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      1 //
      2 // Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
      3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      4 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 //
      9 #if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && !defined(ANGLE_TRANSLATOR_STATIC)
     10 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
     13 #define COMPILER_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
     14 #else
     15 #define COMPILER_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
     16 #endif  // defined(ANGLE_TRANSLATOR_IMPLEMENTATION)
     18 #else  // defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
     19 #define COMPILER_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
     20 #endif
     22 #else  // defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) && !defined(ANGLE_TRANSLATOR_STATIC)
     23 #define COMPILER_EXPORT
     24 #endif
     26 #include "KHR/khrplatform.h"
     27 #include <stddef.h>
     29 //
     30 // This is the platform independent interface between an OGL driver
     31 // and the shading language compiler.
     32 //
     34 #ifdef __cplusplus
     35 extern "C" {
     36 #endif
     38 // Version number for shader translation API.
     39 // It is incremented everytime the API changes.
     40 #define ANGLE_SH_VERSION 112
     42 //
     43 // The names of the following enums have been derived by replacing GL prefix
     44 // with SH. For example, SH_INFO_LOG_LENGTH is equivalent to GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH.
     45 // The enum values are also equal to the values of their GL counterpart. This
     46 // is done to make it easier for applications to use the shader library.
     47 //
     48 typedef enum {
     49   SH_FRAGMENT_SHADER = 0x8B30,
     50   SH_VERTEX_SHADER   = 0x8B31
     51 } ShShaderType;
     53 typedef enum {
     54   SH_GLES2_SPEC = 0x8B40,
     55   SH_WEBGL_SPEC = 0x8B41,
     57   // The CSS Shaders spec is a subset of the WebGL spec.
     58   //
     59   // In both CSS vertex and fragment shaders, ANGLE:
     60   // (1) Reserves the "css_" prefix.
     61   // (2) Renames the main function to css_main.
     62   // (3) Disables the gl_MaxDrawBuffers built-in.
     63   //
     64   // In CSS fragment shaders, ANGLE:
     65   // (1) Disables the gl_FragColor built-in.
     66   // (2) Disables the gl_FragData built-in.
     67   // (3) Enables the css_MixColor built-in.
     68   // (4) Enables the css_ColorMatrix built-in.
     69   //
     70   // After passing a CSS shader through ANGLE, the browser is expected to append
     71   // a new main function to it.
     72   // This new main function will call the css_main function.
     73   // It may also perform additional operations like varying assignment, texture
     74   // access, and gl_FragColor assignment in order to implement the CSS Shaders
     75   // blend modes.
     76   //
     77   SH_CSS_SHADERS_SPEC = 0x8B42
     78 } ShShaderSpec;
     80 typedef enum {
     81   SH_ESSL_OUTPUT   = 0x8B45,
     82   SH_GLSL_OUTPUT   = 0x8B46,
     83   SH_HLSL_OUTPUT   = 0x8B47,
     84   SH_HLSL9_OUTPUT  = 0x8B47,
     85   SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT = 0x8B48
     86 } ShShaderOutput;
     88 typedef enum {
     89   SH_NONE           = 0,
     90   SH_INT            = 0x1404,
     91   SH_FLOAT          = 0x1406,
     92   SH_FLOAT_VEC2     = 0x8B50,
     93   SH_FLOAT_VEC3     = 0x8B51,
     94   SH_FLOAT_VEC4     = 0x8B52,
     95   SH_INT_VEC2       = 0x8B53,
     96   SH_INT_VEC3       = 0x8B54,
     97   SH_INT_VEC4       = 0x8B55,
     98   SH_BOOL           = 0x8B56,
     99   SH_BOOL_VEC2      = 0x8B57,
    100   SH_BOOL_VEC3      = 0x8B58,
    101   SH_BOOL_VEC4      = 0x8B59,
    102   SH_FLOAT_MAT2     = 0x8B5A,
    103   SH_FLOAT_MAT3     = 0x8B5B,
    104   SH_FLOAT_MAT4     = 0x8B5C,
    105   SH_SAMPLER_2D     = 0x8B5E,
    106   SH_SAMPLER_CUBE   = 0x8B60,
    107   SH_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_ARB = 0x8B63,
