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      1 /*
      2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Erin Catto http://www.box2d.org
      3 *
      4 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
      5 * warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
      6 * arising from the use of this software.
      7 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
      8 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
      9 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
     10 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
     11 * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
     12 * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
     13 * appreciated but is not required.
     14 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
     15 * misrepresented as being the original software.
     16 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
     17 */
     19 #ifndef B2_BODY_H
     20 #define B2_BODY_H
     22 #include <Box2D/Common/b2Math.h>
     23 #include <Box2D/Collision/Shapes/b2Shape.h>
     24 #include <new>
     26 class b2Fixture;
     27 class b2Joint;
     28 class b2Contact;
     29 class b2Controller;
     30 class b2World;
     31 struct b2FixtureDef;
     32 struct b2JointEdge;
     33 struct b2ContactEdge;
     35 /// The body type.
     36 /// static: zero mass, zero velocity, may be manually moved
     37 /// kinematic: zero mass, non-zero velocity set by user, moved by solver
     38 /// dynamic: positive mass, non-zero velocity determined by forces, moved by solver
     39 enum b2BodyType
     40 {
     41 	b2_staticBody = 0,
     42 	b2_kinematicBody,
     43 	b2_dynamicBody
     45 	// TODO_ERIN
     46 	//b2_bulletBody,
     47 };
     49 /// A body definition holds all the data needed to construct a rigid body.
     50 /// You can safely re-use body definitions. Shapes are added to a body after construction.
     51 struct b2BodyDef
     52 {
     53 	/// This constructor sets the body definition default values.
     54 	b2BodyDef()
     55 	{
     56 		userData = NULL;
     57 		position.Set(0.0f, 0.0f);
     58 		angle = 0.0f;
     59 		linearVelocity.Set(0.0f, 0.0f);
     60 		angularVelocity = 0.0f;
     61 		linearDamping = 0.0f;
     62 		angularDamping = 0.0f;
     63 		allowSleep = true;
     64 		awake = true;
     65 		fixedRotation = false;
     66 		bullet = false;
     67 		type = b2_staticBody;
     68 		active = true;
     69 		gravityScale = 1.0f;
     70 	}
     72 	/// The body type: static, kinematic, or dynamic.
     73 	/// Note: if a dynamic body would have zero mass, the mass is set to one.
     74 	b2BodyType type;
     76 	/// The world position of the body. Avoid creating bodies at the origin
     77 	/// since this can lead to many overlapping shapes.
     78 	b2Vec2 position;
     80 	/// The world angle of the body in radians.
     81 	float32 angle;
     83 	/// The linear velocity of the body's origin in world co-ordinates.
     84 	b2Vec2 linearVelocity;
     86 	/// The angular velocity of the body.
     87 	float32 angularVelocity;
     89 	/// Linear damping is use to reduce the linear velocity. The damping parameter
     90 	/// can be larger than 1.0f but the damping effect becomes sensitive to the
     91 	/// time step when the damping parameter is large.
     92 	float32 linearDamping;
     94 	/// Angular damping is use to reduce the angular velocity. The damping parameter
     95 	/// can be larger than 1.0f but the damping effect becomes sensitive to the
     96 	/// time step when the damping parameter is large.
     97 	float32 angularDamping;
     99 	/// Set this flag to false if this body should never fall asleep. Note that
    100 	/// this increases CPU usage.
    101 	bool allowSleep;
    103 	/// Is this body initially awake or sleeping?
    104 	bool awake;
    106 	/// Should this body be prevented from rotating? Useful for characters.
    107 	bool fixedRotation;
    109 	/// Is this a fast moving body that should be prevented from tunneling through
    110 	/// other moving bodies? Note that all bodies are prevented from tunneling through
    111 	/// kinematic and static bodies. This setting is only considered on dynamic bodies.
    112 	/// @warning You should use this flag sparingly since it increases processing time.
    113 	bool bullet;
    115 	/// Does this body start out active?
    116 	bool active;
    118 	/// Use this to store application specific body data.
    119 	void* userData;
    121 	/// Scale the gravity applied to this body.
    122 	float32 gravityScale;
    123 };
    125 /// A rigid body. These are created via b2World::CreateBody.
