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      1 /** @file
      2   This driver is used to manage SD/MMC PCI host controllers which are compliance
      3   with SD Host Controller Simplified Specification version 3.00.
      5   It would expose EFI_SD_MMC_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL for upper layer use.
      7   Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
      8   This program and the accompanying materials
      9   are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
     10   which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
     11   http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
     16 **/
     18 #include "SdMmcPciHcDxe.h"
     20 /**
     21   Dump the content of SD/MMC host controller's Capability Register.
     23   @param[in]  Slot            The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
     24   @param[in]  Capability      The buffer to store the capability data.
     26 **/
     27 VOID
     28 DumpCapabilityReg (
     29   IN UINT8                Slot,
     30   IN SD_MMC_HC_SLOT_CAP   *Capability
     31   )
     32 {
     33   //
     34   // Dump Capability Data
     35   //
     36   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " == Slot [%d] Capability is 0x%x ==\n", Slot, Capability));
     37   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Timeout Clk Freq  %d%a\n", Capability->TimeoutFreq, (Capability->TimeoutUnit) ? "MHz" : "KHz"));
     38   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Base Clk Freq     %dMHz\n", Capability->BaseClkFreq));
     39   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Max Blk Len       %dbytes\n", 512 * (1 << Capability->MaxBlkLen)));
     40   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   8-bit Support     %a\n", Capability->BusWidth8 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     41   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   ADMA2 Support     %a\n", Capability->Adma2 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     42   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   HighSpeed Support %a\n", Capability->HighSpeed ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     43   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   SDMA Support      %a\n", Capability->Sdma ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     44   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Suspend/Resume    %a\n", Capability->SuspRes ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     45   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Voltage 3.3       %a\n", Capability->Voltage33 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     46   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Voltage 3.0       %a\n", Capability->Voltage30 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     47   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Voltage 1.8       %a\n", Capability->Voltage18 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     48   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   64-bit Sys Bus    %a\n", Capability->SysBus64 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     49   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Async Interrupt   %a\n", Capability->AsyncInt ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     50   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   SlotType          "));
     51   if (Capability->SlotType == 0x00) {
     52     DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a\n", "Removable Slot"));
     53   } else if (Capability->SlotType == 0x01) {
     54     DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a\n", "Embedded Slot"));
     55   } else if (Capability->SlotType == 0x02) {
     56     DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a\n", "Shared Bus Slot"));
     57   } else {
     58     DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a\n", "Reserved"));
     59   }
     60   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   SDR50  Support    %a\n", Capability->Sdr50 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     61   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   SDR104 Support    %a\n", Capability->Sdr104 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     62   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   DDR50  Support    %a\n", Capability->Ddr50 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     63   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Driver Type A     %a\n", Capability->DriverTypeA ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     64   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Driver Type C     %a\n", Capability->DriverTypeC ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     65   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Driver Type D     %a\n", Capability->DriverTypeD ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     66   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Driver Type 4     %a\n", Capability->DriverType4 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     67   if (Capability->TimerCount == 0) {
     68     DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Retuning TimerCnt Disabled\n", 2 * (Capability->TimerCount - 1)));
     69   } else {
     70     DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Retuning TimerCnt %dseconds\n", 2 * (Capability->TimerCount - 1)));
     71   }
     72   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   SDR50 Tuning      %a\n", Capability->TuningSDR50 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     73   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Retuning Mode     Mode %d\n", Capability->RetuningMod + 1));
     74   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   Clock Multiplier  M = %d\n", Capability->ClkMultiplier + 1));
     75   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "   HS 400            %a\n", Capability->Hs400 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
     76   return;
     77 }
     79 /**
     80   Read SlotInfo register from SD/MMC host controller pci config space.
     82   @param[in]  PciIo        The PCI IO protocol instance.
     83   @param[out] FirstBar     The buffer to store the first BAR value.
     84   @param[out] SlotNum      The buffer to store the supported slot number.
     86   @retval EFI_SUCCESS      The operation succeeds.
     87   @retval Others           The operation fails.
     89 **/
     90 EFI_STATUS
     91 EFIAPI
     92 SdMmcHcGetSlotInfo (
     93   IN     EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL   *PciIo,
     94      OUT UINT8                 *FirstBar,
     95      OUT UINT8                 *SlotNum
     96   )
     97 {
     98   EFI_STATUS                   Status;
     99   SD_MMC_HC_SLOT_INFO          SlotInfo;
    101   Status = PciIo->Pci.Read (
    102                         PciIo,
    103                         EfiPciIoWidthUint8,
    104                         SD_MMC_HC_SLOT_OFFSET,
    105                         sizeof (SlotInfo),
    106                         &SlotInfo
    107                         );
    108   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    109     return Status;
    110   }
    112   *FirstBar = SlotInfo.FirstBar;
    113   *SlotNum  = SlotInfo.SlotNum + 1;
    114   ASSERT ((*FirstBar + *SlotNum) < SD_MMC_HC_MAX_SLOT);
    115   return EFI_SUCCESS;
    116 }
    118 /**
    119   Read/Write specified SD/MMC host controller mmio register.
    121   @param[in]      PciIo        The PCI IO protocol instance.
    122   @param[in]      BarIndex     The BAR index of the standard PCI Configuration
    123                                header to use as the base address for the memory
    124                                operation to perform.
    125   @param[in]      Offset       The offset within the selected BAR to start the
    126                                memory operation.
    127   @param[in]      Read         A boolean to indicate it's read or write operation.
    128   @param[in]      Count        The width of the mmio register in bytes.
    129                                Must be 1, 2 , 4 or 8 bytes.
    130   @param[in, out] Data         For read operations, the destination buffer to store
    131                                the results. For write operations, the source buffer
    132                                to write data from. The caller is responsible for
    133                                having ownership of the data buffer and ensuring its
    134                                size not less than Count bytes.
    136   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PciIo or Data is NULL or the Count is not valid.
    137   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The read/write operation succeeds.
    138   @retval Others                The read/write operation fails.
    140 **/
    141 EFI_STATUS
    142 EFIAPI
    143 SdMmcHcRwMmio (
    144   IN     EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL   *PciIo,
    145   IN     UINT8                 BarIndex,
    146   IN     UINT32                Offset,
    147   IN     BOOLEAN               Read,
    148   IN     UINT8                 Count,
    149   IN OUT VOID                  *Data
    150   )
    151 {
    152   EFI_STATUS                   Status;
    154   if ((PciIo == NULL) || (Data == NULL))  {
    155     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
    156   }
    158   if ((Count != 1) && (Count != 2) && (Count != 4) && (Count != 8)) {
    159     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
    160   }
    162   if (Read) {
    163     Status = PciIo->Mem.Read (
    164                           PciIo,
    165                           EfiPciIoWidthUint8,
    166                           BarIndex,
    167                           (UINT64) Offset,
    168                           Count,
    169                           Data
    170                           );
    171   } else {
    172     Status = PciIo->Mem.Write (
    173                           PciIo,
    174                           EfiPciIoWidthUint8,
    175                           BarIndex,
    176                           (UINT64) Offset,
    177                           Count,
    178                           Data
    179                           );
    180   }
    182   return Status;
    183 }
    185 /**
    186   Do OR operation with the value of the specified SD/MMC host controller mmio register.
    188   @param[in] PciIo             The PCI IO protocol instance.
    189   @param[in] BarIndex          The BAR index of the standard PCI Configuration
    190                                header to use as the base address for the memory
    191                                operation to perform.
    192   @param[in] Offset            The offset within the selected BAR to start the
    193                                memory operation.
    194   @param[in] Count             The width of the mmio register in bytes.
    195                                Must be 1, 2 , 4 or 8 bytes.
    196   @param[in] OrData            The pointer to the data used to do OR operation.
    197                                The caller is responsible for having ownership of
    198                                the data buffer and ensuring its size not less than
    199                                Count bytes.
    201   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PciIo or OrData is NULL or the Count is not valid.
