
   1054     ECHECK(ParseComma());
   1055   }
   1056   NEXT();
   1057   return NoError();
   1058 }
   1060 CheckedError Parser::ParseVector(const Type &type, uoffset_t *ovalue) {
   1061   size_t count = 0;
   1062   std::pair<Parser *, const Type &> parser_and_type_state(this, type);
   1063   auto err = ParseVectorDelimiters(count,
   1064                                    [](size_t &, void *state) -> CheckedError {
   1065     auto *parser_and_type =
   1066         static_cast<std::pair<Parser *, const Type &> *>(state);
   1067     auto *parser = parser_and_type->first;
   1068     Value val;
   1069     val.type = parser_and_type->second;
   1070     ECHECK(parser->ParseAnyValue(val, nullptr, 0, nullptr));
   1071     parser->field_stack_.push_back(std::make_pair(val, nullptr));
   1072     return NoError();
   1073   }, &parser_and_type_state);
   1074   ECHECK(err);
   1076   builder_.StartVector(count * InlineSize(type) / InlineAlignment(type),
   1077                        InlineAlignment(type));
   1078   for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   1079     // start at the back, since we're building the data backwards.
   1080     auto &val = field_stack_.back().first;
   1081     switch (val.type.base_type) {
   1082       #define FLATBUFFERS_TD(ENUM, IDLTYPE, \
   1083         CTYPE, JTYPE, GTYPE, NTYPE, PTYPE) \
   1084         case BASE_TYPE_ ## ENUM: \
   1085           if (IsStruct(val.type)) SerializeStruct(*val.type.struct_def, val); \
   1086           else { \
   1087              CTYPE elem; \
   1088              ECHECK(atot(val.constant.c_str(), *this, &elem)); \
   1089              builder_.PushElement(elem); \
   1090           } \
   1091           break;
   1093       #undef FLATBUFFERS_TD
   1094     }
   1095     field_stack_.pop_back();
   1096   }
   1098   builder_.ClearOffsets();
   1099   *ovalue = builder_.EndVector(count);
   1100   return NoError();
   1101 }
   1103 CheckedError Parser::ParseNestedFlatbuffer(Value &val, FieldDef *field,
   1104                                           size_t fieldn,
   1105                                           const StructDef *parent_struct_def) {
   1106   if (token_ == '[') {// backwards compat for 'legacy' ubyte buffers
   1107     ECHECK(ParseAnyValue(val, field, fieldn, parent_struct_def));
   1108   } else {
   1109     auto cursor_at_value_begin = cursor_;
   1110     ECHECK(SkipAnyJsonValue());
   1111     std::string substring(cursor_at_value_begin -1 , cursor_ -1);
   1113     // Create and initialize new parser
   1114     Parser nested_parser;
   1115     assert(field->nested_flatbuffer);
   1116     nested_parser.root_struct_def_ = field->nested_flatbuffer;
   1117     nested_parser.enums_ = enums_;
   1118     nested_parser.opts = opts;
   1119     nested_parser.uses_flexbuffers_ = uses_flexbuffers_;
   1121     // Parse JSON substring into new flatbuffer builder using nested_parser
   1122     if (!nested_parser.Parse(substring.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr)) {
   1123       ECHECK(Error(nested_parser.error_));
   1124     }
   1125     auto off = builder_.CreateVector(nested_parser.builder_.GetBufferPointer(), nested_parser.builder_.GetSize());
   1126     val.constant = NumToString(off.o);
   1128     // Clean nested_parser before destruction to avoid deleting the elements in the SymbolTables
   1129     nested_parser.enums_.dict.clear();
   1130     nested_parser.enums_.vec.clear();
   1131   }
   1132   return NoError();
   1133 }
   1135 CheckedError Parser::ParseMetaData(SymbolTable<Value> *attributes) {
   1136   if (Is('(')) {
   1137     NEXT();
   1138     for (;;) {
   1139       auto name = attribute_;
   1140       EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1141       if (known_attributes_.find(name) == known_attributes_.end())
   1142         return Error("user define attributes must be declared before use: " +
   1143                      name);
   1144       auto e = new Value();
   1145       attributes->Add(name, e);
   1146       if (Is(':')) {
   1147         NEXT();
   1148         ECHECK(ParseSingleValue(*e));
   1149       }
   1150       if (Is(')')) { NEXT(); break; }
   1151       EXPECT(',');
   1152     }
   1153   }
   1154   return NoError();
   1155 }
   1157 CheckedError Parser::TryTypedValue(int dtoken, bool check, Value &e,
   1158                                    BaseType req, bool *destmatch) {
   1159   bool match = dtoken == token_;
   1160   if (match) {
   1161     *destmatch = true;
   1162     e.constant = attribute_;
   1163     if (!check) {
   1164       if (e.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_NONE) {
   1165         e.type.base_type = req;
   1166       } else {
   1167         return Error(std::string("type mismatch: expecting: ") +
   1168                      kTypeNames[e.type.base_type] +
   1169                      ", found: " +
   1170                      kTypeNames[req]);
   1171       }
   1172     }
   1173     NEXT();
   1174   }
   1175   return NoError();
   1176 }
   1178 CheckedError Parser::ParseEnumFromString(Type &type, int64_t *result) {
   1179   *result = 0;
   1180   // Parse one or more enum identifiers, separated by spaces.
   1181   const char *next = attribute_.c_str();
   1182   do {
   1183     const char *divider = strchr(next, ' ');
   1184     std::string word;
   1185     if (divider) {
   1186       word = std::string(next, divider);
   1187       next = divider + strspn(divider, " ");
   1188     } else {
   1189       word = next;
   1190       next += word.length();
   1191     }
   1192     if (type.enum_def) {  // The field has an enum type
   1193       auto enum_val = type.enum_def->vals.Lookup(word);
   1194       if (!enum_val)
   1195         return Error("unknown enum value: " + word +
   1196               ", for enum: " + type.enum_def->name);
   1197       *result |= enum_val->value;
   1198     } else {  // No enum type, probably integral field.
   1199       if (!IsInteger(type.base_type))
   1200         return Error("not a valid value for this field: " + word);
   1201       // TODO: could check if its a valid number constant here.
   1202       const char *dot = strrchr(word.c_str(), '.');
   1203       if (!dot)
   1204         return Error("enum values need to be qualified by an enum type");
   1205       std::string enum_def_str(word.c_str(), dot);
   1206       std::string enum_val_str(dot + 1, word.c_str() + word.length());
   1207       auto enum_def = LookupEnum(enum_def_str);
   1208       if (!enum_def) return Error("unknown enum: " + enum_def_str);
   1209       auto enum_val = enum_def->vals.Lookup(enum_val_str);
   1210       if (!enum_val) return Error("unknown enum value: " + enum_val_str);
   1211       *result |= enum_val->value;
   1212     }
   1213   } while(*next);
   1214   return NoError();
   1215 }
   1218 CheckedError Parser::ParseHash(Value &e, FieldDef* field) {
   1219   assert(field);
   1220   Value *hash_name = field->attributes.Lookup("hash");
   1221   switch (e.type.base_type) {
   1222     case BASE_TYPE_INT: {
   1223       auto hash = FindHashFunction32(hash_name->constant.c_str());
   1224       int32_t hashed_value = static_cast<int32_t>(hash(attribute_.c_str()));
   1225       e.constant = NumToString(hashed_value);
   1226       break;
   1227     }
   1228     case BASE_TYPE_UINT: {
   1229       auto hash = FindHashFunction32(hash_name->constant.c_str());
   1230       uint32_t hashed_value = hash(attribute_.c_str());
   1231       e.constant = NumToString(hashed_value);
   1232       break;
   1233     }
   1234     case BASE_TYPE_LONG: {
   1235       auto hash = FindHashFunction64(hash_name->constant.c_str());
   1236       int64_t hashed_value = static_cast<int64_t>(hash(attribute_.c_str()));
   1237       e.constant = NumToString(hashed_value);
   1238       break;
   1239     }
   1240     case BASE_TYPE_ULONG: {
   1241       auto hash = FindHashFunction64(hash_name->constant.c_str());
   1242       uint64_t hashed_value = hash(attribute_.c_str());
   1243       e.constant = NumToString(hashed_value);
   1244       break;
   1245     }
   1246     default:
   1247       assert(0);
   1248   }
   1249   NEXT();
   1250   return NoError();
   1251 }
   1253 CheckedError Parser::TokenError() {
   1254   return Error("cannot parse value starting with: " +
   1255                TokenToStringId(token_));
   1256 }
   1258 CheckedError Parser::ParseSingleValue(Value &e) {
   1259   // First see if this could be a conversion function:
   1260   if (token_ == kTokenIdentifier && *cursor_ == '(') {
   1261     auto functionname = attribute_;
   1262     NEXT();
   1263     EXPECT('(');
   1264     ECHECK(ParseSingleValue(e));
   1265     EXPECT(')');
   1266     #define FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE(name, op) \
   1267       if (functionname == name) { \
   1268         auto x = strtod(e.constant.c_str(), nullptr); \
   1269         e.constant = NumToString(op); \
   1270       }
   1271     FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE("deg", x / kPi * 180);
   1272     FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE("rad", x * kPi / 180);
   1273     FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE("sin", sin(x));
   1274     FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE("cos", cos(x));
   1275     FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE("tan", tan(x));
   1276     FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE("asin", asin(x));
   1277     FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE("acos", acos(x));
   1278     FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE("atan", atan(x));
   1279     // TODO(wvo): add more useful conversion functions here.
