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      1 //===- subzero/src/IceConverter.cpp - Converts LLVM to Ice  ---------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                        The Subzero Code Generator
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 ///
     10 /// \file
     11 /// \brief Implements the LLVM to ICE converter.
     12 ///
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     15 #include "IceConverter.h"
     17 #include "IceCfg.h"
     18 #include "IceCfgNode.h"
     19 #include "IceClFlags.h"
     20 #include "IceDefs.h"
     21 #include "IceGlobalContext.h"
     22 #include "IceGlobalInits.h"
     23 #include "IceInst.h"
     24 #include "IceMangling.h"
     25 #include "IceOperand.h"
     26 #include "IceTargetLowering.h"
     27 #include "IceTypes.h"
     28 #include "IceTypeConverter.h"
     30 #ifdef __clang__
     31 #pragma clang diagnostic push
     32 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
     33 #endif // __clang__
     35 #include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
     36 #include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
     37 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
     38 #include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
     39 #include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
     40 #include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
     41 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
     43 #ifdef __clang__
     44 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
     45 #endif // __clang__
     47 // TODO(kschimpf): Remove two namespaces being visible at once.
     48 using namespace llvm;
     50 namespace {
     52 // Debugging helper
     53 template <typename T> static std::string LLVMObjectAsString(const T *O) {
     54   std::string Dump;
     55   raw_string_ostream Stream(Dump);
     56   O->print(Stream);
     57   return Stream.str();
     58 }
     60 // Base class for converting LLVM to ICE.
     61 // TODO(stichnot): Redesign Converter, LLVM2ICEConverter,
     62 // LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter, and LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter with respect to
     63 // Translator.  In particular, the unique_ptr ownership rules in
     64 // LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter.
     65 class LLVM2ICEConverter {
     66   LLVM2ICEConverter() = delete;
     67   LLVM2ICEConverter(const LLVM2ICEConverter &) = delete;
     68   LLVM2ICEConverter &operator=(const LLVM2ICEConverter &) = delete;
     70 public:
     71   explicit LLVM2ICEConverter(Ice::Converter &Converter)
     72       : Converter(Converter), Ctx(Converter.getContext()),
     73         TypeConverter(Converter.getModule()->getContext()) {}
     75   Ice::Converter &getConverter() const { return Converter; }
     77 protected:
     78   Ice::Converter &Converter;
     79   Ice::GlobalContext *Ctx;
     80   const Ice::TypeConverter TypeConverter;
     81 };
     83 // Converter from LLVM functions to ICE. The entry point is the convertFunction
     84 // method.
     85 //
     86 // Note: this currently assumes that the given IR was verified to be valid
     87 // PNaCl bitcode. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
     88 class LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter : LLVM2ICEConverter {
     89   LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter() = delete;
     90   LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter(const LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter &) = delete;
     91   LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter &
     92   operator=(const LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter &) = delete;
     94 public:
     95   explicit LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter(Ice::Converter &Converter)
     96       : LLVM2ICEConverter(Converter), Func(nullptr) {}
     98   void convertFunction(const Function *F) {
     99     Func = Ice::Cfg::create(Ctx, Converter.getNextSequenceNumber());
    100     {
    101       Ice::CfgLocalAllocatorScope _(Func.get());
    103       VarMap.clear();
    104       NodeMap.clear();
    105       Func->setFunctionName(
    106           Ctx->getGlobalString(Ice::mangleName(F->getName())));
    107       Func->setReturnType(convertToIceType(F->getReturnType()));
    108       Func->setInternal(F->hasInternalLinkage());
    109       Ice::TimerMarker T(Ice::TimerStack::TT_llvmConvert, Func.get());
    111       // The initial definition/use of each arg is the entry node.
    112       for (auto ArgI = F->arg_begin(), ArgE = F->arg_end(); ArgI != ArgE;
    113            ++ArgI) {
    114         Func->addArg(mapValueToIceVar(&*ArgI));
    115       }
    117       // Make an initial pass through the block list just to resolve the blocks
    118       // in the original linearized order. Otherwise the ICE linearized order
    119       // will be affected by branch targets in terminator instructions.
    120       for (const BasicBlock &BBI : *F)
    121         mapBasicBlockToNode(&BBI);
    122       for (const BasicBlock &BBI : *F)
    123         convertBasicBlock(&BBI);
    124       Func->setEntryNode(mapBasicBlockToNode(&F->getEntryBlock()));
    125       Func->computeInOutEdges();
    126     }
    127     Converter.translateFcn(std::move(Func));
    128   }
    130   // convertConstant() does not use Func or require it to be a valid Ice::Cfg
    131   // pointer. As such, it's suitable for e.g. constructing global initializers.
