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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5  * found in the LICENSE file.
      6  */
      8 #include "SkStrokerPriv.h"
      9 #include "SkGeometry.h"
     10 #include "SkPathPriv.h"
     11 #include "SkPointPriv.h"
     13 enum {
     14     kTangent_RecursiveLimit,
     15     kCubic_RecursiveLimit,
     16     kConic_RecursiveLimit,
     17     kQuad_RecursiveLimit
     18 };
     20 // quads with extreme widths (e.g. (0,1) (1,6) (0,3) width=5e7) recurse to point of failure
     21 // largest seen for normal cubics : 5, 26
     22 // largest seen for normal quads : 11
     23 static const int kRecursiveLimits[] = { 5*3, 26*3, 11*3, 11*3 }; // 3x limits seen in practice
     25 static_assert(0 == kTangent_RecursiveLimit, "cubic_stroke_relies_on_tangent_equalling_zero");
     26 static_assert(1 == kCubic_RecursiveLimit, "cubic_stroke_relies_on_cubic_equalling_one");
     27 static_assert(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kRecursiveLimits) == kQuad_RecursiveLimit + 1,
     28               "recursive_limits_mismatch");
     31     int gMaxRecursion[SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kRecursiveLimits)] = { 0 };
     32 #endif
     33 #ifndef DEBUG_QUAD_STROKER
     34     #define DEBUG_QUAD_STROKER 0
     35 #endif
     38     /* Enable to show the decisions made in subdividing the curve -- helpful when the resulting
     39         stroke has more than the optimal number of quadratics and lines */
     40     #define STROKER_RESULT(resultType, depth, quadPts, format, ...) \
     41             SkDebugf("[%d] %s " format "\n", depth, __FUNCTION__, __VA_ARGS__), \
     42             SkDebugf("  " #resultType " t=(%g,%g)\n", quadPts->fStartT, quadPts->fEndT), \
     43             resultType
     44     #define STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(...) , __VA_ARGS__
     45 #else
     46     #define STROKER_RESULT(resultType, depth, quadPts, format, ...) \
     47             resultType
     48     #define STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(...)
     49 #endif
     51 static inline bool degenerate_vector(const SkVector& v) {
     52     return !SkPointPriv::CanNormalize(v.fX, v.fY);
     53 }
     55 static bool set_normal_unitnormal(const SkPoint& before, const SkPoint& after, SkScalar scale,
     56                                   SkScalar radius,
     57                                   SkVector* normal, SkVector* unitNormal) {
     58     if (!unitNormal->setNormalize((after.fX - before.fX) * scale,
     59                                   (after.fY - before.fY) * scale)) {
     60         return false;
     61     }
     62     SkPointPriv::RotateCCW(unitNormal);
     63     unitNormal->scale(radius, normal);
     64     return true;
     65 }
     67 static bool set_normal_unitnormal(const SkVector& vec,
     68                                   SkScalar radius,
     69                                   SkVector* normal, SkVector* unitNormal) {
     70     if (!unitNormal->setNormalize(vec.fX, vec.fY)) {
     71         return false;
     72     }
     73     SkPointPriv::RotateCCW(unitNormal);
     74     unitNormal->scale(radius, normal);
     75     return true;
     76 }
     78 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     80 struct SkQuadConstruct {    // The state of the quad stroke under construction.
     81     SkPoint fQuad[3];       // the stroked quad parallel to the original curve
     82     SkPoint fTangentStart;  // a point tangent to fQuad[0]
     83     SkPoint fTangentEnd;    // a point tangent to fQuad[2]
     84     SkScalar fStartT;       // a segment of the original curve
     85     SkScalar fMidT;         //              "
     86     SkScalar fEndT;         //              "
     87     bool fStartSet;         // state to share common points across structs
     88     bool fEndSet;           //                     "
     89     bool fOppositeTangents; // set if coincident tangents have opposite directions
     91     // return false if start and end are too close to have a unique middle
     92     bool init(SkScalar start, SkScalar end) {
     93         fStartT = start;
     94         fMidT = (start + end) * SK_ScalarHalf;
     95         fEndT = end;
     96         fStartSet = fEndSet = false;
     97         return fStartT < fMidT && fMidT < fEndT;
     98     }
    100     bool initWithStart(SkQuadConstruct* parent) {
    101         if (!init(parent->fStartT, parent->fMidT)) {
    102             return false;
    103         }
    104         fQuad[0] = parent->fQuad[0];
    105         fTangentStart = parent->fTangentStart;
    106         fStartSet = true;
    107         return true;
    108     }
    110     bool initWithEnd(SkQuadConstruct* parent) {
    111         if (!init(parent->fMidT, parent->fEndT)) {
    112             return false;
    113         }
    114         fQuad[2] = parent->fQuad[2];
    115         fTangentEnd = parent->fTangentEnd;
    116         fEndSet = true;
    117         return true;
    118    }
    119 };
    121 class SkPathStroker {
    122 public:
    123     SkPathStroker(const SkPath& src,
    124                   SkScalar radius, SkScalar miterLimit, SkPaint::Cap,
    125                   SkPaint::Join, SkScalar resScale,
    126                   bool canIgnoreCenter);
    128     bool hasOnlyMoveTo() const { return 0 == fSegmentCount; }
    129     SkPoint moveToPt() const { return fFirstPt; }
    131     void moveTo(const SkPoint&);
    132     void lineTo(const SkPoint&, const SkPath::Iter* iter = nullptr);
    133     void quadTo(const SkPoint&, const SkPoint&);
    134     void conicTo(const SkPoint&, const SkPoint&, SkScalar weight);
    135     void cubicTo(const SkPoint&, const SkPoint&, const SkPoint&);
    136     void close(bool isLine) { this->finishContour(true, isLine); }
    138     void done(SkPath* dst, bool isLine) {
    139         this->finishContour(false, isLine);
    140         dst->swap(fOuter);
    141     }
    143     SkScalar getResScale() const { return fResScale; }
    145     bool isCurrentContourEmpty() const {
    146         return fInner.isZeroLengthSincePoint(0) &&
    147                fOuter.isZeroLengthSincePoint(fFirstOuterPtIndexInContour);
    148     }
    150 private:
    151     SkScalar    fRadius;
    152     SkScalar    fInvMiterLimit;
    153     SkScalar    fResScale;
    154     SkScalar    fInvResScale;
    155     SkScalar    fInvResScaleSquared;
    157     SkVector    fFirstNormal, fPrevNormal, fFirstUnitNormal, fPrevUnitNormal;
    158     SkPoint     fFirstPt, fPrevPt;  // on original path
    159     SkPoint     fFirstOuterPt;
    160     int         fFirstOuterPtIndexInContour;
    161     int         fSegmentCount;
    162     bool        fPrevIsLine;
    163     bool        fCanIgnoreCenter;
    165     SkStrokerPriv::CapProc  fCapper;
    166     SkStrokerPriv::JoinProc fJoiner;
    168     SkPath  fInner, fOuter; // outer is our working answer, inner is temp
    170     enum StrokeType {
    171         kOuter_StrokeType = 1,      // use sign-opposite values later to flip perpendicular axis
    172         kInner_StrokeType = -1
    173     } fStrokeType;
    175     enum ResultType {
    176         kSplit_ResultType,          // the caller should split the quad stroke in two
    177         kDegenerate_ResultType,     // the caller should add a line
    178         kQuad_ResultType,           // the caller should (continue to try to) add a quad stroke
    179     };
    181     enum ReductionType {
    182         kPoint_ReductionType,       // all curve points are practically identical
    183         kLine_ReductionType,        // the control point is on the line between the ends
    184         kQuad_ReductionType,        // the control point is outside the line between the ends
    185         kDegenerate_ReductionType,  // the control point is on the line but outside the ends
    186         kDegenerate2_ReductionType, // two control points are on the line but outside ends (cubic)
    187         kDegenerate3_ReductionType, // three areas of max curvature found (for cubic)
    188     };
    190     enum IntersectRayType {
    191         kCtrlPt_RayType,
    192         kResultType_RayType,
    193     };
    195     int fRecursionDepth;            // track stack depth to abort if numerics run amok
    196     bool fFoundTangents;            // do less work until tangents meet (cubic)
    197     bool fJoinCompleted;            // previous join was not degenerate
    199     void addDegenerateLine(const SkQuadConstruct* );