    202   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The OR operation succeeds.
    203   @retval Others                The OR operation fails.
    205 **/
    206 EFI_STATUS
    207 EFIAPI
    208 SdMmcHcOrMmio (
    209   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL      *PciIo,
    210   IN  UINT8                    BarIndex,
    211   IN  UINT32                   Offset,
    212   IN  UINT8                    Count,
    213   IN  VOID                     *OrData
    214   )
    215 {
    216   EFI_STATUS                   Status;
    217   UINT64                       Data;
    218   UINT64                       Or;
    220   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, BarIndex, Offset, TRUE, Count, &Data);
    221   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    222     return Status;
    223   }
    225   if (Count == 1) {
    226     Or = *(UINT8*) OrData;
    227   } else if (Count == 2) {
    228     Or = *(UINT16*) OrData;
    229   } else if (Count == 4) {
    230     Or = *(UINT32*) OrData;
    231   } else if (Count == 8) {
    232     Or = *(UINT64*) OrData;
    233   } else {
    234     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
    235   }
    237   Data  |= Or;
    238   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, BarIndex, Offset, FALSE, Count, &Data);
    240   return Status;
    241 }
    243 /**
    244   Do AND operation with the value of the specified SD/MMC host controller mmio register.
    246   @param[in] PciIo             The PCI IO protocol instance.
    247   @param[in] BarIndex          The BAR index of the standard PCI Configuration
    248                                header to use as the base address for the memory
    249                                operation to perform.
    250   @param[in] Offset            The offset within the selected BAR to start the
    251                                memory operation.
    252   @param[in] Count             The width of the mmio register in bytes.
    253                                Must be 1, 2 , 4 or 8 bytes.
    254   @param[in] AndData           The pointer to the data used to do AND operation.
    255                                The caller is responsible for having ownership of
    256                                the data buffer and ensuring its size not less than
    257                                Count bytes.
    259   @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PciIo or AndData is NULL or the Count is not valid.
    260   @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The AND operation succeeds.
    261   @retval Others                The AND operation fails.
    263 **/
    264 EFI_STATUS
    265 EFIAPI
    266 SdMmcHcAndMmio (
    267   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL      *PciIo,
    268   IN  UINT8                    BarIndex,
    269   IN  UINT32                   Offset,
    270   IN  UINT8                    Count,
    271   IN  VOID                     *AndData
    272   )
    273 {
    274   EFI_STATUS                   Status;
    275   UINT64                       Data;
    276   UINT64                       And;
    278   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, BarIndex, Offset, TRUE, Count, &Data);
    279   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    280     return Status;
    281   }
    283   if (Count == 1) {
    284     And = *(UINT8*) AndData;
    285   } else if (Count == 2) {
    286     And = *(UINT16*) AndData;
    287   } else if (Count == 4) {
    288     And = *(UINT32*) AndData;
    289   } else if (Count == 8) {
    290     And = *(UINT64*) AndData;
    291   } else {
    292     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
    293   }
    295   Data  &= And;
    296   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, BarIndex, Offset, FALSE, Count, &Data);
    298   return Status;
    299 }
    301 /**
    302   Wait for the value of the specified MMIO register set to the test value.
    304   @param[in]  PciIo         The PCI IO protocol instance.
    305   @param[in]  BarIndex      The BAR index of the standard PCI Configuration
    306                             header to use as the base address for the memory
    307                             operation to perform.
    308   @param[in]  Offset        The offset within the selected BAR to start the
    309                             memory operation.
    310   @param[in]  Count         The width of the mmio register in bytes.
    311                             Must be 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes.
    312   @param[in]  MaskValue     The mask value of memory.
    313   @param[in]  TestValue     The test value of memory.
    315   @retval EFI_NOT_READY     The MMIO register hasn't set to the expected value.
    316   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The MMIO register has expected value.
    317   @retval Others            The MMIO operation fails.
    319 **/
    320 EFI_STATUS
    321 EFIAPI
    322 SdMmcHcCheckMmioSet (
    323   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL       *PciIo,
    324   IN  UINT8                     BarIndex,
    325   IN  UINT32                    Offset,
    326   IN  UINT8                     Count,
    327   IN  UINT64                    MaskValue,
    328   IN  UINT64                    TestValue
    329   )
    330 {
    331   EFI_STATUS            Status;
    332   UINT64                Value;
    334   //
    335   // Access PCI MMIO space to see if the value is the tested one.
    336   //
    337   Value  = 0;
    338   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, BarIndex, Offset, TRUE, Count, &Value);
    339   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    340     return Status;
    341   }
    343   Value &= MaskValue;
    345   if (Value == TestValue) {
    346     return EFI_SUCCESS;
    347   }
    349   return EFI_NOT_READY;
    350 }
    352 /**
    353   Wait for the value of the specified MMIO register set to the test value.
    355   @param[in]  PciIo         The PCI IO protocol instance.
    356   @param[in]  BarIndex      The BAR index of the standard PCI Configuration
    357                             header to use as the base address for the memory
    358                             operation to perform.
    359   @param[in]  Offset        The offset within the selected BAR to start the
    360                             memory operation.
    361   @param[in]  Count         The width of the mmio register in bytes.
    362                             Must be 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes.
    363   @param[in]  MaskValue     The mask value of memory.
    364   @param[in]  TestValue     The test value of memory.
    365   @param[in]  Timeout       The time out value for wait memory set, uses 1
    366                             microsecond as a unit.
    368   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT       The MMIO register hasn't expected value in timeout
    369                             range.
    370   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The MMIO register has expected value.
    371   @retval Others            The MMIO operation fails.
    373 **/
    374 EFI_STATUS
    375 EFIAPI
    376 SdMmcHcWaitMmioSet (
    377   IN  EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL       *PciIo,
    378   IN  UINT8                     BarIndex,
    379   IN  UINT32                    Offset,
    380   IN  UINT8                     Count,
    381   IN  UINT64                    MaskValue,
    382   IN  UINT64                    TestValue,
    383   IN  UINT64                    Timeout
    384   )
    385 {
    386   EFI_STATUS            Status;
    387   BOOLEAN               InfiniteWait;
    389   if (Timeout == 0) {
    390     InfiniteWait = TRUE;
    391   } else {
    392     InfiniteWait = FALSE;
    393   }
    395   while (InfiniteWait || (Timeout > 0)) {
    396     Status = SdMmcHcCheckMmioSet (
    397                PciIo,
    398                BarIndex,
    399                Offset,
    400                Count,
    401                MaskValue,
    402                TestValue
    403                );
    404     if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) {
    405       return Status;
    406     }
    408     //
    409     // Stall for 1 microsecond.
    410     //
    411     gBS->Stall (1);
    413     Timeout--;
    414   }
    416   return EFI_TIMEOUT;
    417 }
    419 /**
    420   Software reset the specified SD/MMC host controller and enable all interrupts.
    422   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    423   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    425   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The software reset executes successfully.
    426   @retval Others            The software reset fails.
    428 **/
    429 EFI_STATUS
    430 SdMmcHcReset (
    431   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    432   IN UINT8                  Slot
    433   )
    434 {
    435   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    436   UINT8                     SwReset;
    438   SwReset = 0xFF;
    439   Status  = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_SW_RST, FALSE, sizeof (SwReset), &SwReset);
    441   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    442     DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "SdMmcHcReset: write full 1 fails: %r\n", Status));
    443     return Status;
    444   }
    446   Status = SdMmcHcWaitMmioSet (
    447              PciIo,
    448              Slot,
    449              SD_MMC_HC_SW_RST,
    450              sizeof (SwReset),
    451              0xFF,
    452              0x00,
    453              SD_MMC_HC_GENERIC_TIMEOUT
    454              );
    455   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    456     DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SdMmcHcReset: reset done with %r\n", Status));
    457     return Status;
    458   }
    459   //
    460   // Enable all interrupt after reset all.