   1280     #undef FLATBUFFERS_FN_DOUBLE
   1281   // Then check if this could be a string/identifier enum value:
   1282   } else if (e.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRING &&
   1283       e.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_BOOL &&
   1284       e.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_NONE &&
   1285       (token_ == kTokenIdentifier || token_ == kTokenStringConstant)) {
   1286     if (IsIdentifierStart(attribute_[0])) {  // Enum value.
   1287       int64_t val;
   1288       ECHECK(ParseEnumFromString(e.type, &val));
   1289       e.constant = NumToString(val);
   1290       NEXT();
   1291     } else {  // Numeric constant in string.
   1292       if (IsInteger(e.type.base_type)) {
   1293         char *end;
   1294         e.constant = NumToString(StringToInt(attribute_.c_str(), &end));
   1295         if (*end)
   1296           return Error("invalid integer: " + attribute_);
   1297       } else if (IsFloat(e.type.base_type)) {
   1298         char *end;
   1299         e.constant = NumToString(strtod(attribute_.c_str(), &end));
   1300         if (*end)
   1301           return Error("invalid float: " + attribute_);
   1302       } else {
   1303         assert(0);  // Shouldn't happen, we covered all types.
   1304         e.constant = "0";
   1305       }
   1306       NEXT();
   1307     }
   1308   } else {
   1309     bool match = false;
   1310     ECHECK(TryTypedValue(kTokenIntegerConstant,
   1311                          IsScalar(e.type.base_type),
   1312                          e,
   1313                          BASE_TYPE_INT,
   1314                          &match));
   1315     ECHECK(TryTypedValue(kTokenFloatConstant,
   1316                          IsFloat(e.type.base_type),
   1317                          e,
   1318                          BASE_TYPE_FLOAT,
   1319                          &match));
   1320     ECHECK(TryTypedValue(kTokenStringConstant,
   1321                          e.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRING,
   1322                          e,
   1323                          BASE_TYPE_STRING,
   1324                          &match));
   1325     auto istrue = IsIdent("true");
   1326     if (istrue || IsIdent("false")) {
   1327       attribute_ = NumToString(istrue);
   1328       ECHECK(TryTypedValue(kTokenIdentifier,
   1329                            IsBool(e.type.base_type),
   1330                            e,
   1331                            BASE_TYPE_BOOL,
   1332                            &match));
   1333     }
   1334     if (!match) return TokenError();
   1335   }
   1336   return NoError();
   1337 }
   1339 StructDef *Parser::LookupCreateStruct(const std::string &name,
   1340                                       bool create_if_new, bool definition) {
   1341   std::string qualified_name = current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(name);
   1342   // See if it exists pre-declared by an unqualified use.
   1343   auto struct_def = LookupStruct(name);
   1344   if (struct_def && struct_def->predecl) {
   1345     if (definition) {
   1346       // Make sure it has the current namespace, and is registered under its
   1347       // qualified name.
   1348       struct_def->defined_namespace = current_namespace_;
   1349       structs_.Move(name, qualified_name);
   1350     }
   1351     return struct_def;
   1352   }
   1353   // See if it exists pre-declared by an qualified use.
   1354   struct_def = LookupStruct(qualified_name);
   1355   if (struct_def && struct_def->predecl) {
   1356     if (definition) {
   1357       // Make sure it has the current namespace.
   1358       struct_def->defined_namespace = current_namespace_;
   1359     }
   1360     return struct_def;
   1361   }
   1362   if (!definition) {
   1363     // Search thru parent namespaces.
   1364     for (size_t components = current_namespace_->components.size();
   1365          components && !struct_def; components--) {
   1366       struct_def = LookupStruct(
   1367           current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(name, components - 1));
   1368     }
   1369   }
   1370   if (!struct_def && create_if_new) {
   1371     struct_def = new StructDef();
   1372     if (definition) {
   1373       structs_.Add(qualified_name, struct_def);
   1374       struct_def->name = name;
   1375       struct_def->defined_namespace = current_namespace_;
   1376     } else {
   1377       // Not a definition.
   1378       // Rather than failing, we create a "pre declared" StructDef, due to
   1379       // circular references, and check for errors at the end of parsing.
   1380       // It is defined in the current namespace, as the best guess what the
   1381       // final namespace will be.
   1382       structs_.Add(name, struct_def);
   1383       struct_def->name = name;
   1384       struct_def->defined_namespace = current_namespace_;
   1385       struct_def->original_location.reset(new std::string(file_being_parsed_ +
   1386                                                      ":" + NumToString(line_)));
   1387     }
   1388   }
   1389   return struct_def;
   1390 }
   1392 CheckedError Parser::ParseEnum(bool is_union, EnumDef **dest) {
   1393   std::vector<std::string> enum_comment = doc_comment_;
   1394   NEXT();
   1395   std::string enum_name = attribute_;
   1396   EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1397   auto &enum_def = *new EnumDef();
   1398   enum_def.name = enum_name;
   1399   enum_def.file = file_being_parsed_;
   1400   enum_def.doc_comment = enum_comment;
   1401   enum_def.is_union = is_union;
   1402   enum_def.defined_namespace = current_namespace_;
   1403   if (enums_.Add(current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(enum_name),
   1404                  &enum_def))
   1405     return Error("enum already exists: " + enum_name);
   1406   if (is_union) {
   1407     enum_def.underlying_type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_UTYPE;
   1408     enum_def.underlying_type.enum_def = &enum_def;
   1409   } else {
   1410     if (opts.proto_mode) {
   1411       enum_def.underlying_type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_INT;
   1412     } else {
   1413       // Give specialized error message, since this type spec used to
   1414       // be optional in the first FlatBuffers release.
   1415       if (!Is(':')) {
   1416         return Error("must specify the underlying integer type for this"
   1417               " enum (e.g. \': short\', which was the default).");
   1418       } else {
   1419         NEXT();
   1420       }
   1421       // Specify the integer type underlying this enum.
   1422       ECHECK(ParseType(enum_def.underlying_type));
   1423       if (!IsInteger(enum_def.underlying_type.base_type))
   1424         return Error("underlying enum type must be integral");
   1425     }
   1426     // Make this type refer back to the enum it was derived from.
   1427     enum_def.underlying_type.enum_def = &enum_def;
   1428   }
   1429   ECHECK(ParseMetaData(&enum_def.attributes));
   1430   EXPECT('{');
   1431   if (is_union) enum_def.vals.Add("NONE", new EnumVal("NONE", 0));
   1432   for (;;) {
   1433     if (opts.proto_mode && attribute_ == "option") {
   1434       ECHECK(ParseProtoOption());
   1435     } else {
   1436       auto value_name = attribute_;
   1437       auto full_name = value_name;
   1438       std::vector<std::string> value_comment = doc_comment_;
   1439       EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1440       if (is_union) {
   1441         ECHECK(ParseNamespacing(&full_name, &value_name));
   1442         if (opts.union_value_namespacing) {
   1443           // Since we can't namespace the actual enum identifiers, turn
   1444           // namespace parts into part of the identifier.
