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      1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
      2  * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 3.0 Module
      3  * -------------------------------------------------
      4  *
      5  * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      6  *
      7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     10  *
     11  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     12  *
     13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     17  * limitations under the License.
     18  *
     19  *//*!
     20  * \file
     21  * \brief Texture wrap mode tests.
     22  *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
     24 #include "es3fTextureWrapTests.hpp"
     25 #include "glsTextureTestUtil.hpp"
     26 #include "gluTexture.hpp"
     27 #include "gluStrUtil.hpp"
     28 #include "gluTextureUtil.hpp"
     29 #include "gluPixelTransfer.hpp"
     30 #include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
     31 #include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp"
     32 #include "tcuCompressedTexture.hpp"
     33 #include "tcuVectorUtil.hpp"
     34 #include "tcuTexLookupVerifier.hpp"
     35 #include "deRandom.hpp"
     36 #include "deStringUtil.hpp"
     37 #include "deMemory.h"
     39 #include "glwEnums.hpp"
     40 #include "glwFunctions.hpp"
     42 namespace deqp
     43 {
     44 namespace gles3
     45 {
     46 namespace Functional
     47 {
     49 using tcu::TestLog;
     50 using tcu::CompressedTexture;
     51 using tcu::CompressedTexFormat;
     52 using std::vector;
     53 using std::string;
     54 using tcu::Sampler;
     55 using namespace glu;
     56 using namespace gls::TextureTestUtil;
     57 using namespace glu::TextureTestUtil;
     59 //! Checks whether any ASTC version (LDR, HDR, full) is supported.
     60 static inline bool isASTCSupported (const glu::ContextInfo& contextInfo)
     61 {
     62 	const vector<string>& extensions = contextInfo.getExtensions();
     64 	for (int extNdx = 0; extNdx < (int)extensions.size(); extNdx++)
     65 	{
     66 		const string& ext = extensions[extNdx];
     68 		if (ext == "GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr" ||
     69 			ext == "GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_hdr" ||
     70 			ext == "GL_OES_texture_compression_astc")
     71 			return true;
     72 	}
     74 	return false;
     75 }
     77 enum
     78 {
     79 	VIEWPORT_WIDTH		= 256,
     80 	VIEWPORT_HEIGHT		= 256
     81 };
     83 class TextureWrapCase : public tcu::TestCase
     84 {
     85 public:
     86 									TextureWrapCase			(tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, const glu::ContextInfo& ctxInfo, const char* name, const char* description, deUint32 format, deUint32 dataType, deUint32 wrapS, deUint32 wrapT, deUint32 minFilter, deUint32 magFilter, int width, int height);
     87 									TextureWrapCase			(tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, const glu::ContextInfo& ctxInfo, const char* name, const char* description, deUint32 wrapS, deUint32 wrapT, deUint32 minFilter, deUint32 magFilter, const std::vector<std::string>& filenames);
     88 									TextureWrapCase			(tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, const glu::ContextInfo& ctxInfo, const char* name, const char* description, CompressedTexFormat compressedFormat, deUint32 wrapS, deUint32 wrapT, deUint32 minFilter, deUint32 magFilter, int width, int height);
     89 									~TextureWrapCase		(void);
     91 	void							init					(void);
     92 	void							deinit					(void);
     93 	IterateResult					iterate					(void);
     95 private:
     96 									TextureWrapCase			(const TextureWrapCase& other);
     97 	TextureWrapCase&				operator=				(const TextureWrapCase& other);
     99 	struct Case
    100 	{
    101 		tcu::Vec2 bottomLeft;
    102 		tcu::Vec2 topRight;
    104 		Case (void) {}
    105 		Case (const tcu::Vec2& bl, const tcu::Vec2& tr) : bottomLeft(bl), topRight(tr) {}
    106 	};
    108 	glu::RenderContext&				m_renderCtx;
    109 	const glu::ContextInfo&			m_renderCtxInfo;
    111 	const deUint32					m_format;
    112 	const deUint32					m_dataType;
    113 	const CompressedTexFormat		m_compressedFormat;
    114 	const deUint32					m_wrapS;
    115 	const deUint32					m_wrapT;
