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      1 //===-- X86AsmParser.cpp - Parse X86 assembly to MCInst instructions ------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #include "MCTargetDesc/X86BaseInfo.h"
     11 #include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
     12 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
     13 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     14 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
     15 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
     16 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
     17 #include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
     18 #include "llvm/MC/MCExpr.h"
     19 #include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
     20 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmLexer.h"
     21 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmParser.h"
     22 #include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCParsedAsmOperand.h"
     23 #include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
     24 #include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
     25 #include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
     26 #include "llvm/MC/MCSymbol.h"
     27 #include "llvm/MC/MCTargetAsmParser.h"
     28 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
     29 #include "llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h"
     30 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     32 using namespace llvm;
     34 namespace {
     35 struct X86Operand;
     37 static const char OpPrecedence[] = {
     38   0, // IC_PLUS
     39   0, // IC_MINUS
     40   1, // IC_MULTIPLY
     41   1, // IC_DIVIDE
     42   2, // IC_RPAREN
     43   3, // IC_LPAREN
     44   0, // IC_IMM
     45   0  // IC_REGISTER
     46 };
     48 class X86AsmParser : public MCTargetAsmParser {
     49   MCSubtargetInfo &STI;
     50   MCAsmParser &Parser;
     51   ParseInstructionInfo *InstInfo;
     52 private:
     53   enum InfixCalculatorTok {
     54     IC_PLUS = 0,
     55     IC_MINUS,
     56     IC_MULTIPLY,
     57     IC_DIVIDE,
     58     IC_RPAREN,
     59     IC_LPAREN,
     60     IC_IMM,
     61     IC_REGISTER
     62   };
     64   class InfixCalculator {
     65     typedef std::pair< InfixCalculatorTok, int64_t > ICToken;
     66     SmallVector<InfixCalculatorTok, 4> InfixOperatorStack;
     67     SmallVector<ICToken, 4> PostfixStack;
     69   public:
     70     int64_t popOperand() {
     71       assert (!PostfixStack.empty() && "Poped an empty stack!");
     72       ICToken Op = PostfixStack.pop_back_val();
     73       assert ((Op.first == IC_IMM || Op.first == IC_REGISTER)
     74               && "Expected and immediate or register!");
     75       return Op.second;
     76     }
     77     void pushOperand(InfixCalculatorTok Op, int64_t Val = 0) {
     78       assert ((Op == IC_IMM || Op == IC_REGISTER) &&
     79               "Unexpected operand!");
     80       PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(Op, Val));
     81     }
     83     void popOperator() { InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val(); }
     84     void pushOperator(InfixCalculatorTok Op) {
     85       // Push the new operator if the stack is empty.
     86       if (InfixOperatorStack.empty()) {
     87         InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
     88         return;
     89       }
     91       // Push the new operator if it has a higher precedence than the operator
     92       // on the top of the stack or the operator on the top of the stack is a
     93       // left parentheses.
     94       unsigned Idx = InfixOperatorStack.size() - 1;
     95       InfixCalculatorTok StackOp = InfixOperatorStack[Idx];
     96       if (OpPrecedence[Op] > OpPrecedence[StackOp] || StackOp == IC_LPAREN) {
     97         InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
     98         return;
     99       }
    101       // The operator on the top of the stack has higher precedence than the
    102       // new operator.
    103       unsigned ParenCount = 0;
    104       while (1) {
    105         // Nothing to process.
    106         if (InfixOperatorStack.empty())
    107           break;
    109         Idx = InfixOperatorStack.size() - 1;
    110         StackOp = InfixOperatorStack[Idx];
    111         if (!(OpPrecedence[StackOp] >= OpPrecedence[Op] || ParenCount))
    112           break;
    114         // If we have an even parentheses count and we see a left parentheses,
    115         // then stop processing.
    116         if (!ParenCount && StackOp == IC_LPAREN)
    117           break;
    119         if (StackOp == IC_RPAREN) {
    120           ++ParenCount;
    121           InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
    122         } else if (StackOp == IC_LPAREN) {
    123           --ParenCount;
    124           InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
    125         } else {
    126           InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
    127           PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(StackOp, 0));
    128         }
    129       }
    130       // Push the new operator.
    131       InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
    132     }
    133     int64_t execute() {
    134       // Push any remaining operators onto the postfix stack.
    135       while (!InfixOperatorStack.empty()) {
    136         InfixCalculatorTok StackOp = InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
    137         if (StackOp != IC_LPAREN && StackOp != IC_RPAREN)
    138           PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(StackOp, 0));
    139       }
    141       if (PostfixStack.empty())
    142         return 0;
    144       SmallVector<ICToken, 16> OperandStack;
    145       for (unsigned i = 0, e = PostfixStack.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    146         ICToken Op = PostfixStack[i];
    147         if (Op.first == IC_IMM || Op.first == IC_REGISTER) {
    148           OperandStack.push_back(Op);
    149         } else {
    150           assert (OperandStack.size() > 1 && "Too few operands.");
    151           int64_t Val;
    152           ICToken Op2 = OperandStack.pop_back_val();
    153           ICToken Op1 = OperandStack.pop_back_val();
    154           switch (Op.first) {
    155           default:
    156             report_fatal_error("Unexpected operator!");
    157             break;
    158           case IC_PLUS:
    159             Val = Op1.second + Op2.second;
    160             OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
    161             break;
    162           case IC_MINUS:
    163             Val = Op1.second - Op2.second;
    164             OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
    165             break;
    166           case IC_MULTIPLY:
    167             assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
    168                     "Multiply operation with an immediate and a register!");
    169             Val = Op1.second * Op2.second;
    170             OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
    171             break;
    172           case IC_DIVIDE:
    173             assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
    174                     "Divide operation with an immediate and a register!");
    175             assert (Op2.second != 0 && "Division by zero!");
    176             Val = Op1.second / Op2.second;
    177             OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
    178             break;
    179           }
    180         }
    181       }
    182       assert (OperandStack.size() == 1 && "Expected a single result.");
    183       return OperandStack.pop_back_val().second;
    184     }
    185   };
    187   enum IntelExprState {
    188     IES_PLUS,
    189     IES_MINUS,
    190     IES_MULTIPLY,
    191     IES_DIVIDE,
    192     IES_LBRAC,
    193     IES_RBRAC,
    194     IES_LPAREN,
    195     IES_RPAREN,
    196     IES_REGISTER,
    197     IES_INTEGER,
    198     IES_IDENTIFIER,
    199     IES_ERROR
    200   };
    202   class IntelExprStateMachine {
    203     IntelExprState State, PrevState;
    204     unsigned BaseReg, IndexReg, TmpReg, Scale;
    205     int64_t Imm;
    206     const MCExpr *Sym;
    207     StringRef SymName;
    208     bool StopOnLBrac, AddImmPrefix;
    209     InfixCalculator IC;
    210     InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
    211   public:
    212     IntelExprStateMachine(int64_t imm, bool stoponlbrac, bool addimmprefix) :
    213       State(IES_PLUS), PrevState(IES_ERROR), BaseReg(0), IndexReg(0), TmpReg(0),
    214       Scale(1), Imm(imm), Sym(0), StopOnLBrac(stoponlbrac),
    215       AddImmPrefix(addimmprefix) { Info.clear(); }
    217     unsigned getBaseReg() { return BaseReg; }
    218     unsigned getIndexReg() { return IndexReg; }
    219     unsigned getScale() { return Scale; }
    220     const MCExpr *getSym() { return Sym; }
    221     StringRef getSymName() { return SymName; }
    222     int64_t getImm() { return Imm + IC.execute(); }
    223     bool isValidEndState() {
    224       return State == IES_RBRAC || State == IES_INTEGER;
    225     }
    226     bool getStopOnLBrac() { return StopOnLBrac; }
    227     bool getAddImmPrefix() { return AddImmPrefix; }
    228     bool hadError() { return State == IES_ERROR; }
    230     InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &getIdentifierInfo() {
    231       return Info;
    232     }
    234     void onPlus() {
    235       IntelExprState CurrState = State;
    236       switch (State) {
    237       default:
    238         State = IES_ERROR;
    239         break;
    240       case IES_INTEGER:
    241       case IES_RPAREN:
    242       case IES_REGISTER:
    243         State = IES_PLUS;
    244         IC.pushOperator(IC_PLUS);
    245         if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
    246           // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
    247           // a scale of 1.
    248           if (!BaseReg) {
    249             BaseReg = TmpReg;
    250           } else {
    251             assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
    252             IndexReg = TmpReg;
    253             Scale = 1;
    254           }
    255         }
    256         break;
    257       }
    258       PrevState = CurrState;
    259     }
    260     void onMinus() {
    261       IntelExprState CurrState = State;
    262       switch (State) {
    263       default:
    264         State = IES_ERROR;
    265         break;
    266       case IES_PLUS:
    267       case IES_MULTIPLY:
    268       case IES_DIVIDE:
    269       case IES_LPAREN:
    270       case IES_RPAREN:
    271       case IES_LBRAC:
    272       case IES_RBRAC:
    273       case IES_INTEGER:
    274       case IES_REGISTER:
    275         State = IES_MINUS;
    276         // Only push the minus operator if it is not a unary operator.
    277         if (!(CurrState == IES_PLUS || CurrState == IES_MINUS ||
    278               CurrState == IES_MULTIPLY || CurrState == IES_DIVIDE ||
    279               CurrState == IES_LPAREN || CurrState == IES_LBRAC))
    280           IC.pushOperator(IC_MINUS);
    281         if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
    282           // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
    283           // a scale of 1.
    284           if (!BaseReg) {
    285             BaseReg = TmpReg;
    286           } else {
    287             assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
    288             IndexReg = TmpReg;
    289             Scale = 1;
    290           }
    291         }
    292         break;
    293       }
    294       PrevState = CurrState;
    295     }
    296     void onRegister(unsigned Reg) {
    297       IntelExprState CurrState = State;
    298       switch (State) {
    299       default:
    300         State = IES_ERROR;
    301         break;
    302       case IES_PLUS:
    303       case IES_LPAREN:
    304         State = IES_REGISTER;
    305         TmpReg = Reg;
    306         IC.pushOperand(IC_REGISTER);
    307         break;
    308       case IES_MULTIPLY:
    309         // Index Register - Scale * Register
    310         if (PrevState == IES_INTEGER) {
    311           assert (!IndexReg && "IndexReg already set!");
    312           State = IES_REGISTER;
    313           IndexReg = Reg;
    314           // Get the scale and replace the 'Scale * Register' with '0'.
    315           Scale = IC.popOperand();
    316           IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM);
    317           IC.popOperator();
    318         } else {
    319           State = IES_ERROR;
    320         }
    321         break;
    322       }
    323       PrevState = CurrState;
    324     }
    325     void onIdentifierExpr(const MCExpr *SymRef, StringRef SymRefName) {
    326       PrevState = State;
    327       switch (State) {
    328       default:
    329         State = IES_ERROR;
    330         break;
    331       case IES_PLUS:
    332       case IES_MINUS:
    333         State = IES_INTEGER;
    334         Sym = SymRef;
    335         SymName = SymRefName;
    336         IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM);
    337         break;
    338       }
    339     }
    340     void onInteger(int64_t TmpInt) {
    341       IntelExprState CurrState = State;
    342       switch (State) {
    343       default:
    344         State = IES_ERROR;
    345         break;
    346       case IES_PLUS:
    347       case IES_MINUS:
    348       case IES_DIVIDE:
    349       case IES_MULTIPLY:
    350       case IES_LPAREN:
    351         State = IES_INTEGER;
    352         if (PrevState == IES_REGISTER && CurrState == IES_MULTIPLY) {
    353           // Index Register - Register * Scale
    354           assert (!IndexReg && "IndexReg already set!");
    355           IndexReg = TmpReg;
    356           Scale = TmpInt;
    357           // Get the scale and replace the 'Register * Scale' with '0'.
    358           IC.popOperator();
    359         } else if ((PrevState == IES_PLUS || PrevState == IES_MINUS ||
    360                     PrevState == IES_MULTIPLY || PrevState == IES_DIVIDE ||
    361                     PrevState == IES_LPAREN || PrevState == IES_LBRAC) &&
    362                    CurrState == IES_MINUS) {
    363           // Unary minus.  No need to pop the minus operand because it was never
    364           // pushed.