    461   //
    462   Status = SdMmcHcEnableInterrupt (PciIo, Slot);
    464   return Status;
    465 }
    467 /**
    468   Set all interrupt status bits in Normal and Error Interrupt Status Enable
    469   register.
    471   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    472   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    474   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The operation executes successfully.
    475   @retval Others            The operation fails.
    477 **/
    478 EFI_STATUS
    479 SdMmcHcEnableInterrupt (
    480   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    481   IN UINT8                  Slot
    482   )
    483 {
    484   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    485   UINT16                    IntStatus;
    487   //
    488   // Enable all bits in Error Interrupt Status Enable Register
    489   //
    490   IntStatus = 0xFFFF;
    491   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_ERR_INT_STS_EN, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus);
    492   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    493     return Status;
    494   }
    495   //
    496   // Enable all bits in Normal Interrupt Status Enable Register
    497   //
    498   IntStatus = 0xFFFF;
    499   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_NOR_INT_STS_EN, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus);
    501   return Status;
    502 }
    504 /**
    505   Get the capability data from the specified slot.
    507   @param[in]  PciIo           The PCI IO protocol instance.
    508   @param[in]  Slot            The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    509   @param[out] Capability      The buffer to store the capability data.
    511   @retval EFI_SUCCESS         The operation executes successfully.
    512   @retval Others              The operation fails.
    514 **/
    515 EFI_STATUS
    516 SdMmcHcGetCapability (
    517   IN     EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL  *PciIo,
    518   IN     UINT8                Slot,
    519      OUT SD_MMC_HC_SLOT_CAP   *Capability
    520   )
    521 {
    522   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    523   UINT64                    Cap;
    525   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_CAP, TRUE, sizeof (Cap), &Cap);
    526   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    527     return Status;
    528   }
    530   CopyMem (Capability, &Cap, sizeof (Cap));
    532   return EFI_SUCCESS;
    533 }
    535 /**
    536   Get the maximum current capability data from the specified slot.
    538   @param[in]  PciIo           The PCI IO protocol instance.
    539   @param[in]  Slot            The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    540   @param[out] MaxCurrent      The buffer to store the maximum current capability data.
    542   @retval EFI_SUCCESS         The operation executes successfully.
    543   @retval Others              The operation fails.
    545 **/
    546 EFI_STATUS
    547 SdMmcHcGetMaxCurrent (
    548   IN     EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL  *PciIo,
    549   IN     UINT8                Slot,
    550      OUT UINT64               *MaxCurrent
    551   )
    552 {
    553   EFI_STATUS          Status;
    555   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_MAX_CURRENT_CAP, TRUE, sizeof (UINT64), MaxCurrent);
    557   return Status;
    558 }
    560 /**
    561   Detect whether there is a SD/MMC card attached at the specified SD/MMC host controller
    562   slot.
    564   Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.1 for details.
    566   @param[in]  PciIo         The PCI IO protocol instance.
    567   @param[in]  Slot          The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    568   @param[out] MediaPresent  The pointer to the media present boolean value.
    570   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       There is no media change happened.
    571   @retval EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED There is media change happened.
    572   @retval Others            The detection fails.
    574 **/
    575 EFI_STATUS
    576 SdMmcHcCardDetect (
    577   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    578   IN UINT8                  Slot,
    579      OUT BOOLEAN            *MediaPresent
    580   )
    581 {
    582   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    583   UINT16                    Data;
    584   UINT32                    PresentState;
    586   //
    587   // Check Present State Register to see if there is a card presented.
    588   //
    589   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_PRESENT_STATE, TRUE, sizeof (PresentState), &PresentState);
    590   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    591     return Status;
    592   }
    594   if ((PresentState & BIT16) != 0) {
    595     *MediaPresent = TRUE;
    596   } else {
    597     *MediaPresent = FALSE;
    598   }
    600   //
    601   // Check Normal Interrupt Status Register
    602   //
    603   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_NOR_INT_STS, TRUE, sizeof (Data), &Data);
    604   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    605     return Status;
    606   }
    608   if ((Data & (BIT6 | BIT7)) != 0) {
    609     //
    610     // Clear BIT6 and BIT7 by writing 1 to these two bits if set.
    611     //
    612     Data  &= BIT6 | BIT7;
    613     Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_NOR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (Data), &Data);
    614     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    615       return Status;
    616     }
    618     return EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED;
    619   }
    621   return EFI_SUCCESS;
    622 }
    624 /**
    625   Stop SD/MMC card clock.
    627   Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.2.2 for details.
    629   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    630   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    632   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       Succeed to stop SD/MMC clock.
    633   @retval Others            Fail to stop SD/MMC clock.
    635 **/
    636 EFI_STATUS
    637 SdMmcHcStopClock (
    638   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    639   IN UINT8                  Slot
    640   )
    641 {
    642   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    643   UINT32                    PresentState;
    644   UINT16                    ClockCtrl;
    646   //
    647   // Ensure no SD transactions are occurring on the SD Bus by
    648   // waiting for Command Inhibit (DAT) and Command Inhibit (CMD)
    649   // in the Present State register to be 0.
    650   //
    651   Status = SdMmcHcWaitMmioSet (
    652              PciIo,
    653              Slot,
    654              SD_MMC_HC_PRESENT_STATE,
    655              sizeof (PresentState),
    656              BIT0 | BIT1,
    657              0,
    658              SD_MMC_HC_GENERIC_TIMEOUT
    659              );
    660   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    661     return Status;
    662   }
    664   //
    665   // Set SD Clock Enable in the Clock Control register to 0
    666   //
    667   ClockCtrl = (UINT16)~BIT2;
    668   Status = SdMmcHcAndMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_CLOCK_CTRL, sizeof (ClockCtrl), &ClockCtrl);
    670   return Status;
    671 }
    673 /**
    674   SD/MMC card clock supply.
    676   Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.2.1 for details.
    678   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    679   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    680   @param[in] ClockFreq      The max clock frequency to be set. The unit is KHz.
    681   @param[in] Capability     The capability of the slot.
    683   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The clock is supplied successfully.
    684   @retval Others            The clock isn't supplied successfully.
    686 **/
    687 EFI_STATUS
    688 SdMmcHcClockSupply (
    689   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    690   IN UINT8                  Slot,
    691   IN UINT64                 ClockFreq,
    692   IN SD_MMC_HC_SLOT_CAP     Capability
    693   )
    694 {
    695   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    696   UINT32                    BaseClkFreq;
    697   UINT32                    SettingFreq;
    698   UINT32                    Divisor;
    699   UINT32                    Remainder;
    700   UINT16                    ControllerVer;
    701   UINT16                    ClockCtrl;
    703   //
    704   // Calculate a divisor for SD clock frequency
    705   //
    706   ASSERT (Capability.BaseClkFreq != 0);
    708   BaseClkFreq = Capability.BaseClkFreq;
    709   if (ClockFreq == 0) {
    710     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
    711   }
    713   if (ClockFreq > (BaseClkFreq * 1000)) {
    714     ClockFreq = BaseClkFreq * 1000;
    715   }
    717   //
    718   // Calculate the divisor of base frequency.
    719   //
    720   Divisor     = 0;
    721   SettingFreq = BaseClkFreq * 1000;
    722   while (ClockFreq < SettingFreq) {
    723     Divisor++;
    725     SettingFreq = (BaseClkFreq * 1000) / (2 * Divisor);
    726     Remainder   = (BaseClkFreq * 1000) % (2 * Divisor);
    727     if ((ClockFreq == SettingFreq) && (Remainder == 0)) {
    728       break;
    729     }
    730     if ((ClockFreq == SettingFreq) && (Remainder != 0)) {
    731       SettingFreq ++;
    732     }
    733   }
    735   DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "BaseClkFreq %dMHz Divisor %d ClockFreq %dKhz\n", BaseClkFreq, Divisor, ClockFreq));
    737   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_CTRL_VER, TRUE, sizeof (ControllerVer), &ControllerVer);
    738   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    739     return Status;
    740   }
    741   //
    742   // Set SDCLK Frequency Select and Internal Clock Enable fields in Clock Control register.