   1445           value_name = full_name;
   1446           std::replace(value_name.begin(), value_name.end(), '.', '_');
   1447         }
   1448       }
   1449       auto prevsize = enum_def.vals.vec.size();
   1450       auto value = enum_def.vals.vec.size()
   1451         ? enum_def.vals.vec.back()->value + 1
   1452         : 0;
   1453       auto &ev = *new EnumVal(value_name, value);
   1454       if (enum_def.vals.Add(value_name, &ev))
   1455         return Error("enum value already exists: " + value_name);
   1456       ev.doc_comment = value_comment;
   1457       if (is_union) {
   1458         if (Is(':')) {
   1459           NEXT();
   1460           ECHECK(ParseType(ev.union_type));
   1461           if (ev.union_type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRUCT &&
   1462               ev.union_type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRING)
   1463             return Error("union value type may only be table/struct/string");
   1464           enum_def.uses_type_aliases = true;
   1465         } else {
   1466           ev.union_type = Type(BASE_TYPE_STRUCT, LookupCreateStruct(full_name));
   1467         }
   1468       }
   1469       if (Is('=')) {
   1470         NEXT();
   1471         ev.value = StringToInt(attribute_.c_str());
   1472         EXPECT(kTokenIntegerConstant);
   1473         if (!opts.proto_mode && prevsize &&
   1474             enum_def.vals.vec[prevsize - 1]->value >= ev.value)
   1475           return Error("enum values must be specified in ascending order");
   1476       }
   1477       if (is_union) {
   1478         if (ev.value < 0 || ev.value >= 256)
   1479           return Error("union enum value must fit in a ubyte");
   1480       }
   1481       if (opts.proto_mode && Is('[')) {
   1482         NEXT();
   1483         // ignore attributes on enums.
   1484         while (token_ != ']') NEXT();
   1485         NEXT();
   1486       }
   1487     }
   1488     if (!Is(opts.proto_mode ? ';' : ',')) break;
   1489     NEXT();
   1490     if (Is('}')) break;
   1491   }
   1492   EXPECT('}');
   1493   if (enum_def.attributes.Lookup("bit_flags")) {
   1494     for (auto it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin(); it != enum_def.vals.vec.end();
   1495          ++it) {
   1496       if (static_cast<size_t>((*it)->value) >=
   1497            SizeOf(enum_def.underlying_type.base_type) * 8)
   1498         return Error("bit flag out of range of underlying integral type");
   1499       (*it)->value = 1LL << (*it)->value;
   1500     }
   1501   }
   1502   if (dest) *dest = &enum_def;
   1503   types_.Add(current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(enum_def.name),
   1504              new Type(BASE_TYPE_UNION, nullptr, &enum_def));
   1505   return NoError();
   1506 }
   1508 CheckedError Parser::StartStruct(const std::string &name, StructDef **dest) {
   1509   auto &struct_def = *LookupCreateStruct(name, true, true);
   1510   if (!struct_def.predecl) return Error("datatype already exists: " + name);
   1511   struct_def.predecl = false;
   1512   struct_def.name = name;
   1513   struct_def.file = file_being_parsed_;
   1514   // Move this struct to the back of the vector just in case it was predeclared,
   1515   // to preserve declaration order.
   1516   *std::remove(structs_.vec.begin(), structs_.vec.end(), &struct_def) = &struct_def;
   1517   *dest = &struct_def;
   1518   return NoError();
   1519 }
   1521 CheckedError Parser::CheckClash(std::vector<FieldDef*> &fields,
   1522                                 StructDef *struct_def,
   1523                                 const char *suffix,
   1524                                 BaseType basetype) {
   1525   auto len = strlen(suffix);
   1526   for (auto it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) {
   1527     auto &fname = (*it)->name;
   1528     if (fname.length() > len &&
   1529         fname.compare(fname.length() - len, len, suffix) == 0 &&
   1530         (*it)->value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) {
   1531       auto field = struct_def->fields.Lookup(
   1532                                              fname.substr(0, fname.length() - len));
   1533       if (field && field->value.type.base_type == basetype)
   1534         return Error("Field " + fname +
   1535                      " would clash with generated functions for field " +
   1536                      field->name);
   1537     }
   1538   }
   1539   return NoError();
   1540 }
   1542 bool Parser::SupportsVectorOfUnions() const {
   1543   return opts.lang_to_generate != 0 && (opts.lang_to_generate &
   1544     ~(IDLOptions::kCpp | IDLOptions::kJs | IDLOptions::kTs | IDLOptions::kPhp)) == 0;
   1545 }
   1547 Namespace *Parser::UniqueNamespace(Namespace *ns) {
   1548   for (auto it = namespaces_.begin(); it != namespaces_.end(); ++it) {
   1549     if (ns->components == (*it)->components) {
   1550       delete ns;
   1551       return *it;
   1552     }
   1553   }
   1554   namespaces_.push_back(ns);
   1555   return ns;
   1556 }
   1558 static bool compareFieldDefs(const FieldDef *a, const FieldDef *b) {
   1559   auto a_id = atoi(a->attributes.Lookup("id")->constant.c_str());
   1560   auto b_id = atoi(b->attributes.Lookup("id")->constant.c_str());
   1561   return a_id < b_id;
   1562 }
   1564 CheckedError Parser::ParseDecl() {
   1565   std::vector<std::string> dc = doc_comment_;
   1566   bool fixed = IsIdent("struct");
   1567   if (!fixed && !IsIdent("table")) return Error("declaration expected");
   1568   NEXT();
   1569   std::string name = attribute_;
   1570   EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1571   StructDef *struct_def;
   1572   ECHECK(StartStruct(name, &struct_def));
   1573   struct_def->doc_comment = dc;
   1574   struct_def->fixed = fixed;
   1575   ECHECK(ParseMetaData(&struct_def->attributes));
   1576   struct_def->sortbysize =
   1577     struct_def->attributes.Lookup("original_order") == nullptr && !fixed;
   1578   EXPECT('{');
   1579   while (token_ != '}') ECHECK(ParseField(*struct_def));
   1580   auto force_align = struct_def->attributes.Lookup("force_align");
   1581   if (fixed && force_align) {
   1582     auto align = static_cast<size_t>(atoi(force_align->constant.c_str()));
   1583     if (force_align->type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_INT ||
   1584         align < struct_def->minalign ||
   1585         align > FLATBUFFERS_MAX_ALIGNMENT ||
   1586         align & (align - 1))
   1587       return Error("force_align must be a power of two integer ranging from the"
   1588                    "struct\'s natural alignment to " +
   1589                    NumToString(FLATBUFFERS_MAX_ALIGNMENT));
   1590     struct_def->minalign = align;
   1591   }
   1592   struct_def->PadLastField(struct_def->minalign);
   1593   // Check if this is a table that has manual id assignments
   1594   auto &fields = struct_def->fields.vec;
   1595   if (!struct_def->fixed && fields.size()) {
   1596     size_t num_id_fields = 0;
   1597     for (auto it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) {
   1598       if ((*it)->attributes.Lookup("id")) num_id_fields++;
   1599     }
   1600     // If any fields have ids..
   1601     if (num_id_fields) {
   1602       // Then all fields must have them.
   1603       if (num_id_fields != fields.size())
   1604         return Error(
   1605               "either all fields or no fields must have an 'id' attribute");
   1606       // Simply sort by id, then the fields are the same as if no ids had
   1607       // been specified.
   1608       std::sort(fields.begin(), fields.end(), compareFieldDefs);
   1609       // Verify we have a contiguous set, and reassign vtable offsets.