    108   SH_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES = 0x8D66
    109 } ShDataType;
    111 typedef enum {
    112   SH_PRECISION_HIGHP     = 0x5001,
    113   SH_PRECISION_MEDIUMP   = 0x5002,
    114   SH_PRECISION_LOWP      = 0x5003,
    116 } ShPrecisionType;
    118 typedef enum {
    119   SH_INFO_LOG_LENGTH             =  0x8B84,
    120   SH_OBJECT_CODE_LENGTH          =  0x8B88,  // GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH
    121   SH_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS             =  0x8B86,
    122   SH_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH   =  0x8B87,
    123   SH_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES           =  0x8B89,
    125   SH_VARYINGS                    =  0x8BBB,
    126   SH_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH          =  0x8BBC,
    127   SH_MAPPED_NAME_MAX_LENGTH      =  0x6000,
    128   SH_NAME_MAX_LENGTH             =  0x6001,
    129   SH_HASHED_NAME_MAX_LENGTH      =  0x6002,
    130   SH_HASHED_NAMES_COUNT          =  0x6003,
    131   SH_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS_ARRAY       =  0x6004
    132 } ShShaderInfo;
    134 // Compile options.
    135 typedef enum {
    136   SH_VALIDATE                = 0,
    137   SH_VALIDATE_LOOP_INDEXING  = 0x0001,
    138   SH_INTERMEDIATE_TREE       = 0x0002,
    139   SH_OBJECT_CODE             = 0x0004,
    140   SH_VARIABLES               = 0x0008,
    141   SH_LINE_DIRECTIVES         = 0x0010,
    142   SH_SOURCE_PATH             = 0x0020,
    143   SH_MAP_LONG_VARIABLE_NAMES = 0x0040,
    146   // This is needed only as a workaround for certain OpenGL driver bugs.
    149   // This is an experimental flag to enforce restrictions that aim to prevent
    150   // timing attacks.
    151   // It generates compilation errors for shaders that could expose sensitive
    152   // texture information via the timing channel.
    153   // To use this flag, you must compile the shader under the WebGL spec
    154   // (using the SH_WEBGL_SPEC flag).
    155   SH_TIMING_RESTRICTIONS = 0x0200,
    157   // This flag prints the dependency graph that is used to enforce timing
    158   // restrictions on fragment shaders.
    159   // This flag only has an effect if all of the following are true:
    160   // - The shader spec is SH_WEBGL_SPEC.
    161   // - The compile options contain the SH_TIMING_RESTRICTIONS flag.
    162   // - The shader type is SH_FRAGMENT_SHADER.
    163   SH_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH = 0x0400,
    165   // Enforce the GLSL 1.017 Appendix A section 7 packing restrictions.
    166   // This flag only enforces (and can only enforce) the packing
    167   // restrictions for uniform variables in both vertex and fragment
    168   // shaders. ShCheckVariablesWithinPackingLimits() lets embedders
    169   // enforce the packing restrictions for varying variables during
    170   // program link time.
    173   // This flag ensures all indirect (expression-based) array indexing
    174   // is clamped to the bounds of the array. This ensures, for example,
    175   // that you cannot read off the end of a uniform, whether an array
    176   // vec234, or mat234 type. The ShArrayIndexClampingStrategy enum,
    177   // specified in the ShBuiltInResources when constructing the
    178   // compiler, selects the strategy for the clamping implementation.
    181   // This flag limits the complexity of an expression.
    184   // This flag limits the depth of the call stack.
    185   SH_LIMIT_CALL_STACK_DEPTH = 0x4000,
    187   // This flag initializes gl_Position to vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) at
    188   // the beginning of the vertex shader, and has no effect in the
    189   // fragment shader. It is intended as a workaround for drivers which
    190   // incorrectly fail to link programs if gl_Position is not written.
    191   SH_INIT_GL_POSITION = 0x8000,
    193   // This flag replaces
    194   //   "a && b" with "a ? b : false",
    195   //   "a || b" with "a ? true : b".
