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      1 //===--- HexagonSplitDouble.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 #define DEBUG_TYPE "hsdr"
     12 #include "HexagonRegisterInfo.h"
     13 #include "HexagonTargetMachine.h"
     15 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
     16 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
     17 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
     18 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h"
     19 #include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
     20 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
     21 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Target/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
     26 #include <map>
     27 #include <set>
     28 #include <vector>
     30 using namespace llvm;
     32 namespace llvm {
     33   FunctionPass *createHexagonSplitDoubleRegs();
     34   void initializeHexagonSplitDoubleRegsPass(PassRegistry&);
     35 }
     37 namespace {
     38   static cl::opt<int> MaxHSDR("max-hsdr", cl::Hidden, cl::init(-1),
     39       cl::desc("Maximum number of split partitions"));
     40   static cl::opt<bool> MemRefsFixed("hsdr-no-mem", cl::Hidden, cl::init(true),
     41       cl::desc("Do not split loads or stores"));
     43   class HexagonSplitDoubleRegs : public MachineFunctionPass {
     44   public:
     45     static char ID;
     46     HexagonSplitDoubleRegs() : MachineFunctionPass(ID), TRI(nullptr),
     47         TII(nullptr) {
     48       initializeHexagonSplitDoubleRegsPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
     49     }
     50     const char *getPassName() const override {
     51       return "Hexagon Split Double Registers";
     52     }
     53     void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
     54       AU.addRequired<MachineLoopInfo>();
     55       AU.addPreserved<MachineLoopInfo>();
     56       MachineFunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
     57     }
     58     bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) override;
     60   private:
     61     static const TargetRegisterClass *const DoubleRC;
     63     const HexagonRegisterInfo *TRI;
     64     const HexagonInstrInfo *TII;
     65     const MachineLoopInfo *MLI;
     66     MachineRegisterInfo *MRI;
     68     typedef std::set<unsigned> USet;
     69     typedef std::map<unsigned,USet> UUSetMap;
     70     typedef std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> UUPair;
     71     typedef std::map<unsigned,UUPair> UUPairMap;
     72     typedef std::map<const MachineLoop*,USet> LoopRegMap;
     74     bool isInduction(unsigned Reg, LoopRegMap &IRM) const;
     75     bool isVolatileInstr(const MachineInstr *MI) const;
     76     bool isFixedInstr(const MachineInstr *MI) const;
     77     void partitionRegisters(UUSetMap &P2Rs);
     78     int32_t profit(const MachineInstr *MI) const;
     79     bool isProfitable(const USet &Part, LoopRegMap &IRM) const;
     81     void collectIndRegsForLoop(const MachineLoop *L, USet &Rs);
     82     void collectIndRegs(LoopRegMap &IRM);
     84     void createHalfInstr(unsigned Opc, MachineInstr *MI,
     85         const UUPairMap &PairMap, unsigned SubR);
     86     void splitMemRef(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     87     void splitImmediate(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     88     void splitCombine(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     89     void splitExt(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     90     void splitShift(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     91     void splitAslOr(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     92     bool splitInstr(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     93     void replaceSubregUses(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     94     void collapseRegPairs(MachineInstr *MI, const UUPairMap &PairMap);
     95     bool splitPartition(const USet &Part);
     97     static int Counter;
     98     static void dump_partition(raw_ostream&, const USet&,
     99        const TargetRegisterInfo&);
    100   };
    101   char HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::ID;
    102   int HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::Counter = 0;
    103   const TargetRegisterClass *const HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::DoubleRC
    104       = &Hexagon::DoubleRegsRegClass;
    105 }
    107 INITIALIZE_PASS(HexagonSplitDoubleRegs, "hexagon-split-double",
    108   "Hexagon Split Double Registers", false, false)
    111 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::dump_partition(raw_ostream &os,
    112       const USet &Part, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI) {
    113   dbgs() << '{';
    114   for (auto I : Part)
    115     dbgs() << ' ' << PrintReg(I, &TRI);
    116   dbgs() << " }";
    117 }
    120 bool HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::isInduction(unsigned Reg, LoopRegMap &IRM) const {
    121   for (auto I : IRM) {
    122     const USet &Rs = I.second;
    123     if (Rs.find(Reg) != Rs.end())
    124       return true;
    125   }
    126   return false;
    127 }
    130 bool HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::isVolatileInstr(const MachineInstr *MI) const {
    131   for (auto &I : MI->memoperands())
    132     if (I->isVolatile())
    133       return true;
    134   return false;
    135 }
    138 bool HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::isFixedInstr(const MachineInstr *MI) const {
    139   if (MI->mayLoad() || MI->mayStore())
    140     if (MemRefsFixed || isVolatileInstr(MI))
    141       return true;
    142   if (MI->isDebugValue())
    143     return false;
    145   unsigned Opc = MI->getOpcode();
    146   switch (Opc) {
    147     default:
    148       return true;
    150     case TargetOpcode::PHI:
    151     case TargetOpcode::COPY:
    152       break;
    154     case Hexagon::L2_loadrd_io:
    155       // Not handling stack stores (only reg-based addresses).
    156       if (MI->getOperand(1).isReg())
    157         break;
    158       return true;
    159     case Hexagon::S2_storerd_io:
    160       // Not handling stack stores (only reg-based addresses).