    200     static ReductionType CheckConicLinear(const SkConic& , SkPoint* reduction);
    201     static ReductionType CheckCubicLinear(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkPoint reduction[3],
    202                                    const SkPoint** tanPtPtr);
    203     static ReductionType CheckQuadLinear(const SkPoint quad[3], SkPoint* reduction);
    204     ResultType compareQuadConic(const SkConic& , SkQuadConstruct* ) const;
    205     ResultType compareQuadCubic(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkQuadConstruct* );
    206     ResultType compareQuadQuad(const SkPoint quad[3], SkQuadConstruct* );
    207     void conicPerpRay(const SkConic& , SkScalar t, SkPoint* tPt, SkPoint* onPt,
    208                       SkPoint* tangent) const;
    209     void conicQuadEnds(const SkConic& , SkQuadConstruct* ) const;
    210     bool conicStroke(const SkConic& , SkQuadConstruct* );
    211     bool cubicMidOnLine(const SkPoint cubic[4], const SkQuadConstruct* ) const;
    212     void cubicPerpRay(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkScalar t, SkPoint* tPt, SkPoint* onPt,
    213                       SkPoint* tangent) const;
    214     void cubicQuadEnds(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkQuadConstruct* );
    215     void cubicQuadMid(const SkPoint cubic[4], const SkQuadConstruct* , SkPoint* mid) const;
    216     bool cubicStroke(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkQuadConstruct* );
    217     void init(StrokeType strokeType, SkQuadConstruct* , SkScalar tStart, SkScalar tEnd);
    218     ResultType intersectRay(SkQuadConstruct* , IntersectRayType  STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(int) ) const;
    219     bool ptInQuadBounds(const SkPoint quad[3], const SkPoint& pt) const;
    220     void quadPerpRay(const SkPoint quad[3], SkScalar t, SkPoint* tPt, SkPoint* onPt,
    221                      SkPoint* tangent) const;
    222     bool quadStroke(const SkPoint quad[3], SkQuadConstruct* );
    223     void setConicEndNormal(const SkConic& ,
    224                            const SkVector& normalAB, const SkVector& unitNormalAB,
    225                            SkVector* normalBC, SkVector* unitNormalBC);
    226     void setCubicEndNormal(const SkPoint cubic[4],
    227                            const SkVector& normalAB, const SkVector& unitNormalAB,
    228                            SkVector* normalCD, SkVector* unitNormalCD);
    229     void setQuadEndNormal(const SkPoint quad[3],
    230                           const SkVector& normalAB, const SkVector& unitNormalAB,
    231                           SkVector* normalBC, SkVector* unitNormalBC);
    232     void setRayPts(const SkPoint& tPt, SkVector* dxy, SkPoint* onPt, SkPoint* tangent) const;
    233     static bool SlightAngle(SkQuadConstruct* );
    234     ResultType strokeCloseEnough(const SkPoint stroke[3], const SkPoint ray[2],
    235                                  SkQuadConstruct*  STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(int depth) ) const;
    236     ResultType tangentsMeet(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkQuadConstruct* );
    238     void    finishContour(bool close, bool isLine);
    239     bool    preJoinTo(const SkPoint&, SkVector* normal, SkVector* unitNormal,
    240                       bool isLine);
    241     void    postJoinTo(const SkPoint&, const SkVector& normal,
    242                        const SkVector& unitNormal);
    244     void    line_to(const SkPoint& currPt, const SkVector& normal);
    245 };
    247 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    249 bool SkPathStroker::preJoinTo(const SkPoint& currPt, SkVector* normal,
    250                               SkVector* unitNormal, bool currIsLine) {
    251     SkASSERT(fSegmentCount >= 0);
    253     SkScalar    prevX = fPrevPt.fX;
    254     SkScalar    prevY = fPrevPt.fY;
    256     if (!set_normal_unitnormal(fPrevPt, currPt, fResScale, fRadius, normal, unitNormal)) {
    257         if (SkStrokerPriv::CapFactory(SkPaint::kButt_Cap) == fCapper) {
    258             return false;
    259         }
    260         /* Square caps and round caps draw even if the segment length is zero.
    261            Since the zero length segment has no direction, set the orientation
    262            to upright as the default orientation */
    263         normal->set(fRadius, 0);
    264         unitNormal->set(1, 0);
    265     }
    267     if (fSegmentCount == 0) {
    268         fFirstNormal = *normal;
    269         fFirstUnitNormal = *unitNormal;
    270         fFirstOuterPt.set(prevX + normal->fX, prevY + normal->fY);
    272         fOuter.moveTo(fFirstOuterPt.fX, fFirstOuterPt.fY);
    273         fInner.moveTo(prevX - normal->fX, prevY - normal->fY);
    274     } else {    // we have a previous segment
    275         fJoiner(&fOuter, &fInner, fPrevUnitNormal, fPrevPt, *unitNormal,
    276                 fRadius, fInvMiterLimit, fPrevIsLine, currIsLine);
    277     }
    278     fPrevIsLine = currIsLine;
    279     return true;
    280 }
    282 void SkPathStroker::postJoinTo(const SkPoint& currPt, const SkVector& normal,
    283                                const SkVector& unitNormal) {
    284     fJoinCompleted = true;
    285     fPrevPt = currPt;
    286     fPrevUnitNormal = unitNormal;
    287     fPrevNormal = normal;
    288     fSegmentCount += 1;
    289 }
    291 void SkPathStroker::finishContour(bool close, bool currIsLine) {
    292     if (fSegmentCount > 0) {
    293         SkPoint pt;
    295         if (close) {
    296             fJoiner(&fOuter, &fInner, fPrevUnitNormal, fPrevPt,
    297                     fFirstUnitNormal, fRadius, fInvMiterLimit,
    298                     fPrevIsLine, currIsLine);
    299             fOuter.close();
    301             if (fCanIgnoreCenter) {
    302                 // If we can ignore the center just make sure the larger of the two paths
    303                 // is preserved and don't add the smaller one.
    304                 if (fInner.getBounds().contains(fOuter.getBounds())) {
    305                     fInner.swap(fOuter);
    306                 }
    307             } else {
    308                 // now add fInner as its own contour
    309                 fInner.getLastPt(&pt);
    310                 fOuter.moveTo(pt.fX, pt.fY);
    311                 fOuter.reversePathTo(fInner);
    312                 fOuter.close();
    313             }
    314         } else {    // add caps to start and end
    315             // cap the end
    316             fInner.getLastPt(&pt);
    317             fCapper(&fOuter, fPrevPt, fPrevNormal, pt,
    318                     currIsLine ? &fInner : nullptr);
    319             fOuter.reversePathTo(fInner);
    320             // cap the start
    321             fCapper(&fOuter, fFirstPt, -fFirstNormal, fFirstOuterPt,
    322                     fPrevIsLine ? &fInner : nullptr);
    323             fOuter.close();
    324         }
    325     }
    326     // since we may re-use fInner, we rewind instead of reset, to save on
    327     // reallocating its internal storage.
    328     fInner.rewind();
    329     fSegmentCount = -1;
    330     fFirstOuterPtIndexInContour = fOuter.countPoints();
    331 }
    333 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    335 SkPathStroker::SkPathStroker(const SkPath& src,
    336                              SkScalar radius, SkScalar miterLimit,
    337                              SkPaint::Cap cap, SkPaint::Join join, SkScalar resScale,
    338                              bool canIgnoreCenter)
    339         : fRadius(radius)
    340         , fResScale(resScale)
    341         , fCanIgnoreCenter(canIgnoreCenter) {
    343     /*  This is only used when join is miter_join, but we initialize it here
    344         so that it is always defined, to fis valgrind warnings.
    345     */
    346     fInvMiterLimit = 0;
    348     if (join == SkPaint::kMiter_Join) {
    349         if (miterLimit <= SK_Scalar1) {
    350             join = SkPaint::kBevel_Join;
    351         } else {
    352             fInvMiterLimit = SkScalarInvert(miterLimit);
    353         }
    354     }
    355     fCapper = SkStrokerPriv::CapFactory(cap);
    356     fJoiner = SkStrokerPriv::JoinFactory(join);
    357     fSegmentCount = -1;
    358     fFirstOuterPtIndexInContour = 0;
    359     fPrevIsLine = false;
    361     // Need some estimate of how large our final result (fOuter)
    362     // and our per-contour temp (fInner) will be, so we don't spend
    363     // extra time repeatedly growing these arrays.