   1610       for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(fields.size()); i++) {
   1611         if (i != atoi(fields[i]->attributes.Lookup("id")->constant.c_str()))
   1612           return Error("field id\'s must be consecutive from 0, id " +
   1613                 NumToString(i) + " missing or set twice");
   1614         fields[i]->value.offset = FieldIndexToOffset(static_cast<voffset_t>(i));
   1615       }
   1616     }
   1617   }
   1619   ECHECK(CheckClash(fields, struct_def, UnionTypeFieldSuffix(),
   1620                     BASE_TYPE_UNION));
   1621   ECHECK(CheckClash(fields, struct_def, "Type", BASE_TYPE_UNION));
   1622   ECHECK(CheckClash(fields, struct_def, "_length", BASE_TYPE_VECTOR));
   1623   ECHECK(CheckClash(fields, struct_def, "Length", BASE_TYPE_VECTOR));
   1624   ECHECK(CheckClash(fields, struct_def, "_byte_vector", BASE_TYPE_STRING));
   1625   ECHECK(CheckClash(fields, struct_def, "ByteVector", BASE_TYPE_STRING));
   1626   EXPECT('}');
   1627   types_.Add(current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(struct_def->name),
   1628              new Type(BASE_TYPE_STRUCT, struct_def, nullptr));
   1629   return NoError();
   1630 }
   1632 CheckedError Parser::ParseService() {
   1633   std::vector<std::string> service_comment = doc_comment_;
   1634   NEXT();
   1635   auto service_name = attribute_;
   1636   EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1637   auto &service_def = *new ServiceDef();
   1638   service_def.name = service_name;
   1639   service_def.file = file_being_parsed_;
   1640   service_def.doc_comment = service_comment;
   1641   service_def.defined_namespace = current_namespace_;
   1642   if (services_.Add(current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(service_name),
   1643                     &service_def))
   1644     return Error("service already exists: " + service_name);
   1645   ECHECK(ParseMetaData(&service_def.attributes));
   1646   EXPECT('{');
   1647   do {
   1648     auto rpc_name = attribute_;
   1649     EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1650     EXPECT('(');
   1651     Type reqtype, resptype;
   1652     ECHECK(ParseTypeIdent(reqtype));
   1653     EXPECT(')');
   1654     EXPECT(':');
   1655     ECHECK(ParseTypeIdent(resptype));
   1656     if (reqtype.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRUCT || reqtype.struct_def->fixed ||
   1657         resptype.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRUCT || resptype.struct_def->fixed)
   1658         return Error("rpc request and response types must be tables");
   1659     auto &rpc = *new RPCCall();
   1660     rpc.name = rpc_name;
   1661     rpc.request = reqtype.struct_def;
   1662     rpc.response = resptype.struct_def;
   1663     if (service_def.calls.Add(rpc_name, &rpc))
   1664       return Error("rpc already exists: " + rpc_name);
   1665     ECHECK(ParseMetaData(&rpc.attributes));
   1666     EXPECT(';');
   1667   } while (token_ != '}');
   1668   NEXT();
   1669   return NoError();
   1670 }
   1672 bool Parser::SetRootType(const char *name) {
   1673   root_struct_def_ = LookupStruct(name);
   1674   if (!root_struct_def_)
   1675     root_struct_def_ = LookupStruct(
   1676                          current_namespace_->GetFullyQualifiedName(name));
   1677   return root_struct_def_ != nullptr;
   1678 }
   1680 void Parser::MarkGenerated() {
   1681   // This function marks all existing definitions as having already
   1682   // been generated, which signals no code for included files should be
   1683   // generated.
   1684   for (auto it = enums_.vec.begin();
   1685            it != enums_.vec.end(); ++it) {
   1686     (*it)->generated = true;
   1687   }
   1688   for (auto it = structs_.vec.begin();
   1689            it != structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
   1690     if (!(*it)->predecl) {
   1691       (*it)->generated = true;
   1692     }
   1693   }
   1694   for (auto it = services_.vec.begin();
   1695            it != services_.vec.end(); ++it) {
   1696     (*it)->generated = true;
   1697   }
   1698 }
   1700 CheckedError Parser::ParseNamespace() {
   1701   NEXT();
   1702   auto ns = new Namespace();
   1703   namespaces_.push_back(ns);  // Store it here to not leak upon error.
   1704   if (token_ != ';') {
   1705     for (;;) {
   1706       ns->components.push_back(attribute_);
   1707       EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1708       if (Is('.')) NEXT() else break;
   1709     }
   1710   }
   1711   namespaces_.pop_back();
   1712   current_namespace_ = UniqueNamespace(ns);
   1713   EXPECT(';');
   1714   return NoError();
   1715 }
   1717 static bool compareEnumVals(const EnumVal *a, const EnumVal* b) {
   1718   return a->value < b->value;
   1719 }
   1721 // Best effort parsing of .proto declarations, with the aim to turn them
   1722 // in the closest corresponding FlatBuffer equivalent.
   1723 // We parse everything as identifiers instead of keywords, since we don't
   1724 // want protobuf keywords to become invalid identifiers in FlatBuffers.
   1725 CheckedError Parser::ParseProtoDecl() {
   1726   bool isextend = IsIdent("extend");
   1727   if (IsIdent("package")) {
   1728     // These are identical in syntax to FlatBuffer's namespace decl.
   1729     ECHECK(ParseNamespace());
   1730   } else if (IsIdent("message") || isextend) {
   1731     std::vector<std::string> struct_comment = doc_comment_;
   1732     NEXT();
   1733     StructDef *struct_def = nullptr;
   1734     Namespace *parent_namespace = nullptr;
   1735     if (isextend) {
   1736       if (Is('.')) NEXT();  // qualified names may start with a . ?
   1737       auto id = attribute_;
   1738       EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1739       ECHECK(ParseNamespacing(&id, nullptr));
   1740       struct_def = LookupCreateStruct(id, false);
   1741       if (!struct_def)
   1742         return Error("cannot extend unknown message type: " + id);
   1743     } else {
   1744       std::string name = attribute_;
   1745       EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1746       ECHECK(StartStruct(name, &struct_def));
   1747       // Since message definitions can be nested, we create a new namespace.
   1748       auto ns = new Namespace();
   1749       // Copy of current namespace.
   1750       *ns = *current_namespace_;
   1751       // But with current message name.
   1752       ns->components.push_back(name);
   1753       ns->from_table++;
   1754       parent_namespace = current_namespace_;
   1755       current_namespace_ = UniqueNamespace(ns);
   1756     }
   1757     struct_def->doc_comment = struct_comment;
   1758     ECHECK(ParseProtoFields(struct_def, isextend, false));
   1759     if (!isextend) {
   1760       current_namespace_ = parent_namespace;
   1761     }
   1762     if (Is(';')) NEXT();
   1763   } else if (IsIdent("enum")) {
   1764     // These are almost the same, just with different terminator:
   1765     EnumDef *enum_def;
   1766     ECHECK(ParseEnum(false, &enum_def));
   1767     if (Is(';')) NEXT();
   1768     // Protobuf allows them to be specified in any order, so sort afterwards.
   1769     auto &v = enum_def->vals.vec;
   1770     std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), compareEnumVals);
   1772     // Temp: remove any duplicates, as .fbs files can't handle them.
   1773     for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ) {
   1774       if (it != v.begin() && it[0]->value == it[-1]->value) it = v.erase(it);
   1775       else ++it;
   1776     }
   1777   } else if (IsIdent("syntax")) {  // Skip these.
   1778     NEXT();
   1779     EXPECT('=');
   1780     EXPECT(kTokenStringConstant);
   1781     EXPECT(';');
   1782   } else if (IsIdent("option")) {  // Skip these.
   1783     ECHECK(ParseProtoOption());
   1784     EXPECT(';');
   1785   } else if (IsIdent("service")) {  // Skip these.
   1786     NEXT();
   1787     EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1788     ECHECK(ParseProtoCurliesOrIdent());
   1789   } else {
   1790     return Error("don\'t know how to parse .proto declaration starting with " +
   1791           TokenToStringId(token_));
   1792   }
   1793   return NoError();
   1794 }
   1796 CheckedError Parser::ParseProtoFields(StructDef *struct_def, bool isextend,
   1797                                       bool inside_oneof) {
   1798   EXPECT('{');
   1799   while (token_ != '}') {
   1800     if (IsIdent("message") || IsIdent("extend") || IsIdent("enum")) {
   1801       // Nested declarations.