    132   Ice::Constant *convertConstant(const Constant *Const) {
    133     if (const auto GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(Const)) {
    134       Ice::GlobalDeclaration *Decl = getConverter().getGlobalDeclaration(GV);
    135       bool IsUndefined = false;
    136       if (const auto *Func = llvm::dyn_cast<Ice::FunctionDeclaration>(Decl))
    137         IsUndefined = Func->isProto();
    138       else if (const auto *Var = llvm::dyn_cast<Ice::VariableDeclaration>(Decl))
    139         IsUndefined = !Var->hasInitializer();
    140       else
    141         report_fatal_error("Unhandled GlobalDeclaration type");
    142       if (IsUndefined)
    143         return Ctx->getConstantExternSym(Decl->getName());
    144       else {
    145         const Ice::RelocOffsetT Offset = 0;
    146         return Ctx->getConstantSym(
    147             Offset, Ctx->getGlobalString(Decl->getName().toString()));
    148       }
    149     } else if (const auto CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Const)) {
    150       Ice::Type Ty = convertToIceType(CI->getType());
    151       return Ctx->getConstantInt(Ty, CI->getSExtValue());
    152     } else if (const auto CFP = dyn_cast<ConstantFP>(Const)) {
    153       Ice::Type Type = convertToIceType(CFP->getType());
    154       if (Type == Ice::IceType_f32)
    155         return Ctx->getConstantFloat(CFP->getValueAPF().convertToFloat());
    156       else if (Type == Ice::IceType_f64)
    157         return Ctx->getConstantDouble(CFP->getValueAPF().convertToDouble());
    158       llvm_unreachable("Unexpected floating point type");
    159       return nullptr;
    160     } else if (const auto CU = dyn_cast<UndefValue>(Const)) {
    161       return Ctx->getConstantUndef(convertToIceType(CU->getType()));
    162     } else {
    163       llvm_unreachable("Unhandled constant type");
    164       return nullptr;
    165     }
    166   }
    168 private:
    169   // LLVM values (instructions, etc.) are mapped directly to ICE variables.
    170   // mapValueToIceVar has a version that forces an ICE type on the variable,
    171   // and a version that just uses convertToIceType on V.
    172   Ice::Variable *mapValueToIceVar(const Value *V, Ice::Type IceTy) {
    173     if (IceTy == Ice::IceType_void)
    174       return nullptr;
    175     if (VarMap.find(V) == VarMap.end()) {
    176       VarMap[V] = Func->makeVariable(IceTy);
    177       if (Ice::BuildDefs::dump())
    178         VarMap[V]->setName(Func.get(), V->getName());
    179     }
    180     return VarMap[V];
    181   }
    183   Ice::Variable *mapValueToIceVar(const Value *V) {
    184     return mapValueToIceVar(V, convertToIceType(V->getType()));
    185   }
    187   Ice::CfgNode *mapBasicBlockToNode(const BasicBlock *BB) {
    188     if (NodeMap.find(BB) == NodeMap.end()) {
    189       NodeMap[BB] = Func->makeNode();
    190       if (Ice::BuildDefs::dump())
    191         NodeMap[BB]->setName(BB->getName());
    192     }
    193     return NodeMap[BB];
    194   }
    196   Ice::Type convertToIceType(Type *LLVMTy) const {
    197     Ice::Type IceTy = TypeConverter.convertToIceType(LLVMTy);
    198     if (IceTy == Ice::IceType_NUM)
    199       report_fatal_error(std::string("Invalid PNaCl type ") +
    200                          LLVMObjectAsString(LLVMTy));
    201     return IceTy;
    202   }
    204   // Given an LLVM instruction and an operand number, produce the Ice::Operand
    205   // this refers to. If there's no such operand, return nullptr.
    206   Ice::Operand *convertOperand(const Instruction *Instr, unsigned OpNum) {
    207     if (OpNum >= Instr->getNumOperands()) {
    208       return nullptr;
    209     }
    210     const Value *Op = Instr->getOperand(OpNum);
    211     return convertValue(Op);
    212   }
    214   Ice::Operand *convertValue(const Value *Op) {
    215     if (const auto Const = dyn_cast<Constant>(Op)) {
    216       return convertConstant(Const);
    217     } else {
    218       return mapValueToIceVar(Op);
    219     }
    220   }
    222   // Note: this currently assumes a 1x1 mapping between LLVM IR and Ice
    223   // instructions.