    743   //
    744   if ((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 2) {
    745     ASSERT (Divisor <= 0x3FF);
    746     ClockCtrl = ((Divisor & 0xFF) << 8) | ((Divisor & 0x300) >> 2);
    747   } else if (((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 0) || ((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 1)) {
    748     //
    749     // Only the most significant bit can be used as divisor.
    750     //
    751     if (((Divisor - 1) & Divisor) != 0) {
    752       Divisor = 1 << (HighBitSet32 (Divisor) + 1);
    753     }
    754     ASSERT (Divisor <= 0x80);
    755     ClockCtrl = (Divisor & 0xFF) << 8;
    756   } else {
    757     DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Unknown SD Host Controller Spec version [0x%x]!!!\n", ControllerVer));
    758     return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
    759   }
    761   //
    762   // Stop bus clock at first
    763   //
    764   Status = SdMmcHcStopClock (PciIo, Slot);
    765   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    766     return Status;
    767   }
    769   //
    770   // Supply clock frequency with specified divisor
    771   //
    772   ClockCtrl |= BIT0;
    773   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_CLOCK_CTRL, FALSE, sizeof (ClockCtrl), &ClockCtrl);
    774   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    775     DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Set SDCLK Frequency Select and Internal Clock Enable fields fails\n"));
    776     return Status;
    777   }
    779   //
    780   // Wait Internal Clock Stable in the Clock Control register to be 1
    781   //
    782   Status = SdMmcHcWaitMmioSet (
    783              PciIo,
    784              Slot,
    785              SD_MMC_HC_CLOCK_CTRL,
    786              sizeof (ClockCtrl),
    787              BIT1,
    788              BIT1,
    789              SD_MMC_HC_GENERIC_TIMEOUT
    790              );
    791   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    792     return Status;
    793   }
    795   //
    796   // Set SD Clock Enable in the Clock Control register to 1
    797   //
    798   ClockCtrl = BIT2;
    799   Status = SdMmcHcOrMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_CLOCK_CTRL, sizeof (ClockCtrl), &ClockCtrl);
    801   return Status;
    802 }
    804 /**
    805   SD/MMC bus power control.
    807   Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.3 for details.
    809   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    810   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    811   @param[in] PowerCtrl      The value setting to the power control register.
    813   @retval TRUE              There is a SD/MMC card attached.
    814   @retval FALSE             There is no a SD/MMC card attached.
    816 **/
    817 EFI_STATUS
    818 SdMmcHcPowerControl (
    819   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    820   IN UINT8                  Slot,
    821   IN UINT8                  PowerCtrl
    822   )
    823 {
    824   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    826   //
    827   // Clr SD Bus Power
    828   //
    829   PowerCtrl &= (UINT8)~BIT0;
    830   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_POWER_CTRL, FALSE, sizeof (PowerCtrl), &PowerCtrl);
    831   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    832     return Status;
    833   }
    835   //
    836   // Set SD Bus Voltage Select and SD Bus Power fields in Power Control Register
    837   //
    838   PowerCtrl |= BIT0;
    839   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_POWER_CTRL, FALSE, sizeof (PowerCtrl), &PowerCtrl);
    841   return Status;
    842 }
    844 /**
    845   Set the SD/MMC bus width.
    847   Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.4 for details.
    849   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    850   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    851   @param[in] BusWidth       The bus width used by the SD/MMC device, it must be 1, 4 or 8.
    853   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The bus width is set successfully.
    854   @retval Others            The bus width isn't set successfully.
    856 **/
    857 EFI_STATUS
    858 SdMmcHcSetBusWidth (
    859   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    860   IN UINT8                  Slot,
    861   IN UINT16                 BusWidth
    862   )
    863 {
    864   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    865   UINT8                     HostCtrl1;
    867   if (BusWidth == 1) {
    868     HostCtrl1 = (UINT8)~(BIT5 | BIT1);
    869     Status = SdMmcHcAndMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1);
    870   } else if (BusWidth == 4) {
    871     Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL1, TRUE, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1);
    872     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    873       return Status;
    874     }
    875     HostCtrl1 |= BIT1;
    876     HostCtrl1 &= (UINT8)~BIT5;
    877     Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL1, FALSE, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1);
    878   } else if (BusWidth == 8) {
    879     Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL1, TRUE, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1);
    880     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    881       return Status;
    882     }
    883     HostCtrl1 &= (UINT8)~BIT1;
    884     HostCtrl1 |= BIT5;
    885     Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL1, FALSE, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1);
    886   } else {
    887     ASSERT (FALSE);
    888     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
    889   }
    891   return Status;
    892 }
    894 /**
    895   Supply SD/MMC card with lowest clock frequency at initialization.
    897   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    898   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    899   @param[in] Capability     The capability of the slot.
    901   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The clock is supplied successfully.
    902   @retval Others            The clock isn't supplied successfully.
    904 **/
    905 EFI_STATUS
    906 SdMmcHcInitClockFreq (
    907   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    908   IN UINT8                  Slot,
    909   IN SD_MMC_HC_SLOT_CAP     Capability
    910   )
    911 {
    912   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    913   UINT32                    InitFreq;
    915   //
    916   // Calculate a divisor for SD clock frequency
    917   //
    918   if (Capability.BaseClkFreq == 0) {
    919     //
    920     // Don't support get Base Clock Frequency information via another method
    921     //
    922     return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
    923   }
    924   //
    925   // Supply 400KHz clock frequency at initialization phase.
    926   //
    927   InitFreq = 400;
    928   Status = SdMmcHcClockSupply (PciIo, Slot, InitFreq, Capability);
    929   return Status;
    930 }
    932 /**
    933   Supply SD/MMC card with maximum voltage at initialization.
    935   Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.3 for details.
    937   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    938   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
    939   @param[in] Capability     The capability of the slot.
    941   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The voltage is supplied successfully.
    942   @retval Others            The voltage isn't supplied successfully.
    944 **/
    945 EFI_STATUS
    946 SdMmcHcInitPowerVoltage (
    947   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
    948   IN UINT8                  Slot,
    949   IN SD_MMC_HC_SLOT_CAP     Capability
    950   )
    951 {
    952   EFI_STATUS                Status;
    953   UINT8                     MaxVoltage;
    954   UINT8                     HostCtrl2;
    956   //
    957   // Calculate supported maximum voltage according to SD Bus Voltage Select
    958   //
    959   if (Capability.Voltage33 != 0) {
    960     //
    961     // Support 3.3V
    962     //
    963     MaxVoltage = 0x0E;
    964   } else if (Capability.Voltage30 != 0) {
    965     //
    966     // Support 3.0V
    967     //
    968     MaxVoltage = 0x0C;
    969   } else if (Capability.Voltage18 != 0) {
    970     //
    971     // Support 1.8V
    972     //
    973     MaxVoltage = 0x0A;
    974     HostCtrl2  = BIT3;
    975     Status = SdMmcHcOrMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL2, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2);
    976     gBS->Stall (5000);
    977     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    978       return Status;
    979     }
    980   } else {
    981     ASSERT (FALSE);
    982     return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
    983   }
    985   //
    986   // Set SD Bus Voltage Select and SD Bus Power fields in Power Control Register
    987   //
    988   Status = SdMmcHcPowerControl (PciIo, Slot, MaxVoltage);
    990   return Status;
    991 }
    993 /**
    994   Initialize the Timeout Control register with most conservative value at initialization.
    996   Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 2.2.15 for details.
    998   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
    999   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
   1001   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The timeout control register is configured successfully.
   1002   @retval Others            The timeout control register isn't configured successfully.