    365           IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM, -TmpInt); // Push -Imm.
    366         } else {
    367           IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM, TmpInt);
    368         }
    369         break;
    370       }
    371       PrevState = CurrState;
    372     }
    373     void onStar() {
    374       PrevState = State;
    375       switch (State) {
    376       default:
    377         State = IES_ERROR;
    378         break;
    379       case IES_INTEGER:
    380       case IES_REGISTER:
    381       case IES_RPAREN:
    382         State = IES_MULTIPLY;
    383         IC.pushOperator(IC_MULTIPLY);
    384         break;
    385       }
    386     }
    387     void onDivide() {
    388       PrevState = State;
    389       switch (State) {
    390       default:
    391         State = IES_ERROR;
    392         break;
    393       case IES_INTEGER:
    394       case IES_RPAREN:
    395         State = IES_DIVIDE;
    396         IC.pushOperator(IC_DIVIDE);
    397         break;
    398       }
    399     }
    400     void onLBrac() {
    401       PrevState = State;
    402       switch (State) {
    403       default:
    404         State = IES_ERROR;
    405         break;
    406       case IES_RBRAC:
    407         State = IES_PLUS;
    408         IC.pushOperator(IC_PLUS);
    409         break;
    410       }
    411     }
    412     void onRBrac() {
    413       IntelExprState CurrState = State;
    414       switch (State) {
    415       default:
    416         State = IES_ERROR;
    417         break;
    418       case IES_INTEGER:
    419       case IES_REGISTER:
    420       case IES_RPAREN:
    421         State = IES_RBRAC;
    422         if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
    423           // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
    424           // a scale of 1.
    425           if (!BaseReg) {
    426             BaseReg = TmpReg;
    427           } else {
    428             assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
    429             IndexReg = TmpReg;
    430             Scale = 1;
    431           }
    432         }
    433         break;
    434       }
    435       PrevState = CurrState;
    436     }
    437     void onLParen() {
    438       IntelExprState CurrState = State;
    439       switch (State) {
    440       default:
    441         State = IES_ERROR;
    442         break;
    443       case IES_PLUS:
    444       case IES_MINUS:
    445       case IES_MULTIPLY:
    446       case IES_DIVIDE:
    447       case IES_LPAREN:
    448         // FIXME: We don't handle this type of unary minus, yet.
    449         if ((PrevState == IES_PLUS || PrevState == IES_MINUS ||
    450             PrevState == IES_MULTIPLY || PrevState == IES_DIVIDE ||
    451             PrevState == IES_LPAREN || PrevState == IES_LBRAC) &&
    452             CurrState == IES_MINUS) {
    453           State = IES_ERROR;
    454           break;
    455         }
    456         State = IES_LPAREN;
    457         IC.pushOperator(IC_LPAREN);
    458         break;
    459       }
    460       PrevState = CurrState;
    461     }
    462     void onRParen() {
    463       PrevState = State;
    464       switch (State) {
    465       default:
    466         State = IES_ERROR;
    467         break;
    468       case IES_INTEGER:
    469       case IES_REGISTER:
    470       case IES_RPAREN:
    471         State = IES_RPAREN;
    472         IC.pushOperator(IC_RPAREN);
    473         break;
    474       }
    475     }
    476   };
    478   MCAsmParser &getParser() const { return Parser; }
    480   MCAsmLexer &getLexer() const { return Parser.getLexer(); }
    482   bool Error(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg,
    483              ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = None,
    484              bool MatchingInlineAsm = false) {
    485     if (MatchingInlineAsm) return true;
    486     return Parser.Error(L, Msg, Ranges);
    487   }
    489   X86Operand *ErrorOperand(SMLoc Loc, StringRef Msg) {
    490     Error(Loc, Msg);
    491     return 0;
    492   }
    494   X86Operand *ParseOperand();
    495   X86Operand *ParseATTOperand();
    496   X86Operand *ParseIntelOperand();
    497   X86Operand *ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator();
    498   X86Operand *ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp, const MCExpr *&NewDisp);
    499   X86Operand *ParseIntelOperator(unsigned OpKind);
    500   X86Operand *ParseIntelMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, int64_t ImmDisp,
    501                                    SMLoc StartLoc);
    502   X86Operand *ParseIntelExpression(IntelExprStateMachine &SM, SMLoc &End);
    503   X86Operand *ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc Start,
    504                                        int64_t ImmDisp, unsigned Size);
    505   X86Operand *ParseIntelIdentifier(const MCExpr *&Val, StringRef &Identifier,
    506                                    InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info,
    507                                    bool IsUnevaluatedOperand, SMLoc &End);
    509   X86Operand *ParseMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc StartLoc);
    511   X86Operand *CreateMemForInlineAsm(unsigned SegReg, const MCExpr *Disp,
    512                                     unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
    513                                     unsigned Scale, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End,
    514                                     unsigned Size, StringRef Identifier,
    515                                     InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info);
    517   bool ParseDirectiveWord(unsigned Size, SMLoc L);
    518   bool ParseDirectiveCode(StringRef IDVal, SMLoc L);
    520   bool processInstruction(MCInst &Inst,
    521                           const SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Ops);
    523   bool MatchAndEmitInstruction(SMLoc IDLoc, unsigned &Opcode,
    524                                SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands,
    525                                MCStreamer &Out, unsigned &ErrorInfo,
    526                                bool MatchingInlineAsm);
    528   /// isSrcOp - Returns true if operand is either (%rsi) or %ds:%(rsi)
    529   /// in 64bit mode or (%esi) or %es:(%esi) in 32bit mode.
    530   bool isSrcOp(X86Operand &Op);
    532   /// isDstOp - Returns true if operand is either (%rdi) or %es:(%rdi)
    533   /// in 64bit mode or (%edi) or %es:(%edi) in 32bit mode.
    534   bool isDstOp(X86Operand &Op);
    536   bool is64BitMode() const {
    537     // FIXME: Can tablegen auto-generate this?
    538     return (STI.getFeatureBits() & X86::Mode64Bit) != 0;
    539   }
    540   void SwitchMode() {
    541     unsigned FB = ComputeAvailableFeatures(STI.ToggleFeature(X86::Mode64Bit));
    542     setAvailableFeatures(FB);
    543   }
    545   bool isParsingIntelSyntax() {
    546     return getParser().getAssemblerDialect();
    547   }
    549   /// @name Auto-generated Matcher Functions
    550   /// {
    552 #define GET_ASSEMBLER_HEADER
    553 #include "X86GenAsmMatcher.inc"
    555   /// }
    557 public:
    558   X86AsmParser(MCSubtargetInfo &sti, MCAsmParser &parser)
    559     : MCTargetAsmParser(), STI(sti), Parser(parser), InstInfo(0) {
    561     // Initialize the set of available features.
    562     setAvailableFeatures(ComputeAvailableFeatures(STI.getFeatureBits()));
    563   }
    564   virtual bool ParseRegister(unsigned &RegNo, SMLoc &StartLoc, SMLoc &EndLoc);
    566   virtual bool ParseInstruction(ParseInstructionInfo &Info, StringRef Name,
    567                                 SMLoc NameLoc,
    568                                 SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands);
    570   virtual bool ParseDirective(AsmToken DirectiveID);
    571 };
    572 } // end anonymous namespace
    574 /// @name Auto-generated Match Functions
    575 /// {
    577 static unsigned MatchRegisterName(StringRef Name);
    579 /// }
    581 static bool isImmSExti16i8Value(uint64_t Value) {
    582   return ((                                  Value <= 0x000000000000007FULL)||
    583           (0x000000000000FF80ULL <= Value && Value <= 0x000000000000FFFFULL)||
    584           (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80ULL <= Value && Value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL));
    585 }
    587 static bool isImmSExti32i8Value(uint64_t Value) {
    588   return ((                                  Value <= 0x000000000000007FULL)||
    589           (0x00000000FFFFFF80ULL <= Value && Value <= 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL)||
    590           (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80ULL <= Value && Value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL));
    591 }
    593 static bool isImmZExtu32u8Value(uint64_t Value) {
    594     return (Value <= 0x00000000000000FFULL);
    595 }
    597 static bool isImmSExti64i8Value(uint64_t Value) {
    598   return ((                                  Value <= 0x000000000000007FULL)||
    599           (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80ULL <= Value && Value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL));
    600 }
    602 static bool isImmSExti64i32Value(uint64_t Value) {
    603   return ((                                  Value <= 0x000000007FFFFFFFULL)||
    604           (0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL <= Value && Value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL));
    605 }
    606 namespace {
    608 /// X86Operand - Instances of this class represent a parsed X86 machine
    609 /// instruction.
    610 struct X86Operand : public MCParsedAsmOperand {
    611   enum KindTy {
    612     Token,
    613     Register,
    614     Immediate,
    615     Memory
    616   } Kind;
    618   SMLoc StartLoc, EndLoc;
    619   SMLoc OffsetOfLoc;
    620   StringRef SymName;
    621   void *OpDecl;
    622   bool AddressOf;
    624   struct TokOp {
    625     const char *Data;
    626     unsigned Length;
    627   };
    629   struct RegOp {
    630     unsigned RegNo;
    631   };
    633   struct ImmOp {
    634     const MCExpr *Val;
    635   };
    637   struct MemOp {
    638     unsigned SegReg;
    639     const MCExpr *Disp;
    640     unsigned BaseReg;
    641     unsigned IndexReg;
    642     unsigned Scale;
    643     unsigned Size;
    644   };
    646   union {
    647     struct TokOp Tok;
    648     struct RegOp Reg;
    649     struct ImmOp Imm;
    650     struct MemOp Mem;
    651   };
    653   X86Operand(KindTy K, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End)
    654     : Kind(K), StartLoc(Start), EndLoc(End) {}
    656   StringRef getSymName() { return SymName; }
    657   void *getOpDecl() { return OpDecl; }
    659   /// getStartLoc - Get the location of the first token of this operand.
    660   SMLoc getStartLoc() const { return StartLoc; }
    661   /// getEndLoc - Get the location of the last token of this operand.
    662   SMLoc getEndLoc() const { return EndLoc; }
    663   /// getLocRange - Get the range between the first and last token of this
    664   /// operand.
    665   SMRange getLocRange() const { return SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc); }
    666   /// getOffsetOfLoc - Get the location of the offset operator.
    667   SMLoc getOffsetOfLoc() const { return OffsetOfLoc; }
    669   virtual void print(raw_ostream &OS) const {}
    671   StringRef getToken() const {
    672     assert(Kind == Token && "Invalid access!");
    673     return StringRef(Tok.Data, Tok.Length);
    674   }
    675   void setTokenValue(StringRef Value) {
    676     assert(Kind == Token && "Invalid access!");
    677     Tok.Data = Value.data();
    678     Tok.Length = Value.size();
    679   }
    681   unsigned getReg() const {
    682     assert(Kind == Register && "Invalid access!");
    683     return Reg.RegNo;
    684   }
    686   const MCExpr *getImm() const {
    687     assert(Kind == Immediate && "Invalid access!");
    688     return Imm.Val;
    689   }
    691   const MCExpr *getMemDisp() const {
    692     assert(Kind == Memory && "Invalid access!");
    693     return Mem.Disp;
    694   }
    695   unsigned getMemSegReg() const {
    696     assert(Kind == Memory && "Invalid access!");
    697     return Mem.SegReg;
    698   }
    699   unsigned getMemBaseReg() const {
    700     assert(Kind == Memory && "Invalid access!");
    701     return Mem.BaseReg;
    702   }
    703   unsigned getMemIndexReg() const {
    704     assert(Kind == Memory && "Invalid access!");
    705     return Mem.IndexReg;
    706   }
    707   unsigned getMemScale() const {
    708     assert(Kind == Memory && "Invalid access!");
    709     return Mem.Scale;
    710   }
    712   bool isToken() const {return Kind == Token; }
    714   bool isImm() const { return Kind == Immediate; }
    716   bool isImmSExti16i8() const {
    717     if (!isImm())
    718       return false;
    720     // If this isn't a constant expr, just assume it fits and let relaxation
    721     // handle it.
    722     const MCConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(getImm());
    723     if (!CE)
    724       return true;
    726     // Otherwise, check the value is in a range that makes sense for this
    727     // extension.
    728     return isImmSExti16i8Value(CE->getValue());
    729   }
    730   bool isImmSExti32i8() const {
    731     if (!isImm())
    732       return false;
    734     // If this isn't a constant expr, just assume it fits and let relaxation
    735     // handle it.
    736     const MCConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(getImm());
    737     if (!CE)
    738       return true;
    740     // Otherwise, check the value is in a range that makes sense for this
    741     // extension.