    116 	const deUint32					m_minFilter;
    117 	const deUint32					m_magFilter;
    119 	int								m_width;
    120 	int								m_height;
    121 	const std::vector<std::string>	m_filenames;
    123 	vector<Case>					m_cases;
    124 	int								m_caseNdx;
    126 	glu::Texture2D*					m_texture;
    127 	TextureRenderer					m_renderer;
    128 };
    130 TextureWrapCase::TextureWrapCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, const glu::ContextInfo& ctxInfo, const char* name, const char* description, deUint32 format, deUint32 dataType, deUint32 wrapS, deUint32 wrapT, deUint32 minFilter, deUint32 magFilter, int width, int height)
    131 	: TestCase				(testCtx, name, description)
    132 	, m_renderCtx			(renderCtx)
    133 	, m_renderCtxInfo		(ctxInfo)
    134 	, m_format				(format)
    135 	, m_dataType			(dataType)
    136 	, m_compressedFormat	(tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_LAST)
    137 	, m_wrapS				(wrapS)
    138 	, m_wrapT				(wrapT)
    139 	, m_minFilter			(minFilter)
    140 	, m_magFilter			(magFilter)
    141 	, m_width				(width)
    142 	, m_height				(height)
    143 	, m_caseNdx				(0)
    144 	, m_texture				(DE_NULL)
    145 	, m_renderer			(renderCtx, testCtx.getLog(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_300_ES, glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
    146 {
    147 }
    149 TextureWrapCase::TextureWrapCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, const glu::ContextInfo& ctxInfo, const char* name, const char* description, deUint32 wrapS, deUint32 wrapT, deUint32 minFilter, deUint32 magFilter, const std::vector<std::string>& filenames)
    150 	: TestCase				(testCtx, name, description)
    151 	, m_renderCtx			(renderCtx)
    152 	, m_renderCtxInfo		(ctxInfo)
    153 	, m_format				(GL_NONE)
    154 	, m_dataType			(GL_NONE)
    155 	, m_compressedFormat	(tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_LAST)
    156 	, m_wrapS				(wrapS)
    157 	, m_wrapT				(wrapT)
    158 	, m_minFilter			(minFilter)
    159 	, m_magFilter			(magFilter)
    160 	, m_width				(0)
    161 	, m_height				(0)
    162 	, m_filenames			(filenames)
    163 	, m_caseNdx				(0)
    164 	, m_texture				(DE_NULL)
    165 	, m_renderer			(renderCtx, testCtx.getLog(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_300_ES, glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
    166 {
    167 }
    169 TextureWrapCase::TextureWrapCase (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, const glu::ContextInfo& ctxInfo, const char* name, const char* description, CompressedTexFormat compressedFormat, deUint32 wrapS, deUint32 wrapT, deUint32 minFilter, deUint32 magFilter, int width, int height)
    170 	: TestCase				(testCtx, name, description)
    171 	, m_renderCtx			(renderCtx)
    172 	, m_renderCtxInfo		(ctxInfo)
    173 	, m_format				(GL_NONE)
    174 	, m_dataType			(GL_NONE)
    175 	, m_compressedFormat	(compressedFormat)
    176 	, m_wrapS				(wrapS)
    177 	, m_wrapT				(wrapT)
    178 	, m_minFilter			(minFilter)
    179 	, m_magFilter			(magFilter)
    180 	, m_width				(width)
    181 	, m_height				(height)
    182 	, m_caseNdx				(0)
    183 	, m_texture				(DE_NULL)
    184 	, m_renderer			(renderCtx, testCtx.getLog(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_300_ES, glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP)
    185 {
    186 }
    189 TextureWrapCase::~TextureWrapCase (void)
    190 {
    191 	deinit();
    192 }
    194 void TextureWrapCase::init (void)
    195 {
    196 	// Load or generate texture.
    198 	if (!m_filenames.empty())
    199 	{
    200 		// Load compressed texture from file.
    202 		DE_ASSERT(m_width == 0 && m_height == 0 && m_format == GL_NONE && m_dataType == GL_NONE);
    204 		m_texture	= glu::Texture2D::create(m_renderCtx, m_renderCtxInfo, m_testCtx.getArchive(), (int)m_filenames.size(), m_filenames);
    205 		m_width		= m_texture->getRefTexture().getWidth();
    206 		m_height	= m_texture->getRefTexture().getHeight();
    207 	}
    208 	else if (m_compressedFormat != tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_LAST)
    209 	{
    210 		// Generate compressed texture.
    212 		DE_ASSERT(m_format == GL_NONE && m_dataType == GL_NONE);
    214 		if (tcu::isEtcFormat(m_compressedFormat))
    215 		{
    216 			// Create ETC texture. Any content is valid.