    224   Ice::Inst *convertInstruction(const Instruction *Instr) {
    225     switch (Instr->getOpcode()) {
    226     case Instruction::PHI:
    227       return convertPHINodeInstruction(cast<PHINode>(Instr));
    228     case Instruction::Br:
    229       return convertBrInstruction(cast<BranchInst>(Instr));
    230     case Instruction::Ret:
    231       return convertRetInstruction(cast<ReturnInst>(Instr));
    232     case Instruction::IntToPtr:
    233       return convertIntToPtrInstruction(cast<IntToPtrInst>(Instr));
    234     case Instruction::PtrToInt:
    235       return convertPtrToIntInstruction(cast<PtrToIntInst>(Instr));
    236     case Instruction::ICmp:
    237       return convertICmpInstruction(cast<ICmpInst>(Instr));
    238     case Instruction::FCmp:
    239       return convertFCmpInstruction(cast<FCmpInst>(Instr));
    240     case Instruction::Select:
    241       return convertSelectInstruction(cast<SelectInst>(Instr));
    242     case Instruction::Switch:
    243       return convertSwitchInstruction(cast<SwitchInst>(Instr));
    244     case Instruction::Load:
    245       return convertLoadInstruction(cast<LoadInst>(Instr));
    246     case Instruction::Store:
    247       return convertStoreInstruction(cast<StoreInst>(Instr));
    248     case Instruction::ZExt:
    249       return convertCastInstruction(cast<ZExtInst>(Instr), Ice::InstCast::Zext);
    250     case Instruction::SExt:
    251       return convertCastInstruction(cast<SExtInst>(Instr), Ice::InstCast::Sext);
    252     case Instruction::Trunc:
    253       return convertCastInstruction(cast<TruncInst>(Instr),
    254                                     Ice::InstCast::Trunc);
    255     case Instruction::FPTrunc:
    256       return convertCastInstruction(cast<FPTruncInst>(Instr),
    257                                     Ice::InstCast::Fptrunc);
    258     case Instruction::FPExt:
    259       return convertCastInstruction(cast<FPExtInst>(Instr),
    260                                     Ice::InstCast::Fpext);
    261     case Instruction::FPToSI:
    262       return convertCastInstruction(cast<FPToSIInst>(Instr),
    263                                     Ice::InstCast::Fptosi);
    264     case Instruction::FPToUI:
    265       return convertCastInstruction(cast<FPToUIInst>(Instr),
    266                                     Ice::InstCast::Fptoui);
    267     case Instruction::SIToFP:
    268       return convertCastInstruction(cast<SIToFPInst>(Instr),
    269                                     Ice::InstCast::Sitofp);
    270     case Instruction::UIToFP:
    271       return convertCastInstruction(cast<UIToFPInst>(Instr),
    272                                     Ice::InstCast::Uitofp);
    273     case Instruction::BitCast:
    274       return convertCastInstruction(cast<BitCastInst>(Instr),
    275                                     Ice::InstCast::Bitcast);
    276     case Instruction::Add:
    277       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Add);
    278     case Instruction::Sub:
    279       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Sub);
    280     case Instruction::Mul:
    281       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Mul);
    282     case Instruction::UDiv:
    283       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Udiv);
    284     case Instruction::SDiv:
    285       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Sdiv);
    286     case Instruction::URem:
    287       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Urem);
    288     case Instruction::SRem:
    289       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Srem);
    290     case Instruction::Shl:
    291       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Shl);
    292     case Instruction::LShr:
    293       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Lshr);
    294     case Instruction::AShr:
    295       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Ashr);
    296     case Instruction::FAdd:
    297       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Fadd);
    298     case Instruction::FSub:
    299       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Fsub);
    300     case Instruction::FMul:
    301       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Fmul);
    302     case Instruction::FDiv:
    303       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Fdiv);
    304     case Instruction::FRem:
    305       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Frem);
    306     case Instruction::And:
    307       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::And);
    308     case Instruction::Or:
    309       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Or);
    310     case Instruction::Xor:
    311       return convertArithInstruction(Instr, Ice::InstArithmetic::Xor);
    312     case Instruction::ExtractElement:
    313       return convertExtractElementInstruction(cast<ExtractElementInst>(Instr));
    314     case Instruction::InsertElement:
    315       return convertInsertElementInstruction(cast<InsertElementInst>(Instr));
    316     case Instruction::Call:
    317       return convertCallInstruction(cast<CallInst>(Instr));
    318     case Instruction::Alloca:
    319       return convertAllocaInstruction(cast<AllocaInst>(Instr));
    320     case Instruction::Unreachable:
    321       return convertUnreachableInstruction(cast<UnreachableInst>(Instr));
    322     default:
    323       report_fatal_error(std::string("Invalid PNaCl instruction: ") +
    324                          LLVMObjectAsString(Instr));
    325     }
    327     llvm_unreachable("convertInstruction");
    328     return nullptr;
    329   }