    126 class b2Body
    127 {
    128 public:
    129 	/// Creates a fixture and attach it to this body. Use this function if you need
    130 	/// to set some fixture parameters, like friction. Otherwise you can create the
    131 	/// fixture directly from a shape.
    132 	/// If the density is non-zero, this function automatically updates the mass of the body.
    133 	/// Contacts are not created until the next time step.
    134 	/// @param def the fixture definition.
    135 	/// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
    136 	b2Fixture* CreateFixture(const b2FixtureDef* def);
    138 	/// Creates a fixture from a shape and attach it to this body.
    139 	/// This is a convenience function. Use b2FixtureDef if you need to set parameters
    140 	/// like friction, restitution, user data, or filtering.
    141 	/// If the density is non-zero, this function automatically updates the mass of the body.
    142 	/// @param shape the shape to be cloned.
    143 	/// @param density the shape density (set to zero for static bodies).
    144 	/// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
    145 	b2Fixture* CreateFixture(const b2Shape* shape, float32 density);
    147 	/// Destroy a fixture. This removes the fixture from the broad-phase and
    148 	/// destroys all contacts associated with this fixture. This will
    149 	/// automatically adjust the mass of the body if the body is dynamic and the
    150 	/// fixture has positive density.
    151 	/// All fixtures attached to a body are implicitly destroyed when the body is destroyed.
    152 	/// @param fixture the fixture to be removed.
    153 	/// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
    154 	void DestroyFixture(b2Fixture* fixture);
    156 	/// Set the position of the body's origin and rotation.
    157 	/// Manipulating a body's transform may cause non-physical behavior.
    158 	/// Note: contacts are updated on the next call to b2World::Step.
    159 	/// @param position the world position of the body's local origin.
    160 	/// @param angle the world rotation in radians.
    161 	void SetTransform(const b2Vec2& position, float32 angle);
    163 	/// Get the body transform for the body's origin.
    164 	/// @return the world transform of the body's origin.
    165 	const b2Transform& GetTransform() const;
    167 	/// Get the world body origin position.
    168 	/// @return the world position of the body's origin.
    169 	const b2Vec2& GetPosition() const;
    171 	/// Get the angle in radians.
    172 	/// @return the current world rotation angle in radians.
    173 	float32 GetAngle() const;
    175 	/// Get the world position of the center of mass.
    176 	const b2Vec2& GetWorldCenter() const;
    178 	/// Get the local position of the center of mass.
    179 	const b2Vec2& GetLocalCenter() const;
    181 	/// Set the linear velocity of the center of mass.
    182 	/// @param v the new linear velocity of the center of mass.
    183 	void SetLinearVelocity(const b2Vec2& v);
    185 	/// Get the linear velocity of the center of mass.
    186 	/// @return the linear velocity of the center of mass.
    187 	const b2Vec2& GetLinearVelocity() const;
    189 	/// Set the angular velocity.
    190 	/// @param omega the new angular velocity in radians/second.
    191 	void SetAngularVelocity(float32 omega);
    193 	/// Get the angular velocity.
    194 	/// @return the angular velocity in radians/second.
    195 	float32 GetAngularVelocity() const;
    197 	/// Apply a force at a world point. If the force is not
    198 	/// applied at the center of mass, it will generate a torque and
    199 	/// affect the angular velocity. This wakes up the body.
    200 	/// @param force the world force vector, usually in Newtons (N).
    201 	/// @param point the world position of the point of application.
    202 	/// @param wake also wake up the body
    203 	void ApplyForce(const b2Vec2& force, const b2Vec2& point, bool wake);
    205 	/// Apply a force to the center of mass. This wakes up the body.
    206 	/// @param force the world force vector, usually in Newtons (N).
    207 	/// @param wake also wake up the body
    208 	void ApplyForceToCenter(const b2Vec2& force, bool wake);
    210 	/// Apply a torque. This affects the angular velocity
    211 	/// without affecting the linear velocity of the center of mass.
    212 	/// This wakes up the body.
    213 	/// @param torque about the z-axis (out of the screen), usually in N-m.
    214 	/// @param wake also wake up the body
    215 	void ApplyTorque(float32 torque, bool wake);
    217 	/// Apply an impulse at a point. This immediately modifies the velocity.