    742     return isImmSExti32i8Value(CE->getValue());
    743   }
    744   bool isImmZExtu32u8() const {
    745     if (!isImm())
    746       return false;
    748     // If this isn't a constant expr, just assume it fits and let relaxation
    749     // handle it.
    750     const MCConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(getImm());
    751     if (!CE)
    752       return true;
    754     // Otherwise, check the value is in a range that makes sense for this
    755     // extension.
    756     return isImmZExtu32u8Value(CE->getValue());
    757   }
    758   bool isImmSExti64i8() const {
    759     if (!isImm())
    760       return false;
    762     // If this isn't a constant expr, just assume it fits and let relaxation
    763     // handle it.
    764     const MCConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(getImm());
    765     if (!CE)
    766       return true;
    768     // Otherwise, check the value is in a range that makes sense for this
    769     // extension.
    770     return isImmSExti64i8Value(CE->getValue());
    771   }
    772   bool isImmSExti64i32() const {
    773     if (!isImm())
    774       return false;
    776     // If this isn't a constant expr, just assume it fits and let relaxation
    777     // handle it.
    778     const MCConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(getImm());
    779     if (!CE)
    780       return true;
    782     // Otherwise, check the value is in a range that makes sense for this
    783     // extension.
    784     return isImmSExti64i32Value(CE->getValue());
    785   }
    787   bool isOffsetOf() const {
    788     return OffsetOfLoc.getPointer();
    789   }
    791   bool needAddressOf() const {
    792     return AddressOf;
    793   }
    795   bool isMem() const { return Kind == Memory; }
    796   bool isMem8() const {
    797     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 8);
    798   }
    799   bool isMem16() const {
    800     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 16);
    801   }
    802   bool isMem32() const {
    803     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 32);
    804   }
    805   bool isMem64() const {
    806     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 64);
    807   }
    808   bool isMem80() const {
    809     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 80);
    810   }
    811   bool isMem128() const {
    812     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 128);
    813   }
    814   bool isMem256() const {
    815     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 256);
    816   }
    818   bool isMemVX32() const {
    819     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 32) &&
    820       getMemIndexReg() >= X86::XMM0 && getMemIndexReg() <= X86::XMM15;
    821   }
    822   bool isMemVY32() const {
    823     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 32) &&
    824       getMemIndexReg() >= X86::YMM0 && getMemIndexReg() <= X86::YMM15;
    825   }
    826   bool isMemVX64() const {
    827     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 64) &&
    828       getMemIndexReg() >= X86::XMM0 && getMemIndexReg() <= X86::XMM15;
    829   }
    830   bool isMemVY64() const {
    831     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 64) &&
    832       getMemIndexReg() >= X86::YMM0 && getMemIndexReg() <= X86::YMM15;
    833   }
    834   bool isMemVZ32() const {
    835     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 32) &&
    836       getMemIndexReg() >= X86::ZMM0 && getMemIndexReg() <= X86::ZMM31;
    837   }
    838   bool isMemVZ64() const {
    839     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 64) &&
    840       getMemIndexReg() >= X86::ZMM0 && getMemIndexReg() <= X86::ZMM31;
    841   }
    843   bool isMem512() const {
    844     return Kind == Memory && (!Mem.Size || Mem.Size == 512);
    845   }
    847   bool isAbsMem() const {
    848     return Kind == Memory && !getMemSegReg() && !getMemBaseReg() &&
    849       !getMemIndexReg() && getMemScale() == 1;
    850   }
    852   bool isReg() const { return Kind == Register; }
    854   void addExpr(MCInst &Inst, const MCExpr *Expr) const {
    855     // Add as immediates when possible.
    856     if (const MCConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Expr))
    857       Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(CE->getValue()));
    858     else
    859       Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateExpr(Expr));
    860   }
    862   void addRegOperands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    863     assert(N == 1 && "Invalid number of operands!");
    864     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(getReg()));
    865   }
    867   void addImmOperands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    868     assert(N == 1 && "Invalid number of operands!");
    869     addExpr(Inst, getImm());
    870   }
    872   void addMem8Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    873     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    874   }
    875   void addMem16Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    876     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    877   }
    878   void addMem32Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    879     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    880   }
    881   void addMem64Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    882     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    883   }
    884   void addMem80Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    885     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    886   }
    887   void addMem128Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    888     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    889   }
    890   void addMem256Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    891     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    892   }
    893   void addMemVX32Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    894     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    895   }
    896   void addMemVY32Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    897     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    898   }
    899   void addMemVX64Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    900     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    901   }
    902   void addMemVY64Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    903     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    904   }
    906   void addMemVZ32Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    907     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    908   }
    909   void addMemVZ64Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    910     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    911   }
    912   void addMem512Operands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    913     addMemOperands(Inst, N);
    914   }
    916   void addMemOperands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    917     assert((N == 5) && "Invalid number of operands!");
    918     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(getMemBaseReg()));
    919     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(getMemScale()));
    920     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(getMemIndexReg()));
    921     addExpr(Inst, getMemDisp());
    922     Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(getMemSegReg()));
    923   }
    925   void addAbsMemOperands(MCInst &Inst, unsigned N) const {
    926     assert((N == 1) && "Invalid number of operands!");
    927     // Add as immediates when possible.
    928     if (const MCConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(getMemDisp()))
    929       Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateImm(CE->getValue()));
    930     else
    931       Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateExpr(getMemDisp()));
    932   }
    934   static X86Operand *CreateToken(StringRef Str, SMLoc Loc) {
    935     SMLoc EndLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(Loc.getPointer() + Str.size());
    936     X86Operand *Res = new X86Operand(Token, Loc, EndLoc);
    937     Res->Tok.Data = Str.data();
    938     Res->Tok.Length = Str.size();
    939     return Res;
    940   }
    942   static X86Operand *CreateReg(unsigned RegNo, SMLoc StartLoc, SMLoc EndLoc,
    943                                bool AddressOf = false,
    944                                SMLoc OffsetOfLoc = SMLoc(),
    945                                StringRef SymName = StringRef(),
    946                                void *OpDecl = 0) {
    947     X86Operand *Res = new X86Operand(Register, StartLoc, EndLoc);
    948     Res->Reg.RegNo = RegNo;
    949     Res->AddressOf = AddressOf;
    950     Res->OffsetOfLoc = OffsetOfLoc;
    951     Res->SymName = SymName;
    952     Res->OpDecl = OpDecl;
    953     return Res;
    954   }
    956   static X86Operand *CreateImm(const MCExpr *Val, SMLoc StartLoc, SMLoc EndLoc){
    957     X86Operand *Res = new X86Operand(Immediate, StartLoc, EndLoc);
    958     Res->Imm.Val = Val;
    959     return Res;
    960   }
    962   /// Create an absolute memory operand.
    963   static X86Operand *CreateMem(const MCExpr *Disp, SMLoc StartLoc, SMLoc EndLoc,
    964                                unsigned Size = 0, StringRef SymName = StringRef(),
    965                                void *OpDecl = 0) {
    966     X86Operand *Res = new X86Operand(Memory, StartLoc, EndLoc);
    967     Res->Mem.SegReg   = 0;
    968     Res->Mem.Disp     = Disp;
    969     Res->Mem.BaseReg  = 0;
    970     Res->Mem.IndexReg = 0;
    971     Res->Mem.Scale    = 1;
    972     Res->Mem.Size     = Size;
    973     Res->SymName      = SymName;
    974     Res->OpDecl       = OpDecl;
    975     Res->AddressOf    = false;
    976     return Res;
    977   }
    979   /// Create a generalized memory operand.
    980   static X86Operand *CreateMem(unsigned SegReg, const MCExpr *Disp,
    981                                unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
    982                                unsigned Scale, SMLoc StartLoc, SMLoc EndLoc,
    983                                unsigned Size = 0,
    984                                StringRef SymName = StringRef(),
    985                                void *OpDecl = 0) {
    986     // We should never just have a displacement, that should be parsed as an
    987     // absolute memory operand.
    988     assert((SegReg || BaseReg || IndexReg) && "Invalid memory operand!");
    990     // The scale should always be one of {1,2,4,8}.
    991     assert(((Scale == 1 || Scale == 2 || Scale == 4 || Scale == 8)) &&
    992            "Invalid scale!");
    993     X86Operand *Res = new X86Operand(Memory, StartLoc, EndLoc);
    994     Res->Mem.SegReg   = SegReg;
    995     Res->Mem.Disp     = Disp;
    996     Res->Mem.BaseReg  = BaseReg;
    997     Res->Mem.IndexReg = IndexReg;
    998     Res->Mem.Scale    = Scale;
    999     Res->Mem.Size     = Size;
   1000     Res->SymName      = SymName;
   1001     Res->OpDecl       = OpDecl;
   1002     Res->AddressOf    = false;
   1003     return Res;
   1004   }
   1005 };
   1007 } // end anonymous namespace.
   1009 bool X86AsmParser::isSrcOp(X86Operand &Op) {
   1010   unsigned basereg = is64BitMode() ? X86::RSI : X86::ESI;
   1012   return (Op.isMem() &&
   1013     (Op.Mem.SegReg == 0 || Op.Mem.SegReg == X86::DS) &&
   1014     isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp) &&
   1015     cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp)->getValue() == 0 &&
   1016     Op.Mem.BaseReg == basereg && Op.Mem.IndexReg == 0);
   1017 }
   1019 bool X86AsmParser::isDstOp(X86Operand &Op) {
   1020   unsigned basereg = is64BitMode() ? X86::RDI : X86::EDI;
   1022   return Op.isMem() &&
   1023     (Op.Mem.SegReg == 0 || Op.Mem.SegReg == X86::ES) &&
   1024     isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp) &&
   1025     cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp)->getValue() == 0 &&
   1026     Op.Mem.BaseReg == basereg && Op.Mem.IndexReg == 0;
   1027 }
   1029 bool X86AsmParser::ParseRegister(unsigned &RegNo,
   1030                                  SMLoc &StartLoc, SMLoc &EndLoc) {
   1031   RegNo = 0;
   1032   const AsmToken &PercentTok = Parser.getTok();
   1033   StartLoc = PercentTok.getLoc();
   1035   // If we encounter a %, ignore it. This code handles registers with and
   1036   // without the prefix, unprefixed registers can occur in cfi directives.
   1037   if (!isParsingIntelSyntax() && PercentTok.is(AsmToken::Percent))
   1038     Parser.Lex(); // Eat percent token.
   1040   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1041   EndLoc = Tok.getEndLoc();
   1043   if (Tok.isNot(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
   1044     if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) return true;
   1045     return Error(StartLoc, "invalid register name",
   1046                  SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc));
   1047   }
   1049   RegNo = MatchRegisterName(Tok.getString());
   1051   // If the match failed, try the register name as lowercase.
   1052   if (RegNo == 0)
   1053     RegNo = MatchRegisterName(Tok.getString().lower());
   1055   if (!is64BitMode()) {
   1056     // FIXME: This should be done using Requires<In32BitMode> and
   1057     // Requires<In64BitMode> so "eiz" usage in 64-bit instructions can be also
   1058     // checked.
   1059     // FIXME: Check AH, CH, DH, BH cannot be used in an instruction requiring a
   1060     // REX prefix.
   1061     if (RegNo == X86::RIZ ||
   1062         X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(RegNo) ||
   1063         X86II::isX86_64NonExtLowByteReg(RegNo) ||
   1064         X86II::isX86_64ExtendedReg(RegNo))
   1065       return Error(StartLoc, "register %"
   1066                    + Tok.getString() + " is only available in 64-bit mode",
   1067                    SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc));
   1068   }
   1070   // Parse "%st" as "%st(0)" and "%st(1)", which is multiple tokens.
   1071   if (RegNo == 0 && (Tok.getString() == "st" || Tok.getString() == "ST")) {
   1072     RegNo = X86::ST0;
   1073     Parser.Lex(); // Eat 'st'
   1075     // Check to see if we have '(4)' after %st.
   1076     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LParen))
   1077       return false;
   1078     // Lex the paren.