    196   // This is to work around a MacOSX driver bug that |b| is executed
    197   // independent of |a|'s value.
    198   SH_UNFOLD_SHORT_CIRCUIT = 0x10000,
    199 } ShCompileOptions;
    201 // Defines alternate strategies for implementing array index clamping.
    202 typedef enum {
    203   // Use the clamp intrinsic for array index clamping.
    206   // Use a user-defined function for array index clamping.
    208 } ShArrayIndexClampingStrategy;
    210 //
    211 // Driver must call this first, once, before doing any other
    212 // compiler operations.
    213 // If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, else zero.
    214 //
    215 COMPILER_EXPORT int ShInitialize();
    216 //
    217 // Driver should call this at shutdown.
    218 // If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, else zero.
    219 //
    220 COMPILER_EXPORT int ShFinalize();
    222 // The 64 bits hash function. The first parameter is the input string; the
    223 // second parameter is the string length.
    224 typedef khronos_uint64_t (*ShHashFunction64)(const char*, size_t);
    226 //
    227 // Implementation dependent built-in resources (constants and extensions).
    228 // The names for these resources has been obtained by stripping gl_/GL_.
    229 //
    230 typedef struct
    231 {
    232     // Constants.
    233     int MaxVertexAttribs;
    234     int MaxVertexUniformVectors;
    235     int MaxVaryingVectors;
    236     int MaxVertexTextureImageUnits;
    237     int MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits;
    238     int MaxTextureImageUnits;
    239     int MaxFragmentUniformVectors;
    240     int MaxDrawBuffers;
    242     // Extensions.
    243     // Set to 1 to enable the extension, else 0.
    244     int OES_standard_derivatives;
    245     int OES_EGL_image_external;
    246     int ARB_texture_rectangle;
    247     int EXT_draw_buffers;
    248     int EXT_frag_depth;
    250     // Set to 1 if highp precision is supported in the fragment language.
    251     // Default is 0.
    252     int FragmentPrecisionHigh;
    254     // Name Hashing.
    255     // Set a 64 bit hash function to enable user-defined name hashing.
    256     // Default is NULL.
    257     ShHashFunction64 HashFunction;
    259     // Selects a strategy to use when implementing array index clamping.
    260     // Default is SH_CLAMP_WITH_CLAMP_INTRINSIC.
    261     ShArrayIndexClampingStrategy ArrayIndexClampingStrategy;
    263     // The maximum complexity an expression can be.
    264     int MaxExpressionComplexity;
    266     // The maximum depth a call stack can be.
    267     int MaxCallStackDepth;
    268 } ShBuiltInResources;
    270 //
    271 // Initialize built-in resources with minimum expected values.
    272 //
    273 COMPILER_EXPORT void ShInitBuiltInResources(ShBuiltInResources* resources);
    275 //
    276 // ShHandle held by but opaque to the driver.  It is allocated,
    277 // managed, and de-allocated by the compiler. It's contents
    278 // are defined by and used by the compiler.
    279 //
    280 // If handle creation fails, 0 will be returned.
    281 //
    282 typedef void* ShHandle;
    284 //
    285 // Driver calls these to create and destroy compiler objects.
    286 //
    287 // Returns the handle of constructed compiler, null if the requested compiler is
    288 // not supported.
    289 // Parameters:
    290 // type: Specifies the type of shader - SH_FRAGMENT_SHADER or SH_VERTEX_SHADER.
    291 // spec: Specifies the language spec the compiler must conform to -
    292 //       SH_GLES2_SPEC or SH_WEBGL_SPEC.
    293 // output: Specifies the output code type - SH_ESSL_OUTPUT, SH_GLSL_OUTPUT,
    294 //         SH_HLSL9_OUTPUT or SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT.
    295 // resources: Specifies the built-in resources.
    296 COMPILER_EXPORT ShHandle ShConstructCompiler(
    297     ShShaderType type,
    298     ShShaderSpec spec,
    299     ShShaderOutput output,
    300     const ShBuiltInResources* resources);
    301 COMPILER_EXPORT void ShDestruct(ShHandle handle);
    303 //
    304 // Compiles the given shader source.