    364     //
    365     // 3x for result == inner + outer + join (swag)
    366     // 1x for inner == 'wag' (worst contour length would be better guess)
    367     fOuter.incReserve(src.countPoints() * 3);
    368     fOuter.setIsVolatile(true);
    369     fInner.incReserve(src.countPoints());
    370     fInner.setIsVolatile(true);
    371     // TODO : write a common error function used by stroking and filling
    372     // The '4' below matches the fill scan converter's error term
    373     fInvResScale = SkScalarInvert(resScale * 4);
    374     fInvResScaleSquared = fInvResScale * fInvResScale;
    375     fRecursionDepth = 0;
    376 }
    378 void SkPathStroker::moveTo(const SkPoint& pt) {
    379     if (fSegmentCount > 0) {
    380         this->finishContour(false, false);
    381     }
    382     fSegmentCount = 0;
    383     fFirstPt = fPrevPt = pt;
    384     fJoinCompleted = false;
    385 }
    387 void SkPathStroker::line_to(const SkPoint& currPt, const SkVector& normal) {
    388     fOuter.lineTo(currPt.fX + normal.fX, currPt.fY + normal.fY);
    389     fInner.lineTo(currPt.fX - normal.fX, currPt.fY - normal.fY);
    390 }
    392 static bool has_valid_tangent(const SkPath::Iter* iter) {
    393     SkPath::Iter copy = *iter;
    394     SkPath::Verb verb;
    395     SkPoint pts[4];
    396     while ((verb = copy.next(pts))) {
    397         switch (verb) {
    398             case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
    399                 return false;
    400             case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
    401                 if (pts[0] == pts[1]) {
    402                     continue;
    403                 }
    404                 return true;
    405             case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
    406             case SkPath::kConic_Verb:
    407                 if (pts[0] == pts[1] && pts[0] == pts[2]) {
    408                     continue;
    409                 }
    410                 return true;
    411             case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
    412                 if (pts[0] == pts[1] && pts[0] == pts[2] && pts[0] == pts[3]) {
    413                     continue;
    414                 }
    415                 return true;
    416             case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
    417             case SkPath::kDone_Verb:
    418                 return false;
    419         }
    420     }
    421     return false;
    422 }
    424 void SkPathStroker::lineTo(const SkPoint& currPt, const SkPath::Iter* iter) {
    425     bool teenyLine = SkPointPriv::EqualsWithinTolerance(fPrevPt, currPt, SK_ScalarNearlyZero * fInvResScale);
    426     if (SkStrokerPriv::CapFactory(SkPaint::kButt_Cap) == fCapper && teenyLine) {
    427         return;
    428     }
    429     if (teenyLine && (fJoinCompleted || (iter && has_valid_tangent(iter)))) {
    430         return;
    431     }
    432     SkVector    normal, unitNormal;
    434     if (!this->preJoinTo(currPt, &normal, &unitNormal, true)) {
    435         return;
    436     }
    437     this->line_to(currPt, normal);
    438     this->postJoinTo(currPt, normal, unitNormal);
    439 }
    441 void SkPathStroker::setQuadEndNormal(const SkPoint quad[3], const SkVector& normalAB,
    442         const SkVector& unitNormalAB, SkVector* normalBC, SkVector* unitNormalBC) {
    443     if (!set_normal_unitnormal(quad[1], quad[2], fResScale, fRadius, normalBC, unitNormalBC)) {
    444         *normalBC = normalAB;
    445         *unitNormalBC = unitNormalAB;
    446     }
    447 }
    449 void SkPathStroker::setConicEndNormal(const SkConic& conic, const SkVector& normalAB,
    450         const SkVector& unitNormalAB, SkVector* normalBC, SkVector* unitNormalBC) {
    451     setQuadEndNormal(conic.fPts, normalAB, unitNormalAB, normalBC, unitNormalBC);
    452 }
    454 void SkPathStroker::setCubicEndNormal(const SkPoint cubic[4], const SkVector& normalAB,
    455         const SkVector& unitNormalAB, SkVector* normalCD, SkVector* unitNormalCD) {
    456     SkVector    ab = cubic[1] - cubic[0];
    457     SkVector    cd = cubic[3] - cubic[2];
    459     bool    degenerateAB = degenerate_vector(ab);
    460     bool    degenerateCD = degenerate_vector(cd);
    462     if (degenerateAB && degenerateCD) {
    463         goto DEGENERATE_NORMAL;
    464     }
    466     if (degenerateAB) {
    467         ab = cubic[2] - cubic[0];
    468         degenerateAB = degenerate_vector(ab);
    469     }
    470     if (degenerateCD) {
    471         cd = cubic[3] - cubic[1];
    472         degenerateCD = degenerate_vector(cd);
    473     }
    474     if (degenerateAB || degenerateCD) {
    476         *normalCD = normalAB;
    477         *unitNormalCD = unitNormalAB;
    478         return;
    479     }
    480     SkAssertResult(set_normal_unitnormal(cd, fRadius, normalCD, unitNormalCD));
    481 }
    483 void SkPathStroker::init(StrokeType strokeType, SkQuadConstruct* quadPts, SkScalar tStart,
    484         SkScalar tEnd) {
    485     fStrokeType = strokeType;
    486     fFoundTangents = false;
    487     quadPts->init(tStart, tEnd);
    488 }
    490 // returns the distance squared from the point to the line
    491 static SkScalar pt_to_line(const SkPoint& pt, const SkPoint& lineStart, const SkPoint& lineEnd) {
    492     SkVector dxy = lineEnd - lineStart;
    493     if (degenerate_vector(dxy)) {
    494         return SkPointPriv::DistanceToSqd(pt, lineStart);
    495     }
    496     SkVector ab0 = pt - lineStart;
    497     SkScalar numer = dxy.dot(ab0);
    498     SkScalar denom = dxy.dot(dxy);
    499     SkScalar t = numer / denom;
    500     SkPoint hit;
    501     hit.fX = lineStart.fX * (1 - t) + lineEnd.fX * t;
    502     hit.fY = lineStart.fY * (1 - t) + lineEnd.fY * t;
    503     return SkPointPriv::DistanceToSqd(hit, pt);
    504 }
    506 /*  Given a cubic, determine if all four points are in a line.
    507     Return true if the inner points is close to a line connecting the outermost points.
    509     Find the outermost point by looking for the largest difference in X or Y.
    510     Given the indices of the outermost points, and that outer_1 is greater than outer_2,
    511     this table shows the index of the smaller of the remaining points:
    513                       outer_2
    514                   0    1    2    3
    515       outer_1     ----------------
    516          0     |  -    2    1    1
    517          1     |  -    -    0    0
    518          2     |  -    -    -    0
    519          3     |  -    -    -    -
    521     If outer_1 == 0 and outer_2 == 1, the smaller of the remaining indices (2 and 3) is 2.
    523     This table can be collapsed to: (1 + (2 >> outer_2)) >> outer_1
    525     Given three indices (outer_1 outer_2 mid_1) from 0..3, the remaining index is:
    527                mid_2 == (outer_1 ^ outer_2 ^ mid_1)
    528  */
    529 static bool cubic_in_line(const SkPoint cubic[4]) {
    530     SkScalar ptMax = -1;
    531     int outer1 SK_INIT_TO_AVOID_WARNING;
    532     int outer2 SK_INIT_TO_AVOID_WARNING;
    533     for (int index = 0; index < 3; ++index) {
    534         for (int inner = index + 1; inner < 4; ++inner) {
    535             SkVector testDiff = cubic[inner] - cubic[index];
    536             SkScalar testMax = SkTMax(SkScalarAbs(testDiff.fX), SkScalarAbs(testDiff.fY));
    537             if (ptMax < testMax) {
    538                 outer1 = index;
    539                 outer2 = inner;
    540                 ptMax = testMax;
    541             }
    542         }
    543     }
    544     SkASSERT(outer1 >= 0 && outer1 <= 2);
    545     SkASSERT(outer2 >= 1 && outer2 <= 3);
    546     SkASSERT(outer1 < outer2);
    547     int mid1 = (1 + (2 >> outer2)) >> outer1;
    548     SkASSERT(mid1 >= 0 && mid1 <= 2);
    549     SkASSERT(outer1 != mid1 && outer2 != mid1);
    550     int mid2 = outer1 ^ outer2 ^ mid1;
    551     SkASSERT(mid2 >= 1 && mid2 <= 3);
    552     SkASSERT(mid2 != outer1 && mid2 != outer2 && mid2 != mid1);
    553     SkASSERT(((1 << outer1) | (1 << outer2) | (1 << mid1) | (1 << mid2)) == 0x0f);
    554     SkScalar lineSlop = ptMax * ptMax * 0.00001f;  // this multiplier is pulled out of the air
    555     return pt_to_line(cubic[mid1], cubic[outer1], cubic[outer2]) <= lineSlop
    556             && pt_to_line(cubic[mid2], cubic[outer1], cubic[outer2]) <= lineSlop;
    557 }
    559 /* Given quad, see if all there points are in a line.