   1079     getParser().Lex();
   1081     const AsmToken &IntTok = Parser.getTok();
   1082     if (IntTok.isNot(AsmToken::Integer))
   1083       return Error(IntTok.getLoc(), "expected stack index");
   1084     switch (IntTok.getIntVal()) {
   1085     case 0: RegNo = X86::ST0; break;
   1086     case 1: RegNo = X86::ST1; break;
   1087     case 2: RegNo = X86::ST2; break;
   1088     case 3: RegNo = X86::ST3; break;
   1089     case 4: RegNo = X86::ST4; break;
   1090     case 5: RegNo = X86::ST5; break;
   1091     case 6: RegNo = X86::ST6; break;
   1092     case 7: RegNo = X86::ST7; break;
   1093     default: return Error(IntTok.getLoc(), "invalid stack index");
   1094     }
   1096     if (getParser().Lex().isNot(AsmToken::RParen))
   1097       return Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "expected ')'");
   1099     EndLoc = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
   1100     Parser.Lex(); // Eat ')'
   1101     return false;
   1102   }
   1104   EndLoc = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
   1106   // If this is "db[0-7]", match it as an alias
   1107   // for dr[0-7].
   1108   if (RegNo == 0 && Tok.getString().size() == 3 &&
   1109       Tok.getString().startswith("db")) {
   1110     switch (Tok.getString()[2]) {
   1111     case '0': RegNo = X86::DR0; break;
   1112     case '1': RegNo = X86::DR1; break;
   1113     case '2': RegNo = X86::DR2; break;
   1114     case '3': RegNo = X86::DR3; break;
   1115     case '4': RegNo = X86::DR4; break;
   1116     case '5': RegNo = X86::DR5; break;
   1117     case '6': RegNo = X86::DR6; break;
   1118     case '7': RegNo = X86::DR7; break;
   1119     }
   1121     if (RegNo != 0) {
   1122       EndLoc = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
   1123       Parser.Lex(); // Eat it.
   1124       return false;
   1125     }
   1126   }
   1128   if (RegNo == 0) {
   1129     if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) return true;
   1130     return Error(StartLoc, "invalid register name",
   1131                  SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc));
   1132   }
   1134   Parser.Lex(); // Eat identifier token.
   1135   return false;
   1136 }
   1138 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseOperand() {
   1139   if (isParsingIntelSyntax())
   1140     return ParseIntelOperand();
   1141   return ParseATTOperand();
   1142 }
   1144 /// getIntelMemOperandSize - Return intel memory operand size.
   1145 static unsigned getIntelMemOperandSize(StringRef OpStr) {
   1146   unsigned Size = StringSwitch<unsigned>(OpStr)
   1147     .Cases("BYTE", "byte", 8)
   1148     .Cases("WORD", "word", 16)
   1149     .Cases("DWORD", "dword", 32)
   1150     .Cases("QWORD", "qword", 64)
   1151     .Cases("XWORD", "xword", 80)
   1152     .Cases("XMMWORD", "xmmword", 128)
   1153     .Cases("YMMWORD", "ymmword", 256)
   1154     .Default(0);
   1155   return Size;
   1156 }
   1158 X86Operand *
   1159 X86AsmParser::CreateMemForInlineAsm(unsigned SegReg, const MCExpr *Disp,
   1160                                     unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
   1161                                     unsigned Scale, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End,
   1162                                     unsigned Size, StringRef Identifier,
   1163                                     InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info){
   1164   if (isa<MCSymbolRefExpr>(Disp)) {
   1165     // If this is not a VarDecl then assume it is a FuncDecl or some other label
   1166     // reference.  We need an 'r' constraint here, so we need to create register
   1167     // operand to ensure proper matching.  Just pick a GPR based on the size of
   1168     // a pointer.
   1169     if (!Info.IsVarDecl) {
   1170       unsigned RegNo = is64BitMode() ? X86::RBX : X86::EBX;
   1171       return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End, /*AddressOf=*/true,
   1172                                    SMLoc(), Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
   1173     }
   1174     if (!Size) {
   1175       Size = Info.Type * 8; // Size is in terms of bits in this context.
   1176       if (Size)
   1177         InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_SizeDirective, Start,
   1178                                                     /*Len=*/0, Size));
   1179     }
   1180   }
   1182   // When parsing inline assembly we set the base register to a non-zero value
   1183   // if we don't know the actual value at this time.  This is necessary to
   1184   // get the matching correct in some cases.
   1185   BaseReg = BaseReg ? BaseReg : 1;
   1186   return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
   1187                                End, Size, Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
   1188 }
   1190 static void
   1191 RewriteIntelBracExpression(SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite> *AsmRewrites,
   1192                            StringRef SymName, int64_t ImmDisp,
   1193                            int64_t FinalImmDisp, SMLoc &BracLoc,
   1194                            SMLoc &StartInBrac, SMLoc &End) {
   1195   // Remove the '[' and ']' from the IR string.
   1196   AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, BracLoc, 1));
   1197   AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, End, 1));
   1199   // If ImmDisp is non-zero, then we parsed a displacement before the
   1200   // bracketed expression (i.e., ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp])
   1201   // If ImmDisp doesn't match the displacement computed by the state machine
   1202   // then we have an additional displacement in the bracketed expression.
   1203   if (ImmDisp != FinalImmDisp) {
   1204     if (ImmDisp) {
   1205       // We have an immediate displacement before the bracketed expression.
   1206       // Adjust this to match the final immediate displacement.
   1207       bool Found = false;
   1208       for (SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite>::iterator I = AsmRewrites->begin(),
   1209              E = AsmRewrites->end(); I != E; ++I) {
   1210         if ((*I).Loc.getPointer() > BracLoc.getPointer())
   1211           continue;
   1212         if ((*I).Kind == AOK_ImmPrefix || (*I).Kind == AOK_Imm) {
   1213           assert (!Found && "ImmDisp already rewritten.");
   1214           (*I).Kind = AOK_Imm;
   1215           (*I).Len = BracLoc.getPointer() - (*I).Loc.getPointer();
   1216           (*I).Val = FinalImmDisp;
   1217           Found = true;
   1218           break;
   1219         }
   1220       }
   1221       assert (Found && "Unable to rewrite ImmDisp.");
   1222       (void)Found;
   1223     } else {
   1224       // We have a symbolic and an immediate displacement, but no displacement
   1225       // before the bracketed expression.  Put the immediate displacement
   1226       // before the bracketed expression.
   1227       AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Imm, BracLoc, 0, FinalImmDisp));
   1228     }
   1229   }
   1230   // Remove all the ImmPrefix rewrites within the brackets.
   1231   for (SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite>::iterator I = AsmRewrites->begin(),
   1232          E = AsmRewrites->end(); I != E; ++I) {
   1233     if ((*I).Loc.getPointer() < StartInBrac.getPointer())
   1234       continue;
   1235     if ((*I).Kind == AOK_ImmPrefix)
   1236       (*I).Kind = AOK_Delete;
   1237   }
   1238   const char *SymLocPtr = SymName.data();
   1239   // Skip everything before the symbol.
   1240   if (unsigned Len = SymLocPtr - StartInBrac.getPointer()) {
   1241     assert(Len > 0 && "Expected a non-negative length.");
   1242     AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, StartInBrac, Len));
   1243   }
   1244   // Skip everything after the symbol.
   1245   if (unsigned Len = End.getPointer() - (SymLocPtr + SymName.size())) {
   1246     SMLoc Loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(SymLocPtr + SymName.size());
   1247     assert(Len > 0 && "Expected a non-negative length.");
   1248     AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, Loc, Len));
   1249   }
   1250 }
   1252 X86Operand *
   1253 X86AsmParser::ParseIntelExpression(IntelExprStateMachine &SM, SMLoc &End) {
   1254   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1256   bool Done = false;
   1257   while (!Done) {
   1258     bool UpdateLocLex = true;
   1260     // The period in the dot operator (e.g., [ebx].foo.bar) is parsed as an
   1261     // identifier.  Don't try an parse it as a register.
   1262     if (Tok.getString().startswith("."))
   1263       break;
   1265     // If we're parsing an immediate expression, we don't expect a '['.
   1266     if (SM.getStopOnLBrac() && getLexer().getKind() == AsmToken::LBrac)
   1267       break;
   1269     switch (getLexer().getKind()) {
   1270     default: {
   1271       if (SM.isValidEndState()) {
   1272         Done = true;
   1273         break;
   1274       }
   1275       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token!");
   1276     }
   1277     case AsmToken::EndOfStatement: {
   1278       Done = true;
   1279       break;
   1280     }
   1281     case AsmToken::Identifier: {
   1282       // This could be a register or a symbolic displacement.
   1283       unsigned TmpReg;
   1284       const MCExpr *Val;
   1285       SMLoc IdentLoc = Tok.getLoc();
   1286       StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
   1287       if(!ParseRegister(TmpReg, IdentLoc, End)) {
   1288         SM.onRegister(TmpReg);
   1289         UpdateLocLex = false;
   1290         break;
   1291       } else {
   1292         if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
   1293           if (getParser().parsePrimaryExpr(Val, End))
   1294             return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected identifier!");
   1295         } else {
   1296           InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info = SM.getIdentifierInfo();
   1297           if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
   1298                                                      /*Unevaluated*/ false, End))
   1299             return Err;
   1300         }
   1301         SM.onIdentifierExpr(Val, Identifier);
   1302         UpdateLocLex = false;
   1303         break;
   1304       }
   1305       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected identifier!");
   1306     }
   1307     case AsmToken::Integer:
   1308       if (isParsingInlineAsm() && SM.getAddImmPrefix())
   1309         InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_ImmPrefix,
   1310                                                     Tok.getLoc()));
   1311       SM.onInteger(Tok.getIntVal());
   1312       break;
   1313     case AsmToken::Plus:    SM.onPlus(); break;
   1314     case AsmToken::Minus:   SM.onMinus(); break;
   1315     case AsmToken::Star:    SM.onStar(); break;
   1316     case AsmToken::Slash:   SM.onDivide(); break;
   1317     case AsmToken::LBrac:   SM.onLBrac(); break;
   1318     case AsmToken::RBrac:   SM.onRBrac(); break;
   1319     case AsmToken::LParen:  SM.onLParen(); break;
   1320     case AsmToken::RParen:  SM.onRParen(); break;
   1321     }
   1322     if (SM.hadError())
   1323       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token!");
   1325     if (!Done && UpdateLocLex) {
   1326       End = Tok.getLoc();
   1327       Parser.Lex(); // Consume the token.
   1328     }
   1329   }
   1330   return 0;
   1331 }
   1333 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc Start,
   1334                                                    int64_t ImmDisp,
   1335                                                    unsigned Size) {
   1336   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1337   SMLoc BracLoc = Tok.getLoc(), End = Tok.getEndLoc();
   1338   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
   1339     return ErrorOperand(BracLoc, "Expected '[' token!");
   1340   Parser.Lex(); // Eat '['
   1342   SMLoc StartInBrac = Tok.getLoc();
   1343   // Parse [ Symbol + ImmDisp ] and [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + ImmDisp ].  We
   1344   // may have already parsed an immediate displacement before the bracketed
   1345   // expression.
   1346   IntelExprStateMachine SM(ImmDisp, /*StopOnLBrac=*/false, /*AddImmPrefix=*/true);
   1347   if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelExpression(SM, End))
   1348     return Err;
   1350   const MCExpr *Disp;
   1351   if (const MCExpr *Sym = SM.getSym()) {
   1352     // A symbolic displacement.
   1353     Disp = Sym;
   1354     if (isParsingInlineAsm())
   1355       RewriteIntelBracExpression(InstInfo->AsmRewrites, SM.getSymName(),
   1356                                  ImmDisp, SM.getImm(), BracLoc, StartInBrac,
   1357                                  End);
   1358   } else {
   1359     // An immediate displacement only.
   1360     Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(SM.getImm(), getContext());
   1361   }
   1363   // Parse the dot operator (e.g., [ebx].foo.bar).
   1364   if (Tok.getString().startswith(".")) {
   1365     const MCExpr *NewDisp;
   1366     if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelDotOperator(Disp, NewDisp))
   1367       return Err;
   1369     End = Tok.getEndLoc();
   1370     Parser.Lex();  // Eat the field.
   1371     Disp = NewDisp;
   1372   }
   1374   int BaseReg = SM.getBaseReg();
   1375   int IndexReg = SM.getIndexReg();
   1376   int Scale = SM.getScale();
   1377   if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
   1378     // handle [-42]
   1379     if (!BaseReg && !IndexReg) {
   1380       if (!SegReg)
   1381         return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, Start, End, Size);
   1382       else
   1383         return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, 0, 0, 1, Start, End, Size);
   1384     }
   1385     return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
   1386                                  End, Size);
   1387   }
   1389   InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info = SM.getIdentifierInfo();
   1390   return CreateMemForInlineAsm(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
   1391                                End, Size, SM.getSymName(), Info);
   1392 }
   1394 // Inline assembly may use variable names with namespace alias qualifiers.