    161       if (MI->getOperand(0).isReg())
    162         break;
    163       return true;
    164     case Hexagon::L2_loadrd_pi:
    165     case Hexagon::S2_storerd_pi:
    167     case Hexagon::A2_tfrpi:
    168     case Hexagon::A2_combineii:
    169     case Hexagon::A4_combineir:
    170     case Hexagon::A4_combineii:
    171     case Hexagon::A4_combineri:
    172     case Hexagon::A2_combinew:
    173     case Hexagon::CONST64_Int_Real:
    175     case Hexagon::A2_sxtw:
    177     case Hexagon::A2_andp:
    178     case Hexagon::A2_orp:
    179     case Hexagon::A2_xorp:
    180     case Hexagon::S2_asl_i_p_or:
    181     case Hexagon::S2_asl_i_p:
    182     case Hexagon::S2_asr_i_p:
    183     case Hexagon::S2_lsr_i_p:
    184       break;
    185   }
    187   for (auto &Op : MI->operands()) {
    188     if (!Op.isReg())
    189       continue;
    190     unsigned R = Op.getReg();
    191     if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(R))
    192       return true;
    193   }
    194   return false;
    195 }
    198 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::partitionRegisters(UUSetMap &P2Rs) {
    199   typedef std::map<unsigned,unsigned> UUMap;
    200   typedef std::vector<unsigned> UVect;
    202   unsigned NumRegs = MRI->getNumVirtRegs();
    203   BitVector DoubleRegs(NumRegs);
    204   for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumRegs; ++i) {
    205     unsigned R = TargetRegisterInfo::index2VirtReg(i);
    206     if (MRI->getRegClass(R) == DoubleRC)
    207       DoubleRegs.set(i);
    208   }
    210   BitVector FixedRegs(NumRegs);
    211   for (int x = DoubleRegs.find_first(); x >= 0; x = DoubleRegs.find_next(x)) {
    212     unsigned R = TargetRegisterInfo::index2VirtReg(x);
    213     MachineInstr *DefI = MRI->getVRegDef(R);
    214     // In some cases a register may exist, but never be defined or used.
    215     // It should never appear anywhere, but mark it as "fixed", just to be
    216     // safe.
    217     if (!DefI || isFixedInstr(DefI))
    218       FixedRegs.set(x);
    219   }
    221   UUSetMap AssocMap;
    222   for (int x = DoubleRegs.find_first(); x >= 0; x = DoubleRegs.find_next(x)) {
    223     if (FixedRegs[x])
    224       continue;
    225     unsigned R = TargetRegisterInfo::index2VirtReg(x);
    226     DEBUG(dbgs() << PrintReg(R, TRI) << " ~~");
    227     USet &Asc = AssocMap[R];
    228     for (auto U = MRI->use_nodbg_begin(R), Z = MRI->use_nodbg_end();
    229          U != Z; ++U) {
    230       MachineOperand &Op = *U;
    231       MachineInstr *UseI = Op.getParent();
    232       if (isFixedInstr(UseI))
    233         continue;
    234       for (unsigned i = 0, n = UseI->getNumOperands(); i < n; ++i) {
    235         MachineOperand &MO = UseI->getOperand(i);
    236         // Skip non-registers or registers with subregisters.
    237         if (&MO == &Op || !MO.isReg() || MO.getSubReg())
    238           continue;
    239         unsigned T = MO.getReg();
    240         if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(T)) {
    241           FixedRegs.set(x);
    242           continue;
    243         }
    244         if (MRI->getRegClass(T) != DoubleRC)
    245           continue;
    246         unsigned u = TargetRegisterInfo::virtReg2Index(T);
    247         if (FixedRegs[u])
    248           continue;
    249         DEBUG(dbgs() << ' ' << PrintReg(T, TRI));
    250         Asc.insert(T);
    251         // Make it symmetric.
    252         AssocMap[T].insert(R);
    253       }
    254     }
    255     DEBUG(dbgs() << '\n');
    256   }
    258   UUMap R2P;
    259   unsigned NextP = 1;
    260   USet Visited;
    261   for (int x = DoubleRegs.find_first(); x >= 0; x = DoubleRegs.find_next(x)) {
    262     unsigned R = TargetRegisterInfo::index2VirtReg(x);
    263     if (Visited.count(R))
    264       continue;
    265     // Create a new partition for R.
    266     unsigned ThisP = FixedRegs[x] ? 0 : NextP++;
    267     UVect WorkQ;
    268     WorkQ.push_back(R);
    269     for (unsigned i = 0; i < WorkQ.size(); ++i) {
    270       unsigned T = WorkQ[i];
    271       if (Visited.count(T))
    272         continue;
    273       R2P[T] = ThisP;
    274       Visited.insert(T);
    275       // Add all registers associated with T.
    276       USet &Asc = AssocMap[T];
    277       for (USet::iterator J = Asc.begin(), F = Asc.end(); J != F; ++J)
    278         WorkQ.push_back(*J);
    279     }
    280   }
    282   for (auto I : R2P)
    283     P2Rs[I.second].insert(I.first);
    284 }
    287 static inline int32_t profitImm(unsigned Lo, unsigned Hi) {
    288   int32_t P = 0;
    289   bool LoZ1 = false, HiZ1 = false;
    290   if (Lo == 0 || Lo == 0xFFFFFFFF)
    291     P += 10, LoZ1 = true;
    292   if (Hi == 0 || Hi == 0xFFFFFFFF)
    293     P += 10, HiZ1 = true;
    294   if (!LoZ1 && !HiZ1 && Lo == Hi)
    295     P += 3;
    296   return P;
    297 }
    300 int32_t HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::profit(const MachineInstr *MI) const {
    301   unsigned ImmX = 0;
    302   unsigned Opc = MI->getOpcode();
    303   switch (Opc) {
    304     case TargetOpcode::PHI:
    305       for (const auto &Op : MI->operands())
    306         if (!Op.getSubReg())
    307           return 0;
    308       return 10;
    309     case TargetOpcode::COPY:
    310       if (MI->getOperand(1).getSubReg() != 0)
    311         return 10;
    312       return 0;
    314     case Hexagon::L2_loadrd_io:
    315     case Hexagon::S2_storerd_io:
    316       return -1;
    317     case Hexagon::L2_loadrd_pi:
    318     case Hexagon::S2_storerd_pi:
    319       return 2;
    321     case Hexagon::A2_tfrpi:
    322     case Hexagon::CONST64_Int_Real: {
    323       uint64_t D = MI->getOperand(1).getImm();
    324       unsigned Lo = D & 0xFFFFFFFFULL;
    325       unsigned Hi = D >> 32;
    326       return profitImm(Lo, Hi);
    327     }
    328     case Hexagon::A2_combineii:
    329     case Hexagon::A4_combineii:
    330       return profitImm(MI->getOperand(1).getImm(),
    331                        MI->getOperand(2).getImm());
    332     case Hexagon::A4_combineri:
    333       ImmX++;
    334     case Hexagon::A4_combineir: {
    335       ImmX++;
    336       int64_t V = MI->getOperand(ImmX).getImm();
    337       if (V == 0 || V == -1)
    338         return 10;
    339       // Fall through into A2_combinew.