    218 	/// It also modifies the angular velocity if the point of application
    219 	/// is not at the center of mass. This wakes up the body.
    220 	/// @param impulse the world impulse vector, usually in N-seconds or kg-m/s.
    221 	/// @param point the world position of the point of application.
    222 	/// @param wake also wake up the body
    223 	void ApplyLinearImpulse(const b2Vec2& impulse, const b2Vec2& point, bool wake);
    225 	/// Apply an angular impulse.
    226 	/// @param impulse the angular impulse in units of kg*m*m/s
    227 	/// @param wake also wake up the body
    228 	void ApplyAngularImpulse(float32 impulse, bool wake);
    230 	/// Get the total mass of the body.
    231 	/// @return the mass, usually in kilograms (kg).
    232 	float32 GetMass() const;
    234 	/// Get the rotational inertia of the body about the local origin.
    235 	/// @return the rotational inertia, usually in kg-m^2.
    236 	float32 GetInertia() const;
    238 	/// Get the mass data of the body.
    239 	/// @return a struct containing the mass, inertia and center of the body.
    240 	void GetMassData(b2MassData* data) const;
    242 	/// Set the mass properties to override the mass properties of the fixtures.
    243 	/// Note that this changes the center of mass position.
    244 	/// Note that creating or destroying fixtures can also alter the mass.
    245 	/// This function has no effect if the body isn't dynamic.
    246 	/// @param massData the mass properties.
    247 	void SetMassData(const b2MassData* data);
    249 	/// This resets the mass properties to the sum of the mass properties of the fixtures.
    250 	/// This normally does not need to be called unless you called SetMassData to override
    251 	/// the mass and you later want to reset the mass.
    252 	void ResetMassData();
    254 	/// Get the world coordinates of a point given the local coordinates.
    255 	/// @param localPoint a point on the body measured relative the the body's origin.
    256 	/// @return the same point expressed in world coordinates.
    257 	b2Vec2 GetWorldPoint(const b2Vec2& localPoint) const;
    259 	/// Get the world coordinates of a vector given the local coordinates.
    260 	/// @param localVector a vector fixed in the body.
    261 	/// @return the same vector expressed in world coordinates.
    262 	b2Vec2 GetWorldVector(const b2Vec2& localVector) const;
    264 	/// Gets a local point relative to the body's origin given a world point.
    265 	/// @param a point in world coordinates.
    266 	/// @return the corresponding local point relative to the body's origin.
    267 	b2Vec2 GetLocalPoint(const b2Vec2& worldPoint) const;
    269 	/// Gets a local vector given a world vector.
    270 	/// @param a vector in world coordinates.
    271 	/// @return the corresponding local vector.
    272 	b2Vec2 GetLocalVector(const b2Vec2& worldVector) const;
    274 	/// Get the world linear velocity of a world point attached to this body.
    275 	/// @param a point in world coordinates.
    276 	/// @return the world velocity of a point.
    277 	b2Vec2 GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(const b2Vec2& worldPoint) const;
    279 	/// Get the world velocity of a local point.
    280 	/// @param a point in local coordinates.
    281 	/// @return the world velocity of a point.
    282 	b2Vec2 GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(const b2Vec2& localPoint) const;
    284 	/// Get the linear damping of the body.
    285 	float32 GetLinearDamping() const;
    287 	/// Set the linear damping of the body.
    288 	void SetLinearDamping(float32 linearDamping);
    290 	/// Get the angular damping of the body.
    291 	float32 GetAngularDamping() const;
    293 	/// Set the angular damping of the body.
    294 	void SetAngularDamping(float32 angularDamping);
    296 	/// Get the gravity scale of the body.
    297 	float32 GetGravityScale() const;
    299 	/// Set the gravity scale of the body.
    300 	void SetGravityScale(float32 scale);
    302 	/// Set the type of this body. This may alter the mass and velocity.
    303 	void SetType(b2BodyType type);
    305 	/// Get the type of this body.
    306 	b2BodyType GetType() const;
    308 	/// Should this body be treated like a bullet for continuous collision detection?
    309 	void SetBullet(bool flag);
    311 	/// Is this body treated like a bullet for continuous collision detection?
