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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #pragma once
     19 #include "BakedOpState.h"
     20 #include "CanvasState.h"
     21 #include "DisplayList.h"
     22 #include "LayerBuilder.h"
     23 #include "RecordedOp.h"
     24 #include "utils/GLUtils.h"
     26 #include <unordered_map>
     27 #include <vector>
     29 struct SkRect;
     31 namespace android {
     32 namespace uirenderer {
     34 class BakedOpState;
     35 class LayerUpdateQueue;
     36 class OffscreenBuffer;
     37 class Rect;
     39 /**
     40  * Processes, optimizes, and stores rendering commands from RenderNodes and
     41  * LayerUpdateQueue, building content needed to render a frame.
     42  *
     43  * Resolves final drawing state for each operation (including clip, alpha and matrix), and then
     44  * reorder and merge each op as it is resolved for drawing efficiency. Each layer of content (either
     45  * from the LayerUpdateQueue, or temporary layers created by saveLayer operations in the
     46  * draw stream) will create different reorder contexts, each in its own LayerBuilder.
     47  *
     48  * Then the prepared or 'baked' drawing commands can be issued by calling the templated
     49  * replayBakedOps() function, which will dispatch them (including any created merged op collections)
     50  * to a Dispatcher and Renderer. See BakedOpDispatcher for how these baked drawing operations are
     51  * resolved into Glops and rendered via BakedOpRenderer.
     52  *
     53  * This class is also the authoritative source for traversing RenderNodes, both for standard op
     54  * traversal within a DisplayList, and for out of order RenderNode traversal for Z and projection.
     55  */
     56 class FrameBuilder : public CanvasStateClient {
     57 public:
     58     struct LightGeometry {
     59         Vector3 center;
     60         float radius;
     61     };
     63     FrameBuilder(const SkRect& clip, uint32_t viewportWidth, uint32_t viewportHeight,
     64                  const LightGeometry& lightGeometry, Caches& caches);
     66     FrameBuilder(const LayerUpdateQueue& layerUpdateQueue, const LightGeometry& lightGeometry,
     67                  Caches& caches);
     69     void deferLayers(const LayerUpdateQueue& layers);
     71     void deferRenderNode(RenderNode& renderNode);
     73     void deferRenderNode(float tx, float ty, Rect clipRect, RenderNode& renderNode);
     75     void deferRenderNodeScene(const std::vector<sp<RenderNode> >& nodes,
     76                               const Rect& contentDrawBounds);
     78     virtual ~FrameBuilder() {}
     80     /**
     81      * replayBakedOps() is templated based on what class will receive ops being replayed.
     82      *
     83      * It constructs a lookup array of lambdas, which allows a recorded BakeOpState to use
     84      * state->op->opId to lookup a receiver that will be called when the op is replayed.
     85      */
     86     template <typename StaticDispatcher, typename Renderer>
     87     void replayBakedOps(Renderer& renderer) {
     88         std::vector<OffscreenBuffer*> temporaryLayers;
     89         finishDefer();
     90 /**
     91  * Defines a LUT of lambdas which allow a recorded BakedOpState to use state->op->opId to
     92  * dispatch the op via a method on a static dispatcher when the op is replayed.
     93  *
     94  * For example a BitmapOp would resolve, via the lambda lookup, to calling:
     95  *
     96  * StaticDispatcher::onBitmapOp(Renderer& renderer, const BitmapOp& op, const BakedOpState& state);
     97  */
     98 #define X(Type)                                                                   \
     99     [](void* renderer, const BakedOpState& state) {                               \
    100         StaticDispatcher::on##Type(*(static_cast<Renderer*>(renderer)),           \
    101                                    static_cast<const Type&>(*(state.op)), state); \
    102     },
    103         static BakedOpReceiver unmergedReceivers[] = BUILD_RENDERABLE_OP_LUT(X);
    104 #undef X
    106 /**
    107  * Defines a LUT of lambdas which allow merged arrays of BakedOpState* to be passed to a
    108  * static dispatcher when the group of merged ops is replayed.
    109  */
    110 #define X(Type)                                                                           \
    111     [](void* renderer, const MergedBakedOpList& opList) {                                 \
    112         StaticDispatcher::onMerged##Type##s(*(static_cast<Renderer*>(renderer)), opList); \
    113     },
    114         static MergedOpReceiver mergedReceivers[] = BUILD_MERGEABLE_OP_LUT(X);
    115 #undef X
    117         // Relay through layers in reverse order, since layers
    118         // later in the list will be drawn by earlier ones
    119         for (int i = mLayerBuilders.size() - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
    120             GL_CHECKPOINT(MODERATE);
    121             LayerBuilder& layer = *(mLayerBuilders[i]);
    122             if (layer.renderNode) {
    123                 // cached HW layer - can't skip layer if empty
    124                 renderer.startRepaintLayer(layer.offscreenBuffer, layer.repaintRect);
    125                 GL_CHECKPOINT(MODERATE);
    126                 layer.replayBakedOpsImpl((void*)&renderer, unmergedReceivers, mergedReceivers);
    127                 GL_CHECKPOINT(MODERATE);
    128                 renderer.endLayer();
    129             } else if (!layer.empty()) {
    130                 // save layer - skip entire layer if empty (in which case, LayerOp has null layer).