    560    Return true if the inside point is close to a line connecting the outermost points.
    562    Find the outermost point by looking for the largest difference in X or Y.
    563    Since the XOR of the indices is 3  (0 ^ 1 ^ 2)
    564    the missing index equals: outer_1 ^ outer_2 ^ 3
    565  */
    566 static bool quad_in_line(const SkPoint quad[3]) {
    567     SkScalar ptMax = -1;
    568     int outer1 SK_INIT_TO_AVOID_WARNING;
    569     int outer2 SK_INIT_TO_AVOID_WARNING;
    570     for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) {
    571         for (int inner = index + 1; inner < 3; ++inner) {
    572             SkVector testDiff = quad[inner] - quad[index];
    573             SkScalar testMax = SkTMax(SkScalarAbs(testDiff.fX), SkScalarAbs(testDiff.fY));
    574             if (ptMax < testMax) {
    575                 outer1 = index;
    576                 outer2 = inner;
    577                 ptMax = testMax;
    578             }
    579         }
    580     }
    581     SkASSERT(outer1 >= 0 && outer1 <= 1);
    582     SkASSERT(outer2 >= 1 && outer2 <= 2);
    583     SkASSERT(outer1 < outer2);
    584     int mid = outer1 ^ outer2 ^ 3;
    585     SkScalar lineSlop =  ptMax * ptMax * 0.00001f;  // this multiplier is pulled out of the air
    586     return pt_to_line(quad[mid], quad[outer1], quad[outer2]) <= lineSlop;
    587 }
    589 static bool conic_in_line(const SkConic& conic) {
    590     return quad_in_line(conic.fPts);
    591 }
    593 SkPathStroker::ReductionType SkPathStroker::CheckCubicLinear(const SkPoint cubic[4],
    594         SkPoint reduction[3], const SkPoint** tangentPtPtr) {
    595     bool degenerateAB = degenerate_vector(cubic[1] - cubic[0]);
    596     bool degenerateBC = degenerate_vector(cubic[2] - cubic[1]);
    597     bool degenerateCD = degenerate_vector(cubic[3] - cubic[2]);
    598     if (degenerateAB & degenerateBC & degenerateCD) {
    599         return kPoint_ReductionType;
    600     }
    601     if (degenerateAB + degenerateBC + degenerateCD == 2) {
    602         return kLine_ReductionType;
    603     }
    604     if (!cubic_in_line(cubic)) {
    605         *tangentPtPtr = degenerateAB ? &cubic[2] : &cubic[1];
    606         return kQuad_ReductionType;
    607     }
    608     SkScalar tValues[3];
    609     int count = SkFindCubicMaxCurvature(cubic, tValues);
    610     if (count == 0) {
    611         return kLine_ReductionType;
    612     }
    613     int rCount = 0;
    614     // Now loop over the t-values, and reject any that evaluate to either end-point
    615     for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
    616         SkScalar t = tValues[index];
    617         SkEvalCubicAt(cubic, t, &reduction[rCount], nullptr, nullptr);
    618         if (reduction[rCount] != cubic[0] && reduction[rCount] != cubic[3]) {
    619             ++rCount;
    620         }
    621     }
    622     if (rCount == 0) {
    623         return kLine_ReductionType;
    624     }
    625     static_assert(kQuad_ReductionType + 1 == kDegenerate_ReductionType, "enum_out_of_whack");
    626     static_assert(kQuad_ReductionType + 2 == kDegenerate2_ReductionType, "enum_out_of_whack");
    627     static_assert(kQuad_ReductionType + 3 == kDegenerate3_ReductionType, "enum_out_of_whack");
    629     return (ReductionType) (kQuad_ReductionType + rCount);
    630 }
    632 SkPathStroker::ReductionType SkPathStroker::CheckConicLinear(const SkConic& conic,
    633         SkPoint* reduction) {
    634     bool degenerateAB = degenerate_vector(conic.fPts[1] - conic.fPts[0]);
    635     bool degenerateBC = degenerate_vector(conic.fPts[2] - conic.fPts[1]);
    636     if (degenerateAB & degenerateBC) {
    637         return kPoint_ReductionType;
    638     }
    639     if (degenerateAB | degenerateBC) {
    640         return kLine_ReductionType;
    641     }
    642     if (!conic_in_line(conic)) {
    643         return kQuad_ReductionType;
    644     }
    645 #if 0   // once findMaxCurvature is implemented, this will be a better solution
    646     SkScalar t;
    647     if (!conic.findMaxCurvature(&t) || 0 == t) {
    648         return kLine_ReductionType;
    649     }
    650 #else  // but for now, use extrema instead
    651     SkScalar xT = 0, yT = 0;
    652     (void) conic.findXExtrema(&xT);
    653     (void) conic.findYExtrema(&yT);
    654     SkScalar t = SkTMax(xT, yT);
    655     if (0 == t) {
    656         return kLine_ReductionType;
    657     }
    658 #endif
    659     conic.evalAt(t, reduction, nullptr);
    660     return kDegenerate_ReductionType;
    661 }
    663 SkPathStroker::ReductionType SkPathStroker::CheckQuadLinear(const SkPoint quad[3],
    664         SkPoint* reduction) {
    665     bool degenerateAB = degenerate_vector(quad[1] - quad[0]);
    666     bool degenerateBC = degenerate_vector(quad[2] - quad[1]);
    667     if (degenerateAB & degenerateBC) {
    668         return kPoint_ReductionType;
    669     }
    670     if (degenerateAB | degenerateBC) {
    671         return kLine_ReductionType;
    672     }
    673     if (!quad_in_line(quad)) {
    674         return kQuad_ReductionType;
    675     }
    676     SkScalar t = SkFindQuadMaxCurvature(quad);
    677     if (0 == t) {
    678         return kLine_ReductionType;
    679     }
    680     *reduction = SkEvalQuadAt(quad, t);
    681     return kDegenerate_ReductionType;
    682 }
    684 void SkPathStroker::conicTo(const SkPoint& pt1, const SkPoint& pt2, SkScalar weight) {
    685     const SkConic conic(fPrevPt, pt1, pt2, weight);
    686     SkPoint reduction;
    687     ReductionType reductionType = CheckConicLinear(conic, &reduction);
    688     if (kPoint_ReductionType == reductionType) {
    689         /* If the stroke consists of a moveTo followed by a degenerate curve, treat it
    690             as if it were followed by a zero-length line. Lines without length
    691             can have square and round end caps. */
    692         this->lineTo(pt2);
    693         return;
    694     }
    695     if (kLine_ReductionType == reductionType) {
    696         this->lineTo(pt2);
    697         return;
    698     }
    699     if (kDegenerate_ReductionType == reductionType) {
    700         this->lineTo(reduction);
    701         SkStrokerPriv::JoinProc saveJoiner = fJoiner;
    702         fJoiner = SkStrokerPriv::JoinFactory(SkPaint::kRound_Join);
    703         this->lineTo(pt2);
    704         fJoiner = saveJoiner;
    705         return;
    706     }
    707     SkASSERT(kQuad_ReductionType == reductionType);
    708     SkVector normalAB, unitAB, normalBC, unitBC;
    709     if (!this->preJoinTo(pt1, &normalAB, &unitAB, false)) {
    710         this->lineTo(pt2);
    711         return;
    712     }
    713     SkQuadConstruct quadPts;
    714     this->init(kOuter_StrokeType, &quadPts, 0, 1);
    715     (void) this->conicStroke(conic, &quadPts);
    716     this->init(kInner_StrokeType, &quadPts, 0, 1);
    717     (void) this->conicStroke(conic, &quadPts);
    718     this->setConicEndNormal(conic, normalAB, unitAB, &normalBC, &unitBC);
    719     this->postJoinTo(pt2, normalBC, unitBC);
    720 }
    722 void SkPathStroker::quadTo(const SkPoint& pt1, const SkPoint& pt2) {
    723     const SkPoint quad[3] = { fPrevPt, pt1, pt2 };
    724     SkPoint reduction;
    725     ReductionType reductionType = CheckQuadLinear(quad, &reduction);
    726     if (kPoint_ReductionType == reductionType) {
    727         /* If the stroke consists of a moveTo followed by a degenerate curve, treat it
    728             as if it were followed by a zero-length line. Lines without length
    729             can have square and round end caps. */
    730         this->lineTo(pt2);
    731         return;
    732     }
    733     if (kLine_ReductionType == reductionType) {
    734         this->lineTo(pt2);
    735         return;
    736     }
    737     if (kDegenerate_ReductionType == reductionType) {
    738         this->lineTo(reduction);
    739         SkStrokerPriv::JoinProc saveJoiner = fJoiner;
    740         fJoiner = SkStrokerPriv::JoinFactory(SkPaint::kRound_Join);
    741         this->lineTo(pt2);
    742         fJoiner = saveJoiner;
    743         return;
    744     }
    745     SkASSERT(kQuad_ReductionType == reductionType);
    746     SkVector normalAB, unitAB, normalBC, unitBC;
    747     if (!this->preJoinTo(pt1, &normalAB, &unitAB, false)) {
    748         this->lineTo(pt2);
    749         return;
    750     }
    751     SkQuadConstruct quadPts;
    752     this->init(kOuter_StrokeType, &quadPts, 0, 1);
    753     (void) this->quadStroke(quad, &quadPts);
    754     this->init(kInner_StrokeType, &quadPts, 0, 1);
    755     (void) this->quadStroke(quad, &quadPts);
    756     this->setQuadEndNormal(quad, normalAB, unitAB, &normalBC, &unitBC);
    758     this->postJoinTo(pt2, normalBC, unitBC);
    759 }
    761 // Given a point on the curve and its derivative, scale the derivative by the radius, and
    762 // compute the perpendicular point and its tangent.
    763 void SkPathStroker::setRayPts(const SkPoint& tPt, SkVector* dxy, SkPoint* onPt,
    764         SkPoint* tangent) const {
    765     SkPoint oldDxy = *dxy;
    766     if (!dxy->setLength(fRadius)) {  // consider moving double logic into SkPoint::setLength
    767         double xx = oldDxy.fX;
    768         double yy = oldDxy.fY;
    769         double dscale = fRadius / sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy);
    770         dxy->fX = SkDoubleToScalar(xx * dscale);
    771         dxy->fY = SkDoubleToScalar(yy * dscale);
    772     }
    773     SkScalar axisFlip = SkIntToScalar(fStrokeType);  // go opposite ways for outer, inner
    774     onPt->fX = tPt.fX + axisFlip * dxy->fY;
    775     onPt->fY = tPt.fY - axisFlip * dxy->fX;
    776     if (tangent) {
    777         tangent->fX = onPt->fX + dxy->fX;
    778         tangent->fY = onPt->fY + dxy->fY;
    779     }
    780 }
    782 // Given a conic and t, return the point on curve, its perpendicular, and the perpendicular tangent.
    783 // Returns false if the perpendicular could not be computed (because the derivative collapsed to 0)
    784 void SkPathStroker::conicPerpRay(const SkConic& conic, SkScalar t, SkPoint* tPt, SkPoint* onPt,
    785         SkPoint* tangent) const {
    786     SkVector dxy;
    787     conic.evalAt(t, tPt, &dxy);
    788     if (dxy.fX == 0 && dxy.fY == 0) {
    789         dxy = conic.fPts[2] - conic.fPts[0];
    790     }
    791     this->setRayPts(*tPt, &dxy, onPt, tangent);
    792 }
    794 // Given a conic and a t range, find the start and end if they haven't been found already.