    312 	bool IsBullet() const;
    314 	/// You can disable sleeping on this body. If you disable sleeping, the
    315 	/// body will be woken.
    316 	void SetSleepingAllowed(bool flag);
    318 	/// Is this body allowed to sleep
    319 	bool IsSleepingAllowed() const;
    321 	/// Set the sleep state of the body. A sleeping body has very
    322 	/// low CPU cost.
    323 	/// @param flag set to true to wake the body, false to put it to sleep.
    324 	void SetAwake(bool flag);
    326 	/// Get the sleeping state of this body.
    327 	/// @return true if the body is awake.
    328 	bool IsAwake() const;
    330 	/// Set the active state of the body. An inactive body is not
    331 	/// simulated and cannot be collided with or woken up.
    332 	/// If you pass a flag of true, all fixtures will be added to the
    333 	/// broad-phase.
    334 	/// If you pass a flag of false, all fixtures will be removed from
    335 	/// the broad-phase and all contacts will be destroyed.
    336 	/// Fixtures and joints are otherwise unaffected. You may continue
    337 	/// to create/destroy fixtures and joints on inactive bodies.
    338 	/// Fixtures on an inactive body are implicitly inactive and will
    339 	/// not participate in collisions, ray-casts, or queries.
    340 	/// Joints connected to an inactive body are implicitly inactive.
    341 	/// An inactive body is still owned by a b2World object and remains
    342 	/// in the body list.
    343 	void SetActive(bool flag);
    345 	/// Get the active state of the body.
    346 	bool IsActive() const;
    348 	/// Set this body to have fixed rotation. This causes the mass
    349 	/// to be reset.
    350 	void SetFixedRotation(bool flag);
    352 	/// Does this body have fixed rotation?
    353 	bool IsFixedRotation() const;
    355 	/// Get the list of all fixtures attached to this body.
    356 	b2Fixture* GetFixtureList();
    357 	const b2Fixture* GetFixtureList() const;
    359 	/// Get the list of all joints attached to this body.
    360 	b2JointEdge* GetJointList();
    361 	const b2JointEdge* GetJointList() const;
    363 	/// Get the list of all contacts attached to this body.
    364 	/// @warning this list changes during the time step and you may
    365 	/// miss some collisions if you don't use b2ContactListener.
    366 	b2ContactEdge* GetContactList();
    367 	const b2ContactEdge* GetContactList() const;
    369 	/// Get the next body in the world's body list.
    370 	b2Body* GetNext();
    371 	const b2Body* GetNext() const;
    373 	/// Get the user data pointer that was provided in the body definition.
    374 	void* GetUserData() const;
    376 	/// Set the user data. Use this to store your application specific data.
    377 	void SetUserData(void* data);
    379 	/// Get the parent world of this body.
    380 	b2World* GetWorld();
    381 	const b2World* GetWorld() const;
    383 	/// Dump this body to a log file
    384 	void Dump();
    386 private:
    388 	friend class b2World;
    389 	friend class b2Island;
    390 	friend class b2ContactManager;
    391 	friend class b2ContactSolver;
    392 	friend class b2Contact;
    394 	friend class b2DistanceJoint;
    395 	friend class b2FrictionJoint;
    396 	friend class b2GearJoint;
    397 	friend class b2MotorJoint;
    398 	friend class b2MouseJoint;
    399 	friend class b2PrismaticJoint;
    400 	friend class b2PulleyJoint;
    401 	friend class b2RevoluteJoint;
    402 	friend class b2RopeJoint;
    403 	friend class b2WeldJoint;
    404 	friend class b2WheelJoint;
    406 	// m_flags
    407 	enum
    408 	{
    409 		e_islandFlag		= 0x0001,
    410 		e_awakeFlag			= 0x0002,
    411 		e_autoSleepFlag		= 0x0004,
    412 		e_bulletFlag		= 0x0008,
    413 		e_fixedRotationFlag	= 0x0010,
    414 		e_activeFlag		= 0x0020,
    415 		e_toiFlag			= 0x0040
    416 	};
    418 	b2Body(const b2BodyDef* bd, b2World* world);
    419 	~b2Body();
    421 	void SynchronizeFixtures();
    422 	void SynchronizeTransform();
    424 	// This is used to prevent connected bodies from colliding.