    218 			tcu::CompressedTexture	compressedTexture	(m_compressedFormat, m_width, m_height);
    219 			const int				dataSize			= compressedTexture.getDataSize();
    220 			deUint8* const			data				= (deUint8*)compressedTexture.getData();
    221 			de::Random				rnd					(deStringHash(getName()));
    223 			for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++)
    224 				data[i] = rnd.getUint32() & 0xff;
    226 			m_texture = new glu::Texture2D(m_renderCtx, m_renderCtxInfo, 1, &compressedTexture);
    227 		}
    228 		else if (tcu::isAstcFormat(m_compressedFormat))
    229 		{
    230 			// Create ASTC texture by picking from a set of pre-generated blocks.
    232 			static const int		BLOCK_SIZE				= 16;
    233 			static const deUint8	blocks[][BLOCK_SIZE]	=
    234 			{
    235 				// \note All of the following blocks are valid in LDR mode.
    236 				{ 252,	253,	255,	255,	255,	255,	255,	255,	8,		71,		90,		78,		22,		17,		26,		66,		},
    237 				{ 252,	253,	255,	255,	255,	255,	255,	255,	220,	74,		139,	235,	249,	6,		145,	125		},
    238 				{ 252,	253,	255,	255,	255,	255,	255,	255,	223,	251,	28,		206,	54,		251,	160,	174		},
    239 				{ 252,	253,	255,	255,	255,	255,	255,	255,	39,		4,		153,	219,	180,	61,		51,		37		},
    240 				{ 67,	2,		0,		254,	1,		0,		64,		215,	83,		211,	159,	105,	41,		140,	50,		2		},
    241 				{ 67,	130,	0,		170,	84,		255,	65,		215,	83,		211,	159,	105,	41,		140,	50,		2		},
    242 				{ 67,	2,		129,	38,		51,		229,	95,		215,	83,		211,	159,	105,	41,		140,	50,		2		},
    243 				{ 67,	130,	193,	56,		213,	144,	95,		215,	83,		211,	159,	105,	41,		140,	50,		2		}
    244 			};
    246 			if (!isASTCSupported(m_renderCtxInfo)) // \note Any level of ASTC support is enough, since we're only using LDR blocks.
    247 				throw tcu::NotSupportedError("ASTC not supported");
    249 			tcu::CompressedTexture	compressedTexture	(m_compressedFormat, m_width, m_height);
    250 			const int				dataSize			= compressedTexture.getDataSize();
    251 			deUint8* const			data				= (deUint8*)compressedTexture.getData();
    252 			de::Random				rnd					(deStringHash(getName()));
    253 			DE_ASSERT(dataSize % BLOCK_SIZE == 0);
    255 			for (int i = 0; i < dataSize/BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
    256 				deMemcpy(&data[i*BLOCK_SIZE], &blocks[rnd.getInt(0, DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(blocks)-1)][0], BLOCK_SIZE);
    258 			// \note All blocks are valid LDR blocks so ASTCMODE_* doesn't change anything
    259 			m_texture = new glu::Texture2D(m_renderCtx, m_renderCtxInfo, 1, &compressedTexture, tcu::TexDecompressionParams(tcu::TexDecompressionParams::ASTCMODE_LDR));
    260 		}
    261 		else
    262 			DE_ASSERT(false);
    263 	}
    264 	else
    265 	{
    266 		m_texture = new Texture2D(m_renderCtx, m_format, m_dataType, m_width, m_height);
    268 		// Fill level 0.
    269 		m_texture->getRefTexture().allocLevel(0);
    270 		tcu::fillWithComponentGradients(m_texture->getRefTexture().getLevel(0), tcu::Vec4(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f, 2.0f), tcu::Vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
    272 		m_texture->upload();
    273 	}
    275 	// Sub-cases.
    277 	m_cases.push_back(Case(tcu::Vec2(-1.5f, -3.0f), tcu::Vec2(1.5f, 2.5f)));
    278 	m_cases.push_back(Case(tcu::Vec2(-0.5f, 0.75f), tcu::Vec2(0.25f, 1.25f)));
    279 	DE_ASSERT(m_caseNdx == 0);
    281 	// Initialize to success, set to failure later if needed.