    331   Ice::Inst *convertLoadInstruction(const LoadInst *Instr) {
    332     Ice::Operand *Src = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    333     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    334     return Ice::InstLoad::create(Func.get(), Dest, Src);
    335   }
    337   Ice::Inst *convertStoreInstruction(const StoreInst *Instr) {
    338     Ice::Operand *Addr = convertOperand(Instr, 1);
    339     Ice::Operand *Val = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    340     return Ice::InstStore::create(Func.get(), Val, Addr);
    341   }
    343   Ice::Inst *convertArithInstruction(const Instruction *Instr,
    344                                      Ice::InstArithmetic::OpKind Opcode) {
    345     const auto BinOp = cast<BinaryOperator>(Instr);
    346     Ice::Operand *Src0 = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    347     Ice::Operand *Src1 = convertOperand(Instr, 1);
    348     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(BinOp);
    349     return Ice::InstArithmetic::create(Func.get(), Opcode, Dest, Src0, Src1);
    350   }
    352   Ice::Inst *convertPHINodeInstruction(const PHINode *Instr) {
    353     unsigned NumValues = Instr->getNumIncomingValues();
    354     Ice::InstPhi *IcePhi =
    355         Ice::InstPhi::create(Func.get(), NumValues, mapValueToIceVar(Instr));
    356     for (unsigned N = 0, E = NumValues; N != E; ++N) {
    357       IcePhi->addArgument(convertOperand(Instr, N),
    358                           mapBasicBlockToNode(Instr->getIncomingBlock(N)));
    359     }
    360     return IcePhi;
    361   }
    363   Ice::Inst *convertBrInstruction(const BranchInst *Instr) {
    364     if (Instr->isConditional()) {
    365       Ice::Operand *Src = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    366       BasicBlock *BBThen = Instr->getSuccessor(0);
    367       BasicBlock *BBElse = Instr->getSuccessor(1);
    368       Ice::CfgNode *NodeThen = mapBasicBlockToNode(BBThen);
    369       Ice::CfgNode *NodeElse = mapBasicBlockToNode(BBElse);
    370       return Ice::InstBr::create(Func.get(), Src, NodeThen, NodeElse);
    371     } else {
    372       BasicBlock *BBSucc = Instr->getSuccessor(0);
    373       return Ice::InstBr::create(Func.get(), mapBasicBlockToNode(BBSucc));
    374     }
    375   }
    377   Ice::Inst *convertIntToPtrInstruction(const IntToPtrInst *Instr) {
    378     Ice::Operand *Src = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    379     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr, Ice::getPointerType());
    380     return Ice::InstAssign::create(Func.get(), Dest, Src);
    381   }
    383   Ice::Inst *convertPtrToIntInstruction(const PtrToIntInst *Instr) {
    384     Ice::Operand *Src = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    385     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    386     return Ice::InstAssign::create(Func.get(), Dest, Src);
    387   }
    389   Ice::Inst *convertRetInstruction(const ReturnInst *Instr) {
    390     Ice::Operand *RetOperand = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    391     if (RetOperand) {
    392       return Ice::InstRet::create(Func.get(), RetOperand);
    393     } else {
    394       return Ice::InstRet::create(Func.get());
    395     }
    396   }
    398   Ice::Inst *convertCastInstruction(const Instruction *Instr,
    399                                     Ice::InstCast::OpKind CastKind) {
    400     Ice::Operand *Src = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    401     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    402     return Ice::InstCast::create(Func.get(), CastKind, Dest, Src);
    403   }
    405   Ice::Inst *convertICmpInstruction(const ICmpInst *Instr) {
    406     Ice::Operand *Src0 = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    407     Ice::Operand *Src1 = convertOperand(Instr, 1);
    408     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    410     Ice::InstIcmp::ICond Cond;
    411     switch (Instr->getPredicate()) {
    412     default:
    413       llvm_unreachable("ICmpInst predicate");
    414     case CmpInst::ICMP_EQ:
    415       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Eq;
    416       break;
    417     case CmpInst::ICMP_NE:
    418       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Ne;
    419       break;
    420     case CmpInst::ICMP_UGT:
    421       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Ugt;
    422       break;
    423     case CmpInst::ICMP_UGE:
    424       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Uge;
    425       break;
    426     case CmpInst::ICMP_ULT:
    427       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Ult;
    428       break;
    429     case CmpInst::ICMP_ULE:
    430       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Ule;
    431       break;
    432     case CmpInst::ICMP_SGT:
    433       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Sgt;
    434       break;
    435     case CmpInst::ICMP_SGE:
    436       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Sge;
    437       break;
    438     case CmpInst::ICMP_SLT:
    439       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Slt;
    440       break;
    441     case CmpInst::ICMP_SLE:
    442       Cond = Ice::InstIcmp::Sle;
    443       break;
    444     }
    446     return Ice::InstIcmp::create(Func.get(), Cond, Dest, Src0, Src1);
    447   }
    449   Ice::Inst *convertFCmpInstruction(const FCmpInst *Instr) {
    450     Ice::Operand *Src0 = convertOperand(Instr, 0);
    451     Ice::Operand *Src1 = convertOperand(Instr, 1);
    452     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    454     Ice::InstFcmp::FCond Cond;