    340     }
    341     case Hexagon::A2_combinew:
    342       return 2;
    344     case Hexagon::A2_sxtw:
    345       return 3;
    347     case Hexagon::A2_andp:
    348     case Hexagon::A2_orp:
    349     case Hexagon::A2_xorp:
    350       return 1;
    352     case Hexagon::S2_asl_i_p_or: {
    353       unsigned S = MI->getOperand(3).getImm();
    354       if (S == 0 || S == 32)
    355         return 10;
    356       return -1;
    357     }
    358     case Hexagon::S2_asl_i_p:
    359     case Hexagon::S2_asr_i_p:
    360     case Hexagon::S2_lsr_i_p:
    361       unsigned S = MI->getOperand(2).getImm();
    362       if (S == 0 || S == 32)
    363         return 10;
    364       if (S == 16)
    365         return 5;
    366       if (S == 48)
    367         return 7;
    368       return -10;
    369   }
    371   return 0;
    372 }
    375 bool HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::isProfitable(const USet &Part, LoopRegMap &IRM)
    376       const {
    377   unsigned FixedNum = 0, SplitNum = 0, LoopPhiNum = 0;
    378   int32_t TotalP = 0;
    380   for (unsigned DR : Part) {
    381     MachineInstr *DefI = MRI->getVRegDef(DR);
    382     int32_t P = profit(DefI);
    383     if (P == INT_MIN)
    384       return false;
    385     TotalP += P;
    386     // Reduce the profitability of splitting induction registers.
    387     if (isInduction(DR, IRM))
    388       TotalP -= 30;
    390     for (auto U = MRI->use_nodbg_begin(DR), W = MRI->use_nodbg_end();
    391          U != W; ++U) {
    392       MachineInstr *UseI = U->getParent();
    393       if (isFixedInstr(UseI)) {
    394         FixedNum++;
    395         // Calculate the cost of generating REG_SEQUENCE instructions.
    396         for (auto &Op : UseI->operands()) {
    397           if (Op.isReg() && Part.count(Op.getReg()))
    398             if (Op.getSubReg())
    399               TotalP -= 2;
    400         }
    401         continue;
    402       }
    403       // If a register from this partition is used in a fixed instruction,
    404       // and there is also a register in this partition that is used in
    405       // a loop phi node, then decrease the splitting profit as this can
    406       // confuse the modulo scheduler.
    407       if (UseI->isPHI()) {
    408         const MachineBasicBlock *PB = UseI->getParent();
    409         const MachineLoop *L = MLI->getLoopFor(PB);
    410         if (L && L->getHeader() == PB)
    411           LoopPhiNum++;
    412       }
    413       // Splittable instruction.
    414       SplitNum++;
    415       int32_t P = profit(UseI);
    416       if (P == INT_MIN)
    417         return false;
    418       TotalP += P;
    419     }
    420   }
    422   if (FixedNum > 0 && LoopPhiNum > 0)
    423     TotalP -= 20*LoopPhiNum;
    425   DEBUG(dbgs() << "Partition profit: " << TotalP << '\n');
    426   return TotalP > 0;
    427 }
    430 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::collectIndRegsForLoop(const MachineLoop *L,
    431       USet &Rs) {
    432   const MachineBasicBlock *HB = L->getHeader();
    433   const MachineBasicBlock *LB = L->getLoopLatch();
    434   if (!HB || !LB)
    435     return;
    437   // Examine the latch branch. Expect it to be a conditional branch to
    438   // the header (either "br-cond header" or "br-cond exit; br header").
    439   MachineBasicBlock *TB = 0, *FB = 0;
    440   MachineBasicBlock *TmpLB = const_cast<MachineBasicBlock*>(LB);
    441   SmallVector<MachineOperand,2> Cond;
    442   bool BadLB = TII->analyzeBranch(*TmpLB, TB, FB, Cond, false);
    443   // Only analyzable conditional branches. HII::AnalyzeBranch will put
    444   // the branch opcode as the first element of Cond, and the predicate
    445   // operand as the second.
    446   if (BadLB || Cond.size() != 2)
    447     return;
    448   // Only simple jump-conditional (with or without negation).
    449   if (!TII->PredOpcodeHasJMP_c(Cond[0].getImm()))
    450     return;
    451   // Must go to the header.
    452   if (TB != HB && FB != HB)
    453     return;
    454   assert(Cond[1].isReg() && "Unexpected Cond vector from AnalyzeBranch");
    455   // Expect a predicate register.
    456   unsigned PR = Cond[1].getReg();
    457   assert(MRI->getRegClass(PR) == &Hexagon::PredRegsRegClass);
    459   // Get the registers on which the loop controlling compare instruction
    460   // depends.
    461   unsigned CmpR1 = 0, CmpR2 = 0;
    462   const MachineInstr *CmpI = MRI->getVRegDef(PR);
    463   while (CmpI->getOpcode() == Hexagon::C2_not)
    464     CmpI = MRI->getVRegDef(CmpI->getOperand(1).getReg());
    466   int Mask = 0, Val = 0;
    467   bool OkCI = TII->analyzeCompare(*CmpI, CmpR1, CmpR2, Mask, Val);
    468   if (!OkCI)
    469     return;
    470   // Eliminate non-double input registers.