   1004 **/
   1005 EFI_STATUS
   1006 SdMmcHcInitTimeoutCtrl (
   1007   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
   1008   IN UINT8                  Slot
   1009   )
   1010 {
   1011   EFI_STATUS                Status;
   1012   UINT8                     Timeout;
   1014   Timeout = 0x0E;
   1015   Status  = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_TIMEOUT_CTRL, FALSE, sizeof (Timeout), &Timeout);
   1017   return Status;
   1018 }
   1020 /**
   1021   Initial SD/MMC host controller with lowest clock frequency, max power and max timeout value
   1022   at initialization.
   1024   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
   1025   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
   1026   @param[in] Capability     The capability of the slot.
   1028   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The host controller is initialized successfully.
   1029   @retval Others            The host controller isn't initialized successfully.
   1031 **/
   1032 EFI_STATUS
   1033 SdMmcHcInitHost (
   1034   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
   1035   IN UINT8                  Slot,
   1036   IN SD_MMC_HC_SLOT_CAP     Capability
   1037   )
   1038 {
   1039   EFI_STATUS       Status;
   1041   Status = SdMmcHcInitClockFreq (PciIo, Slot, Capability);
   1042   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1043     return Status;
   1044   }
   1046   Status = SdMmcHcInitPowerVoltage (PciIo, Slot, Capability);
   1047   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1048     return Status;
   1049   }
   1051   Status = SdMmcHcInitTimeoutCtrl (PciIo, Slot);
   1052   return Status;
   1053 }
   1055 /**
   1056   Turn on/off LED.
   1058   @param[in] PciIo          The PCI IO protocol instance.
   1059   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
   1060   @param[in] On             The boolean to turn on/off LED.
   1062   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The LED is turned on/off successfully.
   1063   @retval Others            The LED isn't turned on/off successfully.
   1065 **/
   1066 EFI_STATUS
   1067 SdMmcHcLedOnOff (
   1068   IN EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL    *PciIo,
   1069   IN UINT8                  Slot,
   1070   IN BOOLEAN                On
   1071   )
   1072 {
   1073   EFI_STATUS                Status;
   1074   UINT8                     HostCtrl1;
   1076   if (On) {
   1077     HostCtrl1 = BIT0;
   1078     Status    = SdMmcHcOrMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1);
   1079   } else {
   1080     HostCtrl1 = (UINT8)~BIT0;
   1081     Status    = SdMmcHcAndMmio (PciIo, Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1);
   1082   }
   1084   return Status;
   1085 }
   1087 /**
   1088   Build ADMA descriptor table for transfer.
   1090   Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 1.13 for details.
   1092   @param[in] Trb            The pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_TRB instance.
   1094   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The ADMA descriptor table is created successfully.
   1095   @retval Others            The ADMA descriptor table isn't created successfully.
   1097 **/
   1098 EFI_STATUS
   1099 BuildAdmaDescTable (
   1100   IN SD_MMC_HC_TRB          *Trb
   1101   )
   1102 {
   1103   EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS      Data;
   1104   UINT64                    DataLen;
   1105   UINT64                    Entries;
   1106   UINT32                    Index;
   1107   UINT64                    Remaining;
   1108   UINT32                    Address;
   1109   UINTN                     TableSize;
   1110   EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL       *PciIo;
   1111   EFI_STATUS                Status;
   1112   UINTN                     Bytes;
   1114   Data    = Trb->DataPhy;
   1115   DataLen = Trb->DataLen;
   1116   PciIo   = Trb->Private->PciIo;
   1117   //
   1118   // Only support 32bit ADMA Descriptor Table
   1119   //
   1120   if ((Data >= 0x100000000ul) || ((Data + DataLen) > 0x100000000ul)) {
   1121     return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
   1122   }
   1123   //
   1124   // Address field shall be set on 32-bit boundary (Lower 2-bit is always set to 0)
   1125   // for 32-bit address descriptor table.
   1126   //
   1127   if ((Data & (BIT0 | BIT1)) != 0) {
   1128     DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "The buffer [0x%x] to construct ADMA desc is not aligned to 4 bytes boundary!\n", Data));
   1129   }
   1131   Entries   = DivU64x32 ((DataLen + ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE - 1), ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE);
   1132   TableSize = (UINTN)MultU64x32 (Entries, sizeof (SD_MMC_HC_ADMA_DESC_LINE));
   1133   Trb->AdmaPages = (UINT32)EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TableSize);
   1134   Status = PciIo->AllocateBuffer (
   1135                     PciIo,
   1136                     AllocateAnyPages,
   1137                     EfiBootServicesData,
   1138                     EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TableSize),
   1139                     (VOID **)&Trb->AdmaDesc,
   1140                     0
   1141                     );
   1142   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1143     return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
   1144   }
   1145   ZeroMem (Trb->AdmaDesc, TableSize);
   1146   Bytes  = TableSize;
   1147   Status = PciIo->Map (
   1148                     PciIo,
   1149                     EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterCommonBuffer,
   1150                     Trb->AdmaDesc,
   1151                     &Bytes,
   1152                     &Trb->AdmaDescPhy,
   1153                     &Trb->AdmaMap
   1154                     );
   1156   if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (Bytes != TableSize)) {
   1157     //
   1158     // Map error or unable to map the whole RFis buffer into a contiguous region.
   1159     //
   1160     PciIo->FreeBuffer (
   1161              PciIo,
   1162              EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TableSize),
   1163              Trb->AdmaDesc
   1164              );
   1165     return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
   1166   }
   1168   if ((UINT64)(UINTN)Trb->AdmaDescPhy > 0x100000000ul) {
   1169     //
   1170     // The ADMA doesn't support 64bit addressing.
   1171     //
   1172     PciIo->Unmap (
   1173       PciIo,
   1174       Trb->AdmaMap
   1175     );
   1176     PciIo->FreeBuffer (
   1177       PciIo,
   1178       EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (TableSize),
   1179       Trb->AdmaDesc
   1180     );
   1181     return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
   1182   }
   1184   Remaining = DataLen;
   1185   Address   = (UINT32)Data;
   1186   for (Index = 0; Index < Entries; Index++) {
   1187     if (Remaining <= ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE) {
   1188       Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Valid = 1;
   1189       Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Act   = 2;
   1190       Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Length  = (UINT16)Remaining;
   1191       Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Address = Address;
   1192       break;
   1193     } else {
   1194       Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Valid = 1;
   1195       Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Act   = 2;
   1196       Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Length  = 0;
   1197       Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Address = Address;
   1198     }
   1200     Remaining -= ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE;
   1201     Address   += ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE;
   1202   }
   1204   //
   1205   // Set the last descriptor line as end of descriptor table
   1206   //
   1207   Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].End = 1;
   1208   return EFI_SUCCESS;
   1209 }
   1211 /**
   1212   Create a new TRB for the SD/MMC cmd request.
   1214   @param[in] Private        A pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA instance.
   1215   @param[in] Slot           The slot number of the SD card to send the command to.
   1216   @param[in] Packet         A pointer to the SD command data structure.
   1217   @param[in] Event          If Event is NULL, blocking I/O is performed. If Event is
   1218                             not NULL, then nonblocking I/O is performed, and Event
   1219                             will be signaled when the Packet completes.
   1221   @return Created Trb or NULL.