   1802       ECHECK(ParseProtoDecl());
   1803     } else if (IsIdent("extensions")) {  // Skip these.
   1804       NEXT();
   1805       EXPECT(kTokenIntegerConstant);
   1806       if (Is(kTokenIdentifier)) {
   1807         NEXT();  // to
   1808         NEXT();  // num
   1809       }
   1810       EXPECT(';');
   1811     } else if (IsIdent("option")) {  // Skip these.
   1812       ECHECK(ParseProtoOption());
   1813       EXPECT(';');
   1814     } else if (IsIdent("reserved")) {  // Skip these.
   1815       NEXT();
   1816       while (!Is(';')) { NEXT(); }  // A variety of formats, just skip.
   1817       NEXT();
   1818     } else {
   1819       std::vector<std::string> field_comment = doc_comment_;
   1820       // Parse the qualifier.
   1821       bool required = false;
   1822       bool repeated = false;
   1823       bool oneof = false;
   1824       if (!inside_oneof) {
   1825         if (IsIdent("optional")) {
   1826           // This is the default.
   1827           NEXT();
   1828         } else if (IsIdent("required")) {
   1829           required = true;
   1830           NEXT();
   1831         } else if (IsIdent("repeated")) {
   1832           repeated = true;
   1833           NEXT();
   1834         } else if (IsIdent("oneof")) {
   1835           oneof = true;
   1836           NEXT();
   1837         } else {
   1838           // can't error, proto3 allows decls without any of the above.
   1839         }
   1840       }
   1841       StructDef *anonymous_struct = nullptr;
   1842       Type type;
   1843       if (IsIdent("group") || oneof) {
   1844         if (!oneof) NEXT();
   1845         auto name = "Anonymous" + NumToString(anonymous_counter++);
   1846         ECHECK(StartStruct(name, &anonymous_struct));
   1847         type = Type(BASE_TYPE_STRUCT, anonymous_struct);
   1848       } else {
   1849         ECHECK(ParseTypeFromProtoType(&type));
   1850       }
   1851       // Repeated elements get mapped to a vector.
   1852       if (repeated) {
   1853         type.element = type.base_type;
   1854         type.base_type = BASE_TYPE_VECTOR;
   1855         if (type.element == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR) {
   1856           // We have a vector or vectors, which FlatBuffers doesn't support.
   1857           // For now make it a vector of string (since the source is likely
   1858           // "repeated bytes").
   1859           // TODO(wvo): A better solution would be to wrap this in a table.
   1860           type.element = BASE_TYPE_STRING;
   1861         }
   1862       }
   1863       std::string name = attribute_;
   1864       EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1865       if (!oneof) {
   1866         // Parse the field id. Since we're just translating schemas, not
   1867         // any kind of binary compatibility, we can safely ignore these, and
   1868         // assign our own.
   1869         EXPECT('=');
   1870         EXPECT(kTokenIntegerConstant);
   1871       }
   1872       FieldDef *field = nullptr;
   1873       if (isextend) {
   1874         // We allow a field to be re-defined when extending.
   1875         // TODO: are there situations where that is problematic?
   1876         field = struct_def->fields.Lookup(name);
   1877       }
   1878       if (!field) ECHECK(AddField(*struct_def, name, type, &field));
   1879       field->doc_comment = field_comment;
   1880       if (!IsScalar(type.base_type)) field->required = required;
   1881       // See if there's a default specified.
   1882       if (Is('[')) {
   1883         NEXT();
   1884         for (;;) {
   1885           auto key = attribute_;
   1886           ECHECK(ParseProtoKey());
   1887           EXPECT('=');
   1888           auto val = attribute_;
   1889           ECHECK(ParseProtoCurliesOrIdent());
   1890           if (key == "default") {
   1891             // Temp: skip non-numeric defaults (enums).
   1892             auto numeric = strpbrk(val.c_str(), "0123456789-+.");
   1893             if (IsScalar(type.base_type) && numeric == val.c_str())
   1894               field->value.constant = val;
   1895           } else if (key == "deprecated") {
   1896             field->deprecated = val == "true";
   1897           }
   1898           if (!Is(',')) break;
   1899           NEXT();
   1900         }
   1901         EXPECT(']');
   1902       }
   1903       if (anonymous_struct) {
   1904         ECHECK(ParseProtoFields(anonymous_struct, false, oneof));
   1905         if (Is(';')) NEXT();
   1906       } else {
   1907         EXPECT(';');
   1908       }
   1909     }
   1910   }
   1911   NEXT();
   1912   return NoError();
   1913 }
   1915 CheckedError Parser::ParseProtoKey() {
   1916   if (token_ == '(') {
   1917     NEXT();
   1918     // Skip "(a.b)" style custom attributes.
   1919     while (token_ == '.' || token_ == kTokenIdentifier) NEXT();
   1920     EXPECT(')');
   1921     while (Is('.')) { NEXT(); EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier); }
   1922   } else {
   1923     EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   1924   }
   1925   return NoError();
   1926 }
   1928 CheckedError Parser::ParseProtoCurliesOrIdent() {
   1929   if (Is('{')) {
   1930     NEXT();
   1931     for (int nesting = 1; nesting; ) {
   1932       if (token_ == '{') nesting++;
   1933       else if (token_ == '}') nesting--;
   1934       NEXT();
   1935     }
   1936   } else {
   1937     NEXT();  // Any single token.
   1938   }
   1939   return NoError();
   1940 }
   1942 CheckedError Parser::ParseProtoOption() {
   1943   NEXT();
   1944   ECHECK(ParseProtoKey());
   1945   EXPECT('=');
   1946   ECHECK(ParseProtoCurliesOrIdent());
   1947   return NoError();
   1948 }
   1950 // Parse a protobuf type, and map it to the corresponding FlatBuffer one.
   1951 CheckedError Parser::ParseTypeFromProtoType(Type *type) {
   1952   struct type_lookup { const char *proto_type; BaseType fb_type, element; };
   1953   static type_lookup lookup[] = {
   1954     { "float", BASE_TYPE_FLOAT, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1955     { "double", BASE_TYPE_DOUBLE, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1956     { "int32", BASE_TYPE_INT, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1957     { "int64", BASE_TYPE_LONG, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1958     { "uint32", BASE_TYPE_UINT, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1959     { "uint64", BASE_TYPE_ULONG, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1960     { "sint32", BASE_TYPE_INT, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1961     { "sint64", BASE_TYPE_LONG, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1962     { "fixed32", BASE_TYPE_UINT, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1963     { "fixed64", BASE_TYPE_ULONG, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1964     { "sfixed32", BASE_TYPE_INT, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1965     { "sfixed64", BASE_TYPE_LONG, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1966     { "bool", BASE_TYPE_BOOL, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1967     { "string", BASE_TYPE_STRING, BASE_TYPE_NONE },
   1968     { "bytes", BASE_TYPE_VECTOR, BASE_TYPE_UCHAR },
   1969     { nullptr, BASE_TYPE_NONE, BASE_TYPE_NONE }
   1970   };
   1971   for (auto tl = lookup; tl->proto_type; tl++) {
   1972     if (attribute_ == tl->proto_type) {
   1973       type->base_type = tl->fb_type;
   1974       type->element = tl->element;
   1975       NEXT();
   1976       return NoError();
   1977     }
   1978   }
   1979   if (Is('.')) NEXT();  // qualified names may start with a . ?