    455     switch (Instr->getPredicate()) {
    457     default:
    458       llvm_unreachable("FCmpInst predicate");
    460     case CmpInst::FCMP_FALSE:
    461       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::False;
    462       break;
    463     case CmpInst::FCMP_OEQ:
    464       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Oeq;
    465       break;
    466     case CmpInst::FCMP_OGT:
    467       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Ogt;
    468       break;
    469     case CmpInst::FCMP_OGE:
    470       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Oge;
    471       break;
    472     case CmpInst::FCMP_OLT:
    473       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Olt;
    474       break;
    475     case CmpInst::FCMP_OLE:
    476       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Ole;
    477       break;
    478     case CmpInst::FCMP_ONE:
    479       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::One;
    480       break;
    481     case CmpInst::FCMP_ORD:
    482       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Ord;
    483       break;
    484     case CmpInst::FCMP_UEQ:
    485       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Ueq;
    486       break;
    487     case CmpInst::FCMP_UGT:
    488       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Ugt;
    489       break;
    490     case CmpInst::FCMP_UGE:
    491       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Uge;
    492       break;
    493     case CmpInst::FCMP_ULT:
    494       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Ult;
    495       break;
    496     case CmpInst::FCMP_ULE:
    497       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Ule;
    498       break;
    499     case CmpInst::FCMP_UNE:
    500       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Une;
    501       break;
    502     case CmpInst::FCMP_UNO:
    503       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::Uno;
    504       break;
    505     case CmpInst::FCMP_TRUE:
    506       Cond = Ice::InstFcmp::True;
    507       break;
    508     }
    510     return Ice::InstFcmp::create(Func.get(), Cond, Dest, Src0, Src1);
    511   }
    513   Ice::Inst *convertExtractElementInstruction(const ExtractElementInst *Instr) {
    514     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    515     Ice::Operand *Source1 = convertValue(Instr->getOperand(0));
    516     Ice::Operand *Source2 = convertValue(Instr->getOperand(1));
    517     return Ice::InstExtractElement::create(Func.get(), Dest, Source1, Source2);
    518   }
    520   Ice::Inst *convertInsertElementInstruction(const InsertElementInst *Instr) {
    521     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    522     Ice::Operand *Source1 = convertValue(Instr->getOperand(0));
    523     Ice::Operand *Source2 = convertValue(Instr->getOperand(1));
    524     Ice::Operand *Source3 = convertValue(Instr->getOperand(2));
    525     return Ice::InstInsertElement::create(Func.get(), Dest, Source1, Source2,
    526                                           Source3);
    527   }
    529   Ice::Inst *convertSelectInstruction(const SelectInst *Instr) {
    530     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    531     Ice::Operand *Cond = convertValue(Instr->getCondition());
    532     Ice::Operand *Source1 = convertValue(Instr->getTrueValue());
    533     Ice::Operand *Source2 = convertValue(Instr->getFalseValue());
    534     return Ice::InstSelect::create(Func.get(), Dest, Cond, Source1, Source2);
    535   }
    537   Ice::Inst *convertSwitchInstruction(const SwitchInst *Instr) {
    538     Ice::Operand *Source = convertValue(Instr->getCondition());
    539     Ice::CfgNode *LabelDefault = mapBasicBlockToNode(Instr->getDefaultDest());
    540     unsigned NumCases = Instr->getNumCases();
    541     Ice::InstSwitch *Switch =
    542         Ice::InstSwitch::create(Func.get(), NumCases, Source, LabelDefault);
    543     unsigned CurrentCase = 0;
    544     for (SwitchInst::ConstCaseIt I = Instr->case_begin(), E = Instr->case_end();
    545          I != E; ++I, ++CurrentCase) {
    546       uint64_t CaseValue = I.getCaseValue()->getSExtValue();
    547       Ice::CfgNode *CaseSuccessor = mapBasicBlockToNode(I.getCaseSuccessor());
    548       Switch->addBranch(CurrentCase, CaseValue, CaseSuccessor);
    549     }
    550     return Switch;
    551   }
    553   Ice::Inst *convertCallInstruction(const CallInst *Instr) {
    554     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr);
    555     Ice::Operand *CallTarget = convertValue(Instr->getCalledValue());
    556     unsigned NumArgs = Instr->getNumArgOperands();
    557     // Note: Subzero doesn't (yet) do anything special with the Tail flag in
    558     // the bitcode, i.e. CallInst::isTailCall().
    559     Ice::InstCall *NewInst = nullptr;
    560     const Ice::Intrinsics::FullIntrinsicInfo *Info = nullptr;
    562     if (const auto Target = dyn_cast<Ice::ConstantRelocatable>(CallTarget)) {
    563       // Check if this direct call is to an Intrinsic (starts with "llvm.")
    564       bool BadIntrinsic;
    565       Info = Ctx->getIntrinsicsInfo().find(Target->getName(), BadIntrinsic);
    566       if (BadIntrinsic) {
    567         report_fatal_error(std::string("Invalid PNaCl intrinsic call: ") +
    568                            LLVMObjectAsString(Instr));
    569       }
    570       if (Info)
    571         NewInst = Ice::InstIntrinsicCall::create(Func.get(), NumArgs, Dest,
    572                                                  CallTarget, Info->Info);
    573     }
    575     // Not an intrinsic call.