    471   if (CmpR1 && MRI->getRegClass(CmpR1) != DoubleRC)
    472     CmpR1 = 0;
    473   if (CmpR2 && MRI->getRegClass(CmpR2) != DoubleRC)
    474     CmpR2 = 0;
    475   if (!CmpR1 && !CmpR2)
    476     return;
    478   // Now examine the top of the loop: the phi nodes that could poten-
    479   // tially define loop induction registers. The registers defined by
    480   // such a phi node would be used in a 64-bit add, which then would
    481   // be used in the loop compare instruction.
    483   // Get the set of all double registers defined by phi nodes in the
    484   // loop header.
    485   typedef std::vector<unsigned> UVect;
    486   UVect DP;
    487   for (auto &MI : *HB) {
    488     if (!MI.isPHI())
    489       break;
    490     const MachineOperand &MD = MI.getOperand(0);
    491     unsigned R = MD.getReg();
    492     if (MRI->getRegClass(R) == DoubleRC)
    493       DP.push_back(R);
    494   }
    495   if (DP.empty())
    496     return;
    498   auto NoIndOp = [this, CmpR1, CmpR2] (unsigned R) -> bool {
    499     for (auto I = MRI->use_nodbg_begin(R), E = MRI->use_nodbg_end();
    500          I != E; ++I) {
    501       const MachineInstr *UseI = I->getParent();
    502       if (UseI->getOpcode() != Hexagon::A2_addp)
    503         continue;
    504       // Get the output from the add. If it is one of the inputs to the
    505       // loop-controlling compare instruction, then R is likely an induc-
    506       // tion register.
    507       unsigned T = UseI->getOperand(0).getReg();
    508       if (T == CmpR1 || T == CmpR2)
    509         return false;
    510     }
    511     return true;
    512   };
    513   UVect::iterator End = std::remove_if(DP.begin(), DP.end(), NoIndOp);
    514   Rs.insert(DP.begin(), End);
    515   Rs.insert(CmpR1);
    516   Rs.insert(CmpR2);
    518   DEBUG({
    519     dbgs() << "For loop at BB#" << HB->getNumber() << " ind regs: ";
    520     dump_partition(dbgs(), Rs, *TRI);
    521     dbgs() << '\n';
    522   });
    523 }
    526 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::collectIndRegs(LoopRegMap &IRM) {
    527   typedef std::vector<MachineLoop*> LoopVector;
    528   LoopVector WorkQ;
    530   for (auto I : *MLI)
    531     WorkQ.push_back(I);
    532   for (unsigned i = 0; i < WorkQ.size(); ++i) {
    533     for (auto I : *WorkQ[i])
    534       WorkQ.push_back(I);
    535   }
    537   USet Rs;
    538   for (unsigned i = 0, n = WorkQ.size(); i < n; ++i) {
    539     MachineLoop *L = WorkQ[i];
    540     Rs.clear();
    541     collectIndRegsForLoop(L, Rs);
    542     if (!Rs.empty())
    543       IRM.insert(std::make_pair(L, Rs));
    544   }
    545 }
    548 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::createHalfInstr(unsigned Opc, MachineInstr *MI,
    549       const UUPairMap &PairMap, unsigned SubR) {
    550   MachineBasicBlock &B = *MI->getParent();
    551   DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
    552   MachineInstr *NewI = BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Opc));
    554   for (auto &Op : MI->operands()) {
    555     if (!Op.isReg()) {
    556       NewI->addOperand(Op);
    557       continue;
    558     }
    559     // For register operands, set the subregister.
    560     unsigned R = Op.getReg();
    561     unsigned SR = Op.getSubReg();
    562     bool isVirtReg = TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(R);
    563     bool isKill = Op.isKill();
    564     if (isVirtReg && MRI->getRegClass(R) == DoubleRC) {
    565       isKill = false;
    566       UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(R);
    567       if (F == PairMap.end()) {
    568         SR = SubR;
    569       } else {
    570         const UUPair &P = F->second;
    571         R = (SubR == Hexagon::subreg_loreg) ? P.first : P.second;
    572         SR = 0;
    573       }
    574     }
    575     auto CO = MachineOperand::CreateReg(R, Op.isDef(), Op.isImplicit(), isKill,
    576           Op.isDead(), Op.isUndef(), Op.isEarlyClobber(), SR, Op.isDebug(),
    577           Op.isInternalRead());
    578     NewI->addOperand(CO);
    579   }
    580 }
    583 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::splitMemRef(MachineInstr *MI,
    584       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
    585   bool Load = MI->mayLoad();
    586   unsigned OrigOpc = MI->getOpcode();
    587   bool PostInc = (OrigOpc == Hexagon::L2_loadrd_pi ||
    588                   OrigOpc == Hexagon::S2_storerd_pi);
    589   MachineInstr *LowI, *HighI;
    590   MachineBasicBlock &B = *MI->getParent();
    591   DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
    593   // Index of the base-address-register operand.