    131                 layer.offscreenBuffer = renderer.startTemporaryLayer(layer.width, layer.height);
    132                 temporaryLayers.push_back(layer.offscreenBuffer);
    133                 GL_CHECKPOINT(MODERATE);
    134                 layer.replayBakedOpsImpl((void*)&renderer, unmergedReceivers, mergedReceivers);
    135                 GL_CHECKPOINT(MODERATE);
    136                 renderer.endLayer();
    137             }
    138         }
    140         GL_CHECKPOINT(MODERATE);
    141         if (CC_LIKELY(mDrawFbo0)) {
    142             const LayerBuilder& fbo0 = *(mLayerBuilders[0]);
    143             renderer.startFrame(fbo0.width, fbo0.height, fbo0.repaintRect);
    144             GL_CHECKPOINT(MODERATE);
    145             fbo0.replayBakedOpsImpl((void*)&renderer, unmergedReceivers, mergedReceivers);
    146             GL_CHECKPOINT(MODERATE);
    147             renderer.endFrame(fbo0.repaintRect);
    148         }
    150         for (auto& temporaryLayer : temporaryLayers) {
    151             renderer.recycleTemporaryLayer(temporaryLayer);
    152         }
    153     }
    155     void dump() const {
    156         for (auto&& layer : mLayerBuilders) {
    157             layer->dump();
    158         }
    159     }
    161     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    162     /// CanvasStateClient interface
    163     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    164     virtual void onViewportInitialized() override;
    165     virtual void onSnapshotRestored(const Snapshot& removed, const Snapshot& restored) override;
    166     virtual GLuint getTargetFbo() const override { return 0; }
    168 private:
    169     void finishDefer();
    170     enum class ChildrenSelectMode { Negative, Positive };
    171     void saveForLayer(uint32_t layerWidth, uint32_t layerHeight, float contentTranslateX,
    172                       float contentTranslateY, const Rect& repaintRect, const Vector3& lightCenter,
    173                       const BeginLayerOp* beginLayerOp, RenderNode* renderNode);
    174     void restoreForLayer();
    176     LayerBuilder& currentLayer() { return *(mLayerBuilders[mLayerStack.back()]); }
    178     BakedOpState* tryBakeOpState(const RecordedOp& recordedOp) {
    179         return BakedOpState::tryConstruct(mAllocator, *mCanvasState.writableSnapshot(), recordedOp);
    180     }
    181     BakedOpState* tryBakeUnboundedOpState(const RecordedOp& recordedOp) {
    182         return BakedOpState::tryConstructUnbounded(mAllocator, *mCanvasState.writableSnapshot(),
    183                                                    recordedOp);
    184     }
    186     // should always be surrounded by a save/restore pair, and not called if DisplayList is null
    187     void deferNodePropsAndOps(RenderNode& node);
    189     template <typename V>
    190     void defer3dChildren(const ClipBase* reorderClip, ChildrenSelectMode mode,
    191                          const V& zTranslatedNodes);
    193     void deferShadow(const ClipBase* reorderClip, const RenderNodeOp& casterOp);
    195     void deferProjectedChildren(const RenderNode& renderNode);
    197     void deferNodeOps(const RenderNode& renderNode);
    199     void deferRenderNodeOpImpl(const RenderNodeOp& op);
    201     void replayBakedOpsImpl(void* arg, BakedOpReceiver* receivers);
    203     SkPath* createFrameAllocatedPath() { return mAllocator.create<SkPath>(); }
    205     BakedOpState* deferStrokeableOp(const RecordedOp& op, batchid_t batchId,
    206                                     BakedOpState::StrokeBehavior strokeBehavior =
    207                                             BakedOpState::StrokeBehavior::StyleDefined,
    208                                     bool expandForPathTexture = false);
    210 /**
    211  * Declares all FrameBuilder::deferXXXXOp() methods for every RecordedOp type.
    212  *
    213  * These private methods are called from within deferImpl to defer each individual op
    214  * type differently.
    215  */
    216 #define X(Type) void defer##Type(const Type& op);
    218 #undef X
    220     // contains single-frame objects, such as BakedOpStates, LayerBuilders, Batches
    221     LinearAllocator mAllocator;
    222     LinearStdAllocator<void*> mStdAllocator;
    224     // List of every deferred layer's render state. Replayed in reverse order to render a frame.
    225     LsaVector<LayerBuilder*> mLayerBuilders;
    227     /*
    228      * Stack of indices within mLayerBuilders representing currently active layers. If drawing
    229      * layerA within a layerB, will contain, in order:
    230      *  - 0 (representing FBO 0, always present)
    231      *  - layerB's index
    232      *  - layerA's index
    233      *
    234      * Note that this doesn't vector doesn't always map onto all values of mLayerBuilders. When a
    235      * layer is finished deferring, it will still be represented in mLayerBuilders, but it's index
    236      * won't be in mLayerStack. This is because it can be replayed, but can't have any more drawing
    237      * ops added to it.
    238     */
    239     LsaVector<size_t> mLayerStack;
    241     CanvasState mCanvasState;
    243     Caches& mCaches;
    245     float mLightRadius;
    247     const bool mDrawFbo0;
    248 };
    250 };  // namespace uirenderer
    251 };  // namespace android