    576     if (NewInst == nullptr) {
    577       NewInst = Ice::InstCall::create(Func.get(), NumArgs, Dest, CallTarget,
    578                                       Instr->isTailCall());
    579     }
    580     for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumArgs; ++i) {
    581       NewInst->addArg(convertOperand(Instr, i));
    582     }
    583     if (Info) {
    584       validateIntrinsicCall(NewInst, Info);
    585     }
    586     return NewInst;
    587   }
    589   Ice::Inst *convertAllocaInstruction(const AllocaInst *Instr) {
    590     // PNaCl bitcode only contains allocas of byte-granular objects.
    591     Ice::Operand *ByteCount = convertValue(Instr->getArraySize());
    592     uint32_t Align = Instr->getAlignment();
    593     Ice::Variable *Dest = mapValueToIceVar(Instr, Ice::getPointerType());
    595     return Ice::InstAlloca::create(Func.get(), Dest, ByteCount, Align);
    596   }
    598   Ice::Inst *convertUnreachableInstruction(const UnreachableInst * /*Instr*/) {
    599     return Ice::InstUnreachable::create(Func.get());
    600   }
    602   Ice::CfgNode *convertBasicBlock(const BasicBlock *BB) {
    603     Ice::CfgNode *Node = mapBasicBlockToNode(BB);
    604     for (const Instruction &II : *BB) {
    605       Ice::Inst *Instr = convertInstruction(&II);
    606       Node->appendInst(Instr);
    607     }
    608     return Node;
    609   }
    611   void validateIntrinsicCall(const Ice::InstCall *Call,
    612                              const Ice::Intrinsics::FullIntrinsicInfo *I) {
    613     Ice::SizeT ArgIndex = 0;
    614     switch (I->validateCall(Call, ArgIndex)) {
    615     case Ice::Intrinsics::IsValidCall:
    616       break;
    617     case Ice::Intrinsics::BadReturnType: {
    618       std::string Buffer;
    619       raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    620       StrBuf << "Intrinsic call expects return type " << I->getReturnType()
    621              << ". Found: " << Call->getReturnType();
    622       report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    623       break;
    624     }
    625     case Ice::Intrinsics::WrongNumOfArgs: {
    626       std::string Buffer;
    627       raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    628       StrBuf << "Intrinsic call expects " << I->getNumArgs()
    629              << ". Found: " << Call->getNumArgs();
    630       report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    631       break;
    632     }
    633     case Ice::Intrinsics::WrongCallArgType: {
    634       std::string Buffer;
    635       raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    636       StrBuf << "Intrinsic call argument " << ArgIndex << " expects type "
    637              << I->getArgType(ArgIndex)
    638              << ". Found: " << Call->getArg(ArgIndex)->getType();
    639       report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    640       break;
    641     }
    642     }
    643   }
    645 private:
    646   // Data
    647   std::unique_ptr<Ice::Cfg> Func;
    648   std::map<const Value *, Ice::Variable *> VarMap;
    649   std::map<const BasicBlock *, Ice::CfgNode *> NodeMap;
    650 };
    652 // Converter from LLVM global variables to ICE. The entry point is the
    653 // convertGlobalsToIce method.
    654 //
    655 // Note: this currently assumes that the given IR was verified to be valid
    656 // PNaCl bitcode. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined.
    657 class LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter : public LLVM2ICEConverter {
    658   LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter() = delete;
    659   LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter(const LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter &) = delete;
    660   LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter &
    661   operator=(const LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter &) = delete;
    663 public:
    664   explicit LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter(Ice::Converter &Converter,
    665                                     Ice::VariableDeclarationList *G)
    666       : LLVM2ICEConverter(Converter), GlobalPool(G) {}
    668   /// Converts global variables, and their initializers into ICE global variable
    669   /// declarations, for module Mod. Returns the set of converted declarations.
    670   void convertGlobalsToIce(Module *Mod);
    672 private:
    673   // Adds the Initializer to the list of initializers for the Global variable
    674   // declaration.
    675   void addGlobalInitializer(Ice::VariableDeclaration &Global,
    676                             const Constant *Initializer) {
    677     constexpr bool HasOffset = false;
    678     constexpr Ice::RelocOffsetT Offset = 0;
    679     addGlobalInitializer(Global, Initializer, HasOffset, Offset);
    680   }
    682   // Adds Initializer to the list of initializers for Global variable
    683   // declaration. HasOffset is true only if Initializer is a relocation
    684   // initializer and Offset should be added to the relocation.
    685   void addGlobalInitializer(Ice::VariableDeclaration &Global,
    686                             const Constant *Initializer, bool HasOffset,
    687                             Ice::RelocOffsetT Offset);
    689   // Converts the given constant C to the corresponding integer literal it
    690   // contains.