    425 	// It may lie, depending on the collideConnected flag.
    426 	bool ShouldCollide(const b2Body* other) const;
    428 	void Advance(float32 t);
    430 	b2BodyType m_type;
    432 	uint16 m_flags;
    434 	int32 m_islandIndex;
    436 	b2Transform m_xf;		// the body origin transform
    437 	b2Sweep m_sweep;		// the swept motion for CCD
    439 	b2Vec2 m_linearVelocity;
    440 	float32 m_angularVelocity;
    442 	b2Vec2 m_force;
    443 	float32 m_torque;
    445 	b2World* m_world;
    446 	b2Body* m_prev;
    447 	b2Body* m_next;
    449 	b2Fixture* m_fixtureList;
    450 	int32 m_fixtureCount;
    452 	b2JointEdge* m_jointList;
    453 	b2ContactEdge* m_contactList;
    455 	float32 m_mass, m_invMass;
    457 	// Rotational inertia about the center of mass.
    458 	float32 m_I, m_invI;
    460 	float32 m_linearDamping;
    461 	float32 m_angularDamping;
    462 	float32 m_gravityScale;
    464 	float32 m_sleepTime;
    466 	void* m_userData;
    467 };
    469 inline b2BodyType b2Body::GetType() const
    470 {
    471 	return m_type;
    472 }
    474 inline const b2Transform& b2Body::GetTransform() const
    475 {
    476 	return m_xf;
    477 }
    479 inline const b2Vec2& b2Body::GetPosition() const
    480 {
    481 	return m_xf.p;
    482 }
    484 inline float32 b2Body::GetAngle() const
    485 {
    486 	return m_sweep.a;
    487 }
    489 inline const b2Vec2& b2Body::GetWorldCenter() const
    490 {
    491 	return m_sweep.c;
    492 }
    494 inline const b2Vec2& b2Body::GetLocalCenter() const
    495 {
    496 	return m_sweep.localCenter;
    497 }
    499 inline void b2Body::SetLinearVelocity(const b2Vec2& v)
    500 {
    501 	if (m_type == b2_staticBody)
    502 	{
    503 		return;
    504 	}
    506 	if (b2Dot(v,v) > 0.0f)
    507 	{
    508 		SetAwake(true);
    509 	}
    511 	m_linearVelocity = v;
    512 }
    514 inline const b2Vec2& b2Body::GetLinearVelocity() const
    515 {
    516 	return m_linearVelocity;
    517 }
    519 inline void b2Body::SetAngularVelocity(float32 w)
    520 {
    521 	if (m_type == b2_staticBody)
    522 	{
    523 		return;
    524 	}
    526 	if (w * w > 0.0f)
    527 	{
    528 		SetAwake(true);
    529 	}
    531 	m_angularVelocity = w;
    532 }
    534 inline float32 b2Body::GetAngularVelocity() const
    535 {
    536 	return m_angularVelocity;
    537 }
    539 inline float32 b2Body::GetMass() const
    540 {
    541 	return m_mass;
    542 }
    544 inline float32 b2Body::GetInertia() const
    545 {
    546 	return m_I + m_mass * b2Dot(m_sweep.localCenter, m_sweep.localCenter);
    547 }
    549 inline void b2Body::GetMassData(b2MassData* data) const
    550 {
    551 	data->mass = m_mass;
    552 	data->I = m_I + m_mass * b2Dot(m_sweep.localCenter, m_sweep.localCenter);
    553 	data->center = m_sweep.localCenter;
    554 }
    556 inline b2Vec2 b2Body::GetWorldPoint(const b2Vec2& localPoint) const
    557 {
    558 	return b2Mul(m_xf, localPoint);
    559 }
    561 inline b2Vec2 b2Body::GetWorldVector(const b2Vec2& localVector) const
    562 {
    563 	return b2Mul(m_xf.q, localVector);
    564 }
    566 inline b2Vec2 b2Body::GetLocalPoint(const b2Vec2& worldPoint) const
    567 {
    568 	return b2MulT(m_xf, worldPoint);
    569 }
    571 inline b2Vec2 b2Body::GetLocalVector(const b2Vec2& worldVector) const
    572 {
    573 	return b2MulT(m_xf.q, worldVector);
    574 }
    576 inline b2Vec2 b2Body::GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(const b2Vec2& worldPoint) const
    577 {
    578 	return m_linearVelocity + b2Cross(m_angularVelocity, worldPoint - m_sweep.c);
    579 }
    581 inline b2Vec2 b2Body::GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(const b2Vec2& localPoint) const
    582 {