    305 // If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero, else zero.
    306 // Parameters:
    307 // handle: Specifies the handle of compiler to be used.
    308 // shaderStrings: Specifies an array of pointers to null-terminated strings
    309 //                containing the shader source code.
    310 // numStrings: Specifies the number of elements in shaderStrings array.
    311 // compileOptions: A mask containing the following parameters:
    312 // SH_VALIDATE: Validates shader to ensure that it conforms to the spec
    313 //              specified during compiler construction.
    314 // SH_VALIDATE_LOOP_INDEXING: Validates loop and indexing in the shader to
    315 //                            ensure that they do not exceed the minimum
    316 //                            functionality mandated in GLSL 1.0 spec,
    317 //                            Appendix A, Section 4 and 5.
    318 //                            There is no need to specify this parameter when
    319 //                            compiling for WebGL - it is implied.
    320 // SH_INTERMEDIATE_TREE: Writes intermediate tree to info log.
    321 //                       Can be queried by calling ShGetInfoLog().
    322 // SH_OBJECT_CODE: Translates intermediate tree to glsl or hlsl shader.
    323 //                 Can be queried by calling ShGetObjectCode().
    324 // SH_VARIABLES: Extracts attributes, uniforms, and varyings.
    325 //               Can be queried by calling ShGetVariableInfo().
    326 //
    327 COMPILER_EXPORT int ShCompile(
    328     const ShHandle handle,
    329     const char* const shaderStrings[],
    330     size_t numStrings,
    331     int compileOptions
    332     );
    334 // Returns a parameter from a compiled shader.
    335 // Parameters:
    336 // handle: Specifies the compiler
    337 // pname: Specifies the parameter to query.
    338 // The following parameters are defined:
    339 // SH_INFO_LOG_LENGTH: the number of characters in the information log
    340 //                     including the null termination character.
    341 // SH_OBJECT_CODE_LENGTH: the number of characters in the object code
    342 //                        including the null termination character.
    343 // SH_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES: the number of active attribute variables.
    344 // SH_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH: the length of the longest active attribute
    345 //                                 variable name including the null
    346 //                                 termination character.
    347 // SH_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS: the number of active uniform variables.
    348 // SH_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH: the length of the longest active uniform
    349 //                               variable name including the null
    350 //                               termination character.
    351 // SH_VARYINGS: the number of varying variables.
    352 // SH_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH: the length of the longest varying variable name
    353 //                        including the null termination character.
    354 // SH_MAPPED_NAME_MAX_LENGTH: the length of the mapped variable name including
    355 //                            the null termination character.
    356 // SH_NAME_MAX_LENGTH: the max length of a user-defined name including the
    357 //                     null termination character.
    358 // SH_HASHED_NAME_MAX_LENGTH: the max length of a hashed name including the
    359 //                            null termination character.
    360 // SH_HASHED_NAMES_COUNT: the number of hashed names from the latest compile.
    361 //
    362 // params: Requested parameter
    363 COMPILER_EXPORT void ShGetInfo(const ShHandle handle,
    364                                ShShaderInfo pname,
    365                                size_t* params);
    367 // Returns nul-terminated information log for a compiled shader.
    368 // Parameters:
    369 // handle: Specifies the compiler
    370 // infoLog: Specifies an array of characters that is used to return
    371 //          the information log. It is assumed that infoLog has enough memory
    372 //          to accomodate the information log. The size of the buffer required
    373 //          to store the returned information log can be obtained by calling
    374 //          ShGetInfo with SH_INFO_LOG_LENGTH.
    375 COMPILER_EXPORT void ShGetInfoLog(const ShHandle handle, char* infoLog);
    377 // Returns null-terminated object code for a compiled shader.
    378 // Parameters:
    379 // handle: Specifies the compiler
    380 // infoLog: Specifies an array of characters that is used to return
    381 //          the object code. It is assumed that infoLog has enough memory to
    382 //          accomodate the object code. The size of the buffer required to
    383 //          store the returned object code can be obtained by calling
    384 //          ShGetInfo with SH_OBJECT_CODE_LENGTH.