    691   Ice::RelocOffsetT getIntegerLiteralConstant(const Value *C) {
    692     const auto CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(C);
    693     if (CI && CI->getType()->isIntegerTy(32))
    694       return CI->getSExtValue();
    696     std::string Buffer;
    697     raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    698     StrBuf << "Constant not i32 literal: " << *C;
    699     report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    700     return 0;
    701   }
    703   Ice::VariableDeclarationList *GlobalPool;
    704 };
    706 void LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter::convertGlobalsToIce(Module *Mod) {
    707   for (Module::const_global_iterator I = Mod->global_begin(),
    708                                      E = Mod->global_end();
    709        I != E; ++I) {
    711     const GlobalVariable *GV = &*I;
    713     Ice::GlobalDeclaration *Var = getConverter().getGlobalDeclaration(GV);
    714     auto *VarDecl = cast<Ice::VariableDeclaration>(Var);
    715     GlobalPool->push_back(VarDecl);
    717     if (!GV->hasInternalLinkage() && GV->hasInitializer()) {
    718       std::string Buffer;
    719       raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    720       StrBuf << "Can't define external global declaration: " << GV->getName();
    721       report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    722     }
    724     if (!GV->hasInitializer()) {
    725       if (Ice::getFlags().getAllowUninitializedGlobals())
    726         continue;
    727       else {
    728         std::string Buffer;
    729         raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    730         StrBuf << "Global declaration missing initializer: " << GV->getName();
    731         report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    732       }
    733     }
    735     const Constant *Initializer = GV->getInitializer();
    736     if (const auto CompoundInit = dyn_cast<ConstantStruct>(Initializer)) {
    737       for (ConstantStruct::const_op_iterator I = CompoundInit->op_begin(),
    738                                              E = CompoundInit->op_end();
    739            I != E; ++I) {
    740         if (const auto Init = dyn_cast<Constant>(I)) {
    741           addGlobalInitializer(*VarDecl, Init);
    742         }
    743       }
    744     } else {
    745       addGlobalInitializer(*VarDecl, Initializer);
    746     }
    747   }
    748 }
    750 void LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter::addGlobalInitializer(
    751     Ice::VariableDeclaration &Global, const Constant *Initializer,
    752     bool HasOffset, Ice::RelocOffsetT Offset) {
    753   (void)HasOffset;
    754   assert(HasOffset || Offset == 0);
    756   if (const auto CDA = dyn_cast<ConstantDataArray>(Initializer)) {
    757     assert(!HasOffset && isa<IntegerType>(CDA->getElementType()) &&
    758            (cast<IntegerType>(CDA->getElementType())->getBitWidth() == 8));
    759     Global.addInitializer(Ice::VariableDeclaration::DataInitializer::create(
    760         GlobalPool, CDA->getRawDataValues().data(), CDA->getNumElements()));
    761     return;
    762   }
    764   if (isa<ConstantAggregateZero>(Initializer)) {
    765     if (const auto AT = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(Initializer->getType())) {
    766       assert(!HasOffset && isa<IntegerType>(AT->getElementType()) &&
    767              (cast<IntegerType>(AT->getElementType())->getBitWidth() == 8));
    768       Global.addInitializer(Ice::VariableDeclaration::ZeroInitializer::create(
    769           GlobalPool, AT->getNumElements()));
    770     } else {
    771       llvm_unreachable("Unhandled constant aggregate zero type");
    772     }
    773     return;
    774   }
    776   if (const auto Exp = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(Initializer)) {
    777     switch (Exp->getOpcode()) {
    778     case Instruction::Add:
    779       assert(!HasOffset);
    780       addGlobalInitializer(Global, Exp->getOperand(0), true,
    781                            getIntegerLiteralConstant(Exp->getOperand(1)));
    782       return;
    783     case Instruction::PtrToInt: {
    784       assert(TypeConverter.convertToIceType(Exp->getType()) ==
    785              Ice::getPointerType());
    786       const auto GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(Exp->getOperand(0));
    787       assert(GV);
    788       const Ice::GlobalDeclaration *Addr =
    789           getConverter().getGlobalDeclaration(GV);
    790       Global.addInitializer(Ice::VariableDeclaration::RelocInitializer::create(
    791           GlobalPool, Addr, {Ice::RelocOffset::create(Ctx, Offset)}));
    792       return;
    793     }
    794     default:
    795       break;
    796     }
    797   }
    799   std::string Buffer;
    800   raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    801   StrBuf << "Unhandled global initializer: " << Initializer;
    802   report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    803 }
    805 } // end of anonymous namespace