    795 void SkPathStroker::conicQuadEnds(const SkConic& conic, SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) const {
    796     if (!quadPts->fStartSet) {
    797         SkPoint conicStartPt;
    798         this->conicPerpRay(conic, quadPts->fStartT, &conicStartPt, &quadPts->fQuad[0],
    799                 &quadPts->fTangentStart);
    800         quadPts->fStartSet = true;
    801     }
    802     if (!quadPts->fEndSet) {
    803         SkPoint conicEndPt;
    804         this->conicPerpRay(conic, quadPts->fEndT, &conicEndPt, &quadPts->fQuad[2],
    805                 &quadPts->fTangentEnd);
    806         quadPts->fEndSet = true;
    807     }
    808 }
    811 // Given a cubic and t, return the point on curve, its perpendicular, and the perpendicular tangent.
    812 void SkPathStroker::cubicPerpRay(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkScalar t, SkPoint* tPt, SkPoint* onPt,
    813         SkPoint* tangent) const {
    814     SkVector dxy;
    815     SkPoint chopped[7];
    816     SkEvalCubicAt(cubic, t, tPt, &dxy, nullptr);
    817     if (dxy.fX == 0 && dxy.fY == 0) {
    818         const SkPoint* cPts = cubic;
    819         if (SkScalarNearlyZero(t)) {
    820             dxy = cubic[2] - cubic[0];
    821         } else if (SkScalarNearlyZero(1 - t)) {
    822             dxy = cubic[3] - cubic[1];
    823         } else {
    824             // If the cubic inflection falls on the cusp, subdivide the cubic
    825             // to find the tangent at that point.
    826             SkChopCubicAt(cubic, chopped, t);
    827             dxy = chopped[3] - chopped[2];
    828             if (dxy.fX == 0 && dxy.fY == 0) {
    829                 dxy = chopped[3] - chopped[1];
    830                 cPts = chopped;
    831             }
    832         }
    833         if (dxy.fX == 0 && dxy.fY == 0) {
    834             dxy = cPts[3] - cPts[0];
    835         }
    836     }
    837     setRayPts(*tPt, &dxy, onPt, tangent);
    838 }
    840 // Given a cubic and a t range, find the start and end if they haven't been found already.
    841 void SkPathStroker::cubicQuadEnds(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) {
    842     if (!quadPts->fStartSet) {
    843         SkPoint cubicStartPt;
    844         this->cubicPerpRay(cubic, quadPts->fStartT, &cubicStartPt, &quadPts->fQuad[0],
    845                 &quadPts->fTangentStart);
    846         quadPts->fStartSet = true;
    847     }
    848     if (!quadPts->fEndSet) {
    849         SkPoint cubicEndPt;
    850         this->cubicPerpRay(cubic, quadPts->fEndT, &cubicEndPt, &quadPts->fQuad[2],
    851                 &quadPts->fTangentEnd);
    852         quadPts->fEndSet = true;
    853     }
    854 }
    856 void SkPathStroker::cubicQuadMid(const SkPoint cubic[4], const SkQuadConstruct* quadPts,
    857         SkPoint* mid) const {
    858     SkPoint cubicMidPt;
    859     this->cubicPerpRay(cubic, quadPts->fMidT, &cubicMidPt, mid, nullptr);
    860 }
    862 // Given a quad and t, return the point on curve, its perpendicular, and the perpendicular tangent.
    863 void SkPathStroker::quadPerpRay(const SkPoint quad[3], SkScalar t, SkPoint* tPt, SkPoint* onPt,
    864         SkPoint* tangent) const {
    865     SkVector dxy;
    866     SkEvalQuadAt(quad, t, tPt, &dxy);
    867     if (dxy.fX == 0 && dxy.fY == 0) {
    868         dxy = quad[2] - quad[0];
    869     }
    870     setRayPts(*tPt, &dxy, onPt, tangent);
    871 }
    873 // Find the intersection of the stroke tangents to construct a stroke quad.
    874 // Return whether the stroke is a degenerate (a line), a quad, or must be split.
    875 // Optionally compute the quad's control point.
    876 SkPathStroker::ResultType SkPathStroker::intersectRay(SkQuadConstruct* quadPts,
    877         IntersectRayType intersectRayType  STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(int depth)) const {
    878     const SkPoint& start = quadPts->fQuad[0];
    879     const SkPoint& end = quadPts->fQuad[2];
    880     SkVector aLen = quadPts->fTangentStart - start;
    881     SkVector bLen = quadPts->fTangentEnd - end;
    882     /* Slopes match when denom goes to zero:
    883                       axLen / ayLen ==                   bxLen / byLen
    884     (ayLen * byLen) * axLen / ayLen == (ayLen * byLen) * bxLen / byLen
    885              byLen  * axLen         ==  ayLen          * bxLen
    886              byLen  * axLen         -   ayLen          * bxLen         ( == denom )
    887      */
    888     SkScalar denom = aLen.cross(bLen);
    889     if (denom == 0 || !SkScalarIsFinite(denom)) {
    890         quadPts->fOppositeTangents = aLen.dot(bLen) < 0;
    891         return STROKER_RESULT(kDegenerate_ResultType, depth, quadPts, "denom == 0");
    892     }
    893     quadPts->fOppositeTangents = false;
    894     SkVector ab0 = start - end;
    895     SkScalar numerA = bLen.cross(ab0);
    896     SkScalar numerB = aLen.cross(ab0);
    897     if ((numerA >= 0) == (numerB >= 0)) { // if the control point is outside the quad ends
    898         // if the perpendicular distances from the quad points to the opposite tangent line
    899         // are small, a straight line is good enough
    900         SkScalar dist1 = pt_to_line(start, end, quadPts->fTangentEnd);
    901         SkScalar dist2 = pt_to_line(end, start, quadPts->fTangentStart);
    902         if (SkTMax(dist1, dist2) <= fInvResScaleSquared) {
    903             return STROKER_RESULT(kDegenerate_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
    904                     "SkTMax(dist1=%g, dist2=%g) <= fInvResScaleSquared", dist1, dist2);
    905         }
    906         return STROKER_RESULT(kSplit_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
    907                 "(numerA=%g >= 0) == (numerB=%g >= 0)", numerA, numerB);
    908     }
    909     // check to see if the denominator is teeny relative to the numerator
    910     // if the offset by one will be lost, the ratio is too large
    911     numerA /= denom;
    912     bool validDivide = numerA > numerA - 1;
    913     if (validDivide) {
    914         if (kCtrlPt_RayType == intersectRayType) {
    915             SkPoint* ctrlPt = &quadPts->fQuad[1];
    916             // the intersection of the tangents need not be on the tangent segment
    917             // so 0 <= numerA <= 1 is not necessarily true
    918             ctrlPt->fX = start.fX * (1 - numerA) + quadPts->fTangentStart.fX * numerA;
    919             ctrlPt->fY = start.fY * (1 - numerA) + quadPts->fTangentStart.fY * numerA;
    920         }
    921         return STROKER_RESULT(kQuad_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
    922                 "(numerA=%g >= 0) != (numerB=%g >= 0)", numerA, numerB);
    923     }
    924     quadPts->fOppositeTangents = aLen.dot(bLen) < 0;
    925     // if the lines are parallel, straight line is good enough
    926     return STROKER_RESULT(kDegenerate_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
    927             "SkScalarNearlyZero(denom=%g)", denom);
    928 }
    930 // Given a cubic and a t-range, determine if the stroke can be described by a quadratic.
    931 SkPathStroker::ResultType SkPathStroker::tangentsMeet(const SkPoint cubic[4],
    932         SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) {
    933     this->cubicQuadEnds(cubic, quadPts);
    934     return this->intersectRay(quadPts, kResultType_RayType  STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(fRecursionDepth));
    935 }
    937 // Intersect the line with the quad and return the t values on the quad where the line crosses.
    938 static int intersect_quad_ray(const SkPoint line[2], const SkPoint quad[3], SkScalar roots[2]) {
    939     SkVector vec = line[1] - line[0];
    940     SkScalar r[3];
    941     for (int n = 0; n < 3; ++n) {
    942         r[n] = (quad[n].fY - line[0].fY) * vec.fX - (quad[n].fX - line[0].fX) * vec.fY;
    943     }
    944     SkScalar A = r[2];
    945     SkScalar B = r[1];
    946     SkScalar C = r[0];
    947     A += C - 2 * B;  // A = a - 2*b + c
    948     B -= C;  // B = -(b - c)
    949     return SkFindUnitQuadRoots(A, 2 * B, C, roots);
    950 }
    952 // Return true if the point is close to the bounds of the quad. This is used as a quick reject.