    594   unsigned AdrX = PostInc ? (Load ? 2 : 1)
    595                           : (Load ? 1 : 0);
    596   MachineOperand &AdrOp = MI->getOperand(AdrX);
    597   unsigned RSA = getRegState(AdrOp);
    598   MachineOperand &ValOp = Load ? MI->getOperand(0)
    599                                : (PostInc ? MI->getOperand(3)
    600                                           : MI->getOperand(2));
    601   UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(ValOp.getReg());
    602   assert(F != PairMap.end());
    604   if (Load) {
    605     const UUPair &P = F->second;
    606     int64_t Off = PostInc ? 0 : MI->getOperand(2).getImm();
    607     LowI = BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::L2_loadri_io), P.first)
    608              .addReg(AdrOp.getReg(), RSA & ~RegState::Kill, AdrOp.getSubReg())
    609              .addImm(Off);
    610     HighI = BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::L2_loadri_io), P.second)
    611               .addReg(AdrOp.getReg(), RSA & ~RegState::Kill, AdrOp.getSubReg())
    612               .addImm(Off+4);
    613   } else {
    614     const UUPair &P = F->second;
    615     int64_t Off = PostInc ? 0 : MI->getOperand(1).getImm();
    616     LowI = BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::S2_storeri_io))
    617              .addReg(AdrOp.getReg(), RSA & ~RegState::Kill, AdrOp.getSubReg())
    618              .addImm(Off)
    619              .addReg(P.first);
    620     HighI = BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::S2_storeri_io))
    621               .addReg(AdrOp.getReg(), RSA & ~RegState::Kill, AdrOp.getSubReg())
    622               .addImm(Off+4)
    623               .addReg(P.second);
    624   }
    626   if (PostInc) {
    627     // Create the increment of the address register.
    628     int64_t Inc = Load ? MI->getOperand(3).getImm()
    629                        : MI->getOperand(2).getImm();
    630     MachineOperand &UpdOp = Load ? MI->getOperand(1) : MI->getOperand(0);
    631     const TargetRegisterClass *RC = MRI->getRegClass(UpdOp.getReg());
    632     unsigned NewR = MRI->createVirtualRegister(RC);
    633     assert(!UpdOp.getSubReg() && "Def operand with subreg");
    634     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::A2_addi), NewR)
    635       .addReg(AdrOp.getReg(), RSA)
    636       .addImm(Inc);
    637     MRI->replaceRegWith(UpdOp.getReg(), NewR);
    638     // The original instruction will be deleted later.
    639   }
    641   // Generate a new pair of memory-operands.
    642   MachineFunction &MF = *B.getParent();
    643   for (auto &MO : MI->memoperands()) {
    644     const MachinePointerInfo &Ptr = MO->getPointerInfo();
    645     unsigned F = MO->getFlags();
    646     int A = MO->getAlignment();
    648     auto *Tmp1 = MF.getMachineMemOperand(Ptr, F, 4/*size*/, A);
    649     LowI->addMemOperand(MF, Tmp1);
    650     auto *Tmp2 = MF.getMachineMemOperand(Ptr, F, 4/*size*/, std::min(A, 4));
    651     HighI->addMemOperand(MF, Tmp2);
    652   }
    653 }
    656 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::splitImmediate(MachineInstr *MI,
    657       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
    658   MachineOperand &Op0 = MI->getOperand(0);
    659   MachineOperand &Op1 = MI->getOperand(1);
    660   assert(Op0.isReg() && Op1.isImm());
    661   uint64_t V = Op1.getImm();
    663   MachineBasicBlock &B = *MI->getParent();
    664   DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
    665   UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(Op0.getReg());
    666   assert(F != PairMap.end());
    667   const UUPair &P = F->second;
    669   // The operand to A2_tfrsi can only have 32 significant bits. Immediate
    670   // values in MachineOperand are stored as 64-bit integers, and so the
    671   // value -1 may be represented either as 64-bit -1, or 4294967295. Both
    672   // will have the 32 higher bits truncated in the end, but -1 will remain
    673   // as -1, while the latter may appear to be a large unsigned value
    674   // requiring a constant extender. The casting to int32_t will select the
    675   // former representation. (The same reasoning applies to all 32-bit
    676   // values.)
    677   BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::A2_tfrsi), P.first)
    678     .addImm(int32_t(V & 0xFFFFFFFFULL));
    679   BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::A2_tfrsi), P.second)
    680     .addImm(int32_t(V >> 32));
    681 }
    684 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::splitCombine(MachineInstr *MI,
    685       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
    686   MachineOperand &Op0 = MI->getOperand(0);
    687   MachineOperand &Op1 = MI->getOperand(1);
    688   MachineOperand &Op2 = MI->getOperand(2);
    689   assert(Op0.isReg());
    691   MachineBasicBlock &B = *MI->getParent();
    692   DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
    693   UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(Op0.getReg());
    694   assert(F != PairMap.end());
    695   const UUPair &P = F->second;
    697   if (Op1.isImm()) {
    698     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::A2_tfrsi), P.second)
    699       .addImm(Op1.getImm());
    700   } else if (Op1.isReg()) {
    701     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), P.second)
    702       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), getRegState(Op1), Op1.getSubReg());
    703   } else
    704     llvm_unreachable("Unexpected operand");
    706   if (Op2.isImm()) {
    707     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::A2_tfrsi), P.first)
    708       .addImm(Op2.getImm());
    709   } else if (Op2.isReg()) {
    710     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), P.first)
    711       .addReg(Op2.getReg(), getRegState(Op2), Op2.getSubReg());
    712   } else
    713     llvm_unreachable("Unexpected operand");
    714 }
    717 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::splitExt(MachineInstr *MI,
    718       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
    719   MachineOperand &Op0 = MI->getOperand(0);
    720   MachineOperand &Op1 = MI->getOperand(1);
    721   assert(Op0.isReg() && Op1.isReg());
    723   MachineBasicBlock &B = *MI->getParent();
    724   DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
    725   UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(Op0.getReg());
    726   assert(F != PairMap.end());
    727   const UUPair &P = F->second;
    728   unsigned RS = getRegState(Op1);
    730   BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), P.first)
    731     .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, Op1.getSubReg());
    732   BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(Hexagon::S2_asr_i_r), P.second)
    733     .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS, Op1.getSubReg())
    734     .addImm(31);
    735 }
    738 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::splitShift(MachineInstr *MI,
    739       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
    740   MachineOperand &Op0 = MI->getOperand(0);
    741   MachineOperand &Op1 = MI->getOperand(1);
    742   MachineOperand &Op2 = MI->getOperand(2);
    743   assert(Op0.isReg() && Op1.isReg() && Op2.isImm());
    744   int64_t Sh64 = Op2.getImm();
    745   assert(Sh64 >= 0 && Sh64 < 64);
    746   unsigned S = Sh64;
    748   UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(Op0.getReg());
    749   assert(F != PairMap.end());
    750   const UUPair &P = F->second;
    751   unsigned LoR = P.first;
    752   unsigned HiR = P.second;
    753   using namespace Hexagon;
    755   unsigned Opc = MI->getOpcode();
    756   bool Right = (Opc == S2_lsr_i_p || Opc == S2_asr_i_p);
    757   bool Left = !Right;
    758   bool Signed = (Opc == S2_asr_i_p);
    760   MachineBasicBlock &B = *MI->getParent();
    761   DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
    762   unsigned RS = getRegState(Op1);
    763   unsigned ShiftOpc = Left ? S2_asl_i_r
    764                            : (Signed ? S2_asr_i_r : S2_lsr_i_r);
    765   unsigned LoSR = subreg_loreg;
    766   unsigned HiSR = subreg_hireg;
    768   if (S == 0) {
    769     // No shift, subregister copy.