    283 	m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
    284 }
    286 void TextureWrapCase::deinit (void)
    287 {
    288 	delete m_texture;
    289 	m_texture = DE_NULL;
    291 	m_renderer.clear();
    292 }
    294 TextureWrapCase::IterateResult TextureWrapCase::iterate (void)
    295 {
    296 	const glw::Functions&			gl								= m_renderCtx.getFunctions();
    297 	TestLog&						log								= m_testCtx.getLog();
    298 	const RandomViewport			viewport						(m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget(), VIEWPORT_WIDTH, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT, deStringHash(getName()) + m_caseNdx);
    299 	tcu::Surface					renderedFrame					(viewport.width, viewport.height);
    300 	ReferenceParams					refParams						(TEXTURETYPE_2D);
    301 	const tcu::TextureFormat		texFormat						= m_texture->getRefTexture().getFormat();
    302 	vector<float>					texCoord;
    303 	const tcu::TextureFormatInfo	texFormatInfo					= tcu::getTextureFormatInfo(texFormat);
    304 	// \note For non-sRGB ASTC formats, the values are fp16 in range [0..1], not the range assumed given by tcu::getTextureFormatInfo().
    305 	const bool						useDefaultColorScaleAndBias		= !tcu::isAstcFormat(m_compressedFormat) || tcu::isAstcSRGBFormat(m_compressedFormat);
    307 	// Bind to unit 0.
    308 	gl.activeTexture(GL_TEXTURE0);
    309 	gl.bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture->getGLTexture());
    311 	// Setup filtering and wrap modes.
    312 	gl.texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,		m_wrapS);
    313 	gl.texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,		m_wrapT);
    314 	gl.texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,	m_minFilter);
    315 	gl.texParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,	m_magFilter);
    317 	GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Set texturing state");
    319 	// Parameters for reference images.
    320 	refParams.sampler		= mapGLSampler(m_wrapS, m_wrapT, m_minFilter, m_magFilter);
    321 	refParams.lodMode		= LODMODE_EXACT;
    322 	refParams.samplerType	= getSamplerType(m_texture->getRefTexture().getFormat());
    323 	refParams.colorScale	= useDefaultColorScaleAndBias ? texFormatInfo.lookupScale	: tcu::Vec4(1.0f);
    324 	refParams.colorBias		= useDefaultColorScaleAndBias ? texFormatInfo.lookupBias	: tcu::Vec4(0.0f);
    326 	gl.viewport(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height);
    327 	computeQuadTexCoord2D(texCoord, m_cases[m_caseNdx].bottomLeft, m_cases[m_caseNdx].topRight);
    328 	m_renderer.renderQuad(0, &texCoord[0], refParams);
    329 	glu::readPixels(m_renderCtx, viewport.x, viewport.y, renderedFrame.getAccess());
    331 	{
    332 		const tcu::ScopedLogSection		section			(log, string("Test") + de::toString(m_caseNdx), string("Test ") + de::toString(m_caseNdx));
    333 		const bool						isNearestOnly	= m_minFilter == GL_NEAREST && m_magFilter == GL_NEAREST;
    334 		const bool						isSRGB			= tcu::isSRGB(texFormat);
    335 		const tcu::PixelFormat			pixelFormat		= m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat();
    336 		const tcu::IVec4				colorBits		= tcu::max(getBitsVec(pixelFormat) - (isNearestOnly && !isSRGB ? 1 : 2), tcu::IVec4(0));
    337 		tcu::LodPrecision				lodPrecision;
    338 		tcu::LookupPrecision			lookupPrecision;
    340 		lodPrecision.derivateBits		= 18;
    341 		lodPrecision.lodBits			= 5;
    342 		lookupPrecision.colorThreshold	= tcu::computeFixedPointThreshold(colorBits) / refParams.colorScale;
    343 		lookupPrecision.coordBits		= tcu::IVec3(20,20,0);
    344 		lookupPrecision.uvwBits			= tcu::IVec3(5,5,0);
    345 		lookupPrecision.colorMask		= getCompareMask(pixelFormat);
    347 		log << TestLog::Message << "Note: lookup coordinates: bottom-left " << m_cases[m_caseNdx].bottomLeft << ", top-right " << m_cases[m_caseNdx].topRight << TestLog::EndMessage;
    349 		const bool isOk = verifyTextureResult(m_testCtx, renderedFrame.getAccess(), m_texture->getRefTexture(),
    350 											  &texCoord[0], refParams, lookupPrecision, lodPrecision, pixelFormat);
    352 		if (!isOk)
    353 			m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Image verification failed");
    354 	}
    356 	m_caseNdx++;
    357 	return m_caseNdx < (int)m_cases.size() ? CONTINUE : STOP;
    358 }
    360 TextureWrapTests::TextureWrapTests (Context& context)
    361 	: TestCaseGroup(context, "wrap", "Wrap Mode Tests")
    362 {
    363 }
    365 TextureWrapTests::~TextureWrapTests (void)
    366 {
    367 }
    369 void TextureWrapTests::init (void)
    370 {
    371 	static const struct
    372 	{
    373 		const char*		name;
    374 		deUint32		mode;
    375 	} wrapModes[] =
    376 	{
    377 		{ "clamp",		GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE },
    378 		{ "repeat",		GL_REPEAT },
    379 		{ "mirror",		GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT }
    380 	};
    382 	static const struct
    383 	{
    384 		const char*		name;
    385 		deUint32		mode;
    386 	} filteringModes[] =
    387 	{
    388 		{ "nearest",	GL_NEAREST },
    389 		{ "linear",		GL_LINEAR }
    390 	};
    392 #define FOR_EACH(ITERATOR, ARRAY, BODY)	\
    393 	for (int (ITERATOR) = 0; (ITERATOR) < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(ARRAY); (ITERATOR)++)	\
    394 		BODY
    396 	// RGBA8 cases.