    953 bool SkPathStroker::ptInQuadBounds(const SkPoint quad[3], const SkPoint& pt) const {
    954     SkScalar xMin = SkTMin(SkTMin(quad[0].fX, quad[1].fX), quad[2].fX);
    955     if (pt.fX + fInvResScale < xMin) {
    956         return false;
    957     }
    958     SkScalar xMax = SkTMax(SkTMax(quad[0].fX, quad[1].fX), quad[2].fX);
    959     if (pt.fX - fInvResScale > xMax) {
    960         return false;
    961     }
    962     SkScalar yMin = SkTMin(SkTMin(quad[0].fY, quad[1].fY), quad[2].fY);
    963     if (pt.fY + fInvResScale < yMin) {
    964         return false;
    965     }
    966     SkScalar yMax = SkTMax(SkTMax(quad[0].fY, quad[1].fY), quad[2].fY);
    967     if (pt.fY - fInvResScale > yMax) {
    968         return false;
    969     }
    970     return true;
    971 }
    973 static bool points_within_dist(const SkPoint& nearPt, const SkPoint& farPt, SkScalar limit) {
    974     return SkPointPriv::DistanceToSqd(nearPt, farPt) <= limit * limit;
    975 }
    977 static bool sharp_angle(const SkPoint quad[3]) {
    978     SkVector smaller = quad[1] - quad[0];
    979     SkVector larger = quad[1] - quad[2];
    980     SkScalar smallerLen = SkPointPriv::LengthSqd(smaller);
    981     SkScalar largerLen = SkPointPriv::LengthSqd(larger);
    982     if (smallerLen > largerLen) {
    983         SkTSwap(smaller, larger);
    984         largerLen = smallerLen;
    985     }
    986     if (!smaller.setLength(largerLen)) {
    987         return false;
    988     }
    989     SkScalar dot = smaller.dot(larger);
    990     return dot > 0;
    991 }
    993 SkPathStroker::ResultType SkPathStroker::strokeCloseEnough(const SkPoint stroke[3],
    994         const SkPoint ray[2], SkQuadConstruct* quadPts  STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(int depth)) const {
    995     SkPoint strokeMid = SkEvalQuadAt(stroke, SK_ScalarHalf);
    996     // measure the distance from the curve to the quad-stroke midpoint, compare to radius
    997     if (points_within_dist(ray[0], strokeMid, fInvResScale)) {  // if the difference is small
    998         if (sharp_angle(quadPts->fQuad)) {
    999             return STROKER_RESULT(kSplit_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
   1000                     "sharp_angle (1) =%g,%g, %g,%g, %g,%g",
   1001                     quadPts->fQuad[0].fX, quadPts->fQuad[0].fY,
   1002                     quadPts->fQuad[1].fX, quadPts->fQuad[1].fY,
   1003                     quadPts->fQuad[2].fX, quadPts->fQuad[2].fY);
   1004         }
   1005         return STROKER_RESULT(kQuad_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
   1006                 "points_within_dist(ray[0]=%g,%g, strokeMid=%g,%g, fInvResScale=%g)",
   1007                 ray[0].fX, ray[0].fY, strokeMid.fX, strokeMid.fY, fInvResScale);
   1008     }
   1009     // measure the distance to quad's bounds (quick reject)
   1010         // an alternative : look for point in triangle
   1011     if (!ptInQuadBounds(stroke, ray[0])) {  // if far, subdivide
   1012         return STROKER_RESULT(kSplit_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
   1013                 "!pt_in_quad_bounds(stroke=(%g,%g %g,%g %g,%g), ray[0]=%g,%g)",
   1014                 stroke[0].fX, stroke[0].fY, stroke[1].fX, stroke[1].fY, stroke[2].fX, stroke[2].fY,
   1015                 ray[0].fX, ray[0].fY);
   1016     }
   1017     // measure the curve ray distance to the quad-stroke
   1018     SkScalar roots[2];
   1019     int rootCount = intersect_quad_ray(ray, stroke, roots);
   1020     if (rootCount != 1) {
   1021         return STROKER_RESULT(kSplit_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
   1022                 "rootCount=%d != 1", rootCount);
   1023     }
   1024     SkPoint quadPt = SkEvalQuadAt(stroke, roots[0]);
   1025     SkScalar error = fInvResScale * (SK_Scalar1 - SkScalarAbs(roots[0] - 0.5f) * 2);
   1026     if (points_within_dist(ray[0], quadPt, error)) {  // if the difference is small, we're done
   1027         if (sharp_angle(quadPts->fQuad)) {
   1028             return STROKER_RESULT(kSplit_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
   1029                     "sharp_angle (2) =%g,%g, %g,%g, %g,%g",
   1030                     quadPts->fQuad[0].fX, quadPts->fQuad[0].fY,
   1031                     quadPts->fQuad[1].fX, quadPts->fQuad[1].fY,
   1032                     quadPts->fQuad[2].fX, quadPts->fQuad[2].fY);
   1033         }
   1034         return STROKER_RESULT(kQuad_ResultType, depth, quadPts,
   1035                 "points_within_dist(ray[0]=%g,%g, quadPt=%g,%g, error=%g)",
   1036                 ray[0].fX, ray[0].fY, quadPt.fX, quadPt.fY, error);
   1037     }
   1038     // otherwise, subdivide
   1039     return STROKER_RESULT(kSplit_ResultType, depth, quadPts, "%s", "fall through");
   1040 }
   1042 SkPathStroker::ResultType SkPathStroker::compareQuadCubic(const SkPoint cubic[4],
   1043         SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) {
   1044     // get the quadratic approximation of the stroke
   1045     this->cubicQuadEnds(cubic, quadPts);
   1046     ResultType resultType = this->intersectRay(quadPts, kCtrlPt_RayType
   1047             STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(fRecursionDepth) );
   1048     if (resultType != kQuad_ResultType) {
   1049         return resultType;
   1050     }
   1051     // project a ray from the curve to the stroke
   1052     SkPoint ray[2];  // points near midpoint on quad, midpoint on cubic
   1053     this->cubicPerpRay(cubic, quadPts->fMidT, &ray[1], &ray[0], nullptr);
   1054     return this->strokeCloseEnough(quadPts->fQuad, ray, quadPts
   1055             STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(fRecursionDepth));
   1056 }
   1058 SkPathStroker::ResultType SkPathStroker::compareQuadConic(const SkConic& conic,
   1059         SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) const {
   1060     // get the quadratic approximation of the stroke
   1061     this->conicQuadEnds(conic, quadPts);
   1062     ResultType resultType = this->intersectRay(quadPts, kCtrlPt_RayType
   1063             STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(fRecursionDepth) );
   1064     if (resultType != kQuad_ResultType) {
   1065         return resultType;
   1066     }
   1067     // project a ray from the curve to the stroke
   1068     SkPoint ray[2];  // points near midpoint on quad, midpoint on conic
   1069     this->conicPerpRay(conic, quadPts->fMidT, &ray[1], &ray[0], nullptr);
   1070     return this->strokeCloseEnough(quadPts->fQuad, ray, quadPts
   1071             STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(fRecursionDepth));
   1072 }
   1074 SkPathStroker::ResultType SkPathStroker::compareQuadQuad(const SkPoint quad[3],
   1075         SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) {
   1076     // get the quadratic approximation of the stroke
   1077     if (!quadPts->fStartSet) {
   1078         SkPoint quadStartPt;
   1079         this->quadPerpRay(quad, quadPts->fStartT, &quadStartPt, &quadPts->fQuad[0],
   1080                 &quadPts->fTangentStart);
   1081         quadPts->fStartSet = true;
   1082     }
   1083     if (!quadPts->fEndSet) {
   1084         SkPoint quadEndPt;
   1085         this->quadPerpRay(quad, quadPts->fEndT, &quadEndPt, &quadPts->fQuad[2],
   1086                 &quadPts->fTangentEnd);
   1087         quadPts->fEndSet = true;
   1088     }
   1089     ResultType resultType = this->intersectRay(quadPts, kCtrlPt_RayType
   1090             STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(fRecursionDepth));
   1091     if (resultType != kQuad_ResultType) {
   1092         return resultType;
   1093     }
   1094     // project a ray from the curve to the stroke
   1095     SkPoint ray[2];
   1096     this->quadPerpRay(quad, quadPts->fMidT, &ray[1], &ray[0], nullptr);
   1097     return this->strokeCloseEnough(quadPts->fQuad, ray, quadPts
   1098             STROKER_DEBUG_PARAMS(fRecursionDepth));
   1099 }
   1101 void SkPathStroker::addDegenerateLine(const SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) {
   1102     const SkPoint* quad = quadPts->fQuad;
   1103     SkPath* path = fStrokeType == kOuter_StrokeType ? &fOuter : &fInner;
   1104     path->lineTo(quad[2].fX, quad[2].fY);
   1105 }
   1107 bool SkPathStroker::cubicMidOnLine(const SkPoint cubic[4], const SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) const {
   1108     SkPoint strokeMid;
   1109     this->cubicQuadMid(cubic, quadPts, &strokeMid);
   1110     SkScalar dist = pt_to_line(strokeMid, quadPts->fQuad[0], quadPts->fQuad[2]);
   1111     return dist < fInvResScaleSquared;
   1112 }
   1114 bool SkPathStroker::cubicStroke(const SkPoint cubic[4], SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) {
   1115     if (!fFoundTangents) {
   1116         ResultType resultType = this->tangentsMeet(cubic, quadPts);
   1117         if (kQuad_ResultType != resultType) {
   1118             if ((kDegenerate_ResultType == resultType
   1119                     || points_within_dist(quadPts->fQuad[0], quadPts->fQuad[2],
   1120                     fInvResScale)) && cubicMidOnLine(cubic, quadPts)) {
   1121                 addDegenerateLine(quadPts);