   1395 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelIdentifier(const MCExpr *&Val,
   1396                                                StringRef &Identifier,
   1397                                                InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info,
   1398                                                bool IsUnevaluatedOperand,
   1399                                                SMLoc &End) {
   1400   assert (isParsingInlineAsm() && "Expected to be parsing inline assembly.");
   1401   Val = 0;
   1403   StringRef LineBuf(Identifier.data());
   1404   SemaCallback->LookupInlineAsmIdentifier(LineBuf, Info, IsUnevaluatedOperand);
   1406   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1408   // Advance the token stream until the end of the current token is
   1409   // after the end of what the frontend claimed.
   1410   const char *EndPtr = Tok.getLoc().getPointer() + LineBuf.size();
   1411   while (true) {
   1412     End = Tok.getEndLoc();
   1413     getLexer().Lex();
   1415     assert(End.getPointer() <= EndPtr && "frontend claimed part of a token?");
   1416     if (End.getPointer() == EndPtr) break;
   1417   }
   1419   // Create the symbol reference.
   1420   Identifier = LineBuf;
   1421   MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().GetOrCreateSymbol(Identifier);
   1422   MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None;
   1423   Val = MCSymbolRefExpr::Create(Sym, Variant, getParser().getContext());
   1424   return 0;
   1425 }
   1427 /// ParseIntelMemOperand - Parse intel style memory operand.
   1428 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelMemOperand(unsigned SegReg,
   1429                                                int64_t ImmDisp,
   1430                                                SMLoc Start) {
   1431   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1432   SMLoc End;
   1434   unsigned Size = getIntelMemOperandSize(Tok.getString());
   1435   if (Size) {
   1436     Parser.Lex(); // Eat operand size (e.g., byte, word).
   1437     if (Tok.getString() != "PTR" && Tok.getString() != "ptr")
   1438       return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected 'PTR' or 'ptr' token!");
   1439     Parser.Lex(); // Eat ptr.
   1440   }
   1442   // Parse ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp ].
   1443   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
   1444     if (isParsingInlineAsm())
   1445       InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_ImmPrefix,
   1446                                                   Tok.getLoc()));
   1447     int64_t ImmDisp = Tok.getIntVal();
   1448     Parser.Lex(); // Eat the integer.
   1449     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
   1450       return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected '[' token!");
   1451     return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, Start, ImmDisp, Size);
   1452   }
   1454   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::LBrac))
   1455     return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, Start, ImmDisp, Size);
   1457   if (!ParseRegister(SegReg, Start, End)) {
   1458     // Handel SegReg : [ ... ]
   1459     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Colon))
   1460       return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected ':' token!");
   1461     Parser.Lex(); // Eat :
   1462     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
   1463       return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected '[' token!");
   1464     return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, Start, ImmDisp, Size);
   1465   }
   1467   const MCExpr *Val;
   1468   if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
   1469     if (getParser().parsePrimaryExpr(Val, End))
   1470       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token!");
   1472     return X86Operand::CreateMem(Val, Start, End, Size);
   1473   }
   1475   InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
   1476   StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
   1477   if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
   1478                                              /*Unevaluated*/ false, End))
   1479     return Err;
   1480   return CreateMemForInlineAsm(/*SegReg=*/0, Val, /*BaseReg=*/0,/*IndexReg=*/0,
   1481                                /*Scale=*/1, Start, End, Size, Identifier, Info);
   1482 }
   1484 /// Parse the '.' operator.
   1485 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp,
   1486                                                 const MCExpr *&NewDisp) {
   1487   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1488   int64_t OrigDispVal, DotDispVal;
   1490   // FIXME: Handle non-constant expressions.
   1491   if (const MCConstantExpr *OrigDisp = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Disp))
   1492     OrigDispVal = OrigDisp->getValue();
   1493   else
   1494     return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Non-constant offsets are not supported!");
   1496   // Drop the '.'.
   1497   StringRef DotDispStr = Tok.getString().drop_front(1);
   1499   // .Imm gets lexed as a real.
   1500   if (Tok.is(AsmToken::Real)) {
   1501     APInt DotDisp;
   1502     DotDispStr.getAsInteger(10, DotDisp);
   1503     DotDispVal = DotDisp.getZExtValue();
   1504   } else if (isParsingInlineAsm() && Tok.is(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
   1505     unsigned DotDisp;
   1506     std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> BaseMember = DotDispStr.split('.');
   1507     if (SemaCallback->LookupInlineAsmField(BaseMember.first, BaseMember.second,
   1508                                            DotDisp))
   1509       return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unable to lookup field reference!");
   1510     DotDispVal = DotDisp;
   1511   } else
   1512     return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token type!");
   1514   if (isParsingInlineAsm() && Tok.is(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
   1515     SMLoc Loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(DotDispStr.data());
   1516     unsigned Len = DotDispStr.size();
   1517     unsigned Val = OrigDispVal + DotDispVal;
   1518     InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_DotOperator, Loc, Len,
   1519                                                 Val));
   1520   }
   1522   NewDisp = MCConstantExpr::Create(OrigDispVal + DotDispVal, getContext());
   1523   return 0;
   1524 }
   1526 /// Parse the 'offset' operator.  This operator is used to specify the
   1527 /// location rather then the content of a variable.
   1528 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator() {
   1529   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1530   SMLoc OffsetOfLoc = Tok.getLoc();
   1531   Parser.Lex(); // Eat offset.
   1533   const MCExpr *Val;
   1534   InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
   1535   SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End;
   1536   StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
   1537   if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
   1538                                              /*Unevaluated*/ false, End))
   1539     return Err;
   1541   // Don't emit the offset operator.
   1542   InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, OffsetOfLoc, 7));
   1544   // The offset operator will have an 'r' constraint, thus we need to create
   1545   // register operand to ensure proper matching.  Just pick a GPR based on
   1546   // the size of a pointer.
   1547   unsigned RegNo = is64BitMode() ? X86::RBX : X86::EBX;
   1548   return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End, /*GetAddress=*/true,
   1549                                OffsetOfLoc, Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
   1550 }
   1552 enum IntelOperatorKind {
   1553   IOK_LENGTH,
   1554   IOK_SIZE,
   1555   IOK_TYPE
   1556 };
   1558 /// Parse the 'LENGTH', 'TYPE' and 'SIZE' operators.  The LENGTH operator
   1559 /// returns the number of elements in an array.  It returns the value 1 for
   1560 /// non-array variables.  The SIZE operator returns the size of a C or C++
   1561 /// variable.  A variable's size is the product of its LENGTH and TYPE.  The
   1562 /// TYPE operator returns the size of a C or C++ type or variable. If the
   1563 /// variable is an array, TYPE returns the size of a single element.
   1564 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOperator(unsigned OpKind) {
   1565   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1566   SMLoc TypeLoc = Tok.getLoc();
   1567   Parser.Lex(); // Eat operator.
   1569   const MCExpr *Val = 0;
   1570   InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
   1571   SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End;
   1572   StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
   1573   if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
   1574                                              /*Unevaluated*/ true, End))
   1575     return Err;
   1577   unsigned CVal = 0;
   1578   switch(OpKind) {
   1579   default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected operand kind!");
   1580   case IOK_LENGTH: CVal = Info.Length; break;
   1581   case IOK_SIZE: CVal = Info.Size; break;
   1582   case IOK_TYPE: CVal = Info.Type; break;
   1583   }
   1585   // Rewrite the type operator and the C or C++ type or variable in terms of an
   1586   // immediate.  E.g. TYPE foo -> $$4
   1587   unsigned Len = End.getPointer() - TypeLoc.getPointer();
   1588   InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Imm, TypeLoc, Len, CVal));
   1590   const MCExpr *Imm = MCConstantExpr::Create(CVal, getContext());
   1591   return X86Operand::CreateImm(Imm, Start, End);
   1592 }
   1594 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOperand() {
   1595   const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
   1596   SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End;
   1598   // Offset, length, type and size operators.
   1599   if (isParsingInlineAsm()) {
   1600     StringRef AsmTokStr = Tok.getString();
   1601     if (AsmTokStr == "offset" || AsmTokStr == "OFFSET")
   1602       return ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator();
   1603     if (AsmTokStr == "length" || AsmTokStr == "LENGTH")
   1604       return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_LENGTH);
   1605     if (AsmTokStr == "size" || AsmTokStr == "SIZE")
   1606       return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_SIZE);
   1607     if (AsmTokStr == "type" || AsmTokStr == "TYPE")
   1608       return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_TYPE);
   1609   }
   1611   // Immediate.
   1612   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer) || getLexer().is(AsmToken::Minus) ||
   1613       getLexer().is(AsmToken::LParen)) {
   1614     AsmToken StartTok = Tok;
   1615     IntelExprStateMachine SM(/*Imm=*/0, /*StopOnLBrac=*/true,
   1616                              /*AddImmPrefix=*/false);
   1617     if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelExpression(SM, End))
   1618       return Err;
   1620     int64_t Imm = SM.getImm();
   1621     if (isParsingInlineAsm()) {
   1622       unsigned Len = Tok.getLoc().getPointer() - Start.getPointer();
   1623       if (StartTok.getString().size() == Len)
   1624         // Just add a prefix if this wasn't a complex immediate expression.
   1625         InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_ImmPrefix, Start));
   1626       else
   1627         // Otherwise, rewrite the complex expression as a single immediate.
   1628         InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Imm, Start, Len, Imm));
   1629     }
   1631     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac)) {
   1632       const MCExpr *ImmExpr = MCConstantExpr::Create(Imm, getContext());
   1633       return X86Operand::CreateImm(ImmExpr, Start, End);
   1634     }
   1636     // Only positive immediates are valid.
   1637     if (Imm < 0)
   1638       return ErrorOperand(Start, "expected a positive immediate displacement "
   1639                           "before bracketed expr.");
   1641     // Parse ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp ].
   1642     return ParseIntelMemOperand(/*SegReg=*/0, Imm, Start);
   1643   }
   1645   // Register.
   1646   unsigned RegNo = 0;
   1647   if (!ParseRegister(RegNo, Start, End)) {
   1648     // If this is a segment register followed by a ':', then this is the start
   1649     // of a memory reference, otherwise this is a normal register reference.
   1650     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Colon))
   1651       return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End);
   1653     getParser().Lex(); // Eat the colon.
   1654     return ParseIntelMemOperand(/*SegReg=*/RegNo, /*Disp=*/0, Start);
   1655   }
   1657   // Memory operand.
   1658   return ParseIntelMemOperand(/*SegReg=*/0, /*Disp=*/0, Start);
   1659 }
   1661 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseATTOperand() {
   1662   switch (getLexer().getKind()) {
   1663   default:
   1664     // Parse a memory operand with no segment register.
   1665     return ParseMemOperand(0, Parser.getTok().getLoc());
   1666   case AsmToken::Percent: {
   1667     // Read the register.
   1668     unsigned RegNo;
   1669     SMLoc Start, End;
   1670     if (ParseRegister(RegNo, Start, End)) return 0;
   1671     if (RegNo == X86::EIZ || RegNo == X86::RIZ) {
   1672       Error(Start, "%eiz and %riz can only be used as index registers",
   1673             SMRange(Start, End));
   1674       return 0;
   1675     }
   1677     // If this is a segment register followed by a ':', then this is the start
   1678     // of a memory reference, otherwise this is a normal register reference.
   1679     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Colon))
   1680       return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End);
   1682     getParser().Lex(); // Eat the colon.
   1683     return ParseMemOperand(RegNo, Start);
   1684   }
   1685   case AsmToken::Dollar: {
   1686     // $42 -> immediate.
   1687     SMLoc Start = Parser.getTok().getLoc(), End;
   1688     Parser.Lex();
   1689     const MCExpr *Val;
   1690     if (getParser().parseExpression(Val, End))
   1691       return 0;
   1692     return X86Operand::CreateImm(Val, Start, End);
   1693   }
   1694   }
   1695 }
   1697 /// ParseMemOperand: segment: disp(basereg, indexreg, scale).  The '%ds:' prefix
   1698 /// has already been parsed if present.
   1699 X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc MemStart) {
   1701   // We have to disambiguate a parenthesized expression "(4+5)" from the start
   1702   // of a memory operand with a missing displacement "(%ebx)" or "(,%eax)".  The
   1703   // only way to do this without lookahead is to eat the '(' and see what is
   1704   // after it.