    397 	{
    398 		static const struct
    399 		{
    400 			const char*		name;
    401 			int				width;
    402 			int				height;
    403 		} rgba8Sizes[] =
    404 		{
    405 			{ "pot",		64, 128 },
    406 			{ "npot",		63, 112 }
    407 		};
    409 		{
    410 			TestCaseGroup* const rgba8Group = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "rgba8", "");
    411 			addChild(rgba8Group);
    413 			FOR_EACH(size,		rgba8Sizes,
    414 			FOR_EACH(wrapS,		wrapModes,
    415 			FOR_EACH(wrapT,		wrapModes,
    416 			FOR_EACH(filter,	filteringModes,
    417 				{
    418 					const string name = string("") + wrapModes[wrapS].name + "_" + wrapModes[wrapT].name + "_" + filteringModes[filter].name + "_" + rgba8Sizes[size].name;
    419 					rgba8Group->addChild(new TextureWrapCase(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), name.c_str(), "",
    420 															 GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
    421 															 wrapModes[wrapS].mode,
    422 															 wrapModes[wrapT].mode,
    423 															 filteringModes[filter].mode, filteringModes[filter].mode,
    424 															 rgba8Sizes[size].width, rgba8Sizes[size].height));
    426 				}))));
    427 		}
    428 	}
    430 	// ETC1 cases.
    431 	{
    432 		TestCaseGroup* const etc1Group = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "etc1", "");
    433 		addChild(etc1Group);
    435 		// Power-of-two ETC1 texture
    436 		std::vector<std::string> potFilenames;
    437 		potFilenames.push_back("data/etc1/photo_helsinki_mip_0.pkm");
    439 		FOR_EACH(wrapS,		wrapModes,
    440 		FOR_EACH(wrapT,		wrapModes,
    441 		FOR_EACH(filter,	filteringModes,
    442 			{
    443 				const string name = string("") + wrapModes[wrapS].name + "_" + wrapModes[wrapT].name + "_" + filteringModes[filter].name + "_pot";
    444 				etc1Group->addChild(new TextureWrapCase(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), name.c_str(), "",
    445 														wrapModes[wrapS].mode,
    446 														wrapModes[wrapT].mode,
    447 														filteringModes[filter].mode, filteringModes[filter].mode,
    448 														potFilenames));
    450 			})));
    452 		std::vector<std::string> npotFilenames;
    453 		npotFilenames.push_back("data/etc1/photo_helsinki_113x89.pkm");
    455 		// NPOT ETC1 texture
    456 		FOR_EACH(wrapS,		wrapModes,
    457 		FOR_EACH(wrapT,		wrapModes,
    458 		FOR_EACH(filter,	filteringModes,
    459 			{
    460 				const string name = string("") + wrapModes[wrapS].name + "_" + wrapModes[wrapT].name + "_" + filteringModes[filter].name + "_npot";
    461 				etc1Group->addChild(new TextureWrapCase(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), name.c_str(), "",
    462 														wrapModes[wrapS].mode,
    463 														wrapModes[wrapT].mode,
    464 														filteringModes[filter].mode, filteringModes[filter].mode,
    465 														npotFilenames));
    466 			})));
    467 	}
    469 	// ETC-2 (and EAC) cases.