   1122                 return true;
   1123             }
   1124         } else {
   1125             fFoundTangents = true;
   1126         }
   1127     }
   1128     if (fFoundTangents) {
   1129         ResultType resultType = this->compareQuadCubic(cubic, quadPts);
   1130         if (kQuad_ResultType == resultType) {
   1131             SkPath* path = fStrokeType == kOuter_StrokeType ? &fOuter : &fInner;
   1132             const SkPoint* stroke = quadPts->fQuad;
   1133             path->quadTo(stroke[1].fX, stroke[1].fY, stroke[2].fX, stroke[2].fY);
   1134             return true;
   1135         }
   1136         if (kDegenerate_ResultType == resultType) {
   1137             if (!quadPts->fOppositeTangents) {
   1138               addDegenerateLine(quadPts);
   1139               return true;
   1140             }
   1141         }
   1142     }
   1143     if (!SkScalarIsFinite(quadPts->fQuad[2].fX) || !SkScalarIsFinite(quadPts->fQuad[2].fY)) {
   1144         return false;  // just abort if projected quad isn't representable
   1145     }
   1147     SkDEBUGCODE(gMaxRecursion[fFoundTangents] = SkTMax(gMaxRecursion[fFoundTangents],
   1148             fRecursionDepth + 1));
   1149 #endif
   1150     if (++fRecursionDepth > kRecursiveLimits[fFoundTangents]) {
   1151         return false;  // just abort if projected quad isn't representable
   1152     }
   1153     SkQuadConstruct half;
   1154     if (!half.initWithStart(quadPts)) {
   1155         addDegenerateLine(quadPts);
   1156         return true;
   1157     }
   1158     if (!this->cubicStroke(cubic, &half)) {
   1159         return false;
   1160     }
   1161     if (!half.initWithEnd(quadPts)) {
   1162         addDegenerateLine(quadPts);
   1163         return true;
   1164     }
   1165     if (!this->cubicStroke(cubic, &half)) {
   1166         return false;
   1167     }
   1168     --fRecursionDepth;
   1169     return true;
   1170 }
   1172 bool SkPathStroker::conicStroke(const SkConic& conic, SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) {
   1173     ResultType resultType = this->compareQuadConic(conic, quadPts);
   1174     if (kQuad_ResultType == resultType) {
   1175         const SkPoint* stroke = quadPts->fQuad;
   1176         SkPath* path = fStrokeType == kOuter_StrokeType ? &fOuter : &fInner;
   1177         path->quadTo(stroke[1].fX, stroke[1].fY, stroke[2].fX, stroke[2].fY);
   1178         return true;
   1179     }
   1180     if (kDegenerate_ResultType == resultType) {
   1181         addDegenerateLine(quadPts);
   1182         return true;
   1183     }
   1185     SkDEBUGCODE(gMaxRecursion[kConic_RecursiveLimit] = SkTMax(gMaxRecursion[kConic_RecursiveLimit],
   1186             fRecursionDepth + 1));
   1187 #endif
   1188     if (++fRecursionDepth > kRecursiveLimits[kConic_RecursiveLimit]) {
   1189         return false;  // just abort if projected quad isn't representable
   1190     }
   1191     SkQuadConstruct half;
   1192     (void) half.initWithStart(quadPts);
   1193     if (!this->conicStroke(conic, &half)) {
   1194         return false;
   1195     }
   1196     (void) half.initWithEnd(quadPts);
   1197     if (!this->conicStroke(conic, &half)) {
   1198         return false;
   1199     }
   1200     --fRecursionDepth;
   1201     return true;
   1202 }
   1204 bool SkPathStroker::quadStroke(const SkPoint quad[3], SkQuadConstruct* quadPts) {
   1205     ResultType resultType = this->compareQuadQuad(quad, quadPts);
   1206     if (kQuad_ResultType == resultType) {
   1207         const SkPoint* stroke = quadPts->fQuad;
   1208         SkPath* path = fStrokeType == kOuter_StrokeType ? &fOuter : &fInner;
   1209         path->quadTo(stroke[1].fX, stroke[1].fY, stroke[2].fX, stroke[2].fY);
   1210         return true;
   1211     }
   1212     if (kDegenerate_ResultType == resultType) {
   1213         addDegenerateLine(quadPts);
   1214         return true;
   1215     }
   1217     SkDEBUGCODE(gMaxRecursion[kQuad_RecursiveLimit] = SkTMax(gMaxRecursion[kQuad_RecursiveLimit],
   1218             fRecursionDepth + 1));
   1219 #endif
   1220     if (++fRecursionDepth > kRecursiveLimits[kQuad_RecursiveLimit]) {
   1221         return false;  // just abort if projected quad isn't representable
   1222     }
   1223     SkQuadConstruct half;
   1224     (void) half.initWithStart(quadPts);
   1225     if (!this->quadStroke(quad, &half)) {
   1226         return false;
   1227     }
   1228     (void) half.initWithEnd(quadPts);
   1229     if (!this->quadStroke(quad, &half)) {
   1230         return false;
   1231     }
   1232     --fRecursionDepth;
   1233     return true;
   1234 }
   1236 void SkPathStroker::cubicTo(const SkPoint& pt1, const SkPoint& pt2,
   1237                             const SkPoint& pt3) {
   1238     const SkPoint cubic[4] = { fPrevPt, pt1, pt2, pt3 };
   1239     SkPoint reduction[3];
   1240     const SkPoint* tangentPt;
   1241     ReductionType reductionType = CheckCubicLinear(cubic, reduction, &tangentPt);
   1242     if (kPoint_ReductionType == reductionType) {
   1243         /* If the stroke consists of a moveTo followed by a degenerate curve, treat it
   1244             as if it were followed by a zero-length line. Lines without length
   1245             can have square and round end caps. */
   1246         this->lineTo(pt3);
   1247         return;
   1248     }
   1249     if (kLine_ReductionType == reductionType) {
   1250         this->lineTo(pt3);
   1251         return;
   1252     }
   1253     if (kDegenerate_ReductionType <= reductionType && kDegenerate3_ReductionType >= reductionType) {
   1254         this->lineTo(reduction[0]);
   1255         SkStrokerPriv::JoinProc saveJoiner = fJoiner;
   1256         fJoiner = SkStrokerPriv::JoinFactory(SkPaint::kRound_Join);
   1257         if (kDegenerate2_ReductionType <= reductionType) {
   1258             this->lineTo(reduction[1]);
   1259         }
   1260         if (kDegenerate3_ReductionType == reductionType) {
   1261             this->lineTo(reduction[2]);
   1262         }
   1263         this->lineTo(pt3);
   1264         fJoiner = saveJoiner;
   1265         return;
   1266     }
   1267     SkASSERT(kQuad_ReductionType == reductionType);
   1268     SkVector normalAB, unitAB, normalCD, unitCD;
   1269     if (!this->preJoinTo(*tangentPt, &normalAB, &unitAB, false)) {
   1270         this->lineTo(pt3);
   1271         return;
   1272     }
   1273     SkScalar tValues[2];
   1274     int count = SkFindCubicInflections(cubic, tValues);
   1275     SkScalar lastT = 0;
   1276     for (int index = 0; index <= count; ++index) {
   1277         SkScalar nextT = index < count ? tValues[index] : 1;
   1278         SkQuadConstruct quadPts;
   1279         this->init(kOuter_StrokeType, &quadPts, lastT, nextT);
   1280         (void) this->cubicStroke(cubic, &quadPts);
   1281         this->init(kInner_StrokeType, &quadPts, lastT, nextT);
   1282         (void) this->cubicStroke(cubic, &quadPts);
   1283         lastT = nextT;
   1284     }
   1285     // emit the join even if one stroke succeeded but the last one failed
   1286     // this avoids reversing an inner stroke with a partial path followed by another moveto
   1287     this->setCubicEndNormal(cubic, normalAB, unitAB, &normalCD, &unitCD);
   1289     this->postJoinTo(pt3, normalCD, unitCD);
   1290 }
   1292 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1293 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1295 #include "SkPaintDefaults.h"
   1297 SkStroke::SkStroke() {
   1298     fWidth      = SK_Scalar1;
   1299     fMiterLimit = SkPaintDefaults_MiterLimit;
   1300     fResScale   = 1;
   1301     fCap        = SkPaint::kDefault_Cap;
   1302     fJoin       = SkPaint::kDefault_Join;
   1303     fDoFill     = false;
   1304 }
   1306 SkStroke::SkStroke(const SkPaint& p) {
   1307     fWidth      = p.getStrokeWidth();
   1308     fMiterLimit = p.getStrokeMiter();
   1309     fResScale   = 1;
   1310     fCap        = (uint8_t)p.getStrokeCap();
   1311     fJoin       = (uint8_t)p.getStrokeJoin();
   1312     fDoFill     = SkToU8(p.getStyle() == SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style);
   1313 }
   1315 SkStroke::SkStroke(const SkPaint& p, SkScalar width) {
   1316     fWidth      = width;
   1317     fMiterLimit = p.getStrokeMiter();
   1318     fResScale   = 1;
   1319     fCap        = (uint8_t)p.getStrokeCap();
   1320     fJoin       = (uint8_t)p.getStrokeJoin();
   1321     fDoFill     = SkToU8(p.getStyle() == SkPaint::kStrokeAndFill_Style);
   1322 }
   1324 void SkStroke::setWidth(SkScalar width) {
   1325     SkASSERT(width >= 0);
   1326     fWidth = width;
   1327 }
   1329 void SkStroke::setMiterLimit(SkScalar miterLimit) {
   1330     SkASSERT(miterLimit >= 0);
   1331     fMiterLimit = miterLimit;
   1332 }
   1334 void SkStroke::setCap(SkPaint::Cap cap) {
   1335     SkASSERT((unsigned)cap < SkPaint::kCapCount);
   1336     fCap = SkToU8(cap);
   1337 }
   1339 void SkStroke::setJoin(SkPaint::Join join) {
   1340     SkASSERT((unsigned)join < SkPaint::kJoinCount);
   1341     fJoin = SkToU8(join);
   1342 }
   1344 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1346 // If src==dst, then we use a tmp path to record the stroke, and then swap
   1347 // its contents with src when we're done.