   1705   const MCExpr *Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(0, getParser().getContext());
   1706   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LParen)) {
   1707     SMLoc ExprEnd;
   1708     if (getParser().parseExpression(Disp, ExprEnd)) return 0;
   1710     // After parsing the base expression we could either have a parenthesized
   1711     // memory address or not.  If not, return now.  If so, eat the (.
   1712     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LParen)) {
   1713       // Unless we have a segment register, treat this as an immediate.
   1714       if (SegReg == 0)
   1715         return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, MemStart, ExprEnd);
   1716       return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, 0, 0, 1, MemStart, ExprEnd);
   1717     }
   1719     // Eat the '('.
   1720     Parser.Lex();
   1721   } else {
   1722     // Okay, we have a '('.  We don't know if this is an expression or not, but
   1723     // so we have to eat the ( to see beyond it.
   1724     SMLoc LParenLoc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
   1725     Parser.Lex(); // Eat the '('.
   1727     if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Percent) || getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
   1728       // Nothing to do here, fall into the code below with the '(' part of the
   1729       // memory operand consumed.
   1730     } else {
   1731       SMLoc ExprEnd;
   1733       // It must be an parenthesized expression, parse it now.
   1734       if (getParser().parseParenExpression(Disp, ExprEnd))
   1735         return 0;
   1737       // After parsing the base expression we could either have a parenthesized
   1738       // memory address or not.  If not, return now.  If so, eat the (.
   1739       if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LParen)) {
   1740         // Unless we have a segment register, treat this as an immediate.
   1741         if (SegReg == 0)
   1742           return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, LParenLoc, ExprEnd);
   1743         return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, 0, 0, 1, MemStart, ExprEnd);
   1744       }
   1746       // Eat the '('.
   1747       Parser.Lex();
   1748     }
   1749   }
   1751   // If we reached here, then we just ate the ( of the memory operand.  Process
   1752   // the rest of the memory operand.
   1753   unsigned BaseReg = 0, IndexReg = 0, Scale = 1;
   1754   SMLoc IndexLoc;
   1756   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Percent)) {
   1757     SMLoc StartLoc, EndLoc;
   1758     if (ParseRegister(BaseReg, StartLoc, EndLoc)) return 0;
   1759     if (BaseReg == X86::EIZ || BaseReg == X86::RIZ) {
   1760       Error(StartLoc, "eiz and riz can only be used as index registers",
   1761             SMRange(StartLoc, EndLoc));
   1762       return 0;
   1763     }
   1764   }
   1766   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
   1767     Parser.Lex(); // Eat the comma.
   1768     IndexLoc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
   1770     // Following the comma we should have either an index register, or a scale
   1771     // value. We don't support the later form, but we want to parse it
   1772     // correctly.
   1773     //
   1774     // Not that even though it would be completely consistent to support syntax
   1775     // like "1(%eax,,1)", the assembler doesn't. Use "eiz" or "riz" for this.
   1776     if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Percent)) {
   1777       SMLoc L;
   1778       if (ParseRegister(IndexReg, L, L)) return 0;
   1780       if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RParen)) {
   1781         // Parse the scale amount:
   1782         //  ::= ',' [scale-expression]
   1783         if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Comma)) {
   1784           Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(),
   1785                 "expected comma in scale expression");
   1786           return 0;
   1787         }
   1788         Parser.Lex(); // Eat the comma.
   1790         if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RParen)) {
   1791           SMLoc Loc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
   1793           int64_t ScaleVal;
   1794           if (getParser().parseAbsoluteExpression(ScaleVal)){
   1795             Error(Loc, "expected scale expression");
   1796             return 0;
   1797           }
   1799           // Validate the scale amount.
   1800           if (ScaleVal != 1 && ScaleVal != 2 && ScaleVal != 4 && ScaleVal != 8){
   1801             Error(Loc, "scale factor in address must be 1, 2, 4 or 8");
   1802             return 0;
   1803           }
   1804           Scale = (unsigned)ScaleVal;
   1805         }
   1806       }
   1807     } else if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RParen)) {
   1808       // A scale amount without an index is ignored.
   1809       // index.
   1810       SMLoc Loc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
   1812       int64_t Value;
   1813       if (getParser().parseAbsoluteExpression(Value))
   1814         return 0;
   1816       if (Value != 1)
   1817         Warning(Loc, "scale factor without index register is ignored");
   1818       Scale = 1;
   1819     }
   1820   }
   1822   // Ok, we've eaten the memory operand, verify we have a ')' and eat it too.
   1823   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RParen)) {
   1824     Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "unexpected token in memory operand");
   1825     return 0;
   1826   }
   1827   SMLoc MemEnd = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
   1828   Parser.Lex(); // Eat the ')'.
   1830   // If we have both a base register and an index register make sure they are
   1831   // both 64-bit or 32-bit registers.
   1832   // To support VSIB, IndexReg can be 128-bit or 256-bit registers.
   1833   if (BaseReg != 0 && IndexReg != 0) {
   1834     if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(BaseReg) &&
   1835         (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(IndexReg) ||
   1836          X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR32RegClassID].contains(IndexReg)) &&
   1837         IndexReg != X86::RIZ) {
   1838       Error(IndexLoc, "index register is 32-bit, but base register is 64-bit");
   1839       return 0;
   1840     }
   1841     if (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR32RegClassID].contains(BaseReg) &&
   1842         (X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR16RegClassID].contains(IndexReg) ||
   1843          X86MCRegisterClasses[X86::GR64RegClassID].contains(IndexReg)) &&
   1844         IndexReg != X86::EIZ){
   1845       Error(IndexLoc, "index register is 64-bit, but base register is 32-bit");
   1846       return 0;
   1847     }
   1848   }
   1850   return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale,
   1851                                MemStart, MemEnd);
   1852 }
   1854 bool X86AsmParser::
   1855 ParseInstruction(ParseInstructionInfo &Info, StringRef Name, SMLoc NameLoc,
   1856                  SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands) {
   1857   InstInfo = &Info;
   1858   StringRef PatchedName = Name;
   1860   // FIXME: Hack to recognize setneb as setne.
   1861   if (PatchedName.startswith("set") && PatchedName.endswith("b") &&
   1862       PatchedName != "setb" && PatchedName != "setnb")
   1863     PatchedName = PatchedName.substr(0, Name.size()-1);
   1865   // FIXME: Hack to recognize cmp<comparison code>{ss,sd,ps,pd}.
   1866   const MCExpr *ExtraImmOp = 0;
   1867   if ((PatchedName.startswith("cmp") || PatchedName.startswith("vcmp")) &&
   1868       (PatchedName.endswith("ss") || PatchedName.endswith("sd") ||
   1869        PatchedName.endswith("ps") || PatchedName.endswith("pd"))) {
   1870     bool IsVCMP = PatchedName[0] == 'v';
   1871     unsigned SSECCIdx = IsVCMP ? 4 : 3;
   1872     unsigned SSEComparisonCode = StringSwitch<unsigned>(
   1873       PatchedName.slice(SSECCIdx, PatchedName.size() - 2))
   1874       .Case("eq",       0x00)
   1875       .Case("lt",       0x01)
   1876       .Case("le",       0x02)
   1877       .Case("unord",    0x03)
   1878       .Case("neq",      0x04)
   1879       .Case("nlt",      0x05)
   1880       .Case("nle",      0x06)
   1881       .Case("ord",      0x07)
   1882       /* AVX only from here */
   1883       .Case("eq_uq",    0x08)
   1884       .Case("nge",      0x09)
   1885       .Case("ngt",      0x0A)
   1886       .Case("false",    0x0B)
   1887       .Case("neq_oq",   0x0C)
   1888       .Case("ge",       0x0D)
   1889       .Case("gt",       0x0E)
   1890       .Case("true",     0x0F)
   1891       .Case("eq_os",    0x10)
   1892       .Case("lt_oq",    0x11)
   1893       .Case("le_oq",    0x12)
   1894       .Case("unord_s",  0x13)
   1895       .Case("neq_us",   0x14)
   1896       .Case("nlt_uq",   0x15)
   1897       .Case("nle_uq",   0x16)
   1898       .Case("ord_s",    0x17)
   1899       .Case("eq_us",    0x18)
   1900       .Case("nge_uq",   0x19)
   1901       .Case("ngt_uq",   0x1A)
   1902       .Case("false_os", 0x1B)
   1903       .Case("neq_os",   0x1C)
   1904       .Case("ge_oq",    0x1D)
   1905       .Case("gt_oq",    0x1E)
   1906       .Case("true_us",  0x1F)
   1907       .Default(~0U);
   1908     if (SSEComparisonCode != ~0U && (IsVCMP || SSEComparisonCode < 8)) {
   1909       ExtraImmOp = MCConstantExpr::Create(SSEComparisonCode,
   1910                                           getParser().getContext());
   1911       if (PatchedName.endswith("ss")) {
   1912         PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpss" : "cmpss";
   1913       } else if (PatchedName.endswith("sd")) {
   1914         PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpsd" : "cmpsd";
   1915       } else if (PatchedName.endswith("ps")) {
   1916         PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmpps" : "cmpps";
   1917       } else {
   1918         assert(PatchedName.endswith("pd") && "Unexpected mnemonic!");
   1919         PatchedName = IsVCMP ? "vcmppd" : "cmppd";
   1920       }
   1921     }
   1922   }
   1924   Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken(PatchedName, NameLoc));
   1926   if (ExtraImmOp && !isParsingIntelSyntax())
   1927     Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateImm(ExtraImmOp, NameLoc, NameLoc));
   1929   // Determine whether this is an instruction prefix.
   1930   bool isPrefix =
   1931     Name == "lock" || Name == "rep" ||
   1932     Name == "repe" || Name == "repz" ||
   1933     Name == "repne" || Name == "repnz" ||
   1934     Name == "rex64" || Name == "data16";
   1937   // This does the actual operand parsing.  Don't parse any more if we have a
   1938   // prefix juxtaposed with an operation like "lock incl 4(%rax)", because we
   1939   // just want to parse the "lock" as the first instruction and the "incl" as
   1940   // the next one.
   1941   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement) && !isPrefix) {
   1943     // Parse '*' modifier.
   1944     if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Star)) {
   1945       SMLoc Loc = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
   1946       Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateToken("*", Loc));
   1947       Parser.Lex(); // Eat the star.
   1948     }
   1950     // Read the first operand.
   1951     if (X86Operand *Op = ParseOperand())
   1952       Operands.push_back(Op);
   1953     else {
   1954       Parser.eatToEndOfStatement();
   1955       return true;
   1956     }
   1958     while (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Comma)) {
   1959       Parser.Lex();  // Eat the comma.
   1961       // Parse and remember the operand.
   1962       if (X86Operand *Op = ParseOperand())
   1963         Operands.push_back(Op);
   1964       else {
   1965         Parser.eatToEndOfStatement();
   1966         return true;
   1967       }
   1968     }
   1970     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
   1971       SMLoc Loc = getLexer().getLoc();
   1972       Parser.eatToEndOfStatement();
   1973       return Error(Loc, "unexpected token in argument list");
   1974     }
   1975   }
   1977   if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
   1978     Parser.Lex(); // Consume the EndOfStatement
   1979   else if (isPrefix && getLexer().is(AsmToken::Slash))
   1980     Parser.Lex(); // Consume the prefix separator Slash
   1982   if (ExtraImmOp && isParsingIntelSyntax())
   1983     Operands.push_back(X86Operand::CreateImm(ExtraImmOp, NameLoc, NameLoc));
   1985   // This is a terrible hack to handle "out[bwl]? %al, (%dx)" ->
   1986   // "outb %al, %dx".  Out doesn't take a memory form, but this is a widely
   1987   // documented form in various unofficial manuals, so a lot of code uses it.
   1988   if ((Name == "outb" || Name == "outw" || Name == "outl" || Name == "out") &&
   1989       Operands.size() == 3) {
   1990     X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.back();
   1991     if (Op.isMem() && Op.Mem.SegReg == 0 &&
   1992         isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp) &&
   1993         cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp)->getValue() == 0 &&
   1994         Op.Mem.BaseReg == MatchRegisterName("dx") && Op.Mem.IndexReg == 0) {
   1995       SMLoc Loc = Op.getEndLoc();
   1996       Operands.back() = X86Operand::CreateReg(Op.Mem.BaseReg, Loc, Loc);
   1997       delete &Op;
   1998     }
   1999   }
   2000   // Same hack for "in[bwl]? (%dx), %al" -> "inb %dx, %al".