    583 	return GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(GetWorldPoint(localPoint));
    584 }
    586 inline float32 b2Body::GetLinearDamping() const
    587 {
    588 	return m_linearDamping;
    589 }
    591 inline void b2Body::SetLinearDamping(float32 linearDamping)
    592 {
    593 	m_linearDamping = linearDamping;
    594 }
    596 inline float32 b2Body::GetAngularDamping() const
    597 {
    598 	return m_angularDamping;
    599 }
    601 inline void b2Body::SetAngularDamping(float32 angularDamping)
    602 {
    603 	m_angularDamping = angularDamping;
    604 }
    606 inline float32 b2Body::GetGravityScale() const
    607 {
    608 	return m_gravityScale;
    609 }
    611 inline void b2Body::SetGravityScale(float32 scale)
    612 {
    613 	m_gravityScale = scale;
    614 }
    616 inline void b2Body::SetBullet(bool flag)
    617 {
    618 	if (flag)
    619 	{
    620 		m_flags |= e_bulletFlag;
    621 	}
    622 	else
    623 	{
    624 		m_flags &= ~e_bulletFlag;
    625 	}
    626 }
    628 inline bool b2Body::IsBullet() const
    629 {
    630 	return (m_flags & e_bulletFlag) == e_bulletFlag;
    631 }
    633 inline void b2Body::SetAwake(bool flag)
    634 {
    635 	if (flag)
    636 	{
    637 		if ((m_flags & e_awakeFlag) == 0)
    638 		{
    639 			m_flags |= e_awakeFlag;
    640 			m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
    641 		}
    642 	}
    643 	else
    644 	{
    645 		m_flags &= ~e_awakeFlag;
    646 		m_sleepTime = 0.0f;
    647 		m_linearVelocity.SetZero();
    648 		m_angularVelocity = 0.0f;
    649 		m_force.SetZero();
    650 		m_torque = 0.0f;
    651 	}
    652 }
    654 inline bool b2Body::IsAwake() const
    655 {
    656 	return (m_flags & e_awakeFlag) == e_awakeFlag;
    657 }
    659 inline bool b2Body::IsActive() const
    660 {
    661 	return (m_flags & e_activeFlag) == e_activeFlag;
    662 }
    664 inline bool b2Body::IsFixedRotation() const
    665 {
    666 	return (m_flags & e_fixedRotationFlag) == e_fixedRotationFlag;
    667 }
    669 inline void b2Body::SetSleepingAllowed(bool flag)
    670 {
    671 	if (flag)
    672 	{
    673 		m_flags |= e_autoSleepFlag;
    674 	}
    675 	else
    676 	{
    677 		m_flags &= ~e_autoSleepFlag;
    678 		SetAwake(true);
    679 	}
    680 }
    682 inline bool b2Body::IsSleepingAllowed() const
    683 {
    684 	return (m_flags & e_autoSleepFlag) == e_autoSleepFlag;
    685 }
    687 inline b2Fixture* b2Body::GetFixtureList()
    688 {
    689 	return m_fixtureList;
    690 }
    692 inline const b2Fixture* b2Body::GetFixtureList() const
    693 {
    694 	return m_fixtureList;
    695 }
    697 inline b2JointEdge* b2Body::GetJointList()
    698 {
    699 	return m_jointList;
    700 }
    702 inline const b2JointEdge* b2Body::GetJointList() const
    703 {
    704 	return m_jointList;
    705 }
    707 inline b2ContactEdge* b2Body::GetContactList()
    708 {
    709 	return m_contactList;
    710 }
    712 inline const b2ContactEdge* b2Body::GetContactList() const
    713 {
    714 	return m_contactList;
    715 }
    717 inline b2Body* b2Body::GetNext()
    718 {
    719 	return m_next;
    720 }
    722 inline const b2Body* b2Body::GetNext() const
    723 {
    724 	return m_next;
    725 }
    727 inline void b2Body::SetUserData(void* data)
    728 {
    729 	m_userData = data;
    730 }
    732 inline void* b2Body::GetUserData() const
    733 {
    734 	return m_userData;
    735 }
    737 inline void b2Body::ApplyForce(const b2Vec2& force, const b2Vec2& point, bool wake)
    738 {
    739 	if (m_type != b2_dynamicBody)
    740 	{
    741 		return;
    742 	}
    744 	if (wake && (m_flags & e_awakeFlag) == 0)
    745 	{
    746 		SetAwake(true);
    747 	}
    749 	// Don't accumulate a force if the body is sleeping.