   1980   ECHECK(ParseTypeIdent(*type));
   1981   return NoError();
   1982 }
   1984 CheckedError Parser::SkipAnyJsonValue() {
   1985   switch (token_) {
   1986     case '{': {
   1987       size_t fieldn_outer = 0;
   1988       return ParseTableDelimiters(fieldn_outer, nullptr,
   1989                                   [](const std::string &,
   1990                                      size_t &fieldn, const StructDef *,
   1991                                      void *state) -> CheckedError {
   1992             auto *parser = static_cast<Parser *>(state);
   1993             ECHECK(parser->SkipAnyJsonValue());
   1994             fieldn++;
   1995             return NoError();
   1996           },
   1997           this);
   1998     }
   1999     case '[': {
   2000       size_t count = 0;
   2001       return ParseVectorDelimiters(count, [](size_t &,
   2002                                              void *state) -> CheckedError {
   2003           return static_cast<Parser *>(state)->SkipAnyJsonValue();
   2004         },
   2005         this);
   2006     }
   2007     case kTokenStringConstant:
   2008     case kTokenIntegerConstant:
   2009     case kTokenFloatConstant:
   2010       NEXT();
   2011       break;
   2012     default:
   2013       if (IsIdent("true") || IsIdent("false") || IsIdent("null")) { NEXT(); }
   2014       else return TokenError();
   2015   }
   2016   return NoError();
   2017 }
   2019 CheckedError Parser::ParseFlexBufferValue(flexbuffers::Builder *builder) {
   2020   switch (token_) {
   2021     case '{': {
   2022       std::pair<Parser *, flexbuffers::Builder *> parser_and_builder_state(
   2023           this, builder);
   2024       auto start = builder->StartMap();
   2025       size_t fieldn_outer = 0;
   2026       auto err = ParseTableDelimiters(fieldn_outer, nullptr,
   2027                                       [](const std::string &name,
   2028                                          size_t &fieldn, const StructDef *,
   2029                                          void *state) -> CheckedError {
   2030             auto *parser_and_builder =
   2031                 static_cast<std::pair<Parser *, flexbuffers::Builder *> *>(
   2032                     state);
   2033             auto *parser = parser_and_builder->first;
   2034             auto *current_builder = parser_and_builder->second;
   2035             current_builder->Key(name);
   2036             ECHECK(parser->ParseFlexBufferValue(current_builder));
   2037             fieldn++;
   2038             return NoError();
   2039           },
   2040           &parser_and_builder_state);
   2041       ECHECK(err);
   2042       builder->EndMap(start);
   2043       break;
   2044     }
   2045     case '[':{
   2046       auto start = builder->StartVector();
   2047       size_t count = 0;
   2048       std::pair<Parser *, flexbuffers::Builder *> parser_and_builder_state(
   2049           this, builder);
   2050       ECHECK(ParseVectorDelimiters(count, [](size_t &,
   2051                                              void *state) -> CheckedError {
   2052             auto *parser_and_builder =
   2053                 static_cast<std::pair<Parser *, flexbuffers::Builder *> *>(
   2054                     state);
   2055             return parser_and_builder->first->ParseFlexBufferValue(
   2056                 parser_and_builder->second);
   2057           },
   2058           &parser_and_builder_state));
   2059       builder->EndVector(start, false, false);
   2060       break;
   2061     }
   2062     case kTokenStringConstant:
   2063       builder->String(attribute_);
   2064       EXPECT(kTokenStringConstant);
   2065       break;
   2066     case kTokenIntegerConstant:
   2067       builder->Int(StringToInt(attribute_.c_str()));
   2068       EXPECT(kTokenIntegerConstant);
   2069       break;
   2070     case kTokenFloatConstant:
   2071       builder->Double(strtod(attribute_.c_str(), nullptr));
   2072       EXPECT(kTokenFloatConstant);
   2073       break;
   2074     default:
   2075       if (IsIdent("true")) { builder->Bool(true); NEXT(); }
   2076       else if (IsIdent("false")) { builder->Bool(false); NEXT(); }
   2077       else if (IsIdent("null")) { builder->Null(); NEXT(); }
   2078       else return TokenError();
   2079   }
   2080   return NoError();
   2081 }
   2083 bool Parser::ParseFlexBuffer(const char *source, const char *source_filename,
   2084                              flexbuffers::Builder *builder) {
   2085   auto ok = !StartParseFile(source, source_filename).Check() &&
   2086             !ParseFlexBufferValue(builder).Check();
   2087   if (ok) builder->Finish();
   2088   return ok;
   2089 }
   2091 bool Parser::Parse(const char *source, const char **include_paths,
   2092                    const char *source_filename) {
   2093   return !ParseRoot(source, include_paths, source_filename).Check();
   2094 }
   2096 CheckedError Parser::StartParseFile(const char *source, const char *source_filename) {
   2097   file_being_parsed_ = source_filename ? source_filename : "";
   2098   source_ = cursor_ = source;
   2099   line_ = 1;
   2100   error_.clear();
   2101   ECHECK(SkipByteOrderMark());
   2102   NEXT();
   2103   if (Is(kTokenEof))
   2104       return Error("input file is empty");
   2105   return NoError();
   2106 }
   2108 CheckedError Parser::ParseRoot(const char *source, const char **include_paths,
   2109                              const char *source_filename) {
   2110   ECHECK(DoParse(source, include_paths, source_filename, nullptr));
   2112   // Check that all types were defined.
   2113   for (auto it = structs_.vec.begin(); it != structs_.vec.end(); ) {
   2114     auto &struct_def = **it;
   2115     if (struct_def.predecl) {
   2116       if (opts.proto_mode) {
   2117         // Protos allow enums to be used before declaration, so check if that
   2118         // is the case here.
   2119         EnumDef *enum_def = nullptr;
   2120         for (size_t components = struct_def.defined_namespace->
   2121                                    components.size() + 1;
   2122              components && !enum_def; components--) {
   2123           auto qualified_name = struct_def.defined_namespace->
   2124                                   GetFullyQualifiedName(struct_def.name,
   2125                                                         components - 1);
   2126           enum_def = LookupEnum(qualified_name);
   2127         }
   2128         if (enum_def) {
   2129           // This is pretty slow, but a simple solution for now.
   2130           auto initial_count = struct_def.refcount;
   2131           for (auto struct_it = structs_.vec.begin();
   2132                     struct_it != structs_.vec.end();
   2133                     ++struct_it) {
   2134             auto &sd = **struct_it;
   2135             for (auto field_it = sd.fields.vec.begin();
   2136                       field_it != sd.fields.vec.end();
   2137                       ++field_it) {
   2138               auto &field = **field_it;
   2139               if (field.value.type.struct_def == &struct_def) {
   2140                 field.value.type.struct_def = nullptr;
   2141                 field.value.type.enum_def = enum_def;
   2142                 auto &bt = field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_VECTOR
   2143                            ? field.value.type.element
   2144                            : field.value.type.base_type;
   2145                 assert(bt == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT);
   2146                 bt = enum_def->underlying_type.base_type;
   2147                 struct_def.refcount--;
   2148                 enum_def->refcount++;
   2149               }
   2150             }
   2151           }
   2152           if (struct_def.refcount)
   2153             return Error("internal: " + NumToString(struct_def.refcount) + "/" +
   2154                          NumToString(initial_count) +
   2155                          " use(s) of pre-declaration enum not accounted for: "
   2156                          + enum_def->name);
   2157           structs_.dict.erase(structs_.dict.find(struct_def.name));
   2158           it = structs_.vec.erase(it);
   2159           delete &struct_def;
   2160           continue;  // Skip error.
   2161         }
   2162       }
   2163       auto err = "type referenced but not defined (check namespace): " +
   2164                  struct_def.name;
   2165       if (struct_def.original_location)
   2166         err += ", originally at: " + *struct_def.original_location;
   2167       return Error(err);
   2168     }
   2169     ++it;
   2170   }
   2172   // This check has to happen here and not earlier, because only now do we
   2173   // know for sure what the type of these are.
   2174   for (auto it = enums_.vec.begin(); it != enums_.vec.end(); ++it) {
   2175     auto &enum_def = **it;
   2176     if (enum_def.is_union) {
   2177       for (auto val_it = enum_def.vals.vec.begin();
   2178            val_it != enum_def.vals.vec.end();
   2179            ++val_it) {
   2180         auto &val = **val_it;
   2181         if (!SupportsVectorOfUnions() &&
   2182             val.union_type.struct_def && val.union_type.struct_def->fixed)
   2183           return Error(
   2184                 "only tables can be union elements in the generated language: "
   2185                 + val.name);
   2186       }
   2187     }
   2188   }
   2189   return NoError();
   2190 }
   2192 CheckedError Parser::DoParse(const char *source,
   2193                                     const char **include_paths,
   2194                                     const char *source_filename,
   2195                                     const char *include_filename) {
   2196   if (source_filename &&
   2197       included_files_.find(source_filename) == included_files_.end()) {
   2198     included_files_[source_filename] = include_filename ? include_filename : "";
   2199     files_included_per_file_[source_filename] = std::set<std::string>();
   2200   }
   2201   if (!include_paths) {
   2202     static const char *current_directory[] = { "", nullptr };
   2203     include_paths = current_directory;
   2204   }
   2205   field_stack_.clear();
   2206   builder_.Clear();
   2207   // Start with a blank namespace just in case this file doesn't have one.