   2001   if ((Name == "inb" || Name == "inw" || Name == "inl" || Name == "in") &&
   2002       Operands.size() == 3) {
   2003     X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[1];
   2004     if (Op.isMem() && Op.Mem.SegReg == 0 &&
   2005         isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp) &&
   2006         cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op.Mem.Disp)->getValue() == 0 &&
   2007         Op.Mem.BaseReg == MatchRegisterName("dx") && Op.Mem.IndexReg == 0) {
   2008       SMLoc Loc = Op.getEndLoc();
   2009       Operands.begin()[1] = X86Operand::CreateReg(Op.Mem.BaseReg, Loc, Loc);
   2010       delete &Op;
   2011     }
   2012   }
   2013   // Transform "ins[bwl] %dx, %es:(%edi)" into "ins[bwl]"
   2014   if (Name.startswith("ins") && Operands.size() == 3 &&
   2015       (Name == "insb" || Name == "insw" || Name == "insl")) {
   2016     X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[1];
   2017     X86Operand &Op2 = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[2];
   2018     if (Op.isReg() && Op.getReg() == X86::DX && isDstOp(Op2)) {
   2019       Operands.pop_back();
   2020       Operands.pop_back();
   2021       delete &Op;
   2022       delete &Op2;
   2023     }
   2024   }
   2026   // Transform "outs[bwl] %ds:(%esi), %dx" into "out[bwl]"
   2027   if (Name.startswith("outs") && Operands.size() == 3 &&
   2028       (Name == "outsb" || Name == "outsw" || Name == "outsl")) {
   2029     X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[1];
   2030     X86Operand &Op2 = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[2];
   2031     if (isSrcOp(Op) && Op2.isReg() && Op2.getReg() == X86::DX) {
   2032       Operands.pop_back();
   2033       Operands.pop_back();
   2034       delete &Op;
   2035       delete &Op2;
   2036     }
   2037   }
   2039   // Transform "movs[bwl] %ds:(%esi), %es:(%edi)" into "movs[bwl]"
   2040   if (Name.startswith("movs") && Operands.size() == 3 &&
   2041       (Name == "movsb" || Name == "movsw" || Name == "movsl" ||
   2042        (is64BitMode() && Name == "movsq"))) {
   2043     X86Operand &Op = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[1];
   2044     X86Operand &Op2 = *(X86Operand*)Operands.begin()[2];
   2045     if (isSrcOp(Op) && isDstOp(Op2)) {
   2046       Operands.pop_back();
   2047       Operands.pop_back();
   2048       delete &Op;
   2049       delete &Op2;
   2050     }
   2051   }
   2052   // Transform "lods[bwl] %ds:(%esi),{%al,%ax,%eax,%rax}" into "lods[bwl]"
   2053   if (Name.startswith("lods") && Operands.size() == 3 &&
   2054       (Name == "lods" || Name == "lodsb" || Name == "lodsw" ||
   2055        Name == "lodsl" || (is64BitMode() && Name == "lodsq"))) {
   2056     X86Operand *Op1 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[1]);
   2057     X86Operand *Op2 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[2]);
   2058     if (isSrcOp(*Op1) && Op2->isReg()) {
   2059       const char *ins;
   2060       unsigned reg = Op2->getReg();
   2061       bool isLods = Name == "lods";
   2062       if (reg == X86::AL && (isLods || Name == "lodsb"))
   2063         ins = "lodsb";
   2064       else if (reg == X86::AX && (isLods || Name == "lodsw"))
   2065         ins = "lodsw";
   2066       else if (reg == X86::EAX && (isLods || Name == "lodsl"))
   2067         ins = "lodsl";
   2068       else if (reg == X86::RAX && (isLods || Name == "lodsq"))
   2069         ins = "lodsq";
   2070       else
   2071         ins = NULL;
   2072       if (ins != NULL) {
   2073         Operands.pop_back();
   2074         Operands.pop_back();
   2075         delete Op1;
   2076         delete Op2;
   2077         if (Name != ins)
   2078           static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[0])->setTokenValue(ins);
   2079       }
   2080     }
   2081   }
   2082   // Transform "stos[bwl] {%al,%ax,%eax,%rax},%es:(%edi)" into "stos[bwl]"
   2083   if (Name.startswith("stos") && Operands.size() == 3 &&
   2084       (Name == "stos" || Name == "stosb" || Name == "stosw" ||
   2085        Name == "stosl" || (is64BitMode() && Name == "stosq"))) {
   2086     X86Operand *Op1 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[1]);
   2087     X86Operand *Op2 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[2]);
   2088     if (isDstOp(*Op2) && Op1->isReg()) {
   2089       const char *ins;
   2090       unsigned reg = Op1->getReg();
   2091       bool isStos = Name == "stos";
   2092       if (reg == X86::AL && (isStos || Name == "stosb"))
   2093         ins = "stosb";
   2094       else if (reg == X86::AX && (isStos || Name == "stosw"))
   2095         ins = "stosw";
   2096       else if (reg == X86::EAX && (isStos || Name == "stosl"))
   2097         ins = "stosl";
   2098       else if (reg == X86::RAX && (isStos || Name == "stosq"))
   2099         ins = "stosq";
   2100       else
   2101         ins = NULL;
   2102       if (ins != NULL) {
   2103         Operands.pop_back();
   2104         Operands.pop_back();
   2105         delete Op1;
   2106         delete Op2;
   2107         if (Name != ins)
   2108           static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[0])->setTokenValue(ins);
   2109       }
   2110     }
   2111   }
   2113   // FIXME: Hack to handle recognize s{hr,ar,hl} $1, <op>.  Canonicalize to
   2114   // "shift <op>".
   2115   if ((Name.startswith("shr") || Name.startswith("sar") ||
   2116        Name.startswith("shl") || Name.startswith("sal") ||
   2117        Name.startswith("rcl") || Name.startswith("rcr") ||
   2118        Name.startswith("rol") || Name.startswith("ror")) &&
   2119       Operands.size() == 3) {
   2120     if (isParsingIntelSyntax()) {
   2121       // Intel syntax
   2122       X86Operand *Op1 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[2]);
   2123       if (Op1->isImm() && isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm()) &&
   2124           cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm())->getValue() == 1) {
   2125         delete Operands[2];
   2126         Operands.pop_back();
   2127       }
   2128     } else {
   2129       X86Operand *Op1 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[1]);
   2130       if (Op1->isImm() && isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm()) &&
   2131           cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm())->getValue() == 1) {
   2132         delete Operands[1];
   2133         Operands.erase(Operands.begin() + 1);
   2134       }
   2135     }
   2136   }
   2138   // Transforms "int $3" into "int3" as a size optimization.  We can't write an
   2139   // instalias with an immediate operand yet.
   2140   if (Name == "int" && Operands.size() == 2) {
   2141     X86Operand *Op1 = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[1]);
   2142     if (Op1->isImm() && isa<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm()) &&
   2143         cast<MCConstantExpr>(Op1->getImm())->getValue() == 3) {
   2144       delete Operands[1];
   2145       Operands.erase(Operands.begin() + 1);
   2146       static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[0])->setTokenValue("int3");
   2147     }
   2148   }
   2150   return false;
   2151 }
   2153 static bool convertToSExti8(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg,
   2154                             bool isCmp) {
   2155   MCInst TmpInst;
   2156   TmpInst.setOpcode(Opcode);
   2157   if (!isCmp)
   2158     TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(Reg));
   2159   TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::CreateReg(Reg));
   2160   TmpInst.addOperand(Inst.getOperand(0));
   2161   Inst = TmpInst;
   2162   return true;
   2163 }
   2165 static bool convert16i16to16ri8(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Opcode,
   2166                                 bool isCmp = false) {
   2167   if (!Inst.getOperand(0).isImm() ||
   2168       !isImmSExti16i8Value(Inst.getOperand(0).getImm()))
   2169     return false;
   2171   return convertToSExti8(Inst, Opcode, X86::AX, isCmp);
   2172 }
   2174 static bool convert32i32to32ri8(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Opcode,
   2175                                 bool isCmp = false) {
   2176   if (!Inst.getOperand(0).isImm() ||
   2177       !isImmSExti32i8Value(Inst.getOperand(0).getImm()))
   2178     return false;
   2180   return convertToSExti8(Inst, Opcode, X86::EAX, isCmp);
   2181 }
   2183 static bool convert64i32to64ri8(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Opcode,
   2184                                 bool isCmp = false) {
   2185   if (!Inst.getOperand(0).isImm() ||
   2186       !isImmSExti64i8Value(Inst.getOperand(0).getImm()))
   2187     return false;
   2189   return convertToSExti8(Inst, Opcode, X86::RAX, isCmp);
   2190 }
   2192 bool X86AsmParser::
   2193 processInstruction(MCInst &Inst,
   2194                    const SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Ops) {
   2195   switch (Inst.getOpcode()) {
   2196   default: return false;
   2197   case X86::AND16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::AND16ri8);
   2198   case X86::AND32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::AND32ri8);
   2199   case X86::AND64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::AND64ri8);
   2200   case X86::XOR16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::XOR16ri8);
   2201   case X86::XOR32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::XOR32ri8);
   2202   case X86::XOR64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::XOR64ri8);
   2203   case X86::OR16i16:  return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::OR16ri8);
   2204   case X86::OR32i32:  return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::OR32ri8);
   2205   case X86::OR64i32:  return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::OR64ri8);
   2206   case X86::CMP16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::CMP16ri8, true);
   2207   case X86::CMP32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::CMP32ri8, true);
   2208   case X86::CMP64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::CMP64ri8, true);
   2209   case X86::ADD16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::ADD16ri8);
   2210   case X86::ADD32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::ADD32ri8);
   2211   case X86::ADD64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::ADD64ri8);
   2212   case X86::SUB16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::SUB16ri8);
   2213   case X86::SUB32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::SUB32ri8);
   2214   case X86::SUB64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::SUB64ri8);
   2215   case X86::ADC16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::ADC16ri8);
   2216   case X86::ADC32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::ADC32ri8);
   2217   case X86::ADC64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::ADC64ri8);
   2218   case X86::SBB16i16: return convert16i16to16ri8(Inst, X86::SBB16ri8);
   2219   case X86::SBB32i32: return convert32i32to32ri8(Inst, X86::SBB32ri8);
   2220   case X86::SBB64i32: return convert64i32to64ri8(Inst, X86::SBB64ri8);
   2221   }
   2222 }
   2224 static const char *getSubtargetFeatureName(unsigned Val);
   2225 bool X86AsmParser::
   2226 MatchAndEmitInstruction(SMLoc IDLoc, unsigned &Opcode,
   2227                         SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands,
   2228                         MCStreamer &Out, unsigned &ErrorInfo,
   2229                         bool MatchingInlineAsm) {
   2230   assert(!Operands.empty() && "Unexpect empty operand list!");
   2231   X86Operand *Op = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[0]);
   2232   assert(Op->isToken() && "Leading operand should always be a mnemonic!");
   2233   ArrayRef<SMRange> EmptyRanges = None;
   2235   // First, handle aliases that expand to multiple instructions.
   2236   // FIXME: This should be replaced with a real .td file alias mechanism.
   2237   // Also, MatchInstructionImpl should actually *do* the EmitInstruction
   2238   // call.
   2239   if (Op->getToken() == "fstsw" || Op->getToken() == "fstcw" ||
   2240       Op->getToken() == "fstsww" || Op->getToken() == "fstcww" ||
   2241       Op->getToken() == "finit" || Op->getToken() == "fsave" ||
   2242       Op->getToken() == "fstenv" || Op->getToken() == "fclex") {
   2243     MCInst Inst;
   2244     Inst.setOpcode(X86::WAIT);
   2245     Inst.setLoc(IDLoc);
   2246     if (!MatchingInlineAsm)
   2247       Out.EmitInstruction(Inst);
   2249     const char *Repl =
   2250       StringSwitch<const char*>(Op->getToken())
   2251         .Case("finit",  "fninit")
   2252         .Case("fsave",  "fnsave")
   2253         .Case("fstcw",  "fnstcw")
   2254         .Case("fstcww",  "fnstcw")
   2255         .Case("fstenv", "fnstenv")
   2256         .Case("fstsw",  "fnstsw")
   2257         .Case("fstsww", "fnstsw")
   2258         .Case("fclex",  "fnclex")
   2259         .Default(0);
   2260     assert(Repl && "Unknown wait-prefixed instruction");
   2261     delete Operands[0];
   2262     Operands[0] = X86Operand::CreateToken(Repl, IDLoc);
   2263   }
   2265   bool WasOriginallyInvalidOperand = false;
   2266   MCInst Inst;
   2268   // First, try a direct match.