   1223 **/
   1224 SD_MMC_HC_TRB *
   1225 SdMmcCreateTrb (
   1226   IN SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA              *Private,
   1227   IN UINT8                               Slot,
   1229   IN EFI_EVENT                           Event
   1230   )
   1231 {
   1232   SD_MMC_HC_TRB                 *Trb;
   1233   EFI_STATUS                    Status;
   1234   EFI_TPL                       OldTpl;
   1236   EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL           *PciIo;
   1237   UINTN                         MapLength;
   1239   Trb = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (SD_MMC_HC_TRB));
   1240   if (Trb == NULL) {
   1241     return NULL;
   1242   }
   1244   Trb->Signature = SD_MMC_HC_TRB_SIG;
   1245   Trb->Slot      = Slot;
   1246   Trb->BlockSize = 0x200;
   1247   Trb->Packet    = Packet;
   1248   Trb->Event     = Event;
   1249   Trb->Started   = FALSE;
   1250   Trb->Timeout   = Packet->Timeout;
   1251   Trb->Private   = Private;
   1253   if ((Packet->InTransferLength != 0) && (Packet->InDataBuffer != NULL)) {
   1254     Trb->Data    = Packet->InDataBuffer;
   1255     Trb->DataLen = Packet->InTransferLength;
   1256     Trb->Read    = TRUE;
   1257   } else if ((Packet->OutTransferLength != 0) && (Packet->OutDataBuffer != NULL)) {
   1258     Trb->Data    = Packet->OutDataBuffer;
   1259     Trb->DataLen = Packet->OutTransferLength;
   1260     Trb->Read    = FALSE;
   1261   } else if ((Packet->InTransferLength == 0) && (Packet->OutTransferLength == 0)) {
   1262     Trb->Data    = NULL;
   1263     Trb->DataLen = 0;
   1264   } else {
   1265     goto Error;
   1266   }
   1268   if (Trb->DataLen < Trb->BlockSize) {
   1269     Trb->BlockSize = (UINT16)Trb->DataLen;
   1270   }
   1272   if (((Private->Slot[Trb->Slot].CardType == EmmcCardType) &&
   1273        (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandIndex == EMMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) ||
   1274       ((Private->Slot[Trb->Slot].CardType == SdCardType) &&
   1275        (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandIndex == SD_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK))) {
   1276     Trb->Mode = SdMmcPioMode;
   1277   } else {
   1278     if (Trb->Read) {
   1279       Flag = EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterWrite;
   1280     } else {
   1281       Flag = EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterRead;
   1282     }
   1284     PciIo = Private->PciIo;
   1285     if (Trb->DataLen != 0) {
   1286       MapLength = Trb->DataLen;
   1287       Status = PciIo->Map (
   1288                         PciIo,
   1289                         Flag,
   1290                         Trb->Data,
   1291                         &MapLength,
   1292                         &Trb->DataPhy,
   1293                         &Trb->DataMap
   1294                         );
   1295       if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (Trb->DataLen != MapLength)) {
   1296         Status = EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE;
   1297         goto Error;
   1298       }
   1299     }
   1301     if (Trb->DataLen == 0) {
   1302       Trb->Mode = SdMmcNoData;
   1303     } else if (Private->Capability[Slot].Adma2 != 0) {
   1304       Trb->Mode = SdMmcAdmaMode;
   1305       Status = BuildAdmaDescTable (Trb);
   1306       if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1307         PciIo->Unmap (PciIo, Trb->DataMap);
   1308         goto Error;
   1309       }
   1310     } else if (Private->Capability[Slot].Sdma != 0) {
   1311       Trb->Mode = SdMmcSdmaMode;
   1312     } else {
   1313       Trb->Mode = SdMmcPioMode;
   1314     }
   1315   }
   1317   if (Event != NULL) {
   1318     OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_NOTIFY);
   1319     InsertTailList (&Private->Queue, &Trb->TrbList);
   1320     gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl);
   1321   }
   1323   return Trb;
   1325 Error:
   1326   SdMmcFreeTrb (Trb);
   1327   return NULL;
   1328 }
   1330 /**
   1331   Free the resource used by the TRB.
   1333   @param[in] Trb            The pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_TRB instance.
   1335 **/
   1336 VOID
   1337 SdMmcFreeTrb (
   1338   IN SD_MMC_HC_TRB           *Trb
   1339   )
   1340 {
   1341   EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL        *PciIo;
   1343   PciIo = Trb->Private->PciIo;
   1345   if (Trb->AdmaMap != NULL) {
   1346     PciIo->Unmap (
   1347       PciIo,
   1348       Trb->AdmaMap
   1349     );
   1350   }
   1351   if (Trb->AdmaDesc != NULL) {
   1352     PciIo->FreeBuffer (
   1353       PciIo,
   1354       Trb->AdmaPages,
   1355       Trb->AdmaDesc
   1356     );
   1357   }
   1358   if (Trb->DataMap != NULL) {
   1359     PciIo->Unmap (
   1360       PciIo,
   1361       Trb->DataMap
   1362     );
   1363   }
   1364   FreePool (Trb);
   1365   return;
   1366 }
   1368 /**
   1369   Check if the env is ready for execute specified TRB.
   1371   @param[in] Private        A pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA instance.
   1372   @param[in] Trb            The pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_TRB instance.
   1374   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The env is ready for TRB execution.
   1375   @retval EFI_NOT_READY     The env is not ready for TRB execution.
   1376   @retval Others            Some erros happen.
   1378 **/
   1379 EFI_STATUS
   1380 SdMmcCheckTrbEnv (
   1381   IN SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA           *Private,
   1382   IN SD_MMC_HC_TRB                    *Trb
   1383   )
   1384 {
   1385   EFI_STATUS                          Status;
   1387   EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL                 *PciIo;
   1388   UINT32                              PresentState;
   1390   Packet = Trb->Packet;
   1392   if ((Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandType == SdMmcCommandTypeAdtc) ||
   1393       (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->ResponseType == SdMmcResponseTypeR1b) ||
   1394       (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->ResponseType == SdMmcResponseTypeR5b)) {
   1395     //
   1396     // Wait Command Inhibit (CMD) and Command Inhibit (DAT) in
   1397     // the Present State register to be 0
   1398     //
   1399     PresentState = BIT0 | BIT1;
   1400   } else {
   1401     //
   1402     // Wait Command Inhibit (CMD) in the Present State register
   1403     // to be 0
   1404     //
   1405     PresentState = BIT0;
   1406   }
   1408   PciIo  = Private->PciIo;
   1409   Status = SdMmcHcCheckMmioSet (
   1410              PciIo,
   1411              Trb->Slot,
   1412              SD_MMC_HC_PRESENT_STATE,
   1413              sizeof (PresentState),
   1414              PresentState,
   1415              0
   1416              );
   1418   return Status;
   1419 }
   1421 /**
   1422   Wait for the env to be ready for execute specified TRB.
   1424   @param[in] Private        A pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA instance.
   1425   @param[in] Trb            The pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_TRB instance.
   1427   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The env is ready for TRB execution.
   1428   @retval EFI_TIMEOUT       The env is not ready for TRB execution in time.
   1429   @retval Others            Some erros happen.
   1431 **/
   1432 EFI_STATUS
   1433 SdMmcWaitTrbEnv (
   1434   IN SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA           *Private,
   1435   IN SD_MMC_HC_TRB                    *Trb
   1436   )
   1437 {
   1438   EFI_STATUS                          Status;
   1440   UINT64                              Timeout;
   1441   BOOLEAN                             InfiniteWait;
   1443   //
   1444   // Wait Command Complete Interrupt Status bit in Normal Interrupt Status Register
   1445   //
   1446   Packet  = Trb->Packet;
   1447   Timeout = Packet->Timeout;
   1448   if (Timeout == 0) {
   1449     InfiniteWait = TRUE;
   1450   } else {
   1451     InfiniteWait = FALSE;
   1452   }
   1454   while (InfiniteWait || (Timeout > 0)) {
   1455     //
   1456     // Check Trb execution result by reading Normal Interrupt Status register.
   1457     //
   1458     Status = SdMmcCheckTrbEnv (Private, Trb);
   1459     if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) {
   1460       return Status;
   1461     }
   1462     //
   1463     // Stall for 1 microsecond.
   1464     //
   1465     gBS->Stall (1);
   1467     Timeout--;
   1468   }
   1470   return EFI_TIMEOUT;
   1471 }
   1473 /**
   1474   Execute the specified TRB.
   1476   @param[in] Private        A pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA instance.