    770     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), LoR)
    771       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR);
    772     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), HiR)
    773       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS, HiSR);
    774   } else if (S < 32) {
    775     const TargetRegisterClass *IntRC = &IntRegsRegClass;
    776     unsigned TmpR = MRI->createVirtualRegister(IntRC);
    777     // Expansion:
    778     // Shift left:    DR = shl R, #s
    779     //   LoR  = shl R.lo, #s
    780     //   TmpR = extractu R.lo, #s, #32-s
    781     //   HiR  = or (TmpR, asl(R.hi, #s))
    782     // Shift right:   DR = shr R, #s
    783     //   HiR  = shr R.hi, #s
    784     //   TmpR = shr R.lo, #s
    785     //   LoR  = insert TmpR, R.hi, #s, #32-s
    787     // Shift left:
    788     //   LoR  = shl R.lo, #s
    789     // Shift right:
    790     //   TmpR = shr R.lo, #s
    792     // Make a special case for A2_aslh and A2_asrh (they are predicable as
    793     // opposed to S2_asl_i_r/S2_asr_i_r).
    794     if (S == 16 && Left)
    795       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_aslh), LoR)
    796         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR);
    797     else if (S == 16 && Signed)
    798       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_asrh), TmpR)
    799         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR);
    800     else
    801       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(ShiftOpc), (Left ? LoR : TmpR))
    802         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR)
    803         .addImm(S);
    805     if (Left) {
    806       // TmpR = extractu R.lo, #s, #32-s
    807       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_extractu), TmpR)
    808         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR)
    809         .addImm(S)
    810         .addImm(32-S);
    811       // HiR  = or (TmpR, asl(R.hi, #s))
    812       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_asl_i_r_or), HiR)
    813         .addReg(TmpR)
    814         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS, HiSR)
    815         .addImm(S);
    816     } else {
    817       // HiR  = shr R.hi, #s
    818       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(ShiftOpc), HiR)
    819         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, HiSR)
    820         .addImm(S);
    821       // LoR  = insert TmpR, R.hi, #s, #32-s
    822       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_insert), LoR)
    823         .addReg(TmpR)
    824         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS, HiSR)
    825         .addImm(S)
    826         .addImm(32-S);
    827     }
    828   } else if (S == 32) {
    829     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), (Left ? HiR : LoR))
    830       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, (Left ? LoSR : HiSR));
    831     if (!Signed)
    832       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_tfrsi), (Left ? LoR : HiR))
    833         .addImm(0);
    834     else  // Must be right shift.
    835       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_asr_i_r), HiR)
    836         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS, HiSR)
    837         .addImm(31);
    838   } else if (S < 64) {
    839     S -= 32;
    840     if (S == 16 && Left)
    841       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_aslh), HiR)
    842         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR);
    843     else if (S == 16 && Signed)
    844       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_asrh), LoR)
    845         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, HiSR);
    846     else
    847       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(ShiftOpc), (Left ? HiR : LoR))
    848         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS & ~RegState::Kill, (Left ? LoSR : HiSR))
    849         .addImm(S);
    851     if (Signed)
    852       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_asr_i_r), HiR)
    853         .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS, HiSR)
    854         .addImm(31);
    855     else
    856       BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_tfrsi), (Left ? LoR : HiR))
    857         .addImm(0);
    858   }
    859 }
    862 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::splitAslOr(MachineInstr *MI,
    863       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
    864   MachineOperand &Op0 = MI->getOperand(0);
    865   MachineOperand &Op1 = MI->getOperand(1);
    866   MachineOperand &Op2 = MI->getOperand(2);
    867   MachineOperand &Op3 = MI->getOperand(3);
    868   assert(Op0.isReg() && Op1.isReg() && Op2.isReg() && Op3.isImm());
    869   int64_t Sh64 = Op3.getImm();
    870   assert(Sh64 >= 0 && Sh64 < 64);
    871   unsigned S = Sh64;
    873   UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(Op0.getReg());
    874   assert(F != PairMap.end());
    875   const UUPair &P = F->second;
    876   unsigned LoR = P.first;
    877   unsigned HiR = P.second;
    878   using namespace Hexagon;
    880   MachineBasicBlock &B = *MI->getParent();
    881   DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
    882   unsigned RS1 = getRegState(Op1);
    883   unsigned RS2 = getRegState(Op2);
    884   const TargetRegisterClass *IntRC = &IntRegsRegClass;
    886   unsigned LoSR = subreg_loreg;
    887   unsigned HiSR = subreg_hireg;
    889   // Op0 = S2_asl_i_p_or Op1, Op2, Op3
    890   // means:  Op0 = or (Op1, asl(Op2, Op3))
    892   // Expansion of
    893   //   DR = or (R1, asl(R2, #s))