   2208   current_namespace_ = empty_namespace_;
   2210   ECHECK(StartParseFile(source, source_filename));
   2212   // Includes must come before type declarations:
   2213   for (;;) {
   2214     // Parse pre-include proto statements if any:
   2215     if (opts.proto_mode &&
   2216         (attribute_ == "option" || attribute_ == "syntax" ||
   2217          attribute_ == "package")) {
   2218         ECHECK(ParseProtoDecl());
   2219     } else if (IsIdent("native_include")) {
   2220       NEXT();
   2221       vector_emplace_back(&native_included_files_, attribute_);
   2222       EXPECT(kTokenStringConstant);
   2223     } else if (IsIdent("include") || (opts.proto_mode && IsIdent("import"))) {
   2224       NEXT();
   2225       if (opts.proto_mode && attribute_ == "public") NEXT();
   2226       auto name = flatbuffers::PosixPath(attribute_.c_str());
   2227       EXPECT(kTokenStringConstant);
   2228       // Look for the file in include_paths.
   2229       std::string filepath;
   2230       for (auto paths = include_paths; paths && *paths; paths++) {
   2231         filepath = flatbuffers::ConCatPathFileName(*paths, name);
   2232         if(FileExists(filepath.c_str())) break;
   2233       }
   2234       if (filepath.empty())
   2235         return Error("unable to locate include file: " + name);
   2236       if (source_filename)
   2237         files_included_per_file_[source_filename].insert(filepath);
   2238       if (included_files_.find(filepath) == included_files_.end()) {
   2239         // We found an include file that we have not parsed yet.
   2240         // Load it and parse it.
   2241         std::string contents;
   2242         if (!LoadFile(filepath.c_str(), true, &contents))
   2243           return Error("unable to load include file: " + name);
   2244         ECHECK(DoParse(contents.c_str(), include_paths, filepath.c_str(),
   2245                        name.c_str()));
   2246         // We generally do not want to output code for any included files:
   2247         if (!opts.generate_all) MarkGenerated();
   2248         // Reset these just in case the included file had them, and the
   2249         // parent doesn't.
   2250         root_struct_def_ = nullptr;
   2251         file_identifier_.clear();
   2252         file_extension_.clear();
   2253         // This is the easiest way to continue this file after an include:
   2254         // instead of saving and restoring all the state, we simply start the
   2255         // file anew. This will cause it to encounter the same include
   2256         // statement again, but this time it will skip it, because it was
   2257         // entered into included_files_.
   2258         // This is recursive, but only go as deep as the number of include
   2259         // statements.
   2260         return DoParse(source, include_paths, source_filename, include_filename);
   2261       }
   2262       EXPECT(';');
   2263     } else {
   2264       break;
   2265     }
   2266   }
   2267   // Now parse all other kinds of declarations:
   2268   while (token_ != kTokenEof) {
   2269     if (opts.proto_mode) {
   2270       ECHECK(ParseProtoDecl());
   2271     } else if (IsIdent("namespace")) {
   2272       ECHECK(ParseNamespace());
   2273     } else if (token_ == '{') {
   2274       if (!root_struct_def_)
   2275         return Error("no root type set to parse json with");
   2276       if (builder_.GetSize()) {
   2277         return Error("cannot have more than one json object in a file");
   2278       }
   2279       uoffset_t toff;
   2280       ECHECK(ParseTable(*root_struct_def_, nullptr, &toff));
   2281       builder_.Finish(Offset<Table>(toff),
   2282                 file_identifier_.length() ? file_identifier_.c_str() : nullptr);
   2283     } else if (IsIdent("enum")) {
   2284       ECHECK(ParseEnum(false, nullptr));
   2285     } else if (IsIdent("union")) {
   2286       ECHECK(ParseEnum(true, nullptr));
   2287     } else if (IsIdent("root_type")) {
   2288       NEXT();
   2289       auto root_type = attribute_;
   2290       EXPECT(kTokenIdentifier);
   2291       ECHECK(ParseNamespacing(&root_type, nullptr));
   2292       if (!SetRootType(root_type.c_str()))
   2293         return Error("unknown root type: " + root_type);
   2294       if (root_struct_def_->fixed)
   2295         return Error("root type must be a table");
   2296       EXPECT(';');
   2297     } else if (IsIdent("file_identifier")) {
   2298       NEXT();
   2299       file_identifier_ = attribute_;
   2300       EXPECT(kTokenStringConstant);
   2301       if (file_identifier_.length() !=
   2302           FlatBufferBuilder::kFileIdentifierLength)
   2303         return Error("file_identifier must be exactly " +
   2304               NumToString(FlatBufferBuilder::kFileIdentifierLength) +
   2305               " characters");
   2306       EXPECT(';');
   2307     } else if (IsIdent("file_extension")) {
   2308       NEXT();
   2309       file_extension_ = attribute_;
   2310       EXPECT(kTokenStringConstant);
   2311       EXPECT(';');
   2312     } else if(IsIdent("include")) {
   2313       return Error("includes must come before declarations");
   2314     } else if(IsIdent("attribute")) {
   2315       NEXT();
   2316       auto name = attribute_;
   2317       EXPECT(kTokenStringConstant);
   2318       EXPECT(';');
   2319       known_attributes_[name] = false;
   2320     } else if (IsIdent("rpc_service")) {
   2321       ECHECK(ParseService());
   2322     } else {
   2323       ECHECK(ParseDecl());
   2324     }
   2325   }
   2326   return NoError();
   2327 }
   2329 std::set<std::string> Parser::GetIncludedFilesRecursive(
   2330     const std::string &file_name) const {
   2331   std::set<std::string> included_files;
   2332   std::list<std::string> to_process;
   2334   if (file_name.empty()) return included_files;
   2335   to_process.push_back(file_name);
   2337   while (!to_process.empty()) {
   2338     std::string current = to_process.front();
   2339     to_process.pop_front();
   2340     included_files.insert(current);
   2342     // Workaround the lack of const accessor in C++98 maps.
   2343     auto &new_files =
   2344         (*const_cast<std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> *>(
   2345             &files_included_per_file_))[current];
   2346     for (auto it = new_files.begin(); it != new_files.end(); ++it) {
   2347       if (included_files.find(*it) == included_files.end())
   2348         to_process.push_back(*it);
   2349     }
   2350   }
   2352   return included_files;
   2353 }
   2355 // Schema serialization functionality:
   2357 template<typename T> bool compareName(const T* a, const T* b) {
   2358     return a->defined_namespace->GetFullyQualifiedName(a->name)
   2359         < b->defined_namespace->GetFullyQualifiedName(b->name);
   2360 }
   2362 template<typename T> void AssignIndices(const std::vector<T *> &defvec) {
   2363   // Pre-sort these vectors, such that we can set the correct indices for them.