   1477   @param[in] Trb            The pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_TRB instance.
   1479   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The TRB is sent to host controller successfully.
   1480   @retval Others            Some erros happen when sending this request to the host controller.
   1482 **/
   1483 EFI_STATUS
   1484 SdMmcExecTrb (
   1485   IN SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA           *Private,
   1486   IN SD_MMC_HC_TRB                    *Trb
   1487   )
   1488 {
   1489   EFI_STATUS                          Status;
   1491   EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL                 *PciIo;
   1492   UINT16                              Cmd;
   1493   UINT16                              IntStatus;
   1494   UINT32                              Argument;
   1495   UINT16                              BlkCount;
   1496   UINT16                              BlkSize;
   1497   UINT16                              TransMode;
   1498   UINT8                               HostCtrl1;
   1499   UINT32                              SdmaAddr;
   1500   UINT64                              AdmaAddr;
   1502   Packet = Trb->Packet;
   1503   PciIo  = Trb->Private->PciIo;
   1504   //
   1505   // Clear all bits in Error Interrupt Status Register
   1506   //
   1507   IntStatus = 0xFFFF;
   1508   Status    = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_ERR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus);
   1509   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1510     return Status;
   1511   }
   1512   //
   1513   // Clear all bits in Normal Interrupt Status Register excepts for Card Removal & Card Insertion bits.
   1514   //
   1515   IntStatus = 0xFF3F;
   1516   Status    = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_NOR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus);
   1517   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1518     return Status;
   1519   }
   1520   //
   1521   // Set Host Control 1 register DMA Select field
   1522   //
   1523   if (Trb->Mode == SdMmcAdmaMode) {
   1524     HostCtrl1 = BIT4;
   1525     Status = SdMmcHcOrMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1);
   1526     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1527       return Status;
   1528     }
   1529   }
   1531   SdMmcHcLedOnOff (PciIo, Trb->Slot, TRUE);
   1533   if (Trb->Mode == SdMmcSdmaMode) {
   1534     if ((UINT64)(UINTN)Trb->DataPhy >= 0x100000000ul) {
   1535       return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
   1536     }
   1538     SdmaAddr = (UINT32)(UINTN)Trb->DataPhy;
   1539     Status   = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_SDMA_ADDR, FALSE, sizeof (SdmaAddr), &SdmaAddr);
   1540     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1541       return Status;
   1542     }
   1543   } else if (Trb->Mode == SdMmcAdmaMode) {
   1544     AdmaAddr = (UINT64)(UINTN)Trb->AdmaDescPhy;
   1545     Status   = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_ADMA_SYS_ADDR, FALSE, sizeof (AdmaAddr), &AdmaAddr);
   1546     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1547       return Status;
   1548     }
   1549   }
   1551   BlkSize = Trb->BlockSize;
   1552   if (Trb->Mode == SdMmcSdmaMode) {
   1553     //
   1554     // Set SDMA boundary to be 512K bytes.
   1555     //
   1556     BlkSize |= 0x7000;
   1557   }
   1559   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_BLK_SIZE, FALSE, sizeof (BlkSize), &BlkSize);
   1560   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1561     return Status;
   1562   }
   1564   BlkCount = 0;
   1565   if (Trb->Mode != SdMmcNoData) {
   1566     //
   1567     // Calcuate Block Count.
   1568     //
   1569     BlkCount = (UINT16)(Trb->DataLen / Trb->BlockSize);
   1570   }
   1571   Status   = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_BLK_COUNT, FALSE, sizeof (BlkCount), &BlkCount);
   1572   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1573     return Status;
   1574   }
   1576   Argument = Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandArgument;
   1577   Status   = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_ARG1, FALSE, sizeof (Argument), &Argument);
   1578   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1579     return Status;
   1580   }
   1582   TransMode = 0;
   1583   if (Trb->Mode != SdMmcNoData) {
   1584     if (Trb->Mode != SdMmcPioMode) {
   1585       TransMode |= BIT0;
   1586     }
   1587     if (Trb->Read) {
   1588       TransMode |= BIT4;
   1589     }
   1590     if (BlkCount > 1) {
   1591       TransMode |= BIT5 | BIT1;
   1592     }
   1593     //
   1594     // Only SD memory card needs to use AUTO CMD12 feature.
   1595     //
   1596     if (Private->Slot[Trb->Slot].CardType == SdCardType) {
   1597       if (BlkCount > 1) {
   1598         TransMode |= BIT2;
   1599       }
   1600     }
   1601   }
   1603   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_TRANS_MOD, FALSE, sizeof (TransMode), &TransMode);
   1604   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1605     return Status;
   1606   }
   1608   Cmd = (UINT16)LShiftU64(Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandIndex, 8);
   1609   if (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandType == SdMmcCommandTypeAdtc) {
   1610     Cmd |= BIT5;
   1611   }
   1612   //
   1613   // Convert ResponseType to value
   1614   //
   1615   if (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandType != SdMmcCommandTypeBc) {
   1616     switch (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->ResponseType) {
   1617       case SdMmcResponseTypeR1:
   1618       case SdMmcResponseTypeR5:
   1619       case SdMmcResponseTypeR6:
   1620       case SdMmcResponseTypeR7:
   1621         Cmd |= (BIT1 | BIT3 | BIT4);
   1622         break;
   1623       case SdMmcResponseTypeR2:
   1624         Cmd |= (BIT0 | BIT3);
   1625        break;
   1626       case SdMmcResponseTypeR3:
   1627       case SdMmcResponseTypeR4:
   1628         Cmd |= BIT1;
   1629         break;
   1630       case SdMmcResponseTypeR1b:
   1631       case SdMmcResponseTypeR5b:
   1632         Cmd |= (BIT0 | BIT1 | BIT3 | BIT4);
   1633         break;
   1634       default:
   1635         ASSERT (FALSE);
   1636         break;
   1637     }
   1638   }
   1639   //
   1640   // Execute cmd
   1641   //
   1642   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_COMMAND, FALSE, sizeof (Cmd), &Cmd);
   1643   return Status;
   1644 }
   1646 /**
   1647   Check the TRB execution result.
   1649   @param[in] Private        A pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA instance.
   1650   @param[in] Trb            The pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_TRB instance.
   1652   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The TRB is executed successfully.
   1653   @retval EFI_NOT_READY     The TRB is not completed for execution.
   1654   @retval Others            Some erros happen when executing this request.
   1656 **/
   1657 EFI_STATUS
   1658 SdMmcCheckTrbResult (
   1659   IN SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA           *Private,
   1660   IN SD_MMC_HC_TRB                    *Trb
   1661   )
   1662 {
   1663   EFI_STATUS                          Status;
   1665   UINT16                              IntStatus;
   1666   UINT32                              Response[4];
   1667   UINT32                              SdmaAddr;
   1668   UINT8                               Index;
   1669   UINT8                               SwReset;
   1670   UINT32                              PioLength;
   1672   SwReset = 0;
   1673   Packet  = Trb->Packet;
   1674   //
   1675   // Check Trb execution result by reading Normal Interrupt Status register.
   1676   //
   1677   Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (
   1678              Private->PciIo,
   1679              Trb->Slot,
   1680              SD_MMC_HC_NOR_INT_STS,
   1681              TRUE,
   1682              sizeof (IntStatus),
   1683              &IntStatus
   1684              );
   1685   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1686     goto Done;
   1687   }
   1688   //
   1689   // Check Transfer Complete bit is set or not.
   1690   //
   1691   if ((IntStatus & BIT1) == BIT1) {
   1692     if ((IntStatus & BIT15) == BIT15) {
   1693       //
   1694       // Read Error Interrupt Status register to check if the error is
   1695       // Data Timeout Error.
   1696       // If yes, treat it as success as Transfer Complete has higher
   1697       // priority than Data Timeout Error.