   1348 class AutoTmpPath {
   1349 public:
   1350     AutoTmpPath(const SkPath& src, SkPath** dst) : fSrc(src) {
   1351         if (&src == *dst) {
   1352             *dst = &fTmpDst;
   1353             fSwapWithSrc = true;
   1354         } else {
   1355             (*dst)->reset();
   1356             fSwapWithSrc = false;
   1357         }
   1358     }
   1360     ~AutoTmpPath() {
   1361         if (fSwapWithSrc) {
   1362             fTmpDst.swap(*const_cast<SkPath*>(&fSrc));
   1363         }
   1364     }
   1366 private:
   1367     SkPath          fTmpDst;
   1368     const SkPath&   fSrc;
   1369     bool            fSwapWithSrc;
   1370 };
   1372 void SkStroke::strokePath(const SkPath& src, SkPath* dst) const {
   1373     SkASSERT(dst);
   1375     SkScalar radius = SkScalarHalf(fWidth);
   1377     AutoTmpPath tmp(src, &dst);
   1379     if (radius <= 0) {
   1380         return;
   1381     }
   1383     // If src is really a rect, call our specialty strokeRect() method
   1384     {
   1385         SkRect rect;
   1386         bool isClosed;
   1387         SkPath::Direction dir;
   1388         if (src.isRect(&rect, &isClosed, &dir) && isClosed) {
   1389             this->strokeRect(rect, dst, dir);
   1390             // our answer should preserve the inverseness of the src
   1391             if (src.isInverseFillType()) {
   1392                 SkASSERT(!dst->isInverseFillType());
   1393                 dst->toggleInverseFillType();
   1394             }
   1395             return;
   1396         }
   1397     }
   1399     // We can always ignore centers for stroke and fill convex line-only paths
   1400     // TODO: remove the line-only restriction
   1401     bool ignoreCenter = fDoFill && (src.getSegmentMasks() == SkPath::kLine_SegmentMask) &&
   1402                         src.isLastContourClosed() && src.isConvex();
   1404     SkPathStroker   stroker(src, radius, fMiterLimit, this->getCap(), this->getJoin(),
   1405                             fResScale, ignoreCenter);
   1406     SkPath::Iter    iter(src, false);
   1407     SkPath::Verb    lastSegment = SkPath::kMove_Verb;
   1409     for (;;) {
   1410         SkPoint  pts[4];
   1411         switch (iter.next(pts, false)) {
   1412             case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
   1413                 stroker.moveTo(pts[0]);
   1414                 break;
   1415             case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
   1416                 stroker.lineTo(pts[1], &iter);
   1417                 lastSegment = SkPath::kLine_Verb;
   1418                 break;
   1419             case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
   1420                 stroker.quadTo(pts[1], pts[2]);
   1421                 lastSegment = SkPath::kQuad_Verb;
   1422                 break;
   1423             case SkPath::kConic_Verb: {
   1424                 stroker.conicTo(pts[1], pts[2], iter.conicWeight());
   1425                 lastSegment = SkPath::kConic_Verb;
   1426                 break;
   1427             } break;
   1428             case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
   1429                 stroker.cubicTo(pts[1], pts[2], pts[3]);
   1430                 lastSegment = SkPath::kCubic_Verb;
   1431                 break;
   1432             case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
   1433                 if (SkPaint::kButt_Cap != this->getCap()) {
   1434                     /* If the stroke consists of a moveTo followed by a close, treat it
   1435                        as if it were followed by a zero-length line. Lines without length
   1436                        can have square and round end caps. */
   1437                     if (stroker.hasOnlyMoveTo()) {
   1438                         stroker.lineTo(stroker.moveToPt());
   1439                         goto ZERO_LENGTH;
   1440                     }
   1441                     /* If the stroke consists of a moveTo followed by one or more zero-length
   1442                        verbs, then followed by a close, treat is as if it were followed by a
   1443                        zero-length line. Lines without length can have square & round end caps. */
   1444                     if (stroker.isCurrentContourEmpty()) {
   1445                 ZERO_LENGTH:
   1446                         lastSegment = SkPath::kLine_Verb;
   1447                         break;
   1448                     }
   1449                 }
   1450                 stroker.close(lastSegment == SkPath::kLine_Verb);
   1451                 break;
   1452             case SkPath::kDone_Verb:
   1453                 goto DONE;
   1454         }
   1455     }
   1456 DONE:
   1457     stroker.done(dst, lastSegment == SkPath::kLine_Verb);
   1459     if (fDoFill && !ignoreCenter) {
   1460         if (SkPathPriv::CheapIsFirstDirection(src, SkPathPriv::kCCW_FirstDirection)) {
   1461             dst->reverseAddPath(src);
   1462         } else {
   1463             dst->addPath(src);
   1464         }
   1465     } else {
   1466         //  Seems like we can assume that a 2-point src would always result in
   1467         //  a convex stroke, but testing has proved otherwise.
   1468         //  TODO: fix the stroker to make this assumption true (without making
   1469         //  it slower that the work that will be done in computeConvexity())
   1470 #if 0
   1471         // this test results in a non-convex stroke :(
   1472         static void test(SkCanvas* canvas) {
   1473             SkPoint pts[] = { 146.333328,  192.333328, 300.333344, 293.333344 };
   1474             SkPaint paint;
   1475             paint.setStrokeWidth(7);
   1476             paint.setStrokeCap(SkPaint::kRound_Cap);
   1477             canvas->drawLine(pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY, pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY, paint);
   1478         }
   1479 #endif
   1480 #if 0
   1481         if (2 == src.countPoints()) {
   1482             dst->setIsConvex(true);
   1483         }
   1484 #endif
   1485     }
   1487     // our answer should preserve the inverseness of the src
   1488     if (src.isInverseFillType()) {
   1489         SkASSERT(!dst->isInverseFillType());
   1490         dst->toggleInverseFillType();
   1491     }
   1492 }
   1494 static SkPath::Direction reverse_direction(SkPath::Direction dir) {
   1495     static const SkPath::Direction gOpposite[] = { SkPath::kCCW_Direction, SkPath::kCW_Direction };
   1496     return gOpposite[dir];
   1497 }
   1499 static void addBevel(SkPath* path, const SkRect& r, const SkRect& outer, SkPath::Direction dir) {
   1500     SkPoint pts[8];
   1502     if (SkPath::kCW_Direction == dir) {
   1503         pts[0].set(r.fLeft, outer.fTop);
   1504         pts[1].set(r.fRight, outer.fTop);
   1505         pts[2].set(outer.fRight, r.fTop);
   1506         pts[3].set(outer.fRight, r.fBottom);
   1507         pts[4].set(r.fRight, outer.fBottom);
   1508         pts[5].set(r.fLeft, outer.fBottom);
   1509         pts[6].set(outer.fLeft, r.fBottom);
   1510         pts[7].set(outer.fLeft, r.fTop);
   1511     } else {
   1512         pts[7].set(r.fLeft, outer.fTop);
   1513         pts[6].set(r.fRight, outer.fTop);
   1514         pts[5].set(outer.fRight, r.fTop);
   1515         pts[4].set(outer.fRight, r.fBottom);
   1516         pts[3].set(r.fRight, outer.fBottom);
   1517         pts[2].set(r.fLeft, outer.fBottom);
   1518         pts[1].set(outer.fLeft, r.fBottom);
   1519         pts[0].set(outer.fLeft, r.fTop);
   1520     }
   1521     path->addPoly(pts, 8, true);
   1522 }
   1524 void SkStroke::strokeRect(const SkRect& origRect, SkPath* dst,
   1525                           SkPath::Direction dir) const {
   1526     SkASSERT(dst != nullptr);
   1527     dst->reset();
   1529     SkScalar radius = SkScalarHalf(fWidth);
   1530     if (radius <= 0) {
   1531         return;
   1532     }
   1534     SkScalar rw = origRect.width();
   1535     SkScalar rh = origRect.height();
   1536     if ((rw < 0) ^ (rh < 0)) {
   1537         dir = reverse_direction(dir);
   1538     }
   1539     SkRect rect(origRect);
   1540     rect.sort();
   1541     // reassign these, now that we know they'll be >= 0
   1542     rw = rect.width();
   1543     rh = rect.height();
   1545     SkRect r(rect);
   1546     r.outset(radius, radius);
   1548     SkPaint::Join join = (SkPaint::Join)fJoin;
   1549     if (SkPaint::kMiter_Join == join && fMiterLimit < SK_ScalarSqrt2) {
   1550         join = SkPaint::kBevel_Join;
   1551     }
   1553     switch (join) {
   1554         case SkPaint::kMiter_Join:
   1555             dst->addRect(r, dir);
   1556             break;
   1557         case SkPaint::kBevel_Join:
   1558             addBevel(dst, rect, r, dir);
   1559             break;
   1560         case SkPaint::kRound_Join:
   1561             dst->addRoundRect(r, radius, radius, dir);
   1562             break;
   1563         default:
   1564             break;
   1565     }
   1567     if (fWidth < SkMinScalar(rw, rh) && !fDoFill) {
   1568         r = rect;
   1569         r.inset(radius, radius);
   1570         dst->addRect(r, reverse_direction(dir));
   1571     }
   1572 }