    894   //
    895   //   LoR  = or (R1.lo, asl(R2.lo, #s))
    896   //   Tmp1 = extractu R2.lo, #s, #32-s
    897   //   Tmp2 = or R1.hi, Tmp1
    898   //   HiR  = or (Tmp2, asl(R2.hi, #s))
    900   if (S == 0) {
    901     // DR  = or (R1, asl(R2, #0))
    902     //    -> or (R1, R2)
    903     // i.e. LoR = or R1.lo, R2.lo
    904     //      HiR = or R1.hi, R2.hi
    905     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_or), LoR)
    906       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS1 & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR)
    907       .addReg(Op2.getReg(), RS2 & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR);
    908     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_or), HiR)
    909       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS1, HiSR)
    910       .addReg(Op2.getReg(), RS2, HiSR);
    911   } else if (S < 32) {
    912     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_asl_i_r_or), LoR)
    913       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS1 & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR)
    914       .addReg(Op2.getReg(), RS2 & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR)
    915       .addImm(S);
    916     unsigned TmpR1 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(IntRC);
    917     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_extractu), TmpR1)
    918       .addReg(Op2.getReg(), RS2 & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR)
    919       .addImm(S)
    920       .addImm(32-S);
    921     unsigned TmpR2 = MRI->createVirtualRegister(IntRC);
    922     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_or), TmpR2)
    923       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS1, HiSR)
    924       .addReg(TmpR1);
    925     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_asl_i_r_or), HiR)
    926       .addReg(TmpR2)
    927       .addReg(Op2.getReg(), RS2, HiSR)
    928       .addImm(S);
    929   } else if (S == 32) {
    930     // DR  = or (R1, asl(R2, #32))
    931     //    -> or R1, R2.lo
    932     // LoR = R1.lo
    933     // HiR = or R1.hi, R2.lo
    934     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), LoR)
    935       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS1 & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR);
    936     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(A2_or), HiR)
    937       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS1, HiSR)
    938       .addReg(Op2.getReg(), RS2, LoSR);
    939   } else if (S < 64) {
    940     // DR  = or (R1, asl(R2, #s))
    941     //
    942     // LoR = R1:lo
    943     // HiR = or (R1:hi, asl(R2:lo, #s-32))
    944     S -= 32;
    945     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), LoR)
    946       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS1 & ~RegState::Kill, LoSR);
    947     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(S2_asl_i_r_or), HiR)
    948       .addReg(Op1.getReg(), RS1, HiSR)
    949       .addReg(Op2.getReg(), RS2, LoSR)
    950       .addImm(S);
    951   }
    952 }
    955 bool HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::splitInstr(MachineInstr *MI,
    956       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
    957   DEBUG(dbgs() << "Splitting: " << *MI);
    958   bool Split = false;
    959   unsigned Opc = MI->getOpcode();
    960   using namespace Hexagon;
    962   switch (Opc) {
    963     case TargetOpcode::PHI:
    964     case TargetOpcode::COPY: {
    965       unsigned DstR = MI->getOperand(0).getReg();
    966       if (MRI->getRegClass(DstR) == DoubleRC) {
    967         createHalfInstr(Opc, MI, PairMap, subreg_loreg);
    968         createHalfInstr(Opc, MI, PairMap, subreg_hireg);
    969         Split = true;
    970       }
    971       break;
    972     }
    973     case A2_andp:
    974       createHalfInstr(A2_and, MI, PairMap, subreg_loreg);
    975       createHalfInstr(A2_and, MI, PairMap, subreg_hireg);
    976       Split = true;
    977       break;
    978     case A2_orp:
    979       createHalfInstr(A2_or, MI, PairMap, subreg_loreg);
    980       createHalfInstr(A2_or, MI, PairMap, subreg_hireg);
    981       Split = true;
    982       break;
    983     case A2_xorp:
    984       createHalfInstr(A2_xor, MI, PairMap, subreg_loreg);
    985       createHalfInstr(A2_xor, MI, PairMap, subreg_hireg);
    986       Split = true;
    987       break;
    989     case L2_loadrd_io:
    990     case L2_loadrd_pi:
    991     case S2_storerd_io:
    992     case S2_storerd_pi:
    993       splitMemRef(MI, PairMap);
    994       Split = true;
    995       break;
    997     case A2_tfrpi:
    998     case CONST64_Int_Real:
    999       splitImmediate(MI, PairMap);
   1000       Split = true;
   1001       break;
   1003     case A2_combineii:
   1004     case A4_combineir:
   1005     case A4_combineii:
   1006     case A4_combineri:
   1007     case A2_combinew:
   1008       splitCombine(MI, PairMap);
   1009       Split = true;
   1010       break;
   1012     case A2_sxtw:
   1013       splitExt(MI, PairMap);
   1014       Split = true;
   1015       break;
   1017     case S2_asl_i_p:
   1018     case S2_asr_i_p:
   1019     case S2_lsr_i_p:
   1020       splitShift(MI, PairMap);
   1021       Split = true;
   1022       break;
   1024     case S2_asl_i_p_or:
   1025       splitAslOr(MI, PairMap);
   1026       Split = true;
   1027       break;
   1029     default:
   1030       llvm_unreachable("Instruction not splitable");
   1031       return false;
   1032   }
   1034   return Split;
   1035 }
   1038 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::replaceSubregUses(MachineInstr *MI,