   1698       //
   1699       Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (
   1700                  Private->PciIo,
   1701                  Trb->Slot,
   1702                  SD_MMC_HC_ERR_INT_STS,
   1703                  TRUE,
   1704                  sizeof (IntStatus),
   1705                  &IntStatus
   1706                  );
   1707       if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1708         if ((IntStatus & BIT4) == BIT4) {
   1709           Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
   1710         } else {
   1711           Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
   1712         }
   1713       }
   1714     }
   1716     goto Done;
   1717   }
   1718   //
   1719   // Check if there is a error happened during cmd execution.
   1720   // If yes, then do error recovery procedure to follow SD Host Controller
   1721   // Simplified Spec 3.0 section 3.10.1.
   1722   //
   1723   if ((IntStatus & BIT15) == BIT15) {
   1724     Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (
   1725                Private->PciIo,
   1726                Trb->Slot,
   1727                SD_MMC_HC_ERR_INT_STS,
   1728                TRUE,
   1729                sizeof (IntStatus),
   1730                &IntStatus
   1731                );
   1732     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1733       goto Done;
   1734     }
   1735     if ((IntStatus & 0x0F) != 0) {
   1736       SwReset |= BIT1;
   1737     }
   1738     if ((IntStatus & 0xF0) != 0) {
   1739       SwReset |= BIT2;
   1740     }
   1742     Status  = SdMmcHcRwMmio (
   1743                 Private->PciIo,
   1744                 Trb->Slot,
   1745                 SD_MMC_HC_SW_RST,
   1746                 FALSE,
   1747                 sizeof (SwReset),
   1748                 &SwReset
   1749                 );
   1750     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1751       goto Done;
   1752     }
   1753     Status = SdMmcHcWaitMmioSet (
   1754                Private->PciIo,
   1755                Trb->Slot,
   1756                SD_MMC_HC_SW_RST,
   1757                sizeof (SwReset),
   1758                0xFF,
   1759                0,
   1760                SD_MMC_HC_GENERIC_TIMEOUT
   1761                );
   1762     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1763       goto Done;
   1764     }
   1766     Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
   1767     goto Done;
   1768   }
   1769   //
   1770   // Check if DMA interrupt is signalled for the SDMA transfer.
   1771   //
   1772   if ((Trb->Mode == SdMmcSdmaMode) && ((IntStatus & BIT3) == BIT3)) {
   1773     //
   1774     // Clear DMA interrupt bit.
   1775     //
   1776     IntStatus = BIT3;
   1777     Status    = SdMmcHcRwMmio (
   1778                   Private->PciIo,
   1779                   Trb->Slot,
   1780                   SD_MMC_HC_NOR_INT_STS,
   1781                   FALSE,
   1782                   sizeof (IntStatus),
   1783                   &IntStatus
   1784                   );
   1785     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1786       goto Done;
   1787     }
   1788     //
   1789     // Update SDMA Address register.
   1790     //
   1791     SdmaAddr = SD_MMC_SDMA_ROUND_UP ((UINT32)(UINTN)Trb->DataPhy, SD_MMC_SDMA_BOUNDARY);
   1792     Status   = SdMmcHcRwMmio (
   1793                  Private->PciIo,
   1794                  Trb->Slot,
   1795                  SD_MMC_HC_SDMA_ADDR,
   1796                  FALSE,
   1797                  sizeof (UINT32),
   1798                  &SdmaAddr
   1799                  );
   1800     if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1801       goto Done;
   1802     }
   1803     Trb->DataPhy = (UINT32)(UINTN)SdmaAddr;
   1804   }
   1806   if ((Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandType != SdMmcCommandTypeAdtc) &&
   1807       (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->ResponseType != SdMmcResponseTypeR1b) &&
   1808       (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->ResponseType != SdMmcResponseTypeR5b)) {
   1809     if ((IntStatus & BIT0) == BIT0) {
   1810       Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
   1811       goto Done;
   1812     }
   1813   }
   1815   if (((Private->Slot[Trb->Slot].CardType == EmmcCardType) &&
   1816        (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandIndex == EMMC_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK)) ||
   1817       ((Private->Slot[Trb->Slot].CardType == SdCardType) &&
   1818        (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandIndex == SD_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK))) {
   1819     //
   1820     // When performing tuning procedure (Execute Tuning is set to 1) through PIO mode,
   1821     // wait Buffer Read Ready bit of Normal Interrupt Status Register to be 1.
   1822     // Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified Specification 3.0 figure 2-29 for details.
   1823     //
   1824     if ((IntStatus & BIT5) == BIT5) {
   1825       //
   1826       // Clear Buffer Read Ready interrupt at first.
   1827       //
   1828       IntStatus = BIT5;
   1829       SdMmcHcRwMmio (Private->PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_NOR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus);
   1830       //
   1831       // Read data out from Buffer Port register
   1832       //
   1833       for (PioLength = 0; PioLength < Trb->DataLen; PioLength += 4) {
   1834         SdMmcHcRwMmio (Private->PciIo, Trb->Slot, SD_MMC_HC_BUF_DAT_PORT, TRUE, 4, (UINT8*)Trb->Data + PioLength);
   1835       }
   1836       Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
   1837       goto Done;
   1838     }
   1839   }
   1841   Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
   1842 Done:
   1843   //
   1844   // Get response data when the cmd is executed successfully.
   1845   //
   1846   if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1847     if (Packet->SdMmcCmdBlk->CommandType != SdMmcCommandTypeBc) {
   1848       for (Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++) {
   1849         Status = SdMmcHcRwMmio (
   1850                    Private->PciIo,
   1851                    Trb->Slot,
   1852                    SD_MMC_HC_RESPONSE + Index * 4,
   1853                    TRUE,
   1854                    sizeof (UINT32),
   1855                    &Response[Index]
   1856                    );
   1857         if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
   1858           SdMmcHcLedOnOff (Private->PciIo, Trb->Slot, FALSE);
   1859           return Status;
   1860         }
   1861       }
   1862       CopyMem (Packet->SdMmcStatusBlk, Response, sizeof (Response));
   1863     }
   1864   }
   1866   if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) {
   1867     SdMmcHcLedOnOff (Private->PciIo, Trb->Slot, FALSE);
   1868   }
   1870   return Status;
   1871 }
   1873 /**
   1874   Wait for the TRB execution result.
   1876   @param[in] Private        A pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA instance.
   1877   @param[in] Trb            The pointer to the SD_MMC_HC_TRB instance.
   1879   @retval EFI_SUCCESS       The TRB is executed successfully.
   1880   @retval Others            Some erros happen when executing this request.
   1882 **/
   1883 EFI_STATUS
   1884 SdMmcWaitTrbResult (
   1885   IN SD_MMC_HC_PRIVATE_DATA           *Private,
   1886   IN SD_MMC_HC_TRB                    *Trb
   1887   )
   1888 {
   1889   EFI_STATUS                          Status;
   1891   UINT64                              Timeout;
   1892   BOOLEAN                             InfiniteWait;
   1894   Packet = Trb->Packet;
   1895   //
   1896   // Wait Command Complete Interrupt Status bit in Normal Interrupt Status Register
   1897   //
   1898   Timeout = Packet->Timeout;
   1899   if (Timeout == 0) {
   1900     InfiniteWait = TRUE;
   1901   } else {
   1902     InfiniteWait = FALSE;
   1903   }
   1905   while (InfiniteWait || (Timeout > 0)) {
   1906     //
   1907     // Check Trb execution result by reading Normal Interrupt Status register.
   1908     //
   1909     Status = SdMmcCheckTrbResult (Private, Trb);
   1910     if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) {
   1911       return Status;
   1912     }
   1913     //
   1914     // Stall for 1 microsecond.
   1915     //
   1916     gBS->Stall (1);
   1918     Timeout--;
   1919   }
   1921   return EFI_TIMEOUT;
   1922 }