    470 	{
    471 		static const struct
    472 		{
    473 			const char*			name;
    474 			CompressedTexFormat	format;
    475 		} etc2Formats[] =
    476 		{
    477 			{ "eac_r11",							tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_EAC_R11,							},
    478 			{ "eac_signed_r11",						tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_EAC_SIGNED_R11,					},
    479 			{ "eac_rg11",							tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_EAC_RG11,							},
    480 			{ "eac_signed_rg11",					tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_EAC_SIGNED_RG11,					},
    481 			{ "etc2_rgb8",							tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_ETC2_RGB8,							},
    482 			{ "etc2_srgb8",							tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_ETC2_SRGB8,						},
    483 			{ "etc2_rgb8_punchthrough_alpha1",		tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_ETC2_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1,		},
    484 			{ "etc2_srgb8_punchthrough_alpha1",		tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_ETC2_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1,	},
    485 			{ "etc2_eac_rgba8",						tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_ETC2_EAC_RGBA8,					},
    486 			{ "etc2_eac_srgb8_alpha8",				tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_ETC2_EAC_SRGB8_ALPHA8,				}
    487 		};
    489 		static const struct
    490 		{
    491 			const char*		name;
    492 			int				width;
    493 			int				height;
    494 		} etc2Sizes[] =
    495 		{
    496 			{ "pot",	64,		128	},
    497 			{ "npot",	123,	107	}
    498 		};
    500 		for (int formatNdx = 0; formatNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(etc2Formats); formatNdx++)
    501 		{
    502 			TestCaseGroup* const formatGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, etc2Formats[formatNdx].name, "");
    503 			addChild(formatGroup);
    505 			FOR_EACH(size,		etc2Sizes,
    506 			FOR_EACH(wrapS,		wrapModes,
    507 			FOR_EACH(wrapT,		wrapModes,
    508 			FOR_EACH(filter,	filteringModes,
    509 				{
    510 					const string name = string("") + wrapModes[wrapS].name + "_" + wrapModes[wrapT].name + "_" + filteringModes[filter].name + "_" + etc2Sizes[size].name;
    511 					formatGroup->addChild(new TextureWrapCase(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), name.c_str(), "",
    512 															  etc2Formats[formatNdx].format,
    513 															  wrapModes[wrapS].mode,
    514 															  wrapModes[wrapT].mode,
    515 															  filteringModes[filter].mode, filteringModes[filter].mode,
    516 															  etc2Sizes[size].width, etc2Sizes[size].height));
    517 				}))));
    518 		}
    519 	}
    521 	// ASTC cases.
    522 	{
    523 		for (int formatI = 0; formatI < tcu::COMPRESSEDTEXFORMAT_LAST; formatI++)
    524 		{
    525 			const CompressedTexFormat format = (CompressedTexFormat)formatI;
    527 			if (!tcu::isAstcFormat(format))
    528 				continue;
    530 			{
    531 				const tcu::IVec3		blockSize		= tcu::getBlockPixelSize(format);
    532 				const string			formatName		= "astc_" + de::toString(blockSize.x()) + "x" + de::toString(blockSize.y()) + (tcu::isAstcSRGBFormat(format) ? "_srgb" : "");
    533 				TestCaseGroup* const	formatGroup		= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, formatName.c_str(), "");
    534 				addChild(formatGroup);
    536 				DE_ASSERT(blockSize.z() == 1);
    538 				// \note This array is NOT static.
    539 				const struct
    540 				{
    541 					const char*		name;
    542 					int				width;
    543 					int				height;
    544 				} formatSizes[] =
    545 				{
    546 					{ "divisible",		blockSize.x()*10,		blockSize.y()*10	},
    547 					{ "not_divisible",	blockSize.x()*10+1,		blockSize.y()*10+1	},
    548 				};
    550 				FOR_EACH(size,		formatSizes,
    551 				FOR_EACH(wrapS,		wrapModes,
    552 				FOR_EACH(wrapT,		wrapModes,
    553 				FOR_EACH(filter,	filteringModes,
    554 					{
    555 						string name = string("") + wrapModes[wrapS].name + "_" + wrapModes[wrapT].name + "_" + filteringModes[filter].name + "_" + formatSizes[size].name;
    556 						formatGroup->addChild(new TextureWrapCase(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), name.c_str(), "",
    557 																  format,
    558 																  wrapModes[wrapS].mode,
    559 																  wrapModes[wrapT].mode,
    560 																  filteringModes[filter].mode, filteringModes[filter].mode,
    561 																  formatSizes[size].width, formatSizes[size].height));
    562 					}))));
    563 			}
    564 		}
    565 	}
    566 }
    568 } // Functional
    569 } // gles3
    570 } // deqp