   1039       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
   1040   for (auto &Op : MI->operands()) {
   1041     if (!Op.isReg() || !Op.isUse() || !Op.getSubReg())
   1042       continue;
   1043     unsigned R = Op.getReg();
   1044     UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(R);
   1045     if (F == PairMap.end())
   1046       continue;
   1047     const UUPair &P = F->second;
   1048     switch (Op.getSubReg()) {
   1049       case Hexagon::subreg_loreg:
   1050         Op.setReg(P.first);
   1051         break;
   1052       case Hexagon::subreg_hireg:
   1053         Op.setReg(P.second);
   1054         break;
   1055     }
   1056     Op.setSubReg(0);
   1057   }
   1058 }
   1061 void HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::collapseRegPairs(MachineInstr *MI,
   1062       const UUPairMap &PairMap) {
   1063   MachineBasicBlock &B = *MI->getParent();
   1064   DebugLoc DL = MI->getDebugLoc();
   1066   for (auto &Op : MI->operands()) {
   1067     if (!Op.isReg() || !Op.isUse())
   1068       continue;
   1069     unsigned R = Op.getReg();
   1070     if (!TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(R))
   1071       continue;
   1072     if (MRI->getRegClass(R) != DoubleRC || Op.getSubReg())
   1073       continue;
   1074     UUPairMap::const_iterator F = PairMap.find(R);
   1075     if (F == PairMap.end())
   1076       continue;
   1077     const UUPair &Pr = F->second;
   1078     unsigned NewDR = MRI->createVirtualRegister(DoubleRC);
   1079     BuildMI(B, MI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::REG_SEQUENCE), NewDR)
   1080       .addReg(Pr.first)
   1081       .addImm(Hexagon::subreg_loreg)
   1082       .addReg(Pr.second)
   1083       .addImm(Hexagon::subreg_hireg);
   1084     Op.setReg(NewDR);
   1085   }
   1086 }
   1089 bool HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::splitPartition(const USet &Part) {
   1090   const TargetRegisterClass *IntRC = &Hexagon::IntRegsRegClass;
   1091   typedef std::set<MachineInstr*> MISet;
   1092   bool Changed = false;
   1094   DEBUG(dbgs() << "Splitting partition: "; dump_partition(dbgs(), Part, *TRI);
   1095         dbgs() << '\n');
   1097   UUPairMap PairMap;
   1099   MISet SplitIns;
   1100   for (unsigned DR : Part) {
   1101     MachineInstr *DefI = MRI->getVRegDef(DR);
   1102     SplitIns.insert(DefI);
   1104     // Collect all instructions, including fixed ones.  We won't split them,
   1105     // but we need to visit them again to insert the REG_SEQUENCE instructions.
   1106     for (auto U = MRI->use_nodbg_begin(DR), W = MRI->use_nodbg_end();
   1107          U != W; ++U)
   1108       SplitIns.insert(U->getParent());
   1110     unsigned LoR = MRI->createVirtualRegister(IntRC);
   1111     unsigned HiR = MRI->createVirtualRegister(IntRC);
   1112     DEBUG(dbgs() << "Created mapping: " << PrintReg(DR, TRI) << " -> "
   1113                  << PrintReg(HiR, TRI) << ':' << PrintReg(LoR, TRI) << '\n');
   1114     PairMap.insert(std::make_pair(DR, UUPair(LoR, HiR)));
   1115   }
   1117   MISet Erase;
   1118   for (auto MI : SplitIns) {
   1119     if (isFixedInstr(MI)) {
   1120       collapseRegPairs(MI, PairMap);
   1121     } else {
   1122       bool Done = splitInstr(MI, PairMap);
   1123       if (Done)
   1124         Erase.insert(MI);
   1125       Changed |= Done;
   1126     }
   1127   }
   1129   for (unsigned DR : Part) {
   1130     // Before erasing "double" instructions, revisit all uses of the double
   1131     // registers in this partition, and replace all uses of them with subre-
   1132     // gisters, with the corresponding single registers.
   1133     MISet Uses;
   1134     for (auto U = MRI->use_nodbg_begin(DR), W = MRI->use_nodbg_end();
   1135          U != W; ++U)
   1136       Uses.insert(U->getParent());
   1137     for (auto M : Uses)
   1138       replaceSubregUses(M, PairMap);
   1139   }
   1141   for (auto MI : Erase) {
   1142     MachineBasicBlock *B = MI->getParent();
   1143     B->erase(MI);
   1144   }
   1146   return Changed;
   1147 }
   1150 bool HexagonSplitDoubleRegs::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &MF) {
   1151   DEBUG(dbgs() << "Splitting double registers in function: "
   1152         << MF.getName() << '\n');
   1154   if (skipFunction(*MF.getFunction()))
   1155     return false;
   1157   auto &ST = MF.getSubtarget<HexagonSubtarget>();
   1158   TRI = ST.getRegisterInfo();
   1159   TII = ST.getInstrInfo();
   1160   MRI = &MF.getRegInfo();
   1161   MLI = &getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>();
   1163   UUSetMap P2Rs;
   1164   LoopRegMap IRM;
   1166   collectIndRegs(IRM);
   1167   partitionRegisters(P2Rs);
   1169   DEBUG({
   1170     dbgs() << "Register partitioning: (partition #0 is fixed)\n";
   1171     for (UUSetMap::iterator I = P2Rs.begin(), E = P2Rs.end(); I != E; ++I) {
   1172       dbgs() << '#' << I->first << " -> ";
   1173       dump_partition(dbgs(), I->second, *TRI);
   1174       dbgs() << '\n';
   1175     }
   1176   });
   1178   bool Changed = false;
   1179   int Limit = MaxHSDR;
   1181   for (UUSetMap::iterator I = P2Rs.begin(), E = P2Rs.end(); I != E; ++I) {
   1182     if (I->first == 0)
   1183       continue;
   1184     if (Limit >= 0 && Counter >= Limit)
   1185       break;
   1186     USet &Part = I->second;
   1187     DEBUG(dbgs() << "Calculating profit for partition #" << I->first << '\n');
   1188     if (!isProfitable(Part, IRM))
   1189       continue;
   1190     Counter++;
   1191     Changed |= splitPartition(Part);
   1192   }
   1194   return Changed;
   1195 }
   1197 FunctionPass *llvm::createHexagonSplitDoubleRegs() {
   1198   return new HexagonSplitDoubleRegs();
   1199 }