    807 namespace Ice {
    809 void Converter::nameUnnamedGlobalVariables(Module *Mod) {
    810   const std::string GlobalPrefix = getFlags().getDefaultGlobalPrefix();
    811   if (GlobalPrefix.empty())
    812     return;
    813   uint32_t NameIndex = 0;
    814   for (auto V = Mod->global_begin(), E = Mod->global_end(); V != E; ++V) {
    815     if (!V->hasName()) {
    816       V->setName(createUnnamedName(GlobalPrefix, NameIndex));
    817       ++NameIndex;
    818     } else {
    819       checkIfUnnamedNameSafe(V->getName(), "global", GlobalPrefix);
    820     }
    821   }
    822 }
    824 void Converter::nameUnnamedFunctions(Module *Mod) {
    825   const std::string FunctionPrefix = getFlags().getDefaultFunctionPrefix();
    826   if (FunctionPrefix.empty())
    827     return;
    828   uint32_t NameIndex = 0;
    829   for (Function &F : *Mod) {
    830     if (!F.hasName()) {
    831       F.setName(createUnnamedName(FunctionPrefix, NameIndex));
    832       ++NameIndex;
    833     } else {
    834       checkIfUnnamedNameSafe(F.getName(), "function", FunctionPrefix);
    835     }
    836   }
    837 }
    839 void Converter::convertToIce() {
    840   TimerMarker T(TimerStack::TT_convertToIce, Ctx);
    841   nameUnnamedGlobalVariables(Mod);
    842   nameUnnamedFunctions(Mod);
    843   installGlobalDeclarations(Mod);
    844   convertGlobals(Mod);
    845   convertFunctions();
    846 }
    848 GlobalDeclaration *Converter::getGlobalDeclaration(const GlobalValue *V) {
    849   GlobalDeclarationMapType::const_iterator Pos = GlobalDeclarationMap.find(V);
    850   if (Pos == GlobalDeclarationMap.end()) {
    851     std::string Buffer;
    852     raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    853     StrBuf << "Can't find global declaration for: " << V->getName();
    854     report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    855   }
    856   return Pos->second;
    857 }
    859 void Converter::installGlobalDeclarations(Module *Mod) {
    860   const TypeConverter Converter(Mod->getContext());
    861   // Install function declarations.
    862   for (const Function &Func : *Mod) {
    863     FuncSigType Signature;
    864     FunctionType *FuncType = Func.getFunctionType();
    865     Signature.setReturnType(
    866         Converter.convertToIceType(FuncType->getReturnType()));
    867     for (size_t I = 0; I < FuncType->getNumParams(); ++I) {
    868       Signature.appendArgType(
    869           Converter.convertToIceType(FuncType->getParamType(I)));
    870     }
    871     auto *IceFunc = FunctionDeclaration::create(
    872         Ctx, Signature, Func.getCallingConv(), Func.getLinkage(), Func.empty());
    873     IceFunc->setName(Ctx, Func.getName());
    874     if (!IceFunc->verifyLinkageCorrect(Ctx)) {
    875       std::string Buffer;
    876       raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    877       StrBuf << "Function " << IceFunc->getName()
    878              << " has incorrect linkage: " << IceFunc->getLinkageName();
    879       if (IceFunc->isExternal())
    880         StrBuf << "\n  Use flag -allow-externally-defined-symbols to override";
    881       report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    882     }
    883     if (!IceFunc->validateTypeSignature(Ctx))
    884       report_fatal_error(IceFunc->getTypeSignatureError(Ctx));
    885     GlobalDeclarationMap[&Func] = IceFunc;
    886   }
    887   // Install global variable declarations.
    888   for (Module::const_global_iterator I = Mod->global_begin(),
    889                                      E = Mod->global_end();
    890        I != E; ++I) {
    891     const GlobalVariable *GV = &*I;
    892     constexpr bool NoSuppressMangling = false;
    893     auto *Var = VariableDeclaration::create(
    894         GlobalDeclarationsPool.get(), NoSuppressMangling, GV->getLinkage());
    895     Var->setAlignment(GV->getAlignment());
    896     Var->setIsConstant(GV->isConstant());
    897     Var->setName(Ctx, GV->getName());
    898     if (!Var->verifyLinkageCorrect()) {
    899       std::string Buffer;
    900       raw_string_ostream StrBuf(Buffer);
    901       StrBuf << "Global " << Var->getName()
    902              << " has incorrect linkage: " << Var->getLinkageName();
    903       if (Var->isExternal())
    904         StrBuf << "\n  Use flag -allow-externally-defined-symbols to override";
    905       report_fatal_error(StrBuf.str());
    906     }
    907     GlobalDeclarationMap[GV] = Var;
    908   }
    909 }
    911 void Converter::convertGlobals(Module *Mod) {
    912   LLVM2ICEGlobalsConverter(*this, GlobalDeclarationsPool.get())
    913       .convertGlobalsToIce(Mod);
    914   lowerGlobals(std::move(GlobalDeclarationsPool));
    915 }
    917 void Converter::convertFunctions() {
    918   for (const Function &I : *Mod) {
    919     if (I.empty())
    920       continue;
    921     TimerMarker _(Ctx, I.getName());
    922     LLVM2ICEFunctionConverter FunctionConverter(*this);
    923     FunctionConverter.convertFunction(&I);
    924   }
    925 }
    927 } // end of namespace Ice