   2269   switch (MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst,
   2270                                ErrorInfo, MatchingInlineAsm,
   2271                                isParsingIntelSyntax())) {
   2272   default: break;
   2273   case Match_Success:
   2274     // Some instructions need post-processing to, for example, tweak which
   2275     // encoding is selected. Loop on it while changes happen so the
   2276     // individual transformations can chain off each other.
   2277     if (!MatchingInlineAsm)
   2278       while (processInstruction(Inst, Operands))
   2279         ;
   2281     Inst.setLoc(IDLoc);
   2282     if (!MatchingInlineAsm)
   2283       Out.EmitInstruction(Inst);
   2284     Opcode = Inst.getOpcode();
   2285     return false;
   2286   case Match_MissingFeature: {
   2287     assert(ErrorInfo && "Unknown missing feature!");
   2288     // Special case the error message for the very common case where only
   2289     // a single subtarget feature is missing.
   2290     std::string Msg = "instruction requires:";
   2291     unsigned Mask = 1;
   2292     for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(ErrorInfo)*8-1); ++i) {
   2293       if (ErrorInfo & Mask) {
   2294         Msg += " ";
   2295         Msg += getSubtargetFeatureName(ErrorInfo & Mask);
   2296       }
   2297       Mask <<= 1;
   2298     }
   2299     return Error(IDLoc, Msg, EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
   2300   }
   2301   case Match_InvalidOperand:
   2302     WasOriginallyInvalidOperand = true;
   2303     break;
   2304   case Match_MnemonicFail:
   2305     break;
   2306   }
   2308   // FIXME: Ideally, we would only attempt suffix matches for things which are
   2309   // valid prefixes, and we could just infer the right unambiguous
   2310   // type. However, that requires substantially more matcher support than the
   2311   // following hack.
   2313   // Change the operand to point to a temporary token.
   2314   StringRef Base = Op->getToken();
   2315   SmallString<16> Tmp;
   2316   Tmp += Base;
   2317   Tmp += ' ';
   2318   Op->setTokenValue(Tmp.str());
   2320   // If this instruction starts with an 'f', then it is a floating point stack
   2321   // instruction.  These come in up to three forms for 32-bit, 64-bit, and
   2322   // 80-bit floating point, which use the suffixes s,l,t respectively.
   2323   //
   2324   // Otherwise, we assume that this may be an integer instruction, which comes
   2325   // in 8/16/32/64-bit forms using the b,w,l,q suffixes respectively.
   2326   const char *Suffixes = Base[0] != 'f' ? "bwlq" : "slt\0";
   2328   // Check for the various suffix matches.
   2329   Tmp[Base.size()] = Suffixes[0];
   2330   unsigned ErrorInfoIgnore;
   2331   unsigned ErrorInfoMissingFeature = 0; // Init suppresses compiler warnings.
   2332   unsigned Match1, Match2, Match3, Match4;
   2334   Match1 = MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfoIgnore,
   2335                                 MatchingInlineAsm, isParsingIntelSyntax());
   2336   // If this returned as a missing feature failure, remember that.
   2337   if (Match1 == Match_MissingFeature)
   2338     ErrorInfoMissingFeature = ErrorInfoIgnore;
   2339   Tmp[Base.size()] = Suffixes[1];
   2340   Match2 = MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfoIgnore,
   2341                                 MatchingInlineAsm, isParsingIntelSyntax());
   2342   // If this returned as a missing feature failure, remember that.
   2343   if (Match2 == Match_MissingFeature)
   2344     ErrorInfoMissingFeature = ErrorInfoIgnore;
   2345   Tmp[Base.size()] = Suffixes[2];
   2346   Match3 = MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfoIgnore,
   2347                                 MatchingInlineAsm, isParsingIntelSyntax());
   2348   // If this returned as a missing feature failure, remember that.
   2349   if (Match3 == Match_MissingFeature)
   2350     ErrorInfoMissingFeature = ErrorInfoIgnore;
   2351   Tmp[Base.size()] = Suffixes[3];
   2352   Match4 = MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfoIgnore,
   2353                                 MatchingInlineAsm, isParsingIntelSyntax());
   2354   // If this returned as a missing feature failure, remember that.
   2355   if (Match4 == Match_MissingFeature)
   2356     ErrorInfoMissingFeature = ErrorInfoIgnore;
   2358   // Restore the old token.
   2359   Op->setTokenValue(Base);
   2361   // If exactly one matched, then we treat that as a successful match (and the
   2362   // instruction will already have been filled in correctly, since the failing
   2363   // matches won't have modified it).
   2364   unsigned NumSuccessfulMatches =
   2365     (Match1 == Match_Success) + (Match2 == Match_Success) +
   2366     (Match3 == Match_Success) + (Match4 == Match_Success);
   2367   if (NumSuccessfulMatches == 1) {
   2368     Inst.setLoc(IDLoc);
   2369     if (!MatchingInlineAsm)
   2370       Out.EmitInstruction(Inst);
   2371     Opcode = Inst.getOpcode();
   2372     return false;
   2373   }
   2375   // Otherwise, the match failed, try to produce a decent error message.
   2377   // If we had multiple suffix matches, then identify this as an ambiguous
   2378   // match.
   2379   if (NumSuccessfulMatches > 1) {
   2380     char MatchChars[4];
   2381     unsigned NumMatches = 0;
   2382     if (Match1 == Match_Success) MatchChars[NumMatches++] = Suffixes[0];
   2383     if (Match2 == Match_Success) MatchChars[NumMatches++] = Suffixes[1];
   2384     if (Match3 == Match_Success) MatchChars[NumMatches++] = Suffixes[2];
   2385     if (Match4 == Match_Success) MatchChars[NumMatches++] = Suffixes[3];
   2387     SmallString<126> Msg;
   2388     raw_svector_ostream OS(Msg);
   2389     OS << "ambiguous instructions require an explicit suffix (could be ";
   2390     for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumMatches; ++i) {
   2391       if (i != 0)
   2392         OS << ", ";
   2393       if (i + 1 == NumMatches)
   2394         OS << "or ";
   2395       OS << "'" << Base << MatchChars[i] << "'";
   2396     }
   2397     OS << ")";
   2398     Error(IDLoc, OS.str(), EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
   2399     return true;
   2400   }
   2402   // Okay, we know that none of the variants matched successfully.
   2404   // If all of the instructions reported an invalid mnemonic, then the original
   2405   // mnemonic was invalid.
   2406   if ((Match1 == Match_MnemonicFail) && (Match2 == Match_MnemonicFail) &&
   2407       (Match3 == Match_MnemonicFail) && (Match4 == Match_MnemonicFail)) {
   2408     if (!WasOriginallyInvalidOperand) {
   2409       ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = MatchingInlineAsm ? EmptyRanges :
   2410         Op->getLocRange();
   2411       return Error(IDLoc, "invalid instruction mnemonic '" + Base + "'",
   2412                    Ranges, MatchingInlineAsm);
   2413     }
   2415     // Recover location info for the operand if we know which was the problem.
   2416     if (ErrorInfo != ~0U) {
   2417       if (ErrorInfo >= Operands.size())
   2418         return Error(IDLoc, "too few operands for instruction",
   2419                      EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
   2421       X86Operand *Operand = (X86Operand*)Operands[ErrorInfo];
   2422       if (Operand->getStartLoc().isValid()) {
   2423         SMRange OperandRange = Operand->getLocRange();
   2424         return Error(Operand->getStartLoc(), "invalid operand for instruction",
   2425                      OperandRange, MatchingInlineAsm);
   2426       }
   2427     }
   2429     return Error(IDLoc, "invalid operand for instruction", EmptyRanges,
   2430                  MatchingInlineAsm);
   2431   }
   2433   // If one instruction matched with a missing feature, report this as a
   2434   // missing feature.
   2435   if ((Match1 == Match_MissingFeature) + (Match2 == Match_MissingFeature) +
   2436       (Match3 == Match_MissingFeature) + (Match4 == Match_MissingFeature) == 1){
   2437     std::string Msg = "instruction requires:";
   2438     unsigned Mask = 1;
   2439     for (unsigned i = 0; i < (sizeof(ErrorInfoMissingFeature)*8-1); ++i) {
   2440       if (ErrorInfoMissingFeature & Mask) {
   2441         Msg += " ";
   2442         Msg += getSubtargetFeatureName(ErrorInfoMissingFeature & Mask);
   2443       }
   2444       Mask <<= 1;
   2445     }
   2446     return Error(IDLoc, Msg, EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
   2447   }
   2449   // If one instruction matched with an invalid operand, report this as an
   2450   // operand failure.
   2451   if ((Match1 == Match_InvalidOperand) + (Match2 == Match_InvalidOperand) +
   2452       (Match3 == Match_InvalidOperand) + (Match4 == Match_InvalidOperand) == 1){
   2453     Error(IDLoc, "invalid operand for instruction", EmptyRanges,
   2454           MatchingInlineAsm);
   2455     return true;
   2456   }
   2458   // If all of these were an outright failure, report it in a useless way.
   2459   Error(IDLoc, "unknown use of instruction mnemonic without a size suffix",
   2460         EmptyRanges, MatchingInlineAsm);
   2461   return true;
   2462 }
   2465 bool X86AsmParser::ParseDirective(AsmToken DirectiveID) {
   2466   StringRef IDVal = DirectiveID.getIdentifier();
   2467   if (IDVal == ".word")
   2468     return ParseDirectiveWord(2, DirectiveID.getLoc());
   2469   else if (IDVal.startswith(".code"))
   2470     return ParseDirectiveCode(IDVal, DirectiveID.getLoc());
   2471   else if (IDVal.startswith(".att_syntax")) {
   2472     getParser().setAssemblerDialect(0);
   2473     return false;
   2474   } else if (IDVal.startswith(".intel_syntax")) {
   2475     getParser().setAssemblerDialect(1);
   2476     if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
   2477       if(Parser.getTok().getString() == "noprefix") {
   2478         // FIXME : Handle noprefix
   2479         Parser.Lex();
   2480       } else
   2481         return true;
   2482     }
   2483     return false;
   2484   }
   2485   return true;
   2486 }
   2488 /// ParseDirectiveWord
   2489 ///  ::= .word [ expression (, expression)* ]
   2490 bool X86AsmParser::ParseDirectiveWord(unsigned Size, SMLoc L) {
   2491   if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::EndOfStatement)) {
   2492     for (;;) {
   2493       const MCExpr *Value;
   2494       if (getParser().parseExpression(Value))
   2495         return true;
   2497       getParser().getStreamer().EmitValue(Value, Size);
   2499       if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::EndOfStatement))
   2500         break;
   2502       // FIXME: Improve diagnostic.
   2503       if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Comma))
   2504         return Error(L, "unexpected token in directive");
   2505       Parser.Lex();
   2506     }
   2507   }
   2509   Parser.Lex();
   2510   return false;
   2511 }
   2513 /// ParseDirectiveCode
   2514 ///  ::= .code32 | .code64
   2515 bool X86AsmParser::ParseDirectiveCode(StringRef IDVal, SMLoc L) {
   2516   if (IDVal == ".code32") {
   2517     Parser.Lex();
   2518     if (is64BitMode()) {
   2519       SwitchMode();
   2520       getParser().getStreamer().EmitAssemblerFlag(MCAF_Code32);
   2521     }
   2522   } else if (IDVal == ".code64") {
   2523     Parser.Lex();
   2524     if (!is64BitMode()) {
   2525       SwitchMode();
   2526       getParser().getStreamer().EmitAssemblerFlag(MCAF_Code64);
   2527     }
   2528   } else {
   2529     return Error(L, "unexpected directive " + IDVal);
   2530   }
   2532   return false;
   2533 }
   2535 // Force static initialization.
   2536 extern "C" void LLVMInitializeX86AsmParser() {
   2537   RegisterMCAsmParser<X86AsmParser> X(TheX86_32Target);
   2538   RegisterMCAsmParser<X86AsmParser> Y(TheX86_64Target);
   2539 }
   2541 #define GET_REGISTER_MATCHER
   2544 #include "X86GenAsmMatcher.inc"