    750 	if (m_flags & e_awakeFlag)
    751 	{
    752 		m_force += force;
    753 		m_torque += b2Cross(point - m_sweep.c, force);
    754 	}
    755 }
    757 inline void b2Body::ApplyForceToCenter(const b2Vec2& force, bool wake)
    758 {
    759 	if (m_type != b2_dynamicBody)
    760 	{
    761 		return;
    762 	}
    764 	if (wake && (m_flags & e_awakeFlag) == 0)
    765 	{
    766 		SetAwake(true);
    767 	}
    769 	// Don't accumulate a force if the body is sleeping
    770 	if (m_flags & e_awakeFlag)
    771 	{
    772 		m_force += force;
    773 	}
    774 }
    776 inline void b2Body::ApplyTorque(float32 torque, bool wake)
    777 {
    778 	if (m_type != b2_dynamicBody)
    779 	{
    780 		return;
    781 	}
    783 	if (wake && (m_flags & e_awakeFlag) == 0)
    784 	{
    785 		SetAwake(true);
    786 	}
    788 	// Don't accumulate a force if the body is sleeping
    789 	if (m_flags & e_awakeFlag)
    790 	{
    791 		m_torque += torque;
    792 	}
    793 }
    795 inline void b2Body::ApplyLinearImpulse(const b2Vec2& impulse, const b2Vec2& point, bool wake)
    796 {
    797 	if (m_type != b2_dynamicBody)
    798 	{
    799 		return;
    800 	}
    802 	if (wake && (m_flags & e_awakeFlag) == 0)
    803 	{
    804 		SetAwake(true);
    805 	}
    807 	// Don't accumulate velocity if the body is sleeping
    808 	if (m_flags & e_awakeFlag)
    809 	{
    810 		m_linearVelocity += m_invMass * impulse;
    811 		m_angularVelocity += m_invI * b2Cross(point - m_sweep.c, impulse);
    812 	}
    813 }
    815 inline void b2Body::ApplyAngularImpulse(float32 impulse, bool wake)
    816 {
    817 	if (m_type != b2_dynamicBody)
    818 	{
    819 		return;
    820 	}
    822 	if (wake && (m_flags & e_awakeFlag) == 0)
    823 	{
    824 		SetAwake(true);
    825 	}
    827 	// Don't accumulate velocity if the body is sleeping
    828 	if (m_flags & e_awakeFlag)
    829 	{
    830 		m_angularVelocity += m_invI * impulse;
    831 	}
    832 }
    834 inline void b2Body::SynchronizeTransform()
    835 {
    836 	m_xf.q.Set(m_sweep.a);
    837 	m_xf.p = m_sweep.c - b2Mul(m_xf.q, m_sweep.localCenter);
    838 }
    840 inline void b2Body::Advance(float32 alpha)
    841 {
    842 	// Advance to the new safe time. This doesn't sync the broad-phase.
    843 	m_sweep.Advance(alpha);
    844 	m_sweep.c = m_sweep.c0;
    845 	m_sweep.a = m_sweep.a0;
    846 	m_xf.q.Set(m_sweep.a);
    847 	m_xf.p = m_sweep.c - b2Mul(m_xf.q, m_sweep.localCenter);
    848 }
    850 inline b2World* b2Body::GetWorld()
    851 {
    852 	return m_world;
    853 }
    855 inline const b2World* b2Body::GetWorld() const
    856 {
    857 	return m_world;
    858 }
    860 #endif