    385 COMPILER_EXPORT void ShGetObjectCode(const ShHandle handle, char* objCode);
    387 // Returns information about a shader variable.
    388 // Parameters:
    389 // handle: Specifies the compiler
    390 // variableType: Specifies the variable type; options include
    392 // index: Specifies the index of the variable to be queried.
    393 // length: Returns the number of characters actually written in the string
    394 //         indicated by name (excluding the null terminator) if a value other
    395 //         than NULL is passed.
    396 // size: Returns the size of the variable.
    397 // type: Returns the data type of the variable.
    398 // precision: Returns the precision of the variable.
    399 // staticUse: Returns 1 if the variable is accessed in a statement after
    400 //            pre-processing, whether or not run-time flow of control will
    401 //            cause that statement to be executed.
    402 //            Returns 0 otherwise.
    403 // name: Returns a null terminated string containing the name of the
    404 //       variable. It is assumed that name has enough memory to accormodate
    405 //       the variable name. The size of the buffer required to store the
    406 //       variable name can be obtained by calling ShGetInfo with
    408 //       SH_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH.
    409 // mappedName: Returns a null terminated string containing the mapped name of
    410 //             the variable, It is assumed that mappedName has enough memory
    411 //             (SH_MAPPED_NAME_MAX_LENGTH), or NULL if don't care about the
    412 //             mapped name. If the name is not mapped, then name and mappedName
    413 //             are the same.
    414 COMPILER_EXPORT void ShGetVariableInfo(const ShHandle handle,
    415                                        ShShaderInfo variableType,
    416                                        int index,
    417                                        size_t* length,
    418                                        int* size,
    419                                        ShDataType* type,
    420                                        ShPrecisionType* precision,
    421                                        int* staticUse,
    422                                        char* name,
    423                                        char* mappedName);
    425 // Returns information about a name hashing entry from the latest compile.
    426 // Parameters:
    427 // handle: Specifies the compiler
    428 // index: Specifies the index of the name hashing entry to be queried.
    429 // name: Returns a null terminated string containing the user defined name.
    430 //       It is assumed that name has enough memory to accomodate the name.
    431 //       The size of the buffer required to store the user defined name can
    432 //       be obtained by calling ShGetInfo with SH_NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
    433 // hashedName: Returns a null terminated string containing the hashed name of
    434 //             the uniform variable, It is assumed that hashedName has enough
    435 //             memory to accomodate the name. The size of the buffer required
    436 //             to store the name can be obtained by calling ShGetInfo with
    437 //             SH_HASHED_NAME_MAX_LENGTH.
    438 COMPILER_EXPORT void ShGetNameHashingEntry(const ShHandle handle,
    439                                            int index,
    440                                            char* name,
    441                                            char* hashedName);
    443 // Returns a parameter from a compiled shader.
    444 // Parameters:
    445 // handle: Specifies the compiler
    446 // pname: Specifies the parameter to query.
    447 // The following parameters are defined:
    448 // SH_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS_ARRAY: an STL vector of active uniforms. Valid only for
    449 //                           HLSL output.
    450 // params: Requested parameter
    451 COMPILER_EXPORT void ShGetInfoPointer(const ShHandle handle,
    452                                       ShShaderInfo pname,
    453                                       void** params);
    455 typedef struct
    456 {
    457     ShDataType type;
    458     int size;
    459 } ShVariableInfo;
    461 // Returns 1 if the passed in variables pack in maxVectors following
    462 // the packing rules from the GLSL 1.017 spec, Appendix A, section 7.
    463 // Returns 0 otherwise. Also look at the SH_ENFORCE_PACKING_RESTRICTIONS
    464 // flag above.
    465 // Parameters:
    466 // maxVectors: the available rows of registers.
    467 // varInfoArray: an array of variable info (types and sizes).
    468 // varInfoArraySize: the size of the variable array.
    469 COMPILER_EXPORT int ShCheckVariablesWithinPackingLimits(
    470     int maxVectors,
    471     ShVariableInfo* varInfoArray,
    472     size_t varInfoArraySize);
    474 #ifdef __cplusplus
    475 }
    476 #endif