   2364   auto vec = defvec;
   2365   std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), compareName<T>);
   2366   for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(vec.size()); i++) vec[i]->index = i;
   2367 }
   2369 void Parser::Serialize() {
   2370   builder_.Clear();
   2371   AssignIndices(structs_.vec);
   2372   AssignIndices(enums_.vec);
   2373   std::vector<Offset<reflection::Object>> object_offsets;
   2374   for (auto it = structs_.vec.begin(); it != structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
   2375     auto offset = (*it)->Serialize(&builder_, *this);
   2376     object_offsets.push_back(offset);
   2377     (*it)->serialized_location = offset.o;
   2378   }
   2379   std::vector<Offset<reflection::Enum>> enum_offsets;
   2380   for (auto it = enums_.vec.begin(); it != enums_.vec.end(); ++it) {
   2381     auto offset = (*it)->Serialize(&builder_, *this);
   2382     enum_offsets.push_back(offset);
   2383     (*it)->serialized_location = offset.o;
   2384   }
   2385   auto schema_offset = reflection::CreateSchema(
   2386                          builder_,
   2387                          builder_.CreateVectorOfSortedTables(&object_offsets),
   2388                          builder_.CreateVectorOfSortedTables(&enum_offsets),
   2389                          builder_.CreateString(file_identifier_),
   2390                          builder_.CreateString(file_extension_),
   2391                          root_struct_def_
   2392                            ? root_struct_def_->serialized_location
   2393                            : 0);
   2394   builder_.Finish(schema_offset, reflection::SchemaIdentifier());
   2395 }
   2397 Offset<reflection::Object> StructDef::Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   2398                                                 const Parser &parser) const {
   2399   std::vector<Offset<reflection::Field>> field_offsets;
   2400   for (auto it = fields.vec.begin(); it != fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
   2401     field_offsets.push_back(
   2402       (*it)->Serialize(builder,
   2403                        static_cast<uint16_t>(it - fields.vec.begin()), parser));
   2404   }
   2405   auto qualified_name = defined_namespace->GetFullyQualifiedName(name);
   2406   return reflection::CreateObject(*builder,
   2407                                   builder->CreateString(qualified_name),
   2408                                   builder->CreateVectorOfSortedTables(
   2409                                     &field_offsets),
   2410                                   fixed,
   2411                                   static_cast<int>(minalign),
   2412                                   static_cast<int>(bytesize),
   2413                                   SerializeAttributes(builder, parser),
   2414                                   parser.opts.binary_schema_comments
   2415                                     ? builder->CreateVectorOfStrings(
   2416                                         doc_comment)
   2417                                     : 0);
   2418 }
   2420 Offset<reflection::Field> FieldDef::Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   2421                                               uint16_t id,
   2422                                               const Parser &parser) const {
   2423   return reflection::CreateField(*builder,
   2424                                  builder->CreateString(name),
   2425                                  value.type.Serialize(builder),
   2426                                  id,
   2427                                  value.offset,
   2428                                  IsInteger(value.type.base_type)
   2429                                    ? StringToInt(value.constant.c_str())
   2430                                    : 0,
   2431                                  IsFloat(value.type.base_type)
   2432                                    ? strtod(value.constant.c_str(), nullptr)
   2433                                    : 0.0,
   2434                                  deprecated,
   2435                                  required,
   2436                                  key,
   2437                                  SerializeAttributes(builder, parser),
   2438                                  parser.opts.binary_schema_comments
   2439                                    ? builder->CreateVectorOfStrings(doc_comment)
   2440                                    : 0);
   2441   // TODO: value.constant is almost always "0", we could save quite a bit of
   2442   // space by sharing it. Same for common values of value.type.
   2443 }
   2445 Offset<reflection::Enum> EnumDef::Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   2446                                             const Parser &parser) const {
   2447   std::vector<Offset<reflection::EnumVal>> enumval_offsets;
   2448   for (auto it = vals.vec.begin(); it != vals.vec.end(); ++it) {
   2449     enumval_offsets.push_back((*it)->Serialize(builder));
   2450   }
   2451   auto qualified_name = defined_namespace->GetFullyQualifiedName(name);
   2452   return reflection::CreateEnum(*builder,
   2453                                 builder->CreateString(qualified_name),
   2454                                 builder->CreateVector(enumval_offsets),
   2455                                 is_union,
   2456                                 underlying_type.Serialize(builder),
   2457                                 SerializeAttributes(builder, parser),
   2458                                 parser.opts.binary_schema_comments
   2459                                   ? builder->CreateVectorOfStrings(doc_comment)
   2460                                   : 0);
   2461 }
   2463 Offset<reflection::EnumVal> EnumVal::Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder) const
   2464                                                                                {
   2465   return reflection::CreateEnumVal(*builder,
   2466                                    builder->CreateString(name),
   2467                                    value,
   2468                                    union_type.struct_def
   2469                                      ? union_type.struct_def->
   2470                                          serialized_location
   2471                                      : 0,
   2472                                    union_type.Serialize(builder));
   2473 }
   2475 Offset<reflection::Type> Type::Serialize(FlatBufferBuilder *builder) const {
   2476   return reflection::CreateType(*builder,
   2477                                 static_cast<reflection::BaseType>(base_type),
   2478                                 static_cast<reflection::BaseType>(element),
   2479                                 struct_def ? struct_def->index :
   2480                                              (enum_def ? enum_def->index : -1));
   2481 }
   2483 flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::Offset<
   2484   reflection::KeyValue>>>
   2485     Definition::SerializeAttributes(FlatBufferBuilder *builder,
   2486                                     const Parser &parser) const {
   2487   std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<reflection::KeyValue>> attrs;
   2488   for (auto kv = attributes.dict.begin(); kv != attributes.dict.end(); ++kv) {
   2489     auto it = parser.known_attributes_.find(kv->first);
   2490     assert(it != parser.known_attributes_.end());
   2491     if (!it->second) {  // Custom attribute.
   2492       attrs.push_back(
   2493           reflection::CreateKeyValue(*builder, builder->CreateString(kv->first),
   2494                                      builder->CreateString(
   2495                                          kv->second->constant)));
   2496     }
   2497   }
   2498   if (attrs.size()) {
   2499     return builder->CreateVectorOfSortedTables(&attrs);
   2500   } else {
   2501     return 0;
   2502   }
   2503 }
   2505 std::string Parser::ConformTo(const Parser &base) {
   2506   for (auto sit = structs_.vec.begin(); sit != structs_.vec.end(); ++sit) {
   2507     auto &struct_def = **sit;
   2508     auto qualified_name =
   2509         struct_def.defined_namespace->GetFullyQualifiedName(struct_def.name);
   2510     auto struct_def_base = base.LookupStruct(qualified_name);
   2511     if (!struct_def_base) continue;
   2512     for (auto fit = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
   2513              fit != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++fit) {
   2514       auto &field = **fit;
   2515       auto field_base = struct_def_base->fields.Lookup(field.name);
   2516       if (field_base) {
   2517         if (field.value.offset != field_base->value.offset)
   2518           return "offsets differ for field: " + field.name;
   2519         if (field.value.constant != field_base->value.constant)
   2520           return "defaults differ for field: " + field.name;
   2521         if (!EqualByName(field.value.type, field_base->value.type))
   2522           return "types differ for field: " + field.name;
   2523       } else {
   2524         // Doesn't have to exist, deleting fields is fine.
   2525         // But we should check if there is a field that has the same offset
   2526         // but is incompatible (in the case of field renaming).
   2527         for (auto fbit = struct_def_base->fields.vec.begin();
   2528                  fbit != struct_def_base->fields.vec.end(); ++fbit) {
   2529           field_base = *fbit;
   2530           if (field.value.offset == field_base->value.offset) {
   2531             if (!EqualByName(field.value.type, field_base->value.type))
   2532               return "field renamed to different type: " + field.name;
   2533             break;
   2534           }
   2535         }
   2536       }
   2537     }
   2538   }
   2539   for (auto eit = enums_.vec.begin(); eit != enums_.vec.end(); ++eit) {
   2540     auto &enum_def = **eit;
   2541     auto qualified_name =
   2542         enum_def.defined_namespace->GetFullyQualifiedName(enum_def.name);
   2543     auto enum_def_base = base.enums_.Lookup(qualified_name);
   2544     if (!enum_def_base) continue;
   2545     for (auto evit = enum_def.vals.vec.begin();
   2546              evit != enum_def.vals.vec.end(); ++evit) {
   2547       auto &enum_val = **evit;
   2548       auto enum_val_base = enum_def_base->vals.Lookup(enum_val.name);
   2549       if (enum_val_base) {
   2550         if (enum_val.value != enum_val_base->value)
   2551           return "values differ for enum: " + enum_val.name;
   2552       }
   2553     }
   2554   }
   2555   return "";
   2556 }
   2558 }  // namespace flatbuffers